04 Activity Based Costing Solutions
04 Activity Based Costing Solutions
04 Activity Based Costing Solutions
Chapter 4
Solution 1.
1. Traditional Absorption Costing
Particulars A B C Total
a) Quantity (units) 4,000 3,000 1,600 8,600
b) Direct labour (minutes) 30 45 60 -
c) Direct labour hours (a x B)/60 mins 2,000 2,250 1,600 5,850
Overhead rate per direct labour hour:
= Budgeted overheads ÷Budgeted labour hours
= ₹ 99,450 ÷ 5,850 hours
= ₹ 17 per direct labour hour
Unit Costs:
Particulars A (₹) B (₹) C (₹)
Direct costs:
- Direct labour 5 7.5 10
- Direct material 8 12 6
8.5 12.75 17
Production overhead: 𝟏𝟕 𝒙 𝟑𝟎 𝟏𝟕 𝒙 𝟒𝟓 𝟏𝟕 𝒙 𝟔𝟎
𝟔𝟎 𝟔𝟎 𝟔𝟎
Total unit costs 21.5 32.25 33
Number of units 4,000 3,000 1,600
Total costs 86,000 96,750 52,800
Material handling rate per kg. = ₹ 29,000 ÷ 38,800 kg. = ₹ 0.75 per kg.
Electricity rate per machine operations = ₹ 39,150 ÷ 36,200 = ₹ 1,082 per machine operations Storage rate per
batch = ₹ 31,200 ÷ 30 batches = ₹ 1,040 per batch
Unit Costs:
Particulars A (₹) B (₹) C (₹)
Direct costs:
- Direct labour 5 7.5 10
- Direct material 8 12 6
Production overhead:
3 4.5 2.25
Material handling:
(₹ 0.75 x 4) (₹ 0.75 x 6) (₹ 0.75 x 3)
6.49 3.25 2.16
(₹ 1.082 x 6) (₹ 1.082 x 3) (₹ 1.082 x 2)
Storage 2.6 1.73 9.75
₹ 𝟏𝟎 𝒙 ₹ 𝟏, 𝟎𝟒𝟎 ₹ 𝟓 𝒙 ₹ 𝟏, 𝟎𝟒𝟎 ₹ 𝟏𝟓 𝒙 ₹ 𝟏, 𝟎𝟒𝟎
𝟒, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟑, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟏, 𝟔𝟎𝟎
3. Comments: The difference in the total costs under the two systems is due to the differences in the
overheads borne by each of the products. The Activity Based Costs appear to be more precise
Solution 2.
(i) Statement of cost allocation to each product from each activity
Particulars Product
M (₹) S (₹) T (₹) Total (₹)
Power (Refer to 40,000 (10,000 kWh 80,000 (20,000 60,000 (15,000 1,80,000
working note) × ₹4) kWh × ₹4) kWh
× ₹4)
Quality Inspections 1,05,000 (3,500 75,000 (2,500 90,000 (3,000 2,70,000
(Refer to inspections × ₹30) inspections × ₹30) inspections × ₹30)
working note)
Working note
Rate per unit of cost driver:
Power (₹ 2,00,000 / 50,000 kWh) ₹ 4/kWh
Quality inspection (₹ 3,00,000 / 10,000 inspections) ₹ 30 per inspection
(iii) Factors management consider in choosing a capacity level to compute the budgeted fixed overhead cost
● Effect on product costing & capacity management
● Effect on pricing decisions.
● Effect on performance evaluation
● Effect on financial statements
● Regulatory requirements.
● Difficulties in forecasting chosen capacity level concepts.
Solution 3.
(i) Overheads application base: Direct labour hours
Particulars Equipment Y (₹) Equipment Z (₹)
Direct material cost 300 450
Direct labour cost 450 600
Overheads* 186.38 248.50
936.38 1,298.50
Particulars Equipment Y (₹) Equipment Z (₹)
Unit manufacturing cost–using direct
labour hours as an 936.38 1,298.50
application base
Unit manufacturing cost-using activity
976.80 1,266.16
based costing
Cost distortion (-) 40.42 + 32.34
Low volume product Y is under-costed and high volume product Z is over-costed using direct labour hours for
overhead absorption.
Solution 5.
