6.01 Midterm 1 Spring 2011: Name: Section

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01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011


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For sta use: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. total: /16 /24 /16 /28 /16 /100

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

1 Dierence Equations (16 points)

System 1: Consider the system represented by the following dierence equation 1 y[n] = x[n] + 5y[n 1] + 3y[n 2] 2 where x[n] and y[n] represent the nth samples of the input and output signals, respectively.

1.1 Poles (4 points)

Determine the pole(s) of this system. number of poles:

list of pole(s):

1.2 Behavior (4 points)

Does the unit-sample response of the system converge or diverge as n ?
converge or diverge:
Briey explain.

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

System 2: Consider a dierent system that can be described by a dierence equation of the form

y[n] = x[n] + Ay[n 1] + By[n 2]

where A and B are real-valued constants. The system is known to have two poles, given by

1 1 j . 2 3

1.3 Coecients (4 points)

Determine A and B.

A =


1.4 Behavior (4 points)

Does the unit-sample response of the system converge or diverge as n ?
converge or diverge:
Briey explain.

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

2 Geometry OOPs (24 points)

We will develop some classes and methods to represent polygons. They will build on the following class for representing points.
class Point: def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def distanceTo(self, p):
return math.sqrt((self.x - p.x)**2 + (self.y - p.y)**2)
def __str__(self):
return Point+str((self.x, self.y))
__repr__ = __str__

2.1 Polygon class (6 points)

Dene a class for a Polygon, which is dened by a list of Point instances (its vertices). You should dene the following methods: __init__: takes a list of the points of the polygon, in a counter-clockwise order around the polygon, as input
perimeter: takes no arguments and returns the perimeter of the polygon

>>> p = Polygon([Point(0,0),Point(1,0),Point(1,1),Point(0,1)])
>>> p.perimeter()
4.0 class Polygon:

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

2.2 Rectangles (6 points)

Dene a Rectangle class, which is a subclass of the Polygon class, for an axis-aligned rectangle which is dened by a center point, a width (measured along x axis), and a height (measured along y axis).
>>> s = Rectangle(Point(0.5, 1.0), 1, 2)

This has a result that is equivalent to

>>> s = Polygon([Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 2), Point(0, 2)])

Dene the Rectangle class; write as little new code as possible.

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

2.3 Edges (6 points)

Computing the perimeter, and other algorithms, can be conveniently organized by iterating over the edges of a polygon. So, we can describe the polygon in terms of edges, as dened in the follow ing class:
class Edge: def __init__(self, p1, p2):
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
def length(self):
return self.p1.distanceTo(self.p2)
def determinant(self):
return self.p1.x * self.p2.y - self.p1.y * self.p2.x
def __str__(self):
return Edge+str((self.p1, self.p2))
__repr__ = __str__

Assume that the __init__ method for the Polygon class initializes the attribute edges to be a list of Edge instances for the polygon, as well as initializing the points. Dene a new method, sumForEdges, for the Polygon class that takes a procedure as an argument, which applies the procedure to each edge and returns the sum of the results. The example below simply returns the number of edges in the polygon.
>>> p = Polygon([Point(0,0),Point(2,0),Point(2,1),Point(0,1)])
>>> p.sumForEdges(lambda e: 1)

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

2.4 Area (6 points)

A very cool algorithm for computing the area of an arbitrary polygon hinges on the fact that: The area of a planar non-self-intersection polygon with vertices (x0 , y0 ), . . . , (xn , yn ) is 1 x0 x1 x1 x2 +
+ + xn x0 A =

n y0 y y y 2

0 y1

1 y2
where |M| denotes the determinant of a matrix, dened in the two by two case as:
a b

c d
= (ad bc)

Note that the determinant method has already been implemented in the Edge class.
Use the sumForEdges method and any other methods in the Edge class to implement an area method for the Polygon class.

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

3 Signals and Systems (16 points)

Consider the system described by the following dierence equation:

y[n] = x[n] + y[n 1] + 2y[n 2] .

