Kindergarten Curriculum

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The document outlines a curriculum framework progress guide for kindergarten reading and English language arts in Prince George's County Public Schools.

The framework includes introductions, notes on how to use hyperlinks, tables of contents, lesson plans and assessments.

Acknowledgements are given to curriculum writing teams from 2005-2011 and reading specialists who helped create and revise the kindergarten curriculum.


Based on the Maryland State Curriculum

Reading/English Language Arts Kindergarten

Copyright July 30, 2008, revised 2010 Prince George's County Public Schools

PGIN 7690-0802

Board of Education of Prince Georges County, Maryland


Verjeana M. Jacobs, Esq., Chair Ron L. Watson, Ph.D., Vice Chair Donna Hathaway Beck Pat J. Fletcher Heather Iliff R. Owen Johnson, Jr. Rosalind A. Johnson Linda Thornton Thomas Amber P. Waller Edward Burroughs III, Student Board Member William R. Hite, Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Bonita Coleman-Potter, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent

A. Duane Arbogast, Ed.D., Chief Academic Officer Gladys Whitehead, Ph.D., Director, Curriculum and Instruction Kara Miley-Libby, Ed.D., Coordinating Supervisor, Academic Programs A. Simone Jordan, Supervisor, Reading/English Language Arts, PreK-5

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

We wish to acknowledge the following Balanced Reading Workshop Leaders, teachers, and Reading Specialists who created and revised the Kindergarten Reading/English Language Arts Curriculum Framework under the direction of A.Simone Jordan,Supervisor,Reading/English Language Arts, PreK-5.

Curriculum Writing Team

2005-2006 Stephanie Chapman, Project Manager Martha Emmons Madelaine Galarza Mary Elise Phillips Maria D. Smith 2006-2007 Martha Emmons Madelaine Galarza Jerselle Howard Maria D. Smith Kristen Woodard 2007-2008 Martha Emmons Cynthia Farmer Madelaine Galarza Jerselle Howard Maria D. Smith 2008-2009 Penny Beller Teresa Broughton Martha Emmons Cynthia Farmer Madelaine Galarza Jerselle Howard Maria D. Smith 2009-2010 Maria D. Smith Mania Missirian 2010-2011 Revisions: Maria D. Smith

We also wish to thank all of the Curriculum Writing Production Center staff for their assistance.

HOW TO USE HYPERLINKS WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT This version of the CFPG posted in Word on Blackboard has Hyperlinks that allow users to click and go instantly to referenced pages. Follow these directions to Hyperlink: Place your cursor over the blue words to see the Hyperlink reference. Hold down the Control button and then click the mouse. Return to the original page by holding Alt and then pressing the left arrow key.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Table of Contents
Users Guide .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Introductory Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Option for Reducing K-1 Reading English Language Arts to the Minimum of 135-minute block ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Dos and Donts of the Reading/Language Arts Lesson Plan Components ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Calendar .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Overview of Phonics Skills, High Frequency Words, and Comprehension.................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Houghton-Mifflin Reading Kindergarten Time Use Recommendations Chart ............................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Themes for the Year ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Curriculum Framework Progress Chart ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Welcome to Kindergarten .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Theme 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Theme 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95 Theme 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111 Theme 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 127 Theme 5 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Theme 6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 159 Theme 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 175 Theme 8 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 191 Theme 9 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 207 Theme 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 223 Additional Whole Group Lesson Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 239 Shared Reading Small Group Lesson Plans ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 250 Shared Reading ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 251 Small Group Shared Reading Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 252 Additional Shared Reading Lessons Using Big Books ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 284 Guided Reading Small Group Lesson Plans ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 293 What is Guided Reading? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 294 Small Group Reading Lesson Planner with Shared Reading ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 295 Small Group Reading Lesson Planner Guided Reading .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 296 Small Groups Lesson Planner for Extending Readers (DRA 16+) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 297 Focus for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 298 Word Work ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 309 Types of Writing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 313 Hand Strategy .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 314 Houghton-Mifflin Leveled Readers for Kindergarten by level ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 315 HM Leveled Readers Lesson Plans ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 316 Additional Guided Reading Lesson Plans for Small Group ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 326 Special Educators Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 349
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Management Information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R3 Teacher/Student Supply List ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R4 Suggested Procedures ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R5 Active Listening ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R6 Whole Group Planner ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R7 How to Begin Reading/Language Arts Small Group Instruction ................................................................................................................................................................................... R9 Centers and Literacy Activities ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R11 Center Management Options ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R12 Literacy Center Icons and Signs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R13 Literacy Center Options and Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R27 Additonal Independent Work/Literacy Activities for K and 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... R36 Cut-up Sentence Instructions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R41 Cut-Up Sentence Worksheets .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R42 Read Alouds ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R44 What Is A Read-Aloud? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R45 Reading Aloud ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R46 Guidelines For Selection Of Read-Aloud Books ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... R47 Suggested Read-Alouds Kindergarten and Grade 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... R48 Anchor Charts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R50 What Is Fluency? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R59 Word Walls ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R61 All About Word Walls .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R62 Kindergarten Word Wall .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R63 First Grade Word Wall ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R64 Word Wall Activities .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R65 Word Wall Games ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R66 Chunk Walls ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R70 Sample Chunk Wall .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R71 Instructional Strategies and Techniques ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R72 Emergent Reading Strategies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R73 Think-Pair-Share ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R74 Turn and Talk .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R75 Writing ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R76 Types of Writing .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R77 Additional Information about Interactive Writing ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... R78 Assessments .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R79 Assessments/Assessment Tools ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R80 Approximate DRA Levels and Literacy Assessment Benchmarks .............................................................................................................................................................................. R81 Using the Assessment Data to Guide Instruction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... R82 Task 1: Letter Identification ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R84
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Table of Contents for Resource Packet


Task 2: Word Test ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R87 Task 3: Emergent Reading Behaviors Inventory ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... R92 Task 4: Dictation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R97 Task 5: Developmental Reading Assessment ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... R101 Class Data Summary Sheet ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R106 Text Levels ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R108 Text Level Correlations ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R109 HM Leveled Reader Collection DRA Levels - Grade One ........................................................................................................................................................................................ R110 Additional Resources: Book List .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R112 Recommended and Approved Chapter Books and Trade Books ............................................................................................................................................................................. R130 ELL Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R131 Student Resources ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R256 Book Log ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R257 Paragraphs Frames .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R258 Phonemic Awareness Resources ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R263 Rhymes and Songs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R264 Professional Resources ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ R267 Professional Books Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R268 Technology Resources ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. R270 Curriculum Guide Evaluation Form ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... R275

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Users Guide Please read Introductory Notes on page 3 for important guidelines for using this document.
The purpose of this document is to guide teachers in combining the following for instruction: State Curriculum (SC) for Reading/Language Arts; Houghton Mifflin Reading (The Nations Choice) materials used to teach reading and writing to students; Emergent literacy techniques, including assessments to guide differentiated instruction; System mandates for the delivery of instruction, including the 150-minute block. This Curriculum Framework Progress Guide shows how to use Houghton Mifflin Reading (The Nations Choice) and related appropriately leveled reading materials for all students. All students will be involved with whole class instruction (including opening routines, phonemic awareness, phonics, guided handwriting, comprehension, word work, writing, language, and teacher read-alouds), independent reading, and small group instruction. In addition to providing daily lesson overviews, the Guide includes differentiated, small group lesson plans to match students reading levels. Each student must experience instruction that matches his/her own instructional reading level. The following graphic shows the relationship of the various attributes of the Reading/English Language Arts Program. Weaving these components together, the classroom teacher will be able to use the materials to ensure the successful mastery of the SC for all students.

SC For Reading/English Language Arts

Houghton Mifflin Reading (The Nations Choice)

Emergent Literacy Techniques

Reading/English Language Arts Block




A N D NOTE: The Guide includes detailed lesson plans for whole class and small groups through Theme 10. Shared Reading plans

TE = Teachers Edition Manual for Houghton Mifflin Reading (The Nations Choice) BGL = Below Grade Level OGL = On Grade Level AGL = Above Grade Level TM = Teacher Manual for Houghton Mifflin Little Readers TGLR = Teachers Guide for Leveled Readers HM = Houghton Mifflin ME=Multicultural Education CD=Career Development TL=Technology Literacy (Technology Integration)

are written through Theme 6, and small group plans are provided for all HM Leveled Readers.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

The revised Prince Georges County Public Schools Reading/English Language Arts Curriculum Framework Progress Guide is aligned with the Reading/English Language Arts State Curriculum (SC), prepared by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The SC general Standard statements are shown below. The Curriculum Framework Progress Guide is organized according to the SC Standards. Indicators and objectives further detail each standard, based on the SC. The seven standards in the Maryland SC are: 1. General Reading Processes: A. Phonemic Awareness: Students will have mastered the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words by the end of grade one. B. Phonics: Students will apply their knowledge of letter/sound relationships and word structure to decode unfamiliar words. C. Fluency: Students will read orally with accuracy and expression at a rate that sounds like speech. D. Vocabulary: Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary. E. Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). 2. Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read and comprehend grade level appropriate informational texts. 3. Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read and comprehend grade level appropriate literary texts. Students will interpret, analyze, and evaluate grade-level work of literary merit representing diverse cultures, perspectives, ethnicities, and eras by applying different critical and personal response techniques. 4. Writing: Students will use the writing process to compose effective expressive, informational, and persuasive writing at a grade-appropriate level that demonstrates awareness of audience, purpose, and form. 5. Controlling Language: Students will understand and use Standard English conventions of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage in their oral and written communication. 6. Listening: Students will demonstrate effective listening to learn, process, and analyze the meaning of information. 7. Speaking: Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations with different audiences, purposes, and formats.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Introductory Notes
Welcome to Kindergarten (10 days) and Theme 1 (3 weeks): Planning for the first 10 days uses an introductory format. This mirrors the lessons from the HM Teachers Edition. The plans provided reflect comprehensive lessons on teaching the class reading skills. Theme 1 uses the Standards for Excellence Lesson Plan. Theme 1 also concentrates on skills instruction. The times for each segment are modified in the beginning in order to allow for establishment of routines. The plan allows each small group 20 minutes. In the beginning, instruction may only be 10-15 minutes, allowing the teacher extra time to monitor centers and independent work. Students are introduced gradually to centers, independent work, and reading groups. Set the expectations for each center and independent work. Model each center and activity first. Allow students to practice while teacher monitors, and then have students participate. The Follow-Up Activities are the same for all three groups in the beginning. This should provide the teacher with more information before placing students into instructionally appropriate groups. Themes 2-10: Each theme is three weeks long. Routines should be established and small group instruction should be 20 minutes per group by the end of Theme 2. Comprehension skills and strategies are taught throughout the themes. Small Group Instruction: During the first 4-5 weeks of school observe students for future grouping. Teacher observations, running records from Pre-K (if available) combined with assessments from the Emergent Literacy Behavior Checklist, Letter Identification, and Dictation will help in formation of groups. Small group instruction occurs for a minimum of 1 hour each day (3 groups-20 minutes each) and uses the Standards for Excellence two-day lesson plan format. On Days 1-4, students are in Guided Reading or Shared Reading during small group time. Guided and/or Shared Reading may also continue on Day 5 or one of the other options under Options for Day 5 on page 4. Most students will benefit from Shared Reading groups the first quarter, but there may be some students who are ready for Guided Reading earlier. Every classroom has a different composition of students. There is NOT one scenario to meet the needs of every classroom. It is essential that you assess your students and place them into instructionally appropriate groups. This may mean that some classrooms are made up of two groups in Shared Reading and one group in Guided Reading. Others may have all three groups in Guided Reading. Choose the lessons that meet the needs of your groups based upon your assessments and observations. It is recommended that all students should be in Guided Reading by the beginning of Fourth Quarter. A suggestion to help with classroom management is to meet with your lowest group in the second rotation of the three groups. This way, they are not on their own for an extended period of time. This may need to be modified based on your schedule. Shared Reading Groups: Shared Reading lessons follow the same two-day format. It may take more than 2 days to do the lessons in the beginning of the year when the groups are 10 minutes long. Adjust your lessons so that you still get all the parts of the lesson in, even if it takes 3 days. This should only occur for a couple of weeks. Shared Reading lessons are provided through Theme 6 and additional plans using Big Books are also provided. Using the same format, create your own lessons that emphasize: emergent behavior strategies (see Early Emergent Behaviors test), sight words, letters, and sounds, if lessons are needed after that. Shared Reading lessons use poems from the book, Sing a Song of Poetry. Use Sing a Song of Poetry (Heinemann, 2003), another poem or an appropriate big book to create alternate Shared Reading lessons. Poems need to be written out on chart paper so that students are able to clearly see them and teachers can model the emergent behaviors. The teacher should model correct letter formation and allow students to practice after reading the book/poem on Day 1 and Day 2 and again be reinforced during Word Work on Day 2. Correct letter formation is one step in helping to prevent sequential order concerns.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 3

Guided Reading Groups: Students are generally ready for Guided Reading groups when they know: 27 letters or more, 9 emergent behaviors or more, and some sounds. (Do not wait until the assigned date to administer assessments to make this determination, instead informally assess those students who appear ready for Guided Reading at any time). It is recommended that all students be in Guided Reading by the beginning of Fourth Quarter, and most should be in Guided Reading by the beginning of the Third Quarter. This may vary with each class. At Levels 1-5 you may choose to do the Word Work on Day 1. Many teachers prefer this at the early levels so that they may spend more time with Interactive Writing on Day 2. The following books may be used for Guided Reading groups: HM Leveled Readers for K, Rigby 2000 books, Rigby PM Readers, Newbridge Science little books, HM Little Readers, and other leveled readers. Sample Guided Reading lessons are written for levels 1-20 and are located under Additional Small Group Lesson Plans. You may not have all of these books, but the provided lessons are intended to serve as models. Use the Focus for Small Group Instruction (p. 298) and the Standards for Excellence Two - Day Lesson Plan to write additional lesson plans (p. 295). The Focus for Small Group Instruction should always be accessible during Guided Reading lesson planning and teaching. It should serve as the guideline for strategy instruction. Use this guide to plan lessons that will meet the needs of students at their instructional levels. This guide explains how reading instruction changes at the early reading levels (DRA 1-16+). The guide also explains student behaviors associated with each group of reading levels, the most important skills and strategies to teach, and procedures for accelerating student progress with each of these skills and strategies. Each skill/strategy is correlated to the Maryland State Curriculum. A sample Guided Reading and Word Work lesson at each level is also provided. Your Reading Specialist is able to go over how to use the Focus for Small Group in more detail. Students should be monitored continually and regrouped as needed. Kindergarten students are more likely to move between groups than students at other grade levels. Students who have been doing Interactive Writing consistently during Shared and Guided Reading may begin Guided Writing as early as level 4. As a general guideline, students may begin Guided Writing when they have mastered spacing, are able to stretch words, and can write at least ten sight words. HM Leveled Readers: There are 30 titles of Leveled Readers for each Kindergarten teacher. They have been leveled (levels 1-2, levels 3-5, level 6) and listed from easiest to most difficult. There is a 2-day lesson plan for each title. Guided Reading lessons are written for all 30 HM Leveled Readers. They should be used according to the reading level of the student and NOT according to the theme indicated on the back of the book. It is recommended for teachers to alternate HM Leveled Readers with other leveled texts. It is important for children to be exposed to different kinds of texts. It is not necessary for each student to read each book. AGL students may not need to read the easiest books and BGL students may not be able to read the more difficult books. Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options: At the beginning of year, introduce centers and establish routines in preparation for reading rotation Continue Shared Reading Lessons or Guided Reading LessonsWord Work and Writing Writing: Interactive, Guided, Independent Review Whole Group Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, or Word Work Practice letter Formation and/or Sight Word Practice Assessments: Running Records, Letter Identification, Emergent Literacy Behaviors Checklist, or Dictation (This should not occur every Day 5)
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 4

Follow-up/Independent Literacy Activities: Literacy (follow-up) activities must be differentiated based on students needs. These activities should provide students with the opportunity to practice skills and strategies from whole group instruction or small group instruction. The HM Practice Book needs to be used selectively. There is no expectation to complete every page nor is it appropriate. Some pages may be done as a whole class activity and some can be completed independently. There are many pages that are too difficult for emergent students to do independently. The Practice Book should NEVER be used during small group instruction. Handwriting: Letter formation should be modeled and taught when each letter is introduced during whole class instruction and then reinforced in small groups during Shared and Guided Reading lessons. Teacher should monitor for correct letter formation at all times. Correct letter formation is one step in helping to prevent sequential order concern. Assessments: Assessments are administered in September/October, January, and May. The following assessments are to be administered: Letter ID, Word Recognition, Emergent Literacy Behaviors, Dictation, and a DRA. In September/October, a DRA is ONLY administered to students who know approximately 50 letters, 12 emergent reading behaviors, and 10 sight words. In January and May all students are given a DRA. The results of these assessments are recorded on scan forms (which are sent to the Reading Specialist in each school) and sent back to the county testing office. Spelling: There is no spelling program for Kindergarten neither in the Prince Georges Reading/LA Curriculum nor in Houghton Mifflin. Spelling tests should not be administered in Kindergarten. Reading Web Connection: The Reading Web Connection was created to allow teacher to view short video clips of PGCPS teachers using their Curriculum Framework Progress Guide to teach reading/language arts lessons. The Reading Web Connection can be used to do the following: View video clips of Small Group Instruction (Shared Reading lessons in K, Guided reading Groups levels 15, 6-9, 10-15 and 16+ in grades K, 1st, and 2nd) and Whole Group Instruction by grade levels. Easily access lesson planners and the Focus for Small Group Instruction Watch independently or during grade level planning meetings Reflect upon teaching practices These are the steps you should follow to access the Reading Web Connection through Google Site 1. Log on to Google Mail from the PGCPS website. 2. Once on your e-mail, click on the Sites tab found on the top upper left-hand side of the page. 3. Once in the Sites do a search for, Curriculum Documents: ES RELA. 4. Click on Curriculum Documents: ES RELA. 5. Choose appropriate Curriculum Documents 6. Choose the appropriate Grade Level.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Option for Reducing K-1 Reading English Language Arts to the Minimum of 135-minute block
The Curriculum Framework Progress Guide is written based on 150-minute for the Reading/English Language Arts Block. If your school is implementing the minimum requirement of 135-minutes, the following are suggested adjustment to make: Combine Phonics and Word Work lessons when appropriate. Integrate the second Read Aloud into transitional time (before/after lunch, recess, specials, dismissal). Decrease Writing and Word Work by 5-7 minutes. Small Group Guided Reading is not to be shortened. Remember: Reading/Language Arts supports all learning. Teach children to use their reading and writing skills in the content areas.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Dos and Donts of the Reading/Language Arts Lesson Plan Components

Objectives: Write in child friendly language for students. (Ex. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a given pair of words. Child friendly language: We will listen for the same beginning sounds.) Opening Routines: Do NOT spend more than 10-15 minutes Do use either HM suggestions or your own routine, but always meet the indicator. Do write your Daily/Morning message on a chart paper. It should be displayed somewhere in the room after it has been read. This will allow students to interact with the Daily/Morning Message throughout the day. Comprehension Mini-Lesson: Do provide extensive modeling of the strategies, skills, and think-alouds as opposed to simply asking the questions provided by HM. Teachers may use the questions provided in their Teachers Edition and make the necessary adjustments in order to teach the strategy or skill. Do teach the focus strategy using the anchor charts provided (See R50). Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: Do have a word family board and DO NOT put the word family words on your Word Wall. Do model correct letter formation at every opportunity and closely monitor students handwriting practice. Do remind students that they can apply the skill being addressed in their reading (when you see a t in your reading it says /t/). Small Group: Do use the 2-day lesson plan format from Standards for Excellence. Do visit the Reading Web Connection frequently to view effective small group instruction in order to monitor your teaching. Do use the following options for Day 5: continue Shared and Guided Reading, writing, review phonics skills, review word work, practice letter identification and formation, practice sight words, or assessments. Do use the Focus for Small Group Instruction (p. 298) to plan and deliver instruction. Do use appropriately leveled books that students can read in Guided Reading. In Shared Reading, use a big book or a poem on chart paper that all students can see and interact with throughout the day. Do have students write the Interactive Writing sentence on blank chart paper so that all students can see. DO NOT use the HM Leveled Readers according to the theme designation, but use them according to the provided DRA levels (p. 315). Follow-Up: Do differentiate activities based on students needs and abilities. See the Resource Packet for ideas. Do use the HM Practice Book pages selectively. They are not appropriate for all students to do independently, and never should they be used during small group time. Do apply comprehension strategies learned in whole group instruction during independent literacy time using familiar books from either independent reading time or small group instruction.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Word Work: Do add the high-frequency words during this time, including the additional PGCPS high-frequency words (R53), according to the Curriculum Framework Progress Guide. Do have the students write sentences using the Word Wall words during this time. Do add the students names, the twenty HM high-frequency words, and the ten PGCPS high-frequency words to the Word Wall according to the CFPG (See the K-1 R63 for guidelines to adding additional words). Writing and Language: Do realize that this is whole class writing and the purpose is for modeling and/or monitoring students writing (See Focus for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction for Types of Writing) Do realize that the teacher will do most of the writing during whole class Interactive Writing lessons (This is different from the procedure used in small group Interactive Writing where the teacher and the students share the pen). Do realize that the expectation for Kindergarteners is that they write 2-3 sentences with minimal assistance by the end of the year. Students need opportunities to write 2-3 sentences during independent time. Do remember that teachers make the difference in good instruction!

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

CALENDAR--KINDERGARTEN First Quarter 2010-2011
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Theme 1, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Here Are My Hands 8 Theme 2, Week 1, Day 2 I Went Walking

23 First Day for Students T. follows her own routine

24 2nd Day and T. follows her own routine

25 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 1, Day 1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

26 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 1, Day 2 The Three Billy Goats Gruff

27 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 1, Day 3 The Tale of the Three Little Pigs

4 Theme 1, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Lets Play and How Do You Feel? 11 Theme 2, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: I Went Walking

5 Theme 1, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts

6 Theme 2: Color All Around Launching the Theme 13 Theme 2, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts

7 Theme 2, Week 1, Day 1 I Need A Lunch Box

30 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 1, Day 4 Henny Penny 6 Labor Day No School

12 Theme 2, Week 1, Day 4 Whats Your Favorite Color? 19 Theme 2, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: In the Big Blue Sea 26 Theme 2, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: I Went Walking

14 Theme 2, Week 2, Day 1 Caps of Many Colors day for students 21 Early Literacy Assessments 28 Theme 2, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Whats My Favorite Color? and I Went Walking

15 MSEA Convention No School

31 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all the texts 7 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 2, Day 4 The Enormous Turnip 14 Primary Election No School

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 2, Day 1 The Little Engine That Could 8 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 15 Theme 1, Week 1, Day 2 Mice Squeak, We Speak 22 Theme 1, Week 2, Day 2 Here Are My Hands 29 Theme 1, Week 3, Day 1 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

2 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 2, Day 2 The Tortoise and the Hare 9 Rosh Hashanah No School

3 Welcome to Kindergarten Week 2, Day 3 The Lion and The Mouse 10 Theme 1: Look at Us Launching the Theme 17 Theme 1, Week 1, Day 4 Lets Play 24 Professional Development No Students 18 Theme 2, Week 2, Day 2 In the Big Blue Sea 25 Theme 2, Week 3, Day 1 How Birds Got Their Color? 20 Theme 2, Week 2, Day 4 What Do You Do Norbert Wu? 27 Theme 2, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: In the Big Blue Sea

22 Theme 2, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 29 Theme 2, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts End of the 1st Qtr.

13 Theme 1, Week 1, Day 1 Now Im Big 20 Theme 1, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts 27 Theme 1, Week 2, Day 4 How Do You Feel

16 Theme 1, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Mice Squeak, We Speak 23 Theme 1, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Here Are My Hands 30 Theme 1, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Mice Squeak, We Speak

On the first 2 days of school, the teacher will follow his/her own routine. Sample activities are found before the Welcome To Kindergarten lessons. Teacher should begin to administer Letter Identification and Emergent Literacy Checklist beginning the second week of school. The Early Literacy Assessments are administered on October 1-28. October 21 is provided as placeholder for teacher to finish administering the rest of the literacy assessments. In case of inclement weather/days out of the classroom, all dates may be extended. Do not skip or double-up on lessons. There are supplemental activities at the end of the school year which can be used for teaching HM lessons. MMSR (Maryland Model for School Readiness) training will be in September/October.

21 Theme 1, Week 2, Day 1 The Gingerbread Man 28 Theme 1, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Second Quarter 2010-2011--KINDERGARTEN

1 Grading/teacher Planning

4 Theme 3, Week 1, Day 1 Jonathan and his Mommy 11 Theme 3, Week 2, Day 1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears 18 Theme 3, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 25 Thanksgiving Holiday No School

2 General election No School

3 Theme 3: We Are Friends Launching the Theme 10 Theme 3, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts 17 Theme 3, Week 2, Day 4 Revisit: Families 24 Thanksgiving Holiday No School

5 Theme 3, Week 1, Day 2 Tortillas and Lullabies 12 Parent-Teacher Conference No Students 19 Theme 3, Week 3, Day 1 The Amazing Little Porridge 26 Thanksgiving Holiday No School

3 Re-establish procedures and routines 10 Theme 5, Week 1, Day 4 Whats on the Menu? 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. No School 24 Grading/Teacher Planning No Students 31 Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Launching the Theme

4 Theme 5: Lets Count Launching the Theme 11 Theme 5, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts 18 Theme 5, Week 2 , Day 4 Meet Scott Nash 25 Theme 5, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Feast for Ten

5 Theme 5, Week 1, Day 1 Bennys Pennies 12 Theme 5, Week 2, Day 1 Counting Noodles 19 Theme 5, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts Early Literacy Assessment 26 Theme 5, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Ten Little Puppies

6 Theme 5, Week 1, Day 2 Feast for Ten 13 Theme 5, Week 2, Day 2 Revisit: Ten Little Puppies 20 Early Literacy Assessments

7 Theme 5, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Feast for Ten 14 Theme 5, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Ten Little Puppies 21 Theme 5, Week 3, Day 1 Peace and Quiet End of 2nd. Quarter 28 Theme 5, Week 3 Day 5 Revisit all texts

8 Theme 3, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Tortillas and Lullabies 15 Theme 3, Week 2, Day 2 Shoes From Grandpa 22 Theme 3, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Tortillas and Lullabies

9 Theme 3, Week 1, Day 4 Families 16 Theme 3, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Shoes From Grandpa 23 Theme 3, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Shoes from Grandpa

27 Theme 5, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Meet Scott Nash and Whats on the Menu?

29 Theme 3 Week 3 Day 4 Revisit: Families 6 Theme 4, Week 1 Day 3 Revisit: Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book 13 Theme 4, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: My Dad and I 20 Theme 4, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: My Dad and I

30 Theme 3, Week 3 Day 5 Revisit all texts 7 Theme 4, Week 1, Day 4 We Read Together 14 Theme 4, Week 2, Day 4 Friends Helps Friends 21 Theme 4, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Friends Help Friends and We Read Together

1 Theme 4: Friends Together Launching the Theme 8 Theme 4, Week 1 Day 5 Revisit all texts 15 Theme 4, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 22 Theme 4, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts

2 Theme 4, Week 1, Day 1 Friends At School 9 Theme 4, Week 2, Day 1 The Lion and the Mouse 16 Theme 4, Week 3, Day 1 Stone Soup 23 Winter Holiday No School

3 Theme 4, Week 1, Day 2 Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book 10 Theme 4, Week 2, Day 2 My Dad and I 17 Theme 4, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book 24 Winter Holiday No School


In case of inclement weather/days out of the classroom, all dates may be extended. Do not skip or double-up on lessons. There are supplemental activities at the end of the school year which can be used for teaching HM lessons. January 4 can be used to re-established procedures and routines. Early Literacy Assessments are administered on January 3 and 20.Two days (January 19-20) are provided as placeholders for teacher to finish administering the rest of the literacy assessments.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Third Quarter 2010-2011--KINDERGARTEN

28 Theme 7 Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: The Wheels on the Bus 7 Theme 7, Week 2, Day 2 VROOM, CHUGGA,VROOM, VROOM 14 Theme 7, Week 3 Day 2 Revisit: The Wheels on the Bus 21 Theme 8, Week 1, Day 1 The Story of HalfChicken 28 Theme 8, Week 2, Day 1 The Enormous Turnip

1 Theme 7, Week 1, Day 4 Look for Wheels 8 Theme 7, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: VROOM, CHUGGA, VROOM, VROOM 15 Theme 7, Week 3, Day 3 VROOM, CHUGGA, VROOM, VROOM 22 Theme 8, Week 1, Day 2 Cows in the Kitchen 29 Theme 8, Week 2, Day 2 Mouses Birthday

2 Theme 7, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts 9 There 7, Week 2, Day 4 Cool Wheels

3 Theme 7, Week 2, Day 1 The Little Engine That Could 10 Theme 7, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts

4 Professional Development No Students 11 Theme 7, Week 3, Day 1 Mr. Gumpys Motor Car 18 Theme 8: Down on the Farm Launching the Theme 25 Theme 8, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts

Monday Tuesday
1 Theme 6, Week 1, Day 1 Chicken Soup with Rice 7 Theme 6, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts 14 Theme 6, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 8 Theme 6, Week 2, Day 1 The Sun and The Wind 15 Theme 6, Week 3, Day 1 The Woodcutters Cap 22 Theme 6, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts

2 Theme 6, Week 1, Day 2 What Will the Weather Be Like Today? 9 Theme 6, Week 2, Day 2 All to Build A Snowman 16 Theme 6, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: What Will the Weather Be Like Today? 23 Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Launching the Theme

3 Theme 6, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: What Will the Weather Be Like Today? 10 Theme 6, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: All To Build A Snowman 17 Theme 6, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: All To Build A Snowman 24 Theme 7, Week 1, Day 1 Wheels Around

4 Theme 6, Week 1, Day 4 Checking the Weather 11 Theme 6, Week 2, Day 4 What Can We Do? 18 Theme 6, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Checking the Weather and What Can We Do? day for students 25 Theme 7, Week 1, Day 2 The Wheels on the Bus

16 Theme 7, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Cool Wheels and Look for Wheels 23 Theme 8, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Cows in the Kitchen 30 Theme 8, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Mouses Birthday

17 Theme 7, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts

24 Theme 8, Week 1, Day 4 Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids 31 Theme 8, Week 2, Day 4 Who Lives on the Farm? End of 3rd Quarter

21 Presidents Day No School

Notes: In case of inclement weather/days out of the classroom, all dates may be extended. Do not skip or double-up on lessons. There are supplemental activities at the end of the school year which can be used for teaching HM lessons.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Grading /Teacher Planning No school for students 8 Theme 8 Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids and Who Lives on the Farm? 11

4 Theme 8, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts

5 Theme 8, Week 3, Day 1 A Lion on the Path

6 Theme 8, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Cows in the Kitchen

7 Theme 8, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Mouses Birthday

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Fourth Quarter 2010-2011--KINDERGARTEN

Monday Tuesday
3 Theme 9, Week 2, Day 4 Spring Jobs 10 Theme 9, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Spring Jobs and What Season Is It? 17 Theme 10, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Splash! 24 Theme 10, Week 2, Day 1 The Tale of the Three Little Pigs 31 Theme 10, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts

4 Theme 9, Week 2, Day 5 Revisit all texts 11 Theme 9, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts

5 Theme 9, Week 3, Day 1 The Three Billy Goats Gruff 12 Theme 10: A World of Animals Launching the Theme 19 Early Literacy Assessments 26 Theme 10, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Feather For Lunch

6 Theme 9, Week 3, Day 2 Spring Is Here 13 Theme 10, Week 1, Day 1 Run Away!

11 Theme 8, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts 18 Spring Break 25 Easter Monday No School

12 Theme 9: Spring Is Here Launching the Theme 19 Spring Break 26 Theme 9, Week 1, Day 4 What Season Is It?

13 Theme 9, Week 1, Day 1 Kevin and His Dad 20 Spring Break 27 Theme 9, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts

14 Theme 9, Week 1, Day 2 Spring Is Here 21 Spring Break 28 Theme 9, Week 2, Day 1 The Tortoise and The Hare

15 Theme 9, Week 1, Day 3 Revisit: Spring Is Here 22 Spring Break 29 Theme 9, Week 2, Day 2 Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash

2 Theme 9, Week 2, Day 3 Revisit: Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash 9 Theme 9, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash 16 Theme 10, Week 1 Day 2 Splash! 23 Theme 10, Week 1, Day 5 Revisit all texts

18 Theme 10, Week 1, Day 4 Baby Animals Play 25 Theme 10, Week 2, Day 2 Feathers for Lunch

20 Early Literacy Assessments 27 Theme 10, Week 2, Day 4 Which Pet?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
1 Theme 10, Week 3 Day 1 Henny Penny 6 Theme 10, Week 3, Day 4 Revisit: Baby Animals Play and Which Pet? 13 Supplemental Lesson Last Day for Students End of 4th Qtr. 7 Theme 10, Week 3, Day 5 Revisit all texts 8 Supplemental Lesson or Writing Activity: What I like Best in Kindergarten? 15

2 Theme 10, Week 3, Day 2 Revisit: Splash! 9 Supplemental Lesson or Writing Activity: What I Think I Can Do in First Grade? 16

3 Theme 10, Week 3, Day 3 Revisit: Feathers for Lunch 10 Supplemental Lesson or Writing Activity: Write letters to next years Kindergarten students 17

30 Memorial Day Schools Closed

14 Last Day for Teachers

Early Literacy Assessments are administered on May 9-27. Two days (May 19-20) are provided as placeholders for teacher to finish administering the rest of the litercy assessments.

In addition to the Supplemental Lesson Plan, Writing Activities are added on the last week of school. June 14, 15, 16, and 17 have been designated as Inclement Weather make-up days.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Inclement Weather Make-up days

Overview of Phonics Skills, High Frequency Words, and Comprehension

Theme Welcome to Kindergarten Phonics Skills Rhyming HM High-Frequency Words None taught in this theme PGCPS High-Frequency Words None Comprehension Skills and Strategy
Story Structure: Beginning, Middle, End, Responding

Theme 1: Look at Us! Theme 2: Colors All Around

Not taught in this theme

None taught in this theme


Compare and Contrast, Story Structure: Setting, Noting Details, Sequence of Events Sequence of Events, Predict/Infer, Sequence of Events, Summarize, Noting Details, Beginning and end punctuation Story Structure: Characters/Setting, Evaluate, Compare and Contrast, Drawing Conclusion, Retelling of Events, Question Text Organization, Cause and Effect, Predict/Infer, Noting Details, Drawing Conclusion, Question Text Organization and Summarizing, Question, Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End, Cause and Effect, Predict/Infer, Categorize and Classify

Initial Consonants: s, m, r

I, see


Theme 3: Were a Family

Initial Consonants: t, b, n

my, like


Theme 4: Friends Together

Initial Consonants: h, v, c Words with short /a/

a, to


Theme 5: Lets Count

Initial Consonants: p, g, f Words with short /a/

and, go


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Phonics Skills Initial Consonants: l, k, w (from Theme 9, Week 1) Words with short /i/

HM High-Frequency Words is, here

PGCPS High-Frequency Words it, will

Comprehension Skills Skills and Strategy Fantasy/Realism, Predict/Infer, Sequence of Events, Plot (Problem/Solution), Evaluate, Cause and Effect Text Organization, Summarize, Cause and Effect, Question, Monitor/Clarify, Match Spoken Words to Print Fantasy/Realism, Responding, Noting Details, Monitor/Clarify, Drawing Conclusions Sequence of Events, Story Structure: Characters/Setting, Evaluate, Predict/Infer, Categorize/Classify Story Structure: Beginning, Middle, End, Compare and Contrast, Story Structure: Plot, Predict/Infer

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Initial Consonant: d, z Words with short /i/

for, have

can, look

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Initial Consonant: x Words with short /o/

said, the

do, me

Theme 9: Spring Is Here

Initial Consonants: q (from Theme 6, Week 3), y Words with short /e/

play, she


Theme 10: A World of Animals

Initial Consonant: j Words with short /u/

are, he

up, you

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 1: Look At Us Selections Now Im Big(ME) Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Compare and Contrast Focus Skill: Compare and Contrast Focus Skill: Compare and Contrast Focus Skill: Noting Details Focus Skill: Noting Details Focus Skill: Noting Details Phonics Word Work Writing Oral Language TE13: Learning About Big and Little (Viewing and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE19: Using Size Words (Speaking and Viewing) Shared Writing TE31: Writing a List Interactive Writing TE37: Writing a List (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE43: Teacher modeling writing. Oral Language TE57: Using Naming Words for Parts of the Body(Viewing and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE63: Using Naming Words for the 5 Senses Shared Writing TE75: Using Naming Words for Parts of the Body Interactive Writing TE81: Using Naming Words Independent Writing TE87: Teacher models writing. Oral Language TE 101: Learning About Big and Little (Speaking and Viewing) Vocabulary Expansion TE107: Using Size Words (Speaking) Shared Writing TE115: Writing a List Interactive Writing TE 121: Writing a List Independent Writing TE127: Introduce the concept of Journals. Teacher models a journal entry.

Week 1

Mice Squeak, We Speak (ME) Lets Play (ME) Social Studies Link The Gingerbread Man (ME) Here Are My Hands (ME) How Do You Feel? (ME) Social Studies Link

***There are no Phonics Previewing the ABCs: TE12TE42 lessons in Theme 1. Letter Matching Phonics lesson begins Focus on the following letters: in Theme 2.*** Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, and Oo
Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryWe Go to School Previewing the ABCs: TE56TE86 Letter Matching Focus on the following letters: Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, and Tt Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryWe Go to School

Week 2

The City Mouse and The Country Mouse

Focus Skill: Noting Details

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Week 3

Previewing the ABCs: TE100TE126 Letter Matching Focus on the following letters: Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz


Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 2: Colors All Around Selections I Need a Lunch Box I Went Walking Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skills: Sequence of Events, Concepts about Print (Beginning of Sentence and End Punctuation) Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Sammy Seal TE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Ss TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Ss TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryMy Red Boat TE35 Word Work Exploring Words: Color Words High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE52 Introduce the word I Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency word I Write sentences with the high-frequency word I Writing Oral Language TE13: Labeling color words Vocabulary Expansion TE19: Describing an animals Shared Writing: Writing a Description using color words (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE37: Writing a Description using words in the text I Went Walking (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE43: Journal entry on their favorite color Oral Language TE69: Using Exact Nouns to list animals (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE79: Using Exact Name for fish in the text, In the Big Blue Sea (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE91: Using Color Words to describe fish mobile words (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE99: Writing a Description Independent Writing TE107: Journal entry using color words Oral Language TE123: Using Singular and Plural Words (Viewing and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE 133: Using Plural Names with animals (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE 141: Writing a Graphic Organizer Interactive Writing TE149: Writing a Class Story Independent Writing TE157: Writing using naming words and color words

Week 1

Whats My Favorite Color? Science Link

Caps of Many Colors(ME) In the Big Blue Sea

Week 2

What Do You Do, Norbert Wu? (ME)(CD) Science Link

Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Sequence of Events and Noting Details Focus Strategy: Summarize

Introduce Alphafriend Mimi Mouse TE66 Connect Sounds to Letters Mm TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Mm TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryLook At Me TE89

Exploring Words: Color Words High-Frequency Words: TE 68-TE106 Introduce the word see Review high-frequency wordsI, see Write sentences with the high-frequency word see

How the Birds Got their Color(ME)

Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Evaluate

Introduce Alphafriend Reggie Roster TE120 Connect Sounds to Letters Rr TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letter Rr TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryThe Parade TE139

Exploring Words: Color Words High-Frequency Words: TE 122-TE 156 Introduce the high-frequency word we* Review high-frequency wordsI, see Write sentences using highfrequency words

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Week 3

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 3: Were A Family Selections Jonathan and His Mommy (ME) Tortillas and Lullabies (ME) Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Story Structure Characters/Setting Focus Strategy: Evaluate Focus Skills: Story Structure Character/Setting Focus Strategy: Evaluate Focus Skill: Compare and Contrast Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Tiggy Tiger TE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Tt TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Tt TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryThe Birthday Party TE37 Word Work Exploring Words: Family Words High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE54 Introduce the word my Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I, my, see Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, my, see Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Movement Words (Viewing and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Family Words (Listening and Speaking) Shared Writing TE39: Recording Observation Interactive Writing TE47: Writing a Journal Entry Independent Writing TE55: Journal entry on family activities

Week 1

Families (ME) Social Studies Link

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Shoes from Grandpa

Which Would You Choose? (ME) Social Studies Link

Focus Skill: Drawing Conclusion Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skill: Drawing Conclusion Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skill: Drawing Conclusion

Introduce Alphafriend Benny Bear TE68 Connect Sounds to Letters Bb TE76 Penmanshipforming the letter Mm TE77 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryBaby Bears Family TE93 Introduce Alphafriend Nyle Noodle TE124 Connect Sounds to Letters Nn TE 132 Penmanshipforming the letter Nn TE 133 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryCats Surprise TE143

Exploring Words: Family Words High-Frequency Words: TE 70-TE110 Introduce the word like Review high-frequency wordsI, my, see, like Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, my, see, like Exploring Words: Family Words High-Frequency Words: TE 126-TE 160 Introduce the high-frequency word we* Review high-frequency wordsI, see Write Sentences using highfrequency words

Oral Language TE71: Using Exact Naming Words (Viewing and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE81: Writing a List (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE95: Writing a Grocery List (Listening and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE103: Choosing a Good Title Independent Writing TE107: Journal entry about clothing Oral Language TE127: Using Action Words Vocabulary Expansion TE 137: Using Order Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE 145: Using Order Words (Listening and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE153: Using Order Words (Speaking) Independent Writing TE161: Drawing and Writing Signs

Week 2

The Amazing Little Porridge (ME)

* PGCPS high-frequency words

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 17

Week 3

Focus Skill: Story Structure Characters/Setting, Retelling of Events, Concepts about Print Focus Strategy: Evaluate, Making Connections

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 4: Friends Together Selections Friends at School (ME) Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Text Organization and Summarizing Focus Strategy: Question Focus Skills: Text Organization, Concepts about Print Focus Strategy: Question, Summarize Focus Skill: Retelling of Events Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Hattie Horse TE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Hh TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Hh TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryNat At Bat TE35 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE24 Introduce the word a Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I, my, see, a Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, my, see, a Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a High-Frequency Words: TE68-TE78 Introduce the word to Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I, like, to Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, like, to, see, my, a Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a Build words with -at High-Frequency Words: TE122-TE132 Introduce the word at Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I, like, to Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, like, to, see, my, a Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a Build words with -at Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Position Words Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Position Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE37: Writing a Newsletter Interactive Writing TE45: Using Position Words Independent Writing TE53: Recording Information

Week 1

Families (ME) Social Studies Link

The Lion and the Mouse My Dad and I (ME) Friends Help Friends (ME) (CD) Social Studies Link

Week 2

Focus Skill: Cause and Effect Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skill: Noting Details, Drawing Conclusion Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer, Evaluate Focus Skill: Cause and Effect

Introduce Alphafriend Vinny Volcano TE66 Connect Sounds to Letters Vv TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Vv TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryA Vat TE89

Oral Language TE69: Using Action Words (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE79: Using Action Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE95: Writing a Story Interactive Writing TE99: Writing Sentences Independent Writing TE107: Journal entryRecording Information

Stone Soup(ME)

Focus Skill: Cause and Effect, Text Organization Focus Strategy: Evaluate, Question, Summarize

Introduce Alphafriend Callie Cat TE120 Connect Sounds to Letters Cc TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letter Cc TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryCat Sat TE139

Oral Language TE123: Using Action Words Vocabulary Expansion TE 133: Using Action Words Shared Writing TE 141: Writing a Note Interactive Writing TE153: Writing a List (Listening and Speaking) Independent Writing TE161: Journal entryRecording Information

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Week 3


Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 5: Lets Count! Selections Bennys Pennies Feast for 10 Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Categorize/Classify Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify Focus Skills: Categorize/Classify Focus Strategy: Monitor/Classify Focus Skill: Summarize Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Pippa Pig TE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Pp TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Pp TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryNat, Pat, and Nan TE35 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE24 Introduce the word and Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I, my, see, Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, my, see, Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a High-Frequency Words: TE68-TE78 Introduce the word go Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words go Write sentences with the high-frequency word I, like, to, see, my, a Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a Build words with an High-Frequency Words: TE122-TE132 Introduce the word no* Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words a, I, go, like, to, see Write sentences with the high-frequency word a, I, go, like, to, see Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a Build words with at, -an Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Describing Words (Listening, Speaking, and Viewing) Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Number Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE37: Writing a List Interactive Writing TE45: Writing a List (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE53: Journal entry--Writing a List Oral Language TE69: Rhyming Words (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE79: Using Naming Words (Listening and Speaking) Shared Writing TE91: Writing a Number Rhyme Interactive Writing TE99: Writing a Poem Independent Writing TE107: Journal entryRecording Information Oral Language TE123: Using Describing Words (Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE 133: Using Describing Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE 141: Writing a Friendly Letter (Speaking) Interactive Writing TE149: Using Describing Words Independent Writing TE157: Journal entryRecording Information

Week 1

Whats on the Menu? (ME) Math Link

Counting Noodles Ten Little Puppies

Meet Scott Nash(CD) Art Link

Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End

Introduce Alphafriend Gertie Goose TE66 Connect Sounds to Letters Gg TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Gg TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryGo Cat! TE89

Week 2

Peace and Quiet (ME)

* PGCPS high-frequency word

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 19

Week 3

Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End, Categorize/Classify, Summarize Focus Strategy: Question, Monitor/Clarify, Evaluate

Introduce Alphafriend Fifi Fish TE120 Connect Sounds to Letters Ff TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letter Ff TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryPat and Nan TE139

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Selections Chicken Soup with Rice What Will The Weather Be Like Today? (ME) Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Fantasy/Realism Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skills: Fantasy/Realism Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer, Making Connections Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Larry Lion TE12 Connect Sounds to LettersLl TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Ll TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryCan It Fit? TE35 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14TE24 Introduce the word is Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words I , see, Write sentences with the highfrequency word I, see Write sentences with short i words Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short i and short a Words with -it High-Frequency Words: TE68TE78 Introduce the word here and it* Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words go Write sentences with the highfrequency word I, like, to, see, my, a Write sentences with short i words Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short i Build words with ip High-Frequency Words: TE122TE132 Introduce the word will* Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words a, I, go, like, to, see Write sentences with the highfrequency word a, I, go, like, to, see Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short a, and short i Build words withit, --ip, at, -an Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Describing Words Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Describing Words (Listening) Shared Writing TE37: Writing a Description (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE45: Writing Sentences (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE53: Journal entryWriting about favorite weather Oral Language TE69: Using Weather Action Words (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE79 Using Weather Action Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE91: Weather Observation Rhyme (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE99: Writing a Weather Report (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE107: Journal entryWeather Report Oral Language TE123: Using ActionWords (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE 133: Using Action Words (Viewing and Speaking) Shared Writing TE 141: Writing a Story (Listening and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE149: Writing a Story (Listening and Speaking) Independent Writing TE157: Journal entryWriting independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt

Week 1

Checking the Weather Social Studies Link

The Sun and The Wind All To Build a Snowman

Week 2

What Can We Do? (ME) Social Studies Link

Focus Skill: Story Structure-Plot/Problem Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Story Structure-Plot/Problem, Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Plot/Problem, Sequence of Events

Introduce Alphafriend Keely Kangaroo TE66 Connect Sounds to LettersKk TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Kk TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryKit TE89

The Woodcutters Cap(ME)

Focus Skill: Fantasy/Realism Cause and Effect, Story Structure-Plot Focus Strategy: Evaluate

Introduce Alphafriend Willie Worm** (from Theme 9) TE120 Connect Sounds to LettersWw TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letter Ww TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryFan TE139

*PGCPS high-frequency words **This letter is from Theme 9. Teaching this letter earlier than what HM recommended will make it easier to learn the high-frequency words we and will. It is also easier to blend short i with letter Ww.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 20

Week 3

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Selections Wheels Around (CD) The Wheels on the Bus Look For Wheels (ME) Science Link Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Text Organization Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skills: Text Organization Focus Strategy: Summarize Focus Skill: Text Organization Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Dudley DucksTE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Dd TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Dd TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryBig Rig TE35 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE24 Introduce the word for Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short i Write sentences with the high-frequency word and short i Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short i and short a Words with -ig High-Frequency Words: TE68-TE78 Introduce the word have Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short i and short a words Write sentences with the high-frequency word and short i and short a words Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short i Build words with ig,--ip, --it High-Frequency Words: TE124-TE134 Introduce the word can Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short i and short a words Write sentences with the high-frequency word and short i and short a words Building Words: TE142TE158 Words with short i Build words with ig, --it, --ip Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Opposites Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Opposites Shared Writing TE37: Writing About Signs (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE45: Writing About Signs (Listening, Viewing, and Speaking) Independent Writing TE53: Journal entryWriting about favorite type of wheels Oral Language TE69: Using Position Words Vocabulary Expansion TE79 Using Position Words, Parts of a car Shared Writing TE91: Writing a Class Story (Listening) Interactive Writing TE99: Writing a Class Story Independent Writing TE107: Journal entry on topics about trains, race cars, and other vehicles Oral Language TE125: Using Opposites (Listening and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE 135: Using Words for Travel Shared Writing TE 143: Writing a Report Interactive Writing TE149: Writing a Report (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE159: Journal entry, Writing about favorite kind of wheels

Week 1

The Little Engine That Could Vroom, Chugga, Vroom-Vroom

Week 2

Cool Wheels(ME) Science Link

Focus Skill: Cause and Effect Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify Focus Skill: Cause and Effect Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify Focus Skill: Cause and Effect

Introduce Alphafriend Zelda Zebra TE66 Connect Sounds to Letters Zz TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Zz TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryTan Van TE89

Mr. Gumpys Motor Car(ME)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Week 3

Focus Skill: Summarize, Concepts about PrintMatch spoken words to print Focus Strategy: Question, Evaluate

Review letters Dd and Zz TE120 Connect Sounds to Letters Dd and Zz, Rr TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letters Dd, Zz, Rr TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryZig Pig and Dan Cat TE139


Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 8: Down on the Farm Selections The Story of Half-Chicken(ME) Cows in the Kitchen Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Fantasy/Realism Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify Focus Skills: Noting Details Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify, Evaluate Focus Skill: Fantasy/Realism Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Tiggy Tiger TE12 Connect Sounds to LettersTt TE20 Penmanshipforming the letters Tt TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryDot Got a Big Pot TE35 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14TE24 Introduce the word said Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short o Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short o Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short o Build words with -ot High-Frequency Words: TE68TE78 Introduce the word do* Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short o and short a words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short o words Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short o Build sentences with short i and short o High-Frequency Words: TE122-TE132 Introduce the word me* Build rebus sentences with the high-frequency words and short o and i words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short o and i words Building Words: TE142-TE158 Words with short i Build sentences with short i and short o Writing Oral Language TE14: Using Naming Words Vocabulary Expansion TE24: Using Rhyming Words Shared Writing TE37: Writing a Story Interactive Writing TE45: Using Naming Words Independent Writing TE53: Journal entryWriting about favorite farm animal or favorite room Oral Language TE69: Using Exact Names (Viewing, Listening, and Speaking) Vocabulary Expansion TE79 Using Comparison Shared Writing TE91: Writing Friendly Letter Interactive Writing TE99: Using Naming Words (Speaking and Writing) Independent Writing TE107: Journal entry about farm animals

Week 1

Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids (ME) (CD) Social Studies Link

The Enormous Turnip(ME) Mouses Birthday Who Lives on the Farm? (ME)(CD) Science Link

Week 2

Focus Skill: Noting Details Focus Strategy: Question Focus Skill: Noting Details Focus Strategy: Question, Summarize Focus Skill: Noting Details

Introduce Alphafriend Mr. XRay TE66 Connect Sounds to LettersXx TE74 Penmanshipforming the letter Xx TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryThe Big, Big Box TE89

A Lion on the Path(ME)

* PGCPS high-frequency words

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 22

Week 3

Focus Skill: Drawing Conclusion, Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Evaluate, Summarize

Review letters Ff, Hh and Ss TE120 Connect Sounds to Letters Ff, Hh and Ss TE 128 Penmanshipforming the letters Ff, Hh and Ss TE 129 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryA Pot for Dan Cat TE139

Oral Language TE123: Using Singular and Plural Naming Words Vocabulary Expansion TE 133: Using Naming Words Shared Writing TE 141: Writing a Class Report (Viewing and Writing) Interactive Writing TE149: Writing a Class Newsletter (Speaking and Writing) Independent Writing TE159: Journal entry--Writing independently on a topic of their choice

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 9: Spring is Here Selections Kevin and his Dad(ME) Spring Is Here(ME) Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Evaluate Focus Skills: Sequence of Events Focus Strategy: Evaluate, Summarize Focus Skill: Sequence of Events Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Queenie Queen TE12 Connect Sounds to Letters Qq TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Qq TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryGet Set! Play! TE35 Introduce Alphafriend Yetta Yo-Yo TE68 Connect Sounds to Letters Yy TE76 Penmanshipforming the letter Yy TE77 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryBen TE91 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE24 Introduce the word play Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short e Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short e, o, i Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Action Words Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Using Action Words Shared Writing TE39: Writing with Action Words Interactive Writing TE47: Writing an Article (Viewing and Writing) Independent Writing TE53: Journal entryWriting independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt Oral Language TE71: Using Rhyming Words Vocabulary Expansion TE81: Using Rhyming Words Shared Writing TE93: Using Rhyming Words Interactive Writing TE101: Writing a Rhyme Independent Writing TE107: Journal entryWriting about Spring Oral Language TE125: Using Order Words Vocabulary Expansion TE135: Springtime Vocabulary Shared Writing TE143: Writing a Class Story (Viewing and Writing) Interactive Writing TE151: Revising the Class Story (Viewing and Writing) Independent Writing TE159: Journal entry, Writing independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt

Week 1

What Season Is It? Science Link

The Tortoise and the Hare Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash Spring Jobs(ME) Social Studies Link

Focus Skill: Story Structure Character/Setting Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skill: Story Structure Character/Setting Focus Strategy: Predict Infer, Making Connections Focus Skill: Story Structure Character/Setting

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Focus Skill: Categorize/Classify Focus Strategy: Monitor/Clarify, Evaluate, Making Connections

Review letters Yy and Qq TE122 Connect Sounds to Letters Yy and Qq TE 130 Penmanshipforming the letters Yy and Qq TE 131 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryPig Can Get Wet TE141

High-Frequency Words: TE70-TE80 Introduce the word she Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words, short e, and short o words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short e words Building Words: TE 36-TE52 Words with short e and short o Build sentences with short e and short o High-Frequency Words: TE124TE134 Introduce the word am* Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words and short e words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short e and short o words Building Words: TE142-TE158 Words with short i Build sentences with short i and short o

*PGCPS high-frequency words **This letter is from Theme 6. Teaching letter Ww earlier will make it easier to learn the high-frequency words we and will.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 23

Week 3

Week 2

Kindergarten At-A-Glance
Theme 10: A World of Animals Selections Run Away(ME) Splash! (ME) Comprehension Focus Skills/Strategy Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End Focus Strategy: Question Focus Skills: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End Focus Strategy: Question, Making Connections Focus Skill: Story Structure Beginning, Middle, End Focus Skill: Compare/Contrast Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer Focus Skill: Compare/Contrast Focus Strategy: Predict/Infer, Making Connections Focus Skill: Compare/Contrast Phonics Introduce Alphafriend Jumping Jill TE12 Connect Sounds to LettersJj TE20 Penmanshipforming the letter Jj TE21 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryKen and Jen TE35 Review letters Bb, Cc and Ll TE66 Connect Sounds to Letters Bb, Cc and Ll TE74 Penmanshipforming the letters Bb, Cc, and Ll TE75 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryIt Can Fit TE91 Word Work High-Frequency Words: TE14-TE24 Introduce the word are and you* Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short u Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short u, and short e Writing Oral Language TE15: Using Exact Naming Words Vocabulary Expansion TE25: Comparing Information Shared Writing TE37: Writing a Report (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE45: Writing a Report Independent Writing TE53: Journal entryWriting independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt Oral Language TE71: Using Rhyming Words Vocabulary Expansion TE79: Using Exact Words, Rhyming Words (Listening and Viewing) Shared Writing TE93: Writing a Book Report (Viewing and Speaking) Interactive Writing TE101: Writing a Book Report Independent Writing TE109: Journal entryWriting independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt Oral Language TE125: Using Order Words Vocabulary Expansion TE135: Animal Names (Viewing) Shared Writing TE143: Writing Directions (Listening, Speaking, and Viewing) Interactive Writing TE151: Writing Directions (Viewing and Speaking) Independent Writing TE159: Journal entry--Writing Directions

Week 1

Baby Animals Play Science Link

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs Feathers for Lunch

Which Pet? Science Link

High-Frequency Words: TE68-TE78 Introduce the word he Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words and short u, short e words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short u words Building Words: TE36-TE52 Words with short u and short e Build sentences with short u and short e High-Frequency Words: TE124TE134 Introduce the word up* Build rebus sentences with the highfrequency words and short u words Write sentences with the highfrequency word and short u and short e words Building Words: TE142-TE158 Words with short u Build sentences with short u and short e

Week 2

Henny Penny

Focus Skill: Story Structure Plot, Focus Strategy: Summarize, Question, Making Connections

Review letters Dd, Nn, and Ww TE122 Connect Sounds to Letters letters Dd, Nn, and Ww TE 130 Penmanshipforming the letters Dd, Nn, and Ww TE 131 Storytelling Practice from Phonics LibraryThe Bug Hut TE141

*PGCPS high-frequency words

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 24

Week 3

Opening Routines (5-10 minutes) Learning to Read (Whole Group) Comprehension/Mini Lesson Guided Practice (25-30 minutes)

Daily Routines: Daily Message Daily Phonemic Awareness Shared Reading/Read-Aloud (book or text from the Teachers Edition) Building Background Skills Daily Routines: Daily Message Daily Phonemic Awareness Shared Reading/Read-Aloud (book or text from the Teachers Edition) Building Background Comprehension Strategy Daily Routines: Daily Message Daily Phonemic Awareness Revisiting text from Day 2 Continue with skill/strategy Concepts of Print Skills Daily Routines: Daily Message Daily Phonemic Awareness Continue with skill/strategy with book/text selection. Content Link (Social Studies or Science) Comprehension Strategy

Day 5
Daily Routines: Daily Message Daily Phonemic Awareness Revisiting the Literature Revisit either skill or strategy taught during the week

Skills are taught throughout Theme 1. Beginning Theme 2 throughout Theme 10, Skills are taught every Days 1 and 3. Comprehension Strategies are taught on Days 2 and 4. Phonemic Awareness/Phonics (10-15 minutes) Learning To Read (Small Group) (60 minutes) Introduce Phonics Skills Letter of the Week (begins Theme 2) Appropriate leveled text--either Shared or Guided ReadingDay 1 Poems/Songs for Shared Reading Leveled Reader for Guided Reading Familiar Reading Before During After High-Frequency Word Practice (begins in Theme 2) Oral Language Connect sounds to letters Letter of the Week(begins in Theme 2) Penmanship (Model correct letter formation) Appropriate leveled text--either Shared or Guided ReadingDay 2 Poems/Songs for Shared Reading Leveled Reader for Guided Reading Familiar Reading Word Work Writing High-Frequency Word Practice Building Sentences Vocabulary Expansion Practice and Application of Phonics Skills Practice Blending and Segmenting (begins in Theme 3) Continue with connect letters and sounds Appropriate leveled texts either Shared or Guided ReadingDay 2 Poems/Songs for Shared Reading Leveled Reader for Guided Reading Familiar Reading Word Work Writing Building words from blending Interactive Writing (Teacher writes as students share ideas, letters, and sounds.) Spiral Review: Phonics (Letter of the Week)

Word Work (20 minutes) Writing and Language (20 minutes)

Appropriate leveled text either Shared or Guided ReadingDay 1) Poems/Songs for Shared Reading Leveled Reader for Guided Reading Familiar Reading Before During After Building words from blending Shared Writing (Teacher writes as students share ideas.)

Choose from the following: Shared Reading Continue with skills in Guided Reading Fluency Writing Assessment (not every Day 5)

Building words from blending Independent Writing JournalRecording Information Options: Interactive Writing Guided Writing 4-Squares

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Themes for the Year Prince Georges County Houghton Mifflin Reading Kindergarten First Quarter Welcome to Kindergarten Theme 1 Theme 2 Second Quarter Theme 3 Theme 4 Theme 5 Third Quarter Theme 6 Theme 7 Theme 8 Fourth Quarter Theme 9 Theme 10 Additional Whole Group Lesson Plans for the Last Two Weeks of School

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.)

Theme Welcome to Kindergarten Theme 1Look at Us!

Skill/Strategy in Reading Listening to a Story Learning a Nursery Rhyme Previewing the ABCs Learning Environmental Print Establishing Daily Routines Responding to Text Concepts of Print Predict Infer Rereading familiar texts Identify rhyming pairs Discriminate beginning sounds Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing

State Curriculum Indicators

Understand that speech can be written or read Respond to questions and verify answers using illustration/text. Comprehend and analyze what is heard. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliterations. Recite nursery rhyme, poems, and finger plays with expression. Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Recognize own first and last name in print. Spell first and last name correctly. Read signs, labels, and environmental print. Speaks clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of setting. Identify title, beginning, ending of a story. Identify the characters, sequence of events, and setting of the story. Identify similarities and differences in letters and words. Follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Listen to, read, and discuss nursery rhymes. Speaks clearly in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences including retelling stories. Name pictures of common concepts. Identify rhythms and patterns of language, including rhyme and repetition. Listen to models of fluent reading. Use illustrations to construct meaning from the text. Listen to and discuss variety of texts representing diverse cultures, authorship, perspective, and ethnicities. Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Set a purpose for reading. Produce writing that is legible to the audience.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.)

Theme Theme 2Colors All Around

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading Building Background Responding to Text Revisiting Familiar Text Predict/Infer Concepts of Print Summarize Explore Words Identify upper and lower case letters Identify beginning sounds (s, m, r) Recognize words by sight (I, see, we) Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

State Curriculum Indicators

Make, confirm, or adjust prediction. Identify title, beginning, ending of text. Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Comprehend and analyze what is heard. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliterations. Tell whether sounds/words are same or different. Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Name upper and lower case letters. Produce writing that is legible to the audience. Use words to name and describe location, size, colors, and shape. Identify and explain how text features such as illustrations, punctuation, and print features contribute to meaning. Listen to and discuss to variety of texts representing diverse culture, authorship, perspective, and ethnicities. Identify letters matched to sounds. Read and recognize sight words. Write to express personal opinion using drawings, symbols, letters, or words. Identify elements of characters and setting in literary works. Track print from left to right, top to bottom. Make a return sweep to the next line of text. Identify topics in fictional works. Identify and discuss topics and supporting details. Generate sounds associated with individual letters and letter patterns. Understand that speech can be written and read. Retell a story using text as a support. Follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Form upper and lower case letters. Use knowledge of end punctuation to signal expression in reading.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.)

Themes Theme 3 Were a Family

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading Evaluate Story Structure Summarize Concepts of Print Revisiting Familiar Text Predict/ Infer Responding To Text

State Curriculum Indicators Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing, or writing. Make comments and ask relevant questions. Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Listen to and use functional documents by following simple and oral rebus directions. Identify the elements of characters and setting in literary works. Compare texts on similar topics. Retell important fact from a text. Track print from left to right and top to bottom. Make a return sweep to the next line of the text. Comprehend and use basic punctuation and capitalization. Match oral words to printed words. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences including retelling stories and/or state an opinion. Read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate. Make, confirm, and adjust predictions. Make connections to illustrations/photographs/texts from prior knowledge. Identify the connections between illustrations and text. Use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words. Listen to and discuss variety of texts representing diverse culture, authorship, perspective and ethnicities. Retell story using text as support. Comprehend and analyze what is heard. Retell a story using text as support. Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing, or writing. Tell what the author could have done to make the text easier to understand.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 3 Oral Language Acquire new vocabulary through listening to and reading a variety of texts on a daily Were a Family basis. Vocabulary Expansion Use words to name and describe such as location, size, color, and shape. Shared Writing Identify print features: print size, labels, bold print, and numbered steps. Interactive Writing Dictate, draw, or write a response to text such as response logs and journals. Independent Writing Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letter, or words. Understand that speech can be written and read. Use letters to represent phonemes in words. Use classroom resources to spell unknown words. Recognize that printed words are separated by spaces. Form upper and lowercase manuscripts letters correctly. Use sentences with subject/verb agreement. Name pictures of common concepts. Generate ideas and topics for writing. Identify similarities and differences in letters and words. Speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences including retelling stories. Contribute to a shared writing experiences or topic of interest Dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals. Develop fine motor skills necessary to control and sustain handwriting.
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK
(NOTE: Phonemic Awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

(NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skills/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 3 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rimes into a whole word. Were a Family Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore words. Identify initial sound in a word. Recognize some words by sight (my, Say and clap syllables in a word. like). Say and clap syllables Identify letters and beginning sounds Say and clap words in a sentence. (t, b, n). Orally blend 2-3 phonemes into one-syllable word. Substitute initial sound in words to form new words. Recognize that letters have corresponding sounds. Identify initial sound in a word. Identify letters matched to sounds. Categorize words as same or different by initial or final sound. Recognize some words by sight. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Generate the sound associated with individual letters and letter pattern. Use names and labels of basic concepts. Name pictures of common concepts. Identify and sort pictures of common words into basic categories.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 4 Evaluate Make, confirm, and adjust predictions. Friends Together Story Structure Make comments and ask relevant questions. Summarize Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Concepts of Print Listen to non-fiction materials. Revisiting Familiar Text Compare texts on similar topics. Predict/Infer Identify print features: print size, labels, bold print, and numbered steps. Draw Conclusions Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Responding to Text Name all upper and lowercase letters. Question Match oral words to printed words. Text Organization Use illustrations to construct meaning from text. Cause and Effect Make predictions by examining the title, cover, and illustrations/photographs/text and familiar author or topics. Connect events, characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences. Identify and explain how text features, such as illustrations, punctuation, and print features contribute to meaning. Recall and discuss information from text. Use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words. Use graphic aids and pictures. Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing, or writing. Retell a story using text as support. Identify simple cause and effect relationship. Self-select appropriate text for a variety of purposes. Validate/determine the purpose for reading. Speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 4 Oral Language Dictate or write words, phrases, or sentences related to ideas or illustration. Friends Together Vocabulary Expansion Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words. Shared Writing Use words to name and describe such as location, size, color, and shape. Interactive Writing Use letter to represent phonemes in words. Independent Writing Use illustrations to convey meaning. Recognize some words by sight. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Identify punctuation marks: period, question mark, and exclamation mark. Form upper and lowercase manuscript letters. Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Use sentences with subject/verb agreement. Contribute to a shared writing experiences or topic of interest. Use classroom resources to spell unknown words. Use complete sentences in conversation and to respond to questions. Identify similarities and differences in letters and words. Follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing. Identify and use words to communicate feelings.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 4 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Friends Together Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (a, to, Say and clap syllables in words. at). Blend 2-3 phonemes in one-syllable words. Build sentences with sight words. Substitute initial sounds in words to form new words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Recognize that letters have corresponding sounds. (h, v, c, a). Generate the sound associated with individual letter and letter patterns. Blend short /a/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build short /a/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build CVC words. Recognize some words by sight. Repeat and produce rhyming words. Identify and repeat sentence that uses alliterations. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 5 Fluency Listen to models of fluent reading. Lets Count! Story StructureBeginning, Middle, Read orally from familiar text at an appropriate rate. End Identify beginning, middle, and end of story. Summarize Ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to topics discussed. Concepts of Print Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Revisiting Familiar Text Use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words. Responding To Text Determine the purpose for reading. Question Identify print features: print size, bold print, and numbered steps. Categorize and Classify Respond to questions and verify answers using illustrations/text. Monitor and Clarify Make connections to illustrations/photographs/texts from prior knowledge. Evaluate Differentiate letters, numbers, and words. Clap words in a sentence. Recall and discuss information from text. Retell a story using text as support. Recognize some words by sight. Demonstrate an understanding of what is heard by retelling and relating prior knowledge. Read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate. Make comments and ask relevant questions. Identify and use words to communicate feelings. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly. (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 5 Oral Language Use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas. Lets Count! Vocabulary Expansion Use letters to represent phonemes in words. Shared Writing Form upper and lowercase letters correctly. Interactive Writing Recognize that printed words are separated by spaces. Independent Writing Identify the beginning and ending of sentences. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Recognize a regular beat and similarities of sounds in words in responding to rhythm and rhyme in poetry and songs. Identify initial and final sounds in words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Generate the sounds associated with individual letters and letter pattern. Use graphic aids. Identify graphic aids: diagrams, maps, graphs, and charts. Use classroom resources to spell unknown words in writing. Dictate, draw, or write a response to text such as response logs and journals. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences, including retelling stories. Use capital letters for the first letter of names and beginning sentences. Discuss words and word meaning as they are encountered in texts, instruction, and conversation. Ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to topics discussed. Listen to and identify the meaning of new vocabulary in multiple contexts.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.

(NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 5 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Lets Count! Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (and, Say and clap syllables in a word. go, no). Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. Build sentences with sight words. Substitute initial sounds in words to form new words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Identify that letters have corresponding sounds. (p, g, f). Identify initial sounds in words. Blend short /a/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build short /a/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build CVC words. Recognize some words by sight. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe, such as location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Identify that letters build words and words build sentences.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION (NOTE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Word Work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 6 Predict/Infer Make, confirm, or adjust predictions. Sunshine and Story StructurePlot and Problem Identify the characters, sequence of events and setting of a story. Raindrops Summarize Identify beginning, middle, and ending of text including the problem. Concepts of Print-- Word Spacing Make comments and ask relevant questions. Evaluate Use illustrations to construct meaning from text. Fantasy and Realism Validate/determine a purpose for reading. Making Connections Comprehend and use basic punctuation. Cause and Effects Recognize that printed words are separated by spaces. Make connections to illustrations/photographs/texts from prior knowledge. Identify how someone might use the text. Retell a story using text as support. Speaks clearly enough to be heard and understand in a variety setting. Participate in dramatic presentations. Demonstrate an understanding of what is heard by retelling and relating prior knowledge. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences, including retelling stories. Use effective details, words, and figurative language. Identify and use words to communicate feelings. Listen to and discuss a variety of different types of fictional and literary texts such as stories, poems, nursery rhymes, realistic fictions, fairy tales, and poetry. Identify graphic aids: diagrams, maps, graphs, and charts. Identify organizational aids: table of contents. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY

(NOTE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Word Work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.)

Theme Theme 6 Sunshine and Raindrops

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

State Curriculum Indicators Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words. Spell high-frequency words correctly Use classroom resources to spell unknown words. Form upper and lowercase manuscript letters. Recognize that printed words are separated by spaces. Identify letters matched to sounds. Use letters to represent phonemes in words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Understand that speech can be written and read. Follow a set of two-to-three step directions. Generate ideas and topics. Compose oral, written, and visual presentations that express personal ideas and information. Prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules such as capital letters and periods. Use sentences with subject/verb agreement. Use classroom resources to spell correctly unknown words. Dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals. Speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings. Ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to topics discussed. Acquire new vocabulary through listening to and reading a variety of text on a daily basis. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

(NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 6 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Sunshine and Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Raindrops Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore naming words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (is, Say and clap syllables in words. here, it, will). Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. Build sentences with sight words. Substitute initial sounds in words to form new words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Identify that letters have corresponding sounds. (l, k, w, i). Identify initial sounds in words. Blend short /i/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build short /i/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build CVC words. Recognize some words by sight. Explore rhyming words. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe, such as location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, Phonics, and Word Work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 7 Predict/Infer Make predictions by examining the title, cover, illustration and familiar author or Wheels Go Around topics. Question Make, confirm, or adjust predictions. Summarize Make predictions by examining the title, cover, and illustrations/photographs/text. Concepts of Print-- Match Words in Print Make connections to illustrations/photographs/texts from prior knowledge. Monitor and Clarify Use illustrations to construct meaning from text. Cause and Effect Identify print features: print size, labels, bold print and numbered steps. Text Organization Identify rhythm and pattern of language including rhyme and repetition. Retelling of events Identify rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in poems read to them. Responding to text Identify graphic aids: photographs and drawings. Identify and name some book titles, authors, and illustrators. Reread sentences when meaning is not clear. Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing, or writing. Recall and discuss information from text. Retell story using text as support. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences, including retelling stories. Recognize some words by sight. Match oral words to printed words. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information. Connect events characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences. Identify a personal connection to the text.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators that are most appropriate for their students.)

Theme Theme 7 Wheels Go Around

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

State Curriculum Indicators Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words. Spell few high-frequency words correctly. Form upper and lowercase manuscript letters correctly. Use newly learned vocabulary on multiple occasions to reinforce meaning. Use resources to determine the meaning of unknown words. Use text illustrations to identify meaning of unknown words. Read signs, labels, and environmental print. Generate ideas and topics for writing. Dictate, draw, write a response to text such as response logs and journals. Write first and last name legibly. Comprehend and use capitalization in written language. Name pictures of common concepts Identify and sort pictures of common words into basic categories Listen carefully to expand and enrich vocabulary. Use graphic aids and pictures. Speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings. Ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to topics discussed.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 7 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Wheels Go Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Around Identify and produce words with same Segment individual sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore naming words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (for, Say and clap syllables in words. have, can, look). Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. Build sentences with sight words. Substitute initial sounds in words to form new words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Identify letters and corresponding sounds. (d, z). Identify initial sound in a word. Blend short /i/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build short /i/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build CVC words. Recognize some words by sight. Explore rhyming words. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe, such as location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Identify in isolation all upper and lower case letter of the alphabet.
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students)

Theme Theme 8 Down On The Farm

Skill/Strategy Drawing Conclusions Making Inferences Evaluate Summarize Concepts of Print Monitor and Clarify Fantasy and Realism Noting Important Details Compare and Contrast Recognize Known Words Retelling of events Sequence of events Responding To Text Listening Fluency Oral Presentation

State Curriculum Indicators Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Ask questions about the text by examining the title, cover, illustration, photographs, text. Listen to and use personal interest material, such as books and magazines. Identify how language choice in speaking affects thoughts and feelings. Identify beginning, middle, and end of story. Identify print features: print size, labels, bold print, and numbered steps. Track print and text from left to right and top to bottom. Make a return sweep to the next line of the text. Determine the purpose for reading. Recall and discuss information from text. Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Make comments and ask relevant questions. Identify and use text features to facilitate understanding of informational text. Recognize some words by sight. Use props in oral presentations. Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing or writing. Listen to models of fluent reading. Comprehend and analyze what is heard. Recognize sequential order. Retell the story by sequencing the main events. Determine important ideas and messages in literary texts Reread sentences when meaning is not clear. Recite nursery rhymes, poems, and finger plays with expression. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY

(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.)

