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An Action Research presented to the Faculty of Graduate School Golden Gate Colleges Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master in Education (Non-thesis Program)




This action research is sincerely dedicated to the Almighty God who is the greatest source of knowledge and wisdom. The researcher also wishes to dedicate this manuscript to his wife Maria Crizol M. Guinoban for her unconditional and untiring support; to his family, who serves as an inspiration and source of joy; to his friends and to Dr. Rolando L. Lontoc, Sr. who helped in the realization of this endeavour and

construction criticism throughout the course.




This action research entitled Factors that Affect Study Habits of Intermediate Pupils in Alangilan Central Elementary School SY 2010-2011 prepared and submitted by Efren V. Guinoban in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education has been evaluated and approved with the grade of ______________.









I. II.

Introduction........................................................................ ...... 1 Problem Identification/Analysis................................................ 3 Rationale Possible Causes


Plan of Action........................................................................... 8 A. Plan of Action B. Research Methodology C. Statistical Treatment

IV. V.

Experimentation, Discussion and Action................................. 10 Evaluation and Follow-up Action........................................... 29 A. Summary B. Conclusions C. Recommendations

Bibliography............................................................................................... 33 Appendices................................................................................................. 34

I. Introduction Education and a love of learning should be instilled in people at a very young age. It is important, more than ever, that the young generations of today receive a good education. At the same time, many distractions, like the television or video games, stand in the way of children's study times. The Department of Education continuously launches a program which will develop and strengthen our pupils good study habits through innovations in our educational system. Good learning habits, is to master knowledge, formation skills, capabilities and important pre-requisite for improving their own quality. Every school is more than a place for a formal learning. The school intends to develop well-rounded, involved and committed citizens, effectively making use of their potentials in order to lives to the fullest for their own self-actualization. Learning is acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals and some machines. Progress over time tends to follow learning curves. Vital to the learning process is the ability to establish learning or study habits. Creating good study habits is essential for success in school. A habit is simply a behavior pattern that is repeated until it becomes automatic. The word automatic implies that you perform the habit without thinking much about it. How can you change a habit, specifically a study habit? Substitute it with an action that is more effective and repeat it daily, until it becomes a habit.

Study habits are effective or ineffective depending upon whether or not they serve the child. Rather than labeling what the child does (or doesnt do) as good or bad (thereby giving the child something to rebel against) focus on whether the habit works for them or not. Study habits that serve the child create better grades, a better relationship with the teacher, a sense of competence and confidence. There are various indicators of a learners established study habits. These include readiness in class, punctuality, sense of time management, being active and participative in class discussion, good performance in any written or oral examination, self- discipline and good behavior. These are just few indicators of good study habits. Having these positive results of good and effective study habits, pupils are expected to develop or establish a certain level of study habit that will yield very good scholastic result and life-long learning. This study about improving the study habits of Intermediate pupils was conceptualized through every teachers best intention of realizing the objective of the teaching-learning process which is not just to transmit ideas but also to develop the learner as a total person, including the development of skills and habits which will be helpful not just in academic setting but also in real life. It also aims to identify the factors that may affect the establishment of the study habits of every learner so that proper action may be implemented to address those problems properly. It assumed that once factors affecting the study habits of the pupils were identified then it would be easier to develop effective study habits among children. As a manager and a planner, teachers always find ways and means on how to develop good study habits of the pupils in their school.

II. Problem Identification/Analysis Rationale It has always been the biggest question what sets apart a successful pupil from an average one. Studying which spells the learners core activity determines what scholastic level as well as holistic learning an individual can acquire. Studying is a skill. Being outstanding in school requires high level of study skills. Students must first learn this skill and develop effective study habits in order to be successful. It is important to help every child to develop strong study and organizational skills. This is important for the childs success in school and will develop positive attitudes and feelings of competency in the learner or the child. Helping them to develop good study habits now will help them to develop good work habits for when they are adults. This perception led the researcher to conduct a study habit of children specifically the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School. It was observed that during the first grading period, the pupils got average to below average level in terms of performance based from indicators like attendance, punctuality, result of examination, behaviour and proactivity. The researcher would like to identify the factors that affect the study habits. After scientifically identifying those factors, proper action can be proposed and implemented to address the existing problem which is poor study habits of pupils during the School year 2010-2011.

