Maungaturoto Matters: Hard Working Local Kids Find Their Skatepark Vandalised
Maungaturoto Matters: Hard Working Local Kids Find Their Skatepark Vandalised
Maungaturoto Matters: Hard Working Local Kids Find Their Skatepark Vandalised
Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto, A Real New Zealand Town ‘Gettin’ on with it!’ Issue 87 December 08
153 Hurndall St
Ph/Fax (09) 431-8059
Bus Trip to Whangarei TUESDAY 16th December 08
Shopping Appointments etc.
Leave 9.00am and return approx. 3.30 – 4.00pm
as required.
For information on 2008 & 2009 trips
Please phone 431 8059
Page 2 Maungaturoto Matters
Due to the limitations of our technology
Image quality cannot be guaranteed
Ruth Harvey
Governance Team
Kaipara District Council
Maungaturoto Matters Page 5
Admission is still only $7/adult and $3/child or you can FAB Outing (Family Activity Boost)
show your support by becoming a member for $35/family This is where a family gets nominated by you in the com-
or $15 per adult. munity - a neighbour, friend or someone else you believe
deserves something special. We contact the family and
Gates open at 9am to the public for simultaneous events offer them a day out. We have a variety of outings to suit
around the showground featuring families with children of various ages. Although we cater for
• the Biggest and Best Display of Indoor Exhibits in a range of groups we are still looking for new activities. We
include a wonderful picnic hamper with everything including
the kitchen sink….or nearly - and the shuttle and driver are
• Horse and Pony events, Miniature Horses, Rodeo at your disposal for the day.
Thrills So come on, nominate someone special for this wonderful
• Sheep Shearing Competition, Dog Agility Display, outing…ph 09 4318 969.
• Vintage Vehicles, Trade Sites, Bullock Team Rides,
Wood Chopping and everyone’s favourite, the Side Shows. Internet Café… (This does not serve coffee)
We now have a computer for community use with broad-
There’s even a show wind down with a ‘Hoe Down’ in the band and a printer. It’s available during our office hours,
sports clubrooms until 8pm. which could be extended by request. We’ve heard that
some people think Maungaturoto has another café, but this
So get your friends and family together, make a day of it, is not the case. We accept a gold coin donation and hope
bring a picnic or get one there. Everyone loves a great it will help those of you without access to a computer.
community event, but a successful day takes participation
from the community. Get involved and keep our traditions We will not close down over Christmas.
alive. See you there Bob Clyde—President Linking Hands’ office will be closed, but we will man the
phones and take bookings for hospital and health-related
appointments during the Christmas break.
Please phone us with your appointment details. Our volun-
teer drivers will be on standby so we need details as early
as possible to help us make the system work smoothly.
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best
for the New Year. Please drive safely and keep well. We
look forward to being here for you in 2009.
The office will close on 22nd December and reopen 5th Jan.
Please phone your booking to our answer service which we
will check daily,
09 4318 969.
My regards,
Maureen Davis.
Page 6 Maungaturoto Matters
supported by
Maungaturoto Congregational Church
($2 donation per family please)
Maungaturoto Matters Page 7
Over the past year I have not said much about our Family This year we have as guest speakers Paea Pake and Ann
Support Team. I would like to introduce you to: Rose Wilson, support workers from the Alzheimer’s Society, who
Plunket and Rosemary Jones who work primarily in will enlighten us on the care needs of those affected and
Paparoa, Elizabeth Ludlam in Maungaturoto, and Sioux the community support available.
Plowman who works from Managawhai.
The Rest Home continues to provide a very high level of
These ladies have considerable experience in their field loving care to our senior residents who have outlived their
and can help families find answers to their dilemmas as ability to look after themselves. As the Rest Home is at
they bring their wisdom and training into difficult situations. times full to over flowing, over the last two years we have
been planning expansion. Planning is near completion; the
The Family Support Team and our PACE worker Gail concept plan will be on view.
