Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS, also
known as hyperosmotic hyperglycemic nonketotic state [HHNK]) are two of the
most serious acute complications of diabetes. DKA is characterized by
ketoacidosis and hyperglycemia, while HHS usually has more severe
hyperglycemia but no ketoacidosis. Each represents an extreme in the spectrum
of hyperglycemia.
A precipitating event can usually be identified in patients with diabetic
ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS). The most
common events are infection (often pneumonia or urinary tract infection) and
discontinuation of or inadequate insulin therapy. Compromised water intake due
to underlying medical conditions, particularly in older patients, can promote the
development of severe dehydration and HHS.
Other conditions and factors associated with DKA and HHS include:
ONSET: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) usually evolves rapidly, over a 24-hour
period. In contrast, symptoms of hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)
develop more insidiously with polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss, often
persisting for several days before hospital admission.
The earliest symptoms of marked hyperglycemia are polyuria, polydipsia, and
weight loss.
Physical examination
Signs of volume depletion are common in both DKA and HHS and include
decreased skin turgor, dry axillae and oral mucosa,
low jugular venous pressure, tachycardia,
and, if severe, hypotension. Neurologic findings, noted above, also may
be seen, particularly in patients with HHS.
Patients with DKA may have a fruity odor and deep respirations reflecting the
compensatory hyperventilation (called Kussmaul respirations).
Both diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
(HHS) are medical emergencies that require prompt recognition and
Initial evaluation
The initial evaluation of patients with hyperglycemic crises should include
assessment of cardiorespiratory status, volume status, and mental status.
The initial history and rapid but careful physical examination should focus on:
Airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC) status
Mental status
Possible precipitating events (eg, source of infection, myocardial
Volume status
Additional testing, such as cultures of urine, sputum, and blood, serum lipase
and amylase, and chest radiograph should be performed on a caseby-case basis.
Infection (most commonly pneumonia and urinary tract infection) is a common
precipitating event. Thus, cultures should be obtained if there are suggestive
clinical findings. Recognize that infection may exist in the absence of fever in
these patients.
Serum glucose
Classic presentation – The serum glucose concentration may exceed 1000
mg/dL (56 mmol/L) in HHS, but it is generally less than 800 mg/dL (44
mmol/L) and often in the 350 to 500 mg/dL (19.4 to 27.8 mmol/L) range in
Serum ketones
Three ketone bodies are produced and accumulate in DKA:
1. acetoacetic acid, which is the only one that is a true keto-acid;
2. betahydroxybutyric acid (a hydroxyacid formed by the reduction of
acetoacetic acid);
3. and acetone, which is derived from the decarboxylation of acetoacetic
acid. Acetone is a true ketone, not an acid.
Nitroprusside testing
This chemical develops a purple color in the presence of acetoacetic acid (and to
a much lesser degree, acetone). Urine dipstick testing with nitroprusside tablets
or reagent sticks is widely utilized, and results are available within minutes.
Although semiquantitative serum ketone testing with nitroprusside was the
major methodology used for detecting elevated blood ketoacid and acetone
levels for many years, it has now been replaced by direct measurement of serum
beta-hydroxybutyrate levels.
Direct measurement of serum beta-hydroxybutyrate
The serum nitroprusside test for ketone bodies has been largely replaced by
direct assays for beta-hydroxybutyrate. Direct assays for serum beta-
hydroxybutyrate eliminate the problems associated with nitroprusside testing
(eg, false positives and false negatives).
Plasma osmolality
Plasma osmolality (Posm) is always elevated in patients with HHS but less so
with DKA. The typical total body deficits of water and electrolytes in DKA and
HHS are compared in this table.
concentration and others that raise it. The increase in Posm created by
hyperglycemia pulls water out of the cells, and this reduces the plasma Na
Physiologic calculations suggest that, in the absence of urine losses, the serum
Na concentration should fall by approximately 1.6 mEq/L for each 100 mg/100
mL (5.5 mmol/L) increase in glucose concentration
Some patients with uncontrolled diabetes develop marked hyperlipidemia and
have lactescent serum. This can create electrolyte artifacts when certain
analyzers are utilized. Hyperlipidemia will displace water and thereby reduce
the plasma water phase fraction below its normal 93 percent. If any step in the
analysis requires an exact volume of plasma (or serum), then a reduced amount
of water (and electrolyte) will be analyzed. This can result in
"pseudohyponatremia." This artifact occurs with any flame photometric analysis
and most indirect potentiometric or ion selective electrode methods. However,
direct potentiometry analytical methods are generally not susceptible to this
However, hyperlipidemia can also have an opposite artifactual effect on the
chloride concentration when certain chloride analyzers are employed,
generating marked pseudohyperchloremia.
