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Jake Hughes and Katie wood

with additional material by Paul Dummett

Series Adviser Catherine Walter

with video

Jake Hughes and Katie wood
with additional material by Paul Dummett
Series Adviser Catherine Walter

Navigate Coursebook
with video


Om Oxford 3000™
Contents Navigate has been based
on the Oxford 3000 to ensure that learners are only
covering the most relevant vocabulary.
[ 1 Your world page 6 1 Multicultural cities p6 Present simple to be p7
Talk about countries, nationalities and languages 1.2 Family p8 Possessive determiners p8
Describe people using the verb to be Possessive's p9
Talk about your family
Use possessive's and possessive determiners Vocabulary and skills development pío
Understand positive and negative contractions
Use regular and irregular plural nouns 1.4 Speaking and writing pi2
Ask for |>ersonal information and check you understand
Write a personal profile

1.5 i Video Brighton language exchange pi4 Review pis

2 My day page 16 21 A day in the life of a scientist pi6 Present simple positive pl6
Adverbs of frequency pi7
Talk about everyday actions
Use the present simple positive to talk about your day 2.2 Spending time pi8 Present simple negative pi9
■ Tell the time
i Use the present simple negative 2.3 vocabulary and skills development p20
i Understand conjunctions in reading
i Use verb +preposition phrases 2.4 Speaking and writing p22
Make suggestions and arrangements
Describe where you live
I 2.5 © Video The Menna family p2¿ Review n25

[ 3 The world of work page 26 ?. Jobs p26 yes/no questions p27

Talk about jobs 3.2 what do you do? p28 Wh- questions p29
Ask yes/no questions
Talk about work 3 vocabulary and skills development p30
Ask Wh-questions
Recognize the schwa sound 3.4 speaking and writing p32
Use the suffix -er
Make requests
Use opening and closing phrases in an email 3.5 © video An Iranian doctor in the USA p34 Review p35

4 Places and things page 36 4.1 underground towns 036 there is/there are p37
Talk about places in towns and cities 4.2 where I live p38 Articles a/an, the, - p39
i Use There is/There are
Talk about rooms and furniture
i use prepositions of place 4.3 vocabulary and skills development p40
Use articles
i Understand pronoun referencing 4.4 Speaking and writing p42
Use opposite adjectives
Ask for and give directions
: Use the imperative to give instructions 4.5 © Video Almas Tower p44 Review p45

5 Clothes and shopping page 46 5.1 Shopping p46 can, can't, could, couldn't p47
Talk about shopping 5.2 What is he wearing? p48 Present continuous p48
Use can and could to talk about possibility and ability Present continuous or present simple p49
Talk about clothes
Use the present continuous to talk about actions at the Vocabulary and skills development p50.
Understand similar vowel sounds 5.4 Speaking and writing p52
Use adjectives and adverbs
Buy things in a shop
Write an online product review 5.5 © Video Camden Market p54 Review p55

6 The past page 56 6.1 Don't give up! p56 was and wen? p56
: Use was/were to talk about the past 6.2 stories p58 Past simple regular verbs p58
1 Use past time expressions
i u;>e regular verub to uiik.auuui wiidi nappenea in ine past
1 Use common collocations 6.3 Vocabulary and skills development p60
I Understand present and past simple verbs
] Use adverbs of degree 6.4 speaking and writing p62
Tell a story
Show interest
write a tweet or text message I 6.5 © Video Istanbul p64 Review p65

Countries, nationalities and languages p6
Family p9 Similar sounding © video vox pops 1 p9
words p9
Regular and irregular plural nouns pH Listen mg positive and negative
contractions pio
Speaking asking for personal information and
checking you understand pi2
Writing a personal profile pi3

Daily activities p17 Third person -(e)s pl7 O Video Vox pops 2 pi7

Telling the time pi8 Saying the time pl8

Verb +preposition 021 Reading understanding
conjunctions p20
Speaking making suggestions and arrangements p22
Writing describe where you live p23

Jobs p26 Do and does p27

Work p28 Wh- questions p29 © video vox pops 3 p29
-er suffix p3i Listening the scliwa /»/ p30

Speaking making requests p32

Writing opening and closing an email p33

Places in a town p36 Word stress p37

Rooms, furniture and prepositions of The schwa/o/ p39 O video vox pops 4 p39
place p38
Opposite adjectives p4i Reading pronoun referencing p40

Speaking asking for and giving directions p42

writing imperatives p43

Shopping p46 Can p47

Clothes and accessories p48 © video vox pops 5 p49

Adjectives and adverbs p5i LIstemng understanding similar

vowel sounds pso
speaking in a shop p52
Writing a product review p53

Time expressions p57 the past of to be p57 O Video Vox pops 6 p57
common regular verb collocations p59 -eelending In past
simple verbs pss
Adverbs of degree p6i Sentence stress p6i Listening understanding present
and past simple verbs p60
Speaking showing interest as a listener p62
Writing write a tweet or text message p63

7 Health and fitness page 66 My health, my business p66 Past simple irregular verbs p67
Use collocations for a healthy lifestyle 7.2 sporting heroes p68 Past simple negative p69
Use past simple irregular verbs
Talk about sports and fitness Vocabulary and skills development p70
Use the past simple negative 7.4 Speaking and writing p72
i Understand time sequencers in a text
Understand easily confused words
Ask for and give opinions
Agree and disagree
Post a website comment 7.5 © video Health and fitness in New York p74 Review p75

8 Travel and transport page 76 8.1 I went to ... p76 Past simple questions p77
Talk about holidays
Ask questions using the past simple 8.2 Journeys p78 should, shouldn't, have to,
Talk about transport don't have to p79
I Use should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to
i Use expressions with get. take and have 8.3 vocabulary and skills development pso
I Understand present and past questions
Ask for information at the train station 8.4 Speaking and writing p82
Write an email about your perfect holiday
8.5 O Video Adventure holidays p8¿ Review p85

9 Cooking and eating page 86 Food and drink p86 Countable and uncountable nouns p86
Talk about food and drink 9.2 In the kitchen p88 Quantifiers p88
Use countable/uncountable nouns with some/any
Use quantifiers Vocabulary and skills development p90
Talk about cooking
Understand numbers 9.4 speaking and writing p92
Say numbers
Ask about and recommend a place to eat
Order food in a restaurant 9.5 © Video Making a pizza p94 Review p95

10 The world around us page 96 10.1 The weather p96 Comparatives p97
Describe the weather
■ Use comparative adjectives 10.2 Natural wonders p98 Superlatives p99
Describe nature and geography
■ Use superlative adjectives 10.3 Vocabulary and skills development pioo
j Understand comparison
Use adjective +noun collocations 10.4 Speaking and writing pi02
Give preferences and reasons
write a description of a place
10.5 O Video The Grand Canyon pio4 Review píos

11 Working together page 106 11.1 community spirit pi06 going to pi07
use verb +noun phrases (1) 11.2 Challenges pi08 Infinitive of purpose pi09
Use going to for plans and intentions
Talk about technology 11.3 Vocabulary and skills development pno
Say why you do things
Use the infinitive of purpose 11.4 speaking and writing pi 12
Deal with unknown words
Make adjectives stronger
Write a formal/informal notice
Offer to do something 11.5 © Video Silicon Fen pii4 Review pus

12 Culture and arts p a g e il6 12.1 Artistic ability pi 16 Present perfect simple piló
i Talk about past experience and events using the present 12.2 At the movies pus Present perfect and past simple pus
Use verb +noun phrases (2) 12.3 Vocabulary and skills development pi20
Talk about films
i Use the present perfect and past simple
Form past participles
i Understand past simple and present perfect verb forms 12.4 Speaking and writing pi22
Speak on the phone
M Write a review'
I Use pronouns in writing 12.5 O Video Park Theatre pm Review pi25

Communication page 126 Grammar Reference page 136

A healthy lifestyle p66 Past simple irregular verbs p67
Sports and fitness p68 Past simple negative p69 © video VOX pops 7 p69
Easily confused words p7i Readiri : time sequencers p70
speaking opinions, agreeing and disagreeing p72
Writing post a website comment p73

Talking about holidays p76 did in past simple questions © Video Vox pops 8 p77
Transport p78 sentence stress p/9

Expressions with get, take and Listening present simple and

have p80 past simple questions p8i
Speaking at the train station p82
Writing email: a perfect holiday p83

Food and drink p86 sentence stress p87

In the kitchen p89 © Video Vox pops 9 p89
Say numbers p9i i istening understanding
numbers p90
Writing asking about and recommending a place p92
Speaking in a restaurant p93

The weather p96 than in comparative

sentences p97
Nature and geography p98 the... -est In sentences p99 © Video Vox pops 10 p99
Adjective +noun collocations Reading understanding
p101 comparison plOO
Speaking reasons and preferences pi02
Writing describe places pi03

Verb +noun phrases (1) pi06 going to pi07 video vox pops 11.1 pi07
Technology pi08 O Video Vox pops 11.2 pi09
Making adjectives stronger pm Reading unknown words pno
Writing a notice pH2
Speaking offering to do something p 113

Verb +noun phrases (2) pH7 sentence stress pH7

Films pi 18
Past participles pi20 Listening past simple
and present perfect verb
forms pi2 i

Speaking on the phone pl22

writing a review pl23

Audioscripts page 160 Irregular verbs page 174 Phonemic symbols page 175
1 Your world
1 .1 Multicultural cities
GOALS ■ Talk about countries, nationalities and languages ■ Describe people using the verb to be

Work with a partner. Turn to page 126 and check your

Vocabulary & Speaking countries, answers to exercise 1.
nationalities and languages
Work w ith a partner. Are the words in the box
Work w ith a partner. Look ai the phoios and answer the countries (C), nationalities (N ) and/or languages (L)?
Arabic L Jamaica Spanish
1 W hich countries are cities a-d in?
Chinese Mexican the UAE
2 W hat is the nationality of people from these countries?
English Pakistani
3 W hat are the languages in these cities?

a London Work with a partner. Complete the table.

Country Nationality Main language

Mexico 1 2

the USA American 3

Italy 4 Italian
China 5 6

Vietnam Vietnamese 7

b san Francisco Turkey Turkish Turkish

the UK 8 English
Poland 9 10

Pakistan 11 Urdu
the UAE Emirati 12

France 13 French
Greece Greek 14

c Melbourne
b 1.1))) Listen and check your answers.

C 1.1))) Listen again and mark the stress on each word.

Practise saying the words with a partner.

Mexico American

Work in small groups. Take turns to think of things you

have from around the world and to guess what it is.

d Dubai A It's Italian .

B Your car?
A No.
C Your bag?
A Yes!
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

8 Work with a partner. Complete the rules in the Grammar focus box.
Gram m ar & Listening present simple Use exercise 7a to help you.
GRAMMAR FOCUS verb to be
6a 1.2 )| Listen to Godwin talking about his life in
London. Write the countries, nationalities and Positive (+)
languages that you hear. I 1 Cam)

b Compare your list w ith a partner. He/She/It 's (is) from Nigeria.

You/we/They 2 (are)
c Work with a partner. Complete the factfile.
Negative (-)
I 'm not (am not)
Name Godwin
He/She/It 's not/3 <is not) American.
Nationality Nigerian
You/we/They 're not/aren't 4( >
Married/Single Married
Yes/No Questions (?) Short answers
Wife’s name Sylvie
Yes, I am.
Wife’s nationality Am I
No, 16___
Mother is French; late? Yes, he/she/it7
Is he/she/it
Father is from 2 Italian? No, he/she/it isn't.
Number of children Two 5 Yes, you/we/they are
no, you/we/they8
Nationality of children 3__________
Language at home 4 ->Grammar Reference page 136
Home North London
9 1.4})) Godwin is at his first saxophone class. Listen to the
Nationality of neighbours Iraqi
conversation. W hat do we find out about Andy and M urielle?
Near his house 5 ______ supermarket;
Lebanese 6____ 10a Work with a partner. Look at the conversation between the
teacher (T), Godwin (G) and M urielle (M ) and complete the
Work organization
conversation using the w-ords in the box.
Nationality of boss 8
Are from I'm introduce is meet This too Wfrafs
Football and playing the saxophone
T 1 W Utits your name?
G Hi, I'm Godwin.
T 2 you a student?
d 1.2))) Listen again and check your answers.
G No, I'm not. I have a job.
T Where are you 3 ?
7a Work with a partner. Underline the verbs from
G i'm from Nigeria, but London's my home now.
the interview.
T A it your first class?
1 Is / Are /Am you from London?
G Yes, it is.
2 My name is/a re /a m Godwin.
T Let me 5 you to the other students.
3 l's / 're / 'm from Nigeria. 6 is Murielle. She's a student here 7
4 Our two children were born in England, so G Hi, M urielle. Nice to 8_ _ you. Godwin.
th e y 's/ 're/ fm British. M Nice to meet yo u,10__
5 The neighbours is / are/am a family from Iraq.
6 The restaurant across the road is / are / am b 1.4})) Listen again and check your answers.
11 Work in small groups. Take turns to practise the conversation
7 M y hoss isn't / aren't/ 'm not American.
in exercise 10a using your own names and countries.

b 1.3))) Listen, check and repeat.

1.2 Family
GOALS ■ Talk about your family ■ Use possessive's and possessive determiners

Reading & Gram m ar possessive

determ iners
Kodinhi is a small village in Kerala in south India, it's a typical
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photo of some children village, but its people are not typical. Two thousand families live
from a village in India. W hat is special about them? here and 290 families have twins. In India seven babies in 1,000
are twins, but in Kodinhi, forty-five babies in 1,000 are twins.
2 Read the article and check your ideas. Mohammed Rashin's family is from Kodinhi. He and his wife
have seven boys. Four of their sons are twins. Mohammed says,
3 Work with a partner and answer the questions. My wife and I are very happy with our family. Everyone in the
1 W hy are the people in Kodinhi not typical? village is happy.’
2 Are people in Kodinhi happy to have twins? But why are there so many twins in Kodinhi? How is it possible?
3 W hy are there a lot of twins in Kodinhi? No one really has an answer, but the village doctor says it isn't
genetic; he thinks it's something in the water or the food.
4 Work in small groups. Answer The questions. ■ typical a good example of something that's usual, normal, average
1 Do you have twins in your fam ily? Are any of your ■ genetic things that come from your parents, like blue eyes or brown hair
friends twins?
2 Is it good or bad to be a twin? W hy?

5 Look at the highlighted words in the article and

complete the information in the Grammar focus box.

GRAMMAR FOCUS personal pronouns

and possessive determ iners

Personal pronoun Possessive determiner

I 1

you your

he 2

she her
3 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

we 4 thetf his her our its my your

they 5 1 a
b Kodinhi is tk d r home.
Grammar Reference page 137
2 a We have seven children - all boys.
b All children are boys.
6a Underline the correct options.
3 a Mohammed and Suhara are the parents.
1 She / Her friends are Italian.
b wife.
2 W here's you ! your wife from?
4 a You have a big family.
3 I / M y have a big family.
b ___________fam ily is big.
4 A re they / their twins?
5 a Suhara s friend has twin girls.
5 He / H is brot her is a teacher.
b friend has tw in girls.
6 This is we /our house.
6 a M any people know about the tw ii
b Compare your answers with a partner. b Kodinhi is famous for twins.
7 a I have twin sisters.
b ___________ sisters are twins.

8 Om Oxford 3000™
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

12 Read the Grammar focus box and complete sentences 1-6

V ocabulary & Speaking family about the fam ily in exercise 11.

8 Work with a partner. Make a list of all the fam ily members GRAMMAR FOCUS possessive's
you can think of.
We use the possessive 's to show that something belongs
father, wife, ...
to someone.
Rafina is Sahala's mother. (= Rafina is her mother)
9a Match a male word to a female word.
Her husband's name is Tariq. {= His name is Tariq)
Male Female Hasan is Zafar and Rashida's son. (= Hasan is their son)
1 brother C a stepmother Note: 's is also a contraction of is.
2 son b grandmother My name's Marta. (= My name is Marta.)
3 husband c sister it's a Spanish name. (= it is a Spanish name.)
4 father d sister-in-law -♦Grammar Reference page 137
5 uncle e niece
6 grandfather f daughter 1 Zafar is husband.
7 grandson g mother 2 Hasan is brother.
8 nephew h granddaughter 3 Rafina isTariq's
9 stepfather i aunt 4 Th eir__________ name is Sahala.
10 brother-in-law j wife 5 Sahala is Zafar's
6 Rashida is grandmother.
b 1.5))) Listen, check and repeat.

C W ork w ith a partner. Choose the correct word. PRONUNCIATION sim ilar sounding w ords

1 She is the mother of six child/children.

13a 1.7))) Listen to the phrases and sentences. Is the
2 My uncle and aunt have a daughter, Anna. She is my pronunciation of the highlighted words the same (S)
cousin / sister. or different (D)?
3 My brother / brother-in-law is a doctor. He and my sister
1 Zafar's wife Zafar's a doctor.
have three children and they all live in Seattle.
2 their daughter They're happy.
4 M y parents / grandparents have two sons - me and my
3 Tin his son. He's my father.
4 Is he your brother? You're right.
5 M y father is dead. My mother is now married to Didier.
5 She’s our teacher. Are you married?
So he's my stepfather/ half-brother.

b 1.7 ft Listen again and repeat.

10 Work with a partner. Talk about three people in your family.
M y brother is m arried to M arianna. She's a teacher.
14a trivia Draw your fam ily tree or invent one.

G ram m ar & Speaking possessive 5 b Work with a partner. Take turns to describe the people
in your fam ily tree and to ask questions about your
11 1.6))) Listen and complete the fam ily tree. partner's family.
A My uncle’s name is Lester. He is my mother '$brother.
B How old is he?
Zafar — — Rashida


Hasan Tariq — — Rafina


Zafar and his wife have two children: a 1

Hasan, and 2 twin brother, Tariq. Tariq
is 3___________ to Rafina. Sahala is Tariq and
4___________daughter. 5___________ three years old.
1.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand positive and negative contractions ■ Use regular and irregular plural nouns

Listening & Speaking positive and negative

1a W rite the names of three people you know.

b Work with a partner. Take turns to talk about the people

in exercise la.
K ir it is my brother. He's 25. He's a nurse.

2 1.8D Read and listen to the information in the Unlock the

code box about positive and negative contractions. \drriQ

positive and negative contractions

• When we speak, we often use contractions, e.g. I’m, she

isn't, etc. It is important to understand the difference
P m takH
between the positive and negative forms of the verb.
• The verb to be is not stressed in positive sentences.
g A
nw b>
• •
He's Australian. i'm Chinese. \1. 1
IV J f\ JI If
f| ' m
• In negative sentences not, isn't and aren’t are stressed.
f C . Q Q W
• • . , •
She's not Polish, it isn't my family name. They aren't friends.

3 1.9))) Listen and underline the contraction you hear. 5a Match the names to the nationalities.

1 I'm / I'm not Russian. 1 Li Na a Turkish

2 It's / Itis n ’t an Arabic name. 2 AntalekTam ás b Chinese

3 That's/That's nor a girl's name. 3 BlilentSad ik c Hungarian

4 They're/ They aren't brothers. 4 Manuela García Gómez d Spanish

5 It's / It's not the same.

b 1.11))) Listen and check your answers.
6 She's / She isn't French.
7 It's / It's not a long name. C 1.11))) Listen again. Tick (/ ) the pairs of countries that have
8 H e's/H e isn't married. something the same, and cross (X) the ones that are different.
1 Turkey and China 3 Spain and Hungary
4 1.10))) Lisren and complete the sentences with the words
2 China and Hungary 4 Turkey and Spain
you hear.
1 It a female name. 6a Work with a partner. Use the prompts to talk about
2 Their name Spanish. your name and the names of your friends and family.
3 She called Sarah. M y n a m e ' s , but myfriends/fam ily call m e...
4 His family name Ramirez. I hare two/three/four names.
5 That a boy's name. In myfam ily, no one has/some people have the same name.
6 M y name very long. My aunt/brother has a long/short/'funny/interesting name.
7 Their family large.
b Work with another partner. Tell them three things about
8 He my friend.
your first partner.
Alberto has five nam es...

10 O m Oxford 3000™
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

8 Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about

V ocabulary & Speaking regular and regular and irregular plural nouns.
irregular plural nouns
VOCABULARY FOCUS regular and irregular
7a Work with a partner. Read part of a magazine article about plural nouns
names. W hat do you find out about titles and names? Regular nouns
1 To talk about more than one noun, we usually add -s.
W hat’s in a title or name? name -* names cousin -* cousins
2 with nouns that end in -ch, -sh, -ss, -s, -x, -z, we add -es.
Titles and names can rell us a lor about people. For
brush -* brushes box -* boxes
example, in English there is one title for men, Mr, and
three for women - Mrs for a married woman, Miss for 3 with nouns that end in a consonant + -y, we take away
the -y and add -ies.
a single woman andJtfc for both. In some countries, for
example Greece, wives can have their husband s last country -»countries family -»families
names after they are married, but in other countries they Irregular nouns
have their own names, in Iceland, most last names have 1 Some nouns are irregular in the plural.
-sscm or -dottir at the end, for example Gunnarsson or child -* children person — people
Guomundsdotiir. A person’s last name is their father's man — men woman -* women
first name with -sson or -dottir. If a man is called Magnus
2 Some nouns that end in-f or-fe, have plurals in -ves.
Einarsson and his son is called Jon and his daughter is
wife -* wives half— halves knife -* knives
called Kristen, then .Ion’s and Kristin's last name is not
Einarsson. Jon’s last name is Magnusson and Kristin’s 3 we don't add -s to irregular nouns.
last name is Magnusdottir.
9 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
questions about singular and plural nouns. Student A,
b Work with a partner. What's special about names in your turn to page 126. Student B, turn to page 131.
language or other languages you know?
10a Look at the photos for one minute.
c Read the article again and complete the table. Compare
your answers with a partner. b Close your books and write down all the things you can
remember. User/, an, ora number before the thing(s).
Regular Regular irregular irregular
Compare your list with a partner.
(singular) (plural) (singular) (plural)
five pencils
1 ef H iim e names a man 3

a country 2 4 women c Open your books and check your lists.

a person 5
1.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Ask for personal information and check you understand ■ Write a personal profile

Listening & Speaking asking for personal

inform ation and checking yon understand
Work with a partner. Look at the advert and answer the BEG IN N ERS' CO URSE - ALL WELCOME
1 W hat is the course?
2 Who is it for?
3 W hen and where is it?

1.13 ))) Listen to a conversation between a student and a

receptionist. Complete the form.

^ Eastfield Adult CoJieae I

Name 1 Antonio Russo Ptease send us a short description of yourself
2 and your reason for attending the course.
3 Lo catio n : E a stfie ld Adult C o lleg e
Start d ate : 12th Ja n u a ry Time: 6.00 - 7.30 p.m.
Type of website (please circle) business / Fun
Email address 5

b Check your answers in the Language for speaking (2) box.


3a 1.14))) Listen to the first part of the conversation again and
checking you understand
complete the receptionist's questions.
Sorry,; can you repeat that, please?
1 your name?
How do you spell that?
2 your nationality? How do you spell 'russorest'?
3 yourjob?
4 the website for business or for fun?
C 1.171 Listen to the questions in exercise 4b and repeat.
5 your email address?
5a Match questions 1-7 to answers a-g.
b Check your answers in the Language for speaking (1) box.
1 W hat's your name? a J-O-E-L-K-U-BL
LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING (1) asking for 2 Sorry, can you repeat b It's a website for my
personal information your name? friends and family.

what’s your name? what's your nationality? 3 W hat's your job? c
What's your job? What's your email address? 4 W hat's your nationality? d I'm Czech.
5 W hat's your email address? e Joel Kubicek.
C 1.15))) Listen to the questions in exercise 3a and repeat. 6 How do you spell 'joelkubi'? f I'm a car mechanic.
7 Is your website for g Yes, I ’m Joel Kubicek.
4a 1.16 ))) Listen to the second part of the conversation again. business or for fun?
W hat are the missing words?
A It's b Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the questions
R 1 can yo u: that, please? and answers in exercise 5a.
A Yes, Antonio - A-N-T-O-N-I-O - at russorest dot com.
R 3 _ d o y o u 4_ russorest'? > Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
A R-U-doubleS-O-R-E-S-T personal information questions. Student A, turn to page
R OK. Great. Thanks. Now, the cost of the course is ... 126. Student B, turn to page 132.

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Reading & W riting a personal profile 10 Work with a partner. Put nine capital letters in the correct
places in this profile. Use exercise 9 and the Language for
writing box to help you.
W ork w ith a partner. Look at the advert in exercise 1 again.
W hat details do you think they want?
i am a student at Columbia university, X
8a Read Cristina's profile for the course and complete the my Saturday job is at a Chinese
form. Compare your answers with a partner. supermarket called jing jing foods.


LANGUAGE FOR WRITING using capital letters
My name's Cristina Oliveira. We use capital letters for:
I'm Australian, but my parents people's names Petra Park
are Portuguese. I'm an companies Brown's Café
artist and designer, but I'm universities Manchester University
unemployed at the moment. beginning of a sentence My brother is a doctor.
My skills are art, design and towns and countries Buenos Aires, Argentina
communicating with people. I'm nationalities and languages British, Chinese, Spanish
fluent in Portuguese and I'm a days of week and months Monday 14th July
beginner in French. The website the pronoun T Kasper and I are good friends.
is for my art and design work.
11a Work with a partner. Use Antonio's form to
Name 1 Oliveira write a personal profile like Cristina's.
N atio n ality 2

D ate of birth 30th November 1980

Name Antonio Russo
Home address 25 Melrose Street East,
Toronto, M4D ZV9, Canada N ationality Italian

Job 3 an d 4 , Date o f birth 1st May 1985

but unemployed at the moment
5 Home address 210 Lakeview Road, Toronto, M4B 1B3
Skills »6 »
communicating with people Job Restaurant owner
Languages 7 (fluent), Skills Cooking, business management
French (basic)
Languages English (fluent) and Italian (fluent)
Type o f w ebsite Business - f o r 8
Type of
Business - for restaurant
b Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 What is Cristina's normal job? What is her situation now?
2 Are Cristina's Portuguese and French b Work with a different partner. Compare your profiles for
a very good b OK c not very good? Antonio.

? Look at Cristina's profile and form again. Find examples 12a B 3 3 W rite a sim ilar profile of yourself. Use capital letters
of capital letters for 1-6. in the correct places.

people's names C ristivw Oliveira

b Swap profiles with a partner. Check the capital letters.
beginning of a sentence
towns and countries

1.5 Video

Brighton language exchange

1a Look at the photos. Which of these things do you see in them?

beach conversation flag library pavilion pier

reading student teacher

b Work with a partner. Look at the photos and the words in

exercise la again. W hat do you think the video is going to
be about?

2 O Watch the video and check your ideas. W hat skill/skills

do you see students practising? How are they practising?

3 O Watch the video again. Decide if the sentences are true

(T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.
1 Rebecca is a student and she comes from London.
2 The population of Brighton is 27,000.
3 Many people go to Brighton to learn English.
4 There are conversation exchanges once a week at the
Jubilee Library.
5 In the conversation exchange you speak your own
language for forty-five mi nines.
6 The language exchange costs £45 to join.
7 After the language exchange, students go out together.
8 Brighton is famous for Brighton Pizza, Brighton Clock
Tower and the Royal Pavilion.

4a Work in small groups. Think of the things you can do to

improve your English. Make notes about each skill.
• Speaking • Pronunciation
• Listening • Grammar
• Reading • vocabulary
• Writing

b Compare your ideas with another group. W hich ones

would you like to try?

c Think about 4-5 things you want to improve. How a re you

going to do it?
I want to improve my listening, i am going to ivatch a DVD
without subtitles every week.

d Compare your ideas with a partner.

A I want to improve my English grammar.
B Me too, I'm going to buy a gram m ar book.
A I 'm going to use a good website with gram mar games on it.

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


1a Complete the conversation with the verb to be in the 1.19))) Listen and write the words in the correct column.
positive (+), negative (-) or question (?) form. Use
Country Nationality Main language
contractions where possible.
A 1___________ (?) you and your wife from England?
B No, we 2___________(-). 13___________ (+) from 2
Edinburgh in Scotland and my w ife4 _ (+) 3
Canadian. 4
A Canadian? 5___________(?) she from Montreal?
M y sister's at university in Montreal.
Complete the table w ith the missing words.
B No, she's from Vancouver. W hat about you? You
6 (-) English.7 (?) you Australian? Complete the text with words from the table.
A No, 18 (-). I'm from Wellington in New Zealand.

1.18))) Listen and check your answers.

Work w ith a partner. Use your own ideas and have a

similar conversation.

2a Complete the questions with the correct form of the words

in (brackets).
1 What's vovir nam e?iyou)
2 W here are from? (you) Dubai is a very multicultural city in the1___________ . People
3 What's name? (he) come here to work from many different countries. Only
10% of people in Dubai are 2___________ : 90% of the city's
4 Is from Mexico? (she)
population are from other countries. Some people come from
5 Is this book? (she) the UK and the 3___________ , but many people are from Asia.
6 W hat are names? (they) India is home for most of Dubai's workers, but people come
7 What's teacher's name? (we) from 4 and the Philippines, too. The language of
the United Arab Emirates is 5___________ , but because of its
b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the international population, lots of people use6
questions in exercise 2a about you and other people in V J

the class.
d 1.20))) Listen and check your answers.
3a Read the text and add an apostrophe in the underlined
1.21))) Listen to the definitions and write the fam ily word.
words if it is necessary.
1 3 ___________ 5 __________
My names Memed. I'm from Izmir, its a city in Turkey. 2 4 ___________ 6 __________
I have two sisters. Their names are Sevil and Fatima.
Sevil is 10 and Fatimas 14. My brothers name is Cem.
6 Complete the table with the missing words.

Hes a doctor. His wifes name is Eda. singular Plural singular Plural
nationality i wife 4

2 languages 5 women
child 3 address 6

7a Make questions from the prompts.

1 you / name? 4 you / job?
2 you / spell that? 5 you / email address?
3 you / nationality? 6 sorry / you / repeat?

b Compare your answers with a partner.

Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

2 I ___________________________________________________________

My day
2.1 A day in the life of a scientist
GOALS ■ Talk about everyday actions ■ use the present simple positive to talk about your day

4a Work with a partner. Read the article about M elanie and

Listening & Gram m ar present simple and her colleague, Sven. How are their jobs different?
adverbs of frequency

Location of Bird island SCIENTISTS ON BIRD ISLAND

Bird Island is an im portant scientific research
centre. Every year lots of scientists visit the
island, but M elanie Szabo, a professor of zoology,
works there all year. Sven Olafsson, who is from
Bergen in Norway, also works on the island. He
studies seals and M elanie watches penguins. The
penguins come to the beaches on the north of the
island and M elanie often works there alone. Sven
never works alone - he alw ays works w ith the
other scientists because the m ale seals are big and
sometimes dangerous! Sven loves his job, but he
Penguins on the Seals on works very hard and he hardly ever has free time.
beach on Bird island Bird Island For M elanie, her favourite tim e is Saturday night.
One of the scientists usually makes a big dinner
for the group and they watch a m ovie together,
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos and information
relax or play games.
about Bird Island and answer the questions.
1 W here is Bird Island?
b Work with a partner. Would you like to work on Bird
2 W hat animals live there?
Island? W hy/W hy not?
2 2.1 )| Melanie Szabo is a scientist on Bird Island. Listen to
5 Work with a partner. Read the sentences and complete ihe
her talking about her day in the summer and in the winter.
rules in the Gram mar focus box.
Tick (/ ) the activities she mentions.
1 W e visit different islands and we take photos.
1 study penguins 7 have dinner
2 Sven loves his job, but he works very hard and he hardly
2 gel up early 8 work in the lab
ever has free time.
3 have breakfast 9 write emails
3 Melanie watches penguins.
4 go out in a boat 10 go to bed late
5 visit different islands 11 relax GRAMMAR FOCUS present simple positive
6 take photos 12 read a book
- We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions
2.1 ))) Listen again and co rnplete the sentences writh the and things that are always true.
■ To make the present simple positive, we use:
correct verbs. Is Melanie talking only about today, or
things she does every day? //you/1 /They + infinitive without to

1 In the summer, my days are long. I early 2 /she/it -r infinitive without to + (e)s
and to the beach. I watch the penguins. • When a verb ends in -ch. -sh, -ss, s, -z, -x, we add 3
2 We different islands and we to the third person he/she/it form.
* The third person he/she/it form of have is A
3 In the winter, wre usually more free time. Gram m ar Reference page 138

16 O w Oxford 3000™
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

PRONUNCIATION third person -(e)s V ocabulary & Speaking daily activities

• The third person -s is pronounced /s/ or id with most verbs,
9a Work with a partner. Match illustrations 112 to
e.g. worts, goes.
the phrases in the box.
• With verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -ss, -s, -z or -x, the third person
he/she/it form is pronounced /iz/. e.g. watches, washes. get up go home go to bed go to work/college
have a shower have lunch/dinner listen to music
6a 2.2))) Listen to three sentences and repeat. make breakfast play video games read a book
1 Melanie watches penguins. iv/J 3 Sven loves his job./z/ see friends watch TV/a film
2 Sven also works on the island, /s/

b 2.3))) Listen and circle the final sound you hear in verbs 1-6.
1 goes/z//iz/ 3 cooks/s//iz/ 5 makes/s//iz/
2 teaches/z//iz/ 4 relaxes /s//iz/ 6 plays/z//iz/

C 2.4))) Listen, check and repeat.

7a Read the Gram mar focus box about adverbs of frequency.

GRAMMAR FOCUS adverbs of frequency

^ Adverbs of frequency, e.g. always, never, sometimes, etc.
tell us how often or how frequently something happens.
in the present simple, adverbs of frequency come after the
verb to be, but before all other verbs.
In the winter, the weather is always very cold.
Melanie often works there alone all day.

-> Grammar Reference page 138

b Work with a partner. Underline the adverbs of frequency in

exercise 4a. W rite Ihem in the correct place in the diagram.

• j 3 5hardly ever
; .......
j * ------- , 6
...2 —

1100% 50%

8a Read the sentences about a scientist's week and complete

the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

arrive be go (x2) get-up have relax return work

1 Duringthe week, he gets up earlyandhe

at a volcano at seven o’clock, (always/usually) b 2.6))) Listen, check and repeat.
2 His work___________ dangerous and he___________
alone, (sometimes/never) 10a EZ23 Tell your partner five things about your day, using
3 H e ___________ to the research centre at about 1 o'clock. the phrases in exercise 9a and adverbs of frequency. Give
and h e___________ lunch in the lab. (usually/always) more information when you can.
4 On Friday and Saturday nights he at home. I get up at about eight o'clock.
He _ out with friends and he _ _ to I (sometimes/always/never) have a shower..., etc.
bed early, (usually/hardly ever/often)
bWork with a different partner. Tell them about your first
b Read the sentences in exercise 8a again and pul the partner’s day.
adverbs in (brackets) in the correct places. A Iexa gets up at eight o'clock. She always has a shower:

C 2.5))) Listen and check your answers.

2.2 Spending time
GOALS ■ Tell the time ■ Use the present simple negative

4a Work w ith a partner. W rite the times under the clocks.

Listening & Vocabulary telling the time
1a Work with a partner. Do you think sentences 1-3 are true (T)
or false (F)?
1 It takes about a year to learn to be an astronaut. T / F
1 It's th ree o'clock..
2 Some astronauts stay in space for over a year at a time.
3 Ast ronauts don't need perfect eyesight. T / F

b Turn to page 127 and check your answers.


b 2.8))) Listen, check and repeat.

PRONUNCIATION saying the time

2.7))) Sanaa Diya is a trainee astronaut at the European • When we say the time, we don't stress past or to. e.g.
• • • •
Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany. Listen and twenty-five past three, ten to seven.
answer the questions.
• we don't pronounce the letter I in half, so we say /ha:f/.
1 W hat does she think about the training? • Quarter begins with a /k/ sound, so we say /kwoUa/.
2 W hat subjects does she learn?
5a 2.9))) Listen to the times.fcircle:the words you hear.
2.7))) Listen again and match activities 1-6 in Sanaa's day to 1 quarter / h a lf past eight 4 five / quarter to six
times a-f.
2 quarter to / past three 5 twenty to / past Ihree
1 She gets up
3 ten to / past ten 6 twenty / twenty-five
2 She has breakfast in the canteen
to four
3 She goes to morni ng classes
4 She stops for a break in the morning b 2.9))) Listen again and repeat.
5 Classes finish in the evening
6 She goes to sleep Work with a partner. Talk about what time you do these
a at quarter to eight, things or what time they happen where you live.

b at ten to seven, • the sun rises in summer • you have lunch

• you get up • the shops close
c at quarter to six.
• the shops open • public transport stops
d at five past ten. • your favourite TV programme starts
e at quarter past eleven, The sun rises at about h a lfpast six.
f at half past eight. Shops like the baker's open early, at eight o'clock.

18 O w Oxford 3000™
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

9a Change these sentences from positive to negative. Use

Reading & Gram m ar present simple negative contractions.

7 Work with a partner. W hat’s different about life on earth and 1 They have a lot of free time.
life in space? Use the ideas in the box. They dont ketve a lot offre e tim e.
2 I go to classes in the evening.
daytime and night-time washing sleeping
3 Chris has a shower in the morning.
4 Sanaa sleeps in a sleeping bag.
8a Read the article about Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and 5 They speak to their families every day.
life in space. Check your ideas in exercise 7.
6 He works eight hours a day.

b 2.10))) Listen, check and repeat.

______ A perfect day 10a Work with a partner. Do you think these things usually
When Chris Hadfield goes into space, he doesn't have a happen or not in space?
lot of free time. He works tw elve hours a day and also A I don't think astronauts get sick on their first trip
does two hours' exercise. Life in space is very different into space.
to life on earth. Astronauts don't have showers like 15 Really? I disagree. I think they>usually get sick.

people on earth do - they wash with a cloth. They don’t 1 get sick on their first trip into space
sleep in a bed - they sleep in special sleeping bags on 2 wear special clothes in the space station
the walls. It is difficult to know the time because in 3 change their clothes every day
space the sun doesn't rise once a day - it rises once 4 exercise a lot
every 45 minutes. It's hard work, but most astronauts 5 go on a spacewalk every day
love being in space. Chris says it is amazing and he 6 sleep a lot

doesn't want to sleep. For him, every day in space is a

b 2.11))) Listen and check your ideas.
perfect day!
11a hfcMM Chris says every day in space is a perfect day for
him. Describe a perfect day for you. Write down three
things you do and three things you don't do.
On a perfect day, I don't go to work. I have breakfast
in bed at about h a lf past nine -fresh fru it, coffee and
a croissant - and I get up at ten o'clock.

b Compare your sentences with a partner. Is their perfect

day sim ilar or different to yours?

c Work with a different partner. Tell them about your

first partner’s perfect day.

b Underline the negative verb forms in exercise 8a, e.g. doesn't

have, and complete the rules in the Gram mar focus box.

GRAMMAR FOCUS present simple negative

To make the present simple negative, we use:
l/You/We/They +do not (_________ '____ ) + Infinitive without to
He/She/It +does not ( ' ) + infinitive without to

->•Grammar Reference page 139

2.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand conjunctions in reading ■ Use verb +preposition phrases

4a Complete each sentence w ith a different conjunction.

Reading & Speaking understanding
1 Some scientists say to eat small meals often,______
conjunctions others say it is important to eat only three meals a day.
Some scientists believe it's a bad idea to drink tea
1 Work in small groups. When do you think is the best
___________ coffee late in the evening.
time to do the things in the box? W hy?
I go to bed early___________ I wake up early.
go to sleep have breakfast have dinner wake up There is no perfect tim e to wake up ___________ people
are different.
2a Read the sentences about sleep. Look at the words in bold
and answer questions 1-4.
b Work with a partner. Discuss (he sentences in exercise 4a.

• I usually only sleep five or six hours a night, but I sleep 5a Read the article and answer questions 1-5.
1 W hat can happen if we sleep or eat at the wrong time?
• I sleep for a long time, but I don't always feel good in the
2 Is there a perfect time to sleep? Why/Why not?
3 When is the best time to sleep? W hy is this often
• I am often worried about something and wake up in the
difficult to do?
4 When is the best time to eat?
• I never get enough sleep because I am always busy.
5 ‘...ify o u listen to your own body clock, you cun live a
1 W hich word joins two sim ilar ideas? healthier life/ W hat does this mean?
2 W hich word do we use to show something different?
3 W hich word answers the question W hy?
b Work in small groups. Do you agree with the ideas in
the article?
4 W hich word joins two possibilities?

b Read the information in the Unlock the code box about

conjunctions. Check your answers to exercise 2a.


understanding conjunctions Know your
body clock
• understanding conjunctions in sentences, e g. and, but,
because, and or. helps you understand a text.
• we use:
and with similar ideas An
or with two or more choices or possibilities Many of us get enough sleep and food, b u t still feel
because to say why something happens tired and h un gry during th e day. Perhaps th is is
but to contrast two different pieces of information. because we sleep or eat a t th e wrong tim es.
There is no perfect tim e to sleep because
3a Match beginnings 1-4 to endings a-d. Use the everyone's body clock is different, b u t sleep expert
conjunctions to help you. Dr Michael Howell says th e best sleep is six hours
1 1have lunch at one or a have breakfast, at n igh t and two hours in th e afterno on . The best
2 I wake up and b it's difficult! tim e to have your a fternoon sleep is six hours
3 People eat because c they're hungry, after you wake up, but th is is not possible for most
4 I try to wake up early, but d two in the afternoon.
people because th e y are a t work.
It is also useful to th in k about what time you
b 2.12))) Listen, check and repeat. eat. It is im p ortant to eat breakfast two hours after
you wake up an d d in n er th re e hours before you go
to sleep.
Perhaps th e most im portant th in g to remember
is th a t if you lis te n to your own body clock, you
can live a healthier life.

20 O w Oxford 3000™
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

7a Work with a partner. Match beginnings 1-8 to answers a-h

V ocabulary & Speaking verb + preposition to make eight short conversations.

6a Complete the two sentences with prepositions. 1 I watch the news on TV every morning.
2 It's a good idea.
1 It is also useful to think what tim e you eat. 3 Do you pay for tea and coffee at work?
4 Do people often wait for buses and trains in your city?
2 ... if you listen _____youi own body clock, 5 I'd like to talk to you before the meeting tomorrow.
you can live a healthier life. 6 Do we have a reply from them?
7 It's not nice to laugh at other people.
b Check your answers in the article in exercise 5a. 8 Do students often ask for a discount?

a No, they want more time to think about it.

c Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about
verbs and prepositions. b I listen to it on the radio,
c OK, are you free after lunch?
VOCABULARY FOCUS verb + preposition d I agree w ith you.
• Some verbs have a preposition, e.g. with, for, about, to, after e No, they're free, but we buy sandwiches at lunchtime,
them. These verbs need an object after the preposition. f I know, my grandmother always says that!
I listen to music everyday.
g Yes, but they need to show their student card,
He never agrees with her.
h No, not often. They're usually on time.
Are you looking for your keys?
• We don’t use a preposition when there ¡s no object. b 2.13))) Listen and check your answers.
Wait! NOT wait-fer!
Listen! not Listen tol C Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the

8a Work with a partner. Complete sentences 1-8 with a verb

and preposition phrase from the box. Change the form of
the verb if necessary.

the Intern atio n al agree with ask for laugh at listen to pay for
taHH e think about wait for

1 Tarik talk s to his fam ily on the phone every day.

2 Kristofer never___________ funny films. He doesn't
enjoy them.
3 My sister never people who are late.
4 I usually my friends but we sometimes have
different ideas.
5 Gregorja pop and classical music.
6 When he’s alone, h e __________ his friends and family.
7 We always___________ our shopping in cash.
8 Intira alw ays___________ help when she doesn't
understand something in class.

b 2.14))) Listen and check your answers.

9a EES3 Make the sentences in exercise 8a true for you. Give

more information by using conjunctions.
I don't talk to myfam ily on the phone ever}' day, but I talk to
them every week.

b Compare your sentences with a partner. Tell the class two

things that are sim ilar and two things that are different.
We both talk to ourfam ilies on the phone every clay.

2.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Make suggestions and arrangements ■ Describe where you live

Work with a partner. Take turns to practise making

Listening & Speaking making suggestions
suggestions and arrangements. Use the prompts and
and arrangem ents the Language for speaking box to help you.

1 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.

1 W hat time do the shops and restaurants open and close
where you live?
2 W hat do you think is a 24-hour city?

2a 2.15))) Karl Schm idt is from Germ any and he is visiting

Seoul for work. Bon Dae Kim, his Korean colleague, meets
him at the airport. Listen and choose the correct answers.
1 Bon Dae Kim first invites Karl logo ...
a shopping b to a meeting c to a restaurant
2 Bon Dae Kim first suggests they go a t...
a midday b midnight c half past nine
3 Karl agrees to go a t...
a midday b half past nine c five o'clock
4 Bon Dae Kim and Karl agree to go shopping ...
a after dinner b at 5 a.m. c at 5 p.m.
Making suggestions and arrangements
b Compare your answers with a partner. Are you free (tonight)?
would you like to {do) ...?
C Match questions 1-5 from the conversation to answers a-e.
Do you want to (do)...?
1 Are you free tonight? Let's (do)...
2 Would you like to go for dinner at Jinju Jip? what time do you want to (do)...?
3 W hat time do you want to eat? where shall we (do) ...?

4 Do you want to do some shopping while you're here? Accepting

Yes, I'd love to.
5 Where shall we meet?
Yes, that sounds nice.
a Let's go at half past nine, Refusing
b 1w ill pick you up from your hotel, I'm sorry, but I'm busy this evening.
Thanks, but I'm afraid I have plans tonight.
c Yes, that sounds nice,
d Yes, I'd love to.
e Yes, 1am. Work with a partner. Take turns to make suggestions and
arrangements. Student A, turn to page 127. Student B,
d 2.15))) Listen again and check your answers. turn to page 132.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Reading & W riting describe where you live

5 Work with a partner. Do you prefer to live in the tow^n or
the country? Talk about the good and bad things about
each. Use the ideas in the box to help you.

buses/trains fresh air jobs noise prices

things to do traffic

6a Read what three people say about where they live.

Match a photo a-c to a description 1-3. Compare your
answers with a partner.
I love it here! It’s a very big city1 you
don’t need a car - the buses and trains are very good.
Lagos, Nigeria
I often have lunch outside a café or a restaurant and
watch people walk past. Of course the food2
drink here is great but I sometimes have problems in
the restaurants3____________I don’t speak very good
French! (and/because/but)

It’s a really beautiful place. In summer, there are lots
of tourists,4 in winter it's very quiet.
I live in a small town: it doesn’t have many shops,
restaurants5_____________ museums, but for me that’s
not important. I love living near the se a G I
can go swimming or walk alongthe beach when I want
to. [because/but/or]

We live in this city because our jobs are here. We don't
always enjoy city life - it s sometimes noisy and dirty,
7 it's exciting. It’s a 24-hour city: you Phuket, Thailand Paris, France
can go out shopping8____________ clubbing all night.
My favourite place is the port. My office is there
9 I love watching the ships arrive from all 8a Complete these sentences about where you live using your
over the world, (or/and/but) own ideas.
1 Hike ____, but I don't like
2 At the weekend, I usually or I
b Work with a partner. W hich place in exercise 6a would you
3 My two favourite things to eat are
like to live in? W hy?
an d ___________ .
7a Head the information in the Language for writing box. 4 I like/don’t like big cities because___________ .

LANGUAGE FOR WRITING using conjunctions b Compare your sentences with a partner. W hat is sim ilar
and what is different?
Use and/but/or/because to help the reader understand your ideas.
Sydney has a lot of parks and museums. 9a E 3 3 Work with a partner. Think about where you live
It’s a beautiful city,; but it's very expensive.
or a place you both know well. Make a list of good and
You can travel by bus or train.
bad things about it.
you need a car because the country is very big.

b W rite a paragraph about the place (60-80 words). Leave

b Complete the descriptions in exercise 6a with the gaps for the conjunctions.
conjunctions in (brackets).
C Give your text to another pair to complete the sentences.
Check their answers.

10 Work in small groups. Read all your texts.

W hich places would you like to live in? W hv/W hy not?

The M enna family
1 Work with a partner. Look at the people in the photos and
think about...
• what nationality they are
• where they live
• what they like eating
• how old they are
• what jobs they do
• what they do at weekends

2 © Watch the video about the Menna family. Check your

ideas in exercise 1. W hat other information do you find out
about the fam ily?

3 O Watch the video again. Choose the correct option.

Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
a Roberto works fo r a television network /fo r Channel 9 /
at home.
b Gabrielagoes to work at 5.30/6.30/ 7.30 a.m.
c Milagros and Julieta go to school by bus / go to the same
school /go to different schools.
d The girls get up at 8 a.m. / 9 a.m. / JO a.m. on Saturdays,
e Gabriela drinks chocolate m ilk / m ate/ coffee.
f After breakfast the girls play football/tennis/ video
g They go to the park in the evening / in the afternoon /
before lunch.
h The fam ily usually visits the girls' aunt and uncle/
cousins / grandparents on Sundays,
i They eat salad / pasta / rice w ith their barbecue,
j On Sundays they go to bed early / la te / at 11 p.m.

4a k IM l Work w ith a partner. You are going ro do a class

survey to find out whose weekend is the most different to
yours. Write 6-8 questions to find out about other students’
weekend routines.
Do you work at the weekend?
W hat time do you get up on Saturdays?

b Ask other students in the class about their weekend

routines. Whose weekend is the most different to yours?

2.1 2.2 2.3 24 2.5


1a Complete the sentences with the present simple positive 4 Work with a partner. Say what time you usually do the
form of the verbs in the box. activities in exercise 3a. Do you do things at the same time
as your partner?
go have like live study work
I usually get up at six o'clock, but at weekends...
1 I classical music.
2 After class, I home by bus.
5a Match beginnings 1-6 to endings a-f to make questions.
1 W hat radio station do you
3 My friend in a bank.
2 Do you usually agree
4 We English on Mondays and Wednesdays.
3 Do you normally
5 In my country, people__________ their main holiday
in August. 4 Do you like waiting
6 M y classmate___________ in a flat in the city centre. 5 Who's t he fi rst person
6 Do you pay
b Work with a partner. Make the sentences in exercise la
a for public transport?
true for you. Give more information.
b for things in shops in cash or by credit card?
I don ’t like classical music. I Like rock.
c with everything your family/colleagues say?
2a Look at the information and write sentences about people d you talk to in the morning?
in the U K. Use words from the box. e listen to?
f ask for directions when you are lost?
always never sometimes hardly ever usually often

They never havefish fo r breakfast. b Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 5a.
0% 10% 50% 75% 85% 100%
A 6a Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
...... j ____ . __ i __ , |
busy free like love let's plans shall want
have | ( g ( i,o a 1 ! I eal j
fish lor j" j different lunch j
A Are you 1___________ after class today?
breakfast i j city lo study j j j at work :
i B I'm sorry, but I'm 2___________this evening. But I don't
have any 3 tomorrow.

................... ............... .. ......i ......
f ? • have more talk A Would you 4___________to go out for a pizza?
• De late Tor : B Yes, I'd 5___________to. What time 6___________ we meet?
j than one TV i about the
i m eetings j:
i | at home ; weather A Eight o'clock at Gino’s? Or do you 7___________to meet
at the station?
b 2.16))) Listen and check your answers. B Yes, 8 meet there at 7.45.
A OK, see you then!
C Change the adverbs of frequency to make the sentences
true for where you live. Compare your sentences with a b 2.17))) Listen and check your answers.
partner. How many sentences are the same?
c Work with a partner. Use your own ideas and have a
3a Put i he daily activities in the order people usually do sim ilar conversation.

go to bed go to work get up have a shower

have dinner go home have lunch watch t v

b Work with a partner. Think of three more daily activities.

Decide where they go in your order from exercise 3a.

The world of work
3.1 Jobs
GOALS ■ Talk about jobs ■ Ask yes/no questions

Vocabulary & Speaking jobs

1a Work with a partner. Match the jobs in the box to photos 1-12.

businessman/businesswoman chef cleaner dentist hairdresser

journalist mechanic musician nurse photographer pilot student

b 3.1))) Listen to people talking about the jobs in exercise la and check
your answers.

C 3.2)))Listen and mark the stressed syllable in the words from exercise la.


d 3.2))) Listen again and repeat.

2 Work with a partner. Write jobs from exercise 1a and any others you
know in the table. You can write a job in more than one group.

work inside work outside

well-paid Badly-paid

Work with a computer Work w ith their hands

3 Work in small groups. Use the ideas in exercise 2 and your own ideas
to choose the three best jobs. Tell your partners your reasons.
I think the bestjob is a ... because...

26 O m Oxford 3000™
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

7a Complete the questions and answers about Máté and Dana.

Gram m ar & Listening y es/no questions
1 Does Máté at the cinema?
Read the advert and answer the questions with a partner. Yes, he
2 he always last music?
1 W hat is the advert for?
No, he
2 W hat type of person w ill answer the advert?
3 Dana a noi ice officer?
No, she .
Do you have an unusual job? 4 she in a big office?
A re p e o p le surprised w h e n No, she _______ .
yo u te ll th em w h a t yo u do? 5 she her job?
Yes, she ,
D oes yo u r job Is yo u r job
v e ry d ifficu lt? 6 Dana and Máté unusual
m ak e you h a p p y ?
Yes, they ________..
Do yo u d o so m eth in g
v e ry d an g ero u s? b 3.4 ))) Listen and check your answers.

We want to m ake a television program m e about

people with unusual jobs and we w ant to hear from PRONUNCIATION do and does
you. If you have an unusual job, please telephone
us on 0456 789789 and leave a message. Do and does are not stressed in questions, but they are
stressed in short answers.
• • • •
Underline the first word in all the questions in the advert Do they like their jobs? Yes, they do.
and complete the questions in the Gram mar focus box.
8 3.5))) Listen and repeat the questions and answers.
GRAMMAR FOCUS yes/no questions 1 A Do they like their jobs? B Yes, they do.
Questions with be 2 A Does he play the piano? R Yes, he does.
Are you a pilot? Yes, ! am./No, I'm not. 3 A Does he sell tickets? B No, he doesn't.
1 yourjob very difficult? Yes, it is./No, it isn 't
4 A Do you have a job? B No, I don't.
Questions with other verbs
2 _yourjob make you happy? Yes, it does./No, it doesn't. 9 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer questions
3 you have an unusual job? Yes, l do./No, I don't. about Dana and Máte using the phrases in the box.
Grammar Refer ence page 140
Dana Mate
be a police officer be a piano player
6a Mat6 Feher from Budapest, Hungary and Dana Schriffer
check the weather every day play slow music
from Santa Fe, USA have unusual jobs. Work with a
work from home work at the theatre
partner. Look at the words and photos. W hat do you think
their jobs are? A Is Mdt& a piano player ?
B Yes, he is.
music cinema weather fire
10a ifiwa Work with a partner. W rite 4-6 questions for a quiz
called What's the best job for you?' Use the ideas in the
box and your own ideas.
A re you an outdoor person? Do you walk a lot?

a calm person an outdoor person

enjoy helping people get up early in the morning
like being busy like children like working alone
like working with computers organized walk a lot

b Work with a different partner. Take turns to ask and

answer your questions in exercise 10a.
b 3.3))) Listen to Máte and Dana talking about their jobs and
check your answers to exercise 6a. C W hat is a good job for your partner in exercise 10b? Tell the
class and give reasons.
c Work with a partner. Would you like to do Maté and Dana's
jobs? W hy/W hy not?

3.2 What do you do?
GOALS ■ Talk about work ■ Ask Wh- questions

3a Read the blog again and write the words and phrases in
V ocabulary & Speaking
bold in the correct place in the diagrams.

1 Work in small groups. W hich of the things in the box do

work, f o r a big company
you think are most important in a job? Are any of them not
company /
hours money people you work with place of work no company -J

2 Read the blog and answer the questions.

1 W ho works in their house?
2 Who likes their job very much?
Wôrk. in <A hospital
3 W ho makes a lot of money?
4 Who doesn't like the clothes they wear at work? place

W H O D O E S W H A T IN M Y F A M IL Y ? work, fu ll-tim e
My name's Pierre and I ’m 24 years old. I'm French
and 1live in Lyon. I’m a photographer and 1work
from home - 1don’t have a boss because 1work
freelance. My father is a mechanic and he works
in a factory. He really enjoys his job because his
colleagues are also his friends! My mother is a
journalist and she works for a fashion magazine
She works in a big office
in the centre of town and
earns a very good salary.
My brother really wants no job
to work and earn money,
but at the moment he people
is unemployed. My
sister is a police officer
and she’s always tired Mnvwgzr /
because she works
long hours. And
she hates the
uniform that b 3.6 )| Listen and check your answers.
police officers
wear! My C 3.6 })) Listen again and repeat.
is retired 4 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
now, but my questions about yourselves or someone you know using
grandmother the phrases in the box.
part-time colleagues earn manager/boss office retired
as a cleaner. salary unemployed uniform work freelance
She works work for a big company work from home
twenty hours work long hours work part-time
a week.
A Do you work in an office?
B No, / don't.. I work outside.

28 O m Oxford 3000™
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Complete thè rules in thè Grani mar focus boxwith thè

Reading & Gram m ar Wh- questions correct word. Use thè questions in exercise 6 to help you.

5a Work with a partner. Look at the photo and the caption GRAMMAR FOCUS Wh- questions
and answer the questions.
We use:
1 W hat are stand-up meetings?
1 _ to ask questions about things.
2 W hy do you think people have them? 2 to ask questions about people.
3 to ask questions about times.
4 to ask questions about places.
5 __to ask about reasons.
6 to ask about frequency, e.g. once a week, everyday.

-* Gram mar Reference page 141

8a Work with a partner. Choose the correct question word.

1 When / Where / Who do you live?
2 Where / When / W hat do you usually wear to work?
3 Who / W hat/ Why do you want to learn English?
b Read the online article and check your answers. W hat do A W hat/ W hat time / Who do you start work or class?
you think of stand-up meetings? 5 When / Who / W hat do you take breaks?
6 W hy/ Who / How often do you live with?
7 W hat / When / Why do you do when you're bored?
FAQs STAND-UP MEETINGS 8 Who / W hat/ How often do you check your emails?
Like a normal meeting, a group
b 3.7))) Listen and check your answers.
of people from the same office come together and
discuss work. But they don't sit down, they stand up!

They happen in the offices of PRONUNCIATION Wh- questions

many companies around the world. They are very
common in software companies. intonation usually falls X at the end of Wh- questions.

Because when people stand up. 9 3.8))) Listen and repeat the questions.
they don’t feel comfortable, and they only talk about
the important things. And It's not easy to play with your 1 W here do you live? ^
phone when you’re standing up because your boss
can see your hands! 2 What do you usually wear to work?

Everyone usually speaks, 3 Ilo w often do you check your emails?

but sometimes there isn't enough time.
10 Work in small groups. Take turns to ask the questions from
5 Companies usually have exercise 8a. Remember to use falling intonation.
stand-up meetings In the morning, at about 9.00 a.m.

They are usually once a 11a QZU3 Work with a partner. Ask questions to find out
week, but some companies have them every day.
about your partner's fam ily and their jobs. Make notes.
____________________ People talk about three A W hat does your brother do?
things: work from yesterday, plans for today, R He's a jo urnalist.
possible future problems.
A Where does he work?, etc.

b W rite three sentences about your partner's fam ily and

Work writh a partner. Write questions a-g next to the
their jobs. Do not write what member of your partner's
correct answers 1-7 in the article.
fam ily they are.
a When do the meetings happen?
E rik a 's is a journalist and he worksfrom home.
b Where do these meetings happen?
c W ho speaks at the meetings? C Work in small groups. Take turns to read your sentences
d W hat does everyone talk about? and guess who the people are.
e W hat is a stand-up meeting? I think E rik a ’s brother is a journalist.
f How often do the meetings happen?
g W hy do people stand up? O VOX POPS VIDEO 3

3.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Recognize the schwa sound ■ Use the suffix -er

Listening & Speaking the schwa /a/

1 Work w ith a partner. Look at the lour photos
of people at work. W hat jobs do they do? Do
you think these jobs make them happy?

2a 3.9))) Listen to the names of (he jobs in

exercise I and^jrcKi)the unstressed syllables.

author mechanic p@ teacher

b 3.9))) Listen again and repeat.

3 3.10))) Read and listen to the information in

the Unlock the code (l) box about the schwa
/o/ sound in words.


the schwa lol sound in words
Many words have an unstressed syllable that
is usually pronounced with a schwa h f sound.
The sound is often (but not always) on the last
farmer, woman, hairdresser, salary, agree

3.11))) Listen to the words and-circj^the

6a 3.13))) Listen to phrases from a radio programme about jobs and
schwa /o/ sound in each word.
happiness. Complete each phrase with one or two words.
©ddress after again answer breakfast 1 recent report
clever daughter forget internet later 2 one job makes people very happy
3 there_ three reasons
3.12})) Read and listen to the information in 4 work company
the Unlock the code (2) box about the schwa a lot different people
/o/ sound in phrases.
b 3.13 ))) Listen again and repeat.


the schwa h/ sound in phrases
Many common words are often unstressed
3.14))) Work with a partner. Listen to the radio programme and answer
the questions.
in phrases and pronounced with a schwa /a/ W hat are Matthew Crawford's two jobs?
sound, e.g. a, the, can, are, that etc. W hich people does he think a re ...
a new book author and mechanic a happy in their jobs? W hy?
to be happy for ten minutes b unhappy in their jobs? W hy?
lots of books at home W hy do some people disagree?
In a recent report, what job makes people very happy?
W hy are these people happy?

Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.

1 Do von agree with Matthew Crawford? W hy/W hy not?
2 W hat jobs do you think make people happy? W hy?

30 O m Oxford 3000™
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

b Work with a partner. Complete the table.

v erb Noun
teach a teacher
paint 1
2 a dancer
build 3
4 a singer

write 5
6 a beginner

run 7
8 a baker
play a DVD 9

work 10

11 Work with a partner. Use the verbs in the box to make

nouns ending in -er. Complete each sentence with
the correct noun.

featee begin drive farm heat manage win write

1 M y father is a baker . We gel free bread and

cakes every day!
2 W hen I have a problem at work, I speak to
3 My cousin is a famous . Her books are
very popular.
A It's difficult for a ___________to understand very
V ocabulary & W riting -er suffix much in a new language.
5 I don't like being in the car w ith my brother. lie's a
9 Look at the words in the box and answer the questions. really bad___________ .
1 W hal are the last two letters of each word? 6 My Uncle Andrew is a .H e keeps animals
2 How are the two letters pronounced? and grows vegetables.
7 The of the competition receives £100.
cleaner farmer hairdresser office worker
8 It's a bit cold in here. Shall I go and get the ?

