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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3


ELD, EPG, LFC 7. The plant capacity is determined by
1. Which of the following comes under operational (a) Maximum demand of a consumer
cost of power system? (EPDCL-10) (b) Plant use factor
(c) Simultaneous maximum demand of all
(a) Fuel cost (b) Labour cost
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Interest and taxes
(d) Load factor
2. The value of diversity factor is: (SSC-JE-10) 8. A power plant has a maximum demand of 15
(a) Less than one MW. The load factor is 50% and the plant factor
(b) Greater than one is 40%. The operating reserve is (Transco-12)
(c) Equal to one (a) 3 MW (b) 3.75 MW
(d) Any one of the above (c) 6.0 MW (d) 7.5 MW

3. The tariff most suitable for large industrial 9. A generating station has maximum demand of 30
MW, a load factor of 0.6 and plant capacity factor
consumers is: (SSC-JE-10)
0.48; The reserve capacity of the plant is
(a) Flat demand rate (b) Block meter rate
(c) Two-part tariff (d) All the above (a) 37.5 MW (b) 7.5 MW
4. The knowledge of diversity factor helps in (c) 19.5 MW (d) 12 MW
computing: (SSC-JE-10) 10. Given maximum power transmitted through a
(a) Plant capacity (b) Average load line Pmax, then with 60% of series capacitor
(c) Units generated (d) Peak demand compensation, the maximum power transfer
becomes (APSPDCL-12)
5. The cost function of a 50 MW generator is given P
(a) max (b) 0.4 Pmax
by ((pi is the generator loading) 0.4
F(pi) = 225 + 53pi + 0.02pi2 P
(c) max (d) 0.6 Pmax
When 100% loading is applied, the Incremental
Fuel Cost (IFC) will be (APGenoc-12) 11. An industrial consumer has a load of 1500 kW at
(a) Rs. 55 per MWh (b) Rs. 55 per MW 0.8 pf lag for 12hrs and 1000 kW at UPF for 12
(c) Rs. 33 per MWh (d) Rs. 33 per MW hrs during a day. The daily load factor of the
consumer is (APSPDCL-12)
6. A generating station has a connected load of 450 (a) 0.666 (b) 0.833 (c) 0.8 (d) 1.25
MW and a maximum demand of 250 MW. The
12. A system has connected load of 120 kW, peak
units generated are 615 106 per annum. The load load of 100 kW, base load of 25 kW and average
factor of the station is (Transco-12) load of 48 kW. The load factor of the consumer
(a) 0.586 (b) 0.615 is (HMWS-12)
(c) 0.281 (d) 0.725 (a) 40% (b) 48% (c) 325% (d) 83.3%
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

13. In distribution system for power factor 20. In the load-frequency control system with free
improvement, the power factor correction devices governor action, the increase in load demand
are installed at (HMWS-12) under steady condition is met, (ISRO-14)
(a) The sending end (a) Only by decrease of load demand due to drop
(b) Near the earthing point in system frequency
(c) The load end (b) Only by increased generation due to opening
(d) Anywhere in the circuit
of steam valve
14. The connected load of a consumer is 2 kW and (c) Partly by increased generation and partly by
the maximum demand is 1.5 kW. The demand decrease of load demand
factor of the consumer is (SSC-JE-12) (d) Partly by increased generation and partly by
(a) None of these (b) 0.75 increased generation excitation
(c) 0.375 (d) 1.33
21. A generating station supplies the following loads
15. Which of the following is correct? (SSC-JE-13) 15000 kW, 12000 kW, 8500 kW, 6000 kW, and
(a) Load factor = capacity factor  utilization 450 kW. The station has maximum demand of
22000 kW. Calculate the diversity factor.
(b) Utilization factor = capacity factor  load
(a) 0.52 (b) 0.68 (c) 1.34 (d) 1.91
(c) Capacity factor = load factor  utilization
factor 22. In a power plant, if the maximum demand on the
(d) Load factor has no relation with capacity plant is equal to the plant capacity, then:
factor and utilization factor (SSC-JE-S1-14)
16. The most economical power factor with rate per (a) Plant reserve capacity will be zero
maximum demand per annum is Rs. 20 and the (b) Diversity factor will be unity
expenditure per kVA per annum is Rs, 3.8, will (c) Load factor will be unity
be: (EPDCL-14) (d) Load factor will be nearly 60%
(a) 0.19 lag or lead (b) 0.9 lag or lead
(c) 0.9 lag (d) 0.9 lead 23. The maximum demand of a consumer is 2 kW
and his daily energy consumption is 20 units. His
17. The performance criteria taken to assess the load factor is: (SSC-JE-S1-14)
power quality is (are) (APSPDCL-14) (a) 10.15% (b) 41.6%
(a) Power factor (b) Harmonics (c) 50% (d) 21%
(c) Profile of voltage (d) All the above
24. Diversity factor had direct effect on the:
18. A generating station has max. demand of 30 MW,
a load factor of 60% and a plant capacity factor
(a) Fixed cost of the unit generated
50%, the reserve capacity at the plant is
(APSPDCL-14) (b) Variable cost of the unit generated
(a) 5 MW (b) 4 MW (c) Both variable and fixed cost of unit
(c) 6 MW (d) 10 MW generated
(d) Operating cost of unit
19. In a power plant, a reserve generating capacity
which is not in service but is in operation is 25. A consumer has annual consumption of 700800
known as (APSPDCL-14) units. If his maximum demand is 200 kW. The
(a) Hot reserve (b) Cold reserve load factor will be: (SSC-JE-S1-14)
(c) Firm hot reverse (d) Spinning reserve (a) 20% (b) 40% (c) 50% (d) 70%
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

26. The maximum demand of a consumer is 2 kW (a) 3000, 300 and 1500
and his daily energy consumption is 24 units. His (b) 3000, 3000 and 300
load factor is ______%. (SSC-JE-S2-14) (c) 1500, 1500 and 3000
(a) 24 (b) 41.6 (c) 50 (d) 80 (d) 1000, 900 and 750

27. An industrial consumer has a daily load pattern of 32. The storage battery generally used in electric
2000 kW, 0.8 lag for 12 hours and 1000 kW UPF power station is (TSGenco-15)
for 12 hours. The load factor is (SSC-JE-S2-14) (a) Zinc carbon battery
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.75 (c) 0.6 (d) 2.0 (b) Lead acid battery
(c) Nickel cadmium battery
28. To reduce the cost of the electricity generated (d) Lithium-ion battery
(a) The load factor and diversity factor must be 33. The load on the power plant w.r.t time for 24 Hr
low are given as (TSGenco-15)
(b) The load factor must be low but diversity Time (Hr.) Load (MW)
factor high 0–6 40
(c) The load factor must be high but diversity 6–8 50
factor low 8 – 12 60
(d) The load factor and diversity factor must be 12 – 14 50
14 – 18 70
29. The distribution losses that the utility suffers 18 – 22 80
while transferring power from generating station 22 – 24 40
to the consumer is accounted under:
(SSC-JE-S1-14) The load factor of power station is
(a) Fixed charges (b) Running charges (a) 0.75 (b) 0.71 (c) 0.60 (d) 0.68
(c) Cost of fuel (d) Maintenance cost 34. Power station having load factor = 70%, capacity
30. The incremental fuel cost for two generating units factor = 50%, used factor = 60% maximum
given by demand = 20 MW then annual energy production
IC1 = 25 + 0.2 PG1 is (TSGenco-15)
IC2 = 32 + 0.2 PG2 (a) 122.8 GWh (b) 198.55 GWh
Where PG1 and PG2 are real power generated by (c) 128.2 GWh (d) 188.82 GWh
the units. 35. In order to have a lower cost of electrical energy
The economic allocation for a total load of 250 generation, the load factor (TSGenco-15)
MW, neglecting transmission loss is given by: (a) And the diversity factor should be low
(TSGenco-15) (b) Should be low but the diversity factor should
(a) PG1 = 140.25 MW; PG2 = 109.75 MW be high
(b) PG1 = 109.75 MW; PG2 = 140.75 MW (c) Should be high but the diversity factor
(c) PG1 = PG2 = 125 MW should be low
(d) PG1 = 100 MW; PG2 = 150 MW (d) And the diversity factor both should be high

