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Detailed Release Notes meat

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Detailed Release Notes

Softproviding Meat

Version: 1.00
Release v6.00
2024/02 Internal – authorized for customers and partners
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Softproviding AG
Dornacherstr. 210
CH-4053 Basel
+41 (0)61 508 21 21

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1 Overview 4

2 General Information 5
2.1 Required Installation of Support Package 2 for Softproviding Meat v5.41 5
2.2 Adaptation of the Application Components 5
2.3 Use of Non-ABAP-Software 5

3 Procurement 6
3.1 New Menu Item Delivery Cycle... 6

4 Cycle-Based Production 7
4.1 Copy Production Catalog and Definition 7
4.2 Supplementing BAdI Methods 7
4.3 Optimization of Standard Transactions 8

5 Slaughtering 10
5.1 BAdI Method Livestock Reception 10

6 Disassembly 11
6.1 Disassembly Process Entry – Posting Date 11
6.2 Order Type in the Disassembly Order 11
6.3 Control Settings of the List for Change ID 12

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1 Overview

The Detailed Release Notes provide an overview of changes and adjustments in various applications.
These may be new programs or functionalities, or existing tables and fields that may have to be re-
configured, adjusted or verified. If necessary, references to Customizing and master data are made, or
recommendations for further reference are given.

These detailed release notes are – other than the migration instructions – not elementary to guarantee
proper functioning of the respective applications. Nevertheless, it is recommend examining the re-
spective release notes with regard to a possible relevance for your company.

Most of the information given in these Detailed Release Notes are included in a shorter version, the
Concise Release Notes. The target groups of these Release Notes are management and consulting.
Those Concise Release Notes are targeted at management and consultants and give a brief overview
of new functions, changes, and corrections in a new release.

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2 General Information

2.1 Required Installation of Support Package 2 for

Softproviding Meat v5.41
If you are upgrading or converting from Softproviding Meat v5.40 to v6.00 S/4 HANA (SAP Release
2021, 2022 or 2023), you must import Support Package 2 (SAPK-54102INSPMEAT) for the component
Softproviding Meat v5.41 before you upgrade. This is a technical support package and is only used for
upgrading or converting to SAP Release v2021, 2022 or 2023.

Please compare the corresponding note in the Softproviding Meat installation Guide.

2.2 Adaptation of the Application Components

With the release of SAP Meat and Fish Management v5.9.2 the application components will be re-
named. Instead of IS-MEAT*, as it was used in the past, the components will now be called IS-MFM*.
Since the components have been renamed by SAP, old and open incidents (SAP Portal messages) will
automatically be processed under the new component names. In addition, from this point on, only the
new components can be selected in the SAP support environment.

The application components for SPMEAT (IS-MFM-SME) and SPDGS (IS-MFM-SCO) have been
stored in the development packages. When SAP incidents are entered directly in the system, the cor-
rect component is now automatically chosen by default.

2.3 Use of Non-ABAP-Software

Non-ABAP software components are NOT qualified by SAP, they are provided directly by Softprovid-
ing (via the Softproviding Extranet). Customers who install and operate these components do so on
their own responsibility. They are not part of the SAP license agreement but are still maintained by

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3 Procurement

3.1 New Menu Item Delivery Cycle...

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3271 Enhancement Procurement Planning – new menu item Delivery Cycle
for Default Values

It is currently possible to use transaction /SPMEAT/TSLP_DRM to maintain delivery cycles for the
default values of Livestock Reservation. This transaction can be used to define delivery cycles and to
define delivery days, times, start dates and planned quantities for schedule lines in the livestock res-
ervations and to assign delivery frequencies.

Transaction /SPMEAT/TSLP_DRM (Delivery Cycle for Default Values) is to be made available in the
Softproviding Meat application menu and added to the single role /SPMEAT/LIP_BESPL (Meat Man-
agement: Procurement Planning).

Technical Realization / Customizing

The requirement has been implemented. Transaction /SPMEAT/TSLP_DRM has been added to the
Softproviding Meat application menu of procurement planning and to the single role

You can call up the transaction in the application menu as follows: Softproviding Meat > Procurement
> Livestock > Procurement Planning > Delivery Cycle for Default Values (transaction

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4 Cycle-Based Production

4.1 Copy Production Catalog and Definition

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3333 Enhancement Copy production catalog and definition with template

It should be possible to create new master data with a copy function in the standard transactions
Production Catalog and Production Definition.

The requirement has been realized as follows.

A new production catalog or a new production definition is created using the Copy template function
based on the specified template and saved under a new number.

The Copy template function is available in the change and display mode of the transactions for the
Production Catalog and the Production Definition.

4.2 Supplementing BAdI Methods

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3247 Enhancement/Optimiza- Supplementing BAdI methods

In the standard transactions for the production cycle (creation and change), it should be possible to
edit and change the calculated data (e.g. planning data) on a customer-specific basis (e.g. changing
the material number for the movement type OB for mapping premature livestock removal).

The requirement has been realized as follows.

Within the /SPMEAT/CBP enhancement spot, the existing BAdI definition /SPMEAT/CBP_CY-
CLE_BUILDER was supplemented with the AFTER_CALCULATION method in order to be able to im-
plement customized logics after the calculation of production cycles.

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4.3 Optimization of Standard Transactions

Issue No. Message Type Function
I-52987 Optimization Step status incorrect when deleting actual data
I-53328 Optimization Status change in production cycle incorrect
I-53035 Enhancement/Optimiza- Production cycle quantity > Capacity impossible
I-53053 tion Reference unit not displayed in production cycle
I-53050 Optimization Assignment of movement no. in production cycle incor-
Optimization rect

Some functions are to be expanded and optimized in the standard transactions for the production cy-
cle (creation, change and display) and in the cockpit for Processing External Procedures.

