Burt Reading Test Definition)
Burt Reading Test Definition)
Burt Reading Test Definition)
With all standardised reading tests it is essential that there is no teaching to the test. None of the words should be taught in preparation for the test. Each child is tested individually on the Burt Reading Test.
Administer the test in a quiet area away from other children. Child (younger than 9 years old) starts at the top and reads words from left to right. Stop after 10 consecutive errors (or earlier if struggling). Count the words that have been read correctly. This is the raw score. Consult the chart 'Revised Norms For Burt (Re-arranged)' and convert the raw score into a Reading Age e.g. a score of 24 would give a reading age of 6.5. The reading ages are given in years and months (Not years and tenths of a year).
While the child is reading the words on the printed sheet, the teacher should record the responses on a separate sheet (a photocopy of the test works well). The recording should not be made so obvious as to distract the child. At the same time the recording should be carefully and systematically done for each pupil. Do not try to count orally the number of words correctly (or incorrectly) read by the child, and do not try to score on odd bits of paper. A convenient way of recording is to make a tick ( ) or to circle each word correctly read. If a pupil reads too fast for the purpose of recording, he may be asked to read more slowly, or to reread a word which the teacher was not sure about.
Where to start
Children up to the age of nine or those known to be weak readers should start the test from the beginning. Pupils above the age of nine years may be allowed to commence the test at the third, fourth or fifth group of ten words (according to the age and the teacher's judgement), i.e. a 10-year-old may commence at the word 'nurse', a 13-year-old at 'emergency'. The point at which a child should commence is left to the discretion of the teacher, but a mark should be made on the record sheet of the first word of the group at which these older or brighter pupils commence, to enable the teacher to calculate the score correctly. Should a pupil fail with any word of a group of ten words, when he has started at a point beyond the initial groups of ten, then he should be taken back to read the preceding group of ten words. E.g. A child commencing at 'beware' and failing on any word within this group
should be taken back to read the group commencing 'nurse'. If he read correctly all ten words in this pair of lines, he should, of course, be credited with success on all earlier words.
* Note that it is advisable to wait at least six months before testing a child again on the same test.