1. Direct selection
GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2. Comparative selection
3. Architectural design competition
Standards of Professional Practice 1. DIRECT SELECTION
A required document under Sec. 41 of RA 9266 Used when undertaking a relatively small project.
The Client selects his Architect on the basis of:
“Architect” Reputation
A Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) Personal or business acquaintance or
A natural person under Philippine law with a valid recommendation of a friend
certificate of registration and a valid professional Recommendation of the Architect’s former Client
identification card for the lawful practice of Recommendation of another Architect.
“Architectural firm” May be conducted by committees representing
A juridical person under Philippine law and institutions, corporations or public agencies. The
jurisprudence authorized to practice architecture selection process involves:
For individual architectural practice, the
architectural firm must be duly registered with the Invitation - The Client issues an invitation which
DTI as a sole proprietorship includes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the project
For group architectural practice, must be registered which is based on the Design Brief prepared by
with the SEC and with the PRC as a professional another Architect. The selection committee
partnership or as an architectural corporation established by the Client may consist of
representatives from other State-regulated
Interchangeable terms professions and/or the construction industry, as well
Architect = Architectural Firm as persons with related expertise
Client = Owner = Project Proponent Pre-qualification - Architects and/or PRC-registered
Contractor = General Contractor = Constructor = Architectural Firms (AFs) submit information
Builder regarding their qualification and expertise.
Bid = Tender Interview - The Architect explains his methodology
in translating the plan/design requirements of the
ACRONYMS proposed project.
Verification - The selection committee may visit
1. ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution buildings designed by the Architects and check
2. AF - Architectural Firm references such as former clients and financial
3. ADC - Architectural Design Competition institutions
4. AICC - Architect in charge of construction Evaluation and ranking - The selection committee
5. AOR - Architect-of-record may adopt its own procedure in evaluating the
6. BPO - Business Process Outsourcing entries and recommending the most capable firm.
7. CA - Consulting Architect Negotiation - The Architect explains to the Client the
8. CEC Codes of Ethical Conduct Scope of Services and the Architect’s Fee as
9. DoLE - Department of Labor and Employment prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.
10. DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
11. FPCA - Filipino Professional Consulting Architects
12. IAPOA - Integrated and Accredited Professional
Organization of Architects
13. KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing
14. MoP - Manual of Procedure
15. PACS - Professional Architectural Consulting Services
16. PCA - Professional Consulting Architect
17. PRC - Professional Regulation Commission
18. PRBoA - Professional Regulatory Board of
19. SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
20. RLA - Registered and Licensed Architect
21. SPP - Standards of Professional Practice
22. TSP - Temporary/ Special Permit
DESIGN COMPETITION Based on technical hours spent and does not
Used for civic or monumental projects. The competition account for creative work since the value of creative
may either be an idea competition, design or design build design cannot be measured by the length of time the
competition. Various Architects or architectural firms designer has spent on his work of reports and the
submit plan/design solutions to a particular design like.
problem and are judged on the basis of comparative
This method of compensation is frequently used
Advantages: where there is continuing relationship involving a
The Client/ Committee will have a wider range of series of Projects.
options. It establishes a fixed sum over and above the
reimbursement for the Architect’s technical time and
Disadvantages: overhead.
Expensive and time consuming
Time and effort required may discourage qualified LUMP SUM (FIXED FEE)
firms This method may be applied to government projects
Some potentially unscrupulous prospective Clients since they entail more paper work and time-consuming
will seek free services under the guise of design efforts.
METHODS OF COMPENSATION The architect may be paid on a per diem/honorarium
basis for work which will require his personal time, such
The computation is made by adding all costs of attending project-related meetings, conferences or
technical services (man hours x rate) and then trips;
multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and conducting ocular inspection of possible project
profit. sites; and
The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on conferring with others regarding prospective
the office set-up, overhead and experience of the investments or ventures and the like
Architect and the complexity of the Project. On top of the per diem/honorarium fee, the owner shall
Other items such as cost of transportation, living and pay for the architect’s out-of-pocket expenses such as,
housing allowances of foreign consultants, out of but not limited to, travel, accommodations and
town living and housing allowances of the local subsistence.
consultants and the like, are all to be charged to the
A =Architect’s rate / hour The SPP provides for more than one method of
C = Consultant’s rate / hour compensation on a project. Each project should be
T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Researchers and examined to determine the most appropriate and
others involved in the Project equitable method of compensation.
AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Architect,
Consultants and Technical Staff
M =Multiplier to account for overhead and
reasonable profit. The value may range from 1.5 to
2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect’s office
and the complexity of the Project.
R = Reimbursable expenses such as transportation,
housing and living allowance of consultant,
transportation, per diem, housing and living
allowance of local consultants and technical staff if
assigned to places over 100 km. from the area of
operation of the Architect.
Direct cost = AN + CN + TN
Fee = Direct Cost x M
Total Cost of Service charged to Client = Fee + R
The computation is made by adding all costs of
technical services (man hours x rate) and then
multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and
The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on
the office set-up, overhead and experience of the
Architect and the complexity of the Project.
R.A. 9266
The Architecture Act of 2004
REPEALING CLAUSE supervision of the project
RA 9266 repeals RA 545, otherwise known as "An Act To
Regulate The Practice Of Architecture In The Philippines” Consulting architect
An architect who is professionally and academically
FULL TITLE OF RA 9266 qualified and with exceptional or recognized
An act providing for a more responsive and expertise or specialization in any branch of
comprehensive regulation for the registration, licensing architecture
and practice of architecture The Consulting Architect assumes no civil liability
under Art. 1723 of the Civil Code unless he/she
RULE 1 - General Provisions attempts/succeeds to interfere or contravene the
legal and professional functions of the Architect-of-
The Architecture Act of 2004
General practice of architecture
STATEMENT OF POLICY The act of planning and architectural designing, structural
The State recognizes the importance of architects in conceptualization, specifying, supervising and giving
nation building and development. administration/direction to the erection, enlargement or
Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, alterations of buildings
virtuous, productive and well-rounded professional The scientific, aesthetic and orderly coordination of all
architects whose standards of practice and service the processes which enter into the production of a
shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and complete building
globally competitive
This shall be done through inviolable, honest, Structural conceptualization
effective and credible licensure examinations and The act of conceiving, choosing and developing the type,
through regulatory measures, programs and disposition, arrangement and proportioning of the
activities that foster their professional growth and structural elements of an architectural work, giving due
development. consideration to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality
and aesthetics
Architectural firm
Architecture A sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation
The art, science or profession of planning, designing registered with the proper government agencies
and constructing buildings in their totality taking into
account their environment, in accordance with the Board
principles of utility, strength and beauty The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
A person professionally and academically qualified,
registered and licensed under this Act with a Commission
Certificate of Registration and Professional Professional Regulation Commission
Identification Card issued by the PRBOA and the
PRC… Service agreement
and who is responsible for advocating the fair and A duly notarized written contract stipulating the scope of
sustainable development, welfare and cultural services and guaranteeing compensation of such services
expression of society’s habitat in terms of space, to be rendered by an architect
forms and historical context
Architect-of-record Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization.
The architect who is directly and professionally The existing official national organization of all architects
responsible for the total design of the project for the of the Philippines in which all registered Filipino
client and who shall assume the civil liability for the architects shall be members without prejudice to
plans, specs, and contract documents he/she has signed membership in other voluntary professional associations
and sealed
Ownership CPD
The proprietary rights to an architectural work by a Continuing Professional Development
person who commissions the Architect. Ownership
of an architectural work shall only be confined to the DOLE
use of the architectural documents for executing the Department of Labor and Employment
work for one or the original project.
Ownership shall not apply to the use of the DTI
architectural documents for repetitions or Department of Trade and Industry
subsequent projects.
Professional Integrated Accredited Professional Organization of
A person whose name, registration, and professional Architects (the same as United Architects of the
license number is entered in the PRC registry book and Philippines, Inc.)
computerized database as one legally authorized to
practice his profession. PRC
Professional Regulation Commission
Professional identification card
A document bearing the registration number, date of RLA
issuance with an expiry date, due for periodic renewal, Registered and licensed architect
issued to a registered Architect upon payment of the
annual registration fees for three (3) years UAP
United Architects of the Philippines, Inc.