Serum potassium
Patients presenting with DKA or HHS have a potassium deficit that averages
300 to 600 mEq. A number of factors contribute to this deficit, particularly
increased urinary losses due both to the glucose osmotic diuresis and to the
excretion of potassium ketoacid anion salts.
Despite these total body potassium deficits, hypokalemia is observed in only
approximately 5 percent of cases. The serum potassium concentration is usually
normal or, in one-third of patients, elevated on admission. This is due to a shift
of potassium from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid (ECF) caused by
hyperosmolality and insulin deficiency.
Insulin therapy shifts potassium into cells and lowers the potassium
concentration. This may cause severe hypokalemia, particularly in patients who
present with a normal or low serum potassium concentration.
Careful monitoring and timely administration of potassium supplementation are
Serum phosphate
Patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia are typically in negative phosphate
balance because of decreased phosphate intake, an acidosis-related shift of
phosphate into the ECF when metabolic acidosis exists, and phosphaturia
caused by osmotic diuresis.
Despite phosphate depletion, the serum phosphate concentration at presentation
is usually normal or even high because both insulin deficiency and metabolic
acidosis cause a shift of phosphate out of the cells and as a result of ECF
volume contraction.
This transcellular shift is reversed and the true state of phosphate balance is
unmasked after treatment with insulin and volume expansion.
Serum creatinine
Most patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia have acute elevations in the
BUN and serum creatinine concentration, which reflect the reduction in
glomerular filtration rate induced by hypovolemia. High acetoacetate levels can
also artifactually increase serum creatinine levels when certain colorimetric
assays are utilized. However, most laboratories now utilize enzymatic assays,
which are not affected by this artifact.
The majority of patients with hyperglycemic emergencies present with
leukocytosis, which is proportional to the degree of ketonemia. Leukocytosis
unrelated to infection may occur as a result of hypercortisolemia and increased
catecholamine secretion. However, a white blood cell count greater than
25,000/microL or more than 10 percent bands increases suspicion for infection
and should be evaluated.
Patients with DKA or HHS may present with marked hyperlipidemia and
lactescent serum.
Triglycerides fell below 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) in 24 hours with insulin
Lipolysis in DKA, and to a lesser extent in HHS, is due to insulin deficiency,
combined with elevated levels of lipolytic hormones (catecholamines, growth
hormone, corticotropin [ACTH], and glucagon). Lipolysis releases glycerol and
free fatty acids into the circulation. High levels of serum fatty acids cause
insulin resistance at both the peripheral and the hepatic level, and they serve as
the substrate for ketoacid generation in hepatocyte mitochondria.
Insulin is the most potent anti-lipolytic hormone.
Metabolic encephalopathy
Toxic metabolic encephalopathy is usually a consequence of systemic illness,
and its causes are diverse. In patients with diabetes, both severe hypoglycemia
and severe hyperglycemia can result in coma. Measurement of fingerstick
(capillary) or plasma glucose may be diagnostic.
Acute abdomen
Overview and protocols — The treatment of DKA ( algorithm 1) and HHS (
algorithm 2) is similar, including correction of the fluid and electrolyte
abnormalities that are typically present (hyperosmolality, hypovolemia,
metabolic acidosis [in DKA], and potassium depletion) and the administration
of insulin.
DKA algorithm
HHS algorithm
The next step is correction of the potassium deficit (if present). The choice of
fluid replacement should be influenced by the potassium deficit. The osmotic
effect of potassium repletion must be considered since potassium is as
osmotically active as sodium.
Administration of insulin – Low-dose intravenous (IV) insulin should be
administered to all patients with moderate to severe DKA who have a serum
potassium ≥3.3 mEq/L.
N.B. If the serum potassium is less than 3.3 mEq/L, insulin therapy should be
delayed until potassium replacement has begun and the serum potassium
concentration has increased. The delay is necessary because insulin will worsen
the hypokalemia by driving potassium into the cells, and this could trigger
cardiac arrhythmias.
IV regular insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogs are equally effective in
treating DKA.
Fluid replacement
Type of fluid:
In patients with DKA or HHS, we recommend IV electrolyte and fluid
replacement to correct both hypovolemia and hyperosmolality.
Fluid repletion may be initiated with isotonic saline (0.9 percent sodium
chloride [NaCl]) or isotonic buffered crystalloid (eg, Lactated Ringer).
