State Key Laboratory of Environment Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Re-
search Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China. 2Institute of Molecular
Blood vessels exhibit strong contrast and weak fluorescence
Medicine, College of Future Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China. 3PKU- signals in the imaging of the brain cortex in living mice
Nanjing Institute of Translational Medicine, Nanjing Raygen Health, Nanjing, China.
To examine the effects of MP particles in the brain, we chose to first
Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC, image brain blood vessels. We hypothesized that, even if MPs are first
USA. 5National University of Singapore, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore, Singapore.
*Corresponding author. Email: (B.X.); broken down into NPs to pass through the BBB and affect neuron
(J.H.) function, it is needed for NPs to arrive at the local brain vessel and
try to cross the BBB; thus, we can catch the process by the vessel im- vessels (BV) and blood flow were visible within FOV2 and FOV3
aging. Moreover, an imaging strategy incorporating fluorescent MP (Fig. 1B; refer to movie S1). Selecting an ideal imaging area, fluores-
microspheres can help us to test this hypothesis. cence imaging of deep brain tissue was conducted using two-photon
To conduct in vivo cerebral vascular imaging in mice, we used an excitation within FOV4 (Fig. 1B).
appropriate imaging system (fig. S1, A and B) (28). Surgical inter- There was no fluorescent signal in the blood, and the vessels
vention was necessary to attach the mouse head assembly onto the and surrounding tissues in the imaging FOV showed high signal
microscope lens (Fig. 1A). Following the surgical procedure, the contrast. Converting the image to three-dimensional (3D) for sig-
vascular network of the cerebral cortical tissue could be observed nal presentation, we could visualize the vessel channel more clear-
through the imaging window in the head, as depicted in the field of ly (Fig. 1C). The regions of interest (ROIs) were outlined in the
view (FOV) (Fig. 1B) under bright-field imaging. The expression of image, and the fluorescence intensity was calculated. The fluores-
fluorescent probes in neurons via adeno-associated virus served as a cence values for the linear ROIs a# and d# exhibited a significant
background signal for vascular imaging, enhancing the contrast decrease in fluorescence intensity at the blood vessels (Fig. 1D). In
of blood vessels. After single-photon fluorescence excitation, an contrast, the long-term fluorescence values for ROIs 1# and 4# in-
optimal imaging position was identified within the FOV. Both blood dicated stable fluctuations around a certain value, suggesting that
Fig. 1. Blood vessels exhibit strong contrast and weak fluorescence signals in brain cortex imaging by using two-photon microscopy in living mice. (A) Sche-
matic imaging representation by miniaturized two-photon microscopy to cortical blood vessels (BV). Created using (B) Fields of view (FOVs) of the blood
vessels: FOV1#, bright field (scale bar, 1 cm); FOV2#, 488-nm single-photon excitation (scale bar, 250 mm); FOV3#, 488-nm single-photon excitation (scale bar, 100 mm);
and FOV4#, 920-nm two-photon excitation (scale bar, 100 μm, a red arrow indicates the location of blood vessel). (C) Three-dimensional (3D) mapping of fluorescence
signals within the FOV 4#. (D) Fluorescence signal detections for regions of interest (ROIs) a# and d#. (E) The fluorescence signal is recorded over a long period for fluores-
cence signal detections for ROIs 1# and 4#.
blood flow did not induce significant or irreversible changes in the that fluorescent MPs that enter the bloodstream are phagocytosed
signal (Fig. 1E and fig. S1, C to E). Together, these experiments sug- by cells, which are labeled with a fluorescent signal. To test this hy-
gest that the imaging system is suitable for targeting fluorescence sig-
pothesis, we directly injected MPs into the bloodstream of mice via
nal detection in blood vessels of the brain in vivo. intravenous injection (Fig. 3C). The MP-Flash signal was observed
in the cerebral cortical blood vessels within minutes following intra-
MPs were detected in the imaging of cerebral blood venous injection, as compared to gavage administration (Fig. 3D).
