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CHAPTER 6: THE PHYSICAL SELF - 22 pairs of autosomes or trait

Physical self chromosomes

- Refers to the body Genes- basic carrier of heredity traits and
- Physical extremities and internal are classified as dominant or recessive
organs work together for the body to Dominant- strong genes
perform many of its functions Recessive- weak genes
Adolescence Theory of physiognomy- a persons physical
- The onset of puberty characteristic
- The rapid physical changes that Five element theory- water, wood, fire,
include the maturation of the earth, and metal
reproductive system Theory based on the prominence of body
Life span- development from conception to fluid:
death - Developed in ancient Greece by
Elizabeth Bergner Hurlock- outlines the Hippocrates developed
stages of life span - Deficiency in any of the four bodily
1. Prenatal- fertilization to birth fluid in a person influences
2. Infancy- birth to 2 week Sanguine type- prominence of red bile
3. Babyhood- 2 weeks to 2nd year Melancholic- prominence black bile
4. Early childhood- 2 to 6 years old Choleric- yellow bile
5. Late childhood- 6 to 10 or 12 years Phlegmatic- excess phleg
old Body type theory
6. Puberty- 10 or 12 to 14 years old - base on physical characteristics
7. Adolescence- 14 to 18 years old - Developed by William Sheldon in
8. Early adulthood- 18 to 40 years old 1940s
9. Middle adulthood- 40 to 60 years old Three body types:
10. Late adulthood or senescence- 60 to 1. Endomorphic- soft and plump
death 2. Mesomorphic- strong and muscular
Physical change body
- Take place during puberty affects 3. Ectomorphic- tall and thin
the individual's behavior The Wisdom of Your Face
- Change that accompany sexual - By Jean Haner in 2008
maturation Oval shape face- friendly, kindhearted, and
Physical growth- product of heredity and the selfless
environment Square shape face- witty, analytical, and
Heredity- process of the inheritance of traits great leader
from parents to offspring Heart shape face- patient and intuitive by
Environment- the factors an individual is nature
exposed to throughout life Long shape face- perfectionist and
Sex and physical traits aggressive
- The combination of chromosomes Triangle shape face- creative, artistic,
and genes during fertilization when sensitive, and determined
the egg and sperm cells unite Diamond shape face- detail oriented and
- There are 23 pairs of chromosomes likes to be in control
According to Squier and Mew (1981) Female:
- Long and angular shapes face-
responsive, assertive and guine ● Clitoris - made of erectile tissue,
- Short and square shaped face- swells with blood and hardens when
restrained, conforming, and shrewd woman is sexually aroused
Body image- how individuals perceive,
think, and feel about their body ● Vagina - a muscular tube that serves
Appearance- everything about a person that as the receptacle for the penis and
others can observe passageway of the sperm to the
Self-esteem- persons overall evaluation of uterus
his or her own worth
Egyptian art- perceived in women with a ● BIrth Canal - where the fettus comes
slim, high waist, narrow hips, and long black out of the mother’s body
Renaissance period- rounded hips are ● Two Ovaries - Produce, store and
considered beautiful release egg cells during ovulation
Cosmetic surgery- include surgical and non
surgical procedures to restore, reconstruct, ● Urerus - a hollow organ where the
or alter body parts fertized embryo grows to become a
● Fallopian tubes - carry the fertilized
Beginning of Adolescence - marked by rapid egg from the ovary to the uterus
change, including the maturation of the
reproductive system Male:

Primary Sex Characteristics ● Penis - the organ through which

- Physical characteristics present at males urinate and deliver sperm
birth cells into the vigina during sexual
- Characteristics to distinguish males intercourse
from females
● Testes or Testicles
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Located in Scrotum
- Develop during the onset of puberty - Responsible for the
production of sperm cells and
Menstruation - usually occurs at around 10 male sex hormones
to 12 years of age
● Scrotum - loose pouch-like sac of
Reproductive System - system of sex skin
organd for reproduction and sexual function
● Vas Deferens - transport sperm-
containing fluid called semen
● Epididymis - a set of coiled ducts Love - a combination of any of these
connected to the vas deferens components

