Governrnent of India
(AYURVEDA section)
(B'BlocIq GFO Complex,
AYUSH Bhanan
New Delhi-rrooeq.
I-lated : oS.l1.2oso
(i) The Director General, CCRAS/CCRII/@RUM,
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-rroosg.
(ir) The Director General,
Central Council for Research in Sidha,
Anna Hospital Campus, Ar:ra Arch. Rd., NSK Naear.
Arumbakkam, Chennai-6ooro6 (Iamil Nadu) -
(iii) Director, CCRyN,
Central Council for Reseaich in Ayurvedic Sciences,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-rroos8.
.,.^ _^__I_T $I"$ to,gf 1fg1n1*ently there is no .Rotational Ttansfer polig/ in force, for
tre Personnel employed in all the frve- Research C;ouncils, functioning under the aegiiof
rr,rini"t"y of
AYUSH, which results in large. influx of various requests *a dp."."ntutloo"iietrua i1 tue
Minisry,. directly . or through. vlps. Therefore, in order to uuoia-' .".n ruq"uoi
3. This issues with the approval of President of Governing Body ofall the Research
yours sincerely,
Encl : As above. /L
( AJ.J. Kennedy)
Under Secretary to the Government of Indil.
1 APPUCABITITY: This policy shall apply to all the employees of all five Research
Councils under the aegis of Ministry of AYUSH as under:.
1.1 All Group 'A' &'B' officers of all five Research Councils.
1.2 All Group C employees consequent upon their promotion into Group-B
subject to availability of vacancy.
1.3 All Gi'oup 'C' emplolees conseQU€trt upon re-orgartization of the institutes/
Units and Research schemes of the Council or some other administrative
3.1 All officers & employees are liable to be posted at Headquarter or in any
field unit of the respective Council anywhere in India.
4,L Normal Station tenure shall be of 7 years. An official can be posted out of
Station before completion of Station tenure, but, normally not before 03
years as to meet administrative requirement.
6.1 The normal tenure of posting in North-Eastern region, Jammu & Kashmir,
Leh & Laddakh, A & N Islands, Lakshadweep, Dadra & Nagar Haveli shall
be 3 years.
7.2 If the normal tenure of 07 years has not completed and there is a
vacancy at the same Station, the offlcial will be retained at the same
station and covered in rotational transfer on completion of normal tenure.
Working spouse
. Serious / terminal disease and / or extraordinary disabilities of self/
family members
10.1 The Officials of all grades within two years of superannuation will be
exempted from rotational transfers.
10.2 The Officials likely to be promoted within one year shall be exempted
from the RTP as on promotion Officials are transferred, if they have
completed the prescribed tenure for the promotional post.
11.1 An fficial returning ftom Deputation/ Long Leave will be posted to any
station on the Administrative exigencies. In such cases this posting will be
treated as a fresh tenure. In case it is decided that an Official is to be
posted back to the same station he last served, then his tenure will be
limited to the balance period of the tenure prescribed subject to the
availability of the vacancy and subject to the condition that at least one
year of balance tenure is left.
L2.7 An Official, who is not clear from vigilance angle and who may/ may not be
due for transfer under RTp may be transferred out.
12.2 Such an official wili be posted to a ncn-sensitivc post withcut seeking his
option for posting irrespective of the tenure of his posting at that station.
No preference will be sought from such Official.
13.1 The fresh appointees to Group'A' post has to serve in tribavremote areas
for a period of 3 years subject to availability of vacancies.
13.3 Failing above, posting will be given as per seniority & choice of place
Failing it, in alphabetical order of the Station as per seniority.
16.1 The cut-off date for calculating the pe riod of residency at a Station will be
01't lul fo r the year in which rotation al transfer is carried out. An Official
r ng covered under RTP should have completed prescribed tenure as
on 01$ uly. The cut-off date for calculating two years in respect of
officials superannuating will be calculated as on the last date of the
month in which rotational transfer order is issued.
16.2 The implementation of the transfer policy will be carried out from ZO2L t/
18.1 The process for annual transfer shall be stafted 09 months prior to the
cut-off date, i.e. , in November for transfer falling due on 01d Ju of the
following year.
18.3 The list of officials, who are to be transferred wilr be notified on the
website of the councir arong with the vacancy position Station-wise
seeking preference choice from the oFficials concerned. officials
concerned may furnish three preferences for posting with reasons within
the availabte vacancies within 15 days of notification-of vacancies.
L9.2 The composition of the Committee may be deiced by the respective
20.1 The jurisdiction in all residuary matters and also to relax any of the
provisions in deserving circumstances will rest with the Chairperson,
Executive Committee of the respective Council. In administrative
exigencies, the Chairperson may order any transfer beyond this policy.
20.2 The DG of the respective Council will submit suitable proposal in such
case directly to the Chairperson, Executive Committee.
zL.l After issue of transfer orders, the controlling officers responsible for
relieving the transferred officers/employees will be responsible for its
compliance. No leave to be sanctioned to any transferee, after his / her
. transfer, by the Head Quarters.
2L.2 Non-compliance of the order will be viewed seriously and will attract
disciplinary action.
22.1 The power to approve transfer & posting barring cases under provision
at S.No. 20 above shall vest with the DG/Director of the Council.