MGA Board Meeting, 1 Mar 2012
MGA Board Meeting, 1 Mar 2012
MGA Board Meeting, 1 Mar 2012
March 1, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 1, 2012 President Dave Fletcher convened the meeting at 10:00 AM in the Clubhouse. ATTENDANCE: In addition to Dave Fletcher, Roger Douglas, Treasurer; Steve Jones, Secretary; Chuck Zunker, Handicap Chair; and Ray Milewsky, Social Chair were present. John Gunby, Head Golf Professional represented management. OPENING REMARKS: Dave entertained a motion from Roger Douglas, which was seconded by Ray Milewsky, to defer reading of the minutes from the last meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Dave then presented the highlights of the last Board of Governors meeting. As of that meeting the Club had 401 golf members and the golf club is self supporting. January financials for the entire club were in the black. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Member Survey: As of the meeting time, 24 members had filled out the member survey. 2. Use of Remaining 2011 Funds: The excess funds from the 2011 membership dues have been spent. 3. Audit Committee: This years Audit Committee will be comprised of Charlie Bomberger, Roger Douglas, and Ray Milewsky. The committee anticipates completing the audit by the middle of March. 4. Territorial Cup: Dave is working with management to determine if PL will participate in the Territorial Cup matches this year. NEW BUSINESS: 1. PLMGA Membership: There are currently 198 Regular members and 40 Associate members in the PLMGA. 2. Past Presidents: Dave is compiling a list of the names of past PLMGA Presidents to place on a plaque for display in the Clubhouse. 3. 2012 Budget: Board members discussed and presented three general categories of budget considerations for this operating year: a) two general membership dinners; b) providing extra pay-outs for selected MGA tournaments; and, c) sponsor a luncheon for participants in the Kick-Off Tournament. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Greens & Grounds: Dave Fletcher relayed on behalf of Dave Schultze: a. Greens will be aerated on 9 / 10 April. The course will be closed. b. Virgil will be increasing his staff by the end of the month.
c. Bunkers are being upgraded with edging and additional sand. d. Large trees have been planted in front of the Clubhouse. 2. Social: Ray noted that the socials / dinners for golfers will be held once per month. The next one will be on March 8th and the dinner will be Southwest cuisine. 3. Handicap: Chuck had nothing to report. 4. Tournament: Jim Molinari was out of town but requested the Board decide on the handicapping for the Kick-Off Tournament. It was decided that scores will be posted as tournament scores. Handicaps will be adjusted depending on which tee-boxes are used. A US Open Partnership Tournament for June is being discussed. MANAGEMENT REPORT: John reported 1. The Pro Shop is changing the mix of product lines. 2. There are several Demo Days planned. 3. He has received 48 reservations for club storage. 4. The Kids Play and Special Olympics are ready for the 2012 season. 5. Golf Balls that have failed their swimming test will be rescued on 9 / 10 April while the course is closed. 5. John asked the Board how the Mens Days play is going. No one had heard any complaints and the participation has been pretty good. TREASURERS REPORT: Roger reported we have a total of $12,173.90 in all three accounts. MEMBER-at-LARGE: Dave reporting for Michael: there are 62 men and 36 women in the hole-in-one program. Big congratulations to Mike Merchant on his recent ACE. SECRETARY: I had nothing to report. NEXT MEETING: April 5th, 10:00 in the Clubhouse. All members are invited to attend. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 AM.