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The Sexual Self

● Sex Characteristics
Characteristics Male Female

Primary ● Penins, testes or testicles, ● Vagina, uterus, ovaries

Are the physical scrotum and prostate ● Embryo grows in the womb as
characteristics present gland. the result of chromosomes
at birth. ● Gonads release contained within the embryonic
testosterone that causes cells as well as hormonal
the male sex’s organs to influences. At about 5 weeks
develop. of pregnancy, the gonads form
in embryos.
● Menarche - occurs at 13
years old.

Secondary Testicular growth, sperm ● Enlargement of breasts, onset

Develops during the production, appearance of facial, of menstruation, widening of
onset of puberty. pubic and body hair, deepening hips and growth of pubic hair.
of the voice. Testosterone and ● Estrogen and progesterone.

The Human Reproductive System ❖ Seminal Vesicles - 2 small organs that

produce semen, the fluid that sperm
● The Male Reproductive System moves around in.
❖ Testicles - (balls) 2 ball-like glands The Penis
inside the scrotum. They make sperm ❖ Glans - called the head or tip of the
and hormones like testosterones. penis. Where the pre-ejaculate and
❖ Epididymis - tube where the sperm semen comes out of, and it's where the
matures, holds the sperm before the pee out of.
ejaculation. ❖ Shaft - extends the tip to where it
❖ Cremaster - a muscle that moves the connects to the lower belly. Like a tube.
scrotum and the testicles closer to the The urethra is inside the shaft.
body. This happens when the body is ❖ Foreskin - a patch of skin that covers
cold, aroused or when someone and protects the head. When the penis
touches the inner thigh. gets hard, the foreskin pulls back and
❖ Prostate Gland - makes a fluid that the tip is exposed.
helps the sperm to move. About the size ❖ Frenulum - where the foreskin meets
of a golf ball. the underside of the penis. Looks like a
❖ Cowper’s Gland - produces a fluid small V just below the head. Usually
called pre-ejaculate or pre-cum, and part of it remains after circumcision.
semen to the urethral opening and out ❖ Scrotum - sac of the skin that hangs
of the body. below the penis. The scrotum holds the
❖ Urethra - the tube that carries urine, testicles and keeps them at the right
pre-ejaculate, and semen to your temperature. Scorum is covered with
urethral opening and out of your body. wrinkly skin and hair.
❖ Corona - ridge of tissue around the
glans of the penis.
● The Female Reproductive System ❖ Opening of the Urethra - is the tiny
❖ Vagina - a canal that joins the cervix hole that you pee out of, located just
(lower part of uterus) to the outside of below the clitoris.
the body. Also known as the birth canal.
❖ Uterus (womb) - a hollow pear-shaped ● Development Aspects of the Nervous
organ that is the home to a developing System
fetus. The uterus is divided into two ❖ Pseudo-Hermaphrodite - when an
parts: the cervix, the lower part that individual's gonads were mismatched
opens into the vagina, and the main with their internal reproductive system
body, called corpus. It easily expands to and/or external genitalia.
hold a developing baby. ❖ Cryptorchidism - failure of the testes to
❖ Ovaries - small, oval-shaped glands make their normal descent.
that are located on either side of the - results in sterility of male at risk of
uterus. They produce eggs and cancer of the testes.
hormones. ❖ Phimosis - narrowing of foreskin of the
❖ Fallopian Tubes - serve as pathways male reproductive organ and displaced
for the ova (egg cells) to travel from the urethral opening.
ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization of an
egg by a sperm normally occurs in the ● Sexual Arousal and Erogenous Zone:
fallopian tubes. What Turns People On
The Vagina ❖ Erogenous Zone - described as the
❖ Labia - folds of skin around the vaginal parts of the body that are chiefly
opening. Labia majora (outer) are sensitive and cause increased sexual
usually fleshy and covered with pubic arousal when touched in a sexual
hair. Labia minora (inner) are inside the manner.
outer lips. - These zones differ from person to
❖ Clitoris - everyone’s is a different size. person, as some people may enjoy
It can be about as small as a pea or as being touched in a certain area more
big as a thumb. than other areas.
❖ Opening of the Vagina - vaginal - Other sexual activities such as intimate
opening is right below the urethral kissing, cuddling, and necking, petting
opening. or touching the erogenous zones may
❖ Mons Pubis - after puberty, it is covered be uniquely important to sexuality.
with pubic hair. It cushions your pubic
bone. ● Main erogenous zones include:
❖ Bartholin’s Glands - they release fluid - Mouth
that lubricates the vagina when turned - Breasts (nipple and lateral breast
on. tissue)
❖ Hymen - is the thin, fleshy tissue that - Reproductive organs such as
stretches across part of the opening of vagina and penis
the vagina. - Anus
❖ G-spot - Grafenberg spot, swells when - Neck, thighs, abdomen, ears and
turned on. Some people like the feeling other body surface.
of having their g-spot touched.
● Why are some areas more erogenous ❖ Coitus - the insertion of the male
than others? reproductive organ into the female
- It has been mentioned that (University of reproductive organ.
California,2017) the level of erotic
sensitivity of a particular body is largely ● Views of Coitus
dependent on the amount of the nerve A. Premarital - depends on the society, a
endings that are located in that region. sexual activity practiced by people
Other areas of the body such as eyelids, before they are married.
forearm, head and abdomen have fewer B. Marital - seen as an obligation, a
nerves but also can be potential socially sanctioned long-term mating
erogenous zones for others especially if arrangement.
touched during foreplay. C. Extramarital - condemned/double
standard, occurs when a married person
❖ Human Sexual Behavior - defined as engages in a sexual activity with
an activity – solitary, between persons, someone other than his or her spouse.
or in a group that includes sexual D. Post-Marital - ignored, sex with your ex;
arousal. often shameful, and rarely a good idea.
The imbibing of too much alcohol and
● Two Major Factors of Human Sexual the existence of too much loneliness are
Behavior contributing factors to this condition.
A. Inherited Sexual Response - means
ensuring reproduction that is part of
each individual’s genetic inheritance.
B. Degree of Restraint - influence exerted -Phase of Sexual Response-
on the individual by society in the
expression of his sexuality.