The requirement has been realized as follows.

I-52987 Step status incorrect when deleting actual data

— The names of the two cycle movement statuses CB and CA, which are used in the cockpit Pro-
cessing External Procedures, have been adapted as follows:
— CB Reversed before execution
— CA Reversed after execution

I-53328 Status change in production cycle incorrect

— The existing function in the transactions for the production cycle can now be used to reset both
status 30 (released) and status 40 (completed) to a previous status if no actual data has yet
been recorded (e.g. from 40 to 30 and from 30 to 20). Previously, only status 30 could be reset.

I-53035 Production cycle quantity > Capacity impossible

— In the master data, a new maximum capacity can be defined for the combination of business
area and production definition (transactions /SPMEAT/CP_CONFIG01 and
— The value in the Maximum capacity field is checked when calculating a production cycle (trans-
actions /SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE01 and /SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE02). If the production cycle quan-
tity is greater than the maximum capacity, an error message is displayed and the quantity must
be adjusted.

I-53053 Reference unit not displayed in production cycle

— The Reference unit column is now also displayed in the production cycle (transactions
/SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE01 and /SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE02) under Inputs and Outputs in the right-
hand data area.

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I-53050 Status change in production cycle incorrect

— The assignment of movement numbers for planning data when calculating a production cycle
(transaction /SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE01 and /SPMEAT/CP_CYCLE02) had to be extended from 8
to 16 digits to support cross-cycle planning.
— The movement numbers of the planning data are now structured as follows
— PSP no: 8 digits
— Movement type (10 for IB, 20 for OB, 30 for GP, 32 for RE): 2 digits
— Material group: 2 digits
— Consecutive number: 4 digits

The field extension may require existing transaction data from planning to be converted in table
/SPMEAT/CP_CYLNK. For more information, please contact the Softproviding support desk.

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5 Slaughtering

5.1 BAdI Method Livestock Reception

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3357 Enhancement BAdI Method Livestock Reception

In the Softproviding Meat standard transaction Create Livestock Reception, livestock reservations can
only be selected from an extensive list to a limited extent. It must be possible to select livestock res-
ervation on a customer-specific basis.

The above requirement has been implemented as follows.

The existing BAdI definition /SPMEAT/LSREC_P_SCREEN_PAI_PBO has been supplemented with the
method BADI_LSRES_SEL_FOR_LSREC. By implementing this new method, the standard selection
screen for selecting livestock reservations can be bypassed and supplemented by a customer-specific
logic (parameter CV_BYPASS_FLAG = X).

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6 Disassembly

6.1 Disassembly Process Entry – Posting Date

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3297 Enhancement Posting date for entries in Disassembly

It is not possible to enter a posting date on the Disassembly Inbound and Outbound screen. This date
is required on the entry screens and must be added.

The requirement has been implemented.

The Posting Date field (field: /SPDGS/SOPER-BUDAT) has been added to the entry screens.

The field is displayed in the additional data area on the entry screen for Disassembly Inbound (trans-
actions /SPMEAT/PE11) and Outbound (transactions /SPMEAT/PE12). It is filled with the system
date by default before the first entry and can be changed. After the first entry has been made, the field
is always filled with the posting date of the last PDA data record; it can be adjusted if necessary.

6.2 Order Type in the Disassembly Order

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-2926 Enhancement Order Type in the Disassembly Order

The order type is currently assigned in the general settings for the disassembly process order in
Softproviding Meat Customizing. This setting therefore applies to all disassembly processes.

It should now be possible to use different order types depending on the disassembly process.

Technical Realization / Customizing

The above requirement has been implemented.

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The new Order Type column has been implemented in table /SPMEAT/TTRPR (Disassembly Pro-
cesses). In the Order Type field (/SPMEAT/TTRPR-AUART), it can now be assigned to the plant and
disassembly process.

The above table can be accessed in Customizing as follows: Softproviding Meat > Production > Master
Data > Disassembly Processes.

If no order type for the plant and disassembly process is stored in the table described above, the order type
stored in the general settings for the disassembly process is determined.

The above table can be accessed in Customizing as follows: Softproviding Meat > Production > Execution
> Disassembly Orders > General Settings.

When creating disassembly process orders, the disassembly process order type is now determined
using the settings made in the tables described above.

6.3 Control Settings of the List for Change ID

Issue No. Message Type Function
A-3302 Enhancement Disassembly Process Entry – Change ID

In Customizing for Origin Control, you define whether or not the change ID is activated for a logistical
process. If no change ID is active for a logistical process, all change IDs are displayed in a list for se-
lection on the entry screens. This can lead to users selecting an incorrect change ID. To avoid this, a
new setting option should ensure that only the relevant change IDs of a logistical process are dis-
played for the user.

The following indicator was implemented in Softproviding Meat Customizing to meet this require-
— Do not display general change IDs in the list

This setting can be called up in Customizing as follows: Softproviding Meat > Central Settings > Origin
Control > Origin Control

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The requirement has been implemented.

The list of change IDs is called up via the additional menu for the Change ID Control (Assign) button in
the Disassembly Process Outbound. A pop-up screen with change IDs is then displayed via > List.

This functionality is also available for outbound entries in Further Processing and in process orders
with appropriate maintenance of the Customizing as described above.

Indicator is set
If the above indicator is set, only the relevant change IDs matching the logistical process are dis-
played. If there is no change ID, the list remains empty. The user then knows that there is no change
ID. A message is not displayed.

Indicator is not set

If the above indicator is not set, the list contains all change IDs.

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