1. What is the expansion of JCl? a. Job Communication Language b. Job Control Language c. Job Condition Language d. Job Control Linkage 2. What are all the statements in JCL? a. JOB Statement, EXEC Statement, DD Statement b. JOB Statement, EXEC Statement, DL Statement c. Statement, EXEC Statement, DD Statement 3. Jcl is an interface between the operating System and the communication system [True / False] 4. Space allocated when the dataset is newly created is called as a. Primary allocation b. Secondary Allocation c. Directory Blocks d. Extents 5. How many extents are possible for a sequential file a. 16 b. 123 c. 32 d. 64 6. command that copies the first 100 records in a a dataset? a. REPRO b. ALTER c. COPY d. IEBGENER 7. What do u do if u do not want to keep all the space occupied to the allocated dataset a. CONTIG b. MXIG c. ROUND d. RLSE 8. The command that changes the name of the dataset a. ALTER b. RENAME
c. EDIT d. CHANGE 9. What is the maximum no of steps present in a JOB a. 253 b. 234 c. 155 d. 255 10. What is the maximum allowable DD Statement in a JOB STEP a. 3272 b. 3273 c. 3274 c. 2374 11. What is the maximum character of a Dataset a. 45 b.40 c. 84 d. 44 12. What is the maximum allowable no of characters in a Group of a Dataset a. 8. b. 5. c. 6. d. 7. 13. What is the maximum allowable characters in an User id a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 14. Which Jcl parameter is used to hold a JOB for later execution in the spool region a. TYPERUN b. MSGCLASS c. PRTY d. TYPRUN. 15. Keyword parameters cannot precede positional parameters [True / False] 16. Default parameter for MSGLEVEL is a. (1,0) b. (2,0)
c. (1,1) d. (0,0) 17. The following JOB Names are valid or not valid a. //123ABCD b. // ABC1244 c. //BGH@FGA d. //GHUIJ23RI 18. The default time parameter for taking the maximum CPU resource is a. Time = 1444 b. Time = 1440 c. Time = (24, 30) d. Time = (0, 0) 19. What is SPOOL a. Simulated Peripheral Online for Operations. b. Simultaneous Peripheral Online for Operations. c. Systems Peripheral Operations for Online. d. Simultaneous Peripheral Operations for Online. 20. What is the codable format for the job to take the total System region for the JOB execution a. Region = 1K b. Region = 0K c. Region = 1M d. Region = 2040M 21. Which function is used to send values to an Application Program while executing a. PERFORM b. SYSIN c. PARM d. CONTIG 22. What is the Format for restarting a JOB from a specific step a. RESTART = STEP NAME b. RESTART = JOB NAME c. RESTART = DD NAME d. RESTART = PROC NAME 23. Which command is used to check the syntax error of a JCL a. TYPRUN = HOLD b. TYPRUN = SCAN
c. TYPRUN = COPY d. TYPRUN = CHECK 24. A Return code of 8 indicates a. Implies succesful execution of JOB Steps b. Implies warning messages c. Implies Serious error d. Implies Fatal Error 25. Format of Time coded a. Time = (Min - sec) b. Time = (Hour, Min) c. Time = (Sec) d. Time = ( , Sec) 26. How will u define a Temporary Datasets a. DSN = $$X.Y.Z b. DSNAME = &&X.Y.Z c. DSN = ##X.Y.Z d. None of the Above 27. Which one of the following is a Keyword Parameter a. * b. Data c. Disp d. Dummy 28. Chronological search of the library path for a specified PGM in the EXEC Statement is a. STEPLIB, JOBLIB, JCLLIB b. JOBLIB, STEPLIB, JCLLIB c. STEPLIB, JCLLIB, JOBLIB D. None of the Above 29. Format of the DISP to be coded is a. DISP = (Status, Normal Dispositon, Abnormal Diposition). b. DISP = (Status, Abnormal Disposition, Normal Disposition). c. DISP = (Status, Normal Disposition). d. None of the Above. 30. Which of the below illustrates the default value if the DISP parameter is not coded a. DISP = (Old, Catlg, Keep) b. DISP = (New, Keep, Keep) c. DISP = (New, Delete, Delete)
d. DISP = (New, Catlg, Delete) 31. Which of the following Sub-Parameters not used in Abnormal Disposition field a. Delete b. Keep c. Uncatlg d. Pass e. Catlg 32. To append a record in which mode should the dataset be opened a. SHR. b. OLD. c. MOD. d. NEW. 33. Which subparameter is used to refer the Hardware device specified in a prior DD statement a. Affinity b. Refer Back c. Defer d. SER 34. Which subparameter is used to refer the volume specified in a prior DD statement a. Affinity b. Refer Back c. Defer d. SER 35. How many tracks together makes one cylinder a. 16 b. 15 c. 14 d. 13 36. One track is how many Kilobytes a. 54 b. 55 c. 56 d. 53 37. Maximum No of members in a Directory Block a. 5 b. 6