Statement of the Problem This action research aims to solve problems related to performance of the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School, as well as to improve their study habits of the pupils. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the pupils in terms of: 1.1 age; 1.2 gender; and 1.3 monthly income of the family 2. What is the status of the pupils in terms of the following performance indicators? 2.1 Performance in the component of assignment or homework; 2.2 Attendance and punctuality; 2.3 behavior and attitude; and 2.4 result of written examination (quizzes and periodical test) 3. What are the factors affecting the study habits of the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School? 4. What action could be made to improve the study of Intermediate pupils? Possible Causes It is possible that some pupils have poor study habits because of the following reasons: 1. Pupils perception of time management is of the reasons why students have poor study habits.

There are various indicator of poor time management. This includes the following: Constant rushing Frequent tardiness Low productivity, energy and motivation Frustration Impatience Difficulty setting and achieving goals Procrastination

y y y y y y y

2. The large class size affected the students study habits. Normally, if the class size is smaller, the more chances of the child or learner to be monitored by the teacher. Time given to each individual is lengthen because of the smaller class size. 3. The kind of media they are exposed to and the length of exposure is also factors that affect their study habits. Studies show that media are very powerful teachers. It can highly influence a learner or an individual both positively and negatively depending on the subject of the programs viewed by the learners. Undoubtedly, the media have an effect on our lives. The debate that rages is whether or not the media has a negative and discernible effect on us as human beings. How much does the media affect our actions, thoughts, decisions and, in general, our lives?

We live in a society which praises individually and freedom, and therefore to most people it is a scary thought that an outside source, such as the media, has such a large effect on our lives, and therefore it is no surprise that most people do not believe that the media have a strong effect on them. But when it comes to children, the debate becomes more personal. It is common knowledge that children are very impressionable, and that the people they meet, their parents, and teachers can have a huge impact in the lives of children. Today, though, many children belong to poor families and, as a result, many children often do not have parents that stay at home. Often both parents work long hours, and the children have nothing else to occupy their time except for the media, especially educational and even positively influential. Even time spent in viewing or engaging in this media is also a very important consideration because time spent in media will spell either poor time management or good or effective time management. 4. Peer association is also considered as a factor that affects the study habits of pupils. The kind of peers or peer association is one consideration in developing pupils study habits. If their peers engage more time in playing, more likely they would also want to play as well. If their peer has an established study habits more like they will be influenced by them. 5. Another possible cause of poor study habits is the childs reaction or perception to familys economic status or income.

III. Plan of action A. Outline of the Plan of Action 1. Scientifically select respondents for the study. 2. Construct a survey instrument that will identify the different factors that affect study habits of the Intermediate pupils. 3. Distribute the survey instrument and retrieve the questionnaires for data gathering. Gather information from secondary source like register, class record and anecdotal records of the pupils. 4. Interpret the data gathered. 5. Make necessary recommendation based from the data gathered and proposed an action plan that will address the current problems.

1. Scientifically select possible respondents for the study since the population of the students taking Oral communication is enormous. To yield reliable and accurate results, the researcher applied objective way in determining the samples or respondents. The process involved in the selection is random sampling. Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of a subset of individual observations within a population of individuals intended to yield some knowledge about the population of concern, especially for the purposes of making predictions based on statistical inference.

