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CHAPTER 6: THE PHYSICAL SELF - 22 pairs of autosomes or trait

Physical self chromosomes

- Refers to the body Genes- basic carrier of heredity traits and
- Physical extremities and internal are classified as dominant or recessive
organs work together for the body to Dominant- strong genes
perform many of its functions Recessive- weak genes
Adolescence Theory of physiognomy- a persons physical
- The onset of puberty characteristic
- The rapid physical changes that Five element theory- water, wood, fire,
include the maturation of the earth, and metal
reproductive system Theory based on the prominence of body
Life span- development from conception to fluid:
death - Developed in ancient Greece by
Elizabeth Bergner Hurlock- outlines the Hippocrates developed
stages of life span - Deficiency in any of the four bodily
1. Prenatal- fertilization to birth fluid in a person influences
2. Infancy- birth to 2 week Sanguine type- prominence of red bile
3. Babyhood- 2 weeks to 2nd year Melancholic- prominence black bile
4. Early childhood- 2 to 6 years old Choleric- yellow bile
5. Late childhood- 6 to 10 or 12 years Phlegmatic- excess phleg
old Body type theory
6. Puberty- 10 or 12 to 14 years old - base on physical characteristics
7. Adolescence- 14 to 18 years old - Developed by William Sheldon in
8. Early adulthood- 18 to 40 years old 1940s
9. Middle adulthood- 40 to 60 years old Three body types:
10. Late adulthood or senescence- 60 to 1. Endomorphic- soft and plump
death 2. Mesomorphic- strong and muscular
Physical change body
- Take place during puberty affects 3. Ectomorphic- tall and thin
the individual's behavior The Wisdom of Your Face
- Change that accompany sexual - By Jean Haner in 2008
maturation Oval shape face- friendly, kindhearted, and
Physical growth- product of heredity and the selfless
environment Square shape face- witty, analytical, and
Heredity- process of the inheritance of traits great leader
from parents to offspring Heart shape face- patient and intuitive by
Environment- the factors an individual is nature
exposed to throughout life Long shape face- perfectionist and
Sex and physical traits aggressive
- The combination of chromosomes Triangle shape face- creative, artistic,
and genes during fertilization when sensitive, and determined
the egg and sperm cells unite Diamond shape face- detail oriented and
- There are 23 pairs of chromosomes likes to be in control
According to Squier and Mew (1981) Female:
- Long and angular shapes face-
responsive, assertive and guine ● Clitoris - made of erectile tissue,
- Short and square shaped face- swells with blood and hardens when
restrained, conforming, and shrewd woman is sexually aroused
Body image- how individuals perceive,
think, and feel about their body ● Vagina - a muscular tube that serves
Appearance- everything about a person that as the receptacle for the penis and
others can observe passageway of the sperm to the
Self-esteem- persons overall evaluation of uterus
his or her own worth
Egyptian art- perceived in women with a ● BIrth Canal - where the fettus comes
slim, high waist, narrow hips, and long black out of the mother’s body
Renaissance period- rounded hips are ● Two Ovaries - Produce, store and
considered beautiful release egg cells during ovulation
Cosmetic surgery- include surgical and non
surgical procedures to restore, reconstruct, ● Urerus - a hollow organ where the
or alter body parts fertized embryo grows to become a
● Fallopian tubes - carry the fertilized
Beginning of Adolescence - marked by rapid egg from the ovary to the uterus
change, including the maturation of the
reproductive system Male:

Primary Sex Characteristics ● Penis - the organ through which

- Physical characteristics present at males urinate and deliver sperm
birth cells into the vigina during sexual
- Characteristics to distinguish males intercourse
from females
● Testes or Testicles
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Located in Scrotum
- Develop during the onset of puberty - Responsible for the
production of sperm cells and
Menstruation - usually occurs at around 10 male sex hormones
to 12 years of age
● Scrotum - loose pouch-like sac of
Reproductive System - system of sex skin
organd for reproduction and sexual function
● Vas Deferens - transport sperm-
containing fluid called semen
● Epididymis - a set of coiled ducts Love - a combination of any of these
connected to the vas deferens components

