Kami Export - unit 2
Kami Export - unit 2
Kami Export - unit 2
Construction: Thermistors are available in the form of a bead (pressed disc), probe or
chip. Figure below shows the construction of a bead type thermistor. It has a small bead of
dimension from 0.5 mm to 5 mm coated with ceramic or glass material. The bead is
connected to an electric circuit through two leads. To protect from the environment, the leads
are contained in a stainless steel tube.
Applications of Thermistors
• To monitor the coolant temperature and/or oil temperature inside the engine
• To monitor the temperature of an incubator
• Thermistors are used in modern digital thermostats
• To monitor the temperature of battery packs while charging
• To monitor temperature of hot ends of 3D printers
• To maintain correct temperature in the food handling and processing industry equipments
• To control the operations of consumer appliances such as toasters, coffee makers, refrigerators,
freezers, hair dryers, etc.
Thermocouple is a temperature sensing device which is based on the SEEBACK effect.
SEEBACK Effect: Seebeck Effect is a phenomenon in which a temperature difference
between two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage difference
between the two substances.
A Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. Thermocouples consist of two wire
legs made from different metals. The output of the thermocouple is in Millivolts.
The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a junction. This junction is where the
temperature is measured. When the junction experiences a change in temperature, a voltage is
created. The voltage can then be interpreted using thermocouple reference tables.
Type of Thermocouple:
Applications of Thermocouples
1. To monitor temperatures and chemistry throughout the steel making process
2. Testing temperatures associated with process plants e.g. chemical production and petroleum
3. Testing of heating appliance safety
4. Temperature profiling in ovens, furnaces and kilns
5. Temperature measurement of gas turbine and engine exhausts
6. Monitoring of temperatures throughout the production and smelting process in the steel, iron
and aluminum industry
RTD Materials:
PT100 Temperature Sensor: Most common devices used in industry have a nominal
resistance of 100 ohms at 0 °C and are called Pt100 sensors ("Pt" is the symbol for platinum,
"100" for the resistance in ohms at 0 °C).
Why RTD is a better Choice: If we want to measure temperature with high accuracy, an
RTD is the ideal solution, as it has good linear characteristics over a wide range of
Construction of RTD:
1. Figure shows the construction of a RTD. It has a resistor element connected to a
Wheatstone bridge.
2. The element and the connection leads are insulated and protected by a sheath(protective
covering around an electric cable).
3. A small amount of current is continuously passing though the coil.
4. As the temperature changes the resistance of the coil changes which is detected at the
Wheatstone bridge.
5. RTDs are used in the form of thin films, wire wound or coil.
• Two wire RTD: 2-wire construction is the least accurate of the 3 types since
there is no way of eliminating the lead wire resistance from the sensor measurement.
2-wire RTD’s are mostly used with short lead wires or where close accuracy is not
Measured resistance Rt = R1 + R2 + Rb
(R 1+2+R b ) - (R 2+3) = (R b )
The 3 wire circuit works by measuring the resistance between #1 & #2 (R 1+2) and subtracting
the resistance between #2 & #3 (R 2+3) which leaves just the resistance of the RTD bulb (R b).
This method assumes that wires 1,2 & 3 are all the same resistance.
Advantages and limitations of RTDs:
RTDs have the following advantages: they provide a good sensitivity, a good reproducibility,
and a good stability. They also provide a high accuracy, some platinum RTDs being able to
measure a few thousandths of a degree.
However, RTDs are relatively expensive, and they have a slower response time than
thermocouples. Moreover, the measurement accuracy of RTDs is dependent upon the thermal
stability of the resistors and power supply used in the Wheatstone bridge.
Hall Effect:
If an electric current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field, the magnetic field exerts
a transverse force on the moving charge carriers which tends to push them to one side of the
conductor .The equation of the force can be given by the Lorentz force and direction by
Fleming's left hand rule. This is most evident in a thin flat conductor. A buildup of charge at
the sides of the conductors will balance this magnetic influence, producing a measurable
voltage between the two sides of the conductor. The presence of this measurable transverse
voltage is called the Hall effect after E. H. Hall who discovered it in 1879.
