1 2 M 1 M 1 M 1 2 M

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450 Principles of Digital and Analog Communication MIT, Fall 2003 QUIZ 1 SOLUTIONS

October 6, 2003

Problem 1: (30 points) Consider a discrete memoryless source with alphabet {1, 2, . . . , M }. Suppose that the symbol probabilities are ordered and satisfy p1 > p2 > > pM and also satisfy p1 < pM 1 + pM . Let l1 , l2 , . . . , lM be the lengths of a prex-free code of minimum expected length for such a source. a) Show that l1 l2 lM . This is almost the same as Lemma 1 in lecture 3. In particular, assume to the contrary that pi > pj and li > lj . By interchanging the codeword for i with that for j, the dierence between the old and new L is (pi li + pj lj ) (pi lj + pj li ) = (pi pj )(li lj ) > 0. Thus the expected length is reduced, showing that the original code is non-optimum. b) Show that if the Human algorithm is used to generate the above code, then lM l1 +1. Hint: the easy way is to look only at the rst step of the algorithm and not to use induction. In the reduced code after the rst step of the Human algorithm, the codeword for the combined symbol of probability pM + pM 1 must have a length l less than or equal to l1 (this follows from part (a) plus the fact that p1 < pM + pM 1 ). Since l = lM 1, the result follows. c) Show that lM l1 + 1 whether or not the Human algorithm is used to generate a minimum expected length prex-free code. A minimum-expected-length code must be full, and thus the codeword for letter M must have a sibling, say letter j. Since pj pM 1 , we have pj + pM > p1 . Let l be the length of the intermediate node that is parent to j and M . Now l l1 since otherwise the codeword for 1 could be interchanged with this intermediate node for a reduction in L. Again lM 1 l1 . d) Suppose M = 2k for integer k. Determine l1 , . . . , lM . First assume l1 = k. Then all codewords have length k or k + 1, but the Kraft in equality can be satised with equality (i.e., the code can be full) only if all codewords have length k. If l1 > k, then lj > k for all j and the Kraft inequality can not be satised with equality. Finally, if l1 < k with lj k, then the Kraft inequality can not be met. Thus all codewords have length k. e) Suppose 2k < M < 2k+1 for integer k. Determine l1 , . . . , lM . This is essentially the same as problem 2.3(b) in the homework. The codewords all have length k or k + 1. Let m be the number of length k codewords. To satisfy Kraft with equality, m2k + (M m)2k1 = 1. Solving, m = 2k+1 M .
Cite as: Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

Problem 2: (35 points) Consider a source X with M symbols, {1, 2, . . . , M } ordered by probability with p1 p2 pM > 0. The Human algorithm operates by joining the two least likely symbols together as siblings and then constructs an optimal prex-free code for a reduced source X in which the symbols of probability pM and pM 1 have been replaced by a single symbol of probability pM + pM 1 . The expected code-length L of the code for the original source X is then equal to L + pM + pM 1 where L is the expected code-length of X . a) Express the entropy H(X) for the original source in terms of the entropy H(X ) of
the reduced source as
H(X) = H(X ) + (pM + pM 1 )H() (1)

where H() is the binary entropy function, H() = log (1) log(1). Find the required value of to satisfy (2). H(X) =
M i=1

pi log pi

M 2 i=1

H(X ) = (pM 1 +pM ) log(pM 1 +pM )

pi log pi

H(X) H(X ) = (pM 1 +pM ) log(pM 1 +pM ) pM log pM pM 1 log pM 1 pM pM pM 1 pM 1 = (pM 1 +pM ) log log pM 1 +pM pM 1 +pM pM 1 +pM pM 1 +pM pM = (pM 1 +pM )H
pM 1 +pM
so =
pM . pM 1 +pM

b) In the code tree generated by the Human algorithm, let v1 denote the intermediate
node that is the parent of the leaf nodes for symbols M and M 1. Let q1 = pM +pM 1
be the probability of reaching v1 in the code tree. Similarly, let v2 , v3 , . . . , denote
the subsequent intermediate nodes generated by the Human algorithm. How many
intermediate nodes are there, including the root node of the entire tree?
Each step of the Human algorithm reduces the number of symbols by 1 until only 1 node (the root) is left. Thus there are M 1 intermediate nodes, counting the root. c) Let q1 , q2 , . . . , be the probabilities of reaching the intermediate nodes v1 , v2 , . . . , (note
that the probability of reaching the root node is 1). Show that L = i qi . Hint: Note
that L = L + q1 .
After the second step of the algorithm, L is related to the minimum expected length, (2) (2) 2 say L of the further reduced code by L = L + q2 . Thus L = L + q1 + q2 . M 1 + Proceeding to step M 1, (or more formally using induction) we have L = L q1 + q2 + . . . , qM 1 . Since the expected length for the root node is 0, L = i qi .
Cite as: Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

d) Express H(X) as a sum over the intermediate nodes. The ith term in the sum should involve qi and the binary entropy H(i ) for some i to be determined. You may nd it helpful to dene i as the probability of moving upward from intermediate node vi , conditional on reaching vi . (Hint: look at part a). Note that in part (a), H(X) = H(X ) + H()q1 where = pM /(pM +pM 1 ) is the probability of moving up (or down) in the tree at node v1 conditional on reaching node v1 . Since H() = H(1 ), we see that H(X) = H(X ) + H(1 )q1 . Applying the same argument to the reduced ensemble X in terms of the next reduc tion X (2) , H(X ) = H(X (2) ) + q2 H(2 ). Proceeding to the root (i.e., using induction), H(X) =
M 1 i=1

qi H(i )

e) Find the conditions (in terms of the probabilities and binary entropies above) under which L = H(X). L H(X) =

qi [1 H(i )]

