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Total No.

of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT (Old 2005 and New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Solve any three from the remaining. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) (A) (B)

Define Management. Explain various functions of Management. [15] Explain Contribution of Taylor to Scientific Management. [10]

Q.2) Explain meaning of Personality. What are the determinants of Personality ? Q.3) Define Planning. Explain steps involved in Planning. Q.4) Elaborate A. H. Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation.

[15] [15] [15]

Q.5) Explain Concepts of Japanese Style of Management and TQM. State importance of the same in todays ever changing Business Environment. [15] Q.6) Short notes : (Any Three) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Formal and Informal Groups Primary and Secondary Motives Process of Controlling Steps in Decision-making Process Corporate Social Responsibility [3878]-101/1 [15]

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) The terms Selling and Marketing are frequently used in an interchangeable manner. However, selling is merely a tip of the iceberg called as Marketing. Comment. Briefly explain various functions of Marketing. Q.2) Describe various types of Micro and Macro Environmental Factors and Forces influencing Marketing Decisions. Q.3) Explain various stages of Product Life Cycle (PLC). Discuss possible Marketing Strategies for these stages of PLC. Q.4) Define Channels of Distribution. Describe various types of Distribution Channels considered for Marketing of Consumer Goods and Industrial Goods. Q.5) Success or failure of several consumer products in Indian Market in the recent past was directly related to Pricing Decision. Comment. Explain nature and importance of Pricing Decisions with suitable illustrations from Indian Consumer Market. Q.6) Describe various tools and techniques of Marketing Control with a special emphasis on Marketing Audit. [3878]-102 1 P.T.O.

Q.7) Write notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Approaches to Study Marketing Online Marketing as a Promotion Tool Methods of Pricing


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 3

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two from Section II. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Use of simple calculator is allowed. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain the term Standard Costing. State merits and demerits of Standard Costing. Q.2) Define the terms Budget and Budgetary Control. Discuss pre-requisites for the implementation of Budgetary Control. Q.3) Explain nature and characteristic features of Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting. How are they related to each other ? Q.4) What do you mean by Overhead ? Explain any two methods of Allocation and Apportionment of Overheads.



Q.5) The following details of XYZ Ltd. are available : Stock of Material : Opening Closing Material Purchased during the year Direct Wages Paid Indirect Wages Salaries to Administrative Staff Freight : Inward Outward Cash Discount allowed Bad Debts Written Off Repairs to Plant and Machinery Rent, Rates and Taxes : Factory Office Travelling Expenses Salesman Salary and Commission Depreciation : Plant and Machinery Furniture Directors Fees Electricity Charges of Factory Fuel for Boiler General Charges Managers Salary 28,400 2,400 24,000 48,000 64,000 24,800 48,000 1,88,000 2,00,000 8,32,000 2,38,400 16,000 40,000 32,000 20,000 14,000 18,800 42,400 12,000 6,400 12,400 33,600

The Managers time is shared between the factory and the office in the ratio 20:80. [3878]-103 2 Contd.

You are required to calculate : (a) Prime Cost (b) (c) (d) Factory Cost Office Cost Total Cost

Q.6) Profit and Sales for the year 2007 are as follows : Profit Rs. 1,80,000 and Sales Rs. 24,00,000. In 2008, the Sales increased by Rs. 4,00,000 and the profit naturally increased by Rs. 80,000. You are required to calculate : (a) (b) (c) Q.7) P/V Ratio Sales required to achieve a profit of Rs. 10,00,000 Sales at Break-even Point Material Qty. Standard Price Total (Rs.) 3,000 1,500 900 Qty. Actual Price Total (Rs.) 2,400 1,800 1.120

(Kg.) (Rs.) A B C 500 400 300 1,200 () 10% Normal loss 120 1,080 Calculate Material Cost Variances. 6 3.75 3

(Kg.) (Rs.) 400 500 400 1,300 6 3.60 2.80

220 Actual Loss 5,400 1,080 5,320


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Which economic tools are useful in Managerial Decisions ? Support your answer with suitable examples. Q.2) Explain Concept of Price Elasticity of Demand w.r.t. types, determinants and significance. Q.3) What is Production Function ? State and explain Law of Variable Proportion. Q.4) Explain salient features of Monopolistic Competition. Show how price is determined in the Short Run under Monopolistic Competition. Q.5) (A) (B) Discuss Need for Monopoly Control. Why Consumer Interest should be protected ?

Q.6) What kind of Profit Policy would you recommend for a new firm and an established firm and why ? Q.7) Write notes on any two of the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) Increase and Decrease in Demand Cost Plus Pricing Break-even Analysis Administered Prices


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory. (2) Attempt any three from the remaining. (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) (A) (B)

What is Social Research ? Explain scope, importance and limitations of Social Research. Draw a pie diagram to represent the following data : Cause of Accidents No. of Accidents

[10] [10]

Fire Traffic Falls Cut and Burns Falling Miscellaneous Objects 10 15 20 15 35 05 [10]

Q.2) Elaborate various steps involved in the Process of Research.

