Paper Biosis 1
Paper Biosis 1
Paper Biosis 1
Indonesian Carnivorous Plant Society. Jln. Manggis 52, Jakasetia, Bekasi City, 17147, Indonesia.
VICTORIANO, M. 2021. A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and its natural hybrids from Aceh, Sumatra,
Indonesia. Reinwardtia 20(1): 17–26. — A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Aceh Province, Indonesia,
Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano is herein described and illustrated. The species is unique among all other Nepenthes
in Sumatra by the presence of wings on its upper pitchers. Comprehensive description, photographs, geographical
distribution and preliminary IUCN conservation assessment are provided for the new species. Hybrids of this new
taxon with other species are also reported in this paper.
VICTORIANO, M. 2021. Satu jenis baru Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) dan silangan-silangan alaminya dari Aceh,
Sumatra, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 21(1): 17–26. — Satu jenis baru Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) dari Provinsi Aceh, In-
donesia, Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano telah dipertelakan dan digambarkan. Jenis ini berbeda dari semua jenis Ne-
penthes lainnya di Sumatra dengan adanya sayap di kantong atasnya. Pertelaan lengkap, wilayah persebaran dan
taksiran awal status konservasi IUCN telah disajikan untuk jenis baru ini. Silangan-silangan alami jenis baru ini
dengan jenis lain juga dilaporkan dalam makalah ini.
Table 1. Nepenthes that are found in Aceh Tengah and Nagan Raya Regency during the trip.
matra, a lot of plant species from the inaccessible has been recorded in Aceh highland before, most
forest are discovered. This event gives the oppor- of Nepenthes species in Aceh grow in separate
tunity to the explorers to discover the diversity in area and rarely encounter to each other, thus natu-
the forest of Aceh, but unfortunately this is also ral hybridisation is rarely known. During the sur-
considered as a threat to the natural habitat in that vey to the new locations, the author successfully
area. This situation gives an opportunity to local located five Nepenthes species and their natural
people to collect the plants for medicine and deco- hybrids, including a new species that also
rative purposes. hybridised with other species. A hybrid with
multiple parent species is also recorded. Nepenthes
MATERIALS AND METHODS that are found during the survey are N. lavicola, N.
mikei, N. reinwardtiana and N. tobaica (see Table
To get the data, the author examines the 1 and Fig. 1). All these species at least have been
material from type locality. During six days of hybridised with one species. But some related
exploration, the author was able to locate several species such as N. mikei, N. reinwardtiana and N.
well-known Nepenthes species in Aceh. In the tobaica are found to grow separately to each other.
habitat, the author examined this taxon by taking Nepenthes in Aceh mostly grow in highland
the measurements, elevation, ecology and popula- swamp forests or swamps with Sphagnum sp., in
tion for assessing the conservation status. The this type of habitat the population is very dense,
data was then compared with other species of more than in other type of habitat, such as in
Nepenthes both in natural habitat and cultivation lowland rainforests, sedimentary rocks formation,
for comparative study of the new species river banks, grasslands or field. The examined
morphology. materials consist of an undescribed Nepenthes and
its putative hybrids for morphological study
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION collected during a field survey in Aceh, Sumatra,
Indonesia. This taxon was labelled as Nepenthes
Several known species of Nepenthes have been sp. Aceh, and about 102 specimens were seen in
discovered during this survey. There are at least the habitat. Type materials of the new species are
eight species of Nepenthes that can be discovered deposited in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO).
in Aceh, it includes N. lavicola Wistuba &
Rischer (Wistuba & Rischer, 1996), N. ampullaria Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano spec. nov. Figs.
Jack, N. densiflora Danser, N. diatas Jebb & 3 & 4.
Cheek, N. mikei B.R.Salmon & Maulder, N. mira- — TYPE: INDONESIA, Sumatra, Aceh Province,
bilis (Lour.) Rafarin, N. spectabilis Danser and N. Nagan Raya Regency, Beutong. At elevation ca.
tobaica Danser (Jebb & Cheek, 1997). According 780 m, 13 February 2019, Victori 001. Holotype
to McPherson (2009) there are no natural hybrid BO (climbing plant with 2 upper pitchers and 1
2021] VICTORIANO: New species of Nepenthes from Aceh 19
Fig. 1. Nepenthes spp. occurred in Aceh Tengah Regency and Nagan Raya Regency. A. N. lavicola. B. N.
mikei. C. N. reinwardtiana. D. N. tobaica. The specimens were photographed only. Photos by Malcolm
male inflorescence, incl. an allotype: 1 infructes- waxy zone inside can be white or speckled,
cence); isotype BO (stem with lower pitchers). sometimes bearing two eye spots. Operculum
narrowly ovate, slightly cordate at the base, 6 × 5
Nepenthes longiptera is similar to N. tobaica but cm, the upper part slightly jutted on its 2 pinnate
differs in having larger habit, with well developed veins, the whole surface pubescent at the top;
upper pitcher wings (N. tobaica: reduced to ribs); glabrous at the bottom but pubescent at the bottom
rhomboid stem in cross-section (N. tobaica: apex. Appendage present on the underside of the
obtusely triangular); and the presence of an lid near the base, 3 mm long, covered with
appendage under the lid (N. tobaica: absent). circular glands, less than 1 mm in diameter. Spur
occasionally branched or filiform, 1–2.6 cm long.