Theme Theme 8 Down On The Farm

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

State Curriculum Indicators Understand that print conveys meaning. Recognize own first and last name in print. Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, or words. Use letters to represent phonemes in words. Form upper and lowercase manuscript letters. Comprehend and use basic punctuation and capitalization. Name pictures of common concepts. Use resources to determine the meaning of unknown words: picture dictionaries, charts, diagrams, and posters. Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Categorize words as same or different by sounds. Read signs, labels, and environmental print. Contribute to shared writing experiences or topic of interest. Spell and write first and last name correctly. Listen carefully to expand and enrich vocabulary. Acquire new vocabulary through listening to and reading a variety of text on a daily basis.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

(NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 8 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Down On The Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Farm Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore naming words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (said, Say and clap syllables in words. the, do, me). Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. Build sentences with sight words. Substitute initial sound in words to form new words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Generate the sound associated with individual letters and letter patterns. (x, o). Identify initial and final sound in a word. Blend short /o/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build short /o/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build CVC words. Recognize some words by sight. Explore rhyming words. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION

(NOTE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Word Work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)
(NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 9 Predict/Infer Make predictions by examining the title, cover, Spring Is Here illustration/photographs/text, and familiar author or topic Story StructureCharacter and Setting Listen to and discuss a variety of different types of fictional literary text. Evaluate Make connections to illustrations/photographs/texts from prior knowledge. Concepts of Print Identify the main idea of the story. Monitor and Clarify Identify illustrations: photographs and drawings. Making Connections Identify and explain how the title contributes to meaning. Categorize and Classify Tell what the author could have done to make the text easier to Compare and Contrast understand. Sequence of Events Identify beginning, middle, and end of a story including problem and Build Background solution. Text Organization Retell important facts from a text. Retelling of events Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Responding to text Listen to and use functional documents by following simple oral or rebus Listening directions. Fluency Identify the elements of character and setting in literary works. Personal Response Determine the purpose for reading. Write to express personal ideas suing drawing, symbols, letters, or words. Make comments and ask relevant questions. Reread sentences when meaning is not clear. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Use illustrations to construct meaning from the text. Compare information in text with prior knowledge. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences, including retelling stories.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme Theme 9Spring is Here

Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading

State Curriculum Indicators Identify the main idea/texts message. Identify beginning, middle, and ending of story including the problem and solution. Retell the story by sequencing the main events. Determine the important ideas and messages in literary text. Recall and discuss information from text. Use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words. Identify graphic aids: diagrams, maps, graphs, and charts. Retell and dramatize familiar stories. Tell whether the authors ideas are clear. Determine a speakers general purpose. Use organization and delivery strategies. Respond to question and verify answers using illustrations/text. Retell a story using text to support. Identify rhythms and patterns of language including rhymes and repetition. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 9 Oral Language Understand that print conveys meaning. Spring Is Here Vocabulary Expansion Recognize own first and last name in print. Shared Writing Spells and write first and last name legibly. Interactive Writing Write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, words. Independent Writing Use letters to represent phonemes in words. Spell high-frequency words correctly. Form upper and lowercase manuscript letters correctly. Identify beginning and ending of sentences. Name pictures of common concepts. Use resources to determine the meaning of unknown words: picture dictionaries, charts, diagrams, and posters. Use classroom resources to spell unknown words. Differentiate numerals, letters, and words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Categorize words as same or different by sounds. Read signs, labels, and environmental print. Dictate, draw, or write to inform. Listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing. Use sensory details to explain ideas. Dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 9 Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Spring Is Here Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Explore naming words. Say and clap syllables in words. Recognize some words by sight (play, Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. she, am). Substitute initial sound in words to form new words. Build sentences with sight words. Identify that letters have corresponding sounds. Identify letters and beginning sounds Identify initial sound in a word. (q y). Identify letters matched to sounds. Blend short /o/ words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Build short /o/ words. Recognize some words by sight. Build CVC words. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Explore rhyming words. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Identify in isolation all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet. Use names and label of basic concepts.
(NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Chart Kindergarten COMPREHENSION (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 10 Predict/Infer Make predictions by examining the title, cover, and illustrations/photographs/text A World of from prior knowledge. Story StructurePlot, Beginning, Animals Middle, End Make, confirm, or adjust predictions. Question Use resources to determine the meaning of unknown words: picture dictionaries,. Summarize Identify beginning, middle, and ending of story. Noting Important Details Follow a set of two-to-three step directions. Compare and Contrast Identify the character, sequence of events, and setting of a story. Cause and Effect Retell the story by sequencing the main events. Text Organization Recall and discuss information from text. Personal Response Make comments and ask relevant questions. Listening Determine purpose for reading. Organizational Structure Identify beginning and ending of sentences. Understand that speech can be written and read. Respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing, or writing. Set a purpose for reading. Use graphic aids and pictures. Use illustrations to construct meaning from text. Identify print features: print size, labels, bold print, and numbered steps. Use text and illustrations to identify meaning of unknown words. Listen to and identify the meaning of new words in multiple contexts. Listen to models of fluent reading. Listen to and discuss a variety of different types of fictional literary text. Identify organizational aids: table of contents. Read a minimum of 2 books, both literary and information.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Chart Kindergarten WRITING/VOCABULARY (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 10 Oral Language Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliterations. A World of Vocabulary Expansion Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. Animals Shared Writing Name pictures of common concepts. Interactive Writing Dictate or write words, phrases, or sentences related to ideas or illustrations. Independent Writing Use sentence with subject/verb agreement. Use commonly confused words correctly, such as get/got, have/has. Use text and illustrations to identify the meaning of unknown words. Listen carefully to expand and enrich vocabulary. Dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs or journals. Listen to, read, and discuss poems. Read signs, labels, and environmental print. Use word families (onset-rime) to decode one-syllable words. Form upper and lowercase letters correctly. Generate ideas and topics for writing. Prepare writing for display by revising and editing using rules, such as capital letters and periods. Speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Chart Kindergarten WHOLE CLASS PHONEMIC AWARENESS/PHONICS/WORD WORK (NOTE: Phonemic awareness, phonics, and word work are all grouped together in Kindergarten because the three areas are closely related and the indicators overlap repeatedly.) (NOTE: Teachers will CHOOSE from among the possible indicators those that are most appropriate for their students.) Theme Skill/Strategy Lesson in Reading State Curriculum Indicators Theme 10- Blend onset and rime. Orally blend onset and rime in whole words. A World of Segment onset and rime. Blend sounds and syllables to form new words. Animals Identify and produce words with same Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences. initial phoneme (sound). Discriminate sounds and words. Explore naming words. Identify initial sound in one-syllable words. Recognize some words by sight (are, Say and clap syllables in words. he, up, you). Say and clap words in sentence. Build sentences with sight words. Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words. Identify letters and beginning sounds Substitute initial sound in words to form new words. (j, u). Identify that letters have corresponding sounds. Blend short /u/ words. Identify initial sound in a word. Build short /u/ words. Identify letters matched to sounds. Build CVC words. Categorize words as same or different by initial sound. Explore rhyming words. Recognize some words by sight. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration. Use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape. Decode words in grade level text. Use onset and rime (word families) to decode one-syllable words. Recognize that letters build words and words build sentences. Identify in isolation all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Welcome to Kindergarten
Back to Introductory Notes

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Suggested Procedures for the First Two Days of School

The purpose of providing the suggested procedures for the first 2 days of school is to help begin to build a literacy environment. This is the time to establish a cooperative, inclusive environment where everyone is valued and respected. Building a literacy environment is a way to establish prior knowledge/experience for Reading/Language Arts expectation for the year. This is also a time to foster students confidence so they can be engaged and motivated for reading/writing instruction for the entire year. Materials and Preparations: Big boxes or bins properly labeled for materials (Kleenex, glue, scissors, etc.) Read-Aloud book (see read-aloud list in the Resource Packet page R48) Class list and name tags Crayons, pencils, markers, placed on the center of the tables) Coloring/Cutting blackline at the table (suggestions: coloring sheets that have one big picture on the page; for the cutting just draw different lines on construction paper) Daily Messageteacher-created and written on chart paper one day prior to usage. Label important places in the classroom (doors, windows, closet, etc.) Label students paper with their name at least for the first week of school. General Procedures: Daily/Morning Meeting Model, Practice, Model, Practice how to go on the carpeti.e. by tables, all the ladies, all the gentlemen. Read Daily/Morning Message written on chart paper. Ex. Dear Boys and Girls, Good Morning class! Welcome to Kindergarten. We are going to learn many things today. Love, Teachers Name Getting to Know You Activity: Read aloud a book. Welcome to Kindergarten theme-related book can be used. Match students names written on a card to the names on their tables. Illustrate self ---keep it in their portfolio, you will see big improvement towards the end of the year. This can also be used as a bulletin board display in the hallway. Place childrens name on the Word Wall. Provide simple coloring worksheet to keep them busy while you are welcoming new student/s. Make sure crayons are provided for them at least for the first two days. . Getting to Know the Classroom Activities: Model, Practice, Model, Practice putting away backpacks, lunchboxes, and jackets (DO NOT overwhelm the children with so many routines right away; adding one or two new things daily to practice with the previous ones.) Model, Practice, Model, Practice: how to line up(i.e. bubbles in their cheeks or lips zipped, hands behind or on the side, sing a hallway song) Table toys (either per table or per child)puzzle, unifix cubes, magic slates, coloring picture, books, legos, duplos, links How to handle the school supplies? (Request an adult helper if possible) 1. Show the students the boxes/bins and read the labels. 2. Have the children take their materials out of their backpack. You can do this by asking them to take it all out or take it one at a time. 3. Read the label on the box/bin you want the first materials put in. 4. Always tell the students that it is fine if they do not have the materials right away. 5. Repeat procedures until all materials have been placed appropriately. Bathroom/Water Break: Schedule and teach the sign such as for going to the bathroom. Suggested Classroom Rules: Give Me 5: 1. We will follow directions. 1. Our eyes are looking. 2. We will raise our hands 2. Our lips are closed. 3. We will wait our turn. 3. Our hands and feet are still. 4. We will respect other people and their things. 4. Our ears are listening. 5. Our whole body is ready. Note: It is very important to establish classroom procedures from Day 1. Consistent practice will eventually turn these procedures into routines.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 55

Minutes 20-30

HM Day 1 (3rd day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. OPENING ROUTINES Instruction: Explain to class that you will meet at the carpet every morning to do Opening Routines. Weather can be incorporated in the Daily/Morning Message. Establish procedures for moving students from their seats to moving onto the carpet/rug/meeting area. Establish Active Listening Routines: Objectives: Students will attend to speaker in order to demonstrate active listening strategies. Instruction: T. explains and models to S. good listening behaviors. T. shows scenarios of poor listening behaviors such as moving around in seat, fiddling, playing with hairclips, etc. S. shows a thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate good or poor listening behavior. Make a class chart with students expectation for active listening, or create a looks like, sounds like, and feels like chart (See R6) T. may include the following: * Look at the person you are talking to. * Think of questions to ask. * Wait for the speaker to finish. * Share good ideas. * Stay on topic. Cue/point to the chart as you begin to read aloud. Practice and reinforce active listening every day during class/group discussions and read-alouds.

Rationale/Notes Calendar Should just include reading the calendarToday is Counting, making patterns, and other Math routines should be done during Math time. Daily/Morning Message The importance of having a Daily/Morning Message is to teach and reinforce Early Reading Behaviors (Concepts About Print). It is also a quick way to share the days activity. Recommendations: It is recommended that Morning/Daily Message be written on chart paper. It should be displayed somewhere in the room after it has been read. This will allow students to interact with the Morning/Daily Message throughout the day.

Morning/Daily Message: T. prepares her Daily/Morning Message written prior to the day of. T. can use the one HM provides in the Teachers Edition or can create one. T. reads the Daily/Morning Message pointing to each word, and demonstrating return sweep. Ex. Good Morning Class, Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so glad you are here. Love, _____ Learning Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objective: Students will learn the rhyme The Three Little Kittens in order to discriminate and produce rhyming word. Preparation/Materials: The Three Little Kittens on TEW 4 written on chart paper Instruction: T. reads the poem the first time pointing to each word and S. chime in on the second read. T. explains what rhyming words are (words that sound the same at the end). T. gives one or two examples (man-fan, fish-dish). T. read the first line emphasizing the rhyming words kittens and mittens. Ask S. if they hear the rhyming words (T. may guide in identifying the rhyming words). S. repeat the rhyming words. T. repeats the procedure for the word pair dear and fear.


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 15-20

Day 1 (3rd day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. BUILDING A LITERACY COMMUNITY: Objective: Students will relate experiences and use appropriate props in order to make an oral presentation. Preparation/Materials: brown paper bag for each student Instruction: Use the following activity below or substitute one that accomplishes the same goals listed in the Rationale. INTEREST BAGS: Give each child a brown paper bag labeled with the childs name. S. can decorate their bags. T. prepares her own interest bags prior to this lesson. T. share with S. a paper bag including 3 items from your home that represent your personal interest (e.g. family pictures, travel souvenir, sport itemstennis ball, swimming goggles, etc). Be sure to include a picture that you drew to represent a large/valuable item. This would serve as a model for students when they do this activity for their homework. Explain each item briefly and how it connects to your life and interests. Assign students to bring in 3 items from home for the following day and be prepared to share as you did. Items must fit in the bag. Drawings can be used to represent large items. Indicate in their homework about bringing in valuable items. Collect all the interest bags. Teach/review criteria for speaking and active listening (see Active Listening below). Looking Ahead Over the next days, call on few (5 students per day) students to present their items for Show and Tell. Keep a list of their interests for use in finding books for them to browse. After each presentation, randomly call on one student to tell what they learned about their classmate. T. can use the interest bag as a bulletin board display (Back-To-School bulletin board). ***GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO STRETCH. T. MAY CHOOSE TO SING A SONG, PLAY SIMON SAYS, ETC.*** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Title and Character) Objectives: Students will listen to a story in order to identify the title and characters. Students will listen to a story in order to understand that print conveys meaning. Preparation/Materials: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (TE Theme 3, Week 2, p. T66), pictures of the characters Selection: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (TE Theme 3, Week 2, p. T66)- disregard the stopping point provided (written in red). Instruction: T. prepares different pictures of what can be considered characters prior to the lesson. Pictures of the different characters for this selection can be found in TRBM page 50. T. explains what titles and characters in the story. Title tells you what the selection will be about. Characters are people, animals or any other creatures in the story. Show the picture of the real people, animals, and other creatures. T. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. will not use the picture on page TE 67 since the class will predict the characters in the story. T. reads the title and ask S. who they think are in the selection. T. shows the pictures of characters (T. prepared) and T. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. reads the first paragraph and asks if there are any characters introduced. T. points to the picture of people. T. displays the picture of Goldilocks. T. tells the class that the first character is a person. T. says, lets read the title again and find out if there will be other characters in the story? T. reads paragraph 2 and asks S. if there are new characters. T. points to the picture that represents the new characters in the selection. T. reads the selection and allows the children to chime in the bears part (Someone has been); changing their voices accordingly.

Rationale/Notes Engage and motivate students for reading/writing instruction for the year. Build students confidence. Informally assess students' reading and/or and interests. Establish a cooperative, inclusive environment where everyone is valued and respected. Build prior knowledge/experience for reading/language arts expectations for the year. Be sure to collect the interest bags and secure them for future student presentation. If student did not bring in items, allow them an opportunity possibly during morning work to draw their three items for their interest bag. Establish the read-aloud as a basic component of the literary environment in the classroom. Reinforce and practice active listening (See R6). Page Explanation: TEW: Teachers Edition Welcome to Kindergarten TE: Teachers Edition beginning Theme1 through Theme 10.

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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


HM Day 1 (3rd day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. T. reads the last paragraph and asks if there are any characters in the story. Class reviews the title and the characters of the selection. T. says that every time they listen/read a story, it is important to listen to the title and think about the characters of the story.



Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Aa. Students will recognize their first name in print in order to read names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song (Theme Resources page R2 for music and lyrics), names of students written on construction paper, paper with Aa printed on it Instruction: Teach the Alphabet Song (Theme Resources page R2 for music and lyrics). Focus on the letter Aa (TE W5). T. writes students name on index card or construction paper big enough to display on the Word Wall. Put all students names on the Word Wall. Review childrens names. S. practice forming the letter Aa or rainbow writes (trace the letters several times using different color crayons) the letter Aa. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objectives: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read signs in the classroom. Students will read signs, labels, and environmental print in order to read signs in the classroom. Preparation/Materials: Poster of classroom rules, classroom labels Instruction: T. points out places with classroom labels (label classroom prior to this activitysee suggestion for labeling classroom on page 55). S. identify signs/labels around the room and its meaning/purpose. T. writes or points rules on chart paper (suggested Classroom Rules on page 47). T. discusses and displays the rules, procedures, and consequence with the class. Read-Aloud (2nd): Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48.

Previewing the ABCs: This is just preview of the letters of the alphabet. The purpose of the first twentysix lessons is to introduce recognition of the letters. The teaching of the sounds of the letters will come after all the letters have been introduced, beginning Theme 2.



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 30-40

Day 2 (4th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. BUILDING A LITERACY COMMUNITY and ESTABLISHING DAILY ROUTINES Objectives: Students will relate experiences and use appropriate props in order to make an oral presentation. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning message on chart paper, markers, and pointer Instruction: Continue the previous activity. Morning/Daily Message: T. writes her Daily/Morning Message prior to the day of. T. reads the Daily/Morning Message pointing to each word, and demonstrating return sweep. Call on a few students to circle Aas on the Morning/Daily Message. Call on 5 more students to make their oral presentation Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objectives: Students will listen to the rhyme Jack and Jill in order to discriminate and identify rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Jack and Jill on TEW6 written on chart paper Instruction: T. writes Jack and Jill TEW6 on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. explains what rhyming words are (words that sound the same at the end). T. gives one or two examples (cat-fat, man-fan). T. reads the first line emphasizing the rhyming words Jill and hill. Ask S. if they hear the rhyming words (T. may guide in identifying the rhyming words). S. repeat the rhyming words. Repeat the procedure for the words down and crown. Read the poem again, pointing out the rhyming words. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO STRETCH. T. MAY CHOOSE TO SING A SONG, PLAY SIMON SAYS, ETC*** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Title and Character) Objectives: Students will listen to a story called The Three Billy Goats Gruff in order to identify title and characters. Preparation/Materials: The Three Billy Goats Gruff (TE Theme 9, Week 3, pa. 118), pictures of people, animals, trolls, giants, and other creatures, 3 different size pictures of goats Selection: The Three Billy Goats Gruff (TE Theme 9, Week 3, p. T118)disregard the stopping point provided (written in red). Instruction: T. reviews read-aloud as basic component of literacy environment in the classroom. T. reviews expectations for active listeningSee R6 T. reviews what titles and characters are. Show the pictures of the real people, animals, and other creatures. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. will not show the picture on page T121 since the class will predict the characters in the story. T. reads the title and asks S. who they think the characters will be. T. reads the first paragraph and asks the class to confirm if the characters are people or animals. T. says, Now we know that the characters are animals, lets read the title again and find out what animal(s) is in the story? (Suggested activity: Select a student to circle/pick the pictures that represent the characters. Keep the rest of the pictures displayed.). T. reads through paragraph 4 and asks the students if there is a new character in the story. Using the same set of pictures, ask a student to pick the picture that represents another character in the story. T. displays the 3 pictures of the goats. T. reads through paragraph 9 and asks the class who was the first one to cross the bridge. Who

Rationale/Notes Morning/Daily Message: T. should provide a new Daily/Morning Message everyday to emphasize and incorporate new concepts learned.


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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Day 2 (4th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. else was there? T. repeats for the next 2 goats. Suggested stopping points: paragraph 10 and paragraph 15 to continue with identifying the characters. Class reviews the title and the characters of the selection. T. says, Every time good readers listen/read a story, it is important to listen and think about the characters of the story. Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Bb. Students will recognize the letters in their first name in order to read their names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, Practice Book pages 3 and 4 with students name on it. Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Bb (TE W7). Review childrens names on the Word Wall. Have students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. S. practice forming the letter Bb on a personal chalkboard/white board. T. may use the Practice Book page 3 and 4. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objectives: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to review classroom signs and labels. Students will read signs, labels, and environmental print in order to review classroom signs and labels. Preparation/Materials: Labels for the classroom (add to what is already labeled) Instruction: Look for signs that label places around the classroom. Point out classroom labels (such as crayons, books, and cubbies), expectations, and purposes. T. may choose to review some procedures (bathroom procedures, lining-up, going to and from the carpet, etc). Read-Aloud (2nd) Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48.



Previewing the ABCs: The purpose of the first twenty-six lessons is to introduce recognition of the letters. The teaching of the sounds of the letters will come after all the letters have been introduced, beginning Theme 2. Word Wall: The Word Wall is used as a reference for what is learned during reading and writing activities. Word Wall promotes independence for children as they work with words in reading and writing. It also provides a visual map that helps children remember connections between words and characteristics that help them form categories. Add words according to the Kindergarten Curriculum Framework Guide. 2nd Read Aloud This can be done outside the block but still counts as part of the Reading/English Language Arts Block.



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 30-40

HM Day 3 (5th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines (including oral presentation from S. Interest Bag Activity) Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow two-to-three step directions. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning Message on chart paper, markers, and pointer Instruction: Review the rules of Circle Time with children. (Refer to page 47and See R5) T. writes Daily/Morning Message on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the Daily/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Calendar can also be incorporated into the Morning/Daily Message (i.e. Today is Marvelous Monday). Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Bbs. Call on 5 more students to make their oral presentation from S. interest bag activity. Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objective: Students will listen to the rhyme Hey Diddle, Diddle in order to discriminate and identify rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Hey Diddle, Diddle TEW8 written on chart paper, Instruction: T. writes Hey Diddle, Diddle TEW8 on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. reviews what rhyming words are (words that sound the same at the end). T. gives one or two examples (cat-fat, man-fan). T. reads the first line emphasizing the rhyming words diddle and fiddle. Ask S. if they hear the rhyming words (T. may guide in identifying the rhyming words). S. repeat the rhyming words. Repeat the procedure for the words moon and spoon. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO STRETCH. T. MAY CHOOSE TO SING A SONG, PLAY SIMON SAYS, ETC. *** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Title and Character) Objectives: Students will listen to a story called The Tale of the Three Little Pigs in order to identify the title and characters. Students will listen to a story in order to understand that print conveys meaning. Preparation/Materials: The Tale of the Three Little Pigs (TE Theme 10, Week 2, p. T64), pictures of characters, pictures of different houses the pigs made and a picture of a wolf in the story prior to the lesson. Selection: The Tale of the Three Little Pigs (TE Theme 10, Week 2, p. T64)disregard the stopping point provided (written in red). Instruction: T. uses the same character pictures from previous lessons for this selection. T. reviews read-aloud as basic component of literary environment in the classroom. T. review expectations for active listeningSee R6. T. explains what titles and characters are. Show the picture of the real people, animals, and other creatures. T. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. will not show the picture on page T64 since the class will predict the characters in a story. T. reads the title and asks S. who are the characters? T. reads the first paragraph and asks to confirm if the characters are people or animals.



2 30-40

Technology Integration (TL): Teacher can create a character book with his/her class and upload it through Book Builder or Microsoft Photo Story. Use the website: Additional information on the Web 2.0 tools listed in these lesson plans can be found at

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


HM Day 3 (5th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. T. reminds S. that the title will help us predict the characters in the story, lets read the title again and find out what animal is in the story? T. reads through paragraph 2 and ask the students if there is a new character in the story. Using the same set of pictures, ask a S. to pick the picture that represents another character in the story. Read through paragraphs 3 and 4 and find out if there are any other characters added. T. and S. review the characters from the part read thus far using the pictures. T. pauses after paragraph 4 and ask the S. to predict if there will be other characters in the story. Display the picture of the wolf. Allow S. to chime in when the story gets to the wolfs part. Class reviews the title and the characters of the selection. T. says, Every time good readers listen/read a story, it is important to think about the characters in the story.



Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Cc. Students will recognize the letters in their first name in order to read their names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning Message used earlier in the day, markers, personal chalkboards/ white boards, Practice Book page 5 Instruction: Review childrens names on the Word Wall. Focus on letter Cc (TE W9). Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Ccs. S. practice forming the letter Cc on a personal chalkboard/white board. Use Practice Book page 5. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objectives: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print, sign, and labels throughout the school. Preparation/Materials: bulletin board paper for the collage or drawing paper, crayons, pencils Instruction: Look for signs that label places around the school. T. explains what the signs and label means. S. illustrate the signs they saw in and around the school. T. begins a collage or class book of signs they saw around the school. Read-Aloud (2nd) Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48.



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 30-40

HM Day 4 (6th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines(including oral presentation of S. Interest Bag) Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow two-to-three step directions. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning Message written on chart paper, markers, and pointer Instruction: Review the rules of Circle Time with children. (Refer to page 55 and See R5) T. writes Daily/Morning Message on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the Daily/Morning Message. Call few students to come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Ccs. While reviewing procedures, allow S. to orally repeat a two-to-three step directions. T. models then gives S. time to practice the procedures. Call on 5 more students to make their oral presentation from interest bag activity. Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness)--20 minutes Objective: Students will listen to the rhyme Itsy, Bitsy Spider in order to discriminate and identify rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Itsy, Bitsy Spider TEW8 on chart paper Instruction: T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. reviews what rhyming words are (words that sound the same at the end). T. gives one or two examples (cat-fat, man-fan). Ask S. if they can name other rhyming words from previously learned poems. T. read the first line emphasizing the rhyming words itsy and bitsy. Ask S. if they hear the rhyming word. Have S. repeat the rhyming words. Repeat procedure with waterspout and out, rain and gain. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO STRETCH. T. MAY CHOOSE TO SING A SONG, PLAY SIMON SAYS, ETC *** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Title and Character) Objectives: Students will listen to a story called Henny Penny in order to identify the title and characters. Students will listen to a story in order to understand that print conveys meaning. Preparation/Materials: Henny Penny (TE Theme 10, Week 2, p. 120), pictures of characters Selection: Henny Penny (TE Theme 10, Week 2, p. T120)disregard the stopping point provided (written in red). Instruction: T. reviews read-aloud as basic component of literary environment in the classroom. T. reviews expectations for active listeningSee R6. T. explains what titles and characters are. Show the pictures of the real people, animals, and other creatures from previous lessons. T. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. will not show the picture on page T64 since the class will predict the characters in the story. T. reads the title and asks S. who are the characters. T. reads the first paragraph and asks to confirm if the characters are people or animals. T. reminds S. that the title will help us predict the characters in the story, lets read the title again and find out what animals are in the story.



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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



HM Day 4 (6th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. T. reads through paragraph 2 and asks the students if there is a new character in the story. Using the same set of pictures, ask a student to pick the picture that represents another character in the story. Read through pages 3 and 4 and find out if there are any other characters added. Using the pictures, T. and S. reviews the characters from the part read thus far. T. pauses after paragraph 4 and asks the S. to predict if there will be other characters in the story. Display the picture of the wolf. Allow S. to chime in when the story gets to the wolfs part. Class reviews the title and the characters of the selection. T. says, Every time they listen/read a story, good readers know that it is important to think about the characters of the story.



Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Dd. Students will recognize the letters in their first name in order to read their names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, markers, Daily/Morning Message used earlier in the day, Practice Book page 5 and 6 with students name written on it. Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Dd (TE W9). Review all childrens names on the Word Wall. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Dds. Have students practice forming the letter Dd on a personal chalkboard/white board. Use Practice Book page 7 and 8. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objectives: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print, signs, and labels throughout the school. Preparation/Materials: bulletin board paper/butcher paper, crayons, pencils, markers Instruction: Take the S. around the school. Look for signs that label places around the school. T. explains what the signs and labels mean. S. illustrate the signs they saw in and around the school. Make a collage of their illustrations. Read-Aloud (2nd) Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48.

Technology Integration (TL): Teachers can create an alphabet book with his/her class and upload it through Book Builder or Microsoft Photo Story. Use the website: Additional information on the Web 2.0 tools listed in these lesson plans can be found at



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 30-40

HM Day 5 (7th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines(including oral presentation of S. Interest Bag) Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow two-to-three step directions. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning message written on chart paper, markers Instruction: Review the rules of Circle Time with children (Refer to page 55 and See R5). T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Dds. While reviewing procedures, allow S. to orally repeat a two-three step directions; T. models then give S. time to practice the procedures. Call on 5 more students to make their oral presentation from interest bag activity. Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objective: Students will listen to the rhyme London Bridge Is Falling Down in order to participate in a rhythm parade. Preparation/Materials: London Bridge is Falling Down TE W12 written on chart paper, Procedures: T. writes London Bridge Is Falling Down TEW12 on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. teaches the song. S. sing along with T. T. explains and models how the rhythm parade to S. T. chooses two S. who will hold each others hand to mimic the bridge. The rest of the class will line up and one-by-one goes under the bridge as they sing the song. The S. who ends up on the bridge as the last line is sung is out and is ask to sit down and still participate in the singing/reciting the chant. Repeat until everyone gets a chance to walk under the bridge. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO BREATHING ACTIVITY (i.e. breath in, breath out)*** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Title and Characters) Objectives: Students will recall and discuss information from the text in order to vote for their favorite story. Students will listen to a story in order to understand that print conveys meaning. Preparation/Materials: poster with 4-column and use titles as headers, paper for students to illustrate their favorite story Selection: Henny Penny (TE Theme 10, Week 2, p. T120)disregard the stopping point provided (written in red). Instruction: T. reviews read-aloud as basic component of literary environment in the classroom. T. reviews expectations for active listeningSee R6 T. explains what titles and characters are. Show the pictures of the real people, animals, and other creatures used in the past four lessons on characters. T. explains that all the pictures on the board can be characters in the story. T. prepares a 4-column chart on bulletin board paper with titles of the books as headers. T. revisits the stories read this week emphasizing the characters in the selection. As the class reviews the characters from each story, T. displays the characters under title. T. explains that they need to think about the different stories read this week because they will vote for their favorite story. Give each student a paper and have them illustrate their favorite story. Encourage students to include as many characters from their favorite



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HM Day 5 (7th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. selection. T. will ask few students at a time to paste their illustration under the heading of their favorite story. T. reads the selection with the most votes. T. reminds the class, Every time they listen/read a story good readers know that it is important about the title and characters of the story.



Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Ee. Students will recognize the letters in their first name in order to read their names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, markers, daily/morning message used earlier in the day, magazines/newspaper, scissors, glue, Practice book page 9 and 10 Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Ee (TE W15).Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the names cheer on TEW13. Have students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Ees. S. practice forming the letter Ees on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page 9 and 10 or S. can highlight or cut Ees from magazines/newspaper and make an Ee collage. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print on food products. Preparation/Materials: empty food containers, sentence strips/index cards/ to use as label, markers Instruction: T. assigns S. to bring empty food (cereal boxes, soda cans, etc.) containers prior to this lesson. T. prepares a bulletin board to display the items or pictures. S. will read what they brought from home and T. will display it on a bulletin board. T. will add pictures if S. bring more on the succeeding day. Keep the board up so S. have access to reading the items throughout the day. Read-Aloud (2nd) Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48.



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 15-20

HM Week 2, Day 1 (8th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow two-to-three steps directions. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning Message written on chart paper, markers, and pointer Instruction: T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Calendar can also be incorporated to the morning/daily message. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Ees. Continue to practice classroom procedureswarm-up, putting away folders, moving from the seat to the carpet, etc. Continue with the oral presentation from interest bag activity if you still have students who have not presented or are new to just class. Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objective: Students will listen to the rhyme BINGO in order to participate in a rhythm parade. Preparation/Materials: BINGO TEW14 on chart paper Instruction: T. writes BINGO TEW12 on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. teaches the song. S. sing and clap along with T. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO BREATHING ACTIVITY (i.e. breath in, breath out)*** Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Problem and Solution) Objective: Students will listen to a story in order to identify the problem in the selection. Preparation/Materials: The Little Engine That Could (TE Theme 7, Week 2, p. T64), chart paper, marker, pictures or toy representation of different trains mentioned in the selection, Selection: The Little Engine That Could (TE Theme 7, Week 2, p. T64) Instruction: T. provides real-life scenarios to introduce what a problem is (ex. The class is ready to do a cutting activity and you discovered that your scissors is not in your school box. T. tells the class that this is an example of a problem). T. asks S. to share a scenario were they encountered a problem. T. explains that a problem is something that goes wrong. T. reads the title of the selection and shows the picture on TE63. T. reads through paragraph 6. T. explains that the Little Engine stopped because something went wrong. T. reads the last sentence of paragraph 6 to remind/guide the class that the problem is the engine stopped working. T. records the problem on a chart paper. T. continues to read through paragraph 10. T. tells the class that the children on the other side of the mountain wont be able to get their toys and food; and this is another problem T. might show/model the other side (i.e. other side of the easel, other side of a closet, other side of the door, etc.). T. records this problem on the chart paper. T. shows a picture of a passenger train. T. uses a think aloud starter, I think the Shiny New engine will help solve the Little Engines problem; it will give the Little Engine a push. T. tells the class that they have to keep reading to find out if the problem/s is/are solved. After reading paragraph 11, T. explains to the class that the Shiny New train is not willing to help out. T. might indicate a sad face by the Shiny New Engine. T. shows a picture of a Freight Train T. continue to reads through paragraph 15. T. asks the class if the Freight Train helped solved the



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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



HM Week 2, Day 1 (8th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. problem. T. reads the problem recorded on the chart paper. T. reads through paragraph 16 and guides the class that the problem has not been solved. T. might indicate a sad face by the Freight Train. T. shows a picture of an old engine. T. reads through the paragraph 21 and repeat the instructional procedures used for the Shiny New Engine and Freight Train reminding the class of what the problem and that the problem has not been solveduse chart to guide the children. T. shows a picture of the Little Blue Engine. T. models another think-aloud: I think this train is too small to help our broken engine. If this small engine do not help the boys and girls on the other side of the mountain will really be very sad. T. tells the class that they should read and find out if our problem is solved. T. read through the end of the story. T. reminds the S. the problem of the selection (engine broke and the toys and food wont reach the other side of the mountain). T. tells the class that the Little Blue Engine helped solved the problem. T. remind the S. that stories sometimes do have and/or do not have problem; and sometimes they are solved and sometimes they are not.




Previewing the ABCs and Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters in order to recognize the letter Ff. Students will recognize the letters in their first name in order to read their names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, Daily/Morning Message used earlier in the day, magazines/newspaper, glue, scissors, Practice Book page 13 and 14 Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Ff (TE W15). Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the name cheer on TEW13. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Ffs. S. practice forming the letter Ffs on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page 11 and 12 or S. can highlight or cut Ffs from magazines/newspaper and start an Ff collage. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print on food products. Preparation/Materials: Empty and clean food container Instruction: T. assigns S. to bring empty food containers (cereal boxes, soda cans, etc.) prior to this lesson. T. prepares a bulletin board to display the items or pictures. S. read what they brought from home and T. will display it on a bulletin board. T. adds pictures if S. bring more in the succeeding day. Keep the board up so S. have access in reading the items throughout the day. Establishing Independent Work Routines: Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard in a variety of setting in order to express their needs during independent work period. Preparation/Materials: Literacy Assessment bookletone for each student, pencils, a quiet spot to assess students, crayons, magazines/newspaper, construction paper Instruction: T. prepares a poster of rules for independent work prior to this lesson. T. spends at least 15 minutes discussing the rules for independent work to the class. T. explains expectations and procedures while independent work---ex. Ask 3 before me. Remain seated. Use quiet voices (page 55). ***NOTE: TEACHER BEGINS TO ASSESS 2-3 CHILDREN ON THEIR LETTER IDENTIFICATION ASSESSMENT WHILE CHILDREN ARE DOING THEIR INDEPENDENT WORK***


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


HM Week 2, Day 1 (8th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. T. explains the work they are going to do during Independent Work period. S. will spend at least 15 minutes to do their independent work. Suggested Activities for students to do during Independent Work period: Use Practice book page 11-12 if you opt not to use for Previewing the ABCs. Provide S. a page or portion of a magazine (TV guides, Family, Parenting magazines, etc.). Circle focus letter of the day. S. can trace and/or write their first name. Coloring sheetscharacter that represents the focus letter of the day. Rainbow writes their names or letters. Letter Mosaic: T. provides small cut-up construction papers, punch-out dots or tissue paper on every table. T. writes the focus letter on a piece of construction paper and S. will glue/paste the small cut-out, punch-out dots, or tissue paper. Read-Aloud (2nd)-- Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48.

Rationale Having students work for a short period of time is a way to ease them into doing things independently as the year progresses.


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 15-20

HM Week 2, Day 2 (9th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow two-to-three steps directions. Preparation/Materials: Daily/Morning Message on chart paper, markers, pointer Instruction: T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Calendar can also be incorporated to the morning/daily message. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Ffs. Continue to practice classroom procedureswarm-up, putting away folders, moving from the seat to the carpet, etc. Learning A Nursery Rhymes (Phonemic Awareness) Objective: Students will listen to the rhyme Caterpillar in order to act out the poem. Preparation/Materials: Caterpillar TEW16 on chart paper Instruction: T. writes Caterpillar TEW16 on chart paper prior to the lesson. T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. teaches the song. S. sing along with T. T. shows the actions to the class. S. acts out the poem. T. may call out 2-4 students to recite and act out the poem in front of the class. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO A TRANSITION ACTIVITY (i.e. recite a poem from previously taught lesson, sing a song) Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus: Story Structure (Problem and Solution) Objective: Students will listen to a story in order to identify the problem in the selection. Preparation/Materials: The Tortoise and the Hare (TE Theme 9, Week 2, p. T66), chart paper, picture of a hare and a tortoise Selection: The Tortoise and the Hare (TE Theme 9, Week 2, p. T66) Instruction: T. prepares a picture of a hare and a tortoise (bigger version of the picture in TE 67). T. reviews with the class what a problem is. T. reminds the class that they will listen to a story and will identify the problem and if the problem is solved at the end of the story. T. reads paragraph 1. T. explains that Hares bragging (T. might explain the word bragging to help the S. understand the concept of the word) is a problem. T. reads the title while he/she shows the picture in TE 67. T. ask the class the problem in the story. If the class is having difficulties, T. guides them in coming up with the problem. T. record the problem on the board or chart paper. T. reads paragraph 12 and tells the class that the Hare overslept. T. explains that Hare overslept from bragging and reminds them that this really is the problem from the beginning of the story. T. reads the entire story. T. explains to the class that this story does not have a solution but it teaches a lesson. T. gives the lesson of the story in a child-friendly language. T. provides an example to help S. understand what a lesson isIf you work on something (writing your first name, cutting, coloring within the lines, etc.) everyday, you will eventually get better and better at it.



2 20-30

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 10-15

HM Week 2, Day 2 (9th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Previewing the ABCS & Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters and words in order to differentiate between letters and words. Students will recognize their first name in print in order to read names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials Alphabet Song, Daily/Morning Message used earlier in the day, markers, Practice Book pages 13-14 Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Gg (TE W17). Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the name cheer on TEW17. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Ggs. S. practice forming the letter Ggs on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page13 and 14. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will develop an apply vocabulary through exposure to a variety of texts in order to read environmental prints. Students will read signs, labels, and environmental print in order to create an environmental print collage. Preparation/Materials: empty and clean food container Instruction: S. read the labels that are already on the bulletin board. Continue to add/display food labels on the board. S. read the labels that were just added to the board. Establishing Independent Work Routines: Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard in a variety of setting in order to express their needs during independent work period. Preparation/Materials: Literacy Assessment Booklet for each students, pencils, crayons, magazines/newspaper, construction paper Instruction: T. reviews the poster of rules for independent work prior to this lesson. Keep the poster displayed in the room. T. explains the work they are going to do during Independent Work period. S. spend at least 10 minutes to do their independent work. Suggested Activities for students to do during Independent Work period: Use Practice book page 13-14 if you opt not to use for Previewing the ABCs. Provide S. a page or portion of a magazine (TV guides, Family, Parenting magazines, etc.). Circle focus letter of the day. S. can trace and/or write their first name. Coloring sheetscharacter that represents the focus letter of the day. Rainbow writes their names or focus letters. Letter Mosaic: T. provides small cut-up construction papers, punch-out dots or tissue paper on every table. T. writes the focus letter on a piece of construction paper and S. will glue/paste the small cut-out, punch-out dots, or tissue paper. Read Aloud (2nd)Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48.

Rationale/Notes Technology Integration (TL): Teacher can create an alphabet book with his/her class and upload it through Book Builder or Microsoft Photo Story. Use the website: Additional information on the Web 2.0 tools listed in these lesson plans can be found at



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 15-20

HM Week 2, Day 3 (10th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to participate in the Opening Routine. Preparation/Materials: Daily Message/Morning Message on chart paper (incorporate alliterationToday is Marvelous Monday.) Instruction: T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Ggs. Continue to practice classroom procedureswarm-up, putting away folders, moving from the seat to the carpet, etc. Continue with the oral presentation if you still have students who have not presented or new students in your class. Learning Nursery Rhyme (Phonemic Awareness) Objectives: Students will listen to Hickory, Dickory, Dock in order to repeat and produce silly rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Hickory, Dickory, Dock, written on chart paper Instruction: T. prepares on a sentence strip silly phrases that rhyme with the Hickory, Dickory (i.e. Mickory, Stickory, Lock). T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. reads the poem again using the silly rhyme. S. repeats the silly rhyme. T. can use more silly rhymes as substitute. The class will recite the poem both in its entirety using the original and silly rhymes. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO A TRANSITION ACTIVITY (i.e. recite a poem from previously taught lesson, sing a song) Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus; Story Structure (Problem and Solution) Objective: Students will listen to a story in order to identify the problem in the selection. Preparation/Materials: The Lion and the Mouse (TE Theme 4, Week 2, p. T64), chart paper, picture of a lion and a mouse Selection: The Lion and the Mouse (TE Theme 4, Week 2, p. T64) Instruction: T. reads the title and shows the picture on TE 65. T. reminds S. what a problem is. T. reminds them that while reading, they are going to think about the problem/problems in the story. T. reads through paragraph 5. T. model a think-aloud: I think the problem here is that Mouse will not be able to get-away from Lion. T. charts the problem. T. keeps the chart to add on as the story progresses. T. reads through paragraph 9. T. shows the picture of Lion and Mouse to visually remind the class about the story they are reading. T. explains to the class that Lion is still holding onto Mouse; and still thinking about eating Mouse. T. ask S. if they think Lion will let Mouse go. T. tells the class that they will continue to read the story and see if Mouses problem is solved and if there are more problems that may come up. T. reads through paragraph 10. T. ask S. if Lion let the Mouse out of his paws. T. confirms the response of the class. T. records how the problem was solvedMouse made Lion laughed. T. reads paragraph 11. T. explains that this part of the selection poses a problem. T. repeats to the class that the Lion is trapped in a net and could not get out. T. explains why this is a problem to the classthe Lion will be taken out the wild and possibly be placed in a zoo. T. records and adds the problem on the chart paper used earlier in the lesson. T. discuss the way the other animals reacted when Lion was roaring for helpthe animals are scared of Lion. T. reminds the class that at this point, Lion is still trapped, that this problem is not



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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



HM Week 2, Day 3 (10th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. solved yet. T. reads through paragraph 17. T. asks the class if Lion is going to take Mouses offer to help him. Class shows a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. T. finishes the story. T. reviews the problems and who is the character (refer to the chart paper) in the selection. T. will go over the second problemLion is trapped. T. reads paragraph 18 and emphasizes how Mouse solved Lions problem. T. records the solution on the chart paper. T reads the information on the chart paper. T. tells the class that this is a story that has a problem and a solution. T. reminds the class that when we read it is important to identify the problem and the importance of reading through the end to find out if the problem is solved.



Previewing the ABCs & Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters and words in order to differentiate between letters. Students will recognize their first name in print in order to read names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, Daily/Morning Message used earlier in the day, markers, personal, Practice Book pages 15-16 Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Hh (TE W19). Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the name cheer on TEW19. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Hhs. S. practice forming the letter Hhs on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page 15 and 16. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print from the Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A book of ABCs. Preparation/Materials: Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A book of ABCs Instruction: S. identify environmental print from the Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A Book of ABCs T. reads the print then ask the S. to read the sign. T. and S. discuss the meaning of the signs. T. leaves the Big Book open throughout the day so children have the opportunity to read the signs. Establishing Independent Work Routines: Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard in a variety of setting in order to express their needs during independent work period. Preparation/Materials: Literacy Assessment Booklet for each students, pencils, crayons, magazines/newspaper, construction paper Instruction: T. reviews the poster of rules for independent work prior to this lesson. Keep the poster displayed in the room. T. explains the work they are going to do during Independent Work period. S. spend at least 10 minutes to do their independent work. Suggested Activities for students to do during Independent Work period: Use Practice book page 15 and 16 if you opt not to use these pages for Previewing the ABCs. Provide S. a page or portion of a magazine (TV guides, Family, Parenting magazines, etc.). Circle focus letter of the day. S. can trace and/or write their first name. Coloring sheetscharacter that represents the focus letter of the day. Rainbow write their names or focus letters. Letter Mosaic: T. provides small cut-up construction papers, punch-out dots or tissue paper on every table. T. writes the focus letter on a piece of construction paper and S. will glue/paste the small cut-out, punch-out dots, or tissue paper. Read Aloud (2nd)Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested books on R48. ***NOTE: TEACHER CONTINUES TO ASSESS 2-3 CHILDREN ON THEIR LETTER IDENTIFICATION ASSESSMENT WHILE CHILDREN ARE DOING THEIR INDEPENDENT WORK***




Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 15-20

HM Week 2, Day 4 (11th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to participate in the Opening Routine. Preparation/Materials: Daily Message/Morning Message on chart paper prior to the lesson (incorporate alliterationToday is Marvelous Monday.), markers, and pointer Instruction: T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Hhs. Continue to practice classroom procedureswarm-up, putting away folders, moving from the seat to the carpet, etc. Learning Nursery Rhyme (Phonemic Awareness) Objectives: Students will listen to Pease Porridge Hot in order to repeat and produce silly rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Pease Porridge Hot TEW 20 written on chart paper Instruction: T. prepares on a sentence strip silly phrases that rhyme with the Pease, Porridge (i.e. Cheese, Chorridge, Chot). T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. reads the poem again using the silly rhyme. S. repeats the silly rhyme. T. can use more silly rhymes as substitute. The class will recite the poem both in its entirety using the original and silly rhymes. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO A TRANSITION ACTIVITY (i.e. recite a poem from previously taught lesson, sing a song) Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus; Story Structure (Problem and Solution) Objective: Students will listen to a story in order to identify the problem in the selection. Preparation/Materials: The Enormous Turnip (TE Theme 8, Week 2, p. T64), chart paper, pictures of farmer, wife, daughter, dog, cat, mouse, and a turnip or beet Selection: The Enormous Turnip (TE Theme 8, Week 2, p. T64) Instruction: T. reads the title and do not shows the picture on TE 65 as this may give away the problem in the selection. T. reminds S. what a problem is. T. reminds them that while reading, they are going to think about the problem/problems in the story. T. reads through paragraph 4. T. model a think-aloud: I think there is a problem in this story. I think the farmer will not be able to pull the turnip because it grew so big. T. shows the pictures of the farmer. T. charts the problem. T. reads through paragraph 7. T. shows picture of the farmers wife. T. tells the S. that the turnip is still stuck on the ground and reminds them that this is the problem. T. might read the last sentence again to help the S. remember the problem and its not solved yet. T. reads through paragraph 9, 11, 13 and shows the picture of the characters respectively. T. reminds the S. that the problem is still not solved. T. reads paragraph 14. T. stops and let the S. guess if the cat will eat the mouse. T. tells the class that they will read through the entire selection to see if the cat eats the mouse and if the problem is solved. T. reminds them that the problem is the turnip is stuck on the ground. T. reads paragraph 18. T. asks the class what the problem is again. T. guides them if they are having difficulties remembering. T. refers to the chart. T. charts the solutioneveryone helped to pull the enormous turnip.



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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



HM Week 2, Day 4 (11th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. T. tells the class that this is a story that has a problem and a solution. T. reminds the class that when we read it is important to identify the problem and the importance of reading through the end to find out if the problem is solved. 2



Previewing the ABCs & Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters and words in order to differentiate between letters. Students will recognize their first name in print in order to read names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, Daily/Morning Message used earlier the day, Practice pages 17-18, personal chalkboard/white board, markers Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Ii (TE W21). Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the name cheer on TEW21. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Hhs. S. practice forming the letter Iis on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page 17 and 18. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to read environmental print from the Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A book of ABCs. Preparation/Materials: Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A Book of ABCs, pointer so S. can use it to read during the day. Instruction: S. identify environmental print from the Big Book: From Apples to Zebras: A Book of ABCs T. reads the print then ask the S. to read the sign. T. and S. discuss the meaning of the signs. T. leaves the Big Book open throughout the day so children have the opportunity to read the signs. Establishing Independent Work Routines: Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard in a variety of setting in order to express their needs during independent work period. Preparation/Materials: Literacy Assessment Booklet for each students, pencils, crayons, magazines/newspaper, construction paper Instruction: T. reviews the poster of rules for independent work prior to this lesson. Keep the poster displayed in the room. T. explains the work they are going to do during Independent Work period. S. spend at least 10 minutes to do their independent work. Suggested Activities for students to do during Independent Work period: Use Practice book page 17 and 18 if you opt not to use these pages for Previewing the ABCs. Provide S. a page or portion of a magazine (TV guides, Family, Parenting magazines, etc.). Circle focus letter of the day. S. can trace and/or write their first name. Coloring sheetscharacter that represents the focus letter of the day. Rainbow write their names or focus letters. Letter Mosaic: T. provides small cut-up construction papers, punch-out dots or tissue paper on every table. T. writes the focus letter on a piece of construction paper and S. will glue/paste the small cut-out, punch-out dots, or tissue paper. Read Aloud (2nd)Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48.





Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Minutes 15-20

HM Week 2, Day 5 (12th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Establishing Daily Routines Objective: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to participate in the Opening Routine. Preparation/Materials: Daily Message/Morning Message on chart paper prior to the lesson (incorporate alliterationToday is Marvelous Monday.), markers, Instruction: T. reads the Daily Message/Morning Message. T. briefly goes over the calendar. Have students come up to the Daily/Morning Message and circle all the Iis. Continue to practice classroom procedureswarm-up, putting away folders, moving from the seat to the carpet, etc. Learning Nursery Rhyme (Phonemic Awareness) Objectives: Students will listen to Little Miss Muffet in order to repeat and produce silly rhyming words. Preparation/Materials: Little Miss Muffet, written on chart paper Instruction: T. reads the poem the first time while pointing to each word. S. chime in with T. as they recite the poem together. T. reads the poem again using the silly rhyme. S. repeats the silly rhyme. T. can use more silly rhymes as substitute. The class will recite the poem both in its entirety using the original and silly rhymes. *** GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO DO A TRANSITION ACTIVITY (i.e. recite a poem from previously taught lesson, sing a song) Listening to a Story (Comprehension Mini-Lesson/Guided Practice) Focus; Story Structure (Problem and Solution) Objective: Students will recall and discuss information from the text in order to illustrate their favorite story. Students will connect events, characters, and actions to their own experiences in order to vote for their favorite story. Preparation/Materials: chart paper, paper, pencils, crayons, and TEs used this week Selection: All the text read this week. Instruction: T. prepares a chart with the titles and the picture provided on the TEs as a header. T. prepares all the TEs used for the week. T. post the chart used for the week to record the problem and solution. T. reminds the class what skill they worked on this week, which is problem. T. reminds the class what problem is. T. revisit The Little Engine That Could. T. gives a summary of the story. T. will help the class identify the problem in this story using the chart. T. use the same procedure for the selections: The Tortoise and the Hare, The Lion and the Mouse, and The Enormous Turnip. T. gives S. time to think of which story they like the best. T. calls on few volunteers to share which story they like and why they like it. T. gives the S. the T-chart and explains what they need to do. S. are expected to illustrate their favorite story. S. post their illustration under the title of their favorite story. T. counts the illustration under each selection. T. reads the selection with has the most number of votes. T. reminds the class that every time they listen to or read a story, it is important to think about the title, characters, the problem, and if there is a solution to the problem.



2 20-30

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Minutes 10-15

HM Week 2, Day 5 (12th day of school) Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet students needs. Previewing the ABCs & Word Work Objectives: Students will identify likenesses and differences in letters and words in order to differentiate between letters. Students will recognize their first name in print in order to read names on the Word Wall. Preparation/Materials: Alphabet Song, Daily/Morning message used earlier in the day, markers, Practice book pages 19 and 20, personal chalkboards, white boards Instruction: Sing the Alphabet Song. Focus on letter Jj (TE W23). Review childrens names on the Word Wall or do the name cheer on TEW23. Students come up to the Word Wall and point to their own name. Use the Daily Message/Morning Message to circle all the Jjs. S. practice forming the letter Jjs on a personal chalkboard/white board. Suggested Activity: Use Practice Book page 19 and 20. Learning Environmental Print (Writing and Language) Objective: Students will understand that print conveys meaning in order to continue to read environmental print from the environmental bulletin board created on previous lessons. Preparation/Materials: environmental prints and labels collected from previous lessons Instruction: S. read the environmental print from the bulletin board and explain what it means 2 Establishing Independent Work Routines: Objectives: Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to follow a set of two-or-three step directions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard in a variety of setting in order to express their needs during independent work period. Preparation/Materials: Literacy Assessment Booklet for each students, pencils, crayons, magazines/newspaper, construction paper Instruction: T. reviews the poster of rules for independent work prior to this lesson. Keep the poster displayed in the room. T. explains the work they are going to do during Independent Work period. S. spend at least 10 minutes to do their independent work. Suggested Activities for students to do during Independent Work period: Use Practice book page 19 and 20 if you opt not to use these pages for Previewing the ABCs. Provide S. a page or portion of a magazine (TV guides, Family, Parenting magazines, etc.). Circle focus letter of the day. S. can trace and/or write their first name. Coloring sheetscharacter that represents the focus letter of the day. Rainbow writes their names or letters. Letter Mosaic: T. provides small cut-up construction papers, punch-out dots or tissue paper on every table. T. writes the focus letter on a piece of construction paper and S. will glue/paste the small cut-out, punch-out dots, or tissue paper. Read Aloud (2nd)Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48.

Rationale/Notes Technology Integration (TL): Teacher can create an alphabet book with his/her class and upload it through Book Builder or Microsoft Photo Story. Use the website: Additional information on the Web 2.0 tools listed in these lesson plans can be found at





Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 1 Look At Us

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Suggested Procedures on How to begin Reading and Center Rotation

Reading and Center Rotation will begin Theme 1. Use the suggested guidelines/procedures when introducing reading and center rotation beginning Theme 1 and the every time the teacher introduces a center to include in their small reading group rotation. Objective: Students will demonstrate active listening strategies in order to work effectively in a group. Suggested Guidelines/Procedures: Discuss with students that you will begin to break into small groups for part of the Reading/Language Arts block. Students will have the opportunity to work independently and in small group on center activities while others are meeting with the teacher. Break the class into two groups (1 group will be working independently while you are teaching the other group how to use a center). Review procedures for Independent Work. Provide the class the Reading Rotation and Center Rotation charts so students can get used to the icons used during small reading group instruction. Introduce rules and routines for Literacy Centers: Post these rules close to the Reading and Center Rotation chart Rotation signal (bell, timer, hand clapper, music, etc.). You may want to have two signalsone for clean-up (giving five more minutes) and another for time to rotate Clean-up procedures Quiet voices Location for complete/incomplete assignment (labeled trays, bins, folders, etc.). Introduce, model, and practice procedures for the centers being introduced. Follow the procedures every time a center is introduced. Always refer to the Reading and Center Rotation every time a center is introduced. Day 5 can be used to introduce, model, practice, and review centers.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us Week: One

Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to a story in order to compare and contrast activities when they were babies and at Kindergarten. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize the letter Kk. Students will identify in isolation upper and lower case letters learned in order to match upper and lower case letters. Students will use words to name and describe size in order to share with the class things they can do. Model one-to-one matching during the Daily Message and the Calendar. TE 8-9 Identify rhyming words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Now Im Big. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

TE 12 Preview the alphabet focus on the letter Kk, including childrens names that begin with the letter Kk. Locate Kk around the room.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) See Procedures on how to begin Reading and Center Rotation page81
*Introduce Reading /Library Center While the class works on an independent activity, take Group 1, then Group 2 to the Reading/Library Center. Introduce, model and practice procedures and expectations for this center.

Group 2
Literacy Activity (suggestion: T19-Writing) Teacher led practice at the Reading/Library Center

Time Allotment 15 min.

Group 1
Teacher led practice at the Reading/Library Center Literacy Activity (suggestion: T19-Writing)

15 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase. TE 13 Oral Language: Learning about big and little. Students practice writing their first name.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: One Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use information in text with prior knowledge in order to complete compare and contrast chart of how people and animals communicate. Students will identify the final sound in rhyming words in order to repeat and produce rhyming words. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Ll. Students will use words to name and describe size in order to incorporate size words in their daily oral vocabulary. Model one-to-one matching during the Daily Message and the Calendar. TE 14-15 Identify rhyming words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 16-17 Read Mice Squeak, We Speak. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: TE 18 Preview the alphabet focus on the letter Ll, including childrens names that begin with the letter Ll. Locate Ll around the room.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) See Procedures on how to begin Reading and Center Rotation page 81
*Review Reading /Library Center While the class works on an independent activity, take Group 1, then Group 2 to the Reading/Library Center. Introduce, model, and practice the procedures for this center.

Group 2
Literacy Activity (suggestion: T19-Writing) Teacher led practice at the Reading/Library Center

Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min.

Group 1
Teacher led practice at the Reading/Library Center Literacy Activity (suggestion: T19-Writing)

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase letters.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 19 Vocabulary Expansion: Use Size Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: One Day: 3

Component Objectives:

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the text Mice Squeak, We Speak in order complete compare and contrast chart of how people and animals communicate. Students will follow a set of two-or-three step directions in order to play the rhyming game Simon Says. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Mm. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to draw/write a first draft for Shared Writing. Model one-to-one matching during the Daily Message and the Calendar. TE 20 - 21 Identify rhyming pairs using word cards. Play the rhyming game, Simon Says, for Phonemic Awareness. TE 22-27 Read Mice Squeak, We Speak. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast TE 30 Preview the alphabet -- focus on the letter Mm, including childrens names that begin with the letter Mm. Locate Mm around the room. Practice Book p. 25.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) See Procedures on how to begin Reading and Center Rotation page 81
Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min. Group 1
Reading /Library Center
Teacher introduces Writing Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for the Writing Center with students (See R31).

Group 3
Literacy Activity (suggestion: T31-Art) Reading /Library Center
Teacher introduces Writing Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for the Writing Center with students (See R31).

Group 2
Teacher introduces Writing Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for the Writing Center with students (See R31).

Literacy Activity (suggestion: T31-Art) Reading /Library Center

15 min.

Literacy Activity (suggestion: T31-Art)

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 31 Shared Writing: Write a List.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us Week: One

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to a text in order to make comparisons of themselves to the activities in the text. Students will discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration in order to match rhyming pairs. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Nn. Students will generate topics and plan ideas for writing in order to create a list of things they like to play. Model one-to-one matching during the Daily Message and the Calendar TE 32-33 Identify rhyming pairs using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 34-35 Math Link: Read Lets Play Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 36 Preview the alphabet Focus on the letter Nn, including childrens names that begin with the letter Nn. Locate Nn around the room. Practice Book p. 26.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Teacher monitors independent activity of all groups.
Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min. 15 min. Group 1
Writing Center Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center

Group 3
Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center Writing Center

Group 2
Reading /Library Center Writing Center Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Interactive Writing: Write a List (based on the Math Content Link)

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us Week: One

Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will compare and contrast the selections read this week in order to pick and vote their favorite story. Students will discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliterations in order to identify rhyme in a rhyming story. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Oo. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas to write independently. Model one-to-one matching during the Daily Message and the Calendar. TE 3839 Listen for rhyming pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Revisit all text read from this week. Have students vote for their favorite book. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Read a rhyming book and students identify rhymes in the story. (Suggestion: Mr. Brown Can Moo by Dr. Suess) TE 42 Preview alphabet Focus on letter Oo, including childrens names that begin with the letter Oo. Locate Oo around the room. Practice Book p. 27.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Teacher monitors independent activity of all groups.
Time Allotment Group 1
Writing Center Literacy Activity

Group 3
Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center Writing Center

Group 2
Reading /Library Center Writing Center Literacy Activity

15 min. 15 min.

Reading /Library Center 15 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 43 Independent Writing: Students draw and dictate, as the teacher records it for them.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Two Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The Gingerbread Man in order to visualize and describe characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to match words that have the same beginning sounds. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Pp. Students will name pictures of common objects in order to describe body parts. Model one-to-one matching and directionality during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 50-51 Identify beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. TE 52-53 Read aloud The Gingerbread Man (Teacher may use different version of the book). Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 56 Preview alphabet -- Focus on the letter Pp, including childrens names that begin with the letter Pp. Locate Pp around the room. Practice Book p. 31.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) See Procedures on how to begin Reading and Center Rotation page 81
Time Allotment Group 1
Reading /Library Center Refer to Resource Packet p. R48 for list of Read-Alouds books to put in this center. Introduce Listening Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for Listening Center (See. R27). Literacy Activity

Group 3
Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center Refer to Resource Packet p. R48 for list of ReadAlouds books to put in this center. Introduce Listening Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for Listening Center. (See R27).

Group 2
Introduce Listening Center. Teacher models and students practice procedures and expectations for Listening Center (See R27). Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center Refer to Resource Packet p. R48 for list of Read-Alouds books to put in this center.

15 min. 15 min. 15 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters by having students match uppercase and lowercase.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 57 Oral Language: Use Naming Words (parts of the body).

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Two Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to Here Are My Hands in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to match words that have the same beginning sound. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Qq. Students will use expanded vocabulary in order to describe their five senses. Model one-to-one matching and directionality during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 58 59 Identify same beginning sounds using picture cards, for Phonemic Awareness. TE 60-61 Read aloud Here Are My Hands. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 62 Preview alphabet -- Focus on the letter Qq, including childrens names that begin with the letter Qq. Locate Qq around the room. Practice Book p.32.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Teacher monitors independent activity of all groups.
Time Allotment Group 1
Reading /Library Center Review procedures for Listening Center Literacy Activity

Group 2 Group 3
Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center Review procedures for Listening Center

15 min. 15 min. 15 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Review procedures for Listening Center Literacy Activity Reading /Library Center

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall. Review previously learned letters.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 63 Oral Language: Use Naming Words for the five senses.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

150-Minute Block


Day: 3

Date: ___________________________ Theme 1: Look At Us Week: Two Component Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Objectives: Students will revisit Here Are My Hands in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. comprehension Students will generate the sounds associated with individual letters and letter patterns in order to discriminate beginning sounds in a given pair. phon. aware/phonics Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Rr. word work Students will understand that speech can be written and read in order to dictate/write a response to text.


LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Model directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 64-65 Identify /m/ in word pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 66-69 Read aloud Here Are My Hands. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. (Suggestion: Bread and Jam for Frances by R. Hoban) TE 74 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Rr, including childrens names that begin with the letter Rr. Locate Rr around the room. Practice Book p. 34.

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min. 15 min. Group 1
Reading /Library Center Writing Center Listening Center

Writing Center Listening Center

Group 3
Listening Center Reading /Library Center Writing Center

Reading /Library Center

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 75 Shared Writing: Use Naming Words/Parts of the body.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _______________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Two Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story How Do You Feel? in order to visualize and describe characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a given pair of words. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Ss. Students will understand that speech can be written and read in order to make a list of body parts and their function. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 76-77 Discriminate same beginning sounds in word pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 78-79 Read aloud How Do You Feel? Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. (Suggestion: From Head to Toe by Eric Carle) TE 80 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Ss, including childrens names that begin with the letter Ss. Locate Ss around the room. Practice Book p. 35.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min. 15 min. Group
Reading /Library Center Writing Center Listening Center

Group 2
Writing Center Listening Center

Group 3
Listening Center Reading /Library Center Writing Center

Reading /Library Center

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 81 Interactive Writing: Use Naming Words--parts of the body.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Two Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the text read throughout the week in order to vote and describe their favorite story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sounds in a story. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Tt. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, and words to express an idea in order to write independently in their journal. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 82-83 Play the beginning sound game using students names for Phonemic Awareness. TE 84-85 Revisit all the text read for the week Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. TE 86 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Tt, including childrens names that begin with the letter Tt. Locate Tt around the room. Practice Book p. 36.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. 15 min. 15 min. Group 1
Reading /Library Center Writing Center Listening Center

Group 2
Writing Center Listening Center

Group 3
Listening Center Reading /Library Center Writing Center

Reading /Library Center

WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 87 Independent Writing: Journal Activity Use Naming Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Three Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The City Mouse and The Country Mouse in order to compare and contrast the characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify initial and final sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a given pair of words. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Uu. Students will identify graphic aids: diagrams, maps, graphs, and charts in order to create a Venn Diagram. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 94-95 Identify beginning sounds in word pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 96-98 Read aloud The City Mouse and The Country Mouse. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Suggestion: Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes-- identify beginning sounds in the story. TE 100 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Uu, including childrens names that begin with the letter Uu. Locate Uu around the room. Practice Book p. 38.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Cookie Jar Literacy Activity Write first name (if possible write last name and/or sight words).

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Write first name (if possible write last name and/or sight words) Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Cookie Jar

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Cookie Jar Literacy Activity Write first name (if possible write last name and/or sight words) Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

15 min. 15 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 25 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 101 Oral Language: Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the city and the country -- Use Describing Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Bibliography Theme 1 vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Three Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the text Mice Sqeak, We Speak in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a story. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Vv. Students will use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to describe a city and a country. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 102-103 Identify beginning sounds using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 104 Revisit Mice Squeak, We Speak. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. (Suggestion: Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus) TE 106 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Vv, including childrens names that begin with the letter Vv. Locate Vv around the room. Practice Book p. 39.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Cookie Jar Literacy Activity Teacher writes students names on cookie shapes and students cut them out, make their name, and glue back together.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Teacher writes students names on cookie shapes and students cut them out, make their name, and glue back together. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Cookie Jar

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Cookie Jar Literacy Activity Teacher writes students names on cookie shapes and students cut them out, make their name, and glue back together. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

15 min. 15 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 107 Vocabulary Expansion: Use Describing Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Three Day: 3

Objectives: comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the text Here Are My Hands in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the text. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a given pair of words. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Ww. Students will dictate/draw/write a response to text in order to participate in Shared Writing. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 108-109 Identify beginning sounds in word pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 110-111 Revisit Here Are My Hands. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Read a book and have students identify words that begin with the letter Ww. TE 114 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Ww, including childrens names that begin with the letter Ww. Locate Ww around the room. Practice Book p. 41.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Mary Wore a Red Dress Literacy Activity Use seeds or little pieces of black paper to make Wws on a watermelon shape. Students can practice making Wws

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Use seeds or little pieces of black paper to make Wws on a watermelon shape. Students can practice making Wws Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center
Shared Reading:

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading Mary Wore a Red Dress Literacy Activity Use seeds or little pieces of black paper to make Wws on a watermelon shape. Students can practice making Wws. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

15 min. 15 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Mary Wore a Red Dress

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Read The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton, and then draw a picture of where you live. Teacher labels the pictures for the students. TE 115 Shared Writing: Writing a Description.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Three Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Lets Play in order to compare and contrast the characters and/or events in the text. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to discriminate the beginning sound in a word. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case Xx. Students will respond to text in a variety of ways, such as response logs, journals, speech bubbles, in order to participate in Interactive Writing. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 116-117 Play the beginning sounds game using the students names, for Phonemic Awareness. TE 118-119 Revisit Lets Play (Math Link) Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. (Suggestion: Lillys Little Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes) TE 120 Preview the alphabet -Focus on the letter Xx, including childrens names that begin with the letter Xx. Locate Xx around the room. Practice Book p. 42.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Mary Wore a Red Dress Literacy Activity Have a generic picture of a boy or girl for each student. Students color clothes that they are wearing to resemble self. Students can practice writing their names.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Have a generic picture of a boy or girl for each student. Students color clothes that they are wearing to resemble self. Students can practice writing their names. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Mary Wore a Red Dress Literacy Activity Have a generic picture of a boy or girl for each student. Students color clothes that they are wearing to resemble self. Students can practice writing their names. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

15 min. 15 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Shared Reading: Mary Wore a Red Dress

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 121 Interactive Writing: Teacher introduces concepts about journals and models journal entry.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 1: Look At Us

Week: Three Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify connections between illustration and text in order to compare and contrast the books read throughout the week. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to discriminate the beginning sounds in a story. Students will differentiate letters in order to recognize and match the upper and lower case letters Yy and Zz. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, and words to express an idea in order to write independently in their journal. Model Directionality during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 122-123 Identify beginning sounds using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 124-125 Revisit the texts read this week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Read a book and have students identify beginning sounds in the story. (Suggestion: Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom by Bill Martin Jr.) TE 126 Preview the alphabet -- Focus on the letter Yy and Zz, including childrens names that begin with the letter Yy and Zz. Locate Yys and Zzs around the room. Practice Book p. 43-44.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 15 min.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Draw a picture of self going to school - think about what you are wearing to make it match. Practice writing name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Draw a picture of self going to school - think about what your are wearing to make it match. Practice writing your name.

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Draw a picture of self going to school - think about what you are wearing to make it match. Practice writing your name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

15 min. 15 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 30 min.

Review names on the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 30 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 127 Independent Writing: Journal Activity

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 1 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Theme 2 Colors All Around

Back to Introductory Notes
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 95

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: One

Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story I Need a Lunch Box in order to retell the story in correct sequence. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to sort pictures that begin with the sound /s/. Students will listen to and identify color words in order to create a class color graph. Students will identify the connections between illustrations and text in order to illustrate and label color words. Find and frame familiar letters and/or words in Calendar and Daily Message. TE 8-9 Identify beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. Play same sound sort for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read I Need a Lunch Box. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events TE 12-13 Identify pictures that begin with /s/.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 20 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem - circle Sss in red Make Sss out of string Practice making Sss

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Find or draw 3 pictures of things that begin with /s/. Practice writing 1s t and/or last name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem--circle Sss in red Make Sss out of string Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 Exploring Words: Color Words -- Use Apples to Zebras: A Book of ABCs, p. 29.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 15 Oral Language: Illustrate and label color words. Add color words to color word wall (use appropriate color for each word).

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list on R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: One Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine the cover and illustrations in the text in order to make predictions throughout the text. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to sort pictures that begin with /s/. Students will acquire and use new sight word in order to read a rebus sentence. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to create a chart using color and describing words. Discuss uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences. TE 16-17 Identify beginning sounds using picture cards. Have students clap words in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read I Went Walking. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 20-21 Identify /s/ in the Alphafriend song Sammy Seal. Identify the letter Ss and connect it to the /s/.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 20 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Rainbow write Sss Write name. Draw 2 pictures that start with the letter s.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle ss in red. Make ss out of string. Practice writing ss. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Slippery Soap Go to Slippery Soap Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Rainbow write Sss Practice writing name Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 24 Exploring Words: Discuss Color Words. Draw and color pictures and label with color word. TE 22-23 Introduce the high frequency word I -- Add I to the Word Wall. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Use Describing Words to describe animals.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: One

Day: 3


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify beginning, middle, and end of story in order to sequence events of the story I Went Walking. Students will identify initial sound of the word in order to sort words and pictures whose names begin with the letter Ss. Students will identify connections between illustrations and text in order to create a color word bank page. Students will dictate a response to text in order to participate in Shared Writing using color words to describe objects. Discuss capitalization during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 26-27 Identify beginning /s/ for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-32 Revisit I Went Walking. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Practice Book p. 51, whole group sequencing activity. TE 34 Identify and listen for the Letter Ss, use the Alphafriend song Sammy Seal.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 20 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Big and Small Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan
Literacy Activity Students cut out ws and ss and sort them into appropriate category. (See BGL) Write Sss

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Big and Small Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity

20 min.

Students cut out ws and ss and sort them into appropriate category. Practice writing name. w s

Cut up sentence (from small group yesterday) and illustrate. Rewrite sentence practicing spacing. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Big and Small Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan

20 min.

Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Exploring Words : Color Words to make a color chart.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Shared Writing: Write a description using color words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _______________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: One

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine title, cover, and illustrations/photographs in order to make predictions throughout the text. Students will generate the sounds associated with /s/ in order to find words that begin with Ss around the classroom. Students will identify connections between illustrations and text in order to add food items in the color chart. Students will generate topics and plan ideas for writing in order to participate in creating a class story. Identify the letter Ss and other known letters. Have students find and frame known letters in the Daily Message. TE 38-39 Identify same beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. Students clap each word in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Science Link: Read Whats My Favorite Color? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read- loud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 42-43 Review Letter Ss. Students will identify words that begin with the letter Ss.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 20 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Students are given a sheet of paper with the words Red, yellow, and blue on it. Students choose one word and circle it on their paper. Draw two pictures of something that color (use color chart on wall). Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Big and Small

Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Shared Reading: Big and Small Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 53 Practice writing name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 53 Practice writing name.

Shared Reading: Big and Small Go to Big and Small Shared Reading Lesson Plan

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Exploring Words: Review Color Chart and add more color words to the chart.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 45 Interactive Writing: Write a description based on yesterdays walk.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: One

Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the text read throughout the week in order to retell their favorite text in correct sequence and evaluate the texts. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to name pictures that begin with the letter Ss. Students will read and recognize color words in order to describe animals. Students will respond to text in a variety of ways in order to create a graphic organizer for Shared Writing. Incorporate capitalization and punctuation in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 46-47 Identify beginning /s/ for Phonemic Awareness. Identify number of words in oral sentences for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Revisit all books read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 50 Identify picture cards with /s/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Ss. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 3 (AGL)
Students cut out ws and ss and sort them into appropriate category. (See BGL) Read Words & Picture Book I ___. On back draw a pic of self doing something and write I ___. (can use a picture)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Fold a sheet of paper in . Draw something little on left/something big on right. Write name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Literacy Activity

20 min.

Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Cut up sentence (from small group) and illustrate.

Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Exploring Words: Color Words, using the big book, From Apples to Zebras. Discuss the colors in the book. TE 51 High Frequency Word Spiral Review, using word and picture cards. Review sentences with the word I.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Journal Entry: Favorite Colors.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _______________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: Two Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Caps of Many Colors in order to retell the story by sequencing the main events. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to identify pictures whose names begin with Mm. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create a rebus sentence using the sight word I. Students will speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences in order to use exact nouns in their illustrations. Model finding and framing color words in Daily message. TE 60-61 Identify same beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. Count the words in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read Caps of Many Colors. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 66-67 Introduce letter Mm. Introduce Alphafriend Mimi Mouse. Practice Book p. 57-58, whole class activity with teacher assisting the below grade level students.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue macaroni to letter Mm. Practice writing letter Mm. Practice Book p. 29.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Glue macaroni to letter Mm. Practice writing letter Mm. Practice Book p. 59. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue macaroni to letter Mm. Write name Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word: Review high-frequency word I, by matching word cards to the poem. Use word and picture cards to build rebus sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 69 Oral Language: Use exact nouns to brainstorm a list of animals.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: Two

Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text In the Big Blue Sea in order to retell the main events of the text. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to recognize words that begin with the letter Mm. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build a rebus sentence. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters or words in order to express personal ideas. Discuss capitalization in the Daily Message and Calendar. Identify what words have the /m/. TE 70-71 Identify beginning sounds in the poem for Phonemic Awareness. Clap words in an oral sentence. TE 72-73 Read In the Big Blue Sea. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 74-75 Listen for words with /m/ in the Alphafriend song. Connect the letter Mm to the /m/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Mm. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Time Allotment 20 min. Group 1 (OGL)
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle ms in red & circle ss in blue. Draw picture of 3 things that begin with Mm.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Write 2 sentences about red things you see. I see a red ___. I see a red ___. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Muffin Man Go to Muffin Man Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle ms in red & ss in blue. Practice writing name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 78 High-Frequency Word Practice: Build sentences with sight words, using word and picture cards. TE 76-77 High-frequency word see, build sentences using word cards. Identify and frame the word see in the poem -- Add see to the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Use exact naming words for fish using the big book: In the Big Blue Sea.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: Two

Day: 3


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to and discuss the story In the Big Blue Sea in order to tell the story in correct sequence. Students will segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words in order to identify the initial sound /m/ in a word. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create a color phrase chart. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas in order to create and describe fish mobiles. Have students find and frame color words and known letters in the Daily Message. TE 80-81 Identify beginning /m/ for Phonemic Awareness. Clap words in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-86 Revisit In the Big Blue Sea. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events TE 88 Continue to work on /m/. Listen for the /m/ words in the Alphafriend song. Connect /m/ sound to the letter Mm.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 59. Rainbow writes word see. (See R36)

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. (See R42) Illustrate & rewrite sentences Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Use dry erase boards or chalkboards and practice making Mms. Write name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 90 Exploring Words: Color Word Wall review. Students locate specific words on the Word Wall and record them in their journal.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 91 Shared Writing: Use color words to describe fish mobiles.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: Two

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the non-fiction text What Do You Do, Norbert Wu? in order to retell the main facts from the text. Students will identify letter matched to sound in order to sort pictures that begin with the letter /m/ or /s/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create a color phrase chart. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas in order to create and describe fish mobiles. Model finding and framing known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 92-93 Identify same beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. Put words in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 94-95 Read What Do You Do, Norbert Wu? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 96-97 Continue to work on /m/. Connect /m/ sounds to the letter Mm. Compare and review letters Ss and Mm.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort letters Practice Book p. 63.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Think about something you would like to take a picture of. Draw and illustrate. (color) (object) ex. Brown bear, yellow cat Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center
Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Three Blind Mice Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort letters m, s Rainbow write name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Go to Three Blind Mice Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 98 Exploring Words: Color words. Draw a picture and label the drawings with color words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 99 Interactive Writing: Write a description.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: Two

Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall information from the texts read throughout the week in order to retell the important events of their favorite story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds /s/ or /m/. Students will recognize and read sight words in order to match word cards to the colors. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas in order to make a journal entry about things they learned this week. Discuss capitalization and punctuation during the Daily Message. TE 100-101 Discriminate beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. TE 102 Revisit all books read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 104 Continue to work on the letter Mm. Use picture and word cards.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 63. Write your own sentence And illustrate I see ___. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Illustrate sentence from small group. Write name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 105 High-frequency Word Review: Review words I and see. TE 106 Exploring Words: Explore Color Words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 107 Independent Journal Writing: Use color words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _______________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: Three Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine the illustration and listen to the story How the Birds Got their Colors in order to make predictions throughout the story. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to produce the sound of the letter Rr. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write a rebus using the sentence stem I see __________. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings in order to name singular and plural words. Have students find and frame color words in the Daily Message. TE 114-115 Identify same beginning sounds for Phonemic Awareness. Clap words in an oral sentence for Phonemic Awareness. TE 116-119 Read How the Birds Got their Colors. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events TE 120-121 Introduce and work on the /r/. Introduce the Alphafriend Reggie Rooster.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class)40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Make Rrs out of ribbon or rice. Practice writing Rrs

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Make Rrs out of ribbon or rice Practice writing Rrs Practice Book p. 68. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Make Rrs out of ribbon or rice. Rainbow write Rrs (have 1st one printed for them) Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 122 High-Frequency Words: Create and write sentences with high-frequency words, use word and picture cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 123 Oral Language: Using singular and plural nouns. Make a word chart that illustrates one and more than one naming word.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: Three Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story I Went Walking in order to retell important facts from the story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write a rebus sentence using the words I, see. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary in order to communicate orally and in writing. Discuss capitalization during the Daily Message. Frame and discuss the word we in the Daily Message. TE 124-125 Identify beginning /r/ for Phonemic Awareness using the poem. Clap the words in an oral sentence. TE 126-127 Revisit I Went Walking. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 128-129 Connect /r/ with letter Rr. Review the letters Mm and Ss. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Rr. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 68. things that start with Rr. Practice writing Rrs.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 71 Write a sentence to go with a picture - I see a ___. OR other small group follow up activity. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Go to Row, Row, Row Your Boat Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Make a rainbow out of little pieces of colored paper. Practice writing Rrs Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 130-132 Review High-frequency words I and see. Introduce the word we by locating it in the Daily Message -- Add we to the Word Wall.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 133 Vocabulary Expansion: Plural animal names. Make a chart using singular and plural animal names.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: Three Day: 3


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the story In the Big Blue Sea in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to name pictures that begin with the letter Rr. Students will read and recognize color words in order to describe animals. Students will respond to text in a variety of ways in order to create a graphic organizer for Shared Writing. Have students find and frame color words in the Daily Message. Frame known letters or student names in the Daily Message. TE 134-135 Discriminate beginning /r/ for Phonemic Awareness. TE 136-137 Revisit In the Big Blue Sea. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 138-139 Continue to work on the letter Rr. Listen for the /r/ in the Alphafriend songReggie Rooster. Connect /r/ to the letter Rr.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort rs and ms Practice Book p. 71

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate Rewrite Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort rs and ms Practice writing rs and ms. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 140 Exploring Words: Explore color words through pictures. Have students draw a picture of favorite animal and label it and its colors.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 141 Shared Writing: Write a Graphic Organizer.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _______________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around Week: Three

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will read a non-fiction text Whats My Favorite Color? in order to retell the events in the story in correct sequence. Students will generate sounds associated with individual letters in order to identify pictures whose names begin with the letter Rr. Students will match oral words to printed words in order to participate in a matching game. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to write a class story during Interactive Writing. Students find and frame letter Rr and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE142-143 Identify beginning /r/ for Phonemic Awareness. TE 144-145 Read Whats My Favorite Color? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 146-147 Review the letter Rr. Connect /r/ to the letter Rr. Brainstorm Rr word list. Review letters Rr, Mm, and Ss.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle rs in red & ms in green Draw a picture of something that begins with Rr.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Trace, copy, stamp (see appendix for how to stamp) words I, a, the or other small Group Follow Up Activity Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Sally Go Round the Moon Go to Sally Go Round the Moon Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle rs in red & ms in green Practice making Rrs Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 148 Exploring Color Words: Match word cards to the poem. Students draw a picture and label the colors.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 149 Interactive Writing: Write class story using yesterdays graphic organizer.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 2: Colors All Around

Week: Three Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will describe feelings after listening to all the stories read throughout this week in order to vote and retell the events in correct sequence of their favorite book. Students will listen and identify initial sounds in words in order to match pictures to their corresponding sounds. Students will ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to color words in order to play a word game. Students will use resources, such as the Word Wall and picture dictionaries in order to spell words in their journal entry. Discuss capitalization and punctuation during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE150-151 Identify beginning /r/ for Phonemic Awareness. Play a guessing game using Rr words. TE 152-153 Reread all stories from the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 154 Review /r/, /m/, /s/, using picture cards.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Students will make a rebus page for class book or Follow Up Activity Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Illustrate poem Write name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 155 High Frequency Words: Review I, see, and we. Teacher needs to make a word card for we.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 157 Independent Writing: Write using naming words and color words in their journal.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 2 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 3 Were a Family

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Theme 3: Were a Family

Week: One Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify the elements of character and setting in literary works in order to connect characters and setting to their experience. Students will identify initial sounds in order to sort pictures that begin with the sound /t/. Students will match oral words to printed words in order to read a rebus sentence. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to make a list of movement words. Model one-to-one matching and directionality. TE 8-9 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Jonathan and His Mommy. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureCharacters/Setting Practice Book p. 73, 74 TE 12-13 Introduce letter Tt. Introduce and sing the Tt Alphafriend Tiggy Tiger. Listen for Tt words, using picture cards.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Go to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue crumbled up tissue paper to letter Tt. Practice writing the letter Tt.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Glue crumbled up tissue paper to letter Tt. Practice Book p. 75 & 76 Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Go to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue crumbled up tissue paper to letter Tt. Practice writing name. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High Frequency Words: Practice with sight words, using word cards. Match word cards to poem. Write I see . . . sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 15 Oral Language: Use movement words to make a word web.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Theme 3: Were A Family

Week: One Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen the story Tortillas and Lullabies in order to evaluate (respond to) the text by speaking, drawing, or writing. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to classify pictures according to initial sound. Students will use letter-like shapes, symbols, letters, and words to convey meaning in order to write rebus sentences. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to make a family list. Discuss capitalization during Daily Message and Calendar. TE 16-17 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read Tortillas and Lullabies. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 20-21 Compare /s/ and /t/. Sing Alphafriend song Tiggy Tiger. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Tt. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Go to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group Illustrate the sentence.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 77 & 78 Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Go to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Rainbow write my Blackline master p. 176 (making Tts) Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-24 High frequency word practice introduce word my Add my to the Word Wall. Use word and picture cards to construct I see my . . . sentences. Find and frame the word my, using the poem.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Write about family members. Brainstorm a list of family members.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were A Family

Week: One Day: 3

Date: _____________________________________ Students will listen to Tortillas and Lullabies in order to identify the characters and setting of a story. Students will identify letter matched to sound in order to identify pictures and words that begin with /t/. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to add to the list of family words. Students will use dictate a response in order to participate in Shared Writing. Model finding and framing the students names in the Daily Message. TE 26-27 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-35 Read Tortillas and Lullabies. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureCharacters/Setting Practice Book p. 79 TE 36 Continue to work on letter Tt. Sing Alphafriend song. Connect sounds to letters.

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Ten Little Fingers Go to Ten Little Fingers Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 76. Rainbow write my.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from yesterday. Illustrate. Rewrite. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Ten Little Fingers Go to Ten Little Fingers Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Draw a picture of something that starts with Tt. Practice making Tts. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 38 Exploring Words: Make a family chart. Write a word bank about families.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 39 Shared Writing: Recording observations.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family

Week: One Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Families in order to evaluate by responding to the text by speaking, drawing, or writing. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to list words that begin with the letter Tt. Students will match oral words to printed words in order to label their illustrations. Students will dictate or write letters or words in order to participate in an Interactive Writing. Have students find and frame the letter Tt and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 40-41 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 42-43 Read Families Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 44-45 Continue to work on Letter Tt. Look for things in the room that start with /t/. Connect sounds to letters. Compare /t/ and /m/.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Write 2 sentences about things in the room that are blue. I see a blue ___. I see a blue ____. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Ten Little Fingers Go to Ten Little Fingers Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Have students match magnetic letters to words printed on cards (my, see). Make and scramble. Practice writing my, see. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

Shared Reading: Ten Little Fingers Go to Ten Little Fingers Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 46 Exploring Words: Explore family words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 47 Interactive Writing: Writing a journal entry.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family

Week: One Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will compare and contrast books read throughout the week in order to vote for their favorite story. Students will tell whether sounds are the same or different in order to sort pictures according to beginning sound. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to complete the sentence stem I see my _____. Students will write and express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, and letters in order to write independently in their journal. Discuss capitalization during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 48-49 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 50-51: Revisit to compare all books read this week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 52 Review sounds of letters /m/, /s/, /t/.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 77 & 78.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 80. Draw a picture of someone in your family. Write I see my ______. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle ts in red & ms in blue. Practice making Tts. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 54 Exploring Words: Family words. TE 53 High-Frequency Word Review: Build I see my __________ , using word cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 55 Independent Writing: Write about family activities in journals.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family

Week: Two Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen and comprehend what is heard in order to draw conclusions about the character and/or events in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in order to sort pictures that begin with the sound /b/ or /t/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write a rebus sentence. Students will name pictures of common objects in order to draw and label their illustrations. Model directionality and then have students write their names in the Daily Message. TE 62-63 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 64-65 Read Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Focus Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusion Practice Book p. 73-74 TE 68-69 Introduce /b/. Introduce the Alphafriend Benny Bear. Find /b/ words around the room. Discriminate /b/, using picture cards.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: The Bear Went Over the Mountain Go to The Bear Went Over the Mountain Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue beans onto the letter Bb. Practice making Bbs.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Glue beans onto the letter Bb. Practice making Bbs. Draw a picture of something that begins with b. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: The Bear Went Over the Mountain Go to The Bear Went Over the Mountain Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue beans onto the letter Bb. Practice making Bbs Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 70 High-Frequency Words: Read poem I Went Upstairs (Higglety-Pigglety p. 12). Students frame sight words I, see, my. Students use word cards to build I see my . . . sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 71 Oral Language: Using exact naming words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were A Family

Week: Two Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine title, cover, and illustrations/photographs in order to make, confirm, or adjust predictions throughout the text. Students will tell whether sounds of words are the same or different in order to identify pictures that begin with /b/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write rebus sentences. Students will generate topics in order to list types of clothing. Model recognizing initial consonants for known sounds in Daily Message and Calendar. TE 72-73 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read Shoes From Grandpa. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 76-77 Continue to work on /b/. Sing Alphafriend song Benny Bear. Connect sounds to letters. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Bb. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: The Bear Went Over the Mountain Go to The Bear Went Over the Mountain Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Match rhyming word picture cards. Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate the cut-up sentence.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 85 & 86 Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: The Bear Went Over the Mountain Go to The Bear Went Over the Mountain Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort picture cards by beginning sound. Practice making Bbs. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min.
Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 78-80 High-Frequency Words: Introduce the word like -- Add like to the Word Wall. Build I like my ______________. sentences, using word cards. Students write an I like my ____________. sentence. Find and frame the word like in the poem.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 81 Vocabulary Expansion: List types of clothing.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were A Family Week: Two

Day: 3


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Shoes From Grandpa in order to draw conclusions about the characters and/or events in the story. Students will identify letter matched to sound in order to recognize /b/. Students will draw and write in order to label members of their family. Students will contribute to a Shared Writing experience in order to list grocery items. Students demonstrate one-to-one matching as you read the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 82-83 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime for Phonemic Awareness. TE 84-91 Revisit Shoes From Grandpa Focus Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusion Practice Book p. 79. TE 92-93 Continue to work on letter Bb. Sing Alphafriend song Benny Bear. Connect sound to letter. Locate Bb words around the room.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Billy, Billy Go to Billy, Billy Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Write a rebus sentence, (I see my ______.) Practice Book p. 81.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from yesterday. Illustrate and rewrite the cut-up sentence. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Billy, Billy Go to Billy, Billy Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Sort bs, ts, ss Practice writing letters. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 94 Exploring family words. Draw a picture of your family and label drawing.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 95 Shared Writing: Write a grocery list.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family Week: Two

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use illustrations in the text Which Would You Choose? to convey information in order to predict throughout the text. Students will identify initial sound in a word in order to listen for /b/ in words. Students will ask questions to clarify meaning about objects and words related to topics discussed in order to generate list of family chores. Students will generate and expand ideas in order to write a title for the grocery list during Interactive Writing. Have students find and frame known letters in the Daily Message. TE 96-97 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime for Phonemic Awareness. TE 98-99 Read Which Would You Choose? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 100-101 Continue to work on Letter Bb. Listen for /b/ words. Connect sounds to letters. Compare and review /m/, /r/, /t/, /p/ and /b/.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Billy, Billy Go to Billy, Billy Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate. Rainbow write like

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 87 & 88. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Billy, Billy Go to Billy, Billy Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Students match magnetic letters to words printed on cards (like, my, see). Practice writing words. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min. 20 min

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 102 Exploring family words: Make a list of chores that students do at home.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 103 Interactive Writing: Choosing a good title. Review grocery list and discuss a good title.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family Week: Two

Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the books read throughout the week in order to retell their favorite story using the text/book for support. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to sort pictures according to beginning sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build rebus sentences. Students will use classroom resources in order to write independently in journals. Model directionality during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 104-105 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 106-107 Revisit all books read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Retelling of Events Focus Strategy: Making Inferences TE 108 Review initial /b/, /m/, /r/, t/. Discriminate known letter sounds.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Sort magnetic letters by curved letters and straight letters. Write a sentence about something they like. I like ____. Illustrate the sentence. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Pass out poem circle bs in red and Bs in blue Draw a picture of something that starts with Bb. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 87 & 88.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 110 Exploring Words: Family words. TE 109 High Frequency Words: Spiral Review. Build I see my ___________. and I like my _______________., using word and picture cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 111 Independent Writing: Journal Entry. Write about clothes.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family Week: Three

Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to and respond to text representing diverse cultures, perspectives and ethnicities in order to identify the characters and setting of the story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to name words that begin with /n/ and sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to match sight words to the text. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to match an object to a specific action. Discuss punctuation during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 118-119 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 120-122 Read The Amazing Little Porridge Pot. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureCharacter and Setting TE 124-125 Introduce /n/. Introduce Alphafriend -- Nyle Noodle. Compare and review /b/, /t/,and /n/.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Bingo Go to Bingo Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue newspaper pieces to the letter Nn. Draw two pictures that rhyme and try to label.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Glue newspaper pieces to the letter Nn. Cut up sentence from yesterday. Illustrate the sentence. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Bingo Go to Bingo Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Glue newspaper pieces to the letter Nn. Draw 2 pictures that rhyme. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 126 High Frequency words: Practice sight words. Match word cards to poem. Write I like my . . . sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 127 Oral Language: Use Action Words. Brainstorm an action word list.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were A Family Week: Three

Day: 2


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the story in order to make connections to the characters and settings in the story. Students will identify letters matched to letters in order to sort pictures according to beginning sounds. Students will spell a few sight words in order to write a rebus sentence. Students will listen to and use functional documents by following simple oral or rebus directions in order to sequence events in cooking. Have students find and frame letter Nn and other known letters during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 128-129 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 130-131 Reread Tortillas and Lullabies. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections TE 132-133 Continue to work on letter Nn. Sing the Alphafriend song Nyle Noodle. Connect sounds to letters using picture cards. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Nn. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (BGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Bingo Go to Bingo Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Write a rebus sentence (I see a _______.) Practice writing like , my.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 95 and 96. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (OGL)
Shared Reading: Bingo Go to Bingo Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Rainbow write like. Blackline master p. 170 (writing Nns). Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 134-136 High-Frequency Word Review: Build sentences. Use word and picture cards to build sentences. Students write See my _________. sentences. Find and frame words, my and like in the poem.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 137 Vocabulary Expansion: Use Order Words. Revisit the story Tortillas and Lullabies and put action words in story order.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were A Family Week: Three

Day: 3


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the text in order to identify the characters and setting in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in a word in order to isolate the initial sound /n/ in the words found in the Nyle Noodle Song. Students will read signs, labels, and environmental print in order to illustrate familiar signs. Students will use complete sentences in order to orally summarize directions using order words. Have students find and frame the letter Nn and other known letters during the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 138-139 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 140-141 Reread Shoes From Grandpa. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureCharacters and Settings

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 142 Sing the Alphafriend song. Find and frame letter Nn in the song. Connect sounds to letters. Locate Nn words around the classroom.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Pease Porridge Hot Go to Pease Porridge Hot Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 98. Draw and label a picture of something that begins with Nn.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from yesterday. Illustrate and rewrite the cut-up sentence. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Pease Porridge Hot Go to Pease Porridge Hot Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Draw a picture of something that starts with Nn. Label. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 144 Exploring Words: Environmental print. Draw pictures of signs discussed and then the teacher labels.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 145 Shared Writing: Use Order Words. Sequence actions from a story, using order words.

READ-ALOUD 10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family Week: Three

Day: 4


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the text in order to retell the events in the text story using the characters and setting. Students will match oral words to printed words in order to read words whose names start with /n/. Students will read signs, labels, and environmental print in order to illustrate and label common household appliances. Students will use illustrations to convey information in order to write simple directions. Discuss punctuation in the Daily Message. Find and frame the letter Nn in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 146-147 Blend and segment onset and rime using a list of school words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 148-149 Reread Families. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

TE 150-151 Brainstorm a list of words that start with /n/. Connect sounds to letters. Compare and review /r/, /s/, /b/, and /n/, using picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: Pease Porridge Hot Go to Pease Porridge Hot Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Cut up sentence from small group. Illustrate the sentence. Practice writing my, see

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Practice Book p. 99 & 100. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: Pease Porridge Hot Go to Pease Porridge Hot Shared Reading Lesson Plan Literacy Activity Draw a picture of what you eat for breakfast. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 152 Exploring Words: Environmental print.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 153 Interactive Writing: Use Order Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 3: Were a Family Week: Three

Day: 5


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will describe feelings after listening to or reading a literary work in order to vote and retell their favorite book. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to match pictures to their corresponding letter according to beginning sounds. Students will read some words by sight in order to review all known Word Wall words. Students will use drawings, symbols, letters, or words to express personal ideas in order to write independently in their journals. Have students find and frame the letter Nn and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 154-155 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime for Phonemic Awareness. TE 156-157 Revisit all books read throughout the week. Focus Skills: Retelling of events and Concepts About Print--Return Sweep Focus Strategy: Evaluate TE 158 Spiral review Initial Letter Sounds. Review /b/, /r/, /n/, and /t/, using picture cards.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (OGL) 20 min.
Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Read around the room, looking for known words. Then write the known words on paper.

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity Cut up sentence. Illustrate and rewrite the cut-up sentence. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center Guided Reading See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4)

Group 2 (BGL)
Shared Reading: See Day 5 Small Group Instruction Options (Introductory Notes pg. 4) Literacy Activity Read around the room, looking for known words. Then write the known words on paper. Centers Listening Center, Writing Center, Reading Library Center

20 min.

20 min. WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 159 High Frequency Words: Review sight words. Review the words I, see, my, and like, using word and picture cards. TE 160 Exploring Words: Environmental Print.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 161 Independent Writing: Journal Writing draw and write signs.

READ-ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 3 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 4 Friends Together

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together Week: One

Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use text features to facilitate understanding in order to summarize the text. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to list pictures and/or words that begin the /h/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to read a sentence. Students will use words to name and describe common concepts in order to classify words according to position words. Model one-to-one matching with the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 8-9 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Friends at School. Focus Comprehension Skill: Text Organization and Summarizing TE 12-13 Introduce the new sound /h/. Listen to the Alphafriend song Hattie Horse. Compare and review known letter sounds, /b/, /n/, /h/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High-Frequency Word Practice: Find and frame the words I, like, and my in the poem. Students will read and create sentences using word cards and picture cards. TE 15 Oral Language: Using Position Words. Brainstorm a list of position words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together Week: One

Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Aaron and Gayas Alphabet Book in order to make comments and ask relevant questions about the text. Students will generate the sounds associated with the individual letters in order to identify words and/or pictures that begin with/h/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build rebus sentences. Students will use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to illustrate and label position words. Find and frame the letter Hh and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 16-17 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 20-21 Continue to work on letter Hh. Listen to the Alphafriends song and listen for /h/. Connect sounds to letters using picture cards. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Hh. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-24 High-Frequency Word Practice: Introduce the word a Add a word to the Word Wall. Build rebus sentences using word and picture cards, using new sight word. Find and frame the word a in the poem. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Using Position Words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together Week: One


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify text features in the text Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book in order to summarize the text. Students will recognize that printed words are separated by spaces in order to read Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book. Students will orally blend phonemes into one syllable words in order to read word with -at. Students will generate ideas and topics in order to contribute to writing a newsletter in Shared Writing. Find and frame the letter Hh and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 26-27 Play the Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-33 Revisit Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book. Focus Comprehension Skills: Text Organization, Summarizing and Concept About PrintWord Spacing TE 34-35 Continue to work on the letter Hh. Introduce the short /a/. Listen to and sing the Aa Alphafriend song Andy Apple. Connect sounds to letters using letter cards. Make at words, using letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Building Words: Build at words using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Shared Writing: Writing a Newsletter.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text We Read Together in order to make comments and ask relevant questions about the text. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to read words that begins with /h/ and -at. Students will orally blend onset and rime in whole words in order to create at words. Students will use words to name and describe location in order to use position words during whole group Interactive Writing. Find and frame known sight words in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 38-39 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Read We Read Together. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 42 Continue to work on the letter Hh. Connect sounds to letters. TE 43 Continue to work on short a. Build at words, using letter cards and picture cards. Model blending the at words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Building Words: Words with short /a/. Build at words using letter cards. Change the beginning sound to make new words. Put students into groups and have them build short a words using letter cards or magnetic letters. TE 45 Interactive Writing: Using Position Words. Students generate a list of sentences using position words. Teacher writes sentences as the students dictate.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will describe feelings after listening to or reading literary works in order to pick and retell their favorite story. Students will categorize words as same or different by initial sound in order to sort pictures or words that begin with /h/. Students will substitute initial sounds in words to form new words in order to review known consonants and short /a/. Students will use descriptive words and other details in order to write/draw a journal entry. Find and frame letter Hh and other known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 46-47 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49: Revisit the literature read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Retelling events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 50 Continue to work on letter Hh and short a. Generate a list of at words, using known letters as the beginning sounds.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 51 High-Frequency Word Review: Review the words I, see, my, like, and a using word and picture cards. TE 52 Building Words: Build words with short a using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Write/draw a journal entry.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify simple cause and effect relationship in order to explain why things happen in the story. Students will match letters to sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will recognize and read sight words in order to build rebus sentences. Students will participate in a dramatic presentation in order to act out action words. Find and frame known words in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 60-61 Play a guessing game to blend and segment onset and rime. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read The Lion and the Mouse. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect TE 66-67 Introduce new sound, /v/. Listen to the Alphafriend songVinnie Volcano. Compare and review sounds /v/, /m/, and /h/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match word cards to the poem. Build I like my ______ . sentences using word and picture cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 69 Oral Language: Using Action Words. Brainstorm a list of action words. Have the students act out the actions.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Two Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify the connections between the illustrations and text in order to make predictions throughout the text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to generate a list of words that begins with /v/ and sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build sentences using known sight words. Students will use names and labels of basic concepts in order to illustrate and label action words. Find and frame known letter Vv and other known letters in the Daily message and Calendar. TE 70-71 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read My Dad and I. Take a picture walk through the story, drawing attention to the fact that illustrations help you understand the text. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 74-75 Review /v/. Connect sounds to letters. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Vv.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity


Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 76-78 High-Frequency Words: Introduce the new word to Add to on the Word Wall. Build I like to ______. Sentences using word and picture cards. Write and illustrate I like to ________. sentences. TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Using Action Words. Make a list of action words from the story and then students illustrate and/or write the actions.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use the details in the story in order to summarize the story. Students will generate the sounds associated with letters in order to list words that begin with /v/. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to make a list of at words. Students will contribute ideas about friends in order to write a story about friends during whole class Shared Writing. Point out the action words in the Daily Message and Calendar and then have students clap out the syllables. TE 80-81 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-87 Revisit My Dad and I. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details and Summarizing TE 88-89 Review short a. Connect sounds to letters, using /v/ and short a. Build at words. Start with vat. Students change initial sound. Students read list of at words and demonstrate how they all rhyme.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 90 Building Words: Words with short a. Build at words using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 91 Shared Writing: Writing a story. Write a story together about friends.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Two Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use illustrations to construct meaning from the text in order to predict/infer throughout the text Students will decode words in grade level text in order to read at words. Students will blend onset and rime in order to build at words. Students will use appropriate punctuation marks in order to write a sentence. Find and frame at words in the Daily Message and Calendar. Then have students read the at words. TE 92-93 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 94-95 Read Friends Help Friends. Take a picture walk. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 96-97 Review letter Vv and short a. Connect sounds to letters. Blend and build at words using picture and letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity


Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 98 Building Words: Words with short a. Build short a words using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 99 Interactive Writing: Writing sentences. Use action words to write sentences. Reinforce capitalization and punctuation.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together Week: Two

Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the stories read throughout the week in order to identify simple cause and effects of their favorite story. Students will recognize own first name in print in order to frame a familiar word in the Daily Message. Students will use resources (picture dictionary) to spell selected words in writing in order to write at sentences. Students will write simple sentences in order to write in their journal. Find and frame students names in the Daily message and Calendar. TE 100-101 Blend and segment onset and rime using picture cards. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 102-103 Revisit all the texts read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and effect Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 104 Review all known letters and short a words. Give students riddles and they use letter cards or magnetic letters to build at answers.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 105 High-Frequency Word Review: Review the words a, I, like, my, see and to. Build sentences with these words using word and picture cards. TE 106 Building Words: Words with short a using letter cards. Make a picture dictionary page of at words. Write sentences using at words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 107 Independent Writing: Write in journal. Remind the students to use the Word Wall and a picture dictionary to help spell words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify simple cause and effect relationship in order to determine why things happened in the story Stone Soup. Students will generate the sound associated with individual letters in order to list words that begins with the initial sound /k/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to match word cards to a poem and write a sentence. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally in order to make a list of action words from the story. Find and frame known sight words and known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 114-115 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 116-119 Read Stone Soup. Discuss what is happening in the picture. Activate prior knowledge. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect TE 120-121 Introduce new sound, /k/. Introduce the new Alphafriend Callie Cat. Listen to Alphafriend song. Compare sounds -- /v/, /h/, /k/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 122 High-Frequency Words: Match word cards to the poem. Build I see my ________. sentences using word and picture cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 123 Oral Language: Use Action Words. Brainstorm action words in the story. Students act out the action words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book in order evaluate by responding to the text through speaking and writing. Students will form uppercase and lowercase letters correctly in order to practice the letter Cc. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build sentences with the sight words. Students will use classroom resources and developmentally appropriate spelling in order to write their own sentences. Find and frame known letters and words in the Daily Message and Calendar. Incorporate the word at in the Daily Message. TE 124-125 Blend and segment onset and rime for Phonemic Awareness. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 126-127 Revisit Aaron and Gaylas Alphabet Book. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 128-129 Review the letter Cc and the /k/. Sing the Alphafriend songCallie Cat. Connect sounds to letters compare /v/, /h/, and /k/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Cc. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 130-132 High-Frequency Words: Review words a and to. Build sentences with sight words using word and picture cards. Write I like my _____. sentences. Be sure to introduce the new sight word at in the Daily Message Add at to the Word Wall. Write sentences with at. TE 133 Vocabulary Expansion: Using Action Words. Brainstorm a list of action words used at school. Students act out the action words. At the Writing Center, students can choose an action word/s to illustrate.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify simple cause and effect relationship in order to explain why things happen in the story. Students will blend sounds and syllables to form new words in order to read words with at. Students will substitute initial sounds in words to form new words in order to blend at words and form sentences using at words. Students will use template to dictate/write a friendly letter in order to write a note. Find and frame the action words in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 134-135 Blend and segment onset and rime using the poem for Phonemic Awareness. TE 136-137 Revisit My Dad and I. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect TE 138-139 Review short a. Blend at words using the letter cards. Students frame all the at words in the Phonics Library story, Cat Sat.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 140 Building Words: Build words with short a using the letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 141 Shared Writing: Writing a Note.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Three Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the texts Friends Help Friends and We Together in order to make comments and relevant questions about the texts. Students will orally blend onset and rime in whole words in order to make at words with pictures as support. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to review known letters and their sounds. Students will contribute letters, sight words and appropriate punctuation in order to participate in an Interactive Writing. Find and frame known letters in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 142-143 Play a guessing game to blend and segment onset and rime using the poem. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 144-145 Read Friends Help Friends and We Read Together. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 146-147 Review the letter Cc. Connects sounds to letters brainstorm /k/ words. Blend at words using letter and picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 148 Building Words: Words with short a. Brainstorm a list of rhyming at words using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 149 Interactive Writing: Writing a List. Focus on action words and uppercase letters.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 4: Friends Together

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify and explain text features and print features contribute to the meaning of all the stories read throughout the week in order to summarize their favorite story/text. Students will blend onset and rimes into whole words in order to use at words to make rebus sentences. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build sentences using sight words. Students will dictate or write words, phrases, or sentences related to ideas in order to write independently in their journals. Find and frame known sight words in the Daily Message and Calendar. TE 150-151 Play Pat, pat, clap game to blend and segment onset and rime. Blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 152-153: Revisit all the story read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Text Organization Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 154 Review short a words. Review known consonants and their sounds.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 155 High-Frequency Word Review: Review I, a, like, see, my and to using the word and picture cards. Practice Book p. 132. TE 156 Building Words: Build words with short a using the letter cards. Students write as many at words as they can as the teacher dictates.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 157 Independent Writing: Write in Journals.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 4 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 5 Lets Count

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count Week: One

Day: 1


Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Bennys Pennies in order to classify and categorize objects from the story. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words with initial sounds /p/,/n/, and /c/. Students will read high-frequency words in order to write sentences with high-frequency words. Students will use describing words and other details in order to describe objects around the classroom. TE 8-9 Count number of days on calendar. Review word wall words I, see, my, and like. Count number of sounds in a series; blend phonemes from poem, One, Two, Three for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Bennys Pennies. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize and Classify TE 12 Introduce /p/ and Alphafriend Pippa Pig. Review /n/ and /c/.

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High-Frequency Word Practice: Students will match words that have been introduced to the poem, One, Two, Three Create rebus sentences using the stem, I see my _____________. TE 15 Oral Language: Use Describing Words. Students will use number and color words to describe objects.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count Week: One

Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Feast for Ten in order to respond to questions and verify answers using the illustrations in the text. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort pictures and words according to beginning sounds. Students will spell, read, and write the word and in order to write sentences using the word and. Students will use number words in order to create a list food chart. TE 16-17 Count numbers of days that have passed, and use quantity words in Calendar routine. Model producing and writing beginning sounds in Daily Message. Blend phonemes in number words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Make a web of food groups to build background knowledge. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 20-21 Connect sounds to letters. Compare and review /p/, /n/, and /c/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Pp. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity


Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22 High Frequency Word Practice: Introduce the word and Add and to the Word Wall. Students will use picture cards and word cards to build a sentence using the word and. Students write and illustrate I like ____ and ____. TE 24-25 Vocabulary Expansion: Students will review number words in Apples to Zebras p.28. Create a number and food page on chart paper.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: One Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Feast for Ten in order to categorize and classify food in the story. Students will blend and read words with short a in order to read and write words with short a. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to highlight words in Nat, Pat, and Nan. Students will generate a grocery list in order to participate in a Shared Writing activity. TE 26-27 Identify numbers on calendar. Model listening for and writing beginning sounds in Daily Message. Blend phonemes from poem Hickory Dickory Dock for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-33 Revisit Feast for 10. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize and Classify TE 34-35 Blend words with short /a/. Circle or highlight known letters and sight words in Phonics Library book Nat, Pat, and Nan.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Building Words: Blend sounds with short /a/. Build words with an rime. Add an to the word pattern board.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Shared Writing: Create a grocery list.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the book Whats on the Menu? in order to ask relevant questions and verify answers using the illustrations in the text. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to classify pictures and words according to beginning sounds. Students will continue blending and segmenting words with short /a/ in order to create and build sentences using the an rime. Students will dictate/write letters, words, and appropriate punctuation in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing activity. TE 38-39 Identify first and last letters in words on Daily Message. Play rhyming game with Word Wall words. Blend phonemes from poem, Hickory Dickory Dock for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Categorize and Classify foods in big book Whats On the Menu? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 42-43 Connect sounds to letters: review /p/ and /a/. Blend an rime to different onsets.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Building Words: Blend onsets with the an rime to build words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 45 Interactive Writing: Add food items to yesterdays list.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will categorize and classify the text read throughout the week in order to summarize their favorite story/text. Students will blend and segment through onset and rime in order to build words. Students will build words that have short /a/ in order to write short a words in journals. Students will use descriptive and number words using a topic of interest in order to write independently in journals. TE 46-47 Review number words and use in oral sentences. Count number of sounds in a series and blend phonemes for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Revisit all the text read throughout the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize/Classify Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 50-51 Spiral Review of high frequency words and short a words. Use word and picture cards to make sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Building Words: Build short a words; students create sentences using high-frequency words and words with short /a/. Add words to journal.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Students write independently using numbers and describing words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs
Students will listen to the story Counting Noodles in order to retell the story using beginning, middle, and end. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create and write sentences using sight words. Students will repeat and produce rhyming words in order to create a list of phrases and sentences containing rhyming pairs. TE 60-61 Calendar work with a twist on counting. Count letters in words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes from words in the poem Notice for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read the story Counting Noodles. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End TE 66-67 Introduce Alphafriend Gertie Goose and beginning /g/. Compare and review /v/ and /p/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match sight word cards to poem Everybody Says. Students create rebus sentences and write I can sentence. TE 69 Oral Language: Rhyming words. Use picture cards to generate sentences using rhyming word pairs.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count Week: Two

Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall information from the story in order to summarize the story, Ten Little Puppies. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sound. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create and write sentences with sight words. Students will use names and labels of basic concepts in order to generate a list of kinds of dogs or pets. TE 70-71 Incorporate the use g words in Daily Message. Blend Phonemes using picture cards of rhyming pairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read the story Ten Little Puppies. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 74-75 Connect sounds to letters. Review /g/, /v/, and /p/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Gg. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 76-78 Introduce the new word go -- Add go to the Word Wall. Find sight words in poem Stop and Go. Use picture and word cards to generate sentences using go and other sight words. TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Naming Words. Create a list of breeds of dogs or kinds of pets.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will retell a story using text as support in order to recognize the sequence of events in Ten Little Puppies. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to highlight words in the Phonics Library book. Students will use onset and rime to decode one-syllable words in order to make words with middle sound /a/. Students will identify and produce rhyming words in order to write a number rhyme through whole class Shared Writing. TE 80-81 Count days on calendar; emphasize beginning sounds in words on Daily Message. Blend phonemes from words in the poem Going, Going, Gone for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-86 Revisit Ten Little Puppies. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End TE 88-89 Connect sounds to letters: Blend short a words with letter cards. Highlight sight words in Phonics Library selection, Go Cat!

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 90 Building Words: Use letter cards to build short a words and words with an rime. Students use white boards to write short /a/ words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 91 Shared Writing: Create a number rhyme.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Two Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify beginning, middle, and end of the story in order to summarize the text Meet Scott Nash. Students will blend phonemes in order to choose the best word to complete a sentence. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to create and illustrate the word. Students will use dictate and/or write letters and words in order to write a poem through whole class Interactive Writing. TE 92-93 Use rhyming words in calendar routine; review go and with word cards. Blend phonemes using words found in Ten Little Puppies for Phonemic Awareness. TE 94-95 Read Meet Scott Nash. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 96-97 Connect sounds to letters. Review /g/, /v/, /p/. Blend simple words using letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 98 Building Words: Use letter cards to build words with short /a/. Students write I see a ____. Final word can be a CVC word such as hat, can, man, van. Illustrate picture to match. TE 99 Interactive Writing: Write a rhyming poem.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Two Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the texts read during the week in order to retell stories and vote on their favorite story. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to read words and sentences. Students will discriminate and produce rhyming pairs in order to write and illustrate their own rhyming pair phrases and/or sentences. Students will use developmentally appropriate spelling in order to write independently in journals. TE 100-101 Use rhyming word pairs and descriptive words in Opening Routine. Blend phonemes in words from the poem Notice for Phonemic Awareness. TE 102-103 Revisit texts to model and build fluency. Reread the class favorite selection. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 104-105 Spiral Review of high frequency words and short a words. Build rebus sentences in pocket chart using word and picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 106 Building Words: Build Words using CVC rhyming word pairs. Students write and illustrate their own phrases and sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 107 Independent Writing: Students write in their journals Brainstorm writing topics with the students.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify beginning, middle, and end of a story in order to retell events in Peace and Quiet. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words with beginning /f/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to match word cards to a poem. Students will name pictures of commons concepts in order to describe different homes. TE 114-115 Use describing language during Opening Routine. Incorporate students names in Daily Message. Blend phonemes in poem Oodles of Noodles for Phonemic Awareness. TE 116-119 Read the story Peace and Quiet. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End TE 120-121 Introduce the Alphafriend Fifi Fish and /f/. Compare and review /g/ and /p/ with /f/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 122 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match sight word cards to poem One, Two, Three, Four, Five. Introduce the word no Add no to the Word Wall. Reading the book No, David! by David Shannon is one way to introduce the word. Write go and then exchange the g for n to make no. Students write a sentence using new word no. TE 123 Oral Language: Use describing words. List words that describe our homes.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from Feast for 10 in order to make comments and relevant questions to better understand the story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to review /f/ with other known letters and sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create and write sentences using sight words. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to describe different kinds of foods. TE 124-125 Use weather and season vocabulary in Daily and Calendar routine. Blend phonemes and count number of sounds in a series of spoken sounds for Phonemic Awareness. TE 126-127 Revisit Feast for 10. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 128-129 Connect sounds to letters: Review /f/, /g/, and /p/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Ff. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 130-132 High-Frequency Word Review: Review high frequency words and, go, and no. Track print and focus on high frequency words in poem Stop and Go. Build sentences with word cards and pictures. Students write and illustrate I like ________ and _______. TE 133 Vocabulary Expansion: Use describing words to describe foods.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recognize recall information from text Ten Little Puppies in order to retell the story using beginning, middle, and end. Students will read and recognize words in order to highlight sight words in Pat and Nan. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form new words by changing onsets. Students will dictate content of a friendly letter in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 134-135 Review beginning letters of the names of days of week. Incorporate words that begin with f in the Daily Message. Blend phonemes from words in the poem, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep for Phonemic Awareness. TE136-137 Reread Ten Little Puppies. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure--- Beginning, Middle, End. TE 138-139 Connect sounds to letters: blend short a words. Blend CVC words using word cards. Highlight sight words and circle letter f in Phonics Library selection Pat and Nan.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 140 Building Words: Build words with short a. Review -an on the word pattern board; build an family words. Build other CVC words by changing onset. Students write CVC words on white boards. TE 141 Shared Writing: Write a friendly letter.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Three Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use the text and/or illustrations in order understand unknown concept/unknown words about the text. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to review and blend known sounds. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form new words. Students will dictate letters, words, and appropriate punctuation in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 142-143 Count during Calendar routine. Blend phonemes from words in the poem, I Went Upstairs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 144-145 Revisit Meet Scott Nash. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 146-147 Connect sounds to letters. Review /f/ and /a/. Blend short a and CVC words. Display letter cards and pictures in pocket chart to blend words such as fan, pan, can.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 148 Building Words: Build words with short a. Blend CVC words. Replace beginning letter to change the onset of words. Students create rebus sentences using known words and blending known sounds. TE 149 Interactive Writing: Use describing words to compose a piece of writing. Students form letters correctly within the writing piece.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 5: Lets Count

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the texts read during the week in order to categorize and/or classify each book into fiction and non-fiction and be able to summarize their favorite story/text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to read simple words and review sight words. Students will use onset and rime to decode one-syllable words in order to build words in pocket chart and/or journals. Students will use drawings, letters, and words to express personal ideas in order to write independently in journals. TE 150-151 Have students use sensory words to describe the day. Students circle letter f on Daily Message. Blend phonemes in words from the poem, Humpty Dumpty for Phonemic Awareness. TE 152 Revisit texts from the week. Read the On My Way Practice Reader selection, Nan Can. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize and Classify and Summarize Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 154-155 Spiral review of known consonants and short a words. Review high frequency words. Build sentences in pocket chart.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 156 Building Words: Build short a words in pocket chart. Model blending procedure and changing onsets and rimes. Students can write and illustrate CVC words they know. TE 157 Independent Writing: Students write independently in journals after generating topic ideas.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 5 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 6 Sunshine and Raindrops

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 159

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: One

Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to Chicken Soup with Rice in order to identify and discuss fantasy and realistic elements in the story. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words with beginning sound /l/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to match word cards to words in a poem. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to list weather-related describing words. TE 8-9 Use weather words and descriptive words in Opening Routine; model punctuation in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes from words in the poem, As I Was Walking for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read story Chicken Soup with Rice. Focus Comprehension Skill: Fantasy/Realism TE 12-13 Introduce Alphafriend Larry Lion and /l/. Compare and Review /l/, /g/, and /v/ with picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High Frequency Word Practice: Match sight word cards to words on poem First Snow. Build sentence stem I can see _____, in a pocket chart and have students supply words to finish the sentence in various ways. Students write and illustrate sentence on paper. TE 15 Oral Language: Use words that describe the weather. Write I like ____ days.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: One


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to What Will the Weather Be Like Today? in order to make, confirm, or adjust their predictions throughout the text. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to compare and review /l/, /g/, and /v/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to identify the word is in print. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to identify descriptive phrases in a poem. TE 16-17 Use weather words during Calendar and Opening Routines. Model mechanics of writing on Daily Message: capitalization and punctuation. Blend and segment phonemes in weather words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read What Will the Weather Be Like Today? Build background knowledge by creating a graphic organizer and brainstorming weather words. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

TE 20-21 Connect sounds to letters: Compare and review /l/, /g/, and /v/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Ll. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-24 High Frequency Word Practice: Introduce new word is Add is to the Word Wall. Identify word is in poem Rainy Day. Create rebus sentences using is. Students write: A ____ is ____. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Identify describing words in poem First Snow. Create a list of describing words. On chart paper, write Snow looks like Students will brainstorm descriptive words and phrases.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: One


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of what is heard in order to identify realistic and make-believe elements in the story. Students will blend sounds to form new words in order to build and decode words with short /i/ sound. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to identify is and add is to the word wall. Students will use words to name and describe in order to generate descriptive phrases about winter objects. TE 26-27 Compare weather from yesterday and today. Incorporate weather comparisons in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem Quack! Quack! Quack for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-33 Reread What Will the Weather Be Like Today? Focus Comprehension Skill: Fantasy/Realism TE 34-35 Introduce Alphafriend Iggy Iguana and short i. Build short i words with letter cards. Circle short i words and sight words in Phonics Library selection Can It Fit?

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension Mini-

Lesson/Guided Practice:
Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Building Words: Build CVC words with short I using letter cards. Use it rime and change onset to form new words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Shared Writing: Review weather words, especially descriptive words about winter. Generate a list of describing words and the objects they describe.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: One


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Checking the Weather in order to make and adjust predictions throughout the text. Students will segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences in order to identify individual phonemes. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to read words with short /i/ and beginning /l/. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 38-39 Students identify initial sounds in Daily Message and during Calendar routine. Use /l/ words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in weather-related words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41Read Checking the Weather. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 42-43 Connect sounds to letters: Review /l/ and short i. Blend CVC words. Use letter cards to build a sentence.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Building Words: Build words with short a and short /i/ and CVC words using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 45 Interactive Writing: Add more weather and describing words to yesterdays graphic organizer. Students write We see ____, (complete with a weather word such as rain snow the sun, clouds).

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the texts read during the week in order to retell in correct sequence their favorite story. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to construct sentences using sight words. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to build and read words with middle sound short /a/ or short /i/. Students will generate topics of interest in order to write independently about their favorite type of weather. TE 46-47 Review weather words. Include new sight words is and it within Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from poem, The Itsy Bitsy Spider for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Reread selections read during the week. Model fluent reading. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections TE 50-51 Spiral Review of high frequency words. Add to word cards: we, at, no, it. Build short a and short i words. Construct sentences in pocket chart using word cards, picture cards, and punctuation cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Building Words: Build words with various onset-rime combinations. Build at, -an, -it family words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Write in journals. Reread the charts from this weeks Shared and Interactive Writing pieces. Encourage students to write about their favorite type of weather.


Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: __________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The Sun and the Wind in order to identify the problem and solution throughout the story. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words with beginning sound /k/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write sentences with known words. Students will name of pictures of common concepts in order to use action words to describe types of weather. TE 60-61 Display a thermometer and discuss temperature during Calendar routine. Blend and segment phonemes in the poem, First Snow for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read The Sun and the Wind. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Plot (Problem and Solution) TE 66-67 Introduce the Alphafriend Keely Kangaroo. Compare and review /f/, /t/, and /k/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High Frequency Word Practice: Match sight word cards to the poem, Everybody Says. Use words cards and picture cards to create rebus sentences. Students write and illustrate a sentence already built in the pocket chart. TE 69 Oral Language: Use action words to describe types of weather.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Two Day:2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will determine the important ideas in the text All to Build a Snowman in order to summarize the story. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to build sentences using the word here. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to use action words to describe weather conditions. TE 70-71 Compare yesterday and today on Calendar and in Daily Message. Students supply beginning letters for words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read All to Build a Snowman. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 74-75 Connect sounds to letters: Compare and review /k/, /f/, and /t/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Kk. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 76-78 High-Frequency Word Practice: Introduce new word here Add here to the Word Wall. Identify here in rhyme, Where is Thumbkin? Build sentences using here and other sight words in a pocket chart. Students write: Here is a ____. TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Review yesterdays chart and add more weather-related words and action words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from the story All to Build a Snowman in order to identify the problems and the solutions throughout the story. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to read words with middle short /i/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to identify and highlight words in the Phonics Library selection Kit. Students will contribute to a topic of interest in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 80-81 Record the temperature and give a brief oral weather report during Opening Routine. Incorporate weather words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in spoken words, for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-87 Revisit All to Build a Snowman. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructurePlot (Problem and Solution) TE 88-89 Connect sounds to letters: /k/ and short /i/. Circle /k/ words and sight words in Phonics Library book Kit.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 90 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/. Use letter cards to blend CVC words. Use it family word list and other sight words to write sentences. Example: We can fit in here. TE 91 Shared Writing: Weather Observations. Students share their observations about the weather, and teacher records students ideas.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: Two

Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text What Can We Do? in order to summarize the important events in the text. Students will blend letter sounds in order to create sentences using short /i/ words. Students will blend sounds and syllables to form new words in order to list words in word families. Students will form letters and words correctly in order to compose a weather report through whole class Interactive Writing. TE 92-93 Record the temperature during Calendar routine. Focus on todays weather in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes from words in the poem, Quack! Quack! Quack for Phonemic Awareness. TE 94-95 Read What Can We Do? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 96-97 Connect sounds to letters: Review /k/, /i/, and /t/. Build CVC words. Create sentences using letter and word cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 98 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/ and short /a/. Make a list of words in various word families such as an, -at, -ip, and it.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 99 Interactive Writing: Review the chart of weather action words from Day 2s Shared Writing. Compose a weather report, following procedures for Interactive Writing.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Two Day:5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the texts read during the week in order to retell their favorite story by sequencing the main events. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to build short /a/ and short /i/ words. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to read and write words and sentences. Students will write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, and/or words in order to write independently about a weather-related topic. TE 100-101 Use sight words here, is, and it within Daily Message. Talk about temperature during Calendar routine. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem, As I Was Walking for Phonemic Awareness. TE 102-103 Revisit the weeks reading selections. Model fluent reading. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 104-105 Spiral Review of short a, short i, and high frequency words including we, at, no, it.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 106 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /a/ or /i/. Students can work together to build words with magnetic letters or letter cards. Introduce the word it in the Daily Message Add it to the Word Wall. Students write Here is my _____ at ____________. Encourage students to finish the sentence with a word they can blend. TE 107 Independent Writing: Write in journals. Review the weeks Shared and Interactive Writing pieces. Generate ideas about weather topics.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to, read, and discuss fantasy and realistic fiction in order to identify real from make-believe in the story The Woodcutters Cap. Students will identify initial sounds in words in order to identify pictures and words with beginning sound /w/ (from Theme 9, Week 1). Students will read and recognize sight words in order to identify the word here and other sight words in print. Students will use complete sentences in conversations in order to express weather-related activities. TE 114-115 Continue to monitor the daily temperature. Use weather-related sentences in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem, First Snow for Phonemic Awareness. TE 116-119 Read The Woodcutters Cap. Focus Comprehension Skill: Fantasy/Realism TE 120-121 Introduce Alphafriend Willy Worm. Compare and review /w/, /h/, and /l/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 122 High Frequency Word Practice: Students match sight words cards to words on the rhyme, Where is Thumbkin? Change the rhyme to include students names. TE 123 Oral Language: Use Action Words. Students use action words and dictate what they like to do in different weather conditions.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing


Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will make connections to illustrations, photographs, texts from prior knowledge in order to evaluate their favorite page of text. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to compare the sounds of /w/, /h/, and /l/. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create sentences using known words. Students will use complete sentences in conversation in order to list action words. TE 124-125 Use describing words and action words in Calendar and Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 126-127 Revisit What Will the Weather Be Like Today? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate: Choose an illustration and share why they liked it. TE 128-129 Connect sounds to letters. Compare and review /w/, /h/, and /l/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Ww. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 130-131 High Frequency Word Practice: Review words is, here, and it. Use letter cards to build new sight word will -- Add will to the Word Wall. Students write and illustrate sentence, I will ____ or We will ____. TE 133 Oral Language: Review yesterdays writing. List action words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing


Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story All to Build a Snowman in order to identify and discuss why things happen. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to identify and highlight words in Phonics Library selection Fan. Students will blend sounds and syllables to form new words in order to create words from known word families. Students will dictate a response in order to participate in writing a class story. TE 134-135 Use weather vocabulary in Calendar routine and Daily Message. Incorporate new sight word will in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 136-137 Revisit All to Build a Snowman. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause/Effect TE 138-139 Connect sounds to letters. Blend short i words and w words. Highlight sight words and known letters in Phonics Library selection Fan. OGL and AGL students can read and decode words in text.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 140 Building Words: Build words with letter cards, and then change the beginning sound. Focus on spelling patterns in it, -at, -am, and ip family words. Students write own sentences using sight words and words they can blend. Introduce the new sight word will Add will to the Word Wall (if you did not add it yesterday). TE 141 Shared Writing: Revisit word lists and writing piece created during the week. Students brainstorm ideas to write a class story.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Week: Three

Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will make comments and ask relevant questions in order to decide which text is their favorite and explain why. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to make words. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to blend and read words with short /i/ and short /a/. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to contribute to a whole class Interactive Writing piece. TE 142-143 Use describing words and weather vocabulary during calendar routine. Use the word will in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from poem, Humpty Dumpty for Phonemic Awareness. TE 144-145 Revisit Checking the Weather and What Can We Do?. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 146-147 Connect sounds to letters: Review /w/ and /i/. Build CVC words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 148 Building Words: Build words with short /i/ and short /a/. Display the sentence, Here is my cat. Students will read sight words in the sentence and blend CVC word. Students write their own Here is my ___ sentence.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 149 Interactive Writing: Add to and edit yesterdays Interactive Writing piece.


Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all texts read during the week in order to identify and compare story plots. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to form familiar and new words. Students will discriminate sounds in order to identify the final sound in simple words. Students will draw or write a response in order to write independently in their journals. TE 150-151 Discuss local weather; model writing in Daily Message. Use new sight words and /w/ words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from poem, One, Two, Three, Four, Five for Phonemic Awareness. TE 152-153 Revisit the books read during the week. Read On My Way Practice Reader Here, Kit! Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructurePlot (Problem and Solution) Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 154-155 Spiral Review of consonants, short a, and short i words. Review high frequency words. Use word cards, picture cards, and punctuation cards to create sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 156 Building Words: Build words with short a or short i. Build CVC words and exaggerate the final sound in word. Students help identify final consonant in words. TE 157 Independent Writing: Allow students to write independently in journals, assisting students who have particular difficulty with the mechanics of writing.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 6 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Theme 7 Wheels Go Around

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 175

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: One Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify and use text organization/features of the text Wheels Around in order to summarize the text. Students will produce the initial /d/ in order to identify the pictures whose name begins with /d/. Students will read high-frequency words in order to create and write sentences with high-frequency words. Students will use words to describe a concept in order to generate a list of opposite words. TE 8-9 Incorporate high-frequency words into the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes from words in the poem To Market, To Market for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read text Wheels Around. Focus Comprehension Skill: Text Organization and Summarize TE 12 Introduce Alphafriend Dudley Duck and /d/. Compare and review /d/, /f/, and /k/ with picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High-Frequency Word Practice: Matching Words. Match sight words to words in poem, Stop and Go. Students write and illustrate a sentence using sight words. TE 15 Oral Language: Using Opposites. Generate a list of opposites such as old/new, up/down, etc. and then illustrate.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: One Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify the text organization/features of the text The Wheels on the Bus in order to summarize the text. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to identify words that begin with /d/. Students will read and recognize the word for in order to create sentences using the word for. Students will discuss words and word meanings daily as they are encountered in texts, instruction, and conversation in order to identify opposite words in the story The Wheels on the Bus. TE16-17 Discuss weather and predict weather during Calendar routine. Write about something that happened yesterday in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read The Wheels on the Bus. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 20-21 Connect Sounds to Letters: Compare and Review /d/, /p/, and /r/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Dd. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-24 High-Frequency Word Practice: Introduce the new sight word for -- Add for to the Word Wall. Build rebus sentences using word and picture cards. Frame the word for in the poem Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Using Opposites. Review yesterdays opposites chart. Revisit The Wheels on the Bus to get ideas for more opposite words to add to the chart.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: _________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Week: One

Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify text organization/text features in the story Wheels on the Bus in order to summarize the main events of the story. Students will blend consonants with short /i/ in order to read words with short /i/. Students will read words with short i in order to write sentences using words with short /i/. Students will use names of basic concepts in order to create their class signs through whole class Shared Writing. TE 26-27 Have students listen for /d/ in days of the week. Frame the word day in each days name during Calendar routine. Use d words in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from poem, Hey, Diddle Diddle for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-33 Revisit the story The Wheels on the Bus. Focus Comprehension Skill: Text Organization TE 34-35 Connect Sounds to Letters: Review /d/ and /i/. Blend CVC words such as dig and pig. Circle or highlight sight words and middle /i/ words in Phonics Library selection Big Rig.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

20 min. 20 min.

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Building Words: Build short /i/ words. Add dig to the word pattern board. Create sentences using sight words and CVC words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 37 Shared Writing: Writing About Signs. Brainstorm how to create class signs using opposite words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify text organization of the text Look for Wheels in order to summarize the text in their own words. Students will blend consonants and short/ i/ in order to complete a sentence using short /i/ words. Students will blend consonants and the short /i/ in order to create rebus sentences. Students will write letters or words in order to participate in a whole class Interactive Writing. TE 38-39 Use opposite words in the Calendar routine. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem Stop and Go for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Read the text Look for Wheels. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Text Organization and Summarize TE 42-43 Connect Sounds to Letters: Blend short /i/ words. Build sentences using sight words and CVC words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Building Words: Build words with short /i/ or short /a/. Students write a sentence with sight words and a CVC word that they can blend.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 45 Interactive Writing: Writing About Signs.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book See suggested list in R48and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the text read this week to identify the text organization/text features in order to summarize important ideas/events of their favorite book. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create sentences using the sight words learned. Students will blend consonants and short /i/ in order to read words with short /i/. Students will generate topics of interest about transportation in order to make journal entry. TE 46-47 Discuss theme-related words during Opening Routines. Incorporate sight words in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes from words using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Revisit selections read during the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Text Organization Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 50-51 Spiral Review of all high-frequency learned and words with short /i/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/ or short /a/. Build words in the same rhyming family by changing the onsets to form words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Generate writing ideas about wheels and transportation. Students write in their journals using a theme-related topic or opposite words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The Little Engine That Could in order identify the cause and effect relationship. Students will produce the initial sound /z/ in order to identify the pictures whose name begins with /z/. Students will read and recognize high-frequency words in order to create and write sentences with high-frequency words. Students will use words to describe in order to describe an object in reference to its location. TE 60-61 Incorporate theme-related discussion in Opening Routines. Model writing on the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read The Little Engine That Could. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect TE 166-67 Introduce Alphafriend Zelda Zebra and /z/. Compare and review /z/, /p/, and /l/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match word cards to words in poem, Hey, Diddle, Diddle. Create rebus sentences and students write I like to see my _____. TE 69 Oral Language: Use Position Words. Brainstorm a list of position words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Two Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will reread the sentences in the story Vroom, Chugga, Vroom, Vroom when the meaning is not clear in order to better understand the story. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort words and pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and write the word have in order to create sentences using the word have. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to label the different parts of the car. TE 70-71 Incorporate discussion of position words during Calendar routine. Blend and segment phonemes in words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read story Vroom, Chugga, Vroom, Vroom. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 74-75 Connect Sounds to Letters: Compare and review /z/, /p/, and /l/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Zz. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 76-78 High-Frequency Words: Introduce the new sight word have -- Add have to the Word Wall. Create sentences with the word have using word and picture cards. Read and frame the word have in the poem, Notice. Students write I have a big _____. TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Position Words, parts of a car. Review yesterdays position words chart. Use position words to describe and label parts of a car.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Week: Two

Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Vroom, Chugga, Vroom, Vroom in order to create a cause-effect chart. Students will blend consonants with short /i/ in order to read words with short /i/. Students will blend consonants with short /i/ in order to create sentence using sight words and words with short /i/. Students will plan and generate ideas in order to be able to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 80-81 Use z words and new sight word have in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes to make a word that names a car part for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-88 Revisit Vroom, Chugga, Vroom, Vroom. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect TE 90-91 Connect Sounds to Letters: Review /z/ and /i/. Blend short /i/ words. Circle or highlight short /i/ words and sight words in the Phonics Library selection Tan Van.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 92 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/. Review word families from the word pattern board. Display the sentence, I see a big pig. Students read and blend words. Students write own sentence. TE 93 Shared Writing: Write a class story about a vehicle, focusing on the character and the problem in the story.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Two Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify reread sentences in the text Cool Wheels in order to better understand the text. Students will blend and read words with short /i/ in order to complete sentences using words with short /i/. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form words with short /i/. Students will write letters or words in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 94-95 Discuss positions of numbers on the calendar. Use the same word more than once in the Daily Message and have students match the words that are the same. Blend and segment phonemes in words using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 96-97 Read the text Cool Wheels! Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 98-99 Connect Sounds to Letters: Review /z/ and /i/. Blend short /i/ words and build CVC words. Build sentences in a pocket chart using sight word cards and letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 100 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/ or short /a/. Build CVC words, changing initial consonant and final consonant. Build sentences with word and letter cards. Students write a sentence that includes a short /i/ or short /a/ word. TE 101 Interactive Writing: Review yesterdays class story and continues adding to it.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Week: Two

Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will identify simple cause and effect relationship in a text read during the week in order to explain why one event happened in their favorite story. Students will read and write high-frequency words in order to choose the correct word to complete sentences. Students will read words with short /i/ in order to illustrate the words with short /i/. Students will use effective details and words in order to write independently in their journal. TE 102-103 Compare this weeks weather with last weeks. Tally which week had more of a particular kind of weather. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem, Stop and Go for Phonemic Awareness. TE 104-105 Revisit the text selections read during the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/ Clarify TE 106-108 Spiral Review of high-frequency words and CVC words with short /i/ and short /a/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 108 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /a/ and short /i/. Students write and illustrate short a and short i words in their journals. TE 109 Independent Writing: Reread the class story composed during Interactive Writing this week. Generate writing topics about trains, wheels, race cars, etc. Students write independently in their journals.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will make, confirm, and adjust predictions in order to identify the main events of the story Mr. Gumpys Motor Car. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds /d/ and /z/. Students will read and write sight words in order to write sentences using the word can. Students will name opposites in order to illustrate opposite pairs. TE 116-117 Discuss opposite words related to the weather during Calendar routine. Blend and Segment Phonemes using words from the poem Notice for Phonemic Awareness. TE 118-121 Read Mr. Gumpys Motor Car. Focus Comprehension Skill: Summarize TE 122-123 Revisit the Alphafriends, Dudley Duck and Zelda Zebra. Compare and Review /d/ and /z/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 124 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match words for and have on poem, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. Introduce new sight word can -- Add can to the word wall. Read Eric Carles From Head to Toe, or another story that uses the word can frequently. Students write I can ____. TE 125 Oral Language: Brainstorm and write a list of opposite words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story The Wheels on the Bus in order to make comments and ask relevant questions to better understand the text. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort pictures and words according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to complete sentences using high-frequency words. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate orally and in writing in order to generate a list of ways to travel. TE 126-127 Use position words and opposites during Calendar routine. Incorporate the word can in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem To Market, To Market for Phonemic Awareness. TE 128-129 Revisit The Wheels on the Bus. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 130-131 Connect Sounds to Letters: Compare and review /d/, /z/, and /r/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Dd, Zz, Rr. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 132-134 High-Frequency Word Practice: Review words for, have, and can. Build sentences using picture and word cards. Match words for and have on poem, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. Students write: I have a ____ for a ____. Review can Add can to the Word Wall. TE 135 Vocabulary Expansion: List ways that people can travel.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will read familiar text in order to match spoken words to print. Students will read words with short /i/ in order to find short /i/ in the texts. Students will blend consonant sounds with short /i/ in order to write sentences using words with short /i/. Students will generate ideas about wheels in order to participate in Shared Writing. TE 136-137 Analyze the tally of different types of weather during the Calendar routine. Use words can, for, and have on the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem Hey, Diddle, Diddle for Phonemic Awareness. TE 138-139 Reread VROOM, CHUGGA, VROOM, VROOM. Draw students attention to the title of the story and the cover. Focus Comprehension Skill: Concept About Printmatch spoken words to print. TE 140-141 Connect Sounds to Letters: Review /d/, /z/, and /i/. Blend short i words. Circle or highlight /i/ words and sight words can, for, and, etc. in Phonics Library selection Zig Pig and Dan Cat.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 142 Building Words: Build words with short /i/ using letter cards. Review short /i/ words on the word pattern board. Build sentences with sight word cards and short /i/ words. Students write I like to dig or a similar sentence, using a short /i/ word. TE 143 Shared Writing: Write a class report about what students know about wheels.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Three Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will read familiar text Look for Wheels and Cool Wheels in order to make comments and ask relevant questions about the text. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create and write sentences. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to build and write short /i/ words and sentences. Students will contribute ideas on topics of interest in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 144-145 During the calendar routine discuss how the weather might affect using certain types of wheels. Blend and segment phonemes in words from the poem To Market, To Market for Phonemic Awareness. TE146-147 Revisit the texts Look for Wheels and Cool Wheels. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 148-149 Connect Sounds to Letters: Review /d/, /z/, and /i/. Build CVC words and sentences using word and letter cards. Build sentence I see a big _____.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 150 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /i/ or short /a/ using letter cards. Students write short /a/ and short /i/ words on paper or white boards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 151 Interactive Writing: Write a report about wheels and transportation, after reviewing yesterdays chart.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will compare texts of similar topics in order to choose and summarize their favorite story/text read during the week. Students will read and recognize high-frequency words in order to create and write sentences. Students will read and recognize words with short /i/ in order to build and write sentences. Students will plan ideas for writing in order to write independently in their journals. TE 152-153 Have students circle /d/, /z/, and the sight word, look in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes in words, using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 154-155 Revisit the selections read during the week. Vote on and reread the class favorite. Focus Comprehension Skill: Summarize Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 156-157: Spiral Review of all sight words learned and CVC words with short /i/ and short /a/. Build sentences using picture, word, and punctuation cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 158 Building Words: Build words with short /a/ and short /i/. Blend and read CVC words. Introduce the word look Add look to the Word Wall. Write sentences Look at the _________. TE 159 Independent Writing: Encourage students to write about their favorite kind of wheels.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 7 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 8 Down on the Farm

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm Week: One

Day : 1

Comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will differentiate fantasy from reality in The Story of Half-Chicken in order to make decisions about things and events that could happen in real life. Students will recognize the /k/, /d/, and /t/ in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read high-frequency words in order to write sentences using high-frequency words. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to name parts of a house.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

TE 8-9 Focus on using descriptive words in Daily Message. Blending and segmenting phonemes and phoneme substitution using the poem The Picnic for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read The Story of Half-Chicken. Focus Comprehension Skill: Fantasy and Realism TE 12-13 Review initial sounds /k/,/n/, and /t/.

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Group 1 Group 2
20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem Im a Little Teapot and word and picture cards. Students will write sentences using the sentence pattern: Here is my_________. TE 15 Oral Language: Students will name parts of a house.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: One Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use illustration to construct meaning from the text in order to clarify difficult concepts throughout the text. Students will connect letters to sounds in order to sort pictures and words according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create sentences. Students will revisit the story Cows in the Kitchen in order to generate list of rhyming words for each animal in the story. TE 16-l7 Focus on using comparative words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read Cows in the Kitchen. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 20-21 Connect sounds to letters. Initial sounds /t/, /k/, and /n/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 22-24 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem Little Arabella Stiller to introduce said and build sentences with word cards and write the word said Add said to the Word Wall. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Rhyming Words. Students will provide rhyming words for each of the animals in the story and teacher will record responses on chart paper.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: One Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Cows in the Kitchen in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to read one-syllable words. Students will substitute initial sounds in words in order to form new words. Students will generate ideas about Cows in the Classroom in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE26-27 Daily Message will still focus on using comparative words. Blending and segmenting phonemes and phoneme substitution using the poem Mix a Pancake for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-32 Revisit Cows in the Kitchen. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 34-35 Blend short o words using letter cards. Use Phonics Library book--- Dot Got a Big Pot. Circle all the ot words in the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 36 Building Words: Students will substitute initial letters with short o words then write sentences using words from short o list.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 37 Shared Writing: Students will participate in writing their own class story about Cows in the Classroom.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use illustrations Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids in order to construct meaning from the text. Students will blend letter sounds in order to form one-syllable words. Students will substitute initial sounds to form new words in order to write sentences with minimum support or independently. Students will dictate and/or write letters, words, and appropriate punctuation in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE38-39 Daily Message will focus on comparative words and model capitalization and punctuation. Use the poem Pease Porridge Hot for phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Read Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 42-43 Use letter cards to blend short o words. Use word and picture cards to model sentence construction using words with short o.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 44 Build Words: Students will blend sounds with short o and short i and write sentences with 2 or more of the words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

TE 45 Interactive Writing: Use naming words Interactive Writing.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm Week: One

Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the stories read this week in order to choose and retell their favorite stories. Students will blend letters in order to form one-syllable words. Students will recognize that letters build words and words build sentences in order to write sentences using short /o/ words. Students will name pictures of common objects in order to label parts of a house. TE 46-47 Students write with known letters and words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Revisit all texts read this week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Fantasy and Realism Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 50-51 Spiral Review of blending words with short o and high-frequency words already learned.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Build Words: Students will write sentences using the word have and words with short o.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Use Naming Words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The Enormous Turnip in order to visualize and describe the characters and/or events in the story. Students will recognize the final /ks/ in order to sort pictures and words according to final sound. Students will read high-frequency words in order to write sentences with high-frequency words. Students will use words to name and describe location, size, color, and shape in order to label items in the story. TE 60-61 Focus on using days of the week and weather conditions in the Daily Message. Incorporate the word do in the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read The Enormous Turnip or use another version of the story. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 66-67 Use Alphafriend Mr. X-Ray to introduce /ks/. Listen for /ks/ using picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word Practice: Introduce do. Locate do in the poem Add do to the Word Wall. Using the poem Rainy Day, students will look for high-frequency words and write a sentence using them. TE 69 Oral Language: Children write a sentence about one of the naming words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Two Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen and ask relevant questions in order to understand the story Mouses Birthday. Students will connect sound to letter in order to sort pictures according to final /ks/. Students will read sight words in order to create and write sentences using sight words. Students will name pictures of common concepts in order to compare objects and write a sentence about it. TE 70-71 Focus on what the class will do during the day in the Daily Message. Students frame known words, capital letters, and punctuation. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read Mouses Birthday. Focus Comprehension Skill: Question TE 74-75 Final /ks/. Connecting letters to sounds. Model correct letter formation of Xx. Practice writing Xx. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 76 High-Frequency Words: Students will be introduced to the word the. Use word and picture cards to make sentences with the Add the to the Word Wall. TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Describe objects by comparing and chart description. Write a sentence using comparison chart and starting with the.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will respond to text by drawing, speaking, dramatizing or writing in order to note important details in the story Mouses Birthday. Students will blend letter sounds in order to make one-syllable words. Students will segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences in order to write sentences. Students will write a friendly letter that shares knowledge about an experience or topic in order to participate in Shared Writing. TE 80-81 Use the name of the current month and have students spell it in the Daily Message. Have students frame known words, capital letters, the first and last words in the message, and punctuation. Use Quack, Quack, Quack poem for phoneme blending, segmenting, and substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-87 Revisit Mouses Birthday. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details TE 88-89 Review final sound /ks/. Review short o. Use the Phonics Library book, The Big, Big Box to find and frame short o words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 90 Building Words: Use letter cards to make CVC words with short o. Students write sentences with short o words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 91 Shared Writing: Write a thank you letter to one the characters in the story.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Two Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine the title, cover, and illustrations in order to ask relevant questions about the text. Students will read sight words and words with short /o/ in order to put sentences together. Students will substitute initial sound in order to form new words. Students will write a friendly letter that shares knowledge about an experience in order to participate in an Interactive Writing activity. TE 92-93 Focus on the return sweep as you write the Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 94-95 Read Who Lives on the Farm? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 96-97 Review final sound /ks/ and blending to form words with short o. Use word cards to make sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:
phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 98 Building Words: Students will substitute letters to form one-syllable words and write a sentence using the sentence pattern: Here is a _________.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 99 Interactive Writing: Write a thank-you letter to someone in the building, using naming words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Two Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will visualize and describe the characters and events in order to summarize important events of their favorite story. Students will blend onset and rimes into a whole word in order to use the word to build sentences. Students will segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences in order to write sentences. Students will use developmentally appropriate spelling in order to make a journal entry. TE 100-101 Find and frame known sight words in the Daily Message. Use the poem Pease Porridge Hot for blending and segmenting phonemes. Use phoneme substitution to make new words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 102-103 Revisit texts read during the week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Noting Details Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 104106 Build words with short o and short i. Use Phonics Library book, The Big, Big Box to find and circle all the short o and short i words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 105 High-Frequency Word Spiral Review: Use word and picture cards to make sentences. Students write sentences with high-frequency words. TE 107 Independent Writing: Students will write independently about farm animals.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm Week: Three

Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story A Lion on the Path in order to make decisions about what would make them run away. Students will match letters to sounds in order to sort pictures according to beginning sound. Students will read high-frequency words in order to build sentences using the high-frequency words. Students will revisit the stories Cows in the Kitchen and Mouses Birthday and identify naming words in order to write nouns in plural form. TE 114-115 Students help write known beginning consonants in the Daily Message. Make sure to add the word me to the Daily Message. Use the poem Notice for blending and segmenting phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 116-119 Read A Lion on the Path Focus Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusion TE 120-121 Review Beginning sounds /f/, /h/, /s/ using Alphafriend letter cards. Categorize like sounds using picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 122 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem Tommy to introduce the word me. Locate me in the poem Add me to the Word Wall. Students will read high-frequency words using word cards and create sentences. TE 123 Oral Language: Use Cows in the Kitchen and Mouses Birthday to find animal names. Chart singular and plural naming words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will connect events, characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences in order to make decisions about the characters, events, and actions in the story. Students will match sounds to letters in order to sort pictures according to beginning sound. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to create and build sentences using sight words. Students will listen to and expand their vocabulary to communicate orally in order to create an animal-baby chart. TE 124-125 Students frame sight words in Daily Message. Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 126-127 Revisit Cows in the Kitchen. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 128-129 Review initial sounds /f/, /h/, /s/. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Ff, Hh, and Ss. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 130-132 High-Frequency Words: Use word cards to create sentences. Use Practice Book p.248.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 133 Vocabulary Expansion: Students will create an animal-baby chart using naming words.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit Mouses Birthday in order to draw conclusions about the characters and/or events in the story. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form new words. Students will substitute final sounds in words in order to form new words. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary to communicate in order to create a class newspaper through a whole class Shared Writing. TE 134-135 Include concepts about the theme and concepts about print in the Daily Message. Use Peter Piper poem to blend and segment phoneme and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 136-137 Revisit Mouses Birthday. Focus Comprehension Skill: Drawing Conclusion TE 138-139 Blend short o words with letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 140 Building Words: Use letter cards to make CVC words with short o. Write sentences using new words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 141 Shared Writing: Write a class newsletter.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm Week: Three

Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will compare information in several texts with prior knowledge in order to tell what the author could have done to make the text easier to understand. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form new words. Students will blend letter sounds in one-syllable words in order to write sentences. Students will dictate or write words, phrases, or sentences related to ideas or illustrations in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 142-143 Students will supply words, names, capitalization, and punctuation in the Daily Message. Use poem To Market, To Market for the lesson in blending and segmenting phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 144-145 Revisit text Ice Cream: From Cows to Kids and Who Lives on the Farm?. Have students illustrate and write their ideas about the story. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 146-147 Review initial /h/, /f/, and /s/. Make short o words with letter cards and blend sounds.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 148 Building Words: Make CVC words with short o using letter cards and list them. Students write sentences with the words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 149 Interactive Writing: Write a class newsletter.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 8: Down on the Farm

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the texts/stories read during the week in order to retell their favorite story in correct sequence. Students will blend letters in order to read one-syllable words fluently. Students will read one-syllable words fluently in order to use them in sentences. Students will write about topics of personal interest in order to make a journal entry. TE 150-151 Have students frame short o words on the Daily Message Blend and segment phonemes and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 152-153 Revisit all texts from the theme. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Inferences TE 154-155 Spiral Review of initial sounds and high-frequency words. Use letter and picture cards to make sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 156 Building Words: Play a guessing game with CVC words with short i and short o. Students will write sentences using one-syllable words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 157 Independent Writing: Students will write independently about a topic.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 8 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 9 Spring Is Here

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 207

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring Is Here Week: One

Day: 1

Objectives: Comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recognize beginning, middle, and end in order to sequence the events in the story Kevin and His Dad. Students will distinguish the /kw/ sound in order to sort pictures whose name begins with /kw/ (from Theme 6, Week 3). Students will read high frequency words in order to create and write sentences using the high frequency words. Students will use action words in order to describe chores they can do around the house.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

TE 8-9 Focus on the Spring theme in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Kevin and His Dad. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events TE 12-13 Use Alphafriend Queenie Queen to introduce initial sound /kw/. Compare and review /d/, /kw/, and /w/ using picture cards.