The binary entropy H() is less than or equal to 1, reaching 1 only when = 1/2. Thus L H(X) = 0 if and only if i = 1/2 for all i. This implicitly assumes that pi > 0 for all symbols. f) Are the formulas for L and H(X) above specic to Human codes alone, or do they apply (with the modied intermediate node probabilities and entropies) to arbitrary full prex-free codes? The same arguments apply to any full code tree with any procedure for successively reducing sibling leaf nodes into the parent. Problem 3: (35 points) Consider a discrete source U with a nite alphabet of N real numbers, r1 < r2 < < rN with the pmf p1 > 0, . . . , pN > 0. The set {r1 , . . . , rN } is to be quantized into a smaller set of M < N representation points a1 < a2 < < aM . a) Let R1 , R2 , . . . , RM be a given set of quantization intervals with R1 = (, b1 ], R2 = (b1 , b2 ], . . . , RM = (bM 1 , ). Assume that at least one source value ri is in Rj for each j, 1 j M and give a necessary condition on the representation points {aj } to achieve minimum MSE. Each representation point aj must be chosen as the conditional mean of the set of symbols in Rj . Specically, iR pi ri aj = j . iRj pi

Cite as: Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

The reason for this is the same as that when the source has a probability density. For the given set of regions, and the assumption that each region contains a symbol from the source alphabet, this is both necessary and sucient. Since the regions might not be optimally chosen, however, it is only a necessary condition on the overall minimum MSE. b) For a given set of representation points a1 , . . . , aM , assume that no symbol ri lies ex a +a actly halfway between two neighboring aj , i.e., that ri = j 2 j+1 for all i, j. Determine which interval Rj (and thus which representation point aj ) each symbol ri must be mapped into to minimize MSE for the given {aj }. Note that it is not necessary to place the boundary bj between Rj and Rj+1 at bj = [aj + aj+1 ]/2 since there is no probability in the immediate vicinity of [aj + aj+1 ]/2. The symbol ri has a squared error |ri aj |2 if mapped into Rj and thus into aj . Thus ri must be mapped into the closest aj and thus the region Rj must contain all source symbols that are closer to aj than to any other representation point. The quantization intervals are not uniquely determined by this rule since Rj can end and Rj+1 can begin at any point between the largest source symbol closest to aj and the smallest source symbol closest to aj+1 . c) For the given representation points, a1 , . . . , aM , now assume that ri = j 2 j+1 for some source symbol ri and some j. Show that the MSE is the same whether ri is mapped into aj or into aj+1 . Snce ri is midway between aj and aj+1 , the squared error is |ri aj |2 = |ri aj+1 |2 no matter whether ri is mapped into aj or aj+1 . d) For the assumption in part c), show that the set {aj } cannot possibly achieve minimum MSE. Hint: Look at the optimal choice of aj and aj+1 for each of the two cases of part c). We assume that the minimum MSE is achieved with representation points aj and aj+1 such that source value ri = (aj + aj+1 )/2 and we demonstrate a contradiction. Consider two cases, rst where ri is mapped to aj+1 and second where ri is mapped to aj . Case 1 (ri aj+1 ): Let Rj include the points closest to aj not including ri and let Rj+1 include the points closest to aj+1 including ri .
Subcase 1.1: Assume aj is not the conditional mean of Rj . Then the MSE can be
reduced by changing aj , demonstrating the contradiction.
Subcase 1.2: Assume that aj is the conditional mean of Rj . As shown in (c), we can map ri into aj rather than aj+1 without changing the MSE. Let Rj include the points closest to aj , now including ri . Because of the additional point in Rj , E[U |Rj ] = aj = E[U |Rj ]. (2)
a +a

(This is demonstrated below.) Thus, for the new set of intervals with ri Rj , the MSE can be reduced by changing aj to the new conditional mean. This establishes the contradiction for subcase 1.2 and thus for case 1.
Cite as: Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

Case 2: (ri aj ) The argument is the same as that in case 1, reversing the roles of j and j + 1. We now demonstrate (2) analytically. Let P = iRj pi and let m = iRj pi ri . Then aj = m/P . Let aj be the conditional mean when ri is added to Rj . Note that ri is greater than each source point in Rj and thus ri > aj = m/P . We thus have aj = m + pi ri m + pi m/P 1 + pi /P > =m = m/P = aj P + pi P + pi P + pi

Cite as: Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

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