Cases sold: (a) 4,680 19,688 1,36,800 71,550 8,775
Revenues at listed
price) (₹): (b) {(a) × 5,05,440 21,26,304 1,47,74,400 77,27,400 9,47,700
₹ 108)}
Discount (₹): (c) 12,31,200 2,57,580 94,770 (8,775
35,438 (19,688
{(a) × Discount per - (1,36,800 cases (71,550 cases × cases × ₹
cases × ₹ 1.80)
case} × ₹ 9) ₹ 3.60) 10.80)
Cost of goods sold
4,21,200 17,71,920 1,23,12,000 64,39,500 7,89,750
(₹) : (d) {(a) × ₹ 90}
Customer level operating activities costs
Order taking costs
(₹): (No. of 11,250 18,750 22,500 18,750 22,500
purchase × ₹750)
Customer visits
costs (₹) (No. of
1,200 1,800 3,600 1,200 1,800
customer visits × ₹
Delivery vehicles
travel costs (₹) (₹
5.75 per km) (Kms
1,150 1,035 1,725 2,300 3,450
travelled by delivery
vehicles × ₹ 5.75
per km.
Product handling 17,550 73,830 5,13,000 2,68,313 32,906
(ii) Insight gained by reporting both the list selling price and the actual selling price for each customer:
Separate reporting of both-the listed and actual selling prices enables Alpha Ltd. to examine which customer
has received what discount per case, whether the discount received has any relationship with the sales
volume. The data given below provides us with the following information;
Sales volume Discount per case (₹)
C (1,36,800 cases) 9.00
D (71,550 cases) 3.60
B (19,688 cases) 1.80
E (8,775 cases) 10.80
A (4,680 cases) 0
The above data clearly shows that the discount given to customers per case has a direct relationship with
sales volume, except in the case of customer E. The reasons for ₹10.80 discount per case for customer E
should be explored.
Solution 6.
Under Traditional Method
(Absorption O/H according to machine hour rate)
Step 1 Calculating O/H absorption rate.
O/H Absorption Rate = Total O/H Cost/Total hour = 15,60,000/78,000 = ₹ 20/hour
(a) Statement for distribution of O/H
Particulars Gel pen Ball pen
Output 5,500 24,000
O/H expense 24,000 x 20 = 4,80,000 54,000 x 20 = 10,80,000
Total O/H 4,80,000 10,80,000
÷ units 5,500 24,000
₹ 87.27/unit ₹ 45/unit
Solution 7.
(i) Statement for distribution of O/H
Material 26,38,700
Labour 3,75,200
O/H 5,17,930
Total 35,31,830
÷ units ÷ 15,000
Cost per unit 235.46
Solution 8.
(i) Statement for calculating manufacturing cost per unit
Particulars A B
Total Pu Total Pu
Output 3,200 3,850
Material 11,20,000 350 15,40,000 400
Labour 11,52,000 360 18,48,000 480
O/H 5,76,000 60 x 3 = 180 9,24,000 60 x 4 = 240
Total 28,48,000 890 43,12,000 1,120
Cost in absorption costing 890 1,120
Cost in ABC Costing 928.8 1087.8
Cost distortion -38.75 32.21
Solution 9.
Statement of cost driver rate
Cost driver rate
Activity Amount (A) Cost driver Cost driver unit (B)
(A ÷ B)
Purchase 300 + 450 + 500 =
Stores receiving 2,96,000 236.8
requisitions 1,250
No. of production 750 + 1,050 + 1,200 =
Inspection 8,94,000 298
runs 3,000
Dispatch 2,10,000 Orders executed 180 + 270 + 300 = 750 280
360 + 390 + 450 =
Machine set up 12,00,000 No. of set ups 1,000
Solution 10.
(i) Statement to calculate operating income
Particulars Soft drink Fresh produce Packaged food Total
Revenue 39,67,500 1,05,03,000 60,49,500 2,05,20,000
Less: COGS (30,00,000) (75,00,000) (45,00,000) 1,50,00,000
Less: support cost
(30% of COGS) (9,00,000) (22,50,000) (13,50,000) (45,00,000)
Operating Income 67,500 7,53,000 1,99,500 10,20,000
67,500/39,67,500 7,53,000/10,50,300 1,99,500/60,49,500 10,20,000/2,05,20,000
Operating Income
x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100
1.70% 7.17% 3.30% 4.97%
Working Note
Total support cost/OH = 45,00,000
Solution 11.
Statement showing cost allocation to each product
Particulars M S T Product Total
10,000 x 80 20,000 x 80 15,000 x 80
Power@180 36,00,000
= 8,00,000 = 16,00,000 = 12,00,000
Quality 3,500 x 600 = 2,500 x 600 = 3,000 x 600 =
Inspection 21,00,000 15,00,000 18,00,000
Solution 12.
