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Brief Biography of Hazrat Syed Jamal Al-Bahr Bhongir.

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The biography of Hadrat Syed Shah Jamal Ul Bahr Bhongir

In the praise of the Sultan of Bhongir

Oh, Shah, you are from the Baghdad, but you are world renown
Your works and name is famous around the region of the Deccan
Oh, Shah, you were born in 873 Heigra and left for the Deccan
And your connection with 6th generation with Shah of Baghdad
Due to your arrival in Bhongir the place become world famous
Dear person of Allah and prophet you are famous in the Bhongir
So in the general public, your works became very much successful
In the Bhongir from Kakatiya time your name is very well known
For Golconda campaign Aurangazeb visited your famous tomb
On his visit, Aurangzeb knew your velayat and paid much respect
Oh, Sultan, Hafeez is your slave so does his all pending works
Kindly approve his book Sakinatal Auliya in all over the world

Oh, Sultan helps not only Hafeez but all who visit your tomb
Shah of Bhongir you are world famous so being kind help all
Your rule is since the time of Kakatia and still, you are famous
Since passing of the centuries your name and fame is there
Shah of Bhongir did not send empty Hafeez from your door
As your name is famous around the area as the helper of the poor
He was very pious, so Allah sent rains for funeral upon his death
This is a great miracle which was not seen in the world at any place
His funeral washing miracle is recorded in this article in details
So upon its reading, everyone will be surprised at this very much
I think that due to this great miracle his status is great among all
Allah will keep his position in the world and in the other world


His name is Hadrat Syed Jamaluddin and his titles (Alqab) are
Jamal Bahar and Jamal Al-Bahr, but his great fame and popularity are
attached to his title (Qitab) of Jamal al-Bahr. He belongs to the 6th,
direct descendant of Hadrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani R.A.

His tomb is situated in Bhongir town of Nalgonda district, which is

30 miles far from Hyderabad city. As this is a famous old Sufi center
and due to this reason people in large numbers visit his tomb for the
fulfillment of their desires and wishes from there.

His blessed grave is in Bhongir. He is the descendent of Hadrat

Ghouse Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) through 6

Hadrat Syed Shah Jamaaluddin famously known as Syed Shah

Jamal Ul Bahr Shah Qadri is a great saint of the subcontinent.


He was born in 873 Heigra Hegira in the city of Baghdad and as per
another narration in 878 Heigri in Baghdad. His blessed grave is in
Bhongir. He is the descendent of Hadhrat Ghouse Azam (May Allah be
well pleased with him) through 6 generations. And the following pious
persons and Sufi masters were his friends and great admirers.

1.Hadrat Syed Jalal Uddin Mashooq Rabbani, Warangal.

2.Hadrat Syed Hussain Baghdadi Jamal Barqadus Lugner house

When he was at the age of 16 years, he was arrived in Warangal from

Baghdad city directly via Delhi route for his onward journey to Bhongir
town for the preaching and propagation mission work of Islam during
the period of Sultan Mahmud Bahmani of Bider kingdom and left this
world in the reign of Sultan Quli Qutub Shah who was the ruler of the
Golconda dynasty at that time. He arrived in Bhongir town from
Warangal and settled down there in the reign of the Kakatiya kingdom
of Warangal when Raja Pratap was de-throned there.

His spiritual lineage

He belongs to the Qadri order of Sufism (Tasawwuf). Some people

claim that he is a Chishti. It may be so. However, it can’t be denied that
the Sheikh was dominated by the precepts of the Qadri order.

His brothers on the spiritual path

Hadrat Syed Shah Jalaaluddin famously known as Jalaal Ul Bahr

Qadri Ma’ashoq Rabbani Thaani (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)
whose blessed grave is in Warangal and Hadrat Syed Hussain Baghdadi
famously known as Jamaal Ul Birr (May Allah shower His Mercy on
him) whose mausoleum is in Langar Houz, Golconda, are his brothers
on the spiritual path.

All three of the aforementioned saints came to the Deccan in the

Qutub Shahi era on divine orders and illuminated it with their presence.

His coming to Bhongir

It has been narrated that Hadrat Jamaal U Bahr (May Allah shower His
Mercy on him) came to Bhongir in the reign of Rai Pratap who was the
king of Kakatia Kingdom of Warangal in the year 894 Heigra. At this
time, he was 16 years old and as per another narration 21 years old.

On hearing of his coming, the Qazi Ibrahim Sahib who was the judge
of Bhongir welcomed him and took him to his own house. At the
request of the Qazi, Hadrat Jamaaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy
on him) stayed at his house and the Qazi served him with all sincerity.

After some days, Hadrat Jamaaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on
him) selected another place for his stay. Qazi Ibrahim Sahib got a house
constructed on the desired spot. He also constructed a garden on the
eastern side of the house and he also changed his residence along with
Hadrat Jamaaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him). Now the
Qazi gave his Ba’yah (become his disciple by pledge) to Hadrat
Jamaaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) and served him day
and night. Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)
selected a room in this house and would remain busy in worship and
remembrance of Allah in that room.