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Skill or strategy

Shared reading/read-aloud

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem Tommy to match high frequency words and build and read sentences using picture and words cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 15 Oral Language: Use Action Words. Use verbs to describe actions and record their responses.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: One Day: 2

Component Objectives:
comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Spring Is Here in order to make a decision whether they like the story or not. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to identify words and pictures that begin with /kw/. Students will read and write high-frequency words in order to find and frame the word play. Students will discuss words and word meanings daily in order to complete a list of action words. TE 16-17 Focus on familiar sight words and words that begin with /w/ in the Daily Message. Calendars will use action words to describe weather. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read Spring Is Here. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 20-21 Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Qq. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation. Identify /kw/ sound.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-24 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem The Alphabet March. Find and frame the word play. Introduce the word play Add play to the Word Wall. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Add actions words to the chart.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: One Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Spring is Here in order to retell the events in the story in correct sequence. Students will substitute sounds in order to make new words. Students will read one-syllable words fluently in order to write sentences. Students will use action words in oral context in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 26-27 Focus on words that begin with /w/ in the Daily Message Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-35 Revisit Spring Is Here. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events TE 36-37 Connect sounds to letters. Use Phonics Library book Get Set! Play! Find and frame all known words in the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 38 Building Words: Use letter cards to review et words and write sentences using a sentence pattern: Here is a ______.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 39 Shared Writing: Students share their ideas and teacher record sentences about Spring.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text What Season Is It? in order to evaluate the text. Students will distinguish the short /e/ in order to blend and read words with initial consonants. Students will blend consonants with short /i/ and /o/ in order to read words with short vowel letters. Students will dictate or write words, phrases and appropriate punctuation in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 40-41 Focus on identifying the first and last letter words in the Daily Message. In Calendar, clap syllables in days of the week. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 42-43 Read What Season Is It? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 44-45 Blend short /e/ words using letter cards. Use letter and word cards to make sentences. Practice Book p. 261.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 46 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /e/, short /o/, and short /i/ using letter cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 47 Interactive Writing: Teacher writes about spring having students contribute ideas, known words, and letters.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the texts/stories read during the week in order to summarize important events of their favorite story/text. Students will build and read words with short /e/ and short /o/ in order to make sentences with high-frequency words. Students will blend consonants in order to write sentences. Students will write to express personal ideas using drawings, symbols, letters, and/or words in order to make a journal entry. TE 48-49 Focus on beginning letter sounds in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 50-51Revisit all texts read this week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 52-53 Spiral Review of short /e/ and short /o/ and high-frequency words. Use the Phonics Library books to find and frame short /e/ and short /o/ words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class)40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson


20 min.


Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 54 Building Words: Build CVC words with short /e/ and short /o/. Students will use short-e words in the sentence pattern: I can go to the ___________. TE 55 Independent Writing: Students will write independently using a topic of their choice or from a prompt.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story The Tortoise and the Hare in order to identify similarities and differences in characters and events in the story. Students will distinguish the /y/ in order to identify the pictures whose name begins with /y/. Students will read high-frequency words in the poem The Alphabet March in order to create and write sentences using high-frequency words. Students will recognize a regular beat and similarities of sounds in words in responding to rhythm and rhyme in order to list rhyming pairs. TE 62-63 Focus on the exclamation mark and end punctuation in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 64-69 Read The Tortoise and the Hare. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Character/Settings TE 68-69 Introduce Alphafriend -- Yetta Yo-Yo. Sing Alphafriend song. Initial sound /y/.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 70 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem The Alphabet March to find and frame all high-frequency words. Students match word cards play, and, the, do, me to words in the poem. TE 71 Oral Language: Students will generate a list of rhyming words. Teacher highlights the rime.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Two Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash in order to make and adjust predictions throughout the story. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to identify pictures whose names begin with /y/. Students will read and write sight word automatically in order to create sentences using the new sight words and other sight words learned. Students will revisit the story Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash in order to identify regular beat and rhyming patterns. TE 72-73 Focus on sight words -- students fill in sight words and end punctuation in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution and syllables in spoken words for Phonemic Awareness. TE 74-75 Read Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 76-77 Initial sound /y/ using Yetta Yo-Yo tape. Connect sounds to letters using picture and letter cards. Model Correct letter formation. Practice writing Yy. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 78-80 High-Frequency Word Practice: Introduce high-frequency word she Add she to the Word Wall. Build sentences with word cards.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 80 Vocabulary Expansion: Revisit the text and identify rhyming pairs. Record rhyming pair on chart paper.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will look back through the story Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash in order to identify and make comments on the characters and setting of the story. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will substitute sounds in order to make new words. Students will use rhyming words from the text in order to write a class poem. TE 82-83 Find and frame known sight words in the Daily Message. Use the poem Megs Egg for clapping syllables in spoken words. Phoneme substitution using letter cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 84-89 Revisit Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Characters and Setting TE 90-91 Review initial sound /h/ and blending short e using letter cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 92 Building Words: Practice substituting sounds using letter cards then have students write sentences using words with short e and sight words learned.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 93 Shared Writing: Using the rhyming list from yesterdays lesson teacher and students will try to write a poem using rhyming pairs.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Two Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Spring Jobs in order to make and adjust predictions throughout the text. Students will connect sound to letters in order to identify words and pictures whose name begins with /y/. Students will substitute and add sounds in order to make new words and use them in sentences. Students will use rhyming words in an oral context in order to contribute to and participate in a whole class Interactive Writing Activity. TE 94-95 Include plan for the day in the Daily Message. In Calendar, count and name days of the week. Practice syllable in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 96-97 Read Spring Jobs. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 98-99 Connect sounds to letters. Review initial /y/ and blending. Use letter and word cards to build sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 100 Building Words: Build CVC words with short e and short o and write sentences using CVC words with short e or short o and sight words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 101 Interactive Writing: Use rhyming words to write a poem.

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here Week: Two

Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the stories/texts read during the week in order to connect events, characters, and actions in the stories to specific life experiences Students will substitute and add sounds in order to make new words. Students will blend sounds and syllables to form new words in order to use them in sentences. Students will apply Standard English conventions nearly all the time in order to write independently. TE102-103 Focus on making a list in the Daily Message. In Calendar, count and name the days of the week. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE104-105 Reread a text from the week for fluency. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Characters/Setting Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connection TE 106-107 Spiral Review of letter/sound connections, blending, and high-frequency words. Include extra county words. Use Phonics Library book, Ben, to find and frame known words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 108 Building Words: Build CVC words with short e or short o. Word Wall review.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 109 Independent Writing: Students will write independently about Spring

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will examine characters in order to categorize and/or classify the characters in the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Students will identify the initial /y/ and /w/ in order to sort pictures according to beginning sound. Students will spell few high-frequency words correctly in order to write sentences using the high-frequency words. Students will use order words in order to retell a favorite story. TE 116-117 Focus on school news in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 118-121 Read The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize/Classify TE 122-123 Beginning sounds /y/ and /w/. Use picture cards to review sounds. Use Practice Book p. 275 and/or 276.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 124 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem The Alphabet March to match high-frequency words to the poem. Students will create or build sentences using high-frequency words. TE 125 Oral Language: Students will use order words in order to retell a favorite story.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will ask and answer questions about the text in order to determine the authors general purpose. Students will produce letter/sounds rapidly in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words and use letters to represent phonemes in order to use sight words in sentences. Students will discuss words and word meanings daily as they are encountered in texts in order to participate in discussion about spring activities. TE 126-127 Incorporate signs of Spring in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution using the poem Everybody Says for Phonemic Awareness. TE 128-129 Revisit Spring Is Here. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Clarify TE 130-131 Use initial /y/ and /w/ picture cards for sorting. Model correct letter formation for Ww and Yy. Practice writing Ww and Yy. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 (BGL) 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3 (AGL)
Literacy Activity

Group 2 (OGL)

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 132-134 High-Frequency Words: Review words -- play and she. Students write sentences using she, can, play, and other Word Wall words. TE 135 Vocabulary Expansion: Discuss things that happen in the spring and record students responses.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Three Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss what has been read in the story Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash in order to categorize and classify information from the story. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to blend and build words. Students will blend consonants and short /e/ in order to generate a list of words with short /e/ and use them in sentences. Students will write stories that contain characters, an implied or stated setting, and simple problem and solution in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 136-137 Focus on high-frequency words from the Word Wall in the Daily Message. Make sure to use the word am in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 138-139 Revisit Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize/Classify TE 140 Review blending short /e/ words. Use Phonics library book Pig Can Get Wet, then find and frame short /e/ words in the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 142 Building Words: Use letter cards to make short /e/ words. Use short e words and Word Wall words to write sentences. Review the new sight word am Add am to the Word Wall. Write I am _________. sentences. TE 143 Shared Writing: Write a class story using first, next, then, and last.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Three Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will ask and answer questions about the text in order to determine whether the authors ideas are clear. Students will blend consonants and short /e/ in order to write sentences. Students will blend sounds in order to form new words and use them in sentences. Students will use order words in order to participate in a whole class Interactive Writing. TE 144-145 Include Word Wall words and environmental print in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 146-147 Revisit What Season Is It? and Spring Jobs Focus Comprehension Strategy: Evaluate TE 148-149 Use letter cards to blend short e words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read-aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 150 Building Words: Use letter cards to change onset in short e and short o words. Students write sentences using short e and o words and Word Wall words. TE 151 Interactive Writing: Revise class story written on Day 3.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ-ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 9: Spring is Here

Week: Three Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the stories/texts read during the week in order to make connections to the text using illustration and /or prior knowledge. Students will read high-frequency words in order to build sentences using the high-frequency words. Students will blend consonants and short vowel letters in order to read and illustrate the words. Students will apply Standard English conventions in order to write a journal entry. TE 152-153 Focus on weather changes during the week in the Daily Message. Practice syllables in spoken words and phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 154-155 Revisit texts from the theme. Focus Comprehension Skill: Categorize/Classify Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections TE 156-157 Spiral Review of high-frequency words and words with short e.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 158 Building Words: Use letter cards to build short e and short o words. Write sentences using short e and short o words and Word Wall words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 159 Independent Writing: Students write in their journal.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 9 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Theme 10 A World of Animals

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools 223

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: One Day: 1

Comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Run Away! in order to retell the story by sequencing the main events using beginning, middle, and end. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to identify pictures that begin with /j/. Students will read and write high-frequency words in order to create sentences using high-frequency words. Students will listen to and identify the meaning of content-specific vocabulary in order to generate a list using exact names. TE 8-9 Focus on capital letters, punctuation and first letter sounds in the Daily Message. Use the poem Jack and Jill for the lesson on phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 10-11 Read Run Away. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Beginning, Middle, End TE 12-13 Initial /j/. Introduce the Alphafriend, Jumping Jill. Sing the Alphafriend song.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 14 High Frequency Word Practice: Use the poem One, Two, Three, Four, Five to match known high-frequency words. Write sentences using the words on the Word Wall. TE 15 Oral Language: Use the story Run Away and list all the animals in the story.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: One Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Splash in order to make comments and ask relevant questions throughout the story. Students will discriminate sounds and words in order to sort pictures and words that begin with /j/. Students will read and write sight words in order to use them in sentences. Students will use content vocabulary in order to compare animals. TE 16-17 Focus on using sight words and introduce the sight word are in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using the picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 18-19 Read Splash. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 20-21 Initial /j/ review -- Use Alphafriend, Jumping Jills song. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Jj. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 22-23 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use word and picture cards, the poem Crackers and Crumbs, and Phonics Library story Ken and Jen to find highfrequency words. Students will be introduced to the new word are Add are to the Word Wall. Students will write sentences using the word are. TE 25 Vocabulary Expansion: Comparing Information. Use the poem Giraffes Dont Huff.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: One Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recognize beginning, middle, and ending of story in order to retell the story Splash. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to blend words with short /u/. Students will substitute initial letters in order to form new words and use them in sentences. Students will speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences in order to participate in whole class Shared Writing. TE 26-27 Include exact naming words and the word are in the Daily Message. Use Giraffes Dont Huff for phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 28-32 Revisit Splash. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure---Beginning, Middle, End TE 34-35 Connect sounds to letters -- short /u/ words. Use the Phonics Library book, Ken and Jen to practice reading short u words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 36 Building Words: Students will make CVC words with short u, then use them in sentences. Introduce the word you Add you to the Word Wall. Write You are ____. sentences. TE 37 Shared Writing: Write facts about elephants.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme10: A World of Animals

Week: One Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Baby Animals in order to ask questions about the text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to form new words. Students will substitute initial letters in order to form new words and use them in sentences. Students will apply Standard English conventions in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 38-39 Focus on word spacing in the Daily Message. Substitute phonemes in the poem Bugs for Phonemic Awareness. TE 40-41 Read Baby Animals. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 42-43 Review initial /j/. Sing Alphafriend song Jumping Jill. Use letter cards to blend words with short u.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 44 Building Words: Teacher will use letter and word cards to model making sentences. The students will write sentences using the CVC words that have short u and/or sight words. TE 45 Interactive Writing: Students will provide letters, words, and punctuation to add information to yesterdays writing.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: One Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from several texts in order to retell a favorite story using beginning, middle, and end. Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to form new words with short /u/ or short /e/. Students will read and recognize high-frequency words and words with short /u/ and short /e/ in order to use them into sentences. Students will write and express personal ideas in order to write independently. TE 46-47 Include the words you and are in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 48-49 Revisit all books read during the entire theme Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructureBeginning, Middle, End Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections TE 50-51 Spiral Review/High-Frequency Word Spiral Review Use word and letter cards to build sentences with high-frequency words and short vowel words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 52 Build Words: Students will use sight words and CVC words with short /u/ and short /e/ in sentences.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 53 Independent Writing: Students write independently in their journals.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Two Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will use graphic aids and pictures in order to compare and contrast information from the story. Students will categorize words as same and different by initial sounds in order to sort words and pictures according to initial sounds. Students will identify and correctly use new words in order to write sentences. Students will listen to and use expanded vocabulary in order to list rhyming words. TE 60-61 Focus on punctuation in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 62-65 Read The Tale of the Three Little Pigs. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast TE 66-67 Initial sounds /b/, /k/, and /l/. Sing Alphafriend song Benny Bear. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Bb, Cc, and Ll. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

20 min. 20 min.

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 68 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use Tommy poem to match high-frequency words. Students will write sentences using the high-frequency words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 69 Oral Language: Revisit the text The Tale of the Three Little Pigs and write rhyming words. Record list on chart paper.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ____________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Two Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Feathers For Lunch in order to make, confirm, or adjust predictions throughout the story. Students will connect sounds to letters in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will read and recognize sight words in order to write sentences. Students will discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliterations in order to build sentences using rhyming words. TE 70-71 Daily Message will focus on rhyming words. Phoneme substitution using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 72-73 Read Feathers for Lunch. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 74-75 Initial sound /b/,/k/, and /l/. Sing Alphafriend, "Callie Cat. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Bb, Cc, and Ll. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 76-78 High-Frequency Word Practice: Students are introduced to the word he Add he to the Word Wall. Write sentences with he.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 79 Vocabulary Expansion: Revisit the text Feathers for Lunch to use exact names of birds. Compose sentences in a rhyming pattern.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Two Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Feathers For Lunch in order to compare and contrast characters and events in the story. Students will compare one-syllable words using initial, medial, and final sounds in order to read one-syllable words. Students will substitute sounds in order to make new words. Students will generate and plan ideas in order to write a summary. TE 80-81 Focus on uppercase letters, punctuation, and beginning consonants in the Daily Message. Use Quack! Quack! Quack! for phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 82-89 Revisit Feathers for Lunch. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast TE 90-91 Blend short u words, using the letter cards. Use the Phonics Library book It Can Fit to find and frame all short u words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 92 Build Words: Use letter cards to make CVC words with ut rime. Write sentences with cut, nut, and Word Wall words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 93 Shared Writing: Write a summary about Feathers for Lunch. Make sure to include beginning, middle, and end.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals Week: Two

Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the text Which Pet? in order to make predictions throughout the text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to blend and read words. Students will substitute sounds in order to make new words and use them in sentences. Students will write about topics of personal interest in order to participate in whole class Interactive Writing. TE 94-95 Use words that can be blended in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 96-97 Read Which Pet? Focus Comprehension Strategy: Predict/Infer TE 98-99 Connect Sounds to Letters. Blend short u words. Use word cards to make sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

20 min. 20 min.

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 100 Building Words: Blend words with short u or e. Write sentences with cut, rug, and Word Wall words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 101 Interactive Writing: Add details and a title to book summary from yesterday.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Date: ___________________________

150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Two Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the text read during the week in order to make personal connections to their favorite story/text. Students will review high-frequency words already learned in order to write sentences using those words. Students will identify initial, medial, and final sounds in order to blend, read, and construct sentences. Students will respond to text in a variety of ways such as response logs, journal, and speech bubble in order to write in a journal. TE 102-103 Include a simple saying in the Daily Message. Phoneme Substitution using the poem Giraffes Dont Huff for Phonemic Awareness. TE 104-105 Reading for Fluency a text from this week. Focus Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections TE 106 Spiral Review -- short u and short e and High-Frequency Words. Use letter cards, word cards, and punctuation cards to build words and sentences.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 108 Build CVC words with short u or short e. Write and illustrate words. TE 109 Independent Writing: Journal entry about favorite book -- I like__________.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Three Day: 1

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Henny Penny in order to identify the problems and solutions throughout the text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to identify pictures whose name begins with /j/. Students will use names and high-frequency words in order to create sentences using a sentence pattern. Students will use order words in order to retell a story. TE 116-117 Include the story selection in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using the poem Notice for Phonemic Awareness. TE 118-121 Read Henny Penny. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story Structure--Plot TE 122-123 Review initial /j/ using Alphafriend, Jumping Jill. Review /d/, /n/, /w/ with picture cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 124 High-Frequency Word Practice: Match Words using word cards. Write sentences using the sentence pattern: Girl/Boy Name said she/he can play here. TE 125 Oral Language: Retell the story using order words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals

Week: Three Day: 2

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will listen to the story Splash in order to summarize important events in the story. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to sort pictures according to initial sounds. Students will spell few high-frequency words in order to write sentences using the high-frequency words. Students will listen to, expand, and enrich vocabulary in order to make a list of pets and their needs. TE 126-127 Use order words in Daily Message. Phoneme substitution for Phonemic Awareness. TE 128-129 Revisit Splash! Focus Comprehension Strategy: Summarize TE 130-131 Review initial sounds /d/,/j/,/n/, and /w/ letter and picture cards. Model correct letter formation. Practice writing Jj, Dd, Nn, and Ww. Teacher monitors for correct letter formation.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 132-134 High-Frequency Word Practice: Use Crackers and Crumbs to match high-frequency words to the poem. Write sentences using he, are, and you.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 135 Vocabulary Expansion: Brainstorm kinds of pets and what they need. Record on chart paper.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals Week: Three

Day: 3

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit the story Feathers For Lunch in order to identify the problems and solutions throughout the story. Students will decode words with letter combinations in order to read and write words. Students will add sounds in order to form new words and create sentences. Students will write a series of sentences about a topic and support the topic with details in order to write directions. TE 136-137 Include opinion and the new sight word up in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using the poem Peter Piper for Phonemic Awareness. TE 138-139 Revisit Feathers for Lunch. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructurePlot TE 140-141 Blending short u words. Highlight short u words in the Phonics Library book, The Bug Hut.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson


20 min.


Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 142 Building Words: Build words with short u. Write sentences with short u and Word Wall words. Introduce the word up Add up to the Word Wall. Write sentences using the word up. TE 143 Shared Writing: Write directions.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals Week: Three

Day: 4

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will recall and discuss information from text in order to make comments and ask relevant questions throughout the text. Students will recognize and apply short vowel words in order to read and write words with short /u/ and known consonants. Students will read and recognize sight words automatically and words with short /u/ and /e/ in order to read, write, and illustrate their sentences. Students will follow a set of multi-step directions in order to write directions on taking care of a classroom pet. TE 144-145 Focus on high-frequency words and the new word up in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using the poem Rhyme for Phonemic Awareness. TE 146-147 Revisit Baby Animals. Focus Comprehension Strategy: Question TE 148-149 Blending /j/ and short /u/. Make sentences with letter cards, word cards and punctuation cards.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 150 Building Words: Build CVC words with short u and short e. Make words with letter cards. Record the words and sort them. TE 151 Interactive Writing: Use order words to write directions about taking care of a pet.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts


150-Minute Block

Theme 10: A World of Animals Week: Three

Day: 5

comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs.
Students will revisit all the stories/texts read during the week in order to summarize and make personal connections of their favorite story/text. Students will revisit all the words learned throughout the theme in order to pick the words that would make the sentence correct. Students will read words with short vowels in order to write three sentences using short vowel words and high-frequency words. Students will write about topics of personal interest in order to make a journal entry. TE 152-153 Focus on Word Wall words in the Daily Message. Phoneme substitution using the picture cards for Phonemic Awareness. TE 154-155 Revisit literatures for the theme. Focus Comprehension Skill: Story StructurePlot Focus Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections and Summarizing TE 156-157 Spiral review on words with short u and high-frequency words. Use word and punctuation cards. Blend sounds to write picture cards words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice: Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson

Group 3
Literacy Activity

Group 2

Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson



Literacy Activity

Teacher-directed lesson

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

TE 158 Build Words: Write sentences using CVC words with short u and Word Wall words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

TE 159 Independent Writing: Journal entry on how to take care of pets or personal belongings.

READ ALOUD -10 min

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48 and/or Theme 10 Bibliography vi.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Additional Whole Group Lesson Plans

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: One Day: 1


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will engage in a conversation in order to discuss important events in the story. Students will substitute sounds in order to form new words using ook chunk. Students will identify and use high frequency words in order to read and recognize sight words. Students will use classroom resources to spell unknown words in order to write independently in their journals. Daily Message emphasizing ook chunk. Read Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus or The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf or Owen by Kevin Henkes. Discuss the sequence of events in the story. Make and break ook chunk (look, book, cook, took, hook) Teacher provides letter cards and/or chunk cards for making and breaking words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min. Exploring Words High frequency words: look. Find and frame look in different texts or in the classroom. Then Trace, Copy, Copy the word look.

High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min. Oral Language Brainstorm a list of descriptive words. Vocabulary Expansion Independent writing: Write in journals about the Leo the lion, using descriptive words.
Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: One Day: 2


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will identify the elements of a story including characters, setting, problem, and solution in order to create an action and sequence chart. Students will segment and substitute sounds in order to form new words with ing. Students will identify words to express feelings in order to make a class list of feeling words. Students will use descriptive words and other details to expand and improve students own writing in order to write simple sentences. Daily Message in the form of a letter. Read Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak or any other monster book. Discuss the characters, setting, problem, and solution of the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Using letter cards, segment and substitute chunks using ing chunk. (ex. looking = look + ing, playing = play + ing) SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Vocabulary Expansion: Feeling words. Create a feeling word web. Draw a happy face and write happy words around it. Do the same for other feelings. WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min. Oral Language Independent Writing: Write a letter to Max about the monsters in the story.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: One Day: 3


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will listen to the story Goodnight Moon in order to make a personal connection to the story. Students will identify rhyme and alliteration in order to produce a sentence with rhyming and/or alliteration. Students will identify and correctly use new words acquired through the study of their relationship to other words in order to generate words. Students will write to express personal ideas in order to create a class book. Daily Message emphasizing rhyming and alliteration. (ex. Dear Smart, Super Students, Today is Terrific Tuesday.) Read Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown or any other story about night. Make connections between the characters and events in the story through a discussion.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Review rhyming. Teacher writes a word. A student will come up with a rhyming word (ex. kitten-mitten, cow-how). SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min. Exploring Words Vocabulary Expansion: Generate a list of words about night.

High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Make a class book on sleepy-time phrases.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: One Day: 4


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will examine the title, cover, and illustrations/photographs of a text in order to make predictions and ask questions about the text. Students will identify initial, medial, and final sounds in words in order to read a word. Students will use temporary spelling in order to spell words from the text.
Students will retell the text in order to participate in Shared Writing using order words.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Daily Message emphasizing order words (first, next, then, and finally). Make predictions about the story after you do a picture walk. List the students predictions on chart paper. Read The Napping House by Audrey Wood or any book with sequencing.

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Orally blend phonemes (ex. c-a-t-, j-u-m-p, h-o-p, w-i-sh, dr-o-p). SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Create a class list of animals from around the world.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Shared Writing: Summarize the story using order words. Teacher writes and students dictate using the Story Frame (See Resource Packet p.R122).
Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: One Day: 5


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will identify the elements of a story including characters, setting, problem, and solution in order to create a graphic organizer (story web). Students will blend 3-4 phonemes in order to make new words. Students will identify and correctly use newly acquired words in order to generate a list of household and garden tools. Students will consistently use end punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark) in order to create a complete sentence. Daily Message emphasizing end punctuation. Write end punctuation in a different color and use a period, a question mark, and an exclamation mark. Read The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone or any other classic tale. Discuss characters, setting, problem, and solution in the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Orally blend phonemes (ex. h-o-t, r-i-p, sh-o-p, ch-I-n, wh-e-n, th-a-t) SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min. Exploring Words Make a chart of tools and their uses.

High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Independent Writing: Complete the sentence stem (Who will ________________) in their journals. Focus on the correct end punctuation. Inventive spelling by students is acceptable.
Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: Two Day: 1


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will comprehend and analyze what is heard in order to retell the events in the story in correct sequence. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to decode words. Students will read sight words automatically in order to read the text. Students will compose a text in order to respond to the story. Daily Message emphasizing number words zero to twelve. (I bought twelve apples at the store.) Read Annos Counting Book by Anno or any counting book. Students retell what happened in the story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Initial sounds: Find objects or pictures of objects in room that begin with sound /z/. SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min. Exploring Words Put the number words one through six on the Word Wall. Play Be a Mind Reader (see R65).

High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Independent Writing: Create individual counting books. Teacher provides the booklet and students draw objects and write number word.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: Two Day: 2


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will examine title, cover, and illustrations of a text in order to make predictions throughout the text. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to form words. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to write the initial letter of a word. Students will respond to a text in a variety of ways in order to write in their journal.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min. Opening Routines Daily Message emphasizing types of food, especially fruit.
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Make predictions. Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle or any other story about food. Class will make a sequence chain.

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Clap 2-4 syllable words (ex. hungry, caterpillar, watermelon, apple). SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Frame sight words on the Word Wall (he, the, was) and the number words.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Independent Writing: Finish sentence in journal (He ate through _________________ but he was still hungry.)

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: Two Day: 3


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will identify the elements of the story including characters, setting, problem, and solution in order to discuss the text. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to write the initial letter of words. Students will read sight words automatically in order to read the text. Students will write a variety of responses to literary text in order to write a class story.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min. Opening Routines Daily Message emphasizing different types of animals that could be pets.
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Read Clifford The Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell or any other Clifford story. Make a Story Map about the characters, setting, problem, and solution.

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Initial Sounds: Orally produce words that begin like animal names (ex. dog dad, cat corn, tiger table). SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

Vocabulary Expansion: Color Words. Students brainstorm a list of different colored animal (ex. purple horse) and list.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Shared Writing: Write a new Clifford story. Teacher writes while students dictate the story.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: _________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: Two Day: 4


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will examine the title, cover, and illustrations in order to make predictions throughout the story. Students will recognize that letters have corresponding sounds in order to identify the sounds of letters. Students will identify initial, medial, and final sounds in words in order to spell words. Students will explain the purpose of mechanics in order to discuss correct capitalization in a dictated message.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min. Opening Routines Daily Message about shopping.
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Make predictions about the story based on the title and cover. Read any Corduroy book by Don Freeman.

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Initial Sounds: Find objects in the room that begin with /c/. SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min. Exploring Words Segment phonemes (ex. cat = /c/ /a/ /t/) and then write words. Teacher provides the words and then the students will segment the sounds. The High-Frequency Word students write the words in their journal. List words: /f/ /a/ /n/, /d/ /o/ /g/, /m/ /u/ /g/, /d/ /i/ /d/.

Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Independent Writing: Finish the sentence stem (I want to buy ______________ and _____________) in their journals.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts 150-Minute Block

Date: __________________________

Supplemental End of Year

Week: Two Day: 5


comprehension phon. aware/phonics word work writing/language

Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Students will listen to the story Blueberries for Sal in order to identify the elements of the story including characters, setting, problem, and solution. Students will identify initial, medial, and final sounds in order to spell words. Students will identify language that appeals to senses and feelings in order to share in group discussions. Students will speak clearly enough to be heard and understood in a variety of settings in order to discuss the text.

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min. Opening Routines Daily Message getting ready for summer fun. (ex. This summer I will go camping.)
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

Read Blueberries For Sal by Robert McCloskey or another story about getting ready for a change of season. Discuss the characters, setting, problem, and solution in the story.

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

Orally blend phonemes (ex. ch-i-p, pl-ay, and cl-a-p). SAMPLE CLASS
Group 3
Literacy Activity Centers Teacher-directed lesson

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson Continue to do Small Groups
Group 1 20 min. 20 min. 20 min.
Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity Centers

Group 2
Centers Teacher-directed lesson Literacy Activity

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

List color words and locate in the classroom.

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

Oral Language: Teacher and Student will compare a Venn Diagram about fruits.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Teacher chooses an appropriate book. See suggested list in R48.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Shared Reading Small Group Lesson Plans

Poems Big Books Interactive Writing

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Shared Reading
What is Shared Reading?
Shared reading is an opportunity for teachers and students to read together. The teacher models reading and teaches emergent literacy behaviors after the reading. The teacher points to the words and reads the text the first time. Students read with the teacher in subsequent readings.

What is the purpose of Shared Reading?

Modeling reading

What should be the focus of Shared Reading?

Emergent literacy behaviors Early behaviors (one-to-one matching, directionality, locating known words) Letters and sounds Sight word recognition

What can be done after Shared Reading in the small group?

Letter and/or sound workemphasizing correct letter formation during Letter/Word Work on Day 2 Sight word practice Interactive Writing on Day 2

What is the sequence of a Shared Reading lesson?

1. The teacher introduces the text by stating the title and a short summary (1-2 sentences) about the book or poem. The teacher may also develop background knowledge or elicit predictions about the book/poem from the children. 2. The teacher reads the book/poem pointing to each word. 3. The teacher and children may do 1 or 2 more readings, as the teacher points to each word and children chime in as able. Students may be asked to raise their hands when they hear sounds or to do actions after the reading of a line or page. 4. The teacher and students do letter/sound work or word work, and then write interactively about the story/poem.

What do I need to remember?

1. The lesson plans are appropriate for emergent reading students, but some students will need more support. 2. More advanced students will be able to write more during Interactive Writing. The teacher will write and model more for the other students. 3. You may decide to just focus on letter formation during Word Work on Day 2 with the more emergent students.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Instruction with each poem extends over 2 days Minutes

THEME 1: Look at Us
T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Day: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible. Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words Poem on chart paper FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and Breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive Poem on chart paper, letter tiles/cards for their names, chart paper, markers

DAY 1 5 15

Write students names on two index cards and have students read their name when you flash it. Poem: Who Stole the Cookies? T. asks students if they like cookies and discusses how some people keep their cookies in a jar. T. says, We are going to read a rhyme about cookies being stolen from the cookie jar. You will see your names in the poem as we read it.

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. Students names are substituted throughout the reading. The T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. read their own name when the teacher points to it. The T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. T. asks students why they think the cookies are being stolen from the cookie jar. S. frame their names. T. frames the first and last word in the poem. S. are asked to frame the first and last word in the poem. S. practice forming the letter/letters in their first name.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2 5 5

T. and S. reread Who Stole the Cookies? as the teacher points. S. frame their own names in the poem. S. make their name with letter cards. The Word Wall can serve as a model. S. count the number of letters in their name and then locate the first and last letter. S. practice forming the letter/letters in their first name. T. and S. discuss cookies that they like. T. records students responses in Shared Writing, using a sentence for each childs response, which begins with their name. (i.e. Sammy likes Oreo cookies. Kelly likes chocolate chip cookies.)


Materials/ Preparation

Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 1: Look at Us
T.=Teacher S.=Students Reread familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 3

Days: 3, 4



5 15

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible. Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words Poem on chart paper FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive Poem on chart paper, letter cards/tiles for their names, chart paper, markers

Poem: Mary Wore a Red Dress T. asks S. what they wear to school. T. says, We are going to read a rhyme about what a girl and boy wear to school. After I read it the first time, we will put your names in the rhyme and read it.

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. substitutes the names of the S. in the group for Mary or Dave. The teacher reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as children chime in. Do appropriate actions. T. locates where we begin reading the poem. S. frame their name and locate the first and last letter in their name. S. practice forming the letter/letters in their first name.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

5 5


T. and S. reread Mary Wore a Red Dress as the T. points. S. locate the first and last letters in their names. S. make their names with letter cards, count the number of letters in their name, and locate the first and last letter in their name. S. practice writing names quickly on chalkboards. Some students may need to practice writing letter/letters in their name. T. and S. discuss what each student wore to school today. T. records S. responses in Shared Writing. (i.e. Jerry wore white shoes. Maya wore a pink jacket.)

Materials/ Preparation

Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible. Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing. After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar rhyme, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Slippery Soap T. asks S. to describe what soap feels like when they are washing. Discuss how the soap is slippery. T. says, Today, we are going to read a poem about slippery soap and how it feels on your body.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hand as they hear /s/ in the poem. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letter Ss in the poem. T. models correct letter formation for letter Ss. S. practice forming the letter Ss several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. discuss how water makes the soap slippery when you are washing. T. and S. discuss where they see soap. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. T. and S. reread Slippery Soap as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for Ss. Correct Letter Formation S. practice writing the letter Ss several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking Making words WRITING: T. and S. write the sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see soap_____. (i.e in the tub, in the bathroom, on the sink) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letter/ letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut -up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Big and Small T. models how to make a paper smaller by folding it. T. says, Today we are going to read a poem about how you can be big and small.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hands as they hear /s/. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as they are able. S. act out being big and small. S. frame the first and last word of the poem. T. leads a discussion about how the child in the poem becomes big and small. T. models correct letter formation for s and l. S. write s and l several times on their personal chalkboard/white board T. and S. discuss something big that they can see. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2 Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. T. and S. reread Big and Small as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for s and l Correct Letter Formation S. write s and l several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking Making words WRITING: T. and S. write the sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see a big______. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut and paste sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 2

Days 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. reread familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Muffin Man T. develops prior knowledge about muffins. T. says, We are going to read a poem about a Muffin Man who lives in a house on Drury Lane. A muffin man makes muffins and brings them to people.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hand as they hear /m/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: m, M, s, S. T. model correct letter formation for m, s, I. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: I, see. T. discusses: In this poem a muffin man brings muffins to the people. Where do you get your muffins? T. and S. discuss what kind of muffins they like to eat. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Muffin Man as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for: m, M, s, S, I. Correct Letter Formation S. make see, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making and breaking S. write the letters and words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Making words WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see a big ________muffin. (i.e. blueberry, chocolate, corn etc.) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut -up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 2 Days 3,4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. reread familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Three Blind Mice T. develops prior knowledge about mice and blind. T. says, Three Blind Mice is a poem about mice trying to get away from a farmers wife.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hand as they hear /s/ and /m/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: m, s. T. model correct letter formation for m, s, I. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: see. T. discusses purpose of a ? and frames it for S. T. leads a discussion about what happened to the mice. T. and S. discuss where they might see mice. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2 FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Three Blind Mice as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. model correct letter formation for m, s, I Correct Letter Formation S. make see with letter cards, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making and breaking S. practice writing the letters and words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board Making words WRITING: T. and S. write the sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see a mouse________. (i.e. in the cafeteria, in the zoo, in the house, etc.) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Day: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Row, Row, Row Your Boat T. shows S. a picture of a rowboat and shares information about boats and streams. T. says, We are going to read a poem about rowing a boat down a stream. This poem can also be a song.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hand as they hear /r/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame letters: R, r, M, m, S, s. T. models correct letter formation for the letters: r, R, M, m, s, S. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: see T. and S. discuss what is meant by life is just a dream and why someone might dream in the poem. T. and S. discuss what kinds of boats they like. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. T. and S. reread Row, Row, Row Your Boat as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for the letters: r, R, M, m, s, S. Correct Letter Formation S. will make the word see, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the letters and Making and breaking words on personal chalkboard/white board. Making words WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem(sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see a _______boat. (red, big, big red, blue) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut -up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 2: Colors All Around

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible. Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing. After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Sally Go Round the Moon T. talks to S. about being able to fly. Ask S. what they would like to fly around if they could fly. T. says, We are going to read a silly poem about a girl named Sally, who flies around different things. She flies around chimney pots. Chimney pots are found on the top of some houses to help the smoke from the fireplaces go into the sky. Show a picture (internet has pictures).

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. raise their hands as they hear /r/ and /m/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame: S, m, and r. T. models correct letter formation for the letters: s, m, r. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Frame the first and last words in the poem. T. asks S. what Sally liked to fly around. T. asks S. what they can see outside when they spin around. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/whiteboards FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Sally Go Round the Moon as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for the letters: s, m, r Correct Letter Formation S. will make see and the with letter cards, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making and breaking S. write the letters and words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Making words WRITING: T. and S. write interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses Shared from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see ______ and _______. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut -up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem, pointing to each word. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Ask S. if they have a teddy bear. Discuss what a teddy bear can do. Explain that this poem is about a teddy bear. It is a rhyme that we say when we jump rope. Listen for the things the teddy bear does in this poem.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. raise their hands when they hear /t/ and /s/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: T, t, S, s. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. read the poem a third time as S. pantomime each teddy bear action (Ex. Turn around, touch the ground). Identify the first sound in teddy /t/. Have S. locate words in the poem that start like teddy. T. and S. share something orally about their teddy bear. T. and S. will generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for T,t. S. practice writing the letter T, t several times on their Correct Letter Formation personal chalkboard/whiteboard. Making and breaking S. will make the, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words the several time on their personal chalkboards/white boards. WRITING: T. and S. write the sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive The teddy bear is______. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut and paste sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 1

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

Poem: Ten Little Fingers Ask S. how many fingers they have. Have S. share things they can do with their fingers. Explain that this poem is about things you can do with your ten fingers. Listen to find out what the poet does with his ten fingers.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. raise their hands when they hear the /t/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters Tt. T. models correct letter formation for the letter. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words I and see. T. and S. read the poem for the third time as S. perform the actions indicated in the poem. Identify the first sound in ten /t/ and point to ten things that begin with /t/ in the room. S. share something that begins with /t/ like ten. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing and prepare letters for Word Work, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Ten Little Fingers as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): S. frame Tts in the poem. T. models correct letter formation for the letter Tt. Correct Letter Formation S. make see, check it, scramble it, and make it . Making and breaking S. write the letter and word several times on personal chalkboards/white boards. Making words WRITING: T. and S. compose a sentence using the sentence stem(sentence is based on the responses from Shared yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see ten ___________. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/ letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students Reread familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 2

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

Poem: The Bear Went Over the Mountain T. develops prior knowledge about mountains. Explain to S. that when you climb up to the top of a mountain you can see the other side of the mountain. T. says, We will read a poem that can also be a song. It is about a bear that climbed over a mountain and saw the other side of the mountain.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /b/,/t/,/m/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: b, t, m, r, s. T. model correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: see, the T. asks S. what they think was on the other side of the mountain. T. and S. discuss what they could see on the other side of the mountain. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, prepare letters for Word Work, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread The Bear Went Over the Mountain as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for B,b. S. practice writing the letter several times on their Correct Letter Formation personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. make the words my, see, and the check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word my several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write the sentence interactively using the sentence stem(sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I see my (ex. black dog, friend). Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters or letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 2

Days: 3 ,4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

Poem: Billy, Billy T. discusses with S. what they like to do on nice days. T. says, We are going to read a poem about a friend asking Billy to come out and play.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /b/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: B, b, s, m. T. model correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: like, my, I. T. and S. discuss what Billy is going to do. T. leads a discussion about what children like to do with their friends. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) T. and S. reread Billy, Billy as the T. points. Students reread previous days book S. frame the words: like, my, and the period. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for B,b. S. practice writing the letter several times on their Correct Letter Formation personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. make the words: like, my, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words: like, my, several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like to ____________ with my friend. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape, cut-up sentence worksheet, Follow-Up: Using a copy of Billy, Billy, with 3-column chart drawn on it, the S. will draw 3 objects that begins with /b/. Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

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Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 3 Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill


5 15

Poem: Bingo T. develops prior knowledge about farmers and dogs names. T. says, We are going to read a poem about a farmer who had a dog named Bingo. In this poem, we are going to spell Bingos name.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /b/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the capital and lowercase letters: B-I-N-G-O, i-n-g-o. T. models correct letter formation for N,n. S. practice writing the letter N,n. S. frame the word I T. leads a discussion about favorite kinds of dogs. T. and S. will generate and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare the cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2 FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading

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T. and S. reread Bingo as the T. points.

Materials/ Preparation

WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for N,n. S. practice writing the letter N,n. Correct Letter Formation T. passes out letter cards. Making and breaking S. use letter cards to make like, my, I, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words: like, my several times on personal chalkboard/white board WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like my _____ dog. (i.e. black, big, furry, etc.) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letter/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut and paste sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 3: Were a Family

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 3

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


5 15

Poem: Pease Porridge Hot T. leads a discussion about eating cereal for breakfast. T. says, In todays poem the cereal is called pease porridge and the people like to eat it in different ways.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /s/, /n/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: N, n. T. correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: like. S. frame the first word, last word. T. leads a discussion about how the people liked their porridge. T. leads a discussion about food that begins with the letter Pp. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Pease Porridge Hot as the T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for N, n. S. practice writing the letter several times on Correct Letter Formation personal chalkboard/white board. T. passes out letter cards. Making and breaking S. use letter cards to make the word: like check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word: like several times on personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like to eat my _______ with__________. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letter/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape Back to Whole Class Lesson Plan

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4: Friends Together

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem. Have S. chime in as able.

Week: 1

Days 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem I Can Do It Myself (Add 1-2 extra verses) Today we are going to read a poem about what we can do by ourselves. Ask students, What can you do by yourself? Elicit responses from students. T. says, As I read this poem, I want you to listen to hear what the poet can do by himself.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S chime in as able. Do actions as appropriate. S. frame the letters: H,h,c. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: can, see, my, I T. and students discuss what the poet can do by himself. T. and S. discuss what they can do by themselves. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread I Can Do It Myself Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation then students write H,h. Correct Letter Formation S. make can, my, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making and breaking S. write the words can, my several time on their personal chalkboard/white board Making words WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I can__________(i.e. tie my shoes, put on a jacket. ) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4 Friends Together

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Day 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading. SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy, skill, letter and/or words


T. rereads familiar poem/big book. Have S. chime in as able.

5 15

Poem Humpty Dumpty Today we are going to read a poem about an egg named Humpty Dumpty, which falls off a wall. T. asks: Have you ever dropped an egg? What happened? T. says: Lets listen to find out what happened to Humpty Dumpty.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Add actions as appropriate S. frame: H,h,s,r,a. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame: a T. leads a discussion about what happened to the egg. T. and S. discuss what they can sit on. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, cut-up sentence worksheet in preparation for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread Humpty Dumpty. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T models correct letter formation. S. write H,h, several times on their personal Correct Letter Formation chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. make the can (for review), check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word can several time on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem ((sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I can sit on a ______________. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4: Friends Together

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 2 Day: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


T. rereads familiar poem/big book. Have S. chime in as able. Poem Little Jack Sprat T. says ,Today we will read a poem about a boy who had a pig. T. shows pictures illustrating fat and lean and discusses the word grunt as a noise pigs make. T. asks students to listen to the poem and find out what kind of pig Little Jack Sprat had.

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Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as S. chime in. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word, as S. chime in. Add actions as appropriate S. frame: V,v,s,n. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame: a, to T. and S. discuss what kind of pig Little Jack Sprat had. T. and S. discuss what their pigs like to do. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive

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T. and S. reread Little Jack Sprat. T. models the correct letter formation. S .write V,v several times on their personal chalkboard/ white board. S. use letter cards to make to, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the word to several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). My pig likes to ________.

Materials/ Preparation

Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentences worksheet, chart paper (unlined preferred), markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4: Friends Together Week: 2

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. Have S. chime in as able.

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: Color Song (Add 1-2 more verses) Today, we are going to read a poem about different colors. Ask S. to name their favorite color. Have S. share names of things that are that color. T. says As I read this poem, I want you to listen what the poet says about colors.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /b/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: H, h. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame words: like, I, the, a T. and S. discuss what the poet says about colors. T. and S. discuss/describe something that is of specific colors. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S reread Color Song as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation. S. write Hh several times on their personal Correct Letter Formation chalkboard/personal whiteboard. Making and breaking S. will make like, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word like several times on a personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like a (color word) (noun). Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4: Friends Together

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters, and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem/big book. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Up to the Ceiling Today, we are going to read a poem about our left and right hand. Have S. raise their left and right hand. T. tell S. that they will listen to a poem about using their left and right hand. T. says, as we listen to the poem, let us find out what the poet does with his left and right hand.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: H, h, C, c. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: to, my, the T. and S. discuss what the poet is saying about different parts of a room and different directions. T. and S. discuss something that begins with /h/ (hop, hum). T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading T. and S. reread Up to the Ceiling as T. points.

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for letters Hh and Cc. S. write the letter. Correct Letter Formation T. passes out letter cards to S. Making and breaking S. will make the word to, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word to several times on a personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive (I.e. I like to( hum a song)/ I like to (hop on my feet.) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/whiteboards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 4: Friends Together

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters, and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem/big book. Have S. chime in when possible. Poem: Come and Listen Today, we are going to read a poem about children singing together. Ask S. what songs they like to sing and how they feel about it. T. says, as we read the poem, I want you to listen to what the poet is saying about how children feel about singing songs.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: H,h, C,c. T. models correct letters formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: my, to T. and S. discuss how the children feel about singing songs together. T. and S. discuss things they like to do with their friends. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare the cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reads Come and Listen as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation and then S. write H,h, C,c. Correct Letter Formation S. write the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board Making and breaking S. make the words: my, to, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words my, to several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like to ___________ with my friend. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/ letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 1

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: Five Little Sausages T. ask S. if they like sausages. Today, we are going to read about five sausages being cooked in a pan. T. says, as we read this poem, I want you to listen to what the poet says about these five little sausages.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word, and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions S. frame the letters: p, t, a. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: a, and T. and S. discuss how the sausages were being cooked and what they think happened to the five little sausages. T. and S. discuss what other food they like to eat. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words T. and S. reads Five Little Sausages as T. points. T. models correct letter formation. S. write the letter Pp several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. will make the word and, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the word and several times on their personal chalkboard/white board.

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I like to eat (food) and (food). Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 1

Day: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: My Apple T. ask S. if they like apples. Today we are going to read a poem about an apple that fell from the ground. T. says, as we read this poem, I want you to listen what the poet says about what the child did with the apple.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letter: Pp. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: my, to, and T. and S. discuss what the child did to the apple. T. and S. discuss which 2 people they are willing to share something with. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare the cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2 FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words

5 5

T. and S. reads My Apple as T. points. T. models correct letter formation for the letter Pp. S. write the letter P, p several time on their personal chalkboard/white board S. will make the words: my and and, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the words: my and and several times on their personal chalkboard/white board.

Materials/ Preparation

WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I will share my _______ with _______ and _______. (i.e names of children in class) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 2

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able. Poem: Go to Bed Early T. and S. ask what time they go to bed at night. Today we are going to read a poem about going to bed early or late. T. says, as we read this poem, I want you to listen what the poet says about going to bed early or late.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: G, g, P, p. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: to T. and S discuss what happens when we go to bed early or late. T. and S. discuss where they can go to have a sleepover. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare the cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reads Go to Bed Early as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation. Correct Letter Formation S. write the letter Gg several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. will make the words: to and go, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words go and to several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I can go to sleep in my ______. (i. e. bed, tent, house) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 2

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: Go In and Out the Window T. ask S. what can go in and out of their window. Today we are going to read a poem that is also a game song. T. says, as we read this poem, I want you to listen what the poet says about he way we go in and out the window.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions S. frame the letter: Gg. T. models correct letters formation. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the word: go T. and S. discuss what can go in and out of a window. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board T. can show S. how this game is done (follow procedure on page 106 Sing A Song of Poetry)-this can be a follow-up activity FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reads Go In and Out the Window as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models the letter correct formation for G,g. S. write the letter several times on their personal Correct Letter Formation chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. will make the words: go, and, the, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the words go, the several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive The ___________ can go out the _____________. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Days: 1,2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able. Poem: Five Little Monkeys on the Bed (add verses) T. ask S. if they like jumping on their beds. T. says, Today, we are going to read a poem about monkeys jumping on the bed.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ff, Gg, Pp. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: and, me, and can.T. and S. discuss what else can happened if you fall off the bed. T. and S. discuss what place they do not want to visit. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2 Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboards/white boards FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive T. and S. reads Five Little Monkeys on the Bed as T. points. T. models correct letter formation for F, f, P, p, G, g. S. write the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame no in the poem. S. will make the word no, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the word no several times on their personal chalkboard/white board T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). No, I will not go to the ___________.

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, marker, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days.

THEME 5: Lets Count

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 3

Days: 3,4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able. Poem: Five Little Snowman T. ask S. what they like to do during a snow day. T. says, today, we are going to read a poem about five little snowman.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. raise their hand as they hear /f/. T. reads the poem again, pointing to each word as S. chime in. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ff, Pp, Gg. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: no and and. S. frame the question mark. T. and S. discuss what happened to the five little snowman in May. S. answer the question: Do you like to stay inside during a snow day? (or any question that might lead the S. to answer using the word no) T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reads Five Little Snowman as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models correct letter formation for F, f, P, p, G, g. S. write the letter several times on their Correct Letter Formation personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. will make the word no, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Making words S. write the word no several times on a personal chalkboard/white board WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive No, I do not like _______ and ________. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem or big books. Have the S. chime in. Poem: Sing, Sing T. builds background knowledge about a pudding on a string. Explain to the S. that in olden times, pudding was a sausage like a hotdog with a string at the end. T. will say, Today, we are going to read a poem about a cat that run away with the pudding.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: p and l. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: I, will, the, cat. T. and S. will discuss what Sing did in the poem. T. and S. will discuss the things that Sing might have run away with. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheets for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive T and S. reread the poem Sing, Sing as T. points. T. will model correct letter formation. S. write Ll and Pp several times on their personal chalkboards/ white boards. S. will make the words: will, the, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the letters and words several times on their personal chalkboards/ white boards. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). I will sing to the _______ and ________.

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Poem in chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 1

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem or big book. Have the S. chime in as able. Poem: Here Is The Sea T. develops prior knowledge about the sea and water. T. will ask S. if they have ever been to the beach or have seen the ocean. T. will say Today we will read a poem about the sea.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ll, Gg, Hh. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: here, is, a. T. and S discuss what was seen at sea. T. and S. discuss what they would see at the sea. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2 FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive

5 5

T. and S. reread the poem Here Is The Sea as T. points. T. will model letter correct formation for Ll, Gg, and Hh. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. will make the words: is and here, check it, scramble it, and make it again S. write the words: here and is several times on a personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). Here is a ___________.


Materials/ Preparation

Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students

Week: 2

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

T. rereads familiar poem or big book. Have S. chime in as able. Poem: Here Is A House T. builds prior knowledge by asking S. to describe their house or the houses in their neighborhood. T. will say, Today we will read a poem about the different parts of a house and things that can be in a house.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ll, Pp. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: here, is T. and S. discuss parts of the house listed in the poem. T. and S. discuss what is in their house. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reread the poem Here Is A House as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): T. models letter correct formation for Ll, Gg, and Hh. S. practice writing the letters several Correct Letter Formation times on a personal chalkboard/white board. Making and breaking S. make the words: is and here, check it, scramble it, and make it again Making words S. write the words: here and is several times on a personal chalkboard/white board. WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive Here is the (door) in my house. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 2

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: Little Snail T. ask S. how a snail moves. T. will say, Today we are going to read a poem about how a snail moves.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ll, Pp. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: and, the. T. and S. discuss how a snail looks like, feels like, and how it moves. T. and S. will discuss a favorite animal and how that animal moves. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart, prepare cut-up sentence for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive

5 5

T. and S. reread the poem Little Snail as T. points.


Materials/ Preparation

T. models correct letter formation for the letter Ll. S. practice writing the letter several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. will make the word the, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the word the several times on a personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem(sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). (i.e. The deer is very fast. The turtle is very slow.) Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 3

Days: 1, 2

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: A Tisket, A Tasket T. builds background about what is a tisket and tasket by showing a picture of a basket. T. will say, today we are going to read a poem about a letter that got lost.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters H,h, K, k. T. models correct letters formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. frame the words: I, my, and. T. and S. discuss who found the letter and where the child placed it. T. and S. discuss giving a clue to a guessing game. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white board FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words WRITING: Shared Interactive T. and S. reread the poem A Tisket, A Tasket as T. points. T. models correct letter formation for H,h,K,k S. write the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. S. will make the word it, check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the word it several times on their personal chalkboard/white board . T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion). S. can write the answer to the clue after writing. It is ________ and __________. (E.g. color and size, color and movement).

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each poem extends over two days. Minutes

THEME 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

T.=Teacher S.=Students T. rereads familiar poem/big book. S. chime in as able.

Week: 3

Days: 3, 4

Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading SHARED READING Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book: Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus) During Reading: Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing After Reading: Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy, skill, letters and/or words


5 15

Poem: Lazy Mary T. ask S. what lazy means. Today, we are going to read a poem about a girl named Mary who does not want to get up in the morning. T. ask S. what punctuation is used at the end of an asking sentence.

Materials/ Preparation DAY 2

T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. listen. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word as S. chime in as able. T. reads the poem, pointing to each word and S. chime in as able. Do appropriate actions. S. frame the letters: Ff, Gg, Pp. T. models correct letter formation. S. practice writing the letters several times on their personal chalkboard/white boards. S. frame the words: no, will. S. frame the question mark. T. and S. discuss why Mary does not want to get up in the morning. T. and S. discuss what they will do to make their moms happy. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. Poem on chart paper, prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2, personal chalkboard/white boards FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building) Students reread previous days book T. and S. reads Lazy Mary as T. points. Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading WORD WORK (Phonics): S. will make the words: will, and check it, scramble it, and make it again. Correct Letter Formation S. will write the words: will, and several times on a personal chalkboard/white board Making and breaking Making words WRITING: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem (sentence is based on the Shared responses from yesterdays discussion). Interactive I will (action) and (action) for my mom. Poem on chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, chart paper (unlined preferred), cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

5 5

Materials/ Preparation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Additional Shared Reading Lessons Using Big Books

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big book together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading The Birthday Cake T. introduces the text. This is a story about different colored cakes that are put together to make one big birthday cake. T. and. S. preview the text through picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. S. locate and frame: a, to T. and S. discuss how the birthday cake was made in the story. T. and S. discuss the kind of cake they like. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing for the next day.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread The Birthday Cake as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word a, to after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake to with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the word several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) I like a ________________ cake to eat.

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading My Home T. introduces the text. This story is about animals and people who like their home. T. and S. preview the text through picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. T. and S. discuss the kind of homes in the book. T. and S. discuss which homes they like the best in the story. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2. T. and S. reread My Home as the teacher points.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive S. locate and frame the word like, my, the after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake like, my, the with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) I like the (i.e birds) home the best.

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading PLOP! T. introduces the text. This story is about what a frog sees in a pond. T. and S. preview the text through picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. T. and S. the discuss why the frog jumped in the water.. S. locate and frame the words: can, see, the T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread PLOP! as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word can, see, the after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake can, see, the with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) We can see the _________ and ________.

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days. Materials/ Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape Preparation


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Ice Cream T. introduces the text. This is a story about two children who like to eat ice cream in different places. T. and S. preview the text through picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading:
Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. T. and S. discuss why the children got sick. S. locate and frame: like, in, we T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2.

After Reading:

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread Ice Cream as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word like, we, in after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake like, we, in with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) We like to eat ice cream in the ____________.

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Mrs. Wishy-Washys Tub T. introduces the text. This story is about a woman named Mrs. Wishy-Washy. She is going to give some animals a bath in a tub. T. and S. preview the text through a picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. T. and S. discuss why Mrs. Wishy-Washy is putting the animals in the tub. S. locate and frame: is, in, the T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread Mrs. Wishy-Washy as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word is, in, the after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake is, in, the with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) The (i.e cat) is in the (i.e. house).

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Dan, the Flying Man T. introduces the text. This is a story about a man who can fly over many things and people try to catch him. T. and S. preview the text trough a picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. T. and S. discuss how people caught Dan. S. locate and frame: you, me, the T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading

T. and S. reread Dan, the Flying Man as the teacher points.

WORD WORK (Phonics):

Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

S. locate and frame the word you, me, the after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake you, me, the with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) (students name) can fly over the _____________.



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading The Farm Concert T. introduces the text. This s a story about farm animals that make noises at night. T. and S. preview the text through a picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. S. locate and frame: went, the T. and S. discuss what the farmer can do to keep the noise outside. T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread The Farm Concert as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word went, the after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake went, the with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) The (i.e. sheep) went to the (i.e. barn).

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instruction with each book extends over two days.
Materials/ Preparation Big book, chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboards/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape


Focus/Objective: FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

T.=Teacher S.=Students
T. and S. reread previously read poems or big books together.


5 15

Students read familiar texts Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Shark in a Sack T. introduces the text. This is a story about a boy who tries to put animals into places that are too small. T. and S. preview the text through a picture walk.

Before Reading: Teacher introduces the book:

Briefly summarizes text Connects to background knowledge Previews text Has students locate known words Sets purpose for reading (strategy focus)

During Reading: After Reading:

Students read as independently as possible Teacher prompts and praises for strategic processing Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy or skill

T. points and read the text for the first time. T. rereads and points to the text as students chime in. S. locate and frame: can, you,?, capital/uppercase letters. T. and S. discuss the problem in the story. T. and S. generate negotiate a sentence to complete during the Interactive Writing for the next day.

Preparation for Day 2 DAY 2

Prepare cut-up sentence worksheet for Interactive Writing on Day 2

5 5

FAMILIAR REREADING: (Fluency Building)

Students reread previous days book Teacher observes, records, and prompts for strategic reading Correct Letter Formation Making and breaking Making words Shared Interactive

T. and S. reread The Farm Concert as the teacher points. S. locate and frame the word can, you after reading the story. S. make, check, scramble, and remake can, you with letter cards/magnetic letter. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/dry erase board. T. and S. interactively write using the sentences stem (sentence is based on the responses from yesterdays discussion) We can put a ______ in a ________.

WORD WORK (Phonics):



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Guided Reading Small Group Lesson Plans

Back to Introductory Notes Back to Dos and Donts

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What is Guided Reading?

An instructional approach where teachers work with a small group of children with similar reading behaviors Children reading each page of the text as independently as possible An opportunity for the teacher to facilitate and guide children in strategic reading behaviors An opportunity to work with students in texts that match their instructional level

How to Choose Books for Guided Reading

Observational, anecdotal, and assessment data are used to determine an appropriate book level. Books with many familiar sight words and some new ones to learn are most appropriate. Students need to have known sight words as an anchor in order to read the book. There should always be a couple of new sight words for the students to learn. Concepts in the book are familiar with minimal support. Students are more successful reading a book that matches their life experiences. Opportunities are available to use focus strategies. This includes such strategies as looking for parts, attending to endings of words, using the first letter and picture to determine a word. Moving Students to the Next Level The Focus for Small Group Instruction should be used to plan all Guided Reading group lessons. The Student Behaviors according to the Focus for Small Group Instruction determine when to move students to the next level. For example, at levels 1-2, students are ready to move to levels 3-5 when they have directionality in their reading, are able to one-to-one match, and know 1-5 sight words. At level 3, the students will need to be reminded to continue to use one-to-one matching but can also focus on cross-checking the picture and first letter, and selfcorrecting. It is not necessary, or recommended that students know every word in a book. The focus should always be on developing strategies and not on word calling.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Small Group Reading Lesson Planner with Shared Reading

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = student; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Shared Reading

Groups______________________ DAY 1

Guided Reading


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading


BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

WRITING: 10 min.
Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Back to Introductory Notes Back to Dos and Donts

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Small Group Reading Lesson Planner Guided Reading

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days
S. = students, T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson for Emergent Readers (DRA 1-16)

DATE ______________________________
Group _______________


THEME: _________________________
Group _______________


Group ________________


S. read familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading


BEFORE: T. introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)


S. read as independently as possible T. prompts/praises for strategic processing

Discuss the text for meaning Revisit focus strategy/skill


S. read familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min.

Either: Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Either: Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Small Groups Lesson Planner for Extending Readers (DRA 16+)

Reading/English Language Arts

THEME: _________________________ Components Before Reading 5-10 min.
Objective Text preview/prior knowledge Vocabulary Set purpose Model strategies

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EXTENDING READERS (DRA 16+)

DATE: ______________________

For ALL grades: Be sure to choose a text AT STUDENTS INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL, so that with teacher support, each student will be able to use strategies to construct meaning for him/herself. Include familiar rereading, word work, and/or writing from the emergent readers lesson plan as needed for struggling readers.

Group _________________

Group _________________

Group _______________

During Reading 10-15 min.

Students use strategies to read independently for purpose set. Apply focus skill.

After Reading 5-15 min.

Revisit text to examine and extend meaning connected to purpose set (oral and/or written) Discuss use of strategies Clarify Read for fluency

Independent Literacy Activity/Centers

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



For use with beginning readers at any grade level

Reading/English Language Arts Office Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prince Georges County Public Schools Revised April 2008

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Student Behaviors: Learns about directionality Learns about one-to-one matching Uses mostly pictures to access meaning Uses book language pattern to read Sight vocabulary (1-5 words) Invents text Focus for Groups: Skills/Strategy Directionality Definition Students move from left to right across the text. Students match spoken word to written word. Objective (based on SC objectives) Students will track print from left to right and top to bottom and will make a return sweep to the next line in order to read text. Students will match oral words to printed words in order to read the text. Prompts and Procedures for Accelerating Teacher begins by modeling with an easy big book. Using guided readers, have students demonstrate where to start and where to go next. Use directions from Emergent Behaviors Inventory. Teacher prompts Read it with your finger. Teacher models, then students practice pointing to objects from left to right naming them. Teacher writes an easy sentence from a book on a sentence strip. The sentence is cut up between words. Students practice pointing and reading the sentence. Teacher prompts, Read it with your finger. Did that match? Did you have enough words? Teacher models how to frame a known word using two fingers. Students frame known words in text before and after reading books. Teacher praises students when they monitor with known word(s) in reading. Teacher selects text with desired sight vocabulary. Use the same sight vocabulary in interactive writing. Make the same word(s) with magnetic letters or letter cards. Teacher focuses on pictures during picture walk. Explain how pictures help when reading. Teacher prompts, Check the picture.

One-to-One Matching

Locating a Known Word Using a Known Word to Monitor Increasing Sight Vocabulary Making Connections Between Picture and Text

Students attend to known words in any context. Students self-correct when noticing a known word in reading. Students read high frequency words automatically. Students recognize that the pictures help to explain the text.

Students will recognize some sight words in order to read the text. Students will recognize some sight words in order to read the text. Students will recognize some sight words in order to read the text. Students will use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Day 1 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Discuss what good readers do while reading. (one-to-one matching, using known words ) Distribute familiar books to each student (Level 1 or 2). Ask students to locate the front of the book and where they start reading. Students point to each word as they read and teacher prompts, Point and make it match. Students read the books independently while the teacher prompts and praises when appropriate. Guided Reading (15 minutes): The teacher selects a new book. Before Reading- The teacher introduces the book by stating the title and giving a brief summary. The teacher guides the students through a picture walk. The students locate one or two known words by framing. During Reading- Using their fingers, have students read aloud independently. The teacher will prompt and praise as needed, encouraging one-to-one matching. After Reading- Praise one-to-one matching and/or monitoring with known words. Have students frame 1-2 known words. Discuss the story and guide students in composing a sentence for Day 2. This should include high frequency words and words that students can stretch. Day 2 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Follow procedure from Day 1 Word Study (5 minutes) Have students make sight words with magnetic letters or letter cards, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Students should run their finger under the word, saying it slowly, when checking it. Practice writing words if time permits. Writing (10 minutes) Interactive Writing- The teacher and students review the story from Day 1 and the negotiated sentence. Each student repeats the sentence to be written. Students and teachers share the pen and write an interactive sentence. The teacher passes out the copied sentence, cut apart between each word, and the students reassemble it.


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Student Behaviors: Begins to notice changes in sentence patterns Begins to self-correct errors Begins to reread when something isnt right Increases sight vocabulary (6-12 known words) Begins to cross-check picture with first letter Focus for Groups: Skills/Strategy Definition Locating Known/Unknown Words Cross-Checking the Picture and the First Letter Students attend to known words in any context. Students locate words that they do not know how to read based on the first sound of the word. Students use two sources of information (meaning and visual) to monitor or selfcorrect. --Meaning: meaning of the story, including picture clues (semantics) --Visual: letters/sounds (phonics) Students reread at point of difficulty or when something seems wrong, and self-corrects the error.


(based on SC objectives)

Prompts and Procedures for Accelerating Model how to predict and locate an unknown word using the following language. What letter would you expect to see at the beginning of ________? Find _____ and frame it. Have students predict and locate one or two unknown words before reading a new story. If students are using meaning and ignoring the first letter say, It also needs to look right. Teacher covers the word and says, What letter would you expect to see at the beginning of ________? Now, go back and reread the sentence. If students are using the first letter and ignoring the meaning say, I am glad that you checked your first letter but it also needs to make sense. Check your picture and reread the sentence. At the end of the story, the teacher should praise examples of rereading and self-correcting, pointing out that this is what good readers do.

Students will identify letters matched to sounds in order to locate unknown words. Students will use visual and meaning cues in order to guide self-correction. Students will use context and/or prior knowledge in order to determine the meaning of unknown words. Students will reread and selfcorrect while reading in order to understand the meaning of the text. Students will reread difficult parts in order to self-correct. Students will read sight words automatically in order to read the text.

Rereading and selfcorrecting

Maintaining and increasing sight vocabulary

Students continue to build a bank of known words in reading and writing. (6-12 known words).

Students need lots of opportunities to read and reread books independently. Students should read 1-2 familiar books during guided reading. Use sight words in interactive and guided writing. Take sight words to fluency by having students write them several times.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Day 1 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Discuss what good readers do (rereading when it doesnt make sense and cross-checking the picture and the first letter). Distribute familiar books to each student. Have the students read the books aloud independently. The teacher should walk around and listen to the students, prompting and praising as needed, or take a running record with one student. Encourage rereading, self-correcting, and cross-checking. Guided Reading (15 minutes) Teacher selects a new book Before Reading-The teacher introduces the book by stating the title and giving a brief summary. The teacher will talk about any unusual story structure and guide the students through a picture walk. Locate known/unknown word- Select a page and have students locate a known word. Have students locate an unknown word by asking them first, What letter would you expect to see at the beginning of the word ____________? During Reading- Students read the story independently as the teacher listens to the students, prompting and praising as needed. After Reading- Ask students how they knew what a specific word was (ex. tiger). The students may tell you they looked at the picture. Tell them they are correct and they can also use the first letter of the word tiger. Tell them, Good readers think about their story, and check the word to confirm it is right. This will promote cross-checking. Discuss the story with the students and negotiate a sentence to write tomorrow. Day 2 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Follow procedure from Day 1 Word Study (5 minutes) -Complete one of the following: Have students make one or two sight words with magnetic letters or letter cards. Students should make the word, scramble the letters, check it, and make the word again several times. Repeat the procedure. If time allows, they may write the word several times. Or When students have mastered making and checking words, have them make and break words with clear onsets and rimes (i.e. go, cat, we, see, mom, can, dog). Writing (10 minutes) - Interactive Writing or Guided Writing Students should do interactive writing until they are able to stretch words, provide appropriate letters for most sounds, and use spacing between words. This is generally most appropriate for students at Level 3. Students who are ready should do guided writing. In guided writing, students all write the same sentence in their own journals. The teacher guides students and assists them in stretching words. Students write sight words in their story and have an opportunity to take a word to fluency by writing it several times on the practice page of their journal

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Student Behaviors: Reads longer text Reads less predictable text Relies less on pictures for meaning Uses more visual cues Maintains and increases sight words in reading and writing (12-25 known words) Cross checks visual with meaning and structure Focus for Groups: Continue to keep the emphasis on meaning Skill/Strategy Definition Objective
(based on SC objectives)

Prompts and Procedures for Accelerating Students at this level have a tendency to focus on the visual and to ignore the meaning. Continue to emphasize meaning as the heart of reading while still encouraging use of visual cues. Teacher prompts, That looks right. Does it make sense and sound right? Student comprehension increases with phrasing and fluency. Fluency increases on familiar text. Give students lots of familiar text to practice and praise for fluent reading. Teacher models how reading should sound. At this level pointing should generally be discouraged. Students make and break known words during word study (i.e. c-at, s-ee, l-ike). Have students change onset and rime (i.e. c-at, h-at, th-at/ c-an, m-an, pl-an). Teacher prompt, Do you see a part in that word you know? When students say only the first sound ask them to say more (e.g. When decoding the word black, the student makes the b sound). The teacher says, Say more. The student should then say bl. Then the teacher says, Go back and reread the sentence. Sentences should vary: do not continue to do I can and I like The sentences should be longer. At this level an appropriate sentence might be, I will play football with my friend today. or The best kind of pet is a hamster. Teachers help students clap the words to hear the two parts when writing hamster.

Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure Phrasing and Fluency

Students are looking at the word first and then checking the meaning and structure in order to confirm. Students read the text as if they were talking.

Students will use word context clues (Meaning), sentence structure (Syntax), and visual clues in order to read the text. Students will read orally from familiar texts at a rate that is conversational and consistent in order to read aloud fluently. Students will use onset and rimes in order to read the text. Students will blend sounds and syllables in order to read the text. Students will apply conventions of Standard English in which: subjects and verbs agree; personal pronouns agree in order to write sentences.

