Lean Improvement Roadmap

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Lean Improvement Road Map Assessment

Blue Plant
Categories Level (score) 0 Level (score) 1 Level (score) 2 Level (score) 3 Level (score) 4

Level (score) 5

The area has the ability to First level Sorting and Work areas contain only sustain a 5S Program. 5S rating exists, awareness removal is completed and needed items. All needed A Standard practice for No System in existence Rules & standards have training complete and maintained. Red tagging items are visually indicated maintaining level 1, 2 & 3 that improves and monitors been created, people program is in beginning methodology in place. and are in order. Cleaning exists and is adhered to 5S Housekeeping the 5S rating. regularly trained and stages. Some storage being done. is maintained daily and daily. (5S Score is = 0) management sticks to the (5S Score is >=1 and <20) (5S Score is >=21 and assignments are posted. (5S Score is >=60 and <79) rules. <39) (5S Score is >=40 and <59) (5S Score is >=80-100)

Visual Controls

Complete visual workplace Schedules posted and exists. All performance Normal and abnormal maintained by work force information is conditions are easy to No Visual indicators of Floors are marked, pointfor production and communicated and a visitor detect visually. Floors are organization and Some boards for of-use storage and equipment maintenance. can easily understand the marked, product/process performance exist. communication posted and organization has begun. Quality problems are performance without any flow is visual, tooling and Production flow is not maintained by managers Visual communication recorded and documented explanations. Action plans inventory is at point-of-use. obvious, schedule and work force. boards are evident and up frequently. Some for continuous Visual communication performance not displayed. to date. visual/audio andon are improvement have been boards are evident and up used to quickly react to developed, implemented to date. stoppages improvements are displayed with results. Corrective Actions, Poka Corrective Actions, Poka Yoke devices are in place Poka Yoke devices have Zero-defect culture is in Yoke devices have been on all operations and are been implemented on place. Poka Yoke devices developed and focused on preventing Awareness training has critical operations. Line are in place on all implemented on most defects from happening. been completed and some Stops and immediate operations and have been operations where defects The concepts of source poka yoke devices are in feedback is beginning. combined with source occur. Methods of detecting inspection, self checks and use. Defects are prevented from inspection and self and defects and stopping the successive checks are being passed on to next successive checks virtually process have been beginning to form process. eliminating defects. incorporated. incorproated in a total zerodefect approach.

Poka Yoke

No, mistake-proofing awareness training has been completed


No knowledge of TPM exists within the company. Machines are repaired when broken. No TPM events.

TPM training initiated, awareness session conducted for work force. Initial TPM event completed.

Understand OEE, baseline data collection has begun. Equipment plan for TPM events are held preventive and predictive regularly. Daily operator maintenance developed. PM's are in place. OEE is tracked regularly on Maintenance is beginning the floor. to move from breakdown OEE > 70% mode to planned mode.

Systems established for TPM program. Machines are maintained and repaired on a scheduled basis with less than 3 emergency repairs in the plant per month. OEE >80%

TPM system has been successfully implemented. Operator and maintenance TPM program in place. Predictive tools used regularly with no emergency repairs. OEE > 85%

Worker Flexibility

No skills flexibility, one person to one machine ratio is typical.

Awareness of multi machine-handling is evident, cross training has started.

Cross Training matrices Cross Training matrices are Complete worker flexibility, All area workers are cross have been developed and actively used and >75% of all workers can run all trained and Training Matrix training has been area workers are cross processes and typically do is displayed. Workers documented. Workers trained. Workers typically so. Training and cross typically run 3 or more beginning to run multiple run no more than 2 training is a constant way of processes. machines. processes. life.

KAIZEN Improvement

Kaizen events are forced by the Synchro Manager Kaizen events held with Improvement events are office group. Improvements consultants and initiated by completed and follow-ups No events have been held have had backsliding and Plant Management. Plans are done routinely. Overall in the facility newspaper items are still for improvement are facility is steadily open. No effort planned for developed. improving. the future.

Weekly improvement activities are scheduled and completed. Most events are initiated and followed-up by the work force.

Continuous Improvement is practiced daily by the team. Spontaneous teams are created and work to problem resolution. Goals are achieved.

