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1. Direct selection
GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2. Comparative selection
3. Architectural design competition
 Standards of Professional Practice 1. DIRECT SELECTION
 A required document under Sec. 41 of RA 9266 Used when undertaking a relatively small project.
The Client selects his Architect on the basis of:
“Architect”  Reputation
 A Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA)  Personal or business acquaintance or
 A natural person under Philippine law with a valid  recommendation of a friend
certificate of registration and a valid professional  Recommendation of the Architect’s former Client
identification card for the lawful practice of  Recommendation of another Architect.
“Architectural firm” May be conducted by committees representing
A juridical person under Philippine law and institutions, corporations or public agencies. The
jurisprudence authorized to practice architecture selection process involves:
 For individual architectural practice, the
architectural firm must be duly registered with the  Invitation - The Client issues an invitation which
DTI as a sole proprietorship includes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the project
 For group architectural practice, must be registered which is based on the Design Brief prepared by
with the SEC and with the PRC as a professional another Architect. The selection committee
partnership or as an architectural corporation established by the Client may consist of
representatives from other State-regulated
Interchangeable terms professions and/or the construction industry, as well
 Architect = Architectural Firm as persons with related expertise
 Client = Owner = Project Proponent  Pre-qualification - Architects and/or PRC-registered
 Contractor = General Contractor = Constructor = Architectural Firms (AFs) submit information
Builder regarding their qualification and expertise.
 Bid = Tender  Interview - The Architect explains his methodology
in translating the plan/design requirements of the
ACRONYMS proposed project.
 Verification - The selection committee may visit
1. ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution buildings designed by the Architects and check
2. AF - Architectural Firm references such as former clients and financial
3. ADC - Architectural Design Competition institutions
4. AICC - Architect in charge of construction  Evaluation and ranking - The selection committee
5. AOR - Architect-of-record may adopt its own procedure in evaluating the
6. BPO - Business Process Outsourcing entries and recommending the most capable firm.
7. CA - Consulting Architect  Negotiation - The Architect explains to the Client the
8. CEC Codes of Ethical Conduct Scope of Services and the Architect’s Fee as
9. DoLE - Department of Labor and Employment prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.
10. DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
11. FPCA - Filipino Professional Consulting Architects
12. IAPOA - Integrated and Accredited Professional
Organization of Architects
13. KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing
14. MoP - Manual of Procedure
15. PACS - Professional Architectural Consulting Services
16. PCA - Professional Consulting Architect
17. PRC - Professional Regulation Commission
18. PRBoA - Professional Regulatory Board of
19. SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
20. RLA - Registered and Licensed Architect
21. SPP - Standards of Professional Practice
22. TSP - Temporary/ Special Permit
DESIGN COMPETITION  Based on technical hours spent and does not
Used for civic or monumental projects. The competition account for creative work since the value of creative
may either be an idea competition, design or design build design cannot be measured by the length of time the
competition. Various Architects or architectural firms designer has spent on his work of reports and the
submit plan/design solutions to a particular design like.
problem and are judged on the basis of comparative
 This method of compensation is frequently used
Advantages: where there is continuing relationship involving a
 The Client/ Committee will have a wider range of series of Projects.
options.  It establishes a fixed sum over and above the
reimbursement for the Architect’s technical time and
Disadvantages: overhead.
 Expensive and time consuming
 Time and effort required may discourage qualified LUMP SUM (FIXED FEE)
firms This method may be applied to government projects
 Some potentially unscrupulous prospective Clients since they entail more paper work and time-consuming
will seek free services under the guise of design efforts.
METHODS OF COMPENSATION The architect may be paid on a per diem/honorarium
basis for work which will require his personal time, such
 The computation is made by adding all costs of  attending project-related meetings, conferences or
technical services (man hours x rate) and then trips;
multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and  conducting ocular inspection of possible project
profit. sites; and
 The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on  conferring with others regarding prospective
the office set-up, overhead and experience of the investments or ventures and the like
Architect and the complexity of the Project. On top of the per diem/honorarium fee, the owner shall
 Other items such as cost of transportation, living and pay for the architect’s out-of-pocket expenses such as,
housing allowances of foreign consultants, out of but not limited to, travel, accommodations and
town living and housing allowances of the local subsistence.
consultants and the like, are all to be charged to the
 A =Architect’s rate / hour The SPP provides for more than one method of
 C = Consultant’s rate / hour compensation on a project. Each project should be
 T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Researchers and examined to determine the most appropriate and
others involved in the Project equitable method of compensation.
 AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Architect,
Consultants and Technical Staff
 M =Multiplier to account for overhead and
reasonable profit. The value may range from 1.5 to
2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect’s office
and the complexity of the Project.
 R = Reimbursable expenses such as transportation,
housing and living allowance of consultant,
transportation, per diem, housing and living
allowance of local consultants and technical staff if
assigned to places over 100 km. from the area of
operation of the Architect.
 Direct cost = AN + CN + TN
 Fee = Direct Cost x M
 Total Cost of Service charged to Client = Fee + R

 Applicable only to non-creative work such as SPP DOC. 201

accounting, secretarial, research, data gathering, Pre-design Services
PART 1 Introduction  The analysis covers the context of the site as well as
that of its surrounding environment and the
PREDESIGN SERVICES development controls that apply to the site
 The basic services provided by the Architect have
remained relatively unchanged over the years. 6: ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH
 However, the Architect must expand his services in The conduct of primary and secondary researches and
response to assembled facts used as basis for conclusion.
 the increasing demands of his/her clients, the
evolution of new standards of regulated 7: ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING
professional practice,  This analytical problem-seeking process will lead to
 the advancement of technology and the statement and identification of both horizontal
 the enactment of new laws. and vertical requirements in offering a solution.
Involving the Architect in the earliest stages of the  It incorporates a space program with
project will be most advantageous to the Client since the characterizations of the envisioned spaces such as
Architect can provide the Client with objective project ambiance, cost range, etc.
analysis, establishing parameters to optimize building
needs vis-à-vis available resources and attendant 8: SPACE PLANNING
constraints.  The Architect determines the adequate size and
appropriate configuration for a proposed project in
SCOPE OF SERVICES consideration of the use, allocation and interface of
spaces for given activities.
1: CONSULTATION  Space planning is done mainly through primary data
When a Client calls upon the Architect to give oral or gathering such as interviews, consultations,
written advice and direction, to attend conferences, to interfaces, focus group discussions (FGDs), space
make evaluations and appraisals regarding a planning surveys, space audits, and analysis
contemplated project and similar activities, the Architect
renders valuable inputs whether or not the Client 9: SPACE MANAGEMENT STUDIES
pursues the project.  An analysis of the space requirements of the project
based on organizational structure and functional set-
 These preliminary studies involve the procurement,  This analysis pinpoints linkages and interaction of
analysis and use of secondary information gathered spaces. The formulation of the space program will
for the project to aid the Client in early decision- serve as the basis for the development of the
making. architectural plan/design.
 They represent the Architect’s initial assessment of
a project’s soundness, allowing the Client to 10: VALUE MANAGEMENT
promptly explore his options.  This technique is applied in the cost management
process to minimize the negative effect of many cost-
3: FEASIBILITY STUDIES reduction programs.
 Detailed analysis of the project based on  The goal of value management is to achieve an
prefeasibility studies that will determine the viability unimpaired program at minimum cost. Thus, a plan,
of a proposed development. design or system that has been successfully value
 The studies will set the project against present and managed will still satisfy the same performance
future trends to forecast how it will perform over criteria as the costlier alternatives.
time. This requires primary data gathering and
Under design brief preparation, the Architect states the
4: SITE SELECTION AND ANALYSIS project terms of reference (ToR) including the concept,
The formulation of site criteria, assistance to the client in objectives and other necessary requirements to bid out
site evaluation, as well as analysis to determine the most architectural services (whether public or private).
appropriate site for a project


 Detailed analysis of the site involving the  Projects may require promotional activities in order
identification of a site’s potentials to develop and generate financial support and
acceptance from governing agencies or from the
general public.
 In such cases, the Architect can act as the agent of
the Owner by producing and coordinating the
additional activities necessary to complete the
services. In all such activities, the Architect must
maintain his professional status as the representative
of the Owner.