Q.3) Explain various Probability and Non-probability Sampling Techniques used by Researchers. [10] Q.4) Distinguish between Primary Data and Secondary Data. [10]

Q.5) Design a Questionnaire to study Customers Satisfaction towards services provided by State Bank of India. (Make necessary assumptions) [10]



Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Observation Method Report Writing Scaling Techniques Histogram Use of Computers in Research



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define Consumer Behaviour and explain its significance in the Current Market Conditions. Q.2) What are the steps involved in Decision-making Process of Consumer ? Explain in detail the Post-purchasing Behaviour of Consumer. Q.3) Write a note on influence of External Factors on Consumer Behaviour. Q.4) What is Personality ? State different stages in the development of Personality. Explain influence of Personality on Consumer Behaviour. Q.5) What is Reference Group ? Explain its relevance to Consumer Behaviour. Q.6) Discuss Howard Seth Model of Consumer Behaviour with the help of diagram. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Customer Satisfaction Focus Groups Self-concept and Consumer Behaviour


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain Marketing Process. Describe approaches to study Marketing. Q.2) Define Marketing Planning. Explain nature and steps in the Marketing Planning Process. Q.3) What do you mean by Marketing Environment ? Discuss various types of Marketing Environmental Forces influencing Marketing Decisions. Q.4) What do you mean by Market Segmentation ? What are various bases of Market Segmentation ? As a Marketing Manager of a company manufacturing variety of footwares, how would you segment market for such products to be sold all over India ? Q.5) What are the Functions of Packaging ? Discuss new trends observed in the Sphere of Consumer Goods in India. Q.6) Define Marketing Control. Explain Marketing Control Process. What are the types and techniques of Marketing Control ? Q.7) Write notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Marketing Functions Stages of Product Life Cycle Personal Selling [3878]-12/1

Total No. of Questions : 9]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 3

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any two questions from section - I and attempt any two questions out of section - II. (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Distinguish between Under Absorption and Over Absorption of Overheads.


Q.2) Define Budgetary Control. Explain objects of Budgetary Control and limitations of Budgetary Control System. [15] Q.3) What do you mean by Cost Accounting ? Describe in detail the Classification of Costs. [15] Q.4) What is meant by Inventory Control ? What are the important requirements of a System of Material Control ? Q.5) Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) Transfer Pricing ABC Analysis Apportionment of Overheads Break-even Analysis 1 P.T.O.

[15] [15]

(e) Duties of Store-keeper [3878]-13

Q.6) The following figures are extracted from the books of a Company. You are required to prepare a detailed Cost Statement showing the Profit : [15] Rs. Raw Materials Purchased Direct Wages Indirect Wages Office Salaries Carriage Inward Carriage Outward Sales Opening Stock of Raw Materials Opening Stock of Finished Goods Travelling Expenses Advertising Power Agents Commission Plant Maintenance Rent, Rates, Taxes (9/10 for works, 1/10 for office) Sundry Works Expenses Sundry Office Expenses Building Repairs Depreciation on Plant and Machinery Depreciation on Building Closing Stock of Raw Materials Closing Stock of Finished Goods Building is occupied 9/10 by factory and 1/10 by office. [3878]-13 2 Contd. 5,00,000 3,00,000 50,000 1,00,000 10,000 30,000 20,00,000 2,00,000 50,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 50,000 40,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 2,00,000 30,000

Q.7) The Turnover and Profits during the two periods were as follows : Period Sales Rs. Profit Rs. I 40 lakhs 4 lakhs


II 60 lakhs 8 lakhs Assuming that the Cost Structure and Selling Prices remain the same in the two periods, calculate : (a) (b) (c) (d) P/V Ratio Break-even Point Sales Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 10 lakhs Profit when Sales are Rs. 50 lakhs [15]

Q.8) From the following information, calculate : (a) Material Cost Variance (b) (c) Material Price Variance Material Usage Variance Material Qty. X Y Z Kg. 5 Kg. 3 Kg. 2 Standard Price Rs. 2 Rs. 3 Rs. 4 Qty. Kg. 4 Kg. 2 Kg. 3 Actual Price Rs. 5 Rs. 3 Rs. 3

Q.9) The following are the figures about receipt and issue of materials in Z Ltd. during January, 2010 : January 1 January 17 January 19 January 24 January 25 January 27 January 30 : Received 500 units @ Rs. 2.00 each : Received 350 units @ Rs. 2.10 each : Issued 600 units : Received 600 units @ Rs. 2.20 each : Issued 450 units : Received 500 units @ Rs. 2.30 each : Issued 510 units [15]

Prepare Stores Ledger Account using LIFO Method and Simple Average Price Method. [3878]-13/3

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Which Micro Economic Tools can be applied in Managerial Decisionmaking ? Explain with suitable examples. Q.2) What are the merits and demerits of Joint Stock Company ? Account for its popularity as a form of Business Organisation. Q.3) What are the determinants of Market Demand ? How does demand respond to the changes in these determinants ? Q.4) Define Production Function. Why the Production Function increases, decreases and becomes negative ? Q.5) State conditions of equilibrium of a Firm. Show how output and price are determined in long run under conditions of Perfect Competition. Q.6) (A) (B) Account for the need for Government Intervention in the Market. What are the different forms of Price Discrimination ?