Total labour working hours and overhead costs.
Particulars Product X Product Y Product Z Total
Production Units 45,000 52,500 30,000 1,27,500
Hour per unit 3 5 7
Total hours 1,35,000 2,62,500 2,10,000 6,07,500
Solution 13.
(i) Statement showing total cost of each product assuming absorption of overheads on Machine Hour Rate
Particulars A B C D Total
Output (units) 100 110 120 150 480
Direct material (₹) 30 40 35 45 150
Direct Labour (₹) 25 30 30 40 125
Direct labour-
5 4 3 4
Machine hrs
Overhead @ ₹ 30/- per Machine hr 150 120 90 120 480
Total cost per unit (₹) 205 190 155 205 755
Total cost (₹) 20,500 20,900 18,600 30,750 90,750
Total Overheads ₹
Factory works expenses 22,500 Factory exp per unit 22,500 / 1,900 = ₹ 11.84
Statement showing total cost of each product assuming activity based costing.
Particulars A B C D Total
Output (units) 100 110 120 150 480
No. of production runs 10 11 12 15 48
No. of stores requisition 25 25 25 25 100
No. of sales orders 20 22 24 30 96
Unit costs - Direct material (₹) 30 40 35 45
Unit costs - Direct Labour (₹) 25 30 30 40
Unit costs - Factory works expenses (₹) 59.20 47.36 35.52 47.36
Unit costs - Stores
20.25 18.41 16.88 13.50
receiving cost (₹)
Unit costs - Machine set-up cost (₹) 25.42 25.42 25.42 25.42
Unit costs – QC (₹) 9.58 9.58 9.58 9.58
Unit costs –Material Handling (₹) 20 20 20 20
Unit cost (₹) 189.45 190.77 172.40 200.86
Total cost (₹) 18,945 20,984.7 20,688 30,129
Solution 14.
Statement Showing Allocation of Manufacturing Overheads Using Principles of Activity Based Costing.
Cost allocation basis
Activity Centre Traceable cost ₹ Cost allocation basis
Royal (₹) Nova (₹)
Soldering 9,42,000 385 : 1185 2,31,000 7,11,000
Shipments 8,60,000 38 : 162 1,63,400 6,96,600
Quality control 12,40,000 213 : 562 3,40,800 8,99,200
Purchase orders 9,50,400 109980 : 80100 5,49,900 4,00,500
Machine lower 57,600 16:176 4,800 52,800
Machine set ups 7,50,000 14:16 3,50,000 4,00,000
48,00,000 16,39,900 31,60,100
Units produced and sold 4,000 22,000
₹ 409.98 ₹ 143.64
Overheads Cost per unit
(ii) Statement Showing Product Cost and Profitability using Activity Based Costing
(iii) Novo Model should continue to be bread and butter product and Royal model should not be
over-emphasized; rather it’s pricing is required to be corrected.
Solution 15.
(i) Customer Profitability Analysis ABC Bank – Premier Account
X (₹) Y (₹) Z (₹)
Customer Pofitability
₹ (10,500) ₹ 2,700 ₹ 29,660
(Benefits – Costs)
(ii) Customer Z is most profitable and is cross-subsidizing the most demanding customer X. Customer Y is
paying for the services used, because of not being able to maintain minimum balance. No doubt, ‘Premier
Account’ product offering is profitable as a whole, but the worry is of not finding customers like customer Z
who will maintain a balance higher than the stipulated minimum. It appears, the minimum balance stipulated
is inadequate considering the services availed by depositors in ‘Premium Account’.
(iii) The changes suggested to ABC Bank’s ‘Premier Account’ are as follows:
● Increase the requirement of minimum balance from ₹ 50,000 to ₹ 1,00,000.
● Charge for value added services like Foreign Currency Drafts.
Solution 17:
Statement Showing “Budgeted Cost per unit of the Product”
Activity Activity No. of Activity
Activity Cost Driver Units of Rate Deposits Loans Credit
(Budgeted) Activity (₹) Cards
(₹) Driver
ATM 8,00,000 No. of ATM 2,00,000 4.00 6,00,000 ---- 2,00,000
Services Transaction
Computer 10,00,000 No. of
Processing Computer 20,00,000 0.50 7,50,000 1,00,000 1,50,000
Issuing 20,00,000 No. of 5,00,000 4.00 14,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000
Statements Statements
Customer 3,60,000 Telephone 7,20,000 0.50 1,80,000 90,000 90,000
Inquiries Minutes
Budgeted 41,60,000 29,30,000 3,90,000 8,40,000
Units of Product (as estimated in the budget period) 58,600 13,000 14,000
Budgeted Cost per unit of the product 50 30 60
Working Note
Activity Budgeted Cost Remark
ATM Services:
a) Machine Maintenance 4,00,000 All fixed, no change.
b) Rents 2,00,000 Fully fixed, no change.
c) Currency Replenishment 2,00,000 Doubled during budget period
Total 8,00,000
Computer Processing 2,50,000 ₹ 2,50,000 (half of ₹ 5,00,000) is
fixed and no change is expected.
