Weekly 11 March - DANGERS IN RICHES
Weekly 11 March - DANGERS IN RICHES
Weekly 11 March - DANGERS IN RICHES
we are labourers together with God: (1 Corinthians 3:9a) Not to be ministered unto, but to minister (Mark 10:45)
Call to Worship Rev Dr Paul Ferguson Praise for Thy Glorious Grace (HGG 7) Prayer & Gloria Patri Scripture Reading & Memorization Romans 16:21-27 My Anchor Holds (HGG 432) Offering & Hymn O for a Closer Walk with God (HGG 472) Doxology & Offertory Prayer God Is Always Near Me (HGG 720) Pastoral Prayer & Sermon Glory To God Rev Dr Paul Ferguson Jehovah Tsidkenu (HGG 385) Benediction & Three-Fold Amen Announcements
PastorsPen DANGERSINRICHES TheStraitsTimesannouncedrecentlythatSingaporehasjustbeenrankedasthe worlds third richest country per capita in a new list compiled by USbased Forbesmagazine.ThecountrysGDP(PPP)percapitaissaidtobe$56,694.
TheApostlePaulconcludesthisEpistlebyagreat doxology of praise. In Romans 1:16 he set forth his theme as: the Gospel of Christ. After he has unfolded his great theme of the doctrines of the gospel in the preceding sixteen chapters, Pauls heart naturally is moved to praiseGod.He extols the: (1)GREATWORK (2)GREATINSTRUMENT (3)GREATOBJECT
Wealth rarely spiritually benefits the people of God. It doesnt have to be a hindranceinourspirituallife,butfewofusareabletomanageitwell.Itisalltoo easytogetcaught up in the excitementoframpantmaterialismand forget God. This is especially true of young people, who are bombarded with the message that money is the key to all happiness. The Apostle Paul reminds his beloved discipleTimothytowarntherichofsuchdangers: Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trustinuncertainriches,butinthelivingGod,whogivethusrichlyallthings to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute,willingtocommunicate;Layingupinstoreforthemselvesagood foundationagainstthetimetocome,thattheymaylayholdoneternallife.(1 Timothy6:1719)
Paulwarnsthattherichmustnotbetemptedtotrustinmaterialwealth,Charge themthatarerichinthisworld,thattheybenothighminded,nortrustinuncertain riches,butinthelivingGod..Itisalltooeasywhenmoneycanbeusedtobuyso much that we assume it can buy everything! This can lead us to pride, self confidence,andindifferencetoGod.Paulremindsusthatwebenothighminded. He tells Timothy to charge the rich to avoid this. This word charge is a command. It is not some piece of personal advice by Paul but comes with the authorityofGod.
Inoursociety,moneyisparticularly worshipped as agod. It is thoughttobring happiness, peace, security, and a glorious future. One author summed up the foolishnessofsuchthinkingwhenhequippedinarhyme,WhatMoneyCanBuy,
Abedbutnotsleep Booksbutnotknowledge Foodbutnotappetite Finerybutnotbeauty Ahousebutnotahome Medicinebutnothealth Luxuriesbutnotcomfort Pleasuresbutnothappiness Religionbutnotsalvation. Oneofthereasonstheapostlegivesnottotrustinrichesisthatthesethingsare temporal, uncertainriches. The wealth that we accumulate can be lost all too quicklythrougheconomicdownturn,badinvestments,jobloss,rampant
Pastor: Rev Dr Paul Ferguson (hp: +65 92312943 email:fergusonpaul@hotmail.com) Place of Worship: Shalom Chapel, 345 Old Choa Chu Kang Rd Singapore 698923 Mailing address: Clementi Central Post Office, PO Box 057 Singapore 911202 Website: www.calvarytengah.com Email: church@mytengah.com; tengahbpc@gmail.com(administrator)
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inflation,healthfailure,theftetc.Youcanberichtodayandbroke tomorrow!Ultimately,allmaterialwealthwillbelostindeath,and when God destroys this planet. The history of this world reveals thatwealthynationsarenotalwaysrich.Justafewcenturiesago, countrieslikeEgypt,India,andChinawerethreeofthewealthiest nations on the planet. Then they were greatly impoverished for manygenerations.
