Egely Faces of LENR Part5D IE159
Egely Faces of LENR Part5D IE159
Egely Faces of LENR Part5D IE159
George Egely
Introduction to Part 5D
Part 5D concludes Part 5 on the “design and operation” of established power balances, eyewitness reports, photographs
LENR reactors. (Part 6 will be forthcoming in a few months and technical parameters on materials, scales, pressures, etc.
and will be the last part of this series.) The only reason to deal with them is they sometimes con-
Very little attention has been paid to cold Pd/D2 and tain a grain of insight useful for further considerations.
warm Ni/H2 systems due to their marginal practical signifi- For this part of the paper, I referenced a collection of
cance in this series, contrary to the usual treatment. water-related patents.5 The book presents a simple search,
Dust fusion has also been treated briefly, but more atten- restricted only to U.S. patents. Thus only English language
tion has been paid to catalytic fusion based on plasmon patents were used, omitting the rest, the bulk of patents.
polaritons (short-lived) and condensed plasmoids (long- Based on my crude estimation, because there are three
lived). Both of them are barely recognized quasi-particles by Hungarian water/fusion related inventions (Joseph Papp,
mainstream physics. Steven Horvath and Janos Jekkel in Part 5C) for 10 million
Part 5D includes: people, I expect the same ratio prevails at least in Europe, or
through the industrialized world.
1) A brief section on “second rate” inventions, where even This subject has a powerful multiplication, cross fertiliza-
less is known about the design and operation parameters. tion or “pinball effect.” This is the reason we deal with it so
Though hundreds of such inventions were patented during extensively. Tesla’s invention of the poly-phase current, as a
the last 150 or so years, all of them are buried on the shelves requisite of cheap and reliable electric power production and
of patent offices. distribution, had a truly beneficial, transformative effect
2) Condensed plasmoid-based mechanical inventions upon society. It made possible the utilization of hydraulic
“fueled” by the ambient vapor in the air. As usual, these and coal power far from urban centers (Niagara Falls), thus
spark-based rotary devices all resemble Wimhurst devices— helped urbanization to a significant degree. His motors, for
electrostatic influence machines. example, made possible the electric elevator among other
3) The similarity laws between discharges are briefly dis- things, which made high-rise buildings feasible, even sky-
cussed, because they are needed to have a firm ground for scrapers. It also made subways/metros possible. As remote
LENR reactor design in transient gas discharge. The attitude coal mines as power sources became feasible, cooling and
and beliefs of inventors and academic researchers are in refrigeration became possible, too. Thus the food supply
strong contrast to each other. There is no communication, chain became longer, making food cheaper.
no “bridge” between them. The forgotten inventions should Aluminum manufacturing requires a large amount of
be fertile soil for academic research. There is no communica- inexpensive electric energy. Tesla’s poly-phase system,
tion even among academic researchers, e.g. condensed plas- among others, made aluminum manufacturing economic,
moids were discovered (and forgotten) at least eight times. thus building large airplanes became possible.
4) Pulsed power supplies are not discussed in this paper; only Sparking in water/hydrogen is of similar practical impor-
some features and references are given.1-4 However, they are tance. It is quite unclear why Tesla (or any other inventor)
a must for plasmoid generation since the work of Nikola was unable to make the last step—the mass production of his
Tesla. Though this omission is not fair, these references pro- prototype.
vide a stepping stone for readers to start their own inquiry. Anyway, it is certain that dozens of other similar inven-
tions are hidden, buried in Romanian, Czech, Serbian,
Hopefully these four papers (Parts 5A-5D) on design and Russian, etc. patent offices.
operation give readers enough information to start their By now readers are familiar with the most important cri-
own experiments, to be able to check the validity of the teria of catalytic fusion by pseudo-particles. Therefore they
claims laid down in this series of papers. are able to comb through the layers of patent histories. For
now we will discuss only three patents.5
Second Rate Inventions
Even the “first rate” inventions discussed in Part 5C were not L.H. Wattles, Patent 583,104 (1897)
detailed enough to reach the threshold of reproducibility, In this invention a zinc cathode is used, immersed into an
but this group is much worse. In that sense that there are no acid. Even without electricity, zinc develops nascent hydro-
Figure 4. Sparky contacts with rolling metal contacts. (a) Wheels on rails; there are only two contact areas along lines. (b) A single ball bear-
ing with several contact points. The mercury contact is not necessary at the bottom! (c) Two rotating ball bearings. This setup requires more
than 10A, 20V DC power supply. It must be kick started, then it rotates at very high angular velocity.
Figure 8. The patent drawing of the Hyde generator. Note the highly charged rotating lamellas.
