ugcurriculum07batch (1)
ugcurriculum07batch (1)
ugcurriculum07batch (1)
CSE UG Curriculum
applicable from the batch of 2007
This document lists the semester-wise structure of the B.Tech program and the requirements
of the B.Tech (Honors), Dual Degree, and B.Tech (Minor) programs.
Courses may have pre-requisites and co-requisites. Some core courses are identified as
floating courses. Floating courses are associated with either even or odd semesters. In the
document, floating courses are identified with a '*'. Students may take them anytime subject
to prerequisite and co-requisite requirements. They will be offered every year in the
designated semester. Prerequisites/Corequisites are listed separately in course syllabi.
Summary courseofstructure
6 Electives
#Though this document also includes institute courses, their placements and credits breakup,
these may change from time to time. Please refer to ASC/academic office pages for latest
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Semester 1
0 34 34 0 34 34
Semester 2
9 28 37 9 62 62
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Semester 3
15 18 33 24 80 104
Semester 4
* 3 0
CS208 Automata Theory and Logic 0 6 Dept.Core
27 8 35 51 88 139
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Semester 5
27 6 33 78 94 172
Semester 6
* 3 1 0
CS 302 Implementation of Programming Languages 8 Dept.Core
33 0 33 111 94 205
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Semester 7
Elective 1 3 0 0 6
Elective 2 3 0 0 6
Elective 3 3 0 0 6
Institute Elective 1 3 0 0 6
Semester 8
Elective 4 3 0 0 6
Elective 5 3 0 0 6
Elective 6 3 0 0 6
Institute Elective 1 3 0 0 6
List of Electives
Some of the elective courses are listed here. As per Institute rules all PG courses are
available as electives to those UG students whose CPI is 6.5 and above. The list will be
updated from time to time.
A student should earn 30 additional credits over the minimum B.Tech. Requirements, to be
eligible for the B.Tech. (Honours) degree. Of these, 12 credits have to be earned through
elective CSE courses. The remaining 18 credits can be earned in any of the following ways:
- B.Tech. Project II will be available to a student only if the student gets a minimum BB grade in
B.Tech. Project I.
A dual degree student is required to earn the following additional credits beyond the
requirements of the B.Tech Degree
• 54 credits through CSE elective courses, of which 24 credits must be through graduate-
level courses
If and when such students earn 30 credits through CSE courses meant for minors, they will
qualify for a minor in CSE. Since Data Structures is a pre-requisite for almost all CSE courses,
the department will make two offerings of the course every year: A regular offering for CSE
students in third semester and a separate offering for minor students.
A minor student can do up to one R&D project.
CSE students who fail a course in a regular offering will be allowed to clear the course by
registering for an equivalent course meant for minor students.