Power Sharing Notes 2023 (1) (1)
Power Sharing Notes 2023 (1) (1)
Power Sharing Notes 2023 (1) (1)
Tamil speakers are further divided into two groups — Sri Lankan
Tamils and Indian Tamils.
Sri Lankan Tamils are the natives of Sri Lanka. The Indian Tamils’
ancestors migrated from India as plantation workers during the
colonial period.
Sri Lankan Tamils live in the north and east of the country.
There are different religions in Sri Lanka, namely. Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.
4. What is Majoritarianism? Describe the majoritarian measures
taken by the leaders of the Sinhala community to establish their
supremacy. What were its results?
How did The Sri Lankan Tamils struggle for their demands?
Describe the main elements of the Belgium model of power
The main elements of the Belgium model of power sharing are the
In Belgium, the composition of different communities is as given
Dutch-speaking — 59 percent
French-speaking — 40 percent
German-speaking — 01 percent
On the other hand, the composition of Brussels is as follows
French-speaking — 80 percent
Dutch-speaking — 20 percent
Sri Lanka emerged as an independent nation in 1948.
The democratically elected government adopted Majoritarianism
measures to establish Sinhala’s supremacy.
In 1956, an act was passed to recognize Sinhala, as the only
official language, thus disregarding Tamil.
The government followed policies that favored Sinhala applicants
for university positions and government jobs.
With a new constitution, Buddhism was adopted as a state
Q.10. How Belgian government solved its ethnic problem?
Constitution says that several Dutch and French-speaking
ministers shall be equal in the Central government. Thus, no
single community can make decisions unilaterally.
Many powers of the central government have been given to the
state government of the two regions of the country. The State
governments are not subordinate to the Central government.
Brussels has a separate government in which both communities
have equal representation.
There is a third kind of government, called ‘Community
Government.’ This government is elected by people belonging to
one language community — Dutch, French and German-speaking
— no matter where they live. This government has the power
regarding cultural, educational, and language-related issues.
(a) It is also called Vertical distribution of power.
(b) There is a government at the central level and the government
at the state level also.
(c) This kind of government is also called a federal division of
power or federal government.
(d) Here subjects or their functions are divided, and they work at
their own levels within their own limits. e.g. — India.
Power shared among different social groups
(a) It is practiced when power is shared in religious and linguistic
(b) In some countries socially weaker sections and women are
represented in the legislatures and administration.
(c) In India there is a system of reserved constituencies, to give
space in the government and administration to diverse social
(d) This method is used to give minority communities a fair share
of power.
Power is shared in political parties, pressure groups, and movements
(a) In a democracy, the citizens must have the freedom to choose
various contenders for power.
(b) In contemporary democracy, this takes place in competition
among different parties. Such competition ensures that power
does not remain in one hand.
(c) Sometimes the power is shared among various political parties,
which is called coalition government.
(d) In a democracy, we find interest groups of traders,
businesspeople, industrialists, farmers, and industrial workers.
They also have a share of governmental powers, either through
participation or bringing influence on the decision-making
Q. 12. What are the main principles of democracy?
Ans. (i) One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source
of all political power.
(ii) In a democracy people rule themselves through institutions of
(iii) In democracy due respect is given to diverse groups and views
that exist in a society.
(iv) Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies.