Size Effects in Ductile Cellular Solid 2

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* Corresponding author. Tel.: 00-1-617-253-7107; 00-1-617-258-6275.

E-mail address: (L.J. Gibson).

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
Size e!ects in ductile cellular solids. Part II: experimental results
E.W. Andrews, G. Gioux, P. Onck', L.J. Gibson*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
'Micromechanics of Materials, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Received 20 September 1999; received in revised form 12 May 2000; accepted 15 May 2000
There is increasing interest in the use of metallic foams in a variety of applications, including lightweight
structural sandwich panels and energy absorption devices. In such applications, the mechanical response of
the foams is of critical importance. In this study, we have investigated the e!ect of specimen size (relative to
the cell size) on selected mechanical properties of aluminum foams. Models, described in the companion
paper, provide a physical basis for understanding size e!ects in metallic foams. The models give a good
description of size e!ects in metallic foams. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cellular solids; Size e!ects; Mechanical properties
1. Introduction
Metallic foams have existed for over 40 years [1]. The development of a number of less costly
processing techniques have led to increasing interest in their use in a variety of applications,
including lightweight structural sandwich panels and energy absorption devices. The mechanical
response of these newer metallic foams, of critical importance in such applications, is currently
being evaluated [2}10]. An important issue in mechanical testing of foams is the e!ect of the
specimen size, relative to the cell size, on the measured properties. The size e!ect is also important
in design, as some components may have dimensions of only a few cell diameters (typically, d&2}6
mm). In the previous companion paper, we analyzed the e!ect of the ratio of specimen size to cell
size, /d, on the uniaxial, shear and indentation response of regular, hexagonal honeycombs. The
Young's modulus and uniaxial strength were found to increase with increasing values of /d, up to
0020-7403/01/$- see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 7 4 0 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 4 3 - 6
a plateau level, corresponding to the bulk properties. The reduced sti!ness and strength at lower
values of /d arose from the reduced constraint of cell walls at the free surface as well as from the
increasing area fraction of stress-free cell walls. The model for the shear modulus and strength
examined the role of a rigid boundary on two parallel faces. The shear moduli and strength
decrease with increasing /d, this time due to the increased constraint of the cell walls at the
boundary. The indentation load of a honeycomb is the sum of that required to crush the
honeycomb beneath the indenter and that required to yield, and then tear, cell walls at the
perimeter of the indenter, allowing it to move through the honeycomb. The indentation strength
varies with the inverse of the indenter width. The results for honeycombs were extended to foams
by modelling the mechanisms responsible for the size e!ects.
In this paper, we describe measurements of the e!ect of specimen size (relative to the cell size) on
the mechanical properties (Young's modulus, uniaxial compression strength, shear strength and
indentation strength) of aluminum foams. The data are compared with models, derived in the
companion paper [14], which provide a physical basis for understanding size e!ects in metallic foams.
2. Experimental procedure
2.1. Materials
A nominally 7% dense, 20 pore per inch, open-cell aluminum (6101-T6) foam (trade name
Duocel; ERG, Oakland, CA) and a nominally 8% dense, closed-cell aluminum foam (trade name
Alporas; Shinko Wire, Amagasaki, Japan) were used for the mechanical testing. Their microstruc-
ture and mechanical properties have been investigated in a number of studies [3,6}8,11]. The
open-cell foam has cells which are elongated in one direction. The cell size was measured using
calipers on 6 mm diameter, 12 mm high cylindrical specimens; the small number of cells within the
specimens allowed the size of the cells to be measured. The cell size was found to be approximately
4.5 mm parallel to the axis of cell elongation and 3.0 mm in the perpendicular direction. The cell
size of the closed cell foam, measured previously using the mean intercept length technique, is
4.5 mm in all three directions [6]. Both foams are transversely isotropic in their mechanical
properties. In a given set of tests, the orientation of the specimens remained constant. The open-cell
foam was always tested with the loading direction parallel to the axis of cell elongation. The e!ect
of specimen size on the compressive modulus and strength was studied on square prisms of the
closed-cell foam and on cylinders of the open-cell material. The e!ect of specimen size on shear
strength and on indentation strength was studied on the closed-cell foam. For each sample in each
test the density of the foam was calculated from the measured mass and dimensions of the sample.
The density of the closed-cell foam specimens was 223 kg/m (with a standard deviation of
8.3kg/m) while that of the open-cell foam specimens was 197 kg/m (with a standard deviation of
2.2. Uniaxial compression tests
The compressive Young's modulus and plastic collapse strength were measured on square
prisms of the closed-cell foam with the height, H, equal to twice the cross sectional dimension, .
702 E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
The specimen geometry was identical for all the tests but the absolute dimensions were varied such
that "8, 12, 17, 24, 30, 36 and 50 mm. Specimens were cut to the appropriate dimensions using
a band saw with a guide to ensure that the cuts were made accurately and straight. Five to nine
specimens of each size were tested. The compression tests were carried out on an Instron testing
machine (Model 4201, Instron, Canton, MA) with a 5 kN load cell. The software package Labview
(National Instruments, Austin, TX) was used to acquire the displacement and load signals from the
Instron machine for later processing. The specimens were compressed between steel loading
platens. The loading was done in displacement control, at a loading rate such that the imposed
strain rate in all the tests was 1;10\/s. All specimens were loaded to a strain of approximately
20%, well beyond the initial yield strain (of around 2}3%) but before the densi"cation strain
(generally 60}70%). During each test the specimen was unloaded just prior to the onset of plastic
collapse, then reloaded, and the test continued out to the "nal strain. This was done to assess the
elastic unloading modulus. The compressive stress}strain curves were obtained by dividing the
applied load by the original specimen area to obtain the applied stress, and dividing the specimen
displacement by the original specimen height to obtain the strain. The specimen displacement was
determined by subtracting the displacement corresponding to the testing machine compliance from
the measured cross-head displacement. A separate test, with no specimen in place, was done to
assess the test machine compliance. It was found that, for the low load levels associated with these
foam tests, the displacement associated with the test machine compliance was a small percentage of
the total cross-head displacement, no more than 5%.
Localized bands of collapsed cells, giving inhomogeneous deformation and strain, are observed
to begin to form in the closed-cell Alporas foam at stresses of about one-half the plateau stress. The
strain measured in our tests is the average strain over the entire specimen. The e!ects of localized
plasticity on modulus measurements can be avoided by measuring the unloading modulus; this is
the measurement reported here.
Compression tests were also performed on cylinders of the open-cell foam with a height to
diameter ratio of two. The cylinder diameter dimensions were: 6.4, 12.7, 19.0, 25.4 and 50.8 mm.
Three to "ve specimens of each size were tested in an Instron testing machine. Displacement was
measured using the crosshead displacement as an extensometer could not be attached to the
smaller specimens. For comparison, an extensometer was attached to the larger specimens; the
moduli measured using the extensometer were about 10% higher than those measured using the
crosshead. The crosshead displacement was used in calculating the Young's moduli in all cases. The
Young's modulus was taken as the slope of the unloading stress}strain curve at a stress of roughly
0.75 times the compressive plateau stress.
2.3. Shear tests
The shear strength of the closed cell aluminum foam was measured according to ASTM C-273
(Standard Test Method for Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials). Five di!erent thick-
nesses of specimen were tested (6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 mm); the ratio of length to thickness was
constant at l/t"12. All of the specimens were of constant width of 50 mm. Five specimens of the
6 mm thick specimens and six specimens of the thicker specimens were tested. The specimens were
cut using a band saw and bonded to 12 mm thick milled aluminum plates using a structural
adhesive "lm (FM300, Cytec, Havre de Grace, MD). The adhesive between the specimens and the
E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713 703
plates was cured in an autoclave at a pressure of 0.14 MPa and a temperature of 1773C for 1 h. The
shear tests were carried out in an Instron testing machine (Model 1321 , Instron, Canton, MA) with
a 50 kN load cell in displacement control such that the imposed strain rate was about 3;10\/s.
Displacement was measured using LVDTs mounted on the plates. Displacement and load signals
were acquired using LabView. The shear strength was taken as the peak stress. All specimens were
loaded to failure which occurred at a strain of about 2}4%.
2.4. Indentation tests
Axisymmetric indentation tests were carried out on the closed-cell aluminum foam using
cylindrical indenters of 6, 12, 24, and 30 mm diameter and between 12 and 20 mm in height. The
cylinders were indented up to about 5 mm into a block of foam which was 1.5}3 times the indenter
diameter in depth. Each indentation was made at least one indenter diameter away from any other
indentations. Preliminary tests showed that this distance was su$cient to avoid edge e!ects or
interference e!ects between indentations. The indentation tests were performed in an Instron
testing machine (Model 1361, Instron, Canton, MA) with a 10 kN load cell at a loading rate of
0.05 mm/s. Displacement was measured from the crosshead displacement and both load and
displacement data were acquired using Labviewsoftware. At least "ve indentations were performed
for each size of indenter. The indentation stress was calculated from the "rst peak stress in the
load}de#ection curve.
3. Results
Typical compressive stress}strain curves for the open- and closed-cell foams, illustrating the
unloading response and the initial peak stress, or the plastic collapse stress, are shown in Fig. 1. For
the closed-cell foam (Alporas), the slope of the loading curve is less steep than that of the unloading
curve, indicating that plastic deformations occur even at stresses well below the plastic collapse
strength; this observation is consistent with those of other studies [2,3,6]. Young's modulus is taken
as the slope of the unloading curve. The shape of the stress}strain curve is typical of this material,
showing an increase up to a peak load, then a drop to a region of more or less constant stress with
slight oscillations about the constant stress. For the open-cell foam(Duocel), the stress}strain curve
is linear up to the elastic limit. The slope of the initial linear portion of the curve is equal to that of
the unloading curve. Beyond the elastic limit the curve is non-linear and reaches a peak stress at
a strain of about 1%, after which the stress remains roughly constant. For each material, the shape
of the curve was similar for the entire range of specimen sizes, although the actual values of sti!ness
and strength varied for the di!erent specimen sizes.
The average density, Young's modulus and compressive strength for each size of specimen tested
are listed in Table 1. The Young's modulus and peak stress, normalized by those of the bulk
material, are plotted against the specimen size, , relative to the cell size, d, in Figs. 2 and 3. The
modulus increases with increasing normalized specimen size up to a plateau level at /d+6 for
both foams. The modulus of the bulk material was taken as the average value for /d'6
"943 MPa for Alporas and E
"368 MPa for Duocel). For /d(6, the Young's
modulus of the open-cell foam drops more rapidly with decreasing /d than that for the closed-cell
704 E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
Fig. 1. Typical compressive stress}strain curves for closed cell (Alporas) and open cell (Duocel) aluminum foam.
Table 1
Uniaxial compression data for specimens of varying size
(mm) Density (g/mm) E
(MPa) H
Alporas foam results
Square prisms ;;2
50 0.2175 (0.0018) 943 (27) 1.51 (0.02)
36 0.2169 (0.0018) 913 (24) 1.44 (0.05)
30 0.2276 (0.0016) 910 (39) 1.48 (0.04)
24 0.2290 (0.0016) 792 (39) 1.47 (0.05)
17 0.2282 (0.0041) 612 (69) 1.18 (0.11)
12 0.2169 (0.0054) 652 (76) 1.07 (0.06)
8 0.2277 (0.0166) 384 (58) 0.95 (0.19)
Duocel foam results
Specimens: Cylinders, H"2D
D (mm) Density (g/mm) E
(MPa) H
50.8 0.1863 (0.0027) 357 (6) 1.35 (0.07)
25.4 0.1877 (0.0046) 379 (39) 1.37 (0.25)
19.05 0.2003 (0.0086) 369 (90) 1.19 (0.42)
12.7 0.2014 (0.0095) 287 (61) 1.00 (0.06)
6.35 0.2052 (0.0159) 118 (52) 0.56 (0.27)
E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713 705
Fig. 2. Unloading Young's modulus, normalized by the bulk value, plotted against specimen edge length, , normalized
by the cell size, d, for the open- and closed-cell aluminum foams.
Fig. 3. Plastic collapse strength, normalized by the bulk value, plotted against specimen diameter, , normalized by the
cell size, d, for the open- and closed-cell aluminum foams.
706 E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
Fig. 4. Typical shear stress}shear strain curve for the closed-cell aluminum foam (Alporas) (t"30 mm).
foam. The normalized peak stress follows a similar pattern, increasing with /d up to a
plateau level at /d"8 for the open-cell foam and at /d"5 for the closed-cell foam. At lower
values of /d, the peak stress of the open-cell foam falls more rapidly with decreasing /d than that
for the closed cell foam. The peak stress of the bulk material was taken as the average value for
/d'8 or 5 for the open- and closed-cell foams, respectively (H
"1.35 MPa for Duocel and
"1.51 MPa for Alporas). The bulk values for both the Young's modulus and the peak stress
are comparable to those measured by Simone and Gibson [6] on 50 mm;50 mm;100 mm
A typical shear stress}strain curve for the closed-cell foam (Alporas) is shown in Fig. 4. The shear
strength, normalized by the bulk value, is plotted against the ratio of specimen thickness, t, to cell
size, d, in Fig. 5. The average density of the 12, 18, 24 and 30 mm specimens was 212 kg/m with
a standard deviation of about 8 kg/m. The densities of the "ve 6 mm thick specimens were
signi"cantly lower: 180, 182, 183, 189 and 210 kg/m. The average shear strength of the three lower
density 6 mm thick specimens was 1.11 MPa, compared with 1.36 MPa for the 189 kg/m and
1.64 MPa for the 210 kg/m density specimens. Density variations between specimens of di!erent
thicknesses were minimized by reporting, for each thickness over 6 mm, the average shear strength
of the three specimens with densities closest to 200 kg/m. The individual data points for the 189
and 210 kg/m densities of the 6 mmspecimens are plotted on Fig. 5: their average shear strength is
1.50 MPa. The shear strength of the thicker specimens is roughly constant at a value of 1.02 MPa.
The shear strength becomes independent of the specimen thickness at t/d"2.67.
A typical stress}displacement curve for an indentation test is shown in Fig. 6. The indentation
stress, reached at a displacement of about 1mm, is roughly constant. The indentation stress,
E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713 707
Fig. 5. Shear strength, normalized by the bulk value, plotted against the ratio of specimen thickness, t, to the cell size, d,
for the closed-cell foam (Alporas).
Fig. 6. Indentation stress}displacement curve for the closed-cell foam (Alporas) for an indenter diameter of 30 mm.
normalized by the plastic collapse strength, is plotted against the ratio of indenter diameter, D, to
cell size, d, in Fig. 7: it increases as the inverse of the indenter diameter. The value of the indentation
stress for large indenter diameters approaches a value slightly higher than the uniaxial compressive
strength of the material (1.42 MPa).
708 E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
Fig. 7. Indentation peak stress, normalized by the plastic collapse strength, plotted against the ratio of indenter diameter,
D, to cell size, d, for the closed-cell aluminum foam (Alporas). The solid line represents Eq. (3).
4. Discussion
4.1. Uniaxial compression
The e!ect of the ratio of specimen size to cell size on the Young's modulus of a honeycomb was
analyzed in the previous companion paper by considering two contributions: the decreased
constraint at the free surface of the foam, giving a less sti! boundary layer, and the area fraction of
cut cell walls at the boundary which remain stress-free. For a foam, both e!ects give (Eq. (35) of the
previous, companion paper) [14]








, (1)
where m is the reduced sti!ness factor for the boundary layer of thickness nd and the stress free
layer of zero sti!ness is of thickness pd. Eq. (1) is plotted on Fig. 2 with m"0.85, n"0.5 and
p"0.25; it follows the general trend of the data but reaches the plateau value for the modulus at
higher values of /d.
The normalized moduli for the open-cell foam decrease more rapidly with decreasing /d than
those for the closed-cell foam. Two factors contribute to this. The cell faces in the closed-cell foam
may increase the sti!ness of its boundary layer compared with that for the open-cell foam. And the
cut cell edges of the open-cell foam are stress-free, like those of the honeycomb, while the cut cell
edges and faces at the boundary of the closed cell foam are not completely stress-free, due to the
presence of the faces.
E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713 709
The size e!ect for the uniaxial compressive strength of a honeycomb arises from the stress-free
walls at the boundary of the honeycomb. Analysis of the same phenomenon in foams gives [14]

. (2)
Eq. (2) is plotted along with the data shown in Fig. 3; it describes the data well. We note that the
normalized strength decreases more rapidly with decreasing /d for the open-cell than the
closed-cell foam, again, due to the e!ect of the cell faces.
Both our data and models suggest that the bulk values of both Young's modulus and strength
are reached at values of /d of about 5}8, lower than the value of 15 suggested by Brezny and
Green [12]. The discrepancy may be due to a di!erence in test methods. They used three point
bend specimens which subject the more compliant top and bottom surfaces of the beam to the
highest normal stresses, magnifying the size e!ect in smaller beams and increasing the critical value
of /d. Their tests were performed on a brittle reticulated vitreous carbon foam which exhibits
a Weibull size e!ect, confounding the specimen size/cell size e!ect.
The trends we observe in sti!ness and strength are similar to those of Bastawros et al. [13]. In
that study, uniaxial compression tests were performed on prismatic aluminum foam specimens of
constant length and width and varying depth. They found that sti!ness and strength became
essentially constant when the depth was greater than about 4 times the cell size.
4.2. Shear strength
The normalized shear strength of the closed-cell foam decays rapidly to a plateau value at a ratio
of the specimen thickness to cell size, t/d, of 2. Since there are no stress or strain gradients in the
out-of-plane direction in the shear test, the two-dimensional honeycomb analysis of size e!ects on
shear strength can be applied directly to foams. Assuming that, on average, the cell edges and faces
are cut at the midpoint along their length, the honeycomb analysis indicates that H
"2 for
t/d"1, and that H
decays to a value of unity for t/d*2 [14], in close agreement with our
experimental results (Fig. 5).
4.3. Indentation
The indentation stress varies with the inverse of the indenter diameter, D. In an indentation test,
the foam immediately below the indenter crushes and the foam at the perimeter of the indentation
yields in shear and then ruptures (Fig. 8). The total force on the indenter is the sum of the crushing
force (equal to the plastic collapse strength of the foam times the cross sectional area) and the
shearing force (equal to the shear strength of the foam times the perimeter)


. (3)
710 E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713
Fig. 8. Optical photographs of indentation specimens. (a) Specimen loaded to the initial peak stress and then unloaded.
View from above the indentation showing torn cell walls at perimeter of indentation. (b, c) Longitudinal section of
a specimen loaded beyond the initial peak stress and then unloaded, showing the indentation, the crushed zone beneath
the indentation and torn cell walls on the back wall of the perimeter of the indentation.
Eq. (3) is compared with the indentation data in Fig. 7 using our measured values for
"1.42 MPa and H
"1.03 MPa. We "nd a value of k"3.98 from the "t of Eq. (3) to the data,
giving k"1. This suggests that yielding at the boundary of the indenter extends to a depth of about
1 cell into the foam. The indentation data are well described by Eq. (3).
E.W. Andrews et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001) 701}713 711
5. Conclusions
The Young's modulus and plastic collapse strength of both the closed-cell Alporas and the
open-cell Duocel foams increased to a plateau level as the ratio of specimen size to cell size
increased. The plateau values were reached at /d"6 for the Young's modulus for both foams and
at /d"8 and 5 for the compressive strength of the open- and closed-cell foams, respectively. The
modulus and strength of the open-cell foam decreased more rapidly with decreasing /d than those
of the closed-cell foam due to the e!ect of the cell faces. Extrapolation of the analytical models for
size e!ects in honeycombs to foams gives a good description of the data for uniaxial loading.
The size e!ect for the shear strength vanishes for specimens with a thickness of at least twice the
cell size. The two-dimensional honeycomb model for the e!ect of t/d on the shear strength (which is
also applicable to foams) describes the data for the closed-cell aluminum foam well.
The indentation strength decreases as the size of the indenter increases relative to the cell size and
approaches a limiting value slightly higher than the uniaxial plastic collapse strength of the foam.
The decrease varies as the inverse of the indenter diameter. This can be understood in terms of the
observation that during an indentation test the foam immediately below the indenter crushes and
the cell walls at the perimeter of the indentation yield and then rupture. A simple model gives
a good description of the data.
We are grateful for "nancial support of ARPA (Contract number N00014-96-1-1028). Some of
the tests on the e!ect of specimen size on the compressive modulus and strength of the open-cell
foam were performed by Dr. A.E. Simone, whose assistance is appreciated. The research of Dr. P.
Onck has been made possible by a fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences. The assistance of Prof. J.W. Hutchinson is highly appreciated. Figs. 2, 4 and 5 appear with
permission, from the Annual Review of Material Science, volume 30 copyright 2000 by Annual
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