10a Head the information in the Vocabulary focus box. 12a hfoM Work with a partner. W rite five definitions for words
that end in -er from exercises 9-11. Do not use the verb
VOCABULARY FOCUS er suffix in your definition.
• sometimes we add -er to a verb to make a noun. This person makes bread.
-er can mean the person or the thing that does the action. We use this thing to listen to music.
I teach. I'm a teacher.
it plays MP3s. It's an MP3 player. b Work with a different partner. Take turns to read your
• For most verbs ending in -e. we just add -r definitions and guess the word.
l drive a bus. I'm a bus driver.
A This person makes bread.
• For most verbs ending in a single vowel +a consonant, we B A baker.
double the consonant and add -er.
You win. You're the winner

3 .4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Make requests ■ Use opening and closing phrases in an email

Work with a partner. Complete the requests with verbs

Listening & Speaking m aking requests from the box.

Work with a partner. W hat requests do students and bftng call leave lend park pay tell use
teachers make on the first day of a computer course?
Make a list. 1 Can I b rivy a friend with me?
2 Could you me at my office in the morning?
3.15))) Listen to a teacher talking to a class of students on 3 Can I the phone?
the first day of a computer course. Are any of the requests 4 Could you me some money for the bus?
the same as yours in exercise 1?
5 Can I my coat here?

3a Match requests 1-6 from the listening to answers a-f. 6 Can I here for about an hour?
W hich answers are positive (+) and which are negative (-)? 7 Could you me the time?
1 Could I open the window? 8 Can I for this later?

2 Could you give your personal details to the administrator?

Work w ith a partner. Take turns to make and answer
3 Could 1send them by email later? requests with the eight questions in exercise 5. Use the
4 Can you repeat that, please? Language for speaking box to help you.
5 Can we use the computers after class?
6 Can we leave our books and bags in the computer LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING making requests
room? Making requests
Can l/we sit here, please?
a Sorry, but I don't have them w ith me today, Could l/we start the meeting?
b Yes, of course. It s really hot in here, can you pass me the salt?
c That's fine. Tust tell the administrator before you leave, could you open the window, please?
d I'm afraid not. There are evening classes in that room Answering requests
from 6 p.m. (+) Yes, of course. (-) I'm afraid not
e Yes, of course, but you need a password, Yes, that's fine. No, I'm sorry, but...
f Sure. It's student451. That'sS-T-U-D-E-N-T-451. Sure.
NOTE: we use Could I/Could you, not Can I/Can you, when we
b 3.16 ))) Listen and check your answers. want to sound more formal and polite.

C Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the requests

Work with a different partner. Look at the situations
and answers in exercise 3a.
1-3. Take turns to make and answer requests. Think of
4a 3.17 ))) Listen to some sentences from the Language for three requests for each situation.
speaking box. Notice that the intonation rises at 1 first day staying with an English-speaking family
the end ofyes!no questions, and falls x on the answers. 2 joining a library
1 A Can I sit here, please? 3 staying in a hotel

B O f course you can.

2 A Could I leave early tomorrow?
B I'm sorry', hut that's not possible.

b 3.17 ))) Listen again and repeat.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Reading & W riting opening and closing

an em ail
Sent: MONDAY 2015
8 Work with a partner. Match emails 1-3 to replies a-c.
H i1__________ ,
Sent: TUESDAY 16.21 Of course your brother can come! It will be nice to
meet him.
Dear Ricardo,
See you tomorrow!
1hope you're well. Could yon let me know when 2
__________________ r
you’re free for a meeting this week, please?
3 ¥
Best wishes,
Sent: WEDENSDAY 10.15

Thanks for your email. Can we meet on Friday?

Dear Mrs Zammit, I’m free all day.
I'm writing about the weekend photography course Regards.
next January. Could you send me some information 5
about it, please?
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Sent FRIDAY 1219 m
Takashi Itou
Attachment: courseinfo.doc

Sent MONDAY 11,56

Thank you for your interest in the course. I’m
Hello Roz, attaching all the information you will need but
How are you? I have a quick question. Can I bring my please tell me if you have any more questions.
brother to your party tomorrow night? 7------------------- -------------------1
Love, Eliza8
Sally x

9a Work with a partner. I.ook again at emails 1-3. How well do 10a Look at requests 1-3. Choose one of them and write
the people know each other? a short email. Decide how well you know the person you
are writing to.
b Complete the gaps in emails a-c with names and phrases.
Use the Language for writing box to help you. 1 ask a colleague to go for lunch
2 ask a hotel about a carpark
LANGUAGE FOR WRITING 3 ask another student to join your study group
opening and closing an email
b Swap emails with a partner and write a reply.
FORMAL Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Gulzar,
Yours sincerely; c Return your email to your partner. Are the phrases for
opening and closing the email correct?
Dear Patricia,
Best wishes,/Regards,

Hi/Hello Johan,
INFORMAL A ll the best/Love,

3.5 Video

An Iranian doctor in the USA

1a Work with a partner. Think of three jobs where people help
others. How do they help people ?

b Look at the photos. W hich of these tilings do you see in them?

bed degree doctor hospital laptop medicine

nurse patient phone pillow reception university

c Would you like to work as a doctor or a nurse? Why/Why not?

2 0 Watch the video. What do times and numbers 1-8 refer to?
1 1,000 5 7.30 a.m.
2 36,000 6 midday
3 2001 7 three times a day
4 6.30 a.m. 8 9 p.m.

O Watch the video again and complete the sentences.

a Arash Fazl is a ___________in neurology at Mount Sinai
b He is from ___________ but he lives in ___________ now.
c He is a doctor in his last year,
d lie moved to the USA in 2001 because he wanted

e Arash Fazl has a PhD from Boston

f When he visits his patients, he discusses their illnesses
and the they need.
g At lunchtime he doesn't eat a lot because he___________.
h His days are alw ays___________ .
i Mount Sinai is all over the world,
j He enjoys his job because every day he and
can really their lives.

4a fcl&M You are going to have a discussion about jobs.

Choose a job and make notes about how important this job
is and how you help other people.

b Work in groups of 4-6 students. Imagine you are all

travelling on a ship together. There is a problem, the boat
is going down, and one of you must jump into the sea to
save the others. Take turns to explain ...
• why you can't jump
• what will happen if you do not return
• why people in your town need you

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


1a Complete phrases 1 6 with a word from the box. 3a Answer questions 1-7 using jobs from the box. There may
be more than one possible answer.
retired office uniform meetings student hours
businessmen/businesswomen chefs cleaners dentists
1 work in an 4 wear a hairdressers journalists mechanics musicians nurses
2 have a lot of. 5 work long. pilots photographers students
3 be a 6 be
W h o ...
b Make questions with the phrases in exercise 1. 1 earns a lot of money? 5 works i n a factory?
Do you have a lot o fmeetings? 2 works long hours? 6 has a lot of colleagues?
3 works from home? 7 works part-time?
C Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your 4 has a boss?
questions in exercise lb and give more information.
I think cleaners work long hours.
A Do you have a lot of meetings?
I don’t think nurses work long hours.
B Yes, I do. I have meetings every day.

2a Match questions 1-6 to answers a-f. b Work in small groups. Talk about your answers to exercise 3a.
Do you all agree?
1 Where do you work?
2 W hat time do you start work? 4a 3.18})) Listen to six definitions and write the correct -er
3 What do you wea r at work? words.
4 W hy do you enjoy your job? 1 tcackcr 3 ___________ 5 ________
5 W ho do you speak to at work? 2 4 ___________ 6
6 How often do you work from home?
b W rite three questions using the words from exercise 4a.
a A uniform, so everyone knows what I do.
W hat time do teachersfinish work?
b I speak to my customers, of course!
c I work in a hospital. c Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your
d Every day! I only need my computer. questions in exercise 4b.
e We usually start at about 10 p.m.
5a Complete each gap with I or you to make requests.
f Because 1go to a different country every month.
1 Can help me with the photocopier, please?
b Work with a partner. What jobs do you think the people 2 Could. _______ leave early today, please?
in exercise 2a do? Explain your guesses to your partner. 3 C an__ _____ give me your number, please?
I think the person in I is a nurse because he works in a 4 Could write your name here, please?
hospital. 5 Could ask a question?
6 Can use your phone for a moment, please?

b Work with a partner, l ake turns to make the requests in

exercise 5a and answer them.

G 3 r f l - H photographer, chef
unemployed leaner nurse pilot i f « ™ l i e f
“ hairdresser '»«student S«
O f f l C e u m fo rS c o lle a g u e s m e c h a n ic d e iltl

work part-time
4 /
Places and things
4.1 Underground towns
GOALS ■ Talk about places ¡n towns and cities ■ use There is/There are

Vocabulary & Reading places in a town

1 Work with a partner. Look at the title of the article
and the photos from a place called CooberPedy. Do
you think the sentences are true (T) or false (F)?
1 This place is in the USA.
2 People work underground.
3 People live in normal houses.
4 It's a popular place for tourists ro visit.

2 Read the article about Coober Pedy. Check your

answers to exercise 1.

3 Work with a partner. Where can you do 1-7 in Coober

Pedy? Use the words in hold from the article. You can
use each word more than once.
1 eat rcstcw.rants 5 go in your free time
2 buy things 6 find information
3 stay about the town
4 visit 7 travel to/from opal earrings

4a Work with a partner. Match the words in the box to

Coober Pedy is a very small town in Australia. It's very hoi
illustrations 1-6. and it hardly ever rains. There's no water and there aren’t
chemist cinema hairdresser's hospital many trees, but near Coober Pedy, there are opals under
library theatre the ground - lots of Ihem! Coober Pedy is the opal capital
of the world.

A lot of the people in Coober Pedy work in the opal

mines1*. The mines are underground and the houses are
underground too because it's cool down there. The houses
are very com fortable but they don’t have windows or
gardens There are underground shops and restaurants,
and there's also an underground swimming pool A lot
of tourists com e to Coober Pedy to visit the underground
buildings - some of these buildings are more than 100
years old. There are four or five hotels and there's also a
cam psite where visitors can stay. There's a museum about
the history of the town and a big tourist inform ation centre.
The roads to Coober Pedy are good and there's an airport
but there isn't a railw ay station
s mines very big holes in the ground where people work to get things like
b Work with a partner. W hat other places in a town do
coal, gold or diamonds
von know?

36 O n Oxford 3000™
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

PRONUNCIATION word stress Read examples 1-6 and match them to the correct form in
the Grammar focus box.
5a Work with a partner. Say the words aloud and^jrcleythe
1 There aren't any theatres here.
stressed syllable.
2 There isn't a swim m ing pool at the hotel.
airport campsite chemist hairdresser's hospital 3 There are some nice restaurants in the town centre.
hotel library museum railway station restaurant 4 And is there a cinema near the hotel?
swimming pool theatre 5 Are there any underground buildings we can visit?
6 There's an opal museum near the centre.
b 4.1 ))) Listen, check and repeat.
GRAMMAR FOCUS there is/there are
(+) There's +a/an +singular noun ( (o )
6a Choose three places you think are very important in a
There are +some + plural noun ( )
town, three places you think are quite important, and
three places you think are not important. (-) There isn’t +a/an + singular noun ( )
There aren't +any +plural noun ( )
b Work with a partner. Compare your choices and give (?) is there +a/an + singular noun? ( )
reasons. Are there +any + plural noun? ( _ )
A Theatres aren't im portantfo r me because I never -* Grammar Reference page 142
go there.
B Really? For me, they're very im portant because I love 10 Complete the text about another underground town,
seeing plays. RESO, with the correct forms of there is/are. Use the
symbols (+/-/?) to help you.
Listening & Gram m ar there is/there are
The underground city of RESO is in Montreal in Canada.
7 4.2))) Am ir and Fa rah Badawi from Malaysia are in a hotel 1 There ¿ire- (+) 30 kilometres of tunnels.2
in Coober Pedy. Listen to their conversation with the
(+) also forty cinemas and 1,700 shops.3 (-)
receptionist. Tick (/ ) the places they talk about.
an underground campsite like in Coober Pedy, but
1 shop 5 tourist information centre A ___ _ (+) lots of hotels and 200 restaurants if
2 museum 6 theatre you want to eat o u t.5 _ (-) any schools but
3 cinema 7 restaurant 6 (+) some universities.7 (?)
4 chemist 8 swimming pool an airport in RESO? No, 8 (-), but
9 (+) seven underground stations, two train
8a Work with a partner. Complete parts of the conversation in stations and a bus station. Donrt worry if you get lo st-
exercise 7 with the words in the box. 10 (+) always someone to help you because

there is are isn't aren’t about half a m illion people use the city every day.

1 A a swimming pool?
B No, I'm sorry, . It doesn't
rain a lot here, so _ _________________ many
swimming pools.
2 A ______________________ any museums near the
B Yes,__________________ ____ . There's the opal
mine museum.
3 A a theatre in Coober Pedy?
B No, any theatres here.

b 4.3))) Listen and check your answers.

c Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the parts of the

11 fcf&W Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
questions about Bruges in Belgium or Krakow in Poland.
Student A, turn to page 127. Student B, turn to page 132.

4 .2 Where I live
GOALS ■ Talk about rooms and furniture ■ Use prepositions of place ■ Use articles

4a Look at the illustrations and read Claire's description of her flat. Complete
Vocabulary & Speaking
each gap with a different preposition from exercise 2.
rooms, furniture and
prepositions of place The flat’s 1___________ the 4th floor of a building 2____________Delancey
Street and Grand Street. The building is 3___________ a 24-hour garage
1a Complete the information about yourself.
and 4 an Indian restaurant, so there are always lots of cars
I live in a ... (house/flat). and people in the street. The cars are quite noisy.
Tlive w ith ...
It's a studio flat with only one room. M y bed is on a sh e lf5
In my house/flat, there is/are... (a. kitchen,
the kitchen. The toilet and shower are 6 the shelf. In the
a living room, a bathroom, a dining room,
kitchen there’s a sink, a fridge, and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher
three bedrooms, a toilet, an office).
or a washing machine - I go to the launderette on Grand Street to wash
b Work with a partner. Tell them clothes.7 the window, there’s a red carpet on the floor and
about where you live. there's an arm chair and table with a television on it. From the window. I
can see the East River. It’s 8 the building.
2 Match I he prepositions in the box to the
illustrations 1-8.

above behind between in front of

next to on opposite under

b 4.5))) Listen and check your answers.

5 Look at Claire's description again and find words to match these definitions.
1 It's above the kitchen. Claire sleeps in it.
2 Claire sits on it to watch TV.
3 Claire washes things in the kitchen in it.
4 It's in the kitchen. It has food in it.
5 Claire goes to the launderette because she doesn't have this.
6 It's in the kitchen. Claire cooks food on it.
7 It's on the floor in front of the window.
8 It's under the shelf. Claire washes there.
3 4.4))) Listen to Claire talking about her fiat
and answer the questions. Work with a partner. Ask questions and describe your studio flat to your
1 Where is the flat? partner to find seven differences. Student A, turn to page 127. Student B,
2 How many rooms are there? turn to page 132.

38 O n Oxford 3000™
4.1 4.2 4.3 44 4.5

Gram m ar & Speaking articles a/an, the, - PRONUNCIATION the schwa /o/

9a 4.7))) Listen to sentences 1-3 from the text in exercise 8.

7a Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the text in
Notice the stressed words and the schwa /o/ sound
exercise 4a and complete the Gram mar focus box with
on a/an and the before nouns beginning with a consonant
a/an, the or - (no article).
GRAMMAR FOCUS articles a/an, the or no article • •
1 It's in the centre of the city.
Before nouns we can use a/an or the or no article (-). /a/ /a/
The first time we describe one person/thing, we usually use • •
1________ or7________ . We use3 _______ before 2 It's near a theatre.
consonant sounds, e g. red carpet, university and 4 /a/
before vowel sounds, e.g. Indian restaurant, hour. • • •
• The first time we describe people or things using a plural 3 It's difficult to find a flat.
noun, we usually use $.________ . /a/
• We usually use6 with singular or plural nouns, to
say 'you know which one(s) I mean': b 4.8))) Listen to sentences 1-3. Underline the schwa /a/
• because we have already talked about it/them sounds.
• because there is only one, e.g. 4th floor
1 I live in a flat.
• we usually use7 with the names of cities,
2 My flat is on the 5th floor.
countries and streets (but: the UK, the USA).
3 There's a supermarket opposite my house.
-» Grammar Refer :* ic ■page 143
c 4.8))) Listen again and repeat.
b Add more highlighted words and phrases from exercise 4a
for each rule.
10a Make questions from the prompts.

8a Read what Claire says about the part of New York where 1 live / house / flat ? Vc you Jive in- a Ugksz or <n
she lives. Choose the correct option. 2 which / floor / live on ?
3 how many / rooms / there / in / house or flat ?

It’s very difficult to fin d 1 (a/an) flat 4 what / opposite / your house or flat ?
in 2 (the/-) New York. I’m very lucky. I like 5 which / your / favourite room ?
my flat because it’s in 3 . (the/-) centre of 6 why / like it ?
the city. There are 4 [the/-] shops and
restaurants all around me. The Lower East Side
b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the
questions in exercise 10a.
isn’t the best district in the city but my flat is near
a theatre and it’s also n ear5 (the/-) East 11 iiacia Work with a partner. Describe your favourite room.
River and 6 (the/a) small park. One of the
There's an arm chair next to my bed.
things I don’t like about my flat is that there isn’t
7 [a/the] lift. Also, unfortunately I’m not
near8 [a/the) underground station, but
there’s 9__________ [a/the) bus stop opposite
10__________ (a/the) door of my building.

4.6))) Listen and check your answers

4.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand pronoun referencing ■ Use opposite adjectives

Reading & Speaking pronoun referencing

vM 1

Work in small groups. Look at the photos and answer Read the website forum. W rite the thing or person that
the questions. the highlighted word refers to.
1 H o w m a n y th in g s in th e p h otos ca n y o u n am e ? 1 they (line 3) =
2 W hich desk do you prefer? W hy? 2 it (line 4) =
3 they (line 4) =___________
2 Read the information in the Unlock the code box about
4 They (line 14) =___________
pronoun referencing.
5 them (line 16) =
pronoun referencing
The first time we talk about a thing or person we usually Are you a tidy w orker or a m essy worker?
use the noun. After that we often refer to it using a pronoun W hat's on your desk? W rite and tell us.
because we don't want to repeat the same noun.
Y esterday 15:23 QE3B
Where’s my pen? I can't find it. Offieegirl94: I’m a very messy person. My
it =pen colleagues think my desk's really terrible;
they can't believe all the things that
My grandparents are French. They live in Paris. are on it! Are you ready? Here they are:
They= my grandparents batteries, scissors, five or six magazines, 5
about ten pens and pencils, a clock, a
bottle of water, an apple, a cup, books,
(^irddthe word in each sentence that the highlighted word
envelopes and a cheese sandwich! Oh,
refers to. and my computer.
1 M y bedroom is very big, but I share it w ith my sister.
2 His things are all on the floor. He never tidies them.
Today I L J S B Q Q
3 We've got two big arm chairs in the living room - W'.:tguy W ow Officegirl94! A cheese 10
they're really comfortable. sandwich on your desk? Ugh! For trie, a
4 That’s a beautiful picture. Where did you get it? m essy place is difficult to work in. I need a
5 Our house is quite small, but I really like it. big desk to work on. The only things on my
desk are a computer and a printer. They're
6 A Are those your keys?
both new and expensive, so I like to keep 11
B No, they're yours.
them very clean.

40 O w Oxford 3000™
4.1 4.2 4.3 44 4.5

Head another reply from the website. Use the highlighted

V ocabulary & Speaking opposite adjectives
words to help you answer questions 1-7.
1 W hich twro rooms are never clean? 7 Work with a partner. Underline the adjectives in the two
2 W ho never does any clea n i ng? forum posts in exercise 4.
3 Who doesn't want to come and see Mala? I'm a i
4 What's not expensive?
5 Who's good fun? 8a Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about
opposite adjectives.
6 What's on Mala's desk?
7 What does Mala keep in the cupboard with her computer? v o c a b u la r y fo c u s opposite adjectives
Many adjectives have opposites. Dictionaries often give
you information about them. Learning words with their
T o d a y 11:35 QBE! opposites increases your vocabulary, e.g.
messy/tidy cheap/expensive terrible/fantastic
Hoinr*wo! kor 77 I ’m Mala. I live in a
shared house w ith four other students and
it’s always messy. I share a kitchen and b Match adjectives 1-10 to their opposites a-j.
bathroom. They’re never clean because my
1 difficult a short
housemates are very lazy. They never do
any cleaning. My friends think the house 2 big b old
is aw ful and they don’t want to visit me. 3 new c bad
But it's a cheap place to live and I like my 4 good d light
housemates - they're fun! My bedroom is 5 clean e modern
different to the rest of the house. I work
6 long f small
from home, so I keep everything tidy
and organised in there. My desk’s perfect 7 heavy g beautiful
- there’s nothing on it! I only have one or 8 quiet h easy
two books on my desk when I’m working, 9 ugly i noisy
but I put them in the cupboard w ith my
10 old-fashioned j dirty
laptop when I finish my work. I hate mess!
Hmmm, maybe I do need to move house! 4.9 ))) Listen, check and repeat.

9 Work in small groups. W hich adjectives in exercise 8b can

you use to talk about...
1 a bag? 3 a person?
2 a building? 4 a restaurant?

10a Choose words from exercises 8a and 8b to complete

the questions about your home and where you live.
1 Do you live in a big or a ___________ flat/house?
2 Is it modern o r___________ ?
3 Is your furniture mostly new o r___________ ?
4 Is it usually tidy o r___________ ?
5 Is your road quiet or ?
6 Is it in a cheap or an part of town?
7 Is your journey to wrork/college/your English lesson
o r___________ ?

b Work in sm all groups. Take turns to ask and answer the

questions. Ask for more information and use pronouns
instead of nouns if possible.
A My road’s quite noisy.
Work with a partner. Describe your office or Flat/house. B Why?
Don't repeat any nouns - use pronouns instead. A It's very busy. There are a lot of buses and cars.
M y kitchen's always messy. I only wash dishes when I
need to use them.

4.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Ask for and give directions ■ Use the imperative to give instructions a te.~\
mm -

Listening & Speaking
asking for and giving directions «
4 Susan's
1 Susan Melba is visiting the town ofUbud on the
9 c- f l

Indonesian island of Bali. Work with a partner and find C ..I

the places from the box on the map.
f9 o
! Qft
V 3o Q

bank bookshop chemist internet café market palace

police station post office supermarket Susan's hotel
>•> o =3
¿2c o es
2 Work with a partner. Use the table and the map to help you *-»•

make sentences about Ubud.

There's a (place)
next to/opposite/in front of/near/
behind the (place).

o □

«-So 9
9 o
-a £
between the (place) and the (place). C
The (place) 's/is
on (street/road).

There's a police station near the supermarket.

The bookshop is on Ubud M ain Road.
© ^ Palace o < Supermarket © < Police Station

o ^ Market © < Internet C

3 Match places and directions 1-10 to illustrations a-j.
1 on the right 6 go past o < Bookshop © « Bank Q 4 CheniST
2 take the first left 7 turn left
3 on the left 8 on the corner 4a 4.10))) Susan asks Alan at reception for directions.
4 go straight on 9 at the end of Listen and tick (/ ) the places in exercise 1 that she asks
5 take the second right 10 turn right directions to.

b 4.10))) Listen to the conversation again. Use the words and

phrases in the box to complete the gaps.

comer end Excuse get left near on past

straight where's

1 me, could you give me some directions,

2 Is there a chem ist___________ here?
3 How do I there?
4 Go out of the main door and turn left. Then go to the
of the road and turn left again.
5 Go on for about five minutes.
G o ___________the internet cafe and the bank, and
then tu rn___________ into Raya Andong.
It's ___________the left, next to the supermarket.
6 OK, thanks. Oh, an d ___________ the palace?
7 That's easy. It's at the end of this road on the

c Compare your answers with a partner.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

5a Work with a partner. Put the words in Reading & W riting imperatives
the correct order.
1 Excuse / there / is / a bank / here / Susan has booked a tour to visit caves and temples in Bali. Read the tour
near / me, ? organizer's em ail and answer the questions.
2 me, / the library / where's / Excuse ? 1 Where does the tour leave from?
3 to the post office / me, / how / Excuse / 2 W hat time does the tour bus leave?
g et/ do I ?
3 What does she need to lake with her?
4 past / Go / café / th e .
5 the / It's / left / o n .
6 into / right / Turn / Albert Street. Subject: Caves and temples tour
7 the / Take / right / second .
8 straight / Go / about / for / on / minutes Hello everyone,
/ ten . Welcome to Bali! Here are the instructions for tomorrow’s tour. The tour
9 the end / Go / this / of / to / street. bus leaves from in front of the Ubud Village Hotel in the city centre at
10 on / It's / corner / th e . 10 a.m. Please arrive by 9.30 a.m. Bring the booking form and your
passport with you.
b 4.11))) Listen, check and repeat.
Wear comfortable shoes for the walk and take a hat or scarf to wear
6a You are in the police station in Ubud. on your head when we go inside the temples. Please don’t take
Choose three places on the map. photographs inside Ihe temple. Finally, don't forget lo bring some money
to tip the bus driver.
b Work with a partner. Take turns to See you all tomorrow!
ask for and give directions. Use the
Best wishes,
Language for speaking box to help you.
A Excuse me, is there a bookshop near here? Kusuma
B Yes, go out o f the door and t urn le ft...

LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING 9 Look at all underlined verbs in the email and read the information in the
directions Language for w riting box.
Asking for directions
Excuse me, where's the...?
How do I get to the...? • We use the imperative to tell people what to do, and to give orders,
Is there a ... near here? instructions and directions.
Giving directions • The imperative uses the infinitive without to, e.g. Take a hat.
Turn left/right (into...), • we make the negative with don't/do not +infinitive without to,
Take the first/second/third left/right. e.g. Don't forget your passport
Go straight on/to the end of this street/past
it's on the left/on the right/on the corner/at 10 Work with a partner. Complete the instructions for tourists in Bali with
the end of the road. the correct form of the verbs in the box.

bring drink learn leave not drink not use smile

7 Take turns to ask for and give directions
around Denpasarin Bali. Student A, turn 1 a sunhat. It's very hot in Bali.
to page 128. Student B, turn to page 133. 2 when you speak to people.
3 some words in the local language.
4 your left hand to give or pass things.
5 water from the tap. water from bottles.
6 your shoes at the door when you go into someone's house.

11a tfcMa W rite a sim ilar email to the one in exercises.'rum to page 128 and
read the instructions.

b Read your partner's email and answer the questions.

1 Does it include all the information you need?
2 Does your partner use imperatives correctly?

Almas Tower
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos. W hich of these
things can you see in them?

basement carpark diamond facilities glass gold

ground floor jewellery lake pearl shops skyscraper
tower wonderful view

2 © Watch the video about the Almas Tower. Choose

the correct option. Sometimes more than one answer is
1 The AImas Tower is the tallest business tower / hotel/
shopping centre in the Middle East.
2 The AI mas Tower is in I he sea / on an island / in a lake.
3 The Almas Tower is one large tower / two towersjoined
together/ four towersjoined together.
4 The outside of the Almas Tower is m etal / glass / plastic.
5 Dubai's p earl/ gold/ diam ond exchange is in the Almas
6 Harley Davidson / Toyota / Ford has its head office in
the building.
7 The Almas Tower has offices/ restaurants/ hairdressers.
8 At the top of the tower there is a car park / viewing area /
five-star restaurant.

3 O Watch the video again. What do the numbers refer to?

a 360 d 48
b 68 e 1,700
c 66

4a ifcwd Work in small groups. Your office/school is going to

receive some English-speaking visitors. You are going to
take them to a famous or unusual building in your town.
Think about and prepare notes on ...
• why the building is important (age, purpose, etc.)
• where the building is located
• what is inside the building (facilities, offices, etc.)
• why it is interesting to visitors
• how to get to the building

b Share your ideas with the class and choose the best

4.1 4.2 4.3 44 4.5


1a Complete the gaps in the interview about Neft Da§hlari 5a 4.14))) Listen and write the opposite of each adjective.
in Azerbaijan with the correct form of there is or there are.
b Use adjectives from the box to make sentences 1-5 true for
you. Compare your answers with a partner.

big cheap difficult easy expensive fantastic

modern new noisy old old-fashioned quiet small

1 I live in a town.
2 It's to find a flat in my town.
3 Where I live, public transport is
4 My house/flat is (very)
A W hat's special about Neft Da^hlari? 5 The furniture in my house/flat is___________ .
B It's a town on an oil platform in the Caspian Sea.
A A town in the sea? I sit very sm all? 6a Look at the map. You are at the station. Complete the
conversation and write the place in the gap.
B No, not really.1 300 km of streets and 2,000
people. A nd 2 lots of things to do.
A R e ally?3 any restaurants?
B O f course!4 some nice restaurants and Station Road
hotels, and 5___________a cinema and a park, too. ,
W hat about education? 6___________a school?
Yes,7_______ a school b ut8 . a university.
A So can people visit the place? Hospital Theaire
B N o ,9 _ any tourists. Only people who work on
Neft Da§hlari can go there. ParlC
Farr Street Oxford Road
b 4.12))) Listen and check your answers.

c Work with a partner. Practise the interview.

2a Choose the correct option in (brackets).

I’m from 1 _(-/the) M adrid,2 _(a/the) capital of

3__ [the/-) Spain. I live in 4___ {a/the) flat in 5___(-/the)
centre. It’s 6 [the/a) nice area. There are restaurants
and cafés. and there:s 7 (a/an) art gallery. There’s also A Lxcuse me. Is there a near here?
8 _(an/~) underground station opposite my flat.
B Yes, there is. Turn right onto Station Road, then take the
first left. Th ai’s Kingland Avenue. Go past Parr Street
b W rite a sim ilar text about the place where you live. and the museum, and it’s on the corner of Kingland
Avenue and Mollett Street, opposite the hotel.
C Work with a partner. Read each other's texts. W hat is
sim ilar and wrhat is different? b Work with a partner. Look at the map again.
Student A
3a 4.13))) Listen to seven descriptions and write the names of
the places. Ask for directions from the hotel to:
1 the swim ming pool 3 the café
b W rite sim ilar descriptions for three more places in a town 2 the theatre
and read them to a partner. Can they guess the places?
Student B
4 Wrhich room in the house can you find these diings in? Think Ask for directions from the station to:
of two more tilings for each room and compare with a partner. 1 the cinema 3 the hairdresser's
2 the restaurant
armchair bed dishwasher shower

Clothes and shopping
5.1 Shopping
GOALS ■ Talk about shopping ■ use can and could to talk about possibility and ability

Vocabulary & Speaking shopping Listening & Gram m ar can/can ’t/could./

1 Work in small groups. Read whai three people say
about shopping. W hich is most true for you? Give more 4a Work with a partner. Look at the photo of a shopping street
information. in a British town in the 1970s. How do you think shopping
I don't like shopping, it's boring.
was different in the 1970s?

I love shopping and I go all the time.

i only shop when I need something.

2a Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with the

words in the box.

baker's butcher's cash discount newsagent's

online return sales shopping centre spend

1 1buy bread from the______________________ .

2 I a lot of money at the weekends.
3 I buy magazines and newspapers from the

4 I buy meat from the

5 I do a lot of my shopping b 5.2 )}) Listen to a woman talking about shopping in the town
6 I get a because I'm a student. today and in the 1970s and check your ideas in exercise 4a.
7 I go shopping to a . 1prefer them
to small shops. > 5.2 ))) Listen again and put the phrases into The correct
columns in the table. Compare your answers with a
8 When I buy something I don't like, I
it to the shop.
9 I stand outside and wait for the shops to open on the
• sftep-efH+fw?
first day of the______________________ .
• ask for information
10 I pay for sm all things with • buy everything In one shop
• buy bread/meat/newspapers on the high street
b 5.1))) Listen and check your answers. • have a cup of coffee on the high street

3a Add never, sometimes, often, usually and always to the 1970S NOW
sentences in exercise 2a to make them true for you.
Possible falk to people. in shops shop online
Compare your answers with a partner.

b Work with a different partner. Tell them about you and

your first partner. impossible
We are sim ilar because we both shop online.
We are different because I always pay cash, but M aria doesn 't.

46 O m Oxford 3000™
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Work with a partner. Look at sentences 1-4 from the PRONUNCIATION can
listening and complete the rules in the Grammar focus box.
1 Today you can buy most things online. 5.3 )| In positive sentences and questions can is pronounced /km!.
2 The internet can't cut your hair. A can you use euros in Norway and Sweden?
B I think you can use euros in Sweden, but not in Norway.
3 In the 1970s, you could talk to people in the shops.
4 In the 1970s, you couldn't get a cup of coffee in the town In short answers can is pronounced /kaen/.
Yes, you can.

GRAMMAR FOCUS can/can't/could/couidn't 8a 5.4-)))Listen to three students discussing a question from

exercise 7a.
■ We use 1 (positive) and 2 (negative) to
A Can you use euros in Norway and Sweden?
talk about ability and possibility in the present.
B Yes, you can.
• we use 3 (positive) and4 (negative) to
C I think you can use them in Sweden, but not in Norway.
talk about ability and possibility in the past.
We use can/can't/could/couldn't with the 5________ form b 5.4)))Listen again and repeat.
of the verb, without to.

-+ Grammar Reference page 144 9a Work in small groups. Take turns to ask and answer the
questions in exercise 7a and give reasons.
7a Work w ith a partner. Complete the questions in the A Could people buy things online in ¡994?
Shopping Quiz w ith can or could. B Yes, (m aybe) they could.
C No, they couldn't because...

b 5.5)))Listen and check your answers. How many did you get
correct? W hich of the answers surprised you?

__________ people buy things online in 1994? 10 ifcvia Work with a partner. Talk about the ideas from the
list using can/cant/could/couldn’t.
In the 1990s, rich people buy trips
A Children could play outside in the past, but now they can 7.
into space?
B Yes, they can!

o __________ you buy eggs from vending machines

in Japan today?
• children play outside
• book holidays online
• buy clothes in a supermarket
you buy a bottle of rainwater
• buy things with a credit card
for $11 these days?
• children walk to school
you use euros in Norway and • drink water from the tap
Sweden? • drive in the town centre
• get cash from a cash machine abroad
people buy things from • get cash when you buy something
machines in 1890? • spend euros
In the 1960s, you buy petrol
at supermarkets?

8 you buy clothes online

from all the big fashion companies?

vending machines machines from which

you can buy snacks, drinks, etc.

b Answer questions 1-8 in the Shopping Quiz. Compare

your answers with a partner.

5.2 What is he wearing?
GOALS ■ Talk about clothes ■ Use the present continuous to talk about actions at the moment

V ocabulary & Speaking clothes and Gram m ar & Speaking present continuous
4a Work with a partner. Look at the sentences 1-3 and
1a Work with a partner. W rite down ten items of clothing, complete the information in the Grammar focus box.
1 Paul is wearing a suit.
b Compare your answers with another pair. 2 Anita and Paul are having a meeting with their boss.
3 They aren't working today.
2 Read texts 1-4 and match them to illustrations a-d.

1 Vera is at a wedding. She is wearing a bine dress, GRAMMAR FOCUS present continuous
gold jew ellery and a hat. She is also wearing We use the present continuous to talk about things happening
designer shoes. at or around this moment.

2 Beatrice is wearing these clothes because she's (+) 'm/am

outside and it's raining. She's wearing a coat and You/We/They 're/' _ doing.
has a big scarf round her neck. She has a hat on her He/She/lt 's/2___
head and gloves on her hands and she's carrying an
umbrella. (-) 'm not/am not
You/We/They 3_________ (are not doing.
3 Anita and Paul are having a meeting with their boss. He/She/lt isn't/is not
Paul is wearing a suit (jacket and trousers which go
together) and a tie. Anita is wearing a skirt and top (?) What am I
and her reading glasses. are you/we/they doing?
4 Leila and Mike are relaxing at home because they
aren't working today. Leila is wearing jeans and a Gram mar Reference page 145
hoodie and Mike is wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
On his feet, he is wearing socks and trainers. b 5.6))) Listen to the sentences in exercise 4a and repeat.

3 Work with a partner. W hich things in bold in exercise 2 do Work w ith a partner. Underline four more examples of the
people usually w ear... present continuous in the texts in exercise 2.
1 on their feet/hands? 5 in hot weather?
6a fcfcVM W rite two positive and two negative sentences about
2 outside only? 6 to a job interview? other people in the classroom. Do not write their names.
3 to do sport? 7 to exercise? He's wearing a yellow jacket.
4 in cold weather? 8 to relax? She isn't wearing blue trousers.

b Work with a partner. Read out your sentences and guess

who your partner is talking about.

48 O m Oxford 3000™
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

9 Work with a partner. Read the examples in the Grammar

Gram m ar & Listening
focus box and answer the questions.
present continuous or present simple
7a Work with a partner. Look at the title of the podcast and try present simple and present continuous
to match photos a-e to the words in the box.
a You always try hard at everything you do.
b l'm wearing white today
serious fun strong tidy peaceful
1 Which sentence talks about actions happening at or around
s \ this moment?

2 which sentence describes actions that happen all the time
Colours: what do they say about you? or regularly?
Grammar Reference page 145

10 Work in small groups. Answer the questions.

1 What colours do you usually wear? W hat colours are
you wearing at the moment?
2 Are there any colours you don't like for clothes? W hy?
3 Do you agree with what the podcast says about your
favourite colours?

11a Mike (M ) calls Leila (L) when she's out shopping. Read the
conversation and choose the correct verb form.
L Hello?
M Where are you?
L I'm in a clothes shop. W hy?
M Because I need your help. W h a t1do you do / are
you doing?
L W h a t2 do I do / am I doing? W h a t3do people usually
do / are people usually doing in clothes shops? 14buy /
’m buying clothes, of course.
M Well, are you nearly finished? I 5try / 'm trying to cook
a meal for six people and the kids 6make / are making
b 5.7))) Listen and check your ideas.
a lot of noise and the dog7runs ! 's running around and

8 5.7))) Listen again and complete the sentences in the table.

Check your answers with a partner. L W hy are the kids there? They 8go / are going to tennis
practice on Thursdays.
Favourite What it says about you M Not today because it 9rains / is raining. Th ey10never
colour play / are never playing in the rain.
black You like to be the1 . it can make L OK, 111pay I'm paying now. I'll be back in an hour.
you look serious and 2 M An hour? W h y ...
white You enjoy a simple life and like things to be
tidy and 3__________. b 5.8))) Listen and check your answers.
blue You are a peaceful person and you don't like 12 hf&n Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer
questions to find the differences between two pictures.
red You are orobablv5 person and vou Student A, turn ro page 128. Student B, turn to page 133.
6 hard at everything vou do.
yellow you love7 and vou are a lot of O VOX POPS VIDEO 5

5.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand similar vowel sounds ■ Use adjectives and adverbs

Listening & Speaking understanding sim ilar vowel sounds

1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos. W hat do you 5a 5.12))) Listen to the words in the box and complete the lines.
think the 'virtual m irror' is?
hate man boat shop shut cheap eat live
2 5.9))) Listen to three pairs of words from a radio programme main text long jeans take stand press sales
about the virtual mirror. Is the vowel sound in each pair the sells tin one thing page not note coat
same (S) or different (D)?
/æ/ h ai, ... /so/ home, ...
1 2 ________________ 3
/ til play, ... M set, ...

3 5.10))) Head and listen to the information in the Unlock the M lo t,... N s it,...
code box about sim ilar vowel sounds. /A / cut, ... /i:/ seat,...

b 5.13))) Listen, check and repeat.


understanding similar vowel sounds
Vowel sounds can sound very similar to each other when
6a 5.14))) Listen to a radio programme about the virtual
mirror. Tick (/ ) the words from the box in exercise 5a that
you listen. you hear. Compare with a partner.
Ae/ /eiI id
man main men b 5.14))) Listen again. W hich five things in the list does the
M /a / /cxV radio presenter do?
not nut note 1 takes jeans to the changing rooms
id fit m 2 presses a button to see all the jeans in the shop
set sit seat
3 presses a button to choose a pair of jeans
• Listening for the general meaning of the sentence can
4 chooses ten pairs of jeans
help you understand the correct word.
5 sends a picture to Faccbook
The mt/fm/note says 'wait here'.
6 makes a note of the best jeans
7 pays lor the jeans
4 5.11 ))) Listen to six sentences and underline the correct word.
1 man / main / men 4 mat / mate / met c Compare your answers with a partner.
2 set / sit / seat 5 red / rid / read
7 Work in small groups. Answer the questions.
3 not / nut / note 6 cot / cut / coat
1 Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? W hy/W hy not?
2 Do you think the virtual mirror is a good idea?
W hy/W hy not?

50 O m Oxford 3000™
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

11a Work with a partner. Complete the conversations using the

V ocabulary & Speaking adjectives adverbs from exercise 10.
and adverbs 1 A
8a Work with a partner. Look at rwo sentences from the radio
programme in exercise 6 and choose the correct options in 2 A
1 and 2. B . ! Be careful!
... Ileave quickly. ... I find the right jeans easily. 3 A ?

1 The highlighted words are adverbs. They describe ...
a an action b a thing 4 A at weekends.

2 We usually form adverbs w ith ... B

a adjective + -ly b verb + -ly 5 A
b Read the Vocabulary focus box aboul adjectives and 6 A
adverbs, and check your answers.
B I know. She's the best student in the class,
VOCABULARY FOCUS adjectives and adverbs 7 A d you do in your exam?
• Adjectives describe people and things
He's a quick worker.
b 5.15))) Listen and check your answers. Take turns to
• Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. practise the conversations with a partner.
He works quickly,
• Form: 12a hfcfeM Work with a partner. Talk about things you, your
1 Many adjectives can be changed into adverbs by fam ily or your friends do ...
using -ly/-ily, e.g. quick -* quickly easy -» easily
2 Sometimes we do not add -lyNty to the adjective to make well quickly slowly badly carefully quietly
an adverb, e.g. hard -» hard late — late fast — fast
3 Some adverbs are irregular, e.g. good — well. M y husband drives carefully.

b Work with a different partner and compare.

9 Are the words in bold in sentences 1-7 adjectives (adj) or
A M y boss always talks really quietly.
adverbs (adv)V
B Really ? M y boss is very loud - she usually shouts at me!
1 He's a very hard worker. M )
2 She writes well.
3 This train often arrives late.
4 I like swimming, but I'm not a very fast swimmer.
5 Be quick! We're in a hurry. o u io
6 Drive safely.
7 He speaks English fluently.

10 Work w ith a partner. Make adverbs from the adjectives

•' VS*
and complete the table.

b W ,e


j [fe te

e a s ily
5 .4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Buy things in a shop ■ Write an online product review

Listening & Speaking in a shop

1 Luok at the photos. What kind of shops do they show? Label
the things and people in the photos with words from the box.

changing rooms customer shop assistant till

2a 5.161 Listen to three conversations and match them to

photos a-c.

b 5.16))) Listen again. W hat is each customer buying?

3a Match questions I -9 from the conversations to answers a-i.

1 Can I help you?
2 Do you need a bag?
3 Can I try this on, please?
4 Can I pay by card?
5 How much is th is magaz i ne?
6 Do you offer a student discount?
7 Would you like a receipt?
8 Do you selI batteries?
9 What time do you close?
a No, I'm afraid we only take cash,
b It's £4.99.
c Yes, we do. You get 20% off.
d At eight o'clock.
e No, thanks. I'm just looking.
f Yes, please. Just a small one.
g Yes, we do. What kind do you need?
h Of course. The changing rooms are over there.
i Yes, please. Just put it in the bag.

b 5.17))) Listen and check your answers.

C Who says each line in exercise 3a: the customer (C) or the
shop assistant (SA)?

d Work with a partner. Practise the conversations in exercise 3a.

4 EH3 Work with a partner. You want to buy a small gift for
someone. Take turns to be a customer and a shop assistant in
a gift shop. Ask and answer questions about:
• prices • discount • opening and closing times, etc.
Use the Language for speaking box to help you.


What time do you open/close (on Sundays)?

Can! pay by card/have a receipt please?
Do you seil newspapers/offer a student discount?
How much is this/are these shoes?
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Reading & W riting a product review

5 Work in small groups. Make a list of information you need
to have before you decide to buy something (e.g. the price).

6a Read product reviews A and B and match them to photos

1 and 2. Would you like to buy either of these products?
Why/Why not?

b Work with a partner. Look at the highlighted words

and phrases in the reviews. Put them into the
correct category.
a cost 2
b value for money
c look
d user-friendliness
e delivery
f writer's opinion/advice

7a Read the information in the Language for writing (1)

box. Find a sentence in product review B with a list and
underline it. A This is a great product and 11recommend it to everyone.
2It's only £150 but 3 it looks expensive. I really like the
LANGUAGE FOR WRITING (1) using commas fact that4 it's light and very comfortable. I ride it on the
in lists road, through fields, up hills and down mountains, and
it's no problem. In general, I think 5it's great value.
When three or more items are in a list, use commas before
5It arrived very quickly too, on the day after I ordered it.
each item Before the last item use and.
I ride it on the road, through fields, up hills and down mountains. RECOMMEND (35] REPORT

b Work with a partner. Put the commas into sentences 1-3

and take out and where it is not necessary.
I'm sorry to say I'm very disappointed with this product.
1 My job is to open the shop and sell products and answer
7It's big, awful and 8very heavy, so I can't carry it.9 It's
customers' questions. also very difficult to use. So overall,10it's definitely not
2 I use it for the internet and sending emails and doing worth the money and it's very poor value. And 11it was
homework and playing games. nearly two weeks late. My advice is 12don't buy it.
3 If you are looking fora machine that’s fast and cheap
and easy ro use, then this is for you.

8 Read the information the Language for writing (2) box. _ tlT , ,
9a EH3 Work with a partner. Choose a product from the box
to write a review about,
LANGUAGE FOR WRITING (2) a product review
When you write a product review, include information on price, phone computer/laptop clothes bike car
look, quality, user-friendliness and delivery. Write what you
think of the product, too. 1 Decide if you want to write a good or bad review.
• It's good/great/poor value. 2 Think about who you are writing it for and what
• it's (not) worth £100/the money. information the reader needs to know about this type of
• it's too big/small/heavy/expensive. product. Make a list of information you want to include.
• it looks good/expensive/cheap.
• It's easy/simple/hard/drfficult to use. b Write your product review. Use the Language for writing
• I (don't) recommend it. boxes to help you. Include a list and use commas.

c Work with a different pair and read each other’s reviews.

Would you like to buy the product they reviewed? Why/
W hy not?

5.5 Video

Camden Market
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos. I-Iovv do you think
shopping in each place is different?Think about...
• choice of products • shopping hours • prices
• forms of payment • type of customer • quality

2 Complete sentences 1-6 with words from the box.

fashion high street home-made stall stylish vintage

1 A ... is a small shop or table in a street or market where

people sell things.
2 Something that is old, but high quality is called...
3 A style that is popular.
4 People m ake... products in their houses to sell.
5 The ... is the street where the most important shops,
banks and businesses are.
6 Something that is ... attractive and of good quality.

3 O Watch the video. Which items in the list did you see?

double-decker bus flag hat red letter box

red telephone box shoes somebody swimming
street cafe sunglasses umbrella

4 Q Watch the video again and choose the correct option.

a Popular fashion in the UK is called streetfashion / high
streetfashion /popular clothes.
b People prefer shopping in Camden Market because
they can find cheaper clothes / clothes they can't fin d on
the high street / the latest fashion.
c In the past Camden Lock sold art andfurniture/ clothes/
bread and cakes.
d All the speakers are wearing something hand-made /
white shoes / something black.
e At Camden Market you can also buy internationalfood f
holidays / old cars.

5a Ifcwa Work in small groups. Your local tourism board

wants to make a short video to promote shopping in your
area. Think about places to go and make notes on ...
• different shopping locations
• traditional/local/unusual products
• price/quality

b Make a short presentation to the class and choose the

three best ideas.

5.1 5.2 5.3 54 5.5


1a Make questions with a w and could to ask a partner about 5a Match illustrations a-f to sentences 1-6.
now and when they were a child.
Can you play a m usical instrum ent?
Could you play a m usical instrument when you were a child?
• drive a car? • play a musical instrument?
• run for half an hour? ♦ speak English’
• stay up late? • use credit cards in most shops?

b Work with a partner. Take rums to ask and answer your

questions in exercise la. Give more information.
A Can you play a m usical instrum ent?
B No, I can't.
A Could you play a m usical instrument when you were a
B Yes, I could! I could play the piano.

2a Complete sentences ] -6 with your own ideas. Use the 1 They're talking. I She's running.
present continuous. 2 She's singing. 5 They're dancing.
1 Look at the people in t he park! T h ey... 3 He's driving. 6 He's carrying the plates.
2 Do you have a job interview today? You ...
3 Don't turn off die TV. I ... b Change the adjectives in the box into adverbs and use one
with each sentence in exercise 5a.
4 Listen! The birds...
5 You can't go in that changing room. Someone... bad careful good qtitek quiet slow
6 Tie can't answer the phone. l i e ...
She's running quickly.
b Compare your sentences with a partner. Choose your
favourite three ideas and tell the class. c Write two true and two false sentences about you. Use the
adverbs in exercise 5b or your own ideas.
3a 5.18))) Listen to parrs from six conversations and match
them to phrases a-f. d Work in small groups. Take turns to read your sentences
and guess which ones are false.
a the baker's d return something to a shop
b a discount e the newsagent's 6a Write two questions you can ask in a shop for each
c the sales f a shopping centre prompt I -4.
1 Can I...?
b Write six sentences about your shopping habits using
2 How m uch...?
the words in exercise 3a.
3 Do yo u ...?
I hardly ever buy breadfrom, the baker's.
4 What time do yo u ...?
c Compare your sentences with a partner. What is similar
about your shopping habits? b Work with a partner. Ask and answer your questions in
exercise 6a.
4a (jglrcjjj)the clothes item that is different from the others
in 1-4. 7 Work with a partner. Take turns to be the customer and
the shop assistant in the shop situations below.
1 hat jeans shorts trousers
1 A customer with a receipt wants ro return a shin
2 socks jacket trainers shoes
because it’s the wrong size. Ask for a smaller/bigger size
3 top T-shirt jewellery hoodie
or your money back.
4 coat scarf gloves dress
2 A student wants to buy some cheap trainers by credit
card. The shop assistant needs to know the colour
b Compare your answers with a partner. How often do you
and the size.
wear the clothes in exercise 4a?

f ____
The past
6.1 Don't give up!
GOALS ■ Use was/were to talk about the past ■ use past time expressions

Tell your partner about the story you read and listen to
Reading & Gram m ar was and were your partner's story to complete the other column in
the table in exercise 2. W hich story do you think is most
Work in small groups. Make a list of things a person needs
interesting? W hy?
to be successful in life. Do you all agree?
a good education, ... Underline the examples of was, were, wasn’t and weren't in
the article in exercise 2 and complete the information in
Work with a partner. Student A, read about Vera Wang.
the Grammar focus box.
Student B r read about Akio Morita. Complete your
column in the table. GRAMMAR FOCUS was and were
vera wang Akio Morita • 1 and2 are the past forms of is
and isn't.
Born (when?)
• 3 and4 are the past forms of are
Early career and aren't.
Problems (+) She was a very good ice skater.
Her parents were from China
Famous f o r ...
(what?) (-) She wasn't in the us Olympic team.
Morita and Ibuku weren't successful at first.
(?) Was it expensive? Yes, it was./No, it wasn't
Were they born in China? Yes, they were./No, they weren't
Successful people who failed at first
A Vera Wang was born in New Grammar Reference page 146
York in 1949 and her parents
were from China. When she was 5a Complete the article about a successful team using was,
younger she svas a very good ice were, wasn't or weren't.
skater and she wanted to skate
in the Olympics. However, she
Cool Runnings X
was very unhappy when she
wasn't in the US Olympic team
People 1 surprised to see a bobsleigh team
in 1968 and she decided to become a fashion designer.
She worked fifteen years for Vogue magazine, then from Jamaica at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Canada.
another two years with Ralph Lauren. Today, she is It 2 very easy for the team ro practise in
a very successful designer. She has her own fashion Jamaica before the Olympics because there 3 no
label Vera Wang and sells dresses for $2.1,000!
ice and there 4 no bobsleighs for them to use.
B Akio Morita was born in 1921 They 5 _ successful in their races, but they
and he was a businessman 6 very popular with the people watching
from the age of 25. He was because they tried so hard. There 7__________ a film
the founder of Sony with his
telling their story in 1993 called Cool Runnings and it
business partner and friend
Masaru Tbuku. At first they
weren't very successful. Their / íi
first product was an electric rice cooker and they only
8 a huge success, making $150,000,000
around the world.

sold 100 of them because it always burnt the rice!

b 6.1 ))) Listen and check your answers.
Today Sony is in the top 100 companies in the world.
Business Weekly

56 O n Oxford 3000™
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

V ocabulary & Speaking time expressions

8a Work with a partner and do the History Firsts Quiz.
Match questions 1-6 to answers a-f.

W h e n w a s / w e re th e f ir s t ...

1 f o o t b a ll W o r l d C u p ? a I n 1929.
2 O ly m p ic s ? b I n th e 1 9 th c e n tu r y .
3 d is h w a s h e r ? c In 1927.
4 S o n y W a lk m a n ? d In 1930.
5 t a l k i n g f ilm ? e 2 ,8 0 0 y e a rs ag o .
6 O s c a r s c e re m o n y ? f In 1979.

b 6.3 )))Listen and check your answers.

9 Complete the table with rhe rime expressions in the box.

PRONUNCIATION the past of to be three weeks nigte the 18th century year six months
week 2001 summer a-leng-ttme 4999
6a 6.2))) Listen to the questions and short answers. Are was,
were, wasn't and weren't stressed in rhe questions or in the
in last ago
tw uiijh t a levy tim e
1 A Was there a bobsleigh team ai the Olympics?
B Yes, there was.
2 A Was it easy for them to practise?
B No, it wasn't.
3 A Were there bobsleighs for them to use?
B No, there weren't. 10a Put the past time expressions in exercise 9 in the correct
4 A Were they popular? place on the timeline.
B Yes, they were. ■<---------------------------------------------- ►
a long time ago last night
b 6.3))) Listen again and repeat.
b Compare your answers with a partner.
7a Make questions from the prompts using was or were. 11a Complete the sentences by writing where you were
1 you hungry / this morning ? at these times.
Were you hungry this morning? 1 I was ov\, the bus two hours ago.
2 you / a good student at school ? 2 I ______________________ at 3.30 yesterday afternoon.
3 your partner / late for class today ? 3 I ______________________ last Tuesday.
4 your teacher / at work yesterday ? 4 I last October.
5 your school friends / from the same town as you ? 5 1 five years ago.
6 you / at home / seven o'clock last night ? 6 1 last night.
7 I in 2008.
b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the
8 I ______________________ last summer.
questions in exercise 7a.
b Work witli a partner. Take turns to guess about each other.
A Were you on the bus two hours ago?
B Yes, I was. Were you at work at 3.30 yesterday afternoon?
A No, J wasn't. I was at home.


6.2 Stories
GOALS ■ Use regular verbs to talk about what happened in the past ■ Use common collocations

Listening & Gram m ar past simple regular verbs

1a How many currencies do you know? Make a list, e.g. dollars, pounds.

b The four photos show different kinds of currencies from the past.
Label them with words from the box.

coins metal snakes ring salt

2 6.4))) Listen to a programme called The History o f Money and number the
photos 1-4 in the order you hear them.

3 6.4)))Listen again and choose the correct option.

1 The Romans / Chinese / Lob i/ Egyptians used jewellery as money. □
2 The Homans/ Chinese/ Lob i/ Egyptians copied a Turkish idea in the
first century BCE.
3 The Homans/ Chinese/ Lob i/ Egyptians earned something you can eat.
4 The Rom ans/ Chinese / Lobi / Egyptians believed their money was lucky.

4a Are the sentences in exercise 3 about now or before now?

b Underline the verbs in the sentences in exercise 3 and complete the rules
in the Grammar focus box.

GRAMMAR FOCUS past simple regular verbs

Regular verbs can be changed into the past simple in three ways:
1 For most verbs, we add 1 : start — started

2 For verbs that end in -e, we add 2 : close — closed
3 For verbs that end in consonant + -y, we delete -y and add3______ : carry-* carried

-»Grammar Reference page 147

PRONUNCIATION -ed ending in past simple verbs

5a 6.5)))There are three different ways to pronounce the -ed ending in past
simple verbs. Listen to the examples and repeat.
/d/: opened, returned, called
/[/: finished, looked, thanked
/id/: started, collected, visited

b 6.6))) Listen and write the verbs in the box on the correct lines in exercise 5a.

copied believed liked loved moved noticed posted prepared

received shouted used waited wanted worked

c 6.7))) Listen, check and repeat.

6 Work with a partner. Read and complete a story. Student A, turn to page
128. Student 13, turn to page 133.

58 O m Oxford 3000™
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

V ocabulary & Speaking 9a If&ia Think about how to answer the questions in
common regular
exercise 8a so that they are true for you. Write a past
verb collocations time expression in each of the circles to a nswer the ten
questions. Do not write the time expressions in order.
7a Work with a partner. Underline the two correct options.
1 wait for a long time / for a friend / for a bus stop
2 post an email / a letter / a comment on a web page
last night
3 enter a race / a job / a competition
4 move jobs / to the countryside / house
5 visit the beach / a museum / a relative
6 shout at your dog / at the weather / at someone
7 prepare a party / a meal / for an exam
8 receive a TV programme / an email j a phone call
9 call a taxi / a bus / an old friend
10 use a dictionary / a tablet / a newspaper

6.8))) Listen, check and repeat.

8a Match questions 1-10 to answers a-j.

W hen was the last time yo u ... b Work with a partner. Take turns to make guesses about the
1 moved house? information in your partner's circles. Say if your partner
2 received an email? was right or wrong and give more information.
3 prepared a meal? A I think you visited a relative last night.
4 posted a letter? B No! I visited a relative three days ago. I walked to my
5 shouted at someone? uncle's house.
A OK, I thinkyou prepared a m eal last night.
6 visited a relative?
B Right! I cooked a mealfor myfa mi ly.
7 called a taxi?
8 entered a competition?
9 used a dictionary
10 waited for a longtime?

a A month ago. It was to my friend in Australia.

b Last summer. 1travelled to Kenya to see my grandmother.
c When I was a child. 1was in a swimming race.
d About a week ago. M y son was very naughty.
e Yesterday. I was late for work.
f In 2010. From an apartment to a house.
g Last night. I cooked spaghetti for my housemate.
h Last week. I checked the meaning of com.
i Two hours ago. My bus was very late.
j This morning. It was from my boss.

6.9 ))) Listen and check your answers.

C 6.101 Listen 10 the questions again and repeat.

6.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand present and past simple verbs ■ Use adverbs of degree

6a Work with a partner. Look at the photos of a place called

Listening & Speaking understanding Inhotim and guess the answers to questions 1-3.
present and past simple verbs 1 What was Inhotim before the 1990s?
2 What is it now?
(^SrcjtJ'lhe besl option for you. Discuss the staiementsin
small groups. 3 W hy is it important for the local area?

1 Art galleries are interesting / boring. b 6.15)))Listen to a programme about Inhotim and check
2 I often / never / hardly ever visit museums. your answers.

6.11))) Listen to two sentences about an art gallery. W hich is 7a 6.15)))Listen to the programme again. Are the verbs in the
present and which is past? How do you know? box in the present or past simple?

6.12))) Read and listen to the information in the Unlock the notice start live work look change decide
code box about present and past simple verbs. travel look include work visit


present and past simple verbs
Regular past simple verbs can sound very similar to their
b Change the present simple verbs in 7a to the past simple form.

present simple forms. 8 Work with a partner. Take turns to make present and
I walk every day. -* l walked every day. past sentences about yourself, using the verbs and time
They love it -* They loved it.
expressions in ihe boxes. Your partner says if they are past
We want it. — We wanted it.
or present.
1 Regular past simple verbs end with three different sounds
/t/: walked /d/: loved /id/: wanted A I lived on a boat when 1 was a child.
2 Time expressions can help you decide if the verb is past B That’s past.
or present.
like listen live look love play study talk
I moved house in 2012. (past)
travel visit wait want watch work
I walk a lot these days, (present)
every day five years ago in 2006 last week
4a 6.13))) Listen and tick (/ ) the word you hear in each pair now these days when I was a child yesterday
l-9. Compare your answers with a partner.
1 cook / cooked 6 listen / listened
2 carry / carried 7 chat / chatted
3 change/ changed 8 dance / danced
A help / helped 9 enjoy / enjoyed
5 wait/waited

b 6.13))) Listen again and repeat.

5a 6.14))) Listen to six sentences and decide if they are past or

present. W rileyour answers on the lines.
1 past______ 4 ___________
2 5 ___________
3 6

b Compare your answers with a partner.

60 O w Oxford 3000™
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

V ocabulary & Listening adverbs of degree PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

11 6.17))) Listen to four sentences from exercise 10a and repeat

9a Look at four sentences from the programme about
them. Which adverbs have the strongest stress?
Inhotim and read the Vocabulary focus box about adverbs
of degree. 1 ... the sculptures were very interesting.
2 The gardens were quite nice, too.
... B e rn a rd o Paz decided to use th e
3 1thought the sculpt ures in the park were a bit boring...
space for s o m e th in g very d iffe re n t.
4 ... the journey to the park was really long...
... b u t as y o u get closer, y o u n o t ice s o m e th in g a bit u n u su a l.

12 Work with a partner. Discuss the ideas using the adjectives

A lth o u g h it is quite far fro m th e u su a l to u ris t spots o f B r a z il,.
and a suitable adverb of degree.

... it is really im p o rta n t for t h e lo ca l a r e a ...

1 Modern art/boring/interesting.
A Modern art is really boring.
B No, it isn't! It ’s very interesting.
VOCABULARY FOCUS adverbs of degree Clothes in this country/expensive/cheap.
when we use adjectives to describe things, we often want to The classroom/hot/cold today.
show how strongly we feel. To do this, we can use adverbs, Trains and buses/fast/slow in this country.
e.g. a bit, quite, very, really; before the adjectives.
Ca rs/dange rous/safe.
I'm a bit cold. The exam was quite easy.
He is really nice. Russia is a very big country.
13a iKHft Plan a story about a place you visited, or an event
Note: We don't use a bit with positive adjectives. you went to in the last two years. Use questions 1-7 to help
you and include 2-3 adverbs of degree.
1 When was it?
b Write the words in bold in exercise 9a on the line.
2 Where did you go?
0% 1 fit b it 2 3______ /4______ ioo%
3 Who were you with?
10a 6.16 )J Listen to two people talking about their visits to 4 How was the weather?
Inhotim. Is speaker 1 or speaker 2 more positive about the 5 Were there a lot of people there?
different parts of their visit? 6 What did you do there?
1 sculptures/art 3 food/restaurants 7 How was it?
2 gardens 4 journey
b Work in small groups. Take turns to tell your stories. Write
b 6.16))) Listen again. Write the language that helped you down the adverbs of degree and adjectives each person uses.
answer exercise 10a.
very interesting
6.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Tell a story ■ Show interest ■ Write a tweet or text message

Speaking & Listening a miss

interest as a listener
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos and the
words. Guess the story and put the pictures in PkoiC join tts for rht-
BU srm , MAHACEMmi
the correct order I -6. at lot
2 6.18)))Listen to Oscar telling the story and •titAia 1015
check your ideas. W h y did he miss his Business
Management class dinner?