vessels in vivo There was no significant difference in the trajectory length of the
Using this imaging system, we attempted to visualize fluorescent MP-Flash signals observed (Fig. 3E). Unexpectedly, the fluorescence-
MP particles that may be present in the bloodstream. The typical labeled cells could be detected ~10 min after intravenous injection
blood flow in mice ranges from 2.5 to 18 cm/s, slowing down sig- (Fig. 3F). We compared the timing of MP-Flash appearance and the
nificantly in capillaries to a few hundred micrometers per second fluorescence-labeled cells in each experiment, and we found that
(29). Because of the limitations of the imaging FOV, to detect MP the fluorescence cell typically appeared within 6 min of observing
particles moving with the blood, imaging frequencies below 1 Hz the MP-Flash (Fig. 3F). Moreover, no similar fluorescence cells were
are required. After selecting a clear FOV for vascular imaging, mice observed in the blood under non-treated conditions. Collectively,
were gavaged with water containing fluorescently labeled MP parti- fluorescent MPs led to the emergence of fluorescence-labeled cells
cles (Fig. 2, A and B). To increase the likelihood of capturing MPs in the blood, suggesting the MPs that enter the bloodstream are
images, we aimed to maximize the effective imaging time. There- phagocytosed by cells.
fore, imaging was initiated 1 hour after MP treatment (Fig. 2B). Next, we tracked and observed these cells. We named them MP-
We first observed MPs moving within the bloodstream 2 hours labeled cells (MPL-Cells). Using ImageJ, we calculated the diame-
and 20 min after treating mice (Fig. 2C; refer to movie S2). The ters of these cells, which were around 21 μm (Fig. 3G and fig. S3B).
Fig. 2. MPs were detected in the imaging of cerebral blood vessels in vivo. (A) A suitable FOV for vascular imaging. (B) Schematic representation of the treatment and
imaging design of the mice. Created using (C) Captured MP-Flash images; this FOV is the rectangular FOV framed by the dashed line in (A) (scale bar, 100
μm). (D) The emergence of an MP-Flash is demonstrated; ROI 1# represents the MP-Flash, and the peak of wave that exhibits a fluorescent signal is present; ROI 2# repre-
sents the background control, no fluctuation in fluorescence value. (E and F) Comparison of the time of MP-Flash appearance (n = 10 from mouse 1, n = 8 from mouse 2,
n = 4 from mouse 3, and n = 1 from mouse 4) (E), and the median time of the MP-Flash occurrence (F). (G and H) Comparison of the length of the MP-Flash track (G), and
the median length of the MP-Flash track (H). (I) Calculated MP-Flash running speed (n = 23 from four mice). Data are represented as means ± SEM.
Fig. 3. Circulating MPs are phagocytosed by cells in the blood. (A) A representative fluorescent signal labeled cell. (B) Quantitative comparison of fluorescence signals
(n = 10 MP-Flash, n = 4 fluorescent signal labeled cells, and n = 10 background ROIs) (three independent replicated experiments verified the result). (C) Schematic repre-
sentation of the intravenous injection in mice. Created using (D and E) Comparison of MP-Flash emergence times (n = 10 to 12 from three mice) (D) and
lengths (n = 13 to 20 from three mice) (E) between the two treatments. (F) Comparison of the time of appearance of MP-Flash and the time of appearance of fluorescence-
labeled cells after injection (n = 5 experiments from five mice). (G) Diameter statistics for fluorescence-labeled cells (n = 15 from four mice). (H) A trajectory of a
fluorescence-labeled cell and the corresponding time. (I) The movement trajectory can be labeled as three motion processes. (J) Statistical analysis of the time taken by
the three processes for equal events (n = 6 events from four mice). (K) Percentage of labeled cells that are consistently obstructed (n = 5 FOVs from five mice). Data are
represented as means ± SEM. ***P < 0.001. n.s., not significant.
and fig. S4, D and E). The results indicated that the majority of the decrease in side scatter (SSC) (Fig. 4, G and H). These results indicate
immune cells exhibited double positivity for F4/80 and Ly6G/C that the engulfment of MPs affects cell size and surface status, poten-
(~41%) or single positivity for F4/80 (~35%) (Fig. 4F). This suggested tially contributing to MPL-Cell obstructions (Fig. 4I).