7,50,000 ₹ 2,50,000 (variable portion) is
expected to increase to three times
the current level.
Total 10,00,000
Issuing Statements 18,00,000 Existing
2,00,000 2 lakh statements are expected to
be increased in budgeted period.
For every increase of one lakh
statement, one lakh rupees is the
budgeted increase.
Total 20,00,000
Computer Inquiries 3,60,000 Estimated to increase by 80%
during the budget period. (₹
2,00,000 x 180%)
Total 3,60,000
Solution 18:
(i) Statement Showing “Cost per unit - Traditional Method”
Particulars of costs P Q R
(₹) (₹) (₹)
Number of Batches, Purchase Orders, and Inspections-
Particulars P Q R Total
A. Production (units) 3,000 5,000 20,000
B. Batch Size (units) 150 500 1,000
C. Number of Batches (A÷B) 20 10 20 50
D. Number of Purchase Order per batch 3 10 8
E. Total Purchase Orders [C × D] 60 100 160 320
F. Number of Inspections per batch 5 4 3
G. Total Inspections [C × F] 100 40 60 200
Solution 19:
(i) Statement of Operating income and Operating income as a percentage of revenues for each product line
(When support costs are allocated to product lines on the basis of cost of goods sold of each product)
Soft drinks Fresh Packaged Total (₹)
(₹) produce (₹) food (₹)
Revenues (A) 39,67,500 1,05,03,000 60,49,500 2,05,20,000
Cost of goods sold (COGS) (B) 30,00,000 75,00,000 45,00,000 1,50,00,000
Support cost (30% of COGS) (C) 9,00,000 22,50,000 13,50,000 45,00,000
(Refer working notes)
Total cost: (D) = {(B) + (C)} 39,00,000 97,50,000 58,50,000 1,95,00,000
Operating income: E= {(A)-(D)} 67,500 7,53,000 1,99,500 10,20,000
Operating income as a 1.70% 7.17% 3.30% 4.97%
percentage of revenues:
(E/A) × 100
Working notes:
1. Total support Cost:
Bottles returns 60,000
Ordering 7,80,000
Delivery 12,60,000
Shelf stocking 8,64,000
Customer support 15,36,000
Total support cost 45,00,000
(ii) Statement of Operating income and Operating income as a percentage of revenues for each
product line
(When support costs are allocated to product lines using an activity based costing system)
Soft drinks (₹) Fresh produce Packaged Total (₹)
(₹) food (₹)
Revenues (A) 39,67,500 1,05,03,000 60,49,500 2,05,20,000
Cost & goods sold 30,00,000 75,00,000 45,00,000 1,50,00,000
Bottle return costs 60,000 0 0 60,000
Ordering cost* (360:840:360) 1,80,000 4,20,000 1,80,000 7,80,000
Delivery cost* (300:2190:660) 1,20,000 8,76,000 2,64,000 12,60,000
Shelf stocking cost* 54,000 5,40,000 2,70,000 8,64,000
Customer Support cost* 1,26,000 11,04,000 3,06,000 15,36,000
Solution 20:
(i) Traditional Absorption Costing
Gold Pearl Diamond
(a )Production of soaps 4,000 3,000 2,000 9,000
(b) Direct labour 30 40 60 -
(c) Direct labour hours 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000
(a × b)/60 minutes
Overhead rate per direct labour hour:
= Budgeted overheads ÷ Budgeted labour hours
= ₹ 1,98,000 ÷ 6,000 hours
= ₹ 33 per direct labour hour
Unit Costs:
Gold Pearl Diamond
(₹) (₹) (₹)
Direct Costs: 5.00 6.67 10.00
- Direct Labour
167.50 215.50 248.50
- Direct Material
(Refer working note1)
16.50 22.00 33.00
- Production
Total units costs 189.00 244.17 291.50
Number of units 4,000 3,000 2,000
Total Costs 7,56,000 7,32,510 5,83,000
Working note-1
Calculation of Direct material cost
(₹) Pearl (₹)
Essential Oils 120.00 165.00 195.00
Cocoa Butter 40.00 40.00 40.00
Filtered Water 4.50 4.50 4.50
Chemicals 3.00 6.00 9.00
Total costs 167.50 215.50 248.50
(iii) Comments: The difference in the total costs under the two systems is due to the differences in the
overheads borne by each of the products. The Activity Based Costs appear to be more accurate.
