Case Management
Case Management
Case Management
Case Management of Students in the LS Department All LS teachers have responsibility for case management. The case load distribution is the responsibility of the department head or team leader. Who is case managed? o All students presently enrolled in LS o Students who have been referred and picked up for support (case manager assigned at meeting) o Students who are released from LS will be formally monitored for 1 year o Students who have a diagnosed special learning need who do not receive direct support will be case managed under a consultative model o Counselors will case manage students whose diagnosis is primarily emotional or psychological Parents/ students who refuse services, or fail to disclose information to the school will be given written communication outlining the schools position on why the student should receive services. Student advocacy is a priority. Attempts to work with parents must be well documented and should be forwarded to the Head of Learning Support. Purpose of case management: To have a learning support professional who knows the student very well and who ensures that the students needs are met and documented. Overall responsibilities of a case manager: Knows and understands the students profile (academic, social, emotional, medical) Advocates for the students needs to teachers, parents, leadership team Makes recommendations for, and coordinates support services (Speech, OT, PT, counseling, other) for in-house services and as much as possible for outside services Documents and communicates needs to all stakeholders Monitors student progress Works collaboratively with parents to insure that they are an informed, participating part of the support process, goals, and responsibilities Communication Call team meetings with all people who work with the student (minimum of one time per year) Create Individual Learning Plan for each LS student Facilitate the team meetings using the ILP structure Communicate and get feedback on goals with classroom teachers Offer practical differentiation suggestions to teachers based on student profile
Written Documentation for the following as part of the ILP: Student Profile including ethnographic information Goals Classroom accommodations and modifications Recommendations for formal testing accommodations - file necessary paperwork for accommodations for standardized programs or exams (IB, SAT, ISA,) Make recommendations for assistive or adaptive technology Make requests for formal testing both initially and in review of present testing (IQ and achievement, speech evals, OT screening or evals, psychological evals. and other identified assessments (learning style/ screening from Schools Attuned etc) Formal standardized psychological educational re-evaluations should be done at least within every three years and can be conducted more frequently when deemed necessary by the team. Make recommendations for programming/ scheduling and placements