● Phase of Sexual Response - a sexual response cycle to describe the changes that occur in
the body as men and women become sexually aroused.

Gender Excitement Plateau Orgasm Resolution

- During this phase, - Changes in the - Men usually - Body

pulse rate increases, body continue. achieve one temperature and
blood pressure rises, - Breathing becomes intense orgasm other
breathings quickens more rapid. during sexual physiological
and the skin shows a - Heart rate activity. changes return to
Both rosy flush on the chest increases. their normal state
and breasts areas. - Body temperature after orgasm.
- The nipples for both rises.
sex becomes harden

- The penis becomes - Penis becomes - Contraction of - Erection is lost

erect. more erected. the muscles in - Testes have
Male - The skin of the - Circumference of and around the decreased in size.
scrotum thickens and its head increases. penis stimulates - Skin of the
the testes increase in - Few drops of fluid the release of scrotum thins
size. are released. semen which again.
contains sperm - Males become
cells. unresponsive to
sexual stimulation
until some period
of time has

- The clitoris swells. - Outer part of the - Contraction of - The clitoris and
- The vagina lips open. vagina swells with the pelvic the vagina return
- It’s inside becomes the surge of muscles that to their normal
wet. increased blood to surround the state.
Female that area. vaginal walls and - Females are
- The clitoris retracts can happen capable of
under the clitoral multiple times. repeated climaxes
hood but remains without “rest”
highly sensitive. period.
- Outer lips of the
vagina become