that the cells involved in phagocytosis of MP particles were predomi-
nantly neutrophils (F4/80+ and Ly6G+) and macrophages (F4/80+ Obstructed MPL-Cells induced long-time blockages in the
and Ly6G−), supporting our hypothesis as neutrophils and macro- cerebral blood vessels
phages are known to have strong phagocytic capabilities. We com- The imaging data revealed that some MPL-Cells would exit the im-
pared neutrophils that had phagocytosed MPs with unphagocytosed aging FOV after being obstructed in the cerebral vessels for a period
controls, showing a significant increase in forward scatter (FSC) and a of time. However, there were still MPL-Cells that remained obstructed
in the blood vessels even after an extended imaging duration. We signals and exclusively capture the fluorescence signal of the MPL-
observed three MPL-Cells still present within the FOV following Cells. Subsequently, we observed that MPL-Cells exhibited diverse
nearly 2.5 hours of imaging (Fig. 5A). These three cells exhibited dis- morphological features due to their nonalignment in the same hori-
tinct morphological characteristics, displaying both regular oval and zontal imaging plane. As depicted in Fig. 5B, we captured the imag-
ruffled morphology. To obtain clearer observations of the obstructed ing plane at two different depths, I and II. Altering the imaging depth
cells, we used mice without labeled neurons to minimize background resulted in the transformation of cell I-a from ellipsoidal to ruffled
Fig. 5. Obstructed MPL-Cells induced long-time blockages in the cerebral blood vessels. (A) Representative MPL-Cells, time points in which cells appear were marked
on the graph, and time 0 represents the imaging start. (B to D) Imaging of MPL-Cells sectioned at different depths (B); z-stack imaging of the MPL-Cells (C); reconstruction
of MPL-Cells 3D images, two sections, I and II, of cell correspond to the imaged sections in (B). (D). (E) The density of MPL-Cells within each two-photon imaging FOV was
calculated and analyzed at different time points after treatment (n = 10 FOVs from four mice per time point). (F) Showing MPL-Cell distribution at larger FOV by image
stitching, at 3 hours after MP injection. (G) Long-time imaging arrangements. Created using (H) An MPL-Cell that has been obstructed in a vessel for 7 days.
(I) The density of MPL-Cells in the brain cortex at the indicated time points (n = 10 FOVs from four mice per time point). Data are represented as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05.
II-a, while cell I-b changed from ruffled to ellipsoidal II-b. To gen- blood flow and potentially result in neurological dysfunction (32–34).
erate 3D images of the cells, we conducted z-stack imaging (Fig. 5C We conducted a 1-week assay on treated mice (Fig. 5G), and, un-
and fig. S5A). expectedly, 7 days after treatment, the cells were still not cleared
We observed that MPL-Cells exhibited a vertical morphology, (Fig. 5H), although the density of blocked cells had been significantly
appearing as if they were elongated and inserted into blood vessels reduced (Fig. 5I).
(Fig. 5D; refer to movie S5). Different imaging depths revealed vary-
ing cross sections of the longitudinal depth of the cells, as depicted Cell obstruction is influenced by the size of the
in Fig. 5B (I and II). We speculate that MPL-Cells may be mostly plastic particles
obstructed at the junction of blood vessels extending from the deep Furthermore, the question arose as to whether the mechanism of
brain toward the cortex with laterally distributed blood vessels with- MPL-Cells blocking blood vessels is specific to micrometer-scale
in the cortex, where there would be greater vascular curvature (31). plastics. Does the size of the plastic particles affect the obstruction of
Next, the distribution of MPL-Cell blockage density in the cortex these labeled cells? Subsequently, mice were treated similarly with
was quantitatively analyzed at different time points after injection 2-and 0.08-μm diameter fluorescent plastic particles, we detected
(fig. S5B). The number of blocked cells was significantly higher at 1 hour these fluorescent plastic particles within the blood vessels and, sub-
after treatment compared to half an hour (Fig. 5E). The obstruction sequently, observed cells labeled by them (Fig. 6A). The area of
density remained high at 2 hours after treatment, with no significant detectable fluorescent signals is smaller in cells labeled with 2-μm
difference to 1 hour. By using a post-imaging image stitching method, plastic particles compared to those labeled with 5 μm. The morphol-
the distribution of MPL-Cells across a large-scale range in the cerebral ogy of the signal in the 2-μm plastic particle-labeled cells does not
cortex is presented (Fig. 5F). Upon analysis of the numerous cells, it exhibit a fully spherical shape; instead, it appears as a stronger signal
was observed that these cells predominantly obstructed in the vessels at the core, surrounded by a weaker ring of dispersed signals (Fig.