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Law of Supply Steps in Cost-Benefit Analysis Product Differentiation Organisational Goals [3878]-14/1

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) For any research to be successful it must be well designed. Justify this statement. Q.2) Explain why Questionnaires are popular tools for Data Collection in Social Research. Discuss qualities of a Good Questionnaire. Q.3) Describe different Scaling Techniques. Q.4) How are different variables measured ? Explain tests of Sound Measurement. Q.5) What is Sampling in Research ? Elaborate Probability Sampling. Q.6) 50 students of a course obtained the following marks in statistics : 21, 32, 32, 51, 50, 62, 65, 75, 85, 83, 40, 37, 30, 42, 44, 44, 57, 53, 54, 75, 73, 96, 96, 66, 66, 43, 48, 45, 55, 55, 51, 59, 59, 64, 58, 72, 63, 63, 58, 56, 74, 77, 60, 56, 61, 69, 67, 65, 50, 51 (a) (b) Prepare a frequency distribution table taking 20-30, 30-40, .... as classes. Draw Frequency Polygon for the above data.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - I ) Examination - 2010
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) (2) (3) (4) [Max. Marks : 70 Attempt any four questions from Q. Nos. 1 to 6. Question No. 7 short notes is compulsory. In all five questions should be attempted. Marks are mentioned on the right side.

Q.1) Define Consumer Behaviour. Explain its significance in Contemporary Marketing Practices. [15] Q.2) Explain influence of External Factors of Environment on Consumer Behaviour with special reference to Culture, Social Class and Family. [15] Q.3) What is Consumerism ? Write a note on Consumer Protection Act, 1986. [15] Q.4) Discuss steps involved in Consumer Decision-making Process. Give suitable examples. [15] Q.5) How does Personality and Self-concepts influence Consumer Behaviour ? Q.6) What is meant by the term Buying Motives ? Explain various types of Buying Motives with suitable example. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) Consumer Delight (b) Consumer Objection (c) Reference Groups (d) Opinion Leaders [3878]-16/1


[15] [10]

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 3

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
SERVICES MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) (2) (3) (4) [Max. Marks : 70 Attempt any two questions from Q. Nos. 1 to 4. Q. Nos. 5 and 6 are compulsory. Marks are indicated on the right side of the paper. Explain with suitable examples wherever necessary.

Q.1) Using Concept of Goods and Services, describe relationship between Goods and Services in Marketing a Car Rental Company. [15] Q.2) People are critical elements in the successful delivery of Services. Explain. [15] Q.3) Explain various Distribution Strategies for Services with examples. [15] Q.4) If you were the Manager of a Service Organisation and wanted to apply GAP MODEL to improve service, how would your proceed to close gap ? [15] Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Demand Based Pricing Internal Marketing Internet Communication Service Positioning Strategies Service Blueprint [20]



Q.6) Case Study :


Durvankur opened as a Lunch and Snack Joint in the newly developed office area in Hinzewadi near Pune. The area of Hinzewadi developed when a number of I.T. Industries developed. The boom in the IT Industry enabled a number of new startup companies to prosper. The main investment of those types of companies was in real estate in the form of Offices and Infrastructure Development. The companies prospered using English Speaking College graduates available in adequate numbers at salaries that are not too high. A majority of employees of those companies were unmarried fresh graduates. About a year after Durvankur opened, Mr. Joshi the owner, was contemplating on business expansion. During one afternoon Mr. Joshi was focussing on the customer complaints received which majorly focused on late serving time inspite of continuous efforts. The business of Durvankur had grown leaps and bounds within a short period of time. However a new restaurant was going to open in the neighbouring building. Therefore expansion and improvement of facilities was the key focus of Mr. Joshi to stay in the competition. Mr. Joshi thought that they should go for top class decor, fancy designer furniture that would push them upmarked and they would also be able to charge better. He thought for going for new monogrammed ceramic cuttlery to give a distinct look. They also thought of buying some new kitchen equipment with electric tandoor and improvised kitchen equipment. The main concern was to borrow a large sum of money from a financer. As it would lead to increase charges or considerably reduce food portions and charge extra for additional portions of dal or subzi that is currently free of charge for fixed thali customers, said Joshi. He wondered if the crowd of office goers who are their main customers would be able to afford that. He always thought that their main need was to a fed substantial meal as they are all young and work long hours. Mr. Joshi thought that people liked his food because they served healthy home - like food at prices that his customers afford at their salary level. Deciding how to go about this expansion is a real problem.



(a) (b) (c)

Describe characteristics of the current clientel vis-a-vis their food needs during the working hours. What would be the desired and adequate levels of service ? What level of service would you plan to deliver ? Based on your analysis and given shortage of funds, can you suggest what should be the main elements of the planned investment ? Which investments can be avoided and for what reasons ?