The sampling method used was the total sampling. Total sampling is used of the average number of population, which data and information can be conveniently from them. The total number of respondents is 100. 2. Construct a survey instrument that will identify the different dilemma or predicaments of the respondents toward the subject matter or the activity. The survey instrument used was the questionnaire which was classified as closed-ended questionnaire. In fact, it utilizes the two ways of solicits responses. Those are the recall type and that of a multiple response type. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part gathers information about the profile of the pupils like name, which was optional; age as well as general and familys monthly income. While the second part determines the factors affecting the study habit of children. 1. Distribute the survey instrument and retrieve the questionnaires for data gathering. Data from secondary sources like class record, class register and anecdotal records of the pupils. Aside from the questionnaire formulated by the researcher data will also be derived from the class register which will supplement the information about one of the performance indicators of pupils which is attendance. Not only the attendance but even tardiness could easily be identified through this record. Moreover, the average grade of the pupils during the first grading period will be the basis of their scholastic performance. The researcher assumes that if the respondent has an established study habits, the better their scholastic performance. Furthermore, anecdotal records on the significant cases or

activities wherein the researcher was able to observe from the chid will be a source also of information. 2. Interpret data gathered. The data obtained from the survey instrument were tailed and interpreted through the statistical treatment which is frequency distribution and determining the weighted mean of the responses of the samples. It also includes ranking of the most common factors that affect the study habits of the pupils. Record about the students attendance as well as prevalence of tardiness and significant results of observation will be presented. 3. Make necessary recommendation based from the data gathered and proposed an action plan that will address the current problem. Scientific interpretation and thorough analysis of the data will yield substantial conclusions that will generate meaningful recommendations and functional solutions in the form of action plan. Following this text is the proposed action plan to be carried out in developing or improving the pupils study habits. B. Research Methodology In order to prove the assumptions, the researcher utilized the descriptive method of research which is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. In order to obtain results objectively, the researcher used the frequency distribution through identifying the mean as well as ranking. C. Statistical Treatment of Data The arithmetic mean, often simply called the mean, it is the sum of all the given numbers divided by how many numbers are to be added or simply the numerical result


obtained by dividing the sum of two or more quantities by the number of quantities; an arithmetic mean Formula for mean is: Mean = sum of elements / number of elements = a1+a2+a3+....+an/n IV. Experimentation, discussion and action In order to find out how to improve the study habits of the Intermediate pupils, the researcher gathered the necessary data that will help in identifying various variables that will be helpful in the study. 1. What is the profile of the pupils in terms of: 1.1 age Majority of the pupils are from ten to twelve years old. Significant a variation in age is never a problem because a typical Intermediate pupil is ten years old or twelve years old. 1.2 gender Based on records, out of the 100 pupils, 43 pupils are male while 57 pupils are female. 1.3 monthly income of the family Based from the table 1, more than half of the population of the Intermediate pupils is earning an average income while 26 percent of the respondents are really having a significantly low income. Income was included in the study because it may affect the pupils study habits in terms enough provision of food, allowance and even meaningful leisure activities. It is also related to the proper or enough provisions for students


educational needs. Still majority of the respondents have an average to below average income. Table 1 Frequency Distribution of the Responses of the Pupils In terms of Monthly Income of the Family Monthly Income Below Php 5000 Php 5000 10 000 Php 11 000 20 000 Php 21 000 -25 000 Php 26 000 and above Total Frequency 31 33 19 10 7 100 Percentage 31 33 19 10 7 100

2. What is the status of the pupils in terms of the following performance indicators? 2.1 Performance in the component of assignment or homework In basic education, elementary school teachers are required to have various components to be evaluated in each subject. One of these components is homework or assignment which allocates five percent of the total computation of grades. This component is a reinforcement of either the lesson discussed or lesson for the coming discussion. This will show pupils sense of responsibility, proper time management,


initiative and knowledge acquired as well as skills developed. These are good indicators of effective study habits among pupils. Based on the secondary source which is the teacher or researchers class record majority of the pupils have poor performance in terms of the homework. In fact, eight pupils failed in this component and there were 23 who got a fairly average grade of 81 percent which is only 23 percent of the total population. Table 2 Pupils Performance in Terms of Assignment / Homework Numerical Rating 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below Total 2.2 Number of Pupils 10 25 23 34 8 100 Percentage 10 25 23 34 8 100

Attendance and punctuality Data about attendance and punctuality were derived from the class register

of the teacher. Out of 49 regular school days, eleven pupils incurred 8 absences which in just one grading period. Fifteen pupils have incurred seven absences; 17 pupils have incurred six absences and fourteen pupils have accumulated five absences. These data present that in terms of attendance, 40 percent of the class were not able to show good study habits.