Other details

Looking at the piety, scholarly abilities, worship and remembrance of

Almighty Allah and the miracles expressed in his hands, the populace of
Bhongir were extremely devoted to Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah
shower His Mercy on him). Not only the people of Bhongir, but people
would come from far off and illuminate their hearts with the sight of his
blessed face.

Often the officials in charge of religious affairs would come to the

Sheikh. They would take lessons from him and draw benefit from his
blessed presence.

This is also said that those people who were appointed for religious
affairs were selected by Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower His
Mercy on him) himself.

When Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)

came to Bhongir, most of Bhongir was seeped in the darkness and gloom
of disbelief and ignorance. However, the propagation of Islam by the
Sheikh, his wise teachings, his scholarly talks, his magnanimous
manners, his spiritual states and his pure deeds caused people to
embrace Islam. They would become the disciples of the Sheikh and
become the very epitomes of:

Gradually, the darkness of disbelief was dispelled and the radiance of

Islam spread all around.

His passing away

Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) himself

selected the site of his grave. He then made Qazi Ibrahim Sahib, his
caliph and representative.

It is narrated that once when Qazi Ibrahim Sahib had gone to Bidar
for some work, Hadhrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on
him) divined that his last moments had come. The Sheikh told the
disciples who were present that he is going to pass away now and that
his body should be left untouched and undisturbed until Qazi Ibrahim
Sahib came. The Sheikh also said: When Qazi Ibrahim Sahib comes,
tell him to place my body on a cot under the open sky in the courtyard
and none should be allowed to come near my body. Whatever Allah
wills will happen. After the intent of Almighty Allah is expressed and
after the populace is calmed, Salaat Ul Janaazah should be offered and
then I should be buried. There the Qazi was ordered in a dream to come
back immediately.

The Qazi woke up from his sleep and started for Bhongir on
horseback as he had been ordered. Just look at his power that in his love
he covered 100 miles in 1 night and reached Bhongir in the
morning. However, before his reaching Bhongir, Hadrat Jamaluddin
(May Allah shower His Mercy on him) had passed away in the presence
of Allah Most High.

There was no limit to the sorrow of the people, the common folk
and the classes alike. The attendants informed the Qazi of the orders of
the Sheikh.

Thus, the Qazi fulfilled the orders of the Sheikh to the

letter. Immediately after placing the body of the Sheikh beneath the
open sky, it started raining. And look at the power and authority of the
Friends of Allah that the body of Hadrat Jamaluddin (May Allah shower
His Mercy on him) turned over and back of its own accord as if someone
were giving him the funeral bath.

When the funeral bath was done in this manner, the rain stopped and
the clouds dispersed. Everybody was astonished. As per the directions
of the Sheikh, the Qazi buried the Sheikh where the great bounties of
Almighty Allah were waiting for him.

Many centuries ago he arrived in India from Baghdad for the

preaching and propagation mission work of Islam and he was greatly
successful in Bhongir and got great fame and position in India,
especially in the South of India due to his great endeavours and
preaching of Islamic teachings as well as due to his great miracles.

For the above reasons, the large number of Muslims became his
disciples and they adopted the right path of Allah. Due to his light of
knowledge and wisdom as well as due to his preaching of Islamic
teachings, large numbers of non-Muslim also accepted the right path of
Islam of Allah.

He was among great pious mystic person of his time.


When Aurangzeb Alamgir, the Mughal king of Delhi who was

camping in Hyderabad for the conquest of the Golconda fort and when
he had heard about the reputation of his tomb for the fulfillment of
desires and wishes and due to the fame of his miracles and for this
reason he visited his holy tomb situated in Bhongir town to pay his
respect there. As per his usual practice, Alamgir entered into the tomb
and said “Asslam Alaikum” and received a reply from the tomb so for
this reason he recognized his Vilayat (saintliness) and Alamgir also
accepted his living saintly status upon his death and granted huge
amount as a presentation for the mausoleum. His mausoleum which is
famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the
persons who visit his grave there and for this reason there is large
numbers of visitors throughout the year who visit the tomb to get
benefits from there due to the kind grace of Allah the most Beneficent
and Merciful.

The (Urs) death anniversary usually will be celebrated in three days

with sandal ceremony and lighting of the tomb in Bhongir town on 13th
Jamad al-Awwal every year. The Urs (death anniversary) ceremony is
being performed by the trustee of the shrine every year in the best
possible manner in the comfort and best service to the visitors of the
shrine. (Source: Translated from Urdu article from “ The Etemaad ”
Urdu daily Hyderabad, 5-4-2012.) And [Excerpted from: Surma-e-
Aqeedat, Maulvi Muhammad Ziaullah Sahab Narkhi]


Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator of Tadhkirtal Auliya
of Farid Al-din Attar & Hasth Bahist
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

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