Wall Design 01
Wall Design 01
Wall Design 01
Walls in buildings
10.1 FUNCTIONS, TYPES AND LOADS ON WALLS All buildings contain walls the function of which is to carry loads, enclose and divide space, exclude weather and retain heat. Walls may classified into the following types: 1. internal non-loadbearing walls of blockwork or light movable partitions that divide space only 2. external curtain walls that carry self-weight and lateral wind loads 3. external and internal infill walls in framed structures that may be designed to provide stability to the building but do not carry vertical building loads; the external walls would also carry lateral wind loads 4. loadbearing walls designed to carry vertical building loads and horizontal lateral and in-plane wind loads and provide stability Type 4 structural concrete walls are considered. The role of the wall is seen clearly through the type of building in which it is used. Building types and walls provided are as follows: (a) framed buildingswall types 1, 2 or 3 (b) loadbearing and shear wall building with no framewall types 1, 2 and 4 (c) combined frame and shear wall buildingwall types 1, 2 and 4 Type (c) is the normal multistorey building. A wall is defined in BS8110: Part 1, clause 1.2.4, as a vertical loadbearing member whose length exceeds four times its thickness. This definition distinguishes a wall from a column. Loads are applied to walls in the following ways: 1. vertical loads from roof and floor slabs or beams supported by the wall 2. lateral loads on the vertical wall slab from wind, water or earth pressure 3. horizontal in-plane loads from wind when the wall is used to provide lateral stability in a building as a shear wall
10.2 TYPES OF WALL AND DEFINITIONS Structural concrete walls are classified into the following two types defined in clause 1.2.4 of the code:
Page 310 1. A reinforced concrete wall is a wall containing at least the minimum quantity of reinforcement given in clause 3.12.5 (section 10.3 below). The reinforcement is taken into account in determining the strength of the wall. 2. A plain concrete wall is a wall containing either no reinforcement or insufficient reinforcement to comply with clause 3.12.5. Any reinforcement in the wall is ignored when considering strength. Reinforcement is provided in most plain walls to control cracking. Also in accordance with clause 1.2.4 mentioned above walls are further classified as follows: 1. A braced wall is a wall where reactions to lateral forces are provided by lateral supports such as floors or cross-walls; 2. An unbraced wall is a wall providing its own lateral stability such as a cantilever wall; 3. A stocky wall is a wall where the effective height divided by the thickness, le/h, does not exceed 15 for a braced wall or 10 for an unbraced wall; 4. A slender wall is a wall other than a stocky wall.
(c) Provision of links If the compression reinforcement in the wall exceeds 2% links must be provided through the wall thickness (clause
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and for wall 2 p2=pp1 A more accurate analysis for connected shear walls is given in Chapter 14.
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Fig. 10.1
(e) Reinforcement for walls in tension If tension develops across the wall section the reinforcement is to be arranged in two layers and the spacing of bars in each layer should comply with the bar spacing rules in section 3.12.11 of the code.
Page 313 (c) Walls supporting in-plane moments and axial load The design for this case is set out in section 10.3.4 below. (d) Walls supporting axial load and transverse and in-plane moments The code states that the effects are to be assessed in three stages. (i) In-plane Axial force and in-plane moments are applied. The distribution of force along the wall is calculated using elastic analysis assuming no tension in the concrete. (ii) Transverse The transverse moments are calculated using the procedure set out in section 10.3.2(c). (iii) Combined The effects of all actions are combined at various sections along the wall. The sections are checked using the general assumptions for beam design.
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Fig. 10.2 (a) Wall reinforcement; (b) uniform strips of steel; (c) extra reinforcement in end zones; (d) channel-shaped shear wall; (e) shear wall between columns.
overturning moment from wind. The end columns, if existing, are designed for the loads and moments they carry. (c) Elastic stress distribution A straight wall section, including columns if desired, or a channel-shaped wall is analysed for axial load and moment using the properties of the gross concrete section in each case. The wall is divided into sections and each section is designed for the average direct load on it. Compressive forces are resisted by concrete and reinforcement. Tensile stresses are resisted by reinforcement only.
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Fig. 10.3
(d) Assuming that end zones resist moment Reinforcement located in zones at each end of the wall is designed to resist the moment. The axial load is assumed to be distributed over the length of the wall.
Page 316 Example 10.1 Wall subjected to axial load and in-plane moments using design chart (a) Specification The plan and elevation for a braced concrete structure are shown in Fig. 10.4(a). The total dead load of the roof and floors is 6 kN/m2. The roof imposed load is 1.5 kN/m2 and that for each floor is 3.0 kN/m2. The wind speed is 45 m/s and the building is located in a city centre. Design the transverse shear walls as straight walls without taking account of the columns at the ends. The wall is 160 mm thick. The materials are grade 30 concrete and grade 460 reinforcement.