Similarly, in terms of punctuality thirty seven students incurred four times of tardiness while 23 pupils were late for three times. It shows that almost sixty percent of the students became late for almost 3 to 4 times. Table 3 Pupils Performance in Terms of Attendance and Punctuality Number of Number of Percentage Absences 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pupils 11 15 17 14 5 5 5 2 26 11 15 17 14 5 5 5 2 26 Number of Number of Percentage Tardiness 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pupils 0 0 0 0 37 23 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 37 23 0 0 40







Data from the teachers class record showed that majority of the pupils were rated 32 percent in terms of behavior. The grading system which is base 50 meaning 75 percent is the passing rate. This is not a good indication because majority of the students have a fair performance. It is significant that out of 100 pupils only 25 pupils obtained a grade of 81 which is not yet very satisfactory. Table 4 Pupils Performance in Terms of Behavior and Attitude Numerical Rating 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below Number of Pupils 10 30 25 32 3 Percentage 10 30 25 32 3





result of periodical exam and quizzes Poor to fair performance was observed from the results of the quiz

component and periodical exam. It is assumed that study habits have greatly affected the result of the exams. Table 5 shows that almost 50 percent of the pupils have a fair performance in the written examination. Only one pupil got a satisfactory rating that falls


on the range of 85-89. It was significant to obtain a result of 5 pupils having obtained a failing grade in terms of periodical examination. Table 5 Table Pupils Performance in Terms of Periodical Exam and Quizzes Numerical Rating 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below Number of Pupils 0 2 39 47 12 Percentage 0 2 39 47 12

Total 3.



What are the factors affecting the study habits of the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School? The following factors may affect the attendance and punctuality, behavior,

homework and written examination of pupils. Table 6 presents the common factors that affect the study habits of pupils as indicated in their reasons for poor attendance. Sickness and illness ranked first which is but normal because if a student is sick, there is no way for him to attend classes. But significantly, pupils too much exposure or inclination to media like TV was one of the primary reasons why they absent from class. The least common reason as presented in the table was the influence of peers. This may be


explained by the fact that they are still very young and their influence is commonly derived from family members. Table 6 Common Reasons for Absences among Intermediate Pupils Reasons Frequency Percentage Rank

1. 2. 3.

sickness or illness laziness you were not able to accomplish your homework

100 28 37

100 28 37

1 6 4

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

lack of sleep influenced by peers domestic obligations financial constraints inclination in media or technology inclination in leisure activities

39 13 15 23 57 33 14 14

39 13 15 23 57 33 14 14

3 10 8 7 2 5 9 9

10. weather condition 11. afraid of the teacher

Table 7 presents the common reasons for poor result of assignment/homework among Intermediate Pupils of Alangilan Central School. Playing was the primary reason why the child could not comply or finish his assignment. Too much inclination in playing greatly affects the childs focus as well as interest especially in academic requirements or


activities like homework. Their sense of time management is also affected wherein when habitually practiced will lead to lack of discipline. Table 7 Common Reasons for Poor Result of Assignment /Homework among Intermediate Pupils Reasons
I forgot to do your assignment I dont want to do your assignments I dont know how to do your assignment I prefer to watch TV rather than making assignments I prefer to play rather than to make assignments I am absent most of the time My peers influences me not to make assignments Instruction about the assignment is not clear I lack the necessary resources like books, supplementary materials that will help me in making your assignments Too many assignments to accomplish for a day 2 5 6 31 1 2 1 0 72 2 5 2 0 1 7 6 7 0