● Prostate Gland and Seminal ● Intimacy - the feelings of closeness,

Vesticles - produce semen and connectedness, and bondedness
nourish sperm cells
● Passion - the drives that lead to
● Ejaculating - is the realease of spem romance, physical attraction, and
cells from the penis sexual consummation
- Each ejaculation contains
approximately 300 to 500 ● Commitment - the decision to love
million sperm cells and the commitment to maintain that
Erogenous Zones - areas of the body that Lust - the desire for sexual gratification
are higly sensitive and produce sexual
response Attraction - often associated with sexual
Sexual-response Cycle - the changes that
occur in the body as men and women Attachment
become sexually aroused - occurs when individuals desire to
connect with another person
Phases of Sexual Response: intimately
- It may also called affectionate or
● Excitement Phase - the beginning of companionate love
secual arousal and can last from one
minute to several hours Sexual Orientation - persons’s secual
identity that is inchored on what gender they
● Plateus phase are attracted to
- Changes in the body
continue Homosexual males - gays
- Breathing becomes more
rapid, heart rate increases, Homosexual females - lesbians
body temperature ruses and
blood pressure increases Bisexuality - one is attracted to both the
opposite and same sex
● Orgasmic Phase - contraction of the
muscles in and around the penis to Transgender - people who believe they
stimulate the release of the seme were born with the body of the opposite

● Resolution Phase - body returns to Transexual - people whose genitals are

its normal state after orgasm surgically remove and are fashioned as the
genitals of their desired gender
Social Excchange Theory - attraction is the
result of an exchange process
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or
Sexually Transmitted Diseas (STDs)
- Contracted primarily through sexual CHAPTER 9: SPIRITUAL SELF
Spiritual Aspect - the self that connects a
Contraceptors - methods used to prevent person to the sacred, the supernatural, the
preganancy universe

Condoms Spiritual Self - experience a feeling of

- Common method of contraception oneness with a higher being and the
- Can also prevent STIs universe
- Develop spirithuality through
Intrauterine Device (IUD) - tiny device made interaction, observation and imitation
of flexible plastic that is inserted in the
uterus to prevent pregnancy Spiritiuality
- Comes from the Latin word “spiritus”
Birth Control Injectibles - given every three meaning breathe or life force
months to women - Purpose of one’s life, a search for
wholeness and a relationship with a
Oral Contraceptive Pills - taken every day transcendent being
and withdrawal - Developed in early Christianity

CHAPTER 8: MATERIAL SELF Spirit - Christians term to descrive the “Holy

Material Self - material or non-material
possessed by the individual. Religion - organize system of idea about the
spiritual sphere or the supernatural
Materialism - giving more importance to
material possessions than intangible values Religous beliefs and practices make people
closer to God
Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD) -
obsession with buying and shopping Logotherapy
behavior that can cause adverse - Pursuit of human existence
consequences - Man’s search for such a meaning

Consumer Culture - is a social culture in Aminism

which consumption is dominated by - Believe that things and places are
consumption of commercial products alive and grounded by supernatural
Consumerism - consumption of material
good is excess of one’s basic needs CHAPTER 10: POLITICAL SELF

- Power is aquired and exercised by - Helps shape the ideals of citizenship
people and group and democracy through its religous
teachings, values and traditions
- Politics and political community must Social Learning Theory - a person can
play in bringing about the virtuous acquire learning through observation and
life in the citizen imitation
- Most basic identification in a nation Political Socialization - lifelong process by
- Denotes the membership of a citizen which individual gain knowledge about
in a political society politics

Stevent, Anglin, and Jussim (2015) Cognitive Theory - suggests that the mental
- SOme people, politics is a central activity of individuals are important
component of their identity determinants of behavior
- Others, politics becomes a central
one in certain situations Theory of symbolic interaction - behaviors
are products of communication, meaning,
Political community - people offers an and symbols
opportunity for them to define themselves
Theory of politics participation - defined as a
Political Self - helps in defining the structure citizen’s action or activities anchored in
and functions of the government politics


- to educate their children about basic
values and beliefs Digital Self - aspect of the self that is shared
- Learning is imbued with values and with others through online interactions
beliefs through identification
DeLameter and Myers (2012)
Philippine Constition - Self is heavily influenced by by
- Recognize the vital roles of school in feedback form others
inculculating among the youth the - Impact of others depends upon the
value of patronism and nationalism nature of one’s relationship with
- have the responsibility in the formal Liking and Reacting
education and training of children - contributes to positive self-concept
- To teach moral, spiritual, and - People present themselves in such a
political values way to impress other to create
positive impressions in the eyes of
Church others
Sexuality - quality or state of being sexual,
whereas gender is the pyschological
identification of a person (Meriam Webster)

Internet and Social Networking Sites -

provides channels for dissemination of

Pschological Association of the Philippines

(PAP) - provides scientifics knowledge ofn
the scientific theories, concepts, and
principles on gender identity and sexual

- essential for individual survival and
communication with other people
- Is the application of information in
the design, products and utilization
of goods and services and in the
organization of human activities
(Business Dictionary)

Digital Technology - use of devices that

process and use digital information

Philippines has the fastest growing

population on Southeast Asia

Social Networking - an impotant facility for

debates on current issues of the country

Dara Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10178)

- To protect people from unlawful
personal information theft

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