Looking For Parts in Words

Looking Past the First Letter

Writing More Complex Sentences in Guided Writing

Students are finding known parts in unfamiliar words in order to read and write new words. Students need to attend to more than just the first letter without sounding the word out letter by letter. Students should be able to write longer sentences not relying on patterns.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Day 1


Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Discuss what good readers do. Distribute familiar books to each student. Have the students read the books aloud independently. Tell the students, Reading should sound like talking, and you do not need your finger any more to point. Your finger slows you down. The only time you should have your finger in the text is if you want to check a word or if you want to break a word to find parts. The teacher should listen to the students, prompting and praising as needed. Encourage phrased and fluent reading. Guided Reading (15 minutes) The teacher selects a new book. Before Reading -The teacher introduces the book by stating the title and giving a brief summary. The teacher will talk about any unusual story structure and guide the students through a picture walk. Locate unknown word- Select a page and have the students locate one or two unknown words. Ask the students, What letter would you expect to see at the beginning of the word ______? What letter would you expect to see at the end of the word ______? Then have the students locate and frame the word. During Reading- Students read independently as the teacher listens to the students, prompting and praising as needed. Encourage cross-checking and finding parts in known words by chunking. After Reading - Discuss the story. Praise the students for cross-checking, self-correcting, rereading at point of difficulty, and looking for parts they know in words. (Note: You do not have to praise for all of these in one lesson.) Day 2 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Follow procedures from Day 1 Word Work* (5 minutes) Complete a making and breaking activity, such as the one below: Have students make and break known words with initial clusters. The following examples may be used. cat, that, brat/see, tree, street /got, pot, spot, /see, seen, green,/ or and, stand, grand. Writing (10 minutes) Guided Writing: Students and teacher generate a story for guided writing. All students write the same sentence. The sentence should be more complex and have some two-syllable words in it. The teacher should be giving less support and encouraging independence. * See Word Work charts at the end of Focus for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Student Behaviors: Self-corrects, integrating MSV Uses analogies to solve unknown words Constructs a tentative story when previewing pictures Maintains and increases reading and writing vocabulary (50+ words) Reads fluently, with attention to expression and punctuation Writes two or more sentences with minimal support Focus for Groups: Skill/Strategy Definition Objective (based on SC objectives) Using meaning, structure, Students use the meaning of the Student will use word context clues, and visual to self-correct story, structure of the sentence, and sentence structure, and visual clues to phonics to self-correct. guide self-correction in order to read text accurately. Using analogies to solve Students use a familiar word to Students will use known word/part in unknown words in reading decode an unknown word (ex. Use order to decode unknown word. and writing look to decode shook, car to decode sharp). Using endings and contractions in reading and writing Reading with expression and fluency Using background knowledge and the story structure when previewing the story Writings sentences with minimal teacher support in response to comprehension questions Students use endings (ex. -s, -ed, -ing, -er ) and contractions (ex. do not = dont). Students read like talking and uses inflections Students relate the story to their prior knowledge and have an understanding of how stories work (beginning, middle, and end). Students are able to write a few sentences, after a discussion, with minimal teacher support. Students will spell words with inflected endings in order to read and write new words. Students will read familiar text at a rate that is conversational and consistent in order to read aloud fluently. Students will make connections from prior knowledge and experiences to the text in order to discuss the story. Students will use elements of narrative texts in order to discuss the text. Students will respond to text in a variety of ways in order to write about the story.

Prompts and Procedures for Accelerating Praise students when they self-correct. Say, Thats exactly what good readers do! After reading a story, model how students can use M, S, and V to selfcorrect. With magnetic letters on a board demonstrate solving an unknown word using a known word. At point of difficulty in reading and writing, encourage students to solve new words using analogies. Teacher prompts, Do you know a word that looks like that? Use Patricia Cunninghams Making Words or Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use. Using magnetic letters/white boards demonstrate adding endings to base words (i.e. play, plays, played, playing, player). Model how reading should sound and give students familiar text to practice. Give students multiple opportunities to read text with expression and intonation. At this point the teacher can give a minimal book introduction. The students will use his/her language to tell the story from the pictures (a story walk). Teachers should point out areas where the pictures are not supportive and where the story or vocabulary is unfamiliar to the students backgrounds. Students and teacher discuss the story and possible responses. Students begin writing in small group with minimal teacher support. Students complete writing at their seats.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Day 1 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Students read familiar books independently while teacher prompts and praises when appropriate or takes a running record with one student. Focus on students reading fluently and in phrases, self-correcting, and using strategies at point of difficulty. Guided Reading: (15 minutes) The teacher selects an appropriate book. Before Reading The teacher introduces the book by stating the title and giving a brief summary. The teacher will talk about any unusual story structure and guide the students through a story walk. The students should be focused on the story and not just discussing the pictures. During Reading- Students read the story independently as the teacher praises and prompts as needed. After Reading- Discuss the story and ask the students one or two questions. Day 2
Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Students read the story from the previous day. Teacher prompts and praises for fluency. Word Work (5 minutes)* Complete a Making and Breaking Activity. Have students make and break words that will help them solve by analogies. The following sample may be used: Have students make the word mother, and then change mother to brother. Have them make other and another. Say, When you are reading and come to a word that you dont know, think about a word you know that looks like that word. Writing (10 minutes) Students and teachers discuss the story. Discuss what to write. Teacher monitors students written responses to comprehension questions. Students respond to other questions at their seats.

*See Word Work charts at the end of Focus for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Student Behaviors: Begins to read silently Reads smoothly Internalizes problem solving during reading Approaches unfamiliar text with fluency Writes a paragraph or story summary with a frame Write answers to comprehension questions Focus for Groups: Skills/Strategy Definition Reading silently Students should read independently and silently. Problem solving in his/her head and reading with fluency Using text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-toworld connections Students will be decoding words and thinking about the story, in their heads. Students link stories and informational texts to themselves, other selections, and to the world.

Objective (based on SC objectives) Students will self-select appropriate text for a variety of purposes in order to read independently. Students will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read independently. Students make connections to the text using their prior knowledge and experiences with the text in order to demonstrate an understanding of the text. Students look back through the text to search for connections between topics, events, characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences in order to demonstrate an understanding of the text. Students use word structure to determine meaning of words (contractions, inflectional endings, compound words, root/base words) in order to decode multi-syllabic words in a text. Students will write variety of responses to text in order to write a paragraph about the text. Students will use details that support a topic in order to write a paragraph about the text.

Prompts and Procedures for Accelerating Teacher talks about reading in your head (silent reading). Teacher provides opportunities for students to read a portion of the text silently and then checks for comprehension. Encourage students to solve problem in their heads. Ask them to talk about a tricky part and how they solved it. Insist on fluent reading and continue to provide many opportunities to read familiar text. Relate stories whenever possible to self, other selections read, and to the world. Encourage students to make connections and model how this is done with think alouds. Use the terminology, What does this story make you think of?

Using syllables or parts to decode multisyllabic words. Beginning to write paragraphs and story summaries.

Students look for known parts in words to decode longer words. Students will respond to text using paragraph and/or story summaries.

Break multi-syllabic words into parts (i.e to-day, yes-terday, de-part-ment) and demonstrate to students how to decode words by putting the parts together. Use Patricia Cunninghams Making Big Words. Use a paragraph frame or summary frame and model how to write a paragraph. After several demonstrations, guide students in writing a paragraph.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Day 1 Familiar Reading (5 minutes) Students read familiar text silently while teacher takes a running record of one student. Guided Reading (15 minutes) The teacher selects an appropriate book. Before Reading- The teacher introduces the book, generates a discussion, and encourages text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections. Students engage in a story walk. New concepts and vocabulary are discussed. Teacher sets a purpose for reading the book. (Ex. This book is like another book we read, The Hungry Caterpillar. Both stories are about someone who ate lots and then changed. When you read this story think about how the stories are alike and how they are different. Read the story all the way through the first time, and then reread to find ways the stories are alike and different. Be ready to share tomorrow.) During Reading -Have students read the first two pages with a partner and then send them to their seats to read the remaining story silently and independently. Day 2 After Reading (10-15 minutes)-Have each student read a favorite part from yesterdays story. Share how the two stories are alike and different. Use a Venn diagram to record the information. Word Work (5 minutes)* Have students take apart a big word from the story. Use word cards or a white board and make the word then break it into parts (ex. department, de-part-ment) or use Making Big Words. Discuss how to take words apart in reading and writing.

Writing (10 minutes) Model for students how to write a paragraph about how the stories are alike and different. Have students practice writing a paragraph independently. * See Word Work charts at the end of Focus for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Work for Levels 1-2 Need

Does the child need to learn that the order of letters matter? Does he/she have a meager knowledge of words?

Word Work

Students make and scramble known words. Teacher shows him/her how to check it. cat I at no can is a we

man it and ran on in me dog put up he mom but am go dad

Word Work for Levels 3-5

Students may need word work from the previous level.

Does the child need to understand making and breaking?

Give the child the correct magnetic letters and ask him/her to make a known word on the magnetic board. Have him/her construct the word and break it apart at easy to find breaks such as onset (the beginning part of the word made up of consonants) and the rime (the rhyming part of the word). Students make and break known words with similar rimes. Be sure to choose words where the sounds match with the spelling. Teacher makes two of the words slowly, and student breaks them. Student makes third word. Student reads all three words. go cat we me see mom

can dog dad

Does the child need to see similarities in words?

go, no, so me, he, she got, not am, Sam play, day, way look, book, took

he, me ,we like, bike cat, mat, sat can, man, ran zoo, boo, too

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Students may need word work from the previous level.

Word Work for Levels 6-9 Procedure

Does the child need to attend to final letters?

his, him, hit has, had, hat can, cat, cap will, with, wish it, is, in the, then, there at, am, an

Students make and break the end of words.

Does the child need to attend to inflections?

Students use known words and add -s, -ed,- ing, -er.

cat, cats like, likes, liked play, plays, playing, played, player go, going look, looks, looked, looking can, cat, mat his, hit, sit the, then, when all, mall, small, smaller cat, pat, pan too, zoo, zoom the, this, that the, there, where

Does the child need to attend to details of print?

Students make and break the beginning and ending of words.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Work for Levels 10-15

Students may need Word Work from the previous level.

Does the child need to see known parts and/or chunk to help him/her?

Teacher makes the whole word with magnetic letters or letter cards on a board, cookie sheet, or pocket chart. Teacher models how to break the word when looking for a known part. Teacher shows the students that although he/she is breaking it, they could use their hands to cover up the unknown parts (to see the known part) and then cover the known part (to see the unknown part). Teacher prepares the same word that he/she used in the example written on sentence strips or index cards so that the students can practice what the teacher just modeled. Teacher passes out another word. Each child gets the same word and practice breaking it. Start with two known words and then give the child a letter to make a new word (tell the child the word). Then give the child a letter and ask the child to make a new word (do not tell). Use known words with different vowels.

in/to, into for/got, forgot and/land, landed a/go, ago went, spent un/til, until or/ more un/der, under to/day, today o/ver, over be/gan, began bet/better sing/singing yes/ter/day, yesterday Sun/day, Sunday a/way, away a/long, along

Does the child need to generate on his/her own?

1. got/not take this letter and make it say pot now take this h and make a new word. 2. cat/pat take this letter and make it say sat. Can you think of another word that sounds like cat? hat/hot/hit trick/track/truck ride/rode pat/pet/put wake/woke some/same got/get

Does the child confuse medial vowels?

Does the child need to explore relationships at advanced levels?

Build words exchanging onset, rimes, adding inflections, and asking the child to make another word. Teachers may use a lesson from Making Words or Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use by Patricia Cunningham. Due to the length of the lesson, modifications are necessary.

card, hard, dark, shark eat, each, reach see, tree, green, street see, seek, peek, peep, keep see, sees, seeing

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Students may need Word Work from the previous level.

Word Work for Levels 16+

Word Work at levels 16+ is optional. The extra time may be used for writing. There are many students who will continue to benefit from word work. The teacher needs to observe what the students are struggling with and plan appropriate Word Work around it. The emphasis is not on learning a word but learning how words work. For example, if students get stuck on the word apartment, the teacher would want to provide students with Word Work dealing with looking at parts in multi-syllabic words. The teacher might write yesterday and carpenter on the board and with the students decide how to divide and decode the words. Then the teacher would have the students go back into the book to read apartment using the skills learned from the Word Work. Based upon students needs, teachers may need to re-visit the Word Work from previous levels. They can also use lessons from Making Words and Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use by Patricia Cunningham.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Types of Writing
Shared Writing
At the beginning of the year for Kindergarten*** Teacher writes the negotiated* sentences or paragraphs and provides maximum support by modeling aspects of the writing task: print conventions saying a word slowly and hearing sounds

Interactive Writing
For Levels 1-5*** Teachers and students share the pen. They write a group sentence. Students take turns writing everything they are able to write, and the teacher writes the rest. Teacher provides support by modeling aspects of the writing task: print conventions saying a word slowly and hearing sounds Paper must be large enough for everyone to see and hung up.

Guided Writing
For Levels 6-9*** Teacher provides support when needed by: negotiating the sentences stretching out words linking known words to new words Students should have their own writing journal, preferably unlined paper stapled together.

Independent Writing
For Levels 10-15*** Teacher asks comprehension questions about the text. Teacher and students orally discuss possible responses to the comprehension questions. Students write their own responses as independently as possible while teacher monitors and provides support when needed.

Throughout the writing process, children will: negotiate the sentences or paragraph with the teacher take turns using a pointer to guide the class in rereading what has been written out so far observe proper print conventions and various writing strategies as modeled by the teacher

Children contribute to the task in the following ways: saying a words slowly providing letters and words they know practicing appropriate spacing and directionality rereading the text learning some high-frequency sight words

Children write the same sentence or sentences and work towards more complex structure. Children are developing control in the following areas: hearing and recording sounds in sequence building a bank of highfrequency sight words

Children display use of: print conventions a large bank of sight words and transition words some spelling rules such as silent e linking known words to new words

Negotiate a sentencethe teacher guides students to create sentences so that children feel ownership of the sentence and remember it. The teacher makes sure the sentence contains some words, letters, punctuation, or other skills children need to learn. ***These are recommended levels. A child reading a text level 4 may be ready for Guided Writing and/or a child reading a text level 7 may still need Interactive Writing.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Hand Strategy

Lesson Plans for HM Leveled Readers

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Houghton-Mifflin Leveled Readers for Kindergarten by level

Levels 1-2
A Day at School Friends We Like to Play We Like Pie Things I See My Family Has Fun We Are a Big Family Look at Me Going to School Fruit My Room A Party

Level 3-5
In the Tree The Toy Store Spring in the City Going for a Ride At the Zoo The Race The Parade The Snowman Sun, Rain, and Snow The Barn Dance The Farm The City and the Country At the Beach Baby Can Ride In the Box The Rain Making Soup

Level 6
The Garden

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


HM Leveled Readers Lesson Plans

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Focus: One-to-one matching, monitoring with known words, increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________

THEME: _________________________

Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min.

Focus: One-to-one matching, using picture clues, increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

Focus: Making connection between picture and text, increasing sight words vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading


BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

A Day at School (Level 1-2) This story is about what we can do at school. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, can . S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: can, we S. practice writing: can, we Responding Questions: What can the children do at school? What can you do at school? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts..


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Friends (Level 1-2) This story is about what we can do with our friends. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, can . S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: can, we S. practice writing: can, we Responding Questions: What can the children do in the story? What can you do with your friends? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

We Like to Play! (Level 1-2) This story is about the different ways we like to play. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, like, to . S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: we, like, to S. practice writing: we, like, to Responding Questions: What do the children like to do in the story? What do you like to do? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: we, can; check it, scramble it, S. make the words: we, can; check it, S. make the words: we, like, to ; check it, and make it again. scramble it, and make it again. scramble it, and make it again. S. write the words several times on their personal S. write the words several times on their S. write the words several times on their chalkboard/white boards. personal chalkboard/white boards. personal chalkboard/white boards. Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using T. and S. write a sentence interactively using sentence stem: the sentence stem: the sentence stem: We can ________ and _________. We can ________ and ________. We like to ________ and _________. Use Cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use Cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use Cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper, magnetic/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Focus: One-to-one matching, using picture clues, making connections between picture and text S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________

THEME: _________________________

Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min.

Focus: One-to-one matching, making connections between picture and text, increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

Focus: Making connection between the picture and text, monitoring known words S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

We Like Pie! (Level 1-2) This story is about what we like to do in order to make a pie. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, like, to S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: we, like, to S. practice writing: we, like, to Responding Questions: How did the children in the story make their pie? What jobs would you most like to do when making a pie? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Things I See (Level 1-2) This story is about things that you can see outside. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: see, the S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: see, the S. practice writing: see, the Responding Questions: What did you see in the story? What do you like to see outside? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

My Family Has Fun (Level 1-2) This story is about things a family can do together. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: my, can, family S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: can, my S. practice writing: can, my Responding Questions: What can the family do in the story? What can you do with your family? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: we, like, to ; check it, S. make the words: see, the ; check it, scramble S. make the words: can, my; check it, scramble scramble it, and make it again. it, and make it again. it, and make it again. S. write the words several times on their personal S. write the words several times on their personal S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. chalkboard/white board. chalkboard/white board. Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: sentence stem: sentence stem: We like to ________ and ________. I see the ________ and _________. My family can ________ and ________. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper, magnetic/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Focus: One-to-one matching, using picture clues, making connections between pictures and text S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________

THEME: _________________________

Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min.

Focus: One-to-one matching, making connections between picture and text, increasing sight words vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

Focus: Making connections between the picture and text, monitoring known words S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

We Are a Big Family (Level 1-2) This story is about a big family. T. and S. will do picture walk. Locate and frame: my, is S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: my, is S. practice writing: my, is Responding Questions: Who are the big family members in the story? Who is big in your family? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Look at Me (Level 1-2) This story is about all the things a girl puts on before she goes out. T. and S. will do picture walk. Locate and frame: look, at S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: look, at S. practice writing: look at Responding Questions: What does the girl in the story put on before she goes out in the rain? Look at yourself and see what you have on today? (answer with color words, i.e. red shoes) T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Going to School (Level 1-2) This story is about some things a girl puts in her backpack for school. T. and S. will do picture walk. Locate and frame: here, is, my S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: here, is, my S. practice writing: here, is, my Responding Questions: What does the girl in the story put in her backpack? What do you put in your backpack? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: my, is ; check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board.

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: here, is, my ; check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board. Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: I like my big __and ___. sentence stem: I look at my ________. sentence stem: Here is my ____ for school. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper, magnetic/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: look, at ; check it, scramble it, and make it again. S. write the words several times on their personal chalkboard/white board.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Groups______________________ Focus: Monitoring known words, making connections between pictures and text, increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: One-to-one matching, increasing sight word vocabulary, making connections between pictures and text S. read several previously read texts.

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min. GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

THEME: _________________________ Groups_______________________ Focus: One-to-one matching, making connections between picture and text, increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Fruit (Level 1-2) This story will show you different types of fruit. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: here, is, the S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: here, is, the S. practice writing: here, is, the Responding Questions: What kinds of fruit did you see in the book? What kind of fruit do you like to eat? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

My Room (Level 1-2) This story is about different things a boy might have in his room. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: I, have S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: I, have, S. practice writing: I, have, Responding Questions: What does the boy have in his room? What do we have in our room? What makes him happy at the end of the story? What do we have in our room at school? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

A Party (Level 1-2) This story is about some things you may see at a birthday party. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: is, a, have S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame:, is, a, have S. practice writing: is, a, have Responding Questions: What do the children have for the party? What do you have at your party? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: here, is, the ; check it, S. make the words: have, the ; check it, scramble S. make the word: is ; check it, scramble it, scramble it, and make it again. it, and make it again. and make it again. S. writes the words several times on their S. writes the words several times on their personal S. writes the words several times on their personal chalkboards/white boards. chalkboards/white boards. personal chalkboards/white boards. Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: Here is the ________ to sentence stem: We have a ________ in the the sentence stem: We have a _______ for eat. room. the party. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper, magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-checking picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-checking the picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction S. read several previously read texts.

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min. GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Rereading and self-correction, increasing sight word vocabulary, crosschecking the picture and the first letter S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

In the Tree (Level 3-5) This story is about different things sitting in a tree. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: the, in(known words) Predict and locate: am(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: am, the, in S. practice writing: am, the Responding Questions: Who was sitting in the tree? Were you surprised that the boy was sitting in the tree? Why? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

The Toy Store (Level 3-5) This story is about different toys that you can see in a store. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, can(known words) Predict and locate: store(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: we, can S. practice writing: we, can, see Responding Questions: What did the children see in the store? What are some things that you see in the store? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Spring in the City (Level 3-5) This story is about things that you can do outside in the Spring. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: can, in(known words) Predict and locate: play, walk(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: can, in, like S. practice writing: can, like, the Responding Questions: What were the people in the story doing in the spring? What do you like to do in the spring? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: am, the ; check it, scramble it, and make it again. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: I am ___ in the ______. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up.

T. passes out letter cards to S. S. make the words: can, see, we ; check it, scramble it, and make it again. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: We can see ____ in the ____. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up.

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

T. models making and breaking the word can to onset and rime. S. practice make and break. S. make can, like, check it, scramble it, and make it again. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: We like to ____ in the spring. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up.


Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Groups______________________ Focus: Locating known and unknown words, cross-checking picture and first letter S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Locating known/unknown words, cross-checking the pictures and first letter, increasing and maintaining sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Cross-checking the picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction, locating known and unknown words S. read several previously read texts.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Going for a Ride (Level 3-5) This story is about children going for rides on different things. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: have, like (known words) Predict and locate: ride, for (unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: have, like S. practice writing: have, like Revisit page 6. Ask S. how they knew the word was van and not car. Responding Questions: What did the people in the story ride in? What would you like to ride in? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

At the Zoo (Level 3-5) This story is about different animals you can see at the zoo. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: can, you (known words) Predict and locate: boys, girls (unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: can, you S. practice writing: can, have Revisit page 6. Ask S. how they knew the word was tigers and not lions. Responding Questions: What animals in the story were the zoo? What would you like to see at the zoo? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

The Race (Level 3-5) This story is about animals that can go fast in a race. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: are, the (known words) Predict and locate: race, fast (unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: the, are S. practice writing: the, are Revisit page 5. Ask S. how they knew the word was rabbits and not bunnies. Responding Questions: What animals went fast? Why could the fox not go fast? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words

T. models making and breaking the word can to onset and rime. S. make and break c--an, g--o, check it, scramble it, and make it again.

T. models making and breaking see into onset and rime. S. make and break see, l---ike, go, check it, scramble it, and make it again.

T. models making and breaking look into onset and rime. S. make and break look, c--an, check it, scramble it and make it again.

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using sentence stem: We go for a ride on a ______. sentence stem: We can see the __ and __at the the sentence stem: We can not go fast in _ . Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. zoo. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction S. read several previously read texts. Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, rereading and self-correction S. read several previously read texts.

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min. GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

The Parade (Level 3-5) This story is about things you can see during a parade. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: look, here(known words) Predict and locate: parade(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: look, here S. practice writing: look, here Revisit page 7. Ask S. how they knew the word was engine and not truck. Responding Questions: What things were in the parade? What did you like best in the parade? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

The Snowman (Level 3-5) This story is about things you can use to make a snowman. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: we, here(known words) Predict and locate: rocks(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: we, here S. practice writing: we, here Revisit page 3 and ask S. how they knew the word was rocks and buttons. Responding Questions: What do the children put on the snowman? What else could you use for eyes and a nose? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Sun, Rain, and Snow (Level 3-5) This story is about what children can do in the sun, rain, and snow. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: like, can(known words) Predict and locate: play, slide(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce. Frame: play S. practice writing: play Revisit page 4. Ask S. how they knew the word was run and not splash. Responding Questions: What did the children do when it was raining? What do you like to do on a sunny day? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

T. models making and breaking look into onset and rime. S. make and break look, no into onset and rime, check it, scramble it, and make and break it again. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: Here are the ________. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up.

T. models making and breaking cat into onset and rime. S. make and break cat. Change the onset to make new words (hat, fat).

T. models making and breaking cat into onset and rime. S. make and break cat. Change onset to make new words (hat, mat).


Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the sentence stem: Here is a ___ and ___ for the sentence stem: I like to ________ in the snowman. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for _________. follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet for follow-up. Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, maintaining and increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, maintaining and increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min.

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, maintaining and increasing sight word vocabulary S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

The Barn Dance (Level 3-5) This story is about a cow asking her friends to dance. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: am, too(known words) Predict and locate: will, said(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: will S. practice writing: will Revisit page 3. Ask S. how they knew the words was small and not little. Responding Questions: Did the cow dance with anyone in the story? Why do you think no one danced with cow? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

The Farm (Level 3-5) This story is about things you can do on a farm. T. and S. take a picture walk. Locate and frame: can, go(known words) Predict and locate: pet, feed(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce one-to-one matching. Frame: play S. practice writing: play Revisit pages 2 and 7. Ask S. how they knew the words were pet and play. Responding Questions: What did the children do on the farm? What would you like to do on a farm? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

The City and the Country (Level 3-5) This story is about things people do in the city and country. During the picture walk, set up the text structure on page 6 and 7(We feed our) Locate and frame: we, in(known words) Predict and locate: food(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: the, in S, practice writing: the, in Revisit page 3. Ask S. how they knew the word was food and not vegetable. Responding Questions: What did they do in the city? What did they do in the country? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

T. models making and breaking can into onset and rime. S. make and break can. Change onsets to make new word (man).

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


T. models making and breaking can into onset and rime. S. make and break can. Change onset to make new words (man, ran, fan). Interactive Writing: Interactive Writing: Guided Writing: T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the T. and S. write a sentence interactively using the All students write the same sentence in their sentence stem: I will not dance with _______. sentence stem: I can ____ a ____ at the farm. individual journals: Use cut-up sentence worksheet as a follow-up. Use cut-up sentence worksheet as a follow-up. We like to _____ in the _____. Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

T. models making and breaking c--an into onset and rimes. S. make and break can. Change onset to make new words (man, ran).

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)


GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min. GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, reread and self-correct S. read several previously read texts.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Cross-check the picture and first letter, Focus: Cross-check the picture and first reread and self-correct letter, reread and self-correct S. read several previously read texts. S. read several previously read texts.

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

At the Beach (Level 3-5) This story is about different things that we may like to do at the beach. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: at, have (known words) Predict and locate: eat, fun(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce. Frame: have, at S. practice writing: have, at Revisit p. 5 and ask students how did they know the word was lunch and not watermelon? focus strategies. Responding Questions: What do the people do at the beach? What would you like to do at the beach? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

Baby Can Ride (Level 3-5) This story is about how baby animals ride on their moms. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: here, on (known words) Predict and locate: back, top(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: here, on. S. practice writing: here, on Revisit p. 4 and ask students how they knew the word is alligator and not crocodile? Responding Questions: Where did the babies ride? Where do human babies ride? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

In the Box (Level 3-5) This book is about a bear putting something in the box. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: said, up (known words) Predict and locate: hello, what(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: said, here S. practice writing: said, here Responding Questions: What was in the box? How did the fox get in the box? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. read several previously read texts.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

T. model making and breaking like into onset and rime. S. make and break like. Change onsets to make new word (bike).

T. model making and breaking l--ike into onset and rime. S. make and break like. Change onset to make new words (bike, hike).

T. model making and breaking we into onset and rime. S. make and break we. Change onsets to make new word (me).

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


Guided Writing: Guided Writing: Guided Writing: All students write the same sentence in their All students write the same sentence in their All students write the same sentence in their individual journals: individual journals: individual journals: We like to dig in the sand. The baby can ride on his mom. A fox got in the big box. Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

Groups______________________ Focus: Maintain and increase sight word vocabulary. S. read several previously read texts

DATE: ______________________________ Groups______________________ Focus: Phrasing and fluency, maintain and increase sight words vocabulary. S. read several previously read texts

GUIDED READING Lesson extends over two days DAY 1 FAMILIAR REREADING: 5 min. GUIDED READING (15 min.) BEFORE: Teacher introduces book
briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

THEME: _________________________ Groups_________________________ Focus: Maintain and increase sight word vocabulary, reread to self-correct. S. read several previously read texts

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

The Rain (Level 3-5) This book is about animals being asked to play in the rain. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: will, not(known words) Predict and locate: come, get(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: will, not S. practice writing: will, not Responding Questions: Who likes to play in the rain and who does not? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2.

Making Soup (Level 3-5) This story is about the animals that had a sip of Hens soup. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: said, will, have(known words) Predict and locate: making(unknown word) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. Frame: will, have S. practice writing: will, have Revisit p. 2 and ask S. how they knew the word was making and not cooking. Responding Questions: Who had a sip of the soup? Why is there no soup left? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

The Garden (Level 6) This book is about what Kate likes to do in the garden. T. and S. take a picture walk. Frame: likes, eats(known words) Predict and locate: she, finds(unknown words) S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Praise and reinforce focus strategies. T. models phrasing and fluency and have students practice using a page or two from a familiar text. Frame; like, she S. practice writing: like, she Responding Questions: What did Kate do in the garden? What would you like to help Kate do? T. and S. generate responses and negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing on Day 2. S. read several previously read texts.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. read several previously read texts.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

T. models making and breaking we into onset and rime. S. make and break we. Change onsets to make the words (me and he).

T. models making and breaking we into onset and rime. S. make and break we. Change onsets to make the words (he and be).

Make: like and add s to make likes. Make: play and add s to make plays.

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)


Guided Writing: Guided Writing: Guided Writing: All students write the same sentence in their All students write the same sentence in their All students write the same sentence in their individual journals: individual journals: individual journals: I do not like to play in the rain. I am cooking for the party, said Hen. I like to eat _____ in the garden. Chart paper (unlined preferred), magnetic letters/letter tiles, personal chalkboard/white boards, cut-up sentence worksheet, markers, correction tape

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Additional Guided Reading Lesson Plans for Small Group

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 1

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 1 Groups Level 1 Objective: S. will track print from left to right, top to bottom, and return sweep in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts T. observes one-to-one matching and left-to-right directionality. A Party (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This book is about things at a party. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: a. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching and left-to-right directionality. A Toy Box (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This book is about lots of toys. S. brainstorm objects that could be in a toy box. T. and S. take a picture walk. T. models using the picture to find meanings of unknown words. S. locate and frame: a. T. observes students using the picture to assist at point of difficulty. T. presents an object. S. determine if it belongs in a toy box. T. and S. review left-to-right directionality, oneto-one matching, and using the picture. T. and S. discuss what they might see in a toy box. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread A Toy Box and other previously read text. T. observes left-to-right, one-to-one matching, and using the illustration. S. make, scramble, and remake see with magnetic letters or letter cards. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I see a _____ in a toy box. T. and S. will interactively write the sentence.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching and left-to-right directionality. A Zoo (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This book is about animals at the zoo. T. and S. take a picture walk. T. models framing: a. S. locate and frame: a.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

T. observes one-to-one matching and left-toright directionality. S. make connections to their personal experiences. T. reinforces left-to-right and oneto-one matching. T. and S. discuss favorite zoo animals. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread A Zoo and other previously read text. T. observes left-to-right and one-to-one matching. S. frame the word a. T. passes out letter cards or magnetic letters: c, r, n, p, a. S. practice locating the letter a in a letter sort . Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I like to see a ____. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. observes one-to-one matching and left-toright directionality. S. make connections to his/her personal experiences. T. reinforces one-one-one matching. T. and S. discuss what they like to see at a birthday party. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread A Party and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching. S. frame the word a. T. passes out letter cards or magnetic letters: o, t, r, m, a. S. practice locating the letter a in a letter sort . Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I like to see a ___. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 1

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 1 Groups Level 1 Objective: S. will track print from left to right, top to bottom, and return sweep in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. My Birthday Party (level1) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This book is about things at a birthday party. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: the and my. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. Mom (level 1) Rigby PM T. introduces the book: This book is about things mom does. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: is.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. My Birthday Party (level1) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This book is about things at a birthday party. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: the and my.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. practice left-to-right and one-to-one matching by reading a page in the text. S. make text-to-self connection. T. and S. discuss what they would see at a party. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread My Birthday Party and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. T. puts out magnetic letters (a, o, c, e, t, l, z, x, v) and has S. sort by curved letters and straight lines. S. name letters after they are all sorted. Interactive Writing: T. and S. compose a sentence using the sentence stem: The ____ is at my party. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. discuss things at a birthday party and relate to own experiences. S. locate and frame the. T. selects 1 or 2 students to demonstrate oneto-one matching. T. and S. discuss what they would see at a party. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread My Birthday Party and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. make, scramble, and remake my. S. make, scramble, and remake the. Interactive Writing: T. and S. compose a sentence using the sentence stem: I see a _____ at my party. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. Review strategies and skills as needed. S. make text-to-self connections. T. and S. discuss things that mom is doing. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive writing for the next day. S. reread Mom and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. make, scramble, and remake is. S. write, erase, and rewrite is several times on a chalkboard/white board. Interactive Writing: T. and S. compose a sentence using the sentence stem: My mom is______. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 1

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 1 Groups Level 1 Objective: S. will use text and illustrations to fin meaning of unknown words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. The Circus (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This is a story about things at the circus. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: the. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. The Farm (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This book is about animals at the farm. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: the.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. A Pond (level 1) T. introduces the book: This is a story about things at the pond. S. make predictions about the text. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: a.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

T. prompts and praises looking for one-to-one matching, left-to-right, and use of illustrations. T. and S. discuss what is found in a pond. T. and S. discuss what they would see at a pond. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread A Pond and other previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. sort letters that are tall and short (h, i, f, l, o, s) using letter cards or magnetic letters. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I see a ____ in a pond. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. and S. discuss things found at the circus. T. and S. discuss what they would find at the circus. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread The Circus and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. make, scramble, and remake the using letter cards or magnetic letters. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I see the ______. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. and S. discuss what is on a farm. T. and S. discuss what animals they would find on the farm. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive writing for the next day. S. reread The Farm and other previously read text. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. S. make, scramble, and remake the using letter cards or magnetic letters. S. write, erase, and rewrite the on individual chalkboards/whiteboards. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I can see the ______. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 1

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 1 Groups Level 1 Objective: S. will use text and illustrations to meaning of unknown words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. What are You? (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This is a story about animals that tell who they are. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: am. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. The Birthday Cake (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This is a story about cakes that are different colors. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: a.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. Me (level 1) Rigby 2000 T. introduces the book: This is a story about things you can do. S. make predictions about the text. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: am.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

T. prompts and praises looking for one-to-one matching, left-to-right, and use of illustrations. T. and S. discuss the meaning of the story. T. and S. discuss something that they can do. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Me and other previously read text. T. observes students demonstrating proper reading strategies. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to make, scramble, and remake am. S. write, erase, and rewrite am several times on chalkboard/whiteboard. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I am ________ . (ex. talking to mom) T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. and S. discuss the animals in the book. T. asks S. what they are. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing the next day. S. reread What are You? and other previously read text. T. observes students demonstrating proper reading strategies. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to make, scramble, and remake am. S. write, erase, and rewrite am several times on chalkboard/whiteboard. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I am a not a ________ T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. and S. discuss the colors of the cakes in the book. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing the next day. S. reread The Birthday Cake and other previously read text. T. observes students demonstrating proper reading strategies. S. frame the word the on their favorite page. S. make, scramble, and remake the several times using magnetic letters or letter cards. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: Students name likes a ______(color) cake. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 2 Objective: S. will read and recognize sight words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. Fan Cat Can Jump (level 2)1st Grade On My Way Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about a cat that jumps off of a roof. T. and S. do a picture walk. S. locate and frame: can and we T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. and S. discuss what happened to Fan. T. directs students attention to p.5 and have S. discuss the picture and how it helps with the text. S. read p.5 with a partner as T. monitors fluency. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Fan Cat Can Jump and other previously read text. T. observes for fluency and recognition of sight words. S. make, scramble, and remake: can and we.

Groups Level 2 Objective: S. will use the text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. I Can (level 2) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about things the child can do. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: can and go. Tell S. The last page says.Here we go. (You may want S. to frame the word here.) T. prompts and praises for strategic reading. T. asks S. to imagine that they are the older child. T. models how to cross-check jump with the picture. Discuss things they could teach the younger child. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread I Can and other previously read text. T. observes S. using known words. S. make, scramble, and remake: can. S. write, erase, and rewrite: can several times on the chalkboard/whiteboard. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I can________ and ______ . T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Groups Level 2 Objective: S. will read and recognize sight words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes one-to-one matching, left-to-right directionality, and the use of illustrations. At the Zoo (level 2) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about animals at the zoo. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: like and and. T. prompts and praises looking for one-to-one matching, left-to-right, and use of illustrations. S. read their favorite page and locate and frame: like and and. S. discuss which animal in the book was the girls favorite and why. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread At the Zoo and other previously read text. T. observes for use of known words and one-to-one matching. T. listens for use of exclamation point. S. make, scramble, and remake: like, and, and my. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I like the ____. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about Fan Cat (ex. The cat can jump). T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 2 Objective: S. will use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes S. using known words. I Am (level 2) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about things the child is doing. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: am and can.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

T. prompts and praises looking for one-to-one matching, left-to-right, and use of illustrations. S. locate and frame: am and can. T. and S. discuss the picture that reminds them the most about themselves. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread I Am and other previously read texts. T. observes for one-to-one matching, left-toright directionality, and the use of known words. T. listens for the use of exclamation point. S. make, scramble, and remake: am. S. write, erase, and rewrite: am several times on a chalkboard/whiteboard. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: I am a ______and a _____. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 2 Objective: S. will use text and illustrations to find meaning of unknown words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Look at Me (level 2) Rigby PM Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about children doing things at school. The children want you to look at them doing these things. T. and S. do a picture walk. Before reading the text, set the structure Look at me. S. locate and frame: look and me. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 1-2: Making Connections Between Picture and Text. T. and S. discuss one thing they like to do at school. S. read a favorite page and T. reinforces students use of picture clues as they read. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Look at Me and other previously read texts. T. observes for students using known words and pictures. S. make, scramble, and remake: look and me. S. write, erase, and rewrite: look and me several times on the chalkboard/whiteboard. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: Look at me! I am _____. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Groups Level 3 Objective: S. will read and recognize sight words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Friends (level 3) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about two friends and what they like to do together. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame: we. S. predict and locate: but and like. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 1-2: Using a Known Word to Monitor. T. and S. discuss what the friends like to do together and what they dont like to do together. T. reinforces students automatic recognition of sight words. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Friends and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and crosschecking. S. make, scramble, and remake: like and we. S. revisit the text and locate and frame: like and we. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using the sentence stem: We like to _____. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 3 Objective: S. will cross-check pictures with first letter in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Wake Up Dad (level 3) Rigby PM T. introduces the book: This story is about 3 children waking up their dad. T. and S. take picture walk. Be sure to tell the S. the names of the children during the picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: is and am. S. predict and locate unknown words: look and said. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss why the children wanted to wake up Dad? Who do you wake up in your family? T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Wake up Dad and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. S. make, scramble, and remake: is, my, and look. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about who hey wake up. Use sight words and words to stretch. (ex. I wake up my ____ (mom, dad) for (school, work). T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Groups Level 3 Objective: S. will cross-check pictures with first letter in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. The Merry Go Round (level 3) Rigby PM T. introduces the book: This is a story about James, Kate, and Nick. They are going to the merry go round with dad. They are all choosing what they want to ride on. S. locate and frame known words: look and is. S. predict and locate unknown words: come and here. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss what the children wanted to ride on. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread The Merry Go Round and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. S. make, scramble, and remake: look and here. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about what they would want to ride on. Use sight words and words to stretch. (ex. Look at me on the ____.) T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Groups Level 4 Objective: S. will cross-check pictures with first letter in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Sally and the Daisy (level 4) Rigby PM T. introduces the book: his story is about a daisy that Sally picks for her mom. During the picture walk, tell students that the daisy is asleep and at the end mom thanks Sally for the daisy. Locate and frame known words: can and the. Predict and locate unknown words: here and look. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss why Sally didnt see the daisy the first time and if they ever look for things in the grass. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Sally and the Daisy and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. S. make see. S. change onset to make bee. S. make look. S. change onset to make book. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about what they would want to ride on. Use sight words and words to stretch. (ex. I look for ____ in the grass. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over 2 days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 4 Objective: S. will reread difficult parts in order to self-correct. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Dan and Dan (level 4) Theme Paperback

Groups Level 4 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. My Dog Willy (level 4) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: In this story a girl tells us about her dog. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: likes and and. S. predict and locate unknown words: take. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss things that Willy likes to do. S. read their favorite page fluently. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread My Dog Willy and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and monitoring cross-checking. T. makes dog with magnetic letters or letter cards. S. make dog and change the onset to make log and hog. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about other things Willy might like to do. Use sight words and words to stretch. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

Groups Level 4 Objective: S. will read and recognize sight words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. One Big Hit (level 4) On My Way Practice Reader T. introduces the book: Nat Cat hits a home run and Nan Pig gets a bee sting while trying to find the ball. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: the, can, and have. S. predict and locate unknown words: find. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Maintains and Increases Sight Vocabulary. T. and S. discuss what happened when Nat Cat got a hit. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to Complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread One Big Hit and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and students ability to read and recognize sight words. T. models how to exchange onsets to make new words: sit to bit. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make bit and change to hit. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about what happens to the pig at the end of the story. Use sight words and words to stretch. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

T. introduces the book: This story is about a boy named Dan who enjoys spending time with his grandfather who is also named Dan. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: am and you. S. predict and locate unknown words: with. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Rereading and Self-Correcting. T. and S. discuss the different things Dan and Dan did together. T. reinforces students rereading and self-correcting behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Dan and Dan and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and monitoring self-corrections. T. makes get with magnetic letters or letter cards. S. read the word and identifies a part that they know (-et). S. make get with magnetic letters or letter cards. S. change the onset to make pet, net, and let. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence about different things Dan and Dan like to do together. Use sight words and words to stretch. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 5 Objective: S. will use context clues in order to determine the meaning of words. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Green, Green (level 5) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a book about a boy who paints a picture and the different colors he uses. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: can S. predict and locate unknown words: give and over. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Rereading and Self-Correcting. T. and S. discuss the picture the boy paints and the surprise ending. S. read their favorite page. T. reinforces rereading and selfcorrecting. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread Green, Green and other previously read texts. T. observes for self-correcting and fluency. T. models making see with magnetic letters or letter card. S. use letter cards to make see, feet, and green. Interactive Writing: T. and S. write a sentence using colors and following the pattern, I see ____ and ____. Use sight words and words to stretch. T. and S. interactively write the sentence.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Groups Level 5 Objective: S. will reread difficult parts in order to self-correct. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. A Salad Feast (level 5) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This story is about what three funny monkeys do to make a salad. T. and S. take a picture walk. Be sure to go over the actions during the picture walk (i.e slice, mix, drop, etc.). S. locate and frame known words: put and in S. predict and locate unknown words: lets Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Rereading and Self-Correcting. T. and S. discuss funny things the monkeys do to make the salad. S. read favorite pages. T. reinforces students rereading and selfcorrecting behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Interactive Writing for the next day. S. reread A Salad Feast and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and selfcorrecting. S. make, scramble, and remake: put. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make in, win, fin, spin. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about what they will put in their salad. Each child writes the same sentence (ex. I will put ___ in my salad.). T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 5 Objective: S. will cross-check pictures with the first letter in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Our Dog Sam (level 5) Rigby Literacy 2000 T. introduces the book: In this story, a girl tells about her dog and the trouble he causes. On each page she says, Our dog Sam likes to T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: and and likes. S. predict and locate unknown words: have. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-Checking Picture with First Letter. T. and S. discuss the trouble Sam causes. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces crosschecking behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Our Dog Sam and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and crosschecking. S. make like with magnetic letters or letter cards. S. add the letter s to make likes. S. make mom with magnetic letters or letter cards. S. add the letter s to make moms. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something Sam likes to do. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over 2 days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 5 Objective: S. will cross-check pictures with first letter in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Tom is Brave (level 5) Rigby PM

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

T. introduces the book: Tom went to the store for mom. He fell when he wasnt watching where he was going. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: look and here. S. predict and locate unknown words: went and said. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Cross-checking Picture with First Letter. T. and S. discuss why Tom fell. T. and S. discuss why Tom was brave? T. and S. discuss where they may have gone that they were brave. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Tom is Brave and other previously read texts. T. will observe for fluency and cross-checking. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make he, me, we and she.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate in order to extract meaning from the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (level 6) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a version of the popular game/song. Sing the song together. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: here and the. S. predict and locate unknown word: this (make a connection to the). Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 3-5: Phrasing and Fluency. S. read a favorite page and T. reinforces phrasing and fluency. T. and S. discuss other activities that can be done early in the morning. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush and other previously read texts. T. will observe for fluency and phrasing. T. models exchanging onsets to make words using the ake spelling patterns: make to bake. S. use letter cards to make cake to take to wake. ***Be sure students have already done this with known words (i.e. cat, bat, hat) Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something they can do early in the morning. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Wheres Cupcake (level 6) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This story is about a girl who is looking for her pet cat, Cupcake. T. and S. take a picture walk. S. locate and frame known words: in and on S. predict and locate unknown words: time and where. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. chooses one or two students to explain how they figured out the tricky word or part of text. T. and S. discuss places the girl looked for Cupcake. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Wheres Cupcake?

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to exchange onsets to make new words. S. make not, hot, lot, and plot.

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about a time that they were brave. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed. (ex. I went to ____and I was brave.)

Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about where they looked for Cupcake. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Where Are You Going, Aja Rose? (level 6) Wright Group T. introduces the book: This is a story about a girl named Aja Rose. In the story, Aja Roses friends are asking her to do things. S. locate and frame known words: come S. predict and locate unknown words: drink, Id. (T. should let S. know that each page will say, Where are you going, Aja Rose to set the structure of the story.) Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Phrasing and Fluency. T. models phrasing and fluency. S. practice reading a page, reading fluently. T. and S. discuss what they are going to do at school. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Where are You Going, Aja Rose? and other previously read texts. T. observes for phrasing and fluency. S. use magnetic letters and letter cards to make go and add -ing to make going, play and add -ing to make playing, and do and add -ing to make doing. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about what they are going to do at school. (ex. Im going to read at school.) Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.


Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Brave Father Mouse (level 6) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: This is a story about a family of hungry mice and a hungry cat. The father mouse and the cat look for food. Important story structure that may need to be introduced: away goes. S. locate and frame known words: comes S. predict and locate unknown words: safe, brave, and away link to asleep. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. models phrasing and fluency. S. practice reading fluently. T. and S. discuss what the mouse is looking for. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Brave Father Mouse and other previously read texts. T. observes for phrasing and fluency. S. use magnetic letters and letter cards to change the endings of words. S. make cat and change it to can, and then cap. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence what the brave mouse is looking for. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Where are the Sunhats? (level 6) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: In this story, Dad, Mom, Kate, James, and Nick are going to the beach. They forgot their sunhats and they had to go back home to look for them. Important story structure that may need to be introduced: Home we go. S. locate and frame known words: where and here. S. predict and locate unknown words: shouted Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. models phrasing and fluency. S. practice reading fluently. T. and S. discuss why the characters went back home. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Where are the Sunhats? and other previously read texts. T. observes for phrasing and fluency. S. use magnetic letters and letter cards to exchange onsets to make new words. S. make went, bent, and sent. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about why the characters went back home. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Baby Hippo (level 6) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: This is a story about a mother and a baby hippo in the river. In the story, the hippos see hungry lions and they need to find a way to be safe. Important story structure that may need to be introduced: down by the river. S. locate and frame known words: here S. predict and locate unknown words: asleep and there
Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure.

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Speedy Bee (level 6) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: In this story you will learn why Speedy Bee is searching for flowers. S. locate and frame known words: said and here. S. predict and locate unknown words: food.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Bear Play (level 6) 1st Grade Theme Paperback T. introduces the book: This book has photographs about a polar bear and tells what he might be thinking. S. locate and frame known words: look and here. S. predict and locate unknown words: watch


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Looking Past the First Letter.

Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure.

T. and S. discuss how they figured out tricky words. T. asks What happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story? T. assists as necessary. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day.
S. reread Baby Hippo and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use.

T. and S. discuss why Speedy Bee searches for flowers. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces their use of decoding strategies. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day.
S. reread Speedy Bee and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use.

S. think about other bear stories they have read or heard and compare them to Bear Play. T. and S. discuss other things that the bears might do. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day.
S. reread Bear Play and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

S. make and break the following: asleep (asleep), ago (a-go), and away (a-way).
Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about the hippos. (ex. The hippos are asleep in the river.) Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make see. S. make meet, tree, and green.
Guided Writing: S. write a sentence with one fact that they learned about Speedy Bee. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

T. models how to break the onset (first letter) from the rime (end of the word): day to d-ay. S. use letter cards to make and break play (pl-ay) and stay (st-ay).
Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something the bears might do. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. The Chick and the Duckling (level 6) ITL T. introduces the book: In this story, the chick tries to do everything the duckling does, but has difficulty. S. locate and frame known words: am and said. S. predict and locate unknown words: another. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss what the chick had difficulty doing and why. Choose one or two students to explain how they figured out a tricky word or part of the text. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread The Chick and the Duckling and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and monitors cross-checking. T. models how to add endings -ing. S. make playing, seeing, and going. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something that is hard for them to do. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. read orally from familiar text at a rate that is conversational and consistent in order to read fluently. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Willy the Helper (level 6) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a book about a dog, Willy, that tries to help, but only makes a mess. Willy does something different each day of the week. T. should set the structure by letting them know that it says What a mess. S. locate and frame known words: on and but. S. predict and locate unknown words: guess Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Phrasing and Fluency. T. ask students what they think was the biggest surprise of the story. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Willy the Helper and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and monitors cross-checking. T. models how to add an endings -ed. S. make played, helped, and looked. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something a real dog can do that helps people. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S will use word families to decode one-syllable words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Five Big Boxes (levels 4-6) 1st Grade On My Way Practice Reader T. introduces the book: Dot Fox fits five gifts in five boxes for her friends. S. locate and frame known words: got and big. S. predict and locate unknown words: everyone and what. T. should set the structure, Once upon a time Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Looking for Parts in Words. T. and S. discuss if the objects in the boxes were things they would expect to see. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Five Big Boxes and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and monitors cross-checking. T. models how to exchange onsets to make new words: pig to fig. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make big to wig to jig. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about else that could be in the five boxes. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. The Toytown Fire Engine (level 6) Rigby T. introduces the book: This story is about a Toytown Fire Engine that saves a cat. S. locate and frame known words: here and will. S. predict and locate unknown words: down and comes. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. Praise students for strategy use. Discuss: How did the Toytown Fire Engine save the cat? How did the cat get down? T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread The Toytown Fire Engine and other previously read texts. T. observes for crosschecking and rereading to self-correct. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to make: will, fill, hill, and spill. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about what the cat did. (ex. The cat went down the ladder.) Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for meaning in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Clever Fox (level 6) Rigby PM Plus T. introduces the book: This story tells about how a clever fox gets away from a dog. S. locate and frame known words: here S. predict and locate unknown words: after and where. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss possible reasons why the author chose the title Clever Fox. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces cross-checking. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Clever Fox and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and crosschecking. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to make: run, fun, bun, and junk. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about another place a fox might hide (ex. in a hole, in tall grass). Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 6 Objective: S. read orally from familiar text at a rate that is conversational and consistent in order to read fluently. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Billy Can Count (level 6) Rigby PM Plus T. introduces the book: In this book, Jack helps his little brother, Billy, learn to count. S. locate and frame known words: said and here. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Phrasing and Fluency. S. discuss how Jack helped Billy learn to count. T. reinforces fluency. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Billy Can Count and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to make: look, book, took, and shook. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about something they can do. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. Bens Dad (level 7) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: This is a story about Bens dad coming home from working on a ship. S. predict and locate unknown words: engines and after. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. demonstrates phrasing and fluency. S practice reading fluently. T. asks, What happened in the beginning, middle, and end? and assists as necessary. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Bens Dad and other previously read texts. T. observes for looking past the first letter. Have S. attend to final letters. Have S. make his and change it to him, and then hit. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about Ben and his dad. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. Choosing a Puppy (level 7) Rigby PM Story Books T. introduces the book: This is a story about a brother and a sister, Rachel and Sam, who are choosing a new puppy from Andy. They look at different puppies before they decide which one to take home. S. predict and locate unknown words: biggest Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Looking Past the First Letter. T. demonstrates phrasing and fluency. S. practice reading fluently. Discuss the events in the story. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Choosing a Puppy and other previously read texts. T. observes for looking past the first letter. Have S. change the ending of the word. Have S. make the and change it to then, them, and they. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about the puppy that they would choose. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. Peaches the Pig (level 7) HM Little Reader T introduces the book: This is a story about a little pig that is looking for someone to play with. S. predict and locate unknown words: gallop and wallow. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss the different ways Peaches tries to play and why she is happy at the end. S. read a favorite page.


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

S. reread Peaches the Pig and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. T. models how to exchange onsets to make new words: my to fly. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make my, try, and sky. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about other farm animals that Peaches could play with and what might happen. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 7 Objective: S will use word families to decode one-syllable words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Sam Goes to School (level 7) Rigby PM Plus T. introduces the book: This is a book about a girl named Sam. Its Sams first day at school and she wants her mom to stay in school with her. S. predict and locate unknown words: stayed and goodbye. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. Discuss the events in the story. Ask S. to tell how Sam may feel and act on the next day of school. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Sam Goes to School and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and crosschecking. S. use magnetic letters or letter cards to add inflections to words. S make look, looks, looked, and looking. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about what they think may happen on Sams second day of school. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. Creepy Caterpillar (level 7) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about a caterpillar and all the places it crawls and what it sees. S. predict and locate unknown words: crawl and around. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss the places the caterpillar crawled. T. reinforces cross-checking behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Creepy Caterpillar and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and cross-checking. T. models clapping multi-syllable words using beautiful. S. clap caterpillar and butterfly. S. frame each part of caterpillar and butterfly in the text. Use word cards to break but-ter-fly to see parts. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about places Creepy Caterpillar could crawl. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will read orally from familiar text in order to extract meaning from the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. Bingos Birthday (level 7) Rigby PM Plus T. introduces the book: This story is about how Sam tries to celebrate his dogs birthday. S. predict and locate unknown words: lucky. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Phrasing and Fluency. S. discuss why the birthday celebration did not turn out the way Sam intended. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces for fluency and expression. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Bingos Birthday and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and cross-checking. T. models clapping and breaking a compound word: birth-day. S. clap in-side and to-day.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about Bingo. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

THEME: _________________________ Groups Level 7 Objective: S. will segment and manipulate sounds in order to read the text. S. read several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Red Squirrel Hides Some Nuts (level 7) Rigby PM Reader T. introduces the book: This story is about a red squirrel that hides some nuts for the winter. S. predict and locate unknown words: where Groups Level 8 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Peanut Butter and Jelly (level 8) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about a girl who wants to eat peanut butter and jelly everyday. S. predict and locate unknown words: want and gave Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss why the girl changed her mind at the end of the story about what she wanted to eat. T. reinforces for cross-checking behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Peanut Butter and Jelly. T. observes for fluency and cross-checking. T. models making and breaking a compound word: pea-nut. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make and break pan-cake, a-way, and to-day. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about a favorite food that they would like to eat everyday. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

DATE: ______________________________ Groups Level 8 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Roar Like Tiger (level 8) Rigby PM Plus T. introduces the book: When Katie goes to the doctor to have her sore throat treated, she will not open her mouth. Joe has an idea to help solve the problem. S. predict and locate unknown words: throat (Remember for th, ch, and sh, ask What two letters do you expect to see?) Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss why they think the author chose this title. T. asks 1 or 2 students to explain how they figured out a tricky word or part of the text. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Roar Like a Tiger and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and cross-checking. T. models exchanging onsets to make new words: boat to coat. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make boat, goat, float, and throat. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about a time that they went to the doctor. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Guided Reading

S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Looking Past the First Letter. S. discuss some of the problems Red Squirrel had in the story. S. support their answer by reading parts from the story. T. reinforces students ability to decode beyond the first letter. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Red Squirrel Hides Some Nuts and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. T. models adding ing to action words: eat to eating. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make eating and finding. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about Red Squirrel using some of the action words made during Word Work. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 8 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Rosies Party (level 8) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: Rosie invites three funny giants to a party. S. predict and locate unknown words: please.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 8 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Barnyard Tracks (levels 7-8) Theme Paperback T. introduces the book: The barnyard animals, a fox, and the farmer all leave tracks at the farm. S. predict and locate unknown words: follows. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. S. discuss the animals that made tracks. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces crosschecking. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Barnyard Tracks and other previously read texts. T. observes for cross-checking and fluency. T. models making and scrambling car. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make, car, farm, barn, and yard. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about another animal and places where they might make tracks. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 9 Objective: S. will use word families in one syllable words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. The Sun, the Wind, and the Rain (level 9) Rigby PM T. introduces the book: This is a book of poems. T. will go over names of poems and discuss the words shady and gutters during picture walk. S. predict and locate unknown words: time and grew. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Looking Past the first Letter and Using Word Parts. T. and S. discuss which poem they liked best and why. T. and S. discuss which poem describes the weather today. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread The Sun, the Wind, and the Rain using expression and other previously read texts. T. observes for expression and fluency. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make in, into, inside, and outside. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about the weather today. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. encourages discussion about the humor of the giants misunderstanding what Rosie said. T. asks one or two students to read a tricky part and explain how they figured it out. T. reinforces cross-checking. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Rosies Party and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and cross-checking. T. models making, scrambling, and remaking eat. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make tea and please. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about what they would do if giants came to school. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.

Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing.

Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Groups Level 9 Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. The Race (level 9) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This story is about a race a little girl has with her big sister. S. predict and locate unknown words: past. (T. should point out the structure of the sentence changes from fly to flies). Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 6-9: Cross-Checking Visual with Meaning and Structure. T. and S. discuss if the story ended the way they thought it would. T. reinforces cross-checking behaviors. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread The Race and other previously read texts. T. observes for cross-checking and fluency. S. make the word day. S. change the onset to make play, away, and stay. Guided Writing: S. write a sentence about races they have had. Each child writes the same sentence. T. assists as needed.

Groups Level 10 Objective: S. will use inflected endings in order to read new words. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. My New Pet (level 10) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This book is about a boy whose new pet follows him home one day. S. predict and locate unknown word: something. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 10-15: Phrasing and Fluency. T. asks S. what they liked best about the pet. S. reread a book, using expression with a partner. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread My New Pet and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. T. models adding s to action words: give to gives. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make love, loves, and feed, feeds. Independent Writing: S. write sentences to tell about the parts of a pets body and the animals they can identify.

Groups Level 11 Objective: S. will structure to determine the meaning of words in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Rosies Pool (level 11) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about three giants who come to swim in Rosies pool. S. predict and locate unknown words: would and welcome. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 10-15: Use Endings and Contractions in Reading and Writing. T. and S. discuss the story to decide if the giants were good guests. S. read a favorite page. T. reinforces fluency. T. and S. negotiate a sentence to complete during Guided Writing for the next day. S. reread Rosies Pool and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency. S. make the word dinner. Change the onset to make winner and spinner. Say, When you come to a word that you dont know, think of a word that looks like that word. Independent Writing: T. models how to write a summary. S. write a summary with a partner during independent work.


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

Lesson extends over two days S. = students; T. = teacher THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EMERGENT READERS (DRA 1-16)

DATE: ______________________________

Guided Reading
S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

Groups Level 13 Objective: S. will use inflectional ending in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. The Three Little Pigs (level 13) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: This is a story about three little pigs building a house out of sticks, straw, and bricks. The wolf is trying to get into the houses. S. predict and locate unknown word: chimney and built. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 10-15: Uses Endings and Contractions in Reading and Writing. S. retell the story to a partner. T. reinforces using inflectional endings in reading and writing.

BEFORE: Teacher introduces book

briefly summarizes text connects to background knowledge previews text has S. locate known/unknown words sets purpose (strategy focus)

Groups Level 14 Objective: S. will use word context clues, sentence structure, and visual clues to guide self-correction in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Chicken Pox (level 14) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: Mollys brother is jealous that his sister gets to do whatever she wants because she has the chicken pox. S. predict and locate unknown word: wanted and over. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 10-15: Uses Analogies to solve Unknown Words in Reading and Writing. S. discuss the problem and solution. T. reinforces using analogies to solve unknown words in reading and writing. S. reread Chicken Pox and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and use of analogies to solve unknown words in reading and writing. S. find third in the text. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make third, thirst, first, and firm. S. and T. discuss the story. S. write a summary independently (after the process of modeling and working with a partner have already been practiced).


S. read as independently as possible. T. prompts/praises for strategic processing. Discuss the text for meaning. Revisit focus strategy/skill.

Groups Level 14 Objective: S. will use word context clues, sentence structure, and visual clues to guide self-correction in order to read the text. S. reread several previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and strategy use. Peters Move (level 14) HM Little Reader T. introduces the book: Peters family has decided to move and Peter is not happy. Peters dad, his sister, Lee, and Grammy keep telling him its time to pack. Lets read to see if Peter ever likes his new house. S. predict and locate unknown word: everything Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 10-15: Uses Analogies to solve Unknown Words in Reading and Writing. S. discuss the problem and solution. T. reinforces using analogies to solve unknown words in reading and writing. S. reread Peters Move and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and use of analogies to solve unknown words in reading and writing. S. find truck in the text. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make truck, trick, and track. S. and T. discuss the story. S. write a summary independently (after the process of modeling and working with a partner have already been practiced).


S. reads familiar text T. observes, records, prompts for strategic reading

WORD WORK: 5 min. (Choose either)

Making and breaking Making words Chunking

S. reread The Three Little Pigs and other previously read texts. T. observes for fluency and use of inflectional endings to solve unknown words in reading. S. find wanted in the text. S. use letter cards or magnetic letters to make and break wanted, wants, and wanting. S. and T. discuss the story. S. write a summary with a partner.

WRITING: 10 min.
Shared/Interactive Guided Other (model responses to questions, summaries, paragraphs, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EXTENDING READERS (DRA 16+)

DATE: ______________________________


Be sure to choose a text AT STUDENTS INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL, so that with teacher support, each student will be able to use strategies to construct meaning for him/herself. Include familiar rereading, word work, and/or writing from the emergent readers lesson plan as needed for struggling readers.


Before Reading 5-10 min.

Objective Text preview Prior knowledge Vocabulary Set purpose Model strategies

Groups Level 16 Worms for Breakfast HM Little Reader Objectives: S. will look back through the text to search for connections between the topics, events, characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences in order to demonstrate an understanding of the text. Day 1: T. introduces the book: The boy is taking his first fishing trip with his grandfather. He discovers that he has a lot to learn about fishing. Think about how the boys experience reminds you of one you have had as you learned to do something for the first time. T. follows the procedures in the Before Reading section of the Components column. S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Using text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections. Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. compare the boys first experience fishing to any first time experiences they may have had. T. models how to write a paragraph about a first time experience including a topic sentence and details. S. practice writing a paragraph about one of their own.

Groups Level 16 Busy Bea HM Theme Paperback Objective: S. will make connections to the text using their prior knowledge and experience with the text in order to demonstrate an understanding of the text. Day 1: T. introduces the book: A girl named Bea keeps losing her things. Her mother gets impatient, but her grandmother is sure that Bea will outgrow this habit. T. and S. discuss experiences of losing things. T. follows the procedures in the Before Reading section of the Components column.

Groups Level 16 The Leaving Morning HM Theme paperback Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check for understanding in order to read independently. Day 1: T. introduces the book: A family says goodbye to familiar people and places on the morning they are ready to move to a new home. T. follows the procedures in the Before Reading section of the Components column.

During Reading 10-15 min.

Use strategies to read independently for purpose set. Apply focus skill.

S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Uses text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections.

S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Problem solves in his/her head and reads with fluency. Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. discuss story and some relate it to own experiences. S. write about how they would feel if they had to move to a new home (e.g. what would they miss, who would they say good-bye to, etc.). S. may finish this for Independent Work/Literacy Activity.

After Reading 5-15 min.

Revisit text to examine and extend meaning connected to purpose set (oral and/or written). Discuss use of strategies. Clarify Read for fluency

Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. discuss story and some ways that Bea might keep herself from forgetting things. S. write a letter to Bea to give her ideas about how to remember her things. (S. may finish this for Independent Work/Literacy Activity.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

THEME: _________________________

Small Group Reading Lesson FOR EXTENDING READERS (DRA 16+)

DATE: ______________________________


Be sure to choose a text AT STUDENTS INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL, so that with teacher support, each student will be able to use strategies to construct meaning for him/herself. Include familiar rereading, word work, and/or writing from the emergent readers lesson plan as needed for struggling readers.

Components Before Reading 5-10 min.

Objective Text preview Prior knowledge Vocabulary Set purpose Model strategies

Group Level 18 Bunny CakesHM Theme Paperback First Grade Collection (level 18) Objective: S. will use word structure to determine the meaning of words in order to read the text. Day 1: T. introduces the book: Max and Ruby have different ideas about the kind of birthday cake that Grandma would like. Make a prediction of what might happen when they each decide to make a cake. T. follows the procedures in the Before Reading section of the Components column. S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Uses syllables or parts to decode multi-syllabic words.

Group Level 20+ Group Level 20+ Fireman Small HM Theme Paperback-First Grade Frog and Toad Together Grade 2 HM Little Reader (level Collection (level 20+) 20+) Objective: S. will use monitoring strategies to check Objective: S. will write a series of related sentences for understanding in order to read the text about a topic and support the topic with details in independently. order to write a paragraph summarizing a chapter of Day 1: T. introduces the book: Fireman Small is kept the text. busy by saving animals and putting out fires. Have S. Day 1: T. introduces the book: This book is about the share what they know about firefighters. T. follows the adventures of two friends, Frog and Toad. T. and S. procedures in the Before Reading section of the preview the contents: A List, The Garden, Cookies, Components column. Dragon and Giants, and The Dream. T. follows the procedures in the Before Reading section of the Components column. S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Problem solves in his/her head and reads with fluency. S. read the first two pages with a partner and read the remaining text silently and independently. S. will need to complete the story for Independent Work/Literacy Activity the following day. Refer to prompts in Focus for Small Group Levels 16+: Begins to write paragraphs, story summaries, and answer basic comprehension questions. Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. discuss A List. T. models how to write a summary of A List. S. choose a different chapter from the book and write a summary of that chapter.

During Reading 10-15 min.

Students use strategies to read independently for purpose set. Apply focus skill.

After Reading 5-15 min.

Revisit text to examine and extend meaning connected to purpose set (oral and/or written) Discuss use of strategies Clarify Read for fluency

Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. discuss story and compare Maxs cake and Rubys cake. S. write a paragraph comparing the cakes.

Day 2: S. read a favorite page for fluency. T. and S. discuss and evaluate the story. S. write a paragraph telling whether they like this story and give reasons to support their answers.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Special Educators Guidelines Reading English Language Arts Curriculum Framework Grade K
The special educator should: o take a rotation (small group20 minutes) each day. o concentrate on phonemic awareness (R263-R266). Phonemic Awareness: Students will master the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. Phonemic Awareness is being able to hear the sounds that make up words and knowing how to play with sounds orally including rhyming, blending, segmenting, deleting and substituting. There are two requirements of beginning reading for which phonemic awareness becomes immediately relevant: phonemic analysis (segmentation) and phonemic synthesis (blending). These skills are greatly enhanced by memorizing songs and rhymes and creating new verses to well-known song patterns. The stages of phonological development toward deep phonemic awareness can be delineated as below: Recognition that sentences are made up of words Recognition that words can rhyme Recognition that words can be broken down into syllables Recognition that words can be broken into onsets and rimes Recognition that words can begin with the same sound Recognition that words can end with the same sound Recognition that words can have the same medial sound(s) Recognition that words can be broken down into individual phonemes Recognition that sounds can be deleted from words to make new words Ability to blend sounds to make words Ability to segment words into constituent sounds

Phonemic awareness is more complex than auditory discrimination, which is the ability to perceive, for example, that cat and mat are different speech productions, or words. To be able to describe how they are similar but different, however, implies some level of phonemic awareness. Auditory discrimination entails hearing a difference; whereas, phonemic awareness entails a level of analysis of the constituent sounds.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Table of Contents
Resource Packet Management Information ..................................................................................................................................................... R3 Teacher/Student Supply List ................................................................................................................................ R4 Suggested Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ R5 Active Listening .................................................................................................................................................... R6 Whole Group Planners ......................................................................................................................................... R7 How to Begin Reading/Language Arts Small Group Instruction .......................................................................... R9 Centers and Literacy Activities ............................................................................................................................................ R11 Center Management Options ............................................................................................................................... R12 Literacy Center Icons and Signs .......................................................................................................................... R13 Literacy Center Options and Contents ................................................................................................................. R27 Additional Independent Work/Literacy Activities for K and 1 ............................................................................... R36 Cut-Up Sentence Instructions/Worksheets .......................................................................................................... R41 Read-Alouds ........................................................................................................................................................................ R44 What is a read-aloud? .......................................................................................................................................... R45 Reading Aloud .................................................................................................................................................... R46 Guidelines for Selection of Read-Alouds ............................................................................................................ R47 Suggested Read-Alouds Kindergarten and Grade 1 ........................................................................................ R48 Comprehension Anchor Charts ............................................................................................................................ R50 What Is Fluency? ................................................................................................................................................. R59 Seven Ways to Interfere with Fluency ................................................................................................................. R60 Word Walls .......................................................................................................................................................................... R61 All About Word Walls ........................................................................................................................................... R62 Kindergarten Word Wall ....................................................................................................................................... R63 First Grade Word Wall ......................................................................................................................................... R64 Word Wall Activities ............................................................................................................................................. R65 Word Wall Games ................................................................................................................................................ R66 Chunk Walls ......................................................................................................................................................... R70 Sample Chunk Wall ............................................................................................................................................. R71 Instructional Strategies ........................................................................................................................................................ R72 Emergent Reading Strategies .............................................................................................................................. R73 Think-Pair-Share .................................................................................................................................................. R74 Turn and Talk ....................................................................................................................................................... R75 Writing ............................................................................................................................................................................. R76 Types of Writing ................................................................................................................................................... R77 Additional Information on Interactive Writing/Teaching Sequence for Guided Writing ........................................ R78 Assessments ....................................................................................................................................................................... R79 Assessments/Assessment Tools ......................................................................................................................... R80 Approximate DRA Levels and Literacy Assessment Benchmarks ....................................................................... R81 Using the Assessment Data to Guide Instruction ................................................................................................ R82 Task 1: Letter Identification .................................................................................................................................. R84 Task 2: Word Test ................................................................................................................................................ R87 Task 3: Emergent Reading Behaviors Inventory ................................................................................................. R92 Task 4: Dictation .................................................................................................................................................. R97 Task 5: Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) .......................................................................................... R101 Class Data Summary Sheets ............................................................................................................................... R106 Text Levels .......................................................................................................................................................................... R108 Text Level Correlations ........................................................................................................................................ R109 HM Leveled Reader Collection DRA Levels Grade 1 ....................................................................................... R110 Additional Resources: Book List .......................................................................................................................... R121 Recommended and Approved Chapter Books and Trade Books ........................................................................ R 130

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


ELL Resources .................................................................................................................................................................... R131 Introductory Materials for Teaching ELL Students ............................................................................................... R132 Supplements for Strategy and Skill Instruction .................................................................................................... R148 Strategies ................................................................................................................................................... R149 Activate and Connect ............................................................................................................................ R150 Predict ................................................................................................................................................... R152 Infer ....................................................................................................................................................... R154 Questioning ........................................................................................................................................... R156 Monitor and Clarify ............................................................................................................................... R158 Summarize ........................................................................................................................................... R160 Evaluate ............................................................................................................................................... R162 Skills ........................................................................................................................................................... R164 Story Structure ..................................................................................................................................... R165 Sequence of Events ............................................................................................................................. R167 Main Idea and Details .......................................................................................................................... R169 Noting Details ...................................................................................................................................... R171 Identifying Character Traits .................................................................................................................. R173 Compare and Contrast ......................................................................................................................... R175 Categorize and Classify ....................................................................................................................... R177 Fact and Opinion .................................................................................................................................. R179 Cause and Effect ................................................................................................................................. R181 Fantasy and Reality ............................................................................................................................. R183 Drawing Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. R185 Making Judgments ............................................................................................................................... R187 Identifying Text Features ..................................................................................................................... R189 Organizational Structure of Informational Text .................................................................................... R191 Graphic Organizer ........................................................................................................................................ R193 Student Resources .............................................................................................................................................................. R256 Book Log .............................................................................................................................................................. R257 Paragraph Frames ............................................................................................................................................... R258 Phonemic Awareness Resources ........................................................................................................................................ R263 Rhymes and Songs .............................................................................................................................................. R264 Professional Resources ....................................................................................................................................................... R267 Professional Books Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... R268 Technology Resources ........................................................................................................................................ R270 Curriculum Guide Evaluation Form ...................................................................................................................................... R275

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Management Information

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Teacher/Student Supply List

Name cards for each child to be used on Word Wall Word cards for Word Wall Timer Journal for each child Book boxes, Ziploc bags, or other containers for familiar reading books for each child Sentence strips Pocket chart Chart paper Trace, Copy, Copy paper Letter Cards (PGIN 7530-0129---Kindergarten) (PGIN 7530-0130---First Grade) (PGIN 7690-0843Kindergarten) (PGIN 7690-0844 First Grade) (PGIN 7690-0845 ---Second Grade)

Magnetic letters Individual chalkboards or white boards for students (lapboards) Dry erase markers Magazines Correction Tape Literacy Assessment Booklets (PGIN 7615-2081---Kindergarten) (PGIN 7615-2082---First Grade)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Suggested Procedures
Opening Routines Houghton Mifflin Reading (Nations Choice) Daily Message Calendar (may choose to do during math) Daily Phonemic Awareness Daily Language Practice (Grade 1 beginning in Theme 3) Expectations during Opening/Circle Time
Establish how to get to Circle Time and where to sit Example: Call groups of students by table, by birthday, color of shoes, etc. Establish behavior rules Establish procedures --- Model, Practice, and Review

Independent Work Procedures

Teacher gives expectations for independent work time activity (ex. Ask 3 before me) Teacher clearly states what students do when finished (independent reading, consult a posted list of Things to Do When You Finish Early, etc.) Model, Practice, and Review procedures

Establish Active Listening Strategies

Students will attend to the speaker in order to demonstrate active listening strategies. INSTRUCTION: Have a student pretend to be the teacher. Teacher then acts as a student and models poor listening (moving around in seat, fiddling, calling out, waving hand in the air, etc.) Have students critique your behavior. Call on a volunteer to model better listening techniques. Make a class chart with students expectations for active listening, or create a looks like/sounds like chart. You may want to include: 1. Look at the person who is talking and listen to understand 2. Think of questions to ask to understand better 3. Wait for the speaker to finish 4. Share ideas 5. Stay on topic Cue students to use the chart as you begin to read aloud. Practice and reinforce active listening every day when you read aloud and during all class and group discussions.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Active Listening
Look at the person who is talking. Think of questions to ask. Wait for the speaker to finish. Share ideas. Stay on topic.
This is a sample. It is recommended to make a larger version on chart paper so that all students will be able to see it.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Whole Group Planner

Reading/English Language Arts

150-Minute Block



Date: _____________________________________ Theme: ___________________________________ Component Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Objectives: comprehension Whole class lesson plans are provided in the Curriculum Framework Progress Guide. phon. aware/phonics Teachers should write plans for small group lessons daily.

word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines
calendar, daily message, word wall, phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

phonemic awareness/phonics guided handwriting (3-5 min.)