Figure 10b. The same experiment with deuterium. Note that the tem- Figure 10c. Gas temperature in an argon spark channel as a function
perature is even higher, about 14,000 Kelvin. Pressure is 200 Torr, of time, at higher pressure. Note that it monotonously decreases after
just like with hydrogen. reaching the maximum value, lacking internal energy source.
primary step Loading of hydrogen by (1) dust generation (2) transient sparking or (3)
electrochemical and thermal in plasma micro-discharges
method into a lattice
second consequence LENR fission of lattice nuclei rotation of charged dust formation of plasmon
due to enhanced particles, spin field appears waves and plasmoids as
vacuum oscillations catalytic pseudo-particles
third consequence release of neutrons from spin field catalyzes induced LENR with
the split nuclei fusion of hydrogen hydrogen isotopes
fourth consequence LENR fusion by neutrons LENR fusion via teleportation emission of electrons
into ambient material for high mass nuclei
2) Rotating charged dust particles The proton pump, as a means of biological transmutation
This is the most ubiquitous energy generating fusion process via hyperspace jump, is a unique process demanding its own
in nature. All stars are driven by it, because interstellar dust separate bracket or “dossier.” Spin and electric fields catalyze
is everywhere, though its distribution is uneven. Perhaps LENR in this group.
this process is the easiest to start with.
The Oshawa arc effect (Quantum Rabbit, Klimov and this 3) Wave and condensed plasmoid catalyzed LENR
author) demonstrated the feasibility of the process, especial- This process doesn’t have any natural counterpart, it is
ly the massive transmutation of large mass nuclei. During “machine made.” Most inventions, and all electricity pro-
arc smeltering, a massive amount of transmutation was ducing devices, fall into this category. The cavitation (plas-
observed in an electric furnace in India. ma collapse) devices are also in this bracket.
Apart from transmutation, heat can be generated also in Generally, the corona discharge effects and inventions
the presence of hydrogen (see solar corona). The ATP-ase populate this group, as shown before.
rotating enzyme, life’s power generator, belongs to this cate- It is clear by now that LENR is a multi-faced, rich group of
gory, too. phenomena. They are definitely outside the framework of
Cost of R&D ($) 3x109 ~2x1010 103 103 ~104 ~104 - 105
ing mind.
All in all, the universe—from bacteria to stars—can’t be
understood without LENR, and the necessary “auxiliary”
effects surrounding the four faces of LENR.
Apart from it, no sustainable advanced technical civiliza- The Quickening Universe:
tion can miss LENR and related effects.
The present range of effects in textbook physics is too nar- Cosmic Evolution and Human Destiny
row for our survival.
Tables 1 and 2 sum up the current situation of effect by Dr. Eugene F. Mallove
$10 U.S. / $18 Canada
$24 Mexico / $28 Other Foreign
The author is grateful to Mr. Jozsef Bacsoka for supporting
(Price includes shipping.)
the cost of graphics and typing. Graphics assistance and
1. Rossi, J.D. et al. 2002. “Design of a 150 kV, 300 A, 100 Hz
Blumlein Coaxial Pulser for Long Pulse Operation,” IEEE
Trans. on Plasma Science, 30, 5, October, 1622-1626. Perpetual Motion:
2. Akiyama, H. et al. 2007. “Industrial Applications of Pulsed
Power Technology,” IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical
The History of an Obsession
Insulation, 14, 5, October, 1051-1064.
3. Mesyats, G.A. 2005. Pulsed Power, Springer. by Arthur W.J.G. Ord-Hume
4. Mesyats, G.A. and Proskurovsky, D.I. 1989. Pulsed Electrical
Discharges in Vacuum, Springer. $21 U.S. / $32 Canada
5. Robey, A. 2006. Water Car: How to Turn Water into
Hydrogen Fuel, Kentucky Water Fuel Museum. $36 Mexico / $40 Other
6. Gruenberg, H. 1978. “The Ball Bearing as a Motor,” Prices include shipping.
American Journal of Physics, 46, 12, 1213-1219.
7. Bonisch, S. et al. 2003. “Modeling of Short-Gap ESD Under
New Energy Foundation
Consideration of Different Discharge Mechanisms,” IEEE P.O. Box 2816 • Concord, NH 03302-2816
Transactions Plasma Science, 31, 4, 736-744. Phone: 603-485-4700
2005, Paperback, 247 pages
8. Koroljov, J.D. and Mesyats, G.A. 1982. Autoemission and
Explosive Processes in Gas Discharges, Nauka.
9. Meek, J.M. and Craggs, J.D., eds. 1978. Electrical Breakdown
$35 U.S.
$55 Canada/Mexico
$8.00 U.S. — $11.00 Canada
(Prices including shipping.)
Paperback, 2019
58 pages