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
RETAIL MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry 14 marks each. Q.1) Define Retailing. Discuss challenges before Modern Retailing Formats in India. Q.2) Discuss importance of Segmentation in Retailing. What factors are considered by Retailers for Retail Segmentation ? Q.3) Why is it important to select right location for setting a Retail Outlet ? Discuss factors affecting Retail Location Decision. Q.4) Illustrate various types of Store Layouts. Suggest appropriate Store Layout for a Departmental Store. Q.5) Explain Components of a Retail Communication Mix. Discuss in detail the role of Advertising in Marketing. Q.6) Discuss strategies adopted by Shoppers Stop in its Marketing Operations. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Franchising Role of IT in Retailing Non-store Retailing [Max. Marks : 70


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
SALES MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SELLING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four out of the remaining. (3) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Knowledge of Customers Cultural Background, Value System, Need Profile, Purchasing Power and overall Buying Behaviour is extremely essential to every Salesman. Comment. Justify your answer with the help of relevant examples. Q.2) Explain meaning and scope of Sales Management. Also discuss importance of Sales Research and Sales Forecasting in Sales Management. Q.3) Discuss probable steps in selling the following products : (a) (b) Laptop to the Institutes Herbal Cosmetics to the Beauty Parlours

(Make necessary assumptions and clearly mention them.) Q.4) Mere monetary benefits can no longer motivate salesforce. Do you agree ? Discuss importance of using a combination of Monetary and Non-monetary Incentives. Q.5) Discuss qualities of a successful salesman with the help of suitable examples. Also explain importance of Sales Organisation.



Q.6) Explain recruitment, selection and training process of Salespeople. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Customer Education Performance Measurement of Salesforce Improving Sales Productivity


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) What are various factors that influence Channel Selection ? Explain each of them in detail. Q.2) What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of various Transportation Modes ? How would you evaluate best transportation mode in a given situation ? Q.3) What are the factors to be considered for Planning a Warehouse for Fruits and Vegetables ? Q.4) Explain the term Supply Chain Management. Explain its components and discuss interdependencies in Supply Chain. Q.5) What is Channel Conflict ? Why it occurs ? How can Channel Conflict be resolved ? Q.6) What are Unconventional Channels ? What advantages and disadvantages do they have over Conventional Channels ? Explain with examples.



Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Functions of Wholesalers Material Handling Performance Appraisal of Channel Members Physical Distribution Process


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
MARKET RESEARCH (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Marketing Research supplies information for better Marketing Decisions. Critically analyse this statement. Q.2) Explain the following : (a) (b) Secondary Data Collection Limitations of Secondary Data

Q.3) Coke has commissioned you to do a survey to find out the perception about its advertisement featuring actor Amir Khan. The respondent has to be a cola user and should have seen advertisement. Design a questionnaire. Q.4) A company launched a Fairness Cream in the market with a brand name Fairy Tale. The brand initially did well in the market. But it was observed that the sale of the brand has suddenly dropped down. Develop a research project to investigate reasons. Q.5) Discuss various Scales of Measurement used in Market Research. Q.6) What is Test Marketing ? What are the essentials of successful Test Marketing ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) National Readership Survey Area Sampling Telephonic Interview


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
RELATIONSHIP MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) (2) (3) (4) [Max. Marks : 70 Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four from Q. Nos. 2 to 7. All questions carry equal marks. Logical reasoning to justify your answers and relevant examples will carry more mark.

Q.1) Discuss how Distribution Channels can enhance relationship with Customers for Pharmaceutical Products. Q.2) Define Relationship Marketing, its importance, scope and limitation in to-days Business Environment. Q.3) Explain with examples how Relationship Marketing Strategy differs for Services compare to Consumer Goods. Q.4) Information Technology has come as a handy tool for Relationship Marketing. Comment with suitable examples from different sectors. Q.5) Discuss different stages in evolution of Customer Relationship Management. Q.6) Explain how Customers can be classified on the basis of Profitability ? How this classification helps in designing CRM Strategies ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Mass Customization Buyer - Seller Relationship Future of CRM in India [3878]-206/1

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
SERVICES MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any two from Q. Nos. 1 to 4. (2) Q. 5 and Q. 6 are compulsory. (3) Marks are indicated to the right of the paper. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Discuss any classification of Services and explain differences between Goods and Services. [15] Q.2) Discuss reasons for the Growth of the Services Sector in the last ten years. [15] Q.3) Discuss with relevant examples the extended P/s of Services. [15]

Q.4) What are the challenges faced by Services Firms in Distribution of Services ? [15] Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) (b) (c) (d) Service Blueprint Requirements for Customer Retention in Service Industry GAP Model Role of Employee Training in Service Delivery [20]


Q.6) CASE STUDY : The bus service within the X-press Municipal Corporation area was established in 1952 to help city people commute effectively. Since then, population of the city has grown from a mere 3,00,000 to well over 30,00,000 with even a large population living on the outskirts or in the surrounding villages. The growth in population has also resulted in the geographic spread of the city. Problems of road commuting are acute despot the transport companys better efforts. At least 20% of the buses are off the road on any given day due to maintenance problems. The average age of the buses and lack of available funds to replace older buses is a major problem. Shortage of spare parts and components is also an issue. Due to unreliability and low frequency of bus services commuters depend on personal modes of transport like two wheelers and cars. Traffic snarls and pollution, high number of vehicles are all worrying issues for the corporation. Peak times are between 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The bus service cannot cope with the peak demand. Despite inability to cope during peak hours the average revenue earned is quite low. The transport is also over-staffed, buses are not clean, no fixed time-table and staff is rude. If the services improve commuters would like to use bus service. If you are appointed General Manager of X-press, (a) (b) How would you help X-press to become a profitable venture ? What are the service related issues you would focus on ?