 As an individual
 Architect’s own staff
 By association, consultation or networking

 The computation is made by adding all costs of
technical services (man hours x rate) and then
multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and
 The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on
the office set-up, overhead and experience of the
Architect and the complexity of the Project.

R.A. 9266
The Architecture Act of 2004
REPEALING CLAUSE supervision of the project
RA 9266 repeals RA 545, otherwise known as "An Act To
Regulate The Practice Of Architecture In The Philippines” Consulting architect
 An architect who is professionally and academically
FULL TITLE OF RA 9266 qualified and with exceptional or recognized
An act providing for a more responsive and expertise or specialization in any branch of
comprehensive regulation for the registration, licensing architecture
and practice of architecture  The Consulting Architect assumes no civil liability
under Art. 1723 of the Civil Code unless he/she
RULE 1 - General Provisions attempts/succeeds to interfere or contravene the
legal and professional functions of the Architect-of-
The Architecture Act of 2004
General practice of architecture
STATEMENT OF POLICY  The act of planning and architectural designing, structural
 The State recognizes the importance of architects in conceptualization, specifying, supervising and giving
nation building and development. administration/direction to the erection, enlargement or
 Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, alterations of buildings
virtuous, productive and well-rounded professional  The scientific, aesthetic and orderly coordination of all
architects whose standards of practice and service the processes which enter into the production of a
shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and complete building
globally competitive
 This shall be done through inviolable, honest, Structural conceptualization
effective and credible licensure examinations and The act of conceiving, choosing and developing the type,
through regulatory measures, programs and disposition, arrangement and proportioning of the
activities that foster their professional growth and structural elements of an architectural work, giving due
development. consideration to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality
and aesthetics
Architectural firm
Architecture A sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation
 The art, science or profession of planning, designing registered with the proper government agencies
and constructing buildings in their totality taking into
account their environment, in accordance with the Board
principles of utility, strength and beauty The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
 A person professionally and academically qualified,
registered and licensed under this Act with a Commission
Certificate of Registration and Professional Professional Regulation Commission
Identification Card issued by the PRBOA and the
PRC… Service agreement
 and who is responsible for advocating the fair and A duly notarized written contract stipulating the scope of
sustainable development, welfare and cultural services and guaranteeing compensation of such services
expression of society’s habitat in terms of space, to be rendered by an architect
forms and historical context
Architect-of-record Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization.
The architect who is directly and professionally The existing official national organization of all architects
responsible for the total design of the project for the of the Philippines in which all registered Filipino
client and who shall assume the civil liability for the architects shall be members without prejudice to
plans, specs, and contract documents he/she has signed membership in other voluntary professional associations
and sealed

Architect-in-charge of construction CPD

An architect who is directly and professionally Stands for “Continuing Professional Development,”
responsible and liable for the construction a sustaining and progressive learning process that
maintains, enhances, or increases the knowledge walls, partitions, ceiling, stairs, doors, windows,
and continuing ability of architects floors, roof, room designations, door and window
call-outs, etc.
DTI  The architectural plan is the representation of a
Department of Trade and Industry lateral section for a proposed building (running
parallel to the ground) and at a height of from 1– 1.5
SEC meters above the finished floor.
Securities and Exchange Commission  The term may also collectively refer to other
architectural designs such as sections, elevations,
Association roof plan, RCP, door and window schedules, and the
Any formal grouping of two or more architects or like.
architectural firms working in joint venture on a
project basis Certificate of Registration
A certificate bearing a registration number, issued by the
Architectural company PRC through the PRBOA, signifying that the individual has
Synonymous to Architectural Partnership successfully passed the licensure examination and is
registered to practice his/her profession as Architect
Architecture corporation
 A group of professionals in architecture and allied Code of Ethical Conduct
professions, incorporated with Architects for the A document which contains the norms and principles
purpose of delivering professional service in governing the practice of the profession of architecture in
architecture and allied professions the highest standards of ethical conduct
 In case an existing Architectural Corporation does
not comply with the 75% composition requirement, Contract documents
it shall comply and register again with the SEC and  General conditions
the BOA.  Special provisions or conditions
 Drawings
Architectural documents  Specifications
 Architectural drawings, specifications, and other  Other bid documents
outputs of an Architect that only an Architect can
sign and seal Copyright
 Consists, among others, of vicinity maps, site  The intellectual property rights retained by an
development plans, architectural program, Architect over any architectural documents/work
perspective drawings, architectural floor plans, that he/she prepares unless there is a written
elevations, sections, ceiling plans, schedules, stipulation to the contrary
detailed drawings, technical specifications and cost  Copyright in a work of architecture shall include the
estimates, and other instruments of service in any right to control the erection of any building which
form. reproduces the whole or a substantial part of the
work either in its original form or in any form
Architectural interiors recognizably derived from the original
A detailed planning and design of the indoor areas of any  However, the copyright in any such work shall not
proposed building, including retrofit or renovation work include the right to control the reconstruction or
and which shall cover all architectural and utility aspects, rehabilitation in the same style as the original of a
including the architectural lay-outing of all building building to which the copyright relates.
engineering systems found therein
CPD providers
Architectural partnership Entities, agencies, organizations other than the IAPOA
A group of two or more Architects duly registered with that have been accredited by the PRBOA to deliver
the SEC and then with the Board of Architecture seminars, lectures, and other continuing professional
education modules for architects

Diversified architectural experience

A post-baccalaureate, pre-licensure experience of two
years required of a graduate of architecture prior to
taking the licensure examination.
Architectural plans Foreign architect
 2D representations reflecting a proposed An architect who is not a Filipino citizen nor an Architect
development showing elements such as columns, registered and licensed in the Philippines, but who is duly
registered and licensed in his/her home country as an the rendering of a service and the transfer, assignment or
Architect. licensing of all forms of intellectual property rights

Filipino counterpart ACRONYMS AND LAWS

The local Philippine architect, partnership or corporation
that must work in association with a foreign architect, BOA or PRBOA
partnership or corporation, on a project on Philippine Board of Architecture or Professional Regulatory
soil. Board of Architecture

Ownership CPD
 The proprietary rights to an architectural work by a Continuing Professional Development
person who commissions the Architect. Ownership
of an architectural work shall only be confined to the DOLE
use of the architectural documents for executing the Department of Labor and Employment
work for one or the original project.
 Ownership shall not apply to the use of the DTI
architectural documents for repetitions or Department of Trade and Industry
subsequent projects.
Professional Integrated Accredited Professional Organization of
A person whose name, registration, and professional Architects (the same as United Architects of the
license number is entered in the PRC registry book and Philippines, Inc.)
computerized database as one legally authorized to
practice his profession. PRC
Professional Regulation Commission
Professional identification card
A document bearing the registration number, date of RLA
issuance with an expiry date, due for periodic renewal, Registered and licensed architect
issued to a registered Architect upon payment of the
annual registration fees for three (3) years UAP
United Architects of the Philippines, Inc.
“Standards of Professional Practice” refers to documents RULE 2 - The PRBOA
which define all aspects of professional service,
prescribes minimum basic fees and establishes the rights CREATION OF THE BOARD
and obligations of both the Architect and the client.  RA 9266 provides for the creation of the Professional
Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBOA)
Sole proprietorship  The Board is a collegial body under the supervision
An individual architect practicing and delivering and administrative control of the Professional
architectural services, duly registered with the DTI, Regulation Commission (PRC)
PRBOA and the PRC
Specialization The board shall be composed of:
An expertise and special knowledge in the field of  One chairman
architecture acquired through formal education and  Two members
training or through continuing professional development They shall be appointed by the President of the
and experience, for which the Architect may be engaged Philippines from a list of three (3)
as Consulting Architect. recommendees chosen from a list of five (5)
nominees for each position submitted to the PRC
Syllabi by the IAPOA.
The outline of topics and concepts of major subjects to
serve as basis for test questions in the licensure CURRENT PRBOA
examinations  Chairman: Robert S. Sac
 Member: Robert M. Mirafuente
 Member: Fidel Jose R. Siapno
Technology transfer PRBOA QUALIFICATIONS
The transfer of systematic knowledge for the Each member of the Board shall possess the following
manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or qualifications at the time of appointment:
 A citizen and resident of the Philippines  Hear and decide administrative cases involving
 BS Architecture degree violations of RA 9266, the Code of Ethical Conduct,
 Certificate of Registration and Professional and Standards of Professional Practice
Identification Card  Prescribe guidelines for the Continuing Professional
 10 years of active practice on date of appointment Development (CPD) program in consultation with the
Not a member of the faculty of any school, college, IAPOA
university or review institution where a regular course or Note: The attendance to said CPD shall not be a
review course in architecture is taught, nor have mandatory requirement for the renewal of a Professional
pecuniary interest in such institution ID
If a former teacher, must have officially resigned and has  Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the
completely stopped teaching, advising or reviewing subjects for examinations in consultation with the
activities for at least five years prior to the nomination. academe
 Determine and prepare questions as well as
PRBOA QUALIFICATIONS administer, correct and release the results of the
 Has never been convicted of any crime involving licensure examinations
moral turpitude  Approve, issue, limit or cancel temporary or special
 Not an elective officer of the IAPOA and other permit to practice architecture
professional organization of architects  In coordination with the CHED, ensure that all higher
educational instruction comply with the policies,
“Moral turpitude” standards and requirements of the course prescribed
Conduct that is considered contrary to community by the CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty,
standards of justice, honesty or good morals. library and facilities
 To adopt a program for the full computerization of
TERM OF OFFICE the licensure examination
 The members of the Board shall hold office for a
term of three years after appointment or until their ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OF THE BOARD
successors shall have been appointed and duly
 Any vacancy occurring within the term of a member  The Board shall be under the administrative
shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term supervision of the PRC
only.  All records of the Board, including applications for
 Each member of the Board may be reappointed for examination, examination questions, answer sheets,
one full term only and other records and documents pertaining to
 Of the members of the Board first appointed under licensure examination, administrative and other
RA 9266: investigative cases conducted by the Board shall be
o One member shall be appointed and hold office under the custody of the PRC
as chairman for three years,  The PRC shall designate the Secretary of the Board
o One member for two years and shall provide the secretariat and other support
o One member for one year services to implement the provisions of RA 9266.



 Prescribe and adopt the IRR for RA 9266 The President of the Philippines, upon the
 Supervise the registration, licensure and practice of recommendation of the PRC and after giving the
architects concerned member an opportunity to defend himself in a
 Administer oaths in connection with the proper administrative investigation, may suspend or
administration of RA 9266 remove any member on the following grounds:
 Issue, suspend, revoke, or reinstate the Certificate of  Neglect of duty or incompetence
Registration and the Professional ID  Violation or tolerance of violations of RA 9266, or its
 Adopt an official seal of the PRBOA IRR or the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of
 Monitor the conditions affecting the practice of Professional Practice
architecture and adopt measures for the  Final judgment of crimes involving moral turpitude
enhancement and maintenance of the standards of Manipulation or rigging of the architecture licensure
the profession examination results, disclosure of secret and confidential
 Prescribe and adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct information in the examination questions prior to the
and Standards of Professional Practice; conduct of the said examination or tampering of grades
RULE 3 - Examination, registration, licensure  Analysis of the influences of environmental,
historical, and sociocultural factors and their
EXAMINATION REQUIRED relevance to the development of art, buildings,
All applicants for registration for the practice of structures, as well as of human settlements.
architecture shall be required to undergo the licensure
 Understanding of the theories and principles of
QUALIFICATIONS FOR EXAM APPLICANTS design and architectural design process;
 Analysis of anthropometric, proxemic, and
QUALIFICATIONS kinesthetic requirements of space in relation to
 A Filipino citizen or a citizen of a foreign country architectural design;
qualified to take the examination as provided for in  Analysis of sociocultural and technological trends
this IRR which are contributory to the development of
 Of good moral character contemporary architecture.
 A holder of the degree of BS Architecture conferred
by a school, college, academy or institute duly ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE
recognized by CHED  Understanding of the role, legal rights and
 Two years of diversified architectural experience obligations, and responsibilities of the architect
duly certified by an RLA  Analysis and application of the various statutes,
Note: An applicant holding a Master’s Degree in codes, and regulations affecting the practice of
Architecture shall be credited with one (1) year architecture in the Philippines
 Never been convicted of any criminal offense  Understanding of the various aspects of the
involving moral turpitude professional practice of architecture, including tools
and techniques related to production, construction,
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS resource allocation, and project management, as
 NSO Birth Certificate well as the efficient conduct of client and business
 NSO Marriage Contract for married female relations for building design and construction
applicants projects.
 College Diploma with indication of date of
 Transcript of Records with indication of date of  Analysis of the concepts and techniques in the
 Graduation general planning process, regional planning, land use
 Accomplished Diversified Training Forms (DT Form planning, and human settlements planning
001 and 002)  Understanding of the art and science of site planning
 Architect-Mentor Affidavit with emphasis on ecological, sociopsychological,
 Photocopy of Architect-Mentor’s valid Professional aesthetic, and functional basis of site planning.
Identification Card, Professional Tax Receipt (PTR)
 NBI clearance  Understanding of the fundamentals of mechanics,
 Other documents that the Board may require strength of materials, and theory of structures
 General design, principles, and analysis of the
FRAUD IN APPLICATIONS structural elements of various types of construction
The Board may refuse to renew, may suspend/revoke any materials and systems.
certificate of registration obtained by false swearing or
any misrepresentations made in applying for registration
or examination