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group ______________
teacher-directed lesson

Group _______________
centers teacher-directed lesson literacy activity

Group _____________
literacy activity Centers teacher-directed lesson

20 min.
literacy activity

20 min.

20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

Exploring Words High-Frequency Word Building Sentences

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 25 min.

Oral Language Vocabulary Expansion Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading/English Language Arts

150-Minute Block



Date _____________________________________ Theme: _______________________ Component Times for each segment and order may be modified daily to meet student needs. Objectives: comprehension Whole class lesson plans are provided in the Curriculum Framework Progress Guide. phon. aware/phonics Teachers should write plans for small group lessons daily.

word work writing/language

LEARNING TO READ (Whole Class) 40 min.

Opening Routines

daily language practice daily message daily phonemic awareness

Comprehension MiniLesson/Guided Practice:

Shared reading/read aloud Skill or strategy

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

phonemic awareness/ phonics instruction

LEARNING TO READ (Small Group) Use Small Group Lesson Plan for Teacher-Directed Lesson
Group ______________
teacher-directed lesson

Group _______________
centers teacher-directed lesson literacy activity

Group _____________
literacy activity centers teacher-directed lesson

20 min.
literacy activity

20 min.

20 min.

WORD WORK: Whole Class 20 min.

word wall HM high frequency words vocabulary other word work guided handwriting writing process shared writing independent writing

WRITING and LANGUAGE: Whole Class 20 min.

READ ALOUD -10 min.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


During the first weeks of school, explain, model, and practice expectations, rules, and routines. Begin teaching children how to work independently and introduce centers. These are essential for successful functioning of Guided Reading groups. Rules and Routines: Develop Expectations of Behavior during the Group Rotation Time Quiet voices Procedure for handling individual questions Appropriate activities for children who complete assignments prior to the allocated time Rotation signal (timer or bell) Clean- up procedures Location for completed assignments (labeled tray or bin) Monitoring/ assessing Routines (such as a stoplight) to teach children working independently not to interrupt the teacher during small group instruction. Train a Center Manager to address questions during this time. Rotation Schedule Create a visual (poster, chart, or other) to show the rotation of groups. Assign groups to an appropriate center and discuss the rotation system for the day. For more ideas, see Center Management Options in Resource Packet page 12. Example of a Small Group Schedule: Time Group BGL* OGL* AGL* Center Teacher Follow-up Teacher Follow-up Center Follow-up Center Teacher 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes Example of Center Rotation Chart:

How to Begin Reading/Language Arts Small Group Instruction

* Do not use BGL, OGL, AGL, give the groups names such as Lions, Tigers, and Cheetahs.

Direct Instruction with Teacher Divide children into a minimum of three instructional groups. These groups are homogeneous and based on assessment and observation. Teachers should monitor students in the group and move them to another group as needed. Teachers attention should be directed to the small group. Awareness of the other children working in centers or at their seats is an important element of classroom management. Follow directions for developing groups given in the daily lessons in the CFPG.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Literacy Activity/Independent Work Literacy activities are intended to be completed independently by the children. These activities are designed as practice to allow children to respond to a text or practice a skill. The teacher will explain, model, or demonstrate the activity prior to students beginning their work. Assignments should be differentiated to meet each childs needs. Some literacy activities in the Practice Book may not be appropriate for all students. See Additional Independent Work in the Resource Packet on page 36. Literacy Centers Based upon the materials/activities available in the classroom and needs of the students, determine which center activities the children will use each day. Begin with one or two centers and gradually introduce more centers one at a time as the children become accustomed to the classroom routine. Before children are expected to participate independently, the teacher must provide instruction and modeling of each literacy center. Place a child-friendly description of what students are expected to do in each center. Designate a place in the room to store supplies that is easily accessible to students.

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Centers and Literacy Activities

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Center Management Options

Children's names are placed on a planning chart by reading groups. The number of children at each center will depend on the number of children in the reading group and the number of centers. Numbers, titles, or pictures representing each center are placed beside each name. The centers are rotated daily. The following are examples of different planning charts that should be visible to students throughout the reading block: Library pockets: Each center has laminated library book pockets affixed, with the number of pockets corresponding to the number of children permitted, in the center. A central planning chart with pockets and the titles of the centers attached can also be utilized. Pocket chart: Titles of centers (with pictures) are placed in a pocket chart with space for the number of children desired in each center. Clothespin chart 1: Children's names are on spring clothespins and clipped onto center planning charts. Clothespin chart 2: Children's names are on planning chart. Clothespins have names and possible pictures of each center. Teacher selects the center and clips a clothespin next to each childs name. If children are having difficulty remaining at their chosen center, the clothespins could be clipped to each child's clothing, and they could self-monitor whether or not they belong in that center. Color-coding: Each center is assigned a color. Children wear tags or clothespins corresponding to that color when utilizing that center. Teacher controls how many tags of each color are available.

J. Barbato 1998

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Literacy Center Icons and Signs

Reading Center

Listening Center

Art Center

Word Study Center

Job Application Center

Mailbox Center

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Writing Center

Write Around the Room

Read Around the Room

Poetry Center

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Computer Center

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ABC Center

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Reading Center

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Listening Center

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Art Center

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Word Study Center

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Job Application Center

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Mailbox Center

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Writing Center

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Write Around the Room

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Read Around the Room

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Poetry Center

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Literacy Center Options and Contents

A cozy place to read or reread a variety of texts Suggested Procedures: 1. Establish how to choose books and return them. 2. Model, Practice, and Review how to turn pages and how to sit and talk. 3. How to Choose a Book Chart Suggested Materials: Familiar reading books, poems, and charts Color-coded boxes for books by levels Picture books ABC books Class and student made books Books which correspond to the current theme (example: numbers, colors, sharing, plants) Comfortable seats, pillows, bean bags, stuffed animals Pointers Magazines, newspapers, menus Rug Plant Baskets/containers for books Shared Reading texts


A place where students can enjoy listening to books on tape with matching text Suggested Procedures: 1. Establish methods by which students will work the tape recorder. Example: Use different colored stickers on STOP, PLAY, and REWIND buttons (i.e. green=play, red=stop.) 2. Model where to start reading the book. 3. Model, Practice, and Review. 4. After listening to the story, students should respond by drawing or writing. Suggested Materials: Tape recorder Books and tapes Earphones Response form

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Name: _______________________________________

Title ____________________________________________ Did you like this story?

Draw a picture of your favorite part of this story.

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Name: ___________________________


Title: ____________________________________________ Author:__________________________________________

Color the stars to rate this book.

= Okay = Good = Great = Wonderful

Draw a picture of your favorite part of this book.

Would you tell a friend to read this book? Tell why or why not.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



A place where readers use alphabet books, alphabet stamps, magnetic letters, letter cards, and alphabet manipulatives for spelling and writing Suggested Procedures: 1. Follow HM Phonics Center directions (K). 2. Model and review how to handle and store materials. Suggested Materials: Materials will be provided along with Houghton-Mifflin (K) Magnetic letters/letter cards/letter tiles Pocket Charts Dry Erase board/magnetic boards/cookie sheets/chalkboards Alphabet posters/mats Flashcards Early Emergent Activities o Name Puzzle (childs name written and cut-up by the teacher for the child to reassemble) o Matching Student Photographs with Names o Tactile Letter/Word Activities (glitter glue, sand, beans, noodles, and string) o Letter Sorts (no lines, curved lines, straight lines, straight, and curved lines) o Stamping (name, sight words) o HM Kindergarten Phonics Center o Sorting pictures (rhyming) Emergent Activities o Tactile Letter/Word Activities (glitter glue, sand, beans, noodles, string, pipe cleaners, Play-Doh) o Stamping (sight words) o Matching objects to initial letter (sand bucket, fishing) o HM Kindergarten Phonics Center o Making words (sight words, CVC words, color words) o Sorting words (rhyming words, beginning sounds, and final sound) Extending Activities o Making Words (sight words, CVC, CVCe) o Alphabetical order o Word Sort (by syllables) o Multiple Meaning illustrations (i.e. bat) o Thematic ABC books Making a Letter/Sound Book 1. Teacher uses a notebook ring and 15 - 4x6 cards to make an alphabet book for each student. Write students name on the cover page and then write upper case/lower case letters on each of the following pages (back and front). Put a picture to represent each letter in the middle of the card. In Kindergarten, begin with letters that are covered in class and then continue to add as the letters are taught (You may write all of the letters out, but add the pictures as they are taught). Student says the letter, picture, and sound for each page with a picture. 2. This should be used during familiar reading and then reinforced as an opening activity in the Phonics Center. Example: B b C c

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A place where students use technology to support their reading Suggested Procedure: 1. Model how to use the mouse and keyboard. 2. Use different stickers on important keys (i.e. green=enter, orange=shift). 3. Train a Computer Manager to troubleshoot. Suggested Materials: Headphones Speakers Software *All must be PGCPS approved* Suggested Activities:, (excellent interactive literacy websites) Typing names, sight words, and sentences Additional software that reinforces literacy skills


A place with a collection of writing tools and resources which authors can use to write Suggested Procedures: 1. When getting started, choose only a few materials to put in the center. 2. Model, Practice, and Review. 3. Set up near the Word Wall. Suggested Materials: Lined paper, colored paper, and white paper Blank books (white paper folded and stapled) Pens, pencils, highlighters, dry erase/markers Envelopes and stamps (stickers, to be used as stamps) Real objects and photos to describe Table journals with students names in them. (The students can write letters to their classmates and read letters from their classmates in their table journals.) Books, magazines, dictionaries, telephone book and poems ABC Chart Samples of writing White boards Access to Word Wall or portable word wall Suggested Activities (After a variety of activities have been introduced, make a chart of writing center choices): Draw and write about pictures Stamp letters and words Label pictures Write a letter or list Letter matching Rainbow writing activities Copy words around the room Book review Write a poem Make a book

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



This is a place where students can express their artistic and writing skills through a variety of hands-on projects. Suggested Procedures: 1. Teacher chooses a project that relates to the current Houghton-Mifflin theme. (See Center Activities-Creative Arts in HM teacher manuals at the beginning of each week.) 2. Model and review how to use the materials to create the project. 3. Students should follow written directions to create a product. 4. Students should label or write about the projects they create. Suggested Materials: Construction paper, colored copy paper, and drawing paper Markers, pencils, crayons, and chalk Magazines Scissors and glue Stencils Paper plates Color words Stamps Thematic books


Students walk around the room with a clipboard and write words from Word Wall, classroom labels, environmental print, words that begin with a given letter, or words that follow a pattern.


A place where writers can mail their letter and have them delivered throughout the school or classroom Suggested Materials: o variety of paper o variety of writing tools (markers, pencils, and gel pens) o envelopes o stamps in a variety of postage value o cards o mailbox o postcards (made out of index cards) o class list o teacher-made samples


Students can read the print from wall to wall in the classroom with a pointer, a flyswatter, or a flashlight.


A place where students choose a classroom job and complete an application (See the following example.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Job Application
Name: ________________________ Date: ______________

1. What job are you applying for? _______________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

2. Why should you be hired? ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

3. Draw a picture of yourself doing this job.

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Job Application
Name: ___________________________

I want to be _______________________.

Draw a picture of the job.

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Poetry Center:

A place where students read a familiar poem to build fluency, recognize sight words, rhymes, words beginning with a certain letter, ending with a certain letter master directionality and one-to-one matching Suggested Procedures: 1. Students can sequence and illustrate poems. 2. Students can read the poem with a partner. 3. Students can fill in the blanks based on skills taught in whole group instruction. Suggested Materials: o pocket chart o poems on chart paper o pointers o students copy of poem o poems on sentence strips (for sequencing) o highlighter tape o magazines and pictures for inspiration o Shared Reading poems o variety of writing tools (pencils, markers, and crayons)

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Independent work/literacy activities are tasks that students complete independently during the rotation for small reading groups. Independent work should be related to skills and strategies taught in reading groups or in whole group lessons. Each reading group should be provided with activities that are based on the students reading and writing skills. The activities should be open-ended and literacy-based. Hands-on activities are more meaningful than copying from the board or filling out worksheets.

Comprehension Skill/Strategy application--Students apply the skill or strategy using familiar books and the comprehension anchor charts. Stamping Students stamp letters, names, or words with letter stamps. If you do not have letter stamps, other stamps may be used to stamp in the form of letters and words. Make Words Students use letter cards (see Teacher/Student Supply List in Resource Packet page 4) to make words and record the words on paper. Build A Word Teacher writes letters on tips of craft sticks. Teacher then writes one Kindergarten or First Grade sight word each on the front of envelopes or library pockets. Students choose an envelope and spell the word with the letter sticks, sticking them in the envelope. Repeat as many times as possible, time permitting. Students keep a written list of the words they make. Rainbow Writing Students trace over or write their names, letters, and sight words using different colored crayons/markers. Students write the letter/word in one color, and then choose another color to write the word again. Play Dough Sight Words Teacher types and prints the Kindergarten or First Grade sight words (Resource Packet pages 53 and 54)in a large font (size 36 or 48), then laminates and cuts apart the words. Teacher puts the laminated words in an envelope or box, accompanied by a can of Play-Doh. Students form the sight words out of Play-Doh. They may form the Play-Doh directly over the laminated words if a guide is needed. Sight Word Mosaics Teacher writes or types various Kindergarten or First Grade sight words on plain paper, one word per paper. Students rip small pieces of colored construction paper to glue to the letters. Students will create colorful sight words that are great for use in centers or as bulletin board displays! Sight Word Tally To make the childs tally sheet, fold a 12 or 18 piece of construction paper in half the long way, then cut one half of the paper into three parts, making three flaps. On each flap write a word or letter that the student will look for in a book or poem. Students use a pencil or marker to make a tally mark under the appropriate flap each time they see the given word or letter. Cut-up Sentences Students take cut-up sentences from small group Interactive Writing back to their seats. Students reassemble the sentence, glue it on a piece of paper, rewrite and illustrate the sentence. (See Cut-Up Sentence Instructions and Worksheet in Resource Packet page 40.) Pattern Books Students complete a simple pattern book. (I see a ________. OR We can _______.) Letter/Word Book Students make a letter or word book and illustrate it with pictures.

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Build-a-Block Sentence Teacher writes one word on each side of various wooden blocks. Students use the blocks to build sentences and record the sentences on paper. Free-Writing Students write about whatever they choose, then illustrate their writing. 4-Square Writing A 4-square is a graphic organizer that guides students to write an organized paragraph. Please refer to The Four Square Writing Method (K-3) by Judith S. and Evan Joy Gould. Writing Spree Students write as many words as they can on a sheet of paper. Conversation Station Two students have a written conversation. They may not speak aloud, but rather pass a paper back and forth and write to one another. Each child should use a different colored pen to distinguish what she/he writes. Name Puzzles Teacher writes students names on sentence strips, laminates them, and cuts each name between the letters. Each name puzzle is placed in a separate envelope. Students choose an envelope, assemble the pieces, and write the name on a separate piece of paper. Match Picture to Name Teacher writes students names on sentence strips or index cards, then glues students pictures on a separate set of cards. Students match pictures to corresponding names. A memory game can also be made from these pieces. Letter/Word/Sentence sorts Students sort letters, words, and sentences. Students cut out preprinted letters/words/sentences, then sort and glue them in related groups on paper. Groups may be sorted by letters with straight lines, curves, and circles; uppercase and lowercase letters; chunks; type of sentence; etc. (see examples on the following pages) Sort Characters and Settings Students sort pictures of characters and settings to decide if they should be glued under Characters or Settings. Sort Fantasy and Realism Students sort pictures to decide if the pictures depict something that could really happen or something that is fantastical. Students then glue the pictures under the correct heading. Library Center Book Log To make the students reading logs, photocopy and staple together several pages of the book log provided in the Resource Packet page 121 for each student. Students will read/look through a book from the library center. When they finish reading, students will record the title of the book they read and circle the face that reflects whether they liked or disliked the book.

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Name: __________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Cut the letters or words.

Glue under the correct box.

Letters Words







Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Name: _________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Cut the letters, words, or sentences.


Glue under the correct box.

Words Sentences


I see a cat.



I can go.

My mom is up.

We like to color.


The pig can fit.


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Name: __________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Cut out the pictures. Glue in the correct box for the initial sound.



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Cut-up Sentence Instructions

These are instructions for how to use the Cut-up Sentence activity described in Additional Independent Work/Literacy Activities in the Resource Packet:

Reproduce the following page (Cut-up Sentence) for each child in the reading group. Scramble and write the words from the Interactive Writing sentence at the bottom of each worksheet, separating the words with black lines.

Cut the sentence the teacher wrote along the dotted horizontal line across bottom of page. Separate the words in the sentence by cutting along the black lines. Assemble the cut-up sentence in the correct order and glue it in the Glue box. Rewrite the complete sentence on the line under the word Write. Illustrate the sentence in the Draw box.

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Cut-Up Sentence W orksheets

Name Cut-up Sentence Worksheet-1 Glue




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Cut-up Sentence Worksheet-2


Write ___________________________________________________________________________________________________



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Read Alouds

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


What is a read-aloud?
The teacher reads aloud to the whole class or small groups. Books should contain a variety of genres (informational, poetry, traditional favorites, and easy books) and represent our diverse society. Favorite texts should be reread many times.

Why do you read books aloud?

Provides a model of good reading/fluency Improves listening comprehension Builds background knowledge Shows love and excitement for reading Increases vocabulary Makes complex ideas available to children Promotes oral language development Demonstrates reading for a purpose Creates a community of readers through enjoyment and shared knowledge

Vary the length of the story. Choose some selections that can be read in one sitting and others that must be read over several sittings. End a reading session at a suspenseful point so that they will look forward to the next session. Occasionally choose a book that challenges students. If the subject interests them, they dont need to understand every word to enjoy the story. Share something about the author that will help the students see him/her as a real person. Read slowly and give students an opportunity to visualize the story. Read with expression. Make text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections whenever possible.

Dont choose selections that you dont like. Your lack of enthusiasm will show. Dont limit your selections to subjects that tie in with class work. Dont force especially restless students to sit perfectly still. Allow them to do a quiet activity, such as illustrating what they hear in the read-aloud, while they listen.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Reading Aloud
Dont underestimate the power of read-alouds and book talks interspersed with direct teaching. Do them often! In kindergarten, children learn to identify the front of the book; its cover and title; how to hold the book correctly; how to turn the pages left-to-right; how to relate pictures to content; and aspects of directionality from teachers who read aloud, conduct book talks, and discuss each of these features in class. Kindergartners learn how readers think as they read topic-and text-specific information. Simultaneously, they gain knowledge of story structure, new vocabulary, and academic language. The Literacy Map J. Richard Gentry Reading aloud to your students is one of the best ways to convince them of the joys of reading. By reading widely and frequently to your class, you are giving students a chance to sample different kinds of literature and to discover what they want to read on their own. Youre exciting their imaginations, exposing them to rich language, and stimulating their curiosity about the world. And youre developing their listening skills. For these reasons, reading aloud to all students is recommended, even beyond the primary grades.

Vary the types of stories you choose: animal stories, historical fiction, family stories, sports, and science fiction. Look for: A fast-paced plot Well-developed characters Lively dialogue Brief descriptive passages Chapters with exciting beginnings and suspenseful endings Dont forget to include easy books that students can go on to read on their own.

What makes a good read-aloud story?

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE 6180.4 Procedure No. September 1, 1999 Date I. PURPOSE: To explain the procedure for selecting read-aloud books for elementary school classrooms. II. BACKGROUND: Daily read-aloud is a powerful approach for promoting story enjoyment, literature appreciation, language development, vocabulary and listening skills, background knowledge, and a model of good reading. Teachers should select a wide variety of literature to read aloud. Exposure to many different types of literary genres and nonfiction enhances each students depth of knowledge about a range of topics. The opportunity to hear literary language structures, different from natural language structures, is critical to becoming an effective reader and writer. Reading aloud each day is part of a balanced literacy program. III. PROCEDURES: Selection of material to be used in elementary classrooms as teacher read-alouds should be contained in the listing for media center approved materials or be on a list of approved materials for a specific content area. Not all media center books are appropriate for classroom read-alouds. Teachers should always pre-read the book prior to using it in the classroom. A. Teachers need to be sensitive to the following issues when selecting the best book to read aloud: 1. Is the content of a book grade-level appropriate? The term, content, includes conceptual level, language sophistication, density of text, and illustrations. 2. Is there anything about the book that would be offensive to some students in my classroom? 3. Does the book contain information that reflects stereotypical reference to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, or individuals with disabilities? 4. Am I imposing my personal values on students in my classroom through the selection of a particular read-aloud book? B. The following texts should not be used as classroom read-alouds: 1. Books with inappropriate language; 2. Books with any reference to sex education issues; 3. Books with extreme or explicit violent episodes; 4. Books with reference to the supernatural (i.e., devils); and 5. Books that reflect a particular religious belief C. If a teacher is undecided about whether a book is appropriate to use as a classroom read-aloud, the principal should be responsible for making the final determination. D. An enormous number of books are in print and available for teachers to select. A good rule of thumb is: when in doubt, select another book!

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Suggested Read Alouds - Grade K

(This list may be used by media specialists to order books for the school library or for a classroom library.)

Suggested Read-Alouds Kindergarten and Grade 1

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Tiptoe into Kindergarten by Jacqueline Rogers Annabelle Swift, Kindergartener by Amy Schwartz If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff Will I Have a Friend? by Mariam Cohen Clifford Goes to School by Norman Bridwell Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten by Joseph Slate Hello Toes! Hello Feet! By Ann W. Paul Bread and Jam for Frances by R. Hoban From Head to Toe by Eric Carle Corduroy by Don Freeman Clifford the Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey The Napping House by Audrey Wood Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone Annos Counting Book by Anno The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus My Five Senses by Aliki Lilys Little Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni Harold and the Purple Crayon by Robert Kraus Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. George Paints His House by Francine Bassede Teeny Tiny Mouse by Laura Leuck Kente Colors by Debbie Chocolate Peters Chair by Ezra Jack Keats A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman Butterfly Colors by Helen Frost Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present by Charlotte Zolotow A Beasty Story by Bill Martin Jr. My Crayons Talk by Patricia Hubbard Chidi Only Likes Blue by Ifeoma Onyefulu All the Colors of the Earth by Sheila Hamanaka Morrow Who Said Red? By Mary Serfozo Animals Black and White by Phyllis Tildes Jamaica Tag-Along by Juanita Havill A Birthday Basket for Tia by Pat Mora Rabbit Food by Susanna Greta Does a Kangaroo? By Eric Carle

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Suggested Read Alouds-Grade 1

These Read Alouds are referenced In the Curriculum Framework Progress Guide.
(This list may be used by media specialists to order books for the school library or for a classroom library.)

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes Clifford Goes to School by Norman Bridwell What Will Mommy Do When Im at School? by Dolores Johnson Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel (from ITL) My Friend by Eric Rohmann (from ITL) Annie, Bea, and Chi Chi Delores (from ITL) A Farm Concert (Reading Recovery book-Level 5) Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. Miss Nelson Is Missing by Harry Allard The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss The Mitten by Jan Brett The Itsy-Bitsy Spider - (Big Book from ITL theme Creepy Crawlies) A Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss First Day Hooray by Nancy Poydar Timothy Goes to School by Rosemary Wells The Wheels on the Bus by Raffi School Days by B.G Hennessy Mushrooms In the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg Mouse Count by Ellen Stohl Walsh Arthurs Pet Business by Marc Brown (ITL Second grade) Clifford Books by Norman Bridwell The Little Red Hen and the Ear of Wheat by Mary Finch Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus If I Ran the Zoo by Dr. Seuss Here Comes the Strikeout by Leonard Kessler Whos in the Shed? by P. Parkes Jack and the Beanstalk Were All Alike, Were All Different by Aliki Pig Picnic by Patricia Hubble The Art Lesson by Tommie DePaola Incredible Ned by Bill Maynard Mouse Mess by Lennea Asplend Riley The Little Red Hen by Galdone Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington Is This a House for Hermit Crab? by Megan McDonald (ITL Paperback Plus) Tug of War by Paul Emil Erdman (from ITL Level 1.4 Surprise Anthology) The Surprise Garden by Zoe Hall Rosies Walk by Pat Hutchins A Tree is Nice by Janet May Udry

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Comprehension Anchor Charts

NOTE: Prior to teaching the strategies, teachers should review the strategy by displaying and discussing the anchor chart with their students. When teachers review the strategy lesson in HM, always refer back to the anchor chart, the teacher language, and the sample think alouds. Students independent use of comprehension strategies are the backbone of teaching students to THINK WHILE THEY READ, and consequently of their ability to respond to higher order thinking questions. Familiarize yourself with the 6 basic reading strategies taught In HM Reading: Predict/Infer, Monitor/Clarify, Phonics/Decoding, Question, Summarize and Evaluate; and also include Visualize and Making Connections. Comprehension mini-lessons purpose is to TEACH strategy or skill. The skill or strategy is taught through the read-aloud. Teachers model the skill or strategy through a think aloud as opposed to simply asking questions. Teachers may have to take the questions provided by HM and make the necessary adjustments in order to teach the strategy or skill. T. needs to model and provide guided practice. This will help to thoroughly model the application of the strategies and begin to make students become more strategic readers. Teachers make a larger version of the posters to make it more visible to the students.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Think about the title, the illustrations, and what you have read so far. Tell what you think will happen or what you will learn. Thinking Starters: I predict What I think will happen next is
What will happen next? The wolf blew down the house first house so I predict

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Ask yourself if what you are reading makes sense. If you dont understand something, reread, read ahead, or use the illustrations. Thinking Starters: Monitor - Im confused about I dont understand What doesnt make sense is Clarify It could be Maybe Oh, I see

I didnt understand that part. I am going to read it again and think about it.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Look carefully at the word Look for chunks you know Sound it out Make sure it makes sense Thinking Starters: I recognize This part sounds like This part is It could be

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Ask yourself questions as you read. Thinking Starters: I wonder Why How come

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Think about the main ideas or the important parts of the story. Tell the important things in your own words.

Thinking Starters: (Fiction) The story is about What happened is (Non Fiction) I learned that The main idea is
First, the wolf blew down the straw house. Next, he blew down the stick house. Then, he

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Ask yourself: Do I like what I have read? Do I agree or disagree with it? Am I learning what I wanted to know? How good a job has the author done? Thinking Starters: I like I dont like I wish the author I think the author

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Make pictures in your mind of what you are reading. Thinking Starters: I visualized I have a picture in my mind of I see..

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Making Connections
Relate what I am reading to o My own experiences (text-to-self) o Other texts I have read (text-to-text) o My knowledge of the world around me (text-to-world) Thinking Starters: This reminds me of I have a connection What happened is just like The character is like

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Fluency refers to reading easily, smoothly, and with expression when reading aloud. When students read fluently, aloud or silently, the reading appears automatic and effortless. Most fluent readers also read with better comprehension. Poor readers read with less fluency for a variety of reasons. It is possible that they: may not have been read to at home find the text too difficult focus too much on accuracy have received instruction with excessive focus on words, sounds, and letters
Reference: Conversations by Regie Routman

Improving Fluency
Model reading for students: Explain that reading should sound like talking. Read with phrasing. Read with expression. Use easy, familiar book: Students cannot be fluent on text that is too hard. Give students opportunities to read books multiple times. Have students practice reading fluently, using phrasing and expression with a partner. Always begin your guided reading groups with familiar reading. This is the time to encourage fluency. Stress fluency: As soon as students have one-to-one matching under control demand fluent reading. Encourage and praise fluency. Dont accept choppy, slow reading. Have students go back and read the story so that it sounds like talking. Have students practice reading with fluency at home and come back and share. Kindergarten Fluency based on SC Indicators: Engage in imitative reading at an appropriate rate. Read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate. First Grade Fluency based on SC Indicators: Read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate. Read orally from familiar text at an appropriate rate. Read grade-level text accurately.

Read grade-level text with expression.


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Seven Ways to Interfere With Fluency

Overloading the child with new things to attend to The beginning reader has many new things to learn about literacy and a heavy load of new concepts, new ideas, and new language slows the reader down. Asking the child to read it fast when he/she is attempting to coordinate speech with looking at print Only good observation and good judgment by the teacher will tell her when the child should be encouraged to speed up his responding because his one-to-one matching is secure. Making sure you emphasize letters, sounds, and words Over attention to these levels of language will displace the childs mind, the idea that there are meaningful stretches of language involved. Interrupting the childs reading with your teaching So that it sounds to the child like a string of unlinked words.
*Save your teaching until the child has completed the page or book.

Making the child verbalize all the problem-solving and self-instruction some teachers believe that such self-instruction will be helpful but again this slows down the processing of information in print. Increasing the level of difficulty of texts too rapidly, without regard to the childs behavior Orchestrating oral reading with efficient processing of information is fluent when it comes together well and occurs on material that is just challenging enough. To achieve smooth integration of all the processing activities, the teacher will sometimes need to drop the difficulty level of text until things are working well. Making the child read very controlled texts with abbreviated samples of language If all he has to work on are restricted texts, and restricted texts are made up of limited vocabulary, they are not necessarily easy texts.

Reference: Reading Recovery Guidebook, M. Clay and Becoming Literate, M. Clay

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Walls

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


All About Word Walls

A word wall is a systematically organized collection of words displayed in large letters on a wall or other large display place in the classroom. (Cunningham, 1995) It is used as a reference for what is learned during reading and writing activities.

Why use a Word Wall?

It promotes independence for children as they work with words in reading and writing It serves as a reference tool It provides a visual map that helps children remember connections between words and the characteristics that help form categories Fosters reading and writing

Tips for using a Word Wall:

Use for high frequency words Add words according to the framework Complete activities and games with word wall words on a daily basis Make words accessiblebig and bold Expect children to write these words correctly in their work

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Kindergarten Word Wall

How to set-up: Designate a space to be used as the Word Wall. (It should be an unobstructed wall that all the children can see clearly or a bulletin board.) Divide into sections to represent each letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order. Begin with each childs first name on a card to be displayed under the appropriate letter. Continue to add words gradually, according to the CFPG, or after multiple uses in Interactive Writing (whichever comes first). In Kindergarten, words will remain up for the year. Words on the word wall must be spelled/used correctly during writing activities (although, they are not expected to spell the word said). Kindergarten Word Wall Words Teachers Name Students Names (Most students would benefit from having the names up all year.) Color Words (It is recommended to have the color words posted separately from the word wall.) (You can write the words in the correct color or have the word matted in the corresponding color) red blue green brown black orange yellow brown purple Sight Words (refer to the daily lesson plans for directions in adding these words, beginning in Theme 2) I to for she no it see and have are am you my go said he at do like is the can we will a here play me up look Additional words: Designate a space for any words that your students frequently use in their reading and writing (i.e. thematic/seasonal words, school words, etc.). Do remember, students are not expected to read and write these additional words correctly.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Designate a space to be used as the Word Wall. (It should be an unobstructed wall that all the children can see clearly or a bulletin board.) Divide into sections to represent each letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order. Begin with each childs first name on a card to be displayed under the appropriate letter. Continue to add words gradually, according to the CFPG whole class lessons. During the first two weeks of school of first grade, the words from the Kindergarten word list are recommended for inclusion on the first grade Word Wall. You may modify the number of words that you add to the Word Wall during this time based on the needs of your students. In first grade, when appropriate, begin to retire some of the words (such as I, the, can, etc.) and place them in a storage box for use as a Literacy Activity. Caution: The retired words must be words that are known and fluent for the majority of the children. Words on the Word Wall must be spelled/used correctly during writing activities.

First Grade Word Wall

a after all am an and are as ask at away back be because before big boy but by came can come could day

First Grade Word Wall Words did how not do I now dont Im of does if old down in on eat into one find is or for it our from jump out got just over girl keep people go kind play going know put good like ran had little read has live run have long said he look saw her make see here man she him mother so his me some home my that house no the

then there they this three to too two up us very walk was we went were what when where will with would you your

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Wall Activities

Word wall activities can be completed at many different times throughout the day and may last anywhere from 30 seconds to 10-15 minutes. Activities can be completed when lining up for lunch, waiting at the drinking fountain, during indoor recess, after packing up at the end of the day, etc. 1. Be a Mind Reader: The teacher selects a word on the Word Wall and gives the students four or five clues. The students write down a guess after each clue. Clue 1 Clue 2 Clue 3 Clue 4 2. The word is on the Word Wall. (This clue is always given first.) Im thinking of a word with four letters. This word begins/ends with an s. This word has two vowels.

Rhyming Words: The teacher tells the children to find the word that starts with a letter and rhymes with a word. For example, tell the children that the word begins with l and rhymes with bike. Cross-Checking: Students must decide which word on the Word Wall makes sense in a sentence and begins with the correct letter. For example, tell the children that the word begins with a and fits in the sentence, I going to read. Wordo: This is a variation of Bingo. Children select words from the Word Wall to write on a grid with 6-25 blocks, depending on how many words are on the wall. The teacher writes the words on index cards and calls them out one at a time. Children chant the spelling of each word called and then cover it with a marker. The first one to complete a row wins. Shuffle the index cards before playing again. Building a Person: This is a variation of Hangman. The teacher selects a word from the Word Wall and writes a blank for each letter on the chalkboard. Students take turns guessing a letter. If the letter is in the mystery word, the teacher or a student writes in the letter. If the letter is not in the word, then a part of a person is drawn. Word Sorts: Words are removed from the Word Wall and sorted in a variety of ways, such as the same first letter, vowel sound, spelling pattern, rhyming words, silent letters, etc. Finding the Little Word: The teacher asks the students to find all of the words that have little words in them. For example, the or her in mother, be in before, is in his. Guess the Word: Choose a Word Wall word. Write the first letter of the word on the overhead or chalkboard. Choose a student to guess the word. If it is incorrect, add another letter and choose another student to guess the word. Continue until someone guesses the word. Repeat with several other words.







Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Wall Games

Moving to the Letters: Students will use 3 body movements to spell the teacher selected Word Wall words. The teacher will write them on the blackboard so that the students can see the words that they are moving. Letters Tall letters: letters that go from the top line to the bottom line on a paper. (b, d, f, h, k, l, t) Short letters: letters that go from the middle line to the bottom line on a paper. (a, c, e, I, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z) Dropped letters: letters that drop below the line on a paper. (g, j, p, q, y) Example: they t (both arms up in the air), h (both arms up in the air), e (both arms straight out), y (bend down to touch toes) Movement Both arms go up in the air when they see these letters. Both arms go straight out when they see these letters. Bend down to touch your toes when they see these letters.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Wall Name Game: Write each letter of your 1st name in the row of boxes. Find as many words from the Word Wall that begin with each letter of your 1st name and write them on the lines under each letter of your name. If you find more than 4 words, pick the 4 words that you want to write. If a letter appears in your name more than once and you have already used all the Word Wall words, write other words that begin with the same letter. Ex. from first grade Word Wall

went with we will

a an am and

like look little long

they the that this

eat ran

read run

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________ Directions: Write each letter of your 1st name in the row of boxes. Find as many words from the Word Wall that begin with each letter of your 1 st name and write them on the lines under each letter of your name. If you find more than 4 words, pick the 4 words that you want to write. If a letter appears in your name more than once and you have already used all the Word Wall words, write other words that begin with the same letter.

___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


The Linking Game: Choose any 8 Word Wall words and write them in the 1st column. Write words from the same word family in the second column. This will help the students link words that they already know to new words.

I know this word: Ex. can pan

It can help me read and write this word:

Choose two of the words from the 2nd column and write a sentence for each word. 1._____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Chunk Walls
A chunk wall is built with readers and writers who already have knowledge of letter names and letter-sound correspondence. It is organized with vowels as headings (see example on following page). It should be large and highly visible to students. The chunk wall is made up of key words containing common spelling patterns, or chunks. These chunks help students read and write by making analogies to known words, instead of sounding out letter by letter. This is more efficient processing. Chunks can be added to the wall as they are used in reading. Students may learn a word with a good chunk and then it is added to the wall. It becomes a link for decoding unfamiliar words with the same chunk.

Adding Words to the Chunk Wall

1. 2. 3. 4. Identify words in reading Choose key words and identify the chunk. Write the word on a card, underlining the chunk Use the key words for reading, writing, and spelling

Expanding on Chunking
Use chunking when students encounter difficulty reading. Do you see a chunk that can help you? Add words to the chunk wall sparingly Students need to be familiar with the chunk before you put it on your chunk wall. Create centers with chunking activities. Find the chunk in books, the morning message, around the room, and in magazines. Make interactive chunking charts and have available word cards or magnetic letters where they can practice making and breaking words with chunks. Assign chunking homework assignments. List chunks at the top of the page and have students come up with words that have the chunks in them. As students progress, have them find words with chunks in the beginning, middle, and end. For example: -ing: bring, swing, swinging; -ink: sink, drink, inkling, ill: pill, still illness, silliness. Challenge students to come up with long and unusual words with the assigned chunk. Encourage students to use chunking when they write. Say to the students, If you can write house then you can write mouse or if you can write look then you can write shook. As they progress, ask them, What do you know that can help you write that word? If the child needs to write park, ask them if they know another word that has the ar part. If they cant answer, tell them You know the word car.

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Sample Chunk Wall a cat can car play ball e see her eat i is it night looking o out how for got look u up

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Instructional Strategies and Techniques

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Emergent Reading Strategies Early Strategies

Early Strategies 1. Directional movement Student moves left to right across text. 2. One-to-one matching The spoken word must match the written word. Teaching Procedures Model directionality on easy big books. Select student texts with similar layouts. Use easy big books and model crisp word-by-word pointing while you read. Have students point to each word when they read easy books. Use big books and mask known words. Have students frame known words. Teaching Prompts Read it with your finger.

Did it match? Use a pointer and make it match. Did you run out of words?

3. Locate a known word Student attends to known words in any context. 4. Locate an unknown word Student attends to initial and/or final sounds to locate unknown words in text.

Frame the word _____. You said __________. Was that right?

Use big books to predict and What letter would you expect to locate words. Have children see at the beginning of _____? predict and locate unknown words at the end? Frame it. in text.

* These are the foundational strategies for reading.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


What is it?

Instructional Strategy

A simple, effective cooperative learning structure developed by Dr. Frank Lyman (1977). Teacher presents question. THINK: Students are cued to think before anyone responds. PAIR: Students discuss their responses with a partner. SHARE: Teacher calls on students to share their responses with the whole group or class. Allows wait-time that has been shown by research to increase quality of student responses. Makes students an ACTIVE PART of whole class mini-lessons, read-alouds, and activities. Allows many more students to verbally share their answers. Gives students opportunities to rehearse their thoughts with a partner before answering in front of the whole class. Both high and low achieving students have been shown to benefit from this process. Assign each child a partner and have them sit together. Explain that before anyone raises his or her hand to respond to a question, they will follow three steps. These will let everyone have time to think and the opportunity to tell their answer. Teach your signal for each step. You may want to use a hand signal combined with or instead of a verbal cue for think, pair, and share. For example, a finger to the forehead could signal think. (Some teachers like to use a finger over lips, which cue students that they do not talk during this time.) Pair can be two crossed fingers, and share an open, extended hand. No students should raise his/her hand to answer before the share signal is given. You may want to make a poster with cues on it to reinforce the process. Practice using the signals and cues with simple questions. Praise students for remembering to use wait time, for sharing their ideas with their partners, and for listening well to their partners and to others. Often! When asking students open-ended comprehension questions during and after reading to them. When asking questions during any mini-lesson.

What are the steps?


How do I introduce THINK-PAIR-SHARE?


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Turn and Talk

This is a technique to get the students actively listening and participating in order for them to effectively hold discussions with a partner. How to establish Turn and Talk
1. Set clear expectations and understanding of good turn and talk behaviors. 2. Establish that all members of the classroom community are equally listened to, not only the teacher. 3. Prepare students for turn and talk prompts during read aloud.

1. Explain to the students that during lessons, they will often be asked to turn to their neighbor and talk about their thinking about the text. Remind them about active listening (see below), and tell students they will practice using these behaviors. Remind students of your signal to come back together after talking with a partner. Tell the students that when they turn and talk, it is very important that everyone has a partner. It helps if they turn and face (EYE-to-EYE, KNEE-to-KNEE) the person they are talking with. 2. Teacher should model turn and talk with a student. Have the students share what they observed during the teacher modeling (I Do). 3. Have students practice quickly finding a partner who is sitting next to them, and with a minimum of time and movement. Discuss how to be sure no one is left out, and what to do if an odd number of students are in the class that day (one group of 3). Have some students share what they did during their turn and talk (We Do). 4. Students practice turning and talking about a topic of interest to them-- favorite TV show, sports they play, video games, food, etc. (You Do). 5. Circulate among the students and listen to their conversation.

Procedures for Turn and Talk

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Types of Writing
Shared Writing
At the beginning of the year for Kindergarten*** Teacher writes the negotiated* sentences or paragraphs and provides maximum support by modeling aspects of the writing task: print conventions saying a word slowly and hearing sounds

Interactive Writing
For Levels 1-5*** Teachers and students share the pen. They write a group sentence. Students take turns writing everything they are able to write, and the teacher writes the rest. Teacher provides support by modeling aspects of the writing task: print conventions saying a word slowly and hearing sounds Paper must be large enough for everyone to see and hung up.

Guided Writing
For Levels 6-9*** Teacher provides support when needed by: negotiating the sentences stretching out words linking known words to new words Students should have their own writing journal, preferably unlined paper stapled together.

Independent Writing
For Levels 10-15*** Teacher asks comprehension questions about the text. Teacher and students orally discuss possible responses to the comprehension questions. Students write their own responses as independently as possible while teacher monitors and provides support when needed.

Throughout the writing process, children will: negotiate the sentences or paragraph with the teacher take turns using a pointer to guide the class in rereading what has been written out so far observe proper print conventions and various writing strategies as modeled by the teacher

Children contribute to the task in the following ways: saying a words slowly providing letters and words they know practicing appropriate spacing and directionality rereading the text learning some high-frequency sight words

Children write the same sentence or sentences and work towards more complex structure. Children are developing control in the following areas: hearing and recording sounds in sequence building a bank of highfrequency sight words

Children display use of: print conventions a large bank of sight words and transition words some spelling rules such as silent e linking known words to new words

Negotiate a sentencethe teacher guides students to create sentences so that children feel ownership of the sentence and remember it. The teacher makes sure the sentence contains some words, letters, punctuation, or other skills children need to learn. ***These are recommended levels. A child reading a text level 4 may be ready for Guided Writing and/or a child reading a text level 7 may still need Interactive Writing.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Additional Information about Interactive Writing

1. Together, teacher and students compose a sentence on a single, blank piece of paper or chart paper, based on conversations about text or experiences. (The teacher always determines the appropriateness of a sentence.) Sentences that use targeted sight words are always recommended. 2. Students take turns writing what they know: words, the beginning or ending of a word, a period, etc. The teacher writes whatever the students are not able to write. The teacher may wish to use a different colored pen from students to distinguish what the students write. 3. After writing each word, students always go back and reread the sentence before writing the next word. 4. Words that students do not know should be stretched to hear individual sounds. The teacher writes silent letters. 5. During the writing of the sentence, the teacher talks about the concepts and conventions of print (capital letters, spacing, punctuation, letter formation, directionality) and hearing sounds. 6. Last, the teacher writes the interactive sentences on sentence strips for each child and cuts up the sentences. Students reassemble the sentences at the table or at their seats as Independent Work.
7. Display interactive sentences in the room for students to reread.

Teaching Sequence for Guided Writing

1. After reading, negotiate one or two sentences that all of the students will write in their journals. The students all write the same sentence. (This may be done after the reading on the first day.) 2. Have students repeat the sentence(s) aloud several times. 3. Students will write the sentence(s) in their individual writing journals. 4. Teacher will monitor students writing and assist with stretching words as needed. 5. Take one or two sight words to fluency as needed. (Have students write the word(s) a few times while saying the word(s) slowly.)
6. Provide a cut-up sentence for students to reassemble. Cut the sentence apart based on the students needs.

This is an optional follow-up activity.

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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Assessments/Assessment Tools

Use assessment information to plan for meaningful learning experiences: Provides immediate information for instructional decision-making. Provides a means of honoring and documenting growth and development over time.

Assessment Tools
Assessment Tool
Letter Identification*

to identify and name alphabet letters to assess a students knowledge about letters

Word Test K=30 words 1st = 55 words Emergent Literacy Behaviors Inventory* K=16 items 1st=18 items* Dictation

to read basic words to inventory a students word knowledge to demonstrate knowledge about books to assess a students book handling and print awareness concepts to write what is dictated to assess a students ability to hear and record sounds in words to code a students oral reading behaviors to assess a students use of reading strategies to determine instructional level for classroom placement

Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) (Running Records)

* These assessments are required for students who are reading below DRA level 6 in first grade.
**HM Theme Tests are available. However, they are strictly optional and if they are used, should only be given to students reading on or above level. It is better to spend time with below grade level students on instruction. Literacy Assessment Packets (PGIN 7615-2081---Kindergarten) (PGIN 7615-2082---First Grade)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Approximate DRA Levels for BGL, OGL, AGL Designations: K 2

At the end of the year, kindergarten students are considered to be OGL if they are reading at levels 3 8. Students reading at a level 10 or higher are considered to be AGL readers.

Approximate DRA Levels and Literacy Assessment Benchmarks

Grade 1
Grading Period First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter BGL A4 8 or below 10 or below 14 or below OGL 6 12 10-16 12 18 16 20 AGL 14+ 18+ 20+ 24+

Grade 2
Grading Period BGL OGL AGL First quarter 16 or below 18 - 24 28+ Second quarter 18 or below 20 28 30+ Third quarter 20 or below 24 - 28 30+ Fourth quarter 24 or below 28 - 30 34+ Please remember that students must score at least a 16 on the DRA comprehension rubric for levels 3+. Please note that the DRA is only one measure of reading level. Student performance in class and the SRI in Grade 2 should also be considered.

K-1 Literacy Assessments Benchmarks

Dictation (sounds, words) Letter Identification (54) Word Test (30) Emergent Literacy Behaviors Inventory (16) Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) October 3/7, 2/4 20 3 3-4 January 8/14, 3/5 40 10 8+ 1-3 May 12+/15, 4+/6 50+ 25+ 14+ 3+

First Grade
October January May Dictation (sounds/words) 29/36, 8/14 33/41, 8/13 46/54, 9/16 Letter Identification (54) 54 54 54 Word Test (55) 15 30 50+ Emergent Literacy Behaviors Inventory (18) 14 16 18 Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) 6-12 10-16 16-20 Benchmarks for K-1 literacy assessments have been established in PGCPS to reflect minimum goals for students to attain over the school year.
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Using the Assessment Data to Guide Instruction

Administering the assessments is time consuming and is only worthwhile when analyzed and used to guide instruction. The following suggestions may be addressed by individual teachers or with a team during Collaborative Planning/Data Utilization meetings. Utilize the benchmark chart on the previous page to analyze student progress. (Please Note: The following suggestionscan also be used to address Tier 1 Interventions.
Letter Identification: Acquiring fast and fluent recognition of the letters that have been taught If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Review letters daily during the morning message, during reading group time and during transition times Review letters during shared reading and interactive writing Review letters on Day 5 during small group instruction: Suggested Resource: Words Their Way Word Sorts for Letter Name-Alphabetic Speller (2nd ed.). Bear, D. R., et al. (2008) Meet with parents/family to discuss ways to help at home Send a teacher-made alphabet book home (include letters and corresponding pictures). Highlight the letters covered in class for students to practice with a family member (Resource Packet page R29) Provide opportunities to hear, see and touch letters of the alphabet Enlist the assistance of an upper elementary student to review letters on a 1-1 basis Provide extra group time with a reading teacher Consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Education teacher to coordinate reinforcement activities when possible Word Recognition: Acquring fast and fluent recognition of the words that have been taught If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Check to make sure that sight words are visible on the word wall Use the word wall activities daily to reinforce the sight words(see the suggestions in the CFPG Resource Packet page 55) Incorporate the sight words into the daily message Highlight the sight words during shared reading Practice making, sorting and writing the words in small group instruction during word workSuggested Resources: Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use: For Beginning Readers of all Ages. Cunningham, P. (2002), Words Their: Words Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling (4th ed.). Bear, D.R, et. Al (2007) Incorporate the sight words into interactive and guided writing during small group instruction Choose books that have sight words in them (i.e. PM Readers) Meet with parents/family to discuss ways to help at home If applicable, consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Education teacher to coordinate reinforcement In First Grade, sight words should be reviewed and used correctly in writing DO NOT send home the entire list of sight words for the year for students to memorize. This often results in students learning the words in isolation and generally with confusions that take extra time to correct. DO send home the specific words that have been taught. Emergent Reading Behaviors: Acquiring emergent reading behaviors If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Reinforce the emergent reading behaviors during whole class read alouds Reinforce the emergent reading behaviors during small group shared reading lessons Reinforce the emergent reading behaviors during interactive writing in small groups Meet with parents/family to discuss reading aloud to the student at home and reinforcing book handling skills Train an aide or upper elementary student to read aloud to the student and reinforce book handling skills Meet with the media specialist and coordinate efforts to address book handling skills If applicable, consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Educator to coordinate reinforcement
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Dictation: Acquiring letter/sound correspondence If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Identify and discuss letters and sounds found in the morning message Reinforce stretching words to hear sounds during interactive writing in small groups: Suggested Reading: Interactive Writing: How Language and Literacy Come Together, K-2. Fountas, I.C, McCarrier, A., Pinnell, G.S. (1999). Send a teacher-made alphabet book home (include letters and corresponding pictures). Highlight the letters covered in class for students to practice with a family member Consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Educator to coordinate reinforcement activities Acquiring sight words If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Give students opportunities to practice writing words and sentences individually with teacher assistance (not the dictation sentence used for the Early Literacy Assessments) Identify and discuss words found in the morning message Practice making and writing the sight words in small group instruction during word work Take sight words to fluency during the writing part of small group instruction Consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Educator to coordinate reinforcement activities when possible Acquiring sounds If students are not meeting the benchmark scores, consider the following: Continue to review letter sounds during whole class and shared reading lessons if students do not know them Conduct phonemic awareness activities (R127) during the word work part of small group instruction. Consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Educator to coordinate reinforcement activities Send a letter/sound book home or train an aide/upper elementary student to practice (Resource Packet page R29) DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment): Acquiring the use of the three cueing systems (meaning, structure, and visual cues and the use of selfcorrecting) If students are not progressing and in First Grade not meeting benchmark scores, consider the following: Meet with guided reading groups daily Use the Focus for Small Group Instruction document to guide the reading lesson Use appropriate leveled books with sight vocabulary, picture support, and/or a story line on a regular basis (i.e. PM Readers, Newbridge, Wright Group books) Provide students opportunities to acquire sight vocabulary through good book selection in guided reading, word wall activities, and sight word games Instruct and reinforce the use of the three cueing systems (meaning, structure, and visual) daily in small group instruction. Students should be continually prompted to use visual, structural, and meaning cues in their reading (see Focus For Small Group Instruction) Provide opportunities for independent reading Review and discuss the video clips on the Reading Web Connection site with your reading specialist during Collaborative Planning (R132) Confer with specialists such as a Reading Recovery Teacher or Reading Specialist to lend extra assistance Give parents/family members effective ways to assist thestudent at home Consult with the ESOL teacher and/or Special Educator to coordinate reinforcement activities Examine your book introduction during small group, making sure that you are providing opportunities for students to use strategies to get to unknown words and not telling too many words (review strategies before reading the text and predicting and locating only 2-3 words) Review strategies, before reading the text, so that students will be able to apply them when encountering an unknown word
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Consider an after-school tutorial in reading

Task 1:
To introduce the task ask:

Letter Identification

What do you call these?

Record childs response in top right hand corner. Point to each letter in horizontal lines and say: What is this one?

Point to every letter in turn, working across the lines. Use a bookmark if necessary. Do not comment on the correctness of the childs response. If a child cannot identify any letter in the first row, choose selected lowercase letters (i.e. letters in their name, x, o, z, s). Follow the same procedure for the capital letters. Use the Letter Identification score sheet. Put a in the column for a correct letter response. Record the childs response. Record any unknown letters.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


a h l i A H Q E

f o q e F O M G

k j m g K J D R

p u d r P U N V

w a n v W C S T

z c s t Z Y X

b y x g B L


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Letter Identification Sheet Grades K and 1

Name:_____________________________ Date:_________________ Score: ___/54 Date:_________________ Score: ___/54 Date:_________________ Score: ___/54 Date A F K P W Z B H O J U C Y L Q M D N S X I E G R V T
Only to be given if student reads the letter with automaticity, within 3 seconds.

Date a f k p w z b h o j u a c y l q m d n s x i e g r v t

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Task 2: Word Test

Use a card to slide down the list. Ask the child to read each word. Note the childs responses in this way. correct Record the incorrect responses. Make note if words are visually similar or have the same initial consonants. Record any comments the child makes. Record the total number of correct responses.

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Kindergarten Word Recognition List

a am and are at can do for go have he here I is it

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

like look me my no play said see she the to up we will you


Kindergarten Word Recognition

Name:__________________________________ Date: 1. a 2. am * 3. and 4. are 5. at * 6. can * 7. do * 8. for 9. go 10. have 11. he 12. here 13. I 14. is 15. it * 16. like 17. look * 18. me 19. my 20. no * 21. play 22. said 23. see 24. she 25. the 26. to 27. up * 28. we * 29. will * 30. you * /30 Score

Date:__________ Score: ____/30 Date:__________ Score: ____/30 Date:__________ Score: ____/30



*Indicates words not introduced in HoughtonMifflin. Only to be given if student reads the word with automaticity, within 3 seconds
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


very could and all are after at because but come for from going got had have he her put

First Grade Word List down him make look am today is over me my of on what out said saw she here will

little that the where then there they this like up was now went were with you your

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First Grade Word Recognition Name: _______________________

DATE very could and all are after at because but come for from going got had have he her put down him make look am today is over me

Date: Date: Date:

DATE my of on what out said saw she here will little that the where then there they this like up was now went were with you your

/ 55 / 55 / 55

Correct response: Only to be given if the student reads the word with automaticity, within 3 seconds. Incorrect Response: Record the students response. *This list presents a sampling of words, which should be in a first graders repertoire. The teacher should use this assessment to determine which words the student needs to add to his/her repertoire.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Task 3: Emergent Reading Behaviors Inventory

Concepts about Print
Front and back cover Print carries the message Directionality Spacing Letter and word concept One-to-one correspondence Punctuation

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Name: ___________________________ Task 3: Kindergarten Emergent Reading Behaviors Inventory Select an easy-to-read book with large and limited print.
Directions Hand the child the book. Open to the first page. Teachers Script Date: 1. Show me the front of the book. 2. Where do I start reading? 3. Which way do I go? 4. Where do I go after that? Read the page. 5. Point to the words while I read. Childs Response Date: Date:

Turn to the next page. 6. Show me the first part of the story on this page. 7. Show me the last part of the story on this page. Select a page to check punctuation knowledge. 8. Whats this for? (.) 9. Whats this for? (?) Use two index cards 10. Show me one letter. and demonstrate how to slide the cards over the text to block out 11. Show me two letters. words and letters. 12. Show me one word. 13. Show me two words. 14. Show me the first letter of a word. 15. Show me the last letter of a word. 16. Show me a capital letter. SCORE Notes on child:
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Kindergarten Emergent Behaviors Reading Inventory

Students Name
1. Front of the book 2. Start reading 3. Left-Right 4. Return Sweep 5. One-to-One 6. 1st part of the story 7. Last part of the story 8. (.) End of sentence 9. (?) Asks a question 10. One letter 11. Two letters 12. One word 13. Two words 14. 1st letter of a word 15. Last letter of a word 16. Capital letter Total # out of 16: #1 #2 #3
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Name: ___________________________ Task 3: First Grade Emergent Reading Behaviors Inventory

Using the text, Peaches the Pig (Book 15, Collection 1) from Houghton Mifflin Little Readers for Guided Reading series, follow the directions below while reading aloud to the child.

Directions Hand the child the book. Open to pages 2-3.

Teachers Script Date: 1. Show me the front of the book. 2. Where do I start reading? 3. Which way do I go? 4. Where do I go after that?

Childs Response Date:


Read the page. Turn to the next page.

5. Point to the words while I read. 6. Show me the first part of the story on this page. 7. Show me the last part of the story on this page.

Select a page to check 8. Whats this for? (.) punctuation knowledge. Page 6 9. Whats this for? (?) 10. Whats this for? (,) Page 7 Use two index cards and demonstrate how to slide the cards over the text to block out words and letters. (Use page 14.) 11. Whats this for? ( ) 12. Show me one letter. 13. Show me two letters. 14. Show me one word. 15. Show me two words. 16. Show me the first letter of a word. 17. Show me the last letter of a word. 18. Show me a capital letter. SCORE /18 /18 /18 Notes on child: This assessment is only required for students who are reading below DRA level 6 in First Grade.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


First Grade Emergent Behaviors Reading Inventory

Students Name 1. Front of the book 2. Start reading 3. Left-Right 4. Return Sweep 5. One-to-One 6. 1st part of the story 7. Last part of the story 8. (.) End of sentence 9. (?) Asks a question 10. (,) Comma 11. ( ) Quotation Marks 12. One letter 13. Two letters 14. One word 15. Two words 16. 1st letter of a word 17. Last letter of a word 18. Capital letter Total # out of 18: #1 #2 #3
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Task 4: Dictation
Give the child a blank piece of paper. Say to the child: I am going to read you a story. When I have read it through once, I will read it again very slowly so that you can write down the words in the story. Read the appropriate sentence for grade level/time of year. Say: Some of the words are hard. Say them slowly and think how you can write them. Dictate slowly, word by word. When the child comes to a problem word, say: You say it slowly. How would you start to write it? What can you hear? What else can you hear? If the child cannot complete the word, say: Well leave that word. The next one is Score one point for each sound the child has analyzed and recorded. Do not penalize children for sound scores when they add additional letters.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Dictation Scoring Sheet

Kindergarten Name: _____________________________________ Fall: _ I _ __ s ee _ a _ _ _ b a t. Sound score: _____/7 Word score: ______/4

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: see = se, ce, cee


Sound score: ____/14 Word score: _____/5 ___ __ l i ke to ___ run ____ f a s t.

__ _ W e

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: like=lik, lic


Sound score: ____/ 16 Word score: _____/ 6 _ _ __ w i ll _ _ _ _ __ j um p to _ _ m e.

__ _ _ _ _ Th e d o g

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: The=tha,thu

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Dictation Scoring Sheet First Grade Name __________________________________________ Fall: __ I __ __ __ h a v e __ a __ __ __ b i g Sound Score ________ /36 Word Score ________/14 __ __ __ __ __ d o g a t __ __ __ h o m e.

__ __ _ ___ T o d ay

__ I

__ __ ___ w i ll

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ t a k e h i m t o s ch oo l.

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: have = hav home = hom will = wil take = tak, tac today = toda school = scool, skool

Winter: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ M y f r ie n d _ _ _ a n d

Sound Score ________/41 Word Score _______/13 __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ I w i ll c a rr y th a t _ _ __ _ l i tt l e

_ _ __ b l ue

_ _ _ _ f l a g

_ _ i n

__ _ th e

__ _ _ _ _ p a r a d e.

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: my = mi carry = care, carre, cary, kare, karre, kary friend = frend, frind parade = parad, purad little = little, litl will = wil blue = bloo, blu
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Sound Score ________/54 Word Score ________/16 _ _ _ ___ s n a k e __ _ _ wh i l e _ _ _ __ r i v er. _ _ i s __ _ th e _ _ __ _ _ _ _ s l ee p i n g _ __ _ d ee r _ _ i s _ _ b y __ _ th e _ _ __ _ b r ow n _ _ _ __ f r o m

__ _ Th e _ _ __ r o ck __ _ th e

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d r i n k i n g

Possible sound errors that may be counted as correct: the = tha, thu snake = snak, snac sleeping = sleping by = bi brown = broun rock = roc, rok while = wil, wile, whil deer = der, dear is = iz drinking = drincing from = frum river = rivr, rivur, rivir

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Task 5:

Developmental Reading Assessment Dos and Donts For the DRA

The DRA is a useful instrument for assessing reading levels and the strengths and needs of children. It should be one tool that is used to assist teachers and administrators in guiding decisions on appropriate instruction and needs for intervention, determining grouping, and providing information for parents. The DRA should never be the ONLY assessment used for any of these purposes. DO Consult the Reading Specialist or an experienced teacher for guidance/modeling if you are inexperienced at administering the DRA. Follow the guidelines and script in the DRA booklet to ensure that the data is accurate. Reflect the highest level of accuracy that the student is able to read between 90-94%. Use the comprehension rubric beginning at text level 3. Test students at the next lowest text level if comprehension is below a 16 on the comprehension rubric. Collaborate with colleagues to analyze the DRA of particular students that concern or puzzle teachers. Analyze both the scores and the students responses. File each students DRA and other literacy assessments for the year in students yellow READ folders.

DONT Use the DRA books for instruction. Attempt to simply record words that a child omits or misreads instead of checking off words read correctly and making notes on the script provided in the DRA booklet. Guide the child through the picture walk. (Do allow the child to do this independently.) Prompt or guide a child unless he/she requests help (request for help = one error). Record a score that is above 94% unless you have given the next higher level and the student lost comprehension and/or fluency. Record a score below 90% accuracy. Instead, go to the next lower level. Record a text level with a comprehension score below a 16. Instead, test the student at the next lower text level.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Conventions for Recording Running Records

Definition Correct Response Substitution Symbol Childs response Text word ___ ___________ Word omitted Word inserted TTA T A SC W R Error No error One error


One error

Insertion Try That Again Told Appeal Self-correction Pause Repetition

One error One error One error No error No error No error No error

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


DRA and Running Records: Tallying Errors and Self-Corrections

1. A mistake that is not self-corrected is an error. 2. A self-correction is coded (SC) and tallied in the self-correction column. It is not an error. 3. If the child makes an error (ex. run for ran) and then substitutes this word repeatedly throughout the text, it counts as an error every time; but substitution of a proper name (ex. Mary for Molly ) is counted only the first time. 4. Unsuccessful multiple attempts on one word count as only one error. house/here/her = 1 error home 5. An error on a proper noun is counted only on the first error. Subsequent errors are coded, but not counted as an error. 6. If a word is mispronounced due to a speech problem or a dialect, it is coded but not counted as an error. 7. Repetitions are coded, but are not errors. 8. Waits (pauses) are coded, but are not errors. 9. Sounding out a word is coded with lowercase letters separated by dashes, but it is not an error if the word is subsequently read correctly. 10. Contractions count as one error. 11. Each insertion is counted as an error, unless there are more errors than text. (The dog that lives next door is very big.) There are only 4 errors (number of words in text). The dog - - is - big. 12. Skipped line Each word counts as an error. 13. Skipped page Subtract the number of words on that page from the total running words. 14. If a child invents the text, stop coding and write inventing on top of the form. 15. When in doubt, give the child the benefit.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Running Record Calculation and Conversion Table

Use of Table: Divide running words by number of errors. Round that number to the nearest whole number (e.g., 9.5 rounds to 10; 9.2 rounds to 9). Locate the ratio on the chart. Always go down to the next lower number if the exact ratio is not on the chart (e.g., if you ratio is 1:16, go to 1:14 on the chart). Locate the corresponding percent of accuracy. Calculations (RW = Running Words; E = Errors; SC = Self-corrections) Accuracy Self-Correction Rate 100 E x 100 __SC__ RW 1 E+SC e.g., 100 15 x 100 = 90% 150 1 e.g. ____5___=Ratio 1:4 5+15

Error Rate RW E e.g., 150 = Ratio 1:10 15 Error Rate 1:200 1:100 1:50 1:35 1:25 1:20 1:17 1:14 1:12.5 1:11.75 1:10 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2

Conversion Table Percent Accuracy 99.5 99 98 Good opportunities for teachers to 97 observe childrens reading work. 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 87.5 The reader tends to lose the support of 85.5 the meaning of the text. 83 80 75 66 50

Text Difficulty: Easy = 95 100% Instructional = 90 94% Hard = Below 90%

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DRA COMPREHENSION RUBRIC Circle the number to the left of one statement in each row that best describes the students retelling. Then add the circled numbers together to obtain a total score. Circle the total score (from 6-24) where it appears in the row of numbers at the top of the rubric to determine the level of comprehension.

Very Little Comprehension

Some Comprehension

Adequate Comprehension

Very Good Comprehension

6 7 8 9 1 Tells 1 or 2 events or key


10 11 12 13 14 15 2 Tells some of the events or

key facts

16 17 18 19 20 21 3 Tells many events in

sequence for the most part, or tells many key facts

22 23 24 4 Tells most events in

sequence or tells most key facts

1 Includes few or no

important details from text

2 Includes some important

details from text

3 Includes many important

details from text

4 Includes most important

details and key language or vocabulary from text

1 Refers to 1 or 2 characters

or topics using pronouns (he, she, it, they)

2 Refers to 1 or 2 characters
or topics by generic name or label (boy, girl, dog)

3 Refers to many characters

or topics by name in text (Ben, Giant, Monkey, Otter)

4 Refers to all characters or

topics to specific name (Old Ben Bailey, Green Turtle, Sammy Sosa)

1 Responds with incorrect


2 Responds with some


3 Responds with literal


4 Responds with

interpretation that reflects higher-level thinking

1 Provides limited or no
response to teacher questions and prompts or prompts

2 Provides some response

to teacher questions and prompts or prompts

3 Provides adequate

response to teacher questions and prompts

4 Provides insightful

response to teacher questions and prompts

1 Requires many questions

2 Requires 4 or 5 questions

3 Requires 2 or 3 questions
or prompts

4 Requires 1 or no questions
or prompts

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Class Data Summary Sheet

Teachers Name: ________________________________________ Students Name Letter Word Emergent Identification Recognition Reading (54) (30) Behaviors (16)
Date: Oct Jan May Oct Jan

Dictation Sounds/Words Totals = 7/4 14/5 16/6
Oct Jan May

Developmental Reading Assessment DRA level

Oct Jan

Oct Jan

SC Ratio ___:___
Oct Jan

Comp. Score (16-up)

Oct Jan




Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Class Data Summary Sheet

Teachers Name: ________________________________________ Students Name Letter Word Emergent Identification Recognition Reading (54) (55) Behaviors (18)
Date: Oct. Jan May Oct. Jan May Oct Jan May

First Grade
Dictation Sounds/Words Totals =

Developmental Reading Assessment DRA level

Oct Jan May

Oct Jan May

SC Ratio ___:___
Oct Jan May Oct



Comp. Score (16-up)

Jan May

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Text Levels

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Grade Level Kindergarten Pre-Primer Primer First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Fountas- Pinnell A B C D E F G H I J-K L-M N O-P Q-R --A 1 2 3 4 6-8 10 12 14 16 18-20 24-28 30 34-38 40 44 -DRA Reading Recovery 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-8 10 12 13-14 15-16 18 20 -----

Fountas and Pinnell: Guided Reading, Good First Teaching for All Children, Heinemann, 1996. DRA: Developmental Reading Assessment by Joetta Beavers.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


DRA levels may vary from what is stated. Please preview books to determine the appropriateness for your group.
Theme One: All Together Now Selection # Book Title 1 Supper for Cal 2 Meet the Feet 3 Kit Finds a Mitt 1 My Cat 2 Nan, Nan, and Pam 3 Pat and Pig 1 Cat and Dog 2 Fun, Fun, Fun 3 Grams Hat Theme Two: Surprise 1 The Mixed Up Wigs 2 Kennys Big Present 3 Lets Take a Trip 1 A Wig for Pig 2 In the Van 3 Where is Zig? 1 The Big Box 2 At the Vet 3 Big Tug Theme Three: Lets Look Around 1 Fall Leaves 2 Lazy Fox 3 On the Beach 1 A Summer Day 2 Tims Pig 3 Lets Grab It! 1 Fun in the Snow 2 Mama and Kit Go Away 3 Looking for Birds Theme Four: Family and Friends 1 Shopping 2 Happy Birthday, Sam! 3 Scruffy 1 Jobs 2 Sit, Ned! 3 My Pup 1 My Family 2 Pets for the Twins 3 A Bird on the Bus Theme Five: Home Sweet Home 1 Miss Hens Feast 2 My Neighborhood 3 The Surprise Snow 1 Just Right! 2 Jake Makes a Map 3 The Best Place 1 Chad and the Big Egg 2 Places in the United States 3 The Just-Right House Proficiency Level Above Level Below Level On Level DRA Level 14 18 14 2 2 2 3 3 5 16 14 14 4 2 4 4 4 4 18 16 18 2 1 3 4 4 4 18 16 16 3 4 3 4 6 6 16 18 20 3 4 3 10 18 10 R110

HM Leveled Reader Collection DRA Levels - Grade One

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

Theme Six: Animal Adventures Selection # Book Title 1 Hide-and-Seek 2 Zeke Takes a Bath 3 Animals at Night 1 The Huge Carrot 2 The Feast 3 Looking for Frogs 1 Watermelon for Lunch 2 Going Fishing 3 The Mouse in the Forest Theme Seven: We Can Work It Out 1 The Endless Puzzle 2 Breakfast for Bears 3 The Blue Kangaroo 1 The Bike Trip 2 Cupcakes 3 Under a Full Moon 1 The Best Class Trip 2 A Walk in the Woods 3 If You Miss Your Bus Theme Eight: Our Earth 1 In the Forest 2 Sea Turtles 3 George Washington Carver 1 Planting Beans and Beets 2 Hello, Little Chick! 3 Juan Bobo 1 Many Kinds of Birds 2 The Penguin Family 3 Rachel Carson Theme Nine: Special Friends 1 The Story Box 2 Friends Forever 3 Junk Into Art 1 Come Play With Me 2 Knock, Knock 3 Runaway Sandy 1 Friends Online 2 The Sleepover 3 The Duck Pond Theme Ten: We Can Do It! 1 Why Bears Sleep All Winter 2 Carlas Corner 3 Dogs Party 1 This Piece or That Piece 2 The New Sled 3 The Sweetest Present 1 Why Rabbits Tail is Short 2 Cliff Cant Come 3 Faster! Faster!

Proficiency Level Above Level Below Level On Level

DRA Level 14 18 24 4 6 4 12 10 16 18 16 14 4 6 4 10 10 10 24 24 28 4 4 6 16 18 18 20 20 20 4 6 6 16 14 12 24 18 16 6 6 6 12 10 14

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Above Level Below Level On Level

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Additional Resources Book List by Reading Recovery/DRA Levels

Title A House A Toy Box A Zoo Baby Gets Dressed Big Things Dad Down to Town Dressing Up Fruit Salad Huggles Breakfast Huggles Goes Away I Can Fly In the Shopping Cart Little Things Me Mom Moms and Dads My Birthday Party My House Pets Playing The Bike Parade The Birthday Cake The Circus The Farm We Go Out What Are You? Who Likes Ice Cream? A Scrumptious Sundae All of Me Ants Love Picnics Too At the Zoo At the Zoo Buffy Climbing Dad Dear Santa Dont Wake the Baby Food to Eat Hello Goodbye Here Is RR/DRA Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Publisher Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters HM Little Readers Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Starters HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Carousel/Dominie Press

Additional Resources: Book List

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Honk! I Am I Am Thankful I Can Jack-in-the-Box Little Brother Look at Me Look at This Major Jump My Puppy My School Ouch! Our Baby Our Grandad Run! Snap! Splat! The Ball Game The Go-Carts The Long, Long Tail The Shopping Mall The Skier The Way I Go to School This Game Time for Dinner What Can Fly? What Has Spots? What Is a Huggles? Whos Coming for a Ride? Yuck Soup Big and Little Buzzing Files Dressing Up Friends Getting Ready for the Ball Hedgehog Is Hungry I Am a Bookworm I Like I Love My Family In My Bed Look My Circus Family Our Granny Sharing Shoo!

