Crochet Cupcake Plushie
Crochet Cupcake Plushie
Crochet Cupcake Plushie
Amigurumi Cupcakes
Its impossible to say no to a cupcake especially when these adorable sweets come with a 100 percent guilt free guarantee! This simple pa ern is a great way to get started with amigurumi (the Japanese art of kni ng or croche ng small stued animals and anthropomorphic creatures) because it uses basic shaping and can be customized over and over again. Before you know it, youll be making these cuddly cupcakes for baby showers, oce gi s, friends who could use a pick-me-up, and more. So lets get to baking... eh-hem, I mean croche ng shall we?
Plas c safety eyes like those used in the pa ern photos are readily available at some cra stores and through online sellers. My favorite supplier for quality safety eyes and noses is 6060 Eyes. You can purchase online through: Etsy (h p:// Ar ire (h p:// Web Site (h p://
Small amounts of Knit Picks Brava Sport Yarn, in desired colors Fiber ll Eyes (6mm) Size E Hook (3.5 mm) Yarn Needle S tch Marker
Safety Warning: When determining whether to use bu ons or other small embellishments, keep in mind the age of the intended recipient. Doll eyes and other decora ons may pose a choking hazard for children under three. A safer alterna ve for the very young is to sew eyes and any other decora ons using embroidery thread or yarn.
Copyright 2012 by Karla Fitch. No part of this pa ern may be reproduced or disseminated in any other way without express wri en consent from the author.
For the project used in the photos, I used Knit Picks Brava Sport yarn in the following colors: Camel Heather Custard Co on Candy White
To make the icing por on of the cupcake, we will work half-double crochet (HDC) s tches in a spiral. To give my icing a li le more texture, I worked in the back loops throughout. If you prefer a smoother icing, work your s tches in both loops. As before, because this piece is made in a spiral, you may want to use a s tch marker to keep track of your rounds. Round 1: With icing color, CH 2. 6 HDC is second CH from hook. Place a s tch marker in the last HDC to designate the end of the round. Round 2: Working in back loops only from here on, 2 HDC in each ST around (12 HDC). MM. Round 3: *2 HDC in rst ST and 1 HDC in next. Repeat from * around (18 HDC). MM. Round 4: HDC in each ST around (18 HDC). MM. Round 5: *2 HDC in rst ST and 1 HDC in each of the next two STS. Repeat from * around (24 HDC). MM. Round 6: *2 HDC in rst ST and 1 HDC in each of the next three STS. Repeat from * around (30 HDC). MM. Round 7: HDC in each ST around (30 HDC). MM. Round 8: *2 HDC in rst ST and 1 HDC in each of the next four STS. Repeat from * around (36 HDC). MM. Round 9: *2 HDC in rst ST and 1 HDC in each of the next ve STS. Repeat from * around (42 HDC). FO, leaving a long tail for sewing.
1. Place the black safety eyes between rounds 11 and 12, approximately 4 s tches apart. 2. Using a small amount of pink yarn and your yarn needle, s tch a smile. 3. Pinch the icing and the top and bo om sides of the lip (rounds 14 and 16) together. 4. Using the yarn needle and the tail from the icing, begin s tching around the cake base (see below).
To nish the cupcake, we will add a scalloped edge of icing around the top of the cake. Join your icing-colored yarn to the cupcake as shown below:
Round 1: Working one s tch is each of the back loops of icing piece, *SC, HDC, DC, DC, TR, DC, DC. Repeat from * around and join with SL to rst SC. FO and weave in ends. Your cupcake is nished!
5. Con nue s tching icing to cake base un l about 1 inch (2.5 cm) remains uns tched. 6. Push ber ll through this opening un l the cupcake is suciently stued. 7. S tch remaining por on closed and nish o.