3 6.18 ))) Listen to the conversation again. Tick (/ )

the expressions the listener uses. How do these
expressions 'help' the conversation?
That s terrible! Poor you!
Oh no! Really?
W hat a nightmare! That }s great!
That's b rillian t! Thar's interesting!
That's aw ful!

4a Work with a partner. Decide which of the

expressions in exercise 3 are for responding to ...
a good news b bad news c interesting news

b Read the information in the Language for

speaking box and check your answers.


showing interest
Responding to good news
That's brilliant! That's amazing!
That's great!
Responding to bad news
That's terrible! Oh no!
That's awful! Poor youJ
What a nightmare!
Responding to interesting news
Really? That's interesting!

5a 6.19))) Listen to the expressions in the Language

for speaking box. Notice how the voice goes up
or down.

b 6.19))) Listen again and repeat.

6 Work with a partner. Take turns to tell each other
some new'S and respond to it. Student A, turn to
page 129. Student B, turn to page 134.

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Work with a partner. Look at the first tweet again and

R e a d in g s W riting write a tw eet or text answer the questions. Check your answers in the
message Language for writing box.
1 Where can you put the words does and I in the tweet
7 Work in small groups. Answer the questions.
to make full sentences?
1 Do you use any social media sites? (Facebook, Twitter,
2 W hy do you think the two words are not included in
etc.) What do you use them for?
the tweet?
2 How much time do you spend on these sites?
3 Do you think they are useful? Why/Why not? LANGUAGE FOR WRITING tweets and texts
we often leave words out when we write quickly and
8a Head the three tweets below. Which one... informally, e.g. in text messages or on Twitter.
1 gives the writer’s opinion? These words can be:
2 asks for information? 1 auxiliary verbs, e.g. do, does, is, are.
3 tells a short story? Bees anyone know where l can dance salsa?
2 subject pronouns, e.g. I. you, it.
/really want to learn!
Anyone know where I can dance salsa? 3 subject and the verb to be.
Really want to learn! Hl, . * FavCKjrita ? l{. it-was so funny!

10 Find examples of missing words in the replies in

exercise fib.
Just walked into boss’s office and she was I
j i i l asleep! So funny! «- , , ,ue?; i ¡S a w it years ago...

11 Look at four more tweets. They all contain words

they don't need. Cross out the unnecessary words.
m Watching Gladiator. Love it! Compare your answers with a partner.
f-R e p iy ★f- a v c u n tv ? |iK


b Match replies a-c to tweets 1-3. Mm I tried explaining Twitter to my dad.

It wasn’t easy! -,

a Chris .k V . V ' r j
Francis! Do you want to go out tonight?
«-FtefHy ★PaWurllo

m Is anyone watching the programme on

Channel 6? Does anyone understand it?!
«-Reedy ★PavGvilt* 'finie j

Tim T

m I just missed the bus again! It’s the third

time this weekl

V; ★-■hntinl. ?ln
12a EZ3H3 Write a tweet about something interesting.
Ha ha! You still at work? Don’t wake her up. Then
you can go home!
b Pass your tweet around the class and write replies to the
tweets you receive from your classmates. Which tweet has
the best replies?

1 Look at the photos of Istanbul. Which of these things can
you see in them?

ancient buildings buses busy market dome

fishermen gardens herbs modern buildings
mosque public transport residents ships and ferries
souvenirs spices strait tourists

2 Work with a partner. Look al the photos again and discuss

the questions.
• do you think Istanbul is a good place to live?
• Do you think life in Istanbul is the same or different to
where you live? Why?
• would you like to live In Istanbul?

3 O Watch the video about Istanbul. Write a short summary

including the most important facts about the city. Think
• how old the city is
• why the city was important/famous in the past
• why the city is important/famous now
• busy modern life
• East and West.

4 O Watch the video again. Decide if the sentences are true

(T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.
a Istanbul is the second largest city in Turkey,
b In ancient times the city was first called
c. The city's name changed to Istanbul in 1833.
d Today the I lagia Sophia is a mosque,
e The strait that divides Istanbul is called the
f Only local people use the ferries on the Bosphorous.
g Istanbul is famous for its fresh seafood,
h The Grand Bazaar was first built in the 18th century,
i There are sixteen streets in the market,
j The marker doesn't sell any food,
k The city is the same now as it was in ancient times.

5a hfcMd Work with a partner. You went to Istanbul last week for
a business trip/weekend visit/study trip. Make notes on ...
• where you stayed • what souvenirs you brought home
• what you did/saw • rf you recommend the visit
• what you ate

b Write an email to a colleague/friend telling them about

your visit.

6.1 6.2 6.3 64 6.5


1a Complete the questions with was or were. 4a Match the verbs and noun phrases to make common
1 Mow old the speaker when it happened? collocations.
2 it on a Monday? 1 move a competition
3 the lights on when he walked into the 2 receive an b at someone
living room? 3 prepare a c letter
4 his friends at the party? 4 post a d a relative
5 there a cake? 5 shout e house
6 Where the presents? 6 visit f for a long time
7 enter a 8 email
b 6.20))) Listen to someone telling a story and answer the
8 wait h meal
questions in exercise la. Compare with a partner.
b Wrork in small groups. Tell each other about the last time
2a Imagine today is Wednesday 19th February 2015 and it is
you did the things in exercise 4a.
1.20 p.m. Write a past time expression next to each item
1-6 ro say when they were. 5a Make sentences 1-8 positive or negative so they are true
1 Tuesday 18th February 2015 yesterday for you. Add an adverb of degree from the box to give more
2 2014 detail about the positive sentences.
3 Wednesday 12th February 2015
very quite really a bit
4 2010
5 1.15 p.m. 1 I was a b it tired last night.
6 12.50 p.m. 2 I wras vit late for class today.
3 1was early for class today.
b Write four dates and times from the past, e.g. your last 4 I w as. busy last week.
birthday, first driving lesson, time you got up today, etc.
5 I was naughty when I was a child.
c Work with a partner. Take turns to say your dates and 6 I was hungry an hour ago.
times from exercise 21>. Your partner tries to guess what 7 I was young in 2010.
happened then. 8 I was happy on my birthday last year.
A 1st September 2012
b Work in small groups. Take turns to read your sentences to
B Your son started school.
each other and give more information.
3 Complete the article with the present simple or past simple I was a bit tired last night because I had a busy day at work.
forms of the verbs in (brackets). I wasn’t late for class today because I got up early.

6.21 ))) Listen to three sentences and choose an expression

The painter Vincent Van Gogh
from the box to respond to each sentence.
was born in 1853 and he 1
(die) in 1890. He 2____(be) a
That's terrible! Really? That's brilliant!
farmer and then a teacher before
Poor you! What a nightmare! That's amazing!
he 3 (decide) to become an Oh no! That's great! That's awful!
artist when he was nearly 30.
These days people4 (love)
his paintings and 5 (pay) a lot b Write sentences giving good news, bad news and
of money for them. Unfortunately surprising news.
nobody 6 (want) to buy his
paintings when he was alive and he 7____(be) poor c Work in small groups. Take turns to tell each other your
and unhappy. He 8 (paint) one of his most famous news. Respond to each piece of news with an expression
paintings - Van Gogh’s chair - in 1888. Today it from exercise 6a.
9 (be) in the National Gallery in London and every
year, art lovers from around the world 10 (travel)
hundreds of miles to see it.

7 Health and fitness
7.1 My health, my business
GOALS ■ use collocations for a healthy lifestyle ■ use past simple irregular verbs

Vocabulary & Speaking Reading & Gram m ar past simple irregular verbs
a healthy lifestyle
3 W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r an d lo o k a i the m en u . D o you th in k it is a good id ea to
sh o w th e c a lo rie s ? W h y / W h y not?
1 Work with a partner. Read the saying and
answer the questions.
Menu Calories Price
Healthy body, healthy mind.
Burger 280 $0.89
Cheeseburger 330 SO.99
1 W hat does the saying mean?
2 Do you agree? Why/Why not? Big Big Burger 5H0 $2.29
Extra Big Burger 590 S2.35
2a Work with a partner. Use the verbs in the
Grilled Chicken 450 52.89
box to complete the phrases for a healthy
lifestyle. 8oz Burger 760 52.99

do(x 2 ) drink eat go ride sleep

take walk
4a W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. L o o k at th e p h oto an d title o f th e a rtic le . W h a t do you
1 lots of fruit and vegetables th in k th e m a y o r d id ?

the stairs, not the lift
to work
a bicycle
the healthy mayor
5 eight glasses of water a day In 2002 New York City chose a Bloomberg had other messages for
6 an hour of exercise new mayor, Michael Bloomberg. New Yorkers, too: do more exercise,
each day Bloomberg wanted the people leave your car at home, walk or ride
of New York to be healthy. In his a bicycle, and take the stairs when
7 seven to eight hours a night
opinion, they did the wrong things: you can. He told them he always
8 to the gym or an they ate the wrong food, they took the stairs, not the lift.
evening class smoked, they drove everywhere, and Some people thought Bloomberg
9 physical jobs around they did little or no exercise. was wrong. People's health is their
the house So Bloomberg tried to change business. But is it?
their habits. Before he was mayor,
b 7.1))) Listen and check your answers. restaurant menus only gave the
price of the food. But after 2007
c Work in small groups. Discuss the restaurants wrote the number of
questions. calories in their food on the menu.
1 W hich actions in exercise 2a are He banned smoking in public places.
exercise and which are not? He also tried to reduce the size of
sweet drinks, like Coca Cola (but the
2 W hich things do you do?
Supreme Court stopped him).
3 What else is important for a
healthy lifestyle? ■ banned said something was not allowed reduce make something smaller

b R e a d the m a g a z in e a rtic le a n d c h e c k y o u r an sw e rs.

66 O w r Oxford 3000™
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

5 Work with a partner. Read the article again BSEEBEBEnEia past simple irregular verbs
and fin d ...
9a 7.3))) Listen to the pronunciation of the groups of three past simple
1 four things New Yorkers did that were
verbs. Are the vowel sounds in each group the same (S) or different (D)?
bad for their health.
2 two things Bloomberg changed. 1 thought / bought / taught

3 one thing he tried to change. 2 got / chose / wrote

4 Bloomberg's ideas for doing more exercise. 3 sat / went / had
4 came/ made /ate
6 Workin small groups. What do you think 5 flew /took/ put
about Mayor Bloomberg's ideas? Was he 6 met / said / slept
right? Why/Why not?
b 7.3 )|Listen again and repeat.
7 Work with a partner. Look at the highlighted
past simple verbs in the sentences. Which verb
is regular? 10a Put the verbs in (brackets) in the past simple to complete the Student
health survey results.
In 2002 New Yorkers chose a new mayor,
Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg wanted
the people of New York to be healthy. SurveyResuits E
Student health survey results
8a Read the Grammar focus box about past
simple irregular verbs. O 85% (eat) snacks between meals.

GRAM M AR FOCUS past simple

Q 58% (play) sport and 77% [do]
exercise every week.
irregular verbs
Past simple irregular verbs are not formed by Cl 62% (sleep) only six hours a night.
adding -ed. They all take different forms, e.g. O 15% (watch) TV for two hours or more a day.
choose -♦chose sit -♦sat put -* put
B 29% (take) extra vitamins.
-* Grammar Reference page 148
G 82% (say) they were worried about work.

b Find past simple irregular verbs in the article O 57% (sit) at a computer for six hours or
and complete the table. more per day.

Present Past O 28% (think) thev (have) a healthy

make tvundc,
do b Compare your answers with a partner. Which facts surprised you?
11a Er'-VM Think of a time in the past, e.g. when you were a child. Use the
drive ideas in the survey and make a list of your healthy and unhealthy
When I was about ten years old, I ate a lot o fsweets.
have b Work in small groups. Compare your habits.

c 7.2 ))) Listen, check and repeat.

7.2 Sporting heroes
GOALS ■ Talk about sports and fitness ■ Use the past simple negative

Vocabulary & Speaking

sports and fitness
1a Work with a partner. Write the activity
under the correct illustration.

cycle do athletics do judo do yoga

go fishing go to the gym jog/run
play basketball play football play tennis
ski swim

b 7.4 )J Listen, check and repeat.

2 Work with a partner. Talk about sports or

activities that are popular where you live.
People jog and play ten nis in my local park.

3a Tick (/ ) the three best reasons to do

1 to keep fit
2 to meet friends
3 to have fun
4 to win
5 to lose weight
6 to learn something new

b Compare your answers with a partner.

4 Work with a partner. Answer the

1 What sports and activities do you do?
2 How often do you do them?
3 W hy do you do them?
A /play basketball and I do athletics.
B How often do you play basketball?
A Every Wednesday and Saturday
B W hy do you like it?
A I meet myfriends and we have
lots offun.

68 O m Oxford 3000™
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

10a Work with a partner. Put the verbs in (brackets) into the
Listening & Gram m ar past simple negative positive or negative form to make the facts about Usain
Bolt true.
Work with a partner. Do you think famous sports people
can be heroes? Why/Why not?
Work with a partner. Look at the photo of Fauja Singh and
answer the questions.
1 How old do you think he is?
2 W hat sport do you think he does?
3 W hy do you think he likes that sport?

When he was a young boy, Usain Bolt (do)

7a 7.5))) Listen and check your ideas. Do you think Fauja is a athletics all the Time.
sporting hero? WThy/Why not?
In 2008, when he won the Olympic 100m final,
b 7.5))) Listen again. Tick (/ ) the true sentences and cross (X) he (slow) down at the end and he
i he false sentences. Compare your answers with a partner. (break) the world record.

1 Fauja ran marathons when he was young. When he won the 100m final atthe 2012 London Olympic
2 He didn't walk before the age of five. Games, two billion people watched him on TV. American
3 He had a lot of problems on his family's farm. TV (show) the race when it happened.
4 His happy life continued after he had a family. There was a thunderstorm during the 100m World
5 He left India. Championship final in 2013. Lightning
6 He stopped after his first marathon. ___________ (hit) him.

8 Complete the rule in the Grammar focus box.

b 7.8)J Listen and check your answers. Did anything surprise
GRAMMAR FOCUS past simple negative you? Tell your partner.
To make the past simple negative we use;
11a ifcwa Write two true and two false sentences about sports
Subject +•did not/ __ _ + infinitive without to or other activities you did in the past. Use the verbs in the
He didn't walk before the age of five.
box and other verbs you know.
-♦Grammar Reference page 149
be do go have play run swim win

I won a chess competition when I was ten.

ESZBU H H tEia past simple negative
b Work in small groups. Take turns to read your sentences to
9a 7.6)| Listen and notice the stress.
each other. Say if you think each one is true (T) or false (F).
• •
He didn't w a lk ... He didn't feel sad ... Give more information.
A I played basketballfo r my university.
b Work with a partner. Correct the false sentences in B True?
exercise 7b. Use the correct stress. C Hm m ... I think it's false.
A Fauja ran marathons when he was young. A Yes, it's false. I didn 7 p lay basketballfo r my university.
B False. Fauja didn't run marathons when he was young. I'm only 1.6m tall!

C 7.7)| Listen, check and repeat.


7.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand time sequencers in a text ■ Understand easily confused words

Reading & Speaking time sequencers 5 • THE REVIEW • TV

1 Work with a partner. Read instructions a-e for
staying fit and healthy. W hich order do you think the
instructions could be in?
a Make a timetable,
b Repeat the exercise twice a day.
to make you
c Choose an activity you enjoy,
d Set a goal for yourself,
e Find a friend to exercise with you. The programme was about apps and gadgets that check our
health and daily exercise. In the programme, three female
2a Read the information in the Unlock the code box office workers used this new technology for three weeks.
about time sequencers.
W hat did they do and did it work?
Firstly, university scientist Blaine Price lent the women a
gadget to count their steps, and a specially-programmed
smartphone to check their sleep.
writers often use time sequencers to show the order in
After that, the women went back to their normal lives and
which something happens, e.g. first, next, then. If you
understand these phrases, it is easier to understand used the gadget to check their exercise. At the end of each
what comes next in the text. day, the scientist sent them an email with the number of
their steps. At the beginning they only took 5,000 steps, but
b When we talk about something that happened, the target was 10,000 a day.
which time expressions do we use to describe... Next, they checked their sleep. Every night, they put the
smartphone on their bed when they went to sleep. The next
1 the beginning?
morning, they looked at the phone and saw the number of
2 the middle?
hours they slept, and how deeply.
3 the e n d ?________________________
Finally, the three women and Blaine met again to talk
After th a t,... Finally .. . First/Firstly,.... Lastly,... about their progress. All the women said they were healthier
Next,... Then,... and fitter, and one said she ran when she watched TV. They
all lost weight, and they all understood better why and
C Use the time sequencers in exercise 2b to make the when they slept well.
order clearer in exercise 1. So the programme showed that new gadgets and
First, ... technology can help us change our routine and
get healthier!
3a Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 Do you think you take enough exercise?
2 I low many steps do you think you take every day?
3 Do you ever check your own health? If so, how?
If not, why not?

b Work with a partner. Look at the title of a TV

programme review. How do you think technology
can make you healthier?

C Read the review and check your ideas.

70 O m Oxford 3000™
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

4a Put sentences a-d about the story in the correct order without 7a Read the Vocabulary focus box about easily
looking at the review. Compare your answers with a partner. confused words.
a The women talked about how healthy and fit they were,
VOCABULARY FOCUS easily confused words
b The women lived normal lives,
There are some common pairs of words in English that
c The women used their phones lo check their sleep,
are easily confused. These are often:
d The scientist gave the women some equipment.
1 words to do with movement or actions between
b Work with a partner. Describe each stage of the story in people, e.g. come/go, bring/take, lend/borrow.
your own words using the time sequencers from exercise 2b. 2 words describing similar actions but with different
grammar or collocation, e.g. say/tell, look/watch.
5 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 What do you think of the idea of checking your exercise and b Complete the sentences with the correct form of a
your sleep with a gadget or phone? word in bold in exercise 6.
2 Do you think that technology can change your routine? 1 Can you Lcfu[ me your car for the weekend?
3 Is it a good idea to check your health and routines every day? 2 They basketball on TV last night,
W hy/ W hy not? 3 here! I want to speak to you.
4 My colleague me about a new
V ocabulary & Speaking easily confused words re s ta u ra n t in tow n.
5 C a n you this book to the lib ra ry for m e?
Match the words in bold in each pair of sentences to the 6 T m lost,' he
correct meaning. 7 W h e n Ja ce k at h is p h o n e d u rin g the
1 I need to buy some food and I don't have any money. m ee tin g , I got v e ry angry.
Can you lend me £10? I'll pay you back tomorrow. 8 I d id n 't h ave a p e n , so I o n e from
2 I forgot my pen, so 1borrowed one from my classmate. m y friend .
9 W h e n you co m e to the p a rty, c a n you
a take something from somebody for a short time
s o m e th in g to d r in k ?
(a n d th e n g ive it b a c k la ter) ______
10 L e t 's _____________ to the b e a c h tom orro w .
h give something to somebody for a short time
(and then get it back later) _____
c 7.9))) L iste n an d ch e c k y o u r an sw e rs.
3 W hy don't you come to my house for dinner tomorrow?
8a E E S F o u r o f q u estio n s 1-5 u se the w ro n g verbs.
4 Did you go to the swimming pool yesterday? C o rre c t the w ro n g ones.
a move from another place to h e r e _____ 1 H o w often do you go to the g y m an d do exercises?
b move from here to another place 2 D o yo u look at film s in E n g lis h w ith o u t re a d in g
the su b titles?
5 She told me her name.
3 D o you p refer p la y in g or lo o k in g at sp o rt?
6 He said that he was hungry.
4 D o you u s u a lly say y o u r n eig h b o u rs th a t you
a give information by speaking or writing w a n t to h a v e a p a rty ?
b give information to somebody by speaking or 5 W o u ld yo u prefer to le n d m o n e y fro m a b a n k or
writing from a m e m b e r o f y o u r fa m ily ? W h y ?

7 He looked at his watch and said, 'It's late!' b W o rk in s m a ll groups. T a k e tu rn s to ask an d a n s w e r

8 The police watched the house for two days. th e questions in exercise 8a. Add follow-up questions.

a look at something for a long lime to see what A How often do you go to th e gym ?
happens or because you like doing i t _____ B Not very often.
b look at something for a short time A W hat kind o f exercises do you do?

9 Can you bring me my glasses?

10 It's cold. Take a coat with you.

a move something/somebody from another place to

h e re ______
h move something/somebody from here to
another place _____

7.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Ask for and give opinions ■ Agree and disagree ■ Post a website comment

Listening & Speaking opinions, agreeing

and disagreeing
1a Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.
1 Do you, your friends or your family play video games?
2 What video games do you know?
3 What's good and bad about video games?

b Compare your answers with another pair.

2 7.10)}) Listen to the introduction to a radio programme

about children and video games. Answer the questions
with your partner.
1 What do people usually think about video games?
2 Wrhat did the research show?
3 W hat did the children do in gym class?
4 How did the children feel about this?

3a 7.11))) Listen to two people talking on the radio programme.

5 Work with a partner. Wrhatdoyou think about using video
What do they think are the good and bad things about
games at school? Use the phrases in exercise 3b.
video games?

6 Work with a partner. Read the statement and think of 3-4

b Work with a partner. Use the words in the box to complete
ideas to complete each column of the table.
the sentences from the listening in exercise 3a.

agree but don't for of opinion right that * Companies and colleagues should help their
think what employees and students to be fit and healthy. *
l . do you think_______ this idea?
Arguments for Arguments against
2 I it's great,
3 I know about
4 Yes, they didn't use games like that at the
5 Well, me, it depends on the game.
6 You're
7 What's yo u r.
8 Yes, I _______ with that.

c 7.12))) Listen, check and repeat. 7 Work with another pair. Discuss your arguments from
exercise 6. Use the Language for speaking box to help you.
Work with a partner. W hich phrases from exercise 3 b ...
1 ask for an opinion? LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING
asking for/giving opinions, agreeing/disagreeing
2 give an opinion?
3 show the speaker agrees? _ Asking for opinions Agreeing
What do you think (o f.,.)? You're right.
4 show the speaker disagrees?_______________________
What's your opinion (of...)? I agree (with that).
Giving opinions Disagreeing
I think... Yes, but...
Forme, ... 1don't know about that.

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

10 Underline the phrases the people in

Reading & W riting post a website com m ent exercise 9 use to agree and disagree.
Compare your answers with a partner.
8a Read the online article about a video game experiment. Describe the
experiment to your partner.
11a Read the information in the Language
TECHNOLOGY X for writing box.

New research shows that video gam ers don’t live LANGUAGE FOR WRITING
in the real world. adding more information
Researchers gave two groups of people a • We can use too and also to add more
simple test. The first group played a lot of information
video games before the experiment. The • Also goes before the main verb, but after
people in the second group didn’t play the verb be.
video games. Then, both groups took paper ... and they also relax with computers.
clips out of a bucket of ice-cold water. The We are also always on our phones.
first group took more paper clips. They • Too goes at the end of a sentence.
didn’t feel the cold because their brain ... watch TV for four hours in the
thought that they were still in the video evening, too.
game world. The other group felt the cold
because they weren’t in a virtual world. b Work with a partner. Rewrite the
sentences using too and also.
b Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1 He played for his local team and he
1 What does the writer say that the experiment shows? played for his national team.

2 Do you agree? Why/Why not? 2 She goes swimming every day and
she goes to the gym twice a week.
> Work with a partner. Read four comments from the website. Who agrees 3 He likes watching football on TV
with the research? W ho disagrees? and he likes playing it.
4 My cousin is a black belt in judo
+ __________________________________________________________ and she’s a black belt in karate.
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12a Q3I23 Write a comment about the article
FT, Scotland in exercise 8a. Agree or disagree and use
I agree, but I knew this before this research. People don't talk too or also to give more information.
to each other anymore. They work with computers and they
also relax with computers. . , , c. , _ b Work in small groups. Read each other's
r Like I Share I Reply comments. Do you agree?

Firos, Lebanon 13a E H 3 Look at the ideas on page 129.

That's right. I think we live in another world. We look at Choose one and write a comment. Agree
computer screens for eight hours a day at work, then watch TV
or disagree and use too or also to give
for four hours in the evening, too. We are also always on our
more information.
ph0neS' Like | Share | Reply
b Work in small groups. Read comments
Haruki, Japan from other students and write replies.
I'm afraid I don't really agree with this research. What's the
problem? People relax in different ways. Some people read
books. Others play video qames.
r Like | Share | Reply

3eff, Canada
That's true, Haruki. For me, video games are a hobby. I think
people know the difference between a game and the real world.
Like I 5hare I Reply

7.5 Video

Health and fitness in New York

1 Work with a partner. What do you know about New York?
Think about...
• where it is • places to visit
• population • food
• transport

2 Look at the photos of people in New York. Which activities ...

a are healthy?
b are unhealthy?
c do you do?
d would you like to do?

3 O Watch the video. Match beginnings 1-8 to endings a-h

to complete the sentences.
1 The most famous part of New York is
2 Fifty million tourists visit New York
3 People didn't cycle much
4 Before 2002, most people travelled to work by
5 The High Line was an
6 Now the High Line is a
7 You can rent a bike for ten dollars
8 Restaurant menus include

a before 2002.
b information about calories in your meal,
c place to jog, walk or relax,
d every year,
e old railway line,
f a day with the Citibikes scheme,
g Manhattan,
h subway or car.

4 O Watch the video again and make notes about what they
said for topics 1-5.
1 public transport
2 the Mayor of New York
3 taking exercise
4 parks
5 restaurants and food

5a ¡EH3 Work in small groups. Your employer, university

or local government wants to make a short video advert
to help local residents live more healthily. Think of four
ideas and say why you think they w ill help people to have a
healthy lifestyle.

b Present your ideas to the class and choose the best four.

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5


1a Match beginnings 1-6 to endings a-fto make questions. 4s Read the text about popular sports in Argentina and
1 Do you eat a lot of complete the gaps with the words from the box.
2 Do you do
jog ski basketball go to the gym football tennis
3 Do you often ride
4 Can you walk
The most popular sport in Argentina is 1___________ .
5 How many hours People like playing it, going to games and watching it
6 Do you on TV. The Argentinian team won the World Cup in 1978
and 1986, and came second in 2014.
a do a lot of physical jobs around the house?
b do you sleep every nighl? 2 is
c any exercise? also very popular
especially after
d fruit and vegetables every day?
Argentina won the
e a bicycle? semi finals against the
f to local shops from your house, or do you drive? NBA players in 2004,
and then took the
b Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Olympic gold home.
exercise la and give more information.
3 was a sport for rich people in the past, but
now lots of people play it. The best Argentinian player,
2a Put tlie verbs in (brackets) in the past simple positive or
Juan Martin del Potro is world number 8.
negative. Use the symbols (+/-J to help you.
Yesterday... Winter sports are also very popular in Argentina,
1 I didvit drive, (drive/-). people often 4 _ in the Andes Mountains.
And of course lots of people 5 in local
I ______ cawit______ (come/+) to work on foot.
parks o r6 to keep fit!
2 1 (cook/-) chips or fried food.
1_________________ (make/+) a healthy salad for lunch.
3 1 (go/+) to the gym. b 7.13))) Listen and check your answers.
I __________________ (watch/-) TV.
1 I (go/+) lo bed early. C Work with a partner. Which sports are popular where you
I_ (have/i) eight hou rs’ sleep last night. live?

5 I (have/*) an apple for dessert.

5a Read the conversation. Are the people agreeing,
I (eat/-) ice crea m or ca ke.
disagreeing, asking for or giving an opinion?
6 I __________________(take/+) the stairs.
A W hat’s your opinion of people taking their children out
I __________________ (use/-) the lift.
in the evening? 1
b Make the sentences in exercise 2a true for you. Compare B Well, I think it's fine. I don't have a problem with it.
your answers with a partner.
C I don't know about that. For me, it's not OK when the
3a ^ ircl^ (he correct verb to complete the questions. children have school the next day. 3__________________
1 Do you go / come to sporting events? Which sports? A And what do you think of taking children to
2 W hich of these things do you borrow /lend to your restaurants? 4______________________
B Dm, I think it's OK if they're not too noisy.
friends: books, clothes, money?
3 Do you sfly / tell your family or best friend everything?
C Yes, I agree with that, but children can be very noisy!
4 Do you think it's OK to look at/w atch your phone 6
during class?
5 Which three things do you always bring/ take to class? b Work with a partner. Ask for and give your opinion about...
1 the amount of money famous sportspeople make
b Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in
2 people driving slowly but carefully
exercise 3a, and give reasons for your answers.
3 people talking in the cinema

Travel and transport
8.1 I went to ...
GOALS ■ Talk about holidays ■ Ask questions using the past simple

3a Work with a partner. Match

Vocabulary & Speaking talking about holidays beginnings 1-6 to endings a-f to
make questions about holidays.
1a W hal kind of holidays do you like? Tick (/ ) the options that are true for you.
1 Do you like lying
• staying in your own country • going 011 a beach holiday
2 Do you visit
• going to another country • going with a group of friends
3 Do you usually take a map or
• going on a city break going with family
4 Do you like going 011
• staying in the countryside going on your own
5 Do you prefer to stay
b Compare your answers with a partner. 6 Do you ever stay in

a a tour of places you visit?

2a Complete texts 1-3 about different holidays with the words in the boxes.
b do you get lost?
1 the beach an apartment 2 museums lost a tour the town c in a hotel or rent an apartment?
swimming art galleries
d on the beach?
e expensive hotels?
: ABOUT I CONTACT THE CITY BREAKER f art galleries and museums?
The beach lover For me, holidays are about culture
and I enjoy visiting all the 4_________ b 8.2))) Listen, check and repeat.
I love lazy holidays.
I normally rent 1 and 5 . Sometimes I go on
c Ask and answer the questions with
by the sea with my family. 6 with a guide because
It's a great way to learn about a your partner. Give more information.
We lie on 2 most
of the day and go 3 place and its history. I also like going A Do you like lying on the beach?
in the sea, For me, the out on my own and looking around B Yes, 1do. 1like reading a book, but I
most important thing to do 7 without a map. I always enjoy playing beach volleyball, too.
on holidays is to relax and g et8___________, but I think it's the
have fun. best way to f

3 sightseeing local people trek cheap hotels



We stay in 9 and guest
houses, and travel by public transport,
so we can m eet10 . We don't
go 11__________ . We prefer to 12________
in the mountains and visit places that
tourists don't often see.

b 8.1))) Listen and check your answers.

C Work with a partner. Which person is most like you? W hy?

76 O m Oxford 3000™
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

Gram m ar & Listening past simple


Work with a partner. Look at the map and

photos of Guatemala. Answer the questions.
1 What do you know about Guatemala?
2 W hat can you do and see there?

5a 8.3))) Listen to Tom talking to his friend Katie about

his trip to Guatemala. Tick (/ ) the things he mentions.
• ruined temples • Lake AtitlSn • the mountains
• pacaya volcano • Antigua • lying on the beach ruined temple in the
• trekking • a Mayan city Mayan city of Tikal

b Match Katie's questions 1-6 to Tom's answers a-f.

1 W hy did you go there? a About six weeks.
2 Whereabouts in Guatemala b Yes, I did, but I met lots of
did you go? local people.
3 What did you do and see? c 1visited the whole country.
4 1low long did you stay? d No, mostly guest houses.
5 Did you stay in hotels? e I went on lots of tours
6 Did you go 011 your own? and I went trekking.
f Because it's a really
interesting country.

C 8.4))) Listen and check your answers.

Antigua, the historic
6 Work with a partner. Read the Grammar focus box and capital of Guatemala
complete the rules.

GRAMMAR FOCUS past simple questions and B Œ E H E n E E I did in past simple questions
short answers
8 .6 ))) in past simple questions, did + pronoun subject
Questions with a question word is usually unstressed.
Question word +1 +subject + infinitive without to?
we pronounce did you /did33 /, and did he /didi/.
what did you do and see?
Yes/No questions 8.7})) Listen and notice the stressed and weak sounds.
7_________ 4-3__________ -f infinitive without to?
Did you stay in hotels? • •
1 How long did you stay?
With yes/no questions, we usually use short answers with the
auxiliary did or didn't. /dicfea/
Did you go on your own? Yes, /did./No, I didn't. • •
2 Did you like the food?
-+Grammar Reference page 150
7a Work with a partner. Put the words in the correct order to make • «
questions. 3 Did he stay in hotels?
1 did / on your / Where / go / last holiday / you ? /didi/
Where- did you. $6 Ovi your U st kdidety?
2 go with / a friend / you / Did ?
EES3 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and
3 you / did / do / What ? answer the questions in exercise 7a about your last
4 you / Did / a good time / have ? holiday.
5 I low /did/ long /you /stay ?
6 did / Where / you / stay ? How different were your holidays?
7 Did / the food / like / you ?
b 8.5))) Listen and check your answers.

8.2 Journeys
GOALS ■ Talk about transport ■ Use should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to

Vocabulary & Listening transport 2a 8.8))) Listen to five people talking about their journeys to
work. Match speakers 1-5 to photos a-e.
Work with a partner. W hat kinds of transport can you see
in the photos? What other ways can we lravel from place b 8.8)}) Listen again and complete the diagrams with the
to place? words in the box. Compare with a partner.

car bike train foot taxi bus underground

the train the underground

a1 the2

miss pQ Qp
the bus your plane

your •

public transport

go by

C 8.9))) Listen and checkyour answers.

3a Make sentences that are true for you. Use the phrases in
italics or your own ideas.
1 It's easy/difficult for me to go to class/work/college
by public transport/underground/bus.
2 I often/sometimes/never ta ke taxis/buses/train s.
3 1like/don't like taking the underground/bus/train in
big cities.
4 Yesterday I went by one/two/more than two kind(s) of
5 I often/sometimes/never miss buses/trains/planes.
6 My favourite kind of transport is on foot/by bike/by car/
by train because...

b Work in small groups. Read your sentences to each other.

Ask and answer questions to find out more.
A I sometimes take taxis.
B Do you? When?
A In bad weather; but they're very expensive.

78 O w Oxford 3000™
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

Reading & Gram m ar should, shouldn't,

have to, don't have to
4 Work with a partner. Look at photos 1-4. What do you
think are the good and bad things about each kind of
transport? Use the ideas in the box to help you.

quick/slow dangerous/safe comfortable price weather

Photo 1could he dangerous because...

5a Read the article and write the kind of transport under

the correct photo. Compare your answers with a partner.

Çettiag aRouaô
♦ I l ** ♦ Hanoi is a busy city of over
| Ï1 n fW six million people - what's
L I L I I L L I L U L the best way to get around?

Cyclos are a fun way to get Air-conditioned taxis PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
around and they’re good for the are a comfortable way
environment. You should have to travel because it’s 7a 8.10 3 Listen and notice the stressed words.
a map of the city, so you can usually so hot outside.
show the driver where you want But you shouldn't take 1 You should have a m ap... 3 You have to wear it.
to go. Also, you shouldn’t start a taxi when you need
• • • • •
your journey before you agree to get somewhere
2 You shouldn't take a taxi... 4 You don’t have to p ay.
the price with the driver. quickly. There’s a lot
of traffic in Hanoi and
XE OM taxis don't go fast! b 8.10 ))) Listen again and repeat.
Axe om is a motorbike taxi.
The word xe means motorbike ON FOOT
8a Work with a partner. Use your own ideas to complete the
and om means hold. You should You don’t have to pay
hold the driver, so you don’t fall to see Hanoi - walking sentences with have to, don't have to, should or shouldn’t.
off! Yourxe om driver has to is free! We think it's 1 You drink a lot of coffee on long plane
give you a helmet and you have the best way to see the journeys.
to wear it. It's against the taw street life of the city. 2 You drive on the left side of the road in
to travel without one. Japan.
3 You wear a seat belt for the whole journey
on a plane.
b Work with a partner. W hich of your ideas in exercise 4 does
the article talk about? 4 You wear a helmet when riding a bike.
5 You get up and walk around on long train
i Look at the highlighted sentences in the article and match journeys.
phrases 1-4 in the Grammar focus box to the correct
meanings a-d. b Compare your ideas with another pair.

GRAMMAR FOCUS 9a SES3 Work with a partner. Write a list o f‘rules' for
should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to public transport using should, shouldn't, have to or don't
have to. Use the ideas in the box to help you.
1 should a It's necessary.
2 shouldn’t b it's the wrong thing to do, it is a bad idea. music food give your seat have a ticket feet bags
3 have to c It's the right thing to do, it is a good idea. wear seat belt stand in a queue at bus stop
4 don’t have to d it's not necessary.
You shouldn't put yourfeet on the seat on public transport.
Grammar Reference page 151
b Compare your answers w ith another pair.

8.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Use expressions with get, take and have ■ Understand present and past questions

Vocabulary & Speaking expressions with get, take, and have

1 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer 3 Put the nouns in the box in the correct column in the table.
questions 1-I0. Ask follow-up questions. Add any other examples you know.
1 How many emails do you get a day?
a Dus a good time a long time a shower a sleep
2 Where do you usually have lunch? a taxi a text message dinner emails fun lunch
3 Do you take many photos when you are on holiday? photos something to eat
4 Is it better in life to have fun or make money?
5 1low often do you get a taxi to go somewhere?
6 How many text messages do you get a day?
7 Who do you usually have dinner with?
8 How often do you lake a bus?
9 Do people in your country have a short sleep in the
middle of the day?
10 Does it take a long time to do your homework?

A How m any em ails do you get a day? Complete sentences 1-8 with the correct form of the verbs
get, take or have.
B About ten.
A Who are they usuallyfrom ? 1 My brother always a shower in the
B Colleagues and sometimes friends. W hat about you? morning.
A Oh, I get about 20 em ails a day from work colleagues. 2 I sometimes a sleep after lunch.
3 Grazyna and Lucja never more than 50
2 Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about emails a day.
expressions with get, take and have.
4 Réka___________ a good time last weekend.
VOCABULARY FOCUS 5 It doesn't a long time to do this exercise.
expressions with get, take and have 6 Tanawat always the bus to work.

• some verbs, e.g. get, take, and have are often followed by 7 I a taxi this morning because I was late.
a noun to make common expressions. 8 Alejandro usually lots of photos when he
get a text message, take photos, have a shower visits his family.
• It is useful to learn the whole expressions.
Work with a partner. Have a conversation about your
daily routines, using the expressions in exercise 3.
Who used the most expressions?
I have a shower and then 1have something to e a t...

BO O m Oxford 3000™
8.1 8.2 8.3 84 8.5

Listening & Speaking present simple and 7a 8.14))) Listen to a conversation between Hannah and
George about Moscow and answer the questions.
past simple questions
1 Why are Hannah and George talking about Moscow?
6a 8.11))) Listen to six questions. Are they in the present simple 2 What does Hannah think of the transport there?
or the past simple? Write present or past. 3 What is an unusual way of travelling in this city?
1 3 ___________ 5 ___________
2 4 ___________ 6 _
b 8.14))) I.isten again. Are the questions in the conversation
in the present simple or past simple? Write present or
b 8.12})) Read and listen to the information in the Unlock the past next to prompts 1-6.
code box about understanding present simple and past 1 have to work?
simple questions. 2 how long/live there?___________
3 speak the language?


present simple .and pa simple questions
and past
• it is sometimes difficult to decide if a question is in the
4 like the city?
5 what/think of the transport system?
6 local people use the buses?
present simple or the past simple because of the weak
sound of do you, does he and did you
C 8.15)| Listen and check your answers.
d o you /cfen/ live in London?
Does he AJa/J/ live in London?
8a MsfaH Write down two present simple and two past simple
Did you /'dicfea/i live in London?
questions to ask your partner.
• Sometimes a time expression can help you decide if the
question is present or past. W hat languages do you speak?
Do you get the bus every day?
Did you get the bus last night? b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your
• Remember that some time expressions can be used for
the present and the past.
Do you/Did you go to work on Saturdays?

C 8.13})) Listen to six questions and wrrite them down.

Compare your answers with a partner.

8.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Ask for information at the train station ■ Write an email about your perfect holiday

Listening & Speaking at the train station

Work with a partner. Think of the last time you went on a
long journey. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Use
the prompts in the box.

Where/go? What kind of transport/take?

When/go? How long/journey*?
why/go? Enjoy the journey? Why/Why not?

• more than 8,000 stations across the country
• 25 million passengers travel on 11,000 trains every day
• about a million employees
• Howrah Station in Kolkata Is the oldest and biggest station:
600 trains arrive and depart from 26 platforms every day.

2a Work with a partner. Marcel is at the ticket office in

Howrah station. Match questions 1-7 to answers a-g.
1 Hello. Can I help you? Work with a partner. Which questions does Marcel ask
2 When would you like to travel? and which questions does the ticket seller ask? Mark the
3 When's the next train? questions in exercise 2a JM' or T'.
4 How long does it take?
Read the Language for speaking box and check your
5 And how much is a sleeper ticket?
6 Would you like a single or a return?
7 Which platform does it leave from? LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING at the train station
a Later today or tomorrow. Ticket seller
b Just a single, please.
Can l help you?
when would you like togo/leave/travel/come back/return?
c About 17 hours. It arrives at 11.25 a.m. tomorrow.
Would you like a single or return?
d Yes, please. I need to get to New Delhi.
e Platform 7. When's the next train/bus ( to ...)?
f That's 775 rupees. how much does it/a (first class) single/a (second class) return/
a sleeper cost?
g The next one leaves at 18.40.
How long does it take?
b 8.16 ))) Listen to the conversation between Marcel and the Which platform does it leave/go from?
ticket seller, and check your answers.
Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the
c 8.17 ))) Listen to the questions and repeat. questions in exercise 2a.

Work with a partner. Take turns to be a passenger and a

ticket seller. Student A, turn to page 129. Student B, turn to
page 134.

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

6a Read the information in the Language for writing box

Reading & W riting email: a perfect holiday about linkers.

Work with a partner. Read the emails Marcel sent from

India to his friend Narong. Use phrases a-d to complete linkers - so and because
his emails.
Because tells us why something happens or happened
a so I'm taking lots of photos I was tired after the journey because it took a very long
b because it took a very long time to get here - almost time to get here.
two days on the train So tells us the result of the first idea.
c so I got lost it took a very long time to get here, so i was tired after
d because there's just so much to do and see the journey.

S e n t THURSDAY 14-19 b Work with a partner. Complete the second sentence so it

means the same as the first sentence. Use so or because.
Hi Narong,
1 Everywhere is really colourful and interesting, so I ’m
Thanks for your email. India is amazing! I’m in Delhi
taking lots of photos.
at the moment. Today I looked around the old part of
the city and went on a tour of the National Museum. Tin taking__________________________________________ .
Everywhere is really colourful and interesting. 2 I decided to stay here for another week because there's
1 ! I decided to stay here for another ¡list so much to do and see.
week 2 There's
Bye for now. 3 I forgot my map, so I got lost.
I got
4 The weather was bad, so we stayed in the hotel.
We stayed___________________________________________
5 We love swimming, so we went to the beach.
We went____________________________________________ .
6 We ate at a local restaurant every night because the
food was really good.
The food

7a Imagine you are on a perfect holiday. Think about

questions 1-10.
1 What kind of holiday is it? 7 Who are you with?
2 Where are you? 8 What do you do during
Sent; WEDNESDAY 12.45 3 When did you arrive? the day/in the evening?
4 How did you travel? 9 W hat did you do on the
Dear Narong, first day/yesterday?
5 Where are you staying?
I arrived in Kerala a couple of days ago. I was tired 6 How long are you staying? 10 What do you like best
after the journey 3 . 1went sightseeing about the place where?
around Kochi yesterday, but I forgot my map
4 ___ ! I took a taxi back to the hotel and it was Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the
very expensive, but I saw lots of interesting places. questions in exercise 7a.

Hope you’re OK and see you soon. 8a Write an email to a friend about your perfect holiday
Marcel using your answers in exercise 7. Remember to use so and
V_________ because.

b Give your email to another student and read their email.

Answer questions 1-3.
1 Do you want to go on their holiday? Why/Why not?
2 Do they use so and because correctly?
3 How do they start and finish their email?

8.5 Video

Adventure holidays
1a Work with a partner. What is an adventure holiday? How is
it different from other holidays? Think of some examples.

b Work with a partner. Look at the photos of Sarah's

adventure holiday and try to answer the questions.
• where did she go?
• what did she do?
• What did she find difficult?

2 O Watch the video about Sarah's adventure holiday and

check your ideas in exercise lb.
3a Complete the notes about Sarah’s holiday.
1 Sarah prefers___________ holidays.
2 Sarah went to South America on a trip.
3 She travelled around South America for
4 Sarah wanted to go to Patagonia in Chile because it's

5 Her favourite thing about the journey w as___________

6 She thinks that the people of Chile are
7 Cycling on the Carretera Austral wasn't easy because

8 The bike was quite heavy, it weighed

9 Sarah also used other forms of transport, for example,

b O Watch the video again and check your answers.

4a ifcvia Work in groups. Imagine you are Sarah and you are
writinga blog of your journey through Patagonia. Choose
from one of these options and write your day's blog entry.
• Your first day cycling as you leave ushuaia.
• A difficult/good day on the road.
• Your last day cycling on the Carretera Austral.

b Work with a partner. Read your partner's blog entry and

think of three questions to ask them for more details about
their day.
How did you speak to the people Y

8.1 8.2 8.3 84 8.5


1a Read the answers about a holiday. Complete the questions 3 Look at the words in the box and find ...
from rhe prompts. 1 two types of holiday
1 A Where / go? W k trc did you jo ? 2 two places to stay
B 1went to Corfu. 3 five things you can do on holiday
2 A W h a t/ d o ?_______________________ 4 two types of people
B 1went to the beach.
3 A How long / stay?______________________ apartment backpacker beach holiday beach lover
B Ten days. city break go on a tour go sightseeing go trekking
hotel lie on the beach visit museums
4 A When / go?
B We went in August.
5 A Travel / alone? 4 Work with a partner. Talk about how you travel in each of
B No. 1went with my parents. these situations.
6 A Stay / hotel? How do yo u ...
B No. We stayed in an apartment. 1 come to your English class? 4 do the shopping?
2 go to work/college? 5 go out at night?
b Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in
3 go on holiday? 6 see family/friends?
exercise la about your last holiday. Give more information.
5a Complete questions l-(i with get., take or have. There may
2a Pul the words in the correct order lo give advice for visitors
be more than one possible answer.
to Auckland, New Zealand.
1 How many times a week do you a bus?
2 How many emails do you___________ on a normal day?
3 Do you a shower before or after breakfast?
4 Does it a long time to travel from your home
to the town /city centre?
5 What do you do to fun with your friends?
6 Do you usually a sleep on a long journey?

b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the

questions in exercise 5a.

6a Complete the conversation at a bus slat ion.

A Hello. Can 11____________you?
B Yes, please. When's the next bus 2__________
A There's one at 4.00 p.m.
1 leave / have to / don't / a tip / You / in restaurants. B How 3 does it cost?
2 your umbrella / You / forget / shouldn't. A Do you want a single or 4 ticket?
3 don't / have a visa / Australians / to visit / have to . B A return, please.
4 at night / You / Myers Park / go / shouIdn't / to . A And when would you like to come 5 ?
5 a student visa / for more than three months / to study / B Next Sunday.
have to / You / get. A OK, that's £32, please.
B How 6 does it take?
G visit / the islands in the Hauraki Gulf / should / You .
A Two hours 45 minutes. Here's your ticket.
b 8.18))) Listen and check your answers. B Where does i t 7 from?
A Bay six. It's just over there.
c Write some advice for visitors to your country using should,
shouldn't, have to and don't have to. Compare your answers b 8.19))) Listen and check your answers.
with a partner.
c Have a similar conversation with your partner. Use your
own ideas about places, times and prices.

9 Cooking and eating
9.1 Food and drink
GOALS ■ Talk about food and drink ■ use countable/uncountable nouns with some/any

Vocabulary & Speaking food and drink Gram m ar & Listening countable and
uncountable nouns
1a Work with a partner. Match the words in the box to
numbers 1-16 in (lie photo. 3a Read the Grammar focus box about countable and
uncountable nouns.
a bottle of lemonade a pear beef bread chicken
honey jam lemons mushrooms noodles olives
pasta rice salad sweetcorn yoghurt
countable and uncountable nouns
There are two types of noun in English:
1 Nouns we can count (countable nouns)
e.g. lemons, pears
2 Nouns we can't count (uncountable nouns)
e.g. rice, beef
• For singular countable nouns we use a/an.
Do you have a lemon? I'd like a pear.
For uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns
we don't use a or an.
I have yoghurt for breakfast I like mushrooms.
Grammar Refeten page 152

b Work with a partner. Put the words from exercise la into

the correct columns in the table.

Singular Plural Uncountable

countable nouns countable nouns nouns


b 9.1))) Listen, check and repeat.

2a Write answers to questions 1-6. Use words from exercise la.

Which things a re ...
1 meat? beef 4 sweet? 4a Work with a partner. Talk about the food and drink in
2 vegetables? 5 healthy? exercise la and other food and drink that you know.
3 fruit? 6 unhealthy? • I like/don't like ...
• l had ... for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday/this morning.
b Work with a partner. Compare your answers. • I often have for lunch/dinner

b Tell the class three things that are true for both of you.
We both had fru it and yoghurtfo r breakfast this morning.

86 O m Oxford 3000™
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

I,Wm r Loü;I
woönvUfc WiUtf

Chinese stall

5 Work in small groups. Look at the photos of two street 9a Read the conversation between a customer (C) and a shop
food stalls in Camden Market in London. Which of the two assistant (S).(^Trcje)the correct options.
stalls would you like to eat at? W hy? S Hello. Can I help you?
C Hi. Yes, please. Do you have1some/any beef?
6 9.2))) Lars and Carla are at Camden Market. Listen to them S Yes, we have 2some!any nice steaks here. We also have
ordering some food. Which stall in exercise 5 do they go to 3some/a small beef cubes.
and what do they order? C OK. Can I have 4some/any beef cubes? About a kilo,
please. And I’d also like 5a/some small steak.
7a Work with a partner. Match beginnings 1-6 to endings a-f
S Just one?
to make sentences from the conversation in exercise 6.
C Yes, just one. Thanks. Also, do you have 6a/any yoghurt?
1 It comes with a there any bread? S No, I'm afraid we don't.
2 Is b have some rice, C What about rice? Do you have 7some/any rice?
3 We don't c you like any drinks? S Yes, we have 8some/any bags of rice, but we also do rice
4 We d some noodles, salad.
5 Would e any bottles of lemonade, C No, I'll just have 9a/some bag of rice, please.
S OK. Anything else?
6 We don't have f have any bread.
C Yes, do you h a ve10some/any lemons?
b 9.3))) Listen and check your answers. S No, we don't se ll11a/any fruit or vegetables, I'm afraid.
C OK. That's everything, then, thanks.
8 Work with a partner. Look at sentences 1-6 in exercise 7a
cube shape like a box with six square sides
and complete the rules in the Grammar focus box about
some and any.
b 9.4 ))) Listen and check your answers.
• w euse1_ . and2_ with uncountable PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
nouns and plural countable nouns,
• We use:
in sentences we use weak sounds in some and any.
13 in positive sentences.
24 in negative sentences. 10a 9.5))) Listen and notice the stressed and weak sounds.
3 5_________ in questions. • • • •
1 Do you have any meat? 2 We have some beef.
• Note: when we ask for something, we use 6 _________
Can I have som e noodles? /am/ /sam/

Gram m ar Reference page 152 b 9.6))) Listen and repeat.

1 I'd like some beef, please.
2 Do you have any mushrooms?
3 Can I have some sweetcorn?
4 We don't have any sweetcorn.

11 Work with a partner. Find the differences in two photos.

Student A, turn to page 129. Student B, turn to page 134.

9.2 In the kitchen
GOALS ■ Use quantifiers ■ Talk about cooking

b Compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree with

Reading & Gram m ar quantifiers Dr Cohen? Why/Why not?

1 Work in small groups. Answer the questions.

I Read sentences i-6 from the article and complete the
1 I low often do you cook? rules in the Grammar focus box with much/many/a lot of.
2 Who does the most cooking in your home? 1 We have quite a lot of health problems today...
2 How many young people know how to cook?
2a Work with a partner. Look at the title of the magazine
3 Well, there aren't many, according to a survey in the UK.
article. W hy do you think cooking more often is good for
our health? 4 This means we often eat a lot of food.
5 How much time do people spend cooking today?
b Read the article and check your ideas. 6 The answer is: not much time at all.

GRAMMAR FOCUS quantifiers

The secret to good Countable nouns
health: cook more! we use 1 in positive sentences, we use 2
in questions and negative sentences.
How much time do people spend cooking Uncountable nouns
today compared to the past? The answer We use 3 in positive sentences, we use 4
is: not much time at all. For example, the in negative sentences and questions.
average American family today spends 5
just 27 minutes a day preparing meals.
| quite a lot of
In the 1960s, it was nearly an hour a
some not6 /
day. And how many young people know
not 7__________
how to cook? Well, there aren't many,
according to a survey in the UK. 49% of
18-24 year olds don’t know how many minutes it takes to boil
i none

an egg* But is this change in cooking habits a problem?

Jean-Michel Cohen, a French doctor, thinks we have quite a
1 i
lot of health problems today because not many people cook -> Gram m ar Reference page 153
enough. He says lhat when we buy ready-made meals or
takeaway food, we don't really think about what we're eating.
5a (^grcj^the correct option in each question and the answer
This means we often eat a lot of food - more than we need.
But when we buy the ingredients, e.g. vegetables, meat, fish, that is true for you.
and then fry, bake or boil them, we think more carefully about 1 How much / m any time do you spend in the kitchen?
what we are eating. And when we think about the ingredients, None / Not much / Some / A lot.
we usually eat healthy meals and we eat well.
2 How much f many meat do you eat?
So. perhaps the answer to some of the health problems is not None / Not many f Some / A lot.
'eat less' - it's 'cook more'! 3 How much / many cookbooks do you have?
None / Not many I Some / A lot.
Life & Style | Food
4 How much / many tea and coffee do you drink?
None / Not much / Some / A lot.
3a Read the article again and complete the notes.
5 How much / many money do you spend on food?
Cooking in the past: None / Not much i Some i A lot.
1 P copit spent a long time prcptfrinj meals.
Cooking now:2_________________________________ . b Work in small groups. Take turns to ask and answer the
When we buy ready-made meals or takeaways, questions. Give more information in your answers.
we 3_________________________________ and A How much time do you spend in the kitchen?
4_________________________________ . When we cook, B Not much. My husband cooks a ll our meals.
w e5 and

88 O m Oxford 3000™
9,1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

V ocabulary & Listening in the kitchen

6a 9.7))) Listen to three people talking about their kitchens.
Match the speakers to photos a-c.
Brigit Laila Joe

b Compare your answers with a partner.

7a Work with a partner. Label photos a-c with the words in

the box.

bowls food-processor fork frying pan kettle

knife microwave oven plates spoon saucepan

b 9.8)))Listen and check your answers.

8a Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with the

cooking verbs in the box.

bake boil chop fry mix roast

1 You water in a kettle to make tea.

2 For breakfast 1often eggs, mushrooms and
tomatoes together in a big frying pan.
3 To___________ meat, you need a very hot oven.
4 the water and flour together in a bowl with
a spoon.
5 Not many people their own bread or cakes
at home these days.
6 You need to use a sharp knife to the onions.

b 9.9}}) Listen and check your answers.

9a Work with a partner. I low do you cook different food?

Write sentences using the words in exercises 7a and 8a.
You can boil potatoes in a saucepan.

b Compare your sentences with another pair.

10a Work with a partner. You want ro cook mushroom

soup for four people. Look at the list of ingredients and
guess how much/many of each ingredient you need.

potatoes water milk mushrooms carrots butter

A How many potatoes do you think we need?

B A lot, I think we need about ten.

b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer

questions to check your answers to exercise 10a and
complete the recipe. Student A, turn to page 129. Student
B, turn to page 134.


9 . 3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand numbers ■ Say numbers

Listening & Speaking understanding

num bers
1 Work with a partner. Label the places a-h on the map
using the words in the box.
Indonesia Jakarta Java Malaysia Papua New Guinea «S 2
Singapore Surabaya The Philippines

2a 9.10})) Listen to six sentences about Singapore and Papua

New Guinea. Tick (/ ) the numbers you hear.
1 116 160 3 'A % 5 19.4 19.6
2 10% 20% 4 1965 1865 6 % %

b Compare your answers with a partner.

3a 9.11)}) Listen and read the information in the Unlock the

code box about numbers.


numbers El
• Some numbers can sound very similar. Notice the different 3
•• •• •• ••
30 students 13 students 90% 19%
• For large numbers we say:
1 0 0 - a hundred/one hundred
200 - two hundred (NOT fcwe-fttffldr-eds) AUSTRALIA
3,420 - three thousand, four hundred and twenty
4,000,000-four million
• For years we say:
1998 - nineteen ninety-eight
2018 - two thousand and eighteen/twenty eighteen b Compare your answers with a partner.

b Work with a partner. Write down five numbers each. C 9.12))) Listen again and check your answers.
Take turns to read each other's numbers out.
j 9.13))) Listen to the second part of the lecture and complete
4a 9.12))) Listen to the first part of a lecture about Indonesia the table with the correct numbers.
and complete the text with the numbers you hear.
Size from east to w est

The first country we're going to look at today is Indonesians working

Indonesia in South-East Asia. It became independent on farms
in 1 , and now one of the most important Climate - minimum
days for the country is Independence Day on 17th tem perature
August. There are 2 Indonesians and Climate - maximum
they live on 3 of its 4_ islands. tem perature
Java is only the fourth largest island, but 5_
Rain a year
of Indonesians live on it. Two of the main cities are
on Java: Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, with Maximum rain in
6___________ million people, and Surabaya, the mountain areas
second largest, city with 7___________ million. Rice imports

90 O m Oxford 3000™
9,1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

V ocabulary D evelopm ent say numbers

6a Work with a partner. What are the dates and numbers for b Match numbers 1-8 to the way we say them a-h.
your country/countries? l 7.35 a sixteen point one degrees
2 03/10/16 b eighty-two point four per cent
Number of people
3 4/s c seven point three five
Largest city
4 ig . i ° c d the third of October twenty sixteen
Minimum temperature
5 82.4% e minus fourteen
Maximum temperature 6 12/05/86 f four-fifths
An important day 1 -14°C one and three-quarters
8 1% h the twelfth of May nineteen eighty-six
b Compare your answers with another pair.
C 9.15))) Listen, check and repeat.
7a 9.14))) Read and listen to the information in the Vocabulary
focus box. 8 Work with a partner. Take turns to practise saying the
VOCABULARY FOCUS saying numbers 1 7.4% 5 0.23
Fractions 2 2% 6 20/02/15
'A - a quarter % - three-quarters 3 21/07/92 7 100°C
'/3 -a third 2h - two-thirds 4 -11.7°C 8 1 1/4
V2 - a half 2A - two-fifths
15% - fifteen per cent 9a Work with a partner. Look at the information 1-7 and
4.7% - four point seven per cent guess the numbers.
Decimals 1 the lowest temperature recorded on Earth
2.89 - two point eight nine
2 the date man first landed on the moon
0.3 - nought point three
3 the amount of chocolate Belgium produces a year
22°C - twenty-two degrees Celsius -1 the number of times an adult laughs a day
-7°C - minus seven 5 the number of times a child laughs a day
Dates 6 the percentage of people using Facebook at w’ork
01/09 - the first o f September 7 the number of years people spend eating in their
26/03 - the twenty-sixth o f March lifetime

b Turn to page 133 and check your answers.

10 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer

questions about the two countries. Student A, turn to page
130. Student B, turn to page 134.

9.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Ask about and recommend a place to eat ■ Order food in a restaurant

Work with a partner. Read Vera's reply and underline her

Reading & W ritingasking about and answers to Stefa no's questions. Does she tell him to go to
recommending a place to eat her favourite restaurant?

1 Work with a partner. Answer questions 1-3. SsriU THURSDAY 19.3G

1 Wrhen did you last eat out?

Hi Stefano,
2 Where did you go and who did you go with?
Great to hear from you and I'm glad you're well. My
3 Was it good? Why/Why not?
favourite place is the Castle Terrace because the food
is amazing, but it's quite expensive. There's also a
2a Read the email from Stefano to his friend Vera. W hy is he
place called Kayla's Kitchen with good, cheap food. You
writing to her?
can't eat outside there - it's not often very warm in
Scotland - but it has wonderful views of the city from
ail: THURSDAY 1*1.19
the rooftop restaurant. The waiters are really friendly
Hi Vera, too, so I think you should go there.

OK, have a brilliant time and let me know how your

How are you? Everything’s good with me. I’m going to
trip goes!
Edinburgh this weekend with Molly for her 25th birthday.
I know you finished university there last year and I hope Vera
you can help me with something. We’re looking for a
P.5. You should book a table on the Saturday night
restaurant to have dinner on Saturday night. What’s because it's very popular.
your favourite restaurant? Do you know anywhere that’s
quite cheap and has good food? Also, where’s a good
place to sit outside and eat? And with a nice view of 4a Work with a partner. Put the words in the right order
the castle? Are the restaurants in Edinburgh busy on to make questions and answers about a place Lo eat.
Saturdays? Do I need to book a table?
1 restaurant / We're / a / for / looking / T h a i.
Thanks for your help! 2 the roof / outside / on / can / sit / You .
3 lunch / favourite / your / What's / café / for ?
4 to / need / Do / online / I / book ?
5 a / place / Where's / have / cake / to / good / some ?

Work with a partner. Tick (/ ) the things that Stefano 6 a / menu / It / wonderful / has .
wants to know about a place to eat in Edinburgh. 7 and book / call them / You / need to / don't.

1 directions to get there? 6 possible to sit outside? 8 know / you / a garden / has / Do / anywhere that ?
9 with a / called the Riverside / There's / place /
2 Vera’s favourite place? 7 the wa iters?
nice view / a .
3 the prices? 8 the view?
10 French food / is / place j Café Blanc / My favourite /
4 nice food? 9 busy or not?
it sells / because .
5 opening times? 10 need to book?
b 9.16 )J Listen and check your answers.
9,1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

5a Write an email to another student in the

class. Choose a situation 1-3 and ask
Speaking & Listening in a restaurant
them to recommend a restaurant. Use
6 9.17)} Stefano and Molly are at Kayla's Kitchen in Edinburgh. Listen to their
the Language for writing box to help you.
conversation with the waiter. What do they order? Tell your partner.
1 You and your friends/family are
tourists and want to have lunch in a 7a Work with a partner. Complete the questions from the listening in exercise
restaurant with a view. H with Can/Could I/we or Would you like.
2 You're a group of students and want 1 WonId you, lik e to order?
to have lunch in a cheap restaurant. 2 have the grilled chicken, please?
3 You're with some colleagues and want 3 any side dishes with that?
to have dinner in a smart restaurant.
4 have some roast potatoes?

