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Sample Problem No. 1

- The airplane in the figure weighs 14,000 lb.

- It is flying horizontally at a velocity of 500 M.P.H. (733 ft/sec)
when the pilot pulls it upward into a curved path with a radius of
curvature of 2500 ft.
- Assume the engine thrust and airplane drag equal, opposite
and collinear with each other
Sample Problem No. 1

- Find: -
- (a) Acceleration of airplane in Z direction
- (b) Wing Lift (L) and Tail (T) forces
- (c) Airplane Load factor.
Sample Problem No. 1
Sample Problem No. 2

- The flying patrol boat in the figure makes a water landing with
the resultant bottom water pressure of 250,000 lb. as shown in
the figure.
- Assume lift and tail loads as shown.
- The pitching moment of inertia of the airplane is 10 million lb.
sec.2 in.
- Determine the airplane pitching acceleration.
- What is the total load on the crew member who weighs 200 lb.
and is located in a seat at the rear end of the hull?
Sample Problem No. 2
Sample Problem No. 3

- The jet-plane in Fig. A4.28 is diving at a speed of 600 M.P.H.

when pilot starts a 8g pull-out.
- Weight of airplane is 16,000 lb.
- Assume that engine thrust and total airplane drag are equal,
opposite and collinear.
- (a) Find radius of flight path at start of pull-out.
- (b) Find inertia force in Z direction.
- (c) Find lift L and tail load T.
Sample Problem No. 3

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