1. a. Pneumatics is that branch of technology, which deals with the study and application of use
pressurized gas to affect mechanical motion./3marks
b. Is an Air under pressure/2marks
2. a. Advantages/4marks
- Unlimited supply
- Storage
- Easly Transportable
- Clean
- Explosion power
- Controllable (Speed, Force
- Overload safe
- Speed of working elements
b. Disadvantages/2marks
- Cost (Running)
- Preparation
- Noise, pollution
3. Properties of air/2marks
- Colorless
- Compressibility
4. /4marks
- Drilling
- Turning
- Milling
- Sawing
- Finishing
- Forming
- Quality Control
- Clamping
5. a. Absolute Pressure
= 6Kg/Cm2 + 1 Kg/Cm2
= 7Kg/Cm2 (a) = 7 bar (a)/ 2marks
b. Gauge Pressure
= 5 bar(a) – 1 Kg/Cm2
=4 Kg/Cm2 or 4 Pa/2marks
c. Absolute Pressure
= 12 bar(g) + 1 Kg/Cm2
= 13 Kg/Cm2(a) /2marks
6. It’s states that it temperature remains constant the pressure of a confined mass of gas will
vary inversely with its volume. Hence of P.S of the absolute pressure of a gas and volume is its
volume. Then as per boyles’s law
P1 Initial Pressure P2 Final Pressure
V1 Initial Volume V2 Final Volume
PV = Constant
P1V2 = P2V2 = P3V3= ………… …. = PnVn
7. Data given
m = 0.05Kg F = m.g
A = 0.0002 m 2 A
g = 9.81 kgm2 F
F = 0.05 * 9.81 = 0.4905 N P= = (0.05 * 9.81)/ 0.0002 = 2452.5 N/m2
- Air Compressor
- Air Receiver/ Reservoirs
- Air cooler
- Air dryer
- Service unit – Filter, Regulator & Lubrication (FRL Unit)/ 2.5marks
10. It states that the pressure act in any direction has constant value. (State Law)
- Where a container is turned as shown in the diagram. It is possible to transmit Forces. The
Fluid pressure can be described by means of the following equations:
F1 F2
P1 = and P2 =
A1 A2
The following equation applies when the system is in equilibrium
P1 = P2
When the two equation are balanced, the following formula is produced:/5marks
F1 F2
A1 A2
.a)Dew – Point: Identifies the temperature at which the relative humidity has reached 100%. If the
To is lowered further, the water vapor contained in it begins to condense./2marks
b)Pressure dew-point: The To at which air under pressure has a relative humidity of 100%. With
refrigeration drying a pressure dew point between +2 0C and 5 0C in reached./2marks
11. 1.
a. Compressor
b. Reservoir
c. Reservoir with the pneumatic System
d. Service Unit
e. Drain Cock
- Pipelines: Compressed air is dropen from the Compressor plant to the consumption point of
pneumatic-energy by a pipeline.
- Control values: Are used to regulate control and monitor the air energy for control of
direction, pressure, flow …..
- Air actwator: Are cylinder or air motors are used to perform the useful work for which the
pneumatic system its designed like using cylinders for linear movement of jigis
- Auxiliary Applicance many have to be used in pneumatics – System for effecting better
performance easy controllability and higher reliability
13. a) f1= 20N
A1=2cm2= 2x10-4m2
pressure transmitted, P1=F1/A1=20N/2x10-4=1000000Nm-2
b) p2=p1=1000000Nm-2
A1 = 50cm2= 5x10-3m2
force on the large piston , f2 (because P2=P1)
= 1000000Nm-2x5x10-3m2
=500 N
c) magnification of force
= f2/f1= (500N/20N)=25 times
V2 T2
= = (273+Q2)/(273+Q1)
V1 T1
2 W12 1
W12=Pi(VF-VI)=P DV
V2 V1
Pi: initial pressure
vi: initial volume
vf= final volume
heat Q= DV + w(joule)
w = work done by the system
du=n cUdt
R= n cudt + nRdt= n dt(cu+R)=n dt cp
cp= cu+R
cp: specific heat at constant pressure
cv: specific heat at constant volume
P2 2 u= mocv(tf-ti)
P1 1
V2 = V1
mo= quantity of the gas (mass in kg) at atm, pressure and 00c at stp : standard temperature
and pressure
mo= v0 x M air at 00c
M : density of air = 1.293kg/m3 at 00c
w12= 2.3 p1v1 log( v1/v2)is the work deliver the gas
P1 1
1 V1
Q= 2.3 P1V2 log
4180 V2
Q in kcal, P in N/m2 , V in m3
When P is in kgf/m2 and v in m3 we change 1/4180 in 1/427
P DQ = PVα = Constant
Adiabatic α=
P2 2 α-1
T2 V2
T1 V1
α = 1.4
P1 1
V1 V2
W= ( P2V2 – P1V1) Work done to compress the gas
W= ( P1V1 – P2V2) Work done to deliver the gas
e) Polytrophic compression
P2 2
P1 1
V1 V2
n-1 n-1
T1 P1 n V1
= =
T1 P1 V1
W= ( P1V1 – P2V2)
- air consumption