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Lesson Plan in English

Grade II - Humpty Dumpty

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. predict what happens next using clues from a text;
b. listen carefully to make smart guesses; and
c. stay engaged in a story by making predictions.


Topic/Story : Making Predictions
References :
Materials : Flash Cards, Images, Textbook, and PPT
Value Focus : Critical Thinking and Active Listening

Preliminary Activities:
- Opening Prayer & Greetings
- Setting Rules and Standard

A. Review
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
What did teacher Shang discussed
last Tuesday?

B. Motivation
Do you want to hear a story? Alright, Yes, teacher!
now you have to listen to teacher
because I will read the story. Are we
clear? Yes, teacher!

(learners listens to teacher)

Lizzie Dizzy's Contest

Lizzie loves reading books. She

dreams of becoming a famous
storyteller. But there is a problem:
whenever she starts telling the story
in front of other people, she gets
dizzy. She feels nervous and never
finishes telling the story. One day,
she saw a poster on the bulletin
board about a storytelling contest.
She decided to join the contest. With
the help of her family and friends,
Lizzie practiced every day.
Alright! You all did very well!

C. Presentation
By listening to our story for today,
what do you think is our topic all prediction!

Yes! That's correct!

It's about prediction or "guessing

what happens next."

D. Discussion
Now we will learn about what Making
Predictions is.
What is Making a Prediction?
(the learners will listen)
Making a prediction means guessing
what will happen next in a story. We
use clues from pictures, words, and
what we already know to make a
smart guess.
How Do We Make Predictions?
1. Look at the pictures – What do you
2. Listen to the story – What is
happening now?
3. Think about what you know – Have
you seen this happen before?
Why is Making Predictions Important?
It helps us understand the story
It makes reading fun and exciting!
It helps us pay attention to details.

It might rain, teacher.
If you see a dark cloud in a picture,
what do you think will happen next?
It might rain! That is a prediction!

E. Exercises

Now let us practice. Let us try to

predict what will happen next.
“ Luis was running around the
classroom with his shoes untied. One
of the nicer boys in the class, Jay,
said, Luis your shoe is untied. Luis
replied, Don’t talk to me. He did not
like Jay. Luis continued running and
playing. As he was running around
the bookshelf, he stepped on one of
his shoelaces and…..”
Based on the information given, what
is likely to occur next?
Possible answer: Luis is probably
going to trip over his shoelace and
This is the most possible answer
because based on what we know
people usually trip over and fall over
untied shoelaces.
Uncharacteristic answer: Luis will
reveal to the class that he has the
ability to levitate.
This answer is not possible because
people don’t have the ability to

F. Generalization
What is prediction?
Making a prediction means guessing
what will happen next in a story. We
use clues from pictures, words, and
what we already know to make a
smart guess.

G. Application

Read each story beginning. Then,

put a check ( ) on the circle next to
the sentence ending that makes the
most sense.
1. Zion woke up excited and
happy. The sun was shining. It was
a perfect day for a trip to the beach.
After a few seconds, Zion….
jumped out of bed.
rolled over and went back
to sleep.
2. Scarlet knew a storm was
coming.the sky was gray. A strong
wind began to blow. Htunder rolled.
Scarlet decided to…
go outside and play
stay inside with her family
3. Chezka was ready for the dance
show. She had done her steps over
and over. Before the show, she felt
sure of herself. She smiled as she
came to the stage. Then Chezka …
forgot all the dance steps.
did the dance well.
4. Paul was walking home from
school when he found a wallet full
of money. His parents always
taught him to be honest. Paul
picked up the wallet and…
kept on walking.
tried to find the owner.
5. Alex woke up and looked outside,
it very sunny and clear. She was so
excited to meet her friend Susan to
play in the park. She decided to put
her sun hat and sandals
her heavy coat, mittens and

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read carefully each sentence, find the
Possible ending to the story. Encircle the letter of the
Correct answer.
1. Lisa put her books in her book bag, opened the
Door and went to…
A. School C. Zoo
B. Church D. Playground
2. Joe grabbed the broom and the dustpan, Joe is
going to...
A. sweep the floor C. go to school
B. drink coffee D. take a bath
3. Mary was very excited. She had read about all of
The animals that she was going to see today
Mary was going to…
A. The Zoo C. The Church
B. The Beach D. The Market
4. Andrew eats fruits and vegetables. He also drinks
Milk. He sleeps on time. Andrew will …
A. Become weak
B. Become strong and healthy.
5. Cindy studies her lesson everyday. She listens to the
Teacher very well. She answers the test correctly,
Cindy would…
A. Get high grades.
B. Get low grades.
6. Bea brushed her teeth. She puts on a clean pajama.
She prepared her bed. Bea is…
A. Going to sleep
B. Going to work
7. The baby was very hungry. He was crying loudly. His
Mother gave him a bottle of milk, the baby…
A. Cried more
B. Stopped crying
8. Junie grabbed a pail, he put water in the pail and went
To the garden. Junie is...
A. Going to pick flowers
B. Going to water the plants
9. Ruben has a garden. He planted seeds in the garden, he
Waters them every morning. The seeds…
A. Will become plant.
B. Will be dried up.
10. Eddie is playing with his dog. The dog ran on the street,
a jeepney was coming fast, the dog was…
A. Hit by the jeepney.
B. Will ride on the jeepney.

V. Assignment/ Agreement

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