LANGUAGE FOR WRITING 5 something to drink?

asking about and recommending 6 pay by credit card?
a place to eat
b 9.18})) Listen, check and repeat.
Asking about a place to eat:
1'm/We're looking for... 8a Work with a partner. Complete six more restaurant questions with
What's your favourite...?
Can/Could I/we or Would you like.
Do you know anywhere that...?
where's a good place to...? 1 see the menu, please? 4 ___________ order, please?
Do l/we need to...? 2 have some bread, please? 5 ___________ some dessert?
Recommending a place to eat: 3 another cup of coffee? 6 a starter?
My favourite place is., because...
There's a place called... with... b Which questions from exercises 7a and 8a does the waiter (W ) ask? Which
You can/can't sit outside. does the customer (C) ask? Compare your answers with a partner.
It has wonderful... Would you like lo order? W
You should/don't have to ...
I think you should go there. Work with a partner. Take turns to be the waiter and the customer.
It’s very popular. Use the prompts and the Language for speaking box to help you.
b Work with a partner. Read your partner's waiter
Excuse me. (Sit outside)? T - .................................... :
email and write a reply.
i............................ ........ Certainly. Follow me please.
C Read the reply from your partner.
(See the menu)? J [ •..............................^ _________________
Would you like to eat in this restaurant?
•..................................... Of course. (What/like)?


Would you like.. a starter/some dessert/more drinks?
any side dishes with that?
something to drink?
to order now?
Can/Could I/we ... see the menu/order?
have the grilled chicken/some more bread?
pay now/by credit card, please?
sit outside/by the window?

10 Work with a partner, lake turns to order from a menu. Turn to page 130.

9.5 Video

Making a pizza
1 Look at the photos. W hich of these things do you see in

aubergine base basil cheese courgette dough

flour ingredients recipe restaurant topping yeast

2 Work with a partner. Describe the photos using the words

in exercise 1. What is your favourite pizza topping?

3 O Watch the video and choose the correct option.

1 La Cucina is in London / Rome/ Oxford.
2 Pizza originally conies from Chicago / Naples / M ilan.
3 La Cucina chefs fol low a modern / traditional recipe.
4 Mozzarella comes from the south / north / west of Italy.
5 Pizza stays in the oven until it is a golden brown /yellow /
red colour.
6 Cucina’s chefs recommend you eat pizza on Us own /
with a healthy salad / with chips.

4a Complete the sentences with words from the box.

cheese chicken mushrooms olive oil onions (x2)

peppers salt tomato toppings water yeast

1 Pizza dough is made with wheat flour,________ , ___

2 The tomato sauce on top of a pizza is made
with , , tomatoes and salt.
3 Pizza Margherita has , basil and mozzarella.
4 Pizza Romano has
5 Pizza al Funghi has_________and garlic.
6 Pizza alle Verdure has_________, _________ , aubergine
and courgette.
7 For the 'your choice pizza' you can choose your own
and cheese.

b O Watch the video again and check your answers.

5a KES3 Work in small groups. Describe a traditional/your

favourite dish. Use these ideas to help you make notes.
• ingredients
• how you make it
• why you like it

b Present your ideas to the class. Choose the top three dishes
and make a class menu.

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5


1a Make sentences to describe the photo. Use There and a Anoush is having a dinner party. Look at photos 1-5 and
phrase in the box. write sentences ro describe what he is doing.

1 lie 's boiling some potatoes.

b Work with a partner. I low’ do you cook different types of

is a is an is some are some isn't any aren't any food and what do you use to cook them?
I use a saucepan to boil potatoes.
1 rice Tkere- is rice.. 5 mushrooms
2 bottle of lemonade 6 salad 4a How do we say the numbers 1-4?
3 apple 7 meat 1 21°C 3 45.5%
4 pears 8 jam 2 Vs 4 2,478,000

b Work with a partner. Do they have the items in exercise la b 9.20))) Listen and check your answers.
in their kitchen?
A Do you have any rice in your kitchen? c Write down a number for each category. Show your
B Yes, I do. And you? partner and ask them to say the number.
A No, I never have any rice. I don 7 like it. 1 a percentage 4 a date
2 a fraction 5 a temperature
2a Make questions using How much or how many.
3 a decim al_____ 6 a large number____
1 types of tomato are there in the world?
2 calories are there in a lemon? 5a Put the words in the right order.
3 sugar is there in a cup of 2% fat milk? 1 have / potatoes / Could / please / some I I I roast ?
1 food did the average American eat in 2011? 2 don't / No / w e .
5 cups of coffee do Italians drink each year? 3 you / with / dish / that I side / like / Would / a ?
4 like/order/ Would /to /yo u?
b Work with a partner. Compare your questions in exercise
5 any / you / juice / have / Do / apple ?
2a and try to answer them using the phrases in the box.
6 the / I I fish / Could / please / have / baked?
a lot quite a lot some not much/many none 7 bottle / please / just / of / OK / water / a .
8 to / you / something / drink / like / And / would ?
A How many types o f tomato are there in the world?
B I think there are quite a lot. Maybe one thousand? b Put the sentences in exercise 5a in the correct order to
make a conversation between a waiter and a customer.
C 9.19))) Listen and check your answers.
C 9.21))) Listen and check your answTers.

d Work with a partner. Practise the conversation.

I ____________________________________________________________________

The world around us
1 0

10.1 The weather

g o a ls ■ Describe the weather ■ use comparative adjectives

V ocabulary & Listening th e w e a th e r Work with a partner. Complete the table with some of the
weather words in exercise 3a.

1 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. Noun Adjective

1 Do you like the weather where you live? Why/Why not? to snow snowy
2 How would you like it to be different?
to rain
3 Which countries have the best weather in your opinion?
to shine
2 10.1))) Work with a partner. Listen to three people talking to blow
about the weather. Which recording 1-3 is ...
to freeze
a part of a news report?
b the weather forecast for Lisbon, Portugal?
c someone talking about the weather on their holiday?
b 10.2)J Listen and check your answers.
3a Work with a partner. Complete the weather descriptions
with the words in the box. j Work in small groups. Describe...
1 the weather yesterday and today.
cloudy dry foggy freezing icy lightning rain
snow storms sunny thunder warm wet windy
2 the weather in your country in the different seasons
of the year.

10.1 ))) Listen again and check your answers.

Lisbon: It's 1 M a laysia : We went in the Chicago: It's 11

this morning but 2 6 season, so we here today. There was a
and we don't expect any had some 7 . The lot of 12 last
3 . By the first night we arrived, it was night and the roads are very
afternoon, it's going to be really 8 and there 13 . It's cold and
4 and 5_________ was a big storm with very loud 14 now and there is
but not really hot. 9 and ™ more snow to come later today.

96 O n Oxford 3000™
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

Gram m ar & Speaking comparatives than in comparative

6 Work with a partner. Describe the photos.
10.3))) When we make a comparative
sentence, we say than with a weak sound
The nights are colder than the days,
is spring w etter than summer?

9a 10.4 ))) Listen to the questions and repeat.

1 Is Dublin drier than Paris?
2 Is Sydney bigger than Cairo?

b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask

7 Work with a partner. Read the profile and match the country to options and answer the questions in exercise 9a.
a, b or c. What information helped you decide? A Is Dublin drier than Paris?
a Saudi Arabia b Austria c Mali B Yes, it isn't./No, it isn't. Paris is drier./
I'm not sure.
10.5))) Listen and check your answers.
Most of the country has a hot climate. Its colder and wetter by the sea
than in the middle of the country, where it’s hotter and drier. In the summer,
the temperature’s usually about 45°C and sometimes it even reaches 54°C. Write comparative questions using the
The Lemperatures at night are more comfortable than in the day, and on prompts and the adjectives in (brackets).
summer evenings, people go out onto their roofs to sleep. I Indian/African elephants? (heavy)

The country’s more famous for its hot temperatures than cold weather, so you
2 Tokyo/Singapore? (expensive)
might be suiprised to know that sometimes it snows here. It doesn’t happen
very often and only during winter in the high parrs of the country Some people
like snowboarding so much that they do it on the sand, even in the summer! 3 giraffes/humans? (fast)

4 Canada/the USA? (small)

8a Look at the highlighted phrases and sentences in the profile and complete
the rules in the Grammar focus box. 5 the North Pole/the South Pole? (cold)

GRAMMAR FOCUS comparative adjectives

We use comparative adjectives to compare two things, people, groups, etc. b Work with a partner. Take turns to ask
and answer the questions in exercise 10a.
• To make the comparative form of an adjective:
1 We add to most one-syllable adjectives.
c 10.6))) Listen and check your ideas.
high — higher cool — cooler
2 We double the consonant and add_________ to most one-syllable 11a Work with a partner. Which
adjectives ending in single vowel +consonant.
is better - life in the city or life in the
w et -* w e tte r hot — h o tte r
country? Complete the table with your
3 we delete and add to most one-syllable and two- ideas.
syllable adjectives ending in y.
windy -* w indier dry — drie r City Country
4 We use the word before most adjectives with two or more
mort interesting quieter
syllables that don't end In -y
famous -* m ore famous comfortable — m ore comfortable
5 Some comparatives are irregular
good -* b e tte r bad -*■w orse much , many — m ore little — less
G ram m ar Reference page 154

b Make the comparative form of the adjectives, b Compare your ideas w ith another pair.
smaller big rainy dangerous What do most people prefer?

sunny fat boring cheap

10.2 Natural wonders
GOALS ■ Describe nature and geography ■ Use superlative adjectives

Vocabulary & Speaking nature and geography

1a Work with a partner. Look at photos a-f and match a natural 4a Work with a partner. Match beginnings 1-3 to endings a-c.
wonder to a name in the box. Which countries are they in? 1 Lake Baikal is in a the west coast ofThailand.
2 The Gobi Desert is in b the south of Siberia.
Lake Baikal Phuket Mount Kilimanjaro
the Gobi Desert Victoria Falls the Amazon 3 Phuket island is near c north-west China and

b 10.7))) Listen and check your answers. b 10.8 ))) Listen and check your answers.

2a Work with a partner. Complete sentences 1-6 from the

C Complete the points of the compass with the words in
listening in exercise la with the words in the box.
the box.
beaches coast desert islands lake mountain
north west east south
rainforest river waterfall
1 It's the highest___________ in Africa, but it's not difficult
to climb.
2 It's a very big___________on the Zambezi___________ .
3 It's the biggest and deepest in the world.
4 The Amazon Jungle is the biggest area of
in the world.
5 The Andaman Sea has some very beautiful
tropical___________ , with white sandy___________ ,
near ihe west___________ ofThailand.
6 It's a cold___________ because it's so far north and it
sometimes snows there.

b 10.7}))Listen again and check your answers.

d Turn to page 130 and check your answers.
3 Work with a partner. Talk about any natural wonders in
your country or other countries you know. 5 Work with a partner. Take turns to describe and complete a
map. Student A, turn to page 130. Student B, turn to page 135.

98 O n Oxford 3000™
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

Gram m ar & Speaking b Complete the table with the superlative form of the
su p erla tiv es
adjectives. Check your answers in the texts in exercise 6a.

6a Work with a partner. Complete the three texts about Adjective Superlative
natural wonders with the numbers in the box. form

87 25 1,600 -3 20 5,895 12 short adjectives big b ijy e jt

Travel tips X
Lake B aik al hot
Lake Baikal in Siberia is the biggest, deepest, and adjectives ending in -y easy
oldest lake in the world. It’s more than 1
longer adjectives beautiful
metres deep and more than 2 million years old.
It has almost3 per cent of the world’s fresh irregular adjectives good
water, and thousands of different kinds of plants and
animals live there.
PRONUNCIATION the ... -est in sentences
Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, is one of the largest 10.10))) We say the in superlatives with a weak sound /do/
volcanoes in the world. It’s 4 metres tall - the when the following adjective starts with a consonant. We say
highest mountain in Africa. It’s sometimes called the the ending -est with a schwa sound /ost/.
‘Roof of Africa*. It’s also one of the easiest mountains in
the world to climb, even for tourists. The oldest person 8 10.11))) Listen to three people talking about the longest
ever to climb to the top was a Frenchman, Valtee Daniel, rivers in the world and repeat.
who was 5__________years old. A W hich river's the longest in the world?
B I think the N ile's the longest.
A1 Hasa
C Maybe, but I think the Amazon is longer than the
An oasis is an area of water in a desert, and Al-Hasa
is the largest oasis in Saudi Arabia. It covers over
6 kmz and gives water to over7
million trees and a million people, even at the hottest 9a Work with a partner. Have similar conversations to the one
times of the year. Many Saudis believe Al-Hasa is the in exercise 8, using the adjective in (brackets).
most beautiful and best area to visit in the country.
1 airports: Dubai, Los Angeles, Beijing (busy)
2 islands: Sumatra, Madagascar, Greenland (big)

b 10.9))) Listen and check your answers. 3 monuments: the Colosseum (Rome), the Great Pyramid
of Giza (Egypt), the Parthenon (Greece) (old)
7a Read the Grammar focus box about superlative adjectives.
b 10.12))) Listen and check your answers.
GRAMMAR FOCUS superlative adjectives
10a W-VM Work with a partner. Complete the phrases with the
We use the superlative form to compare a person or thing superlative form of the adjective in (brackets).
to the whole group it belongs to. we usually use the before
superlatives (near) Tke nestrejt_____ bank is ...
Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. (cheap) ____________________place to eat is ...
The Empire State Building is one of the most famous (good) _ ___________________ place to go shopping is ...
sights in New York
(old)__ _________________ part of the town is ...
To make the superlative form of an adjective, we add: (interesting) __________________ art gallery/
1 -est to the end of a one-syllable adjective, e.g.
museum is ...
tall -* tallest
-lest to the end of a two-syllable adjective which ends 6 (busy) street is .
in -y, e.g. cloudy — cloudiest
most before longer adjectives, e.g. most dangerous. b Work in small groups. Finish the sentences about where
Some superlatives are irregular you are now. Agree or disagree and give more information.
good -» best much, many -* most A The nearest bank is about ten minutes on footfrom here.
bad -* worst little -* least B No, the bank on Palm Street is closer.
Grammar Reference page 155 A Oh yes, Iforgot about that one!


10.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Understand comparison ■ Use adjective + noun collocations

Reading & Speaking understanding comparison

1 Work with a partner. How many places can you think of 3 Work with a partner. Read the sentences and answer
for each category? the questions.
1 very cold places the North Pole, ...
1 You can survive for only three days with no water, but
2 very hot and dry places
longer with no food.
3 places with dangerous animals Longer than what? with vie welter
4 very wet places

2 There were fifty runners in the first group and the

2a Read the Unlock the code box about comparison.
same number in the second.
The second what?

Comparative and superlative forms, and words like the same/ 3 In 2009, a Japanese man, Masahito Yoshida, aged 28,
similar/different/more/less, help you understand comparison started walking 40,000 kilometres around the world.
in a text. When he finished, he was four and a half years older.
The Arctic is cold , but the Antarctic is colder Older than w hat?___________________________________
(= colder than the Arctic)
Lions are fast animals on landt but cheetahs are the fastest 4 We took some food on the journey, but after three
(= the fastest animals on land) days, we needed more.
A large area o f North Africa is desert, but Central Africa is
More w hat? _
different (= not desert)
Adults pay S20 for a ticket to the national park , but students
pay less. {= pay less than adults) 5 In 2007, Martin Strel swam the 5,268 kilometres up
the Amazon. Before the swim he was about 113 kilos
and after he was a lot lighter.
b Work with a partner.Orcleithc comparison word(s) and
underline the two things that the sentence compares. Lighter than what?

1 The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is one of the tallest buildings

in the world, but Everest is much taller.
2 We went on a tour of a mountain and a lake. They were
both beautiful, but I enjoyed the lake more.
3 We don't really have winter. The weather in July is hot,
and February is similar.
4 The south of the island was wet, but the north was wetter.
5 We get a lot of wind in the summer, and the autumn is
the same.

100 O m Oxford 3000™

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

4 Work with a partner. Read the magazine article and

decide if sentences 1-6 are true (T) or false (F). Correct the
V ocabulary & Speaking adjective + noun
false sentences. collocations
1 Mauro thinks the Marathon des Sables is more
6a Answer the questions about the article in exercise 4.
difficult than the other two races.
1 Are the highlighted words nouns, verbs or adjectives?
2 The Sahara is bigger than all other deserts.
2 Are the highlighted words nouns, verbs or adjectives?
3 50 degrees is the highest temperature in the Sahara.
4 Mauro was at the front of the race before the storm. b Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box and
5 After the storm, Mauro was in last place. check your answers.
6 He decided not to run the Marathon des Sables again.
adjective + noun collocations

Man v Desert • The collocations in the text are adjective + noun

collocations or words that go together.
• Sometimes we use opposite adjectives with the same noun.
People do some crazy things! Mauro Prosperi believes
high temperatures S low temperatures /
the three biggest races in the world are Ihe Marathon
des Sables in Africa, the race across the South Pole, • Sometimes there is not a clear opposite.
and tho marathon through the jungle in Brazil, but he a bad storm / a good storm x
believes the Marathon des Sables is the most difficult. strong winds / weak winds X light winds /
It’s a six- or seven-day race that goes through the
Sahara Desert in Morocco, and it’s about 240 km 7a Work with a partner. Match adjectives 1-4 to nouns a-d.
long. Deserts are dangerous places and the Sahara
is the second largest in the world, High temperatures 1 hard a weather
are usual: 50 degrees and sometimes hotter, and 2 strong b friend
the runners have to carry their food and equipment. 3 close c worker
Mauro. a police officer from Rome, started the race, 4 mild d accent
but he didn’t complete it. There was a very bad storm
and strong winds blew sand Into the air. so he couldn’t b Complete sentences 1-4 with the correct form of a
see. Before the storm, Mauro was one of the fastest collocation from exercise 7a.
runners, but after it. he couldn't find the other runners.
1 Yuko has three___________ .
The others were all In front of him. Nine days later,
a local Tuareg family found him In Algeria - he was 2 In our company most people are___________ .
almost dead. But Mauro wasn't finished with the desert. 3 People don't understand him because he has
He returned to the Sahara a few years later and he a ___________ .
finished the Marathon des Sables. 4 In winter there is usually and
the temperatures are never below freezing.

8a Make opposite adjective + noun collocations using the

correct form of the adjectives in the box.

deep high heavy low strong

1 Is there usually light heavy traffic on your way to

this class?
2 Did you have a low score in your last test?
3 Do you like weak coffee?
4 Which jobs usually have the highest salaries?
5 Are you a light sleeper?

b 10.13))) Listen and check your answers.

5 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 Do you think Mauro was 'crazy* to run in this race? 9 tfcfaa Work in small groups. Ask and answer the
2 W hat’s the most difficult sporting event you know? questions in exercise 8a and give more information.
3 W hy do people do events like these? A Is there usually heavy or light traffic on your way to class?
4 What other stories do you know about people in very R Sometimes it's very heavy. It was bad today and I was late.
dangerous situations like Mauro?

10.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Give preferences and reasons ■ Write a description of a place

Speaking & Listening reasons and 4 10.14))) Listen to Ted, Alex and Zoe choosing five items to
take. Which items in exercise 2 do they choose?
5a Work with a partner. Complete sentences 1-4 with
1 Work with a partner. Are you an indoor person or an
the phrases in the box.
outdoor person? Give reasons and examples.
I think I'm an indoor/outdoor person because I lik e ... a better idea because (x2) I'd prefer
we should most important
2 Work with a partner. Teach each other the names of some
things you use for camping and outdoor activities. Student 1 We need to decide on the five things
A, turn to page 130. Student B, turn to page 135. to take...
2 1think take one stove instead of three
we don't need one each.
3 Taking a stove is_ . than making a fire...
4 to take the GPS instead of the map and
compass then we can have the first-aid kit.

b 10.14))) Listen again and check your answers.

6a Work with a partner. Put the wrords in order to make

expressions about preferences.
1 a GPS / than / is better / I think a compass
2 in a hotel / I’d / to stay / prefer
3 thing to take / The most / is food / important
4 we should /only one / take / I think / torch
5 important / Taking / a first-aid kit is / than taking a
knife / more
6 to have / I'd prefer / my own tent

b 10.15))) Listen, check and repeat.

C Take turns to say the sentences in exercise 6a and add

extra information using because.
Ted, Alex and Zoe are going on a survival weekend.
I think a compass is better than a GPS because it doesn't
Read the information from their group leader. What do
need batteries.
they need to do to pass the course?
7a Work with a partner. You are going on a survival weekend.

SURVIVAL COURSE LEVEL 2 Choose five things you want to take and put them in order

(1= the most important). Use the Language for speaking
Where: you are going to walk 10 km from the main camp box to help you.
to your survival camp in the rainforest next to the river.
LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING giving preferences
t/ Food and drink: there is fresh water at the camp, and you
can take any food you want or find your own. The most important/useful/best thing(s) is/are...
X is/are more important/useful than Y ...
Time: to pass the course, you need to survive for ihree
t think we should (do) ... because...
( ¿ / days and two nights, and find your way back to the main
camp. I'd prefer to (do) ...
X is a better idea than Y ...
Equipment: you have to carry everything you need. You
A can take your own clothes, things for washing, a tent and
sleeping bag each, plus five more items per group. b Work with another pair. Explain what you want to take and
why. Listen to the other pair's ideas and decide on a final list.

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

9a Read the review' again. How many paragraphs does the

W ritin g & Reading describe places
review have? What is each paragraph about?

8a Work with a partner. Look at the photos from a tourism

b Work with a partner. Complete the diagram about Zambia.
website review for Zambia. What can you see and do there?

b Read the review and check your ideas.

waterfalls lakes

three5 go swimming

W e have over seventeen am azing waterfalls (including Victoria Falls, fish
weather/climate Z A M B IA things to do
the w orld’s largest waterfall), five big lakes and a lot of rivers. Lake
Tanganyika is the secon d dee p est natural lake in the world. You can
fish, go sw im m ing o r even cano e on it.
Zam bia also has som e of the best national parks in the world - you
can see elephants and lions a s well as many other anim als an d birds. 3
Tem peratures in Zam bia are m ore com fortable than in many tropical
lions elephants
areas becau se of the height of the country. There are three seasons:
co o l and dry from M ay to August, hot and dry from Septem ber to tropical birds
November, and warm and wet from D ecem ber to April.

10a Work with a partner. Read the review about Zambia again.
Underline the adjectives, comparatives and superlatives.

b Read the information in the Language for writing box.

W h y do we use adjectives in writing? Tell your partner.


adjectives, comparatives and superlatives
Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives make your
writing more interesting.
There are some beautiful waterfalls in the north.
Temperatures in Zambia are more comfortable than in
many tropical areas.
Tanzania has some o f the best national parks in the world.
other ways to use superlative phrases include:
the big g e s t ...
the second/third big gest... in the world/in Asia/
one o f the biggest .. in the country, etc.
some o f the biggest ...

11a Work with a partner. Use the notes on page 131 to make a
diagram about Australia like the one in exercise 9b. Add
your own information to it.

b Write three or four paragraphs about Australia for a

tourism website review. Include adjectives in your review.
Australia is the sixth largest country in the w o rld ...

12 Work with another partner. Compare their review with


10.5 Video
The Grand Canyon
1a Look at the photos of the Grand Canyon. W hich of these
things do you see in them?

building canyon cliff forest helicopter landscape

map rafting river rock tourists wildlife

b Work with a partner. What do you think you can see and
do in the Grand Canyon?

2 © Watch the video and check your ideas in exercise 1.

W hat other things did the speaker mention?

3a O Watch the video again and;£ircle)the correct option.

The Grand canyon is the 1soi/t/7-west/s0iM-easf ofthe

united States. Each year over2 fourteen / four million
visitors come here Most visitors usually3walk/drive to
the Canyon’s South Rim and enjoy the famous4buildings /
views from Lipan Point. They can learn about the canyon's
history, geography and5wildlife / rivers at the Grand Canyon
Visitor Centre.6Not many /A lot of tourists travel into the
canyon where there's lots to see. The bottom of the canyon
is7warmer / cooler than the top, so the landscape here is
very different. The Colorado River, which runs through the
canyon, is8still changing the canyon today /200 feet wide
Because there is no pollution in the Grand canyon, it has
some of the9 cleanest / driest air in the country. The Grand
Canyon isn’t the longest canyon in the world, but it is one of
the 10deepest / most spectacular

b Work with a partner. What would you like best about

visiting the Grand Canyon?

4a fckVM Work in small groups. According to several websites,

these are the top seven natural wonders of the world:
♦ Grand Canyon • Aurora Borealis
• Great Barrier Reef • Paricutin volcano
• Rio de Janeiro harbour • Victoria Falls
♦ Mount Everest
What do you know about these natural wonders? W hy do
you think they are in this list?

b Think about your own country, or a country you know

well. Think of five places of natural wonder and make
notes on each one. Put them in order with the most
interesting first.

c Work with another group and take turns to present your

ideas. Which places presented by the other group would
you like to visit? Make a final list of five places from
everyone's suggestions.

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5


1a Make comparative sentences. 4a Match sentences 1-5 to the extra information a-e.
1 Cairo / hot / Bangkok. Ccdro is hotter tk#n Bangkok. 1 There are lots of mountains in the north of the country.
2 Canberra / foggy / London. 2 I'd love to visit a rainforest.
3 The pollution in New Delhi / bad / in Beijing. 3 I saw a beautiful waterfall when I was in Venezuela.
4 Rome / old / Damascus. 4 Last year, we spent a week on an island near the coast.
5 Ottawa / snowy / Moscow. 5 In summer, I often spend the day at Lhe beach.
6 Mexico City has / big population / Tokyo.
a They're very hot and wret, but the plants and animals
are amazing!
b Work with a partner. Do you think the sentences in
exercise la are true (T) or false (F)? b I love swimming and surfing,
c You can ski there in winter,
C 10.16))) Listen and check your answers. d We went there by boat,
e The noise of the water was really loud!
2a Complete the sentences about your country with the
superlative form of the adjective in (brackets). b Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 The _ (big) city i s ... 1 Which places in hold in exercise 4a do you have where
2 The (old) university is i n ... you live?
3 The (long) river is th e... 2 Which are your favourite places to go to? Why?
4 The (hot) time of year is ...
5 The (good) place to live is ... 5a Complete the table to show which adjectives can go with
each noun.
6 One of the (beautiful) areas i s ...
coffee price salary accent temperature traffic
b Compare your answers with a partner.
heavy X X X ✓ X /
3a Match the words in the box to illustrations 1-9. high
snow windy foggy lightning freezing rain cloudy
sunny icy low
\ o°c- m
b Write four questions to ask a partner using the words
in the table.
z IJ
Is there heavy trafpc. in your town?

C Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your

questions in exercise 5b.

6a Complete the sentences about a city break.

1 Staying in the city centre is a better___________ than
staying outside town.
2 In the city, comfortable shoes are___________ important
than the clothes you take.
3 The _ important thing to take is your phone.
4 I think you alwrays try the local food,
4 4 4
5 I'd ________ to use public transport, taxis are
Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
b Compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree with
1 What types of weather are there where you live?
the sentences in exercise 6a? Why/Why not?
2 W hich months do you have them?

11 working together
11.1 Community spirit
GOALS ■ use verb + noun phrases (1) ■ use going to for plans and intentions

Reading & Vocabulary verb + noun phrases (1) Sf*nt; FRIDAY 11 30

1 Work in small groups. Answer the questions and give examples. Do Something
Iio w often do you ... for Mandela Day
1 help people you know/don’t know? 2 speak to your neighbours?

2a Work with a partner. Look at the title of the advert and the photos, and answer
the questions.
1 What do you know about Nelson Mandela?
2 What do you think happens around the world on Mandela Day?

b Read the advert and check your ideas in exercise 2a.

C Work with a partner. Do you think Mandela Day is a good idea? Wliy/W liy not?

3a Work with a partner. Complete phrases 1-10 with verbs from the advert.
1 tMCk someone a language
2 a tree
3 a sports event
4 your workplace by keeping the kitchen clean Nelson Mandela worked all his life to
5 elderly people with difficult jobs change and improve South Africa.
6 a neighbour's pet Now it’s YOUR turn in YOUR community!
Every year on 18th July, people around
7 broken furniture
the world celebrate Mandela’s life by
8 an elderly neighbour doing something to help their local area.
9 money to charity Here are some ideas:
10 sandwiches for homeless people • Look after a neighbour's pet.
• Teach someone a language.
b Work with a partner. W hich verbs in exercise 3a do phrases 1-10 go with? • Paint the classrooms and repair some
1 a party organize 6 a classmate with their homework broken furniture at your local school.
2 a present to someone 7 some flowers • Visit an elderly neighbour and help
them with difficult jobs.
3 your friend's bike 8 a friend's children for the evening
• Make sandwiches for homeless
4 someone in hospital 9 someone to drive people.
5 a cake for a colleague's birthday 10 your local area by picking up rubbish • Plant a tree.
• Improve your workplace by keeping
c 11.1))) Listen, check and repeat. the kitchen clean.
• Organize a sports event and sell
I Work in small groups. W hich things in exercise 3a and 3b ... tickets. Give the money to charity.
1 do you do already? Who do you do them for and when? What are you going to do for Mandela
2 would you like/not like ro do? Why/W hy not? Day? We?d love to hear your plans, so
please email us or visit our website:
I sometimes look after my sisters children.
/ wouldn't like to teach someone to drive because Vm a terrible driver!

106 O m Oxford 3000™

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Gram m ar & Listening going to

5a 11.2))) Listen to three people's plans for Mandela Day and tick (/ ) the
activities they talk about.
1 walk to work 3 make some cakes 5 organize a game of football
2 organize a marathon 4 repairs bike 6 help a neighbour

b Work with a partner. Which plan do you think is best? Give reasons.

6a Match beginnings 1-6 to endings a-f to make six sentences from the
listening in exercise 5a.
1 We aren't going to a cycle to work?
2 Are you going to b his CV.
3 I'm going to organize c all the money to charity.
4 We're going to give d a game of football.
5 What am I going to e use any electricity.
6 We're goi ng to i mprove f do on Mandela Day?

11.2 ))) Listen again and check your answers.

c Use the sentences in exercise 6a io complete the rules in the Grammar

focus box.


We use going to for future plans and intentions. 11.4))) In sentences with going to we do not
Positive (+) usually stress to.
Subject +
■am/is/'_ ___+going to + infinitive without to we're going to /to/ look after a friend's
I'm going to walk to work. We're going to sell tickets. daughter.
Negative (-) Are you going to /to/ visit someone in
Subject +2 /is/are +not going to + infinitive without to hospital?
She isn 't going to drive. We aren't going to use any electricty. in negative sentences, we stress not/
Questions (?) aren't/isn't.
(Question word) +am/3 iare + subject +4 + infinitive
I'm not going to /to/ organize an event
without to ?
Are you going to cycle to work? What are you going to do?
8 11.5))) Listen and repeat the sentences.
-+ G ram m ar Reference page 156 1 We're going to organize a party.
2 I'm not going to visit my family this
7a Work with a partner. Read the interview between a radio presenter (P) and an weekend.
organizer (O) of Mandela Day. Complete the conversation using going to 3 W hat are you going to do for
and the verbs in (brackets). Mandela Day?
P So, how are the plans for this year’s Mandela Day?
O Great, thanks! We're getting emails from people all around the world
telling us how th ey1 (celebrate) the day. 9a fc/iVW It is Mandela Day and you want to
P That's good to hear. So w hat2 everyone (do)? do something for your community. Think
() Oh, all sorts of things. A lot of people 3____________ (make) soup and of three things you are going to do.
sandwiches and give them lo homeless people. I had an email from a
b Work in small groups. Take turns to tell
man yesterday - he 4___________(not eat) for 24 hours and he
each other what you are going to do.
5 (collect) money for his local hospital. And of course we
6 (post) everything on our website for people to see.
C Choose the three besL ideas from your
P 7 you (have) time to do something yourself?
group and present them to the class.
O No, I'm afraid 18 (not have) much time! But we 9
(have) a big party here at the office and everyone needs to buy a ticket
to come. And all the money goes to charity, of course.

b 11.3 )J Listen and check your answers.

11.2 Challenges
GOALS ■ Talk about technology ■ Say w hy you do things ■ Use the infinitive of purpose

V ocabulary & Speaking technology

1 Work in small groups. What is geocaching? Use the

illustrations to help you guess.
2a Work with a partner. Read instructions 1-5 lor geocaching FOR THE 21ST CENTURY!
and match them to illustrations a-e.

b Work in small groups and answer the questions.

1 Were your ideas about geocaching in exercise 1 correct?
2 Would you like to try geocaching? Why/W hy not?

3a Use the highlighted words in the advert in exercise 2a in

singular or plural noun form to complete sentences 1-5.
1 I have a , so I can use the internet when I'm
2 I often buy for my phone.
3 1take my _ _ everywhere, so 1can work or
study when I ’m not at home.
4 1check the news every day on my favourite
newspaper___________ .
5 I have on my phone because I drive to
lots of different places for work.

b 11.6))) Listen and check your answers.

C Work with a partner. Tell each other which sentences in

exercise 3a are true for you. Ask for more information.
A I often buy appsfor my phone.
B Really? W hat kind ofapps do you buy?

4a 11.7})) Listen to someone reading website and email

addresses a-d. Match symbols 1-5 to the words in the box.
a It's not difficult. You just need a smartphone or a tablet.
b Then you download an app and you're ready to go! Here's
c how it works.
d 1 One player fills a box with presents and hides it - in
the city, in the countryside, anywhere!
at dash dot forward slash underscore
2 He/She puts the coordinates of the box (or 'cache') on a
1 @ 2 / 3 . 4 _ 5 - geocaching website.

3 Other players use the coordinates and their GPS to try

b Compare your answers with a partner.
to find the cache. Many people do this as a team.
C Work with a partner. Practise reading and listening to 4 They find the cache, take a present from the box and
some more website and email addresses. Student A, turn put a new one in the box instead.
to page 131. Student B, turn to page 135. 5 Then they post their photos and stories on the website.
Visit a geocaching website, like or and join in the fun!

108 O m Oxford 3000™

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

b A geocacheris going to take the things in the box

Gram m ar & Speaking infinitive of purpose to Easter Island. Use phrases 1-6 and the infinitive
of purpose to give a reason for taking each thing.
5a Work with a partner. W hy do you think people go
geocaching? camera GPS pen plastic bags presents tefefr

b 11.8))) Listen to four people talking about why they go 1 see in the dark
geocaching. Match speakers L-4 to reasons a-d. I ' m -going to fake a torch to stc in the- dark.
a They want to go to new places, 2 write some postcards to my family and friends
b They want to do some exercise, 3 leave in the cache for other people
c It's good fun. 4 take some pictures of the statues
d They want to make new friends. 5 take my rubbish back to my hotel
6 help me find the cache
C Are the answers similar to your ideas in exercise 5a?
9 Rewrite sentences 1-7 using the infinitive of purpose, but
6a 11.9})) Listen to the people in exercise 5b again and
don't change the meaning.
complete the sentences.
1 People go to the gym because they want to keep fit.
1 I go geocaching fit.
PcopLt yo to the jy m to keep f it .
2 I do it_______________________new people.
2 People shop online because they want to find lhe
3 I go geocaching______________________ different places. cheapest price.
3 People take taxis because it saves time.
b 11.9})) Listen, check and repeat.
4 In the future, more people are going to cycle to work
7 Look at sentences 1-3 in exercise 6a and complete the because they want to do more exercise.
information in the Grammar focus box. 5 People grewrvegetables at home in the past because
they needed to feed their families.
GRAMMAR FOCUS infinitive of purpose 6 People are going to learn more foreign languages in
• we use 1 + infinitive to say why we do the future because it helps rhem find a job more easily.
something. 7 In the past, people moved to the city because they
I do it to meet new people. wanted to find a job.
we use the short form to answer a 'why' question.
A Why do you go to the gym? 10a Use the verbs in the box or your own ideas to write six
B 2 keep fit. sentences about you. Write two in the past tense, two in
• We can use the infinitive of purpose with all tenses. the present tense and two with going to.
I'm going to call Su/i to talk about the party.
buy visit go bring move start call talk to join
I walked home to save money.
Grammar Reference page 157 I bought a new bag yesterday.

b Think of a reason for each action, but don't write it down.

8a Look at the photo and read about an unusual geocache.
Do you think many people visit it? Why/Why not? I bought a new bag yesterday to carry my laptop to work.

C Work in small groups. Take turns to ask questions about

EASTER ISLAND CACHE each other's sentences in exercise 10a. Start your answers
with to ...
This geocache is in Rapa Nui (or Easter Island in English).
A Why did you buy a bag yesterday?
It’s a beautiful place, but it's not easy to get there. You
can take a 5.5-hour flight from Chile. Or you could go B To carry my laptop to work.
by boat from New Zealand - it only takes 35 days!
Easter Island
11.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Deal with unknown words ■ Make adjectives stronger

3a Work with a partner. The words in bold

Reading & Speaking unknow n words are not real. Identify the part of speech
for each word. What helped you decide?
1 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 1live in a flissy part of the city.
1 W hat do you do when you read a word you don't know in your
first language? 2 The college needs a new flisser.

2 What do you do when you read a word you don't know in English? 3 Can you fliss him tomorrow?
4 We flissed the car yesterday.
5 M y brother drives flissly.

6 I don't like unflissy people.

b Replace the words in bold in exercise

3a with real words. Compare your
answers with a partner.
I live in a busy part o fthe city.

? 9 m in u n a t ? ; 4a Work with a partner. The words in bold

are real. What are the parts of speech for

tstupencfc I 'I '

each word and what do they mean? Use
the context to help you.
1 Our new teacher is really strict - she
isn't happy when students don't do
2a What do you think the highlighted word in this sentence means? What their homework.
helped you guess? Compare your answers with a partner. 2 Tthink rich people and companies
It's common to have ricefo r breakfast in Japan. should pay more tax to the
b Turn to page 131 and check your answer. 3 My neighbour's dog barks very loudly.
4 My sister is always really scared when
c Read the information in the Unlock the code box about unknown words.
she sees a spider.
Did you use any of the ideas to help you do exercise 2a?
5 My phone at work rings constantly -
it never stops!
6 You need to plant these flowers in
good soil.
When you read in English, you sometimes see words you don't know.
Use these ideas to help you understand the words. 7 It's better to visit your dentist every
six months than to go annually.
1 Identify the part of speech:
Is it a noun {a person or a thing)? e.g. a team 8 They live in a massive house with ten
It is a verb (an action word)? e.g. to work bed rooms.
Is it an adjective (describes a noun)? e.g. a good team
Is it an adverb (describes a verb)? e.g. work slowly b Compare your ideas in small groups.
2 Use the context - the words and sentences before and after the word: What helped you guess?
I'm so happy to hear your marvellous news.
People say they're happy about good things, so marvellous is a
positive word, it means very good.

110 O m Oxford 3000™

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

5a Work with a partner. Look at the photo and read the title of
the magazine article. What is good about working alone or
V ocabulary & Speaking making adjectives
in a team? stronger
8a Work with a partner. Complete the definition of the word
from the text.

h u g e (adjective)
In the past, it was common for a really brilliant
scientist like Isaac Newton to work alone, but these a very small b not very important c very big
days scientists usually work in teams. That’s why some
science magazines say the Nobel Prize for Physics b Find these three strong adjectives in the article. What
should change. The writers believe it’s wrong to award word comes before them in the article?
the prize to one person because there’s usually a team
that is working with the individual. But because only a brilliant crucial great
maximum of three people can win the Nobel Prize at
one time, some really crucial members of the team are
often not included and don’t win anything. C Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box and
It's not only in science that just one person wins an check your answers.
award for the work of a team. In sport, for example,
there is usually a team of people helping the player of VOCABULARY FOCUS making adjectives stronger
individual sports. For example, the really great tennis
players and Formula One drivers have a team of people You can make many ordinary adjectives stronger by using
working with them: from the coach or manager w Ii d very or really, or a strong adjective instead, e.g. huge.
helps them with their game or race to the dietician Brazil is a very/really big country. Brazil is a huge country.
who tells them what to eat and drink. You can make strong adjectives stronger by using really,
So perhaps it’s time to stop focusing only on the but not very.
individual. We should remember that there is often a Their house is really huge. Not Their-hetise-is^eFy-fwge.
huge team of many more people working hard to make It helps your vocabulary to remember ordinary and strong
everything possible. adjectives together, e.g. big/huge.

9a Work with a partner. Complete conversations 1-5 with

strong adjectives from the box.

awful excellent delighted tiny lovely

1 A Were you very glad to get the job?

B Ofcourse! I was really !
2 A Was the weather very nice on your holiday?
B Yes, it was really ! We were very lucky.
3 A Is she very good at tennis?
B Yes, she's really___________! She always wins.
4 A What's wrong? You don't look very happy.
b Read the article and answer the questions with a partner.
B It's really___________ ! I failed my driving test.
1 What does the science magazine think is the problem
5 A Let's use my car. Your car is too small for five people.
with the Nobel Prize for Physics?
B You're right. My car is really___________ !
2 Why does the article mention sport?
3 What does the article think we should do about the b 11.10))) Listen and check your answers. Notice the stress on
problem? really.

6 Work with a partner. Guess the meaning of the highlighted C Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the
words in the article. What helped you decide? conversations in exercise 9a.

7 Work in small groups. Answer the questions. 10a Work with a partner. Write three short conversations
1 Do you think people should focus more on the teams similar to exercise 9a using strong adjectives.
behind individuals? Why/Why not?
b Work with another pair. Read and practise their
2 What other examples of individuals with a team can
conversations. Are very and really in the correct places?
you think of?

11.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Write a formal/informal notice ■ Offer to do something

Reading & W riting a notice

Are you a resident
1 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
of East Harfield?
1 IIo w do you describe yourself?
a really organized b organized c not very organized Arc you worried about the local area? Would
2 Which of these do you sometimes organize? you like to help us keep it clean and lidy? The
East Harfield Neighbourhood Committee
holidays meetings parties study groups spends every weekend doing jobs to improve
our community and we are looking for new
2 Read notices 1 and 2 and discuss the questions with a partner. members. If you arc interested, please email
us at and tell us
1 Who do you think wrote them?
about yourself and how you would like to help.
2 What type of person is going to answer them?

3a Work with a partner. W hich notice in exercise 2 is ...

1 more friendly and informal? W hy?
2 more formal? Why?
Wanted - Y i» 2
b Check your ideas in the Language for writing box.
EngRsh sfydtstfil
Tired of studying alone? Want to study
LANGUAGE FOR WRITING addressing your reader with other people and make new friends?
• When you write something, it is important to know your Come to our study group in
reader and to write in a suitable way Ask these questions: Room 246 every Friday at 6.30 p.m.
Who is the reader? What information does the reader need?
• Use formal language in notices with people you don't know Improve your English and have fun!
very well, and informal language with people you know.
• To sound informal... 5a Work with a partner. Plan a notice. Choose one of the
1 use ellipsis, e.g. Are-you Tired of studying alone? ideas below or use your own ideas. Answer questions
2 use exclamation marks, e.g. Working together is more fun!
1-4 to help you plan your notice together.
• To sound more formal...
• sell something
1 write full sentences.
• organize a charity event
2 don't use contractions, e.g. we are and not we're
• start a study group/book club/dance class, etc.
3 use more formal expressions, e.g. would you like ...?
• rent a room in your house/flat
NOT Bo yo u w m t--?
• start a football team/running group, etc. at work
1 Who is the reader, e.g. students, parents,
4a Read lines 1-8 from two notices. Decide which are formal (F) colleagues, local people, etc.?
and which are informal (I).
2 How well do you know them? How formal/
1 Come ro the university gym at 7.00 p.m. on Sept 15th. I informal should you be?
2 Join the Maastricht University Basketball Club. 3 How can you make them ‘notice' your notice?
3 Do you want to help your community and do you have 4 What information do they need to know? Think
some free time? of at least five things to ask/tell them, e.g. times,
4 If you are interested, call Mae Fox on 01110 8485576. places, what you want, what to bring, etc.
5 Want to get fit and make new friends?
6 Are you interested in working with young people? b Write your notice.

7 We are looking for friendly people to help organize a youth

6 Work in smal 1groups and read each other's notices.
club on Thursday evenings.
Which notices are the most interesting?
8 Wanted - basketball players

b Put the lines in the two notices in a suitable order.

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Listening & Speaking offering to do som ething

7a Work with a partner. Match photos (a) and (b) to notices 1 9a Match a situation 1-5 to an offer a-e.
and 2 in exercise 2. 1 It's really hot in here!
2 Excuse me, this fork is dirty.
b 11.11))) Listen to two conversations from the photos. Are the
3 T he se bags a re heavy.
statements true (T) or false (I7)?
4 Are you still coming for dinner tonight?
Conversation 1
5 I'm going to walk into the city centre.
1 Dr Pedersen is at the meeting.
a W hy don't I give you a lift?
2 They are going to talk about the questions tomorrow.
b Would you like me to open a window?
Conversation 2
c I'm sorry. T‘l I bring you another one.
3 The local park is very small.
d Let me carry them for you.
4 They want to paint the school.
e Of course! Shall I bring a dessert?
C Compare your answers with a partner.
b Work with a partner. Take turns to practise the
8a Work with a partner. Compleie the sentences from the conversations in exercise 9a.
conversations with a word from the box.
10a Read the information in the Language for speaking box
Why Would I’ll Shall Let about making offers.

1 I write that down? LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING making offers

2 don't I give him the list then? when we offer to do something, we use:
3 take notes, so we don't forget. Shall I (do)...?
4 me help you with that. Why don't l (do)?
5 you like me to ask them? Would you like me to (do)...?
I'll (do)....
b 11.12 ))) Listen, check and repeat. Let me (do) ....

b Work with a different partner. Choose a situation: work,

study or social. Take turns to explain your problems and
offer help, using the Language for speaking box to help you
Student A, turn to page 131. Student 13, turn to page 135.

11.5 Video
Silicon Fen
1 Match the words to the definitions.

a device a graduate an innovation a processor

resources the Fens to provide to connect

1 an area of flat wet land in east England

2 to join two things together
3 a part of a computer that controls all the other parts
4 something that organizations have and can use
5 to give something to someone who needs it
6 a new idea or way of doing something
7 a small object or electronic machine, e.g. tablet
8 someone who has finished a university degree

2 Workw'ith a partner. Look at the photos and the title of the

video. What do you think the video is going to be about?

3 O Watch the video and complete the sentences.

1 Silicon Fen is ‘Europe's Silicon Valley' because...
2 ARM is different from when it began in 1990 because ...
3 There are many technology companies here because ...
4 The University helps Cambridge Science Park to
develop because...
5 Cambridge is successful because ...

4 O Watch the video again and decide if the sentences are

true 0 ) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.
1 The Fens area of England looks like a modern place.
2 There are 150 technology companies in Silicon Fen.
3 ARM employs over 3,000 people in the UK.
4 Apple and Samsung use A R M processors in their
5 16% of the world's population use a device with an ARM
chip in it.
6 Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking worked at
Cambridge University.
7 Cambridge Science Park isn’t a good place for small

5a SES3 Work with a partner. You are going to interview the

founder of the company ARM. Write 6-8 questions that
you would like to ask using the prompts.
• When did you start the company?
• why...? »where...? *what...?
• Howmany...? • H ow b i g . . . ? -W ho...?

b Work with another partner. Take turns to be the

interviewer and the founder of ARM.

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5


3a Cross out any words in italics that are not possible in

1a 11.13))) Listen to Mandy and Wanda talking about their
answers a-e.
New Year's resolutions. What promises did Wanda make
to herself? a I agree. They're very / really tiny.
b Yesr it's very / really brilliant,
I) Complete sentences 1-5 from the listening in exercise c Yes, I d id. It’s very / really go od.
la with the correct form of going to and the verbs in
d It's very / really cheap,
c Thanks. I think it's very / really lovely.
1 I (spend) less time at work.
2 (you/spend) more time with b Match sentences 1-5 to answers a-e in exercise 3a.
your friends and family? 1 This GPS is cheap.
3 (he/look) for a new apartment? 2 That's a nice smartphone.
4 W e ______________________ (not/join) a gym.
3 Those tablets are small.
5 W e ______________________ (save) some money. 4 Did you see the new music app?
5 They have a good website.
c 11.13))) Listen again and check your answers.

C Work in small groups. Use normal/strong adjeclives and

d Write three resolutions you would like to do. Compare
very/really to say things about the ideas in the box.
your answers with a partner.
I'm going to eat healthierfood. your family your house your English school/college
your city your country
2a Complete sentences 1-8 with an infinitive of purpose
phrase using the verbs in rhe box.
Put the words in the correct order to make offers,
look after organize make pem t plant repair a some / W hy / sandwiches / 1 / make / don't ?
teach visit b repair / you / me / Would / to / like / it ?
1 He got up early to paint______ the living room. c new / 1/ words / Shall / teach / some / you ?
2 She's going to move to Greece d the / after / children / look / I 'l l .
English. e for / the / me / meeting / you / documents / organize /
3 I go to Bob's house every weekend Let / for / the .
his dog.
b 11.15))) Listen to five sentences. Match each sentence to an
4 1went to my parents' house______________________ my
offer in exercise 4a.
Mum's car.
5 I'm going to call all our friends______________________ C Write three problems you'd like help with.
a birthday party for my best friend. I want to make more money.
6 We're going to buy some eggs and sugar
a cake. d Work with a partner. Take turns to read your problems.
7 I'm going to take the afternoon off work tomorrow Make offers to help your partner.
my aunt in hospital. A 1want to make more money.
8 I went to the garden some B Why don't you start your own business?

b 11.14))) Listen and check.

c Work with a partner. Use the infinitive of purpose

sentences in exercise 2a or your own ideas to make true
sentences for you and people you know.
I'm going to get up early tomorrow to go to the gym.
M y frien d moved to Germ any last year to teach Spanish.

12 Culture and the arts
12.1 Artistic ability
go als ■ Talk about past experience & events using the present perfect ■ use verb +noun phrases (2)

Gram m ar & Reading present perfect simple

1 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 Are you good at singing, drawing or dancing? Do you
play a musical instrument?
2 Wrhat kind of art would you like to be good/better at?

2a Look at the photos. What kinds of artist are they?

b Read the articles about two artists, Stephen Wiltshire Stephen Wiltshire is autistic and couldn't speak until he was
and Tai Lihua. Answer questions 1-5 for each artist. five. His first words were ‘paper’ and 'pencil' - the same first
words as Picasso’s! At school, he started drawing pictures
1 What couldn't Stephen/Tai do?
of London and his teachers gave him the name 'the human
2 W hat is Stephen's/Tai's kind of art? camera’. He has drawn many fantastic pieces of art and
3 When did Stephen/Tai start doing this? he’s sold them all over the world. One of his drawings is a
4 What did Stephen's/Tai's teachers do? S.7-metre-long picture of New York. He drew it after he spent
just 20 minutes in a helicopter in the sky above the city. He
5 How do we know they are successful?
has his own art gallery in London. He hasn’t opened a gallery
in New York, but he wants to - he’s just looking for the right
C Compare your answers with a partner.
place to do it.
3a Work with a partner. Look at sentences 1-4 from the ■ autistic having a mental condition that makes it difficult for
articles and complete the rules in the Grammar focus box. somebody to communicate or form relationships with other people
1 Thousands of people have watched her.
2 He has drawn many fantastic pieces of art.
3 He hasn't opened a gallery in New York.
4 She's danced in more than 75 countries.

GRAMMAR FOCUS present perfect simple

- we use the present perfect simple to talk about past
experiences and events when:
1 we don't know when the event happened.
2 we are interested in what happened more than when it
- We make the present perfect simple with: Tai Lihua couldn’t hear from the age of two after an
<+) I/You/We/They +1_____________ / Ve +past participle illness. She is deaf, but this hasn’t stopped her dream of
He/She/It +2 /'s + past participle dancing. When she was a child, the teacher at her school
<-) i/You/we/They +haven't -+past participle for deaf children asked the class to ‘feel’ the sound of a
He/She/It + 3_____________ +past participle drum through their feet. From that moment, she wanted
to be a dancer. Tai joined a dance company when she
Grammar Reference page 158 was 15 and she’s become one of the most famous dancers
in China. She's danced in more than 7S countries and
b Underline other examples of the present perfect simple in thousands of people have watched her, including at the
Beijing Paralympics.
the articles. Compare your answers with a partner.
deaf not able to hear

116 O m Oxford 3000™

12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5

4a Work with a partner. Complete the article about

another artist with the present perfect form of the
V ocabulary & Speaking verb + noun
verbs in (brackets). phrases (2)
7 12.4))) Listen to three people, Phil, jimmy and Albina
talking about their experiences of art, and answer the
questions. There may be more than one possible answer.
Who talks about...
1 their family?
2 a new experience?
3 something they love?
4 something you can only do in big cities?
5 something they didn't finish?

8a Work with a partner. Write the words in the box next to the
Nobuyuki Tsujii w a s b o rn b lin d , b u t h e s ta rte d correct verb to make verb -t noun phrases.
p la y in g o n a to y p ia n o at th e age o f ju s t tw o . H e b eg an
le a rn in g th e p ia n o tw o y e a r s later, a n d he g a ve h is
art galleries in a band the-einema/theatre dance
firs t big c o n c e rt in T o k y o w h e n h e w a s 12 y e a r s old.
drawing a -film /m ovie the guitar masie a musical
a music festival the opera painting a play
H e ’s in h is tw e n tie s n o w , b u t h e 1 (g ive)
a rock/classical music concert a salsa class singing
c o n c e rts a ll o ve r th e w o rld , a n d h e 2_ _ (w in )
m a n y p riz e s a n d in te r n a tio n a l c o m p e titio n s . He go to 1 the. cin&rvia/tkzatrc
3___________ (w rite ) m u s ic fo r f ilm an d T V , too.
2 ______________________
He 4 (n o t see) th e w r it t e n m u s ic , b u t he 3
5 _ (le a rn ) to p la y s o m e o f th e m o s t d if fic u lt 4
p ie ce s o f m u s ic in th e w o r ld o n ly th ro u g h so u n d . H is
c la s s ic a l m u s ic fa n s 5 (say) t h is is a m a z in g .
■ blind not able to see see 7 a film /m ovic
8 __________
b 12.1 ))) Listen and check your answers. 9 _______________
play 10 the. yuCitcnx
11 ____________
PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
h a v e 12 M usic /13 / 14
5a 12.2))) In the present perfect, the stress is on the past 15 __________ /16 lessons
participle in positive sentences, and on haven’t/hasn't in
negative sentences. b 12.5 ))) Listen, check and repeat.

• • 9a E 3 3 Work with a partner. Take turns to tell each other

1 He's given concerts...
about your experiences. Use phrases from exercise 8a and
• • • the ideas in the boxes to help you.
2 ... he hasn't seen the written music ...
1 Music types of music/instruments/lessons/
b Work with a partner. Say the sentences about Stephen and concerts/festivals/bands
Tai with the correct stress.
2 Art and writing - drawing and painting lessons/art
1 He's sold them all over the world.
galleries/written something
2 He hasn't opened a gallery in New York.
3 This hasn't stopped her drearn of dancing. 3 Theatre, dance and cinema - plays/musicals/dance
4 Thousands of people have watched her. lessons/cinema/favourite actor

I've always wanted to play a m usical instrument.

c 12.3))) Listen, check and repeat.
I haven't played in a band, but I would like to.

Work in small groups. Wrhich artist is the most amazing in b W hich of your experiences are similar and which are
your opinion and why? different?

I th in k... is the most am azing because... We've both been to big concerts.

12.2 At the movies
GOALS ■ Talk about films ■ Use the present perfect and past simple

Vocabulary & Speaking films Gram m ar & Listening present perfect

and past simple
1 Work with a partner. Read the quote about films and
answer the questions. 6a Read part of a web page and answer the questions.
1 What kind of film is The Artist?
• People who like movies have a favourite. People
who love movies couldn't possibly choose 2 W hy did some people leave the cinema?
Nicole Yatsonsky, author

1 Do you agree with Nicole Yatsonsky? Why/Why not?

2 How often do you watch films at home?
It was black and while and silent., and it was the surprise
3 How often do you go to the cinema? success of 2012. The French film The Artist won the
award for ‘Best Picture’ at die Oscars, but it wasn't popular
2a 12.6))) Listen to eight descriptions and number the types of with everyone. In some cinemas, people walked our early
film in the box. and asked for their money back. Why? Because they didn’t
know the film was silent when they bought the tickets!
action films animations comedies dramas horror films
musicals romantic film s science fiction films

b 12.7 )J Listen, check and repeat.

C Work in small groups. Think of 2-3 more films for each type.

3a Work in small groups. Take turns to say which types of

film you like and don't like.
I don't like action film s because they're really boring.
I prefer comedies.

b Tell the class about the films you like/don’t like. Use the
b Work with a partner. Read the second part of the web page
and answer the questions in it.
ideas in the box.
• Everybody likes/loves/hates ...
• Nobody likes ..
• Some of us like ...
How often do people leave the cinema early and why do
4 12.8))) Listen to two people talking about films. Which they do it? Have you ever left the cinema before the end
types of films in exercise 2a are they talking about? of a film? Has it ever annoyed you when other people left
the cinema early? Tell us your thoughts ...
5a Workw'ith a partner. Complete sentences 1-5 from the
listening in exercise 4 using the wrords in the box.
7 Look at the questions in exercise 6b again and complete
stars favourite about It's set the rules in the Grammar focus box.

1 My. film is Titanic. GRAMMAR FOCUS

2 It Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. present perfect questions and short answers
3 It's a huge ship and all the people on it. To make questions in the present perfect, we use:
4 a Sciencefiction film, 1 + l/you/we/they + past participle + ?
5 It's in the future. 2 + he/she/it +past participle + ?
• With yes/no questions, we usually use short answers:
b 12.8))) Listen again and check your answers. (+) Yes, l/you/we/they have, (-) No, l/you/we/they haven't.
Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't.
C Change the sentences in exercise 5a to make them true for
your favourite film. Tell your partner.
Grammar Reference page 159

118 O w Oxford 3000™

12.1 12.2 12.3___12.4 12.5

8a 12.9))) Listen to four people answering the questions from

10a Work with a partner. Read part of an interview between
a journalist (J), a film director, Pavel (P), and an actor,
the web page. Complete the first column of the table with a
Wanda (W). Choose the correct form of the verbs.
tick(/ ) ora cross (X).
J So Pavel, you’re here for the Rio de Janeiro film festival.
Have they ever left Why/Why not? I D id you visit / Have you visited Brazil before?
the cinema early? P Yes,2 I did / / have - twice. Actually,31came / I've come
Speaker 1 here when I was a child and I 4was / have been here
three years ago for work, too.
Speaker 2
J Interesting. And what about you, Wanda?
Speaker 3 s D id you ever go / Have you ever been to Rio?
Speaker 4 W No, 16didn't go / 've never been here before, but it's a
beautiful city!
J I'm very pleased to hear that! So, 17saiv / 've seen your
b 12.9))) Listen again and make notes in the second column
latest film Tnbox me’ last night and 18 thotight / 've
of the table. Compare your answers with a partner.
thought it was really wonderful.
9a 12.10))) Listen and complete the sentences from the P Well, thank you very much!
listening in exercise 8. Compare your answers with a J And everyone else in the cinema 9enjoyed, i has
partner. enjoyed it, too. When i t 10finished / hasfinished, people
1 never the cinema early, but II stood / have stood up a n d 12clapped I have clapped - I
I've often wanted to. couldn't believe it!
P Really? I'm delighted to hear that. A lot of people
2 A few months ago, I to see a terrible film.
13said / have said some lovely things about it.
3 A you ever the cinema early?
W Last week someone 14 told I has told me it was their
B Yes, I .1 out once - it was last favourite film of the year!
summer and it was a beautiful day. J Great! So, tell me ...

b Work with a partner. Look at the sentences in exercise 9a b 12.11))) Listen and check your answers.
and complete the rules in the Grammar focus box. Write
past simple or present perfect. 11a EZSS3 Work in small groups. Take turns to ask about your
experiences. Use the ideas in the box to help you, and your
GRAMMAR FOCUS present perfect and past simple own ideas.
• Use the 1_ to say something happened before A Have you ever been to a big concert?
now, but we don't know or don't say when. We often use it B Yes, I have. I went to a Coldplay concert in Warsaw
with ever/never. last year.
• Use the2 to say something happened before
now and we know the time. walked out of a film
• We often start with the 3_________ and then change to m et a famous writer/singer/actor acted in a play
the 4 to give more details. cry during a film go to the opera
Grammar Reference page 159 stay awake all night watching films

watch the same film three or four times

b Tell the class about your group. Have you had similar
M ario has never been to a big concert, but Filena and I have.

12.3 Vocabulary and skills development
GOALS ■ Form past participles ■ Understand past simple and present perfect verb forms

Speaking & Vocabulary past participles

1 Read the pairs of sentences. W hich ones are true for you?
Change any you can to make them true for you. Compare
your sentences with your partner.
1 I've been to a lot of festivals.
I went to a fantastic musical last year.
2 I've never run a marathon.
I ran for the bus yesterday morning.
3 I've never met a famous person.
I met my partner at university.
4 I ’ve never written a comment on a website.
I wrote a lot of emails yesterday.

2a Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box about

past participles.

VOCABULARY FOCUS past participles

• The past simple and past participle forms of regular verbs
are the same. They always end in -ed, e.g. visited, worked.
• The past participle of irregular verbs can be different from
or the same as the past simple form. Most verbs follow one
of these rules:
1 no change, e.g. put, put
2 a vowel changes, e.g. rang, rung
3 we add -n, e.g. chose, chosen
4 a vowel changes and we add -n, e.g. wrote, written
5 the past participle is a different word. e.g. was/were, been

b Work with a partner. Put the words in the box into the
correct column of the table.

began/begun woke/woken heard/heard broke/broken

grew/grown gave/given went/gone drove/driven
drank/drunk ate/eaten won/won bought/bought
saw/seen did/done ran/run met/met

Rule Past simple Past participle

1 no change
2 vowel change
3 add-n
4 vowel change + -n

5 different word

120 O m Oxford 3000™

12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5

Listening & Speaking past simple and

present perfect verb forms
3a 12.12))) Listen and complete the verb phrases.
1 I ___________ the door.
2 I ___________ the door.
3 She___________ a marathon.
4 She a marathon.
5 We him.
6 We him.
7 I Star Wars twice this month.
8 I Star VVars twice last month.

b Compare your answers with a partner.