Page 317 (b) Type of wallslenderness The wall is 160 mm thick and is braced. Referring to Table 3.21 in the code the end conditions are as follows: 1. At the top the wall is connected to a ribbed slab 350 mm deep, i.e. condition 1; 2. At the bottom the connection to the base is designed to carry moment, i.e. condition 1. From Table 3.21 =0.75. The clear height is 3150 mm, say. The slenderness is 0.753150/160=14.8<15 The wall is stocky. (c) Dead and imposed loads on wall The dead load on the wall, assuming that the wall is 200 mm thick including finishes, is as follows.
Roof and floor slabs Wall 200 mm thick Total load at base 10686=2880 kN 0.224635=1008 kN 3888 kN
The imposed load allowing 50% reduction in accordance with BS6399: Part 1, Table 2, is (0.51.568)+(0.53968)=684 kN (d) Dead and imposed loads on the ends of the wall from the transverse beams
Roof and floor slabs Column at wall ends, Imposed load 42880/6=1920 kN 400 mm400 mm=134 kN 4684/6=456 kN
(e) Wind load Refer to CP3: Chapter V: Part 2. The ground roughness is category 3 and the building size is Class B. Wind pressures and loads are calculated for roof to sixth floor, sixth floor to third floor and third floor to base (Fig. 10.4(b)). The force coefficient from Table 10 in the wind code is estimated for the following parameters:
Table 10.1 Wind load values H (m) S2 (Table 3) Roof to floor 6 35.0 0.89 Floor 6 to 3 21.0 0.76 Floor 3 to base 10.5 0.63 Table 3, CP3: Chapter V: Part 2 Vs= S2V (m/s) 40.1 34.2 28.1 q=0.613VS2/103 (kN/m2) 0.99 0.72 0.48
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l/w b/d h/b Cf =40/22=1.8 =40/22=1.8 =35/22=1.6 =1.06
The heights, S2 values, design wind speeds and dynamic pressures are given in Table 10.1. The wind pressures are shown in Fig. 10.4(b). The wind loads are resisted by four shear walls. The wind loads and moments at the base are as follows:
Roof to floor 6 Floor 6 to 3 Floor 3 to Base Load Moment= Load Moment= Load Moment= 0.991.061014=146.9 kN 146.928=4113.2 kN m 0.721.061010.5=80.2 kN 80.215.75=1263.2 kN m 0.481.061010.5=53.4 kN 53.45.25=280.4 kN m
Thus the total load is 280.5 kN and the total moment is 5656.8 kN m. (f) Load combination (i) Case 1 1.2(Dead+Imposed+Wind)
N =1.2[3888+648+2(1920+134+456)]=11510.4 kN M =1.25656.8=6788.2 kN m
(g) Wall design for load combinations in (f) The wall is 160 mm thick by 6000 mm long. The design is made using the chart in Fig. 10.3. The steel percentages for the three load cases are given in Table 10.2. The steel area in each of the two rows is
Table 10.2 Load combinations, column design Case 1 N/bh 11.99 M/bh2 1.17 100Asc/bh 0.4 Case 2 11.66 1.37 0.6 Case 3 8.32 1.37 0.4
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Provide two rows of 12 mm diameter bars at 200 mm centres to give a steel area of 565 mm2/m. Note that a check shows that the wall just remains in compression over its full length for case 3.
Example 10.2 Wall subjected to axial load and in-plane moments concentrating steel in end zones The columns at the ends of the walls will be taken into account. The loads and moments are shown in Fig. 10.5. Consider the load case 1.4(dead+wind). Assume that 1 m length at each end of the wall contains the steel to resist moment. The lever arm is 5.5 m. The force to resist moment is 1.45656.8/5.5=1439.8 kN The steel area required is 1439.8103/0.87460=3597.9 mm2 One-half of this area, i.e. 1799 mm2, is placed in the column and one-half in the wall end zone. The capacity of the concrete alone in the column to resist an axial load is 0.430(50021799)/103=2978.4 kN The column axial load is 1.4(1920+134)=2878.6 kN The concrete alone can support the axial load. Provide four 25 mm diameter bars to give an area of 1963 mm2. The end zone of the wall, 500 mm long, carries an axial load of 0.51.43888/5.5=494.8 kN The capacity of concrete alone in this position is 0.430500200/103=1200 kN Provide six 20 mm diameter bars to give an area of 1884 mm2. The central zone of the wall, 4.5 mm long, carries an axial load of 4.51.43888/5.5=4453.5 kN The capacity of the concrete alone is 0.4302004500/103=10800 kN Provide 0.4% minimum steel. The area required is 0.41000160/100= 640 mm2/m. Provide 10 mm diameter bars at 200 mm centres in two rows to give an area of 784 mm2/m. The steel arrangement is shown in Fig. 10.5.
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Fig. 10.5 (a) Plan; (b) loads at base; (c) steel arrangement.
Example 10.3 Wall subjected to axial load, transverse and in-plane moments (a) Specification The section of a stocky reinforced concrete wall shown in Fig. 10.6 is subject to the following actions:
N=4300 kN My=2100 kN m Mx=244 kN m
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Fig. 10.6 (a) Wall section; (b) longitudinal stress distribution. Design the reinforcement for the heaviest loaded end zone 500 mm long. The materials are grade 30 concrete and grade 460 reinforcement.