“Standards of Professional Practice” refers to documents RULE 2 - The PRBOA
which define all aspects of professional service,
prescribes minimum basic fees and establishes the rights CREATION OF THE BOARD
and obligations of both the Architect and the client. RA 9266 provides for the creation of the Professional
Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBOA)
Sole proprietorship The Board is a collegial body under the supervision
An individual architect practicing and delivering and administrative control of the Professional
architectural services, duly registered with the DTI, Regulation Commission (PRC)
PRBOA and the PRC
Specialization The board shall be composed of:
An expertise and special knowledge in the field of One chairman
architecture acquired through formal education and Two members
training or through continuing professional development They shall be appointed by the President of the
and experience, for which the Architect may be engaged Philippines from a list of three (3)
as Consulting Architect. recommendees chosen from a list of five (5)
nominees for each position submitted to the PRC
Syllabi by the IAPOA.
The outline of topics and concepts of major subjects to
serve as basis for test questions in the licensure CURRENT PRBOA
examinations Chairman: Robert S. Sac
Member: Robert M. Mirafuente
Member: Fidel Jose R. Siapno
Technology transfer PRBOA QUALIFICATIONS
The transfer of systematic knowledge for the Each member of the Board shall possess the following
manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or qualifications at the time of appointment:
A citizen and resident of the Philippines Hear and decide administrative cases involving
BS Architecture degree violations of RA 9266, the Code of Ethical Conduct,
Certificate of Registration and Professional and Standards of Professional Practice
Identification Card Prescribe guidelines for the Continuing Professional
10 years of active practice on date of appointment Development (CPD) program in consultation with the
Not a member of the faculty of any school, college, IAPOA
university or review institution where a regular course or Note: The attendance to said CPD shall not be a
review course in architecture is taught, nor have mandatory requirement for the renewal of a Professional
pecuniary interest in such institution ID
If a former teacher, must have officially resigned and has Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the
completely stopped teaching, advising or reviewing subjects for examinations in consultation with the
activities for at least five years prior to the nomination. academe
Determine and prepare questions as well as
PRBOA QUALIFICATIONS administer, correct and release the results of the
Has never been convicted of any crime involving licensure examinations
moral turpitude Approve, issue, limit or cancel temporary or special
Not an elective officer of the IAPOA and other permit to practice architecture
professional organization of architects In coordination with the CHED, ensure that all higher
educational instruction comply with the policies,
“Moral turpitude” standards and requirements of the course prescribed
Conduct that is considered contrary to community by the CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty,
standards of justice, honesty or good morals. library and facilities
To adopt a program for the full computerization of
TERM OF OFFICE the licensure examination
The members of the Board shall hold office for a
term of three years after appointment or until their ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OF THE BOARD
successors shall have been appointed and duly
Any vacancy occurring within the term of a member The Board shall be under the administrative
shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term supervision of the PRC
only. All records of the Board, including applications for
Each member of the Board may be reappointed for examination, examination questions, answer sheets,
one full term only and other records and documents pertaining to
Of the members of the Board first appointed under licensure examination, administrative and other
RA 9266: investigative cases conducted by the Board shall be
o One member shall be appointed and hold office under the custody of the PRC
as chairman for three years, The PRC shall designate the Secretary of the Board
o One member for two years and shall provide the secretariat and other support
o One member for one year services to implement the provisions of RA 9266.
If, for any reason, any section or provision of this IRR is
declared unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder of
this IRR shall not be affected by such declaration.
Any provisions of the rules and policies issued and
promulgated pursuant to R.A. No. 545, P.D. No. 223,R.A.
No. 8981, and other laws which are inconsistent with this
IRR are hereby superseded, repealed or amended
These standards of professional practice apply to In this phase, the architect:
both individual practice (i.e. by a natural person) o Evaluates the owner's program, schedule,
and group practice (by a juridical entity like a budget, project site and proposes methods of
partnership or a corporation) project deliveries.
