Activity 03 in English
Activity 03 in English
Activity 03 in English
Direction: Choose one Global Communication in Multicultural Setting and create an essay about it.
Assess your personal preparedness to communicate effectively with persons of different cultures by
labelling each of the following as true or false:
True 1. I enjoy communicating with persons unlike me as much as with persons like me.
True 2. I am equally sensitive to the concerns of all groups in our multicultural society?
True 3. I can tell when persons from other cultures do not understand me or more confused by my
True 4. I do not fear interacting with persons from minority groups any more than I fear interacting
with persons from the dominant culture.
False 5. Persons from other cultures have a right to be angry at members of my culture.
1.2 Why is it important to study Communication in Multicultural setting?
Having the ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries is critical for the
success of any intercultural or multinational endeavor.
It improves employee morale and motivation also helps them become better
employees, negotiators, leaders, and international citizens.
1.4 If you’re having a friend who’s not the same culture as you. What is the feeling of communicating
with him/her?
Actually I would Be Grateful Because We Have Our Own Perspectives And Belief In that
way we can Understand our differences of our culture and learn from each other in way of
communicate to one another To learn more from each other.