● SOGIE - refers to the characteristics ❖ Asexual - individuals who don’t

common to all human beings as experience sexual attraction to others of
everyone has a sexual orientation and a any gender.
gender identity. Everyone expresses ❖ Bisexual - those who experience
their gender, not just individuals who sexual, romantic, or emotional
identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and attractions to people of more than one
transgender. Gender expression to gender.
match their gender identity. ❖ Heterosexual - people who experience
sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction
● Sexual Orientations - “an enduring to people of the “opposite” gender or a
emotional, romantic, sexual or different gender.
affectional attraction to another person” ❖ Homosexual - outdated term rooted in
(APA, 1998, p.1). Sexual orientation is the fields of medicine and psychology
defined by the sex of the person to that refers to individuals who experience
whom one is sexually attracted to and sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction
has the potential of loving (Hyde, 1990). to people of the same or a similar
❖ Pansexual - individuals who experience
sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction
to any person, regardless of that
person’s gender, sex, or sexuality.
❖ Pomo-sexual - those who reject
sexuality labels or don’t identify with any
of them.
❖ Closeted - “in the closet”, people in the ❖ Fetishistic Disorder - a person is
LGBTQ community who don’t publicly or sexually attracted to non living objects.
openly share their sexual identity, ❖ Ejaculatory Impotence - inability to
attraction, behavior, gender expression emit seme during coitus.
or gender identity. ❖ Dyspareunia - painful sex and generally
❖ Demi-sexual - those who experience physical rather than psychological
sexual attraction only under specific
circumstances, such as after building a ● Sexual Transmitted Infections and
romantic or emotional relationship with a Early Pregnancy - sexually transmitted
person. disease and sexually transmitted
❖ Gay - who experiences sexual, infections are primarily through sexual
romantic, or emotional attraction to contact (vaginal, anal or oral sex).
people of the same or similar gender.
❖ Lesbian - woman or female-identified ❖ HIV/AIDS - infections caused by direct
person who experiences sexual, contact with body fluids such as through
romantic, or emotional attraction to blood transfusion, breast feeding, and
people of the same or similar gender. sexual intercourse. It attacks the
❖ Sapio-sexual - those who experience immune system and the infected person
attraction based on intelligence, rather might eventually die.
than sex or gender. ❖ Gonorrhea - caused by gonococcal
bacteria which attack the lining of the
● Sexual Problems - may be classified as mucous membrane such as mouth,
physiological, psychological and social. throat vagina and urethra.
❖ Syphilis - infects genital areas and
❖ Sexual Dysfunction - inability to other parts of the body including the
become aroused or reach orgasm brain and can cause paralysis or even
seems to be as common in homosexual death when untreated.
as in heterosexual relationships. ❖ Chlamydia - caused by bacterium
❖ Erectile Disorder - a specific disorder chlamydia trachomatis. It can cause
of arousal. The problem here is not swollen testicles and a burning
desire. Many males with erectile sensation during urination in men.
dysfunction have frequent sexual urges ❖ Herpes - can cause itching and tingling
and fantasies and a strong desire to sensations, abscesses, and blisters in
have sex. genital areas. There is no cure for
❖ Genito-Pelvic Pain - sexual dysfunction herpes.
specific to women refers to difficulties ❖ Warts - caused by human
with penetration during attempted papillomavirus and women with HPV are
intercourse or significant pain during prone to cervical cancer. Though warts
intercourse. can be removed, they may recur.
❖ Vaginismus - which the pelvic muscles ❖ Chancroid - a bacterial infection that
in the outer third of the vagina undergo causes open sores on or around the
involuntary spasms when intercourse is genitals of men and women.
attempted. Women report sensations of
“ripping, burning, or tearing” during ● Method of Contraception and
attempted intercourse. Reproductive Health Law - over the
years, sexual activities have become ❖ Intrauterine device (IUD) - T-shaped
less restricted. Premarital sex is now object that is inserted into the uterus via
more accepted. Over the past several female reproductive organs. It is
decades there has been a gradual trend inserted after the menstrual flow to be
toward initiating sex at an earlier stage. sure that she is not pregnant.
(Atkinson, Atkinson, Smith, Bem, & ❖ Diaphragm - works by inhibiting the
Nolen-Hoeksema, 2009) Contraception entrance of the sperm into the female
refers to a method used to prevent reproductive organ. A circular, rubber
pregnancy. disk that fits the cervix and should be
placed before coitus.
● Natural Method of Contraception - ❖ Cervical cap - made up of soft rubber
natural family planning methods do not and fitted on the rim of the cervix. It is
include any chemical or foreign body shaped like a thimble and could not stay
introduction to the human body. in place for more than 48 hours.
❖ Abstinence - involves abstaining from ❖ Male condoms - synthetic rubber sheet
sexual intercourse and the most that is placed on the erect male
effective natural birth control method. reproductive organ and traps the sperm
❖ Coitus Interruptus - one of the oldest during emission of sperm. It also
methods of contraception. The man prevents acquiring of STD’s.
withdraws the moment he emits semen ❖ Female condoms - has an inner ring
and emits it outside the female that covers the cervix and an outer.
reproductive organ. These are disposable and require no
❖ Calendar method - involves refraining prescription.
from coitus during the days that the
woman is fertile. ● Surgical Methods
❖ Vasectomy - applicable for male
● Artificial Method wherein, it is executed through a small
❖ Contraceptives - known as pills, oral incision made on each side of the
contraceptives contain synthetic scrotum. The vas deferens is then tied,
estrogen and progesterone. cauterized, cut to block the passage of
❖ Transdermal Patch - combination of sperm.
estrogen and progesterone in a form of ❖ Tubal ligation - perform by occluding
patch. For three weeks, the woman the fallopian tubes through cutting,
should apply one patch every week. cauterizing or blocking to inhibit the
❖ Vaginal ring - silicon ring inserted passage of both sperm and ova.
vaginally and remains there for three
weeks, then removed on the fourth
week as menstrual flow would occur. COMMIT TO THE LORD WHATEVER YOU
❖ Subdermal implants - two rod like DO, AND HE WILL ESTABLISH YOUR
implants embedded under the skin of PLANS.
the woman during her meneses.
❖ Injections - inhibits ovulation and - Proverbs 16:3
causes changes in the endometrium
and the cervical mucus.

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