Solution 21:
(i) Profit Statement using Absorption costing method:
Particulars PRODUCT Total
A. Sales Quantity 1,00,000 80,000 60,000 2,40,000
B. Selling price per 90 180 140
unit (₹)
C. Sales Value (₹) 90,00,000 1,44,00,000 84,00,000 3,18,00,000
D. Direct cost per 50 90 95
unit (₹)
E. Direct Cost (₹) 50,00,000 72,00,000 57,00,000 1,79,00,000
F. Overheads:
(i) Machine 24,00,000 25,60,000 24,00,000 73,60,000
(₹) (Working note-1)
(ii) Assembly 30,00,000 16,00,000 9,00,000 55,00,000
(₹) (Working note-1)
G. Total Cost (₹) 1,04,00,000 1,13,60,000 90,00,000 3,07,60,000
H. Profit (C-G) (14,00,000) 30,40,000 (6,00,000) 10,40,000
Working Notes:
X Y Z Total
A. Production (units) 1,00,000 80,000 60,000
B. Machine hours 3 4 5
per unit
C. Total Machine 3,00,000 3,20,000 3,00,000 9,20,000
hours [A×B]
D. Rate per hour (₹) 8 8 8
E. Machine Dept. 24,00,000 25,60,000 24,00,000 73,60,000
cost [C×D]
F. Labour hours per 6 4 3
G. Total labour 6,00,000 3,20,000 1,80,000 11,00,000
hours [A×F]
H.Rate per hour (₹) 5 5 5
I. Assembly Dept. 30,00,000 16,00,000 9,00,000 55,00,000
cost [G×H]
X Y Z Total
Solution 22:
(i) Calculation of cost driver rate:
Cost pool Budgeted overheads Cost driver Cost driver rate (₹)
Material procurement 18,42,000 1,200 1,535.00
Material handling 8,50,000 1,240 685.48
Maintenance 24,56,000 17,550 139.94
Set-up 9,12,000 1,450 628.97
Quality control 4,42,000 1,820 242.86
Solution 23:
Working Notes:
(i) Total support cost:
Bottles returns 60,000
Ordering 7,80,000
Delivery 12,60,000
Shelf stocking 8,64,000
Customer support 15,36,000
Solution 24:
(a) Computation showing Rates for each Activity
Activity Activity Cost Activity driver Activity Activity
(₹) Capacity Rate
(A) (B) (A/B)
Marketing Expenses 2,25,000 Number of Customer 7,50,000 0.30
Website Maintenance 1,50,000 Number of Customer Online 6,00,000 0.25
Expenses Orders
Credit Card Processing Fees 1,35,000 Number of Credit card 2,70,000 0.50
Cleaning Equipment Cost 3,15,000 Number of Square Feet 10,500 30.00
Inspecting and Testing Cost 2,62,500 Number of Tests 52,500 5.00
Setting up machine's Cost 4,50,000 Number of set-ups 900 500.00
(i) Statement of Operating Income and Operating Income percentage for each Department
Particulars Premium Recliner 7D Hall (₹) Cafeteria (₹)
Hall Hall
(₹) (₹)
Revenues (Given) (A) 11,55,000 18,75,000 9,30,000 5,25,000
Cost of Goods Sold (given) (B1) - - - 4,51,125
Digital Media Cost (given) (B2) 6,19,800 9,46,875 4,02,900 -
Activity Based Cost (as per Workings) 4,31,250 6,46,875 3,22,500 1,36,875
Operating Cost (B) (B1+ B2 + B3) 10,51,050 15,93,750 7,25,400 5,88,000
Operating Income/(Loss) (C = A – B) 1,03,950 2,81,250 2,04,600 (63,000)
Percentage of profit/(loss) on sales 9% 15% 22% (12%)
(ii) Contention of Supervisor is valid as operating income of Cafeteria is negative i.e. (₹ 63,000) or percentage
of profit/loss is (12%).
