Navigate Beginner A1 Coursebook-003-004

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Contents O u r O x fo rd 3000™ Navigate has been based

on the Oxford 3000 to ensure that learners are only
covering the most relevant vocabulary.
f 1 F irs t m e e tin g s page 6 1.1 On business or on holiday? p6 Verb be (l/you) p7
Introduce yourself 1.2 w here are you from ? p8 Verb be (we/you) p8
Ask questions with be
Say countries and numbers 1-10
Talk about where you're from 1.3 How do you spell that? pio Question words pn
Say the alphabet 1.4 Speaking and w ritin g pi2
Use question words
Say hello and goodbye
Fill in a form 1.5 © Video A f the hotel pi4 Review pis

2 Q u e s tio n s page 16 2.1 w h a t's th is in English? pi6 this/that/these/those pl6

Verb be (it/they) pi6
■ Use singular and plural forms
Say numbers 11-100
Talk about jobs 2.2 w h a t's your job? pis Verb be (he/she/it/they) pis
■ Use the verb be (he/she/it/they)
Use subject pronouns
■ Use prepositions of place 2.3 Where are they? p20 Subject pronouns p20
Tell the time
Write a blog
2.4 Speaking and w ritin g p22

2.5 O Video Witney Antiques p24 Review p25

3 P e o p le a n d p o s s e s s io n s page 26 3.1 My neighbours p26 have got, has got p27

Use adjective + noun phrases
Talk about possessions with have got 3.2 Possessions p28 have got negatives and
Ask and answer about possessions using have got questions p28
Use opposite adjectives
3.3 Family p30 Possessive determiners (my, his,
Use possessive determiners and possessive is
o u r ...) p30
Talk about family
Possessive's p30
Use everyday expressions
Write a social media message 3.4 Speaking and w ritin g p32

3.5 O Video A gadget-free life p34 Review p35

4 M y life page 36 4.1 About me p36 Present simple positive p36

Use present simple positive with common verbs
Talk about your life 4.2 Journeys p38 Present simple negative p39
■ Use the present simple negative
Talk about journeys
4.3 My day p40 Present simple yes/no questions pdi
■ Ask present simple yes/no questions
Talk about your day
Ask for things in a shop 4.4 Speaking and w ritin g p42
Write an informal email

4.5 O Video A day in the life o f a journalist p44 Review p45

[5 S ty le a n d d e s ig n page 46 5.1 Clothes style p46 Adverbs of frequency p46

Use adverbs of frequency 5.2 Amazing architecture p48 Wh- questions p48
Talk about clothes
Ask Wh- questions
Talk about a building you like 5.3 Styles around th e w orld pso Present simple - all forms p50
Use the present simple
Talk about body parts
Talk about style and fashion
Ask for and give travel information 5.4 Speaking and w ritin g p52
Make arrangements by text

5.5 © Video Architecture in Amsterdam p54 Review p55



introductions p6 Listening recognizing questions p7
Numbers 1-10 p8 Saying names of countries p8 Reading recognizing proper nouns p9
Countries p8
The alphabet pio The alphabet pio
Speaking hello and goodbye pi2
Writing filling in a form pl3

Objects pl6 word stress: -teen and -ty pl7 Listening understanding singular and
Regular plural nouns pi6 plural pi7
Numbers 11-100 pi7
Jobs pis word stress: jobs pis Reading understanding pronouns (1) pi9
O Video Vox pops 1 & 2 p19
Prepositions of place in, on,
near/nextto p2i
Speaking the time p22
Writing a blog p23

Adjective + noun phrases (1) p26 Reading identifying key words p27
Irregular plurals p26
Opposite adjectives p29 stress in yes/no questions and
answers p29
Family p30 Listening understanding final is p3i
Video Vox pops 3 p3i

Speaking using everyday expressions p32

Writing a social media message p33

Common verbs p37 present simple with he/she/it p37 Reading understanding verb
phrases p37
Transport p38 Listening understanding positive and
negative contractions p39
Daily activities p40 stress in present simple yes/no O video Vox pops 4 p4i
Verb + noun phrases p4i questions and answers p4i
Speaking in a shop p42
Writing an informal email p43

Colours and clothes p47 word stress: clothes p47 Reading and, but, because p47
Adjectives p48 Listening understanding chunks p49
Video Vox pops 5 p49
Parts of the body p5i plural forms p5i
Adjective modifiers Very/really +
adjective p5i
Speaking asking for and giving travel
information p52
Writing making arrangements by text p53

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