hYUNDAI Garantie Motor Pe Coduri

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The document outlines Hyundai's remanufactured engine program policy and procedures for repairs and replacements. It standardizes the diagnosis and approval process for engine work and ensures proper handling of core returns.

The Engine Diagnosis Worksheet is used to document the customer's issue, the technician's diagnosis, and the service manager's approval if an engine replacement is determined to be necessary. It accompanies the repair order throughout the repair process.

The technician must inspect the engine, determine the main cause, consult with the service manager, and obtain their approval on the worksheet if replacement is required. Second replacements require additional approval.

Technical Service Bulletin











The engine repair warranty policy has been revised to authorize in-dealership repairs of the following components for both OEM (new) and remanufactured engine assemblies. NOTE: Normal diagnostic procedures are an important part of a service repair. The availability of remanufactured engines does not authorize an outright engine replacement without proper diagnosis of the engine condition. The HYUNDAI ENGINE DIAGNOSIS WORKSHEET should be filled out completely when diagnosing an engine condition highlighted by the customer description of the condition, and validated by a Hyundai technician. When engine replacement work is required, only qualified Hyundai technicians must perform this type of task. The technician must have completed the Engine Technology courses with corresponding new model training and the certification courses as proof of proficiency.

VEHICLES AFFECTED: This program applies to all models.

SERVICE PROCEDURE: 1. The Service Advisor opens a Repair Order (R.O.) documenting the customer's detailed comments. A road test by a technician or Service Advisor may be necessary to verify the customer's description of the condition. 2. The Service Advisor carefully completes the top section of the Engine Diagnosis Worksheet (Part Number NP150-08012). Refer to following page for sample view.

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3. The Engine Diagnosis Worksheet and the service shop copy of the R.O. are dispatched to the Technician. (The remaining copies of the R.O. can be distributed according to established dealership procedures.)

4. The technician completes the Condition Detail and Mechanical Inspection sections of the worksheet to assist in the diagnosis of the engine assembly or components. The technician enters the appropriate Engine Condition Code listed on the reverse side of the worksheet after determining the main causal condition. IMPORTANT: From the results of the inspection, the technician must then consult with the service manager to review the appropriate repair or replace action for this case. At this time, check for any TSB related to the condition. Since not all engine related conditions will require engine replacement, the judgement of the service action is up to the dealer, pending warranty approval if applicable. If it is determined that an engine replacement is required, then the technician must obtain the Service Manager's Signature of approval on the worksheet. Second and subsequent remanufactured engine replacements on the same VIN will require a case to be opened with Tech Line (800) 325-6604 prior to repair and DPSM approval/authorization for claim payment.

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Technical Service Bulletin




5. The technician sends both the worksheet and the R.O. to the dealership parts counter. NOTE: The submitted Repair Order must include detailed CONDITION, CAUSE, and CORRECTION information. 6. The parts department orders a remanufactured engine from the facing PDC and retains the R.O. and worksheet, filed by R.O. number. 7. The parts department receives a remanufactured engine assembly (or short block), in a reusable plastic container, and provides the replacement parts to the technician to complete the service repair. IMPORTANT: Retain the reusable plastic container to return the removed engine core to the remanufacturing center. The technician must completely drain all fluids of the removed engine core prior to shipping. Be sure to use recommended HMA special service tools when disassembling engine components such as the oil pan remover (092153C000) to avoid damaging the oil pan mating surface. Core debit may apply to any returned engine with damage to machined surfaces. The main components of the removed engine core must be reassembled to hand-tight to ensure that all non consumable parts are included and shipped to the remanufacturing center. Return all parts in the same content level as the shipped remanufactured unit, including parts which show damage. Listed below are the contents of forms in the resalable plastic envelope included with each remanufactured unit: Parts Bulletin - Reman Core Return Program Reminders Core Return Checklist 8. The parts department must complete all required information fields of the Core Return Checklist. 9. The technician completes the installation of the remanufactured engine. Refer to the applicable shop manual for published service procedures and specifications.