Blythen thank those of you who have allowed them to be a
part of their journey over the past year. It is our privilege to The own-your-own units change hands from time to time.
be invited into your homes when you are challenged with Recently three came on the market, two of which are spo-
some of life’s difficult circumstances. ken for. If anyone is contemplating living in the village they
should inform Debbie, Manager at the Rest Home. A name
I have been approached by Barbara of the “Grandparents on the list ensures you are notified of vacancies. This also
Raising Grandchildren Trust”. She suggested we might applies to rental units.
like to start a support group here and has asked me to find
out if there are Grandparents in this area who would enjoy The Maungaturoto Community Charitable Trust owns and
getting together on a regular basis. If you are interested in operates the following:
being part of a group like this next year please give me a Medical Centre (currently leased to Coast to Coast
ring on 431 9080. Healthcare, etc)
16-bed Rest Home
Our Golden Oldies Christmas Lunch is on 10th Decem- 13 Retirement Units (rentals)
ber at the Community Hall Supper Room at 10.30am. Eight Own-Your-Own Retirement Units
This is usually a very special time and we would like to Community Money Exchange
invite any in the area who would like to join us to ring .
Elaine on 431 8317 so we get an idea of numbers for Please mark 4th Dec on your calendar. We would like
catering. We are happy to provide transport - just let to you to attend our public meeting at St John Hall at
Elaine know if you need a lift. Look forward to seeing 7.30pm
you there.
D McKay (Chairman, Trustees)
Blessings from us all at Homebuilders and best wishes for
a great Christmas and a fabulous New Year.
Page 8 Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto Matters Page 9
a major crisis, and saw guests as being in the way of the
Otamatea Repertory Theatre smooth running of the hotel.
“Never Mind Mother Goose” Auditions are being held at the theatre on Sunday, De-
This year’s pantomime has been a great success for all cember 7th. Contact Dennise Brownlie or a committee
concerned. The cast of mainly children rose to their task member for further details. Cast must be available for all
with courage and finesse that would have seemed to have rehearsals and the show is planned for March 2009 with
been beyond them. But as real “troupers of the boards” up to nine shows over three weeks.
opening night was a remarkable event with colour and ac-
tion that can only happen in a pantomime. And the adult This could be your opportunity to move out of your com-
members of the cast performed very well too! fort zone for an enjoyable romp on stage. See you at the
Congratulations to Helen Morton-Jones for her direction auditions!
and those most important people who man the sets and
props who are known as stage crew. Theatre Development
If you think or possibly know someone who would like to Work has just about been completed on the workshop
write next year’s pantomime, contact a committee member extension to the theatre. This has been a marvellous
for more information. achievement by all concerned. It is an asset that will en-
able the theatre to produce shows with even more exper-
Unfortunately the occasion was marred by some little cre- tise and proficiency than before.
tin who thought he could win the raffle by stealing the prize Landscaping is our next project, with designs for a grand
before it was drawn on the final night. In your neighbour- entrance and the comfort of the most important of people,
hood there is someone who has no scruples about taking our guests and audience.
from children, the theatre and the community in general. If The working bees will continue on Saturday mornings
you, the person responsible for this act, are reading this from 9.00 am for about three hours. See you all then.
newsletter, we have nothing but abhorrence for you. The
local police have been most responsive to our concerns.
Thanks Trevor.
Merry Christmas to everyone from
Fawlty Towers
your Theatre
Yes, we believe Basil and crew are coming to your theatre.
This was the man to whom even the simplest problem was
Page 10 Maungaturoto Matters
Fencing Contractors
Rural and Residential
Post and Rail
*Decks *Additions
*Alterations *New Homes CALL KEN ON 09-4318705
Labour Only OR 021-1612344
Phone 021 400 039 A/Hrs 09 431 2808
Free Quotes 25yrs Experience KEN URQUHART BSurv (Otago) – YOUR LOCAL
(Makes delicious toast for breakfast or supper, great PAPAROA FARMER'S MARKET
for school lunchboxes and costs about 1/3 the price of - the friendly market!
purchased bread)
Paparoa Village Green,
1 cup plus 2tbsp half water/milk (lukewarm) Saturdays 9am-12midday, fortnightly:
1 large egg
3 tbsp margarine
1/4 cup sugar Fresh from the garden/nursery, kitchen and sea is a won-
1 tsp salt derful range of foods and plants.
3 cups high grade flour Rowens Icecream is back for the summer, selling their all-
1 tsp mixed spice and vanilla essence natural ice-creams.
Plus, the Paparoa Shops and restaurants are open....
2 tsp cinnamon
2tsp Surebake yeast Make a trip to visit: ALWAYS FRESH, ALWAYS FUN !!
