Feasibility Study of Application of Residential Rainwater Harvesting: A Water-Energy Nexus Approach
Feasibility Study of Application of Residential Rainwater Harvesting: A Water-Energy Nexus Approach
Feasibility Study of Application of Residential Rainwater Harvesting: A Water-Energy Nexus Approach
The technique disappeared with increasing urbanization and industrialization. It can be assumed that the technical means available during the industrial age, the need for supplies of large amounts of water for industry, the high standard of water hygiene achieved through central treatment and safe supply via pipes are all reasons for the reduced use of rainwater harvesting. But modern water technology not only has advantages. Its disadvantages are as follow (Hasse, 1989): 1. The centralization of supply involves the risk of total cut-off in cases of natural disaster (earthquakes etc.), destruction through acts of war (bombing etc.), and source pollution (environmental pollution through chemicals). This is the vulnerability of a modern centralized water supply. 2. The consumption of water is not only based on need, but very much influenced by the convenience of access. It can be observed everywhere that water wastage is the rule rather than the exception. This is based on an economy, which has made one source of life a commodity of consumption and represents the contradiction between the need for careful management of world resources and an economy based on permanent expansion. However' in general there can be no doubt that there is no alternative to a centralized water supply in urban areas nowadays. As cost of water use with population increases and government budget tightens for centralized water treatment the only way out is sustainable water use. RWH comes to rescue in this situation. RWH is gaining importance again in the mainstream water resource management, in rural single dwelling as well as urban residential areas. It is not until the end of the 20th century that the use of rainwater combined with the saving of water and reuse of wastewater can be an economic solution when considering the rising cost of tap water. Water uses a tremendous amount of energy. It is not just a matter of the gas and electricity required to heat, cool, or pump water in our homes and businesses. It takes large amounts of energy before that to extract, convey, treat, and deliver water. Additional energy is required to collect, treat, and dispose of storm water. While the total energy required for later use is highly location-specific, overall, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has estimated that almost 20 percent of Californias electricity demand, and over 30 percent of Californias natural gas demand, are associated with water use (Cohen, 2007). Average Americans use 98 gal/capita/day of water (3). Of this only 1 gal/capita/day is used for drinking purpose. That means nearly 99 % water is used for Non-potable purpose. If some amount of rainwater can be harvested in each household of the urban area and stored in the tank, it relieves a certain portion of water demand from the water authority of that urban area. This decrease in demand in lieu will decrease the natural resources and energy required to treat the water. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is more attractive to the urban consumers because significant amount of water as used for non-potable purpose and they are paying $474/yr in their water bills (3). United States water authorities are also spending 28.5 billion dollars just to treat water and convey to their consumers (3). Since, US population is increasing day by day, building new infrastructure to treat water is not only energy intensive but also time consuming, expensive and unsustainable. The connection between potable water use and energy demand is important to recognize in the broader context of sustainable water management. It is critical to assess water use not only from a resource availability and protection standpoint, but also with the aim of improving overall sustainability of which energy is a critical component. As municipalities are faced with the anticipated CO2 reductions that will be required over the coming decades, decreased potable water demand along with other measures such as increased energy efficiency and conservation Rainwater harvesting along with gray water and reclaimed
water reuse represent an integrated water management approach that can not only limit contributions to climate change, but also protect and conserve limited water resources developing resiliency to the uncertain effects of climate change (Kloss 2008). Sustainable withdrawal of fresh water is currently an issue in the U.S. The fast growing demand for clean water, coupled with the need to protect and enhance the environment, has already created shortages in some parts of the U.S. and will make other areas of the U.S. vulnerable to water shortages in the future. For example, Californias allocation of Colorado River water has been reduced because competing urban, agricultural and environmental interests could not agree on a conservation plan. The Ogallala fossil water aquifer in the Central Plains is being depleted by agricultural and urban extraction, with no effective recharge. An increasing number of water disputes are taking place as well in the eastern U.S. - between Virginia and Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, and among Georgia, Florida and Alabama (4). The implementation of decentralized rainwater harvesting can minimize the use of following conventional practices which is categorized as follows: 1. Extracting and conveying water: Most water used in the United States is diverted from rivers and streams or pumped from aquifers. Conveying water often means pumping it over hills or into storage facilitiesa process that can be highly energy intensive. Smaller amounts of fresh water are extracted from salt, brackish, or recycled water using desalination or other energy-consuming technologies. 