31. The most appropriate operating speed in rpm of 36. Reflector mirrors employed for exploiting solar
generators used in Thermal, Nuclear and energy are called the (TSTransco-15)
Hydropower plants would respectively (a) Mantle (b) Heliostats
(TSGenco-15) (c) Diffusers (d) Ponds
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

37. The capital cost of power plant depends on 43. Power in the wind is proportional to
(TSTransco-15) (TSTransco-15)
(a) Total installed capacity only (a) Wind velocity (b) (Wind velocity)²
(b) Total number of units only (c) (Wind velocity) (d) (Wind velocity)/2
(c) Total installed capacity and number of units
44. For a PV cell, VOC = open circuit voltage, ISC =
as well
short circuit current, V = load voltage and I = load
(d) Neither the installed capacity nor number of
current. At maximum Power Point (MPP) for this
PV cell (TSTransco-15)
38. The load duration curve for unity load factor will (a) V < VOC and I = ISC (b) V < VOC and I< ISC
be of (TSTransco-15) (c) V = VOC and I = ISC (d) V = VOC and I < ISC
(a) Rectangular shape (b) Triangular shape
45. The below figure shows an accurate equivalent
(c) L-shape (d) I-shape
circuit for a PV cell. For this cell
39. The knowledge of diversity factor helps in (TSTransco-15)
computing (TSTransco-15) +
(a) Plant capacity (b) Average load RS
(c) Unit (kWh) generated
(d) Peak demand

40. Load factor is the (TSTransco-15)

(a) Ratio of maximum load on the station to sum
of consumer’s maximum load ISC RP
(b) Ratio of average demand to maximum demand
(c) Factor used for increasing load
(d) Reciprocal of (a)

41. In lead acid battery, the density of acid indicates (a) RP = RS (b) RP< RS
the (TSTransco-15) (c) RP> RS
(a) Charge of the battery (d) Product of RP and RS is unity
(b) Level of acid 46. The unit heat rate characteristic of a thermal
(c) e.m.f of the battery power unit shows: (TSSPDCL-15)
(d) Damage of the plates (a) Heat input per kWh of output versus the
megawatt output of unit
42. A battery consists of a series connected cells
(b) Heat input per kW of output versus the
while voltage of each cell is v volts and capacity
megawatt output of unit
k. The voltage and capacity of battery is
(c) Heat input per kWh of output versus the
megawatt hour output of unit
(a) Voltage of battery = n*v, Capacity of battery
(d) Heat input per kW of output versus the
= Capacity of each cell
megawatt hour output of unit
(b) Voltage of battery = n*v, capacity of battery
= n* Capacity of each cell 47. If ‘D’ is diameter of circular area ‘A’ swept by
(c) Voltage of battery = v, Capacity of battery = rotor and ‘V’ is wind speed, the wind power is
n* Capacity of each cell proportional to: (TSSPDCL-15)
(d) Voltage of battery = v, Capacity of battery = (a) AV² (b) A²V3
Capacity of each cell (c) D²V3 (d) D3V²
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

48. A solar pond is a combination of: 55. In a power generating station the Demand Factor
(TSSPDCL-15) and Load Factor are 0.5 and 0.2, respectively. If
(a) Solar energy storage and heat collection the connected load is 400 MW, the average
(b) Solar energy collection and heat storage demand is (APGenco-17)
(c) Solar energy collection and energy storage (a) 40 MW (b) 100 MW
(d) All the above (c) 140 MW (d) 280 MW
49. According to IE rules 1956, the breaking strength 56. If the real power demand is suddenly increased,
of all conductors of overhead power lines shall frequency of the system will (TSSPDCL-18)
be: (TSSPDCL-15) (a) Increase
(a) Not less than 450 kg (b) Remain same
(b) Not less than 350 kg (c) Decrease
(c) Not less than 250 kg (d) First increase and then decrease
(d) Not less than 500 kg
57. If the regulation R = 1% and damping coefficient
50. Unit commitment is a procedure in which: D = 0.8, the change in generation of the area for
(TSSPDCL-15) a drop in frequency of 0.0015 p.u in p.u is
(a) Scheduling of total generation is done (TSSPDCL-18)
(a) 0.0015 (b) –0.0015
(b) Optimal combination of units in a system is
(c) 0.15 (d) –0.15
chosen at any given time
(c) Most efficient machines are selected for 58. Electric power utility companies specify the tariff
financial economy in terms of Rs. Per unit. Unit here refers to
(d) Most efficient machines are selected for (APSPDCL-19)
minimum reactive power loss (a) kW (b) kVAh
(c) kWh (d) Ampere-hours
51. A Pyrheliometer is an instrument to measure:
(TSSPDCL-15) 59. For economics operation of generators in a
(a) Temperature of solar photovoltaic cell thermal power plant, all the plants should operate
(b) Intensity of direct solar radiation at normal _____ (APSPDCL-19)
incidence (a) At maximum efficiency
(c) Intensity of indirect solar radiation (b) At the same incremental fuel cost
(d) Efficiency of a solar photovoltaic cell (c) Such that their fuel costs are same
52. If the penalty factor of a power plant is unity, its (d) At different incremental fuel costs
incremental transmission loss is (HMWS-15)
60. The demand factor for the electrical system is the
(a) 0.5 (b) –1.0 (c) Zero (d) 1.0
ratio of _______ (APSPDCL-19)
53. Diversity factor is always (HMWS-15) (a) Relative power to total power
(a) Zero (b) Less than one (b) Maximum demand to connected load
(c) Greater than one (d) Equal to one (c) Maximum demand to average load
(d) Average power to maximum power
54. The main function of economizer of a boiler plant
is to (HMWS-15) 61. A system having connected load of 100 kW, peak
(a) Increase steam production load of 80 kW base load of 20 kW and average
(b) Reduce fuel consumption load of 40 kW, will have a load factor of _____
(c) Increase steam pressure (APEPDCL-19)
(d) Increase life of the boiler (a) 80% (b) 40% (c) 50% (d) 60%
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

62. The incremental fuel cost for two generating units 4. Answer: (a)
are given by Solution:
IC1 = 25 + 0.2 PG1 The knowledge of diversity factor helps in
IC1 = 32 + 0.2 PG2, where PG1 and PG2 are real computing plant capacity
power generated by the units. 5. Answer: (a)
The economic allocation for a total load of 250 Solution:
MW, neglecting transmission loss is given by Given F(Pi) = 225 + 53(Pi) + 0.02 Pi2
(a) PG1 = 142.5 MW, PG2 = 107.5 MW IFC   53  0.04 Pi
(b) PG1 = 109.75 MW, PG2 = 140.25 MW dPi
(c) PG1 = PG2 = 125 MW 100% loading Pi = 50 MW
(d) PG1 = 100 MW, PG2 = 150 MW IFC = 53 + 0.04 50= Rs. 55 per MWh