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
RETAIL MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) Each question carries 14 marks. Q.1) Discuss nature and importance of Retailing. Explain various types of Retail Formats. Q.2) Explain different types of Store Layouts. What are the Chief Considerations for a Retail Layout Selection. Q.3) What steps can ensure effective use of floor space at a Retail Outlet ? Q.4) Explain Process of Merchandising Planning with suitable examples. Q.5) Discuss Role of Information Technology in Modernising Store Operations. Q.6) Illustrate Components of Retail Communication Mix with relevant examples. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Bar Coding CRM in Retailing Importance of SCM in Retailing [Max. Marks : 70


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
SALES MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SELLING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Write meaning and definition of Sales Management and its role and objectives for any FMCG Company. Q.2) What is the importance of Sales Planning and Sales Forecasting for any company and what are various methods of Sales Forecasting ? Q.3) Success of Sales Department of any company depends on functions and responsibilities carried out by a Sales Manager. Explain. Q.4) Process of Recruitment, Selection and Training of Sales Force is different for Industrial Product Selling and Consumer Products Selling. Explain difference. Q.5) Motivated Sales Team delivers good results to the Company. Explain with various Motivation Programs taken-up by Sales Management. Q.6) Write meaning and importance of Personal Selling and tools used for Personal Selling. Take example of selling Water Purifiers. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) Sales Budget (b) Characteristics of Successful Salesman (c) Sales Force Performance Evaluation


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q.1) Explain the term Supply Chain Management. Explain its components and discuss their interdependencies in Supply Chain. Q.2) What are the functions of Marketing Channels ? What are different forms of Channels ? Q.3) What are various factors to be considered for Planning a Warehouse for Fruits and Vegetables ? Q.4) Explain concept and definition of Physical Distribution. Explain participants in the Physical Distribution Process. Q.5) Discuss importance, types and functions of Retailer. Q.6) Explain role and importance of the Wholesaler. State functions of the Wholesaler. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Techniques to Resolve Channel Conflicts Marketing Channels for Consumer and Industrial Goods Transportation Modes Channel Selection Criteria [3878]-24/1 [Max. Marks : 70

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010
MARKET RESEARCH (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Market Research supplies information for better Marketing Decision. Explain in the light of this statement nature and scope of Market Research. Q.2) Enlist various Sources of Secondary Data. State advantages and disadvantages of Secondary Data. Q.3) Discuss in detail various Probability Sampling Methods. Q.4) Explain following Techniques of Market Research : (a) (b) Retail Shop Audit Focus Group Interviews

Q.5) Design a Questionnaire to study preference for Scooty Pep amongst college girls. Q.6) State various Scales used in Questionnaire Designing with examples.



Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Research Report Postal Survey Applications of Market Research


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - II ) Examination - 2010

(Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Use of suitable examples will be given due weightage. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define Relationship Marketing. Describe Concept of Relationship Marketing and its significance in Indian Market. Q.2) Explain how I.T. would help in building Relationship with the Customers ? Q.3) Discuss how Relationship Marketing is different from Traditional Marketing ? Give examples. Q.4) Describe importance of Relationship Marketing in Distribution Channel. Q.5) Narrate importance of Customer Database in Relationship Marketing. Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Online Marketing Buyer - Seller Relationship Relationship Marketing and Marketing Strategy


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question No. 7 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four out of the remaining. (3) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define and explain Objectives of International Marketing along with challenges involved in its.


Q.2) Cross-cultural Marketing is extremely complex and dynamic sphere of International Marketing. Critically comment on this statement. [14] Q.3) Discuss various International Product Strategies with suitable examples.


Q.4) Enumerate various challenges involved in International Marketing Research. [14] Q.5) Discuss Direct and Indirect Exports as Distribution Channel. Q.6) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) [3878]-301 Franchising International PLC Market Skimming Country Risk Analysis 1 P.T.O. [14] [14]

Q.7) Analyse the following case and answer questions below it : Worlds largest car-maker, Toyota Motor (TMC) plans to utilise proposed Indo-Thai Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to make India a hub for small cars to be exported to its global markets. A few auto-parts already enjoy duty free status but the FTA, that is about to be formally inked, will make most auto parts duty free. Toyota imports crucial spares such as the engine for its Innova and Corolla Altis from Thailand. Its top end vehicles Camry Sydan, Prado and Land Cruiser SUV are imported into India. But the company plans to use FTA with Thailand that will allow it to import auto-parts at zero duty when it comes into effect against 7-10% duty it now pays to assemble cars here. TMC says it is looking at all options to make India the manufacturing base for its global operations. Toyotas indian operations will see a major change once its small cars hit roads in India. Toyota has earmarked Rs. 3,200 crore for year 2008-11 to set up a second plant in Bangalore to make 2 lakh units (cars) from current 80,000 units. Toyotas small cars assembled in India will be exported to overseas markets. (a) (b) Explain how FTA between India and Thailand will benefit Toyota ? [07] In your view, why is India increasingly becoming Detroitte of the East ? [07]


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
LAWS RELATED TO MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70 Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1) All Contracts are Agreements, but all Agreements are not Contracts. Explain. [14] Q.2) Who is Unpaid Seller ? What are various rights of Unpaid Seller ? Q.3) What is Endorsement ? Explain various types of Endorsements. Q.4) Explain Objectives of Information Technology Act and state provisions relating to Digital Signature. Q.5) Write procedure of registration of Trade Marks under Trade and Merchandise Act.

