Installed Base Errors
Installed Base Errors
Installed Base Errors
734933.1] Modified 03-MAY-2012 Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED In this Document Goal Fix When should this program be run? This program should not be scheduled to run on a regular basis. Run if Oracle Support requests. Use this program when the same error is raised for several transactions for many different items and the error has a note that recommends one of the datafix routines to fix the issue.
Applies to:
Oracle Install Base - Version 11.5.9 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform.
This note is to help users understand why there are error transactions in Oracle Installed Base, how to use the concurrent program 'Installed Base Error Correction and Synchronization Program' to correct some of these error transactions and what can be corrected by this program.
When should this program be run? This program should not be scheduled to run on a regular basis. Run if Oracle Support requests. Use this program when the same error is raised for several transactions for many different items and the error has a note that recommends one of the datafix routines to fix the issue.
What are Installed Base error transactions? When a transaction from Oracle ERP Applications (for example Order Management, Inventory etc) interfaces to Oracle Installed Base (IB) it goes through validation check. Sometimes it may fail validation check and as a result the respective instances are not created or updated. These error transaction can be found in the Install Base Application Oracle Installed Base Admin (R) > Transaction Error Processing or by executing the SQL below
SELECT * FROM csi_txn_errors WHERE processed_flag = 'E'; Why there are error transactions in Installed Base? There can be many reasons for the failure. unsupported business flow incorrect data migration user data error pending/failed previous transactions code bug
What does Installed Base Error Correction and Synchronization Program fix? Installed Base Error Correction and Synchronization Program addresses user data errors. It has approximately 20 data fix routines that were developed to fix most likely errors. Below is the list of data fix routines.
Routine Name DELETE_DUP_RELATIONSHIP UPDATE_NO_CTL_SRL_LOT_INST DELETE_DUP_SRL_INV_INSTANCE UPDATE_DUP_SRL_INSTANCE Description Deletes duplicate COMPONENT-OF relationships created in CSI_II_RELATIONSHIPS during migration. Corrects the item instances that are having serial/lot numbers but not having the right item setup. Deletes the duplicate serialized inventory instances that were created during migration. Updates duplicate serialized instances. Certain rules will be applied on these item instances in order to retain unique combination of Item-Serial. Rest of the same would be updated with '-DUP' and expired. These were wrongly created by an API bug. Out of the multiple combinations of Item-Serial, the latest would be retained and the rest of them would be suffixed with '-DUP' and expired. Appropriate instance usage code would be populated for instances having a null value in instance_usage_code. Updates Full_dump_flag for migrated Relationship and System history records. Updates the last_vld_organization_id same as inv_organization_id for instances residing in INVENTORY location. Updates the inventory_revision for instances whose items are revision controlled but having a null revision. This is to merge the non-serial inventory instances residing at the same inventory location. These were mainly created the SFM thread parameter set to > 1. This is to delete the duplicate OWNER party account of an item instance. This is to update the Item Instance owner party source.
This is to update the contact party records with the right value based on the party rules. This is to update the Party and Account records that were wrongly updated by integration. This is to update the Master organization ID with the right value corresponding to the last vld organization ID Updates the missing inventory master transaction ID in CSI_TRANSACTIONS for RMA transactions. Updates the instance usage code for the instances residing in the WIP location. Deletes duplicate non-serial instances residing in WIP location. IB maintains unique relationship type for each item instance irrespective of operating unit. This script deletes the duplicate ones created. Expires the active item instances whose items are no longer IB trackable. Also marks the CSI transactions in the error table so that they don't get processed.
Other than these data fix routines, when data correction program runs in Correction ('C') mode, the program also goes through each error transaction and try to correct previous pending transactions and then resubmit the transaction. How to run the program? There are three modes for Error Correction and Synchronization program. It needs to be run in following order R (Report) mode This mode is to check if all items tracked in Install Base (IB) are set up correctly. It checks if the item has been setup as IB trackable in all Inventory Organizations. Until every item set up is corrected, Error Correction and Synchronization program will not run in 'C' mode. There is another report 'No reference for non-serialized RMA' created in 'R' mode, but this report will not stop 'C' mode to run C (Correction) mode This mode will invoke all data fix routines listed above and also fixes remaining individual error transactions. S (synchronization) mode This mode does two things, 1) It makes sure that all serialized IB trackable items with on-hand quantity in Inventory have corresponding instance in Install Base.
2) It makes sure that all non-serialized IB trackable items with on-hand quantity in Inventory have corresponding instance in Install Base with matching on-hand quantity.
Note: Please be informed of the following while running the program in 'S' mode. Program does not synchronize any item that has any pending error transactions in CSI_TXN_ERRORS or XNP_MSGS tables. SFM Event Manager Queue Service has to be shut down while running the program in 'S' mode. While program is launched in 'S' mode, it creates a temporary trigger on inventory table to block inventory transaction updates. This allows continuation of normal business while data correction program is running.
What does new parameter 'Force All Data Fix' do? A new parameter called "Force All Data Fix" was introduced in the Error Correction Program from release 11.5.9 onwards, to improve performance. Setting this parameter to 'N' will cause the program to run only the required routines. How it works Installed Base transaction error correction has approximately 20 data fix routines, most of them are one time data fixes. In order to avoid executing these every time error correction is run, user can selectively enable specific routines to run. If "Force All Data Fix" is set to N, and user will enable ( set Enabled_flag = Y) some routines, only those will be executed by the program. But if "Force All Data Fix" is set to Y, then all routines will be executed, program ignores Enabled_flag value. Each datafix routine is defined as CSI Lookup under the Type CSI_CORRECTION_ROUTINES with the access level as "User". By default these are installed as "Enabled"(Enabled_flag = Y). When error correction is run, it will read "enabled_flag" value for each data fix routine, if it is 'Y' then the routine would be executed. Subsequently, the flag would be updated to 'N' (Disabled). This will ensure that the later runs of program would not pick this data fix routine. How to run specific data fix routines? There may be a need to run one or more data fix routines to correct some bad data. Under these circumstances, the user needs to enable those specific datafix routines. This can be done by following steps 1. Oracle Installed Base Admin -> Look-Ups 2. Query for look-up type 'CSI_CORRECTION_ROUTINES'. 3. The look-up codes underneath this are the data fix routines. Check the Enable Flag for the appropriate routines. 4. Re-run the error correction program. This would run only those that are checked. Program will uncheck them automatically at the end. How to run all the data fix routines?
For this case, instead of navigating to the Lookup form and enabling each one of them, just run program with "Force All Data Fix" = 'Y'. What types of errors can not be fixed by data correction program? Installed Base data correction program usually does not fix error transactions caused by incorrect/unsupported business flows, user errors or invalid data entered. What to do next if the error transactions are not corrected by the program? Look at notes attached to this document for the solutions for different types of errors. You can also discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers by reviewing, joining or starting a discussion in the My Oracle Support Install Base Community Even after carefully reviewing existing notes, if you could not resolve the error transaction, log a Service Request with Oracle Support. This functionality is available with the following patches: 11.5.9: Patch 6013497 csidiagb.pls version 115.23.1159.102 Patch 12415710 csidiagb.pls version 115.51.11510.36 R 12 release has this functionality built-in.