(b) Stresses From an elastic analysis the stresses in the section due to moment My are calculated as follows.
The stress at 250 mm from the end is 7.17+5.251750/2000=11.76 N/mm2 The load on the end zone is 11.76150500/103=882 kN Design the end zone for an axial load of 882 kN and a moment of 224/8=28 kN m:
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Page 323 The effective heights defined above are shown in Fig. 10.7. The lateral support must be capable of resisting the applied loads plus 2.5% of the vertical load that the wall is designed to carry at the point of lateral support. The resistance of a lateral support to rotation only exists where both the lateral support and the braced wall are detailed to resist rotation and for precast or in situ floors where the bearing width is at least two-thirds of the thickness of the wall. (c) Slenderness limits The slenderness ratio le/h should not exceed 30 whether the wall is braced or unbraced.
Page 324 (d) Minimum transverse eccentricity The minimum transverse eccentricity should not be less than h/20 or 20 mm. Further eccentricity due to deflection occurs in slender walls. (e) In-plane eccentricity The in-plane eccentricity can be calculated by statics when the horizontal force is resisted by several walls. It is shared between walls in proportion to their stiffnesses provided that the eccentricity in any wall is not greater than one-third of its length. If the eccentricity is greater than one-third of the length the stiffness of that wall is taken as zero. (f) Eccentricity of loads from a concrete floor or roof The design loads act at one-third of the depth of the bearing from the loaded face. Where there is an in situ floor on either side of the wall the common bearing area is shared equally (Fig. 10.8). Loads may be applied through hangers at greater eccentricities (Fig. 10.8). (g) Transverse eccentricity of resultant forces The eccentricity of forces from above the lateral support is taken as zero. From Fig. 10.8 where the force R from the floor is at an eccentricity of h/6 and the force P from above is taken as axial, the resultant eccentricity is
(h) Concentrated loads Concentrated loads from beam bearings or column bases may be assumed to be immediately dispersed if the local stress under the load does not exceed 0.6fcu for concrete grade 25 or above. (i) Design load per unit length The design load per unit length should be assessed on the basis of a linear distribution of load with no allowance for tensile strength. (j) Maximum unit axial load for a stocky braced plain wall The maximum ultimate load per unit length is given by nw=0.3(h2ex)fcu where ex is the resultant eccentricity at right angles to the plane of the wall (minimum value h/20). In this equation the load is considered to be carried on part of the wall with the section in tension neglected. The stress block is rectangular with a stress value of 0.3fcu (Fig. 10.9).
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Fig. 10.8 (a) Simply support slab; (b) cast-in-situ slab over wall; (c) hanger; (d) resultant eccentricity.
Fig. 10.9
Page 326 (k) Maximum design axial load for a slender braced plain wall The ultimate load per unit length is given by nw0.3(h1.2ex2ea)fcu where ea=le2/2500h is the additional eccentricity due to deflection and le is the effective height of the wall. (l) Maximum design axial load for unbraced plain walls The ultimate load per unit length should satisfy the following: nw0.3(h2ex1)fcu nw0.3(h2ex2ea)fcu where ex1 is the resultant eccentricity at the top of the wall and ex2 is the resultant eccentricity at the bottom of the wall. (m) Shear strength The shear strength need not be checked if one of the following conditions is satisfied: 1. The horizontal design shear force is less than one-quarter of the design vertical load; 2. The shear stress does not exceed 0.45 N/mm2 over the whole wall cross-section. (n) Cracking Reinforcement may be necessary to control cracking due to flexure or thermal and hydration shrinkage. The quantity in each direction should be at least 0.25% of the concrete area for grade 460 steel and 0.3% of the concrete area for grade 250 steel. Other provisions regarding anticrack reinforcement are given in the code. (o) Deflection of plain concrete walls The deflection should be within acceptable limits, if the preceding recommendations are followed. The deflection of plain concrete shear walls should be within acceptable limits if the total height does not exceed ten times the length.
Example 10.4 Plain concrete wall Check that the internal plain concrete wall BD in the braced building shown in Fig. 10.10 is adequate to carry the loads shown. The lateral supports resist lateral movement only. The concrete is grade 25.
design load on BC design load on AB =(1.46)+(1.64)=14.8 kN/m =6 kN/m (dead load only)
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At mid-height, the weight of the wall is 7 kN/m; the effective height is 4000 mm and the slenderness ratio is 4000/150=26.6<30. The wall is slender and is checked at mid-height where the additional moment due to deflection is a maximum. The resultant eccentricity due to vertical load is
Page 328 The eccentricity due to slenderness is ea=40002/2500150=42.7 mm The total eccentricity is not to be less than h/20=7.5 mm or 20 mm. The applied ultimate load must be less than
nw =0.3(1501.211.1242.7)25 =384.6 N/mm or kN/m >applied load of 61.2 kN/m
he maximum permissible slenderness ratio of 30 controls the thickness. The case where the imposed load covers the whole floor should also be checked. The total applied load then is 81 kN/m and the wall is satisfactory.