 Understanding of the properties of building
HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE construction and finishing materials; their
 Analysis of architectural manifestations from the application and articulation; systems and methods of
beginning of civilization to contemporary periods of specifying and construction;
 Application of the principles of design and  A weighted general average of seventy percent
construction methods of various types of materials (70%)
used in construction.  No grade lower than fifty percent (50%) in any
given subject
 Understanding of the basic practices, principles, REPORT OF RATINGS
general design and installation, and/or construction
of utilities required for a building or structure and its REPORT OF RATINGS
premises;  The Board shall submit to the Commission the
 Analysis of utility, facility, and equipment ratings obtained by each candidate within thirty (30)
requirements in relation to aesthetic, function, and calendar days after the examination, unless
strength of a building or structure and its premises. extended for just cause.
 Upon the release of the results of the examination,
URBAN DESIGN the Board shall send by mail the rating received by
 Analysis of the concepts and techniques in the each examinee at his/her given address using the
general planning process of the physical and mailing envelope submitted during the examination.
systematic design on a community and urban plane Note: The report of rating may be distributed to the
on a more comprehensive manner. successful examinees during their mass oath taking as
 Understanding of the art and science of urban design new registered and licensed architects.
with emphasis on ecological, sociopsychological,
aesthetic and functional basis of urban design. OATH


 Understanding of the theories and principles of All successful candidates in the examination shall be
Architectural Interiors. required to take an oath of profession prior to entering
 Analysis of anthropometric, proxemic, and upon the practice of the profession.
kinesthetic requirements of space in relation to


 Application of logical approach to architectural A Certificate of Registration and Professional
interiors, urban design and site planning solutions to Identification Card shall be issued to examinees who pass
architectural and planning problems with emphasis the licensure examination
on design methodology, quantitative and qualitative
aspects of space, circulation, and interrelationships CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION
of space, structural and form envelopes, and building The Certificate shall remain in full force and effect until
utilities and facilities. withdrawn, suspended or revoked.
 Application of skills and ability to visualize
architectural design problems and present solutions PROFESSIONAL ID
in appropriate graphical language.  The Professional Identification Card shall likewise be
issued to every registrant who has paid the
REVISIONS TO THE SYLLABUS prescribed fee of annual registration for three (3)
The PRBOA, subject to the approval of the PRC, may years
revise or exclude any of the subjects and their syllabi, and  The renewal of the said card shall be subject to
add new ones as the need arises to conform to payment of the annual registration fees for another
technological changes brought about by continuing and every after three (3) years
trends in the profession.



To be qualified as having passed the licensure A roster showing the names and place of business
examination for architects, a candidate must obtain: including other personal material and relevant data of all
registered professional architects shall be prepared and The architect shall be required to indicate the number of
updated by the Board and copies thereof shall be made his/her Certificate of Registration and Professional
available to any party as may be deemed necessary Identification Card with its date of issuance and the
duration of validity, including the professional tax receipt
SEAL, ISSUANCE AND USE OF SEAL number on the documents he/she signs, uses or issues in
connection with the practice of his/her profession
 A duly licensed architect shall affix the seal REFUSAL TO ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION
prescribed by the Board bearing the registrant’s
name, registration number and title “Architect” on NON-ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE
all architectural plans, drawings, specifications and The Board shall not register and issue a Certificate of
all other contract documents prepared by or under Registration and Professional Identification Card to any
his/her direct supervision person who:
 Each registrant hereunder shall, upon registration, o Has falsely sworn or misrepresented
obtain a seal of such design as the Board shall himself/herself in his/her application for
authorize and direct examination
 It shall be unlawful for any one whose certificate of o Is convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction
registration has been revoked to stamp or seal any of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude or
documents guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct
 No officer or employee of this Republic, chartered o Is of unsound mind
cities, provinces and municipalities shall accept or  In the event of refusal to issue certificate for any
approve any architectural plans or specifications reason, the Board shall give the applicant a written
which have not been prepared and submitted in full statement setting forth the reasons for such action,
accord with all the provisions of RA 9266 which statement shall be incorporated in the record
 It shall be unlawful for any architect to sign his/her of the Board
name, affix his/her seal or use any other method of  However, registration shall not be refused and a
signature on architectural plans, specifications or name shall not be removed from the roster of
other documents made under another architect’s architects on conviction for a political offense or for
supervision, unless the same is made in such an offense which should not, in the opinion of the
manner as to clearly indicate the part or parts of Board disqualify a person from practicing under RA
such work actually performed by the former 9266.
 Drawings and specifications duly signed, stamped or  The Board in the written statement shall state the
sealed, as instruments of service, are the intellectual period for the deferment of the registration if the
properties and documents of the architect, whether offense or act committed does not call for indefinite
the object for which they are made is executed or period and/or perpetual deprivation of the chance to
not. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the register.
consent of the architect, to duplicate or to make
copies of said documents for use in the repetition of SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION
and for other projects or buildings, whether
executed partly or in whole SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION
 All architectural plans, designs, specifications, The Board shall have the power, upon notice and hearing,
drawings and architectural documents relative to the to suspend or revoke the validity of a Certificate of
construction of a building shall bear the seal and Registration/Professional Identification Card:
signature only of an architect registered and o for the use of or perpetuation of any fraud or
licensed under RA 9266 together with his/her deceit in obtaining a Certificate of Registration
professional identification card number and the date and Professional Identification Card
of its expiration o for gross negligence or incompetence
 The Board shall prescribe the design, size, and o for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
contents of the dry seal to be used in signing and
sealing of architectural plans

Such action of the Board shall be subject to appeal to the

INDICATION OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION, PRC ID, PRC whose decision shall be final if he/she:
PTR o Has signed and affixed or permitted to be signed
or affixed his name or seal on architectural plans
INDICATION OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION, PRC ID, not prepared by him/her or not executed under
PTR his/her immediate supervision;
o Has paid money except the regular fees o Engage in preparing architectural plans,
provided for to secure a Certificate of specifications or preliminary data for the
Registration; or erection or alteration of any building located
o Has falsely impersonated a practitioner, or within the boundaries of this country
former practitioner or has practiced under an o Use the title “Architect”, or display the word
assumed, fictitious or corporate name other “Architect” together with another word
than that of the registered; or o Display or use any title, sign, card,
o has aided or abetted in the practice of advertisement, or other device to indicate such
architecture of any person not duly authorized person practices or offers to practice
to practice architecture in the Philippines; or architecture, or is an architect
o Has openly solicited projects by undertaking o Any person not authorized to practice
architectural services without a valid service architecture in the Philippines who shall
agreement and has allowed himself/herself to perform any of the activities mentioned in
be exploited by undertaking architectural Sections 3 and 4 shall be deemed engaged in the
services without a valid service agreement, both unauthorized practice of architecture and shall,
acts being prejudicial to other architects therefore, be criminally liable under RA 9266
o Has violated any provision of RA 9266, its and its IRR
implementing rules and regulations, the Code of
Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional VESTED RIGHTS
 Any person, firm or association, may prepare charges  All architects registered at the time this law takes
in accordance with the provisions of this section effect shall automatically be registered under the RA
against any registrant 9266, subject, however, to the provisions regarding
 Such charges shall be in writing and shall be sworn to future requirements.
by the person making them and shall be filed with  Certificates of Registration and Professional
the Secretary of the Board Identification Cards held by such persons in good
standing shall have the same force and effect as
REISSUANCE OF REVOKED / LOST REPLACEMENT though issued after the passage of RA 9266.