Fig. 6. Cell obstruction is influenced by the size of the plastic particles. (A) Exposure experiments were conducted on mice using plastic particles of varying sizes, and im-
ages of cells labeled with fluorescent plastics of different sizes were captured during the imaging of blood vessels. (B) The density of plastic-labeled cells (PL-Cells) within each
FOV was calculated and analyzed. Data collected at 2 hours after treatment (n = 15 FOVs from four mice for the 5-μm group and n = 15 FOVs from two mice for the 5-μm and
0.08-μm groups). (C) PL-Cell densities at different time points after exposure were comparatively analyzed (n = 15 FOVs from four mice for the 5-μm group and n = 15 FOVs from
two mice for the 5-μm and 0.08-μm groups). (D) A comparative analysis of PL-Cell density was performed following exposure to different concentrations of 5 μm MPs (n = 15
FOVs from four mice for group at 50 μg/ml and n = 15 FOVs from two mice for groups at 25 and 5 μg/ml). Data are represented as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05 and ***P < 0.001.
extent of the cell obstruction in the brain. Unexpectedly, the levels of obstruction. However, upon reducing the final concentration to 5 μg/
PL-Cell obstruction in the cerebral vasculature of mice exposed ml, a marked decline in cell obstruction levels was observed (Fig. 6D).
to 2-μm plastic particles were significantly lower. Cells labeled with Notably, cell obstructions within the cerebral vasculature can be ob-
2-μm particles demonstrated an obstruction level that was over 50% served even in the lowest-concentration (5 μg/ml) group of MPs.
lower than that of cells labeled with 5-μm particles (Fig. 6B). Fur-
thermore, the obstruction level in cells labeled with 0.08-μm plastic MPL-Cell obstructions as thrombus formation inhibit
particles was even lower, as only one obstructed cell was observed intracerebrovascular blood perfusion
across 15 FOVs in two mice (Fig. 6B). Compared to the 5-μm group, To investigate the impact of MPL-Cell obstruction in blood vessels
there was a notable reduction in the obstruction level in the 2-μm on blood flow, we used laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) to
group within 24 hours (Fig. 6C). These findings indicated that not monitor blood flow in the mouse brain. We observed changes in
only did the cells labeled by 2-μm plastic particles experience lower blood flow at 30 ROIs in the cerebral cortical vessels at various
levels of obstruction, but the obstructed cells were also more readily time points after injection (Fig. 7A and fig. S6). The LSCI results
cleared. Consistent with that, cells labeled by 0.08-μm plastic parti- indicated that treatment with MPs led to a reduction in blood per-
cles completely vanished within 12 hours (Fig. 6C). These findings fusion levels in the vessels (Fig. 7B), particularly notable at 30 min
suggest that plastic particle size is a crucial factor in regulating after treatment, with significantly lower perfusion levels compared
MPL-Cell obstruction, when particles are no larger than 5 μm in to 10 min.
diameter, a smaller particle size corresponds to a lower level of Subsequently, we classified the vessels based on their flow levels
obstruction. to further analyze the impact of MPs on vessels with different flow
Exposure concentration is a crucial indicator for evaluating the rates. The ROIs were divided into three groups on the basis of the
biotoxicity of MPs. To enhance comparability with actual human measured blood perfusion levels: perfusion units (PU) greater than
Fig. 7. MPL-Cell obstructions as thrombus formation inhibit intracerebrovascular blood perfusion. (A) Representative laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) images
at indicated time points after treatment. A black line square identifies an ROI location with perfusion units (PU) > 500, and a white circle identifies an ROI location with
PU < 400. (B) Quantitative statistical analysis of ROIs (n = 30). (C to E) Analysis of ROIs with PU > 500 (n = 8), ROIs with 400 < PU < 500 (n = 9), and ROIs with PU < 400
(n = 13). Three independent replicated experiments verified the results. Data are represented as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.