3.1 Unit-Step Response (4 points)

Assume that the system starts at rest and that the input x[n] is the unit-step signal u[n]. 1 n0 x[n] = u[n] 0 otherwise

x[n] 1 n
Find y[4] and enter its value in the box below.

y[4] =

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

3.2 Block Diagrams (12 points)

The system that is represented by the following dierence equation

y[n] = x[n] + y[n 1] + 2y[n 2]

can also be represented by the block diagram below (left).
X + R Y X + p0 R 2 + p1 R R B A + Y

It is possible to choose coecients for the block diagram on the right so that the systems repre sented by the left and right block diagrams are equivalent. 1 Enter values of p0 , p1 , A, and B that will make the systems equivalent in the boxes below

p0 =


p1 =


Two systems are equivalent if identical inputs generate identical outputs when each system is started from rest (i.e., all delay outputs are initially zero).

6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

4 Robot SM (28 points)

There is a copy of this page at the back of the exam that you can tear o for reference. In Design Lab 2, we developed a state machine for getting the robot to follow boundaries. Here, we will develop a systematic approach for specifying such state machines. We start by dening a procedure called inpClassifier, which takes an input of type io.SensorInput and classies it as one of a small number of input types that can then be used to make decisions about what the robot should do next. Recall that instances of the class io.SensorInput have two attributes: sonars, which is a list of 8 sonar readings and odometry which is an instance of util.Pose, which has attributes x, y and theta. Here is a simple example:
def inpClassifier(inp):
if inp.sonars[3] < 0.5: return frontWall
elif inp.sonars[7] < 0.5: return rightWall
else: return noWall

Next, we create a class for dening rules. Each rule species the next state, forward velocity and rotational velocity that should result when the robot is in a specied current state and receives a particular type of input. Here is the denition of the class Rule:
class Rule: def __init__(self, currentState, inpType, nextState, outFvel, outRvel):
self.currentState = currentState
self.inpType = inpType
self.nextState = nextState
self.outFvel = outFvel
self.outRvel = outRvel

Thus, an instance of a Rule would look like this:

Rule(NotFollowing, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.0)

which says that if we are in state NotFollowing and we get an input of type frontWall, we should transition to state Following and output zero forward and rotational velocities. Finally, we will specify the new state machine class called Robot, which takes a start state, a list of Rule instances, and a procedure to classify input types. The following statement creates an instance of the Robot class that we can use to control the robot in a Soar brain.
r = Robot(NotFollowing, [Rule(NotFollowing, noWall, NotFollowing, 0.1, 0.0), Rule(NotFollowing, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.0), Rule(Following, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.1)], inpClassifier)

Assume it is an error if a combination of state and input type occurs that is not covered in the rules. In that case, the state will not change and the output will be an action with zero velocities.


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

4.1 Simulate (3 points)

For the input classier (inpClassifier) and Robot instance (r) shown above, give the outputs for the given inputs. input step 1 2 3 output forward vel rotational vel

1.0 0.4 0.4

5.0 5.0 5.0

next state

4.2 Charge and Retreat (4 points)

Wed like the robot to start at the origin (i.e., x=0, y=0, theta=0), then move forward (along x axis) until it gets within 0.5 meters of a wall, then move backward until it is close to the origin (within 0.02 m), and then repeat this cycle of forward and backward moves indenitely. Assume that the robot never moves more than 0.01 m per time step. Write an input classier for this behavior.
def chargeAndRetreatClassifier(inp):


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

4.3 Robot instance (7 points)

Write an instance of the Robot class that implements the charge-and-retreat behavior described above. Make sure that you cover all the cases.


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

4.4 Matching (6 points)

Write a procedure match(rules, inpType, state) that takes a list of rules, an input type clas sication, and a state, and returns the rule in rules that matches inpType and state if there is one, and otherwise returns None.