The Board may, after the expiration of two (2) years from  A person who is not a citizen of the Philippines shall
the date of revocation, reinstate the validity of a revoked not be allowed to take the licensure examination
Certificate of Registration and in so doing may, in its unless he/she can prove that his/her country either
discretion, exempt the applicant from taking another admits citizens of the Philippines to the practice of
examination the same profession without restriction or allows
them to practice it after passing an examination on
terms of strict and absolute equality with citizens
 That person’s country must also unconditionally
recognize the degrees/diplomas issued by the
schools duly recognized by the Government of the
 A foreign citizen, whether he studied in the
Philippines or not, who desires to take the licensure
examination for Architects through reciprocity shall
initiate the establishment of reciprocity between his
country/state and the Philippines
 ▪ The foreign applicant must submit a letter or any
document signed and under official seal by the
appropriate official of his country requesting the
Chairman of the Board Architecture to allow the
foreign applicant to take the licensure examination
RULE 4 - Practice of Architecture (Sundry Provisions)  If the letter/document and the copy of the law
submitted by the applicant is satisfactory to the
REGISTRATION OF ARCHITECTS REQUIRED Board, the foreign applicant shall be allowed to take
Only persons with a Certificate of Registration and be the licensure examination for Architects by requiring
issued a Professional Identification Card may: him to file an application to take the licensure
o Practice architecture in this country
examination and by submitting the following implementation of plans, designs or
documents: specifications made by any person, firm,
o Any official document issued by the Bureau of partnership or company not duly licensed to
Immigration and Deportation allowing the engage in the practice of architecture,
applicant to enter and reside the Philippines; o Any person who shall violate any of the
o Passport provisions of RA 9266, its implementing rules and
o Original or authenticated copy of transcript of regulations, the Code of Ethical Conduct and
records issued by the institution of higher Standards of Professional Practice, or any policy
learning where he studied, duly authorized by of the Board and the Commission
his country
o Other documents which may be required to be GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
submitted by the Board.  Government employees and employees of private
firms or persons/entities who are not registered and
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT licensed architects shall not perform architectural
works in the performance of their official function
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT without the direct supervision of a licensed
 To promote public interest and to safeguard life, architect.
health and property, all practicing architects shall  Such activity shall constitute unauthorized practice
maintain a program of continuing professional of architecture which shall be penalized in
development. accordance with Section 29 of RA 9266.
 The IAPOA shall have the responsibility of developing
a continuing professional development program for PUBLIC OFFICIALS
architects. Other entities or organizations may Any public official who shall order or cause a non-
become CPD providers upon accreditation by the architect to perform activities which constitute practice
Board. of architecture shall be administratively liable and shall
be guilty of misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be
PROHIBITION IN THE PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE AND sentenced in accordance with Section 30 of RA 9266.
The following shall be guilty of misdemeanor: PROHIBITION IN THE PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE
o Any person who shall practice or offer to practice  Any person or entity, whether public or private,
architecture in the Philippines without being Filipino or foreigner, who/which shall entice, compel,
registered/licensed and who are not holders of coerce, require or otherwise force an architect
temporary or special permits in accordance with registered and licensed under RA 9266 to
the provisions of RA 9266 undertake/perform any service under the general
o Any person presenting or attempting to use the practice of architecture as defined under RA 9266,
Certificate of Registration/Professional without first executing a written contract/service
Identification Card or seal of another or agreement…
temporary or special permit,  ▪ …shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shall, upon
o Any person who shall give any false or forged conviction be sentenced to a fine of not less than
evidence of any kind to the Board or to any two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or to
member thereof in obtaining a Certificate of suffer imprisonment for a period not exceeding six
Registration/Professional Identification Card or (6) years, or both, at the discretion of the Court.
temporary or special permit
o Any person who shall falsely impersonate any
registrant of like or different name,
o Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or
suspended Certificate of
Registration/Professional Identification Card or
cancelled special/temporary permit,
o Any person who shall use in connection with
his/her name or otherwise assume, use or
advertise any title or description tending to REPRESENTATIVES OF NON-REGISTERED PERSONS
convey the impression that he/she is an architect
o Any person whether Filipino or foreigner, who PERSONS
knowingly allows the use, adoption,
 It shall be unlawful for any person or firm or Persons not registered as an architect shall not claim nor
corporation to seek to avoid the provisions of RA represent either services or work as equivalent to those
9266 by having a representative or employee seek of a duly qualified registered architect, or that they are
architectural work in their behalf, unless and until, qualified for any branch or function of architectural
such persons are duly qualified and duly practice, even though no form of the title “Architect” is
registered/licensed. used
 Otherwise, both those represented and the
representative, the employer and the employee LIMITATION TO THE REGISTRATION OF FIRMS
shall be deemed guilty of violation of RA 9266.
 Solicitation of architectural work shall be construed REGISTRATION OF FIRMS
as offering to practice architecture and it shall be  The practice of architecture is a professional service,
unlawful for any non-registered and unlicensed admission to which shall be determined upon the
persons to do so. basis of individual personal qualifications.
 However, a firm, company, partnership, corporation
SIGNING AND SEALING OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS or association may be registered or licensed as such
for the practice of architecture under the following
 It shall be unlawful for any architect to sign his/her o Only Filipino citizens properly registered and
name, affix his/her seal on architectural plans made licensed as architects under RA 9266 may,
under another architect’s supervision, unless made among themselves, or together with allied
in such manner as to clearly indicate which parts of technical professionals, form and obtain
such work was actually performed by the former registration as a firm, company, partnership,
 The authorized signature, official seal, PTR, PRC association or corporation for the practice of
registration number and the IAPOA membership architecture;
number and Official Receipt (O.R.) number of the o Registered and licensed architects shall compose
Architect-of-Record stamped on architectural plans at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the
signify his/her assumption of the mandated 15-year owners, shareholders, members, incorporators,
civil liability under Article 1723 of the Civil Code. directors, executive officers, as the case may be
 However, the Architect-of-Record should be limited o Individual members of such firm, partnership,
to architectural documents of a project and its association or corporation shall be responsible
liability does not extend to the professional for their individual and collective acts as an
responsibility nor civil liability of the other signing entity and as provided by law;
(sealing) professionals o Such firm, partnership, association or
corporation shall be registered with the SEC and


 Drawings and specifications and other contract
documents duly signed, stamped or sealed, as
instruments of service, are the intellectual property
and documents of the architect, whether the object
for which they are made is executed or not. It shall
be unlawful for any person to duplicate or to make
copies of said documents for use in the repetition of
and for other projects or buildings, whether
executed partly or in whole, without the written
consent of architect or author of said documents
 All architects shall incorporate this provision in all
contract documents and other instruments of