Foreign architects who wish to render regular design o Prepares the initial line drawings representing
services must first comply with the requirements of design studies leading to a recommended
RA 9266: solution
o Temporary/Special Permit o Submits to the owner a Statement of the
o A work permit from DOLE Probable Project Construction Cost (SPPCC)
o Must work with a local counterpart who is an
RLA 3. Design Development Phase
BPO and KPO firms cannot render architectural Based on approved schematics and conceptual
services for projects located on Philippine soil unless plans, the Architect prepares:
they are PRC-registered architectural firms o The Design Development documents consisting
of plans, elevations, sections and other
Regular design services drawings,
In regular practice, the architect acts as the owner's o Outline specifications
adviser and/or representative. He translates the o Diagrammatic layout of construction systems
Owner's needs and requirements to spaces and o An updated SPPCC
forms in the best manner of professional service.
The architect's regular design services start at the 4. Contract Document Phase
inception of the project and end only when the Based on the approved Design Development (DD)
contractor turns over the completed project to the plans, the architect:
owner o Prepares the complete Contract Documents
consisting of detailed designs and construction
o Prepares Technical Specifications
THE SIX PHASES o Submits to the owner seven (7) sets of all
1. Project Definition Phase construction drawings and technical
2. Schematic Design Phase specifications for purposes of obtaining a
3. Design Development Phase building permit.
4. Contract Document Phase Based on the approved Design Development (DD)
5. Bidding or Negotiation Phase plans, the architect:
6. Construction Phase o Updates the SPPCC based on changes in scope,
requirements or market conditions
1. Project Definition Phase o Assists the owner in filing the required
This phase involves the definition of the documents to secure approval of government
requirements of the project by the Owner. authorities having jurisdiction over the design of
The Architect in turn informs the Owner of the the project
technical requirements of the project and the
concomitant professional fees. 5. Bidding/Negotiation Phase
Duties include: In this phase, the architect:
1. Consultation with the owner to ascertain the Prepares bid documents, such as:
conceptual framework and related o Forms for contract letting
o Documents for construction
2. Gathering of relevant data leading to the
o Forms for invitation and instruction to bidders
definition of the requirements of the project,
o -Forms for bidders' proposals
including the scope of the Architect's services
o General or specific conditions of contract
3. Review and refinement of the requirements and
the translation of them into an architectural
4. Preparation of an initial statement of probable
Helps the owner establish a list of prospective
construction cost
For competitive bids, the architect:
2. Schematic Design Phase
o Furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents
This phase consists of the preparation of schematic
for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may
design studies derived from the Project Definition
be required to conduct a successful bidding.
Phase, leading to conceptual plans.
o helps in organizing and conducting pre-bid Note: These Certificates will constitute a certification
conferences to the Client that the work has progressed to the
o responds to questions from bidders state indicated and that to his best knowledge, the
For competitive bids, the architect: quality of work performed by the Contractor is in
o Furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents accordance with the Contract Documents.
for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may o Should more extensive inspection or full-
be required to conduct a successful bidding. time (8-hour) construction supervision be
o helps in organizing and conducting pre-bid required by the Client, a separate full-time
conferences supervisor shall be hired and agreed upon
o responds to questions from bidders by the Owner and the Architect subject to
o assists the Owner in obtaining proposals from the conditions provided in the SPP
Contractors, analyzes bid results and prepares Document on Full - Time Supervision.
abstract of bids, notice of award, notice to
proceed and other construction contracts MANNER OF PROVIDING SERVICES
For negotiated contracts, the architect performs the
same functions as in competitive bids but negotiates Manner of Providing Services
with one contractor only instead of many bidders There are two ways by which the Architect may
Notes on Bid Documents: enter into contract with the Owner:
o The Bid Documents are loaned to bidders at an o Option 1: with a single contract between
amount sufficient to cover direct and indirect the Architect and Owner, and sub-
costs of preparation, reproduction, and delivery consultancy contracts between the
of said documents. Architect and the other professionals
o They are the intellectual property of the working with the Architect.
architect and must be returned after the bid. o Option 2: with the Architect and the
o Neither the owner nor the bidders are allowed engineering and allied professionals
to use the Bid Documents for purposes other executing separate contracts with the
than agreed between the owner and architect. Owner.
Cost Records
During the progress of work, the Owner shall furnish the
Architect a copy of the records of expenses being
incurred on the construction. Upon completion of the
project, the Owner shall furnish the Architect a copy of
the summary of all cost of labor, services, materials,
equipment, fixtures and all items used at and for the
completion of the construction.
Design/Placement of Signs