1 cup dried fruit (sultanas, raisin, currants)
1/4 cup chopped apricots and/or walnuts - opt P.S. Have you visited the website for our market on kai-
Put wet ingredients in breadmaker followed by dried
ingredients (except fruit/nuts). Set to sweet option. WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY BAKING
Add fruit/nuts when machine beeps. FOR THE MARKET?
The Paparoa Hall kitchen is licensed for use in food prepa-
This bread will keep fresh for several days. ration.
Contact Robyn Skelton, 431 7306 or Loraine at the market.
- Loraine Rowlands
Page 12 Maungaturoto Matters
Concrete Mixer (Electric)
Phone Jenny on 09 431-2826
Concrete Power Float
Plate Compactor Let’s take the hassle out of your busy life.
These are the services we offer.
Waterblaster Cleaning on weekly, fortnightly, monthly
Hydraulic Log Splitter or those one off jobs.
Rented & Holiday Homes.
Post Hole Borer Windows& ceilings
Scrub Cutters Ovens Domestic Cleaning
Weed Trimmers
1.5 Tonne Digger
At Maungaturoto
Auto Centre
431 8288
Maungaturoto Matters Page 13
Mobile Accounting
Registered Tax Agent
Graham Slatter
INQUIRIES Master Plumber
PHONE US ANY DAY AT Registered Drainlayer
431 8750
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT BY 3 ton digger & truck for hire
5 View Road,
HOBSON CHAMBERS Ph (09) 431 8750
143 HURNDALL ST Mob (021) 723 284
Phone 025 2445430
027 244 5430
MAUNGATUROTO A/Hrs Ph. 431 8451
Fax. 431 8561
Maungaturoto Matters Page 15
Kia ora, Hi everybody,
Jayne Short
D.Pod.M MVHs
Bangi - the perfect dinner First choose your old stainless steel sink, then select suffi-
cient volcanic stones to cover the bottom of it.
for campers –Rae Heat the stones over a fire or barbecue - this takes a cou-
ple of hours - then put them in the sink.
The campers invited us to their bangi (rhymes with hangi) Top with layers of cabbage leaves, then add meat - in our
even though we were indirectly culpable for the theft of case, chicken and pork pieces - and veggies - kumara, po-
their dinner the previous night. tato, pumpkin, chunks of cabbage.
Their offer was especially generous given that the farmer’s Cover with a damp cloth, seal with tinfoil, cook over low
favourite saying during the weekend was, “You’re camping! heat for about 90 minutes. Serve and eat with your fingers.
You can’t just go to the nearest house when you want You’re camping, it’s a bangi.
The farmer’s sister and her husband rolled up in their bus After dinner we planned to watch Aussie vs NZ netball but
at Labour Weekend and parked near the house on the the highly-strung satellite dish, positioned after lengthy did-
edge of the Kaipara Harbour. dling and dispute the previous night, was askew.
Soon afterwards, having declined our offer of dinner, they When tension mounted, a gallop to the house revealed it
surprised us by turning up at our front door. was worth fixing - the halfway score was 21:21.
They had planned to dine on freshly-gathered oysters atop At this point, the farmer sloped home while I stuck with the
Scotch fillet. The steak was icy so Cherry popped it out- campers who got the satellite dish sorted, bar an irritating
side to thaw then, oh dear, she noticed one of our dogs moment when a dog stood in front of it.
Afterwards we figured Milo charged with Amarula would
She accepted a smoked mullet and was concerned (at the complement the increasingly rare vision of Norma Plummer
very lowest level) for the thief’s welfare. Had the dog eaten defending her team’s loss. Damn! The jar was empty.
the cling wrap too? (I found it on the lawn the next day.) The campers, rebelling against the farmer’s “no begging”
The next night the campers hosted the family to a bangi, a pronouncements, were about to phone him with a request
cross between a hangi and barbecue. for Milo when he peered over the bank. They bellowed
instead and he obliged, for once refraining from blurting
We supplied mutton cloth for the stuffing, a roasting dish about self sufficiency.
and saucepans for the prepared vegetables, thus giving the A win over Aussie can do that.
farmer ammunition for another sermon about campers beg-
ging from the neighbouring house.
Here’s how to make a bangi,:
Page 18 Maungaturoto Matters
PH 09 4318044
FAX 09 4318064
Maungaturoto Matters Page 19
Page 20 Maungaturoto Matters