reaching their lowest point at 30 min. These findings suggest that obstruct cerebral blood vessels. By combining multilayer scanning im-
MPL-Cell obstruction in the vessels affects blood perfusion, particu- aging with 3D reconstruction techniques, we obtained clear images of
larly affecting smaller vessels with lower blood flow. the blocked MPL-Cells (Fig. 5, B to D). Long-duration tracking imag-
ing showed the MPL-Cells present difficulties in clearance for a pro-
Suppressed blood flow in the brain causes longed period of at least 1 week. The obstruction notably hindered
neurobehavioral disorders blood flow in the vessels, resulting in impaired neurological function
Vascular embolism resulted in insufficient blood supply to the brain in the mice. The direct observation of MPL-Cells provides a mechanis-
tissue, leading to disturbances in neural activity and cognitive impair- tic explanation for MP-induced neurological dysfunction.
ment in mice (35, 36). We investigated whether obstruction of MPL- Nevertheless, the application of this technology remains in its
Cells caused behavioral changes in mice (Fig. 8A). The open-field early stages, and there are still several deficiencies in data collection
experiment is a widely used method for assessing the exploratory be- and analysis. Visual documentation of MPs in circulating blood was
havior of rodents, particularly in the context of anxiety disorders and obtained (Fig. 2C). Using a millisecond-scale imaging technique,
other neurological and psychiatric conditions. Mice were assessed in the movement trajectory of the MP-Flash was captured within 208 ms,
the open field 6 hours after injection (Fig. 8B). The total distance and enabling the calculation of the motion velocity of the MP (Fig. 2I).
speed of movement of MP-treated mice were significantly lower com- Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the constraints as-
pared to those in the control group (Fig. 8, C and D). No significant sociated with this calculation. First, there is uncertainty regarding
difference was observed in the number of entries into the center area whether the motion of the MP-Flash falls entirely within the imag-
(Fig. 8E). In the Y-maze test for assessing working memory (Fig. 8F), ing plane, potentially leading to an underestimation of the trajectory
the total distance traveled by MP-treated mice remained lower than length used for calculation. In addition, despite the utilization of
that in the control group (Fig. 8G), with a significant reduction in high-speed bidirectional line scan mode for image acquisition, the
functional proteins aids in elucidating the cellular biological pro- not completely eliminated. Correspondingly, behavioral deficits in
cesses that may be involved in this phenomenon. For instance, inhib- mice returned to baseline levels after 4 weeks.
iting the functional protein dynamin with the small-molecule drug It was believed that MPs influence brain function in two primary
Dyngo-4a may provide insights into how endocytosis affects MPL- ways. MPs can indirectly regulate brain function through peripheral
Cell levels. In addition, inhibiting cell adhesion using the small- organs, or they might influence the brain by somehow crossing the
molecule drug Milategrast could be used to investigate whether the BBB or interacting directly with it. The MPL-Cell mechanism can be
obstruction of MPL-Cells is dependent on the cell adhesion or categorized as a third type of potential regulation in which MPs affects
whether the structural expansion of the cells alone is sufficient to brain function; unlike the previously thought, MPs reach local brain
induce the obstruction phenomena at this scale. Additional further tissues but do not cross the BBB and affect local brain function by
molecular manipulations should be used to explore the underlying regulating blood perfusion. Our study has identified an ingenious
mechanisms. We have existing data indicating that the size of phago- mechanism through which MPs make function to organisms. We
cytosed particles is critical for triggering cellular obstruction (Fig. 6B); have demonstrated a negative effect of this mechanism on neurobehav-
however, it remains unclear whether because particles of varying ioral regulation in the brain; moreover, we also believe that it may also
sizes activate different signaling pathways, thereby influencing cell have detrimental impacts on a broader range of organs. Environment
attachment. In addition, in vitro experiments have demonstrated MPs might be another important risk factor for cardiovascular disease
that the size of phagocytic particles directly affects immune cell (18, 50, 51) and received scant attention so far. Our findings provide a
functionality (43). Extraction and transcriptome sequencing analy- mechanistic explanation for tissue damage induced by MPs, particu-