4 12.13))) Read and listen to the information in the Unlock the

codc box about past simple and present perfect verb forms.


past simple and present perfect verb forms
There are three ways to tell the difference between past
simple and present perfect verb forms. Listen for:
12.15))) Look at the photo of Hema Sardesai, a Bollywood
1 the difference in pronunciation between the past simple singer. Listen to the second part of the interview about
and the past participle form of the verb.
Hema and choose the correct verb form.
ran run
1 I never heard / I've never heard
2 the present perfect auxiliary have (Ve) or has Cs).
We me t him. We Ve met him. 2 She recorded / She's recorded
3 time words and phrases. 3 She also had / She's also had
i've watched Star Wars twice this month 4 She's was / She's been
I watched Star wars twice last month. 5 She visited / She's visited
6 India celebrated / India has celebrated
5a Work with a partner. What do you know about Bollywood? 7 She sang/She has sung
8 People watched / People have watched
b Read the first part of an interview between a presenter (P)
and an actor, Mark Russell (M )r about Bollywood. 7 12.15))) Listen again and answer the questions with a
Complete the interview with the past simple or present partner.
perfect form of the verbs in (brackets).
1 What kind of singer is Hema?
P Good evening. Our guest tonight is Mark Russell, who is 2 W hy is Hema so famous?
going to talk about the Indian film industry, Bollywood,
3 Is it OK for actors in films not to sing? Should people
and one of its biggest stars. Mark, welcome.
like I lema be more famous? Why/Why not?
M Thanks, Steffi.
P Tell us a little bit about Bollywood. Many of us 8a hiflM Write three true and two false sentences about
1 (hear) of it, but perhaps we don't all know yourself using the past simple or present perfect.
much about it. Is it bigger than Hollywood these days?
M Yes, it is. In the last ten years, Bollywood 2 b Work with a partner. Take turns to read a sentence and
(make) more films and i t 3 (sell) more say what verb form you heard. Guess which sentences are
tickets, too. For example, in 2009, Bollywood 4 false.
(produce) over 1,200 films and Hollywood 5
(make) only about 500. Also, Bollywood films
6___________ (become) popular all over the world and
they7___________ (make) them in lots of countries.

C 12.14))) Listen and check your answers.

12.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ Speak on the phone Write a review ■ Use pronouns in writing

4 Work with a partner. Take turns to have two phone

Listening & Speaking on the phone
conversations. Use the prompts and the Language for
speaking box to help you.
1 Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
What do you say when you answer the phone ... Conversation 1
1 in your language? Ask to speak to your friend, Misha.

2 in English? Conversation 2
Ask to speak to the manager of a company.
2 12.16))) Listen to two conversations and answer the
questions. Compare your answers with a partner. Student A
Student B
1 W h y does Marcus call Caitlin? Ask to speak to x. •
2 What is Caitlin going ro do after speaking to Marcus?
3 What question does she ask the person at the comedy say they are not in.
4 Why can't she find out the information she wants? Ask x to call back.

3a Work with a partner. Complete sentences 1-8 with the Ask for number or say X is back.
words in the box.

Can here have back (x2) Could speak Hang LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING on the phone
it's afraid
1 H i Francis,___________ Marcus. Is Caitlin there? Hi (X), it’s (Y). is (Z) there?
I'm afraid she's not here at the moment.
2 Hello. Could 1_ to the ticket office manager,
Can you tell her to call me back, please?
Hang on a minute. I'll just get her.
3 She's not at the moment.
4 I'm he's not available at the moment. Hello, could I speak to the manager, please?
5 you tell her to call me . please? I'm afraid he's not available at the moment.
6 you ask him to call me , please? Could you ask him to call me back, please?
Could l have your number, please?
7 Could I ___________your number, please?
8 on a minute. I'll just get her.
5 Work with a partner. Practise some more phone
b 12.17))) Listen, check and repeat. conversations. Student A, turn to page 131. Student B,
turn to page 135.
C Work with a partner. Which sentences in exercise 3a are
formal and which are informal?

12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5

Reading & W riting a review

Work in small groups. Number the types of entertainment
from 1 (you like the most) to 8 (you like the least). Compare
your answers and explain your reasons.
classical music concerts art galleries
pop/rock concerts circuses
plays (at the theatre) comedy clubs
films (at the cinema) museums
I putfilm s first because I love them and I usually go to the
cinema about once a week.

7 Read the first part of each review and match them

to a photo. Compare your answers with a partner.


1 1didn't expect it to be good. I hated it when

1was a child but I enjoyed the show last week
2 because there weren't any animals, just acrobats
doing amazing things. I really liked their clothes,
too. Some of them were very colourful. My
daughter Miriam and I sat very close to the stage.
She has talked about it a lot at school and now
all her friends want to go, too! 3 I thought it was
fantastic and 4 1recommend it to everyone.

HOME ABOUT ME MUSIC FASHION 10a Think of an event you have been to. Use an idea from
exercise 6 or your own ideas. Write notes in each of the
s I was really excited about going because they're categories.
my favourite band. But I've seen them before and they
1 what you thought before
were much better then. I didn’t enjoy it last night
2 what you thought after it
6 because the singer was too quiet and the guitar player
was terrible! They’re playing again tonight but 7 I donl 3 why you liked/didn't like it
recommend going. 8 I thought they were awful. But at 4 your advice to other people
least it was quite cheap!
b Work with a partner. Tell them about the event. Use the
phrases in the Language for writing box to help you.

8 Work with a partner. Read the reviews. Which is positive? LANGUAGE FOR WRITING a review
Which is negative? How do you know? I was(n't) excited about (it/the show/the concert).
I expected/didn't expect (it/the circus) to b e ...
9 Match the underlined phrases 1-8 in the reviews to I liked/loved/enjoyed the (play) because...
categories a-d. There are two answers for each one. I didn't like/enjoy the (concert) because...
a what the writer thought before the show 1. 5 I thought it was/they were (great/awful/a bit long/too loud).
I (don't) recommend (¡t/seeing this film/going to this show).
b what the writer thought about the show
c why the writer liked/didn't like the show
d the writer's advice to other people 11a Write your review. Use the ideas you talked about in
exercise 10a.

b Work with a partner and read their review. Would you like
to go to the show they reviewed? Why/Why not?

12.5 Video
Park Theatre
1 Work with a partner. When was the last time you saw a
play? Where was it? What was it? Did you enjoy it?
W hy/W hy not?

2 Look at the photos. Which of these things do you see in the


Ancient Greece audience balcony floor pantomime

seats Shakespearean theatre theatre ticket stage

3 O Watch the video and answer the questions.

1 How has theatre changed since Shakespeare's day? Is
this a positive or negative change? Why/Why not?
2 How is Park Theatre changing modern theatre? Is this a
positive or negative change? Why/Why not?

4 Q Watch the video again and choose the correct option.

1 In Shakespeare's time most people could/ couldn't
afford the theatre.
2 In Shakespeare’s time, rich people watched plays a t the
same time as/ at a different time to poor people.
3 Park Theatre is a very old/m odern theatre in a m odern/
an old office block.
4 The Park Theatre puts on plays in I wo / three different
5 Every ticket costs less than twelve / twenty pounds so
it's affordable.
6 Park Theatre show's old classics and modern m usic/
7 Crystal Springs is a modern play about teenagers/
teachers, parents and social media.
8 In its short history Park Theatre has been unsuccessful/
very successful.

5a ifcwa Imagine you have a voucher to go to a show. What

type of show would you like to go to? Write down what you
would like to see and why. Use these ideas to help you.
• performers
• play, film, music concert, etc.
• what reviews it has had
• where it is

b Work in small groups. Tell each other what show you

would like to see and why. Decide as a group which one to

C Tell the class wrhat show your group has chosen. Try to
choose one show for the whole class.

12-1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5


1a Complete gaps 1-6 with go, play, see or have and match the Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect
phrases to photos a-f. form of the verbs in (brackets).
1 to a music festival 4 a film/movie
2 an instrument 5 ______to art galleries
3 dance lessons 6 ______a play or a musical

These days. Verona coliseum is famous for its opera

festival, but i t 1 (be) a place to see other
types of entertainment over the years. The Romans
2 (build) the coliseum almost two thousand
years ago for sports and games calLed ’ludi’.The most
famous of these games 3___________(be) fights between
gladiators. These events 4 (be) very popular
and people 5 (come) from far away to see
them. In 1117. there 6 (be) a big earthquake in
Verona and people 7 _______(not use) the coliseum
for a long time. However, centuries later, the Venetians
b Work with a partner. W hich things from exercise la have
8___________ (decide) to repair the building and use it
you done and which things have you never done? for concerts. From that time, hundreds of thousands of
/ have been to lots of musicfestivals. I went to the Festival in people 9___________ (come) to Verona to listen to music
the Desert in M ali three years ago and it wasfantastic. and many famous opera singers and ballet dancers
I've never had a dance lesson. I don't like dancing! 10 (perform) there.

2a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences we b 12.19))) Listen and check your answers.
use on the phone.
1 a / Hang / minute / on . 4a What types of film do items l-8 make you think of?
2 Ms. Martinez / speak / please / Could / to / 1? 1 laughing tOM-tdics 5 singing and dancing

3 tell / back / you / her / me / Can / to / please / call ? 2 people in love 6 Dracula and Frankenstein

4 office / I'm / the / moment / the / afraid / of / out / at / 3 a cartoon for children 7 travelling into the future
she's. 4 fast cars 8 going to live in a new country

b 12.18))) Listen to a phone conversation. W hich sentences in b Think of a famous film you know. Write three sentences
exercise 2a did you hear? about it, but don't use the name of the film. Use questions
1-4 in the box to help you, and your own ideas.
C Work with a partner. Write a phone conversation and 1 What type of film is ir? 3 Who does it star?
practise it. 2 What is it about? 4 Where does it happen?
ll s set in Barcelona and il stars Scarlett Johansson.
d Work with another pair. Read and practise their
conversation. Is the conversation formal or informal?
C Work with a partner. Take Uirnsto read your sentences
and guess the films.


All students Student A

1 .1 Exercise 2 1 -3 Exercise 9

Read the factfiles and check your answers. 1 Complete gaps 1-5 in table A.

Fable A
Singular Plural
Nationality British
1 stories
Other Asian (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Chinese),
nationalities European (e.g. Irish, Polish), African a glass 2
(e.g. Nigerian, Somali), West Indian 3 lives
(e.g. Jamaican), etc.
a dress 4
Main language English
5 children
Other languages Polish, Urdu, etc.

2 Ask your partner questions to check your answers for table A

W hat's the singular of stories?
Nationality American
W hat's the plural o f... ?
Other Central or South American How do you spell that?
nationalities (e.g. Mexican, Chilean), Chinese,
Filipino, etc. 3 l.isten to your partner’s questions for table B and answer
Main language English them. Then complete gaps 6-10.
Other languages Spanish. Chinese, Filipino, etc Table B

Singular Plural
Nationality Australian 7 people
Other British, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, 8
a city
nationalities etc.
9 matches
Main language English
Other languages Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, etc. a woman 10

DUBAI, UAE student A

Nationality Emirati 1 .4 Exercise 6
Other Indian. Pakistani. Bangladeshi, 1 Complete the table with information about you.
nationalities Filipino, etc.
Main language Arabic 2 Ask questions to complete your partner's information.
Other languages English, Urdu, Hindi, Filipino, etc.

You Your partner




Email address

All students Student A

2 .2 Exercise 1 4 .1 Exercise 11

1 False. The basic training takes about two years. Then, 1 You want to go on a weekend break. Read the information
before each trip into space, they need to do another two about Bruges and the things you want to do.
three years of training. Bruges
• Airport (Brussels) - 90 km from Bruges
2 True. Valeri Polyakov stayed in space for 437.7 days in
• Railway station in the centre
1994-5. Sergei Avdeyev stayed in space for 379.6 days in
• Campsite near rhe city centre
• Lots of museums including Choco-Story (a chocolate
3 True. Astronauts can wear glasses. museum), Diamant Museum (a diamond museum) and
Expo Picasso (an art museum)
• More than five different (street) markets every week
Student A • Four youth hostels and 300 hotels
2 .4 Ex ercise4 • An Olympic swimming pool
1 You are in Lagos with Student B. Read factfile A. You want t o ...
Suggest meeting Student B and make arrangements. • fly there • go to the cinema
• stay in a cheap hotel • go swimming
2 You are in Buenos Aires with Student B. Read factfile B. • visit museums
Listen to Student B and reply.
2 Ask your partner about Krakow and answer their
LAGOS, NIGERIA FACTFILE A questions about Bruges.
Places to go and things to do A Is there a cinema in Krakow?
National Museum of Nigeria 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. B Yes, there are more than three.
Lekki Conservation centre
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 3 Decide together which town is better for your
(see monkeys, crocodiles, birds)
weekend break.
Yellow Chilli (Nigerian restaurant) 12 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.
New Afrika Shrine (live music,
African dance and theatre)
6 p.m. - 6 a.m. Student A
Eleko Beach (bar, live music,
4 .2 Exercise 6
24 hours a day
picnics, tents to sleep in) Ask questions and describe your studio flat to your partner
to find seven differences.
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA FACTFILE B A Is there a cooker next to thefridge?
Places to go and things to do B Yes, there is./No, there isn't.
9.30 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.
(art gallery and museum)
Fundación Tango Argentino
8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
(dance classes)
La Cabrera 12.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m
(restaurant famous for beef) 8.30 p.m.-1.00 a.m.
Football matches 7.15 p.m.-9.15 p.m.
Je t Lounge (house music,
12.30 a.m. - 8 a.m.
fashion parties, sushi, cocktails)
Student A ^ Student A
4 .4 Exercise 7 5 .2 Exercise 12

On your map there are four places with no name. Ask your partner 1 Work with another Student A. Look at prompts 1-6
for directions from die traditional market in Denpasar to the four and decide which questions are present simple and which
places below. Write them in the correct place on the map. are present continuous.
• bus station • Jagatnatha temple Is tWe, sliáp tissisfant stm-ding? /
• market • hotel
A Excuse rne, how do I get to the bus stat ion? 1 the shop assistant/stand?
B Well, go straight on an d ...
2 what time/the shop/open?
3 the shop/take/credit cards?
4 what/the young man/hold?
5 what/the old man/wear?
6 what/shop assistant/wear?

raditiond 2 Work with Student B. Take turns to ask and answer
flarkel your questions and find the six differences.
% ^ResiauraW
A Is the shop assistant standing?
B Yes, she is./No, she isn't.
f 4
% f ~ 4c
% (O


v Tourist
* 2 * // Information L

s / “ Museun * V
v ^ /
\ Z -f
» fHF*r o

| D

All students
4 .4 Exercise 11 Student A
6 .2 Exercise 6
Choose a situation I, 2 or 3 and write an email giving
information and instructions. Include the following: 1 Read and complete the sentences with the past simple
• why you need to meet of the verbs in (brackets).
• the place and time a He 1 (return) the money to his boss who
• any other details, e.g. how to get there. 2 (call) the owner of the bag.
Remember to use imperatives when you give instructions. b Adam Woldem arim 3 (work) as a taxi
1 You need to organize the office meeting for lunchtime driver in Las Vegas,
on Thursday. Everyone needs to bring their laptop or c When he 4 (look) between the seats he
tablet. No food or drink. 5 (notice) a bag.
2 You want ro organize a dinner for your English class d He 6 (thank) Adam and gave him $2,000.
at your flat. Everyone needs to bring something to eat
and drink. 2 Read your sentences to your partner and listen to theirs.
Put your sentences and your partner's sentences together
3 You want to organize a group of students to study
to make a complete story.
English with. People need to bring their coursebooks,
and tablets or notebooks. You must speak English only.


Student A Student A
6 .4 Exercise 6 9 .1 Exercise 11

1 Tell your partner the pieces of news a-e. 1 Look at the illustration. Take turns to ask and answer
a We moved house three times last year, questions to find the differences between your illustration
b Someone shouted at me in the street yesterday, and your partner's. Use some and any in your questions
and answers.
c I've got a new job!
A Do you have any salad?
d I walked ten miles on Sunday,
B Yes, I do, but I don't have any jam . Do you have any?
e I've got too much work at the moment.
A Yes, I do, so that’s one difference.
2 Respond to your partner's news.

All students
7 .4 Exercise 13a

Students At the beginning of the year, the

university made a rule that all students
need to go to the gym for two hours of
exercise a week.
Employees The company gave employees a choice:
work 40 hours a week at their desks or
work 39 hours a week and spend one hour 2 How many differences did you find?
in the company gym.
Everyone A new law says that everyone under 16
can go to big sports events for free. This is n ^ Student A
because the government wants children 9 .Z Exercise 10b
to see and do more sport.
Work with Student B. Ask questions to complete your
Do you cut the butter into small, pieces?
Student A
8 .4 Exercise 4
I You work at the ticket office in New Delhi station in north
India. Look at the information about the next train to INGREDIENTS
Varanasi and answer Student B's questions. • 4 potatoes • 2 carrots • 400 grams of mushrooms
Times Journey Ticket Platform • 250 millilitres of milk • 750 millilitres of water
time price • 50 grams of butter
New depart: 13 hours ¿170 7
Delhi to 16.20 08 mins (sleeper) 1 Cut the into small pieces with a knife.
Varanasi arrive: 2 Chop the mushrooms and the carrots.
05.28 3 Heat the butter in a saucepan and add the
mushrooms. Stir with a spoon.
2 You are a passenger at Mysore station in south India. You 4 the water in the kettle and add to the
want to get a single first class ticket for the next train to saucepan.
Bangalore. Ask... 5 Add the. and to the
• when it departs/arrives • the price saucepan. BoiL for ten minutes.

• the journey time • the platform number 6 Add the milk and b o ilfo rfive more minutes.
7 Put everything in the food-processor for one
minute to make the soup.

^ Student A w ^ All students
9 .3 Exercise 10 1 0 .2Exercise 4d
1 Work with another Student A. Put the words in order to
make questions aboui the Philippines. north-west north-east
1 the / is / population / What ?
2 live / What percentage / the biggest city / in ?
3 the maximum and minimum / What / temperature west east
every ye a r/ is?
4 is / Day / When / Independence ? south-west south-east

2 Look at the table and answer Student B ’s questions about south

Student A
Malaysia The Philippines 1 0 .2 Exercise 5
Population 30,000,000
Percentage living 3%
in biggest city
(Kuala Lumpur)
Temperature Max =38°C Max =
Min = 15°C Min =
Important day 31/08
(Hari Merdeka -
National Day)

3 Ask Student B the questions from exercise 1 to complete

the column for the Philippines.

All students
9 .4 Exercise 10
1 Label the map.
Take turns to be the waiter and the customer. Order the
food you want from the menu. 2 Describe your map to your partner.
In the north-west of my island there are...
A Hi, would you like to order?
B Yes, please. 3 Listen to your partner and draw what they describe on
A OK, would you like a starter? your map. Compare your maps. Are they the same?


Chicken and vegetable soup Apple pie w ith cream 1 0 .4 Exercise 2
Cambodian beef salad Chocolate cake w ith cream
Ice cream: chocolate. 1 Read definitions a-e and label the illustrations on page 102
Fishcakes w ith a side salad
straw berry, mango with the words in bold.
M ixed green salad
French cheese a You use a first-aid kit when you hurt yourself,
M A IN S b A GPS helps you find your way to the right place,
Chinese beef and mushrooms
d r in k s
c You use a torch to help you see in the dark,
in a black bean sauce w ith noodles
Coffee d You use a map to see where you are and find your
Grilled lamb w ith rice and salad
Mineral w ater way to the right place,
Baked fish w ith roast or boiled
potatoes and steamed vegetables Coke e You sleep in a tent when you go camping.
Gio’s special pasta with Orange juice
green beans, tomatoes, olives 2 Read your definitions to your partner.
and parmesan cheese
3 Listen to your partner's definitions and label the other
illustrations. If you don’t knowhow to spell a word, ask...
How do you spell that?


. All students *1 0 /1 studentA

1 0 .4 Exercise 11 I Z . 4 Exercise 5
A ustralia Do Conversation 1 and choose one situation from
North usually very hot Conversation 2.
Great Barrier Reef - 2,000 km long
Conversation I
Snow on higher mountains - can ski
Swim and dive on the reef - colourfulfish
You want to speak to your friend Fazad about going out tonight.
An island - sixth largest country in world
Call the flat he shares with his flatmate and ask to speak to him.
Uluru (Ayers Rock) 348 m - red - in the m iddle of
the country Conversation 2
Anim als you can't see anywhere else - koalas, kangaroos Study
South can be cool
You arc a secretary at a university and you answer the phone
for the teachers and professors. Professor Clark can't speak to
Student A anyone now because she is busy. Answer the phone.
1 1 .2 Exercise 4c
1 Read the websites and email addresses to your partner. Your company does a lot of business with another company woma n in a different city. You need to speak to MrTagako at the other company. Call and ask to speak to him.

w w w. ch r i sbro ck. c ers onal/

student B
2 Listen to your partner's websites and email addresses and
write them down.
1 -3 Exercise 9
1 Complete gaps 1-5 in table B.

.. All students Table B

1 1 .3 Exercise 3b singular Plural
1 knives
The meaning of common here is usual or frequent.
a person 2
Student A 3 cities
1 1 .4 Exercise 10b
a match 4
W o rk 5 women
You are going to have a meeting with your colleague, Student B.
1 You don't know where the meeting room is. 2 Listen to your partner's questions for table A and answer
2 It's important someone makes notes. them. Then complete gaps 6-10.
3 You want to organize another meeting, but you are
Table A
very busy.
Singular Plural
S tu d y 6
a story
Student B is doing the same course as you.
7 glasses
1 You don't understand question number 4.
a life 8
2 You missed the class this morning.
3 You don't have any paper to write notes. 9 dresses
a child 10
S o c ia l
You are going on holiday with Student B.
1 You can't remember what time the taxi is going to arrive. 3 Ask your partner questions to check your answers for table B.

2 You can't find the plane ticket. W hat's the singular o f knives?
3 You need something to read for the journey. W hat's the plural o f... ?
IIo w do you spell that?

Student B Student B
1 .4 Exercise 6 4 .1 Exercise 11
1 Complete the table with information about you. 1 You want to go on a weekend break. Read the information
about Krakow' and the things you want to do.
Ask questions to complete your partner's information.
K rak o w
• Airport 11 km from the centre of Krakowr
// • More than twenty youth hostels and 250 hotels
You Your partner • Railway station in the centre
Name • Campsites near the city centre
• Lots of museums including Krakow National Museum
and City of Krakow Historical Museum
Nationality • More than three cinemas
• Iia la Targowa flea market
Email address
• Two open-air and one indoor swimming pool
You wan! to ...
• go by train • go to markets
Student B • stay on a campsite • visit an art museum
2 -4 Exercise 5 • go swimming

1 You are in Lagos with Student A. Read factfile A. Listen to 2 Ask your partner about Bruges and answer their questions
Student A and reply. about Krakow.
B Is there a campsite in Bruges?
2 You are in Buenos Aires with Student A. Read factfile B.
A Yes, there is. It's near the city centre.
Suggest meeting Student A and make arrangements.
3 Decide together which town is better for your
weekend break.

Student B
4 .2 Exercise 6
Ask questions and describe your studio flat to your partner
to find seven differences.
A Is there a cooker next to thefridge?
B Yes, there is./No, there isn't.


Places to go and things to do
9.30 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.
(art gallery and museum)
Fundación Tango Argentino
8 p.m . - 1 0 p.m.
(dance classes)
La Cabrera 12.30 p.m .-4 .3 0 p.m.
(restaurant famous fo r beef) 8.30 p.m. - 1.00 a.m.
Football matches 7.15 p.m. —9.15 p.m
Jet Lounge (house music,
12.30 a.m. - 8 a.m.
fashion parties, sushi, cocktails)


StudentB Student B
4 .4 Exercise 7 5 .2 Exercise 12
On your map there are four places with no name. Ask your 1 Work with another Student B. Look at prompts 1-6
partner for directions from the traditional market in Denpasar and decide which questions arc present simple and which
to the four places below. Write them in the correct place on the are present continuous.
map. Wkeit time, does ¿kc shop close? S
• post office • tourist information NOT W k^ fi?nz-urirherskoj?-d^ in^9 /
• bank • hospital 1 what time/the shop/close?
A Excuse me, how do I get to the post office? 2 what/the old man/do?
B Well, go straight on a n d ... 3 what languages/the shop assistants/speak?
4 what/the young man/hold?
5 what/the young woman/wear?

6 what/the young man /wear?

2 Work with Student A. Take turns to ask and answer

TrodiTional your questions and find the six differences.

+ T\
riarfeel £
A W hat time does the shop close?
B It closes at fiv e o'clock.

<0 ^ 4
Jt'VwSk Tenple

\* £ ±
I Deni
Den p o s fa r t

, All students
Student B
9 .3 Exercise 9 6 .2 Exercise 6
1 The lowest natural temperature recorded on Earth is
1 Read and complete the sentences with the past simple
-89.2 °C in Antarctica, on July 21st 1983.
of the verbs in (brackets).
2 Man first landed on the moon on 20th July 1969.
a H e 1__________(open) it and there was a large amount of
3 Belgium produces 172,000 tons of chocolate a year.
money - over $200,000!
4 An average person laughs 15 times a day. b Adam 2 (decide) to send some of the money to
5 Children laugh 400 times a day. his family in Ethiopia,
6 41% of people use Facebook at work according to Forbes. c The owner was very happy when he 3 (collect)
7 People spend 3.66 years of their life eating. his lost money.
d One night h e 4_________ (finish) work at 2.00 a.m.
and 5 (start) to clean his cab.

2 Listen to your partner's sentences and read yours to them.

Put your sentences and your partner’s sentences together
to make a complete story.

Student B _ StudentB
6 -4 Exercise 6 9 .2 Exercise 10b

1 Tell your partner the pieces of news a-e. Work with Student A. Ask questions to complete your recipe
a I booked a holiday to Australia. Do youfry the mushrooms and the carrots?
b 1couldn't sleep last night,
c I was on TV when 1was a child, MUSHROOM SOUP
d I've got a cold.
e I watched a great film on TV last night. INGREDIENTS
• 4 potatoes • 2 carrots • 400 grams of mushrooms
2 Respond to your partner's news.
• 250 millilitres of milk • 750 millilitres of water
• 50 grams of butter
Student B
8 .4 Exercise 4 METHOD
1 Cut the potatoes into small pieces with a knife.
1 You are a passenger at New Delhi station in north India.
You want to get a single sleeper ticket for the next train to 2 the mushrooms and the carrots.
Varanasi. A sk... 3 Heat th e __________in a saucepan and add
the . Stir with a spoon.
• when it deparrs/arrives • the price
4 Boil the water in the kettle and add to the saucepan.
• the journey time • the platform number
5 Add the potatoes and carrots to the saucepan. Boil
2 You work at the ticket office in Mysore station in south for ten minutes.
India. Look at the information about the next train to 6 Add th e __________and boil for five more minutes.
Bangalore and answer student A's questions. 7 Put everything in the food-processor for one minute
to make the soup.
Times Journey Ticket Platform
time price
Mysore to depart: 2 hours 995 3 StudentB
Bangalore 14.15 lOmins (1 st class) 9 .3 Exercise 10
16.25 1 Work with another Student B. Put the words in the right
order to make questions about Malaysia.
1 the / is / population / What ?
* student B 2 live / What percentage / the biggest city / in ?
9 .1 Exercise 11
3 the maximum and minimum / What / temperature
1 Look at the illustration. Take turns to ask and answer questions every year / is?
to find the differences between your illustration and your 4 is / day / an / When / important ?
partner's. Use some and any in your questions and answers.
2 Ask Student A the questions from exercise 1 to complete
A Do yo u ha ve a ny salad?
the column for Malaysia.
B Yes, I do, but I don't have any jam . Do you have any?
A Yes, / do, so that 's one difference.
Malaysia The Philippines
Population 99,000,000
percentage 2.00%
living in biggest
city (Quezon)
Temperature Max = Max =28°C
Min = Min = 16°C
important day 12/06

3 Look at the table and answer Student A's questions about

the Philippines.
2 Howrmanv differences did you find?


_ Student B Student B
1 0 .2 Exercise 5 1 1 .2 Exercise 4c
1 Listen to your partner's websites and email addresses and
write them down.

2 Read the websites and email addresses to your partner.


Student B
1 1 .4 Exercise 10b
You are going to have a meeting with your colleague, Student A.
1 You need more copies of a document.
2 You don't have a pen.
1 Label the map. 3 You don’t know how to use the software.

2 Listen to your partner and draw what they describe on S tu d y

your map. Student A is doing the same course as you.
1 You need to contact the teacher, but you don't have her
3 Describe your map to your partner.
email address.
In the north-east of my island there is ...
2 You don't understand what the teacher says.
4 Compare your maps. Are they the same? 3 You didn't have time to do (he homework.

S o c ia l
StudentB You are going on holiday with Student A.
1 0 .4 Exercise 2 1 You don't have any euros.
1 Read definitions a-e and label the illustrations on page 102 2 You have too ma ny bags.
with the words in bold. 3 You can't find your guidebook.
a A stove is a small kind of cooker,
b You use a lighter to start a fire, Student B
c Plates, bowls, spoons, knives and saucepans are all 1 2 .4 Exercise 5
examples of equipment for cooking and eating,
d You sleep in a sleeping bag to keep warm when you Do Conversation 1and choose one situation from Conversation 2.
sleep outside,
Conversation 1
e You use a compass to find where north, south, east
and west are. Social
You share a flat with your friend Fazad. I Ie is out at the
2 Listen to your partner's definitions and label the other moment and you don't know when he's going to be back.
illustrations. If you don't know how to spell a word, ask... Answer the phone.
How do you spell that?
Conversation 2
3 Read your definitions to your partner. Study
You are a student and you have a problem with the course
you are doing. Call the university and ask to speak to your
teacher, Professor Clark.

You are a receptionist at a big company and you answer the
phone for your boss, M r Tagako. H e’s busy and can't talk to
anyone at the moment. Answer the phone.

Grammar reference

1 .1 The verb to be
i Complete semences 1-7 with am, is, are, and write the
G R )J contractions.
1 I flat______ from Korea -* Jilt.
Positive (+) Negative (-)
2 She very happy today. —
I am from Thailand. I am not Swiss.
3 They from Vietnam. —
I'm from Thailand. I’m not Swiss
4 She not here. —
You are Thai You are not from Egypt
5 I not Spanish. -*
You're Thai. you aren't from Egypt.
6 You___________ not worried. -* _____
He is from Brazil. He is not happy. 7 I t ___________ not a French restaurant. -* _____
He's from Brazil He isn't happy.

She is Brazilian She is not hungry. Put the words in the right order to make questions and
She’s Brazilian. She isn't hungry short answers.
it is late. it is not Friday today. 1 A Russian / Are / you ? Are you Russian?
it's late. It isn't Friday today. B not / No, / I'm Aid, I'm net.
We are married. We are not from Chile. 2 A Ben / Is / name /your ?
We're married. We aren't from Chile. B it/ Y e s,/ is ____________________
They are teachers. They are not Italian. 3 A I / late / Am / class / for / today ?
They're teachers. They aren't Italian. B Yes, / are / you
4 A Are / British / they?
We use the verb to be ... B No, / American / they're
; when we describe someone or something, e.g. He's big. 5 A Austria / Are / you / from ? ______
• to talk about age, e.g. I'm forty
B we / No, / aren’t ________________
in everyday conversation and informal writing we use contractions:
6 A she / Is / a / teacher ? ____________
're not/aren't, 's not/isn't, 'm not
' = a missing letter, e.g. He is -* He's. B she / No, / isn’t
in formal writing we use full forms, e.g. They are not.
3 Make questions and short answers.
yes/no questions and short answers
1 J j ________ he a student? / Vej. ke is.
GR1.1b))) 2 you from Malaysia? / ______
1 A Are they twins? 2 A is it ten o'clock? 3 I in the right room? /
B Yes, they are. B No, it isn't. 4 it your first day here? /
5 we in the same class? /
Questions (?) Short answers
Put the conversation in the right order.
Am I Yes, I am. No, I'm not
Are you late? Yes. you are No, you aren't.
A Hi, my name's Luigi.
Is he/she/it French? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't. A No, I'm Italian.
Are we/they Yes, we/they are. No, we/they aren't. B Hi, I'm Asli. Are you from Spain?
A No, not Rome. I'm from Naples in the South
In questions, we put am, is, are before /, you, he, she, it, we, they. Where are you from?
in positive short answers we use full forms. B Oh, are you from Rome?
A Are you German? A Oh good!
B Yes, l am. NOT Yes,-i-m. B Yes, they are, and the teacher is nice.
in negative short answers we use full forms or contractions. A Yes, I am. It’s my first day. Are the students
A Are we early?
B no . we are not./No, we aren't B I'm from Istanbul in Turkey. Are you a
student in this class?
B OK! Let me introduce you to my friends.

1 .2 Possessive determiners and possessive's

1 Complete the sentences with a possessive determiner.
Possessive determiners: my, your, etc.
1 My brother has a daughter. Her name is Brigitte.
GR1.2a$ 2 I have two nephews. names are Tim and Ned.
I'm a twin. M y twin sister lives in Zagreb. 3 Dubai is famous for tall buildings.
You ’re not in this class today. Your class is in room 401. 4 My teacher is from New Zealand and wife is from
He's from a big family, His brothers live in Singapore. Tasmania.
she's a good friend, Her name is Hannah. 5 You're in room 14 and teacher's name is Angela.
it's a typical French village. It's famous for its food.
6 We're Mexican, but_____ parents live in Brazil.
W e're fluent in Chinese. Our father is from Shanghai.
They're my half sisters. Their names are Kana and Keiko. 7 I'm from Sweden and name is Oskar.
8 'Is th is_____ book?' 'Oh, yes, it is! Thank you.'
I you he she it we they 2 Make possessive forms by adding fs or '.
1 My country_j_ people are happy.
my your his her its our their 2 My two brothers^___cars are expensive.
3 We're Peter and Vera_ neighbours.
we use a possessive determiner to say that something or someone
4 Are these Lucas___ glasses?
belongs to a person, a place or a thing. The possessive determiner
always comes before a noun or a noun phrase. 5 This is their grandparents house.
6 They are his grandson pencils.
We use...
7 These are our bosses offices.
• his to say that something or someone belongs to a man/boy
John loves his daughter.
MOT ircl^ tne correct option.
INUI j\jttit tXJVxSa t tCTf dnuohi/ir
• her to say that something or someone belongs to a woman/girl 1 T11e(mecl¡an ic'scar)/ mechanics car is very nice.
Amarf and her husband are here. 2 This is my aunt and uncle's / aunt's and uncle's house.
NOT Amañ-and- 3 H is/ He's my daughter's teacher.
- its to say that something or someone belongs to a thing 4 Maria and her/th eir parents live in Portugal.
The city is famous for its universities. 5 Tom is Magda's nephew/ nephew's Magda.
NOT Tbe-eity-is-fáfm tis-fortheir universities.
6 Jane's children /Jane's children's speak Mandarin.
• Possessive determiners have one form for singular and plural
7 M y glasses / M y glasses' are in the classroom.
e.g. our friend/our friends NOT ours friends.
8 It's famous for it's / its music.
it's - its
4 Complete the text about Balinese names using rhe words
It's (= It is) a big city.
in the box.
Its (possessive) buildings are beautiful
are child's father's husband's ten is its mother's
Possessive's names Our their

Hi! I'm Wayan and 1 I'm Balinese. Bali2_____ an island in
1 sam is my father's boss. Indonesia, it's famous for3 music and dancing, in a
2 They are my children's cars. Balinese family, the first child's name is Wayan, Putu or Gede.
3 Bob and Paula are my parents' friends. It's the same for a boy or a girl. The second 4_____ name is
4 Petra and Bill's new house is big. Made, Kadek or Nengah. The third is Nyoman or Komang and
the fourth is Ketut. if there Is a fifth child, he or she is often
We use the possessive's to say that something or someone belongs called Wayan Balik (=Wayan 'again'). Balinese do not usually
to a person, a place or a thing. The possessive's always comes after use last names.
a noun.
in my family there 5 six children. We all have typical
• with regular plural nouns we use ' not's, e.g. They're my Balinese names I have two sisters, 6 names are wayan
parents' friends. NOT They're-myparent'sfriends. and Komang, and three brothers, Ketut, Made and Putu.7_____
if there is more than one subject, we put the 's on the last parents’ 8_____ are Ketut and Ketut. Women have the title 'Ni'
name, e.g. Sara and Ricardo's daughter. NOT Saf&s-and- before their name, so my 9 name is Ni Ketut, and men
Ricardo's daughter. use V, so m y10 name is l Ketut. My sister, Komang, is
married and her11_____ name is also Komang.
John's in the office. <=is)
John's office is big. (= the office that belongs to John)

2 .1 Present simple and adverbs of frequency
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
Present simple positive in (brackets).

GR2.1a))) 1 Four scientists work, at the research centre, (work)

1 I go to the beach on Saturdays. 2 They their jobs, (love)

2 He gets up at six o'clock every day: 3 Our friend lots of photos, (take)

3 She comes from Turkey. 4 We a lot of free time, (have)

5 She in the evening, (relax)
4 They have four children.
6 I _____ a book on the bus. (read)
7 He films at weekends, (watch)
Present simple positive (+)
8 Y ou_____ your clothes here, (wash)
1 cook
YOU cook 2 Put the words in the right order to make sentences.
He/She/It cooks at weekends.
We cook 1 go / We / to /often / beach / the
They cook We often 40 to thz bcack.__________________________
2 He / big / always / dinner / makes / a

Spelling rules
• Verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -s. -ss. -z, -o, and -x 3 visit / islands / other / They / sometimes
watch -+ watches miss -+ misses
wash — washes go - goes 4 You / work / the / in / lab / usually
relax -*■ relaxes do -* does
• Verbs ending in consonant + -y
study studies 5 sleep / have / never / enough / We
• The third person he/she/it form of have is has
6 listen / never / at / music / to / work / 1
• We use the present simple to talk about habits or routines.
He goes to work every day. 7 It / ever / rains / the / on / island / hardly
• We also use it to talk about a fact or something we think is true
for a long time. 8 my / in / city / never / It / cold / is
penguins eat fish, she lives in Bonn.
9 1/ worried / ever / hardly / am
Adverbs of frequency
• We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to say
10 houses / in / cold / The / sometimes / are / winter
how often we do something.

3 Complete t he text with the correct form of I he words in
innoi. no/.
IUU70 UTO the box.
always usually often sometimes hardly ever never
enjoy finish go hardly have listen never stody
1 /always go to bed before ten o'clock. usually work
2 Do you usually have toast for breakfast?
3 We're sometimes tired in the afternoon. Cara is a scientist and she 1 studies the sun. She lives
4 They hardly ever go to the cinema. in Calama in Chile. During the week she gets up early and
2 to the research centre. She3 has a small breakfast
• We usually put the adverb after the verb to be and before all - a biscuit and a cup of coffee. She 4 with five other
other verbs. researchers. They all5 their jobs. She6 work at
five o'clock.
Silvia is often at home on Saturdays.
Andy never goes to work on Sundays. in the evening, she7 dinner with her husband and they
often watch a DVD or8 to music. They9 watch
• Sometimes and usually can come at the beginning or end of
TV because they think it's boring and they10_____ ever talk
about work.
sometimes I listen to music at work.
Winters are very cold here, usually.


2 .2 Present simple negative

1 iiircle./the c o rre c t op tio n .

GR2.23 j| 1 The suntdqesn'i)/ don't rise in the south.

1 I don't have a lot of free time. 2 Sara doesn't / don’t want breakfast.
2 He doesn't w ear special clothes for work. 3 The shop doesn't close/closes in the evening.
3 We don't get up early at weekends. 4 I don't / doesn't sleep a lot.
5 T hey don’t have/ has classes today.
Present simple negative (-) 6 We don't always eat/ eat always fresh fruit.
7 You don’t never go / never go to work at n ight.
don't 8 He doesn’t often / don't often get up late.

He 2 Change sentences 1 10 to make them negative.

She doesn't like tea.
it 1 I need perfect eyesight.
VW dovit viccd pzrfcct eyesight.
don't 2 1work hard.
H e ___________________________
• we form the present simple negative with do/does +not + 3 You stop for a break at lunchtime.
infinitive without to. She___________________________
• we often use contractions: 4 He watches films on Fridays.
don't {= do not) and doesn't (= does not). They
• For the third person he/she/it form we don't add -(e)s to the verb. 5 She agrees with me.
She doesn't sleep in a bed. You
NOT Sbe-does&t-sleeps-m-Q-bed. 6 They exercise a lot.
I ________________________
Adverbs of frequency in negative sentences
7 It rains every day.
GR2.2b)J It ___________________________

1 We don't often watch a film in the evening.

8 He changes his clothes every day.
We _
2 He doesn't always have breakfast.
9 I feel good in the morning.
3 They don't usually go out on Fridays.
4 She hardly ever takes photos.
10 We sleep for eight hours a night.
• Adverbs of frequency go between don't/doesn't and the verb.
• We don't use a negative verb with hardly ever or never. 3 Complete the text about Sabina's day. Use the words in
You hardly ever write. the box.

it never rains in the summer. am doesn't doesn't don't eat like likes
NOT it-deesn^t-fiever-ratfi-in-the summer.
I get up early every day. 1 1 don’t have breakfast because
l 2__ never hungry in the morning. I have a shower and
then I run to catch the bus. It 3_____ wait for me! At work
l4 drink coffee - only water. I usually 5 lunch
with my friend. I have a sandwich, but my friend doesn't
6_____ bread, so she has fruit and yoghurt. My mum 7______
to talk to me every day, so I usually phone her in the evening.
S he 8 stop talking!

3 -1 Yes/No questions
Match questions 1-8 to answers a-h.
yes/no questions with be
l Are you a photographer?
GR3.1a))) 2 Do you work full-time?
1 A Are you an outdoor person? 3 Does your sister like being busy?
B No, I'm not 4 Do your parents like working with computers?
2 A is she retired? 5 Is he a fast worker?
B Yes, she is. 6 Does it rain a lot in summer?
7 Am I often late?
In present simple questions with to be we use am/is/are + subject.
8 Does your son enjoy helping people?
Questions (?) Short answers a No, they don't.
Am I friendly to other people? Yes, you are./No, you’re not. b Yes, he does.
c Yes, you are.
Are you a tidy person? Yes, I am./No. I'm not
(1 Yes, it does.
is he rich? Yes, he is./No, he isn't.
e Yes, she does.
Are we free tomorrow? Yes, we are./No, we aren't. f Yes, I am.

Are they musicians? Yes, they are /no, they aren't Yes, he is.
h No, I don't.

In positive short answers, we don't use contractions. 2 Complete the questions and short answers.
Yes, he is. NOT Ycs-hf/tt
1 Vo 1know your friend? Yes. von do
2 you work freelance? No,
yes/no questions with other verbs 3 your niece badly-paid? Yes,
4 Ahmad often late? Yes,
GR3.1b$ 5 the film start at 6 p.m.? No,
1 A Do you enjoy meeting new people? 6 we have enough time? No,
B Yes, 1 do.
7 your sisters like their presents? Yes,
2 A Does he work freelance?
8 ___ _ our jobs make us happy? No.
B No, he doesn't
9 ___ they nurses? Yes,
We form present simple yes/no questions with Do/Does + subject + 10 she like this city? No,
infinitive without to.
___________________________________________________________ 3 Complete the conversation. Use contractions where possible
Questions (?) Short answers Dana 1 Are voua nurse?
Do you like your job? Yes, I do./No, I don't. Beth Yes. 12
Dana 3 you I ike you r job?
Does she get up early? Yes, she does./ Beth Yes, I love it. 1enjoy helping people.
No, she doesn't. Dana 4 you work full time?
Does it rain a lot? Yes it does./No, it doesn't Beth Yes. I 5 .1 work long hours.
Dana 6 vou well-paid?
Do we usually go home early? Yes, we do./No, we don't. Beth No, 17 not!
Do they work long hours? Yes, they do./No, they don't. Dana 8 you like the people you work with?
Beth Yes, I work with my sister.
Dana 9 she a nurse?
in short answers, we use do/don't or does/doesn't We don't Beth No, she10 a doctor.
use the main verb.
Do you like taking photos? Yes I do./No, I don't.
NOT Yc3;-nike:/Norrdon-'t-iike.
Does she make a lot of money? Yes, she does.
NOT Yesr she-mskos./No, she doesn't-moke.


3 .2 W h- questions
Complete the questions.
• we form present simple wh- questions in a similar way to
yes/no questions, but we start with a question word. l A W hy do you want to learn English?
B I want to be a pilot, so I need it for my job.
Present simple Wh- questions with be 2 A often you use English for your job?
B Every day!
3 A does she work?
1 A who's your teacher?
B She works in Kuwait.
B Ben Lewis.
4 A What do you have breakfast?
2 A Why are you unhappy?
B Because I hate my job. B Usually at about seven o'clock.

3 A Where are they? 5 A is your teacher?

B At home. B My teacher's called Ben.
6 A are hairdressers usually happy?
Question word to be subject B Because rhey make their customers feel good.
7 A W h o _____ you work for?
Where are you from?
B I work a for a big company.
Why is she sad? 8 A How often he work from home?
B Once a week.
Present simple Wh- questions with all other verbs
2 Put the words in the right order to make questions.
GR3.2b }| 1 outside / How often / his brot her / work / does ?
1 A what do you do in the evenings? How oftc v i does his brother work, outside?
B I relax with friends. 2 do / the students / use / the internet / When ?
2 A what time does the lesson start? 3 does / Who / work for / your friend ?
B At nine o'clock. 4 are / W hy / the children / bored ?
3 A How often do you go shopping? 5 does / their team / play / Where ?
B I go shopping once a week.
6 do / you / What / wear / ro work / usually ?
7 for class / How often / you / late / are ?
Question word do/does subject infinitive
without to Complete the gaps. Use a question word and do or does,
where do you live? 1 A W hat does your father do?
B He's a teacher.
What does his cousin do?
2 A you not like your job?
• we use different question words to ask about different types B Because it's badly pa id.
of information. 3 A your nephew live with?
W hat - to ask for information about things or activities. B My brother.

Who - to ask about a person. 4 A our classes finish?

B At 5.30.
When/What time - to ask about time,
5 A you go on holiday?
Where - to ask about places
B Once a year.
why - to ask for a reason.
6 A her children do in the evenings?
how often - to ask about frequency. B They play computer games.
7 A your parents come from?’
B Korea.
8 A they sing in the band with?
B Two girls.
9 A she want a new phone?
B Her old one doesn't work.
10 A he want to go shopping?
B Tomorrow afternoon.

4 .1 There is/There are
1 Complete the sentences with the positive, negative or
We use there is with singular nouns and there are with plural nouns.
question form of there is/there are.
GR4.1 ))) 1 Is there a hospital in your town?
2 lots of hotels and a theatre.
Positive (+) Negative (-)
3 a library near his house?
There's an airport. There is n 't a hotel. 4 any trees in your garden?
There are some restaurants. There aren't any museums. 5 a kitchen and two bathrooms in my flat.
6 any trains in my country.
There are lots of trees. There aren't a lot of trees.
7 _________ a chemist in the hospital.
8 any cheap hotels in the city centre?
Questions (?) Short answers 9 a museum or a theatre here, so I think it's
is there a train station? Yes, there is./No, there isn't.
10 a factory in my town. My father works there.
Are there any shops? Yes, there are./No, there aren't.
2 Use the symbols (/ ) or (X) to write positive or negative
short answers.
We often use positive and negative contractions: 1 Is there a toilet in the cinema? / Yes. there is.
there is — there's but NOT th e n fre 2 Are there any shops open now? X A/<t
there is n o t - » there isn't
3 Are there any nice beaches on the
there are not — there aren't.
island? /

• we use there is/there are to say that something or someone 4 Is there a theatre in your town? X
exists somewhere. 5 Are there lots of restaurants near here? /
There's a chemist on Woodstock Road. 6 Is there a museum in the city centre? / _____________
There are twenty-four rooms in the hotel. 7 Are there any hotels? X
• We use there is/there are the first time we talk about 8 Are there lots of people here in the
something and it is/they are the next time summer? /
There's a nice hotel in the town. It's very comfortable.
There are lots of shops here, but they are all closed today. 3 Complete the rext about Beijing's underground city, Dixia
• We often use there is/there are to describe places. Cheng. Use there is, there isn't, there are or there aren't.
In my town there are a lot of restaurants.
Underneath the city of Beijing in China 1 there is a small city
• in a list of things we use there is if the first word is singular It's about 50 years old .2_____ any people living there now,
and there are if the first word is plural. but sometimes tourists can visit. 3_____ lots of restaurants,
in my city there are lots of restaurants, a campsite and an schools, theatres, factories and many public places, but they
old church. are all empty. 4 a big picture of Mao Zedong in nearly
in the hotel there is a swimming pool, a hairdresser's and every large space.5_____ bedrooms for about 300,000 people,
ninety-five bedrooms. but they aren't comfortable. In one bedroom 6 _ a desk
• In positive sentences we usually use some or a number before and six beds, in another room 7 a lot of baths.8
plural nouns. any windows.9_____ any trees or flowers. It's never very cold
and never hot because it's underground. It's not popular with
There are some glasses on the table.
tourists because it's dark and dangerous. Not many people in
There are tw enty students in the room.
Beijing know th a t10 a city under their feet.
We usually use any before plural nouns in negative sentences
and questions.
There aren't any chairs. [= There are no chairs.)
Are there any tables?
We also use many before plural nouns in negative sentences
when we want to say there are fewer than we would like or
W ere are n 't m any tables. (= There are some tables, but not
enough or not as many as l expected.)


4 . 2 Articles a/an, the, -

1 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or - (no article).
a/an and no article
1 What's that? It's umbrella.
GR4.2a| 2 What's his job? He's journalist.
1 There's an orange on the table. 3 There isn't office here.
2 I'm not a student. 4 We live in UK.
3 She's an English teacher. 5 They're in city centre.
4 There's a nice restaurant in my street. 6 Are you free in evenings?
5 I have two children. 7 I lik e_____ Brazil because I love______sun!
6 He doesn't work on Saturdays. 8 I've got_____ three bedrooms.
9 You're fantastic student.
• The first time we talk about one person/thing, we use a or an.
Jan lives in an old house in a village near Hull. 10 There are lot of shops.

We use a before consonant sounds, e.g a shelf, a university. 2 Make sentences or questions. Add articles where
We use an before vowel sounds, e.g. an airport, an hour. necessary.
1 There isn’t / museum in / my town
The first time we talk about people or things using a plural noun, There- vsvCt (\ w u ls c hm i n w iy tOWvi.______________
we don't use an article.
2 There are / twenty noisy children in / garden
Jo knows people all over Europe.
I like penguins.
■ We also use a/an (singular) and no article (plural) to talk about 3 Is there / tourist information centre / here V
jobs, or to talk about what things are.
She's an engineer. Is that a new tablet? 4 Meet me in / city centre /at / eight o'clock
Alex and Jan are journalists. Those are beautiful earrings!
- we use a in some phrases, e.g. a lot of, once a week. 5 There are / lot of / shops open in / evening
• we use no article...
1 for names, cities, streets and most countries
6 There's / swimming pool in / my friend's house
My name's David. I'm from Bath. I think this is Bond street.
We live in Venezuela, (but the USA, the UK)
2 with days, times and meals 7 Is there / toilet at / railway station ?
I'm free on Friday at nine o'clock.! have lunch at one o'clock.
8 There isn't / bathroom in / my hotel room
3 Complete the text with the correct articles. Sometimes no
1 My friend's house is in the city centre.
article is necessary.
2 Lima is the capital of Peru.
3 Sheena is from the USA. My best friend lives in St Petersburg, Russia. She lives in
4 We have dinner at seven o'clock in the evening. 1 a beautiful house in 2_____ centre of the city near
3_____ Neva River. There are 4______ six bedrooms, three
• We use the to say 'you know which one(s) I mean’. This can bathrooms and5 swimming pool. Her house is near
be .. 6_____ shopping centre. I usually visit her once 7______
1 because we have already talked about it/them year in summer. There are lots of fantastic restaurants in
Jan lives in an old house in a village near Hull. The house was St Petersburg and we eat in 8 different place every day.
built in 1485. The village is near a lake. we always visit9 theatre next to her house because
2 because we make it clear in the sentence, e.g. the shops on we both love watching 10_____ plays. We never feel bored.
my street, the woman who answered the phone
3 when there is only one, e.g. the moon, the Burj Khalifa, the
city centre, the capital of Australia, the Nile
we also use the for parts of the day in the morning, in the
afternoon (but at night).

5.1 Can, can't, could, couldn't
Complete the questions about ability and possibility and
can and can't write the shorL answers.

GR5.1a$ 1 A Can you swim in very cold water?

B No, I cant.
1 I can swim, but I can 't ride a bicycle.
2 A I drink the water in your country?
2 You can visit the museum, but you can 't visit the mine.
B Yes, __________ .
we use can and can't to talk about ability and possibility in the 3 A you carry this heavy bag?
present. B No, _________ .
Positive (+) 4 A you hear the traffic outside yesterday?
He can play tennis very well, (he knows how to do this.) B No, .
People can buy clothes on the internet, (it's possible to do this.) 5 A you cook when you were at university?
Negative (-) B Yes, .
We can 't speak Russian, (we don't know how to do this.) 6 A she draw well?
You can 't drive in the city centre, (it's not possible to do this.) B Yes, .
Questions 7 A they answer this difficult question?
A can your children ride bicycles?
B No, _________ .
B Yes, they can. They cycle to school every day.
8 A people fly to Antarctica in the 1920s?
A Can I take a train to Muscat?
B No, ..
B No, you can't. There aren't any trains in Oman.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of can/could

could and couldn't and the words in the box.

GR5.1b)| download not buy not live not play send swim use
1 He could write when he was five, but he couldn't read.
1 Could you jc W . an email in 1990?
2 A Could people travel by underground in the 1840s?
B No, they couldn't 2 In the 1980s, people___________clothes online.
3 These days, you music onto your computer.
We use could and couldn't to talk about ability and possibility in 4 you______in the sea here? Is it safe?
the past.
5 you euros in France in 1990?
Positive (+) 6 We on Mars at the moment.
I could read when I was four years old. (I knew how to do this)
7 In the 1980s, children online games.
People could buy things from machines in 1890. (it was possible
to do this)
Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Negative (-)
When I was four years old, I couldn't swim. (I didn't know how to can can't could x4 eetritifte pay talk travel
do this)
in the 1880s, people couldn't fly to different countries, (it was not Agata Pell me about your life in the 1970s. Was it very
possible to do this) different?
Questions Barb In some ways, yes. There was no internet, so you
A Could you write when you were eight years old? 1 couldn't get information easily, but there were
B Yes, I could t could also play the violin. good libraries and 12 borrow lots of books.
A could you buy food online in 1993? Agata 3 you talk to your friends in other countries
B No, you couldn't But you could in 1997. easily?
Barb I could 4 to them on the phone, but it was
• After can/coutd we use the infinitive without to. very expensive, so wre usually wrote letters.
You can't buy hot drinks online. Agata Could you 5 to other countries on holiday?
NOT Yott-ean^-to-boy-het-dfmks-online. Barb Yes, w e 6 but travelling was also very
• We don't add -s in the third person singular expensive, so our family didn’t often go on holiday.
She can play the piano. Agata Well, it's not always cheap today, but sometimes you
7 find a cheap flight. What else was different?
• We don't use do/does to make the question forms.
Barb l 8_____ play outside all day with my friends.
Can you park in the city centre?
NOT Do you con pork in the-eity-eemre? You 9_____ do I hat today because of the dangers.
Agata Could you 10_____ for things by credit card?
Barb Yes, but not in all shops. I usually paid in cash.


5 . 2 Present continuous
i Complete the questions in the present simple or continuous
GR5.2 )J and use the symbols (/ ) or (X) to write positive or negative
short answers.
1 They're wearing hoodies.
2 She isn't waiting for peter. 1 Are you wearing socks? / Yes. I <\v a .

2 I sitting in your seat? X

3 A Are you going to the wedding? B Yes, l am.
4 A What is he doing? B He's talking on the phone. 3 they waiting? X
4 he usually drive carefully? /
We form the present continuous with subject +tobe + verb + -ing. 5 you read the news every day? X
6 she enjoying this lesson? /
Positive (+) Negative (-)
7 we staying at this hotel? /
I'm I'm not 8 it raining? X
You're You aren't 9 penguins live in Antarctica? /
working today.
He/She/It's He/She/It isn't 10 he always speak quickly? /
We/They're We/They aren't
2 |^jrcie)the correct option.
yes/no questions (?) Short answers 1 E 1virdiswearirig^/ wears a black skirt and designer shoes
Am I Yes, i am. No, l'm not. today.
Are you Yes, you are. No, you aren't. 2 The children are walking / walk to school every morning.
is he/she/ft Yes, he/she it is. No, he/she/it isn't. 3 Vm working/work in Mumbai this mont h.
Are we/they Yes, we/they are No, we/they aren't. 4 They aren’t taking/don't take any photos today.
5 We ’re never playing / never play computer ga mes.
Wh- questions 6 'W hy are you running/do you runV 'I'm late!'
To make a Wh- question we add a Wh- word before am/is/are.
7 'How often are you watching / do you watch TV ?'
Where are you going? Who are they talking to? 'Every evening.'
8 ‘Is he having/Does he have a shower?' 'No, he's in bed.'
Spelling rules
9 'Who's dancing / dances in the garden?' 'That's Ella.
• Most v/erbs add -ing, e.g. wear -* wearing
• For verbs ending in -er we drop the -e and add -ing, e.g. She's a very good dancer.'
live — living. 10 'What ’syour brother doing/does your brother do?' 'He's
• For verbs ending with one vowel + one consonant, we double an engineer.'
the final consonant and add -ing. We don't double -x or -y. 11 Come now! The film 'sstarting/ starts.
get getting begin -+beginning pay — paying 12 Please talk quietly. The babies are sleeping/sleep.

Complete the conversation using the present simple or

Present continuous or present simple?
continuous of the verbs in (brackets).

Present continuous Present simple A Hi Mandy! How are you? W h a t1 axt you doing, (you do)
I'm wearing a jacket today. I often wear a jacket. B Hi Jakob! I'm fine. Good to see you. I 2 (visit)
You aren't wearing shoes. You never wear shoes at home. my sister. She 3___________ (live) here. 14___________
He's working from home He doesn't usually work from (stay) with her for three days.
this week. home. A Oh nice! W h a ts___________(your sister do)?
B She's a dentist. She 6 (work) in the city
• we use the present continuous to talk about something centre. What about you? W h a t7 (you do)
happening at this moment or around now (today, this week). these days?
• we use the present simple to talk about habits or routines, A 18 (learn) to fly. I want to be pilot.
and things that happen all the time. B Wow. That's great! Where 9 (you learn)?
A In Aptex Training Centre, near the airport. Hey, do you
What do you do? or What are you doing? have time for a coffee?
a what do you do? A what are you doing? B No, sorry, 110 (wait) for my sister. She's in the
(= What's your job?) (= now?) bank. Look, that's her there. S h e11 (wear) a
B I'm a dentist. B i'm having lunch. red dress a n d 12___________(talk) to the cashier.
A OK, another time. Call me!

6 .1 Past simple of to be : was and were
Complete the sentences and short answers with the past
GR6.1))) simple form of the verb to be.

1 we were in Lisbon last weekend. 1 W e are in Veil ice now.

2 She w asn 't in class yesterday morning. We tVere- in Rome last month.
2 They are in the office to day.
3 When were they born?
they in the office last night? No, they
4 a was it on the table last night?
B No, it w asn't.
3 I'm on the bus now.
I on the train two hours ago.
5 A Were they teachers in 2010?
B Yes, they were. 4 She's in class now.
_____ she in class at 9 a.m. this morning?
was and wasn't (was not) are the past forms of is and isn 't Yes, she_____ .
Were and weren't (were not) are the past forms of are and aren't. 5 We are at the post office now.
We at the police station at 3.30 p.m. yesterday.
Positive (+) Negative (-) 6 It is cold today.
it cold yesterday? No, it _
7 They are at the cinema now.
He He
w as w asn 't they at the cinema last Friday? Yes, they
She She
8 My glasses are in my bag.
it it at home.
My glasses on my head five minutes ago.
we we
You w ere You w e re n 't Complete the past simple questions 1-10 using the words
They They in (brackets).
1 Where were. you and your wife last week? (Where)
Yes/No questions and short answers 2 . your first boss? (Who)
3 your father born? (When)
Yes/No questions (?) Short answers 4 your favourite toy when you were five?
I Yes, I NO, I (What)
he Yes, he No, he 5 you quiet in the meeting yesterday? (Why)
w as w as. w asn 't.
she Yes, she no , she 6 good last night? (the film)
it at home? Yes, it NO, it 7 on holiday last week? (they)
8 our colleagues two hours ago? (Where)
we Yes, we No, we
W ere you Yes, you w ere. No, you w eren 't. 9 your desk messy yesterday? (Why)
they Yes, they No. they 10 the hotel cheap? (Why)

We often use was/were with past time expressions, e g last week, 3 Match answers a-j to questions 1-10 in exercise 2.
in 2003, 500 years ago,, yesterday.
a No, it wasn’t. f In Paris.
I was at work two hours ago.
b M r Chen. g Yes, they were.
It w asn't very hot yesterday.
c It wasn't close h I was very busy.
We use was/were with born. to the beach. i In a meeting.
I was bom in 1990. d I was tired. My toy car.
e In 1966.

Wh- questions 4 Complete the text. Use was/were or wasn't/weren't.

To make a Wh- question we use a Wh- question word before
was/were. This year I'm unemployed and unhappy. Last year was different.
The word order is the same as for yes/no questions. Last year the sky 1j w _ blue all summer and 12_____ happy.
13_____ an engineer. My house A______full of flowers and
what was your last job?
music. My children 5 at an expensive school. There
Why was she in Spain last week?
6 lots of interesting books on my desk. In my living room
When were they born?
there7_____ two computers and a big TV. 18______very rich.
My life9_____ easy and we 10______ worried about the future.


6 . 2 Past simple regular verbs

1 Rewrite sentences 1-8 using past simple verbs and the
GR6.2 >
)) words in (brackets).

1 He played football when he was at school. 1 Present The hotel room includes breakfast, (yesterday)
2 She lived in Vietnam ten years ago. Past The Wotcl room included breakfa st yesterday.

3 /sometimes s tudied all night at university. 2 Present I post our letters every Monday, (last Monday)

4 They stopped for coffee at a small restaurant. Past

3 Present We're waiting for my sister, (for 20 minutes)
5 We listened to the radio last night.
Past _____________________________________________
♦ we add -ed to the infinitive to form the past simple of most 4 Present 1want a new laptop, (last week)
regular verbs. Past
post -* posted 5 Present They visit my uncle once a year, (in May 2013)
play -* played
♦ The past simple is the same for all persons.
6 Present People use money to buy things. (500 years ago)
Positive (+)
7 Present He's shouting at his brother, (for an hour)
I Past _____________________________________________
8 Present I like dancing, (in the 1980s)
He/She/It worked yesterday.
Past _____________________________________________
They 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the
verbs in the box.