21 3 17 27

49 7 40 63

3 5 4 2

Table 8 discusses the common reasons for poor result of periodical test and quizzes among Intermediate Pupils of Alangilan Central School. Poor time management


was determined to be the first reason why pupils could not perform very well in written examination. Since periodical examination is an exam administered every grading among all the subjects of the elementary pupils and failure to manage time in reviewing or studying may affect the result of the exam. On the other hand, reasons like being afraid of the teacher as well as emotional burdens like worries at home were insignificant factors of their poor performance in written exam .This was presented by the data obtained which were both six percent. Table 8 Common Reasons for Poor Result of Periodical Test and Quizzes among Intermediate Pupils Reasons
poor time management reviewing I am still confused with the topics or lessons I am afraid of the teacher I failed to follow directions in the examination I do not have review materials like notes because I dont jot down important ideas presented during lecture I cannot study independently Physical condition like illness during examination schedule influences me not to make assignments I have a lot of worries during examination like family issues (fight or quarrel in the house) 2 5 6 6 12 14 28 5 2

32 11 2 11 9

74 26 5 26 21

1 3 6 3 4


Finally, reasons that prevent pupils from participating in class discussion or recitation are students very low self-confidence or self-esteem as well as very little knowledge of the subject matter. Having the lowest rank was being unmindful of the significance of the class participation which only 2% of the pupils have that kind of thinking. Having identified all these factors affecting the development of their study habits the action plan was implemented and was tested if there will be a significant improvement in the development of their study habits. Objectives are expected to be met as prescribed in the success indicator; the activities are to be implemented to reach the objectives. Table 9 Common Reasons of Intermediate Pupils about their Poor Performance in Class Discussion or Recitation Reasons Frequency Percentage Rank

afraid of the teachers afraid to render or give wrong answers afraid of the reaction of classmates or teacher if in case my answer is wrong I dont mind because I am not interested I dont think that it is important I usually dont know the answer

5 41 18

11 95 42

4 1 3

2 1 33

5 2 77

5 6 2


As discussed, study habits are practices or routine that a child establish in order to improve academic performance. The study habits include pupils activities or practices related with attendance, punctuality, behavior, homework, written examination and class participation. The following were the activities included in the action plan of the researcher to improve the study habits of Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School which aimed to improve the attendance, punctuality, homework, behaviour, and participation in class discussion. These activities were applied all throughout the second grading to see if there would be improvement in the study habits of the pupils as indicated by their punctuality, homework, behavior and result of written exam. From table 3 the number of pupils who has no absences during the first grading period was 26 compared to second grading when 34 pupils did not incur any absence. Meanwhile, in terms of tardiness, during the first grading period, 23 pupils were always on time which improved in number during the second grading. Thirty-nine pupils have no record of tardiness. For attendance, constant monitoring, requiring of excuse slip from pupils who incurred absences or tardiness duly signed by parents or guardian and as much as possible, parents were asked about the absences or tardiness incurred by the child. After implementing these activities or strategies, the following results were obtained:


Table 10 Pupils Performance in terms of Attendance and Punctuality during Second Grading Period Number of Absences Number of Pupils Percentage Number of Tardiness Number of Pupils Percentage

3 2 1 0

36 12 11 41

36 12 11 41

3 2 1 0

21 24 16 39

21 24 16 39

Another focus of the action plan was to improve study habits of students as indicated in their homework or assignments. Strategies like regular monitoring of homework and proper evaluation of homework. The researcher also applied the reward system for pupils who excel in the result of homework. Another strategy was to require assignment notebook that summarizes all the assignments for the day. It served as the checklist of the pupils whether they were able to make the assignments or not. Assignment notebook was signed y the parents so that reinforcement in terms of motivating the child in completing or accomplishing his assignments was properly monitored by parents or guardian. Table 11 shows the improvement of the performance of the pupils in terms of Homework or assignment. The researcher also applied activities that will improve the result of the examination of the pupils like supplemental lesson and requiring assignments or homework for mastery. Using those strategies the following data were obtained:


Table 11 Pupils Performance in Terms of Assignment/Homework

Numerical Rating First Grading Number of Pupils Second Grading Number of Pupils

90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below Total

10 30 25 32 3 100

10 30 25 32 3 100

Table 12 shows the comparison and improvement in the result of pupils written examination. Before, there were five pupils who failed in the written exam, and during the second grading period there were only two pupils. From data presented in the table, significant improvement was observed. Table 12 Pupils Performance in Terms of Periodical Exam and Quizzes
Numerical Rating First Grading Number of Pupils Second Grading Number of Pupils