Fortyyearsago,thetemptationsassociatedwithwealthwerenota significantissueformostSingaporeans.Today,itisincreasinglya problem as we have risen to the top of the tree of international wealth! You may not think you are rich, but by the standards of mostoftheworldwelivealifeofunimaginableluxurynow.
Paultellsusnottotrustinanymaterialsecurityinthisplanetbut inthelivingGod. There is no real security in anything else. Only Godknowswhatadaywillbringforthinourlives.ThePsalmist, Davidwasrightwhenhecried,thereisbutastepbetweenmeand death. (1 Samuel 20:3). So every day, you need to make a consciousdecisionnottoputyourtrustinyoursavingsorCPFbut inaSovereignGodtoleadandguideyourlife.
We must be wise in this area. Wealth is a danger to our spiritual health, but it can be managed for the glory of God. Paul does not saywealthisasin;justthatthemisuseofitwillbe.Donttrustin material wealth, but keep your focus on God and seek to live for othersinyourwordsanddeeds.
Paul tells us the rich that they have positive duties, Thattheydo good,thattheyberichingoodworks,readytodistribute,willingto communicate. Money is not given to us to simply indulge on our owndesiresandlustsandthenthrowafewcrumbstotheneedy. The wealthy are commanded to seek out ways of doing good. Their actions must be richingoodworks including being ready to distribute, willing to communicate or give liberally from their ownresources. Please note this does not mean simply throwing money at the needsofothers.Wearetoallgiveofourtimeandenergytohelp others. Our words and deeds should be, like the Master (cf. Acts 10:38), full of goodworks. Every believer should start this from home in being a blessing to his or her family. Then they should extend this to those around them. The benefit in living a life like thisisthatittakesthefocusofoneslifefromlivingforself.
TheBibleisoursupremeauthorityineveryareaoflife.Ithasnot leftusinthedarkinthisscenario.Letusliveoutwhatwebelieve then we will be, Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. We all can see that this life is brief, especially in comparison to eternity. Dying men dont focus on wealth. They know it cant help them at that point. Dont be shortsighted and foolish.Investineternalthings.Thoseeternalinvestmentscannot be lost but will follow us into the next life. As the third richest peopleontheplanet,letusmakethewordsofthissongareality,
InChrist PastorPaul
Childrens Corner
Howcantherebedaysofheavenonearth?Thereissadnessand evil around us daily; we see so many sad faces around us. Can therebedaysofheavenonearth?
Ayoungmanwastryinghisbesttobeagoodperson.Hestopped goingoutwithbadfriendswhousefoullanguageandfightallthe time.Hewenttoschoolontimeandstudiedhard.However,asthe days went by, things slowly changed for the worse. He looked very troubled. His friend asked him, Is something the matter? Hetoldhisfriend,Afterallthestressinschool,Ilookforwardto coming home to have a good rest but my parents have been fighting.Mysecondbrotherhasnotgonetoschoolforaweek.My father scolds my mother for not controlling him. My mother blamesmyfatherfortravellingoverseassooften.
talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, andtheyshallbeasfrontletsbetweenthineeyes.Andthoushalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. The Lord our Creator is an orderly andloving God. His wordmust beinourheart.NextHewantsustoteachandtalkaboutthem inthehomeandtohaveHiswordinandaroundourhomesas reminders.
Rev(Dr)AlanCairnsspokeatTheChristianFamilySeminar.He has been a pastor for nearly 50 years and he told us the secret howwecanhavedaysofheavenonearth. Firstly,itdoesnotcomeautomatically.KingDavidinhislastdays knewhehadfailedtheLordinhisfamilylife.Hedesiredforallhis family to be saved. 2 Samuel 23:5 Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all mydesire,althoughhemakeitnottogrow.OfJacobs10sonsnot manygoodthingscanbesaidexceptforJoseph.
