Islamic Leadership Academy Course Description
Islamic Leadership Academy Course Description
Islamic Leadership Academy Course Description
Ottoman Studies I: The Ottoman Empire, The Tughra of different Ottoman Sultans and its significance, literature, language, history, educational philosophy and systems (madressah), mythology, religion, philosophy, politics and systems of governance, culture, social and economic life and institutions, technology, art, architecture, archaeology, military organization and campaigns, Ottoman legacies. For example the Makam in Turkish music, other. Roman studies I: A study of Romes rise, maturity and decline, stressing the political and military organisation, the conquest of the Mediterranean, , the Roman revolution, the Augustan Age, the Pax Romana, and Imperium Romanum, the rise of Christianity, the decline and fall of the empire, the transition to the Byzantine Empire and Medieval Europe, and Romes, legacy to later Europe. Greece Studies I: The origin of Democracy and the philosophical foundation of the Western world. Literature, language, history, educational philosophy and systems, mythology, religion, philosophy, politics, culture, social and economic life and institutions, technology, art, architecture, archaeology, military organization and campaigns. Islamic Studies: Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Aqidah (Faith and Belief), Akhlaq (Morality and Ethics), Shariah (Practices and Activities), Ibadat (Man to God Worship), Muamalat (Man to Man Activities), Tarbiyah and Personal Development, History, Schools of Thought, Legal System, Theology, Islamic Jurisprudence, Caliphate, Muslim Conquests, Islamic Golden Age, Islamic Contributions through History, Islamic Movements, etc. Introduction to Economics: Economic organisation of society, basics and key concepts, scarcity, demand and supply, elasticity, utility, production, growth, opportunity costs, trade, monopolies, oligopolies, perfect competition, microeconomics, macro economics, etc. Introduction to Islamic Economics: Islamic vs Non-Islamic Economics, Foundations and Basic Precepts of Islamic Economics, Basic Assumptions human nature, materialism, ownership, universalism. Practice of Islamic Economics in present day world (Islamic Banking, Zakah, Insurance, Waqf, Al-Hisbah). Introduction to Islamic Finance: Key principles, Islamic financing structures, debt structures, Islamic Funds, Musharakah, Mudarabah, Combination of Musharakah and Mudarabah, Diminishing Musharakah, Murabahah, Ijarah, Salam, Istina, Principle of limited liability. Introduction of the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in the economic system: History of the Dinar and Dirham, What are the Islamic Dinar and Dirham, Uses of the Dinar and Dirham, Zakah, Legal Tender Status of the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. (Special project: Establish an Ottoman Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham with the Osmanli Tugra on coins. This will then be expanded to include all the Sultans. This project to be a Waqf for the Leadership Academy. Similar Waqfs to be established for all academies)
Languages: Turkish, Arabic, Spanish,French, Mandarin, Urdu (Optional) - Introduction to spoken and written language and fundamentals of grammar, with oral drills and written exercises.
The Spiritual Path in Islam The Moral System of Islam The Social System of Islam Islamic Culture & Values Sacred Texts Ijtihad, Independent thinking & Critical Reasoning Spiritual Art & Poetry Sacred Music, Movements & Rituals Visits to hospitals, orphanages and old age homes
Public Good, Environment and Sustainable Development The Mosque as Centre/Hub for Development Establish a local community Waqf Adopt and support local community organisation / vulnerable groups (Elderly, youth, etc.) Adopt, develop and support local mosque Disaster Relief & Management
There will also be: Team Building Break-aways with activities that include Waterfall Zipline, Waterfall abseiling, quad bikes, orienteering, etc.
Spring Adventure Camp (7-10 days): based on Senior Scout Adventure activities: marksmanship, sailing, rock climbing, goldpanning, etc.
