NSCI 125 - 5A: SIBOLINAO, John Benedict E
NSCI 125 - 5A: SIBOLINAO, John Benedict E
NSCI 125 - 5A: SIBOLINAO, John Benedict E
NSCI 125 – 5A
Hi guys! We had learned so much about the contemporary world. It’s now time for
you to apply the concepts you’ve learned in our current global issue which is the
widespread of COVID-19 throughout the world.
In this assessment task, your knowledge will be measured on how you will relate
what you had learned by analyzing the editorial cartoon. You could use your
Contemporary World book or sources that are credible from the Internet to support
your answer.
3. The total length of your words should not be more than 50 sentences in each editorial
Just recently, it’s been confirmed that the world has undergone a recession. This will
be the constant theme of the whole crisis; money vs health. As the crisis seems to drag on,
the global economy is suffering. But during this troubling time, what is more important are
lives, not money. We can make money again but life, once you lose it, it's gone forever. So
between life and money, we should choose life. Right now, the government should be sure
that if and when we’re going to lift it on April 15, we have already flattened the curve. If not,
there’s no harm in extending the quarantine period. The Philippines is still grappling with the
health crisis.
In any crisis, it is always the poor that are most severely affected. The farmers. The
contractual workers. The jeepney drivers. Those who can’t work from home. Those who
don’t even have homes. Those who only have enough money to get through the day, not
for stocking up on food and medical supplies. Those who can’t afford to self-quarantine or
be admitted into a hospital and risk leaving their families to starve. Those who don’t even
have the means to go to the nearest hospital or health center. What we need are food,
clean water, shelter, and other services for those displaced by the “community
quarantine.” We need a reliable water supply. We need the prices of basic commodities
to be frozen. We need subsidies for the workers who have now been deprived of their
only source of income.