sis of PL-Cells induced by plastic particles of differing sizes will help larly regarding their effects on vascular obstruction. This obstruction is
further elucidate this issue. likely to have detrimental consequences for cardiovascular health and
The obstruction of the MPL-Cells is characterized by dynamic may result in more severe adverse effects, especially in patients with un-
human circulatory system is at significant risk due to direct exposure anesthetized with 1.5% isoflurane in air at a flow rate of 0.4 liters/min
to MPs (63, 64). If medical injection devices are not rapidly and thor- and kept on a 37°C heating pad during surgery. The specific cerebral
oughly improved, then the direct infiltration of MPs into the human cortical region for imaging was identified using stereotactic coordi-
bloodstream may become a persistent and potentially recurrent issue. nates (motor cortex area, from bregma: anteroposterior, 0.5 mm; me-
The potential long-term effects of MPs on neurological disorders such diolateral, 1.2 mm). The skull over the ROI was thinned using a
as depression and cardiovascular health are concerning. This study of- high-speed micro-drill under a dissection microscope, with inter-
fers a theoretical foundation and a focused direction for understand- mittent drilling and application of normal saline to prevent overheat-
ing the potential health risks associated with MPs in this context. ing and damage to the underlying cerebral tissue. After removing the
Increased investment in this area of research is urgent and essential to external layer of compact bone and most of the spongy bone layer,
fully comprehend the health risks posed by MPs in human blood. the area was further thinned until a smooth, expanded area was
achieved, ensuring that the center was thin enough for high-quality
imaging. A drop of saline was applied, and a 3-mm-diameter glass
METHODS coverslip, sterilized in 70% ethanol, was placed on the window. Den-
Mouse husbandry and experimentation tal cement was then applied around the glass coverslip. All subjects
All experiments involving animals conformed to the rules of the As- were housed individually in separate cages following the surgery. The
sociation for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care mice were used in the experiment after a postoperative recovery pe-
and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by riod of 2 to 4 weeks.
the US National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication eighth edition, AAV9-hSyn-DIO-mitoEGFP (100 nl; BrainVTA, no. PT-2619)
update 2011). All procedures were approved by the Animal Care Com- and AAV9-CaMKII-Cre (100 nl; BrainVTA, no. PT-0220) were in-
mittee of Charles River (PA23053002-0) and PKU-Nanjing Institute of jected into the motor cortex at coordinates—anteroposterior, 0.5 mm;
albumin). Cells were washed three times by PBS. The antibodies 2 min. Each mouse session comprised three trials, and the hanging
used were anti-CD45 (BioLegend, 47-0451-80), anti-F4/80 (Life time was averaged. To ensure consistency in testing, experiments
Technologies, 11-4801-81), and anti-Ly6G/Ly6C (BD Biosciences, typically commenced at 19:00 and concluded by 22:00 on each ex-
561103). Cells were analyzed on an LSRFortessa (BD) flow cytom- perimental day.
eter, and data were analyzed using FlowJo X software.
Quantification and statistical analysis
Laser speckle contrast imaging Imaging data were processed with Fiji (v1.54). All data are shown as the
Mice were imaged under isoflurane anesthesia (3% induction, 1 to means ± SEM. All boxes showed the median of the data. n denotes the
1.5% maintenance, in oxygen) by head fixed, and the skull was ex- number of biological replicates in each experiment, and it is provided
posed. Camera focus and exposure time were adjusted to achieve in the corresponding figure legends. All statistical analyses were con-
optimal imaging conditions. After locking the imaging FOV, mice ducted using GraphPad Prism (v8.0.2). All two-group comparisons
were injected intravenously with MPs. Tests were performed at were calculated using Student’s t test (two-tailed, paired, or unpaired).
different time points after injection. For each imaging, time-length The results were considered statistically significant when P < 0.05.
1-min blood perfusion levels were continuously recorded. The mean
perfusion level within 1 min for each ROI was calculated.
Supplementary Materials
Open field The PDF file includes:
Figs. S1 to S7
The dimensions of the open field for the mice are 50 cm in length,
Legends for movies S1 to S7
50 cm in width, and 40 cm in height. The laboratory environment is
maintained in a quiet state with controlled lighting at about 8 lux. Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
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