Amanssuccessisnotdeterminedbyhiswealth and fame. A mighty man of God can still fail in hisfamilylife.Howcanweplayapartwithour fathers to have days of heaven in our homes? We mustall learn to submit to Gods teachings. The days of heaven on earth is determined by oursubmissiontoGodsword.
Help me, Lord, to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church... nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that every where I am in Thy Presence Susanna Wesley
Secondly,thereisnosecret.ItistheresultofsubmissiontoGods word.Thefamilyisthebuildingblockofanation.Marriageisthe basic building block of the family. There are commandments in the Bible for parents and for the child. Deuteronomy 6:69 And thesewords,whichIcommandtheethisday,shallbeinthineheart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt
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If these words from Psalm 119:105 could apply to anyones life,itwassurelyCarries.Inmyobservationandexperience,I cancitenobetterexamplethanhers.AtherMemorialService on 1 Mar 2012, I was totally absorbed as Soo Cheng (her husband) testified to her rock firm faith. I have never forgottenCarrieswords:Ishallmarryonlyabelieverandno one else. That was that, no argument or bargaining. Those wordsstruckhome.SooChenggavehislifetoJesusChrist,his SaviourandLord.Hehadfoundhishelpmeet,bytheSpirits leading.
thatHeisGod(Psalm46:10).Iamsuregoodnessandmercy will come out of this even as God is ever faithful. Already I amsotouched,encouragedandblessedbytheoutpouringof love, prayers and concern of so many church members and friends,someofwhomIdontevenknow.ThankGodforHis boundlessgoodnesstome!EventhoughIdonotyetseeHis willinallowingthissuffering,Heknowswhatisbestforme. MyeternalhopeistobewithHiminglory.IpraythatHewill continuetograntmeHismercies,graceandstrengthtolive theremainingdaysofmylifeonearthtoHisglorytillImeet Himfacetoface.Whatunspeakablejoythatwillbe!Carrie Toh,28February2012 BySnrPastorof CalvaryPandan
Three years ago, they attended a meeting at Calvary Pandan. Hearing the message of Biblical Separation and obedience to the Word of God, Carrie and Soo Cheng became members. GodsWordfoundinstantacceptanceinherheart.
They came for dinner in spite of Carries physical condition. The Lord gave her that extra grace. She sat through dinner with my other guests. After dinner, we had a blessed time singingthesongsofheavenandexhortationfromtheWordof God. As my guests left, I said to Carrie, Hope to have you again,notrealizingthiswouldbethatlasttime,forinjust18 days the Lord hadsentfor her. But, praise God, shefinished writing her testimony which I had requested, just the day beforetheLordtookher.ReaderswhoattendedtheMemorial Services would have read her beautiful testimony, which I reproducehereat(edited).
Ihavefoughtagoodfight,Ihavefinishedmycourse...(2Tim 4:7)
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...(Psalm 23:6a). Was it goodness and mercy when I was struck down with Wilms Tumour (kidney cancer affecting only children) at a tender age of oneandahalf years old? Many would believe it was tragic! But God in His marvellous and mysterious way used a bad event to His glory: my dad became a believer because of my condition. Gods ways are beyond our comprehension and He can use sufferings to accomplish His mighty purposes. As a consequence of the tumour, my right kidney was removed. I underwent chemotherapyandradiationtreatmentuntilIwastwoanda half years old and had yearly checkups till I entered university.Allthiswhile,Iledagood,healthyandnormallife likeeveryone else.Iparticipated inallkinds of activities and wasaverykeenswimmerinmyteens.Godisindeedgoodand gracious.
Family Worship 16 Mar (Fri), 8 p.m. Topic: "We Will Serve The Lord" Speaker: Rev Stephen Khoo Chairman: Dn Hendrick Foo Venue: Home of Dn & Mrs Simon Tan Address: 270 Bangkit Road #10-08 (please use lift C) Singapore 670270
In2005,whileundergoingpreemploymentmedicalcheckup, shadows were spotted in both my lungs. My husband Soo ChengandIconsultedtwolungspecialists,andafterbiopsy,I wasgivenacleanbillofhealthsomehow!Thespecialistshad missedtheshadowbelowmyrightlung,however.