63. A consumer consumes 600 kWh per day at a load 6. Answer: (c)
factor of 0.40. If the consumer increases the load Solution:
factor to 0.70 without increasing maximum 615 106 kWh
Load factor   0.281
demand, what is the consumption of energy in 250 103  8760
kWh? (APTransco-19)
7. Answer: (c)
(a) 950 kWh (b) 1000 kWh
8. Answer: (b)
(c) 1050 kWh (d) 1100 kWh Solution:
Maximum load Pmax = 15 MW
ANSWER KEY Load factor LF = 0.5
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 a Plant capacity factor PCF = 0.4
6 c 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 a Reserve capacity,
11 b 12 b 13 c 14 b 15 c P  LF  PCF
RC  max
16 c 17 d 18 c 19 a 20 c PCF
21 d 22 a 23 b 24 a 25 b 15  0.5  0.4 
26 c 27 b 28 d 29 b 30 *  = 3.75 MW
31 b 32 d 33 b 34 a 35 d
36 b 37 c 38 a 39 a 40 b 9. Answer: (b)
41 a 42 a 43 c 44 b 45 c Solution:
46 a 47 c 48 a 49 b 50 b Pmax = 30 MW
51 b 52 c 53 c 54 b 55 a LF = 0.6; PCF = 0.48
56 c 57 c 58 c 59 b 60 b Reserve capacity,
61 c 62 a 63 c P  LF  PCF
RC  max
SOLUTIONS 30  0.6  0.48 
 = 7.5 MW
1. Answer: (c)
2. Answer: (b) 10. Answer: (a)
Solution: 11. Answer: (b)
Diversity factor = Solution:
sum of individual maximum demand 1500 12  1000  12
1 Average load  = 1250 kW
maximum demand of the station 24
Load factor, LF   0.8333
3. Answer: (c) 1500
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

12. Answer: (b) 19. Answer: (a)

Solution: 20. Answer: (c)
Average load 21. Answer: (d)
Load factor  L.F   100
Maximum load Solution:
48 kW MD of all gen. stations
  100  48% DVF 
100 kW Max. demand of system
15000  12000  8500  6000  450
13. Answer: (c) 
14. Answer: (b)
= 1.91
Connected Load = 2 kW 22. Answer: (a)
Maximum demand = 1.5 kW Solution:
Maximum demand of station MD = PC
Demand factor 
connected load of the station Reserve capacity = PC – MD= 0
  0.75 23. Answer: (b)
15. Answer: (c) Energy consumption
Average load 
Solution: No.of hours
Capacity factor = load factor  utilization factor 20h
 kW = 5/6 kW
16. Answer: (c) 24h
Solution: Avg.load 5/6
Load factor   = 41.6%
Most economic power factor max.demand 2
2 2
x  3.8  24. Answer: (a)
 1    1   = 0.9 lag
y  20  25. Answer: (b)
17. Answer: (d) Energy consumption
Average load 
Solution: No.of hours
The performance criteria taken to assess the
power quality is (are)   80
(1) Power factor
(2) Harmonics Average load
 Load factor  100
(3) Profile of voltage Max.demand
18. Answer: (c)  100
= 40%
Pmax = 30 MW
Load factor LF = 0.6 26. Answer: (c)
Plant capacity factor PCF  0.5 Solution:
Reserve capacity, Maximum demand = 2 kW
P  LF  PCF 24 kWh
RC  max Average load   1 kW
PCF 24h
30  0.6  0.5  Average load 1
 = 6 MW Load factor   = 50%
0.5 Max.demand 2
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

27. Answer: (b) Annual energy production

Solution: = LF maximum demand  8760
Average load = 0.7  20  8760
Load factor 
Max.demand = 122.8 GWh
2000 12  1000 12
 = 0.75 35. Answer: (d)
24  2000 Solution:
28. Answer: (d) In order to have a lower cost of electrical energy
Solution: generation, the load factor and the diversity factor
To reduce the cost of electricity, load factor and should be high
diversity factor must be high 36. Answer: (b)
29. Answer: (b)
Reflector mirrors employed for exploiting solar
energy are called the Heliostats
The distribution losses that the utility suffers
while transferring power from generating station 37. Answer: (c)
to the consumer is accounted under the Running Solution:
charges The capital cost of power plant depends on total
installed capacity and number of units as well
30. Answer: (*)
Solution: 38. Answer: (a)
Given PG1 + PG2 = 250 MW … (1) Solution:
For economic operation, The load duration curve for unity load factor will
 IC1 = IC2 be of rectangular shape
25 + 0.2 PG1 = 32 + 0.2 PG2 39. Answer: (a)
0.2 PG1 – 0.2 PG2 = 7 … (2) 40. Answer: (b)
Solving equation (1) & (2) Solution:
PG1 = 142.5 MW and Average demand
Load factor 
PG2 = 107.5 MW Maximum demand
31. Answer: (b) 41. Answer: (a)
32. Answer: (b) Solution:
33. Answer: (b) In lead acid battery, the density of acid indicates
Solution: the charge of the battery
total energy consumption / day
LF  42. Answer: (a)
maximum demand
43. Answer: (c)
6  40  2  50  4  60  2 
50  4  70  4  80  2  40 P Diameter²V3
  0.71
80  24
44. Answer: (b)
34. Answer: (a) Solution:
Solution: MPP for this PV cell
total annual energy generation V < VOC
LF 
maximum demand  8760 I < ISC
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

45. Answer: (c) 53. Answer: (c)

46. Answer: (a) Solution:
Solution: Diversity factor is always greater than 1
The unit heat rate characteristic of a thermal
power unit shows that heat input per kWh of 54. Answer: (b)
output versus the megawatt output of unit Solution:
The main function of economizer of a boiler plant
47. Answer: (c)
Solution: is to reduce fuel consumption
Pwind  D² V3 55. Answer: (a)
Where, V is wind speed Solution:
D is diameter
maximum demand
Demand factor  = 0.5
48. Answer: (a) connected load
Solution: Maximum demand = 0.5  400= 200 MW
A solar pond collects the solar energy from SUN
average load
and it is stored in the form of heated salt water load factor  = 0.2
maximum demand
49. Answer: (b) Average load = 0.2  200 = 40 MW
According to IE rules. 56. Answer: (c)
Rule no. 74: Material and strength. Solution:
(i) All conductors of overhead lines shall The increased load is initially met by stored
have a breaking strength of not less than kinetic energy so net kinetic energy decreases.
350 kg.
Since KE  f²
(ii) Where the voltage is low and the span is
of less than 15 meters and is on the So, frequency of system decreases.
owner’s or consumer’s premises, a 57. Answer: (c)
conductor having an actual breaking
strength of not less than 150 kg may be
Change in generation contributed by load is
Pg 
50. Answer: (b) R
Solution: Drop on frequency, f = – 0.0015
Unit commitment is a procedure in which optimal
combination of units in a system is chosen at any   0.0015pu 
Pg  = 0.15 pu
given time 0.01pu

51. Answer: (b) 58. Answer: (c)

Solution: 59. Answer: (b)
A Pyrheliometer is an instrument to measure Solution:
intensity of direct solar radiation at normal For economics operation of thermal power plant
generators should operate at same incremental
52. Answer: (c) fuel cost
If the penalty factor of power plant is unity, its 60. Answer: (b)
incremental transmission loss is zero. Solution:
1 Max.demand
L Demand factor 
1  Incremental Transmission Loss connected load

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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

61. Answer: (c) 2. Buchholz relay is used in protection of

Solution: (EPDCL-10)
Avg Load 40 (a) Transmission lines (b) Circuit breakers
Load factor   = 50%
max Load 80 (c) Transformers (d) Generators