[14] [14]



Q.6) Write explanatory note on filing of Returns under VAT and also explain objectives of Trade and Merchandise Act. [14] Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Difference between Cheque and Promissory Note Creation of Contract of Agency Sale and Agreement to Sale Competent Parties to the Contract [14]


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70 Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1) Do you agree that since 1992-93 Globalisation of Financial Services has enabled India to be on solid foundation of growth ? Explain with examples. Q.2) Explain different Financial Products ? How are they managed ? Q.3) What is Venture Capital ? What difficulties are faced by Venture Capitalist in India ? Q.4) Explain Banking Structure in India and impact of Technology on Bank Marketing. Q.5) How various Insurance Schemes help individuals in terms of Financial Planning Process ? Explain in detail. Q.6) In recent times housing finance is gaining importance in the light of RBIs Policy and Governments Budget. Discuss. Q.7) How Registrar, Custodian and Sales Distribution Channel perform their role in the development of Mutual Fund Business ? Q.8) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Role of Mechant Banker Credit Card IRDA [3878]-303/1

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
MARKETING COMMUNICATION (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Discuss Concept of Integrated Marketing Communication. Elaborate on the process of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) with suitable examples. Q.2) Elaborate on various methods of Advertising Appropriation. Q.3) Design an Advertising Copy for the following products in the Print Media : (a) (b) Touch Screen Handset DTH Service Provider

Q.4) Discuss various Sales Promotion Schemes for : (a) (b) Business News Papers Soft Drink

Q.5) Define Online Marketing. Comment on various techniques used for Online Marketing. Q.6) Event Management is emerging as one of the commonly used tools for Marketing Communication. Comment. [3878]-304 1 P.T.O.

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Media Mix DAGMAR Appeals in Advertising Media Research


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
RETAIL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) Each question carries 14 marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define Supply Chain Management. Why Supply Chain Management is gaining importance ? Explain. Q.2) Discuss steps involved in Merchandising Planning. How will you evaluate performance of Merchandising ? Q.3) Differentiate between Private Label and Manufacturers Brands. Give five examples of each. Q.4) Effective Floor Space Management is a must for successful retailing. Explain various techniques for Floor Space Management. Q.5) Warna Bazar, a Rural Retail Co-operative Chain, wishes to increase its sales through CRM. Design CRM Programme for the same. Q.6) Discuss various techniques to prevent retail loss. Can these techniques be equally applicable to stores in Rural India ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Range Planning Integrated Supply Chain Planning Display Management


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Question No. 8 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four out of the remaining. (3) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain challenges and opportunities in International Marketing. Q.2) Discuss importance of Environmental Analysis in Global Marketing. Q.3) Describe International Marketing Research Process. Give significance of Secondary Data in International Marketing Research. Q.4) International Pricing Decisions are very crucial. Discuss by giving factors influencing International Pricing Decisions. Q.5) Explain in detail the Distribution Channels for International Markets. State difficulties faced while designing International Distribution Channels. Q.6) Describe International Marketing Research Process. Discuss challenges in International Marketing Research. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) [3878]-31 Push and Pull Strategies for International Markets Uniform Pricing v/s. Market Pricing Global Advertising Foreign Market Entry Strategies 1 P.T.O.

Q.8) Suggest a suitable International Market Entry Strategy for the following : (Justify your answer) (a) (b) Foreign Private Bank willing to enter Indian Market Swiss Wrist Watch Manufacturer willing to enter Indian Market


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
MARKETING AND LAWS (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define the term Free Consent. State and explain Termination of Contract by Performance. [14] Q.2) Under Sale of Goods Act, define any two : (a) (b) (c) Warranty Caveat Emptor Sale and Goods [14] [14]

Q.3) Under Negotiable Instruments Act, define any two : (a) (b) (c) Crossing of Cheque Rights of True Owner Penalty for Return of Cheque

Q.4) What are the effects of Registration of Trade Marks ? State Offences and Penalties under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act. [14]



Q.5) Define the term Consumer. Explain Redressal Agency under Consumer Protection Act. [14] Q.6) Explain provisions relating to Digital Signature, Electronic Governance. Also state various objectives of IT Act, 2000. [14] Q.7) State and explain Contract of Agency and duties and responsibilities of Agent under Indian Contract Act. [14] Q.8) Write notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Unpaid Seller Copyright Patents Condition Fundamentals of VAT [14]


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) What is Merchant Banking ? What are the different Services provided by Merchant Banker ? Explain. Q.2) What is Mutual Fund ? Has the Mutual Fund Movement benefitted Investors since 1964 to today ? Q.3) Write a detailed note on Credit Card. Q.4) What various Bank Products are available in Retail Banking ? Explain Impact of Technology on Bank Marketing. Q.5) How Globalisation / Liberalisation of Indian Economy has strengthened India in various directions ? Explain in details. Q.6) Explain Role of Asset Management Company (AMC) in the development of Mutual Fund Business. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Types of Insurance Venture Capital Housing Finance