A climbing, terrestrial plant with 1–5 basal shoots, Tendril ¾ long of the pitcher, inserted on the left
up to 13 m long, the whole plant mostly pubescent. or right side of the pitcher. The colour varies from
Stem rhomboid in transection with diameter of 12 red, to pinkish or orange with red speckles. Upper
× 9 mm, internodes in vining plant 3–11 cm long, pitchers pubescent, slender, urceolate in its basal
occasionally bearing an elongated dormant bud on half; becoming cylindrical above and slightly
each leaf axillary. Young shoots covered in thin infundibular towards the peristome, reaching up
brown caducous bristles so plants appear to be to 45 cm in height and 7 cm wide, a pair of
glabrous when mature. Leaves coriaceous, oblong fringed wings always present in the upper pitcher,
or lanceolate; contracted into linear at the base, 27 10–12 mm wide, with 6–12 mm long bristle, the
–33 cm long and 4.4–6 cm wide, leaves sessile in base of the bristle triangular. Pitcher opening
the immature plant, leaf attachment amplexicau- widely obovate, 8 cm long; 5.5 cm wide.
late, auriculate at the base; clasping ⅔ of the stem, Peristome flattened, up to 6 mm wide, and has a
leaf apex variable even in the same plant; mostly distinct raised section at the front, often with red
obtuse, acute with retuse, subpeltate or uneven tip, notches. Operculum ovate to orbiculate, 6 × 6.5
the surface of the leaf blade become glabrous but cm, slightly domed, the whole surface pubescent
the base of midrib still pubescent with indistinct at the top; glabrous at the bottom but pubescent at
pinnate veins on either side of the midrib, slightly the apex. Appendage present on underside lid near
undulate. Leaves of the rosettes and climbing the base, 4 mm wide, the appendage covered with
stems similar. Lower pitchers pubescent, narrowly less than 1 mm circular nectar glands. Spur un-
infundibular at the basal part, cylindrical at the up- branched, 1–2.5 cm long, slightly flattened, being
per part, 40 cm long, 7–8 cm in diameter, a pair of inserted 12 mm away under the lid base. Tendril
fringed wings runs down the pitcher's ventral sur- slightly longer than the pitcher, some as long as
face, 10–12 mm wide, pitcher’s opening ovate, the pitcher, coiled, with diameter of 1.5–3 mm,
narrower than the upper pitchers, 8 × 4 cm, the usually pure green when fully mature. Male
Fig. 2. Distribution of Nepenthes longiptera in Aceh, Indonesia. Red dots: location where the plants are
observed and collected.
inflorescence up to 1 m long, with ca. 240 flowers, Red List criteria of the IUCN Standards and
peduncle 40 cm, bract linear, 2 mm long, partial Petitions Subcommittee (2019), the author as-
peduncle two-flowered 4–6 mm long, pedicles 11– sessed Nepenthes longiptera as Endangered (EN)
15 mm, less than 1 mm in diameter at the base, C2ab(i). Nepenthes longiptera only known from
staminal column 5–6 mm long, anther head 1.5 restricted area less than 30 km² with ca. 200
mm in diameter, tepals elliptic, 4 × 2 mm, green observed mature individuals. This area is not pro-
or yellowish and turns into pink at the margin tected and the habitat is threatened by the activity
during anthesis. Female inflorescence up to 60 cm of gold/copper mining and coffee plantation.
long, with ca. 80 flowers, peduncle 36 cm long,
bract not prominent, partial peduncle two-flowered Etymology. From Latin longus means long and
8–12 mm long, less than 1.5 mm diameter at the Latinised Greek pteron means wing; referring to
base, pedicles 3–9 mm, tepals elliptic, 5 × 2 mm, the presence of a relatively long pair of wings
ovary unknown. Fruits valves 4, narrowly linear- of the upper pitchers, it runs down from below
elliptic, 34–40 mm long, 4 mm in diameter, the peristome to the apex of the tendril. It is
bearing 50-90 winged seeds. Seed fusiform with 2 resembling the fins of Long-Finned Prickleback
filiform wings 15–20 mm long from tip to tip. fish, Xenolumpenus longipterus Shinohara &
Distribution. This species is only found in its
type locality, in intermediate to highland rain- Hybrids. Nepenthes longiptera is recorded to
forest of Nagan Raya Regency and nearby area in grow sympatrically with some Sumatran species,
Aceh province, Sumatra, Indonesia. mostly with N. tobaica then N. lavicola, rarely
with N. mikei and N. reinwardtiana. This makes
Habitat and Ecology. Terrestrial in the rain- natural hybrid possible and the author recorded
forest, mostly associated with a colony of fern four putative natural hybrids in habitat (see Table
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw., in open 3 & Fig. 5). A putative hybrid of N. longiptera
area or under shade in humus or clay-based with N. reinwardtiana also occurred. The record is
medium, at altitude 750–1,600 m above sea level. based on a photograph from a hobbyist in Aceh.
