Midterm Uts
Midterm Uts
Midterm Uts
- Power is aquired and exercised by - Helps shape the ideals of citizenship
people and group and democracy through its religous
teachings, values and traditions
- Politics and political community must Social Learning Theory - a person can
play in bringing about the virtuous acquire learning through observation and
life in the citizen imitation
- Most basic identification in a nation Political Socialization - lifelong process by
- Denotes the membership of a citizen which individual gain knowledge about
in a political society politics
Stevent, Anglin, and Jussim (2015) Cognitive Theory - suggests that the mental
- SOme people, politics is a central activity of individuals are important
component of their identity determinants of behavior
- Others, politics becomes a central
one in certain situations Theory of symbolic interaction - behaviors
are products of communication, meaning,
Political community - people offers an and symbols
opportunity for them to define themselves
Theory of politics participation - defined as a
Political Self - helps in defining the structure citizen’s action or activities anchored in
and functions of the government politics
- essential for individual survival and
communication with other people
- Is the application of information in
the design, products and utilization
of goods and services and in the
organization of human activities
(Business Dictionary)