RR/DRA Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Publisher Mondo HM Little Readers Carousel/Dominie Press HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Carousel/Dominie Press Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Starters Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 PM Story Book Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Mondo Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Sunrise Teeny Tiny Tina The Lazy Pig The Merry-Go-Round The Photo Book Tiger, Tiger Tommys Tummy Ache Uncle Buncles House Wake Up, Dad Watch Out! What Goes in the Tub? What Is Blue? Whats That? When I Play When Itchy Witchy Sneezes All Join In Baby Lambs First Drink Climbing Cool Off Happy Birthday Hats Hot Dogs I Can Draw I Can Jump I Can Wash I Spy Ice Cream In My Room Kittens Kitty and the Birds Monster Meals Mud Pie My Dog Willy My Home Our Street Sally and the Daisy Shark in a Sack The Big Kick The Pet Parade The Race The Sandwich The Scarecrow Things I Like to Do Too Many Clothes

RR/DRA Level 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Publisher Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Carousel/Dominie Press Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Mondo Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Carousel/Dominie Press Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 1 Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 2

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Up in a Tree Wheels A Salad Feast Bens Teddy Bear Bens Treasure Hunt Best Friends Chew, Chew, Chew Father Bear Goes Fishing Friends Good for You Green, Green Have You Seen? In the Garden Is This a Monster? Lizard Loses His Tail On the Farm Our Dog Sam Run! Run! Saturday Mornings Surprise Cake The Birthday Cake Tom is Brave We Make Music What Would You Like? Will You Play With Us? Along Comes Jake Babys Birthday Blackberries Brave Father Mouse Goodbye Lucy Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush It Didnt Frighten Me Mumps Sallys Beans The Best Place The Hungry Kitten The Seed The Wobbly Tooth Where are the Sunhats? Wheres Cupcake? Willy the Helper Baby Bear Goes Fishing Babys Dinner Bens Dad

RR/DRA Level 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7

Publisher Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Mondo Mondo Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine Mondo Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Creepy Caterpillar Dont You Laugh at Me Green Footprints Hermit Crab Hungry Horse It Looked Like Spilt Milk Lucky Goes to Dog School My Doll Peaches the Pig Summer Fun The Boogly The New Baby The Present The Well-Fed Bear The Wide-Mouthed Frog The Wind Blows Strong Timmy Two Little Dogs Until We Got Princess Visitors What Did Kim Catch? What Things Go Together Where is Nancy? Who Ate the Broccoli? A Friend for Little White Rabbit A Mosquito Buzzed Dads Bathtime Dizzy Lizzy Fire! Fire! Five Little Monkeys Go Back to Sleep Going Fishing Guess What! Lets Play Basketball Little Bulldozer My Bike My Grandpa Noises Over in the Meadow Peanut Butter and Jelly Rexs Dance Rosies Party Sallys Red Bucket Seagull is Clever

RR/DRA Level 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Publisher HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Harper Rigby PM Story Books Kaeden HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine Mondo Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Kaeden Rigby PM Story Books Richard C. Owen Mondo Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Ten Little Men The Elephants Are Coming The Fastest Gazelle What Tommy Did Woolly, Woolly A Moose is Loose Baby Bears Present Family Photos Floppy the Hero Ginger Grandmas Memories Grandpa Snored Grandpas Cookies Honey for Baby Bear Magpies Baking Day Marvelous Me On the Schoolbus Pets Rosies Walk Sallys Friends The Old Steam Train The Race When Dad Came Home When I Was Sick When Im Older Bossy Bettina Dad Didnt Mind at All Hands, Hands, Hands Janes Car Marvella and the Moon My House My New Pet Peters Painting Smile, Baby! Tabby in the Tree The Best Cake The Christmas Tree The Cooking Pot The House in the Tree The Hungry Giant The Lion and the Mouse The Wedding Barnabys New House Come on Tim

RR/DRA Level 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11

Publisher Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites Oxford HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Aladdin Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Literacy 2000 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Satellites Rigby Stage 4 Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Mondo HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Cows in the Garden Deer and the Crocodile How to Make a Card I Saw a Dinosaur Interruptions Just My Luck Late for Soccer Locked Out Mushrooms for Dinner Petes New Shoes Rosies Pool Saturday Mornings The Gingerbread Man The Mess Monster Why Elephants Have Long Noses Wind and Sun Brave Triceratops Dr. Green Hippos Hiccups Househunting How to Make a Mudpie Look for Me Noise Obadiah Pandas Surprise Papas Spaghetti Pete Little Phillippa and the Dragon Shopping at the Mall The Clever Penguins The Hand Me Downs The Naughty Ann The Terrible Tiger The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Little Pigs Waiting When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears Why Cant I Fly? A Lollipop Please Bens Tooth Boggywooga Bonnie on the Beach Emmas Problem Just This Once

RR/DRA Level 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13

Publisher Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 4 Kaeden Rigby Stage 2 Mondo Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Richard C. Owen HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 4 Kaeden Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Mondo Scholastic Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Little Kid Mrs. Spiders Beautiful Web Old Grizzly Ratty-Tatty Roadwork Ahead Rosie at the Zoo Ten Little Garden Snails Ten Traveling Tigers The Fox Who Foxed The Joke The Little Red Bus Tiny Womans Coat A House for Hickory Boxes Chicken Pox Chickens Crab at the Bottom of the Sea Lola and Miss Kitty Mice Mr. Whisper Peters Move Pizza for Dinner Poppers Adventure The Bluejay The Cross-County Race The Flood The Hole in Harrys Pocket The Island Picnic The Lost Sheep The Night the Lights Went Out The Talking Yam The Waving Sheep White Wednesday A Hundred Hugs Dinosaurs Herman Henrys Dog Josie Cleans Up Melting Mrs. Grindys Shoes Percival The Little Red Hen The Pumpkin That Kim Carved The Tooth Race When the Moon Was Blue

RR/DRA Level 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Publisher Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Richard C. Owen Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Mondo Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Mondo Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine Mondo HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Mondo Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Scholastic HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title How to Ride a Giraffe Jacksons Monster Mrs. Murphys Bears My Sloppy Tiger Goes to School Noisy Nora Quack! Quack! Quack! The Poor Sore Paw The Yard Sale Trucks Two Little Mice Worms for Breakfast How Grandmother Spider Got the Sun How Turtle Raced Beaver No Dinner for Sally Ripekas Carving Stone Soup The Big Green Caterpillar The Ha-Ha Party The Hair Party The Mouse and the Elephant The Secret of Spooky House Brave Ben Father Who Walked on His Hands The Class Play The Frog Princess The Very Hungry Caterpillar A Brand-New Butterfly Daniel Frog and Toad All Year Frog and Toad Together How Fire Came to Earth The Princess, Mudpies, and Dragon Old Friends

RR/DRA Level 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20

Publisher HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Scholastic Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Scholastic Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Scholastic Rigby Satellites Rigby Stage 4 Harper Harper Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Additional Resources Book List by Title

Title A Brand-New Butterfly A Friend for Little White Rabbit A House A House for Hickory A Hundred Hugs A Lollipop Please A Moose is Loose A Mosquito Buzzed A Salad Feast A Scrumptious Sundae A Toy Box A Zoo All Join In All of Me Along Comes Jake Ants Love Picnics Too At the Zoo At the Zoo Baby Bear Goes Fishing Baby Bears Present Baby Gets Dressed Baby Lambs First Drink Babys Birthday Babys Dinner Barnabys New House Bens Dad Bens Teddy Bear Bens Tooth Bens Treasure Hunt Best Friends Big and Little Big Things Blackberries Boggywooga Bonnie on the Beach Bossy Bettina Boxes Brave Ben Brave Father Mouse Brave Triceratops Buffy RR/DRA Level 19 8 1 14 15 13 9 8 5 2 1 1 4 2 6 2 2 2 7 9 1 4 6 7 11 7 5 13 5 5 3 1 6 13 13 10 14 18 6 12 2 Publisher Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Starters Mondo Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Buzzing Files Chew, Chew, Chew Chicken Pox Chickens Climbing Climbing Come on Tim Cool Off Cows in the Garden Crab at the Bottom of the Sea Creepy Caterpillar Dad Dad Dad Didnt Mind at All Dads Bathtime Daniel Dear Santa Deer and the Crocodile Dinosaurs Dizzy Lizzy Dont Wake the Baby Dont You Laugh at Me Down to Town Dr. Green Dressing Up Dressing Up Emmas Problem Family Photos Father Bear Goes Fishing Father Who Walked on His Hands Fire! Fire! Five Little Monkeys Floppy the Hero Food to Eat Friends Friends Frog and Toad All Year Frog and Toad Together Fruit Salad Getting Ready for the Ball Ginger Go Back to Sleep Going Fishing Good for You

RR/DRA Level 3 5 14 14 2 4 11 4 11 14 7 1 2 10 8 19 2 11 15 8 2 7 1 12 1 3 13 9 5 18 8 8 9 2 3 5 19 19 1 3 9 8 8 5

Publisher Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Mondo Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Mondo Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Oxford HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Mondo Harper Harper Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Goodbye Lucy Grandmas Memories Grandpa Snored Grandpas Cookies Green Footprints Green, Green Guess What! Hands, Hands, Hands Happy Birthday Hats Have You Seen? Hedgehog Is Hungry Hello Goodbye Here Is Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush Herman Henrys Dog Hermit Crab Hippos Hiccups Honey for Baby Bear Honk! Hot Dogs Househunting How Fire Came to Earth How Grandmother Spider Got the Sun How to Make a Card How to Make a Mudpie How to Ride a Giraffe How Turtle Raced Beaver Huggles Breakfast Huggles Goes Away Hungry Horse I Am I Am a Bookworm I Am Thankful I Can I Can Draw I Can Fly I Can Jump I Can Wash I Like I Love My Family I Saw a Dinosaur I Spy Ice Cream

RR/DRA Level 6 9 9 9 7 5 8 10 4 4 5 3 2 2 6 15 7 12 9 2 4 12 19 17 11 12 16 17 1 1 7 2 3 2 2 4 1 4 4 3 3 11 4 4

Publisher Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Mondo Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 PM Story Book Rigby Stage 2 Carousel/Dominie Press HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Kaeden HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press HM Little Readers Carousel/Dominie Press Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title In My Bed In My Room In the Garden In the Shopping Cart Interruptions Is This a Monster? It Didnt Frighten Me It Looked Like Spilt Milk Jack-in-the-Box Jacksons Monster Janes Car Josie Cleans Up Just My Luck Just This Once Kittens Kitty and the Birds Late for Soccer Lets Play Basketball Little Brother Little Bulldozer Little Kid Little Things Lizard Loses His Tail Locked Out Lola and Miss Kitty Look at Me Look at This Look for Me Look Lucky Goes to Dog School Magpies Baking Day Major Jump Marvella and the Moon Marvelous Me Me Melting Mice Mom Moms and Dads Monster Meals Mr. Whisper Mrs. Grindys Shoes Mrs. Murphys Bears Mrs. Spiders Beautiful Web

RR/DRA Level 3 4 5 1 11 5 6 7 2 16 10 15 11 13 4 4 11 8 2 8 13 1 5 11 14 2 2 12 3 7 9 2 10 9 1 15 14 1 1 4 14 15 16 13

Publisher Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Starters Mondo Mondo Mondo Harper Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Kaeden Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Carousel/Dominie Press HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Mondo Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Starters Mondo Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Mud Pie Mumps Mushrooms for Dinner My Bike My Birthday Party My Circus Family My Dog Willy My Doll My Grandpa My Home My House My House My New Pet My Puppy My School My Sloppy Tiger Goes to School No Dinner for Sally Noise Noises Noisy Nora Obadiah Old Friends Old Grizzly On the Farm On the Schoolbus Ouch! Our Baby Our Dog Sam Our Grandad Our Granny Our Street Over in the Meadow Pandas Surprise Papas Spaghetti Peaches the Pig Peanut Butter and Jelly Percival Pete Little Petes New Shoes Peters Move Peters Painting Pets Pets Phillippa and the Dragon

RR/DRA Level 4 6 11 8 1 3 4 7 8 4 1 10 10 2 2 16 17 12 8 16 12 20 13 5 9 2 2 5 2 3 4 8 12 12 7 8 15 12 11 14 10 1 9 12

Publisher Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Richard C. Owen HM Little Readers Mondo HM Little Readers Kaeden Mondo Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Scholastic Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Mondo Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title Pizza for Dinner Playing Poppers Adventure Quack! Quack! Quack! Ratty-Tatty Rexs Dance Ripekas Carving Roadwork Ahead Rosie at the Zoo Rosies Party Rosies Pool Rosies Walk Run! Run! Run! Sally and the Daisy Sallys Beans Sallys Friends Sallys Red Bucket Saturday Mornings Saturday Mornings Seagull is Clever Sharing Shark in a Sack Shoo! Shopping at the Mall Smile, Baby! Snap! Splat! Stone Soup Summer Fun Sunrise Surprise Cake Tabby in the Tree Teeny Tiny Tina Ten Little Garden Snails Ten Little Men Ten Traveling Tigers The Ball Game The Best Cake The Best Place The Big Green Caterpillar The Big Kick The Bike Parade The Birthday Cake The Birthday Cake

RR/DRA Level 14 1 14 16 13 8 17 13 13 8 11 9 2 5 4 6 9 8 5 11 8 3 4 3 12 10 2 17 7 3 5 10 3 13 8 13 2 10 6 17 4 1 1 5

Publisher Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Richard C. Owen HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Aladdin Wright Sunshine Mondo Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Mondo Richard C. Owen Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Kaeden HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine Scholastic Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Satellites Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 1

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title The Bluejay The Boogly The Christmas Tree The Circus The Class Play The Clever Penguins The Cooking Pot The Cross-County Race The Elephants Are Coming The Farm The Fastest Gazelle The Flood The Fox Who Foxed The Frog Princess The Gingerbread Man The Go-Carts The Ha-Ha Party The Hair Party The Hand Me Downs The Hole in Harrys Pocket The House in the Tree The Hungry Giant The Hungry Kitten The Island Picnic The Joke The Lazy Pig The Lion and the Mouse The Little Red Bus The Little Red Hen The Long, Long Tail The Lost Sheep The Merry-Go-Round The Mess Monster The Mouse and the Elephant The Naughty Ann The New Baby The Night the Lights Went Out The Old Steam Train The Pet Parade The Photo Book The Poor Sore Paw The Present The Princess, Mudpies, and Dragon The Pumpkin That Kim Carved

RR/DRA Level 14 7 10 1 18 12 10 14 8 1 8 14 13 18 11 2 17 17 12 14 10 10 6 14 13 3 10 13 15 2 14 3 11 17 12 7 14 9 4 3 16 7 19 15

Publisher HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Rigby PM Starters Wright Sunshine Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books Scholastic Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Story Books HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Story Books Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers HM Little Readers

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title The Race The Race The Sandwich The Scarecrow The Secret of Spooky House The Seed The Shopping Mall The Skier The Talking Yam The Terrible Tiger The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Little Pigs The Tooth Race The Very Hungry Caterpillar The Waving Sheep The Way I Go to School The Wedding The Well-Fed Bear The Wide-Mouthed Frog The Wind Blows Strong The Wobbly Tooth The Yard Sale Things I Like to Do This Game Tiger, Tiger Time for Dinner Timmy Tiny Womans Coat Tom is Brave Tommys Tummy Ache Too Many Clothes Trucks Two Little Dogs Two Little Mice Uncle Buncles House Until We Got Princess Up in a Tree Visitors Waiting Wake Up, Dad Watch Out! We Go Out We Make Music What Are You?

RR/DRA Level 4 9 4 4 17 6 2 2 14 12 12 12 15 18 14 2 10 7 7 7 6 16 4 2 3 2 7 13 5 3 4 16 7 16 3 7 4 7 12 3 3 1 5 1

Publisher Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Starters Rigby PM Starters HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine HM Little Readers HM Little Readers HM Little Readers Scholastic Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Carousel/Dominie Press Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby PM Story Books Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Wright Sunshine Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine Rigby Satellites Wright Sunshine Mondo Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 1 Rigby PM Starters Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Title What Can Fly? What Did Kim Catch? What Goes in the Tub? What Has Spots? What Is a Huggles? What Is Blue? What Things Go Together What Tommy Did What Would You Like? Whats That? Wheels When Dad Came Home When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears When I Play When I Was Sick When Im Older When Itchy Witchy Sneezes When the Moon Was Blue Where are the Sunhats? Where is Nancy? Wheres Cupcake? White Wednesday Who Ate the Broccoli? Who Likes Ice Cream? Whos Coming for a Ride? Why Cant I Fly? Why Elephants Have Long Noses Will You Play With Us? Willy the Helper Wind and Sun Woolly, Woolly Worms for Breakfast Yuck Soup

RR/DRA Level 2 7 3 2 2 3 7 8 5 3 4 9 12 3 9 9 3 15 6 7 6 14 7 1 2 12 11 5 6 11 8 16 2

Publisher Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 2 Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Carousel/Dominie Press Rigby Stage 4 Rigby Stage 2 Mondo Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Literacy 2000 Rigby Stage 4 Wright Sunshine Rigby Stage 4 Rigby PM Story Books Rigby Stage 2 HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites HM Little Readers Rigby Stage 1 Rigby Stage 1 Scholastic Rigby Stage 4 Mondo HM Little Readers Rigby Satellites Rigby Stage 4 HM Little Readers Wright Sunshine

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Recommended and Approved Chapter Books and Trade Books

Chapter Books
Series Henry and Mudge Frog and Toad Nate the Great Cam Jansen Horrible Harry Amelia Bedelia Junie B. Jones DRA level 16-20 18-20 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 24-28

Trade Books
Fox on the Job Leo the Late Bloomer The Doorbell Rang Mouse Mess The Snowy Day Fox in Love Fox on Wheels Noisy Nora Mr. Putter and Tabby The Cat in the Hat If You Give A Mouse A Cookie Clifford the Big Red Dog books The Very Hungry Caterpillar Franklin I Can Read with my Eyes Shut * Inch By Inch * The Stubborn Pumpkin * Danny and the Dinosaurs Just a Little Bit A Birthday Basket for Tia Caps for Sale Arthur books Spiders Here Comes the Strikeout Swimmy Martha and George Rise and Shine Annie and the Wild Animals *

DRA Level
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16-18 18-20 18-20 18-20 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 28

*Lesson plans are provided for these books in the Houghton-Mifflin Teachers Manuals.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


ELL Resources

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



based on the Language-Based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas
(May be use in addition to the Supplemental Supports from grades 3-5)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Statement of Purpose
In order for ELLs to meet the same challenging demands for excellence in academic achievement as all children are expected to meet across the content areas, intensive language instruction must be coupled with effective instruction in reading comprehension. The Language-based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas is intended to provide mainstream and ESOL teachers with a framework for achieving this goal. The writers have integrated the Maryland State Curriculum, the Maryland English Language Proficiency Standards, and the language demands of comprehension strategy and skill instruction so that the Language-based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas complements and supplements the overall mainstream curriculum standards for academic achievement. In keeping with the requirements of the Title III No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 the following document will serve to foster academic language development of English language learners in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing while focusing on the language demands of developing the strategies and skills of reading comprehension. Each strategy and skill has specific language demands that encompass grammar features, sentence frames, and vocabulary. By no means is the framework exhaustive of all the language possibilities, but rather a suggestion of academic language necessary for comprehension of written English texts and the development of receptive and expressive vocabulary for English language learners at varying levels of English proficiency. Regular collaboration on the part of the mainstream and ESOL teacher is an essential component of language development. The Language-based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas will help mainstream and ESOL teachers engage in professional conversations regarding the equal responsibility of explicitly teaching academic language as well as assist them in crafting and delivering language-based lessons for English language learners at varying levels of English language proficiency.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


The following components are found in the Language-based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas: Instructional Strategies: General Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners: Ways to scaffold whole and small group instruction, and increase participation for English Language Learners Tips for Working with Newcomers: Ways to use visual and kinesthetic support, to communicate, to ask questions, and to teach reading to newcomers Vocabulary Instruction: Specific strategies and activities to teach vocabulary to ELLs Assessment: Alternative ways to assess ELLs in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing; rubrics and checklists are provided for speaking and writing assessments Cooperative Learning Activities: Learning activities to increase language development and interaction, and instructional tips for using each activity Individual Supplements for Strategy and Skill Instruction Definition and Description of Strategies and Skills: A brief definition of the skill or strategy for the teachers understanding and a studentfriendly description Language Demands of Strategy and Skill Instruction: Grammar: A description of grammar rules and corresponding examples to assist ELLs in using the correct forms of spoken and written English Sentence Frames: Fill-in-the-blank structures and sentence starters to practice target grammar, vocabulary, and language of the strategy and skill Vocabulary: Terms specific to strategy or skill instruction and grammar Recommended Teaching Aids: Sample graphic organizers specific to the strategy or skill, websites, and/or books that support the activities Language-based Activities to Support Language Development: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that support language development during skill and strategy instruction Graphic organizers specific to the strategies and skills are also included.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Maryland English Language Proficiency Standards STANDARD 1: LISTENING/LISTENING COMPREHENSION o English Language Learners will listen to English to acquire language, comprehend and interpret meaning, and respond appropriately in basic interpersonal and academic contexts. Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4: Indicator 5: Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of oral instructions, questions, and prompts. Demonstrate comprehension of vocabulary presented orally and in context. Comprehend and apply content information presented orally. Listen to participate in conversations and discussions on a variety of topics. Identify and differentiate pronunciation and intonation patterns to interpret meaning.

STANDARD 2: SPEAKING o English Language Learners will speak in English for a variety of basic interpersonal and academic purposes, with fluency, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and nonverbal communication strategies. Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4: Indicator 5: Indicator 6: Indicator 7: Express personal information and ideas. Communicate academic information with clarity and fluency. Use vocabulary to communicate effectively in speaking. Use Standard English grammar to speak clearly and accurately. Ask questions for a variety of purposes. Participate in conversations and discussions on a variety of topics. Speak clearly using comprehensible pronunciation and intonation.

STANDARD 3: READING/READING COMPREHENSION o English Language Learners will read English to acquire language and comprehend, analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of literary and informational texts. Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4: Recognize the connection between written text and spoken language. Recognize and interpret meaning of vocabulary and symbols in print. Demonstrate an understanding of how written English is organized and read. Demonstrate comprehension of informational and literary texts.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Indicator 5: Use strategies to make meaning from text. STANDARD 4: WRITING o English Language Learners will write in English for a variety of basic interpersonal and academic purposes with fluency, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and Standard English writing conventions. Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4: Indicator 5: Indicator 6: Write to express personal information and ideas. Write to convey academic information. Use vocabulary to communicate effectively in writing. Use Standard English grammar to communicate clearly and accurately in writing. Use the conventions of Standard English to communicate clearly and accurately in writing. Compose text using the steps of the writing process.

STANDARD 5: LITERACY o English Language Learners with gaps in their previous education will develop the pre-literacy skills and social behaviors required for successful participation in ESOL and content classes. Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4: Indicator 5: Indicator 6: Indicator 7: Indicator 8: Recognize and apply concepts of print and structural features of text. Demonstrate phonemic awareness in English. Recognize the basic alphabetic principles in English. Recognize and interpret pictorial representations of information. Develop visual-motor skills necessary for handwriting. Develop cognitive, academic skills and strategies. Apply vocabulary to communicate social and academic information. Demonstrate appropriate social and academic behaviors conducive to learning.

STANDARD 6: CULTURE o English Language Learners will demonstrate knowledge an understanding of American institutions and customs in order to interact appropriately in social and academic situations. Indicator 1: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of school practices, products, and perspectives. Indicator 2: Apply appropriate social behavior in a variety of situations. Indicator 3: Demonstrate an awareness of cultural values or preferences that influence behavior.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners

Instruction Use many visuals (pictures, charades, graphic organizers, maps, props, manipulatives, gestures, etc.) Model demonstrate what you would like the students to accomplish, and then ask students to participate with teacher support prior to completing tasks independently Repeat and rephrase; dont be afraid to over teach Give step-by-step directions, both orally and in writing Use cooperative learning groups and partner activities. Pair ELLs with students of similar language proficiencies for example, beginner-intermediate, intermediate-advanced, advanced-independent. Never pair the native English speaker with the beginner; the beginner will not have the opportunity to participate and contribute. Activate and build background knowledge for all activities by linking content concepts to students personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. Make explicit connections between previously learned material and new information. Check for understanding by asking clarifying questions rather than asking students if they understand Provide plenty of wait time to give ELLs the opportunity to respond Provide accommodations for classroom instruction and assessment: verbatim or selected reading, bilingual dictionary, etc. Reduce reading selections and provide an outline of the main points, a summary, or highlights needed to function in class Support the selection with a relevant graphic organizer Incorporate visuals to complement the text (clip art, images from the net, etc.) Use appropriate level of text for the student that supports the same content and reading comprehension strategy and skill Use culturally relevant texts Provide a word bank of useful, content-specific vocabulary Use graphic organizers with every writing task Provide a word bank of useful, content-specific vocabulary Focus on language accuracy for the language demands that were taught Establish multiple pathways to express written information: journaling, outlining, process writing, guided writing, interactive writing, shared writing, graphic organizers, language experience approach Create a low-anxiety environment with feelings of mutual acceptance and respect Accept errors as a natural part of the language learning process Provide multiple opportunities for interaction: teacher-to-student interaction, student-to-student interaction, cooperative groups, focused discussions, role-plays, students-as-teachers




Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Helpful Tips for Working with Newcomers

Using Visual Support Teaching Reading to Newcomers Drawings Picture cards Realia Chalkboard sketches Photographs Other visuals Mime Gestures Acting out meanings Exaggerate emotions Vary your voice Speak in a clear, concise manner Use simple sentences (subject-verb-object) Use names of people instead of pronouns Pause after phrases or sentences Emphasize key words Repeat and rephrase Avoid the passive voice, complex sentences, idiomatic speech, and slang To demonstrate basic knowledge, ask the Newcomer to point to a picture or word. (Point to the penguin.) Using visual clues, ask simple yes/no questions. (Are penguins mammals?) Embed the response in the question using either/or. (Is a penguin a mammal or a bird?) Break complex questions into several steps. Simplify your vocabulary. (Instead of asking, What characteristics do mammals share? sayLook at the mammals. Find the bear, the dog, and the cat. How are they the same?) Ask simple how and where questions that can be answered with a phrase or a short sentence. (Where do penguins live?) Use text that the Newcomer can understand Use choral reading Dont make the Newcomer the center of attention

Using Kinesthetic Support

Speaking to Newcomers

Questioning Strategies for Newcomers

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Vocabulary Instruction
Vocabulary Development- learning the meaning and pronunciation of words In order for English Language Learners (ELLs) to be able to read fluently and comprehend what they read, vocabulary must be taught explicitly and should be part of daily practice in addition to reading instruction. Even though a student has acquired BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) and can describe how to play a favorite game, he/she may not yet have acquired CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency). Comprehending and explaining the steps of a science fair project using academic vocabulary may still be a challenging objective. Students learn the majority of their vocabulary indirectly by: Conversing with others; Listening to others read to them; Reading independently. ELLs typically have limited opportunities to develop vocabulary through interaction with fluent English speaking adults. Teachers should: Explicitly teach vocabulary before students read a text; Provide strategies in using dictionaries; Provide strategies in using roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine meaning; Provide strategies in using context clues to determine meaning; Provide strategies in utilizing primary language cognates to determine meaning.

It is also important to: Provide multiple exposures of vocabulary words in multiple contexts; Teach word families in a systematic way; Associate new words to known words; Teach idioms, metaphors and colloquial uses of language. Reading activities to meet all learning styles: Use a journal or notebook to record new vocabulary and use as a resource for writing activities. Review and revise entries regularly; Participate in oral activities that allow students opportunities to practice the pronunciation, language usage and meaning of words; Play a variety of games to reinforce the words to be stored in long term memory; Complete graphic organizers to show how words are related; Construct and maintain a word wall and use it interactively as a tool for vocabulary development. (

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Vocabulary Development Activities

Journal/Notebook Vocabulary Entries Students record new vocabulary, illustrate the word and use it in a sentence. Classifying Words 1. Students create their own categories and subcategories for teacher provided words. 2. Students find words in their notebook to fit into teacher provided categories. Oral Activities Chant, Clap, Cheer, Write, Check Students chant, clap and cheer in unison the spelling of vocabulary, then write on paper and check for accuracy. Word of the Week One word is chosen and posted in the classroom. The students try to use the word as many times as possible within that week. Games Word Sorts Students sort a group of pictures or word cards based on commonalities, relationships, etc. Jeopardy The board contains vocabulary words that have already been reviewed. The students form a question to demonstrate that they understand the meaning of the word on the Jeopardy board or the meaning is provided on the board and the students must identify the vocabulary word. Free Association Say word and students call out any word they think relates to the given word. Twenty Questions Students take turns asking yes or no questions in order to identify the chosen vocabulary word. (10 questions will make it more challenging.) Pictionary Students work in teams to draw and identify previously reviewed vocabulary words. Guessing Game Teacher says Im thinking of a word that begins with br or Im thinking of a word that means Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles Graphic Organizers

Vocabulary Cards Large index cards divided into quadrants Vocabulary word Definition in students own words Illustration Antonym or what it doesnt mean Venn Diagram Students choose 2 words from their notebook and write ways that they are similar and ways that they are different. Categorizing Teacher provides several words that the students need to determine relationships and create categories. (See in appendix.) T-chart On the left side, the students write the meanings of the words. On the right side, the students write sentences to go along with the meanings. Relationship Word Wheel Students identify synonyms, antonyms and analogies for vocabulary words. (See in appendix.)

Multiple Meanings Students create an illustration and sentence for all of the meanings of common words without using a dictionary (frame, check, pitch). Comparing Words Students choose 2 words from their notebook and write ways that they are similar and ways that they are different. Think-Pair-Share (independently-with a partner-with the group) Students will predict meaning of a new vocabulary word, illustrate it and identify synonyms/antonyms. Analogies Use vocabulary in journal to create analogies. (Bar graph is to pie chart as_____is to_________.)

Tape Recording Students tape themselves saying the word, spelling it, defining it & using it in a sentence. (Tape can be taken home for more practice.) Flash Cards Use vocabulary from mainstream classroom or previously reviewed vocabulary to practice using words in a sentence or to create a short story. Dramatize Practice the vocabulary either through role-playing or illustrations using the word in speech bubbles. Take a Walk Students walk around the room and identify multiple words with the same meaning or things that rhyme, have the same suffix/prefix, are nouns, etc.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


The Language-based Instructional Supplement to Support English Language Learners is based on the Maryland State Curriculum and the Maryland English Language Proficiency Standards. Many tools have been developed to ensure that English language learners are progressing towards mastery of grade-level content standards as well as language proficiency standards. Speaking and writing rubrics should be used to document language proficiency progress. Students can complete the following concrete activities to demonstrate learning; items should be included in the students portfolios. Listening Graphic Organizers Drawings or Illustrations Role Play Responses to Questions and Commands Matching True/False Multiple Choice Speaking Interviews Speeches Broadcasts Announcements Debates Readers Theatre Storytelling Oral Reports Presentations Reading Recording of Oral Reading Reading Response Log Reading Inventories Semantic Webs Learning Logs Graphic Organizers Cloze Passages Literature Circles Factual and Inferential Comprehension Questions Writing Books Authored by Students Research Reports and Projects Journals Dictation Paragraphs and Essays Murals, Dioramas, Exhibits, Projects Timelines

Adapted from Gottlieb, M. (1999). Guidelines for Wisconsin Alternative Assessment for ELLs. Madison: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Writing Checklist Adapted from LAS Links, CTB/McGraw-Hill (2005)

**This tool can be used to monitor student progress on an ongoing basis and to assist in determining the students instructional level.



2A, 2B

Beginning/Early Intermediate Responds with pictures or in first language Responds with one-word answers or simple phrases that lack correct grammar Applies structure of first language to English writing Demonstrates knowledge of English conventions minimally Completes written assignments only with teacher scaffolds and support Early Intermediate/Intermediate Responds with simple sentences that contain errors; comprehension may be affected Uses invented spelling Demonstrates increasing command of English grammatical and mechanical structures Completes written assignments with a partner or scaffolded writing Intermediate/Proficient Responds using complete sentences Produces comprehensible text, but it may contain errors Produces text with an increasing amount of correctly spelled words Is able to complete written assignments with minimal support Proficient/Above Proficient Produces organized text that contains topic-specific vocabulary Produces text with few grammatical or mechanical errors Produces text with conventional English spelling and grammar Produces text comparable to a native English speaker Completes written assignments independently

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Writing Rubric Adapted from LAS Links, CTB/McGraw-Hill (2005) Write in Sentences 0 Minimal or No Communication Errors Prevent Communication Response is not in English I dont know Repeats earlier response Relevant English words are copied from environmental print Most English words are incomprehensible Response is off-topic Errors Interfere with Communication Response includes at least a subject and a verb, buy may not be in a complete sentence Response includes an answer to the question why, but may not be in a complete sentence Includes only one written response that satisfies the task and may or may not have errors Includes two written responses that satisfy the task but contain serious errors that impede communication such as spelling, omitted words, or incorrect use of words Response may be in simple sentence structure or in an incomplete sentence similar to that of a native speaker Errors Do Not Impede Understanding Includes two written responses that satisfy the task with one or more grammatical errors Includes two responses comparable to that of a fluent writer that satisfy the task, but contain grammatical and/or mechanical errors Fluent Communication Includes two responses comparable to that of a fluent writer that fully satisfy the task, effectively communicate thoughts and ideas, and may contain few grammatical or mechanical errors (missing punctuation, incorrect capital letters and spelling errors that do not interfere with meaning)

1 Beginning Communication

2 Basic Communication 3 Effective Communication

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Writing Rubric Adapted from LAS Links, CTB/McGraw-Hill (2005) Write in Detail 0 Response is not in English I dont know Relevant English words are copied from environmental print Most English words are incomprehensible Response is off-topic Response includes one English word Response relates minimally to the prompt Response includes at least one or more phrases that contain one or more appropriate English words that are topic specific Response lacks a complete sentence as a result of a missing subject or verb Response is unclear overall, yet typical of a student with beginning English proficiency Response relates minimally to the prompt, but lacks expression compared to a native writer Response includes at least one or more sentences in English that have subject/verb agreement, but may lack correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation Response may need to be read multiple times in order to be understood Response may contain digressions, repetitions, limited vocabulary, or errors in grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation that hinder all or part of the communication Response is simple, generally clear overall, but may be incomplete Response provides some subject matter and/or description with difficulty compared to a native writer Ideas are expressed clearly, but are not grammatically fluent Response is clear but may contain grammatical and mechanical errors that do not hinder overall communication Response may contain run-on sentences connected by and or and then Response is clear and complete; typical of a native writer Response contains simple or complex sentences with minor grammatical or mechanical errors Minor errors do not hinder communication or clearness of thought Variations in handwriting do not hinder clearness of communication

1 Words

2 Sentence Structure

3 Basic Communication 4 Native-like Writing

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Speaking Rubric 0-3 Adapted from LAS Links, CTB/McGraw-Hill (2005) **Use this scoring rubric for Speaking in sentences to identify objects and describe academic or social situations. 0 1 2 3 No response Response is not in English English words do not relate to prompt English words relate to prompt and Response does not satisfy the task and/or Response contains grammatical errors and/or errors in word choice or order that hinder communication English words relate to prompt and Response clearly satisfies the task and Response relates to prompt but may contain errors that are not typical of native speaker Response is typical of native speaker and clearly satisfies the task

Speaking Rubric 0-4 Adapted from LAS Links, CTB/McGraw-Hill (2005) **Use this scoring rubric for Speaking in sentences to tell a story or paraphrase events using visual information. 0 1 2 3 4 No response Response is not in English English words do not relate to prompt including I dont know Response includes only words or phrases Response is not in a complete sentence Response contains at least one sentence with subject and predicate but is incoherent and disorganized Response uses correct sentence structure but contains language usage errors Response relates to pictures but some parts may be confusing Response uses correct sentence structure with no or few errors in language usage Response effectively communicates thoughts and ideas and is typical of a native speaker

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Cooperative Learning Activities to Increase Language Development

ACTIVITY Numbered Heads Together DESCRIPTION Students count off in their groups so that each student has a number. The teacher asks a question and students put their heads together to brainstorm the answer. Each student must be familiar with the answer and be ready to participate. The teacher says, Heads apart! and calls a number. The student with that number stands up. The first student to stand up shares what his/her team discussed. THINK: Teacher asks students a question or poses an idea, and students ponder the answer for a few moments. PAIR: Students share their thoughts with a partner, and together they may formulate an oral or written response to report to the class. SHARE: Pairs report their findings to the class. Responses are recorded on a graphic organizer. INSTRUCTIONAL TIPS Group the students heterogeneously, and ensure that the beginning English language learner has a good language model in the group. Each team member is responsible for helping the other team members know the answer. Students may share verbally, through pictures, or in writing, depending upon the language proficiency level and/or the task. In pairs, students may discuss their answers in their home language; it is important to pair students with others who speak the same language and the same dialect. Pairs will report out in English. Consider language proficiencies when pairing students: beginning ELL with intermediate, intermediate with advanced, advanced with native English speaker. If a beginning ELL is paired with a native speaker, the beginning ELL will not have as much of an opportunity to contribute. Find Your Match can be differentiated for varying levels of English language proficiency by using pictures or drawings, labels, and/or rebus sentences. Prior to engaging in this activity, review question formation and how to answer questions. Beginning ELLs will need more time to rehearse their questions, and need more time to respond to the questions.

Think Pair Share

Find Your Match

Inside-Outside Circles

Using cards or sentence strips that have pairs, students circulate to find their match. Example: One group of students has cards that have a cause on them, while others have an effect of that cause. Students find their match to make a cause and effect statement and then report their findings. Each student receives a question card. Students are split into two groups; one group stands in a circle facing out (inside circle) while the other group stands in a circle facing in (outside circle). The students on the inside circle ask their question and the students on the outside circle answer. Students switch roles of asking and answering questions. Once most partners have finished asking and answering, students trade cards with their partner and rotate to a new partner by having the outside circle shift to the right.

Adapted from Kagans Cooperative Learning Structures (1998)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES Activate and Connect Predict Infer Question Monitor/Clarify Summarize Evaluate COMPREHENSION SKILLS Story Structure Sequence of Events Main Idea/Details Noting Details Identifying Character Traits Compare and Contrast Categorize and Classify Fact and Opinion Cause and Effect Fantasy and Reality Drawing Conclusions Making Judgments Identifying Text Features Organizational Text Structure

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Definition Description Language Demands of Activating and Connecting Activate: to make active; to set in motion Connect: to link or join two or more parts, things, or people Background knowledge: what we already know; our experiences, opinions; what we have learned Activating our background knowledge means thinking about what we already know. This helps us understand new information as we read. Connecting, or putting together, what we know with new information helps us learn, understand and remember what we read. Declarative sentences with verbs in the present perfect tense Ex. I have been to South America and walked in the rain forest. Declarative sentences with common verbs (regular and irregular) in the past tense Ex. I lived in Mexico near a volcano. I learned about whales in third grade. That made sense based on what I already knew. Causative verb forms Ex. The cat in the story makes me think about my grandmothers cat. Converting verbs to nouns (endings tion, -ing, etc.) Ex. inform information; understand understanding; explain explanation; know knowledge Conjunction when Ex. When I was five, I came to America on a ship just like the one in the story. Answers to questions What do you know about.......? Ex. I know that whales are mammals. Have you ever....? This reminds me of ______. This makes me think of _____. I know about ______. I never knew that ______! I already know that _____ because I ______. I learned that _______. ________ helped me understand. think, know, connect, understand, make sense, learn, help, activate, remind, remember, change, merge experience, background, knowledge, opinion, misconception, information already, before, after, ever, never about prior, new, accurate, inaccurate, same, different Graphic Organizers What I Know Vocabulary Sentence Frames Grammar What I Learned Words in the Text My Connection Connection How It Helps Me Understand the Story

Recommended Teaching Aids

Texts for Making Connections: Bread, Bread, Bread and Shoes, Shoes, Shoes by Ann Morris; Family Pictures, Cuadros de familia by Carmen Lomas Gaarza; Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in English and Spanish by Alma Flor Ada; I Hate English by Ellen Levine;

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Teacher selects reading texts in which a variety of cultural values and perspectives are included so that S. will be able to connect their background and prior knowledge to what they are learning. T. models through think-alouds how we draw on our personal experience and knowledge to make connections to the text. T. models emphasizing the target vocabulary and language structures, showing how to stop, think about what you already know, and react to new information as it is presented. T. displays an illustrated book cover or leads a picture walk, stopping along the way, marking places /pictures with notes about the connection that is made. Ex. When I was reading this partit reminded me of T. posts these connections on a graphic organizer called Making Connections. T. encourages S. to share their knowledge on the topic including what they have learned from TV, movies, the internet, etc. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING The listening/speaking activity above is extended by having S. place bookmarks on selected pages of a chosen text, complete their own graphic organizers, followed by the writing of sentences or paragraphs about their personal connections to the text and how it helped them understand what they read. Note: English Language Learners bring a large store of information from other cultures and life styles that can serve as a rich resource in a literacy classroom. They should be encouraged to share their areas of expertise as it relates to their reading. In many cases, however, English Language Learners lack the prior cultural knowledge and connections required for understanding a text for assigned reading. Teachers must provide comprehensible input about the topic before reading to develop background through visuals, video, field trips, websites, other books and class discussions.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Language Demands of Predict To predict: to make a guess about what is going to happen in the future. Outcome: the way that a story or event ends; a conclusion. To predict an outcome: to make a guess about how something will turn out in the end. When we read, we use what we know and see to make a guess about what will happen next. Predictions may change as we read. As we continue reading and learn more, we may change (revise, adjust) what we think will happen. Simple future tense sentences with will + verb Ex. The snowman will melt. Simple future tense sentences with the verb to be +going+ verb Ex. The (character) is going to fall off the horse. Complex sentences using that and because as conjunctions Ex. I predict that the rain will stop this afternoon. I think the snowman will melt because I saw the sun in the picture. Questions in future tense Ex. When will the train arrive? Where will they go? Who is going to help? Will the tortoise win the race? Modals Ex. The boy might get a reward for saving the dog. Negative contraction won't Ex. He won't have enough money to buy it. I predict that (character) will ______ at the end of the story. If I read this book, I think that I will learn about _________. I think this will happen because_______. My prediction was correct/incorrect. (Character) might _________. If ________ then _____ will/would ______. I predicted that ___ would happen because ___. I think I will learn about ___ because____. I think that _____ will ______. predict, think, wonder, will, happen, next, maybe, at the end, probably, going to, about, end, change, revise, right, correct, incorrect, title, cover, photograph, illustration, learn, that, outcome, accurate, expect, may, might, reason, why Modals: may, might, would Graphic Organizers Prediction Outcome Vocabulary Sentence Frames Grammar

Recommended Teaching Aids

Websites a listing of children's books that have a predictable structure or ending. Science books on topics such as life cycles (butterfly, frog, water cycle)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. models using a Think-Aloud strategy for predicting the outcome of an everyday event/situation, using the vocabulary and language features listed above. Ex. I think it will rain soon. I see dark clouds in the sky. I predict that it will rain because I see dark clouds in the sky. T. displays prediction/outcome picture cards and asks S. to predict what will happen next. After S. predict, T. shows the outcome card to check if the prediction was correct. Ex. In this picture a boy is riding his bike and there is a big rock in the road ahead. What do you think will happen? Why do you think that will happen? S. respond with their predictions using the appropriate language structure and target vocabulary. T. records predictions and outcomes on a Prediction/Outcome graphic organizer. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Before reading T. attaches sticky notes with questions marks at appropriate place in the text. During read aloud, when encountering each note, T. asks, What will happen next? or makes an I wonder statement. Ex. I wonder what the desert animals will do to get cool. They might go under a tree to get out of the sun. T. directs S. to illustrate and label predictions, then has S. share predictions, formulating their own "I wonder..." statements. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. chooses a short story, leveled reader, excerpt from anthology selection, library book, etc. that has a clear sequence of events and a cover picture that clearly illustrates the main characters and setting. T. shows S. the cover, reads the title aloud and asks S. what they think the story will be about, based on the title and cover illustrations. S. provide their guesses/predictions and give reasons. After building background knowledge and teaching story-specific vocabulary, T. reads the beginning of the story aloud to S. T. stops and thinks aloud, "I wonder what will happen next?" T. makes a prediction by modeling the appropriate language structure and target vocabulary. T. asks S. to turn and talk to a partner to say if they agree or disagree with the T.'s prediction and why. T. listens for correct use of the target language structure. S. share one or two examples with the class and T. records their responses on a Prediction/Outcome chart. T. finishes reading the story to find out whose prediction was correct. S. write their prediction in the past tense. Ex. I predicted that ___ would happen because ___. My prediction was correct/incorrect. S. write and illustrate their prediction with varying support depending on their language proficiency. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. distributes short, informational texts illustrated with photographs on the cover. T. asks S. to examine the cover, title, and illustrations in order to predict what they will learn from reading this book. S. write their predictions and reasons. Ex. I think I will learn about ___ because____. S. are then given time to read (or T. reads a few texts aloud) to determine if their predictions were correct or need revision. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. provides only the front cover of a story where the pages inside are blank. T. instructs S. to examine the front cover and the title of the story, and to make a prediction about what is going to happen in the story. S. then open to the inside pages, and create illustrations and words to go along with the prediction they made using the front cover. S. share their books with the class, and ask S. in the class to make predictions about the book before they reveal their illustrations/words.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description To infer is to draw a conclusion or determine meaning based on evidence or reasoning. To infer is to put together what we see or read with something we already know in order to understand. Ex. The text states: Mary is coughing and sneezing. I know that when people cough or sneeze they are sick. I infer that Mary is sick. We infer when we use what we know and clues in the text to figure out (guess) what is not directly stated in a story. We infer when we take information from a text and put it with what we already know to draw our own conclusions. We infer the meaning of new words and concepts by using pictures, context and our own knowledge and experiences. We use evidence (clues) from the text to support our inferences. * Inference and prediction are closely related. Prediction is a form of inferencing in which we use clues to guess what will happen next in a sequence of events. Inferencing is a more complex thought process (comprehension strategy) in which readers use evidence to create their own unique interpretation or meaning that is not stated explicitly in a text. Complex declarative sentences using subordinating conjuctions that, so, because Ex. I think that she is sick because she is coughing. I know that cats like to chase birds, so I infer that the cat will chase the bird. Past tense of common verbs Ex. I used this part of the picture to infer that...... I paid attention to the text clues. Modals Ex. She might get into trouble because she has skipped school. Future tense of common verbs Ex. The boy will probably win the competition. I think that _____. My guess is _____. I wonder _____. I infer that ________ means _______ because ___________. I made this inference because __________. I used the picture clues to infer that ___________. She might _______ because _______. He will ________. Sentence Frames Vocabulary Grammar infer, put together, figure out, guess, know, think, interpret, help inference, evidence, text, background, knowledge, support, conclusion, fact, context, clue, meaning probably, because, maybe

The Language Demands of Inferring

Recommended Teaching Aids

Modals: may, might, can, could, should Graphic Organizers

What I read + What I Know = What I Infer (Text Clues) (Backgr. Knowledge) (Inference) + + =

Inference Chart Text/Pictures What I Conclude


We Infer It Means

What Helped Us

Websites: (page 7) graphic organizer Recommended Books: George and Martha (series) by James Marshall; How Many Days to America? by Eve Bunting; If you Listen by Charlotte Zolotow; The Cow that Went Oink by Bernard Most; The Royal Bee by Sharon Dennis Wyeth; Where are you Going Manyoni? by Catherine Stock; Creatures of the Earth, Sea and Sky by Georgia Heard

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Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Making Inferences by Paying Attention to Clues T. models how we make inferences by paying attention to clues. "Let's Guess!" T. glues a picture of an animal on a sentence strip and wraps it around the head of a student without allowing him/her to see the picture. Other S. observe and provide clues describing the animal without naming it. Ex. "You can jump. You have long legs. You live near a pond." The person wearing the picture listens to the clues and makes an inference statement, using target structures and vocabulary: "I infer that this animal is a frog. I listened to the clues. I used what I heard and what I know about frogs to guess (infer) the right answer. S. take turns providing clues and making inferences from clues about different animal pictures. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING Making Inferences using Picture Clues T. models the process of inferring unknown information (guessing) from picture clues by thinking aloud. T. explains to S. that when they read they can use what they already know plus pictures clues from the text to make a guess about what they don't know. As an example T. shows a picture from a magazine or book cover. T. asks S. to guess what is happening in the picture or what the story will be about. (T. may give several choices for S. to make.) T. thinks aloud making connections between what they can see in the picture and what they know about the subject. Ex. T. shows a picture of children in swimsuits with sand buckets and shovels getting in a car. It is a sunny day. T. asks S. to infer from clues in the picture where they are going. T. says, "In this part of the picture I see ___. I know that I infer that they are going to the beach because ____. T. records the clues that S. identified in the picture on a graphic organizer. S. respond to questions about new pictures, citing their reasons for their inferences, and connecting it with their own personal experience. T. praises S. for "inferring", i.e., putting together what they see in a picture with what they already know, to figure out what's happening or how a character feels. With partners, S. continue to infer from pictures and complete the graphic organizer. Inferring Meaning Using Text Clues T. explains that as readers we often have to figure things out for ourselves because some information is not stated directly. To fully understand the reading we have to take what we read and combine it with what we already know. T. chooses a portion of a familiar text to model using an inference chart (samples above). S. practice finding text clues, such as a character's statements or actions that provide clues about how they are feeling or what they value and record them on the graphic organizer. S. share orally using target language structures and vocabulary to express their inferences; for example, "I think that Sara is worried about leaving home because she writes in her diary that ......" Inferring Meaning of New Words To demonstrate how to infer the meaning of new or unknown words, T. models how she wonders about the meanings of words as she reads aloud an illustrated short story. "As I read, I am wondering about what the word, ______, means. I check the picture and notice that ___. I notice the expression on his face ___. I'm inferring that ____might mean that ___. T. uses gestures and points to the places in the picture that help her make the inference. T. gives S. time to talk to a partner about what they see and what they infer. On a 3-column chart labeled: Word, We Infer It Means and What Helped Us (above), T. writes the word in question in the first column and fills in the other two columns as a model. T. reads another story aloud stopping to let S. infer the meaning of words that are new to them. S. complete the chart adding the words, their inferences and what helped them make each inference. S. are taught to recognize that what often helps them infer are: the picture, re-reading, word parts, words from the text, and schema (prior knowledge, what they know about stories, story structure, familiar patterns, etc.). (Adapted from
Kendall, J. & Khoun, O. (2005) Making Sense: Small Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners. Portland, MA: Stenhouse Publsihers.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description To ask questions about the content of the text to be answered by others or themselves To ask questions about the text and answer the questions while reading We ask questions before, during, and after reading to read actively and clarify meaning. Before reading, we might ask questions about something that piques our curiosity or predict what will happen. During reading, we might ask questions to stay engaged and/or to clarify difficult material. After reading, we might ask questions to reflect on what was just read and to extend our thinking about the subject/content. Present, past, and future tenses to ask and answer questions (yes/no, wh- and how) Ex. Is the character excited or confused? Why do plants need water to grow? Grammar Sentence Frames Recommended Teaching Aids Vocabulary Inflection of past tense regular and irregular verbs Ex. happen+ed, hurr(y)+ied, tell told, does did, is was, make - made Interrogative sentences in the present and past tense Ex. Where does the story take place? Why did the character choose to leave home? Indirect declarative sentences Ex. I wonder why the character was so sad. Agreement of tense between the question and the answer Ex. Who were the characters? The characters were ____. I wonder what/if/why __________. Did I _______? What is a ______? What are _____? What do you remember about _____? What did I learn/notice/see/hear? What will happen if ________?

Language Demands of Questioning

I learned _______. I noticed _______. I remembered ________. Wh- and how question words: Who, what, when, where, why, how, how many, which one, whom character, setting, resolution, conclusion, climax, problem, solution, plot happen, occur, take place beginning, middle, end, question, answer, clarify Does this make sense? Graphic Organizers Question-Answer-Relationship Strategy Right There Author and Me Search and Find___ On My Own ___

Websites QAR:

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING Teacher introduces the questioning strategy by describing how and when to use questioning. After building background knowledge and introducing story-specific vocabulary, T. reads a paragraph or short selection aloud to students and asks a mix of factual and inferential questions, modeling the target language structure. T. posts the question frame and question words on the board. S. answer the questions orally; T. continues the read aloud, and then S. turn to a partner and ask one another questions, modeling the target language structures. T. listens for correct use of question and answer structures. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING T. prepares sentence strips that have either questions or answers on them. Questions and answers can pertain to a familiar story, classroom procedures, school information, etc. All of the question sentences should be written in one color, and all of the answer sentences should be written in another color. T. reviews question and answer formation with students. Each student receives a question or an answer sentence strip. Students mix and mingle, reading their own and one anothers sentence strips in order to find their match. T. provides reading assistance as needed. Matches stick together and when all are found, each pair presents their question and their answer; the class discusses how and why the question and answer match. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING In this activity, S. will use the Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy to realize that the answers they are searching for in the text are related to the type of question that is asked (Raphael, 1982). T. explains to S. that there are several different kinds of questions that are asked about the text: Right There - answers are quickly found right in the text; Search and Find - answers are presented in several places within the text and readers must slow down to find them; Author and Me - readers must stop and find clues which makes them realize the answer with support from the text; On My Own - answers come from readers brains and are not found in the text. T. reads a passage with the class. T. organizes the class into small homogeneous groups, and gives each group the QAR graphic organizer (see graphic organizer above). T. gives students questions on strips of paper; S. determine which type of question it is and then put it in the appropriate box. For example, the question, What color was the girls bike? would be placed in the Right There box because S. can quickly return to the story for the answer. However, the question, How does the story make you feel? would be placed in the On My Own box because S. do not need the text to find the answer. Once S. are familiar with the different types of questions, they can use the QAR graphic organizer to classify and write their questions when reading. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING JEOPARDY! In this activity, S. must read the answer in order to create the question. T. prepares an electronic version of a jeopardy game, or he/she writes answers on note cards to make a Jeopardy! board. T. organizes the class into small groups. Groups reread the texts for which the game was made. T. reviews question words and stems and models how to create a question from an answer. For example, if the answer is, Goldilocks, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear, the corresponding question would be, Who are the characters? Two small groups compete at the same time and are given think time to talk to one another before presenting their answers. All ELLs should be given the opportunity to rehearse their answers. When the group agrees on an answer, they write it on a white board or a piece of paper and hold it up for the teacher to score. T. scores the answers on content, but uses errors in question formation to teach the correct structure to the whole class. Game is played until the Jeopardy! board is cleared. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING T. and S. review a familiar text and discuss the story elements. T. jigsaws the text so that partners or small groups each read one page and create at least one question about the text. S. write their question on a sticky note. Partners/small groups circulate and exchange questions with another group. Each group answers another groups question, and students discuss and check if the other group answered the question correctly.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Monitor: To check things that are not understood in the text To be aware of what is not understood when reading To listen to your inner voice and pay attention to parts of the text that are unclear Clarify: to use a strategy (reread, read on, question, etc.) which will aid in understanding parts of the text that are confusing. We monitor when we ask ourselves if what were reading makes sense. We monitor when we stop to think if were confused or dont understand what weve read. We clarify when we work to figure out whats confusing for us, and we use strategies to resolve our misunderstandings. We clarify by rereading, using illustrations or other text features, reading ahead, and/or thinking of clues from the text. Contractions Ex. I dont understand what this part of the text is about. I cant figure out this word. Grammar Vocabulary Prefixes Ex. re I need to reread this part in order to understand. Interrogative sentences Ex. Does this make sense? Did I understand this part? What did the author mean by this part?


Language Demands of Monitor and Clarify

Recommended Teaching Aids

Subject pronouns Ex. I, you, he, she, it, we I understand that the character is sad because he has a problem. Modals I dont understand the part where __________. This ________ is not clear because ______________. I cant figure out _______________. What is a _______________? It could be _________. Maybe ___________. When I reread I ____________. Im confused about __________. This reminds me of ______. monitor, understand, confused, wonder, check, confusing, pay attention [to] clarify, reread, read on, read ahead, think, talk, restate, clues, clear, unclear, figure out, question, remind Text features: illustration, title, caption, subheading, chart, bold print, italics Contractions: dont, wont, doesnt, cant Question words: what, who, where, why, etc. Modals: can, could, may, might, will, must Does this make sense to me? Graphic Organizers Text This is This related I will need to reread I dont understand clear to me to my ________________ ________________ experience Monitor/Clarify Sentenc e Frames Web I am confused about ________________ Websites I will need to read on to find out _____

This is confusing (words, meaning, etc.)

This is how I clarified to understand

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Part I: T. activates prior knowledge by asking S., Have you ever experienced reading a book and realized you didnt understand what you were reading? What did you do? Did you just close your book and give up? Or did you continue reading and try some strategies so you could understand better? T. introduces the monitor/clarify web and explains, When I dont understand what I read, I do certain things to make sure that I understand before I continue reading. T. gives examples of sample questions that could be asked and models the language structures and vocabulary necessary for asking questions while monitoring reading. T. and S. discuss questions they may ask as they are reading when they dont understand and the teacher adds the examples to the monitor/clarify web. Part II: T. explains to students that when they do not understand, they must clarify as they are reading. T. models the use of modals and has students develop strategies they could use when they need to clarify. S. should use a modal in their sentence structure when sharing. Ex. I might reread if I dont understand. T. then adds the ideas the students have for clarifying to the right side of the monitor/clarify web.

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING This activity allows S. to practice asking and answering questions about difficult parts of the text. T. reads a short selection and shows how to monitor by asking a question about a confusing part using the target language structures and vocabulary. T. revisits the text to clarify the confusing part. T. partners up S. and has students read a text on their level. After each page, pairs must turn to one another and restate what happened on that page using the target language structures and vocabulary. If the pair experiences difficulty they record the page number and write a question on a sticky note about what is not understood. Pairs join with another group to reread that part of the text selection and help answer the question. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. reads a story aloud to S. and models how to think aloud as he/she records his/her thoughts in the monitor/clarify web. Ex. I was confused when the character said she was upset. I dont understand why she was so worried. I need to re-read page 5 of the book again. T. reminds S. that they need to use these types of strategies and this type of language to help them monitor their reading and better understand the text. T. continues to read the story aloud to class. T. pauses from time to time to think aloud and has the S. ask questions to clarify meaning using the proper language structure. T. provides S. with a level-appropriate text and S. read the text on their own. S. stop and record questions or statements on their monitor/clarify web as they are reading. S. share with the class the questions/statements that they had and how they resolved them.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Language Demands of Summarize To briefly retell the most important events or ideas in our own words To briefly state in your own words the main ideas/parts of what was read To analyze information, distinguish important information from unimportant, and use your own words to state the key points of what was read When we summarize a story, we state its title, characters, setting, and describe what it is mainly about. Also, we briefly retell the most important events in our own words. When we summarize a piece of informational text, we use our own words to briefly state the most important ideas. Simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs Ex. They lived in a city but took trips to the countryside. Third person singular of verbs in simple present tense Ex. The author describes a devastion after the volcano. Superlatives with the most and the least Ex. The most important event happened after they returned from the camp. Prepositons Ex. Before she moved to the U.S., the girl lived in Korea. Sequential Adverbs Ex.Last, the cat and the dog became best friends. (Expository Text) The paragraph/text/article was mainly about _____. One important idea was that _____. Another important ideas is that _____. The author also discussed _____. (Narrative Text) The story is about ________. The characters are _______. The events happened/occurred in ______ (place and/or time frame)______. The setting is _______. In a nutshell, the problem was _______. The solution was ______. The story ended when ________. summary, summarize, main, important, essential, idea, events, detail, supporting, authors opinion Sequential words/phrases: first, second, after that, finally, last/at last Synonyms for state: say, speak about, discuss, point out, emphasize, explore, mention, consider, conclude Summarizing phrases: briefly speaking, in short, in a nutshell, to make a long story short, in conclusion Prepositions: before, after, in the middle of, about Sequential Adverbs: finally, first, next, last, then Graphic Organizers Important Important Story Map Idea: Idea: Story Map Elements Pictures Title: __________ Title:______
Characters: _________ Setting: _________ Plot Climax

Recommended Teaching Aids


Sentence Frames


Summary: ________________ __________________________ __________________________

Characters: _____
Summary: ___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _

Setting: _______ Events Beginning:__________ Middle: _________ End: ___________



Problem:_______ Solution: _______


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. uses the Think Aloud strategy to model how to summarize a familiar text or an interesting event. T. should: briefly retell and/or analyzes what was read/heard; include only the most important information/ideas/events; eliminate less important or irrelevant information/events/details; underline/record/write down key words conveying the most important information; use pictures to assist ELLs in understanding the main ideas and events. T. reminds S. that summaries do not include personal opinions. Depending on the type of text, T. records summary on the appropriate graphic organizer. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING Sum It Up in 8 Words. Part I: S. work in heterogeneous groups of 4. Within each group, there are two pairs of partners working together. Each group is given a different selection or text to read. S. with limited language skills and low reading skills receive additional support from the teacher. First, each S. reads the text and identifies 8 key words that convey the most important ideas. Then, each pair discusses their choice of words and select only 8 words from their total of 16 words. Last, two pairs share their choice of 8 key words and again decide on the final 8 words to use in their summaries. Part II: S. use their 8 key words to write a summary of a selection. S. may use their favorite books to write a summary. S. read/exchange their friends summaries to determine whether or not they would like to borrow the book from a library. Next, they read their newly selected book and reflect on whether the summary was a brief and accurate account of information or events. Rainbow Summary Jigsaw: Begin with Part I of the Sum It Up in 8 Words activity, however each group is given the same selection to read and summarize. Each group is also given one color marker to write their key words and their summary. Each group writes a group summary on a poster and posts it in a visible place. Groups are given 2 minutes to read each groups summary by moving clockwise from one poster to the next one. Their task is to read the poster and reflect on the summaries by placing a sticky note next to the most important ideas included in the summaries. S. are given or create their own rubric of how to analyze a summary. S. report back which groups summary received the most stickers and why. A blank Story Map (narrative text) or Main Idea (expository text) graphic organizer may be used as a checklist for analyzing a summary. LANGUAGE TARGET: READING/WRITING Cloze (Fill-in-the-Blank) S. complete a summary cloze by filling in key ideas. Use a word back that contains key words for the most important information/ideas/facts/events/vocabulary if necessary. Sample 1 (Expository text): I have read about _____. It is mainly about _____. The author discusses/emphasizes important idea/fact/event as _____. The author/article says/states/points out that ______. So, the most important ideas are ______. Here are two supporting details. First, _____. Second, ______. Sample 2 (Narrative text): I have read _______. The main characters are ______. The setting is ______. The problem of the story was ____ . First, the characters ______. Then, they decided to ______. Last, they _____. So, they solved their problem by _______ . At the end, the characters lived ______ ever after.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description The Language Demands of Evaluate To examine text in order to judge the value, quality, importance, or purpose To evaluate text is to decide whether or not one likes a story and then explains reasons why To evaluate text is to decide if what were reading is entertaining, informative, or useful for us When we evaluate, we combine information in our heads with information from the text to figure out and judge whether or not the authors writing is of good quality, if the content is authentic and accurate, and/or if the points/perspectives are valid. (Giles, Whitman, n.d.) Comparative/Superlative forms of descriptive adjectives to specify the quality of a story. Ex. Good, better, best; bad, worse, worst; little, littler/less, littlest/least Grammar Vocabulary Suffixes -ly, -est Ex. This was the silliest story I have ever read.

Recommended Teaching Aids

Negatives Ex. I did not like the ending because it was depressing. I like this book/part because _______________. I enjoyed reading this book/part because _________. This book is __________ because __________. This is effective/not effective because ____. I think this story is __________. In my opinion, _____________. I dont think it is fair to ____ because ____. The information sounds/ does not sound correct because ____. The author did a good job of ___________. The authors purpose for writing this selection was to _________. Authors purpose: entertain, describe, inform, persuade, explain Preferences: like, dislike, prefer Story descriptions: funny, entertaining, informative, useful, interesting, boring, descriptive, colorful, easy, difficult, scary, depressing, silly, enjoyable, confusing, irrelevant accuracy, accurate, authentic, authenticity, message, purpose, judge, importance, think, believe, opinion, fair, correct Graphic Organizers Plus (+) Minus (-) Questions (?) Sentence Frames Authors Purpose Details from the Text Pros (+) Cons (-) Questions (?)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING Evaluating Text T. introduces how to evaluate text by reading aloud a familiar story or selection. During reading, T. thinks aloud and states his/her preferences, modeling the target language structures, such as, I like this part because ______. This part makes me feel ____ because ____. After reading, T. asks students what parts they liked and why, and how a certain part made them feel. S. respond by using the target language structures. T. rephrases the responses as necessary to model the language of evaluating. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING Evaluating Text With T. support, S. read a familiar selection and complete the Plus, Minus, Question graphic organizer to state their likes and dislikes, and questions about the text. S. share their graphic organizers with a partner and with the class using target language structures. S. write a book review that provides their preferences and states follow up questions for the author. Extension: In addition to stating likes and dislikes, S. make text to self connections by also noting interesting and irrelevant parts. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING Evaluating Authors Purpose T. introduces the terms entertain, describe, inform, and persuade by giving real-life examples of each, and asking S. to contribute to the definitions. For example, In the evening, I watch TV to entertain myself. My friend described her weekend to me by telling me all about what she did on Saturday and Sunday. The morning news informed me that it was going to be cold today. I tried to persuade my parents to allow me to spend the night at a friends house. T. states that when authors write text, they have a purpose for writing; it is the readers responsibility to determine why the author is writing the text. T. provides examples of authors purpose by showing a few texts that entertain, describe, inform, and persuade. T. reads aloud a selection from each text and asks S. if the text entertains, describes, informs, or persuades. T. and S. list details from the text on a T-chart that help to determine the authors purpose. After listing all details for each type of text, T. and S. complete the sentence, The authors purpose for writing this selection was to ________. Extension: T. gives groups different types of text to read and evaluate. S. determine the authors purpose, and list details from the text that support the authors purpose on a graphic organizer. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING Evaluating Accuracy and Authenticity: S. evaluate text based on the value to themselves and to society, and determine if the information is accurate and authentic. T. facilitates a discussion on what makes something valuable, accurate and authentic, and provides examples of each. S. contribute examples from their own life experiences. T. chooses a few age-appropriate texts that are of particular interest to the group of S. (magazines on motorcycles, pop culture, fashion, etc.). T. selects a few controversial statements/selections, and asks S. if the information is valuable to them. S. respond by stating what part is of value and why. T. asks if the information is accurate, and what would need to be added to make the text more authentic. S. brainstorm a list of information that should be added to increase the authenticity and accuracy of the text. T. asks S. to compare how the information presented compares with other texts written on the same topic.

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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Story structure or story grammar is the way the story is organized in order to communicate the main ideas and the authors message. Story structure has such elements as setting, characters, problem, and plot. Plot usually includes events happening at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the story. Plot also has a critical point when a problem/solution occurs. Knowing how events are organized in the story helps us to better understand the entire story. Some stories have events that happened over a period of time in sequential order. Others have a problem arising at the beginning and the solution that happens only at the end. Yet some stories may have a few rising events leading to the problem and then a few events happening as the result of some critical/pivotal event/point, called climax. For us to comprehend the entire story, we have to identify story elements, story structure, and analyze how the story elements relate to each other. Simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs Ex. The girl took after her grandmother; she danced gracefully. Third person singular of verbs in simple present tense Ex. The main event happens right before the storm. Lexical prepositons Ex. The climax occurred in the middle of the story. Sequential adverbs Ex. First, they built their houses. Use of There is/There are with singular, group (non-count items), and plural nouns Ex. There are two main characters in the story. There is one major event in the story. The verb to be in present and past tenses Ex. The setting of the story is at the foot of the mountain. The boy was afraid to speak up. Complex sentences with the causal/time conjuctions Ex. They moved quickly as the city was still far. The characters of the story are _______________. The setting of the story is at/in/ _________. The events happen at/in ____________. When ___________, the __________________. After _________, __________. story, structure, characters, setting, events, problem, solution, introduction, plot, action, climax, outcome, cause, effect, message, mood, idea happen, occur, evolve, develop critical, pivotal, important, major, minor, main Sequential words/phrases: first, second, then, next, finally, last, lastly, in the beginning, in the middle, at the end Prepositions: before, after, in the middle of, about Casual/time conjunctions: as the result of, due to, as, because, when Graphic Organizers Story Map Vocabulary Sentence Frames Grammar
Beginning Title: __________ Author: ___________ Characters: _____________Setting:_____________ Plot Climax Characters Actions and Plot Development
Characters Action Outcomes

Language Demands of Story Structure

Recommended Teaching Aids

Middle Introduction Problem: __________ Ending Solution:__________

Characters Action Outcomes


_________________ __________________ Websites

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING In order to build background knowledge on the concepts of structure, T. highlights the parts of the school day that have routines and structure (the school schedule, cafeteria procedures, arrival, dismissal). T. facilitates the discussion to show how the elements of their school day are similar to the elements of a story. Other topics on structure might include: the structure of a building, home routines, the human body, parts of a plant, etc. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING FIND YOUR MATCH After reading a story, S. are divided into two groups: group A (Story Structure Elements) and group B (Description). Group A receives flashcards with story structure elements such as Title, Characters, Setting, Beginning of the Story, Middle of the Story, End of the Story, Problem, Solution. Group B receives sentence strips with picture/descriptions of the story elements, which are either prepared by the S. or by the T. Group A stands in a circle in order based on the story structure. Group B is randomly positioned inside the circle. Group B reads their sentence strips, holding them for others to see, and moves around to find their partner. S. with beginning language skills receive pictures supporting the story elements and the descriptions. Upon completion of the activity, S. review their matches and post them on a pocket chart or a bulletin board in a visible place for future reference. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING STORY STRUCTURE WALK Part I. T. and S. generate a list of questions about the story that they just read. A list of questions may include but is not limited to the following: Who are the characters? What is the setting? Where did the events happen? How does the author describe the setting? What happened in the beginning? What events lead to the problem? What actions or events deepened the conflict/problem? What happened at the end? What event was critical/pivotal? What is the mood of the story? What determines the story mood? What events demonstrated the solution? The questions help S. to (1) identify the story elements; (2) understand how they are related; and (3) deepen their understanding of the entire story, the authors message, and the story mood. Part II. S. are divided into groups. T. displays previously generated questions on the board or distributes them among the groups. Groups are given a familiar story to reread and analyze. Each group has to identify the structure of the assigned story and create a group Story Structure poster or Story Map graphic organizer. For example, a poster or a graphic organizer should include story elements that would demonstrate: (1) a sequence of events; (2) the beginning, middle, and end; (3) the problem and solution; (4) a critical moment or a pivotal event; (5) the mood of the story; and (6) the outcomes of the characters actions on plot development. S. use target language structures to discuss their understanding of the story and its structure. Groups post their final products around the classroom. Groups walk from poster to poster (3 minutes per poster) to read the graphic organizers and discuss/reflect on what story elements are included and how they support the story comprehension. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING ADD A PICTURE (Modified from Zero Prep: Ready-to-Go Activities for the Language Classroom by Laurel Pollard and Natalie Hess) After reading a text, T. asks S. to place one post-it note on the far left end of a sentence strip and draw a picture showing the beginning of the story. T. asks S. to place another post-it note on the far right end of the sentence strip and draw a picture showing the end of the story. T. asks S. to place another post-it note in the center of the sentence strip or between the 1st and the 2nd post-it notes and draw the middle of the story. Depending on the complexity of the story, T. may use as many post-it notes as there are important events in the story in order to reinforce understanding of the concept of beginning, middle, end or a plot with some critical events. Drawing can be supported by one-two word descriptions, simple or complex sentences depending on the language development needs and abilities of students.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Language Demands of Sequencing Events A sequence of events is the order in which events happen. We use words like first, next, then and last to talk about the sequence or order of events in a story or steps in a process. Recognizing the sequence of events helps you understand and remember what you read. Paying attention to sequence helps a reader make decisions about relationships or events in the text. Declarative sentences with common verbs (regular and irregular) in the past tense Ex. Sam got up at seven in the morning. He went to school. Declarative sentences that state habitual or cyclical action in the present tense Ex. Every afternoon I come home from school, have a snack and do my homework. Sequence words as ordinal adverbs Ex. First, Sam ate breakfast. Then, he brushed his teeth. Last, he waited for the bus. Sequence words as ordinal adjectives Ex. The first event in the story was First, ____; Next, ___ Then,____ Last, _____ In the beginning of the story... In the middle of the story... At the end of the story Sentence Frames Vocabulary Recommended Teaching Aids Grammar

sequence, events, action, order, timeline, steps, before, after, routine, happen, put in order, take place Words that signal sequence: first, next, then, last, beginning, middle, end, before, after, finally Cardinal numbers: one, two, three, four, etc. Ordinal numbers: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.
Event 1 Middle 2 End 3 Event 2 Event 3

Graphic Organizers Sequence Map

Beginning 1

Picture of event

Picture of event

Picture of event

Websites Use Kidspiration tools for sequencing activities:

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. shows pictures depicting familiar daily activities in random order. Ex. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, going out the door. S. describe each of the pictures. T. asks what happens first, next, and last. As S. answer, they sequence the pictures in the correct order. T. asks the S. to tell the story of their morning routine in sequence, using present tense. Ex. First, I get up. Then, I get dressed. Next, I eat breakfast. Last, I go out the door. T. shows the sequence map to S. and tells them that the map will help them organize the events in the correct sequence and help them remember the events when they tell the story. T. tells S. to organize the pictures using the sequence map. Extension Activity: T. tells students to think of three things that they did yesterday after they got home from school. Have them illustrate their actions in the sequence map. S. describe the pictures using the past tense. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. shows students three pictures that represent three stages of a familiar event or process. Ex. How a plant grows, progression of the seasons. T. puts the events in the correct sequence and models how to use the words first, next, and last to state the sequence of the pictures. Ex. First, I planted a seed in the ground. Next, the seed grew into a small plant (or seedling). Last, the seedling grew and a flower bloomed. T. and S. sequence other sets of pictures and S. take turns saying the order of events using target vocabulary. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. prepares Post-its with the words first, next, last. T. reviews sequence map from activity above. T tells S. to listen to a retelling of a sequence of events in the past. T shows the sequence words and helps students say them and spell them. T. tells S. to post the words in the appropriate frame and number and then retells the sequence with students repeating after him/her. S. label their frames with the sequence words and then tell about their sequence maps using the simple past tense and sequence words. Ex. First, I ate dinner. Then, I did my homework. Last, I went to bed. (Variations: S. number a list of events in the order that they occurred in the story, then read their sequence to the group (or partner) to check accuracy. S. are given a set of events written on strips, scramble them, give them to a partner to put in order and check for accuracy, using target structures and vocabulary.) LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. chooses a well-illustrated fictional text in which there are several easily identifiable events that occur in sequence. T. explains that events in a story happen in order from beginning to end. T. explains the purpose for reading (to put events in order and retell) and builds background knowledge. S. partner or echo read the text. T. provides S. with drawings of the main events. S. (in pairs or independently) use the sequence map again to order the pictures and label them beginning, middle and end. S. are then given sentence strips with pre-written sentences for each event. S. put the strips in order and glue them in place on a blank sheet of paper. They make their own illustrations of each event and share their work with a partner, reading the strips and showing their pictures. (To make this activity more challenging, T. provides more than three pictured events to sequence and requires S. to create their own sentences.) LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING After reading a story with a clear beginning, middle and end, T. provides a three part graphic organizer labeled Beginning, Middle, and End. For ease of identification, each area of the graphic organizer may be a different shape. An illustration has already been provided for the Middle of the story. T. asks what happened at the beginning and the end of the story using simple past tense sentences. The class describes the main character or situation during each part. T. then models illustrating the beginning and end of the story on the graphic organizer. S. complete the graphic organizer, and describe their illustrations using the simple past tense. Ex. The boy went to the park.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description The main idea is the most important information and/or key point of the authors message. The main idea is always supported by details or by text clues that are directly related to the authors key message. When we read informational text, we need to understand key points and/or the main idea of what the author communicates to us. Sometimes the author states the main idea clearly in the first or last sentence of a paragraph, but other times we need to figure out the main idea on our own. We figure out main ideas by (1) reading the first and last sentence in a paragraph, (2) using supporting details within a paragraph, (3) paying attention to text features, and/or (4) using important content-related words and phrases. Subject/Verb agreement Ex. The paragraph explains how natural resources affect the economy of the region. Spiders live in various places, including underwater. Complex sentences with conjunctions which, that, because, so Ex. The illustrations and captions help me to identify the main idea, which is how rainforest frogs use their coloring to hide from predators. Use of There is/ There are with singular, group (non-count items), and plural nouns Ex. There are many bodies of water in South America, but there is only one major river, the Amazon. I think that the main idea is __________. So, the main idea is ________. Therefore, I think that the main idea is __________. (Detail or Text Clue) supports the idea of ___________. (Text Feature) explains how ___________. (Text Feature) tells me that ___________, and this supports the idea that __________. The author uses such text clues as ___________________ to support his/her main idea. Adjectives: main, important, essential, supporting Nouns: idea, detail, point, feature Verbs: support, figure out Phrases: main idea, supporting detail, key point, key word, text clue, text feature, thats why, I think, such as Therefore, because, so
Supporting Details: _______________ _______________ __ Text Features: _______________ _______________ _ Key or Repeated Words/ Phrases: _______________ _______________ ___

Language Demands of Main Idea and Details

Recommended Teaching Aids

Graphic Organizers Topic/Subject: _____________ Main idea: ____ _____________ _____________


Sentence Frames


Reading Response Journal Topic/Subject ______________ I think that the main idea is ______________ _____________________________________ Text Support
These details support the main idea: ____________ ____________ These text features support the main idea: _____________ _____________ These key words/ phrases support the main idea: ______________ ______________

Subject/Topic:______ Main Idea: __________ ___________________ First/ _____ Last

Topic Sentence

Text Support



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Building background knowledge for understanding the concept of main idea and details (for a whole or small group) Part I: T. shows a picture or a 1-2 minute video clip on a subject related to the students cultural or personal experiences, for example Chinese New Year. T. asks factual and inferential questions about the picture or video clip. T. records key words from their responses on the graphic organizer. T. guides S. in generating the main idea from the shared discussion using the key points of their discussion. T. may provide additional vocabulary support to S. with no or low English language proficiency. T. summarizes the activity by explaining how the details that S. use to describe the picture or video clip helps them understand its main idea. T. bridges this activity to understanding the main idea of a paragraph and how details within text help us to figure out the message that the author tells. Part II: To reinforce understanding, T. may provide several pictures on the same subject, such as school life and asks S. to provide details about these pictures. T. helps S. to generate main ideas for each picture. This will assist S. in understanding (1) the difference between the subject and main idea and (2) how only relevant details support the main idea. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING Main Idea Details Sorting/Matching Activity (for a small group) T. prepares two main idea sentences and three detail sentences for each main idea that are based on a familiar topic or story. T. distributes detail sentences. S. read the sentences individually. In a group, they discuss which sentences are similar and why, and which sentences are different and why. They classify them into two groups. T. displays main idea sentences and S. match their detail sentences with the main idea sentences. S. defends their groups decision. T. may use Numbered Heads Together to call on a student to explain their decision. LANGUAGE TARGET: READING/WRITING Generating Main Ideas through Text Jigsaw (group activity). After building background knowledge and text-specific vocabulary, T. divides one text among groups of students; each student within the group is assigned a different text clue (Text Feature, First and Last Sentence, Details within a Text, Key or Repeated Words/Phrases) in order to figure out important information and determine the main idea of their portion of the text. During the activity, T. may circulate to check for comprehension and the use of target language structures, or work with a separate group to assist as needed. S. share their findings within the group, and practice using the target language structures to describe the main idea and corresponding details. S. decide which text clue best supports the main idea. S. report out to the class on their findings (main idea, details, helpful text clue); T. records their responses on a whole-class graphic organizer. T. facilitates a discussion to assist S. in distinguishing between the main idea and details of the selections of text, and the overall main idea and details. (S. may realize that the main idea and details from their portion of the text contribute to the overall main idea of the entire text.) S. determine the main idea of the entire text selection.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Details have many purposes: explain general ideas, give key information, support an argument, paint a vivid description, or convey feelings. Less important details only help to convey background information. When we read, we use details to: visualize characters, places, and events explain, provide additional information or convey feelings clarify, support the main idea distinguish between important and less important information Informational questions in the present tense using interrogative pronouns Ex. Who is the main character? Simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs Ex. Grandma vacuumed the carpet and swept the floor. Third person singular of verbs in simple present tense Ex. The author notes several ways to grow tropical plants indoors. Auxiliary verbs did, does Ex. The character did not like school. The character does nothing all day. Subject pronouns Ex. He often wanted to stay home. Contractions Ex. His friend couldnt convince him to go. Demonstrative adjectives Ex. These events are fictional. One detail that supports the main idea is ___________________________. _____________________ is a supporting detail in the text. ____________________ supports the idea that _______________________. In the beginning/middle of the story, I noticed that _________________________. At the end of the story, I noticed that ________________________. detail, supporting detail, main idea, key idea, key point, topic sentence, main, essential, point, evidence, event, specific, directly stated, important, unimportant, because note, support, state, noting details, pay attention to, supporting Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they Interrogative pronouns: who, what, when, where What do I think this (character, thing, or location) is like? What details gave me this idea? Do these details add up? Graphic Organizers Four Square: Detail Vocabulary

Recommended Teaching Aids

Sentence Frames


Language Demands of Noting Details


Is the detail important?