• A Hall Effect sensor may operate as an electronic switch.
• Such a switch costs less than a mechanical switch and is much more reliable.
• It can be operated at higher frequencies than a mechanical switch.
• It will not be affected by environmental contaminants since the sensor is in a sealed
package. Therefore, it can be used under severe conditions.
Proximity Sensors
A proximity sensor is a non-contact sensor that detects the presence of an object (often
referred to as the “target”) when the target enters the sensor’s field. Depending on the type of
proximity sensor, sound, light, infrared radiation (IR), or electromagnetic fields may be
utilized by the sensor to detect a target. Proximity sensors are used in phones, self-driving
cars, anti-aircraft systems, and assembly lines. There are many types of proximity sensors,
and they each sense targets in distinct ways. The two most commonly used proximity sensors
are the inductive proximity sensor and the capacitive proximity sensor.
Inductive Proximity sensors:
An inductive proximity sensor can only detect metal targets. This is because the sensor
utilizes an electromagnetic field. When a metal target enters the electromagnetic field, the
inductive characteristics of the metal change the field’s properties, thereby alerting the
proximity sensor of the presence of a metallic target. Depending on how inductive the metal
is, the target can be detected at either a greater or shorter distance.
Flow Sensor
Flow measurement methods rely on forces produced by the flowing stream. Flow may be
measured by measuring the velocity of fluid over a known area. For very large flows, tracer
methods may be used to deduce the flow rate from the change in concentration of a dye or
Ultrasonic Flow Meter:
The ultrasonic flow meter is of two types:
1.Transit time flow meter:
Transit time ultrasonic flow meters send and receive ultrasonic waves between transducers in
both the upstream and downstream directions in the pipe. At no flow conditions, it takes the
same time to travel upstream and downstream between the transducers. Under flowing
conditions, the upstream wave will travel slower and take more time than the (faster)
downstream wave. When the fluid moves faster, the difference between the upstream and
downstream times increases. The transmitter processes upstream and downstream times to
determine the flow rate.
Applications of Transit Time Flow Meter:
Transit time flow meter have wide applicability for flow measurement of clean or ultra-pure
streams.Some of the applications include:
• Clean water flow rate in water treatment plants.
• Hot or cold water in power plants.
• Pure and ultra-pure fluids in pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries.
• Water distribution systems used in agriculture and irrigation.
Advantages of Transit Time Flow Meters:
• The main advantage of the transit time flow meter is, that it works non-invasively
with clean and ultra-pure fluids. This allows the user to maintain the integrity of the
fluid while still measuring the flow.
• Easy installation-transducer set clamps onto pipe.
• Zero pressure drop.
• No leakage potential.
• Insensitive to liquid temperature, viscosity, density or pressure variations.
Disadvantages of Transit Time Flow Meters:
• The transit time flow meter performance can suffer from pipe-wall interference,
accuracy and repeatability problems can result if there is any Space Gap between the
fluid and pipe wall.
• The transit time flow meters will not operate on dirty, bubbly, particulate-ladden
fluids. Sometimes, the purity of a fluid may fluctuate so as to effect the accuracy of
the flow measurement.
v = Velocity of particle
d = Distance separating laser beams
t = Time difference between sensor pulses
As a particle passes through each laser beam, it redirects the light away from its normal
straight line path in such a way that an optical sensor (one per beam) detects up the scattered
light and generates a pulse signal.
As that same particle passes through the second beam, the scattered light excites a second
optical sensor to generate a corresponding pulse signal.The time delay between two
successive pulses is inversely proportional to the velocity of that particle.
This technique is analogous to the that used by law-enforcement officers to measure the
speed of a vehicle on a highway when viewed from an aircraft: measure how much time
elapses as the vehicle passes between two marks on the road spaced a known distance from
each other.