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

4.5 The Machine (8 points)

Complete the denition of the Robot class below; use the match procedure you dened above. Recall that, at each step, the output must be an instance of the io.Action class; to initialize an instance of io.Action, you must provide a forward and a rotational velocity. If a combination of state and input type occurs that is not covered in the rules, remain in the same state and output an action with zero velocity.
class Robot(sm.SM): def __init__(self, start, rules, inpClassifier): self.startState = start self.rules = rules self.inpClassifier = inpClassifier


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

5 Feedback (16 points)

Let H represent a system with input X and output Y as shown below.

System 1

Assume that the system function for H can be written as a ratio of polynomials in R with constant, real-valued, coecients. In this problem, we investigate when the system H is equivalent to the following feedback system

System 2 where F is also a ratio of polynomials in R with constant, real-valued coecients.

R and F = F1 = R . 1R R2 Example 2: Systems 1 and 2 are equivalent when H = H2 = and F = F2 = R2 . 1 R2

Example 1: Systems 1 and 2 are equivalent when H = H1 =

5.1 Generalization (4 points)

Which of the following expressions for F guarantees equivalence of Systems 1 and 2?

FA =

1 1+H

FB =

1 1H

FC =

H 1+H

FD =

H 1H

Enter FA or FB or FC or FD or None:


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

5.2 Find the Poles (6 points)

Let H3 =

9 1 . Determine the pole(s) of H3 and the pole(s) of . 2+R 1 H3

1 Pole(s) of 1H3 :

Pole(s) of H3 :


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

5.3 SystemFunction (6 points)

Write a procedure insideOut(H):

the input H is a sf.SystemFunction that represents the system H, and H the output is a sf.SystemFunction that represents . 1H You may use the SystemFunction class and other procedures in sf:
Attributes and methods of SystemFunction class:
__init__(self, numPoly, denomPoly)

Procedures in sf
sf.Cascade(sf1, sf2)
sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf1, sf2)
sf.FeedbackAdd(sf1, sf2)

def insideOut(H):


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

Worksheet (intentionally blank)


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

Worksheet (intentionally blank)


6.01 Midterm 1

Spring 2011

Robot SM: Reference Sheet

This is the same as the rst page of problem 4. In Design Lab 2, we developed a state machine for getting the robot to follow boundaries. Here, we will develop a systematic approach for specifying such state machines. We start by dening a procedure called inpClassifier, which takes an input of type io.SensorInput and classies it as one of a small number of input types that can then be used to make decisions about what the robot should do next. Recall that instances of the class io.SensorInput have two attributes: sonars, which is a list of 8 sonar readings and odometry which is an instance of util.Pose, which has attributes x, y and theta. Here is a simple example:
def inpClassifier(inp): if inp.sonars[3] < 0.5: return frontWall elif inp.sonars[7] < 0.5: return rightWall else: return noWall

Next, we create a class for dening rules. Each rule species the next state, forward velocity and rotational velocity that should result when the robot is in a specied current state and receives a particular type of input. Here is the denition of the class Rule:
class Rule: def __init__(self, currentState, inpType, nextState, outFvel, outRvel): self.currentState = currentState self.inpType = inpType self.nextState = nextState self.outFvel = outFvel self.outRvel = outRvel

Thus, an instance of a Rule would look like this:

Rule(NotFollowing, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.0)

which says that if we are in state NotFollowing and we get an input of type frontWall, we should transition to state Following and output zero forward and rotational velocities. Finally, we will specify the new state machine class called Robot, which takes a start state, a list of Rule instances, and a procedure to classify input types. The following statement creates an instance of the Robot class that we can use to control the robot in a Soar brain.
r = Robot(NotFollowing, [Rule(NotFollowing, noWall, NotFollowing, 0.1, 0.0), Rule(NotFollowing, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.0), Rule(Following, frontWall, Following, 0.0, 0.1)], inpClassifier)

Assume it is an error if a combination of state and input type occurs that is not covered in the rules. In that case, the state will not change and the output will be an action with zero velocities.


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6.01SC Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Spring 2011

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