62. Answer: (a) 3. In inverse time over current relays, the current
Solution: time characteristics are (EPDCL-10)
Incremental full cost (a) Parabolic (b) Exponential
IC1 = 25 + 0.2 PG1 (c) Linear (d) Hyperbolic
IC2 = 32 + 0.2 PG2
4. Buchholz relay cannot be used on: (SSC-JE-10)
Total power PG1 + PG2 = 250 … (1)
For economic power generation (a) 500 kV transformer
IC1 = IC2 =  (b) 1000 kV transformer
25 + 0.2 PG1 = 32 + 0.2 PG2 (c) Three phase transformers
0.2 (PG1 – PG2) = 7 (d) Air – cooled transformer
PG1 – PG2 = 35 … (2) 5. Differential relays are used to protect the
By solving (1) and (2) equipment against: (SSC-JE-10)
PG1 + PG2 = 250
(a) Internal faults (b) Reverse current
PG1 – PG2 = 35
(c) Over voltage (d) Over current
2PG1 = 285
PG1 = 142.5 6. The lightning arrest is connected: (SSC-JE-10)
PG2 = 107.5 (a) In series with the line
63. Answer: (c) (b) Between line and earth
Solution: (c) To a pole near the line
Consumption energy = 600 kWh (d) To circuit breaker
Load factor = 0.4 7. A three-phase power transformer is provided with
consumption energy star-delta connections. In order to protect against
Load factor 
maximum demand fault, the connection for current transformer
600 kWh should be in: (SSC-JE-10)
0.4 
maximum demand (a) Star-star (b) Delta-star
Maximum demand = 1500 kWh (c) Delta-delta (d) Star-delta
Increased load factor = 0.7
consumption energy 8. If the inductance and capacitance of a power
0.7  system are respectively 1 H and 0.01 F and the
maximum demand
instantaneous value of interrupted current is 10 A,
consumption energy
0.7  then the voltage across the breaker contacts will
be (SSC-JE-11)
Consumption energy = 1050 kWh
(a) 50 kV (b) 57 kV
PROTECTION (c) 60 kV (d) 100 kV

1. Which portion of the power is least prone to 9. The operating time of instantaneous relay is
faults? (EPDCL-10) (APGenco-12)
(a) Alternators (b) Switchgear (a) 0.001 sec (b) 0.01 sec
(c) Transformers (d) Overhead lines (c) 0.1 sec (d) 1 sec
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10. For a round wire, the approximate value of fusing 16. In resistance switching, the function of shunt
current is given by (APGenco-12/HMWS-12) resistor (Transco-SE-12)
(a) K d 3 (b) Kd 2 (a) In a multi break C.B, it helps to distribute
currents uniformly
1 3
(c) d (d) d3 (b) Increases transient voltages during switching
K out inductive or capacitive loads
11. A relay has a rating of 5A, 2.2 sec IDMT and a (c) Reduces the rate of rise of restriking voltage
relay setting of 125% TMS = 0.6. It is connected (d) Deionizes the medium between contacts
to a supply circuit through a C.T. 400/5 ratio. The 17. The number of poles per phase of breaker is a
fault current is 4000A. The operating current of function of (Transco-12)
the relay is (APGenco-12) (a) Current to be chopped
(a) 6.25 A (b) 5 A (b) Operating voltage
(c) 8 A (d) 2.2 A (c) Power frequency
12. Auto reclosing is used in case of (APGenco-12) (d) Recovery voltage
(a) Lightning arrester (b) Bulk oil C.B 18. The capacitor switching is easily done with
(c) Air blast C.B (d) Minimum oil C.B (Transco-12)
13. Severe over voltages are produced during arcing (a) Air blast C.B (b) Oil C.B
(c) Vacuum C.B (d) SF6 C.B
faults in a power system with the neutral
(APGenco-12) 19. A distance relay is said to be inherently
(a) Isolated directional if its characteristic on R-X diagram is
(b) Solidly earthed (Transco-12)
(c) Earthed through a low resistance (a) A straight line off-set from origin
(d) Earthed through an inductive coil (b) A circle that encloses origin
(c) A parabola whose focus is origin
14. In a tuned line (Transco-SE-12)
(d) A circle that passes through origin
(a) Receiving end voltage and current are
numerically equal to corresponding sending 20. The most efficient torque producing actuating
end values structure in an induction relay is
(b) Receiving end voltage and current are greater (Transco-SE-12)
than corresponding sending end values (a) Shaded pole structure
(c) Receiving end voltage is greater than sending (b) Watt-hour meter structure
end voltage, but the corresponding currents (c) Single induction loop structure
are equal (d) Induction cup structure
(d) Receiving end voltage and sending end
21. The line trap unit employed in carrier current
voltages are equal, but the sending end
relaying (Transco-12)
current is less than receiving end current
(a) Offers high impedance to 50 Hz power
15. The power frequency rms voltage that appears frequency signals
across the breaker contacts after the transient (b) Offers high impedance to carrier frequency
oscillations die out and final extinction of arc that signals
results in all the poles is called (Transco-12) (c) Offers low impedance to carrier frequency
(a) Recovery voltage (b) Restriking voltage signals
(c) Cut-in voltage (d) Race voltage (d) Acts as protective device
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22. The protection relay used for low fault settings 29. Keeping in view the cost and overall
and high operating speeds in a transformer is effectiveness, the following circuit breaker is best
(Transco-12) suited for capacitor bank switching (Transco-12)
(a) Merz-Price protection (a) Vacuum (b) Air blast
(b) Harmonic restraint relay (c) SF6 (d) Oil
(c) Buchholz’s relay
(d) Translay relay 30. The relay that most likely to operate during power
23. The watt metric relay with directional swings is (APSPDCL-12)
characteristic is used for protection of generator (a) Reactance relay (b) Impedance relay
against (Transco-12) (c) Mho relay (d) Buchholz’s relay
(a) Loss of excitation (b) Over speed
31. An OCB is rated 1500 A, 2000 MVA, 33 kV. Its
(c) Failure of prime mover
making current in kA is
(d) Earth fault
24. The best suited relay for 3-zone protection (a) 51.51 (b) 35
scheme is (Transco-12) (c) 89.28 (d) 154.54
(a) Impedance relay (b) Reactance relay
(c) Mho relay (d) Over current relay 32. The rating of lightning arrester used for 220 kV,
3 phase system is (APSPDCL-12)
25. The non-shielding method of over voltage (a) 220 kV, 10 kA (b) 220 kV, 5 kA