CLAIMS FOR EQUIVALENT SERVICE  Foreign nationals who have gained entry in the
Philippines to perform professional services as
architects or consultants shall secure a  The Architecture profession shall be integrated into
special/temporary permit from the Board subject to one national organization which shall be accredited
approval of the Commission, to practice his/her by the Board, subject to the approval by the
profession in connection with the project to which Commission, as the integrated and accredited
he/she was commissioned professional organization of architects
 A foreign national or foreign firm whose name  Such an organization shall be registered with the SEC
appears on architectural plans for securing building as a non-profit, non-stock corporation to be
permits, licenses and government authority governed by by-laws providing for a democratic
clearances for actual building project construction in election of its officials.
the Philippines shall be deemed practicing  An architect duly registered with the Board shall
architecture in the Philippines, whether the contract automatically become a member of the integrated
for professional services is consummated in the and accredited professional organization of
Philippines or in a foreign country. architects and shall receive the benefits and
privileges provided for in R.A. 9266 upon payment of
 He/she must be a citizen or subject of a country  Membership in the integrated and accredited
which specifically permits Filipino professionals to professional organization of architects shall not be a
practice his/her profession within their territorial bar to membership in other associations of
limits, on the same basis as the subjects or citizens architects.
of such foreign state or country;
 He/she must be legally qualified to practice UAP AS IAPOA
architecture in his/her own country, and that his/her  Pursuant to Board Resolution No. 3, Series of 2004,
expertise is necessary and advantageous to our the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. is the
country particularly in the aspects of technology existing integrated and accredited professional
transfer and specialization; organization of registered architects
 Foreign nationals shall be required to work with a  An architect duly registered with the PRC shall
Filipino counterpart and shall also be responsible for automatically become a member of the UAP
public utilities and taxes due to the Philippine  The UAP shall keep an updated official registry of its
government, relative to their participation in, or members
professional services rendered to the project  Members of the UAP practicing the architectural
 ▪Agencies, organizations or individuals whether profession shall be required to provide their official
public or private, who secure the services of a IAPOA membership number and receipt number
foreign professional authorized by law to practice in together with their PRC registration number and PTR
the Philippines, shall be responsible for securing a Number on official documents prepared by them for
special permit from the PRC and the DOLE purposes of obtaining governmental regulatory
permits and licenses.
 Nominations to the vacancy of positions to the BOA;
LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR TEMPORARY OR SPECIAL  Responsibility of preparing a program of CPD;
PERMITS  Endorsement of the practice of foreign nationals to
Foreign nationals must locally secure their professional be issued temporary/special permit;
liability insurance or malpractice insurance or their  Recommendation of compliance with liability
acceptable equivalent in bond form commensurate with insurance under a temporary/special permit;
the nature and magnitude of their project involvement  Monitoring of compliance to RA 9266, and filing of
and their compensation complaints with the PRBOA and/or PRC for violations
of the RA 9266, this IRR, Code of Ethics, Standards of
Professional Practice and other policies of the Board
and of the Commission


RULE 5 - Final Provisions
INTEGRATION OF THE ARCHITECTURE PROFESSION RA 9266 shall not be construed to affect or prevent the
practice of any other legally recognized profession


 It shall be the primary duty of the PRC and the
PRBOA to effectively enforce the provisions of RA
9266 and this “IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004”.
 All duly constituted law enforcement agencies and
officers of national, provincial, city or municipal
government shall, upon the call or request of the
PRC or the PRBOA, render assistance in enforcing the
provisions of RA 9266, and to prosecute any person
violating the provisions of the same.
 Any person may bring before the PRC, PRBOA,or the
aforementioned officers of the law, cases of illegal
practice or violations of RA 9266 committed by any
person or party.


If, for any reason, any section or provision of this IRR is
declared unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder of
this IRR shall not be affected by such declaration.


Any provisions of the rules and policies issued and
promulgated pursuant to R.A. No. 545, P.D. No. 223,R.A.
No. 8981, and other laws which are inconsistent with this
IRR are hereby superseded, repealed or amended

SPP DOC. 202


 These standards of professional practice apply to  In this phase, the architect:
both individual practice (i.e. by a natural person) o Evaluates the owner's program, schedule,
and group practice (by a juridical entity like a budget, project site and proposes methods of
partnership or a corporation) project deliveries.
 Foreign architects who wish to render regular design o Prepares the initial line drawings representing
services must first comply with the requirements of design studies leading to a recommended
RA 9266: solution
o Temporary/Special Permit o Submits to the owner a Statement of the
o A work permit from DOLE Probable Project Construction Cost (SPPCC)
o Must work with a local counterpart who is an
RLA 3. Design Development Phase
 BPO and KPO firms cannot render architectural  Based on approved schematics and conceptual
services for projects located on Philippine soil unless plans, the Architect prepares:
they are PRC-registered architectural firms o The Design Development documents consisting
of plans, elevations, sections and other
Regular design services drawings,
 In regular practice, the architect acts as the owner's o Outline specifications
adviser and/or representative. He translates the o Diagrammatic layout of construction systems
Owner's needs and requirements to spaces and o An updated SPPCC
forms in the best manner of professional service.
 The architect's regular design services start at the 4. Contract Document Phase
inception of the project and end only when the  Based on the approved Design Development (DD)
contractor turns over the completed project to the plans, the architect:
owner o Prepares the complete Contract Documents
consisting of detailed designs and construction
o Prepares Technical Specifications
THE SIX PHASES o Submits to the owner seven (7) sets of all
1. Project Definition Phase construction drawings and technical
2. Schematic Design Phase specifications for purposes of obtaining a
3. Design Development Phase building permit.
4. Contract Document Phase  Based on the approved Design Development (DD)
5. Bidding or Negotiation Phase plans, the architect:
6. Construction Phase o Updates the SPPCC based on changes in scope,
requirements or market conditions
1. Project Definition Phase o Assists the owner in filing the required
 This phase involves the definition of the documents to secure approval of government
requirements of the project by the Owner. authorities having jurisdiction over the design of
 The Architect in turn informs the Owner of the the project
technical requirements of the project and the
concomitant professional fees. 5. Bidding/Negotiation Phase
 Duties include: In this phase, the architect:
1. Consultation with the owner to ascertain the  Prepares bid documents, such as:
conceptual framework and related o Forms for contract letting
o Documents for construction
2. Gathering of relevant data leading to the
o Forms for invitation and instruction to bidders
definition of the requirements of the project,
o -Forms for bidders' proposals
including the scope of the Architect's services
o General or specific conditions of contract
3. Review and refinement of the requirements and
the translation of them into an architectural
4. Preparation of an initial statement of probable
 Helps the owner establish a list of prospective
construction cost
 For competitive bids, the architect:
2. Schematic Design Phase
o Furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents
 This phase consists of the preparation of schematic
for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may
design studies derived from the Project Definition
be required to conduct a successful bidding.
Phase, leading to conceptual plans.
o helps in organizing and conducting pre-bid Note: These Certificates will constitute a certification
conferences to the Client that the work has progressed to the
o responds to questions from bidders state indicated and that to his best knowledge, the
 For competitive bids, the architect: quality of work performed by the Contractor is in
o Furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents accordance with the Contract Documents.
for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may o Should more extensive inspection or full-
be required to conduct a successful bidding. time (8-hour) construction supervision be
o helps in organizing and conducting pre-bid required by the Client, a separate full-time
conferences supervisor shall be hired and agreed upon
o responds to questions from bidders by the Owner and the Architect subject to
o assists the Owner in obtaining proposals from the conditions provided in the SPP
Contractors, analyzes bid results and prepares Document on Full - Time Supervision.
abstract of bids, notice of award, notice to
proceed and other construction contracts MANNER OF PROVIDING SERVICES
 For negotiated contracts, the architect performs the
same functions as in competitive bids but negotiates Manner of Providing Services
 with one contractor only instead of many bidders  There are two ways by which the Architect may
 Notes on Bid Documents: enter into contract with the Owner:
o The Bid Documents are loaned to bidders at an o Option 1: with a single contract between
amount sufficient to cover direct and indirect the Architect and Owner, and sub-
costs of preparation, reproduction, and delivery consultancy contracts between the
of said documents. Architect and the other professionals
o They are the intellectual property of the working with the Architect.
architect and must be returned after the bid. o Option 2: with the Architect and the
o Neither the owner nor the bidders are allowed engineering and allied professionals
to use the Bid Documents for purposes other executing separate contracts with the
than agreed between the owner and architect. Owner.