In May 2011, I had a fall and the excruciating pain in my leg refused to go away. After consulting many specialists and a PET scan, I was suspected of having cancer. Lung biopsy confirmedthecancertobeinadvancedstage,andhadspread to many parts of my body including the bones. I had to go throughchemotherapy.
Ushers' Workshop 1st May (Tues), 10 a.m. @ Shalom Chapel Speaker: Dn Hendrick Foo i/c: Dn Oon Tik Koy
When news of my cancer was broken to me by Soo Cheng, I accepted it calmly. I trusted that God would heal me if He choosesto.
Sunset Gospel Hour 11 March at 6pm Evolution is a fact. What do you think? by Rev Dr Tow S. H.
The subsequent chemotherapy was a losing battleand as I struggled, I believe that God wanted me to be still and know
11.45am 1.40pm
3.45pm 4.15pm
Bible Class
Janice Eld Boon Eld Boon Rev Dr Paul Ferguson A Servants Heart Mark 10:35-45 Janice *Tan Kok Soon, Cindrey Liu, Cindy Lau, Lim Hong Kim, Anthony Lau, Janet Long Kian Hwee, Xin Hao Ting Kok & Jane *Eunice, Rossellini, Mary Lee Lee Sei/Evelyne/YF/YAF Carrie/Esther Rossellini/Janet Cheryll/Jolene -Dn Oon -Eld Goh *Pr Tan/Lim Jun Sheng Dn Lee Rev Dr Ferguson (13) Ngo Hock, Cindy, Peng Keong & Lee Sei, Khian Kee, David, FuZheng, Kok Soon Caleb Isabelle /Odelia *Ricky & Lena, Michael & Janet, William & Clarice, Jun Sheng Dn Tan
Attendance & Collection Attendance English Sunday Worship 04 Mar 190 20 38 7 Mandarin 24 Chinese Evening 30 English Nett S$7178.60 Offerring ($) Mandarin Nett S$1152
Tuesday 8:15 pm Prayer Meeting I/C: Rev Dr Paul Ferguson Saturday 1:00 pm CtYAF Church History Speaker: Rev Dr Paul Ferguson Chairman: Jonathan Poh 3:00 pm CtYF Limited Atonement Speaker: Pr James Tan Chairman: Chee Wei Heng
Church Camp Theme: Going On To Maturity Speaker: Rev Dr Ron Johnstone Venue: Batam View Resort Date: 11-16 June 2012 "Rev Dr Ron Johnstone is the current Moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church. He is in his early 60s and a father of four children. An accomplished Bible teacher, he was previously a missionary to Papua New Guinea 30 years ago, working under New Tribes Mission."
Please pray for Peggy, Peter & Melissa as they minister in China Overseas members - Work: Yoong Ern & Ying Tien; Darren, Sharon & Joshua; Study: Jonathan Khong; Theophila; Amoz; En Yang The salvation of those who came through The Chinese Workers Gospel Outreach The follow-up ministry of the 4 newly born-again believers Elder Lans recovery Pastors speaking engagement at the 5th Bible Witness Retreat from 14th - 16th March 2012
What though I cannot break my chain Or eer throw off my load, The things impossible to men Are possible to God. Who, who shall in Thy presence stand, Or match omnipotence; Unfold the grasp of Thy right hand And pluck the sinner thence?
Faith to be healed I fain would have O might it now be given; Thou canst, thou canst the sinner save, And make me meet for Heavn. Thou canst oercome this heart of mine, Thou wilt victorious prove; For everlasting strength is Thine, And everlasting love. --Augustus M. Toplady
Session & Staff Rev Paul Ferguson (92312943), Elder Boaz Boon (98247681), Elder Frederick Lan (91251262), Dn Hendrick Foo (96642576), Dn Gerry Lee (98715639), Dn Oon Tik Koy (96545796), Dn Poh Ee Huat (97836200), Dn Simon Tan (98522761), Pr James Tan (91835391), Pr Kelvin Wong (96723432)