Demo Lp Grade 9 Sfhfug
Demo Lp Grade 9 Sfhfug
Demo Lp Grade 9 Sfhfug
Subject Integration
Within the Curriculum:
A. Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and
acceleration (S7FE-IIIa-1)
Across the Curriculum:
A. Physical Education: Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor recreational
activities (PE9GS-IVa-6)
B. Mathematics: Graphs a quadratic function: (a) domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts; (d) axis of
symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the opening of the parabola. (M9AL-Ig-h-i-1)
Intellectual Honesty
Speed and Accuracy
Respect and Unity
Teaching Strategies:
Active Learning
Differentiated Activities
Cooperative Learning
Problem-Based Strategy
Use of Technology
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Science - Grade 9
Quarter 4, Unit 4 Module 1: Forces and Motion
Pages 216-238
2. Learner’s Material Science - Grade 9
Pages Quarter 4, Unit 4 Module 1: Forces and Motion
Pages 279-304
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Laptop, PowerPoint, Writing Implements, Video Clips, Pictures, Virtual Laboratory
IV. PROCEDURES The teacher will start the class with the preliminaries. The students will prepare for the class.
(5 minutes)
Prayer Let us put ourselves in the presence of our Almighty GOD. One student will lead the prayer.
(Amen) (Amen)
Setting of Classroom Kindly pick up the pieces of paper or any trash that you can The students will arrange their chairs and
Standards find on the floor and arrange your seats properly. Please be pick up the pieces of trash found.
The students will give the classroom
Before we start, let’s remind ourselves with our classroom rules.
rules. Can anyone give me the rules that we need to adhere
Raise your hand if you have
during our class? The teacher will randomly call for
questions or you want to answer.
Listen to your teacher in front of you
and when someone is reciting.
Is anyone absent from our class today? The classroom secretary will answer the
Checking of question and provide the number of
Attendance absentees if there is.
In our previous lesson, you learned about the how an object
A. ELICIT moves from one place to another. Motion refers to the
(Access prior knowledge) change in position of an object with respect to time. It can
be described in terms of various quantities such as
displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time.
Guide Questions:
1. When can you say that a person or object is moving?
2. What is the energy used in the different scenarios?
The teacher will call for volunteers to answer the question. Students will raise their hand and answer
the questions provided.
B. ENGAGE The teacher will present pictures of the different larong The students will answer and share their
(Get the students’ minds pinoy and will let the students name the game. The teacher personal experiences and insights of the
focused on the topic) will then ask the question: Do you know this game? (5 given games.
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Guide Questions:
1. What makes the ball fly using the catapult?
2. In throwing the ball above at an angle, what is the
path traveled by the ball?
1. Paste or project the following illustration on the
2. Place the pieces of colored paper along the x-axis
(use red colored paper) and along the y-axis (use
yellow colored paper).
3. Afterward, let another student to connect the balls
(use orange colored paper).
Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the x-component?
2. What can you say about the y-component?
3. Why is the path of a projectile a parabola?
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object that is
propelled into the air and then moves under the influence of
gravity alone, assuming no other forces such as air
resistance act upon it. This type of motion can be observed
in various everyday situations, such as throwing a ball,
shooting a cannonball, or launching a rocket.
A projectile is any object shot, projected, or launched
in the air. It may refer to a ball, a rock, or even a particle.
The curve or parabolic path followed by a projectile is called
a trajectory. The range is the horizontal distance covered
by a projectile. The vertical component of a projectile is
similar to a free-falling object. The horizontal component
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The learners will present their outputs in the class. The students will be an active listener
(Teach the concept; Afterwards, the teacher will explain the important concepts and are allowed to ask clarifications with
should include interaction about projectile motion. The teacher will use PowerPoint the concepts discussed.
between teacher and Presentation, video clips, and a virtual laboratory (PHET
students) Simulation). Technology will be utilized in the class
discussion. (20 minutes)
A. Acceleration due to gravity –the only force acting
on the object during its time in the air.
B. Maximum height – highest vertical position along
its trajectory.
C. Range – horizontal displacement of a projectile.
D. Trajectory – the path that the object follows.
E. X and Y Components – these are the magnitudes
of the displacement
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Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the path traveled by the object
dropped and the object flicked?
2. Which of the two Ping-Pong Balls reach the ground first?
E. ELABORATE The teacher will ask the following questions: The students will raise their hands and
(Students apply the 1.What sports do you play? Or like the most? answer the questions provided.
information learned) 2.What are the activities that require time and strength?
3.How often do you play or do some physical activities?
The teacher will let the students find their pair. The students will look for a pair or
choose their seatmate for the said
THINK-PAIR-SHARE activity (TPS: Think-Pair-Share).
Activity 5: How sporty are you? (5 minutes)
Directions (Panuto): In 1 whole sheet of paper, draw an icon
or any representation of the sport or activity you like that
applies the concept of projectile. In the same paper, answer
the following questions:
The teacher will call on volunteers to share their answer. If Volunteers will share their answer.
none, the teacher will identify students that will share.
F. EVALUATE The teacher will present the questions through a PowerPoint Presentation.
(How will you know the Directions (Panuto): Read the sentences carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
students have learned your answer in ¼ sheet of paper. (5 minutes)
the concept?)
1. You kicked a sepak takraw ball twice with the same strength and same speed. One ball was
kicked at an angle of 45° and the other ball kicked at 60° above horizontal. Compared to the ball
that you kicked at 60°, what will be the range of the ball that you kicked at 45°?
A. Longer Range C. Same height with 60°
B. Shorter Range D. Higher height than 60°
2. Neglecting air resistance, which of the following is NOT true about projectile motion?
A. The velocity at maximum height is zero
B. Horizontal and vertical motions affect each other
C. Gravity is the only force that acts on projectile motion
D. Vertical and horizontal motions are independent with each other
3. What happens to the range of a projectile when the angle of projection is increased from 30
degrees to 60 degrees?
A. Constant B. Decreases C. Increases D. Not Determined
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4. A ball is launched at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal with an initial velocity of 10
m/s. Neglecting air resistance, what can be said about the horizontal component of its velocity?
A. It decreases throughout the motion.
B. It remains constant throughout the motion.
C. It is zero at the highest point of the trajectory.
D. It increases as the ball rises and decreases as it falls.
5. Which of the following statements about projectile motion is true?
A. The horizontal component of velocity changes throughout the motion.
B. The acceleration is constant in both the horizontal and vertical directions.
C. The range of a projectile is directly proportional to its initial vertical velocity.
D. The vertical component of velocity remains constant throughout the motion.
The teacher will instruct the students to exchange their The students will check the answers of
paper with their seatmates and will check the answer. their seatmates.
The teacher will let the students pass their paper. The students will pass their papers.
G. EXTEND The teacher will ask the class: The students will answer the question.
(Deepen conceptual Is there any questions or clarifications?
understanding through
use in new context) If yes, the teacher will entertain questions.
If none, the teacher will present the homework.
Prepared by:
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