● Prostate Gland and Seminal ● Intimacy - the feelings of closeness,

Vesticles - produce semen and connectedness, and bondedness
nourish sperm cells
● Passion - the drives that lead to
● Ejaculating - is the realease of spem romance, physical attraction, and
cells from the penis sexual consummation
- Each ejaculation contains
approximately 300 to 500 ● Commitment - the decision to love
million sperm cells and the commitment to maintain that
Erogenous Zones - areas of the body that Lust - the desire for sexual gratification
are higly sensitive and produce sexual
response Attraction - often associated with sexual
Sexual-response Cycle - the changes that
occur in the body as men and women Attachment
become sexually aroused - occurs when individuals desire to
connect with another person
Phases of Sexual Response: intimately
- It may also called affectionate or
● Excitement Phase - the beginning of companionate love
secual arousal and can last from one
minute to several hours Sexual Orientation - persons’s secual
identity that is inchored on what gender they
● Plateus phase are attracted to
- Changes in the body
continue Homosexual males - gays
- Breathing becomes more
rapid, heart rate increases, Homosexual females - lesbians
body temperature ruses and
blood pressure increases Bisexuality - one is attracted to both the
opposite and same sex
● Orgasmic Phase - contraction of the
muscles in and around the penis to Transgender - people who believe they
stimulate the release of the seme were born with the body of the opposite

● Resolution Phase - body returns to Transexual - people whose genitals are

its normal state after orgasm surgically remove and are fashioned as the
genitals of their desired gender
Social Excchange Theory - attraction is the
result of an exchange process
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or
Sexually Transmitted Diseas (STDs)
- Contracted primarily through sexual CHAPTER 9: SPIRITUAL SELF
Spiritual Aspect - the self that connects a
Contraceptors - methods used to prevent person to the sacred, the supernatural, the
preganancy universe

Condoms Spiritual Self - experience a feeling of

- Common method of contraception oneness with a higher being and the
- Can also prevent STIs universe
- Develop spirithuality through
Intrauterine Device (IUD) - tiny device made interaction, observation and imitation
of flexible plastic that is inserted in the
uterus to prevent pregnancy Spiritiuality
- Comes from the Latin word “spiritus”
Birth Control Injectibles - given every three meaning breathe or life force
months to women - Purpose of one’s life, a search for
wholeness and a relationship with a
Oral Contraceptive Pills - taken every day transcendent being
and withdrawal - Developed in early Christianity

CHAPTER 8: MATERIAL SELF Spirit - Christians term to descrive the “Holy

Material Self - material or non-material
possessed by the individual. Religion - organize system of idea about the
spiritual sphere or the supernatural
Materialism - giving more importance to
material possessions than intangible values Religous beliefs and practices make people
closer to God
Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD) -
obsession with buying and shopping Logotherapy
behavior that can cause adverse - Pursuit of human existence
consequences - Man’s search for such a meaning

Consumer Culture - is a social culture in Aminism

which consumption is dominated by - Believe that things and places are
consumption of commercial products alive and grounded by supernatural
Consumerism - consumption of material
good is excess of one’s basic needs CHAPTER 10: POLITICAL SELF

- Power is aquired and exercised by - Helps shape the ideals of citizenship
people and group and democracy through its religous
teachings, values and traditions
- Politics and political community must Social Learning Theory - a person can
play in bringing about the virtuous acquire learning through observation and
life in the citizen imitation
- Most basic identification in a nation Political Socialization - lifelong process by
- Denotes the membership of a citizen which individual gain knowledge about
in a political society politics

Stevent, Anglin, and Jussim (2015) Cognitive Theory - suggests that the mental
- SOme people, politics is a central activity of individuals are important
component of their identity determinants of behavior
- Others, politics becomes a central
one in certain situations Theory of symbolic interaction - behaviors
are products of communication, meaning,
Political community - people offers an and symbols
opportunity for them to define themselves
Theory of politics participation - defined as a
Political Self - helps in defining the structure citizen’s action or activities anchored in
and functions of the government politics


