( 4.8,4.9,4.10,4.11,4.12)
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals
with concept of heat and temperature and the inter
conversion of heat and other form of energy
Thermodynamic system
Thermodynamic variables
Thermodynamic processes
Thermodynamic laws
Application of thermodynamics
• Thermal equilibrium :
• Two systems in thermal contact with each other are
thermal equilibrium if they do not transfer heat between
+ ⇒
B c B C B C
• surrounding
• System boundary
Thermodynamic system can be classified on the
basis of the possible transfer of heat and matter
• Heat matter Heat
• Environment (T E)
• Q >0
System T s
• Case – 2 :
• Energy flows from the system
• Environment (T E )
• System (T S) Q< 0
• System (T S)
• Q=0
• (No loss or gain in energy)
• T = 100 o C T =200 o C
• heat supplied to gas
• initial state final state
• burner
• done on or by the system:
• initial state work done on gas final state
• F→ o
T = 100 C T =200 o C
• When the piston is quickly pushed inside gas is
compressed , piston does some work on the system and
the energy of the system is increased , hence the internal
energy increased.
• When the gas pushes the piston outward , work done by
the system , volume increased and energy released .
Hence temperature decrease and the internal energy too
First law of thermodynamics
(relation between work and heat)
• When a quantity of heat is supplied to a system then the
quantity of heat absorbed by the system is equal to the
sum of increase in internal energy of the system and the
external work done by the system.
• Δ Q = heat supplied
• Δ U = change in internal energy
• Δ W = work done
• Case -1:
• When work done is zero (ΔW=0)
• Δ Q = ΔU
• The heat supplied results in increase in internal
energy only.
• Case- 2:
• When system does work and no heat is
• 0 = ΔU + ΔW
• ΔU = - ΔW
• The work done is positive and internal energy is
negative as energy lost to the surrounding.
• Case -3 :
• When heat supplied to the system and work done by
the system
• Δ U =Δ Q - Δ W
• Case – 4 :
• When heat is supplied to the system and work done on
the system
• Δ U =Δ Q + Δ W
• (compression) (expansion )
• Let P = pressure exerted
• A = area of piston
• Force F = P A
• d x = small displacement
• Let the small work done d W = F d x
• dW= PAdx =PdV
• A d x = d V = change in volume
• Total work done
• Vf Vf
• W = ∫ d W =∫ P d V = P ( V f - V i )
Vi Vi
• PV = n RT ⇒ P = n R T / V
Vf Vf Vf
• W = ∫ n R T (d V /V) = n R T ∫ d V /V = n R T [ l n V ]
Vi Vi
• W = n R T [ l n V f - l n V i] = n R T l n ( V f / V i )
W = 2.303 R T log ( V f / V i )
W = 2.303 R T log ( V f / V i )
• For an ideal gas the internal energy depends
upon the temperature.
• As the temperature is constant in isothermal
process Δ U = 0
• Here the heat supplied to the system results in
work done.
• During expansion the work done is positive .
• During compression the work done is negative.
• An isothermal change is very slow change . The
system exchanges heat with its environment
and is in thermal equilibrium through out the
change .
Isobaric process
• It is a constant pressure process.
• Example: Boiling of water at atmospheric pressure.
• The work done is given by W = ∫ P d V
Vf Vf
• W=C∫dV/Vϒ =C∫V dV
Vi Vi
-ϒ+1 1 – ϒ Vf
• W=C[V / ]
• W = C / 1 – ϒ × [ 1/ V f (ϒ-1 ) - 1/ V i (ϒ-1 ) ]
• We know
• PV ϒ = constant
• Or
• P iViϒ=PfVfϒ=C
• W = 1/ 1 – ϒ × [ P f V f / V f (ϒ-1 ) - P i V i / V i (ϒ-1 ) ]
• W = (1 / 1 – ϒ) × ( P f V f – P i V i)
• W = P f V f – P i V i / 1- ϒ
• W = n R ( T f – T i ) / 1- ϒ = n R ( T i – T f ) / ϒ - 1
• When the gas expands Tf < Ti , The work done is
positive . The gas will cool down.
• When the gas is compressed Tf > Ti , The work done is
negative , the gas will warm up.
Cyclic process
• A thermodynamic process that returns a system to its
initial state is a cyclic process.
• In this process the initial and final state are same .
• For a cyclic process the total change in internal energy
of the system is zero. (Δ U = 0 )
• According to 1 s t law of
Free expansion
I. These expansions are adiabatic expansions with no
work done on or by the system.
II. Q = W = 0 and according to First law of
thermodynamics Δ U = 0 .
III. It is an uncontrolled instantaneous change and the
system is not in thermal equilibrium.
IV. A free expansion cannot be plotted on a P – V diagram
, only initial and final state can be plotted .
V. Example : sudden rupture(break) of balloon, sudden
puncture of Tyre .