SSCI 123 - 5A: SIBOLINAO, John Benedict E

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SIBOLINAO, John Benedict E.

SSCI 123 – 5A


INSTRUCTIONS: (Article Review)

The wide spread of COVID-19 has been a global issue and made a great impact
throughout the world regardless if it’s First and Third World countries. In your project,
your comprehension skills will be measured on how you analyze a certain article. You
could use your Contemporary World book pages 97-103 or references from the Internet
that are credible to support your statement.

1. Read and analyze the article.

2. Write a reaction paper about the article.

3. Follow the format in the reaction paper. The total length of your words should not

more than 50 sentences.

Format of Reaction Paper:

A. Introduction
*State the main problems and ideas on the article.
*It should have three to four sentences.

B. Body
*Write down your thoughts on the main ideas of the article backed
with appropriate quotes and sources you can find in the internet or in your
Contemporary World book.
*Remember to stick to the original article and always get back to it,
while providing your personal thoughts.
*You are free to add theoretical information to support your ideas.

C. Conclusion
*Summarize your ideas.
*Touch on your major point in summary then wrapping everything
by clarifying your opinion.

D. List of Citations
*Include the citation for the sources or references at the end of your
reaction paper. Sources should be credible and scholarly.
Nery, Dr. Imelda C. (2018). Contemporary World. Paranaque, Manila.
Jica Publishing.
For my article review, I will relate it to the situation here in the Philippines.

The devastating effects of the COVID-19 outbreak has left the Philippine
society in shambles. Millions of lives have been put at risk – not only those of the
front liners, but also those of who belong to the marginalized sectors of society.
With the implementation of the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine,
survival has become even more difficult for low-income families. Access to basic
needs and services is now limited, and this makes them more vulnerable by
compromising their immune systems and further exposing themselves to risk.

The working class also faces the same dilemma, most especially those who
are contractual employees or have a “no work, no pay” arrangement. Staying home
is a privilege that most of them do not have. If an employee with a “no work, no
pay” scheme was to stay at home for an entire week, he or she loses an entire
week’s income. An entire week’s worth of food is also lost, and so on and so forth.
To an underprivileged individual, staying home impacts not only themselves, but
the whole community as well.

On a much lighter note, front liners are out there diligently saving lives. To
some, it may just seem like it is their job or a part of their responsibility.
Undeniably, it is the truth. But the least one can do right now is to show
appreciation for them and their efforts. However, when it comes to the government,
it is a different story altogether. Healthcare workers are being encouraged to
volunteer with a measly allowance of PHP 500. They are forgotten when the nation
is being addressed – but when they are remembered, they are told that “it is an
honor to die for one’s country.”

Thankfully, Filipinos have a way of compensating for the administration’s

blatant disregard to this outbreak. Donation drives are being organized and funds
are being raised for front liners’ PPEs and meals, while low-income families and
individuals are being fed and provided with hygiene kits. Businesses and influential
personalities are donating funds to respond to front liners and communities in need.
Much has been said and done, but one can only hope and pray for the best while
doing their part in flattening the curve.


Aquino, L. A. (2020, March 18). [OPINION] Solusyong medikal, hindi

aksyong militar. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3,
2020, from
Nixon, N., Nixon, N., Chittick, S., Faustino, J., Nixon, N., Martin, P., &
Espiritu, R. (2020, March 30). Pivoting to respond to COVID-19: early thoughts
from the Philippines. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
Vera, B. O. de. (2020, April 3). COVID-19 impact: PH economic health
hinges on return of workers, businesses, supply chain, says ADB. Retrieved April
3, 2020, from

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