c. 7 d. 4 38. Which one of the following is correct as a PDS a. Space = (TRK, (4,5)) b. Space = (CYL (4,5,1)) c. Space = (TRK, (4,5,1)) d. Space = (TRK, (4,5,0)) 39. What is VTOC a. Volume Tentative of Contents b. Virtual Table of Contents c. Volume Transactions of Comments d. Volume Table of Contents 40. What is the function of ROUND sub parameter in the SPACE Parameter a. Request for Contiguous space b. Request of release of space previously allocated c. Request for space in Blocks d. Request for entire cylinder for storage dataset 41. Which DISP parameter specifies exclusive use of Dataset a. MOD b. OLD c. SHR d. KEEP 42. What is the Maximum character length allowable in the PARM Parameter a. 110 b. 50 c. 101 d. 100 43. What is the allowable format for the NOTIFY parameter a. NOTIFY = & SYSUID b. NOTIFY = User-id c. a & b d. Only a. 44. What is the maximum PRTY allowable in JES3 a. 14 b. 15
c. 13 d. 16 45. What is the Minimum Prty allowable in JES3 a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 14 46. What is SDSF a. Screen Definition Spool Facility b. Spool Definition Screen Facility c. System Dump Storage Facility d. Search Definition Spool Facility 47. How to change the Input delimiter of a DD Statement of a SYSIN Card a. DATA, DLM = '##' b. DATA, DLM=## c. * d. DUMMY 48. Which utiltiy is used for Renaming a Dataset a. IEBGENER b. IEFBR14 c.IEBCOPY d. IEHPROGM 49. What is DCB a. Data Control Block b. Data Command Block c.Data Communication Block d. Data Comment Block 50. Which is the Dummy Utility a. IEFBR14 b. IEBGENER c. IEHPROGM d. IEBCOPY 51. What is the Maximum Return Code after the execution of a Step a. 1024 b. 256
c. 4095 d. 20 52. What is the DS ORG for a P.D.S a. P.O. b. P.S. c. P.U. d. P.D.S. 53. Which of the following is not a DCB Parameter a. RECFM b. BlKSIZE c. BUFNO d. RLSE 54. What is the LRECL of Variable length record whose max length is 80 a. (80 + 2) b. (80 + 4) c. Unchanged d. (80 + 8) 55. What means when coded with SYSOUT = * a. It denotes to the device mentioned in MSG CLASS b. It denotes to the spool region c. It denotes to the Hardware device like printer d. It denotes to the Logical I/O device 56. RECFM cannot be a. F b. FB c. V d. VB e. C 57. If a P.D.S is defined with 1 D.B how much members can be created a. 6 b. 5 c. a & b d. None of the above 58. Expansion of P.D.S a. Partitioned Data Sets b. Physical Data sets
c. Private Data sets d. Partitioned Data systems 59. RLSE parameter is used to free up the space alloacted to any dataset in the P.A [True / False] 60. How many extents are possible for a VSAM dataset as a secondary allocation a. 16 b.15 c. 123 d. 6 61. DASD is expanded as a. Dynamic Active Storage Device b. Direct Active Storage Device c. Data Access Storage Disk d. Direct Access Storage Device 62. What are the procs allowed in JCL a. Cataloged b. In-stream c. a & b d. Only a 6.3. What is ISPF a. Information System Product Facility b. Integrated System Protocol Facility c. Interactive System Productivity Facility d. Inter Sytem Productivity Facility 64. What is TSO a. Time Sharing Operation. b. Time Sharing Option. c. Time system Organisation. d. Time Schedule Operation. 65. How many instream proc should be coded in a single JOB a. 15 b. 16 c. 14 d. 13 66. Can u code a instream data in a Proc [Yes / No]
67. What is the delimiter for an Instream Proc a. END b. $$ c. PEND d. NULL 68. What are the not allowable statements in a Cataloged Proc a. JOB Statement & Null Statement b. EXEC Statement & DD Statement c. DD Statement & Steplib DD Statement d. Exec Statement & Null Statement 69. Where will the Load Module get stored a. JCL LIB b. PROC LIB c. LOADLIB d. STEPLIB 70. What is MVS / ESA a. Multiple Virtual Storage / Enterprise System Architecture b. Multiple Virtual System / Enterprise System Architecture c. Multiple Virtual Storage / Entire System Architecture d. Multiple Value Storage / Enterprise System Architecture 71. Can we define an instream proc after a EXEC Statement [Yes / No] 72. What is the prefix added before a Symbolic parameter a. & b. $ c. # d. * 73. What is the addressing system for an MVS / ESA System a. 16 bit b. 24 bit c. 32 bit d. 64 bit 74. What is the addressing system for an z / OS System a. 16 bit b. 24 bit c. 32 bit d. 64 bit