6. Construction Phase Separation of Liabilities

 In this phase, the architect:  The architect is the lead professional who works
o Makes decisions on all claims of the Owner and with other professionals in the engineering and
Contractors on all matters relating to the allied professions in rendering regular design
execution and progress of work or the services.
interpretation of the Contract Documents.  However, the professional responsibilities and civil
o Prepares change orders, gathers and turns over liabilities of each State-regulated professional
to the Owner written guarantees required of the remains separate. The Architect does not assume
Contractor and Sub-Contractors. any of the responsibilities and liabilities of the other
o Makes periodic visits to the project site to professionals (RLPs).
familiarize himself with the general progress and
quality of work and to ascertain that the work is PROJECT CLASSIFICATIONS
proceeding in accordance with the Contract
o The Architect shall not be required to make  Project Classifications Professional architectural work
is classified in accordance with the degree of
exhaustive on-site supervision to check on the
complexity and the creative skill required to meet
quality of the work involved.
the requirements of the Client within technical,
o He shall not be held responsible for the
functional, economic and aesthetic constraints.
Contractor's failure to carry out the Construction
 Based on these groupings, the corresponding scale
work in accordance with the Contract
of charges shall be prescribed in the Architect's
Guidelines to determine the fair remuneration to the
o He shall report to the Client defects and
deficiencies noted in the work of Contractors,
Group 1: Simple
and shall condemn work found failing to
Buildings of the simplest utilization and character
conform to the Contract Documents.
 Armories
o Determines the amount owing and due to the
 Bakeries
Contractor and issues corresponding Certificates
 Habitable agricultural buildings
for Payment for such amounts based on his
 Freight facilities
observations and the Contractor's Applications
 Hangars
for Payment.
 Industrial buildings  Marinas and Resort Complexes
 Parking structures  Auditoriums
 Printing plants  Medical Arts Offices & Clinics
 Public markets  Airports/Wet & Dry Ports & Terminals
 Service garages  Mental Institutions
 Simple loft type buildings  Breweries
 Warehouses  Mortuaries
 Manufacturing/industrial plants Packaging and  Cold Storage Facilities
processing plants  Observatories
 Other similar buildings  Telecommunication Buildings
 Public Health Centers
Group 2: Moderate  Convention Facilities
Buildings of moderate complexity of plan/design:  Research Facilities
 Art Galleries  Gymnasiums
 Banks, Exchange and other buildings  Stadia
 Financial Institutions  Hospitals & Medical Buildings
 Bowlodromes  Theaters & Similar Facilities
 Call Centers  Hotels
 Churches and Religious Facilities City/Town Halls &  Veterinary Hospitals
Civic Centers  Transportation Facilities & Systems
 College Buildings  Other buildings of similar nature or use
 Convents, Monasteries & Seminaries
 Correctional & Detention Facilities Group 4: Residences
 Court Houses/Halls of Justice Residences (single-detached, single-attached or duplex;
 Dormitories row-houses or shop-houses), small apartment houses
 Exhibition Halls & Display Structures and townhouses
 Fire Stations
 Laundries & Cleaning Facilities Shophouse
 Libraries A shophouse is a vernacular architectural building type
 Malls/Mall Complexes that is commonly seen in areas such as urban Southeast
 Motels & Apartels Asia. Shophouses are mostly two or three stories high,
 Multi-storey Apartments with a shop on the ground floor and a residence above
 Showrooms/Service Centers the shop.
 Nursing Homes
 Office Buildings/ Office Condominium Group 5: Monumental
 Park, Playground and Open-Air Recreational Facilities Monumental buildings and other facilities
 Residential Condominiums  Exposition and Fair Buildings
 Police Stations  Specialized decorative buildings
 Postal Facilities  Mausoleums, Memorials, and Monuments
 Private Clubs Publishing Plants  Museums
 Race Tracks  Buildings of similar nature or use
 Restaurants / Fastfood Stores
 Retail / Wholesale Stores Group 6: Repetitive Construction
 Schools Projects where the plan / design and related Contract
 Shopping Centers Documents are re-used for the repetitive construction of
 Specialty Shops similar buildings without amending the drawing and the
 Supermarkets/ Hyper-marts specifications
 Serviced Apartments
 Welfare Buildings Group 7: Housing Projects
 Mixed Use Buildings Housing projects involving the construction of several
 Other buildings of similar nature residential units on a single site with the use of one (1)
set of plans / design, specifications and related
Group 3: Exceptional documents
Buildings of exceptional character and complexity of
plan/design Group 8: Extensive Detail
 Aquariums Projects involving extensive detail such as designs for
 Laboratories/Testing Facilities built-in components or elements, built-in equipment,
 Nuclear Facilities
special fittings, screens, counters, architectural interiors  Based on technical hours spent and does not
(Al), and development planning and/or design account for creative work since the value of creative
design cannot be measured by the length of time the
Group 9: Renovations Etc. designer has spent on his work.
Alterations, renovations, rehabilitations, retrofit and  The computation is made by adding all costs of
expansion / additions to existing buildings belonging to technical services (man hours x rate) and then
Groups 1 to 5 multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and
Group 10: Expert Advice
The Architect is engaged to render opinion or give Total Cost of Service charged to Client = Fee + R
advice, clarifications or explanation on technical matters  R = Reimbursable expenses such as transportation,
pertaining to architectural works. housing and living allowance of consultant,
transportation, per diem, housing and living
COMPENSATION allowance of local consultants and technical staff if
assigned to places over 100km. from area of
Methods of Compensation operation of the Architect
The Architect's compensation is based on the  Fee Direct Cost X M
Architect's/architectural firm's talents, skill, experience,
imagination, and on the type and level of professional Fee = Direct Cost x M
services provided.  Direct cost =AN + CN + TN
- N number of hours spent
PCC - A = Architect's rate per hour
Percentage (%) of Project Construction Cost (PCC)The - C = Consultant's rate per hour
Architect's Fee based on the PPC shall be detailed in the - T = Rate per hour of technical staff, researchers,
Architect's Guidelines. and others involved in the project
 M = Multiplier to account for overhead and
Based on the old 1979 UAP Documents, the following reasonable profit. The value may range from 1.5 to
shall be the minimum basic fees: 2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect's office
 Group 1: 6% of construction cost (not > PHP 50M) and the complexity of the Project.
 Group 2: 7% of construction cost (not > PHP 50M)
 Group 3: 8% of construction cost (not > PHP 50M) Professional Fee + Expenses
 Group 4: 10% of construction cost  This method of compensation is frequently used
 Group 5: 10% of construction cost where there is continuing relationship involving a
 Group 6 (Repetitive Construction) series of Projects.
- First structure: Minimum basic fee  It establishes a fixed sum over and above the
- Second structure: 80% of minimum basic fee reimbursement for the Architect's technical time and
- -Third structure: 60% of minimum basic fee overhead. An agreement on the general scope of the
- Succeeding structures: 40% of minimum basic work is necessary in order to set an equitable fee.
 Group 7 (Housing Projects) Lump Sum / Fixed Fee
- 1 unit: Minimum basic fee (10% of construction This method may be applied to government projects
cost) since they entail more paper work and time-consuming
- 2-10 units: Minimum basic fee for the first unit, efforts.
60% of the minimum basic fee for additional
- 11 or more units: Minimum basic fee for the first
ten units, 30% of minimum basic fee for
additional units