Spelling rules call carry change ehat enjoy listen start stop
• For verbs that end in -e. we add -d.
move — moved 1 My friend and I ckattcd for three hours on the phone
live —lived last Friday.
• For verbs that end in consonant +-y, we delete -y and 2 We the film yesterday.
add -led.
3 She to the rad io every morn ing for 20 years.
marry — married
4 H e _____ my heavy bag to the station for me.
study -»studied
• For verbs that end in one vowel +one consonant, we double 5 They _ their clothes after work last night.
the consonant and add -ed. 6 The lesson 20 minutes ago.
stop -►slopped 7 My boss a taxi for me yesterday morning.
• For two-syllable verbs, we only double the consonant when
8 The car outside my house for a short time.
the last syllable is stressed
• ©
prefer -* preferred {but answer — answered) 3 Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in
We use the past simple to talk about finished actions/states
in the past. Last year, 11 worked (work) in a restaurant for about
She finished work at 7 p.m. three months, some strange things 2 (happen), one
When we use the past simple, we often say when the action night, the restaurant was very busy and 13 (notice) a
happened, e.g. last winter,; in 7999, ten minutes ago, for three woman outside in a very big yellow coat and red gloves.
days. She 4 (wait) outside for about 20 minutes and then she
5 (walk) in and 6 (ask) for a table near the window.
I returned your book yesterday afternoon.
There weren't any tables free near the window and she was
They moved to Egypt in 2005.
very angry. 1 7 (show) her a different table, but she
8 (stay) next to the door and then9 (shout) at me
for about five minutes. She really10 (want) a table near
the window! Everyone in the restaurant11_____ (look) at us.
Then suddenly, she12 (open) her bag,13 (change)
her gloves,14 (close) her bag and 15 (walk) out!

7.1 Past simple irregular verbs
1 Match the past simple forms to infinitives 1-18.
ate chose did drank felt gave kept left lent
1 /came home at seven thirty last night. lost ran rode slept swam told was went wrote
2 You did the housework very quickly yesterday.
3 She made dinner for ten people last Saturday. 1 sleep slept 7 choose 13 lend
4 He ate a lot at lunchtime. 2 drink 8 run 14 keep
5 We drove to Germany in 2012. 3 go 9 leave 15 lose
4 ride 10 tell 16 is
• Irregular past simple verbs are not formed by adding -ed to the 5 eat 11 do 17 feel
infinitive. They all take different forms.
6 give 12 swim 18 write
There are no general rules for the formation of irregular verbs.
2 Complete the gaps using the past simple form of the verbs
Regular in the box.
walk -♦walked plan -» planned move -» moved
come drink give have leave ride think write
1 1 cawit home late last night.
go — went eat ate write -» wrote 2 He the homework was very difficult.
3 Cynthia___________a lot of letters to her grandmother.
• The past simple is the same for all persons for both regular and
irregular verbs. 4 You___________your passport on the bus.
5 We eight glasses of water yesterday.
Positive (+) 6 His parents a lovely weekend.
7 I my bicycle every day when I was at school.
You 8 Our uncle us lots of fruit for breakfast.
He/She/It went to the park yesterday.
3 '£ircie)the correct option.
They 1 He run /(ran)/ runs to work every day last week.
2 W e went /g o/ goes fis h in g last w e e k e n d .
We use the past simple to talk about finished actions in the 3 I chose/ choose/ chooses a good book from rhe library
past states. last Monday.
He left the house an hour ago. 4 They swam / swims / swim, i n the sea when they went to
I had Salsa lessons last year. Greece.
5 You win / wins / won the race yesterday.
6 She did /do / does a lot of exercise last week.
7 We have/ has/had a lot of fun in France last year.
8 He m et/m eet/m eets his friends at the cinema the day
before yesterday.

4 Complete the text with verbs in the past simple.

When l lived in Sydney, I didn’t have a healthy lifestyle - but

then I decided to change my life
11g_____ up every day at about six o'clock and 2d______ three
cups of coffee. 13d_____ to the office and 4t______ the lift
up to the third floor. At work 15a a lot of snacks and
6s in my chair all day. in the evenings 17w to fast
food restaurants and then 8w_____ TV at home. 19w______
very unhealthy. So 110s_____ to do some exercise. 111s______
in our swimming pool every morning before work. 112r
to work through the park. 113w_____ to the gym after work.
114l_____ weight and learnt that being healthy makes you
feel good.


7 .2 Past sim ple negative

Write the negatives.
GR7.2))) 1 thoueht did vit ¿kink 6 looked
1 I didn't drive to Bristol at the weekend 2 look 7 brought
2 The lesson didn't finish at three o'clock. 3 made 8 paid
3 We didn't w rite lots of emails yes terday. 4 put 9 waited
5 said 10 sat
• To make the past simple negative we use didn't + infinitive
without to. 2 Correct the information using the word in (brackets).
1 I went shopping two days ago. (swimming)
Positive (+) Negative (-) No, I didn’t go shopping two dxys ago. I went swityiming.
I felt sad when I left home. I didn't feel sad when I left home. 2 She did yoga last Friday, (judo)

She walked at the age of She didn't walk at the age of

nine months. nine months. 3 He lost his mobile phone yesterday morning, (wallet)

The match started at 7 p.m. The match didn't start at 7 p.m.

4 They thought the lesson was easy, (the homework)
We went to work yesterday. We didn't go to work yesterday.

They had a happy life. They didn't have a happy life. 5 We slept at our aunt's house last night, (niece's house)

• We usually use the contracted form (didn't), but we sometimes

6 I borrowed some money from him last week, (last month)
use the full form (did not) in formal writing.

The negative is formed in the same way for both regular and 7 She leni him a book yesterday, (a pen)
irregular verbs.
I didn't play tennis yesterday. 8 I took the bus to work last week, (the train)
I didn't eat yesterday NOT /didn'-t ate yesterday.

9 My mother made a cake for my birthday last year, (two

years ago)

10 He bought lots of vegetables at the market, (fruit)

3 Complete the story about Mo Farah's early life with the

past simple form of the verbs in (brackets).

Mo Farah is an Olympic champion runner, in the London 2012

Olympics, Farah 1 Won (win) gold at 5,000m. He 2_____
(not win) only this race. He also won the 10,000m.
Farah was born in Mogadishu, in Somalia, on 23th March 1983,
but he 3 (not stay) there very long. H e4 (move)
north to Djibouti with his twin brother and 5_____ (live) with
his grandparents, His father6 (not work) in Djibouti - he
worked at Heathrow Airport in England. H e7 (not earn)
much money, but he sometimes8_____ (visit) the children and
9_____ (bring) them presents.
Farah 10 (come) to England in 1992 when he was eight
years old, but he 11 (not live) with his father. He lived
with his aunt in West London. His twin brother12______(not
come) with him. Farah13_____ (not have) an easy life when he
was young.
Farah 14 (go) to Feltham community college in London.
School was difficult for Farah because h e 15_____ (not speak)
English, but his teachers16_____ (say) he liked sports very much.

8.1 Past simple questions and short answers
1 Match question words 1-8 to explanations a-h.
Yes/No questions
1 Who j a to ask about frequency
GR8.1a § 2 Where b to ask for a reason
1 A Did you meet any local people? 3 When c to ask about a place
B Yes, we did. 4 W hy d to ask about quantity
2 A Did she enjoy her last holiday? 5 How e to ask about manner
B no, she d id n 't 6 How many ____ f to ask about a time
7 How often g to ask about a person
• We form past simple yes/no questions with Did +subject +
8 How far h to ask about distance
infinitive without to
♦ when we answer yes/no questions, we usually use short
answers with the auxiliary did or didn't, we don't use the 2 Make past simple questions using the question words in
full verb. the box.
A Did you swim in the sea?
How far How many How often What When W here
B Yes, i did NOT ¥esrt-swamr
who Why
A Did he visit the whole island?
B No, he d id n 't NOT NOrhedidn't-visit: 1 Marco ale his dinner. W Utâ did Mqrcó cut?
2 John went to the beach. Where- didJohn, tjo?
We can also answer a yes/no question with just yes or no. 3 She met a back packer.
Did you go on a tour? Yes.
4 He left the apartment.
Did you see the temple? No.
5 We started at six thirty. __________________
6 He went to six art galleries.
Wh- questions 7 She trekked a long way. __________________
8 We travelled by public
transport every day.
1 A why did they take the train?
B Because it was cheaper. 3 Put the words in the right order to make questions and
2 A How far did we walk? short answers.
B Six kilometres.
1 get up / she / Did / early ? Yes, / did / she
We form Wh- questions with a question word and of/d+subject + D id she up early?_______ Vej. she, did.
infinitive without to. 2 map / your/you / lose / Did ? I/d id n 't/N o ,
A What did you do there?
B I went sightseeing. 3 they / Did / on / go / holiday ? didn't / No, / they
a when did she get back?
B At about three o'clock. 4 have / he / Did / fun ? d id / he / Yes,
A How many museums did we visit?
B Nine.
5 like / the / Did / food / you ? didn't / No, /1
A what time did he leave?
B At about ten thirty.
4 Complete the conversation.
Ka m ran Hi Johan,1 did you go out last night?
I oban Yes, 12_____ . I went to the cinema.
Kam ran What did you 3_____ ?
Jo h a n 'One Bad Night'.
Kamran I don't know that film .4 you like it?
Johan Not really. It was very long. How about you?
5 did you do last night?
Kamran I went to the gym.
Johan 6 did you go there?
Kamran To lose weight and keep fit.
Johan Did you 7 a good time?
Kamran No, 18 J


8.2 Should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to

Circle)the correct option.
should and shouldn't
1 The museum isn't free. We don't have to /(have to)pay to
GR8.2a$ get in.
1 You should wear warm clothes when it's cold. 2 Teachers don't have to / have to wear a uniform. They
2 He should buy his mother a birthday present can wear their own clothes.
3 I have lots of work to do. I shouldn 't go out tonight 3 She doesn't have to / has to take a bus to the station.
4 She shouldn 't buy thatjacket it's very expensive. It's too far to walk.
4 In England you don't have to/have to drive on the left
• We use should to talk about things we think are a good idea (the side of the road.
right thing to do) and to give advice, we use shouldn't to talk 5 She’s not hungry. You don't have to / doesn't have to
about things that are a bad idea (the wrong thing to do).
make dinner for her.
• After should/shouldn't we use the infinitive without to.
6 His hair is a mess! He should / shouldn't go to the
You should sleep eight hours a night. hairdresser's.
NOT Youshoufdto-sleep-eight-hoursanigtrt:
7 You should/shouldn't believe everything you read
• We don't add -s in the third person singular. on the internet.
He should see a doctor, n o t He eh oM s~see-&-deetefr
• we don't use do/does to make the question forms. Rewrite the sentences using should, shouldn't, have to or
Should i eat more fruit? NOT Bo-hshould-eat-fmre-fmt? don't have to.
1 It's a good idea to drink bottled water in Vietnam.
have to and don't have to y<Ji4 should drink bottled yjqtvr in VitivMM-.
2 It is necessary to show your passport to immigration.
1 I have to give a presentation next week.
3 I think it's wrong for children to eat lots of sweets.
2 She has to start work at seven.
I think children
3 The school gives you a coursebook so you don't have to
buy one. 4 It's not necessary to buy a ticket.
4 You don't have to go with me, I can go by myself. He
5 Her teacher says it's a good idea to read every day.
• We use have to to talk about rules. (It is necessary.) Her teacher says she
• Don't have to means that there is a choice. (It isn't necessary.) 6 It's warm today. It's not necessary to wear a coat.
• After have to/don't have to we use the infinitive form of the verb. She
/don't have to work on Saturdays. 7 It's not a good idea to drive fast in the rain.
• The third person he/she/it form of have to is has to. Drivers
She has to wear a uniform at work. 8 At my school we all study mathematics.
• The negative form of has to is doesn't have to. 1_________________________________________________
He doesn't have to work long hours.
• We use do/does to make the question forms.
Complete the conversation using should, shouldn't, have to
or don't/ doesn’t have to.
Where does he have to go?
Mona Does your sister like her new job?
We don't use contractions with have to. Steve No, she1 has to work twelve hours a day, so she
I have to call my boss. NOT h'-ve-te eeH-my-boss. gets really tired and 12 wake her up
She has to go now. NOT She's -te-go-new. every morning!
Mona Does she 3___________ work at weekends?
Steve No, just Monday to Thursday. So she 4
have to or should ? work on Fridays or at the weekend.
• Have to is stronger than should. Mona That's not too bad. is the food in the staff
We have to leave now or we will miss the flight restaurant nice?
We should leave now because we have to get up early tomorrow. Steve It's OK, but they 5 pay a lot for it. She
• Shouldn't and don't have to have very different meanings. doesn't like her boss. He shouts at her.
Mona H e 6_ do that! I think she7_
You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for your health. (It's a bad idea.)
you don't have to bring any food to the party. (You can if you
look for another job.
want, but it's not necessary.)

9.1 Countable and uncountable nouns
Cross out the word that is NOT possible.
There are two types of nouns in English: countable and
uncountable nouns. 1 I'd like some chicken / a pear / titty meat.
• Countable nouns are things you can count, so they can be 2 I don't have a banana / a lemon / a milk.
singular or plural. We use a or an with them. 3 1st here a ny coffee / olives / hon ey?
a lemon -* two lemons an olive -* lots of olives 4 Are there any pasta / pears / eggs?
• Uncountable nouns are things you usually can't count. We don't 5 C a n I have so me knives / sp non /forks?
use a or an with them and they are never plural. 6 Would you like some salad / breads/ mushrooms?
rice n o t & m e lots of bread n o t lots-of breads 7 She doesn’t have a money / glass / plate.
13 There isn't any coffee / vegetable / fru it.
some nouns can be countable or uncountable, but the meaning 9 There are four bottles of oranges / water / m ilk.
is different
10 He's got a pear / biscuit / apples in his pocket.
We don't have time. (Time we measure using a clock.)
We went there four times last week. {We can count each visit)
Complete I he sentences using some, any, a or an.
1 rd like some honey, please.
some/any 2 Can I have_____ eggs, please?
3 Is there milk?
GR9.1 )))
4 We don't have meat.
Countable Uncountable 5 There aren't mushrooms,
a pear, fi Are there vegetables?
(+) I'd like some jam.
some pears. 7 Does he have_____ drink?
8 She doesn't have_____ money.
an olive,
(-) I don't want any bread. 9 Would you like_____ noodles?
any olives.
10 There isn't______restaurant near here.
a lemon?
(?) Do you have any honey?
any lemons? Complete the sentences with two, a or an.
1 I'd like tv/o teas and coffee, please.
• We use a/an with singular countable nouns, e.g. a lemon. 2 A Would you like_____ coke?
• We use some with plural countable nouns or uncountable B No, thanks, but I'd love_____ apple juice.
nouns in positive sentences, e.g. some pears, some jam. 3 Can I have coffees please, with milk?
• we use any with plural countable nouns or uncountable nouns 4 black teas, please, and glass of water.
in negative sentences and questions, e.g. any olives, any bread.
5 I usually have coffee before breakfast.
• We also use some in questions to ask for things or to offer
something. 4 Complete the message that Alia left for her flatmate.
Use some, any, a or an.
countable uncountable
would you like some noodles? some coffee? Can you buy1 some food for dinner tonight? There's 2
Can I have some eggs? some cake? beef in the fridge, but we don't have3 vegetables
Can you getA_____ sweetcorn and tomatoes? I'd also like
5______salad. Do we have 6______ potatoes? Can you check,
Drinks are usually uncountable. We say I'd like some tea. please? Can you also buy7 nice big salad bowl? We only
But we often say a tea as a quick way of saying a cup of tea. have a small one. I left8 money next to the kettle.
Also, two coffees (= two cups of coffee), three orange juices Thanks!
(= three glasses of orange juice), etc.


9 .2 Quantifiers - much/many/a lot of

1 Complete the sentences using much, m any ox a lot of.
GR9.2a >)) 1 How M any glasses of water do you drink a day?
1 l have a lot of books on my shelf. 2 I didn't drink water yesterday.
2 She eats quite a lot of rice. 3 How milk is there in the fridge?
3 They drink lots of water. 4 There's quite milk.
4 I don't have much coffee. 5 How apples did you eat?
5 We don't have many tomatoes. 6 I didn't eat apples.
7 How time did you spend in the café yesterday?
• in positive sentences we usually use a lot of/lots of for both 8 H o w _____ times did you go back to the same café?
countable and uncountable nouns to talk about a big quantity.
9 I like to drink tea every day.
• We use quite a lot of to talk about a medium quantity.
10 How people are there in this class?
He has quite a lot of clothes. NOT He has quite ^ots-of-elethes. 11 There's not juice in my glass.
• in negative sentences we usually use much with uncountable 12 I are noodles last night.
nouns and many with plural countable nouns.
I don't have much coffee. (= I only have a small quantity) 2 Rewrite the sentences using no.
They don't have many lemons. (= They have some, but not a lot)
1 There isn't any yoghurt. Therms no yoghurt.
• We can also use a lot of or lots of in negative sentences for both 2 There aren't any tomatoes.
countable and uncountable nouns.
3 We do n't h ave a ny mon ey.
/don't have a lot of/lots of time.
4 There isn't a living room in my house.
We don't have a lot of/lots of tomatoes.
5 There isn't any water in the bath.______________________

GR9.2b)J 3 Complete the conversation using much, many, a lot, no

1 A How many burgers can you eat? B Not many. and none.
2 a h o w much bread do you eat? b i eat quite a lot of bread.
Anas Excuse me. I'm doing some research. Can I ask you
some questions?
To ask questions about quantity, we use ...
Berna Yes, OK.
1 How many with plural countable nouns.
Anas How1 hours do you spend sleeping?
2 How much with uncountable nouns Berna Oh not2_____ . About five hours a night. I'm always
Countable Anas How 3_____ time do you think you spend eating
and drinking?
how many A lOt/LOtS. There are a lot of/lots of books.
books are Berna H inin quite 4_____ ! About two hours a day. And, I
there? Quite a lot. There are quite a lot of books. spend 5_____ of time cooking.
Anas Thank you. OK, next question. How 6
Not many. There aren't many books.
kilometres do you drive every day?
None. There aren't any books. Berna 7 . 1don't drive.
Anas Do you work?
Berna Yes, I do.
How much A lot/Lots. I drink a lot/lots of milk. Anas How 8 hours a week do you work?
milk do you Berna About 50.
drink? Quite a lot. I drink quite a lot of milk.
Anas And how 9_____ time do you spend surfing the
Not much. i don't drink much milk. internet every day?
None. I don't drink any milk.
Berna N ot10 .There’s 11 internet at my house.
So, I think about 30 minutes a day at work. How
12_____ questions are you going to ask me? I don't
we use none in a short answer, but we say no with a noun in have 13_____ time.
a full sentence. We often use no in sentences with there is/ Anas Just one more. H o w 14 hours of television do
there are. you watch in a week?
There's no milk. OR There isn't any milk. NOT .
Berna Q uite15 . 1usually wratch about twro hours
There are no potatoes. OR There aren't any potatoes.
every day. I love TV.
Anas That's all. Thank you very much.

10.1 Comparative adjectives
11 Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the
GR10.1))) adjectives in (brackets).

1 Denmark is a smaller country than Sweden. 1 The weather in winter is icier than in summer, (icy)
2 England is wetter than Turkey. 2 The old town was than the new town,
3 Saudi Arabia is drier than France.
3 My spelling is than my brother's, (bad)
4 Greece is more famous for its beautiful beaches than
its lakes. 4 Swimming in the sea is than swimming in
a lake, (dangerous)
5 My new job is better than my old one.
5 Watching a film at the cinema is than
6 The airport is further than the train station.
watching it on a phone, (good)
• We use comparative adjectives to compare a person, thing, 6 People in villages are usually___________than people
group or situation with another. in cities, (friendly)
• For most one-syllable adjectives and some two-syllable 7 Today is than yesterday, (foggy)
adjectives, we add -er (or -r if the adjective ends in -e). 8 This exercise is than the next one. (easy)
cool — cooler nice -»nicer
small -»smaller safe -* safer 2 Make sentences using comparative adjectives.
• For most one-syllable adjectives ending in one vowel +one 1 The sun / bright / the moon.
consonant, we double the consonant and add -er. The- sun- is brighter than, th e meow__
big - bigger wet -»wetter 2 Canada / big / the UK.
fat -♦fatter hot -* hotter
• For most one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, 3 Cooking / difficult / eating.
we delete the -y and add -ier.:
dry — drier foggy — foggier
4 Planes / fast / trains.
sunny -+sunnier cloudy -+ cloudier
• For most adjectives with two or more syllables that don't end
in -y, we use more before the adjective. 5 August/windy/July.

comfortable -* more comfortable

interesting — more interesting 6 Vegetables / healthy / sweets.

Irregular comparatives
7 Your country / interesting / my country.
good — better many -* more
bad -* worse little -* less
far -* further/farther 8 His clothes / expensive / her clothes.

In formal English we use personal pronoun + auxiliary verb after

than, e.g. than I am/was/do/did/have, but in informal English we 3 Complete the text about Greenland using the comparative
often use an object pronoun, e.g. than me/you/him/her/it/us/ form of the adjectives in (brackets).
I'm older than she is -* I'm older than her. Greenland has a very cold climate. The country is 1 more.
I was faster than they were. — / was faster than them fam ci^s (famous) for its snow and ice than for good weather.
My wife has a healthier lifestyle than l do. -* My wife has a In the summer, the temperature is usually about 5*C in the day
healthier lifestyle than me it is 2 (warm) and 3 (dry) inland than it is close to
the sea because the sea is very cold all year. The temperatures
at night are 4_____ (cold) than in the day. The air is very dry
in Greenland and this means you can see 5 (far) than in
other countries.
in the winter, temperatures sometimes go down to -50°C.
The middle of Greenland is 6_____ (icy) and 7______ (windy)
than the coast. People don't live in the centre of Greenland
because it is too cold. The nights in winter are 8 (long)
and the days a re9 (short) than in the summer because
Greenland is very close to the North Pole. People in Greenland
say snow is 10 (beautiful) than rain.


10.2 Superlative adjectives

1 Write superlative sentences using the words given.
GR10.2») 1 T h is w a tc h / e x p e n sive th in g / the sho p .
1 Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall in the world. T his Watch is th e wi6st expensive th ing in th e shop,
2 The largest desert in the world is Antarctica 2 Mount Everest / high mountain / the w orld.
3 Yesterday was the wettes t day of the year.
4 August is the driest month of the year. 3 M y n o te b o o k / n e a t n o te b o o k / th e c la s s .

5 He's the most famous football player in the area.

6 It's the best restaurant in the city centre. 4 The High Street / busy place / my city .

• we use the superlative form to compare a person or thing to the 5 The beaches on the north coast / beautiful beaches /
whole group or category it belongs to. We usually use the before my country.
superlative + noun.
The beaches on the north coast are the most beautiful on
6 My frying pan / useful thing / the kitchen .
the island.
• For most one-syllable adjectives, we add -est (or *si if the
7 My house / small house / my street.
adjective ends in -e).
cold -♦colder — coldest
safe — safer —■safest 8 Ling-Fan / tall student / my class.
• For most one-syllable adjectives ending in one vowel + one
consonant, we double the final consonant and add -est.
2 Complete the conversation between Osman and Jitrada
wet -► wetter -* wettest
comparing Dubai and Rome.
hot — hotter -♦hottest
• For one- and two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, we delete the Osman I think Dubai is 1 the best (good-) place2
-yand add -iest. the world for a holiday.
Jitrada W hy?
dry -* drier -» driest
easy -* easier -» easiest Osman It has amazing buildings. It has 3_____ (tall)
building 4_____ the world: the Burj Khalifa.
• For most adjectives with two or more syllables that don't end
It's about 900 metres. It also has 5 (large)
in -y, we use most before the adjectives.
shopping m all6 the world with more than
famous -* more famous — most famous
1,200 shops. Just outside the mall is a fantastic
comfortable — more comfortable -♦ most comfortable
'dancing' fountain.
• Some superlatives are irregular,
(itrada I don't really like shopping. I think Rome is 7
good -*■better -» best (interesting)8 Dubai.
bad -+ worse -* worst
Osman No! W hy?
far -+ further/farther — furthest/farthest
Jitrada Rome is 9 (o ld )10 Dubai - many of the
much/many -* more -* most
buildings are more than 2,000 years old. I think
little — less -* least
they a re 11_____ (beautiful)12_____ tall buildings.
Osman The Burj A1 Arab in Dubai is a really beautiful
After superlatives we often use in before a place or a group.
h o tel. I t h in k i t 's 13______ (b e a u tifu l) h o tel in the
I'm the happiest woman in the world.
He's the funniest person in the office. world and it's not14 (expensive). You should
see it!
Jitrada But I think Dubai is 15 (h o t)16 Rome.
It's 17 (comfortable) to walk around Rome
18 Dubai.
Osman You can drive! The traffic in Rome is 19
(bad)20 in Dubai.
Jitrada Well, I don't agree!

11.1 Going to
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to
GR11.1 )J and the verbs in (brackets).

1 I'm going to visit my aunt in hospital this evening. 1 Are you 40in ? to make (you/make) a big cake?
2 He isn t g o in g to give any money to charity. 2 (my friends/help) me repair my car.
3 She's n o t go ing to have time to visit you. 3 (he/pla nt) a t ree in the col lege ga rden?

4 When's he g o in g to organize the football match? 4 (1/run) to work every morning next month.
5 (they/have) dinner with us tomorrow?
5 A A re you g o in g to cycle to work tomorrow?
B Yest I am. 6 (I/nol wrork) in Tasmania next month.
7 (we/not play) basketball this afternoon.
We use to b e +going to + infinitive without to to talk about future 8 (she/not learn) a new language this year.
plans and intentions, we often use going to with future time
expressions, e.g. tomorrow, next week, tonight, next year, etc. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to
and a verb from the box.
Positive (+) Negative (-)
eat not come not have repair rent sell start teach
i am/l'm i'm not
You are/You're You aren't 1 I M jjo ivg to r&pqir my sister's broken computer next
He is/He's He isn't
drive. weekend.
She is/She's She isn't going to
cycle. 2 She a study group with some friends at
it is/it's it isn't
We a re/We're We aren't college.
They are/They're They aren't 3 My friends a house in Canberra for $800 a
yes/no questions (?) Short answers 4 The fridge is empty! W h a t___________ w e ___________ ?
5 She loves her car! W h y ___________ she___________ it?
Am I Yes, I am No, I'm not.
Are you Yes, you are No, you aren't 6 David his daughter to drive?
drive? 7 Katia is feeling ill. She to the party.
is he/she/it going to Yes, he/she/it is. No. he/she/it isn't.
Are we Yes, we are. No, we aren't. 8 Sorry, I time to organize a football match.
Are they Yes, they are. No, they aren't. I'm very busy.

Complete the conversation using going to and the verbs in

wh~ questions (brackets).
A what are you g o in g to do this year?
Adelina So, w hat1 are. we going to do (we/do) for
B I'm going to visit my friends in Kenya.
Helena's birthday party on Friday?
A Why's she going to sell her bicycle?
Carl WTell, Pascal and X ia n 2 (organize) the
B Because she's going to buy a car,
barbecue and I 3 (buy) the drinks.
A How are we g o in g to celebrate your birthday?
Adelina OK, so how many people4 (come)?
B werre going to have a party.
Carl About 30,1hope.
Adelina That's a lot of food and drink! H o w 5
(you/carry) it?
Carl Claude6 (lend) me his car.
Adelina OK, that's good!7___________ (Helena's cousins/
Carl No, th ey8___________. But Philippe and his band
9___________ (play). 10_ ___ (you/help)
Philippe with the inusic?
Adelina Yes, I 11_ _ . B u t I 12_ (notdance)
at the party.
Carl W h y not?
Adelina You know I don't like dancing.13 (you/
buy) her a present?
Carl Yes, 114 . W h en 15 (we/make)
the birthday cake?
Adelina Tomorrow evening.


1 1 .2 Infinitive of purpose
1 Complete the sentences using the infinitive of purpose.
GR11.2 )| Use the verbs in the box.

1 I go on holiday to meet new people. book buy improve invite make save see tell
2 I'm going to the bank to change some money.
1 I cycle to work to save money.
3 She went to Spain to learn Spanish.
2 She used the internet___________her flights.
4 A Why are you going to Easter Island?
B To see the famous statues. 3 They went to London a musical.
4 I'm going to buy some bread__________ some sandwiches.
• We use to + infinitive to express purpose (to say why we want 5 Bob sent everyone an em ail__________ them to the party.
to do something, why we are going to do something, or why we 6 W e called my sister her the good news.
did something).
7 I went to the mall some new trousers.
We went to the island to see the birds.
8 I'm going to read more my English.
• we can answer a why question with an infinitive of purpose
A why do you cycle to work? 2 Complete the conversation with to or because.
B To keep fit.
A Where's Jane?
A Why did she go to Paris? B She's gone to the hospital1 to visit Ellie.
B To study art. A W hy is Ellie in hospital?
A why are you looking at that website? B She stood on a ch air2 get a bowl from the
B To get some information about geocaching. top shelf, fell and broke her leg.
• We can also use because to answer a Why question. A That's terrible!
A Why is he running? B Are you going to visit her?
B To catch the bus./Because he wants to catch the bus. A I'm going to the library 3__________ borrow some books.
a why did you open the window? Then, I'd like to go to bed early4___________I'm very
B To get some fresh air./Because i wanted some fresh air. tired, but I can visit her tomorrow morning.
B You should go today 5_ she’s very unhappy
The infinitive with to does not change form, it always stays and she needs to talk to someone.
the same. A W hy don't you go?
A Why did you go to Scotland? B I'm going to Manchester 6___________see my mum
B To visit my nephew, not i-o-visitetf-my nephew 7 she's ill. Remember?
A Oh, yes. OK. I'll take Ellie some flowers8
help her feel better.

3 Rewrite the underlined parts of the text using an infinitive

of purpose.

Last year,1 we went to Malaysia because we wanted to go

sightseeing, we stayed in a hotel on the beach and went
swimming every morning. There was no internet in our hotel,
s o 2 we sometimes went to the town centre and used the
internet café. one night, 3 1 went to the café because i wanted
to email my sister on her birthday, but the café was closed
41walked around and looked for another café and found a
small empty restaurant. 51went in and asked them if they
had the internet and a very old man said, 'yes' and told me to
sit down. The old man went to the back of the restaurant and
brought out ten small statues. Suddenly,6 his wife went to the
front of the restaurant and closed the front door They then
spent an hour trying to sell me the statues! I really didn't want
to buy one, but I bought two for $20 because I wanted to go
back to my hotel. Two weeks later, when we got back to New
York,7 1took the statues to a shop because 1wanted to sell
them. They gave me $200 for them!

We went to M alaysia to go sightseeing.

12.1 Present perfect simple
1 Rewrite the underlined part of the sentences using
GR12.1))) contractions.

1 They've played in a band. 1 She has become one the best singers in Italy.
2 She's had dance lessons.
2 You have drawn some good pictures.
3 I haven't eaten sushi.
3 He has not opened the cafe today.
4 she hasn't been to a salsa class.
4 I have not been to a rock concert.
we form the present perfect simple with have/has and the past 5 We have taken lots of photographs.
2 W rite infinitives and the past participles of the
Positive (+) irregular verbs.

I/You/We/They have/'ve been infinitive past simple past participle

1 fiv e gave given
He/She/lt has/'s been
2 put
3 drank
Negative (-) 4 went _______

I/You/We/They have not/haven't been 5 grew

6 heard
He/She/lt has not/hasn't been
7 broke
• Regular verbs have past participles which are the same as their 8 drove
past simple forms. 9 w'oke
We danced all night. -*■She's danced all over the world. 10 wron
She played in a band four years ago. — I haven't played in a band.
• Irregular verbs have irregular past participles. Sometimes the 3 Complete the sentences using the present perfect simple
past participles of irregular verbs are the same as the past
form of the verbs in the box.
simple forms.
He lost the match last week. — she's lost all her photos. break go not buy not made not see organize
They had dance lessons last year. -* We've had singing lessons. repair swim
• Sometimes the past participle is different from the past
1 Shej brokt e n her arm. She's in hospital now.
simple form.
2 I a musical.
/spoke to the manager yesterday. -»I've spoken to the manager.
She did some exercise this morning. -♦They've done lots 3 Lots of people to a salsa class.
of exercise. 4 We in the Pacific Ocean.
• The present perfect connects the past with the present. 5 They a marathon.
We use the present perfect simple to talk about past 6 I ___________ a cake for my mother's birthday.
experiences and events when .. 7 H e ___________ a present for his wife.
1 we don't know when the event happened or it's not 8 She lots of broken bicycles.
important when it happened.
2 we are interested in what happened more than when it 4 Complete the text using the correct form of the present
happened. perfect simple.
I haven't been to a musical, but I've been to a play.
My sister and l 1 kqye. (\lw\ys loye-d (always love) music.
• we don’t say when the action happened with the present
1play the piano and she plays the drums. We both sing, we
2 (have) music lessons for many years and 3________
I've been to Paris. NOT I'vebeento Paris lost year. (play) in many concerts. I 4 (win) three prizes for
music and 15_________ (write) lots of music for films. My sister
The verb go has two past participles, been and gone. 6_________ (not win) any prizes, but she plays in a very famous
Jacob's been to Algeria. (= He went and now lie is back.) rock band. She7 (give) concerts all over the world
Jacob's gone to Algeria. (= He went and has not come back yet.) and 8 (earn) quite a lot of money. 19 (go)
to lots of her concerts. She's fantastic! Our parents are not
musicians, but they10_________ (not stop) us from playing
music every day.


1 2 . 2 Present perfect questions;

Present perfect and past simple 1 Put the words in the right order.
1 during / you / a film / cried / Have / ever ?
GR12.2a | Have yen ever cried during a film ?
1 A Has he won the competition? B No, he hasn't 2 a play / acted / never / in / I'v e .
2 A Have you ever been to Iceland? B Yes, /have. 3 stayed up / I've / many times / with friends / all night.
•1 eight times / She's / the same / film / watched .
• To make yes/no questions, we use Have/Has * subject +
5 been / ever / he / lo / Has / a big concert ?
past participle.
6 film / to / never / see / wanted / a horror / I’ve .
Questions (?) Short answers 7 been / never / the opera / to / They've .
8 famous / a lot of / You've / people / m et.
Yes, l/you/we/they have.
Have i/you/we/they
no, l/you/we/they haven't.
eaten? 2 Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple
Yes, he/she/it has. form of the verbs in (brackets).
Has he/she/it
No, he/she/it hasn't Andrew 1 Have you, ever been (ever/go) to a comedy club?
Beth Yes, 12___________ (go) to one about three weeks
Present perfect and past simple ago.
Andrew 3 (enjoy) it?
GR12.2bf Beth Yes, it was very good.
1 A Have you ever seen a silent film? Andrew W ho4 (go) with?
B No, l haven't. Beth Three friends. W e 5 (go) lour or five
2 A Did you see The Artist last weekend? times before.
B No, I didn't. Andrew 16 (never/go) to a comedy club, but I
3 I've never driven a Ferrari. 7 (watch) lots of comedy on TV.
Beth You should go. Come with us next time.
4 i drove a Porsche last summer.
Andrew Thanks. 8 (ever/go) to a circus?
5 She's been to Rio many times.
Beth No, 9___________ .H ave you?
6 She went to Rio in 2013. Andrew Yes, 110___________. Many times. There's one in
town at the moment. I recommend it.
♦ we use the present perfect to say something happened before
now but we don't know or say when. We often use it with ... 3 Complete the em ail using the present perfect or past
1 ever in questions; ever means at any time in your life. It goes simple form of the verbs in (brackets).
between the subject and the main verb.
Has he ever written a novel? Yes, he has./No, he hasn't Hi Juan

2 never to talk about experiences that did not happen, it How are you? I'm in Vienna now with Alice. We 1 Ve been (go)
means at no time in your life and goes after have/has and to the opera five times! it's a beautiful city. On Tuesday we
before the main verb. 2 _ (see) the palace and3 (walk) around in
its large gardens. On Wednesday we 4 (take) a bus
I haven't acted in a play. -* I've never acted in a play.
to the Museum of Modern Art and 5_________ (swim) in the
* We also use the present perfect to talk about the number of Danube. It was very cold!
times we have done something.
w e6 (do) a lot of other interesting things, too. Have
They've had dinner at my house once. you7_________ (ever/eat) Sacher Torte? It's an Austrian cake.
• We use the past simple, not the present perfect... Alice loves it. She also loves German coffee. Yesterday she
8 (drink) eight cups! we're having a great time, but
1 to say something happened before now and we know the time.
Alice 9_ (lose) her phone. Sh e10 (buy) a
Last May, we went to see a wonderful concert. cheap one on Friday, but it 11_________ (break) the next day.
2 with finished time expressions, e.g. last week, yesterday, etc. See you soon,
I watched lots of horror films when l was a teenager. Ona
NOT fo^een-}oi<rQf-{m w r-fttms-wiien-+-w£ts~d-teeffQgef.
• We often start with the present perfect and then change to
the past simple to give more details.
A Have you ever stayed in an expensive hotel?
B Yes, l stayed at the Shangri-La last September.
A Did you enjoy it?
B Yes, I did. it was amazing!


Unit 1 Your world G Murielle's a French name. Arc you French? name, then our father's family name and
M No, I’m from Senegal. But my first language then our mother's family name!
1 .1 1 is French. T Wow!
Mexico Mexican Spanish M Yes-it isn't short!
the USA American English 1.5 |
Italy Italian Italian 1 brother c sister 1.12 §
China Chinese Chinese 2 son f daughter a name, names
Vietnam Vietnamese Vietnamese 3 husband j wife a country, countries
Turkey Turkish Turkish 4 father g mother a man, men
the UK Briiish English 5 uncle i aunt a woman, women
Poland Polish Polish fi grandfather b grandmother a person, people
Pakistan Pakistani Urdu 7 grandson h granddaughter
0 nephew e niece 1.131
the UAE Emirati Arabic
9 stepfather a stepmother R I ii. Can I help you?
France French French A Yes, I'm here for the 'Create a Website'
Greece Greek Greek 10 brother-in-law d sister-in-law
1.2 $ 1.6 < R Oh yes, at six o'clock. What's your name?
/.afar and his wile have two children: a son, A Antonio Russo.
I So,... Tell us about your life here in Britain.
1lasan, and his twin brother, Tariq. Tariq is R Ah, yes. Your name's here on the list. I
Are you from London?
married to Raima. Sahala is Tariq and Rafina's just need some other details. What's your
G Well, my name is Godwin. I'm from Nigeria
daughter. She's three years old. nationality?
originally. M y wife, Sylvie, is French.
Actually, she's half-French: her mother’s A T'm Italian but my home is here in Toronto.
1.7 |
French and her father's from Brazil. Our two R OK, and what's your job?
1 Zufar's wife Za fur's a doctor.
children were born in England, so they're A I'm a restaurant owner.
2 Their daughter They're happy.
British... We speak. English at home. Our R Mmm ... So, is the website for business or
3 lm his son. He's my father.
home's in north London. Many different for fun?
4 Is he your brother? You're right.
nationalities live here. The neighbours are A It’s for business.
5 She's our teacher. Are you married?
a family from Iraq. Next to our house is R For your restaurant?
a Polish supermarket and the restaurant 1.91 A Yes, that’s right.
across the road is I .ebanese. I work for an 1 I'm Russian. R And, finally, what's your email address?
American organization - but my boss isn't 2 It isn't an Arabic name. A It's
American, she's Turkish... YVhat else?... 3 That’s not a girl’s name. R Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
I watch football and l play the saxophone 4 They aren't brothers. T Yes, Antonio - A-N-T-O-N-I-O - at russorest
and, oh yeah, my saxophone's Japanese. 5 It's the same. dot com.
ti She isn’t Frcnch. R 1low do you spell russorest?
1.3))) 7 It's a long name. T R-IJ-double S-O-R-E-S-T.
1 Are you from London? 0 He isn't married. R OK. Great. Thanks. Now, the cost of the
2 My name is Godwin. course is...
3 I'm from Nigeria. 1.10)))
1 Our two children were born in England, so 1 It's not a female name. 1.14$
they're British. 2 Their name’s Spanish. R Hi. Can I help you?
5 The neighbours are a family from Iraq. 3 She's called Sara. A Yes, I'm here for the 'Create a Website'
6 The restaurant across the road is Lebanese. 4 I lis family name's Ramirez. course.
7 M y boss isn't American. 5 That isn't a boy's name. R Oh yes, at six o'clock. What's your name?
6 My name isn’t very long. A Antonio Russo.
1.4$ 7 1heir family’s not large. R Ah, yes. Your name's here on the list. I
T Come in. Oh, hello. What's your name? 0 lie's my friend. just need some other details. What's your
G Hi, I’m Godwin. nationality?
T I'm Andy, the saxophone teacher. Are you a i.ii i
A I'm Italian but my home is here in Toronto.
student? B I’m Biilcnt and I ’m Turkish. In my country
we say or write our personal name and R OK, and what's your job?
G No, I’m not. I have a job. A I'm a restaurant owner.
T N o ... Tmean, are you a student for the then our family name, so I'm Biilent Sadik.
It's the same in some oilier countries for R Mmm ... So, is the website for business or
saxophone class? for fun?
G Oh, sorry, yes. Yeah, 1am. example, the UK, the USA and Thailand.
N Oh, it isn't the same in China. We use the A It's for business.
T Where are you from, Godwin? R For your restaurant?
G I'm from Nigeria, but London's my home family name first. My first name's Na and
my family name's Li. So I'm called Li Na. A Yes, that's right.
now. R And, finally, what’s your email address?
T Is it your first class? T Well, I'm not from China but we're the same
as you, Na, with names. I'm Hungarian, and A It's
G Yes, it is.
T OK. Well, let me introduce you to the other my family name's Antalek. So please call me 1.15 $
students. Antalek Tam&s. 1 What’s your name?
G OK. B So Tamas is your personal name? 2 What's your nationality?
T This is Murielle. She's a student here, too. T That's right. 3 What's your job?
G Hi, Murielle. Nice to meet you. I'm Godwin. M W e ll... Spanish names are different. I’m •1 Fs the website for business or for fun?
M Nice to meet you. too. Manuela García Gomez. We say our first 5 W hat's your email address?

2.21 4 quarter past three

1.16 D
A It's 1 Melanie watches penguins. 5 twenty past three
K Sorry, can you repeat that, please? 2 Sven also works on the island. fi twenty-five past three
T Yes, Antonio - A-N-T-O-N-I-O - ai russorest 3 Sven loves his job. 7 half past three
dor com. 8 twenty-five to four
2.3)} 9 twenty to four
R How do you spell russorest?
1 goes 10 quarter to four
T R-U-double S-O-R-E-S-T.
2 teaches 11 ten to four
R OK. Great. Thanks. Now, the cost of the
3 cooks 12 five to four
course is ...
4 relaxes
1.17)} 5 makes 2.9)))
Sorry, can you repeal that, please? 6 plays 1 half past eight
I low do you spell that? 2 quarter to three
2.4g 3 ten to ten
How do you spell 'mssorest'?
/s/ cooks, makes 4 Five to six
1.18)} ItJ goes, plays 5 twenty past three
A Are you and your wife from England? (\tJ teaches, relaxes 6 twenty-five to four
B No, we’re not. I'm from Edinburgh in
2.5® 2.10$
Scotland and my wife's Canadian.
1 They don't have a lot of free time.
A Canadian? Is she from Montreal? My sister's 1 During the wreek, he always gets up early
2 I don't go to classes in the evening.
at university in Montreal. and he usually arrives at a volcano at seven
3 Chris doesn't have a shower in the morning.
B No, she's from Vancouver. What about you? o’clock.
'1 Sanaa doesn't sleep in a sleeping bag.
You're not English. Are you Australian? 2 I lis work is sometimes dangerous and he
5 I hey don’t speak to their families every day.
A No, I'm not. I'm from Wellington in New never works alone.
6 He doesn'i work eight hours a day.
Zealand. 3 He usually returns to the research centre at
about one o’clock and he always has lunch 2.11 D
1.19)} in the lab. 1 Most astronauts don't feel well when they
1 British
I On Friday and Samrday nights he usually first go into space. Space sickness is very
2 the United Arab Emirates
relaxes at home. He hardly ever goes out common.
3 Urdu
with friends and he often goes to bed early. 2 Astronauts don’t wrear special clothes in the
4 American
space station. They only need a space suit
2 .6 1
1.20 $ when they go on a spacewalk.
1 get up
Dubai is a very multicultural city in the United 2 have a shower 3 Astronauts don’t change their clothes every
Arab Emirates. People come here to work from day. It isn't possible to wrash clothes in
3 make breakfast
many different countries. Only 10% of people* in space.
4 go to W'ork / go to college
Dubai are Emirati: 90% of the city's population 4 Astronauts usually exercise for two hours a
5 have lunch / have dinner
are from other countries. Some people come day.
6 go home
from the tJK and the USA, but many people are 5 I Isually, an astronaut doesn't go on a
7 watch TV / watch a film
from Asia. India is home for most of Dubai's spacewalk more than once a week.
8 read a book
workers, but people come from Pakistan and 6 Most astronauts sleep for less time in space
9 listen to music
the Philippines, too. Ihe language of the United but they don't feel very tired.
10 play video games
Arab Emirates is Arabic, but because of its
11 go to bed 2.12)}
international population, lots of people use 12 see friends 1 I have lunch at one or two in the afternoon.
2.7)} 2 l wake up and have breakfast.
1.21))) 3 People eat because they're hungry.
All astronauts in Europe learn their job at
1 Your mother's sister. 4 I try to wake up early, but it's difficult!
the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne
2 Your father's father. in Germany. The training is hard, hut it’s 2.13 3)
3 Your sister’s daughter. interesting and I love it. My day starts at ten 1
4 Your son's daughter. lo seven when 1gel up. I have a shower and A I watch the news on TV every morning.
5 Your mother’s brother. then have breakfast in the canteen at quarter B f listen to it on the radio.
6 Your aunt’s son. to eight. Classes begin at half past eight. In the 2
morning, we study tilings like engineering and A It’s a good idea.
unit 2 My day physics. At quarter past eleven, we stop and B I agree with you.
2.1 § have a break. I usually have a coffee and 1also 3
I'm a scientist. I study penguins on Bird Island try and learn some Russian vocabulary. We all A Do you pay for lea and coffee at work?
and I'm very happy here. In the summer, learn Russian here. Classes start again at half B No, they're free, but we buy sandwiches at
my days are long. I get up early and go to the past eleven. lunchtime.
beach. 1watch the penguins with their babies. Lunch is at one o’clock, and in the afternoons 4
I sometimes go out in a boai with the other we have more classes from quarter past two. We A Do people often w ait lor buses and trains in
scientists (in die island. We visit different learn to use the space equipment and machines your city?
islands and take photos of the birds and and we also have language classes. Classes B No, not often. They're usually on time.
animals there. finish at quarter to six. I always feel really tired, 5
1often work all day and 1only stop in the hut I often go to the gym in the evening. I’m A I'd like to talk to you before the meeting
evening to have dinner. 1sometimes go back to in bed by ten o'clock and by five past ten I'm tomorrow.
the beach after dinner to spend more time with usually asleep. B OK, are you free after lunch?
the penguins. Then I work in the lab. I always go 6
2.8)} A Do we have a reply from them?
to bed late! In the winter, the weather is always
1 three o'clock B No, they want more time to think about it.
very cold, but we usually have more free time
2 five past three 7
and I can relax.
3 ten past three A It's not nice to laugh at other people.
B I know, my grandmother always siiys that!

8 2.171 3
A Do students often ask lor a discount? A Are you free after class today? A Is Dana a police officer?
B Yes, but they need to show their student B I'm sorry, but I'm busy this evening. But 1 B No, she isn't.
card. don’t have any plans tomorrow. 4
A Would you like to go out for a pizza? A Does she work in a big office?
B Yes, I'd love to. What time shall we meet? B No, she doesn't.
1 Tank talks to his family on the phone every
A Eight o'clock at Gino’s? Or do you want to 5
meet at the station? A Does she enjoy her job?
2 Kristoier never laughs ai funny films. I Ie
B Yes, let’s meet there at 7.45. B Yes, she does.
doesn’t enjoy them.
3 My sister never waits for people whc>are A OK, see you then! 6
A L)o Dana and Mat6 have unusual jobs?
4 I usually agree with my friends, but we Unit 3 Work B Yes, they do.
sometimes have different ideas. 3.1® 3.5)))
5 Gregorja listens to pop and classical music. 1 She has her own company. She's a 1
6 When he's alone, he thinks about his friends businesswoman. A Do they like their jobs?
and family. 2 M y son fixes a lot of different machines. I le's B Yes, they do.
7 W e always pay for our shopping with cash. a mechanic. 2
8 Intii a always asks for help when she doesn't 3 Manu takes pictures with his camera. He's a A I)oes he play the piano?
understand something in class. photographer. B Yes, he does,
4 M y brother flics planes for a Japanese 3
airline, l ie's a pilot. A Does he sell tickets?
BDK ... So, welcome to Seoul, Mr Schmidt.
5 She washes hair, cuts it, and dries it. She's a B No, he doesn't.
Nice to meet you.
hairdresser. 4
KS 'lhank you, M r Kim. Nice to meet you,
6 Ekaterina writes for the newspaper. She’s a A Do you have a job?
journalist. B No, 1don't
BDK How was your journey?
KS It was fine, thanks. 7 Sameeha cleans and fixes people's teeth. 3.6
BD K Good. I d like to take you to dinner. Are She's a dentist. 1 work for a big company, work freelance,
you free tonight? 8 My cousin sings and plays the guitar in a work for a fashion magazine.
KS I Jin ... yes, I am. But what time is our first band. I le's a musician. 2 work in a hospital, work from home, work in
meeting tomorrow? 9 He studies at university. He’s a student. a factory, work in a big office.
BDK It's at nine thirty. 10 She works i n a hospital and hel ps sick 3 salary, earn.
KS OK, that's fine, then. people. She’s a nurse. 4 work full-time, work part-time, work long
BDK Great! Would you like to go for dinner at 11 Daniela cooks food in a restaurant. She's a hours.
jinju lip? They do very good Korean soup chef. 5 retired, unemployed.
there... 12 My best friend cleans offices and people's 6 colleagues, manager/boss.
KS Yes, that sounds nice. What time do you houses. He’s a cleaner.
3.7 >
want to eat? 3.2 )| 1 Where do you live?
BDK Well, 1usually go at about midnight. businessman mechanic 2 W hal do you usually wear to work?
KS F.r... I'm sorry, but I'm usually in bed at businesswoman musician 3 W hy do you want to learn English?
that time. Can we go a bit earlier? chef nurse 4 What time do you start work or class?
BD K OK, no problem. It's open 24 hours. Let’s cleaner photographer 5 When do you take breaks?
go ai half past nine. dentist pilot 6 Who do you live with?
KS Right... hairdresser student 7 What do you do when you’re bored?
BDK And do you want to do some shopping journalist 8 How often do you check your emails?
while you're here?
KS Yes, I'd love to. 3.31 3.8 9)
BDK Great! Let's do that after dinner. M I work at a cinema in town, but I don't sell 1 Where do you live?
KS After dinner? What time do the shops tickets, I ’m die piano player! At my cinema 2 What do you usually wear to work?
close? they have a lot of old, silent movies so 3 How often do you check your emails?
BDK Oh, very late! Some shops close at 5 a.m. they need someone to play music. I watch
People say that in Seoul, everything is the film and decide whal type of music to
author mechanic pilot teacher
open all the time! play. If it's a sad part of the film, l play slow
KS 5 a.m.? Wow! OIC, then. Where shall we music; but if it's an exciting part, I play it 3.11 §
meet? fast. address, after, again, answer, breakfast, clever,
BD K 111pick you up from your hotel. It’s not D 1am a 'lire lookout’ and I work in a big daughter, internet, forget, later
very far... forest. Fire can be very dangerous here, so
my job is to make sure no fires start. I work 3.13 >J
2.16 $ In a very high tower, so 1can see very far 1 a recent report
1 British people never have fish for breakfast. 2 one job that makes people very happy
I check the weather on the internet every
They usually have toast or cereal. morning because strong winds can be a big 3 there are three reasons
2 'Ihey are hardly ever late for meetings. They problem. 1like my job because the forest is 4 work for a company
like to arrive on time. 5 a lot of different people
beautiful and quiet.
3 British people sometimes go to a different
city to study at university. 3.4 5) 3.14®
1 British people often have more than one TV 1 A new book by author and mechanic Matthew
at home: some people have three or four. A Does Mate* work at the cinema? Crawford says that people who work with their
5 '!hey usually eat lunch at work. 'Ihey don't B Yes, he does. hands are often happy in their jobs. 'Ihe great
have time to go home. 2 thing about working with your hands is thar you
6 And British people always, always talk about A Does he always play fast music? can see (he result very quickly - you fix a bike
the weather! B No, he doesn't. and it works... or it doesn’t! It's not the same for


people in office jobs, l or them, success often 5 B No, I ’m sorry, there isn’t, it doesn't rain a lot
comes after weeks or months of hard work, A Can w'e use the computers after class? here, so there aren't many swimming pools.
which can make them feel unhappy. B Yes, of course, hut you need a password. 2
Not everyone agrees with the author. They 6 A Are there any museums near the centre?
say that office workers are happy because A Can we leave our books and bags in the B Yes; there are. Ihere's the opal mine
they usually work as part of a team, and that computer room? museum.
spending time with oilier people can help them B I'm afraid not. 'Iherc are evening classes in 3
to he happy. But people who work with their that room from (5p.m. A Is there a theatre in Coober Pedy?
hands, like cleaners, mechanics, farmers and B No, there aren't any theatres here.
artists, often work on their own and can have a 1 4 .4 1
lonely life. A Can I sit here, please? I live in New York City in the Lower Hast Side
A recent report says that there is one job that B Of course von can. District. M y flat is very small, but the rent is
makes people very happy. And who are these 2 $800 a month. It’s a studio flat. There isn’t a
lucky people? Hairdressers! Researchers say A Could I leave early tomorrow? kitchen, dining room, living room, or bedroom.
that when they ask people in different jobs B I'm sorry, but that's not possible. 1cook, eat, relax and sleep in one room.
how happy they are, hairdressers usually
3.18))) 4.51
answer they're 'very happy. The report says
1 She teaches in a school or university. The flat’s on the 4th floor of a building between
there are three reasons why hairdressers are so
2 He paints people's houses. Delancey Street and Grand Street. The building
happy. They don't usually work for a company,
3 Her job is to sing songs. is opposite a 24-hour garage and next to an
so they don’t have a boss. They see a lot of
4 You use this thing to play DVDs. Indian restaurant, so there are always lots of
different people everyday. And they make their
5 He builds houses. cars and people in the street. The cars are quite
customers look good and fed good. So, because
6 She makes bread. noisy.
they see a lot of happy people every day, they're
happy, too. It's a studio flat with only one room. My bed
Unit 4 Places and things
is on a shelf above the kitchen. The toilet and
3.15® 4.11 shower are under the shelf. In the kitchen
A Hello and welcome, everyone. Before we airport library there's a sink, a fridge and a cooker, but there
begin, I'd like to tell you a few things about campsite museum isn't a dishwasher or a washing machine - i
the course. chemist railway station go to the launderette on Grand Street to wash
B Excuse me. Could 1open the window? hairdresser's restaurant clothes. In front of the windowr, there’s a red
A Yes, of course. It s really hot in here, isn’t it? hospital swimming pool carpet on the floor and there’s an armchair and
S o ... class is at 2 p.m. every Thursday and hotel theatre table with a television on it. From the window, I
Friday in the room next door. You can use can see the East River. It's behind the building.
the computers there... Yes, do you have a 4.2
question? F I'm so hot! I’m so happy to be at the hotel 4 .6 1
C ... Er, yes... Can we use the computers after at last. Is there a swimming pool? I'd like to It's very difficult to find a Hat in New' York.
class? have a swim. I'm very lucky. 1like my flat because it’s in
A Yes, of course, but you need a password. It’s R No, I'm sorry, there isn’t. It doesn't rain a lot the centre of the city. There are shops and
'studenMSl! here, so there aren’t many swimming pools. restaurants all around me. rIhe Lower East Side
C Sorry, can you repeat that, please? F You mean (here aren't any swimming pools isn't the best district in the city, but my flat is
B Sure. It's student451.'Ihat'sS-T-U-D-E- at all? near a theatre and it’s also near the Fast River
N-T-4-5-1. R No, don’t worry! There's a big swimming and a small park. One of the things I don't
B And can we leave our books and bags in the pool in the i o w t i centre if you want to go like about my flat is that there isn't a lift. Also,
computer room? swimming. There just isn't one at the hotel. unfortunately, I'm not near the underground
A I'm afraid not. 1here are evening classes I Are diere any museums near die centre? station, but there's a bus stop opposite the door
in that room from 6 p.m. Now, if there's R Yes, there are. There's the opal mine of my building.
nothing else... Oil, before you leave today, museum. Look, here's some information
about it. 4.71
could you give your personal details to the
Thank you. lhat looks interesting. And arc 1 It's in the centre of the city.
administrator, including your bank details,
please? there any underground buildings w^e can 2 it's near a theatre.
visit? 3 It’s difficult to find a flat.
C Sorry, but I don't have them with me today.
Could I send them by email later? R Yes, there are lots of beautiful underground 4.81
A That's fine. Just tell the administrator before buildings in Coobcr Pedy. I hey aren’t very 1 I live in a flat.
you leave. OK, our first lesson is ... far from the hotel, so you can w'alk up to 2 My ilal is on the 5th floor.
most of them. I ll show you on the map. 3 There's a supermarket opposite my house.
3.16 § A OK, I see. And is there a theatre in Coober
l Pedy? 4.9)))
A Could 1open the window'? R No, there aren't any theatres here, I ’m I difficult h easy
B Yes, of course. It's really hot in here, isn't it? 2 big f small
afraid. But there is a cinema just near the
2 3 newr b old
A Could you give your personal details to die Great, thank you very much. Well, I’m 4 good c bad
administrator? really hungry, so 1think we should find a 5 clean j dirty
B Sorry, hut I don't have them with me today. 6 long a short
restaurant and have lunch.
3 R There are some really nice restaurants in the 7 heavy d light
A Could 1send them by email later? town centre. And they're quite cheap, too. 8 quiet i noisy
B That's fine. Just tell the administrator before F Great! And after lunch we could go to the 9 ugly g beautiful
you leave. swimming pool. 10 old-fasliioned e modern
4 4.10®
A Can you repeal that, please? 4.3®
1 S Excuse me, could you give me
B Sure. It's student451. That's S-T-U-D-E-
A Is there a swimming pool? directions, please?

A Yes, oí course! 1low can 1help you? Unit 5 Clothes and shopping 5 You can't use euros in Norway and Swreden.
S Thanks! So, is there a chemist near here? They use the Norwegian Krone and the
A Yes, there is. It's in the town centre. 5-1))) Swedish Krona.
S How do 1get there? 1 1buy bread from the baker s. 6 People could buy things lrom machines in
A OK, well go out of the main door and turn 2 I spend a lot of money at the weekends. 1890. The first vending machines were in
left Then go to the end of the road and turn 3 I buy magazines and newspapers from the London in the 1880s and they sold postcards.
left again. newsagent's. 7 in the 1960s, you couldn't buy pelrol al
S OK. 4 I buy meat from the butcher's. supermarkets. They started to sell petrol in
A Go straight on for about five minutes. Go 5 I do a lot of my shopping online. the 1970s.
past the internet café and the hank, and (S I get a discount because I’m a student. 8 You can't buy clothes online from all the big
then turn left into Raya Andong. It's on the 7 I go shopping to a shopping centre. I prefer fashion companies. For example, Chanel
left, next to the supermarket. them to small shops. don't sell their clothes online because they
S OK, thanks. Oh, and where's the palace? 8 When I buy something I don't like, 1return believe customers need to Lry everything on.
A 'lhat’s easy. Its at die end of this road an the it to the shop.
9 I stand outside and wait for the shops to 5.6 |
corner. 1lere, take one of diese maps. It has
open on the first day of the sales. 1 Paul is wearing a suit.
all the important places on it.
10 I pay for small things with cash. 2 Anita and Paul are having a meeting with
S Good idea!
their boss.
A And we arc just here. 5.2))) 3 They aren't working today.
4.11))) Today the typical town centre is very different
from in ihe 1970s. Then, you couldn't buy 5.7$
1 F.xcuse me, is there a hank near here?
everything from one shop. People needed to ... .And, of course, we don't all wear the same
2 Excuse me, where’s the library?
go to different shops: the butcher’s for meal, clothes every day. But most of us have a colour,
3 Excuse me, how do 1get to the post office?
the baker's for bread and the newsagent's lor or Iwo colours, that wre wear more lhan others.
4 Go past the caté.
their newspapers. Shopping took a long time! And the colours you choose to w'ear can say a
5 It’s on the left.
But there were good things. You could TALK lot about you as a person. Let’s start with a very
6 Turn right into Albert Street.
to the people in the shops. Now it’s easy to common colour: are you wearing black? People
7 Take the second right.
buy everything in the supermarket and in the who often wear black like to be the boss. 11can
8 Go straight on for about ten minutes.
shopping centre. But customers can’t ask for make you look serious and important. But what
9 Go to the end of this street.
information and chat to Ihe shop assistant like about the opposite? I’m wearing white today.
10 It's on the corner.
they could in die past, hi die 1970s you couldn't If you often wear white clothes, there's a good
4.12 )| go shopping on the internet, but now you can chance that you like things to be tidy and clean,
A What's special about Nett Da$hlari? buy almost everything online. Online shopping and you enjoy a simple life. Yes, that's true - 1am
R It’s a town on an oil platform in the Caspian is cheap and easy, so it's difficult for the high a tidy person.
Sea. sireet shops. Lous oí them closed. 1can't buy Anodier popular colour is blue. 'Ihis means
A A town in the sea? Is it very small? my bread and meat in the town centre now'. you are a peaceful person and you don't like
B No, not really. There are 300 km of streets But there are some things customers can't buy change...
and 2,000 people. And there are lots of online. The internet can’t cut your hair, for Now, how' about some less common colours?
diings to do. example, and it can’t give you a cup of coffee. In Are you wearing red today? Do you often
A Really? Are there any restaurants? the 1970s you couldn’t get a cup of coffee on the wear red? Well, the good news is that you are
B Of course! There are some nicc rest aurants high sireet, but there are five cafés here now - probably a strong person and you always try
and hotels, and there’s a cinema and a park. and three hairdresser's! hard at everything you do.
A What about education? Is there a school? 5.3 $ Finally, who is wearing yellow? You are die
B Yes, there's a school, hut there isn't a In positive sentences and questions can is good students because you love learning... and
pronounced /kan/ e.g. - this is important - you are a lot of fun! So, does
A So can people visit the place? any of this sound true to you?...
A Can you use euros in Nor may and Sweden?
B No, there aren't any tourists. Only people B / think you can use euros in Sweden but not 5.8)})
who work on Neft Da^hlari can go there. in Norway. L Ilello?
In short answers can is pronounced /kasn/'. M Where are you?
1 You go here when you are ill. Yes, you can. L I'm in a clothes shop. Why?
2 You can study here or take books home. M Because I need your help. What are you
3 You can see a film here. doing?
A Can you use Euros in Norway and Sweden?
4 You usually need your passport to travel L What am 1doing? What do people usually
B Yes, you can.
from here. do in clothes shops? I'm buying clothes, of
C 1think you can use them in Sweden but not
5 You can sleep here on hoiiday. course.
in Nonvay.
6 You can go here to have dinner. M Well, are you nearly finished? I’m trying to
7 J here's lots of water and you can swim here. 5.5 | cook a meal lor six people, and Ihe kids are
1 People could buy things online in 1994. The making a lot of and the dog's running
4.14))) first thing they could buy was pizza. around and...
1 modem 2 In the 1990s, rich people couldn't buy trips L Why are die kids there? They go to tennis
2 cheap into space. But in 2001 Dennis Tito paid to practice on Thursdays.
3 ugly visit the International Space Station. M Not today because it's raining. They never
4 easy 3 Today you can buy eggs from vending play in the rain.
5 quiet machines in Japan. And you can also buy L OK, I'm paying now. I'll be back in an hour.
6 long flowers, fruit and umbrellas and many other M An hour? W h y ...
7 big things.
8 clean 5.9)))

1 You can buy a bottle of rainwater for SI 1
hat hate
these days. The water comes from the sky,
not note
into a bottle and then you drink it. Il never
man main
touches die ground.