Solution 25:
(i) Total Overhead = ₹ (2,52,000 + 80,000 + 60,000 + 40,000 + 10,368) = ₹ 4,42,368
Total machine hours = 1,440 × 4 + 1,200 × 3 + 960 × 2 + 1,008 × 1
= 5,760 + 3,600 + 1,920 + 1,008 = 12,288 M. Hrs.
Overhead recovery rate / M.H. = ₹ 4,42,368 / 12,288 M.Hrs. = ₹ 36
Cost Statement when overheads are absorbed on machine hours rate basis –
Product A B C D
Output in units 1,440 1,200 960 1,008
(₹) (₹) (₹) (₹)
Cost per unit:
Direct material 84 90 80 96
Direct labour 20 18 14 16
Overhead (@ ₹ 36) 144 108 72 36
(4 × ₹ 36) (3 × ₹ 36) (2 × ₹ 36) (1 × ₹ 36)
Total cost per unit 248 216 166 148
Total cost 3,57,120 2,59,200 1,59,360 1,49,184
(1) Machine department costs of ₹ 2,52,000 to be apportioned to set-up cost, store receiving and inspection in
4 : 3 : 2 i.e. ₹ 1,12,000, ₹ 84,000 and ₹ 56,000 respectively.
(2) One production run = 48 units. Hence, the number of production runs of different products:
A= 1440 / 48 = 30 , B = 1200/48 = 25 , C= 960/ 48 =20 , D = 1,008/48 = 21 or total 96 runs.
(3) One batch order is of 24 units. So the number of batches of different products:
A= 1440 / 24 = 60 , B = 1200/24 = 50 , C= 960/ 24 =40 , D = 1,008/24 = 42 or total 192 batches.
Solution 26:
Traditional Absorption Costing
X Y Z Total
(a) Quantity (units) 1,200 1,440 1,968 4608
(b) Direct labour per unit (₹) 18 20 30 -
(c) Direct labour hours (a × b)/₹ 4 5,400 7,200 14,760 27,360
Unit Costs :
Direct Costs:
- Direct Labour (₹) 18.00 20.00 30.00
- Direct Material (₹) 90.00 84.00 176.00
Production Overhead: (₹) 40.50 45.00 67.50
Solution 27:
(i) Calculation Cost-Driver’s rate
Activity Overhead cost (₹) Cost-driver level Cost driver rate (₹)
(A) (B) (C) = (A)/(B)
Ordering 64,000 34 + 32 + 14 800
= 80 no. of purchase
Delivery 1,58,200 110 + 64 + 52 700
= 226 no. of deliveries
Shelf stocking 87,560 110 + 160 + 170 199
= 440 shelf stocking
Solution 28:
Working note:
Computation of revenues (at listed price), discount, cost of goods sold and customer level operating activities
Particular A B C D E
Cases sold: (a) 9,360 14,200 62,000 38,000 9,800
Revenues (at listed price) (₹): (b) 5,05,440 7,66,800 33,48,000 20,52,000 5,29,200
{(a) × ₹ 54)}
Discount (₹): (c) {(a) × Discount - 8,520 3,10,000 1,44,400 52,920
per case} (14,200 (62,000 (38,000 (9,800
cases × cases × cases × cases ×
₹ 0.6) ₹ 5) ₹ 3.80) ₹ 5.40)
Cost of goods sold (₹): (d) 4,21,200 6,39,000 27,90,000 17,10,000 4,41000
{(a) × ₹ 45}
Customer level operating activities costs
Order taking costs (₹): (No. of 6,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 12,000
purchase × ₹ 200)
Customer visits costs 1,200 1,800 3,600 1,200 1,800
(₹) (No. of customer visits × ₹
Delivery vehicles travel costs (₹) 3,200 2,880 4,800 6,400 9,600
(Kms travelled by delivery
vehicles × ₹ 4 per km.)
Product handling costs (₹) 18,720 28,400 1,24,000 76,000 19,600
{(a) ×₹ 2}
Cost of expediting deliveries (₹) - - - - 200
{No. of expedited deliveries
× ₹ 100}
Total cost of customer level 29,120 43,080 1,44,400 93,600 43,200
operating activities (₹)
(ii) Comments
Customer D in comparison with Customer C: Operating income of Customer D is more than of Customer C,
despite having only 61.29% (38,000 units) of the units volume sold in comparison to Customer C (62,000
units). Customer C receives a higher percent of discount i.e. 9.26% (₹ 5) while Customer D receive a discount
of 7.04% (₹ 3.80). Though the gross margin of customer C (₹ 2,48,000) is more than Customer D (₹ 1,97,600)
but total cost of customer level operating activities of C (₹ 1,44,400) is more in comparison to
Customer D (₹ 93,600). As a result, operating income is more in case of Customer D.