- to educate their children about basic
values and beliefs Digital Self - aspect of the self that is shared
- Learning is imbued with values and with others through online interactions
beliefs through identification
DeLameter and Myers (2012)
Philippine Constition - Self is heavily influenced by by
- Recognize the vital roles of school in feedback form others
inculculating among the youth the - Impact of others depends upon the
value of patronism and nationalism nature of one’s relationship with
- have the responsibility in the formal Liking and Reacting
education and training of children - contributes to positive self-concept
- To teach moral, spiritual, and - People present themselves in such a
political values way to impress other to create
positive impressions in the eyes of
Church others
Sexuality - quality or state of being sexual, Neuroplasticity
whereas gender is the psychological - The ability of the brain to change
identification of a person (Meriam Webster) throughout one’s life
- Involves the addition of new neurons
Internet and Social Networking Sites -
provides channels for dissemination of Neurons
information - The basic building blocks of the
nervous system that transmit
Psychological Association of the Philippines impulses or messages
(PAP) - provides scientific knowledge of the
scientific theories, concepts, and principles Metacognition
on gender identity and sexual orientation - The awareness of one’s thinking and
the strategies one uses to learn
- essential for individual survival and Metacognitive Knowledge
communication with other people - Includes knowledge of one’s own
- Is the application of information in cognitive abilities, knowledge of
the design, products and utilization cognitive tasks
of goods and services and in the
organization of human activities Metacognitive Regulation
(Business Dictionary) - Refers to how an individual monitors
and controls his or her cognitive
Digital Technology - use of devices that processes
process and use digital information
Self-regulated Learning (SRL)
Philippines has the fastest growing - Students systematically direct their
population on Southeast Asia thoughts, feelings, and actions
towards the attainment of their
Social Networking - an important facility for academic goals.
debates on current issues of the country
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10178) SUCCESS
- To protect people from unlawful
personal information theft Goal
- Is the subject towards which the
CHAPTER 12: LEARNING TO BE A behavior is directed, usually within a
BETTER SELF specific period
Short term goals
Learning - Those that can be achieved in a day,
- Acquisition of knowledge, skills, and week or a year
attitudes through experiences. Long term goals
- Usually achieve over a year or more
Factors that may influence goals CHAPTER 14: TAKING CHARGE OF
- Needs
- Wants Stress
- Refers to events that are perceived
Values as challenging, damaging, or
- Gives direction to behavior threatening to one’s physical or
- Can be the basis for what is psychological well-being
desirable, correct and good Stressors
- Events that can causes stress
Physiological needs
- Innate needs of the body such as Stress Response
food, water, air, sleep and sex - People who respond to stress

Psychological needs Eustress

- Arise from relationship with other - Positive stress
people, such as affiliation, Distress
achievement, altruism, esteem and - Negative stress
Types of conflict
HIERARCHY OF NEEDS - Approach-approach - choose
- Physiological between two options that are both
- Safety and Security attractive
- Love and Belonging - Avoidance-avoidance - choose
- Self Esteem between options that are both
- Self Actualization unpleasant
- Approach-avoidance - choose
between options that have both
positive and negative consequences
- Multiple Conflict - occurs when there
is more that two options

Defense Mechanism
- To cope with the pain and deal with
- Occurs when a person refuses to
accept the painful reality
- Imitating the characteristics of the
person they admire to deal with their
- Avoiding negative emotions by
focusing on the intellectual aspects
of one’s life
- Attributing one’s own weaknesses or
shortcomings to someone else
- Making up plausible explanations or
excuses to cover up negative
Reaction Formation
- Acting the opposite to what the
person truly feels
- A person reverts to an earlier
psychological stage and begins to
behave like a child
- Pushing unacceptable impulses or
urges into the unconscious

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