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) What is IMC ? Discuss Components of IMC with suitable examples. Q.2) What is Internet Marketing ? Explain role of E-commerce in Marketing the products of Indian Consumers. Q.3) What is Sales Promotion ? Explain different types of Sale Promotions. Q.4) Design IMC Plan for : (a) (b) Cold Drink 3G Mobile Phone

Q.5) Differentiate between Trade Promotion and Consumer Promotion with suitable examples. Q.6) Explain importance of Segmentation in Successful IMC Process. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Importance of Database in IMC DAGMAR Reach and Frequency Integration of PR with IMC Process


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
RETAIL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Define Retail Marketing. Discuss its importance and scope. Q.2) Explain Classification of Retail Formats. Discuss in detail Non-store Retailing with suitable examples. Q.3) Brewers International Ltd., a coffee retail chain is planning to venture into Indian Market. Design Promotional Mix Strategy for the concern. Q.4) Discuss steps involved in deciding Store Location. Q.5) Discuss Changing Trends in Retail Scenario with reference to Indian Retail Market. Q.6) Explain scope and challenges of On-line Retailing in India. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Retail Logistics Merchandising Organised Retailing


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Make and state your assumptions clearly and give examples wherever necessary. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Discuss various Emerging Branches of Agri-business in India. Explain with examples any two Branches of Agri-business. Q.2) Critically analyse role of Agriculture in Economic Development of India. Q.3) Discuss scope and limitations of Rural Marketing in India. Q.4) Discuss role of various agencies undertaking Agricultural Research in India. Discuss how Agricultural Research is giving benefits to the farmers ? Q.5) Define Agricultural Marketing and explain its scope. What are the objectives of Agricultural Marketing ? Q.6) There has been a slow progress in Co-operative Marketing in Agriculture in India. What are the reasons ? Explain with relevant examples.



Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Rural Marketing - Features and Scope Differences in Agricultural, Industrial and Consumer Marketing Role of Government in Agriculture Development


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
BRAND MANAGEMENT (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Elaborate New Product Development Process. Q.2) Comment on the Management of Product Strategy over the Product Life Cycle. Q.3) Discuss Brand Building Process for the following Brands : (a) (b) Symphony Water Cooler Tata Salt

Q.4) Managing a brand involves Management of Brand Identity, Personality and other related factors. Q.5) A leading consumer durable company is wanting to extend its brand in the packaged food business. Analyse success of the Brand. Q.6) Explain different methods of measuring Brand Equity in detail. Q.7) Short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Brand Architecture Co-branding Service Brand Brand Colour [3878]-401/1

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
STRATEGIC MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain the term Strategy. Discuss concept and objectives of Strategic Marketing Management. Q.2) Integration of different Marketing Strategies is required in FMCG Sector. Discuss. Q.3) What is Marketing Audit ? Explain nature, scope and utility of Marketing Audit in the present corporate scenario. Q.4) Design a suitable Marketing Strategy for a leading foreign bank, planning to build itself into the Indian Rural Markets. Q.5) Explain how Porters Forces Model of Competition helps in the analysis of Marketing Strategy ? Q.6) Discuss Pricing Strategies along with their merits and demeris and application areas. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) SWOT Analysis Branding Strategies in FMCG Retail Strategy BCG Matrix [3878]-402/1

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
EXPORT DOCUMENTATION AND FOREX MANAGEMENT Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) (2) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) How goods are insured against Marine Risks ? Q.2) Explain in detail the Facilities and Incentives relating to Exports ? What preliminaries have to be considered for starting Exports ? Q.3) How Pre-shipment Finance and Post-shipment Finance is arranged ? Explain various steps carried out by Exporter regarding the same. Q.4) Define Letter of Credit. Also indicate various types of Letters of Credit alongwith brief description of each type. Q.5) What are the Financial and Fiscal Incentives provided by Government and Foreign Exchange Facilities provided by RBI and Exim Bank to Exporters ? Q.6) To Exporter, what Institutional Support is provided by Government/ Semi-Government / and Autonomous Organisations ?



Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Documents for Customs Clearance of Goods Marketing Entry Strategies by Exporters Preliminaries by Exporters to start Export Business Protection to Foreign Exchange Rates in Adversaries Commercial Invoice


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
DIRECT Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. MARKETING [Max. Marks : 70 (New 2008 Pattern)

Q.1) Differentiate between Direct Marketing and Interactive Marketing. Explain main tasks of a Manager involved in the Direct Marketing. Q.2) Rapid Growth of Web-based Retailing will change overall business scenerio in the forthcoming decade. Do you agree ? Justify. Q.3) Explain Concept of CRM in detail. Q.4) Give unique characteristics of following addressable media : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Direct Mail E-mail SMS

Q.5) Explain role of Brands and Personalised Marketing Communications in Direct Marketing, with suitable examples. Q.6) Write a detailed note on Automatic Vending Machine, its benefits and limitations in the Indian Market. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Catalogue Marketing Exhibition / Trade Fairs Data Warehousing Teleshopping Networks [3878]-404/1