Patients with euglycemic DKA generally require both insulin and glucose to
treat the ketoacidosis and prevent hypoglycemia, respectively, and in such
patients, dextrose is added to IV fluids at the initiation of therapy. For patients
with a more classic presentation of hyperglycemic DKA, we add dextrose to the
saline solution when the serum glucose declines to 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) in
DKA or 250 to 300 mg/dL (13.9 to 16.7 mmol/L) in HHS.
Rate of fluid:
In patients with hypovolemic shock, isotonic saline should initially be infused
as quickly as possible.
After the second or third hour, optimal fluid replacement depends upon the state
of hydration, serum electrolyte levels, and the urine output. The most
appropriate IV fluid composition is determined by the sodium concentration
"corrected" for the degree of hyperglycemia. The "corrected" sodium
concentration can be approximated by adding 2 mEq/L to the plasma sodium
concentration for each 100 mg/100 mL (5.5 mmol/L) increase above normal in
glucose concentration.
N.B. The timing of one-half isotonic saline therapy may also be influenced by the need for
potassium replacement. Potassium salts have an osmotic effect equivalent to sodium salts,
and adding potassium to isotonic fluids generates a hypertonic solution. Thus, significant
potassium replacement may be another indication for the use of one-half isotonic saline.
Potassium replacement
Potassium replacement is initiated immediately if the serum potassium is ≤5.3
mEq/L, provided urine output is adequate (approximately >50 mL/hour).
Almost all patients with DKA or HHS have a substantial potassium deficit,
usually due to urinary losses generated by the glucose osmotic diuresis and
secondary hyperaldosteronism. Despite the total body potassium deficit, the
serum potassium concentration is usually normal or, in approximately one-third
of cases, elevated at presentation. This is largely due to insulin deficiency and
hyperosmolality, each of which cause potassium movement out of the cells:
If the initial serum potassium is below 3.3 mEq/L, insulin should not be
administered until the potassium has been raised above this threshold. IV
potassium chloride (KCl; 20 to 40 mEq/hour, which usually requires 20
to 40 mEq/L added to saline) should be given.
The choice of replacement fluid (isotonic or one-half isotonic saline) depends
the state of hydration
corrected sodium concentration
dose of KCl
blood pressure
and a clinical assessment of overall volume status.
Patients with marked hypokalemia require aggressive potassium replacement
(40 mEq/hour, with additional supplementation based upon hourly serum
potassium measurements) to raise the serum potassium concentration above 3.3
We recommend initiating treatment with low-dose IV insulin in all patients with
moderate to severe DKA or HHS who have a serum potassium ≥3.3 mEq/L.
The only indication for delaying the initiation of insulin therapy is if the serum
potassium is below 3.3 mEq/L since insulin will worsen the hypokalemia by
driving potassium into the cells. Patients with an initial serum potassium below
3.3 mEq/L should receive fluid and potassium replacement prior to treatment
with insulin. Insulin therapy should be delayed until the serum potassium is
≥3.3 mEq/L to avoid complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest,
and respiratory muscle weakness.
IV regular insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogs are equally effective in
treating DKA. The choice of IV insulin is based upon institutional preferences,
clinician experience, and cost concerns. We generally prefer regular insulin,
rather than rapid-acting insulin analogs, due to its much lower cost.
N.B. For acute management of DKA or HHS, there is no role for longor intermediate-acting
insulin; however, long-acting (glargine, detemir) or intermediate-acting (NPH) insulin is
administered after recovery from ketoacidosis, prior to discontinuation of IV insulin, to
ensure adequate insulin levels after IV insulin is discontinued.
In this setting, we do not use degludec or ultra-long-acting U-300 insulin glargine (given
their long halflife) as it will take at least three to four days to reach steady state.
In patients with mild DKA (particularly in patients with mild DKA due to rationed or
missed doses of basal insulin), intermediate- or long-acting insulin can be administered at
the initiation of treatment, along with rapidacting insulin.
However, if the serum glucose does not fall by at least 50 to 70 mg/dL (2.8 to
3.9 mmol/L) from the initial value in the first hour, check the IV access to be
certain that the insulin is being delivered and that no IV line filters that may
bind insulin have been inserted into the line. After these possibilities are
eliminated, the insulin infusion rate should be doubled every hour until a steady
decline in serum glucose of this magnitude is achieved.
The fall in serum glucose is the result of both insulin activity and the beneficial
effects of volume repletion. Volume repletion alone can initially reduce the
serum glucose by 35 to 70 mg/dL (1.9 to 3.9 mmol/L) per hour due to the
combination of ECF expansion; reduction of plasma osmolality; increased
urinary losses resulting from improved renal perfusion and glomerular filtration;
and a reduction in the levels of "stress hormones," which oppose the effects of
insulin. The serum glucose levels often fall more rapidly in patients with HHS
who are typically more volume depleted.