Flow meters of course rely on the continual presence of light-scattering particles within the
fluid. These particles could be either liquid droplets or solids within a gas stream, or they
could be solid particles or bubbles in a liquid stream.
Level Sensor
Liquid level sensors are termed as the sensors used for detecting liquid levels or interfaces
between liquids such as water and oil or solids and liquids. These sensors can also be defined
as transducers or as integrated systems with instrumentation and control capabilities. This
type of liquid level sensor is one of the most important sensors and plays a vital role in
variety of industrial and consumer applications.
Industrial applications include liquid-level sensing in transport tanks, storage tanks and water
treatment tanks, and also in the petrochemical industries for sensing liquids such as petrol,
diesel and other fuels. Liquid level measurement is significant in household applications
including electronic devices such as, water dispensers, water evaporators, steamers,
monitoring system of boilers, heating systems, washing machines, steam irons, juice
squeezers, automated-coffee machines, etc. Level sensors are designed for specific
applications compared to general applications.
Level Detection and Measurement by Using Capacitance Sensor:
Capacitance level sensors are made available for wide range of solids, aqueous(watery),
organic liquids and slurries. This technique is frequently stated as the radio-frequency signals
applied to a capacitance circuit. The capacitive sensors are designed to sense material with
dielectric constants as low as 1.1 for coke and fly ash, and as high as 88 for water or other
Capacitive Sensor
Principle of operation:
The principle of capacitive level measurement is based on the change of capacitance. A
simple capacitor consists of two electrode plates separated by a small thickness of an
insulator such as solid, fluid, gas, or vacuum.
There are two plates in capacitive sensor: An insulated electrode acts as one plate and the
tank wall acts as another plate. The capacitance depends on the liquid level. An empty tank
has low capacitance while a filled tank has higher capacitance.
The Value of C depends on dielectric constant used, area of the plate and also on the distance
between the plates.
C= E (KA/d)
Where: C = Capacitance in Pico farads (pF), E = a constant known as the absolute
permittivity of free space, K = Relative dielectric constant of the insulating material, A =
Effective area of the conductors, d = Distance between the conductors
1. The measurement of liquid level is done by applying a Radio Frequency signal
between the conductive probe and the tank wall.
2. The Radio Frequency signal results in a very-low current which flows through the
dielectric material in the tank from the probe to the tank wall.
3. If the liquid level in the tank drops, then the dielectric constant decreases, which leads
to the drop in capacitance reading as well as drop in current flow.
4. This change can be detected by the liquid-level switch’s internal circuitry.
1.Easy installation
2. Broad application range
3. Good accuracy
4. Suitable for variety of applications and highly recognized and well -proven technology.
Capacitance Sensor Application:
Capacitance level sensor probes are used for measuring the levels of:
• Fluids
• Liquid metals at very-high temperature range
• Dissolved gases at very-low level of temperature
• Very-high density industrial processes.
Ultrasonic Level Sensor:
Sonic is the sound we can hear. Ultrasonic is the sound above human hearing range. Human
can hear maximum up to a frequency of 20 KHz. Ultrasonic frequencies are above 20 KHz.
Ultrasonic waves are used to measure level of liquids and solid objects in industries.
Ultrasonic level measurement is contactless principle and most suitable for level
measurements of hot, corrosive and boiling liquids. The normal frequency range used for
ultrasonic level measurements is within a range of 40 to 200 KHz.
Principle of ultrasonic level measurement:
Ultrasonic waves detect an object in the same way as Radar does it. Ultrasonic uses the sound
waves, and Radar uses radio waves. When ultrasonic pulse signal is targeted towards an
object, it is reflected by the object and echo returns to the sender. The time travelled by the
ultrasonic pulse is calculated, and the distance of the object is found. Ultrasonic level
measurement principle is also used to find out fish positions in ocean, locate submarines
below water level, also the position of a scuba diver in sea.