Systems Thinking: Individual and group projects Individual and group projects to be determined in a consultative manner. Lit-Politics: Intermediate level to be determined. Strategic analysis of growth and development of Islam:, Strategic trends; Growth models; Economic growth & development in Islam; Poverty and Islam; Levers, mechanisms and triggers for growth, expansion and advancement of Islam; Strategic settings and configurations in the growth and development of Islam; Interplay between economy, military and the state; Tarbiyah, the individual and society; the Usrah system and the growth and expansion of Islam. Geopolitics and the American Empire: History of geopolitics, critical geopolitics theory, contemporary geopolitical tradition and practice, contemporary geopolitical affairs, American Real politic, Power and Paradox, Geopolitics and natural resources, The Heartland Theory -The Geographic Pivot of History-, Darul Islam and the American Enterprise. Introduction to Islamic Architecture and Fine Art (Ottoman, Persian, Mughal): History of Islamic Art and Architecture: Umayyad, Abbasid, Medieval Spain and the Arab Magreb, Arab Mashriq, Iran and Central Asia, Syria, Iraq and Anatolia and South Asia. The Three Empires:Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids and Qajar; Sufi Art, Turkish, Arab and Persian works to be studied. Types of Fine Art to be covered: Mosaics, manuscripts, wall paintings, calligraphy, painting, ceramics, miniature painting, photography, glass, textiles, rugs and carpets, metalwork, Indonesian Batik. At the end of the course students should have a familiarity with the main aspects and themes of Islamic fine art and architecture; should be able to identify relevant objects assigning them accurately to their time and place; and should have developed further skills in critical reading and well-structured essay-writing. Ottoman Studies II: Intermediate to be determined. Roman II: Intermediate to be determined. Greece II: Intermediate to be determined. Islamic Studies and Quran: Intermediate to be determined. Islamic Finance in the Global Economy: The evolution of Islamic Finance, The role of Islamic Finance in the global economic and political system; Riba, Gharar and the moral economy of Islam, Regulatory issues and challenges - global norms and religious constraints, Alternative institutions of Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF), Local innovations and global integration, Managing practices, products and perceptions, Sovereign Wealth Funds. Shariah Compliant Investment: Basis for Shariah investments, Prohibited industries, Shariah model of asset management, Sharia processes, Shariah governance, Shariah rulings for investment in shares, What makes an investment Halaal, Shariah compliant equity investments, Sharia complaint investment funds, Islamic capital markets. Takaful / Insurance: Key concepts and principles of Takaful, Takaful business models, Mudharabah model (profit-sharing), Types of Takaful, Takaful products. Introduction to Waqf: Key concepts and principles of Waqf, Definitions of Waqf, Origins of Waqf, Forms of Waqf, Objectives of Waqf, Ownership and characteristics of Waqf, Legal conditions of Waqf, Management of Waqf, Socio-political role of Waqf, Historic and contemporary instruments, institutions and applications of Waqf, Waqf for development, Financing and investments in Awqaf projects, Waqf instruments for development of property. Languages: Intermediate International Field Trip to Istanbul & Granada (June-July): groups to meet with different leadership
Spiritual & Ethical, Social Development, Physical and Core Competency Programmes: Advancement on the first year programmes. 6
simulations for contemporary situations. Exploring notions of Pax Islamica and the Alliance of Civilizations.
Ottoman Studies III: Advanced to be determined. Roman III: Advanced to be determined. Greece III: Advanced to be determined. Islamic Studies and Quran: Advanced to be determined. Political Economy: Different political economy approaches study the basic concepts and tools used in economic analysis of human action, Critical thinkers and their central ideas, Principles of Political Economy studies the basic concepts related to the role and function of government in human society and the achievement of economic progress. Applications through studying selected case studies. Applying mathematical, statistical and graphical techniques; Mastering verbal, graphical, mathematical and econometric representation of economic ideas and analysis, including the relationship between them. Spatial Models and Political Economy. Multilateral Financial Institutions (MFIs): History, goals, structure, External finance and the role of MFIs - The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Global Environment Facility. Criticism of the Bretton Woods Institutions. Multilateral development banks (MDBs): World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank Group. "Sub-Regional" Multilateral Development Banks. Corporacin Andina de Fomento, Caribbean Development Bank, Central American Bank for Economic Integration, East African Development Bank, West African Development Bank, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Eurasian Development Bank. Other MFIs - European Commission, European Investment Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Islamic Development Bank, Nordic Investment Bank, OPEC Fund for International Development, Nederlandse Financieringsmaatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV (FMO). Development Economics: General Scope of the Development Economics, Key Concepts and keywords, Classic Theories of Development; Poverty, Income Inequality and Development; Population Growth and Economic Development; Human capital: Education in Economic Development, Human Capital: Health in Economic Development; Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration, Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development, The Employment Problem in Less Developed Countries, Industrialization Strategies for Economic Development, Public and Private Enterprises; Globalization: International Trade and Development; Globalization: Foreign Investment and Foreign Aid; Composite Indicators of Development; Indicators of Sustainable Development; Development Goals and Strategies; Development Economics: Normative vs Positive Issues, Growth vs Equity, Growth as an Objective or Instrument?, Per Capita Income Growth as Objective, Income (re)Distribution as Objective, Global Income Convergence as Objective, Economic Poverty Alleviation as Objective, Social Development as Objective, Economic Growth as an Instrument, Changing Normative Paradigms over Time, Obstacles to development, Development Planning. International Tour of Diplomatic Capitals - New York, Washington, Brussels (June-July) : To meet with Diplomats and Leadership groups.
Spiritual & Ethical, Social Development, Physical and Core Competency Programmes: Advancement on the previous years programmes. Fourth Year
Advanced Leadership Programme: Individual, Team, Organisation, Leading cross functional teams to compete and excel in global assignments, Leading through more effective influence and communications, Leading in dynamic and uncertain competitive and uncertain environments.
Specialisation: Taylor-made programmes according to chosen specialisation. Semester Abroad: Choice of a number of different international locations. Introduction to International Elite Policy Groups, Think Tanks and Networks: Global networking.