Prepared by Integrated Lean Business Systems 3/9/2012

Page 1

Lean Improvement Road Map Assessment

Blue Plant
Categories Level (score) 0 Level (score) 1 Level (score) 2 Level (score) 3 Level (score) 4

Level (score) 5

Balanced Production

Relationship of Cycle to Takt time is known and Facility achieves output Training has been used to balance work. Principles of Takt time not Takt time is beginning to be requirements with normal completed and principles Standard Work outlining understood or used. used to pace output. Takt schedule and no overtime. understood by Takt, work sequence and Therefore relationship of time is known and posted Work cells consistently management and work cycle time is complete and cycle time to takt time not in work areas but is meet Takt time production. force. No effort to balance posted in the area. used to balance production frequently not met resulting Model leveling has begun production has been Overtime and expediting flow. in overtime and expediting. but not at Everything started. still used to meet output Everyday level yet. requirements but has been greatly reduced.

All operations meet takt time consistently. Onepiece flow at Takt is maintained in conjunction with Everything Everyday mixed model production.

Production Scheduling

Manufactured parts All manufactured parts are Reliance on push Kanban are frequently Push scheduling system replenished through a Facility produces based scheduling system is resized and reduced. Push scheduling results in still utilized, heavy reliance kanban pull signal based entirely on pull signals from reduced. Most of Supplier parts are part shortages, excessive on MRP to schedule factory on consumption or the customer. Production is manufacturing uses replenished using kanban inventory or long operations. Awareness of customer order. Supplier maintained by the workers kanban cards to signal pull signals. MRP is used replenishment lead-time. kanban/pull exists some Pull Systems are beginning in work cells replenishing replenishment based on for negotiations of long Days Supply of Inventory signals are used to to be established, MRP still only what has been consumption or customer term purchase of (DSI) is > 75. schedule. drives most supplied part signaled by customer pull. order. procurements only and not (DSI) is < 75. ordering. (DSI) is < 5. (DSI) is < 35. for order release. (DSI) is < 25. DSI) is < 15. Use of bolts has been All set up work is minimized, where used All trial runs and External work is performed performed once equipment single turn methods are adjustments are eliminated Awareness of Internal and prior to machine shut is stopped or line is employed. Position setting and minimal time is External set-up is apparent. down. Conversion of shutdown. Excessive conditions have been expended in setting Training in Fast Trac is Internal to External has walking and searching standardized and are being conditions. Changeover is complete and Kaizen has begun. Checklists are during changeover. Each used. There is Standard reduce by 90% of original begun to apply the tools. used to assure external worker follows a different Work for Changeovers and time and is less than 9 preparation is complete. procedure. workers practice minutes. changeovers.


Change over is one touch or has been eliminated. Where appropriate sequential changeover within Takt time is employed.

Standard Work

Workers give Operation methods left up Kaizen event has Standard work sheets are Standard Work sheets and recommendations to to the individual. No implemented some method being developed and Standard Work reduce cycle time and leadconsistency between improvements. Standard validated. Additional Combination sheets have time and implement the individuals or shifts. Wide procedures still do not methods of improvement been developed for changes to Standard Work variation exists in historical exist. Inconsistency are still needed, however complete process. These frequently. Workers create, fabrication and assembly between individuals and work is becoming more standards are posted and maintain and train in the times. shifts. standardized. followed by the work force. Standard Work.

100 % of workstations have Standard Work posted, as well as % load charts with the relationship of takt time to cycle time. Method improvement is done and updated daily. Everyone follows the Standard Work.

Focused Factory

Area is organized in functional processes with no focus on product family production.

Some Value Stream Mapping used to define current and future states. Kaizen events held and some equipment reorganized towards the idea of product families.

Value Stream approach Product cells exist with Extremely versatile cells used consistently. Product minimal handoffs. Cells are allowing manpower to cells are established. self-contained and support adjust across cells Numerous handoffs still quick changeover and new depending on the schedule. exist outside the cells. product introduction. Most barriers to flow have Material is stored outside Supermarkets are been overcome removing the cell and supermarket established where flow the need for all but minimal does not exist. cannot be executed. supermarkets.

Complete synchronization of the cell ties the whole manufacturing and assembly processes. Value Stream (product focused) management is now possible. Lead-time is minimal and one-piece flow is in operation. Product line uses pull system with minimal inventory.