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10. Top copies of the Engine Diagnosis Worksheet and the Core Return Checklist, along with dealers complete repair order, must be placed inside the resalable plastic envelope and closed securely. Ensure that both forms are completely filled out to be returned with the engine core. NOTE: Failure to properly complete and/or return the designated Core Checklist and Engine Diagnosis Worksheet will result in the reduction of the core credit and/or charge back of your warranty claim. 11. Reassemble the removed engine as follows: The remanufactured engine is shipped strapped to the plastic shipping container. DO NOT CUT THIS STRAP. You must re-use this strap to secure the engine core and ship back for credit. The engine core must be re-assembled hand tight. Shipping the core back with loose parts could possibly cause damage to the core. All engines will be subject to visual inspections to determine if there are any loose or missing parts. Your core credit may not be issued and the warranty claim may be debited back if the engine core is not returned in an undamaged condition. If you are returning a Short Block, re-assemble all of the parts to match the remanufactured unit. If you are returning a Sub Assembly, re-assemble all of the parts to match the remanufactured unit. The remanufactured engine will be shipped inside a plastic bag. Please place the core into this plastic bag for shipping purposes. Failure to do so will result in a debit.

NOTE: Exact M/H (0.2 ~ 0.6) are provided for re-assembly of engines, please see page 6 for labor operations. Freight charges are prepaid by HMA for returning the removed engine to the remanufacturing center. Do not submit a warranty claim for these freight charges. This is handled automatically when the request is submitted through RETURN CORES on DCS online and the engine core is return shipped via Roadway Express, Inc. Refer to Parts Bulletin - Reman Core Return Program Reminder"

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Technical Service Bulletin




12. The dealer parts department must retain the bottom copy of the Core Return Checklist, filed by the repair order number indicated in the upper-right corner of the checklist. 13. The dealer service administration must retain a copy of the Engine Diagnosis Worksheet with the R.O. 14. The remanufacturing center receives the removed engine core, Core Return Checklist and Engine Diagnosis Worksheet. 15. After processing, the dealer will be reimbursed for the eligible core credit for the engine. NOTE: If an incorrect engine has been ordered and not installed or if it was damaged before dealer handling, then it may be returned to the PDC through DCS using the new 45-day BC Return Program. Please write "ordered in error" in the space for the old engine serial number on the "Core Return Checklist". HMA may deny/chargeback all portions of engine claims and/or core credits for: Core damaged due to improper handling/removal/packaging No trouble found/incorrect diagnosis Comeback repair/improper repair Incomplete or missing Core Return Checklist and/or Engine Diagnosis Worksheet Dealers must contact the Parts Call Center (800) 545-4515 regarding any lost packaging and paperwork. Dealer Parts Department accepts full responsibility for ensuring that engines sold over the counter have the corresponding Engine Diagnosis Worksheet and Core Return Checklist completely and accurately filled out. All cores must be returned, regardless of the condition of the core.

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WARRANTY INFORMATION: Normal warranty applies, if applicable. NOTE: The warranty information listed below can be claimed as additional operation codes if the engine is reassembled for transportation to the reman center.
Model RD XD 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 -

OPERATION OPERATION DESCRIPTION CODE 21102A00 Re Assemble - Short Engine 21101A00 21101A0A Re Assemble -Sub Engine (4 Cylinder) Re Assemble -Sub Engine (6 Cylinder)

X3 0.2 0.4 -

LC 0.2 0.4 -

MC 0.2 0.4 -

J1 0.2 0.4 -

HD 0.2 0.4 -

RC 0.2 0.4 -

GK GKV 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6

OPERATION OPERATION DESCRIPTION CODE 21102A00 Re Assemble - Short Engine 21101A00 21101A0A Re Assemble -Sub Engine (4 Cylinder) Re Assemble -Sub Engine (6 Cylinder)

Y3 0.2 0.4

Y3V 0.2 0.6

Model EF EFV NF NFV XG 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6

TG 0.2 0.6

BH 0.2 0.6

FD 0.2 0.4 -

OPERATION OPERATION DESCRIPTION CODE 21102A00 Re Assemble - Short Engine 21101A00 21101A0A Re Assemble -Sub Engine (4 Cylinder) Re Assemble -Sub Engine (6 Cylinder)

Model JM JMV SM SMV CMV EPV EN 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

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