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School: Lias Elementary Grade Level: III - Dove

GRADES 3 Teacher: Maria Cristina C. Maghanoy Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 24-28, 2025 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


Content Standard Use story map in sharing story Locate places in a map Answering a vivid question begin Make or compose a story.
with wh -questions
Performance Standard Listening Comprehension Study Strategy Listening Comprehension Writing / Composition
Learning Competency Activate prior knowledge based on Interpret simple map of places. Ask Wh –questions. Write a simple story Weekly test
new knowledge formed. EN3SS – Ivc – d -1.2.7 Answer Wh -questions EN3WC / Iva –e -22
EN3LC – Iva – j-1.1
II CONTENT Pappy the Paper Bag Interpreting Simple Map of Wh - Questions Writing A Simple Story
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 47 of 170
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall the story “Pappy the
presenting the new lesson Paper Bag”. Read with the pupils
the first paragraph.
Ask: What do people use to carry
everyday items such as bread,
clothes and other things? Who
was the hero of the story? Why
is Pappy a special paper bag?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Unlocking/ Vocabulary & Concept What do you usually do when What are Wh – Questions. Post a KWL chart.
lesson Development you are not familiar to a place What is story in your own prospect?
(mission, abandoned, you want to go? What are the elements of the story?
damage, contaminating,
enthusiastic, avoid)
- What do you usually used to buy in
the market?
C. Presenting Examples/instances Show and post on the board the Show a simple maps of places to Post or write the following Post a picture of a bird and a boy.
of new lesson simple map of where Pappy lives. the class.like church , school,etc. questions on the board. Ask
Tell them that they need to listen to Identify what direction it is them to focus on the first word
you so that they will be able to help located. in each question.
Pappy find his way to the different
places on the map. What are being used to carry
Do Game : Finger Walk those things we buy from
: Show powerpoint to the class the supermarkets?
story “ Papy ,the Paper Bag”. Where did Pappy go to tell the
good news about paper bags?
When is it necessary to use paper
Who is the hero in our story?
Why is Pappy a special paper
D. Discussing new concepts and - Who is the characters in the story? How can you know the places - What Wh –questions are used How do you make a story?
practicing new skills #1 you want to rove around? in asking and answering
E. Discussing new concepts and Posing to the elements of the story.
practicing new skills #2 So that they can make a story.
F. Developing mastery Game: Walk to a Places.
(Leads to Formative Assessment)
G. Finding Practical applications Divide the class into five (5). Allow Assign pupils an activity to LM Activity 295. Divide the class into three.Give
of concepts and skills each group to draw a picture do.Where they can identify the them pictures which they can give
showing the story events. Each simple direction. or write a story to the pictures
group will be given 2 paragraphs to given.
work on. Pupils will share their
output to the class.
LM - Activity 292C.
H. Making generalizations and How do you share your ideas How can you interpret simple What are question words used? - What can you do in order to make
abstractions about the lesson understanding the events? map of places? a good story?
I. Evaluating Learning Draw the favorite part in the story. Assess pupils through rubrics: LM Activity 296A Make a good story out of the
Original File Submitted and Let the pupils draw the places pictures presented to you.
Formatted by DepEd Club Member - mentioned:
visit depedclub.com for more Your house – center A dog a cat a cow house food
Trees – north
Park –south
Market - east
J. Additional activities for Draw a simple map of your place/ Make a map of your school. LM Activity 296B. Create your own story.
application or remediation home.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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