Notes / Comments

Prepared by Integrated Lean Business Systems 3/9/2012

Page 2

5 S Housekeeping Visual Controls Poka Yoke TPM Worker Flexibility Kaizen Improvement Balanced Production Production Scheduling Changeover Standard Work Focused Factory

Score (0-5)
1 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 0

Score =
Maximum Possible =


Target - World Class

Lean Improvement Road Map Assessment

Blue Plant 5/23/2005
5 S Housekeeping

Focused Factory
1 2

Visual Controls

(55 Possible)


Standard Work

Poka Yoke 50

45 40
Changeover TPM

35 30 25 20 15

Production Scheduling

Worker Flexibility 10

Balanced Production Kaizen Improvement


Blue Plant
Program Monitor
Loc: PL Mgr: Blue Plant Joe Knight

15 26

Baseline Score Goal

Date: 5/23/2005

JIT Office Manager: Helen Partain


5S Housekeeping
1 First level Sorting and removal is completed and maintained. Red tagging methodology in place. Some storage being done. (5S Score is >=21 and <39)


Need facility Wide Training

Visual Controls
2 Schedules posted and maintained by work force for production and equipment maintenance. Quality problems are recorded and documented frequently. Some visual/audio andon are used to quickly react to stoppages


Poka Yoke
3 Awareness training has been completed and some poka yoke devices are in use.


4 Understand OEE, baseline data collection has begun. TPM events are held regularly. Daily operator PM's are in place. Maintenance is beginning to move from breakdown mode to planned mode. Worker Flexibility 5 Cross Training matrices are actively used and >75% of area workers are cross trained. Workers typically run no more than 2 processes.


PA- Team Leader

KAIZEN Improvement
6 Weekly improvement activities are scheduled and completed. Most events are initiated and followed-up by the work force.


Balanced Production
7 Takt time is beginning to be used to pace output. Takt time is known and posted in work areas but is frequently not met resulting in overtime and expediting.

Mfg & Mat'ls

Production Scheduling
8 All manufactured parts are replenished through a kanban pull signal based on consumption or customer order. Supplier Pull Systems are beginning to be established, MRP still drives most supplied part ordering. (DSI) is < 25.


9 External work is performed prior to machine shut down. Conversion of Internal to External has begun. Checklists are used to assure external preparation is complete.


Standard Work

Mfg & Eng

ITEM No. 10 1

DESCRIPTION & 2001 GOAL Standard work sheets are being developed and validated. Additional methods of improvement are still needed, however work is becoming more standardized.






Mfg & Eng Bailey/Mack

1 1

2 2

Need facility Wide Training

Focused Factory
11 Some Value Stream Mapping used to define current and future states. Kaizen events held and some equipment reorganized towards the idea of product families.


Blue Plant JIT Office Event Planning

Event Date

Event Type

Consultant/Facilitator Name

Area / Machine Name

Cincinnati Cell

People Involved
Cell Team

5S Training

Increase 5S Score by 20 points and Develop System to Sustain results

Results Sustained Y/N

If No why or what happened

Savings from Event

Inventory Reduction

Sq Ft Reduced





Page 7 of 9

Road Map For Change Comparison

OLD Shift End Routine Clean Up Hidden Factory/Performance Results Quality Inspection Defect Identification/Rejection Preventive Maintenance Reactive Maintenance Worker Compartmentalization Operator In-Flexibility Poor consideration of human motion Training considered a cost Decayed/Broken Down Processes MRP Push production Centralized Production Planning Batch and Que Processing High Equipment Utilization Inventories Disorganized/High Internal Set-Up times Verbal/Memorization of Work Instruction Process Village Layouts Poor Mat'l presentation and Excessive Handling Manufacturing Flow Minimal Equipment Flexibility Centralized Stock Rooms/Purchasing

Road Map For Change Comparison

NEW 5S Housekeeping Visual Factory and Measurement Controls 6 Sigma/Poka Yoke


Worker Flexibility/High Performance Work Teams

Kaizen Improvement Takt Based Balanced Production

Visual Pull Kanban Scheduling

3 Minute or Less Changeovers Standard Work

Focused factory

Autonomation Supplier Delivered POU/JIT Kanban

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