Usually growing in open area with high exposure These natural hybrids occurrence is rather rare
of sunlight. Plants that grow under shade or compared to their parent species, even though the
dense vegetation tend to be smaller and elongated. phenology is occurring at the same time. The
population of the parent species are abundant and
Proposed Conservation Status. Following the grow sympatrically. This situation makes the
2021] VICTORIANO: New species of Nepenthes from Aceh 21
Fig. 3. Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano, spec. nov. A. Habitus. B. Stem transection with leaf attachment. C.
Axillary dormant bud. D. Leaf with an upper pitcher. E. Lower pitchers. F. Peristome transection, the inner
side is on the left side. G. Lid (underside). H. Lid of aerial pitcher with a simple spur. I. Lid of basal pitcher
with a forked spur. J. Bristles underside the lid. K. Appendage with glands. L. Male inflorescence. M. Male
flowers. N. Infructescence. From Victori 001, drawn by Marchelino Michelin Gunawan.
Fig. 4. Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano spec. nov., A. Lower pitcher, mostly bright in colour, ranging from
red to orange, or red with speckles. B. Intermediate pitcher, the transition from lower to upper pitcher, usu-
ally still retains the colouration of lower pitchers. C. Upper pitcher, with its unique characteristic that still
has wings which mostly reduced to ribs in other species, the colour is pure green when mature. D. Vining
plant with upper pitcher in locus classicus. E. Typical habitat of N. longiptera in the colony of fern
Dicranopteris linearis and small trees. Photos by Malcolm Victoriano.
2021] VICTORIANO: New species of Nepenthes from Aceh 23
Table 2. The morphological characters used to distinguish Nepenthes longiptera, N. tobaica, N. mikei and
N. reinwardtiana (similar sympatric species).
Upper wings Present and well Reduced to ribs Reduced to ribs Reduced to ribs
Shape of upper Slender, urceolate Somewhat infun- Ovate in their ba- Urceolate in its ⅓ to
pitcher in its basal half; dibular in the sal ⅓ to ⅕, becom- ½ basal part, tri-
becoming cylindri- lowermost part, ing cylindrical angular, becoming
cal above and becoming narrowly above and infun- slightly infundibular
slightly infundibu- ovoid in the lower dibular towards in the upper part
lar towards the pe- third, and finally the peristome
ristome cylindrical and
slightly narrower
Shape of lower The basal part is Ovoid in the lower Ovate in its ⅓ to ¼ Ovate in its ⅓ to ½
pitcher narrowly infundi- portion and cylin- basal part, cylin- basal part, cylindri-
bular, upper part is drical above drical and infun- cal above
cylindrical dibular towards
the pitcher mouth
Upper pitcher lid Ovate–orbicular Ovate to sub- Ovate and has a Elliptic, flat, lack of
with cordate base, orbicular and has a cordate base, lack appendage
slightly domed somewhat cordate of appendage
with appendage on base, lack of
lower surface appendage
Lower pitcher lid Elliptic with cor- Ovate to sub- Similar to the lid Similar to the lid of
date base, flat with orbicular and has a of the upper the upper pitchers
appendage somewhat cordate pitchers.
base, lack of
Leaf attachment Amplexicaul, au- Sessile to sub- Sessile, clasping ½ Sessile to decurrent
riculate, clasping ⅔ petiolate, clasping of the stem. (McPherson, 2009)
of the stem ½ of stem (Clarke, (Salmon & Mauld-
2001) er, 1995)
Table 3. Putative hybrids of Nepenthes that are encountered in Aceh Tengah and Nagan Raya Regency.
N. lavicola × N. mikei 1,600–1,720 Growing in open area where both parents grow sympatrically
in swamp forest with stunted trees
N. lavicola × N. tobaica 1,400–1,600 Growing on understory of swamp forest, this hybrid is rarely
occurred, even hundreds of both parents species colonies are
mixed well in same area
N. longiptera × N. tobaica ~1,420 This hybrid grows on lavarock in open area near the mining
Fig. 5. Putative natural hybrids of Nepenthes that probably only occur in Aceh. A–B. N. lavicola × N.
longiptera. A. Lower. B. Upper. C–D. N. lavicola × N. tobaica. C. Lower. D. Upper. E–F. N. lavicola × N.
mikei. E. Lower. F. Upper. G–H. N. tobaica × N. longiptera. G. Lower. H. Upper. Photos by Malcolm
2021] VICTORIANO: New species of Nepenthes from Aceh 25
2007. Nepenthes flava, a new species of Nepen- lavicola, a new species of Nepenthaceae from
thaceae from the northern part of Sumatra. the Aceh Province in the north of Sumatra.
Blumea 52(1): 159–163. International Carnivorous Plant Society 25(4):