protection is based on the principle of (c) 198 kV, 10 kA (d) 198 kV, 2 kA
(a) Allowing arc path between ground and 33. An over current relay having a current setting of
conductor 125% is connected to a supply circuit through a
(b) Insulation breakdown current transformer of ratio 400/5. The pick-up
(c) Switching capacitor banks value will (APSPDCL-12)
(d) None of the above (a) 6.25 A (b) 500 A
(c) 100 A (d) 80 A
26. If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting is
50% and CT ratio is 400:5, the plug setting 34. Merz-price protection is more suitable for
multiplier will be (Transco-12) (APSPDCL-12)
(a) 25 (b) 15 (c) 50 (d) 10 (a) Transformers (b) Generators
27. In a biased differential relay, the bias is defined (c) Transmission lines (d) Loads
as a ratio of (Transco-12)
35. Minimum arcing voltage will be the least in case
(a) Number of turns of restraining and operating
of (HMWS-12)
(a) Carbon (b) Copper
(b) Operating coil current and restraining coil
current (c) Silver (d) Tungsten
(c) Fault current and operating coil current 36. The resistance of an electric arc can be increased
(d) Fault current and restraining coil current by (HMWS-12)
28. Resistance switching is normally employed in (a) Increasing the concentration of ionized
(Transco-12/SSC-JE-13) particles
(a) All breakers (b) Bulk oil breakers (b) Reducing the arc length
(c) Minimum oil breakers (c) Splitting the arc
(d) Air blast circuit breakers (d) Increasing the arc cross-section
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37. The fault clearing time of a circuit breaker is 43. In a thyrite lightening arrester, the resistance
usually of (HMWS-12) (SSC-JE-12)
(a) Few seconds (b) One second (a) Is low at low current and high at high current
(c) Few minutes (b) Increases linearly with the applied voltage
(d) Few cycles of supply voltage (c) Decreases linearly with the applied voltage
(d) Is high at low current and low at high current
38. Which of the following circuit breaker take
minimum time in installation? (HMWS-12) 44. Magnetic blowout coils are generally used in
(a) Air blast (b) Minimum oil (SSC-JE-12)
(c) Bulk oil (d) SF6 (a) Air break circuit breaker
(b) Air blast circuit breaker
39. For long EHV/UHV transmission lines, we (c) Oil circuit breaker
normally use (HMWS-12) (d) Vacuum circuit breaker
(a) Air circuit breaker
45. Compared to the breaking capacity of a circuit
(b) Air blast circuit breaker
breaker, it making capacity should be
(c) Oil circuit breaker (d) Isolating switch
40. Under voltage relays are mostly used for (a) More (b) Less
(HMWS-12) (c) Equal
(a) Transformer protection (d) The two are unrelated to each other
(b) Bus-bar protection 46. In a motor starter, the electromechanical
(c) Motor protection (d) Feeder protection contactor provides inherent protection against
41. A relay used on short transmission lines is
(a) Over-current (b) Short-circuit
(c) Single-phasing (d) Under-voltage
(a) mho relay (b) Reactance relay
(c) Impedance relay (d) Admittance relay 47. In an IDMT electromagnetic over current relay,
the minimum time is achieved because of
42. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the code given below the lists: (a) Electromagnetic damping
(HMWS-12) (b) Proper mechanical design
List-I (c) Appropriate time delay element
A. Thyrite arrester (d) Saturation of the magnetic circuit
B. Sag template
C. Cable sheaths 48. When voltage is high and current is low, the
D. Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker (CB) preferred is: (EPDCL-14)
List-II (a) Oil CB (b) Air Blast CB
1. Tower location (c) Air brake CB (d) Vacuum CB
2. Cross bonding 49. The shape of the disc of an induction disc relay is
3. Restriking voltage (APSPDCL-14)
4. Non-linear resistance (a) Circular (b) Spiral
Codes: (c) Elliptical (d) Triangular
(a) 4 1 3 2 50. For remote operation, CB must be equipped with
(b) 4 1 2 3 a (APSPDCL-14)
(c) 1 4 3 2 (a) Time delay trip (b) Shunt trip
(d) 4 3 1 2 (c) Inverse time trip (d) None of the above
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51. Reactance relay is normally preferred for (a) Open circuit breaker-open isolator-close
protection against (ISRO-14) earthing switch
(a) Over load currents only (b) Open isolator-close circuit breaker open
(b) Phase faults only earthing switch
(c) Earth faults only (c) Close earthing switch-open circuit breaker
(d) High voltage protection only open isolator
(d) Close circuit breaker-close isolator-open
52. If a combination of HRC fuse and circuit breaker
earthing switch
is used, the C.B, operates for (ISRO-14)
(a) Low overload currents 58. The rate of rise of re-striking voltage (RRRV) is
(b) Short circuit current dependent upon. (ISRO-14)
(c) Under all abnormal current (a) Resistance of the system only
(d) The combination is never used in practice (b) Inductance of the system only
(c) Capacitance of the system only
53. Lighting arrestor should be located (ISRO-14)
(d) Inductance and capacitance of the system
(a) Away from the circuit breaker
(b) Near the circuit breaker 59. The type of protection that does not respond to
(c) Near the transformer faults occurring beyond its zone even though the
(d) Away from the transformer fault current may pass through the zone is:
54. The earth wire should not be thinner than a
(ISRO-14) (a) Busbar protection
(a) 20 SWG wire (b) 16 SWG wire (b) Unit protection
(c) 10 SWG wire (d) 8 SWG wire (c) Generator protection
(d) Back-up protection
55. A thermal protection switch is used to provide
protection against: (ISRO-14) 60. An isolator is used in series with Air blast Circuit
(a) Over load (b) Temperature Breaker employed at UHV lines because:
(c) Short circuit (d) Over voltage (SSC-JE-SI-14)
(a) Current to be interrupted will be large
56. The distribution system shown in figure is to be (b) Gap between CB contacts is small so an
protected by over current system of protection isolator is used to switch off voltage
33 kV 1 2 3 4 33 kV (c) Gap between CB poles is small
supply supply (d) CB life is enhanced with the use of isolator