2. Treating water: Water treatment facilities use energy to pump and process water, and this energy demand is expected to increase over the next decade as treatment capacity expands with population growth. 3. Distributing water: Energy is usually needed to pump and pressurize water, but gravity pressurization and distribution are possible when reservoirs are sufficiently higher than the locations of water use. 4. Storm water Management: When there is a storm event all runoff will be directed to local receiving water. This will saturate the stream causing of pollutants, and increasing the chances of flooding. Municipalities must adapt to this increase of storm water runoff by increasing the drainage systems, which can be very costly. An alternative to expanding existing infrastructure is to promote rainwater capture systems (Wong, 2011). 5. Residential use: Harvested rainwater can be used for irrigating the garden or flushing the toilet, which will significantly decrease their water bills. Even though, RWH seems to be a promising alternative for conventional water treatment and distrubution, its success is heavily influenced by spatial and temporal variation of rainfall and water demand. Due to this, estimation of tank size and optimal tank capacity needed for that particular place is a challenge faced in the present time. This randomness and stochastic nature of rainfall pattern can be possibly envisaged with entropy model. The relevance of entropy to rainfall pattern lies in the fact that there is a considerable amount of uncertainty associated with the long-term performance of RWH systems. It has been suggested by Tanyimboh and Sheahan (2001) on water distribution model, in the long run, maximum entropy designs could probably outperform all other designs in terms of hydraulic performance, as the uncertainty about the magnitudes and locations of future demands is enormous. Also, there is a body of evidence, which suggests that water distribution networks with higher entropy values are generally more reliable. Rainfall Pattern Entropy Model
The entropy concept is used in this study to determine the spatio-temporal variability/disorder of rainfall pattern. Employing the entropy concept spatial and temporal variability of precipitation time series were investigated for the State of Texas, USA (Mishra et. al., 2009) with monthly, seasonal and annual time series. Entropy (Shannon, 1948 ) is a measure of dispersion, uncertainty, disorder and diversification.
Research Questions
1. Optimization of Rainwater Storage tank (may be entropy based approach, cost/benefit approach etc) 2. Quantify the financial benefit by implementation of rainwater harvesting system in $/household or $/person using optimal tank. 3. Quantify the energy saving by implementation of RWH in Unit/household or unit/person using optimal tank. 4. Quantify the decrease in CO2 emission in lb/household or lb/person using optimal tank. 5. Estimate rebate needed for residents by municipalities to ease the initial cost of setup for optimal tank (given from cost saving).
Though a rainwater tank system in a household is seemingly simple, the interaction of supplydemand in the temporal domain and the variability in climate condition as well as in water usage pattern make a closed-form solution impossible (Wang and Blackmore, 2009). The following assumptions are made: 1. Rainfall is the single most factor for feasible RWH system. So, it is assumed that there is sufficient rainfall in the area considered. 2. Certain quantifiable household is considered in study area. 3. Rainwater is used for non-potable purpose and only for Toilet flushing and garden watering.
References 1. Cohen R. (2007), Water Energy Nexus, Natural Resources Defense Council, Southwest Hydrology, September/ October 2007, pp 16 19 2. Gould, J. and Nissen-Petersen E. 1999 in press, Rainwater Catchment Systems for Domestic Water Supply: Design, Construction and Implementation, IT Publications, London, 300p 3. Hasse, R. Rainwater Reservior above Ground Structures for Roof Catchments, Deutshes Zentrum Publications, 1989 4. Kloss, C. (December 2008). Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure: Municipal Handbook, Rainwater Harvesting Policies. Low Impact Development Center, United States Environmental Protection Agency. USEPA. 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_supply_and_sanitation_in_the_United_States 6. http://waterindustry.org/Water-Facts/world-water-6.htm 7. Mishra A., Ozger M., Singh V., An entropy based investigation into variability of precipitation. Journal of Hydrology, pp 139 -154 8. Shannon, C.E., 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell. System Tech. J. 27, 379
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