90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below Total

15 30 20 32 3 100

15 30 20 32 3 100


Finally, the researcher students to participate during class discussion and she utilized the reward system in motivating pupils to participate. The researcher also avoided criticisms focused more on giving recognition or compliments to deserving pupils. Table 13 presents the comparison and improvement in the result of pupils grades in recitation for first grading and second grading period. It can be noted that there was an improvement in their performance. There was no case of failing grade during the second grading period in the recitation component compared to the five cases of failing grades during the first grading period. Table 13 Pupils Performance in Terms of Recitation
Numerical Rating First Grading Number of Pupils Second Grading Number of Pupils

90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 74 and below

15 30 20 32 3

15 30 20 32 3




Table 14 summarizes the action plan that was implemented in order to improve the study habits of Intermediate pupils. This includes the situation, objectives, activities or strategies, personnel involved, time frame, performance indicator, expected output and remarks.


Table 14 ACTION PLAN ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE STUDY HABITS OF INTERMEDIATE PUPILS OF ALANGILAN CENTRAL SCHOOL SY 2010-2011 SITUATION Problems regarding attendance and tardiness were observed by the teacher OBJECTIVES To improve the pupils attendance it possible eliminate cases of absences and as well as documented tardiness ACTIVITIES/ STRATEGIES Constant monitoring Require excuse slip from pupils who incurred absences or tardiness duly signed by parents or guardian If possible, parents should be asked to about the absences or tardiness incurred by the child Poor result of homework due to failure to manage time effectively Regular monitoring of homework and proper evaluation of PERSONNEL INVOLVED Teacher Pupils Parents TIME FRAME Starting second grading period PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Number of absences or tardiness be reduced, if not eliminated. Maximum of 2 absences and 2 times tardiness in every grading period EXPECTED REMARKS OUTPUT Improved attendance and punctuality Achieved/ Completed

To improve results of homework

Teacher Pupils Parents

Starting second grading period

Grade for homework factor in every subject will increase for at least 2% from the grade

Improved results of homework or assignment

Achieved/ Completed


homework Use strategies like reward system for pupils who excel in the result of homework If possible require assignment notebook that summarizes all the assignments for the day. This will serve as the checklist of the pupils whether they were able to make the assignments or not Assignment notebook should also be signed by the parents so that reinforcement in terms of motivating the child in completing or accomplishing

in homework component during the first grading period. Improved results of homework or assignment Eliminate cases of students coming to school without having accomplished their assignment

Eliminate cases of students coming to school without having accomplishe d their assignment


his assignments will also be properly monitored by parents of guardian. Poor result or performance in terms of periodical examination and quizzes Passiveness among pupils and failure to express themselves and their ideas during class discussion To improve the result of examination like periodical tests and quizzes To improve students level of confidence as well as to develop critical thinking Supplement all lessons with assignments or homework for mastery Encourage students to participate during class discussion. If possible, utilize the reward system in motivating students to participate Avoid criticisms bust as much as possible focus of giving recognition or compliments to deserving pupils Teacher and student Starting second grading period Results of quizzes and periodical tests should increase to percentage not lower than 3% Result of recitation component should be improved. An increase of not lower than 3% is already a success indicator Improved performance or results of periodical exam and quizzes Improved pupils participation and increase in pupils confidence and moral Achieved/Co mpleted

Teacher Students

Starting second grading period

Achieved/ Completed


V. Evaluation and follow up action Summary This action research entitled Factors that Affect Study Habits of Intermediate Pupils of Alangilan Central School SY 2010-2011 was able to determine the profile of the pupils in term of age, gender and monthly income of the family. These variables were related with the status of the pupils in terms of the following performance indicators like performance in the component of assignment or homework, attendance and punctuality, behavior or attitude and result of written examination like quizzes and periodical test. It also identified the factors affecting the study habits of the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School. Finally, it presented an action plan that was implemented to improve study habits of Intermediate pupils. This action research sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the pupils in terms of: 1.1 age; 1.2 gender; and 1.3 monthly income of the family? 2. What is the status of the pupils in terms of the following performance indicators? 2.1 Performance in the component of assignment or homework; 2.2 Attendance and punctuality; 2.3 behavior and attitude; and 2.4 result of written examination (quizzes and periodical test)