61. For average values of load current, current

5 Load chopping occurs more frequently in:
For proper fault discrimination directional over (SSC-JE-SI-14)
current relays will be required at locations (a) OCB’s (b) ACB’s
(ISRO-14) (c) SF6CB’s (d) VCB’s
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 2 and 3
62. Supplier’s fuse, which is provided in domestic
(c) 1, 4 and 5 (d) 2, 3 and 5
wiring system is (SSC-JE-S2-14)
57. Which of the following correctly represents the (a) After the energy meter
sequence of operations of isolator circuit breaker (b) Before the energy meter
and earthing switch while opening a circuit (c) Before distribution board
(ISRO-14) (d) After main switch
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63. Which of the following equipment’s is used to 71. For selecting a circuit breaker, _____ should be
limit short-circuit current level in a sub-station? determined (TSSPDCL-15)
(SSC-JE-S2-14) (a) Initial current that flows on occurrence of a
(a) Isolators (b) Lightning switch short circuit only
(c) Coupling capacitor (d) Series reactor
(b) Transient current that flows at the time of
64. Which portion of the power system is least prone circuit interruption only
to fault? (TSTransco-15) (c) Resonant frequency only
(a) Alternators (b) Switchgear (d) (a) and (b)
(c) Transformers (d) Overhead lines
72. Choose the wrong statement from the following:
65. The material used in liquid fuses is
(a) SF6 (a) The impedance relay is less effected from
(b) Distilled water synchronizing power surges as compared to
(c) Carbon tetra chloride reactance relay
(d) Transformer oil (b) The impedance relay is less effected from arc
66. Buchholz relay is (TSTransco-15) resistance as compared with the Mho relay
(a) Located in the conservator tank (c) The impedance relay is more effected from
(b) Located in the transformer tank itself synchronizing power surges as compared to
(c) Connected in the pipe connecting main tank reactance relay
of transformer and conservator (d) The impedance relay is used for protecting
(d) Installed in the circuit breaker medium length transmission lines
67. For protection of rotating machines against 73. In case of over voltage protection scheme:
lightning surges ___ is used (TSTransco-15)
(a) Lightning arrester
(b) Capacitor (a) Use of ground wire is shielding method
(c) Combination of lightning arrester and whereas the use of spark gaps & lightning
capacitor arrestors are non-shielding methods
(d) Lightning conductor and arrester (b) Use of ground wire is non-shielding method
whereas the use of spark gaps & lightning
68. The inrush current of a transformer at no load is
maximum if the supply voltage is switched on arrestors are shielding methods
(TSTransco-15) (c) Use of ground wire and spark gaps are
(a) At peak voltage value shielding methods whereas the use of
(b) At zero voltage value lightning arrestors are non-shielding
(c) At half voltage value methods
(d) At 0.866-time voltage value (d) Use of ground wire and lightning arrestors
69. Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is usually are shielding method whereas the use of
expressed in terms of (TSTransco-15) spark gaps are non-shielding methods
(a) Ampere (b) Volts
(c) MW (d) MVA 74. IDMT relays are used to protect the transformer
against: (TSSPDCL-15)
70. A negative sequence relay is used for protection (a) Internal short circuits
of (TSTransco-15)
(b) Open circuits
(a) Generator (b) Transformer
(c) Motor (c) External short circuits
(d) Long Transmission lines (d) Oil leakage
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75. Resistance grounding is normally used for: 80. When high rate of rise of recovery voltages are
(TSSPDCL-15) expected in networks consisting of generators,
(a) High voltage long overhead transmission transformer, reactors and lines, circuit breaker
lines with shunt resistance are employed. To ensure
(b) Low voltage short overhead transmission exponential build up to 50 Hz recovery without
overshoot, the resistance connected is, (L is the
inductance of the line and capacitance from line
(c) Extra high voltage long overhead
to ground is C) (TSNPDCL-15)
transmission lines
(a) LC (b) LC
(d) All the above
76. Consider the following statements. Which of (c) 0.5 (d)
these statements are correct? (TSSPDCL-15)
1. Reactance relays are preferred for ground 81. Lightning may be regarded as (HMWS-15)
fault relaying (a) Transient, high current electric discharge
2. Impedance relays are most suitable for (b) Transient, low current electric discharge
(c) Transient, high current magnetic discharge
protecting long transmission lines
(d) None of the above
3. Mho relays are best suited for long
transmission line protection 82. A 3-phase transformer rated for 33 kV/6.6 kV is
4. Reactance relays are widely used for connected in star/delta and the protecting current
protection of Medium transmission lines transformer on the low voltage side has a ratio of
(a) All of them (b) 1 and 3 400/5. Then the suitable CT ratio on the HV side
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 (HMWS-15)
(a) 160 : 5 3 (b) 80 : 5 3
77. HRC fuses provide best protection against:
(c) 80 : 5/ 3 (d) 80:5
(a) Lightning (b) Short circuits 83. For complete protection of a 3-phase line
(c) Overload (d) Over voltage (HMWS-15)
(a) Two phase and one-earth fault relays are
78. The arc voltage in a circuit breaker is required
(TSSPDCL-15/TSTransco-15) (b) Three phase and two-earth fault relays are
(a) In phase with the arc current required
(b) Lagging by 90° with arc current (c) Two phase and two-earth fault relays are
(c) Leading by 90° with arc current required
(d) Lagging by 45° with arc current (d) Three phase and three-earth fault relays are
79. A thyrite type lightening arrester:
(TSNPDCL-15) 84. The rate of rise of restriking voltage depends
upon (HMWS-15)
(a) Blocks surge voltages appearing on a line
(a) The inductance and capacitance of the
(b) Absorbs the surge voltage appearing on a
(b) The inductance of the system only
(c) Returns the surge back to source (c) The capacitance of the system only
(d) Offers low resistance path to surge currents (d) The type of circuit breaker
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85. For protection of parallel feeders fed from one (a) Directly proportional to (LC)
end the relays required are: (HMWS-15) (b) Inversely proportional to (LC)
(a) Directional relays at both the ends L
(b) Non-directional relays at both the ends
(c) Directly proportional to C
(c) Directional relays at the source end and non-
directional relays at the load end L
(d) Non-directional relays at the source end and (d) Inversely proportional to C
directional relays at the load end
91. A loss of excitation protection scheme for large
86. A reactance relay is (APTransco-17) generating unit employs (TSSPDCL-18)
(a) Voltage restrained directional relay (a) Under frequency relays
(b) Directional restrained over-current relay (b) Offset Mho relay
(c) Voltage restrained over current relay (c) Reactance relay
(d) Directional restrained over voltage relay (d) Percentage differential relay

87. In a 132 kV system, the line to ground 92. The arc resistance causes distance relay
capacitance is 0.01 F and the inductance is 4 H. (TSTransco-18)
What is value of voltage appearing across the CB (a) Under reach
pole, if the magnetizing current to be interrupted (b) Over reach
is 5A (instantaneous)? (APTransco-17) (c) Under reach or over reach depending on the
(a) 132 kV (b) 10 kV length of the line
(c) 220 kV (d) 100 kV (d) Reach unchanged

88. In induction type directional over current relay 93. Figure shows the single-phase equivalent circuit
the driving torque is due to interaction of for analysing circuit breaker operation. The
magnetic fields derived from (APGenco-17) frequency of re-striking voltage is
(a) Current in the potential coil (TSTransco-18)
10 mH CB
(b) Both voltage and current in the relay
(c) Directional element and non-directional
400 pF
(d) Non-directional element and the trip circuit

89. The operating characteristics of a reactance type (a) 1000 kHz (b) 5000 kHz
distance relay (APGenco-17) (c) 500  103 rad/sec (d) 200  103 rad/sec
(a) A stepped waveform for increasing reactance
94. Overreaching of distance relay due to the
(b) A straight line for a constant reactance
decaying DC component is avoided by
(c) A circle for a constant reactance
(d) A set of circles for variables reactance’s
(a) Electromechanical relay
90. The prospective voltage across the circuit breaker (b) Solid state relay
contacts for a given series inductance, L and (c) Digital relay
shunt capacitance, C is (APGenco-17) (d) Impedance relay
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95. The power transformer having a capacity of 10

MVA with 132/66 kV (Star-Delta) configuration
is protected by circulating current protection
system. Calculate the CT ratios on both sides of (c)
the transformer for a circulating current of 5A in
the pilot wires. (TSTransco-18)
(a) 43.71/5, 87.4/5 (d)
(b) 43.71/(5/1.732), 87.4/5
(c) 87.4/5, 43.71/(5/1.732)
(i) Current transformer
(d) 43.71/5, 87.4(5/1.732)
(ii) Lightening arrester
96. Capacitor switching is easily done with (iii) Earthing switch
(APSPDCL-19) (iv) Isolator
(a) Oil circuit breaker (a) (a-iv), (b-iii), (c-ii), (d-i)
(b) Air blast circuit breaker (b) (a-i), (b-ii), (c-iii), (d-iv)
(c) Vacuum circuit breaker (c) (a-ii), (b-iii), (c-i), (d-iv)
(d) Both (a) and (b) (d) (a-iii), (b-i), (c-iv), (d-ii)
97. The operating time of the instantaneous relay will 101. In a system of 132 kV, the line to ground
be in the order of ______ (APEPDCL-19)
capacitance is 0.01 F and the inductances is 5 H.
(a) Few micro seconds (b) Few nano seconds
what is the value of resistance used across the
(c) Few milliseconds (d) Few minutes
contacts to eliminate the restriking voltage while
98. Which of the following circuit breakers does not interrupting a magnetizing current of 5 amps?
used pneumatic operating mechanism? (APEPDCL-19)
(APEPDCL-19) (a) 111.8  (b) 11.18 k
(a) Bulk-oil circuit breaker (c) 111.8 k (d) 11.18 
(b) Air blast circuit breaker
(c) SF6 blast circuit breaker 102. Which of the following circuit breaker has high
(d) Air break circuit breaker reliability and minimum maintenance?
99. Most of the fuses operated due to the ____
(a) Circuit breaker with SF6 gas
(a) Cooling effect of current (b) Oil circuit breaker
(b) Heating effect of current (c) Air blast circuit breaker
(c) Magnetic effect of current (d) Vacuum circuit breaker
(d) Electrostatic effect of current 103. In distance protection, the relay measures _____
100. Match the following: (APEPDCL-19) (a) Zero sequence impedance of the line from
Symbol relay up to the fault point
(b) Negative sequence impedance of the line
(a) from relay up to the fault point
(c) Positive sequence impedance of the line from
relay up to the fault point
(d) Self-impedance of the line from relay up to
(b) the fault point
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104. A three phase 66 kV oil circuit breaker is rated (c) Fault occurrence and extinguishing of arc
1200 A, 800 MVA, 3 secs. The symmetrical (d) Fault occurrence and opening of circuit
breaking current is _____ (APEPDCL-19) breaker
(a) 70 kA (b) 35 kA
(c) 3.8 kA (d) 1.2 kA ANSWER KEY
105. Type of relay most suited for (APTransco-19) 1 a 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 a
1. Buchholz relay 6 b 7 b 8 d 9 c 10 a
2. Translay relay 11 a 12 c 13 a 14 a 15 a
3. Carrier current, phase comparison relay 16 c 17 b 18 c 19 d 20 d