Explain why or why not.

Detail Main Idea


Topic Sentence Detail 1 Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

Detail s Subject

Detail s


Detail s Detail s

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. explains that details bring a description to life. They help us visualize characters, settings and actions. T. chooses a descriptive picture, which he or she does not show the class. T. slowly describes the picture using many vivid details and S. draw the picture as they listen. S. do not show each other their picture until the end. S. compare their drawings before T. reveals the actual picture to the group. T. and S. discuss whether or not the details helped them to paint an accurate picture. Activity modification: For younger or lower proficiency level S., S. may color in a picture according to details given by the T. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING S. work in pairs. One S. sits with his or her back to the board. T. posts a picture on the board. The other student in the pair describes the picture to his/her partner using as many vivid details as possible. The partner draws a picture based on the detailed description. S. check the picture afterwards for accuracy and switch roles to repeat activity based on another picture. Extension: S. work in pairs using maps or school floor plans. One student provides detailed step-by-step directions as his/her partner draws the path/directions on the map as dictated by their partners. S. compare their map with their partners map and/or the teachers map. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. work in small groups. Each group is given a short story about a topic, such as frogs. T. provides each group with a large graphic organizer (subject/detail web). T. circulates the room and helps each group determine the main idea specific to their text. Groups read and highlight the details learned from the text. Ex. Tadpoles are baby frogs. S. fill-in the graphic organizer with the details. Groups cover the middle of their webs and present the details that they found to the rest of the class. Class members must then guess the main idea based on the presented details. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. work in pairs or small groups to create a fictional monster or superhero. S. discuss characters physical traits and capabilities. S. share the pen and write a descriptive paragraph about their monster or superhero. Extension: Groups exchange papers and read each others paragraphs. S. illustrate other groups monster or superhero based on the details in the paragraph. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. discusses how not all details are important. Unimportant details simply provide us with background knowledge, whereas, important details provide us with information such as how a character feels or what they think. T. reads aloud a story and distributes sentence strips containing details from the story. S. read details and determine importance. S. sort sentence strips into a pocket chart or T-Chart on the board under the categories important/unimportant. S. discuss reasoning for their decisions. Extension: S. work in small groups or pairs to read another short text and complete an important details graphic organizer.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Language Demands of Identifying Character Traits Character- a person, animal, or personified object in a book, play, or movie Collection of features that bring the character to life (physical features, personalities, behaviors, appearance, etc.) The author may tell us the character traits directly (explicitly), or show us these traits in the things that the character does (implicitly) (word choice, description, dialogue, actions). Readers infer abstract traits and values from literal details contained in a text Simple present and past tense sentences with linking verb be + predicate adjective Ex. (Character) is shy. (Character) was shy. Third person singular of present tense verbs Ex. She feels anxious. Simple present and past singular subject and verbs in the present and past tense Ex. (Character) reads a book. (Character) read a book. Sentences with like(d) + infinitive (to + verb) as object of verb Ex. (Character) likes to sleep. (Character) enjoys sleeping. (Character) liked to sleep. Sentences with has(had) + adjective + noun (Character) has orange fur. (Character) had orange fur. Prefixes and Suffixes (un-, -ful, -less, -ly, -ous, etc.) Ex. unhappy, unwilling, uncooperative, graceful, doubtful, peaceful, careless, ruthless, helpless, friendly Combining sentences with coordinating conjunctions Ex. (Character) is thoughtful because she sent her mom a birthday card. (Character) is (trait) because he __________. (Character) works hard. (Character) likes to _____, so it is (trait). (Character) has ________. He looks like he is ________ because he _____________. He looks as if he ___________ because he ______________.
Sentence Frames Vocabulary Grammar

like, enjoy, feel, feeling, has character, character actions, trait, features, personality adjectives (character traits) reference, inference
Reference from the text My inference about the character Character Traits

Graphic Organizers
What the character does What the character says What the character feels What the author feels about the character What other characters say about the character

Text Support

Text Support

Text Support

Character Trait Map

What the character says and does How the characters looks and feels Character Trait What others think about the character How I feel about the character

Other Resources Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book about Adjectives by Ruth Keller Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What is an Adjective? by Brian Cleary


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. and S. describe the characters of a text. T. writes adjectives describing the characters traits on cards and puts them in a basket. S. pick a card to act out the adjective using their own experience. Extension activity: S. dramatize/write the story from the point of view of one of the characters. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. asks What words would you use to describe (character)? T. writes words on the words on the character web. S. play Twenty Questions. One student picks a character from a text, and pretends to be that character. S. ask a maximum of twenty questions to find out who the character is. S. can only answer yes or no. Ex. S1: Are you a man?, S2: Yes, S3: Are you brave?, S2: No LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING T. lists character traits of familiar characters without the characters names. S. partner read the lists and identify who is being described. S. discuss the adjectives in each list and cite specific events and details from the text that support the accuracy of the adjectives on the lists. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. lists character statements from a text. S. should decide who said it. S. choose one characters statement and answer the question: What can you tell about the character from the statement? S. complete a graphic organizer and explain the character traits related to what a character says and does. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. list character traits for the main character of a text. S. narrow the list down to six traits that tell the most about the character. S. vote on the best six traits. S. take each trait and find the place in the text that shows that the character fits the description. S. make a WANTED poster for the character. S. draw and write a description using character traits. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. create riddles describing the characters of a text. T. models the language structures with have/has/had or the verb to be in present and past tense. S. use the modeled language structure and create a riddle. Ex. This character is _______, _______, and _______. Who is it? This character has ______, ______, and ______. Who is it?

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Language Demands of Compare and Contrast To compare is to examine and analyze similarities; to contrast is to examine and analyze differences When we compare two or more items or people, we look for things that are the same. When we contrast, we tell how two or more things or people are different. Simple present and past tense sentences with the verbs to have and to be with the adjective following the main noun Ex. Jamie is brave. The lion has giant teeth. Subject Verb Agreement Ex. Birds have feathers. A fish has scales. Grammar Sentence Frames Vocabulary Recommended Teaching Aids Comparatives using er or more with than or but Ex. Sue is taller than Tim. The flowers are more beautiful than the trees. Superlatives using est or most Ex. Anne is the smartest of them all. Maria is the most intelligent of them all. Compound sentences using the coordinating conjunctions and and but Ex. Clifford is red, but Spot is white. Demonstrative Adjectives, such as this, that, these, those Ex. This ball is small. That one is big. To compare: ____ and ____ are alike because _____. They both _______. To contrast: _____ is _____, but _____ is _____. ____ differs from ___ because _____. Even though ____ is _____, _____ is _____. Compare, same, same as, like, alike, similar, similarly, similarity, both, and, also, as well as, too, in common, commonalities Contrast, different, differ, difference, unlike, but, although, even though, in contrast, instead Adjectives that describe events, characters, and content-specific themes. Antonyms: This book is funny. That one is serious.

because, this, that, these, those, is/are, has/have Graphic Organizers Difference Similarity Difference What is different? What is the same? What is different?

Item 1

Item 2

How are they alike?

How are they different? Websites

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. compares/contrasts objects in the classroom and models the correct use of the language structure and target vocabulary, such as, This pencil is longer than the crayon, but both items are used to write. The map is flat, but the globe is round. However, they both display bodies of water and continents. T. teaches/reviews the vocabulary necessary to compare and to contrast, and posts the vocabulary in a sorted list. T. displays two related pictures (ex. different types of events, games, food, shapes, etc.) or characters from a previously read story. T. asks students to compare and contrast the two related pictures and/or characters orally using the appropriate language structure and target vocabulary. T. records their responses on a graphic organizer. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING PART I: T. chooses a familiar selection (leveled reader, excerpt from anthology selection, library book, etc.) that has two main characters and/or major events in the plot. After building background knowledge and teaching story-specific vocabulary, T. reads story aloud to students. T. thinks aloud while reading, and draws comparisons, modeling the appropriate language structure and target vocabulary. For example, ____ and ____ are alike because _____. They both _______. _____ is _____, but _____ is _____. At the end of the story, T. and S. generate the target language structures and vocabulary necessary to compare and to contrast, and post them in a visible place. T. asks students to turn and talk to a partner (and use the target language structures and vocabulary) to compare and to contrast two characters/events orally. T. listens for correct use of the target language structures and vocabulary. S. share one or two examples with the class, and together T. and S. record their responses on a group graphic organizer. S. complete a separate graphic organizer independently, with a partner, or with teacher support, depending on their individual needs. PART II: T. and S. discuss the similarities and differences of the characters and/or events that were recorded on the individual graphic organizers. Using the students responses, T. crafts a short, model sentence/paragraph on the board. T. reviews the vocabulary necessary to compare and to contrast, and reviews the language structures that students are expected to use in their writing. S. use the sentence structure provided by the teacher if necessary to write their sentences/paragraph. S. transfer the information from their graphic organizers into sentence/paragraph form. S. may write their sentences/paragraphs independently, with a partner, or with teacher support depending on the individual needs of the students.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition A category is a group of related objects (people, animals, things, ideas, events, actions, characters, etc.) that are alike. When we categorize, we tell how the parts of the group are similar. When we classify, we sort objects into groups according to their similarities. Several things that have something in common can be classified under the same category. When we categorize and classify, we identify: relevant features/characteristics in order to sort objects; relevant features in order to determine categories; the similarities and differences between categories. Simple present tense sentences with the verb to be followed by a predicate adjective Ex. The crayon is blue. Present tense sentences with the verb to have followed by a noun, or an adjective and a noun Ex. A fish has scales. A canary has yellow feathers. Demonstrative adjectives This is a non-living thing. Those are examples of living things. Negatives Ex. Snakes are not mammals. Herbivores do not eat meat.. Grammar Vocabulary Sentence Frames Recommended Teaching Aids The ________ is __________ and the _________ is also _____________. They are alike because they both have ______________. These things belong together because _______________. This is(has) ________ but this is(has) _____________.


Language Demands of Categorizing and Classifying

same, similar, similarities, alike, both, in common, also, too different, differences, differ, unlike category, categorize, classify, classification, group, sort, belong, arrange, put into, together, separate features, characteristics, trait, attribute object, item, all, some, not, none Demonstrative adjectives: this, these, that, those Graphic Organizers Category Category
Category Category

Category Category Category

Category Category

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Teacher Modeling T. conducts a think aloud while placing objects in groups based on color, modeling the target language. Ex. T. puts all the blue objects together saying, This ball is blue. This pencil is blue. The ball and the pencil are the same color. We can group them together. All these things are blue. T. then shows S. pictures or objects and has the students sort the items according to set categories. S. discuss why an item belongs in a specific category based on its characteristics using the target vocabulary and language structures. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. reads a story that lends itself to categorizing and classifying to the S. S. categorize objects from the story. T. models filling in the T-chart or graphic organizer. Activity extension: S. can think-pair-share to generate additional items to add beyond the story to the whole group graphic organizer. (Ex. Their favorite activities during the winter and summer months.) LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. will read a text that lends itself to categorizing and classifying; S. complete a graphic organizer based on the contents of the text independently, in pairs, groups or with teacher support depending on language proficiency level and needs. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. will engage in a treasure hunt. T. will set the criteria for categorizing classroom objects such as round, square, smooth, rough, etc. S. will work in pairs to complete a graphic organizer based on the pre-determined categories. Groups will post their graphic organizers. S. will circulate to read, review, and add to the posted charts.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description A fact is something that is true and can be proven. An opinion is a personal judgment or belief. A fact is something that can be verified and is absolute. An opinion is a view or judgment that is not necessarily based on facts. When we differentiate between fact and opinion we: Look for parts of the text that can be proven (fact) Look for signal words that can signify opinions (opinion) Simple or compound declarative sentences to express factual statements Ex. Ducks lay eggs. An island is surrounded by water on all sides, but a peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides and remains attached to the mainland. Modals to express facts and opinions Ex. Fish can swim. You should read every day. Superlatives using est or most Ex. Abraham Lincoln was the most eloquent writer of all the American presidents. Negatives Ex. This is not true. This could not be proven because it is a persons belief. I statements Ex. I believe __________ because __________. I think _________ because _________. You/We should It is important In my opinion It seems to me You must admit that It is true that It can be proven that opinion, fact, true, false, feel, believe, viewpoint, belief, reason, justification, support, position, real, prove, proof, why Sentence Frames Vocabulary Recommended Teaching Aids Grammar Modals: Should, have to, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, would always, never, none, most, least, best, worst, sometimes, often but, however, on the other hand, granted, despite, even though, yet, then again, nonetheless, nevertheless, in spite of, consequently, conversely Details/Reasons/Supports
Idea 1 Topic Sentence

The Language Demands of Fact and Opinion

therefore, as a result, for that reason, hence, thus Graphic Organizers Fact Why? Opinion Why?

Idea 2


Idea 3

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/WRITING PART I: T. introduces factual and opinion statements as defined above by providing examples based on a topic that is familiar to the S. while modeling target language structures. T. writes statements while saying them. For example, the T. may state, I think the cafeteria food is the most delicious food I have ever tasted! It is served every day, and always has three items. T. asks S. if his/her statements are true. Using a graphic organizer, T. records the statements under Fact or Opinion. T. asks S. to share other statements orally using the target language structures, and then he/she records them on the graphic organizer. After S. have shared their responses, T. asks S. to explain why they classified their statements as fact or opinion. PART II: S. differentiate between factual and opinion statements on a mixed list and then explain why the statement is a fact or opinion both orally and in writing.

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. introduces the various sections and parts of a newspaper or weekly magazine, such as: front page, editorials, sports, horoscope, local news, advertisements, cartoons, weddings, classified. T. highlights examples of factual and opinion statements in select parts of the newspaper and asks S. to explain why each statement is either a fact or an opinion. T. divides S. into groups or partners and jigsaws the newspaper sections. Each group determines factual and opinion statements in one part of the newspaper by underlining them or by recording the statements on a graphic organizer. S. also tell why each statement is either a fact or opinion. S. share their findings with the class, and together the class draws conclusions about the parts of the newspaper. (Editorials are strong opinions supported by facts, local news is factual, horoscopes are opinions, etc.) Note: Be sure to use newspapers that are age-appropriate for the S., such as Time for Kids, Weekly Reader, National Geographic for Kids, Scholastic News, The MiniPage, etc. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. introduces how to write a persuasive essay or paragraph by modeling the writing process. T. provides sample writing prompt and S. brainstorm opinions and facts to support their opinions. S. record opinions and facts on a graphic organizer. Together as a class, T. and S. draft a persuasive paragraph that gives examples of strong opinions supported by facts. S. draft their own persuasive essay or paragraph independently or with a partner. Sample Writing Prompts: Primary (K-3): The cafeteria offers few food choices for lunch and breakfast. Write a letter to the school principal stating why you think the cafeteria should offer more options for breakfast and lunch. Give at least three reasons to support your opinion. Intermediate Elementary (3-6): The principal at your school has decided that students in grades four through six will not have recess. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the principal and the Student Council that states your position and includes supporting justification for your stance. The PTA has proposed that all students wear uniforms for the upcoming school year. Do you think this is a worthwhile proposal? Write a letter to the president of the PTA that states your position; be sure to support your position with sufficient justification.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Language Demands of Cause and Effect Cause: why something happened; the event that made something occur Effect: what happened; the result When we examine cause and effect, we look at why something happened to determine the cause, and we determine what happened to determine the effect. Why questions with inversion and do/does/did Ex. Why did the snow melt? Why does the snow melt? Grammar Sentence Frames Vocabulary Recommended Teaching Aids What questions with causal verbs: make/cause Ex. What made the snow melt? What caused the snow to melt? The sun made the snow melt. The heat from the sun caused the snow to melt. The heat from the sun caused to snow to melt and evaporate. Use of present/past tense in the conditional clause; use of present/past/future tense or modals in the result Present/future: If it rains, then recess will be indoors. OR Future/present: Recess will be indoors if it rains. Past/modal: If it had rained, then recess would have been indoors. OR Modal/past: Recess would have been indoors if it had rained. If ____ then _______. As a result of __________ , ________ was the outcome. ___________ happened as a result of _____________. (effect) because (cause) . (cause) , so (effect) . Cause, because, why, if, reason Effect, outcome, result, happen, what, then, so

made, since Graphic Organizers cause effect effect cause effect Websites Reason Why

What Happened

What happened? Why did ___ happen? (effect) (cause)

cause effect cause cause

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. provides real life examples to demonstrate cause and effect relationships. Ex. T. turns out lights in the classroom, and asks what happened and why. T. models correct use of linguistic features, such as, What happened when I turned out the lights? Why? The room got dark because I turned out the lights. T. draws on students background knowledge by asking students to state real life examples of cause and effect, such as, We had indoor recess because it rained. T. shows pictures that illustrate cause and effect, such as a snowman melting. Ask what and why questions pertaining to the picture. Use songs and/or poetry to demonstrate/review cause and effect relationships. After listening to a song or reading/listening to a poem, T. asks why and what questions regarding the cause and effect relationships in the song/poem. T. uses another story/poem/song and S. ask and answer why and what questions about the story/poem/song. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING The Great Ball Toss: S. and T. form a circle. T. begins a sentence stating the cause and throws the ball to a student who states the effect. For example: T: If I turn off the lights S. it gets dark. After much practice with T. created sentence starters, advanced students create the causal clause and throw the ball to another S. for the effect. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/WRITING S. illustrate two pictures to show a cause and its effect. Then S. write a sentence using because to explain the cause and effect relationship using the sentence frame, _____ because _____. S. will share their cause and effect illustrations. Class will ask why and what questions about the illustrations. S. will answer the question using because in a complete sentence. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING Find Your Match: T. divides class into two groups: causes and effects. T. gives a picture to each student (Ex. rain/umbrella, snow/snowman) and they must walk around the room to find their match. When students find their match they must say and write the cause and effect statement as taught in class. Class comes back together and shares out before trading pictures and starting the procedure again. At the end of the activity, the sentences are posted in the room with the pictures for S. to examine. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. chooses a short text that explains why something happens. T. reads story aloud to students. T. models sentence frames to use for cause/effect. Have S. think about why things are happening and find examples in the text. S. practice using the target sentence frames to share their findings and record them on the cause and effect (why/what) graphic organizer.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Realism: genre in which characters are involved in events that really happen or could happen Fantasy: genre that uses magic and other supernatural forms as primary elements of plot, theme, and/or setting A highly imaginative story about characters, places, and events that, while sometimes believable, do not exist When we differentiate between fantasy and realism, we look for elements that are: unrealistic like talking animals or magical powers (fantasy) real or can really happen (realism) If a text has any elements of fantasy and some realism, it is still considered a fantasy. Modals can/could + negative not Ex. A pig cannot talk. Demonstrative pronouns Ex. This can really happen. That could not really happen. Conjunction because, so, and Ex. That is fantasy because a duck cannot read. The trees walked to the stream, so that is fantasy. Negative Contractions Ex. Trees cant walk. Simple past tense Ex. The trees walked to the stream. Past progressive verb tense Ex. The students were writing together. ___________ is fantasy/realism. The _________ could not really happen, so it is fantasy. That could not really happen, so it is ________. This is realism/fantasy because _________. I know that ________ is _________ because __________. fantasy, realism, reality, real, genre, fiction, non-fiction, make-believe, really happen, fairy tales, folk tales, nursery rhymes, myth, legend, true, false characters, setting, problem, solution, events, different, alike, similar, personification good, evil, magic, elements, mythical, powers, objects, magical, creatures Modals: can, could, would Negative contractions: dont, doesnt, cant, wouldnt Demonstrative pronouns: this, that Fantasy Bookmark Graphic Organizers Personification Web Vocabulary
Fantasy or Realism Graphic Organizer Fantasy Realism Example Why Example Why Characters Animal Objects Events Setting

Language Demands of Fantasy and Realism

Recommended Teaching Aids

Sentence Frames


Title ___________________

Says Sees

Hears Character Feels


List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read.



Other Resources: Better Than Book Reports, by C. Boardman Moen

Talking animals/objects Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________ Magical Powers Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________ Medieval/Mythical elements Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________ Pg.___________________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. close their eyes and pretend to be at the beach. T. and S. talk about the sand, the water, the sun, the wind, and how these things feel on their skin. S. open their eyes, T. asks Were you really at the beach or did you create a fantasy about being at the beach? T. asks, Where are you really? T. asks S. to talk about characters that they have read about in stories and movies, T. records their ideas on the board. T. chooses at least two of the students examples, one based on realism and one on fantasy. For each example, T. asks questions about the characters: Does the character act like a real person? Is the character make- believe? Does the story take place in a real location or is the setting make-believe? Are the events in the story true or are they mostly make-believe? Could the events in the story happen in real life? Could the character exist in real life? T. reads a story aloud, stopping to ask, Could this happen in real life? Why or Why not? Discuss the fact that if a book has fantasy and some realism, it is still considered a fantasy. S. partners use the fantasy bookmark as they read another story to determine if their text is fantasy or realism. S. present their stories as fantasy or realism to the class, using their bookmarks. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING Part I: T. asks S. to think about the meaning of the words realism and fantasy and gives examples from books they have read. T. explains that fantasy stories are a great opportunity for students to use their imaginations. S. imagine the characters, the places, and the events as they listen to the story. T. says, Imagine that you can see what is happening in the story as if you are watching a movie. This will help you to remember and understand what is happening in the story. T. reads aloud a fantasy story and S. think about the parts of the story that are realistic and the parts of the story that are fantasy. T. and S. complete a graphic organizer. S. provide examples from the story that belong in each category. S. turn to a partner and use the elements from the graphic organizer to discuss why the story is fantasy, using the correct language models. S. share their ideas with the class. Part II: S. read a story together. S. complete a T-chart listing four things that are realism (could really exist or happen) and four things that are fantasy (could not really exist or happen). S. create a paragraph from the graphic organizer, with T. support as needed. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. places a collection of books that have a common subject/theme. The collection should contain books with characters/objects portrayed in a realistic way as well as fantasy. S. read or skim the material at their tables. S. tell what the books have in common. T. lists on chart paper how the objects were portrayed in the books. Responses could include: scary, sly, smart, funny, etc. T. and S. create a graphic organizer with two main sections: Realism and Fantasy (T-chart). T. and S. find passages/pictures in the texts to support whether the book is fantasy or realism. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING T. gives S. picture/sentence cards with events from a familiar text. T. forms two large loops of yarn or places two hula-hoops on the classroom floor. One loop is for fantasy and the other is for realism. S. stand inside the loop that he or she believes represents the picture/sentence card from the story. T. and S. discuss the decisions of each student. T. tabulates the results by putting each child's initials in the appropriate place. T. asks, According to our chart, is this story realism or fantasy? Explain why. T reminds S. that if a story has even one element of fantasy, it is considered fantasy. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. and S. describe characters, objects, and/or animals from a familiar story. S. create their own fantasy characters/objects in the form of puppets, using a variety of materials. As S. work on their puppets, T. helps students think about the ways in which their creatures will be magical; T. says, A magical creature might look like a real animal, but have unusual features such as fiery breath, long claws, or beautiful wings. S. invent names for their creatures and gives them personalities. S. present their puppets to the rest of the class, introducing the creature by name and explaining what makes it magical. S. might wish to present in pairs, introducing each other's creatures. S. work in groups to create puppet shows featuring their magical creatures. S. write a story about their creatures, with teacher support as needed.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description A conclusion is a decision made based on facts or an opinion formed after considering relevant information/evidence. When we draw conclusions, we: rely on what we know (our own personal experiences and background) use story clues (illustrations + text) notice story clues and think about what they mean make inferences about events in a story identify feelings based on a characters actions identify details in a story that can be used to draw conclusions Comparatives and Superlatives Ex. She was the best student in the class. He was the most prepared. Complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions that, because Ex. I think that he was sad because he was crying. Simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs Ex. I smelled the popcorn. Sue heard the drum roll. Past progressive tense Ex. I knew that the circus was going to end soon. Demonstrative adjectives. Ex. We based our conclusion on that piece of evidence. These events led me to the following conclusion ______________________. This makes me think that ____________ because ____________. _________ makes me conclude that _________. Based on the evidence, I decided that _________________________. I determined that the character _____________________ because _________________________. Based on my prediction, I concluded _______________________. Therefore I concluded _________________ based on the information. I conclude/believe/think/know that ________. It seems like _________. I suppose _________. Based on page________ I think that ________. Based on the text, I have concluded that _____________________. conclude, determine, decide, draw, draw a conclusion, know, happen, suppose, support conclusion, inference, prediction, story clue, clues, facts, evidence, events, sensible, relevant therefore, because, since, this, that, these, those Graphic Organizers
Clues Conclusion Detail Prediction

Language Demands of Drawing Conclusions

Recommended Teaching Aids


Sentence Frames


+ +

Story Clues What I Already Know My Conclusion

Detail Detail Conclusion

Story Events/ Details


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING After activating prior knowledge, T. explains to S. that a conclusion is a sensible decision they reach based on details or facts in the story. T. explains that when they draw conclusions, they also use what they already know. T. models using his/her own experiences to draw a conclusion. Ex. I heard the loud sound of dance music. I also heard people laughing. The smell of food filled the air. Therefore, I concluded that there was a party next door. T. discusses with S. that they can combine what they already know with the details or clues to draw a conclusion. T. shows sets of two to three picture cards that show a sequence of events such as a thriving plant, a family with suitcases, and a dead plant. T. draws a conclusion modeling the target language. Ex. I know that plants need water to live. This makes me conclude that the plant died because the family was not there to water it. S. orally draw conclusions based on the pictures using the target language and structures. Extension: S. are given a set of pictures. S. discuss what conclusions can be drawn from the pictures and write a conclusion using the target language. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING S. pick a picture/word card of a person, place, or thing (noun). Without speaking, S. act out the card that they have providing non-verbal visual clues. Using the target language structure, the class shares their conclusions (guesses) about the presentations. S. also explain the clues they saw that lead them to their conclusion. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING T. explains that when we solve a riddle, we use what we know and the information we get from the clues in order to draw a conclusion. T. gives the class several riddles to solve such as Sometimes I am white and sometimes I am grey. A plane can fly through me. What am I? T. models solving the riddle by drawing a conclusion using the target language and vocabulary. S. break into pairs and write additional What am I? riddles. Groups exchange papers and solve each others riddles. Extension: T. sets up a classroom treasure hunt. S. work in teams. Clues are scattered around the room. Ex. I am round and red. I am near a window. (clock) After locating the correct object, S. will find another written clue by that object. As S. move from clue to clue, they record their findings on a graphic organizer. LANGUAGE TARGET: SPEAKING/LISTENING/READING/WRITING After reading a text, T. will give the class a conclusion based on the storys events. S. will revisit the text to find evidence that supports that conclusion and record it on a graphic organizer. S. may work independently, in pairs, groups or with teacher support depending on language proficiency level and needs.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Definition Description Making judgments is making a decision about a text based on your own experiences and evidence that you find in the text To judge is to make a decision based on evidence A judgment is an opinion, belief, or preference; valid judgments require a person to understand and evaluate information When reading a text we: make judgments about whether the topic is interesting, the information is accurate, whether we agree/disagree with the authors ideas, and whether to take action or make personal choices based on what we read make judgments based on what we observe, how it makes us feel, what we have learned in the past, and what seems to make sense at the time Regular past tense Ex. (Character) did all of the work on the farm. Grammar Sentence Frames Recommended Teaching Aids Vocabulary Irregular past tense Ex. (Character) ate all of the vegetables. Combining sentences using the coordinating conjunctions so, but, that, because, even though Ex. (Character) did all of the work on the farm, so he should eat the vegetables. I like to read but the main character does not. Modals that denote judgment Ex. Children should do their homework every night. You should be ashamed of yourself. I like to _________________, but the main character likes to ___________________. The characters action shows that (judgment). I prefer _______________ because ___________________. judging, judgment, like, as, the same as, because, opinion, preference, belief, why, believe, prefer, rather, feel, think Descriptive adjectives to show likes and dislikes: bad, good, mean, nice, kind, helpful, smart Modals: ought to, should Contrast signal words: are similar to, but, however, unlike, different than, same as, even though

Language Demands of Making Judgments

Graphic Organizers Questions Responses Character 1 ____________ Character 2 ____________ Text evidence/support Text evidence/support Text evidence/support Topic Judgment Judgment Judgment


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. asks S. questions involving judgments (emphasizing students answering why), Do you prefer cereal or eggs for breakfast? Why? Would you rather read a scary story or a book of poetry? Why? After discussing each question, T. asks S. to make a list of 4-5 similar questions to ask other S. S. will ask their partner the questions and report back to the class. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING T. explains to students what it means to make judgments. After reading a familiar text, T. and S. create questions for the main characters. S. play the role of a character from the text (costume or use of props is optional), and will respond to questions as that character. T. explains that by taking on the role of the character, they are making judgments about that character, other characters, and events in the story. S. must become the character and answer questions as the character would. Extension activity: T. poses a question/topic from the text for the student characters to debate. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. reads a text aloud and asks, What do you think about the characters actions? What would you have done if you had been in the same situation? S. complete a T-Chart describing the characters and themselves. S. will take the information from the T-Chart and write sentences or paragraphs, depending on their language proficiency. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. write a book review. S. will read their reviews to a partner and discuss. A good review should include: a description of the content of the book and how it compares to similar books, a detailed account of their thoughts going into their ratings (Ex. I only gave the story a 3.5 rating because...), suggestions on what they might have done to improve the book (an alternate ending or writing from a different character perspective). LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. and S. review important traits from familiar characters. Partners choose a character from a text. Partners complete a character trait report card giving the character a rating (letter, number, symbol, etc.). S. must write why the rating was assigned to the character. Ex. I gave (character) a D in (trait) because _____________________________. S. share their judgments with the class. T. leads a discussion on if S. agree or disagree with the groups judgments of the character. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. writes character traits on one set of cards and the corresponding pictures of characters on another set. S. categorize and classify the cards. S. write sentences based on the sorting activity. I think the word that best describes (character) is (trait) because ________________________________. In the story, he _________________. I think the word that least describes (character) is (trait) because ___________________________. In the story, he _____________________. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. reads a brief editorial newspaper article aloud. T. asks: What is the authors opinion? Does the author support the ideas and opinions with reliable details or reasons? S. share their judgments about the topic and information. S. and T. identify evidence in the article that support their judgments. T. and S. complete a graphic organizer about their judgments. Using the information from the graphic organizer, S. write sentences or a paragraph, depending on their language proficiency.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Language Demands of Text Features Elements of the text that support the reader in understanding the text Distinct or special characteristics of the text that aid or support reader When we read, text features such as, title, bold print, caption, photograph, table, chart, italics, and subheadings help us understand the text. Common prepositions Ex. The caption is under the picture. The labels are beside the chart. Demonstrative adjectives Ex. This is an example of bold font. That is a table. Grammar Sentence Frames Vocabulary Recommended Teaching Aids Simple present and past tense Ex. The photograph helps me to understand the text better. The headings helped me to understand the text. Articles Ex. a, an, the Comparative/superlative forms of adjectives Ex. most, more, good, better, best The _____ is on the _______. There is a _______ between the _______ and _______. This is a ______. That is an ______. The ______ helped me to understand _______ because ___________. The ________ helps me understand ________. The most useful text feature was the __________ because ___________. text, feature, understand, useful table of contents, index, glossary, appendix diagram, sketch, graph, figure, map, chart, table, arrow, timeline bold print, colored print, bullets, titles, headings, subheadings, italics, captions, labels illustrations, photographs, drawings Common Prepositions: a, an, the, on, in, under, underneath, above, beneath, against, beside, over, after, around, at, at the top (bottom), below, between, in, inside, within, behind, next to, in front of Demonstrative Adjectives: this, that, these, those Graphic Organizers Text Feature Resource How It Helped Me Understand the Text Text Feature Websites Description Examples

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING Identifying Text Features T. provides examples of a text (newspapers, kid friendly magazines, expository text, narrative text, etc.) with text features that the students will learn in class. T. provides an enlarged copy of the text on an overhead or visualizer. The T. and S. label the specific text features. T. and S. make a poster with the text feature vocabulary, an example, and a description to post in class, as shown above. T. models the use of common prepositions and/or articles. Ex. The title is at the top of the page. The T. provides S. different texts that contain the text features being studied in class. The S. work in pairs using varied text and explain to their partner where a specific text feature is located using the modeled language structure and target vocabulary. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING How Does it Help? T. reads a text using Read Aloud Strategy, noting text features (ex. timeline, picture with captions, etc.) that help clarify the text. S. work in small groups and are given a target text feature for their group. S. discuss the text feature and how it helped them understand the text. S. then present why this feature helped them understand the text better using the modeled language structures and target vocabulary. For this activity some students may need a sentence frame. Ex. The (text feature) helped me to better understand the text/article/magazine because __________. Then, T. reads aloud a different text that has little or no text features and S. work in small groups to create one text feature which would help readers understand what the author is writing about. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. provides S. with level appropriate informational text containing text features studied in class. T. reviews the appropriate text features and refers to a text feature poster with descriptions and visuals (from activity above). S. work independently, with a partner, or with teacher support, and read their text. S. then record on their graphic organizer the text features they found and how the text features helped them to better understand the text. S. share with the class the text feature they felt helped them the most using the language structures, target vocabulary, and sentence frames modeled by the teacher.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Definition Description Language Demands of Text Organization The way in which informational text is organized Organizational structures of informational text are: description, sequence, cause and effect, compare and contract, problem and solution When we read, recognizing text organizational patterns helps us locate information quickly, determine what is important, and better understand the entire text. We identify signal words that tell us to look for a certain kind of information. For example, such signal words as first, next, last signify sequence of events. Review grammar from: Cause and effect Sequence of events Compare and Contrast Problem and Solution The text organizational structure is ___________ because it has _____________. I believe/think that this selection is __________ because ______________. _____________ shows me that this text is an example of _______________. structure, information, informational text, nonfiction, is organized, organization of text, authors purpose Cause and Effect: because, because of, so, due to, consequently, for that reason Sequence: first, second, next, then, later, last, lastly, after that, finally, eventually Compare and Contrast: like, alike, the same, similar, similarities, both, unlike, different, differences, compared to, by comparison, however, but Problem and Solution: problematic, lead to, as a result of, resolution, solved, resolved, so, therefore Description: describe, mainly, generally, usually, sometimes, can, has/nave, is/are, situated near/at, located in/on, below, above, between Graphic Organizers Text Organizational Structure Type of Text Text Description of Text Signal Words Organizational Organizational Structure Structure Vocabulary Sentence Frames Grammar

Recommended Teaching Aids


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Sample Activities to Support Language Development

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING PART I: T. reviews the different types of organizational text structures with S. T. identifies the places where a particular organizational text structure would be commonly found. Ex. The text structure sequence could be found in many different types of text. Some very common places to find texts that are written with a sequence pattern would be the directions of a recipe, the sequential order of a dictionary, etc. T. elicits discussion of the other text structures and has S. think-pair-share the type of texts in which the text structure would be found. T. continues these discussions for the text structures appropriate for the particular grade level. Examples of text types could be made into a graphic organizer using a T-chart. PART II: After S. find the different types of text that are specific to the particular texts structures, T. and S. write a description for one of the text structures and identify the signal words that were identified in the text for the specified text structure. S. work in groups with one assigned text structure. S. will look at the different types of texts that contain that text structure. S. develop a description of that particular text structure as well as the signal words specific to that text structure. S. share their information with the class and the information can be added to the graphic organizer and posted in the classroom for later use.

LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING S. are placed in heterogeneous groups and assigned a text structure to find in their text. S. are given a newspaper, magazine, textbook chapter, informational text, etc. containing many different text structures. As a group, the S. read the material and find their specified text structure from within selections of the text. The S. write a few sentences giving reasons how their selections show elements of their assigned text structure. S. share with the whole class using the modeled academic vocabulary and target language structures. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING T. provides students with selections of text that have different text structures. Only the text structures that have been taught should be used for this activity. Have S. read their text selections independently, in pairs, or in a small heterogeneous group. S. may use a graphic organizer listing the signal words and descriptions for the text structure to aid in sorting of the text selections. T. may provide modified versions of the same text for S. at a lower reading level. S. sort their text selections by text structure. S. share a few examples of selections they placed in particular categories with reasons using the modeled target vocabulary and language structures. Ex. The text structure is sequence because it has a beginning, middle, and end. The signal words are first, next, and last. LANGUAGE TARGET: LISTENING/SPEAKING/READING/WRITING T. will review the text structures that have been taught. T. models writing a short text that exhibits one of the text structures. T. uses the signal words for that text structure in his/her writing. S. will choose a text structure and write a short text using that text structure and appropriate signal words. S. read their selection to a partner. The partner must tell what type of text structure the student used and why.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



Activate and Connect Predict Infer Question Monitor and Clarify Summarize Evaluate Story Structure Sequence of Events Main Idea and Details Noting Details Identifying Character Traits Compare and Contrast Categorize and Classify Fact and Opinion Cause and Effect Fantasy and Reality Drawing Conclusions Making Judgments Identifying Text Features Organizational Structure of Informational Text Vocabulary


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What I Know

What I Learned

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Words in the Text

My Connection

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How It Helps Me Understand the Story

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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Inference Chart
Text/Pictures What I Conclude

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We Infer It Means

What Helped Us

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Right There

Search and Find

Author and Me

On My Own

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I dont understand ______________ __________________________ __________________________

I will need to reread ____________ __________________________ __________________________

Monitor/Clarify Web

I am confused about ____________ __________________________ __________________________

I will need to read on to find out _____ __________________________ __________________________

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This is clear to me

This related This is This is how I to my confusing clarified to experience (words, understand meaning, etc.)

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Story Map
Title : _______________________________________________________________________________________ Characters: __________________________________________________________________________________ : Setting: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Plot Climax or critical point ____________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Events leading to a problem or conflict: ______________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Ending/Conclusion: ______ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Problem: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Solution: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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Title: ___________________________________ Characters: ______________________________ ________________________________________ Setting: _________________________________ Events Beginning: _______________________________ ________________________________________ Middle: __________________________________ ________________________________________ End: ____________________________________ ________________________________________


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Summary: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Id e a

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Id e a

a Ide




Important Idea: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Important Idea: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Summary: ___________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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Plus (+)

Minus (-)

Questions (?)

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Pros (+)

Cons (-)

Questions (?)

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Authors Purpose

Details from the Text

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Characters Actions and Plot Development Characters Actions Outcomes

Characters Actions


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Sequence Map Beginning 1 Middle 2 End 3

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________


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Sequence Map
Event 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Event 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Event 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Supporting Details: __________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Topic/Subject: _______________________________ Main Idea: __________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Text Features: _____________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Key or Repeated Words/Phrases: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Topic/Subject _____________________________________________________________________________ I think the main idea is _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

These details support the main idea:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

These text features support the main idea:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

These key words/phrases support the main idea:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

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Subject/Topic: ________________________________________ Main Idea: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

First/Topic Sentence

Last Sentence

Text Support

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Text Support





Is the detail important?

Explain why or why not.

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Four Square
Detail Detail


Main Idea


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Detail Detail Detail

Detail Detail Detail

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Topic Sentence ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Detail 1 ______________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Detail 2 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Detail 3 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Detail 4 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

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What the character does

Reference from the text My inference about the character

What the character says

What the character feels

What the author states about the character

What other characters say about the character

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Character traits

Text Support: ______________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Text Support: ______________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Text Support: ______________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

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Character Trait Map What the character says and does: What other characters think about this character: ____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

How the character looks and feels:


How I feel about the character:


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Character Web

Character: _________________

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What is Different?

What is the Same?

What is Different?

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Item 1

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

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Item 2




Categorize and Classify Chart

Category: Category:

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Title: _______________ ____________________




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Title: ____________________________________ Category Category Category

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Fact and Opinion Fact Why? Opinion Why?

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Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Topic Sentence: _________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

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Cause: ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Effect: ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Effect: ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

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Reason Why (Cause)

What Happened (Effect)

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What Happened? (Effect)

Why did ______ happen? (Cause)





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Fantasy or Realism Graphic Organizer

Fantasy Example Why Example Realism Why


Animals Objects Events


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Name Personification Web









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Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________

Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________

Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________

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Story Clues

What I already Know Already Know

My Conclusions

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Story Events/ Details


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Character 1 Character 2

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Topic: __________________________________
Text evidence/Support

_______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________
Text evidence/Support _______________________

Judgment _________________________________

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________

Judgment _________________________________

Text evidence/Support

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________

Judgment _________________________________

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________

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Text feature


How It Helped Me Understand the Text

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Text Feature



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Text Structure


Signal Words


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Text Structure

Type of Text

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Relationship Word Wheel

______________ is to _______________ as ______________ is to_____________

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Notes for Teaching Reading to English Language Learners (ELLs) Prepared by PGCPS ESOL Program Small Group Differentiated Instruction Using Houghton Mifflin Reading Materials
The Handbook for English Language Learners (ELL-HB) One resource for teachers who are working with ELLs in small reading groups is the Handbook for English Language Learners (ELL-HB). It contains: Background information on teaching ELLs Suggested daily lesson plans for ELL groups A summary of each major reading selection in the anthology, and Picture-word cards for language development activities. The beginning sections of this Handbook provide important information about second language acquisition, proficiency levels and strategies for instruction of ELLs. There are many suggested activities in the Handbook for each lesson to accommodate a variety of student abilities. The activities are divided into three categories: Language Development, Literature Focus, and Skill Focus. English Language Learners Practice Book (ELL-PB) The ELL Practice Book is a consumable book for each student in the group. It contains: A poem to introduce the anthology selection, A summary of the anthology selection, and Picture-word cards pages for vocabulary work for each selection in the anthology. Student Profile: The following suggestions are intended for teachers of groups of students identified as ESOL proficiency levels 1 and 2 who are reading several years below grade level. Among these students, there will be a range of abilities in both oral communication skills and reading levels. Instruction is targeted for the students with some basic understanding of spoken English, but even beginners with very little English will be able to benefit from the strategies and techniques described below. Adjustments will need to be made according to the composition of any particular group. Suggestions for Development of Reading Skills of ELLs: Phonemic Awareness Introduce each theme with reading/recitation of the poem ELL Handbook. Focus on rhyming words and word families. Have students echo-read and practice poem recitation daily. Create lists of words that illustrate the same phonics pattern/word families. Continually review and practice. Phonics In every lesson, include some phonics instruction using Balanced Literacy techniques and strategies for earlier grade levels. Select vocabulary words according to the phonics pattern they illustrate and their relation to the anthology selection. Use the phonics review sequence in HM Teachers Edition whenever possible. Add more common, easy words that illustrate the same spelling/phonics pattern. Pace as needed. Have students use words in their lists to write simple sentences. Create and build word walls with word families, vowel combinations, etc. Have students keep a journal for phonics work, vocabulary lists, and other written work. Continually assess, review and practice; recycle, repeat, re-teach as needed.

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Vocabulary Select words from the poem that o Relate to the theme/anthology text, o Are common sight words for review and practice, and o Are easily decodable and demonstrate basic spelling patterns. Label poem illustrations with words/sentences. Create lists of vocabulary: word meaning and word attack. Separate vocabulary lists for poem, summary, anthology selection (overlaps) Group words by category transportation, family, etc. Picture-word cards - label them; color them following oral directions; define them; use them in sentences; play Bingo, Memory Game; cut out and put on rings as Flip Cards for practice in centers or during independent time. Other ideas appear in side notes of ELL-HB. Antonym/Synonym matching Comprehension Poem: Discuss the illustration below the poem to clarify meaning. Summary: (ELL-HB and ELL PB) Use the Summary as the basic reading text. Anthology selection: Conduct picture walks to familiarize students with main ideas and vocabulary so that students will be able to participate more fully in mainstream activities. Use Leveled Readers. Audio CD and CD Rom: Independent work or teacher-guided listening/reading Ask comprehension question for detail recall and understanding. (LEA) Write what students say in response to teachers prompts; have students reread what they said. Provide answers, have students make the question (Jeopardy-type game). Antonym/Synonym matching Fluency Poem recitation Echo-reading/choral reading Leveled Readers for extending reading practices Listening to audio CD Leveled Readers and CD-ROM Selection Summary

Materials Language-based Instructional Supplement for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills to English Language Learners Across the Content Areas (PGIN 7690-3760) for students in grades K-6 ELL-Handbook (ELL-HB) Poem Summary Picture-Word Cards ELL Student Practice Book (ELL-PB) Leveled Readers with Teachers Guide (TG) Audio CD Leveled Readers

CD Rom Selection Summaries in Teacher Resource Blackline Masters (TRBM) Practice Masters in Extra Support Handbook

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Giles, S., & Whitham, L. (n.d.) Evaluating: A building block of critical literacy. Retrieved May 2, 2008, from Gottlieb, M. (1999). Guidelines for Wisconsin Alternative Assessment for ELLs. Madison: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Harvey, S. & Goudvis, A. (2005). The Comprehension Toolkit: Language and Lessons for Active Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Firsthand/Heinemann. Kagan, M. (1999). Higher-level Thinking Questions: Intermediate Literature. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishers. Kendall, J. & Khoun, O. (2005). Making Sense: Small Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners. Portland, MA: Stenhouse Publishers. Pollard, L. & Hess, N. (1997). Zero Prep: Ready to Go Activities for the Language Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Alta Book Center Publishers. Raphael, T. (1982). Question-answering strategies for children. The Reading Teacher, 36, 186-190. Rozines Roy, J. (2004). You Can Write Using Good Grammar. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc. Tovani, C. (2000). I Read It But I Dont Get It. Portland, MA: Stenhouse Publishers. Zwiers, J. (2004). Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades 6-12: A Toolkit of Classroom Activities. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Zwiers, J. (2004). Developing Academic Think Skills in Grades 6-12: A Handbook of Multiple Intelligence Activities. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

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Student Resources

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Book Log

Name ___________________________ Author

Book Log
Title Did you like this book?

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Paragraphs Frames

Story Summary Frame

This story is about _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ First, ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Next, ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Finally, __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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Basic Story Frame

Title _____________________________________________________ In this story the problem starts when ___________________________ _________________________________________________________ After that, ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Next, ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Then, ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ The problem is finally solved when _____________________________ _________________________________________________________ The story ends ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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Basic Story Frame with No Sequence of Events

Title___________________________________________________________ The problem in this story was _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ That was the problem because______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ The problem was finally solved when _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ In the end, ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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Sequence Frame
I learned many interesting things about _________________________ _________________________________________________________ First, I learned that _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Next I learned that__________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Finally, I learned that _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ As you can see, it is interesting to learn about____________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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Contrast Frame

___________________and ______________________are different in several ways. They are different in __________________________ because _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ They are different __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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Phonemic Awareness Resources

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Rhymes and Songs

The Name Game

In this song the word rhymes with the persons name, which is placed in the song at the beginning and at the end.

Anna Banna Bo Banna

Banana Fanna Fo Fanna Mee Mi Mo Manna Anna John Bohn Bo Bohn Banana Fanna Fo Fohn Mee Mi Mo Mohn John

The Cookie Jar

In this song a students name will be used to answer the question, Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? The song is broken into individual and class parts. Class: Student: Class: Student: Class: Student: (Name of Child) stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes you. Couldnt be. Then who? (Says the name of a different child)

Repeat the song using the name given by the student.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


A-My Name Is Alice

Each child fills in the blanks of a short story with a word beginning with the same letter as the beginning of his name. A-My name is Alice. My Husbands name is Allen. We come from Alabama. And we sell Alligators.

Willaby, Wallaby, Woo

In this song, which is filled with w words, the students fill in a chorus part with the students name that rhymes with a teacher invented w word. Willaby, wallaby, woo, An elephant sat on you. Willaby, wallaby, we An elephant sat on me. Willaby, wallaby, warryl, An elephant sat on (Darryl). Willaby, wallaby, wammy, An elephant sat on (Tammy). Continue singing naming about eight students.

A Hunting We Will Go
In this rhyming song, an animal is named and an object that rhymes with the animal. A hunting we will go. A hunting we will go. Well catch a fox And put it in a box. A hunting we will go. Rhyming pairs whale-pail fish-dish frog-log cat-hat mouse-house hare-chair

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Miss Mary Mack

This is a rhyming song to teach the students. It is sung whole class. Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack All dressed in black, black, black With silver buttons, buttons, buttons All down her back, back, back She asked her mother, mother, mother For fifteen cents, cents, cents To see the elephants, elephants, elephants Jump over the fence, fence, fence They jumped so high, high, high They touched the sky, sky, sky And they never came back, back, back Til the Fourth of July, Ly, Ly.

Body Parts Game

This game is similar to Simon Says except it is a rhyming game. The students are directed to touch certain parts of their bodies as the teacher leads them. If I say three, put your hands on your knee. If I say beet, put your hands on your feet. If I say rose, put your hands on your nose. Beet! Three! Rose! (Allow wait time for the students figure out each body part.)

Rhyming Pairs

Red-head Fries-eyes Yummy-tummy Ships-lips Fin-chin Boulder-shoulder Land-hand (last rhyme)

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Professional Resources

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



The following professional resources have been referenced in Curriculum Framework Progress Guides for one or more grade-levels.

Allen, Janet. (1999). Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary In Grades 4-12. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Atwell, Nancie. (2002). Lessons That Change Writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Armetto, Beverly J, Klor de Alva, J. J. et al. (1994). America Will Be. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Bear, Donald R, & Invernizzi, Marcia et al. (2000). Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Beers, Kylene. (2003). When Kids Cant Read: What Teachers Can Do-A Guide for Teachers 6-12. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Calkins, Lucy. (2001). The Art of Teaching Reading. New York: Longman. Cooper, J. David. (2000). Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Cunningham, Patricia M. (1996). Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers. Denton, Paula and Kriete, Roxann. (2000). The First Six Weeks of School. Greenfield, MA: Northeast Foundation For Children. Diller, Debbie. (2003). Literacy Work Stations: Making Centers Work. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Fiderer, Adele. (1997). 25 Mini-Lessons for Teaching Writing: Quick Lessons that Help Students Become Effective Writers. New York: Scholastic, Inc. Fletcher, Ralph. (2000). How Writers Work: Finding a Process that Works for You. New York: Harper Trophy/HarperCollins Publishers. Fletcher, Ralph. (1996). A Writers Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You. New York: Avon Books, Inc. Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn. (1998). Craft Lessons: Teaching Writing K-8. New York: Stenhouse Publishers. Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn. (2001). Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide. Portsmouth: Heinemann. Fountas, Irene C. and Pinnell, Gay Su. (2001). Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6:Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Fountas, Irene C. and Pinnell, Gay Su. (1996). Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Gentry, Ph.D., J. Richard. (2000). The Literacy Map: Guiding Children Where They Need to Be (K-3). New York: MONDO Publishing. Gould, Judith S. and Gould, Evan Jay. (1999). Four Square Writing Method for Grades 1-3. Carthage, IL: Teaching & Learning Company. Gould, Judith S. and Gould, Evan Jay. (1999). Four Square Writing Method for Grades 4-6. Carthage, IL: Teaching & Learning Company Hall, Susan. (1994). Using Picture Storybooks to Teach Literary Devices: Recommended Books for Children and Young Adults (Vol.2). Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press. Harvey, Stephanie. (1998). Non-Fiction Matters: Reading, Writing, and Research in Grades 3-8. New York: Stenhouse Publishers.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Harvey, Stephanie and Goudvis, Anne. (2000). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding. New York: Stenhouse Publishers. Hoyt, Linda. (2000). Snapshots: Literacy Mindlessness Up Close. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Hoyt, Linda. (1999). Revisit, Reflect, Retell: Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Keene, Ellin O. and Zimmerman, Susan. (1997). Mosaic of Thought: Teaching Comprehension in a Readers Workshop. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Lipson, Greta B. & Romatowski, Jane A. (1981). Calliope - A Handbook of 47 Poetic Forms & Figures of Speech. Illinois: Good Apple Inc. McCarthy, Tara. (1996). Teaching Genre. New York: Scholastic Inc. McLaughlin, Maureen. (2003). Guided Comprehension in the Primary Grades. Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. Miller, Debbie. (2002). Reading with Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Primary Grades. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Nations, Susan and Alonso, Millissa. (2001). Primary Literacy Centers. Gainesville, Florida: Maupin House Publishing, Inc. Petreshene, Susan S. (1985). Mind Joggers!: 5-15 Minute Activities the Make Kids Think. West Nyack, New York: The Center for Applied Research in Education. Pinnell, Gay Su and Fountas, Irene, C. (1998). Word Matters; Teaching Phonics and Spelling in the Reading/Writing Classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Pinnell, Gay Su and Scharer Patricia L. (2003). Teaching for Comprehension in Reading Grades K-2. New York: Scholastic Inc. Readers Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and Learning. (2002). Wilmington: Great Source Education Group. Robb, Laura. (2003). Literacy Links. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Routman, Regie. (1994). Invitations: Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Spandel, Vicki. (2001). Daybook of Critical Reading and Writing. Wilmington: Great Source Education Group. Strickland, Dorothy S., Ganske, Kathy et al. (2002). Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers: Strategies for Classroom_Intervention 3-6. Portland: Stenhouse Publishers. Sweeney, Jacqueline. (1993). Teaching Poetry: Yes You Can. New York, NY. Scholastic Inc. Teaching Genre: Explore 9 Types of Literature to Develop Lifelong Readers and Writers. (1992). New York: Scholastic Professional Books. Trelease, Jim, ed. (1992). Hey! Listen To This: Stories To Read Aloud. New York, NY: Penguin Books USA Inc. Tiedt, Iris M. (2002). Tiger Lilies, Toadstools, and Thunderbolts. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Wilheim, Jeffrey D. (2001). Improving Comprehension with Think-Aloud Strategies. New York: Scholastic Professional Books.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Technology Resources
NOTE: The following websites may be helpful references for teachers. As websites change frequently, ALWAYS preview the materials carefully before using.

Curriculum Resources
1. - Provides samples of MSA test items. It also has printable test information guides for parents and an index of links to grant sources for teachers. Demographic and test data for schools throughout the state is available. It outlines information pertaining to teacher certification and the state requirements for Reading. 2. Gives updates on the State Curriculum, MSA instructional issues and test samples (when available). 3. Houghton-Mifflins site with student activities and lesson support related to each theme in Invitations to Literacy and Nations Choice. Links to other sites are included, as well as author information and activities. Features a monthly theme and provides writing prompts that relate to that particular theme. It has a section called Teacher View, which is an index of childrens literature selections with teachercreated lessons and reviews. 4. Teachers can use this site to assist them with differentiating instruction by matching students with appropriately leveled text. Enter a book title or author to find its lexile, or enter a lexile or range of lexiles to receive lists of books within that range. Excellent resource for parents to find books appropriate for their childrens independent reading. 5. Order Put Reading First, (free) which describes the findings of the National Reading Panel Report and provides analysis and discussion of the five essential elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness; phonics; fluency; vocabulary; and comprehension. Each section suggests implications for classroom instruction as well as other information. The full National Reading Panel report is available at

General Resources for All Teachers

1. Gives a brief synopsis of childrens literature books. Information can be accessed by a selections reading level or subject matter. 2. The International Childrens Digital Librarys Web site (accessible currently only from cable modem or DSL). Provides digital versions of childrens picture books from around the world. Site can be searched by genre as well as by other categories, including title and author. 3. The American Library Association: Association of Library Services to Children. Click on Cool Sites for Kids from the homepage; go to Favorite Childrens Stories for many websites about childrens books. 4. - Collection of Aesops Fables.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


5. Annotated lists of childrens books by topics, comprehensive list of childrens authors with summaries of each, and other childrens literature information. 6. Features many suggestions for instruction that involve differentiation, comprehension strategies, reading workshops, book lists by topics, etc. 7. Features a database that allows teachers to search for information about literacy assessments, as well as suggestions for selecting appropriate assessments for students. 8. Features author profiles and activities related to specific books published by Random House. 9. Features a list of suggested books for storytelling and a story arts theatre link. It also has an audio feature that allows students to listen to selected stories online. 10. Features an extensive list of links for language arts lesson planning, childrens authors, professional resources, etc. 11. Features unit resources for reading, writing, grammar, literature circles, and internet projects for student participation. 12. - Features resources that assist teachers with planning multicultural lessons. It also has a list of books that stress equity in the classroom, as well as student activities, that help to foster a positive learning environment. 13. is the homepage for the Childrens Book Council. It features resources and suggested activities for celebrating Childrens Book Week and Young Peoples Poetry Week. It also has links to resources that can be used for author studies. 14. Provides leveled text on a variety of topics.

Resources for Primary Teachers

1. Has an online picture dictionary and printable state maps with fact sheets for each state. It also describes strategies for teaching phonemic awareness, word study skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. 2. -Has an index of activities that are characterized by center type, such as art, math, and music. It also has printable lesson plans that correlate with each Arthur episode, and activities related to other popular childrens programs such as Between the Lions and Dragon Tales. 3. is an index of web sites that are categorized by subject matter. These include reading approaches, literacy activities, and writing resources. 4. Features a Literacy Club for each grade level (K-6) that provides links for leveling Rigby books online, using a variety of methods.(DRA, Reading Recovery, and Fountas & Pinnell) It also has lesson plans for selected Rigby titles and Literacy Center Activities for Shared Reading titles.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


5. Offers leveled readers that can be printed and used in small group. 6. Has online emergent books for primary students. 7. Links you to a site that offers leveled books for only the cost of shipping. 8. Resource website for teachers. 9. Offers online comprehension quizzes for leveled books. 10. Website to obtain educational videos. 11. Website for teachers and students. 12. Site for ordering books on tape/cd. 13. - Classroom materials for implementing independent student center activities.

Resources for Intermediate Teachers

1. - Features an online guide that can assist teachers with planning field trips. It also has suggestions for using Smithsonian Museum resources in the classroom. 2. - Features resources to use with the study of biographies. It also has links to activities that reinforce writing and grammar skills. 3. - Features lesson plans for all subjects and templates for organizational tools. It also has suggestions for classroom management and bulletin board displays. 4. - Features lesson plans related to The Discovery Channels educational programs and videos. It also has a puzzle maker that allows teachers to create customized word search puzzles and crossword puzzles with any list of words. 5. - Features a Reading Resources Network link that has articles about Best Practices in Reading. It also has printable sample lessons on guided reading, fluency, phonics, comprehension, and vocabulary development.

Resources for Special Education Teachers

1. - Features links to technology resources that can be utilized in the classroom with special needs students. 2. -Features specific teaching strategies for spelling and oral/written language that can be used with special needs students. It also has printable articles on identifying & assessing students with special needs.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


3. -This site offers free printable worksheets for English, Reading, and Math K-6. 4. -This site is a good informational site on special education disabilities, the law, lessons, articles, worksheets, etc.

Poetry Resources
1. - Features suggestions for writing different types of poetry. It also has a database of humorous poems about school experiences. 2. - This site offers suggestions for teaching different types of poetry and describes activities that can be used with poetry. It also has a poetry theatre link that allows teachers to download versions of poems that can be performed in the classroom. 3. Features humorous poetry selections for students about a variety of topics. It also features links to poetry books that can be used in the classroom. 4. - Has many teacher resource links with suggestions for teaching poetry. It has a search feature that allows you to access biographical information about various poets and their poems. 5. Features a Poetry Club that describes different types of poetry and gives examples of each type. 6. - Features a list of poetic devices and gives examples for each device. 7. - Features activities that help students analyze poetry, as well as activities to use for responding to poetry.

Resources for Students (Teachers must preview websites prior to student use.)
1. - Features interactive games that reinforce grammar, math, and geography. It also has activities that reinforce memory skills. 2. Features online stories and a list of related enrichment activities. It also has games that reinforce vocabulary development and printable versions of all online stories. 3. Features online stories in Talking eBook format. This format has full narration and each word in a story can be sounded out when it is clicked on. 4. Features an online quiz feature that allows students to take quizzes on books that they have read and earn incentives. Students can also find books that they are interested in by keying in personalized criteria, such as grade level and genre. 5. Features online games and activities related to popular Scholastic books series, such as Clifford the Big Red Dog and The Animorphs.
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


6. -This site has virtual tours of all Smithsonian museums, and activities that relate to their exhibits. It provides links to online versions of Smithsonians Muse and Cricket magazines for children, as well as games. 7. - Features online stories and a Whats The Story section that allows students to create a scene online using various pictures that they select and write a story about it. Students can solve word puzzles and riddles. 8. Features printable online news articles. It also has online games such as News Libs; a game similar to the Mad Libs game. The Info Central section features links to online resources about a variety of topics, such as careers and history.

Multicultural Resources
1. -This site contains links to annotated bibliographies of multicultural childrens books. The books are categorized by genre and each annotation includes a grade level designation. 2. -This is the home site for the Multicultural Pavilion. It has links to multicultural activities and a suggested reading lists of books. It also has free printable informational sheets on a variety of topics such as characteristics of a multicultural classroom curriculum. 3. -This site offers free resources for teachers, such as videos, curriculum kits, and guides that help to promote tolerance and equity among different cultures in the classroom. (All requests for materials need to be submitted on school letterhead.) Teachers can search for specific activities by grade level, subject, or tolerance topic.

Writing Resources
1. -This site allows students to read stories and folktales that were written by students from other countries. Students can submit their own original stories or folktales for online publication. 2. This site features an online newspaper that is written by students. Each issue features a central theme that students can write about and discuss. Students can submit original articles, as well as letters. 3. -Students can personalize stories by using drop boxes to select words and phrases that have been omitted from an online story frame. 4. -Allows students to communicate with electronic pen pals around the world. Students can also participate in online themed discussions and work on collaborative projects such as creating fiction/non-fiction books.
5. - Students submit their writing for publication on the site. They can also

design and email their own greeting cards.

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools



This form is to be used by individual teachers to provide a reaction to the curriculum guide currently being used. At the end of each unit taught or after teaching from the entire document, please complete the form and send it to the Supervisor of Elementary Reading/English/Language Arts, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, ISSC Building. Your input is necessary in order to assess what revisions must be made in the document. Thank you for helping to review and revise your curriculum so that it is meaningful to your teaching.

PGIN: 7690-_0802____

__________Kindergarten RELA CFPG__________________________ Name of Document __________________________________________ Name of Unit/Chapter Evaluated ______________________ Instructional/Grade Level __________________ Publication Date No ________

1. In-service was received on this publication. Yes ______

2. The in-service was (adequate, inadequate) for using this document. 3. Teachers could use further in-service on the following topics/chapters/units: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. The errors/omissions noted in the document are on page(s)___________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. The best written and most helpful sections or pages of this document are: __________________________________________________________________ ____ 6. Information needs to be revised on the following: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________ ______

7. The attached material (outline, lesson plan, etc.) should be added to the document. __________________________________________________________________ 8. Did the format of the guide make it easy to use? Yes _____ No _____ 9. What changes would you like to see included? ____________________________
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


__________________________________________________________________ 10. Do the lessons contain realistic teaching time frames? Yes _____ No ______ 11. Are there a sufficient number of teaching lessons/activities? Yes ____ No ____ 12. Are there a sufficient number of available resources listed? Yes ____ No ____

13. Was the content appropriate for the level of teaching? Yes ____ No _____ 14. Does the content adequately provide for Title IX (sex equality) guidelines? Yes ____ No ____ 15. Does the content adequately provide for inclusion of information about multi-cultural and multiracial relationships? Yes ____ No ____ 16. The following suggestions would improve this document: __________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Name (if desired) ______________________________________________ School _____________________________________



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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide- Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten

Prince Georges County Public Schools

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

R277 R277 R277

Listening Center

Reading Center
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Word Study Center

Art Center

Mailbox Center

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Job Application Center

Poetry Center

Read Around the Room

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Write Around the Room

Writing Center
What will happen next? The wolf blew down the house first house so I predict First, the wolf blew down the straw house. Next, he blew down the stick house. Then, he I didnt understand that part. I am going to read it again and think about it.

______________ is to _______________ as ______________ is to_____________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


MULTIPLE MEANINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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Text Structure

Type of Text

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Text Structure

Signal Words



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Text Feature



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Text feature

How It Helped Me Und


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Topic: _______________________________
_______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________

_____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Text evidence/Support Text evidence/Support Text evidence/Support Judgment

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Judgment Judgment




Character 1


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Story Events/ Details


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Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Story Clues

What I already Know

My Con

What I Already Know

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools






Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________

Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Pg. _____________________________

Fantasy Bookmark
Title: ____________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking animals/objects Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Magical Powers Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Medieval/Mythical Elements Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Pg. _____________________________ Personification Web

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools











Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Fantasy or Realism Graphic Organizer

Fantasy Example Why Example


Animals Objects Events



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




What Happened? (Effect)

Why did ______ h (Cause)

(effect) (cause) (cause) (cause)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Reason Why (Cause)

What Happe (Effect)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Cause: ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Effect: ________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Effect: ________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools






Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Topic Sentence: _________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Idea 1: _________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Fact and Opinion Fact Why? Opinion

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Title: ______________________________ Category Category


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Title: _______________ ____________________




Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Categorize and Classify Chart

Category: Category:

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Item 1





_____________________ _____________________ _____________________




Item 2
How are they different? How are they alike?

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




What is Different? What is Different? What is the Same?

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Difference Similarity Difference

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Character Web

Character: _________________

Character _____________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Character traits

______________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

______________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________









Text Support: Text Support: Text Support:

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Topic Sentence _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Detail 1 ______________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Detail 2 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Detail 3 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Detail _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Detail 4

Detail Detail
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Detail Detail Detail Detail

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Four Square


Main Idea


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools





Is the detail important?

Explain why

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Subject/Topic: ________________________________________ Main Idea: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Last Sentence

Text Support

Text Support

First/Topic Sentence

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Topic/Subject _________________________________________________________________

I think the main idea is __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

These details support the main idea: These text features support the main idea: These key words/phrases support the main idea:

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Supporting Details: _________________________


_________________________ Topic/Subject: _______________________________ Main Idea: __________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Text Features: _____________




Key or Repeated Words/Phrase _________________________



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Sequence Map

Event 1 ________________________________________________________________________________



Event 2 ________________________________________________________________________________



Event 3 ________________________________________________________________________________



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Sequence Map Beginning 1 Middle 2

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

_________ _________ _________ _________

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Characters Actions and Plot Development Characters Actions Outcomes

Characters Actions


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools







Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Authors Purpose

Details from the

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Pros (+)

Cons (-)

Questions (?)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Plus (+)

Minus (-)

Questions (?)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Important Idea: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Important Idea: ________________ ______________________________



Summary: _________________________________________________







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Summary: _____________________________________________







Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Ide a

Id e a



Title: ___________________________________ Characters: ______________________________ ________________________________________ Setting: _________________________________ Events Beginning: _______________________________ ________________________________________ Middle: __________________________________ ________________________________________ End: ____________________________________ ________________________________________


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Story Map

Title : ________________________________________________________________________

Characters: ___________________________________________________________________ : Plot

Setting: _______________________________________________________________________

Climax or critical point ____ ______________________ ______________________

Events leading to a problem or conflict: ______________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________





Problem: ____________________________________________________________________


Solution: _____________________________________________________________________


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools





This is clear to me

This related This is This to my confusing clar experience (words, und meaning, etc.)

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




I dont understand ______________ __________________________ __________________________

I will need to reread _



Monitor/Clarify Web

I am confused about ____________ __________________________ __________________________

I will need to read on to



Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools





Right There

Search and Find

Author and Me

On My Own

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools





We Infer It Means


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Inference Chart

What I Conclu

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Prediction Outcome Connection How It Helps Me Understand the Story

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Words in the Text

My Connection

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




What I Know

What I Learned

Conclusion Detail


Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


+ =
Clues Detail Conclusion

Prediction Story Events/ Details Conclusion What I Already Know Story Clues My Conclusion

Other Resources: Better Than Book Reports, by C. Boardman Moen

Feels Does Sees Character Says Smells Hears cause cause effect

cause effect cause

cause effect Reason Why What Happened R336

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools

What happened? Why did ___ happen? (effect) (cause)

Idea 3

Idea 2

Topic Sentence

Idea 1



Title Category
Category Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Category Category Category

Item 2

Item 1

Character Trait

Other Resources Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book about Adjectives by Ruth Keller Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What is an Adjective? by Brian Cleary
Text Support Text Support Text Support Character Traits
Details Details Subject Details

Main Idea
Details Details

Key or Repeated Words/ Phrases: Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


_______________ __________________ Text Features: _______________ ________________

Topic/Subject: _____________ Main idea: ____ _____________ _____________

Supporting Details: _______________ _________________

Reading Response Journal Topic/Subject ______________ I think that the main idea is ______________ _____________________________________
These details support the main idea: ____________ ____________ These text features support the main idea: _____________ _____________ These key words/ phrases support the main idea: ______________ ______________

Subject/Topic:______ Main Idea: __________ ________________________

Event 3

Picture of event
Event 2

Picture of event Picture of event

Event 1 Ending Solution:__________ __________________ Problem: __________ _________________ Middle Beginning Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


Characters Actions and Plot Development

Characters Action Outcomes

Characters Action


Story Map Title: __________ Author: ___________ Characters: _____________Setting:_____________ Plot Climax



Summary: ________________ __________________________ __________________________

Summary: ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Important Idea: Important Idea:

Story Map Elements Title:______ Characters: _____ Setting: _______ Beginning:__________ Middle: _________ End: ___________
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools




Monitor/Clarify Web I am confused about ________________ I will need to reread ________________ I will need to read on to find out _____ I dont understand ________________
Text/Pictures Word What I Conclude We Infer It Means What Helped Us

SC For Reading/English Language Arts

Houghton Mifflin Reading (The Nations Choice) Emergent Literacy Techniques

Reading/English Language Arts Block
Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


In case of inclement weather/days out of the classroom, all dates may be extended. Do not skip or double-up Notes: on lessons. There are supplemental activities at the end of the school year which can be used for teaching HM lessons. January 4 can be used to re-established procedures and routines. Early Literacy Assessments are administered on January 3 and 20.Two days (January 19-20) are provided as placeholders for teacher to finish administering the rest of the literacy assessments.

Notes: In case of inclement weather/days out of the classroom, all dates may be extended. Do not skip or double-up on lessons. There are supplemental activities at the end of the school year which can be used for teaching HM lessons.

Early Literacy Assessments are administered on May 9-27. Two days (May 19-20) are provided as placeholders for teacher to finish administering the rest of the litercy assessments.

In addition to the Supplemental Lesson Plan, Writing Activities are added on the last week of school. June 14, 15, 16, and 17 have been designated as Inclement Weather make-up days.

Skills are taught throughout Theme 1. Beginning Theme 2 throughout Theme 10, Skills are taught every Days 1 and 3. Comprehension Strategies are taught on Days 2 and 4.

Poems Big Books Interactive Writing Inclement Weather Make-up days

Curriculum Framework Progress Guide Reading/English Language Arts- Kindergarten Prince Georges County Public Schools


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