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Application for Grant of Funds

Title of the Research Proposal
2. Name of the Principal Investigator
3. Name(s) of other investigator(s)
with the name(s) of their Institution
4. Name of the Institution with Full
Whether the Institution/University is
a Government Institution or Non-
Government Institution?
Is the Institution/University/Society
6. managed by an NGO/Trust/Society
If yes, provide the details
If the Institution/society is Non-
NGO Darpan Unique ID of the
Institution* :
PAN Number* :
*(It is mandatory for all
institutions/professional societies
other than Central/State Govt.
Institutions /Departments )
8. Proposed duration of Research
Amount of grant requested (in Rs.)
1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year & Total
Satellite Data/Data
9. Consumables & Supplies
Internal Travel
a) Bio-data of all the Investigators (Format-A).
10. b) Brief description of the Research Proposal with details of budget (Format-
c) Declaration (Format-C).
I/We have carefully read the terms and conditions for ISRO Research Grants
and agree to abide by them. It is certified that if the research proposal is
approved for financial support by ISRO, all basic facilities including
administrative support available at our Institution and needed to execute the
project will be extended to the Principal Investigator and other Investigators.
Name Institution Designation
Principal Investigator


Head of the Department/Area

Head of the Institution

Form A
Bio-data of the Investigator(s)
(Bio-data for all the investigators should be given, each on a separate sheet)
1. Name
2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
3. Designation
4. Degrees conferred (begin with Bachelor's degree)

Institution conferring the

Degree Field(s) Year

5. Research/training experience (in chronological order)

Duration Institution Name of work done

6. Major scientific fields of

7. List of publications
(Only the journal papers
to be listed)
8. Email id and Telephone
number of PI with STD
9. Email id of the Head of the
academic institution

Form B

1. Title of the research proposal

2. Summary of the proposed research
A Simple concise statement about the
investigation, its conduct and the anticipated
results in no more than 200 words
3. Objectives
A brief definition of the objectives and their
scientific, technical and techno-economic
4. Major Scientific fields of Interest
A brief history and basis for the proposal and a
demonstration of the need for such an
investigation preferably with reference to the
possible application of the results to ISRO's
activities. A reference should also be made to
the latest work being carried out in the field and
the present state-of-art of the subject.
5. Linkages to Space Programme and
Deliverables to ISRO on successful
completion of the project
6. Approach
A clear description of the concepts to be used in
the investigation should be given. Details of the
method and procedures for carrying out the
investigation with necessary instrumentation and
expected time schedules should be included. All
supporting studies necessary for the
investigation should be identified. The
necessary information of any collaborative
arrangement, if existing with other investigators
for such studies, should be furnished. The
principal Investigator is expected to have
worked out his collaborative arrangement
himself. For the development of balloon, rocket
and satellite-borne payloads it will be necessary
to provide relevant details of their design. ISRO
should also be informed whether the Institution
has adequate facilities for such payload
development or will be dependent on ISRO or
some other Institution for this purpose.
7. Data base and analysis
A brief description of the data base and analysis
plan should be included. If any assistance is
required from ISRO for data analysis purposes,
it should be indicated clearly.
8. Available Institutional facilities
Facilities such as equipments, etc, available at
the parent Institution for the proposed
investigation should be listed.
9. Fund Requirement
Detailed year wise break-up for the Project budget should be given as follows:
Fellowships* 1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Research Scientist
Research Associate
Research Fellows
*Note: please specify the designation, qualification and rate of salary per month for each
1st Yr category 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Please specify the various individual items of equipment and indicate foreign
exchange requirement, if any
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Satellite data/data
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Consumables &
Supplies Total
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Internal Travel
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
Expenses of 20% of
Total Project Cost not
exceeding `3.00
lakhs )
10 Whether the same or similar proposal has been Yes/No
. submitted to other funding agencies of
Government of India.
If Yes please provide details of the institution &
status of the proposal.
11 Justification fund requirement in each head.
If computer is proposed, only desktop has to be
purchased but not laptop.

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