4. Directional over current relay 21 b 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 b

5. Negative sequence relay 26 d 27 a 28 d 29 a 30 a

P. Feeder 31 c 32 c 33 a 34 b 35 c

Q. Transformer 36 c 37 d 38 d 39 b 40 c

R. Radial distribution 41 b 42 b 43 c 44 b 45 a
46 d 47 d 48 d 49 b 50 b
S. Generator
51 c 52 a 53 c 54 d 55 a
T. Ring main distributor
56 b 57 a 58 d 59 b 60 b
U. Long overhead transmission line
61 b 62 a 63 d 64 a 65 c
(a) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-T, 4-R, 5-S
66 c 67 c 68 b 69 d 70 a
(b) 1-Q, 2-R, 3-T, 4-U, 5-P
71 d 72 c 73 a 74 c 75 b
(c) 1-S, 2-Q, 3-S, 4-T, 5-U
76 b 77 b 78 a 79 d 80 c
(d) 1-Q, 2-P, 3-U, 4-T, 5-S
81 a 82 c 83 a 84 a 85 d
106. A three-phase transformer having a line voltage 86 b 87 d 88 c 89 b 90 c
ratio of 400/33000 V is connected in the start- 91 b 92 a 93 c 94 c 95 b
delta. The CTs on the 400 V side have a CT ratio 96 c 97 c 98 a 99 b 100 a
of 1000/5. What must be the ratio of CTs on the 101 b 102 d 103 c 104 a 105 d
33000 side? (APTransco-19) 106 a 107 d 108 a 109 a
(a) 7/5 (b) 5/7 (c) 3/5 (d) 5/2
107. In the inductance and capacitance of a power
system are respectively 1 H and 0.01 F and the 1. Answer: (a)
instantaneous value of interrupted current is 10 A, Solution:
then the voltage across breaker contract will be Least prone equipment (or) portion of power
(APTransco-19) system would be alternator (If proper
(a) 50 kV (b) 57 kV (c) 60 kV (d) 100 kV maintenance schedule is followed). Cables are
also a portion which is less prone to faults except
108. If the fault current is 2100 A, the relay setting is
damage by some external force.
70% and CT ratio is 300 : 5, then the plug setting
multiplier will be [TSSPDCL-2022] 2. Answer: (c)
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 12 (d) 20 Solution:
Buchholz really is practically universally used on
109. Circuit breaker “interrupting time” is the period
all oil immersed transformers having rating more
between the instant of [TSNPDCL-2022]
than 500 kVA protection of incipient or internal
(a) Energizing of tripping coil and extinguishing
faults of the winding
of arc
(b) Energizing of tripping coil and opening of 3. Answer: (d)
circuit breaker 4. Answer: (d)
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5. Answer: (a) 13. Answer: (a)

Solution: Solution:
Differential relay is very commonly used relay For an isolated system, during LG fault healthy
for protecting transformer and generators from phases experience over voltages
localised faults. 14. Answer: (a)
15. Answer: (a)
6. Answer: (b) 16. Answer: (c)
Solution: Solution:
The device which is used for the protection of the The shunt resistor dissipates the energy which
equipment at the substations against travelling 1 1
is converted from LI 2 to CV 2 in the form of
waves, such type of device is called lighting 2 2
arrester (or) surge diverter. In other words, heat. So, it helps in reducing restriking voltage.
lighting arrester diverts the abnormal high
17. Answer: (b)
voltage to the ground without affecting the
18. Answer: (c)
continuity of supply. It is connected between the 19. Answer: (d)
line and earth. Solution:
7. Answer: (b)
A three-phase power transformer is provided with
star-delta connections. So, CT in primary is Delta
connected and CT in secondary is Star connected o R
8. Answer: (d)
Solution: 20. Answer: (d)
Voltage across the circuit breaker 21. Answer: (b)
L Solution:
i  10 = 100 kV Line trap is tuned for the power frequency (50
C 0.01 106 Hz), so that it offers low impedance for power
frequency signals & high impedance for the
9. Answer: (c) carrier frequency signals.
The time of operation of such relays is 22. Answer: (b)
approximately 0.1 sec. 23. Answer: (c)
10. Answer: (a) The watt metric relay will operate irrespective of
Solution: the current value but depends only on the
Fusing Current, I = kd3/2 direction of the current. So, it is used for the
protection of generator against failure of prime
11. Answer: (a) mover.
24. Answer: (c)
Operating current of the relay = 1.255 = 6.25 A 25. Answer:(b)
12. Answer: (c)
The non-shielding methods are based on the
Solution: principle of insulation breakdown. When the over
Auto reclosers are generally used in EHV voltage is incident on protective device, a part of
applications. So, in EHV applications Air blast energy content in it is discharged to ground
circuit breakers are used. through the protective device.
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26. Answer: (d) 33. Answer: (a)

Solution: Solution:
Plug setting multiplier Pick up current = (% relay setting  CT secondary
Primary fault current 125 625
 Current)  5   6.25 A
C.T.ratio  Relay current setting 100 100
Relay current setting = set value of relayRated 34. Answer: (b)
current of relay 35. Answer: (c)
50 Solution:
  5  2.5 A
100 Minimum arcing voltage will be the least in case
[Rated current of relay = C.T. secondary rating] of silver.
2000 2000 36. Answer: (c)
P.S.M    10
 400  80  2.5 Solution:
   2.5 Arc resistance may be increased by cooling,
 5 
lengthening and splitting of the arc.
27. Answer: (a)
28. Answer: (d) 37. Answer: (d)
29. Answer: (a)
The fault clearing time of a circuit breaker is
usually of few cycles of supply voltage.
Vacuum circuit breakers are specifically used for
low-cost switch, having low fault interrupting 38. Answer: (d)
capacity, but capable of large number of loads 39. Answer: (b)
switching operations without maintenance and in Solution:
some applications, capable of interrupting line For long EHV/UHV transmission lines, we
charging (or) capacitor current without restrike. normally use air blast circuit breaker and SF6
Circuit breaker
30. Answer: (a)
40. Answer: (c)
31. Answer: (c)
Under voltage relays are mostly used for motor
The rated normal current is 1500 A protection
Breaking current I  = 34.99 kA
3  33 41. Answer: (b)
42. Answer: (b)
Making current = 2.55  I
= 2.55 34.99 = 89.22 kA Thyrite arrester – Nonlinear resistance
32. Answer: (c) Sag template – Tower location
Solution: Cable sheaths –Cross bonding
Circuit breaker – restriking voltage
For the protection of substation above 66 kV, an
arrestor of 10 kA rating is used. 43. Answer: (c)
Voltage rating of LA = Line to line voltage  1.1 44. Answer: (b)
 coefficient of earthing. 45. Answer: (a)
(Assuming coefficient of earthing equals 0.8 for Solution:
effectively earthed system) In a circuit breaker, making capacity is 2.55 times
For 220 kV side: of breaking capacity
Voltage rating = 1.1  220  0.8 = 193.6 kV 46. Answer: (d)
Rated discharge current = 10 kA 47. Answer: (d)
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48. Answer: (d) 60. Answer: (b)