3. What are the factors affecting the study habits of the Intermediate pupils of Alangilan Central School? 4. What action could be made to improve the study habits of Intermediate pupils? Conclusions Based on the findings obtained, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Majority of Intermediate pupils are ten years old which is expected because required age for incoming grade I pupils is seven. In terms of gender, the number of male and female pupils is almost equally distributed. Giving them equal exposure to peers of opposite sex. In terms of income, majority of the pupils belong to the family having an below average to average monthly income. 2. Intermediate pupils have fair performance in the class as indicated in the component of attendance, punctuality, homework, behavior and written examination. 3. Pupils appear to have fair study habits as seen attendance, punctuality, result of homework, recitation, behavior and written examination. 4. There are various factors that affect the study habits of the child and these include length of exposure to media, state of health, financial factor, sleeping patterns, leisure activities, domestic obligations, peers, weather, teacher factor, perception to the subject matter and self-concept. 5. This proposed action plan is primarily concerned with the constant monitoring of the pupils attendance and requiring of excuse slip from pupils who incurred absences or tardiness duly signed by parents or guardian and involvement and awareness of parents are effective strategies to improve attendance and punctuality. Regular


monitoring of homework and proper evaluation and strategy like reward system for pupils who excel in the result of homework. It can also be concluded that requiring of assignment notebook that summarizes all the assignments for the day is effective strategy in improving the habit of student related in making assignments. Assignment notebook signed by the parents becomes reinforcement in terms of motivating the child in completing or accomplishing his assignments.

Recommendations After a thorough study, it is further recommended to use the following strategies or activities to improve the study habits of pupils: 1. To improve the pupils attendance and to eliminate cases of absences as well as documented tardiness, it is suggested to constantly monitor and require excuse slip from students who incurred absences or tardiness duly signed by parents or guardian. If possible, parents should be asked to about the absences or tardiness incurred by the child. 2. To improve result of homework, regular monitoring of homework and proper evaluation of homework are required. It is recommended to use strategies like reward system for pupils who excel in the result of homework. If possible, require assignment notebook that summarizes all the assignments for the day. This will serve as the checklist of the pupils whether they were able to make assignments or not. Assignment notebook should also be signed by the parents so that reinforcement in terms of motivating the child in completing or accomplishing his assignments will also be properly monitored by parents or guardian.


3. Supplement all lessons with assignments or homework for mastery to improve the result of examination like periodical test and quizzes. 4. To improve pupils level of confidence as well as to develop critical thinking, encourage pupils to participate during class discussion. If possible, utilize the reward system in motivating pupils to participate. Avoid criticisms but as much as possible focus of giving recognition or compliments to deserving pupils 5. Future researchers are encouraged to conduct further studies on the other strategies that will improve the study habits of pupils.


Bibliography A. Books Tulio, D., Foundation of Education 2, Mandaluyong City: Echanis Press, 2008 Noll, J., Educational Issues, USA: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, 2006 Thomas, G., Education and Theory (Strangers in Paradigm), New York: Open University Press, 2007 Hargreaves, S., Study Skills for Dyslexic Students, California: SAGE Publication Inc., 2007 Schultz, F., Annual Editions Education, USA: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, 2005 Fullan, M., and Germain, C., Learning Places, USA: Corwin Press, 2006 McGregor, D., Developing Thinking Developing Learning, England: Open University Press, 2007 Mirasol, G.C., Extent of Influence of Study Habits, Attitude and Peer Relationship on Students Academic Performance: St. Michaels College, Secondary Level, Philippines: 2002 B. Internet Links The Ten Study Habits of Successful Students, February 18, 2009 ( Establishing Good Study Habits, February 16, 2009

( Study habits of postgraduate students in selected Nigerian universities, February 14, 2009: by Igun, Stella E.,Adogbeji, Oghenevwogaga Benson (




Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of Batangas City Batangas City North District ALANGILAN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Batangas City Dr. Lea C. Aquino Principal II ACES Madam: Greetings of Peace! As one of the major requirement in MAED degree, I would like to ask permission to conduct a survey in a form of questionnaire to the intermediate pupils as part of my action research entitled FACTORS THAT AFFECT STUDY HABITS OF INTERMEDIATE PUPILS IN ALANGILAN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I hope for your kind consideration and approval.

