USELF-L7 (1)
USELF-L7 (1)
USELF-L7 (1)
● Sex Characteristics
Characteristics Male Female
● Phase of Sexual Response - a sexual response cycle to describe the changes that occur in
the body as men and women become sexually aroused.
- The clitoris swells. - Outer part of the - Contraction of - The clitoris and
- The vagina lips open. vagina swells with the pelvic the vagina return
- It’s inside becomes the surge of muscles that to their normal
wet. increased blood to surround the state.
Female that area. vaginal walls and - Females are
- The clitoris retracts can happen capable of
under the clitoral multiple times. repeated climaxes
hood but remains without “rest”
highly sensitive. period.
- Outer lips of the
vagina become