Solution: Solution:
Where voltages are high and current to be An isolator is used in series with Air blast Circuit
interrupted is low, vacuum circuit breakers are Breaker employed at UHV lines because gap
used between CB contacts is small so an isolator is
used to switch off voltage
49. Answer:(b)
Solution: 61. Answer: (b)
The shape of the disc of an induction disc relay is 62. Answer: (a)
spiral 63. Answer:(d)
50. Answer: (b) To limit short-circuit current level in a sub-station
51. Answer: (c) is series reactor is used
Since earth resistance is variable and relay 64. Answer: (a)
operation is independent on resistance, reactance Solution:
relays are used for earth fault protection. In power system alternators are least prone to
52. Answer: (a)
Solution: 65. Answer: (c)
If a combination of HRC fuse and circuit breaker Solution:
is used, the C.B. operates for Low overload The material used in liquid fuses is carbon tetra
currents chloride
53. Answer: (c) 66. Answer: (c)
54. Answer: (d) Solution:
Solution: Buchholz relay is connected in the pipe
The largest size of the earth lead is 3SWG and the connecting main tank of transformer and
minimum size should not be smaller than 8SWG. conservator
55. Answer: (a) 67. Answer: (c)
Solution: Solution:
A thermal protection switch is used to provide Surge protection of rotating machine, a rotating
protection against is over load machine is less exposed to lighting surge as
compared to transformer. Because of the limited
56. Answer: (b) space available, the insulation on the windings of
Solution: rotating machines is kept of a minimum.
The source side of a parallel feeder is of non-
directional over current relay type and load side 68. Answer: (b)
is of directional over current relay type. Solution:
The inrush currents are maximum if transformer
57. Answer: (a) is switched at natural zero voltage.
58. Answer:(d)
Solution: 69. Answer: (d)
RRRV depends on inductance and capacitance of 70. Answer: (a)
the system Solution:
A negative sequence relay is used for protection
59. Answer: (b) of generator.
In unit protection, the protection scheme 71. Answer: (d)
responds only for internal faults. 72. Answer: (c)
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

73. Answer: (a) 83. Answer: (a)

Solution: Solution:
Option (a) is the correct choice For complete protection of a 3-phase line, two
Shielding method: ground wire, Lightning grid phase and one-earth fault relays are required.
and Lightning masts.
84. Answer: (a)
Non-shielding method – spark gaps & lightning
The rate restriking voltage depends upon both the
74. Answer: (c) inductance and the capacitance of the system
75. Answer: (b)
85. Answer: (d)
Resistance grounding is normally used for low
For protection of parallel feeders fed from one
voltage short overhead transmission lines end the relays required are
76. Answer: (b) At source end: Non-Directional relays
77. Answer: (b) At load end: Directional relays
Solution: 86. Answer: (b)
HRC fuses provide best protection against short 87. Answer: (d)
circuits. Solution:
78. Answer: (a) L 
Vi  5 = 100 kV
Solution: C 0.01 106
The arc voltage in a circuit breaker is in phase
with the arc current. 88. Answer: (c)
89. Answer: (b)
79. Answer: (d) 90. Answer: (c)
Solution: Solution:
A thyrite type lightening arrester offers low The prospective voltage across the circuit breaker
resistance path to surge currents. contacts for a given series inductance, L and shunt
80. Answer: (c) L
capacitance, C is directly proportional to
Solution: C
L 91. Answer: (b)
R  0.5
C Solution:
For loss of excitation off set mho relay preferred
81. Answer: (a) X
Normal operation
Lightning may be regarded as, transient, high
current electric discharge.
82. Answer: (c)
The primary current of C.T (i.e.) on HV side
[star] of transformer is 400   80A . Off set mho relay
 C.T on HV side is connected in delta so the 92. Answer: (a)
5 Solution:
secondary current of C.T = A. Due to the effect of arc resistance effective
impedance seen by the relay increases. Which
5 results in not-operation of relay even if the fault
 C.T ratio on HV side = 80 :
3 inside the zone of protection.
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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

93. Answer:(c)
 rad/ sec
 rad/ sec
10 103  400 1012
 rad/ sec = 500  103 rad/sec

94. Answer: (c)

D.C off-set current causes over reaching of distance relay’s so this problem is avoided by using digital relays.

95. Answer: (b)

Data given: 10 MVA, 132/66 kV (Star-delta) transformer
Circulating current in the pilot wires is 5A.
Step-1: Primary line current
S 10  106
Ip  
3VLP 3  132  103
I p  43.74A
 CT on HV side is connected in delta so CT secondary current = A.
 CT ratio on HV side = .
 5 
 
 1.732 
Step-2: Secondary current of transformer
10 106
Is 
3  66 103
Is  87.48 A
 C.T on LV side is connected in star. So, the secondary current of C.T = 5 A.
 C.T ratio on LV side = .

96. Answer: (c)

Vacuum circuit breakers are specifically used for low-cost switch having low fault interrupting capacity, but
capable of large number of loads switching operations without maintenance and in some applications
capable of interrupting line charging (or) capacitor current without restrike.

97. Answer: (c)

98. Answer: (a)
Prepared by: Giri, M.Tech (IITK) OHM Institute – Hyderabad GATE|ESE|PSUs 346
Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

99. Answer:(b)
When more current is passed through the fuse, it will burn out

100. Answer: (a)

101. Answer: (b)
Resistance used to eliminate restriking voltage
1 L 1 5
  = 11.18 k
2 C 2 0.01106

102. Answer: (d)

103. Answer: (c)
104. Answer: (a)
S  3VL IL  8000 106  3  66 103  IL
8000  106
IL   70 kA
3  66  103

105. Answer: (d)

Buchholz relay – Transformer,
Carrier current, phase compassion relay – long overhead transfer linear
Directional over current relay – Ring main Distributor
Negative sequence relay-Generator

106. Answer: (a)

Below figure shows the connections of CTs. Suppose that the line current on the primary side of the
transformer IL1 is 1000 A, then the line current on the secondary side I L2 can be found by the equation
3  400  1000  3  33, 000  I L1
400  1000 400
I L2   A
33000 33
33.000 V
1000/5V IL1 400 V IL2

5 3A

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Power Systems-3 Previous Year Questions on Module-3

The current through the secondary of the CT on the primary side will be 5 A. The CTs on the primary side
being delta connected, the current through its pilot wire will be 5 3 A . The CTs on the secondary side being
star connected will have a current of 5 3 A in the secondary. Hence CT ratio on the 33.000 V side
 = 7/5
33  5 3

107. Answer: (d)

L 1
Vi , V  10  100 kV
C 0.01 106

108. Answer: (a)

If 2100
P.S.M = =  10
CT ratio  C.S(A) 300  0.7  5

109. Answer: (a)

The operating time (or) interrupting time of the breaker is the time elapse between from the instant at which
trip coil of the breaker is energized to the instant at which are is extinguished.


Prepared by: Giri, M.Tech (IITK) OHM Institute – Hyderabad GATE|ESE|PSUs 348

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