When the serum glucose approaches 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) in DKA or 250
to 300 mg/dL (13.9 to 16.7 mmol/L) in HHS, switch the IV saline solution to 5
percent dextrose in saline and attempt to decrease the insulin infusion rate to
0.02 to 0.05 units/kg per hour.
Intravenous insulin analogs — there is no advantage of rapid-acting or ultra-
rapid-acting insulin analogs over regular insulin. Intravenous regular insulin and
glulisine insulin are equally effective and equipotent for the treatment of DKA
Subcutaneous insulin regimens — Patients with mild DKA can be safely
treated with subcutaneous, rapid-acting insulin analogs on a general medical
floor or in the emergency department but only when adequate staffing is
available to carefully monitor the patient and check capillary blood glucose with
a reliable glucose meter, typically every hour.
Treatment of DKA with subcutaneous insulin has not been evaluated in severely
ill patients.
Bicarbonate and metabolic acidosis
Although the indications for sodium bicarbonate therapy to help correct
metabolic acidosis are controversial, there are selected patients who may benefit
from cautious alkali therapy. They include:
Patients with an arterial pH <6.9 in whom decreased cardiac
contractility and vasodilatation can impair tissue perfusion. At an arterial
pH above 7.0, most experts agree that bicarbonate therapy is not
necessary since therapy with insulin and volume expansion will largely
reverse the metabolic acidosis.
Phosphate depletion
Based upon the observations described below, we do not recommend the
routine use of phosphate replacement in the treatment of DKA or HHS.
However, phosphate replacement should be strongly considered if severe
hypophosphatemia occurs (serum phosphate concentration below 1 mg/dL or
0.32 mmol/L), especially if cardiac dysfunction, hemolytic anemia, and/or
respiratory depression develop. When needed, potassium or sodium phosphate
20 to 30 mEq can be added to 1 L of IV fluid.
The serum glucose should initially be measured every hour until stable.
While serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and
venous pH (for DKA) should be measured every two to four hours,
depending upon disease severity and the clinical response. In-patient
serum glucose measurement should be done with hospital-approved
bedside devices or in the chemistry laboratory and not with continuous
glucose monitoring (CGM) devices.
It is strongly suggested that a flow sheet of laboratory values and clinical
parameters be utilized because it allows better visualization and evaluation of
the clinical picture throughout treatment of DKA:
N.B. Monitoring with arterial blood gases is unnecessary during the treatment
of DKA; venous pH, which is approximately 0.03 units lower than arterial pH,
is adequate to assess the response to therapy and avoids the pain and potential
complications associated with repeated arterial punctures.
Resolution of DKA/HHS
the hyperglycemic crisis is considered to be resolved when the following goals
are reached:
The ketoacidosis has resolved, as evidenced by normalization of the
serum anion gap (less than 12 mEq/L) and, when available, blood
betahydroxybutyrate levels
Patients with HHS are mentally alert and the effective plasma osmolality
has fallen below 315 mOsmol/kg
For patients with known diabetes who were previously being treated with
insulin, their pre-DKA or pre-HHS insulin regimen may be restarted. For
patients who are treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin
pump), the previous basal rate can be resumed. However, if the IV insulin
requirements are significantly higher than their usual insulin requirements, it is
reasonable to increase the basal rate temporarily. For those using partially
automated insulin delivery (hybrid closed-loop) systems, it is also reasonable to
stay in "manual mode" for the first 24 to 48 hours while insulin requirements
3. Cerebral edema
Cerebral edema in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (usually DKA, with only
occasional reports in HHS) is primarily a disease of children, and almost all
affected patients are younger than 20 years old. Symptoms typically emerge
within 12 to 24 hours of the initiation of treatment for DKA but may exist prior
to the onset of therapy. Issues related to cerebral edema in DKA, including
pathogenesis, are discussed in detail separately in the pediatric section but will
be briefly reviewed here.
Data evaluating the outcome and treatment of cerebral edema in adults are not
available. Recommendations for treatment are based upon clinical judgment in
the absence of scientific evidence. Case reports and small series in children
suggest benefit from prompt administration of mannitol (0.25 to 1 g/kg) and
perhaps from hypertonic (3 percent) saline (5 to 10 mL/kg over 30 min). These
interventions raise the plasma osmolality (Posm) and generate an osmotic
movement of water out of brain cells and a reduction in cerebral edema.