AP Legend 2011-2012

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Art: History of Art: Studio Drawing Biology Environmental Science

AAH 105 or 106 Art History I or Art History II AFA 111 Drawing I Liberal Learning Science (Biology Majors Elective only) Liberal Learning Science (Biology Majors Elective

1 1 1 1

Statistics Statistics Calculus AB Calculus BC Calculus BC Chemistry Chemistry Computer Science A (Java) Computer Science AB (Java) Computer Science AB (Java) Computer Science A (Java or C++) Computer Science A (C++) Computer Science AB (C++) Economics: Micro Economics: Macro English Language/Composition English Literature/Composition English or History European History U.S. History World History Government & Politics: Comparative Government & Politics: U.S. Music Theory Music: Listening/Literature 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4* 4* 4* 5** 5** 5** 4 4 5 4 STA 115 Statistics (Liberal Learning/Quantitative Reasoning) STA 215 Statistical Inference (Liberal Learning/Quantitative Reasoning) MAT 127 Calculus A (Liberal Learning Quantitative Reasoning) or MAT 125 MAT 127 Calculus A (Liberal Learning Quantitative Reasoning) or MAT 125 MAT 127-128 Calculus A B (Liberal Learning Quantitative Reasoning) CHE 201 General Chemistry I (Liberal Learning Science) CHE 201-202 General Chemistry I II (Liberal Learning Science) CSC 220 Comp Sci I: Computer Problem Solving CSC 220 Comp Sci I: Computer Problem Solving CSC 220 and CSC 230 Comp Sci I & II: Problem Solving & Data Structure CSC 215 Comp I For Science/Engineering (Placed into CSC 250) CSC 220 Comp Sci I: Computer Problem Solving (Placed into CSC 250) CSC 220 Comp Sci I: Computer Problem Solving (Placed into CSC 250) ECO 101 Principles of Microeconomics (Liberal Learning Social Science) ECO 102 Principles of Macroeconomics (Liberal Learning Social Science) Non-Major Elective Liberal Learning, Literary Arts Requirement Exemption from WRI 102 Academic Writing HIS 216 Topics in Early Modern or Modern European History (Liberal Learning History-Europe) HIS 265 Topics in North American and US History (Liberal Learning History-US) HIS 110 World History I (Liberal Learning HistoryWorld) POL 150 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Liberal Learning, Social Science) POL 110 American Government (Liberal Learning, Social Science) MUS 261-262 Musicianship I & II MUS 260 Exploring Concert Music (Liberal Learning 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Arts) Physics B (with lab component) Physics C: Mechanics (with lab component) Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism (with lab component) Psychology French Language German Language Italian Language Latin Virgil Latin Literature Latin Literature & Virgil Spanish Language Spanish Literature Chinese Language Japanese Language 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PHY 121 Principles of Physics (Liberal Learning Science) PHY 201 General Physics I (Liberal Learning Science) PHY 202 General Physics II (Liberal Learning Science) PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (Liberal Learning Social Science) FRE 102-103 French for Beginners II-III GER 102-103 German for Beginners II-III ITL 102-103 Italian for Beginners II-III LAT 101 & 102 Latin I-II LAT 101 & 102 Latin I-II LAT 102 & 201 Latin II Intermediate Latin SPA 102-103 Basic Spanish Sequence II-III Liberal Learning, Literary Visual and Performing Arts CHI 102-103 Chinese for Beginners II-III JPN 102-103 Japanese for Beginners II-III 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2

* Student with a minimum score of 4 in any AP History or English receives waiver of WRI 102 Academic Writing. **Student with a score of 4 in any History receives a waiver of one Liberal Learning History requirement with 0 units applied. Student will be required to make up unit with one additional elective unit.

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