Tag Questions
Tag Questions
Tag Questions
Use negative yes/no questions and tag questions to: check information you believe to be true OR comment on a situation.
I pull the blue cord, dont I? Dont I pull the blue cord? Isnt the view great?
In both sentences the speaker believes that he should The view is great, pull the blue cord it? isnt and wants to check this information.
Cant you swim somewhere else? Didnt you see the shark warning sign?
Tag Questions 1
Form tag questions with statement + tag. The statement expresses an assumption. The tag means Right? OR Isnt that true?
Tag Questions 2
If the statement verb is affirmative, the tag verb is negative. If the statement verb is negative, the tag verb is affirmative.
You wont talk for too This rope will hold me, long, wont it? will you?
Tag Questions 3
Form the tag with a form of be or an auxiliary verb, such as have, do, will, can, or should. Use the same auxiliary that is in the statement. You bought life insurance, didnt you? He has done He isnt this before, joking, is hasnt he? he?
Be Careful!
In the tag, only use pronouns. When the subject of the statement is that, the subject of the tag is it. Tom isnt enjoying this, is he? Tom? That wasnt my parachute, was it?
Practice 1
Example: You can swim, cant you? 1. This is high enough, isnt it? 2. The rope wont break, will it?
Intonation 1
Use tag questions in conversations when you expect the other person to agree with you. In this type of tag question, the voice falls on the tag.
Youre That hurts, doesnt it? right. I didnt wear a seat belt.
This type of tag question is more like a statement than a question. The listener can just nod or say uh-huh to show that he or she is listening and agrees.
The speaker is checking information he believes is correct. He expects Uhthe listener to answer huh. (and agree).
Intonation 2
Tag questions can be used to get information. This type of tag question is more like a yes/no question. Like a yes/no question, the voice rises at the end, and you usually get an answer.
This isnt dangerous, Thats is it? they what told us in the skydiving class.
The speaker wants to confirm his information because he is not sure it is correct.
Well, Thissometimes parachute will open before there are we land, wont it? sharks.
Answer negative yes/no questions and tag questions the same way you answer affirmative yes/no questions.
The answer is no, if the information is Theres not correct.
Practice 2
No, we dont. We just like to hug.
Write dialogues for each picture using tag questions or negative yes/no questions, and answers for each picture.
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