 Group 8 (Extensive Detail): 15% of PCC Per Diem/Honorarium +R

 Group 9 (Renovations): 150% of minimum basic fee Applicable in cases when a client requests an Architect to
 Group 10 (Expert Advice): Minimum of PHP200 per do work which will require his personal time such as:
hour for rendering opinion, minimum of PHP500 per - attending project-related meetings, conferences or
hour for expert testimony (witness) trips;
- conducting ocular inspection of possible project
MDPE sites; and
Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses (MDPE) - conferring with others regarding prospective
 Applicable only to non-creative work investments or ventures and the like.
Mixed Methods Extra Sets of Contract Docs
The SPP provides for more than one method of The Owner shall pay the Architect for additional sets of
compensation on a project. Each project should be Contract Documents.
examined to determine the most appropriate method of
compensation. Changes Ordered by the Owner
If the Architect renders additional professional services
OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES due to changes ordered by the Owner after approval of
the Architect's outputs, the Owner shall pay the Architect
Owner's Responsibilities for extra time, resources/ drafting, or other office
 Provide information on requirements expenses.
 Designate a representative authorized to act on his
behalf, if necessary Work Suspended/Abandoned
 Promptly make decisions to avoid delay and issue  If the work of the Architect is abandoned or
such decisions only through the architect suspended in whole or in part, the Owner shall pay
 Give the architect a certified survey of the site the Architect for the services rendered
 Promptly pay for the architectural and corresponding to the amount due at the stage of
engineering/allied services required for the project suspension or abandonment of the work.
 Pay for the design and consulting services on  The primary service of the Architect is the
specialty systems which may be required for the preparation of architectural plans/designs,
project specifications and other building construction
 Arrange and pay for such legal. auditing, insurance. documents
counseling and other services as may be required for  Once the Architect has prepared all these
the project. documents, the Architect has completed the
 Pay for all reimbursable expenses incurred in the Detailed Design and Contract Documents Phase of
project as called for in Section 7 and all taxes his services, which is equivalent to 90% of his work.
including VAT that the government may impose on  When the Owner therefore fails to implement the
the architect (except income tax) plans and documents for construction as prepared
 If the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware by the Architect, the Architect is entitled to receive
of anything that may impair the successful as compensation the sum corresponding to ninety
implementation of the project, he shall give prompt percent (90%) of the Architect's fee.
written notice to the Architect.
Different Periods of Construction
OTHER CONDITIONS  If portions of the building/s are erected at different
periods of time, thus increasing the construction
Conditions for the Architect's Fee period and Architect's burden of services, charges
The Architect's Fee is based on the Project Construction pertaining to services rendered during the
Cost. Where the Architect has to render additional Construction Phase shall be adjusted
services, additional compensation shall be required. proportionately.
 When the suspension of construction exceeds a
Other Services period of six (6) months, the fee for the remaining
 Other services that may be needed in order to works shall be doubled.
complete the project such as services of acoustic and
illumination engineers / specialists, mural painters,
sculptors, and other service providers are to be
recommended by the Architect for the Owner's
 Costs for these services are to be paid for separately Specialist Consultants
by the Owner and shall be subject to a coordination If the Owner requires the services of specialist
fee payable to the Architect. consultants, they shall be engaged with the consent of
the Architect. The cost of their services shall be paid for
Per Diem and Travelling Expenses separately by the Owner and shall not be deducted from
A per diem plus traveling and living expenses shall be the Architect's fee.
chargeable to the Owner whenever the Architect or his
duly authorized representative is required to perform Separate Services
services at a locality beyond 50.0 kilometers (air, straight Should the Owner require the Architect to design
line or radial distance) from his established office as it movable or fixed pieces of cabinets and other
appears in the Architect's letterhead. architectural interior (Al) elements, site development
plan (SDP) components, urban design elements, and  All signboards of the General Contractor, sub-
other items of similar nature, the Owner shall pay the contractors, jobbers and dealers that shall be placed
Architect in addition to the Architect's fee. The at the project site during the progress of
compensation shall be based on the Project Construction construction shall be approved by the Architect as to
Cost as provided for under SPP Document 203. size, design and contents.
 After the completion of the project, the Owner or his
Fulltime Supervision building lessee shall consult the Architect for the
 Upon recommendation of the Architect and with the design, size of all signboards, letterings, directories
approval of the Owner. full-time construction and display boards that will be placed on the exterior
supervisors as will be deemed necessary shall be or public areas attached to the building project in
engaged and paid by the Owner. order to safeguard the Owner's interest.
 f no Project / Construction Manager is present. the  Nothing should be installed inside or outside of the
full-time construction supervisor shall be under the building that would compromise its safety and
technical control and supervision of the Architect aesthetics.
and shall make periodic reports to the Owner and to
the Architect regarding the progress and quality of Project Construction Cost (PCC)
the work done.  Project Construction Cost (PCC) as herein referred to,
means the cost of the completed building to the
Estimates Owner, including the MEPF systems, elements
Any SPPCC or any Cost Estimate submitted by the attached to the building and all items indicated in
Architect can attain only a certain degree ofaccuracy. As the plans, designs, drawings and specifications
the Architect has no control over the cost of labor and prepared by the Architect and his consultants.
materials, or the many factors that go into competitive  The construction cost of other items planned and
bidding, he does not assume any professional designed by the Architect, such as architectural
responsibility for such cost estimates, unless glaring interiors (Al) and site development plan elements
errors or discrepancies are clearly evident. and other items of similar nature, additionally
planned / designed by the Architect are also part of
Taxes and Services the PCC.
The Architect's Fee is a net amount. Any tax (exclusive of  The cost of materials used and the labor for their
income tax) that the national and/or local government/s installation are part of the PCC. If these items are
may impose on the Architect as a consequence of the furnished by the Owner below its market cost, the
services performed for the project shall be paid by the cost of the material and labor shall nonetheless be
Owner. computed on the basis of the current (and fair
market value) costs.
Ownership of Docs  The PCC does not include any of the fees for the
All designs, drawings, models, specifications and other Architect, the Engineer, the Specialist Consultants or
contract documents and copies thereof, prepared, duly the salaries of the construction inspectors.
signed, stamped and sealed and furnished as instruments  Project Development Cost shall include cost of the
of service, are the intellectual property and documents construction as well as all professional fees, permits,
of the Architect, whether the work for which they were clearances and utilities and cost of acquiring the
made is executed or not, and are not to be reproduced or project site / lot, cost of money, etc.
used on other work except with a written agreement
with the Architect (Sec. 33 of R.A. No. 9266).

Cost Records
During the progress of work, the Owner shall furnish the
Architect a copy of the records of expenses being
incurred on the construction. Upon completion of the
project, the Owner shall furnish the Architect a copy of
the summary of all cost of labor, services, materials,
equipment, fixtures and all items used at and for the
completion of the construction.

Design/Placement of Signs

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