Respectfully yours, EFREN V. GUINOBAN Researcher

Approved: LEA C. AQUINO, Ed. Principal II


QUESTIONNAIRE Name (optional) _______________________ Familys Monthly Income ____________ below Php 5000 ____________ Php 5000 10 000 ____________ Php 11 000 20 000 ____________ Php 21 000 25 000 ____________ Php 26 000 and above Factors Affecting the Study Habits of the Intermediate Pupils of Alangilan Central School 4. Check the common reasons why you commonly absent from classes. Answers may be multiple. ____________ sickness or illness ____________ laziness ____________ I was not able to accomplish your homework ____________ lack of sleep ____________ influenced by peers ____________ domestic obligations ____________ financial constraints ____________ inclination in media or technology ex. Gadgets, computer games etc. Age: _________________ Gender _________ Male _________ Female


____________ inclination in leisure activities ____________ afraid of the teacher ____________ weather condition ____________ others, please specify 5. What are the common reasons why you incur tardiness or why you become late in school? ____________ woke up late because you slept late ____________ laziness ____________ I am used to it (it has already become a habit) ____________ I want to catch your teachers attention as well as your classmates ____________ avoiding the first subject ____________ distance or proximity of your house form school ____________ I dont think it is important to be punctual ____________ I am still doing your assignment which you were supposed to accomplish ____________ I still watch TV before going to school ____________ I still play and enjoy leisure activities ____________ I still have domestic responsibilities (ex. Cooking for your family before going to school, nursing your baby brothers and sisters) 6. What are the common reasons why you have poor performance/ results in homework component? _________ I forgot to do your assignment


_________ I dont want to do your assignment _________ I dont know how to do your assignment _________ I prefer to watch TV rather than making assignments _________ I prefer to play rather than to make assignments _________ I am absent most of the time _________ I am influenced by your peers not to make assignments _________ Directions or instruction regarding the assignment is not clear _________ I have domestic obligation _________ I lack the necessary resources like books, supplementary materials that will help me in making your assignments. _________ too many assignments to accomplish for a day 7. What are the common reasons why you have poor or only average result in quizzes and periodical examination? _________ poor time management in terms of reviewing _________ I am still confused with the topics or lessons _________ I am afraid of the teacher _________ I failed to follow direct ions in the examination _________ I do not have review materials likes notes because I dont jot down important ideas presented during lecture _________ physical condition like illness during examination schedule _________ I have a lot of worries during examination like family issues (fight or quarrel in the house)


8. What is preventing you to participate in class discussion or recitation? _________ afraid of the teacher _________ afraid to render or give wrong answer _________ afraid of the reaction of classmates or teacher if in case my answer is wrong _________ I dont mind because I am not interested _________ I dont think that it is important _________ I usually dont know the answer


CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA Name: Nickname: Address: Age: Birthday: Religion: Civil Status: Nationality: Sex: Wife: Parents: Efren Visco Guinoban Efren Zone 5 Diversion Road, Bolbok, Batangas City 29 July 30,1981 Roman Catholic Married Filipino Male Maria Crizol M. Guinoban Mr. Juanito D. Guinoban Mrs. Felina V. Guinoban Cellphone Number: 09178533736

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Graduate School: Golden Gate Colleges Master of Arts in Educational Administration Undergraduate (Graduating) 2006 - Present



Batangas State University

1998 2004

High School:

Batangas National High School

1994 1998


Banaba South Elementary School

1989 - 1994

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