Customer E in comparison with Customer A: Customer E is not profitable while Customer A is profitable.
Customer E receives a discount of 10% ( ₹ 5.4) while Customer A doesn’t receive any discount. Sales Volume
of Customer A and E is almost same. However, total cost of customer level operating activities of E is far more
( ₹ 43,200) in comparison to Customer A (₹ 29,120). This has resulted in occurrence of loss in case of
Customer E.
Solution 29:
Working notes:
1. Total support cost:
Bottles returns 60,000
Ordering 7,80,000
Delivery 12,60,000
Shelf stocking 8,64,000
Customer support 15,36,000
Total support cost 45,00,000
(i) Statement of Operating income and Operating income as a percentage of revenues for each product line
(When support costs are allocated to product lines on the basis of cost of goods sold of each product)
Soft Drinks (₹) Fresh Produce Packaged Total (₹)
(₹) Foods (₹)
Revenues: (A) 39,67,500 1,05,03,000 60,49,500 2,05,20,000
Cost of Goods sold (COGS): (B) 30,00,000 75,00,000 45,00,000 1,50,00,000
Support cost (30% of COGS): 9,00,000 22,50,000 13,50,000 45,00,000
(Refer working notes)
Total cost: (D) = {(B) + (C)} 39,00,000 97,50,000 58,50,000 1,95,00,000
Operating income: (E) 67,500 7,53,000 1,99,500 10,20,000
(ii) Statement of Operating income and Operating income as a percentage of revenues for each product line
(When support costs are allocated to product lines using an activity -based costing system)
Soft drinks Fresh Produce Packaged Total
(₹) (₹) Food (₹) (₹)
Revenues: (A) 39,67,500 1,05,03,000 60,49,500 2,05,20,000
Cost & Goods sold 30,00,000 75,00,000 45,00,000 1,50,00,000
Bottle return costs 60,000 0 0 60,000
Ordering cost* (360:840:360) 1,80,000 4,20,000 1,80,000 7,80,000
Delivery cost* 1,20,000 8,76,000 2,64,000 12,60,000
Shelf stocking cost* 54,000 5,40,000 2,70,000 8,64,000
Customer Support cost* 1,26,000 11,04,000 3,06,000 15,36,000
Total cost: (B) 35,40,000 1,04,40,000 55,20,000 1,95,00,000
Operating income: (C) = {(A)- 4,27,500 63,000 5,29,500 10,20,000
Operating income as a % of 10.78% 0.60% 8.75% 4.97%
revenues: (D) = {(C)/(A) ×
* Refer to working note 3
Solution 31:
(i) PCP Limited’s
Statement of operating income and gross margin percentage for each of its supermarket segments
Particulars Supermarket A Supermarket B Total
Revenues: (₹) 11,21,67,000 9,52,87,500 20,74,54,500
(660 × ₹ 1,69,950) (1,650 × ₹ 57,750)
Less: Cost of goods sold: (₹) 10,89,00,000 9,07,50,000 19,96,50,000
(660 × ₹ 1,65,000) (1650 × RS 55,000)
Gross Margin: (₹) 32,67,000 45,37,500 78,04,500
Less: Other operating costs: (₹) 16,55,995
Operating income: (₹) 61,48,505
Gross Margin 2.91% 4.76 % 3.76%
Operating income % 2.96%
(ii) Operating Income Statement of each distribution channel in April (Using the Activity based Costing
Supermarket A Supermarket B
Gross margin (₹) : (A) 32,67,000 45,37,500
(Refer to (i) part of the answer)
Operating cost (₹): (B) (Refer to working note) 6,55,600 10,00,395
Operating income (₹): (A–B) 26,11,400 35,37,105
Operating income (in %) (Operating 2.33 3.71
income/Revenue) ×100
Working note:
Computation of rate per unit of the cost allocation base for each of the five activity areas for the month of
Solution 32:
(i) (a) Statement of Operating Income and Operating Income as a percentage of revenues for each product
line. (When support costs are allocated to product lines on the basis of cost of goods sold for each product).