5.11))) 5 5.18 $
1 That man is her husband. A I can’t see the television clearly. 1 I’m a student. Do 1pay less?
2 Can I sit here? B I think you need glasses. 2 Could 1have a small chocolate cake, please?
3 I le’s not a teacher, he's a student. 6 And whal types of bread do you have?
A I met my wife at university. A Maria answers every question correctly. 3 I don't think we need to go to any other
5 I have a red jacket. B I know. She's the best student in the class. shops. This place has everything we need.
6 Take off your coal, it's hoi in here. 7 4 Excuse me, but these jeans are loo small
A Did you do well in your exam? for me. Could you give me my money back,
5.12») B I got an 'A' please?
hate main sells
man text 5.16 |j 5 Ho you sell a magazine called ‘Garden
1 World’?
boat long one
C Excuse me? 6 Look at this. It’s half-price. Everything is so
shop jeans thing
A Yes? I low can 1help? cheap!
shut take page
cheap stand not C How much is this magazine?
A It's £4.99. Unit 6 The past
eat press note
live sales coat C Right... and do you offer a student 6 .1 ®
discount? People were surprised to see a bobsleigh team
5.13 $ A Yes, we do. You get 20% off. from Jamaica at the 1988 Winter Olympics in
!x/ hat, man, stand C Oh, that's good. Do you sell batteries? Canada. It w’asn't very easy for the team to
/ci/ play, hate, main, take, sales, page A Yes, we do. What ki nd do you need? practise in Jamaica before the Olympics
Jo/ lot, shop, long, not C Erm ...AA, please. Just one packet. because there was no ice and there were no
/a/ cut, shut, one
2 bobsleighs lor them to use. They weren't
A Can I help you? successful in their races, but they were very
/so/home, boai, note, coal C No, thanks. I’m just looking. popular with the people watching because they
/e/ set, text, press, sells A Well, if you need anything, just ask. tried so hard. There was a film telling their story
/i/ sit, live, tin, thing C Can 1U y this hoodie on, please? in 1993 called Cool Runnings and it was a huge
/i:/ seat, cheap, eat, jeans A Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over success, making $150,000,000 around the world.
5.14 § 3 6.2)))
1hate shopping. Maybe it's because I'm a C Two egg and tomato sandwiches and two 1
man, but 1usually walk into a shop, choose coffees. A Was there a bobsleigh team at the Olympics?
something cheap, pay for it and leave quickly. A That's £ 10.98, please. B Yes, there was.
The main problem is that it takes such a long C Can I pay by card? 2
time. But I’m here today to try'the 'virtual A No, I’m afraid we only take cash. A Was it easy for them to practise?
mirror.' It's a new way to shop and it might C OK, that’s fine. B No, it wasn't.
change my life! I'm in a clothes shop and 1need A Would you like a bag? 3
some jeans. But Tdon’t need to take five pairs C Yes, please. Just a small one. A Were there bobsleighs for them to use?
of jeans to the changing rooms. Instead, 1just A And would you like a receipt? B No, there weren't.
stand in iront of this ‘virtual mirror,’ press a C Yes, please. Just put it in the bag. 4
button and it shows me in every7pair of jeans A Were they popular?
the shop sells. I choose a pair, press a button
5.17 } B Yes, they were.
and the mirror shows me wearing them! 1press
A Can I help you? 6.31
another button and the next pair appears. 1can
B No, thanks. I ’m just looking. 1 The first football World Cup was in the last
see myself in ten pairs in just one minute! And
2 century, in 1930.
another thing: if I'm not sure, I press a button
A Do you need a bag? 2 lhe first Olympic Games were about 2,800
and a picture of me wearing the jeans goes to years ago, in 77(S BCE.
B Yes, please. Just a small one.
my Facebook page and my friends can say what
3 3 The first dishwasher was in the 19th
they think It’s noL difficult to use, and I can find
A Can 1try this on, please? century.
the right jeans easily. So 1make a note of the 4 The first Sony Walkman was in 1979.
B Of course. The changing rooms are over
jeans 1like, pay for them and go home! 5 The first talking film was in 1927.
The company behind the virtual mirror plans to 4 6 The first Oscars ceremony was in 1929.
pul them in shops all around the world. So next A Can I pay by card?
time you need a new hat, top or coat, go to a 6.4 3)
B No, I'm afraid we only take cash. Welcome to The Money Programme. Today
shop with a virtual mirror! 5 we're talking about the history of money. These
5.15 8 A How much is tliis magazine? days most people use notes, coins and credit
1 B It’s £4.99. cards to buy things. But people in lhe past used
A How much money do you earn? 6 different ways ofpaying for things,
B Not much, so 1try to spend il carefully. A Do you offer a student discount?
lhe Ancient Egyptians liked wearing their
2 B Yes, we do. You gel 20% oil.
money on their fingers as rings. The rings were
A What’s the matter? W hy do you look so 7
made of gold. When they wanted to pay for
scared? A Would you like a receipt?
something they pulled a ring or two off their
B Because you're driving dangerously! Be B Yes, please. 1ust put it in the bag.
careful! 8
A Do you sell batteries? People in ancient Turkey were some of the first
B Yes, we do. What kind do you need? to use coins as money in the 7th century BCE.
A Why are you talking so quietly?
9 The Romans also used coins but added pictures
B Shhhh! Because we're in the library! of their emperors to them in the first century
4 A What time do you close?
B At eight o'clock. BCE. The Chinese put their coins on a piece of
A I always get up late at weekends.
string to make them more valuable.
B Me too, at about ten o'clock.

For hundreds of years, people around the 3 3 1helped my parents a lot when 1was a child.
world paid for things with salt. In fact, the word A When was the last time you prepared a 4 We dance a lot when we go out.
'salary' comes from a Latin word that means meal? 5 1waited a long lime for the bus last Monday.
'money used to buy salt.' 'Ihis is because the 13 Last night. 1cooked spaghetti for my 6 I washed the car carefully, it was really dirty.
Romans sometimes paid their soldiers with sail. housemate.
I he Lobi people of Ancient Ghana in Africa 4
From a distance, Inhotim looks like typical
lived as farmers. Because they worked in the A When was the last time you posted a letter?
Brazilian countryside, hut as you gel closer,
fields and there were a lot of snakes, they B A month ago. it was to my friend in Australia.
you notice something a bit unusual. There are
decided to make metal snakes and use them 5
hundreds ottourists walking through the fields
as money. They believed their snake money A When was the last time you shouted at
and gardens! This beautiful place started as
helped them to stay safe. someone? a farm and for many years only farmers lived
B About a week ago. M y son was very naughty.
here. Ihcy worked in the fields and looked
6.5$ fi
after ihe animals. But that all changed in the
/d/ opened, returned, called A When was the last time you visi led a
1990s when billionaire Bernardo Paz decided
/l/ finished, looked, thanked relative?
to use die space Tor something very different.
/id/1started, collected, visited B Last summer. I travelled to Kenya to see my
Me created a ‘Disneyland for art lovers’! Today,
people travel from around the world and they
6.6$ 7
look at the art. The spaces of Inhotim include
copied prepared A When was the last time you called a taxi?
more than 500 sculptures by Brazilian and
believed received B Yesterday. I was late for work.
international artists. As well as being important
liked shouted 8
culturally, it is really important for the local area
loved used A When was the Iasi time you entered a
because inhotim creates a lot of jobs - 1,000
moved waited competition?
people work here in the museum, gardens and
noticed wanted B When I was a child. I was in a swimming
restaurant. Although it is quite far from the
posted worked race.
usual tourist spots of Brazil, it is now a very
6.7$ successful and popular 'outdoor museum.'
A When was the last time you used a
id! copied, believed, loved, moved, prepared, In 2011, nearly a quarter of a million people
received, used visited Inhotim. M r Paz believes there will soon
B Last week. 1checked the meaning of ‘coin!
/t/ liked, noticed, worked be a million visitors a year.
/id' posted, shouted, waited, wanted A When was the last time you waited for a 6.16
long lime? 51 I visited Inhotim last week. My main reason
6.8 »)
B Two hours ago. My bus was very late. for going was the art, and the sculptures
6.10>J were very interesting. Ihe gardens were
wait for a longtime
wait for a friend I When was the last time you moved house? quite nice, too. However, the restaurants
2 2 When was the last time you received an were really expensive. It was a bit difficult to
post a letter email? find, too, and lite journey was quite long.
post a comment on a webpage 3 When was the last time you prepared a meal? 52 I travelled to inhotim a couple ol months
4 When was the last time you posted a letter? ago. I thought the sculpmres in the park
enter a race 5 When was the last time you shouted at were a bit boring, actually, but the gardens
enter a competition someone? were really beautiful. Ihe food was quite
4 6 When was the last time you visited a relative? good at the restaurants. Oh. and the journey
move to the countryside 7 When was the last time you called a taxi? to the park was really long and 1was very'
move house a When was the last time you entered a tired when 1arrived.
5 competition? 6.17)|
visit a museum 9 When was the last time you used a 1 ...the scu Iptures were very interesting.
visit a relative dictionary? 2 The gardens were quite nice, too.
6 10 When was the last time you waited tor a 3 I thought the sculptures in the park were a
shout at your dog long time? bit boring...
s I i o u l at someone 4 ... the journey to the park was really long...
6.11 $
l Five thousand people visited Uiis gallery last 6.18))
prepare a meal
month. A ... It was my Business Management class
prepare for an exam
2 Fifty thousand people visit this gallery every dinner on Saturday.
fl year. B That s great! I low was it?
receive an email
6.13 É A I don't know. I didn't go.
receive a phone call
1 cooked B Oh no! W hy not?
2 carried A Well, first I couldn’t find my shoes.
call a taxi
3 change B Really?
call an old friend
4 helped A Yeah... 1looked everywhere. In the end I
5 wait used my ordinary shoes. Then the bus was
use a dictionary
6 listened late. I waited Pot half an hour, but it never
use a tahlet
7 chatted arrived!
6.9® a dance B Oh no! That's awful!
1 9 enjoyed A Tknow. After that it started to rain... so I
A When was the last lime you moved house? called a taxi. And I waited and I waited... In
B In 2010. Prom an apartment to a house. 6.14 ® the end I decided to walk home. I was just
2 I My friends cooked a great meal for me last so wet by the time 1got home.
A When was the last time you received an night. B What a nightmare! Poor you!
email? 2 A lot of people at work listen to the radio A 1know. I was really angry about it ...
B This morning. It was from my boss. these days.


6.19 D 9 do athletics 7 Wlien Iacek looked at his phone during the

Responding to good news 10 play basketball meeting. I got very angry.
That's brilliant! That's great! That's amazing! 11 cycle 8 I didn't have a pen, so I borrowed one from
Responding to bad news 12 do judo my friend.
9 When you come to the party, can you bring
Ihat's terrible! I hat's awful! What a nightmare! 7.51
something to drink?
Oh no! Poor you! In April 2011, Pauja Singh celebrated his 100th
hirthday. In October 2011, he ran the Toronto
10 Let's go to die beach tomorrow.
Responding to interesting news
Really? That’s interesting! marathon and became the first person aged 100 7.10))
years old to finish a marathon. But Pauja didn’t P People usually think that video games are
6.201) run his first marathon until the year 2000. W hy bad for children's health. But new research
1remember my eighteenth birthday very well. not? Ihis is his story. says Lhat perhaps this isn't true. At a school
It was on a Friday and I was Teally excited when in Iledgesville, West Virginia, in the USA,
Pauja was born in Punjab in India. Tie grew
I got home from college. I called out 'Mum? students played video games in their gym
up on the family farm with his parents and
Dad?' But there was no answer. 1walked into class every week. Some children didn't
brothers and sisters. He wasn't a strong child
the living room. It was completely dark -1 and he had problems with his legs. He didn’t enjoy exercise before, but with games like
couldn’t see anything! Then suddenly the lights Just Dance and surfing on Wii Spores Resort,
walk before he was five years old. But he was
came on and everyone was there! All my family they started to enjoy their gym classes.
happy and life was good after he learnt to
and friends! And there was a huge birthday Ian Hamilton and Sarah White, two local
walk. Later, Pauja got married and had six
cake. I was really happy, but I couldn't see any parents, are in the studio with me to discuss
children. But his happy life didn't continue.
presents. Then my dad told me to look behind this.
Unfortunately, his wife and two of his children -
die sofa and there they were - all my presents. a daughter and a son - died.
A new tablet and a new suit - for my first job 7.111
interview! Fauja then moved to London to live with P Ian and Sarah, you're both parents, what do
another son. but he wasn't happy. It wasn't easy you think of diis idea?
6.21 $ to Ibrget about his life in India. So he started to J I think it's great. And it's a fun way to do
1 I passed my driving test! go limning. When he ran, he didn't think about exercise, loo.
2 I don't have a television. die past and didn't feel sad. Then in 2000, at S l-Iinm ... I don'l know about lhat. Some
3 My brother goes to a lot of job interviews, the age of 89, he ran his first London Marathon video games aren't OK for children because
but he can’t find a job. in a time of 6 hours and 54 minutes. And he they're very violent.
didn't stop then. From 2000 to 2011 he ran eight I Yes, but they didn't use violent games
unit 7 Health and fitness marathons. He said marathons changed his life like tliai ai the school. They were exercise
7.11 and helped him feel happy again. games, like Just Dance.
1 eat lots of fruit and vegetables S Well, for me, it depends on the game. But
7.6))) you’re right, some games can be good. My
2 take the stairs, not the lift He didn’t walk...
3 walk to work son plays the football video game I'WA for
lie didn't feel sad... hours and hours sometimes. But then he
4 ride a bicycle
5 drink eight glasses of water a day 7.7 | goes out to the park and plays football with
6 do an hour of exercise each day Pauja didn't run marathons when lie was young. his friends, and Qiey try to do tilings they
7 sleep seven to eight hours a night see on the video game.
I Ie didn't have a lot of problems when he lived
8 go to the gym or an evening class P Yes, my son is the same. What's your
on his family's farm.
9 do physical jobs around the house opinion, Jan?
I lis happy life didn’t continue after he had a I Well, they want to be like their heroes.
7.2 >3 family. S I agree with that. They certainly do. But do
come came 1le didn't slop alter his first marathon. we want our children to be like their heroes?
make made P WrelL an interesting discussion, but I'm
do did 7.81
alraid that’s all we have time for today.
eat ate 1 When he was a young boy, Usain Boll didn’t
drive drove do athletics all ihe time. I le played crickel 7.12)}
give gave and football. 1 What do you think of this idea?
write wrote 2 1n 2008, when he won the Olympic 100m 2 l think it's great
have had final, he slowed down at the end and he 3 I don't know about that.
tell told broke the world record. His time was 9.9fi 'I Yes, but they didn't use games like that at
take took seconds. Ihe school.
think thought 3 When he won the 100m final at the 2012 5 Well, for me, il depends on the game.
London Olympic Games, two billion people 6 You're right.
7.3® watched him on TV. American TV didn't 7 What's your opinion?
1 thought/bought/taught show the race when il happened. They 8 Yes, I agree with lhat.
2 got/chose/wrote showed it later in the evening.
3 sat/went/had 7.13 |
4 There was a thunderstorm during the The most popular sport in Argentina is football.
4 came/made/ate lOOm World Championship final in 2013.
5 flew/took/put People like playing it, going to games and
Lightning didn’t hit him, but there was watching it on TV. Ihe Argentinian team won
6 met/said/slept lightning in the sky. the World Cup in 1978 and 1986, and came
7.4® 7.9») second in 2014.
1 jog/run 1 Can you lend me your car for the weekend? Basketball is also very popular, especially alter
2 go fishing 2 They watched basketball on TV last night. Argentina won the semi-finals against the NBA
3 play football 3 Come here! 1want to speak to you. players in 2004, and then took the Olympic gold
4 play tennis
4 My colleague told me about a new home.
5 ski restaurant in town.
6 swim Tennis was a sport for rich people in the
5 Can you take this book to the library for me? past, but now lots of people play it. The best
7 do yoga
6 T'm lost,'he said.
8 go to the gym Argentinian player, Juan Martín del Potro, is
world number 8.

Winter sports are also very popular in Argentina, 8.41 8.111
people often ski in the Andes Mountains. And 1 1 Did you have fun there?
of course lots of people jog in local parks or go K W hy did you go there? 2 How oflen do you have a sleep in the
to the gym to keep fit! T Because it's a really interesting country. afternoons?
2 3 I low many text messages do you get?
Unit 8 Travel and transport K Whereabouts in Guatemala did you go? 4 Do you want to get something to eat now?
T 1visited the whole country. 5 Did he gel a taxi Iasi night?
3 6 Did ii take her a long time to leam English?
1 I love lazy holidays. I normally rent an
K What did you do and see?
apartment by the sea with my family. W e 8.13 )|
T I went on lots of tours and I went trekking.
lie on ihe beach most of the day and go 1 Where did y'ou have lunch?
swimming in the sea. For me, the most 2 Does he gel lots of emails every day?
K I Iowrlong did you stay?
important thing to do on holidays is to relax 3 Why did you take die stairs?
T About six weeks.
and have fun. 4 Did he take photos last week?
2 For me, holiday's are about culture, and 5 How often do you gel a taxi?
K Did you slay in hotels?
I enjoy visiting all the art galleries and 6 Did you take the bus on Sunday?
T No, mostly guest houses.
museums. Sometimes I goon a tour with a
6 8.14)}
guide because it’s a great way to learn about
K Did you go on your own? G Guess what? I’m going to Moscow for two
a place and its history. 1also like going out
T Yes, 1did, but 1met lots of local people. months.
on my own and looking around the town
without a map. 1always get lost, but I think 8.51 H Really? Is it for fun or do you have to work?
it's the best way to find interesting places. 1 Where did you go on your last holiday? G Wei I, a bit of both. You went to Moscow a
3 We stay in cheap hotels and guest houses, 2 Did you go with a friend? few years ago, didn’t you?
and travel by public transport so We can 3 What did you do? H Yes, 1did. I even lived there for a while.
meet local people. We don't go sightseeing. 4 Did you have a good time? G I low long did you live there?
We prefer to trek in the mountains and visit 5 How long did you stay? H Three years.
places that tourists don't often see. ti Where did you stay? G Oh, wow! And do you speak the language?
7 Did you like the food? H Yes, a little. I can buy tilings in shops and
8.2))) order food in restaurants.
1 Do you like lying on the beach? 8.6))) G And did you like the city'?
2 Do you \isit art galleries and museums? In past simple questions did +pronoun subject H Yes, it's great. 1had a really good time.
3 Do you usually take a map or do you get lost? is usually unstressed. G What aboul things like accommodation
4 Do you like going on a tour of places you We pronounce did you /did^a/, and did he /didi/. and transport? What did you think of the
visit? transport system?
5 Do you prefer to stay in a hotel or rent an 8.7))) H Well, the Underground is just... fantastic!
apartment? I low long did you stay?
It’s really famous! It was built in the 1930s,
6 Do you ever stay in expensive hotels? Did you like the food?
and every'station is a w'ork of an.
Did he stay in hotels?
8.31 G But is it a good way to travel around
K Hey, Tom. So you went to Guatemala on 8 .8 1 Moscow?
holiday this Ume? Where is it exactly? 1 H Well, local people complain about it a lot,
T It's in Central America, to the south of M 1get the bus and the underground to work. but I always thought it wras very'good. And
Mexico. It takes about forty' minutes. it's quite cheap.
K W hy did you go there? 2 G What about the buses? Do the local people
T Because it's a really interesting country. W Most of the time, I go to work on foot. But if use the buses?
I wanted to go sightseeing and sec some it’s raining, 1drive. H Oh yes, the buses are usually full. But to be
of the famous ruined Mayan cities and 3 honest, 1goi laxis quite a lot to my lessons.
temples. M I go to work by car and it takes about an Ttaught in companies and local businesses,
K I see. And whereabouts in Guatemala did hour because there's a lot of traffic. 1listen so 1didn’t want to be late! You know,
you go? to music during the journey or 1sometimes Moscow’s like lots of other big cities: lots of
T I visited the whole country. I started in listen to CDs in English. traffic, really busy, sometimes the transport
Antigua - it's the historic capital - and then 4 is good, other days not so good. But there is
I went to Lake Atitlan, a beautiful lake in the W 1go by bike to work. It's greal exercise! But one great thing: you can simply stand in the
mountains. when it rains, 1take the bus. street and stop any car, like a taxi, and they
K So what did you do and see? 5 give you a lilt for money.
T 1went on lots of tout’s, and I went trekking M I usually take the train. Sometimes 1get up G Oh wow, that's cool! OK, so moving on to
in the rainforest. M y favourite thing was the late and 1miss my train, so I have to get a accommodation...
ruins of a Mayan city in Tikal. They're in the taxi. I should get up earlier! 8.15)))
middle of the rainforest and they're really ] Do you have to work? (present)
beautiful. I climbed to the top of a temple at 2 I low long did you live there? (past)
1 You lake or gel the train, the underground,
sunrise. 3 Do you speak the language? (present)
a taxi or die bus.
K Wow'! It sounds fantastic. 4 Did you like the city? (past)
2 You can miss the bus, your plane or your
T It was. I took a lot of pictures! 5 What did you think of the transport system?
K And how long did you stay? (past)
3 You go on fool.
T About six weeks. 6 Do the local people use buses? (present)
4 You go by public transport, by bike or by car.
K Did you stay in hotels?
T No, mostly guest houses, and 1also stayed 8.10 ® 8.16)}
with a Guatemalan family. Ihev were lovely 1 You should have a map. T I lello. Can I help you?
and it really helped me with my Spanish. 2 You shouldn't take a taxi. M Yes, please. I need to get to New I >elhi.
K Did you go on your own? 3 You have to wear it. T OK. When would you like to travel?
T Yes, 1did, but 1met lots of local people and I 4 You don't have to pay. M Later today or tomorrow. When’s the next
made lots of new friends. train?
T Ihe next one leaves at 18.40 p.m.


M OK, and how long does it take? have some rice. 3 a frying pan
T About seventeen hours. It arrives at 11.25 C Great. So could I have a small Kung Pao '1 a saucepan
a.m. tomorrow. chicken with some rice, please? 5 a microwave
M Right. 1low much is a sleeper ticket? L And the same for me, but J’d like some 6 a kettle
T Would you 1ike a single or a return? noodles, please. 7 a fork
M Just a single, please. M OK, and would you like any drinks? 8 a knife
T OK, then.'lhat's775 rupees. L Can I have a bottle of lemonade? 9 a spoon
M 775 rupees... OK. Which platform does it M We don't have any bottles of lemonade, I’m 10 plates
leave from? afraid. We have Coke or water. 11 bow ls
T Platform 7. I. OK. Well, just a Coke, please.
9.9 $
M Thankyou. C And lor me, too.
1 You boil water in a kettle to make tea.
8.17 8) 9.3)} 2 1or breakfast I often try eggs, mushrooms
1 Can I help you? 1 it comes with some noodles. and tomatoes together in a big frying pan.
2 When would you like to travel? 2 Is there any bread? 3 To roast meat, you need a very hot oven.
3 When's the next train? 3 We don’t have any bread 4 Mix the water and flour together in a bowl
AI How long does it take? 4 We have some rice. with a spoon.
5 I low much is a sleeper ticket? 5 Would you like any drinks? 5 Not many people bake their own bread or
6 Would you like a single or a return? 6 We don'l have any bottles of lemonade. cakes at home these days.
7 Which platform does it leave from? 6 You need to use a sharp knife to chop the
8.18$ S 1lello. Can 1help you?
1 You don't have to leave a tip in restaurants. C Ili. Yes, please. Do you have any beef? 9.10)}
2 You shouldn't forget your umbrella. A Yes, we have some nice steaks here. We also 1 Papua New Guinea is 160 kilometres north
3 Australians don't have to have a visa to visit. have some small beef cubes. of Australia.
A You shouldn't go to Myers Park at night. B OK. Can I have some beef cubes? About a 2 Singapore grows less than 10% of its food.
5 You have to get a student visa to study for kilo, please. And I'd also like a small steak. 3 Papua New Guinea grows about three-
more than 3 months. A lust one? quarters of its food.
6 You should visit the islands in the I lauraki B Yes, just one. Thanks. Also, do you have any 4 Singapore got independence in 1965.
Gul£ yoghurt? 5 The coldest temperature ever recorded in
A No, I'm afraid we don't. Singapore was 19.4 degrees Celsius.
B What about rice? Do you have any rice? 6 Less than a quarter of people in Papua New
A Hello. Can l help you?
A Yes, we have some bags of rice, but we also Guinea live in cities.
B Yes, please. When's the next bus to
do rice salad.
Manchester? 9.12 %
B No, I'll just have a bag of rice, please.
A There's one at 4.00. The first country we're going to look at today
A OK. Anything else?
B How much does it cost? is Indonesia in South Hast Asia. It became
B Yes, do you h ave any lemons?
A Do you want a single or return ticket? independent in 1945 and now one of the most
A No, we don't sell any fruit or vegetables, I’m
B A return, please. important days for the country is Independence
A And when would you like to come back? Day on 17th August. There are 240 million
B OK. 'lhat's everything then, thanks.
B Next Sunday. Indonesians, and they live on 6,000 of its 18,110
A OK, that's £32, please. 9.5)} islands. Java is only the fourth largest island, hut
B How long does it lake? 1 Do you have any meat? 60% of Indonesians live on it. Two of the main
A Two hours 45 minutes. Here's your ticket. 2 We have some beef. cities are on Java: Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia,
B Where does it leave from? with 9.6 million people, and Surabaya, the
A Bay six. It’s just over there. second largest city, with 2.7 million.
1 I’d like some beef, please.
2 Do you have any mushrooms?
Unit 9 Cooking and eating 9.13#
3 Can I have some sweetcorn? Now, moving on, the country is 5,120 kilometres
9.1)J| 4 We don't have any sweetcorn. from east to west and 1,760 kilometres from
1 yoghurt 9 lemons north to south. Forty million Indonesians work
2 bread 10 beef on farms, which is 1/6 of all Indonesians.
B U m ... what do I have in my kitchen? Not
3 a botde of 11 rice The climate is perfect lor growing rice because
much really! 1have a kettle because 1make a
lemonade 12 olives the temperature is usually benveen 25 and 35
lot of tea. And I have one frying pan and two
4 salad 13 sweetcorn degrees Celsius, and there is 3,175 millimetres
saucepans. I don’t really need anything else.
5 jam 14 pasta of rain a year. In mountain areas this can be
Oh! I forgot the most important thing in my
6 chicken 15 mushrooms 6,100 millimetres. Indonesia is the third largest
7 honey IB a pear kitchen - the microwave!
L Well there's nothing special about my rice growing country in the world, but it still
8 noodles imports about three million tonnes of rice a year.
kitchen. I have all the usual things. Oh, but T
9.2))) have a beautiful old set of plates and bowls
L Wow! Look at all this different food! lor when people come for dinner. 1have a
Vocabulary Focus saying numbers
C I know. I can't decide what I want. lot of dinner parties!
L Well there's some pizza over there. I I love my kitchen. It's my favourite mom Fractions: a quarter (% ), a third ( l /3), a half
C No! We can have pizza any day. Let's try (V6), three-quarters (% ), two-thirds (2/3),
in the house! 1have a very modem oven
something different. and I use it a lot. I have an expensive food- two-fifths (2/5),
L OK, what about diis place? processor, too - I use it to make soup. My Percentages: fifteen per cent (15%), four point
C Mmm... that looks delicious, but what is it? flatmates sometimes get angry with me seven per cent (4.7%)
L Excuse me, what is this? because I spend hours In the kitchen and Decimals: two point eight nine (2.89), nought
M It's Kung Pao chicken. they can't come in to cook their dinner! point three (0.3)
C It smells so good! What does it come with? Temperatures: twenty-two degrees Celsius
M It comes with some noodles. 9.8)»
1 an oven (22UC), minus seven (-7°C) / minus seven
C I don't really like noodles. Tsthere any bread? degrees Celsius
2 afood-processor
M No, we don’t have any bread, sorry. But we

Dates: the first of September (1/9), the twenty- are only 17 calories in a lemon. 10.4$
sixth of March (26/3) P Only 17? And what about milk? 1 Is Dublin drier than Paris?
D Well, it's surprising to hear that a cup of 2% 2 Is Sydney bigger than Cairo?
9.15 | fat milk contains 12.3 grams of sugar - that's
1 seven point three five about 50 calories. 10.5®
2 the third of October twenty sixteen P That's a lot of calories. How much does the 1
3 four-fifths average American eat ever)' year? A W hich city is drier, Dublin or Paris?
'1 sixteen point one degrees} sixteen point D lhe answer to that was 891kilograms of B It's close: both cities have a lot of rain, but
one degrees Celsius food in 2011. Dublin's wetter.
5 eighty- two point four per cent P Wow! 1hat's huge. And there's time for just 2
6 the twelfth of May nineteen eighty-six one more fact. A Which is bigger, the population of Sydney or
7 minus fourteen / minus fourteen degrees D Well, I think we should finish in Italy - a Cairo?
Celsius country of coffee lovers. They drink 14 billion B Well, Cairo’s population is bigger than
8 one and three-quarters cups every year. That's over 200 cups for Sydney's. Cairo has a population of over
9.16 | every man, woman and child in the country. nine million, but Sydney's is smaller at just
1 We're looking for a 'lhai restaurant. P Well, some of those numbers are amazing. over lour and a half million.
2 You can sit outside on the roof. Dr Zhang, thank you very much for coming 10.6)))
3 What's your favourite café for lunch? today... 1
4 Du 1need to book online? 9.201 A Are Indian elephants heavier than African
5 Where's a good pi ace to have some cake? 1 twenty-one degrees Celsius elephants?
6 It has a wonderftil menu. 2 two-thirds B No, they aren’t. African elephants are
7 You don’t need to call them and book. 3 forty- five point five per cent heavier than Indian elephants.
8 Do you know anywhere that has a garden? 4 two million four hundred and seventy-eight 2
9 There’s a place called the Riverside with a thousand A Is 'Tokyo more expensive than Singapore?
nice view. B Yes, it is. Both places are quite expensive, but
1U My favourite place is Café Blanc because it 9.21 Tokyo is more expensive than Singapore.
sells French food. W Would you like to order? 3
C Could 1have the baked fish, please? A Are giraffes faster than humans?
9.17 )j W Would you like a side dish with that?
S Excuse me? B Yes, they are. Giraffes can run at 35 miles an
C Could I have some roast potatoes, please? hour which is faster than any human being.
W Hi. would you like to order? W And would you like something to drink?
S Yes, please. A
C Do you have any apple juice? A Is Canada bigger or smaller than the USA?
W OK. So, would you like a starter? W No, we don't.
S No, thanks. lust a main course, please. B Canada is slightly bigger than the USA.
C OK, just a bottle of water, please. 5
Could I have the grilled chicken?
W Certainly. And would you like any side A Is the North Pole colder than the South Pole?
Unit 10 The world around us B No, it's warmer. 'I he South Pole is colder
dishes with that?
S Um... yes. Can 1have some roast potatoes 1 0 .1 ® than die North Pole.
and some mixed green vegetables, please? i
10.7 D
W Of course. And for you, madam? So, in Lisbon today it’s cloudy this morning
a Mount Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania in Hast
M Could I have some fish cakes, please? This hut dry, and we don't expect any rain. By the
Africa. Its name means mountain of light'
one... afternoon it’s going to be warm and sunny, but
and it's a very beautiful place. It ’s the
W The fish cakes, OK. And anything else? not really hot, with temperatures of around 20
highest mountain in Africa, but it's not
M A tomato, olive and onion salad, thanks. degrees Celsius.
difficult to climb.
W And would you like something to drink? 2 b Victoria Falls are beautiful! It's a very big
M Yes, some sparkling water, please. It was great. We loved Malaysia. We went in the waterfall on the Zambezi River between
S And the same for me. Oh, and another wet season, so we had some storms. The first Zimbabwe and Zambia.
question. Can we pay by credit card? night we arrived, it was really windy and there c Lake Baikal is in the south of Siberia in
W Yes, of course. No problem! was a big storm with very loud thunder and Russia. It's the biggest and deepest lake
S Oh, good.'I hank you very much. lightning. But most of the time during the day it in the world, but it often freezes in winter
was lovely. because Siberia has a very cold climate.
9.18 )f
1 Would you like to order? 3 d The Amazon Jungle is the biggest area of
2 Could 1have the grilled chicken, please? N Let's now go to Rupinder in Chicago. I lello, rainforest in the world. It is mostly in Brazil,
3 Would you like any side dishes with that? Rupinder. How's the weather there? but some parts of it are in other South
1 Can I have some roast potatoes? R W ell Mike, it's freezing here today. There American countries such as Ecuador, Peru
was a lot of snow last night and the roads and Bolivia. About half the world's plants
5 Would you like something to drink?
are very icy. It's cold and foggy now, and and animals live in rainforests.
6 Can we pay by credit card?
there is more snow to come later today. e The Andaman Sea has some very' beautiful
9.19))} tropical islands, with white sandy beaches,
P Welcome to the program, Dr Zhang from 10.2))
near the west coast of Thailand, lhe biggest
the National hood and Health Group. snow, to snow, snowy
rain, to rain, rainy and most famous is Phuket.
D Thank you. f The Gobi Desert is a very large desen in
P So, you're here today to talk about some sun, to shine, sunny
north-west China and Mongolia. It's a
interesting numbers about food. wind, to blow, windy
ice, to freeze, icy/freezing cold desert because it’s so far north and it
D That's right. Firstly, do you know how many sometimes snows there.
different types of tomato there are in the fog, foggy
world? Well, some people say10,(XX), but 10.8 $
10.3 $ 1 Lake Baikal is in the south of Siberia.
other people say there are about 25,000. When we make a comparative sentence, wre say
P Oh, really? 2 The Gobi Desert is in north-west China and
than with a weak sound /dan/. Mongolia.
D Yes. And slaving with fruit, when you're
The nights are colder than the days. 3 Phuket island is near the west coast of
watching your calories, try’a lemon. There
Is spring wetter than summer? Thailand.


10.9 ») Z Well, we need to find our way to the camp. 0 Great, thanks! We're getting emails from
Lake Baikal in Siberia is the biggest , deepest I think a map and compass are the most people all around the world telling us how
and oldest lake in the world. It's more than useful things for this because a GPS could they’re going to celebrate the day.
1,600 metres deep and more dian twenty-five break or run out of battery. 1 lhat's good lo hear. So what is everyone
million years old. It has almost twenty per cent A But that’s two more things and we can’t going to do?
of the world’s freshwater, and thousands of have any more than that. What happens if 0 Oh, all sorts «if things. A lot of people are
different kinds of plants and animals live there. we need the first aid kit? I’d prefer to take going to make soup and sandwiches and
Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, is one of the GPS instead of the map and compass give Qiem to homeless people. 1had an
the largest volcanoes in the world. It's 5,895 because then we can have the first aid kit. email from a man yesterday - he isn't going
metres Lall - die highest mountain in Africa. It's T But what about the torch? I don't like the to eat for 24 hours and he’s going to collect
sometimes called the ‘Hoof of Africa! It s also forest at night time! money for his local hospital. And, of course,
one of the easiest mountains in the world to A Tt gets dark quite late, and we should to go wTe're going to post everything on our
climb, even for tourists. The oldest person ever bed early after a long day walking in the website for people to see.
to climb to the top was a Frenchman, Valtee forest, so I don't think we need the torch. 1 Are you going to have time to do something
Daniel, who was eighty-seven years old. Z OK, let's lake ihe GPS and die llrsi-aid kit. yourself/
T OK. 0 No, I ’m afraid I'm not going to have much
An oasis is an area of water in a desert, and
A Good idea. time at all. But we are going to have a big
Al llasa is the largest oasis in Saudi Arabia. It
covers over 12 km* and gives water to over three parly here at the office and everyone needs
10.15 )j>
million trees and a million people, even at the to buy a ticket to come. And all Qie money
1 1diink a compass is betler Qian a GPS.
goes to charity, of course.
hottest times of the year. Many Saudis believe Al 2 I'd prefer to stay in a hotel.
Hasa is the most beautiful and best area to visit 3 The most important thing to take is food. 11.4 I)
in the country. 4 1think we should take only one torch. In sentences with going lo wre do nol usually
5 Taking a first-aid kit is more important than stress to.
10.10 $ taking a knife.
We say the in superlatives with a weak sound
We're going toftel look after afriend's daughter.
6 I'd prefer to have my own tent. Are you going toJlof visit someone in hospital?
/eta/ when the following adjective slarts with a
10.16 )| In negative sentences, we stress not/aren't/isn't.
consonant. We say the ending -est with a schwa
1 Bangkok is hotter Qian Cairo. I ’m not going to! ta/ organize an event.
sound /ost/.
2 Canberra is foggier than London. 11.5 D
10.11$ 3 The pollution is worse in New Delhi than in
A Which river's the longest in the world? 1 W e’re going to organize a party.
2 I'm not going to visit my family this weekend.
B I think the Nile's the longest. 4 Damascus is older than Rome.
C Maybe, but I think die Amazon is longer 3 What are you going lo do for Mandela Day?
5 Ottawa is snowier than Moscow.
than the Mississippi. 6 Tokyo has a bigger population than Mexico 11.6 8
10.121 City. 1 I have a smartphone, so I can use the
inlemet when I'm out.
1 The busiest airport of ihe three is Beijing,
then Dubai and then Los Angeles.
Unit 11 Working together 2 1often buy apps for my phone.
2 O f these islands, Greenland is the biggest,
3 I take my tablet everywhere, so I can work or
in I study when I’m not at home.
and Madagascar is bigger than Sumatra. 1 organize a party
4 I check the news every day on my favourite
3 The Great Pyramid of Giza isn't the oldest 2 give a present to someone
monument in the world, blit it's the oldest 3 repair your friend's bike
newspaper website.
5 I have GPS on my phone because I drive to
In this group. It's older Qian the Parthenon, 4 visit someone in hospital
lots of different places for work.
and tile Parthenon's older than die 5 make a cake for a colleague's birthday
Colosseum. 6 help a classmate with their homework 11.7 D
7 plant some flowrers personal
10.13 $
ft look after a friend's children for the evening -in
1 Is there usually heavy traffic on your way to
9 teach someone to drive
this class?
10 improve your local area by picking up
2 Did you have a high score in your last test?
3 Do you like strong coffee? 11.8 J
4 Which jobs usually have the lowest salaries? 11.2 ?) 1 I go geocaching to keep fit. I choose caches
5 Are you a deep sleeper? 1 We aren’t going to use any electricity or in the countryside and I walk for miles to
use die car tomorrow. I'm going to walk find them! It's better than going to the gym.
10.14 D
to w'orkand... Arturo? Are you going to 2 I do it to meet new people. I go on lo the
A OK, so we can take a tent and sleeping bag
cycle to w'ork tomorrow morning? Yes, my website and 1arrange to meet them in a
each and we need to decide on the five most
husband's goitig to work by bike. café in town and Qien we look for the cache
important things to take as well.
2 Next Saturday, I'm going lo organize a game togeüier. 1met my best friend geocaching!
T Well, we need cooking equipment - we have
to eat - but I iliink we should take one stove of football for the kids around here. We're 3 Well, it’s a good way to find some interesting
going to sell tickets and give all the money places. Yeah, I go geocaching to see
instead of three because we don’t need one
to charity. different places.
A I think a lighter is more important than
3 What am 1going lo do on Mandela 4 Why do I go geocaching? That's a good
Day? Well, I’ve got a neighbour and he's question. Um ... because I really enjoy it. T
a stove because we can make a fire for
unemployed at the moment. I know' he's a love running around looking lor presents.
cooking with wood from the forest.
bit unhappy about it so I'm going to help It’s like being a kid again!
Z I ’m sorry, but I don’t agree. Taking a stove is
him find work. We’re going lo improve his
a better idea than making a fire because what 11.9$
CV and spend the day sending emails to
happens if it rains? If we have the lighter and 1 I go geocaching to keep fit.
the stove - then we can cook inside the tent. 2 I do it to meet new people.
A OK, so a stove, lighter and cooking 11.35D 3 l go geocaching to see different places.
equipment makes three tilings. We can have I So, how are die plans for Qiis year's Mandela
two more. Day?

11.10)} W Oh, I didn't tell you. He's going to move to of drawing and painting lessons. 1enjoy
1 Italy. painting a lot and 1often do it in my free
A Were you very glad to gel die job? M Wow! Great! Are you and Johan going to visit time. 1like going to art galleries, too. I also
B Of course! 1was really delighted! him? like writing - I've started writing two or
2 W That's my other resolution. We're not going three books, but 1haven't finished any of
A Was the weather very nice on your holiday? to join a gym this year because it's too them!
B Yes, ii was really lovely! We were very lucky. expensive. So we’re going to save some A 1had dance lessons at school, but I wasn’t
3 money for a Dip to Italy instead! very good, so I stopped going, but I've
A Is she very good at tennis? always wanted to dance, so I've started
B Yes, she's really excellent! She always wins. 1 He got up early to paint the living room.
going to salsa classes. 1love it! I also enjoy
4 going to the theatre to see plays, and
2 She's going to move to Greece to teach
A What's wrong? You don't look very happy. especially to see musicals. I live in a big city,
B It's really awful! I failed my driving test. so I've been to see all the big musicals -
3 I go to Rob's house every weekend to look
5 after his dog.
they're fantastic!
A Let's use my car. Your car is too small for five 4 1went to my parents' house to repair my 12.5$
people. Mum s car. 1 go to the cinema / go to the theatre
B You're right. My car is really liny! 5 I ’m going to call all our friends to organize a 2 go to a music festival
11.11)) birthday party for my best friend. 3 go to a salsa class
Conversation 1 6 We're going to buy some eggs and sugar to 4 go to art galleries
A So, Ryan and Ian made a list of questions to make a cake. 5 go to a rock concert /go to a classical music
ask Dr Pedersen. 7 I ’m going to take the afternoon off work concert
B Oh, dial s great. Can 1see ii? tomorrow to visit my aunt in hospital. 6 go to die opera
A Yeah, of course. We've got five main 0 1wrent to the garden to plant some flowers. 7 see a film / see a movie
questions so far... 8 see a play
B 1see, yes, these are really good. I’d like to 1 What are we going to have for lunch?
9 see a musical
know about the types of questions in the 2 1want to go out lonight. but 1can't
10 play the guilar
exam too. Shall Twrite that down? 11 play in a band
3 1can't speak much Japanese.
A Yes, good idea. And when are we going to 12 have music lessons
4 I ’m really busy at the moment.
ask Dr Pedersen about all this? 5 I broke my washing machine last night.
13 have painting lessons
C I’m going to have a meeting with him this 14 have dance lessons
afternoon. Why don't 1give him the list then? Unit 12 Culture and the arts 15 have drawing lessons
A Yes, dial's perfect, Shaz. Then we can talk 18 have singing lessons
1 2 .1 D
about il in class tomorrow. Now, Ihe next 12.6$
Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind, but he started
ihing is the homew'ork... 1 Sometimes you don't want to look because
playing on a toy piano at the age of just two. Tie
Conversation 2 they are scary, e.g. Vie Blair Witch Project,
began learning the piano two years later, and
A So I'll read the list and if anyone would like Dracula films.
he gave his first big concert in Tokyo w'hen he
to do something, please just say. Is that OK? 2 They tell a love story e.g. Tilunic, Gone with
was twelve years old. He's in his twenties now.
B I'll lake notes so we don't forget. the Wind.
but he has given concerts all over the w'orld,
A Thank you. Iliat's very helpful. OK, firsl 3 You laugh at them because they arc funny,
and he has wron many prizes and international
there's the problem wiUi rubbish in ihe park. e.g. M r Bean, Ihe Mask.
competitions. He has written music for film and
C Oh, shall I do that? I go to the park every day 4 Ihey tell a story about somediing that
TV, loo. I Ie hasn't seen die written music, but
anyway. happens in people's lives and sometimes
he has learnt to play some of the most difficult
A ’lhankyou, Janck. they are very sad e.g. The Help, Forrest
pieces of music in the wrorld only through
B Let me help you with that, Janek. It's a big Gump.
sound. I lis classical music fans have said this is
park. 5 People fight and drive fast cars, e.g. Speed,
C Thanks. James Bond films.
A Great! What's next? Ah yes, we need 12.2))) 6 Ihey have spaceships and are set on other
someone to paint the walls of the school. In die present perfect, the stress is on the past planets or they're about the future, e.g.
D Oh, my husband and his brother could participle in positive sentences, and on haven't/ Avatar, Star Wars films.
probably do that. Would you like me to ask hasn't in negative sentences. 7 They don't have real people and nowadays
them? 1 lie's given concerts... they're usually made with computers, e.g.
A Yes, that wrould he very helpful, thank you. 2 ... he hast?7 seen the written music... Shrek, Finding Nemo.
Now, then... 8 People sing and dance, e.g. Mamma Mia,
12.3))) Grease.
11.12)} 1 He’s sold them all over the world.
1 Shall I wTile that down? 2 He hasn’i opened a gallery in New York. 12.7$
2 W hy don’t I give him the list then? 3 This hasn't stopped her dream of dancing. 1 horror films
3 I'll take notes so we don't forget. 4 Thousands of people have wratched her. 2 romantic films
4 Let me help you widi thaL 3 comedies
5 Would you like me to ask them? 1 2 .4 $
4 dramas
P I ’ve always loved music. 1don't play an 5 action films
11.13)} instrument, but I've always w'anted to play
M Do you have any New' Year's Resolutions 6 science fiction films
in a band. I like pop music, rock and jazz,
this year? 7 animations
and since I was a child I've had a big music 8 musicals
W Yeah, I'm going to spend less lime at w'ork. collection. In my free time I often go to
M RealIv? Are you going to spend more rime rock concerts and I usually go to twro or 12.8®
with your friends and family? three music festivals a year. Thaven't been l My favourite film is Titanic. It’s a drama, but
W Yes, 1want lo spend more lime with my lo a classical music concert before, bul I ’m also a love story, and it stars Kate Winslet
brother because he's going to move next year. going to my first one next week! and Leonardo DiCaprio. It’s about a huge
M Really? Is he going to look for a new J M y parents arc artists, so I've had lots ship and all the people on it.


2 Ihe film that's made more money than any 12.14 )| R Oh, I'm not sure. You'll need to speak to the
other in ihe world is Avatar. It’s a science P Good evening. Our guest tonight is Mark ticket office manager about that.
fiction film and it's set in the future. Russell, who is going to talk about the C Right, well could you ask him to call me
Indian film industry, Bollywood, and one of back, please?
its biggest stars. Mark, welcome. R Yes, of course. Could I have your number,
I 1lave you ever left the cinema early?
M Thanks, Steffi. please?
51 Oh yes! I've left in the middle of a lot of films.
P Tell us a little bit about Bollywood. Many C Yes, it's0... 7 ...5 ...
I don't want to sit in a cinema watching
something really bad - life’s too short! of us have heard of it, but perhaps we don't 12.17)))
52 I've never left the cinema early, but I ’ve all know much about it. Is it bigger than 1 I li Francis, it's Marcus. Is Caitlin there?
often wanted to. A few months ago, Twent Hollywood these days? 2 Hello. Could 1speak to the ticket office
to see a terrible film. Someone walked out M Yes, it is. In the last ten years, Bollywood manager, please?
every five minutes. At the end of the film. has made more films and it’s sold more 3 She's not here at the moment.
I was the only person left! But I think you tickets, too. For example in 2009, Bollywood 4 I'm afraid he's not available at the moment.
have to watch the whole Him or you don’t produced over 1,200 films and 1lollywood 5 Can you tell her to call me back, please?
know if it's good or bad! made only about 500. Also, Bollywood films 6 Could you ask him to call me back, please?
53 Yes, I have. 1walked out once - it was last have become popular all over the world and 7 Could 1have your number, please?
summer and ft was a beautiful day. The film they've made them in lots of countries. 8 I fang on a minute. I'll just get her.
was really boring, so I just decided to leave. 12.15 $ 12.18)))
54 No, 1haven't, but I’ve fallen asleep in a lot M One of the biggest names in Bollywood is A Right insurance. How can I help you?
of cinemas! When the lights go out, and Ilem a Sardesai. B l lello. Could 1speak to Ms Martinez, please?
the seats are comfortable, and the film is P I've never heard of her. Is there a reason for A One moment, please. I’m afraid she’s out of
slow, then 1just can' l stay awake! I've never that? the office at the moment. Would you like to
walked out of a film, though. I think it's rude M Well, she's a playback singer. This means leave a message?
to other people who are watching. that she records the songs that other actors B No, that's fine. I'll call back later.
12.10 )J use in their films, ’ihe actors move their A Ok, thank you.
1 mouths, but they are not singing. Ihe voice B Thanks. Bye.
I've never left the cinema early, but I've often is really the voice of a playback singer like
wanted to.
These days, Verona coliseum is famous for its
2 P So we never see her.
opera festival, but it has been a place to see
A lew months ago, Twent to see a terrible film. M Not exactly. She's recorded playback songs
other types of entertainment over the years.
for over sixty’ Bollywood films, but she's
3 Ihe Romans built the coliseum almost two
also had a few successful albums. Also,
A I lave you ever left the cinema early? thousand years ago for sports and games called
she’s been in shows all over India, and she’s
B Yes, I have. I walked out once - it was last 'ludi! The most famous of these games were
visited a lot of different countries.
summer and it was a beautiful day. fights between gladiators. These events were
P So, she's quite famous in India outside
12.11 $) very' popular and people came from far away to
see them. In 1117, there was a big earthquake
I So Pavel, you're here for the Rio de Janeiro M Oh, yes. When India celebrated fifty years of
in Verona and people didn't use the coliseum
film festival. I lave you visited Brazil before? independence, she sang her own song and
for a long time. I lowever, centuries later, die
P Yes, 1have - twice. Actually, I came here three million people watched her live.
Venetians decided to repair the building and
when 1was a child and I was here three
12.16 )J| use it for concerts. From that time, hundreds
years ago for work, too.
F Hello? of thousands of people have come to Verona to
I interesting. And what about you, Wanda?
M Fli Francis, it’s Marcus. TsCaitlin there? listen to music and many famous opera singers
Have you ever been to Rio before?
F She's not here at the moment. and ballet dancers have performed there.
W No, I've never been here before, but it's a
M OK, well can you tell her to call me back
beautiful city.
1 l'in very pleased to hear that! So, 1saw your
F Yes, sure. Oh wait, she's just come back.
latest film Inbox Me last night and 1thought
Hang on a minute. I'll just get her.
it was really wonderful.
C Hi, Marcus.
P Well, thank you very much!
M Fli, Caitlin. I lave you booked tickets for the
I And everyone else in the cinema enjoyed it,
comedy club tonight?
too. When it finished, people stood up and
C No, I haven't. Their website said they're sold
clapped - 1couldn't believe it!
out tonighu
P Really? I'm delighted to hear that. A lot of
M Oh no. Well why don't you call them and ask
people have said some lovely tilings about it.
about returned tickets? Sometimes people
W I,ast week someone told me it was their
return tickets because they can't go.
favourite film of the year!
C Oh yes, I didn't think of that. Good idea!
I Great! So, tell m e...
I'll call them now and 111call you back in a
12.12 $ minute.
1 I opened the door. M Thanks, Caitlin. Speak soon.
2 I've opened the door. C OK. Bye.
3 She’s run a marathon. R Good afternoon. Phoenix Comedy Club.
4 She ran a marathon. I low can I help you?
5 We've met him. C I lello. Could I speak to the ticket office
6 We met him. manager, please?
7 I've watched Star Wars twice this month. R I'm afraid he's not available at the moment.
ft I watched Star Wars twice last month. Can I help?
C Maybe. I’m calling about the show tonight.
Your website says it's sold out, but has
anyone returned any tickets?

Irregular verbs

infinitive Past simple Past participle I infinitive Past simple Past participle
be was/were been know knew known
become became become learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
begin began begun leave left left
break broke broken lose lost lost
bring brought brought make made made
build built built meet met met
buy bought bought pay paid paid
can could been able to put put put
catch caught caught read read read
choose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
drink drank drunk sing sang sung
drive drove driven sit sat sat
eat ate eaten sleep slept slept
fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt spend spent spent
find found found stand stood stood
fiy flew flown swim swam swum
forget forgot forgotten take took taken
get got got teach taught taught
give gave given tell told told
go went gone/been think thought thought
grow grew grown understand understood understood
have had had wear wore worn
hear heard heard win won won
keep kept kept write wrote written

Ow Oxford 3000™
Phonemic symbols

Single vowel sounds consonant sounds

tree computer pen see
I I I /tri:/ fa ! /kam 'pjutts/ /p/ /pen/ /s/ /six/

his learn big lazy

lil fh iz l 1 3 :1
/bin/ /b/ /big/ Iz l /'leizi/
happy four tea shower
IV /'ho?pi/ h d fix / / t/ /ti:/ /;/ /'Jaiis/
good hat do television
lu i /god/ læ l /hacl/ /d/ /du:/ # / 'te liv i 5 n/

usual sunny children man

lu i /'ju:3u3j/ Ia I /'sAni/ /tj/ /'tjildran/ Im i /main/

school car journey never

/ il:/ /skuil/ / a :/ fk a:/ /cfe/ /'d33:ni/ In i /'neva/

ten clock cat sing

/e/ /ten/ /d / fk io k f /k/ Z k x tJ V /sir)/

go hot
/g/ /gao/ /h/ /hnt/

fly like

Diphthongs (double vowel sounds)

/IV /flar/ /l/ /laik/
near boy very river
lid i h i! N /'veri/ / r/ /'riva/
/ma/ /bDi/

tour try thing water

/us/ / a i/ Id i /0IO/ /w / /'wo:t3/
/tcra/ /trai/

wear so this yes

/eo/ /wea/ fo u l /sou/
/Ö/ /dis/ /j/ /jes/

train out
/ e i7 /trein/ /au/ /aot/

N am e__________________

A2 Wordlist U n it 1 Navigate
Here is a list of useful or new words from unit ^ of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can Insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

American adj /o'm erikon/ My boss isn't American.

Arabic adj /'aerobrk/ They're Arabic.
artist Om n /'u :tist/ She's an artist,
auntOm n /a:nt/ is she your aunt?
bossom n /bos/ My boss isn't American, she's Turkish.
British adj /'b ritiJV I'm from London. I'm British.
brother Om n /'brActa(r)/ My brother is a doctor.
brother-in-law n /'b rA ita(r) in Id:/ My brother-in-law is a doctor.
business management n He studied business management at university
/.biznos 'm<enid3mQnt/
car mechanic n /'ku: m 3,kaenik/ l'm a car mechanic.
child Om n /tjaild / They have one child.
children n pi /'tjild ro n / How old are your children?
Chinese adj /.tj'ai'n iiz / My neighbours are Chinese.
communicate Om v / k o 'm ju m ik cit/ I'm good at communicating with people.
country Om n /'kAntri/ Which country are you from?
cousin Om 11 /'kAzn/ Anna is my cousin.
daughter Om n /'dD ito(r)/ Their daughter is married.
designer n / d i'z a in ^ r)/ She's Australian and she's a designer.
Emirati adj /em i'ra :ti/ They're from Dubai. They're Emirati.
family name n /'fasm ali neim / His family name's Ramirez.
father Om n /'fa:i^o(r)/ Her father's name is Hasan.
fluent adj /'fluront/ She's fluent in Portuguese.
French adj /fren tJ/ My wife's mother is French.
genetic adj /d3 o 'n ctik / The village doctor says it isn't genetic; he thinks it's something
in the water or the food.
granddaughter Om n /'cjra;ndc>:t3(r)/ Her granddaughter is at university.
grandfather Om n /’g ran faid o C r)/ How old is your grandfather?
grandmother Om n /'grasnm Ado(r)/ My grandmother is Spanish.
grandson Om n /'gransA n/ They have one grandson.
Greek adj /griik/ Are your neighbours Greek?
Hungarian adj /hArj'georion/ Are you Hungarian?
husband Om n /'liAzbsnd/ My husband is Italian.
introduce Om v /,in trD 'd ju :s/ Let me introduce you to the other students.
Italian adj /I'taelion/ They're Italian.
Japanese adj /.dsaepo'niiz/ My neighbours are Japanese.
last name n / 'la is t neim / In some countries, wives can have their husband's last names
after they're married.
Lebanese adj /,Icbo'ni:z/ Are they Lebanese?
N am e__________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 1 Navigate

married Om adj /'mærid/ Are you married?

Mexican adj /'m cksiksn/ rm from Mexico. I'm Mexican.

mother Om n /'niAÔo(r)/ She is the mother of six children.

nationality n ^næjo'næloti/ W hat's your nationality?

neighbourOwr n /'ncibo(r)/ The neighbours are a family from Iraq.

nephew Om n /'ncfju:/ My nephew 's nam e is José.
niece O m n /ni:s/ W hat's your niece's nam e?

Nigerian adj /mii'c^iorion/ I'm from Nigeria. I'm Nigerian.

Pakistani adj /.pæki'stcnni/ His father's from Pakistan. He's Pakistani.

Polish adj /'pooliJ7 There's a Polish supermarket next to our house,

Portuguese adj /,po:t.fu'gi:z/ is José Portuguese?

restaurant Om n /'restront/ I work in a restaurant.
Russian adj / 't a J ii/ M y neighbour is Russian.

saxophone n /'sæksofoon/ I play the saxophone,

single Om adj /'siggl/ is Sylvie single?

sister Om n /'sisto(r)/ How old is your sister?

sonom n / s a ii/ I'm his son.

Spanish acÿ /'spænij/ is Martha Spanish?

stepfather n /'stepfardor/ Didier is my stepfather.

supermarket Om n/'suipornuikit/ My Saturday job is at a Chinese supermarket called Jing Jing

Turkish adj /'t^ikij/ She isn't American, she's Turkish.

twin Om n /twin/ Four of their sons are twins.

typical Om adj f' tipikl/ it's a typical village, but its people are not typical.

uncle Om n /'A^kl/ M y uncle's a teacher.

unemployed Om ad j/, Anim'ploid/ I'm unemployed at the moment.