75. What is the addressing system for an MVS System a. 16 bit b. 24 bit c. 32 bit d. 64 bit 76. What is the addressing system for an MVS / XA System a. 16 bit b. 24 bit c. 32 bit d. 64 bit 77. What is the present H/W Server configuration in which Mainframes is working a. S / 390 b. S / 370 c. S / 360 c. ES / 9000 78. What does S stand for S / 390 a. System b. Signal c. Security d. Standard 79. What does Z stand for in Z / OS a. Zero down time b. Zero dump time c. Zero Processing time d. None of the above. 80. Swapping is the transfer of executed data from the Real memory to the secondary storage thru the Auxillary memory [True / False] 81. Paging is the transfer of all datas for execution from the Secondary Storage to the Real memory thru the Auxillary memory [True / False] 82. How will u denote a Comment in a JCL a. // b. //* c. /* d. *// 83. What does MVS / XA stands for
a. Multiple Virtual Storage / Extended Architecture. b. Multiple Virtual Storage / Enterprise Architecture. c. Multiple Virtual Storage / Extended Analysis. d. Multiple Virtual Storage / Enterprise Analysis. 84. How much bit addressing system is MVS / XA a. 32 b. 16 c. 24 d. 64 85. What is the option for creating P.D.S. a. 3.1 b. 3.2 c 3.3 d 3.4 86. What is the direct option for creating a member in P.D.S. a. 3. b. 2. c. 2.1 d 2.2 87. What is the acronym for VTAM a. Virtual Teleprocessing Access Method. b. Virtual Television Access Method. c. Virtual Telecommunication Access Method. d Virtual Telecommunication Analysis Method. 88. Which is not a Telecommunication Access Method. a. TCAM. b. BTAM. c. VTAM. d. BDAM 89. Which is the Telecommunication Access Method used presently in Mainframes. a. TCAM. b. BTAM. c. VTAM. d. BDAM 90. Which is not a connectivity software used for Mainframe Link.
a. Passport. b. TN3270 Plus. c. Xtra. d. Connectivity. 91. What is the maximum no of directory block can be given for a P.D.S a. 8. b. 6. c. 7. d. 5. 92. In a P.D.S with directory block 6 how many members can be allocated. a. 36. b. 35. c. 40. d. 30 93. What is GDG a. Generation Data Group. b. Generation Data Guide. c. Generation Data Generation. d. Group Data Generation. 94. When a RLSE parameter is coded where will the released space get stored a. Hardware Device b. Volume c. Unit d. Label 95. What is the utility used for creating a GDG a. IEBGENER b. IEFBR14 c. IDCAMS d. IDCASM 96. What is the Maximum limit for a GDG a. 155 b.250 c.255 d. 254 97. What is the parameter required for creating a GDG
a. Name, Limit b. Name,Limit, Scratch c. Name, Limit, Empty d. All the Above 98. What is the maximum length of a GDG a. 34 b. 33 c. 36 d. 35 99. How will u indicate the current generation in a GDG a. ( 0 ) b. ( + 1 ) c. ( - 1 ) d. ( + 2 ) 100. Can we create a GDG for VSAM [True / False] 101. A GDG has been derived using Limit 10 and when the Generations is created with ( + 2 ) what will be the Generation No. a. G0001 V00. b. G0002 V02. c. G0002 V00. d. G0000 V02. 102. What is the Utility used for creating model for GDG a. IDCAMS b. IEBGENER c. IEFBR14 d. IEHPROGM 103. What is the correct step to be taken while creating GDG a. GDG Index, GDG Generations, GDG Model b. GDG Generation, GDG Index, GDG Model c. GDG Model, GDG Generation, GDG Index d. GDG Index, GDG Model, GDG Generation 104. Which one of the following is a Pre-defined DD Name a. SYSTIN b. SYSUDUMP c. SYSMACRO d. SYSDUMP
105. When a JOBLIB and a STEPLIB is provided which one specified will override the other a. JOBLIB will override the STEPLIB. b. Both nullifies each other. c. STEPLIB overrides the JOBLIB. d. None of the above. 106. When a Region is coded both on the JOB card and STEP card which will override the other a. JOB will override the STEP b. STEP will override the JOB c. Both will Nullify each other d. None of the above 107. When a TIME paramter is coded on both the JOB card and STEP card which one will override the other a. JOB will override the STEP b. STEP will override the JOB c. Both will Nullify each other d. None of the above 108. When a COND parameter is coded on both the JOB and STEP card which one will override the other a. JOB will override the STEP b. STEP will override the JOB c. Both will Nullify each other d. None of the above 109. How will u access the UNCATLG Dataset a. Specify the SPACE and DCB parameter. b. Specify the UNIT and VOLUME parameter. c. Specify the DSN and DCB parameter. d. Specify the DISP and DCB parameter. 110. In an Application Program the PARM parameter should be coded in which section a. Working-Storage Section. b. Linkage Section. c. Report Section. d. Input-Output Section. 111. Which Utility is used to copy records from one PS to another PS a. IDCAMS