Drug A (₹) Drug B (₹) Drug C (₹) Total (₹)
Revenues: (A) 74,50,000 1,11,75,000 1,86,25,000 3,72,50,000
Cost of goods sold 41,44,500 68,16,750 1,20,63,750 2,30,25,000
(COGS) (B):
Support cost (40% of 16,57,800 27,26,700 48,25,500 92,10,000
COGS) (C):
(Refer working notes)
Total Cost (D) – {(B) + 58,02,300 95,43,450 1,68,89,250 3,22,35,000
Operating income: E = 16,47,700 16,31,550 17,35,750 50,15,000
{(A) – (D)}
Operating Income as 22.12% 14.60% 9.32% 13.46%
a % of revenues: (E/A)
x 100)
Working Notes:
1. Total Support cost
Drug License Fee 5,00,000
Ordering 8,30,000
Delivery 18,20,000
Shelf stocking 32,40,000
Customer Support 28,20,000
Total support cost 92,10,000
2. Percentage of support cost to cost of goods sold (COGS)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡
= 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 x 100
(b) Statement of operating Income and operating income as a percentage of revenues for each product line
(When support costs are allocated to product lines using an activity-based costing system)
Drug A (₹) Drug B (₹) Drug C (₹) Total (₹)
Revenues: (A) 74,50,000 1,11,75,000 1,86,25,000 3,72,50,000
Cost & Goods Sold 41,44,500 68,16,750 1,20,63,750 2,30,25,000
Drug License Fee 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,50,000 5,00,000
Ordering Cost* 2,32,400 3,36,150 2,61,450 8,30,000
Delivery Cost* 6,17,500 6,50,000 5,52,500 18,20,000
Shelf stocking cost* 6,48,000 9,00,000 16,92,000 32,40,000
Customer Support cost* 10,51,200 9,01,800 8,67,000 28,20,000
(1,75,200 : 1,50,300 :
Total Cost: (B) 67,93,600 97,54,700 1,56,86,700 3,22,35,000
Operating Income C: {(A) – 6,56,400 14,20,300 29,38,300 50,15,000
Operating income as a % of 8.81% 12.71% 15.78% 13.46%
* Refer to working note 3
(ii) Comparison on the basis of operating income as per the percentage (%) of revenue:
(a) When support costs are allocated to product lines on the basis of cost of goods sold of each product.
Drug A (₹) Drug B (₹) Drug C (₹) Total (₹)
Operating 22.12% 14.60% 9.32% 13.46%
Income as %
of revenue
On comparing the operating income as a % of revenue of each product, Drug A is the most profitable product
line, though is least but with highest units sold.
(b) When support costs are allocated to product lines using an activity-based costing system.
Drug A (₹) Drug B (₹) Drug C (₹) Total (₹)
Operating 8.81% 12.71% 15.78% 13.46%
Income as a %
of revenues
On comparing the operating income as a % of revenue of each product, Drug C is the most profitable product
line, though its unit sold is least but with highest revenue.
Solution 33:
Working note:
Computation of revenues (at listed price), discount, and cost of goods sold and customer level operating
activities costs:
Particulars Customers
Aey Bee Cee Dee Eey
Cases sold: (a) 9,360 14,200 62,000 38,000 9,800
(ii) Comments
Customer Dee in comparison with Customer Cee: Operating income of Customer Dee is more than that of
Customer Cee, despite having only 61.29% (38,000 units) of the units volume sold in comparison to Customer
Cee (62,000 units). Customer Cee receives a higher percent of discount i.e. 9.26% (₹ 6) while Customer Dee
receives a discount of 7.04% (₹ 4.56). Though the gross margin of customer Cee (₹ 2,97,600) is more than that
of Customer Dee (₹ 2,37,120) but total cost of customer level operating activities of Cee (₹ 1,73,280 ) is more
in comparison to Customer Dee (₹ 1,12,320). As a result, operating income is more in case of Customer Dee.
Customer Eey in comparison with Customer Aey: Customer Eey is not profitable while Customer Aey is
profitable. Customer Eey receives a discount of 10% (₹ 6.48) while Customer Aey doesn’t receive any discount.
Sales Volume of Customer Aey and Eey is almost same. However, total cost of customer level operating
activities of Eey is far more (₹ 51,840) in comparison to Customer Aey (₹ 34,944). This has resulted in
occurrence of loss in case of Customer Eey.
Solution 34:
(i) Profit Statement using Absorption costing method:
Working Notes:
Product Total
A. Production (Units) 1,00,000 80,000 60,000
B. Machine hours per 3 4 5
C. Total Machine hours 3,00,000 3,20,000 3,00,000 9,20,000
[A x B]
D. Rate per hour (₹) 4 4 4