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) What is Derived Demand ? Explain various factors affecting Industrial Demand. Q.2) Discuss how Buying Grid Model is helpful in understanding Industrial Buying Behaviours. Q.3) How does Industrial Market differ from Consumer Market ? Give examples. Q.4) Advertising and Sales Promotion are not the major techniques of Promoting Industrial Products. Do you agree ? Justify your answer. Q.5) Explain factors which affect Channel Decision for Industrial Products. Q.6) What different Purchasing Systems are used in Industrial Buying ? What are the merits and demerits of each of them ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Leasing Industrial Product Life Cycle Trade Shows and Exhibitions Buying Roles in Industrial Buying


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL MARKETING (New 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Make and state your assumptions clearly and give examples wherever necessary. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Suggest Marketing Mix for a new brand of organic manure UTKARSHA for All India Marketing proposed to be launched in the next three months. Q.2) Define Agriculture Marketing. Also explain objectives and scope of Agriculture Marketing. What are the differences between Agricultural and Consumer Marketing ? Q.3) What is the role of the Government in Agriculture Development in India ? Discuss with examples. Q.4) Discuss advantages and limitations of organised retailing in Agri-Inputs and Agri-Outputs. Q.5) Explain Concept of Co-operative Marketing in Agriculture. What are the reasons for slow progress of co-operative sector in India ? Discuss with examples.



Q.6) Innovative Distribution Channels can play a major role in Agricultural Marketing in India. Discuss giving examples. Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Segmentation in Rural Marketing Classification of Products and Services in Rural Marketing Recruitment of Human Resources in Agri-Marketing in India


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
BRAND MANAGEMENT (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Discuss factors that have influence on Product Design. Elaborate with suitable examples. Q.2) How is differentiation is used for positioning a new brand of Luxury Car ? Q.3) Comment on Aamir Khan as a celebrity endorsing for Incredible India. How has he managed to create an image for the nation ? Q.4) Enumerate various methods for measuring Brand Equity. Q.5) Comment on Repositioning of Moov. Q.6) Explain New Product Development Process with suitable examples. Q.7) Short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Brand Identity Test Marketing Brand Building Process Brand Transfer


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
STRATEGIC MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain Porters 5 Forces Model of Competitive Analysis with suitable example. Q.2) Discuss role of vision, mission, objectives and goals in Strategy Formulation. Q.3) Describe scope and utility of Marketing Audit in Marketing Strategy Evaluation. Q.4) Integration of Marketing Strategies is required in FMCG Sector. Discuss. Q.5) Explain objectives and concepts of Strategic Marketing Management. Q.6) Describe the following tools of analysis : (a) (b) SWOT Analysis GAP Analysis

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) BCG Matrix Pricing Strategy for Industrial Product Constraints in Marketing Strategy Implementation Distribution Strategies for Newly Launched FMCG Product


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 2

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
EXPORT DOCUMENTATION AND FOREX MANAGEMENT (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) (2) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Write a detailed note on External Commercial Borrowing. How Exim Bank arranges Finance to Exporters. Q.2) For the Indian Spices and Chocolates, what market entry strategies you will adopt for exports ? Q.3) How Letter of Credit helps Exporter and Importer to complete financial transaction ? Explain in details various types of Letters of Credit. Q.4) To Exporter, what institutional support is provided by Govt./Semi Govt. and Autonomous Organisations ? Q.5) Explain the following Export Documents : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Consular Invoice Customer Invoice Commercial Invoice Packing List Certificate of Shipment Shipping Advice Bill of Exchange



Q.6) For sending Samples Overseas, Registration of Exports and Appointing Overseas Agents what preliminaries are required by Exporters ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Documents for Transportation of Goods Understanding Foreign Exchange Rates Insuring Goods against Marine Risks Antiquity Certificate Post-shipment Finance


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
DIRECT Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Solve any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. MARKETING [Max. Marks : 70 (Old 2005 Pattern)

Q.1) Solution One is an Event Management Company. It wants to organise an Auto Expo in Delhi. As an Event Manager in Solution One Co., how will you manage this event ? Q.2) Explain various techniques of Effective Corporate Presentations. Q.3) Discuss role and importance of PR in Modern Business. State various functions of PR Company. Q.4) Why In-house Communication is necessary ? How to design and conceptualise House Journal and Customer Presentations ? Q.5) Describe role of Corporate Communications towards Integrated Marketing Communications. Q.6) Explain steps involved in organising a Press Conference. As a PR Manager draft a press release for a mobile handset manufacturing company, which is facing problems with its battery ? Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) Customer News Letter Media Selection Layout and Execution of Exhibition


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Printed Pages : 1

M. M. M. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2010
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions : (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q.1) Explain Concept of Industrial Market. Discuss roles of various participants in the Industrial Marketing System. Q.2) List and explain various factors affecting Industrial Demand. Q.3) Explain Industrial Buying Process with the help of Buy Class and Buy Phase. Q.4) Compare and contrast Industrial Marketing and Consumer Marketing. Q.5) Explain with examples various characteristics of the Resellers Market. Q.6) (A) (B) How are Industrial Goods classified ? How does Buying Process differ according to this Classification ?

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) (b) (c) (d) Segmentation of Industrial Market Factors affecting Channel Decision for Industrial Products Personal Selling in Industrial Marketing Pricing Techniques for Industrial Goods


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