Urdu r? /'3:du:/ They speak Urdu

Vietnamese adj /.vjetno'm iiz/ She's Vietnamese.

wife Om n /waif/ His w ife's name is Rashida.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 2 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 2 of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

agree (with) v /o'yri:/ l usually agree with my friends.

alone Om adv /o' lot in/ Melanie often works there alone.
ask (for) v /a:sk/ do students often ask for a discount?
astronaut n /'aestronoit/ All astronauts in Europe learn their job at the European
Astronaut Centre in Cologne in Germany.
beach Om n /biitJV in the summer. I get up early and go to the beach.
body clock Om n /'bndi kink/ There is no perfect time to sleep because everyone's body
clock is different.
break Om n /brcik/ She stops for a break in the morning at quarter past eleven.
breakfast Om n /'b rckfast/ I usually have eggs and cheese for breakfast.
canteen n /ksen'tiin/ She has breakfast in the canteen at eight o'clock.
cereal n /'sioriol/ I eat cereal for breakfast every morning.
class Om n /kla:s/ Classes start again at half past seven.
dangerous Om adj /'deinc^ores/ Male seals are big and sometimes dangerous,
dirty Om adj /'d3iti/ it's dirty in the city.
discount Om n /'d iskaont/ Do students often ask for a discount?
expert Om n /'eksp3it/ Sleep expert Dr Michael Howell says the best sleep is six hours
at night and two hours in the afternoon.
eyesight n /'aisait/ Do you need perfect eyesight to be an astronaut?
feel well phr / fill 'w el/ Most astronauts don't feel well when they first go into space.
freeOm adj /fri:/ Tea and coffee are free at work.
free time n /fri: 'taim / He works very hard and he hardly ever has free time.
fresh air n /frcj* 'ea(r)/ I prefer to live in the country because of the fresh air.
get up phr v /get 'Ap/ I get up at about seven o'clock.
go Om v /gau/ I go to work at eight o'clock.
go clubbing phr /goo 'klAbio/ W e go clubbing every weekend.
half past phr / 'h a lf p aist/ Classes finish at half past six in the evening.
have dinner phr /haev 'd in o (r)/ W e usually have dinner at 7 p.m.
have lunch phr /haev 'lA iitJV I always have lunch at 12.30.
hungry Om adj /'IiArjgri/ I am always hungry during the day.
idea Om n J a i'd ia / W e sometimes have different ideas.
journey Om n /'d33:ni/ how was your journey?
labOm n /laeb/ He works in the lab every afternoon.
lateom adj /lcit/ My sister never waits for people who are late.
listen Om v /'Iisn/ Gregorja listens to pop and classical music.
meeting Om n /'m iitig/ I'd like to talk to you before the meeting tomorrow.
noisy Om adj /'noizi/ City life is sometimes noisy.
outside Om prep /aut'said/ I often have lunch outside a café or a restaurant.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 2 Navigate

pay Om v /pei/ Do you pay for tea and coffee at work?

penguin n /'perigw in/ Melanie Szabo studies penguins.

perfect Om adj /'p-jifikt/ His English is perfect.
physics Om n /'fiziks/ in the mornings, w e study things like physics.
planOm n /plæn/ Thanks, but I'm afraid I have plans for tonight.
professor Om rt /pro'fes3 (r)/ Melanie Szabo is a professor.
public transport Om n /.pAblik 'trænspmt/ W hat tim e does public transport stop?

quarter pastOm phr /'kw orto pazst/ He stops for a break in the morning at quarter past ten.

quarter to Om phr /'k w r> :to to / She goes to morning classes at quarter to nine.
read Om v/ /ri:d/ In my free time I like to listen to music or read a book.

reply Om n /ri'p lai/ Do w e have a reply from them?

rise Om v /raiz/ The sun rises at about half past five in the morning,
sandwich n /'sæ nw itJV w e buy sandwiches at lunchtime.
scientific Om adj /'saio n 't ifik / Bird Island is an important scientific research centre.

scientist Om n /'saian tist/ Every year lots of scientists visit the island.
se a lO m n /s i :l/ Sven Olafsson studies seals.

shop Om n fJ op/ The shops open at half past eight in the morning.

shower Om n /'JaoD (r)/ I sometimes have a show er in the morning.

sickness n /'siknos/ They often have space sickness.

sleeping bag n /'sliip irj bæg/ They don't sleep in a bed - they sleep in special sleeping bags.
soupom n /su:p/ They do very good Korean soup there.

space Om n /spcis/ Som e astronauts stay in space for over a year at a time.
spacesuit n /'sp eissuit/ Astronauts only need a spacesuit when they go on a space
start Om v /stu:t/ School starts at eight o'clock in the morning.
stop v /stnp/ Public transport usually stops at 11 o'clock at night.

student card n /'stjuidnt ku:d/ They need to show their student card.
think (about) v /'Oigk/ W hen he's alone, he thinks about his friends and family.
tired Om adj /'taiad/ Many of us feel tired during the day.

title Om n /'ta il 1/ Titles and names can tell us a lot about people.
toast n /toost/ They usually have toast for breakfast.

trainee n / .trci'n i:/ Sanaa Diya is a trainee astronaut at the European Astronaut
Centre in Cologne.
volcano n /vo l'k ein su / He arrives a t a volcano at 7 o'clock.

wait Om v /w cit/ Do people often w ait for buses and trains in your city?
wake up Om phr v /w eik 'Ap/ I try to w ake up early, but it's difficult.
wall Om n /w d :I/ The sleeping bags are on the walls.
watch a film Om phr / .w n tj o 'film / W e don't often watch a film in the evening,

watch TV Om phr /.wotj* li: vi:/ in the evening I usually watch TV.
work 3
v /W :( r ) k / Sven never works alone.

zoology n /zu'Dl3d3i/ She is a professor of zoology.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 3 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 3 of Navigate A2 coursebook. yo u can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

address Om n /o'tires/ ______________ W rite down your address and phone number.

administrator n / o d 'm in istre ito (r)/ ______________ Just tell the administrator before you leave.

again Ow adv /o'gen/ ------------ Say that again, please.

airline n /'eolain/ ______________ M y brother flies planes for a Japanese airline.

answer On» n / 'a :n so (r)/ ------------ W hat's the answ er to this question?

author Om n /'r>:Go(r)/ ______________ His brother's an author. He's writing a book at the moment.

baker n /'beik£>(r)/ ------------ His father's a baker.

beginner n / b i'y in o (r)/ _____________ _ It's difficult for a beginner to understand very much in a new
builder n /,b ild o (r)/ ------------ My brother's a builder.

bus driver n /'Has ,d raivD (r)/ ______________ My brother drives buses in the city. He's a bus driver.

businessman Om n /'bizn3sm£en/ He has his own company. He's a businessman.

businesswoman Om n /'biznosw nm an/ ______________ She has her own company. She's a businesswoman.

calm Om adj /kci rm/ ______________ He's a very calm person.

chef n /Jef/ ______________ Daniela cooks food in a restaurant, she's a chef.

cleaner n /'k li:n o (r)/ ------------ My cousin cleans offices and people's houses. She's a cleaner.

clever Om adj /'klev© (r)/ ------------ Your daughter's very clever.

colleague Om n /'knliig / ______________ He really enjoys his job because his colleagues are also his
company Om n /'kAm poni/ ------------ He works for a company in the city.

dancer Om n /'d a:n so (r)/ ______________ She's a dancer.

dentist Om n /'d en tist/ ------------ Sam eeha cleans and fixes people's teeth. She's a dentist.

driver Om n /'draivr»(r)/ ______________ My brother's a really bad driver.

earn Om v /3111/ ------------ She earns a lot of money.

factory Om n /'fiu k lri/ ------------ M y father works in a factory.

farmer Om n /'fci:m o(r)/ ______________ M y uncle's a farmer.

fix Om v /fiks/ ______________ M y son fixes a lot of different machines. He's a mechanic.
forest Om n /'fo rist/ ------------ I work in a big forest.

forget Om v /fo'get/ ------------ Don't forget w e 're going to the cinema tomorrow.
hairdresser Om n /'heodrcso(r)/ ______________ He w ashes hair, cuts it and dries it. He's a hairdresser.

important Om adj /im 'p o itn l/ ------------ W hich things do you think are most important in a job?

inside Om adv /, in 'said/ ______________ Do you work inside?

internet Om n /'in tsn et/ ------------ I used the internet to book my holiday.

journalist Om n /'d33:nolist/ ______________ Ekaterina writes for the newspaper. She's a journalist.

later Om adv /'le ito (r)/ ------------ I'll see you later.

lonely Om adj /'loonli/ ------------ som e people think mechanics, cleaners, farmers and artists
have a lonely life.
lookout n /'Jukaut/ ______________ I am a 'fire lookout'.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 3 Navigate

lucky Om adj /'lAki/ And who are these lucky people?

magazine Om n /.m axja'zim / M y mother is a journalist and she works for a fashion magazine.

manager Om n /'m a;n id 3 o(r)/ She works in an office. She's a manager.

money o * n /'rriAni/ She makes a lot of money,

MP3 player n /,em p i: 'Ori: ,plcTo(r)/ it's an M P3 player.

musician Om n /m ju 'z ijn / My cousin sings and plays the guitar in a band, she's a musician.

nurse Om n /n3:s/ She works in a hospital and helps sick people. She's a nurse.

office worker n / 'o fis ,w 3 ik o (r)/ They say that office workers are happy because they usually
w ork as part of a team.
painter Om n /'p cin to (r)/ My uncle is a painter.
part-time adv /,pa:t 'taim / My grandmother works part-time as a cleaner.

photographer Om n /fo 'tn yro fo (r)/ Manu takes pictures with his cam era. He's a photographer.
piano Om n /pi'senau/ I play the piano at a cinema in town.

pilot Om n /'pailot/ M y brother flies planes. He's a pilot.

place of work n /.pleis ov 'w 'jik / I think your place of work is very important.

police officer n /p o 'Iiis ,n fiso (r)/ Serena catches criminals and makes people feel safe, she's a
police officer.
retired Om adj fri'ta io d / My parents are both retired.

salary Om n /'saclari/ His salary is really good. He earns a lot of money.

silent Om adj I 'sailont/ At m y cinema, they have a lot of old, silent movies, so they
need som eone to play music.
singer Om n /'sir)D(r)/ She's a singer in a band.

student Om n /'stju id n t/ She studies at university. She's a student.

teacher Om n / 'ti:tJo (r)/ My sister's a teacher.

ticket Om n / 'tik it/ I work in a cinem a in town, but I don't sell tickets.
tow er Om n /'taua(r)/ I work in a very high tow er so I can see very far.

uniform Om n /'ju :n ifo :m / She hates the uniform that police officers wear.

unusual Om ac/y/An'ju:3uol/ Do you have an unusual job?

well-paid adj /w el 'p eid / He's very well-paid.

winner Om n /'w in 3 (r)/ You win. You're the winner.

work freelance phr / w 'jik T riilu in s/ I don't have a boss because I work freelance.

work long hours Om p/?r / W 3 :k Ioq ‘auoz/ Do you work long hours?

writer Om n /'raito (r)/ M y cousin is a famous writer.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 4 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 4 of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
ad v = adverb n = noun p i = plural prep = preposition v = verb

above Om prep /o 'b A v/ M y bed is above the kitchen.

airport Om n /‘eopoil/ The roads to Coober Pedy are good and there's an airport.
armchair n / 'a :m tjc 3 (r)/ There's an arm chair in the living room.
bankOm n /b<er|k/ W here's the bank?
bathroom Om n / 'b a iB r u im / There's a small bathroom in m y flat.
bed Om n /b e d / There's a small table next to my bed.
bedroom Om n /'bedruim / in my house, there are three bedrooms.
behind Om prep /hi'haind/ The East River is behind the building.
between Om prep / b i'tw iin / My flat's on the fourth floor of a building between Delancey
Street and Grand street.
big Om adj /big/ I need a big desk to work on.
booking form Om n /'b o k ig fn:m / Bring the booking form with you.
bookshop n /'b okjnp / There's a bookshop opposite my flat,
building Om n /'bildirj/ it's a modern building.

campsite n /'kasm psait/ There are four or five hotels and there's also a campsite.

capital Om n / ' kcupitl/ Coober Pedy is the opal capital of the world.
carpet Om n /'k a:p it/ There's a red carpet on the floor.
cheap Om adj /tj'i:p/ My flat's in a cheap part of town.
chemist Om n /'kem ist/ Is there a chem ist near hear?

cinema Om n /'sniom a/ There's a cinema near the hotel.

clean Om adj /klisn/ I like to keep them very clean,

cooker Om n /'koko(r)/ in the kitchen there's a cooker.
diningroom n /'d ain io ru:m / There's a dining room next to the kitchen.
dishwasher n /'d iJw o Jo C r)/ The dishwasher is under the sink,
e a sy O m adj / ' i : z i / it's easy to find a flat in m y town.

expensive Om adj /ik 'sp en siv/ M y com puter is new and expensive.

fantastic adj /faen'taistik/ The food is fantastic.

flat Om n /flaet/ I live in a flat.
fridge Om n / frid 5 / The fridge is next to the sink.

furniture Om n /'f3:nitj'c>(r)/ M y furniture is mostly old.

garage Om n /'gaera:3 , 'g3erid3/ There's a garage opposite my flat.

hairdresser's n /‘hcodrcsoz/ in the hotel, there is a swimming pool, a hairdresser's and

ninety-five bedrooms.
hospital Om n /‘ho sp itl/ She works in a hospital,

housemate n /'hausm eit/ M y housem ates are very messy,

in front of prep /, in 'frA n t av/ it's on the floor in front of the window.
instructions Om n pi / i n ' s t r A k f n z / Here are the instructions.
kitchen Om n / 'k itjin / There's a small kitchen in my flat.
launderette n /loin'dret/ I go to the launderette to wash my clothes.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 4 Navigate

lazyOm adj /'leizi/ They are very lazy.
library Om n /'laib rari/ Excuse me, where's the library?
light Om adj /lait/ There are lots of windows, so it's very light,
living room n / 'livrrj ru:m / in my flat, there is a living room,
market Om n /'m ciikit/ it's behind the market.
messy adj /'m esi/ I'm a messy worker.
mine Om n /main/ A lot of the people in Coober Pedy work in the opal mines.
museum Om n /m ju'ziiom / There's a museum about the history of the town,
nexttoOm prep /'nekst tu :, to/ it's next to a restaurant.
old Om adj /auld/ I live in an old town.
old-fashioned Om adj /,oo:ld 'fee/nd/ My house is very old-fashioned.
on Om prep /on/ My bed is on a shelf.
opal n /'oopl/ Near Coober Pedy, there are opals under the ground.
opposite Om prep /'npozit/ The building is opposite a 24-hour garage.
organized Om adj /'oxjonaizd/ I work from home, so l keep everything tidy and organized,
palace Om n /'piulos/ it's next to the palace.
passport Om n /'p aisp o it/ You usually need your passport to travel from here.
post office Om n /'poost ,nfis/ W here's line post office?
railway station n / 're ilw e i .ste ijn / There isn't a railway station.
scarf n /skuif/ Take a hat or scarf to wear on your head.
shelf Om n /J*ei±V My bed is on a shelf above the kitchen,
sinkOm n /sigk/ in the kitchen, there's a sink.
studio flat n / 's lju id io o flaet/ I live in a studio flat.
swimming pool Om n /'sw im iri purl/ There's an underground swimming pool.
table Om n /'teibl/ There's a table next to the armchair.
temple n /'tem pi/ Please don't take photographs inside the temple,
terrible Om adj /'tcrobl/ it's a terrible restaurant.
theatre Om n /'Gioto(r)/ Is there a theatre in Coober Pedy?
tidyOm adj /'taidi/ Are you a tidy person?
toilet Om n /' tD ilol/ There's a toilet next to the bedroom.
tourOm n /tn:(r)/ These are the instructions for tomorrow's tour.
tourist Om n /'Dirrst/ There aren't any tourists there.
tourist information centre n There's a big tourist information centre.
/ ,to :n st .in fo 'm e ijn ,scnt3(r)/
town Om n /taun/ There are some nice restaurants in the town centre.
travel o * v /'trasvl/ You need a passport to travel there.
uglyOm adj /'/\<jli/ It's an ugly building.
under Om prep /'Anda(r)/ The toilet and shower are under the shelf.
underground Om adj /.Ando'graond/ Are there any underground buildings we can visit?
visit Om v / 'viz it/ So can people visit the place?
washing machine n / 'w d Jiq m a jiin / There isn't a washing machine in my flat.
window Om n /'w indoo/ There's a table under the window.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 5 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 5 of Navigate A2 coursebook. yo u can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

baker's n /'b cik o i J ______________ I buy bread from the baker's.

boring Om adj /'b oing / ______________ I don't like shopping. It's boring.

butcher's n /'b o tjaz/ ------------ I buy m eat from the butcher's.

button Om n /' b/vtn/ ______________ I choose a pair, press a button and the mirror shows me
wearing them.
careful Om adj /'keafl/ ______________ Be careful!

carefully Om adv /'keofoli/ ______________ I try to spend m y money carefully,

cash Om n /kæJV ------------ i pay for things with cash.

changing room n / 'tje in d jir i ru:m / ______________ The changing rooms are on the right.

clear Om adj /kli9(r)/ ______________ The w ater is very clear.

clearly Om adv /'klioli/ ______________ I can't read that sign clearly.

coatOm n /kaut/ ------------ She's wearing a coat and has a big scarf round her neck.

correct Om adj /ko'rekt/ ______________ I got all the answ ers correct.

correctly adv /ko 'rektli/ ______________ Maria answers every question correctly.

dangerously adv /'d cin d 3 orosIi/ ------------ You're driving dangerously.

designer shoes n pi /d i,zain 3 'Ju :z / ------------ She is also wearing designer shoes.

disappointed Om adj /.d isa'p o in tid / ------------ I'm very disappointed with this product.

dress Om n /dres/ ______________ She is wearing a blue dress.

gloves Om n pi /yU vz / ------------ She has a hat on her head and gloves on her hands.

good Om adj /yud/ ______________ He's very good at languages.

great Om adj /greit/ ------------ It's great value,

hatOm n /hæt/ ------------ she is wearing a hat.

heavy Om adj /'hevi/ ------------ It's big and very heavy.

hoodie n /'hodi/ ------------ She is wearing a hoodie.

information Om n /,infD'm eiJ*n/ ______________ Customers can't ask for information like they could in the past.

jacket Om n /*d3 æ kit/ ______________ I am wearing a blue jacket today.

jeans Om n pi /d$i:nz/ ______________ Leila is wearing jeans.

jew ellery Om n /'d3u:9lri/ ------------ She is wearing gold jewellery.

meatOm n /m i:t/ ______________ W here do you buy meat from?

newsagent's n / 'n ju :z e id 3 Qnts/ ------------ I buy magazines and newspapers from the newsagent's.

online adv /nn'lam / ______________ I do a lot of my shopping online.

poorOm adj /po:(r)/ ------------ It's very poor value.

postcard n /'p so stk aid / ______________ The first vending machines w ere in London in the 1880s and
they sold postcards.
quiet Om adj /'kw aio t/ ------------ She's very quiet.

quietly adv /'k w aio tli/ ------------ w h y are you talking so quietly?

rainwater n / 're ra w b Jta (r)/ ______________ Can you buy a bottle of rainwater for S1 1 these days?

reading glasses n pi /'riid ir) ,g la:siz / ------------ She is wearing her reading glasses.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 5 Navigate

receiptOm n / n 's iit/ Would you like a receipt?

recommend Om v /.reka'm en d / I recommend it to everyone.

relax Om v /n'laeks/ Leila and Mike are relaxing at home.
return Om v / ri'l3 :n / w hen 1 buy something I don't like, I return it to the shop.

sales Om n pi /seilz/ I stand outside and w ait for the shops to open on the first day
of the sales.
serious Om ad j /'sioriss/ it can make you look serious and important.

shopping centre n / 'Jn p io ,s e n la (r)/ I buy things from a shopping centre. I prefer them to small
shorts n pi /foits/ Mike is wearing shorts.
simple Om ad j /'sim pl/ I enjoy a simple life.

skirt Om /? /skuit/ Anita is wearing a skirt and top.

slow Om adj /si0 0 / W hy is this train so slow ?

slowly Om ad v /'siouli/ The train is moving very slow ly

socks Om n pi /snks/ He is wearing socks.

spend Om v /spend/ 1 spend a lot of money at the weekends.
strong Om adj I stm i)/ you are probably a strong person and you a lw a ys try hard at
everythin g you do.
suitOm n /suit/ Paul is wearing a suit.

tieO m n /tai/ 1 am wearing a tie.

trainers n pi /'treinoz/ He is wearing trainers.

trousers Om n p i /'traozoz/ The trousers are the same colour as the jacket.

T-shirt /7/'ti: J3 it/ Mike is wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

umbrella Om n /Ajn'brela/ She's carrying an umbrella.

value Om n / 'vie lju :/ It's great value.
vending m achine n / 'v e n d irj m a .Jiin / Can you buy eggs from a vending m achine?

virtual adj / 'v 3 : t . f u o l / I'm here today to try the 'virtual mirror'.

wedding Om n /'w ed io / She is at a wedding,

well Om ad v /wcl/ she writes well.

worth Om ad j /W3S0/ It's definitely not worth the money.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 6 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or n e w w o rd s from u n it 6 of N avigate A2 co u rseb o o k. you can insert your o w n translation.
W o rd s m arked w ith a key (Om) all ap p ea r in the Oxford 3000.

adj = ad jective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

a bit phr h ‘b it/ A s yo u g et closer, you notice som ething a bit unusual.

believe Om v / b i'liiv / T h ey decided to m ake m etal snakes and use th em as money.

T hey believed their snake m o ney helped th em to sta y safe.
bobsleigh n / 'b n b s lc i/ P e o p le w e re surprised to see a bobsleigh team from Jam aica.

call o m v /kDil/ His boss called th e o w n e r of th e bag.

change Om v / tje in d ^ / That all changed in the 1990s.

classroom Om n / 'k lu :s r u :m / The classro o m is cold today.

co llect Om v / k o 'le k t/ The o w n e r w a s v e ry happy w h en he co llected his lost money.

co p yO m v /'k n p i/ Sh e copied him.

decide Om v / d i's a id / Bern ard o Paz decided to use the sp ace for som ething very
fashion designer n / 'fz e jn d i,z a tn o (r )/ Sh e decided to b e co m e a fashion designer.

finish Om v / 't'ln iJV He finished w o rk a t 2 a.m.

founder n / 'fa o n d o (r )/ He w a s the founder of Sony.

ice sk ater n / 'a is ,s k e it o (r )/ W h e n she w a s younger she w a s a ve ry good ice skater.

interesting Om adj / 'in t r o s tig / The scu lptu res w e re very interesting.

label Om n / 'le ib l/ Sh e has her o w n fashion label.

lik e O m v / la ik / The A n cien t Egyptians liked w earin g their m o n e y on their

fingers as rings.
live Om V /liv / The Lobi people of A n cien t Ghana in A frica lived as farm ers,

look Om V /lok/ w h e n he looked b e tw e e n the seats, he noticed a bag.

lo veO m v /Ia v/ T hey loved it.

m odern art n /,m n d n 'cut/ M odern art is really boring.

m o ve Om v /m u :v/ W h e n w a s the last tim e you m oved h o u se?

naughty adj / 'n o it i / M y son w a s v e ry naughty.

notice Om v / 'n o u tis / He noticed a bag b e tw e e n the seats.

open Om v /'oopon / Sh e open ed the w indow .

playO m v /p lci/ I played football w h e n I w a s a child.

popular Om adj / 'p o p jo la ir V T h ey w e re very popular w ith th e people w atch in g b ecau se

th ey tried so hard.
post Om v /poost/ W h e n w a s the last tim e you posted a letter?

prepare Om v / p ri'p e o (r )/ W h e n w a s th e last tim e you prepared a m eal?

product Om n / 'p rn d A k t/ Their first product w a s an electric rice cooker.

quite Om adv / k w a it/ It is quite far from th e usual tourist spots of Brazil,

reallyO m adv / 'riia li/ it is really im portant for the local area.

receive Om v / n 's iiv / W h e n w a s the last tim e you received an em ail?

return Om v /n 'ta s n / He returned the m o ney to his boss.

scu lptu re n / 's k A lp t Jo (r )/ I thought the sculptures in the park w e re a bit boring.

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A2 Wordlist Unit 6 Navigate

shout o *r v /Jaut/ ______________ ___ When was the last tim e you shouted at som eone?
start Om v /stciit/ ______________ ___ He started to clean his cab.
study Om 1/ /'st Adi/ ______________ ___ He studied for his exams yesterday.
successful Om ad j /sok'sesfi/ ------------ -- Today, she is very successful.
talk Om v /tmk/ ______________ ___ They talked a lot about the football match.
thank Om v /Oecrjk/ ______________ ___ He thanked Adam and gave him $2,000.
use Om v /ju:z/ ______________ ___ In the end, I used my ordinary shoes.
very Om adv /' veri/ ______________ ___ Bernardo Paz decided to use the space for something very
wantOm v /wont/ ______________ ___ W e wanted it.
watch Om v /wot J7 ______________ ___ She watched them playing tennis.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 7 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 7 of Navigate A2 coursebook. yo u can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
ad v = adverb n = noun p i = plural prep = preposition v = verb

app n /acp/ _______________ I watched a programme about apps.

athletics n /aeO'letiks/ _______________ W hen he w as a young boy, usain Bolt did athletics all the time.

ban Om v /bam/ ------------- He banned smoking in public places.

basketball n /'b cn sk itb n il/ ______________ I play basketball with m y friends.

borrow Om v /'borsu/ ------------- I forgot my pen, so I borrowed one from m y classmate.

bring Om v /brig/ _______________ Can you bring me my glasses?

bucket n /'bAkit/ ------------- He put his hand in a bucket of ice.

com e On» v /kAin/ _______________ W hy don't you com e to my house for dinner tom orrow?

cycle Om v /'saikl/ ______________ I usually cycle to work.

doOm v /du :/ ------------- Do an hour of exercise each day.

drink Om v /drigk/ ______________ Drink eight glasses of w ater a day.

eat Om v /i:t/ ------------- Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

fitOm ad j /fit/ _______________ I cycle every day to keep fit.

football Om n /'fo tb o il/ _______________ They're playing football in the park.

gadget n /'ggedsit/ ______________ The programme w as about apps and gadgets that check our
health and daily exercise.
go fishing p h r /gou 'f ij ig / ------------- I like to go fishing with my uncle.
gym n /d3 im/ _______________ H ow often do you go to the gym ?

habit Om n /'haibit/ ------------- Bloomberg tried to change their habits.

healthy Om ad j /'helGi/ ______________ Michael Bloomberg wanted the people of N ew York to be
heroOm n /'h iarau/ ------------- They w ant to be like their heroes.
jog v /d^Dt}/ ------------- I jog every morning.

judo n / 'd ju id o u / ------------- W e do judo every W ednesday after work.

learn Om v /l3:n/ ______________ I do sport to learn something new.

lend Om v /lend/ ______________ Can you lend me £10?
liftOm n /lift/ ______________ He told them he always took the stairs, not the lift.
lightning n / 'la itn ig / ------------- Lightning didn't hit him, but there w as lightning in the sky.

local Om adj /'laokl/ ------------- He played for his local team.

loseOm v /Iu:z/ ______________ I go swimming to lose weight.

marathon n /'ma^r^Ogn/ ------------- He ran the Toronto marathon and becam e the first person aged
100 years old to finish a marathon.
mayor Om n /m eo(r)/ ______________ in 2002, N ew York City chose a new mayor,

opinion Om n / o ' p in j^ n / ------------- w h a t's your opinion, Jan ?

paper clip Om n / 'p cip o klip/ The first group took more paper clips.
physical Om adj / 'fiz ik l/ ------------- Do physical jobs around the house.
progress Om n /'proogres/ ------------- They met again to talk about their progress.
reduce Om v / ri'd ju is / _______________ He also tried to reduce the size of sw eet drinks.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 7 Navigate

research o m n /rr's3 :tJ7 New research show s that video gam ers don't live in the real
rideOm v /raid/ Ride a bicycle.
routine Om n / ru :'ti:n / New gadgets and technology can help us change our routine
and get more healthy.
run Om v /rAn/ Fauja didn't run marathons when he w as young.

sleep Om v/ /slixp/ Sleep seven to eight hours a night.

studio Om n /'st ju id io o / Jan Hamilton and Sara white, tw o local parents, are in the
studio with me to discuss this.
subtitle n /'SA b taitl/ How often do you w atch films in English without reading the
swim Om v /sw im / I swim every Saturday morning.
take Om v /teik/ Take the stairs, not the lift.

tennis n /'tenis/ People play tennis in my local park.

thunderstorm n /'O Andastoim / There w as a thunderstorm during the 100m World
Championship final in 2 0 1 3 .
violent Om adj f '\ aialant./ Som e video gam es aren't OK for children because they're very
walk Om v / w o ik / W alk to work.

win Om v /win/ She always w ins when she plays tennis.

yoga n /'joogo/ I do yoga every Thursday morning.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 8 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 8 of Navigate A2 coursebook. yo u can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
ad v = adverb n = noun p i = plural prep = preposition v = verb

air-conditioned ad j /'eo ko n ,d i/n d / _______________ Air-conditioned taxis are a comfortable w a y to travel.

amazing Om adj /a'm eizirj/ _______________ India is amazing!

apartm entOm n /o 'p u :lm o n t/ ------------- do you prefer to stay in a hotel or rent an apartm ent?

art gallery n /'art .gaclnri/ _______________ I enjoy visiting all the art galleries and museums.

bikeOm n /baik/ ------------- I go to work by bike. It's great exercise.

bus Om n /Has/ _______________ I get the bus to work.

carO m n /ku :(r)/ ------------- I go to work by car and it takes about an hour.

city break n / 's iti tb re ik / ------------ - I prefer going on a city break.

colourful ad j /'kA lafl/ _______________ Everyw here is really colourful and interesting.

countryside Om n /'k A n trisa id / ------------- Do you like staying in the countryside?

culture Om n /‘k A ltjD (r)/ ------------- For me, holidays are about culture.

dinner Om n /'d in 0 (r)/ ------------- W ho do you usually have dinner w ith?

employee Om n / im 'p lo ii:/ _______________ Indian railways have about a million employees.

environm ent Om n / in 'v a ira n m ^ n t/ _______________ cyclo s are a fun w ay to get around and they're good for the
get Om v /get/ ------------- How often do you get a taxi to go som ew here?

get around p h r v ! g e t a 'ra u n d / ------------- How do you usually get around tow n ?

group Om n /gru:p/ _______________ I like going on holiday with a group of friends.

guest house n /'gest haos/ ------------- W e usually stay in a guest house.

guide Om n /gaid/ _______________ Som etim es I go on a tour with a guide, because it's a great w ay
to learn about a place.
helmet n / 'h e lm it/ ------------- Your driver has to give you a helmet and you have to w e ar it.

hold Om v /hould/ _______________ You should hold the driver so you don't fall off!

lie Om v /lai/ ------------- Do you like lying on the beach?

map Om n /maep/ ------------- Do you usually take a map or do you get lost?

miss Om v /mis/ _______________ Did you miss your bus?

mountain Om n /'m ao n to n / _______________ w e prefer to stay in the mountains.

passenger Om n /'p 2e s in d 3 o(r)/ 25 million passengers travel on 11,000 trains every day in India.

platform Om n /'plaitfr>:m/ ------------- W hich platform does it leave from?

queue n / k ju :/ _______________ You have to stand in a queue.

railway Om n /'r e ilw e i/ ------------- W hat can you tell me about Indian railways?

rainforest n / 're in fn ris t/ _______________ The ruins are in the middle of a rainforest and they're really
rent Om v /rent/ ------------- I normally rent an apartm ent by the sea.

return Om n /ri't3 :n / _______________ Would you like a single or return?

ruins Om n pi /'ruxinz/ ------------- My favourite thing w as the ruins of a Mayan city in Tikal.

seat belt n / 's i:l belt/ ------------- You don't have to w ear a seat belt for the w hole journey on a

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 8 Navigate

sightseeing n /'saitsin rj/ ------------ --- W e don't go sightseeing.
single Om n /'siijgl/ ______________ ___ Just a single, please.
street life n / 's lr iil laif/ ______________ ___ W e think it's the best w ay to see the street life of the city.
sunrise n /'sAnraiz/ ______________ ___ I climbed to the top of a temple at sunrise.
taxi Owr n /'tseksi/ ______________ ___ Sometim es I miss my train, so I have to get a taxi.
text message n /'tck st ,m csid 3 / ______________ ___ How many text messages do you get?
tip om n /tip/ ______________ ___ You don't have to leave a tip in restaurants.
tradition Om n / tro 'd ij n/ ______________ ___ I don't know why they do it, it's just a tradition.
train Om n /trein/ ______________ ___ Sometimes I get up late and I miss my train.
trek v /trek/ ______________ ___ W e like to trek in the mountains.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 9 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 9 of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

bake Om v /bcik/ Do you bake your own bread?

beefOm n /bi:f/ I'd like some beef, please,
boil Our V /boil/ i always boil my vegetables.
bowl Om n /bool/ Put all the ingredients into a bowl.
bread Om n /bred/ Not many people bake their own bread these days.
castle Om n /'kcnsl/ Can you see the castle from here?
chicken Om n / 'tjik in / Could I have the grilled chicken?
chop Om v /tjop/ Can you chop the onions with this knife, please?
cube n /kjurb/ Can I have some beef cubes?
delicious adj /di'li.fos/ That looks delicious, but what is it?
food processor n /'fin d ,prouseso(r)/ Put everything in the food processor for one minute to make
the soup.
fork Om n /fo:k/ There are knives and forks on the table.
fruit Om n /fruit/ W e both had fruit and yoghurt for breakfast this morning.
fryOm v /frai/ For breakfast, I often fry bacon, eggs and mushrooms.
frying pan n / 'fra n g paen/ I have one frying pan and two saucepans.
honey n /'Iiaiiì/ I have honey and yoghurt for breakfast.
ingredient Om n /m 'yriid io n t/ Have you bought the ingredients for the meal?
jam Om n /dsccm/ Do you have any jam ?
kettle n /'kot 1/ You boil w ater in a kettle to make tea.
knife Om n /naif/ You need a sharp knife to chop the onions.
lemon Om n /'lemon/ There are only 17 calories in a lemon.
lemonade n /.lem o'neid/ Can I have a bottle of lemonade?
main course n /'m ein ko:s/ Could i have the grilled chicken for the main course?
m icrowave n /'m a ik ro w civ/ The most important thing in my kitchen is the microwave.
mix Om v /miks/ Mix all the ingredients together.
mushroom n /'m Ajrom / Do you have any mushrooms?
noodles n /'nuidlz/ it comes with some noodles.
olive n /'nilv/ I'd like some olives instead, please.
oven Om n /'aviì/ The oven is very hot.
pasta n /'presto/ W e can have pasta any day.
pear n /peo(r)/ I'd like a pear.
plate Om n /picit/ I have a beautiful old set of plates and bowls for when people
come for dinner.
prepare Om v /p n 'p eo (r)/ The average American family today spends just 27 minutes a
day preparing meals.
ready-made adj /.redi 'm eid/ A lot of people buy ready-made meals.
riceOm n /rais/ W e have some rice.

N am e___________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 9 Navigate

roast v /rsust/ To roast meat, you need a very hot oven.

rooftop adj /'rusftnp/ There are wonderful view s of the city from the rooftop
salad Om n /'sselod/ Can I have some salad with that as well, please?

saucepan n /'soispon/ I've got three saucepans in my kitchen.

secret Om n /'siikrot/ W hat is the secret to good health?

spoon Om /? /spu:n/ Mix the w ater and flour together in a bowl with a spoon.

starter n /'staito(r)/ Would you like a starter?

survey Om n /'ssivei/ According to a survey, 49% of 18-24-year-olds don't know how

many minutes it takes to boil an egg!
sw eet Om adj /sw iit/ This jam is very sweet.

sweetcorn n / 's w i:tk o :n / Can I have some sw eetcorn?

takeaw ay food n / 'te ik n w e i fu:d/ W hen w e buy takeaw ay food, w e don't really think about w hat
w e 're eating.
unhealthy ad j /An'hclOi/ That's an unhealthy meal.
vegetable Om n /lv c d 3 lobl/ The chicken com es with vegetables or salad.
viev\/Om r? /vju:/ There's a nice view of the castle.
wonderful Om ad j /'w AndDfl/ It has a wonderful menu.

yoghurt n /'jogot/ I have yoghurt for breakfast.

N am e____________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 10 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 10 of Navigate A2 coursebook. yo u can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

accent Om n /'seksent/ She's got a really strong accent.

blow Om v /blou/ The wind is blowing really hard.

busy adj /'bizi/ The busiest airport of the three is Beijing, then Dubai and then
Los Angeles.
camp Om n /kiemp/ You are going to walk 10km from the main camp.

clim ate Om n /'klaim at/ Siberia has a very cold climate.

close Om adj /klaus/ He's a close friend of mine.

cloudy adj /'klaodi/ it's going to be cloudy this afternoon.

coast Om n /konst/ There are some beautiful beaches near the w est coast of
compass n /' kAm pas/ i think a map and compass are the most useful things.

crazy Om adj /'k rciz i/ People do some crazy things!

deepOm adj f di:p/ Lake Baikal is more than 600 m etres deep.

desert Om n / 'd cz o t/ it's a cold desert because it’s so far north and it sometimes
snow s there.
dry Om adj /drai/ it's dry this morning.

eastOm n /¡:st/ The east of the country is quite cold.

equipment Om n /I'k w ip m an t/ The runners have to carry their food and equipment.

first-aid kit n /f3:st 'c id kit/ W h at happens if w e need the first-aid kit?

foggy adj /'fogi/ It's cold and foggy.

freeze Om v /friiz/ it's so cold, w e 're going to freeze if w e go outside.

freezing adj /'friiz ig / It's freezing here today.

hard worker n /hu:d 'w'j:ki>(r}/ He's a really hard worker.

high Om adj /hai/ Did you have a high score in your last test?

hot Om adj /hot/ It's the hottest time of the year.

icy adj /'aisi/ The roads are very icy.

island Om n /'ailond/ The Andaman Sea has some very beautiful tropical islands and
w hite sandy beaches near the w est coast of Thailand.
jungle n /'d 3 Aqgl/ The Amazon jungle is the biggest area of rainforest in the world.

lakeom n /leik/ It's the biggest and deepest lake in the world.

large Om a d j/ ' Iu :d 3 / M ount Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world.

lighter n / 'la ito (r)/ I think a lighter is more important than a stove,

low Om adj /I do/ w h ich jobs usually have the lowest salaries?

mild Om adj /maild/ They have mild w eather on the island.

north Om n /no:9/ There are more mountains in the north.

oasis n /ou'eisis/ Al Hasa is the largest oasis in Saudi Arabia.

rain Om n /rein/ it's cloudy this morning but dry. so w e don't expect any rain.

rainy adj /'rcin i/ It's cloudy and rainy here today.

N am e____________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 10 Navigate

river Om n / 'riv a (r)/ W hich river is the longest in the world?

sandy adj /'ssendi/ There are lots of beautiful sandy beaches on the coast.

score Om n /sknr(r)/ He got a low score in the test.

shine Om y /Jain/ The sun is going to shine all afternoon.

sleeper n /'sli:p o (r)/ He's a light sleeper.

snow Out n /snau/ There w as a lot of snow last night.

snow y adj /'sn o oi/ It's cold and snow y here this morning.
south Om n /saoQ/ The best beaches are in the south.

storm Om n /storm/ There w as a big storm.

stove Om n /stoov/ I think w e should take one stove instead of three.

sunny ady /‘sAni/ By the afternoon, it's going to be warm and sunny but not
really hot.
survival n / s a 'v a iv l/ The survival cam p is in the rainforest next to the river.

survive Ow v / so 'va iv/ You need to survive for three days and two nights and find
your w a y back to the main camp.
tem perature Om n /’tc m p r o tJ oCr)/ By the afternoon, it's going to be warm and sunny but not
really hot, with temperatures of around 20 degrees Celsius.
tentO m n /tent/ You can take a tent and a sleeping bag.

thunder r? /’0Ancte(r)/ There w as a big storm last night with very loud thunder.

torch n /toitJV I'm going to take a torch to see in the dark.

traffic Om n /'traefik/ Is there usually heavy traffic on the w ay to this class?

tropical Om ad j /'trn p ik l/ There are some beautiful tropical islands there.

w arm Om adj /w:>:m/ It's going to be w arm this afternoon.

waterfall n /'w D :tafD il/ It's a very big waterfall on the Zambezi River.

w eather Om n /' w c6 o (r)/ The forecast is for mild w eather tomorrow.

w eath er forecast n /'w e d a .fo ik arst/ Did you hear the w eather forecast this morning?

w est Om n /west/ W e're going to the countryside in the west.

w e t Om ad j /wet/ It's going to be w e t this afternoon,

windy actf /’w indi/ it w as really windy.

w orker Om n /'w 3 :k a (r)/ M artha's a hard worker. She works very long hours.

N am e____________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 11 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 11 of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pi = plural prep = preposition v = verb

annually Om adv /'icnjuoli/ It's better to visit your dentist every six months than to go
award Om v /a'wosd/ The writers believe it is wrong to award the prize to one
awful Om adj /'r>il l/ it's really awful. I failed my driving test.

bark v /ba:k/ M y neighbour's dog barks very loudly.

brilliant Om adj /'b rilian t/ He w as a brilliant scientist.

celebrate Om v /'selib re it/ People are telling us how they're going to celebrate the day.

charity Om n /'tjacroti/ Give the m oney to charity.

coach Om n /koot JV The coach helps them with their game.

common Om adj /'kom an/ in the past, it w as common for a really brilliant scientist like
Isaac Newton to work alone.
community Om n /ko'm jum oti/ Now it's your turn in your community.

constantly Om adv /'k o n stsn tli/ M y phone at work rings constantly.

crucial Om adj r k ru ijl/ She is a crucial m em ber of the team,
delighted Om adj /d i'la itid / i w as really delighted to get the job.
dietician n /.d aiD 'tiJn / The dietician tells them what to eat and drink.
elderly Om adj /'eldali/ Visit an elderly neighbour.

excellent Om adj /'cksolont/ Yes, she's really excellent! She always wins.
fail Om v /fell/ I failed my driving test!

focus Om v /'fookds/ Perhaps it's time to stop focusing only on the individual.
help Om v /help/ Help a neighbour with difficult jobs.

homeless adj /'hQomlss/ M ake sandwiches for homeless people.

huge Om adj /hj u : d 3 / W e should rem em ber that there is often a huge team of many
more people working hard to make everything possible.
improve Om v / im 'p ru :v / Nelson Mandela worked all his life to change and improve
South Africa.
individual Om n / ,in d T 'victu a l/ There's usually a team that is working with the individual.

look after p h rv /,lok 'u ifto (r)/ Look after a neighbour's pet.
lovely Om adj /'lAvli/ The w eather w as really lovely on our holiday.

massive Om adj /'maesiv/ They live in a massive house with ten bedrooms.
maximum Om r? /'m aiksim am / Only a maximum of three people can win the Nobel Prize at
one time.
member Om n /'niem bo(r)/ W e are looking for new members.

organize Om v /'nigonaiz/ Organize a sports event.

paint Om v /point/ Paint the classrooms.

plant Om v /plaint/ Plant a tree.

player Om n / 'p le is(r)/ in sport, for example, there is usually a team of people helping
the player of individual sports.
repair Om v /ri'p co (r)/ Repair som e broken furniture.


A2 Wordlist Unit 11

resident Out n /'re z id sn t/ W hat are the residents like in your neighbourhood?

scared Om adj /skcsd/ M y sister is always really scared when she sees a spider.
soil Om n /sr>il/ You need to plant these flowers in good soil.
tax Om r? /ta;ks/ I think rich people and companies should pay more tax to the
teach Om v / ti:tj/ Teach som eone a language.

team Om n /ti:m/ These days, scientists usually work in teams.

tinyO m ad j /'taini/ M y car is really tiny!

worried Om adj /' W A iid / Are you worried about the local area?

N am e____________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 12 Navigate

Here is a list of useful or new words from unit 12 of Navigate A2 coursebook. you can insert your own translation.
W ords marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb p h r = phrase pron = pronoun
ad v = adverb n = noun p i = plural prep = preposition v = verb

acrobat n /'aekrobait/ The acrobats w ere doing some amazing things.

action film n /'askjn film / I don't like action films because they're really boring.

album n /'zelbam/ She's had a fe w successful albums.

animation n /.acnr'm eijn/ Shrek and Finding Nem o are tw o of my favourite animations.

ate (past simple of eat) v / et, eit/ I ate everything that w as on m y plate.

autistic adj /r>:'tistik/ Stephen Wiltshire is autistic and couldn't speak until he w as
band Om n /bsend/ I've alw ays wanted to play in a band.

began (past simple of begin) Om v /bi'gacn/ He began learning the piano tw o years later.
begun (past participle of begin) Om v I think they've already begun.
/bi'gAn /
black and w hite p h r /,bl*ck on 'w a it/ The film The A rtist is black and white.

blind Om ad j /blam d/ Nobuyuki Tsjuii w a s born blind.

bought (past simple of buy) Om v /br>:t/ I bought Nicki a present from the n ew shop in town,
broke (past simple of break) Om v /brauk/ it w asn 't me! He broke it.
broken (past participle of break) Om v She has broken her arm.
circus n /'s3 ik o s/ Have you ever been to a circus?

clap Om v /kla;p/ W hen it finished, people stood up and clapped.

collection Om n / k o 'le k j n/ Since l w as a child. I've had a big music collection.

com edy Om n /'kom odi/ Everybody likes comedies.

concert Om n /'konsot/ He gave his first big concert in Tokyo when he w as 12 years old.

deafO m adj /dcf7 She is deaf, but this hasn't stopped her dream of dancing.

drama Om n /'dra:m o/ My favourite film is Titanic. It's a drama, but also a love story.

drank (past simple of drink) Om v /draeijk/ I drank the w ater slowly.

driven (past participle of drive) Om v /'d rivn / W e 've driven over 250 kilometres today.

drove (past simple of drive) Om v /droov/ Paul drove them home after the concert.
drum Om n /drAm/ The teacher asked the class to 'feel' the sound of a drum
through their feet.
drunk (past participle of drink) Om v /drAijk/ They've drunk all the orange juice.

eaten (past participle of eat) Om v /'i:t n/ I've eaten too much!

experience Om n /ik'sp io rio ns/ This is a new experience for me.

favourite Om adj / 'fc iv o n t/ My favourite film is Titanic.

future Om n /'f j u : t j ’3(r)/ It's a science-fiction film and it's set in the future.

gallery n /'gaelsri/ He has his own art gallery in London.

gave (past simple of give» Om v /yeiv/ I gave it to you yesterday.
given (.past participle of give) Om v / 'g iv ii/ Have you given him the front door key?

gone (past participle of go) Om v /ynn/ She's already gone, I'm afraid.

N am e____________________

A2 Wordlist Unit 12 Navigate

grew (past simple of grow) om v /gru:/ The tree grew too big, so w e had to cut it down.

grown (past participle of grow) Om v /groon/ The children have grown so much!
hang on phr v /'hceq nn/ Hang on a minute, I'll just get her.

heard (past participle of hear) Om v /li3:d/ I've never heard of her.

helicopter n /'h clik n p to (r)/ He spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter in the sky above the
horror film n /'boro film / i don't like horror films because they're scary.
illness Om n /'ilnos/ Tai Lihua couldn't hear from the age of tw o after an illness.

independence Om n /.indi'pendons/ W hen India celebrated 50 years of independence, she sang her
own song and three million people watched her live.
instrument Om n /'instrom ont/ I've always wanted to play a musical instrument.

lesson Om n /'lesn/ I had dance lessons at school, but I w asn 't very good.
love story n /'Ia v ,sto:ri/ It's a drama, but also a love story.

met (past participle of m eet) Om v /met/ I've never met a famous person.

music festival n / 'm ju iz ik .fc s tiv l/ I usually go to tw o or three music festivals a year.

musical Om n /'m ju iz ik l/ I've been to see all the big musicals - they're fantastic.

opera n /'opro/ I sometimes go to the opera with m y cousin.

painting lesson n / 'p cin tn j ,lcsn/ I've had lots of drawing and painting lessons.

playOm n /plci/ I love going to the theatre to see a play.

prefer Om v / p ri'f3 :(r)/ I prefer comedies.

prize Om n /praiz/ He won m any prizes

ran (past simple of run >Om v /racn/ She ran a marathon.

romantic film n /roo'm aentik film / I prefer romantic films.

saw (past simple of see) Om v /so:/ I saw him outside the cinem a yesterday afternoon.
scary Ow adj /'skeori/ Som etim es you don't w ant to look because they're scary.

science fiction film n /.sarons 'f ik jn film / A vatar is a science fiction film.

seen (past participle of see) Om v /si:n/ I've already seen that film,

set (past participle of set» Om v /set/ it's set in the future.

spoke (past simple of speak>Om v /spook/ She spoke in a really quiet voice.
spoken (past participle of speak) o m v I've spoken to them about the noise.
stage Om n /sle id 3 / W e sat very close to the stage.

starOm v /stu:(r)/ it stars Kate W inslet and Leonardo Dicaprio.

surprise Om n /so1praiz/ It w as the surprise success of 2012.

went (past simple of go.) Om v /went/ He w ent there last week.

woke up (past simple of wake up> phr v M y 18th birthday w as on a Saturday and l w as really excited
/wouk 'Ap/ when I woke up.
woken (past participle of wake) Om v Have you ever woken up feeling hungry in the middle of the
/'wookon/ night?
written (.past participle of w rite) Om v /'ritn/ I've never written a comm ent on a website.

wrote (past simple of w rite) Om v /root/ I wrote a lot of emails yesterday.

1 Video Family
Vox pops W atch ihe video. Do sections 1 and 2.
Can you tell me about yourfam ily?
1 H o w m any p e o p le a re th e re in y o u r fa m ily ?
1 (flirclejthe correct option.
W rite ik e n u m b e r next lo e a ch fa m ily
1 M eriam 's sister lives in Am sterdam /Leiden.
m em ber, e.g. if yon h ave tw o sisters, w rite
2 next to sister. T h e n co m p a re w ith y o u r
2 Om ar's sister is 18/20 years old.
p a rtn e r. A re y o u r fa m ilie s s im ila r or 3 Libby's brother is 52/ 53 years old.
d iffe re n t? 4 Izzy ha s four sisters / brothers.
5 Richard's nephew is called Graham / G riffin.
aunt brother cousin daughter 2 Decide if the sentences are true (T ) or false (F).
nephew niece sister son uncle 1 M eriam 's sister is 20 years old. T F
2 Om ar's sister lives in North London. T F
3 Libby's daughter is called Stella. T F
4 Izzy's brothers are all in their inid-40s. T F
5 Richard's younger brother is called Graham . T F

In te rv ie w a p a rtn e r. U se the q u estio n s b e lo w or th in k

o f y o u r o w n q u estio n s.
1 Is it good o r bad to be in a big fa m ily ? W h y/ W h y n ot?
2 W h a t ab o u t a sm a ll fa m ily ? W h y / W h y n o t?
3 W h ic h w o u ld yo u p refe r? W h y / W h y n ot?
a lo ts o f bro th ers a n d sisters
b no b ro th ers or sisters

2 Video My day
Vox pops

1 W rite th e co rrect v e rb (s ) next to each ph rase. W a tc h th e vid e o . Do sectio n s 1 and 2.

W hat is a typical, day f o r you?
check cook finish get go (x3) 1 T ic k («/) th e a c tiv itie s in ex ercise I th at the sp eakers ta lk
have (x2 ) play start wake watch ab ou t. U se up to th ree w o rd s in e a ch gap.

1 _ / ___________ b re a k fa st/lu n ch / d in n e r 2 C o m p lete th e sen ten ces.

2 J ___________ up 1 Is a u re I h ave m y b reakfast and go to sch ool,

w h ic h sta rts at _____________________ .
3 co m p u ter gam es
2 Jo h n 1 a lw a ys sta rt th e d ay w ith a
4 e m a ils
a t m y d e sk , a n d
5 / ____________w o rk
th e n c h e c k _______________________ .
6 jo g g in g /sw im m in g
3 S a ra h 1go jog gin g
7 10 sch oo l/to w ork/to bed
4 S a ra h I _________________ at ab ou t five o ’clo ck.
8 a show er/a bath
5 S te p h a n ie I n o rm a lly get u p at 7.30, th en
9 sh o p p in g
I ____________________ .
10 a film / te le v is io n
6 S te p h a n ie In th e e ve n in g I u s u a lly __
o r _______________________ .
7 B ro o k I at 7 a.m . an d u su a lly
h ave eggs

W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. D iscu ss th e q u estio n s.

• W h o in the vid e o s are yo u m ost s im ila r to? W h y ?
• C ho ose fiv e a c tiv itie s from exercise 1. W h a t tim e o f day do
yo u u s u a lly do th em ?
3 Video What do you do?
Vox pops


W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. D iscu ss the job s in th e box. W h a t D o you like your jo b ? W hat jo b w ould you like to have?
do yo u th in k th e p eo p le w h o do th ese job s en jo y about 2 M a tc h sp eakers 1-4 to th e ir an sw ers a-d.
th em ? 1 V ic k y a I e n jo y w o rk in g w ith th e c h ild re n .
2 E la in e b ... I w a n t to be a la w y e r ...
businessman/woman lawyer 3 C io rs ta id h c I'd lik e to be a p ro fessio n al
musician nurse photographer
m u sicia n .
4 R osie d I lo ve m y job.
W a tc h th e vid e o . D o sectio n s 1 an d 2.
Where do you work o r study? M in i class su rve y. F in d out h o w m a n y p eo p le in yo u r
1 Complete the sentences w ith the words in the box.
• lik e th e ir job/studies. W h y / W h y n o t?
charity hospital music teacher university • w o u ld lik e to do th e ir jo b for th e rest o f th e ir life.
W h y / W h y n o t?
1 V ic k y 1 w o rk in a _ . as a research er.
• w o u ld lik e to do a d iffe re n t job in th e fu tu re . W h a t
2 K en 1w'ork for a . T in not jo b ? W h y ?
studying at the moment.
3 C io rs ta id h I stu d y in M an ch este r. W h o gave th e m ost in te re s tin g a n s w e r? W h y / W h y n o t?
4 R o sie I stu d y at th e ___________ o f
N o ttin g h a m an d I stu d y m u sic.
5 E la in e 1 w o rk as a in Le ice ste r.

4 video Where I live

Vox pops Can you describe your fa v o u rite room?
2 Lo o k at th e item s b elow an d tic k (*/) th e ones th e
1 W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. L o o k at th e fu rn itu re and item s in sp eakers ta lk about.
sectio n 2 in ex ercise 2. Wrh ich room s in a house can you co o k er c h a ir
□ □
fin d th em in ? C a n yo u th in k o f tw o m o re item s fo r ea ch
fridge □ sh e lf □
ro o m ?
sin k □ desk □
2 W a tc h th e vid e o . D o sectio n s 1 an d 2. Freezer □ cu p b o ard □
w a sh in g m a c h in e □ TV □
D o you line in a house o r a fla t?
table □ ch est o f d raw e rs □
W hich is y our fa v o u rite room ?
sofa □ a rm c h a ir □
1 W rite th e firs t le ite r o f th e c o rre c t p erson's n am e
next to each q u estio n : V ic k y (V ), Ken (K ), C io rsta id h co ffee tab le □
(C ), R o sie (R ) an d E la in e (E ). 3 W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. D iscu ss th e q u estio n s.
1 W h o sh ares a h ou se? • W o u ld yo u ch an g e a n y th in g (fu rn itu re , room s,
2 W h o liv e s in a f la t ? _____ gard en, etc.) about th e p lace yo u liv e in ? W h y / W h y
3 W h o s e fa vo u rite room is the k itch e n ? n o t? W h a t?
an d • D e scrib e y o u r id e a l house o r fla t.
4 W h o lik e s to w a tch T V in th e ir fa vo u rite room ?
D o yo u an d y o u r p a rtn e r h a ve s im ila r or d iffe re n t
5 W h o savs th e ir fa vo u rite room is co m fo rta b le ? ideas?
5 Video Shopping
Vox pops 3 M a tc h sp eakers a-e to a n sw e rs 1-5.

a M e ria m 1 b u ys clo th es
1 T ook at th e item s below . W h ic h do yo u b u y o n lin e ? W h ic h do
o n lin e b ecau se o f
yo u buy in a sh o p ? C o m p a re yo u r a n sw e rs w ith yo u r p a rtn e r.
co n v e n ie n ce .
b Jack 2 b u ys tra in e rs o n lin e
books clothes films flowers groceries holidays
jewellery lunch music shoes/trainers b ecau se o f ex clu sive
c L ib b y 3 b u ys books o n lin e
2 W a tch th e vid e o . D o se ctio n s 1, 2 an d 3.
b ecau se th e y 're e a sie r
D o you shop online?
to fin d .
1 W ho doesn't shop online very often?
d P e te r 4 b u ys je w e lle ry in
What clo you like to buy online?
shops b ecau se you
What do you like to buy in shops? ca n see h o w it looks.
2 W h e re do th e sp eakers b u y th e item s b e lo w ? D o th e y b u y
e O m ar 5 buys shoes in shops
th e item s o n lin e (O ) or in shops (S )? O n e sp eaker buys
b ecau se yo u c a n try
clo th es b o th o n lin e an d in shops. W h o is it?
th em on for fit.

M eriam Peter Jack Omar Libby W h ic h o f th e sp eakers a re yo u m ost s im ila r to?

shoes W liy / W h y n o t? D is cu ss w ith a p a rtn e r.

6 video D o n 't give u p !

Vox pops 1 M a tch the sp eakers w ith th e ir an sw ers.

1 D e s c rib e th e last film you saw . U se the W hen? W h a t? Enjoy?

w o rd s in th e box to h elp yo u . C o m p are M eriam a week ago The Lone Soldier funny and
y o u r an sw e rs w ith y o u r p a rtn e r. entertaining
Libby last weekend The W olf o f W all very funny
amusing boring entertaining exciting Street
frightening funny sad
Omar two days ago Transform ers quite sad; a
good film
peter yesterday The D evil w ears very, very
Prada entertaining and
Jack two weeks ago The Grand really exciting
Budapest Hotel

W a tc h the vid e o . D o se ctio n 1. W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r or sm a ll group. P la n an En g lish - la n g u a g e film

When ivas the last tim e you watched a film ? n igh t for y o u r lan g u ag e class. D e cid e w'hat film you w ill w a tc h and
W hat was it? h o w yo u w ill o rg a n iz e th e e ve n in g . T h e n sh are y o u r ideas w ith
D id you enjoy it? a n o th e r grou p /th e rest o f th e class. C ho ose th e best idea.
7 Video S p o r t in g h e ro e s
Vox pops W hat should you do to stay healthy?
2 Choose the correct answer.
1 W ork w ith a partner. W h at answers can yon give to these 1 Tony thinks you should e a t...
questions? a less vegetables.
• How do you keep fit? b fresh vegetables.
• W hat should you do to stay healthy? 2 Charlotte thinks people should ...
a do exercise every day.
2 W atch the video. Do sections 1, 2 and 3.
b do exercise a few times a week.
H ow do you keep fit?
3 A iastair thinks people should ...
1 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
a walk wherever you can.
1 Tony plays football tw ice a week. T F
b go to the gym.
2 Charlotte does exercise classes in the evenings. T F
4 Rosie thinks people should ...
3 Aiastair cycles to work every day. T F
a w alk to the shops.
4 Rosie likes to swim and to dance. T F
r- b go to the gym.
5 Alan w alks to work and eats healthily. T F
5 Alan thinks people should ...
a not eat too much fat.
b not eat any fat.
3 How m any of your ideas from exercise 1 do
the speakers talk about?

Work w ith a new partner and do the task.

Your workplace/college wants employees/students
to be healthier. T hink of three ideas that could
help people to be healthy at work or college, e.g.
w alk or ride a hike to work/college. Sha re you r
ideas and design a leaflet or em ail message.

8 Video I w e n t t o ...
Vox pops


1 Look at the activities in section 2 in exercise 2. Do you W hat did you do?
like doing these things on holiday? W h y/W h y not? 2 W rite the name of the correct speaker next to each of
W hat other things do you like doing? Com pare your the activities: Tony (T), Charlotte (Ch), A iastair (Ar),
ideas w ith a partner. Rosie (II) and Alan (An).
1 go out w ith friends
2 W atch the video. Do sections 1 and 2.
2 go sw im m ing in the sea
When did you last have a holiday? 3 go to restaurants
Where did you go?
4 go to the beach
1 (C irc ljlthe correct answers.
5 relax by the pool
1 Charlotte went on holiday three months ago /
6 stay w ith/visit friends
three weeks ago i two weeks ago.
7 visit monuments
2 Rosie w eni on holiday last summer / two months
8 walk around a town
ago / last month.
3 Tuny went to Spain f Greece / Egypt. W ork w ith a partner. Look at the places in section 1
4 Charlotte visited P a ris f D ubai / Geneva. in exercise 2. W h ich places would you like to visit?
5 A iastair went to Germ any / Portugal / Mexico. W hy/W hy not? Did you go to any of these places on
G A lan went to the USA J Thailand / Sw itzerland. your last holiday? Did you like it? W hy/W hy not?
9 video In th e k it c h e n
Vox pops 2 W atch the video again. Com pare your answers in
exercise 1w ith the speakers'. W ho are you most
1 Im agine you are at home standing in front of your open sim ilar to? W h y?
fridge. Now w rite a list of everything that is in your
fridge. Com pare w ith a partner. 3 Work w ith a partner or in sm all groups. Discuss the
2 W atch the video. Do sections I and 2. W hen did you last cook a m eal? W ho for? W hat's
H ow m uch lim e do you spend in your kitchen? your favourite meal to cook? W hy/W hy not? W hat
What's usually in your fridge? ingredients does it need? I low do you make it?
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words in each gap.
1 M artin spends about a day in the
2 Richard spends itime in his
3 Evelyn has dairy, and
in her fridge.
4 M artin has chicken, fish, a lot of »
m ilk and
5 Izzv says there's in her fridge.
6 Richard just has prawns in his
7 Paul says there is , orange juice
and in his fridge.

10 Video N a tu ra l w o n d e rs
Vox pops 3 Work in sm all groups. Some English-
speaking friends of yrours would like to visit
1 A n s w e r th ese q u estio n s. T a lk to yo u r p artn e r/g ro u p an d sh are the place you talked about in exercise 1.
y o u r ideas. M ake some notes about the best tim e to
• W h a t is th e m ost b e a u tifu l p arr of y o u r c o u n try ? visit, how to get there, where to stay, what
• W h e n is th e best tim e to v is it? to do, local food, etc. Share them w ith your
2 W a tc h th e vid e o . D o se ctio n s 1 a n d 2.
W hat's the most beautiful p an o f your country?
1 M a tc h sp eakers 1-5 to p laces a-e.
1 E v e ly n a T h e L a k e D is tric t, UI<
2 M a rtin b Y o rk sh ire, E n g la n d
3 Iz z y c N o rth D e vo n , U K
4 R ic h a rd d F lo rid a , U S A
5 Pa u l e C osta B ra v a , S p a in
When's the best tim e to visit?
2 C o m p lete th e sen ten ces.
T h e best tim e to v is it ...
1 Florida is in the because it’s less humid
and less
2 N orth Devon is in the so you can surf.
3 Yorkshire is in the when the w eather is
4 the Costa Brava is in the because
the sun is always . But the w inter is also
and peaceful.
5 the Lake D istrict is the for the
11.1 Video C o m m u n i t y s p ir it
Vox pops W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r o r in sm a ll groups.
D iscu ss th e qu estio n s.
1 W o rk in p airs/sm all g ro u p s an d d iscu ss th e in te rv ie w q u estio n s in • W h a t a re th e co m m o n w a y s o f h elp in g
ex ercise 2. L o o k at the a c tiv itie s in the lis t. H a v e yo u e ve r do n e an y of the co m m u n ity in y o u r lo c a l area/
th em ? W h e n ? W h o for? c o u n try ?
• D o you k n o w an yo n e w h o w orks/
2 W a tc h th e vid e o . D o th e se ctio n s 1 and 2.
vo lu n te e rs fo r a c h a rity ? W h a t do th ey
Have you ever done something to help your com m u n ity? do?
What did you do? • A re th e re a n y p ro b lem s in y o u r
1 T ic k («/) the sen ten ces yo u h ear. T h e re are fo u r extra sen ten ces. co m m u n ity th at you th in k a c h a rity
1 I ran a m a ra th o n to ra ise m o n ey for c h a rity . co u ld h elp solve? W h a t? H o w ?
2 f h ave g ive n m o ney to ch a rity .
3 I d id a fu n ru n w ith m y fa m ily.
4 1a Iw ays g ive m y old clo th es and shoes to c h a rity shops. Jtlf A
5 I h elp e d m an a g e m o n ey fo r a ch a rity . «‘
6 I h e lp e d h o m eless p e o p le fin d so m ew h ere to sleep.
7 I se rve d soup and p u d d in g to h elp raise m oney.
8 1played in a c h a rity tab le te n n is m atch.
9 I vo lu n te e re d fo r a ch u rch .
10 I h elp ed p re p a re food for p o o r people.
2 W rite each sp eak er's n am e next to th e a c tiv itie s in ex ercise 1:
V ic k y (V ), C h a rlo tte (C h ), K en (K ), C io rs ta id h (C ) an d A la s ta ir (A ).

11.2 Video C h a lle n g e s

Vox pops
1 W rite d o w n th ree item s o f te ch n o lo g y th at computer m p3 player tablet smartphone
you th in k y o u r p a rtn e r uses e ve ry d ay an d
th re e item s th a t yo u th in k th e y o n ly use E
o cca s io n a lly . T a lk w ith yo u r p a rtn e r an d
co m p a re y o u r an sw ers.

GPS phone TV tablet

2 W a tc h the vid e o . D o sectio n s 1 an d 2.
D o you use technology a lo t in your life?
What do you use every day and what for?
i * ;
What do you use occasionally? C h a rlo tte
1 W r ite (E ) in th e tab le if th e sp ea k er uses phone computer GPS TV
th e te ch n o lo g y e v e ry day, an d (O ) if the
sp eak er uses it o cca sio n a lly .
2 W a tc h a g a in and m ake notes in th e tab le
on w h a t the sp eakers use the te ch n o lo g y
for, e.g. for w ork, do research , etc. smartphone TV laptop tablet

3 W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r o r in s m a ll groups.

D iscu ss th e q u estio n s.
• W h ich speaker are you most sim ilar to?
• W h ic h te ch n o lo g ies in ex ercise 2 do you laptop MP3 player record player phone
th in k w ill s till exist in ten ve a rs' tim e ?
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